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International Conference on Advances in Energy and Environmental Science (ICAEES 2015)

Research on Cultural and Creative Industry Park Landscape Design

—— Taking Ji Guang creative industry park landscape design as an
Xiumei Liu 1, a
Department of Architecture, ChangChun Civil Engineering Institute, ChangChun, 130021

Keywords: Landscape Design, Culture and Creative ` Park, Creative design

Abstract: Cultural and creative industry park Landscape construction is an important way to
interpret urban culture, geographical features and ecological environment. This article briefly
describes the significance of cultural and creative industry park landscape design, then summaries its
design principles. At the same time, the essay takes Ji Guang culture creative industry park landscape
design as an example to discuss the creative landscape design which takes culture as the main line
with modernity and aesthetic.

Cultural and creative industry is considered to be one of the world's most promising industries in
the 21st century. The Chinese government has vigorously promoted the development of cultural
industry since 2012. As the emerging field of knowledge, it has become the most robust industries
and new economic growth point in China. Cultural and creative industry includes creative groups like
radio, television, film, animation, environmental art, sculpture, video and performance art, media,
visual art, craft and design, advertising, fashion design, software and computer services.
Landscape design has played a significant role in cultural and creative industry park.
As the presence of substances of interaction and innovation between urban landscape and urban
development, cultural and creative industry landscape design represents the city’s culture; its core
shows the development of cultural industry and city image-shaping.

The Meaning of Cultural and Creative Industry Park Landscape

The Need for City Branding and Cultural PropagandaCulture is the soul of a city. Cultural and
creative industry park landscape can display the regional feature, folk custom, technology as cultural
innovation image all round, and promote positively the urban brand activation and the city reputation,
as the entry of city culture propaganda and a three-dimensional urban business [1].
The Spiritual Need to Improve Community Environment and Meet the Demand of People
Leisure Entertainment. Culture creative industry park landscape can not only improve the city
popularity, and attract more tourists and investors, but also improve the aesthetic taste and noble
sentiment of the public, raise their civilization and moral level, improve urban residential
environment condition, active leisure life, and guide people set healthy and positive life attitude. Its
promotion relates to the construction of material civilization and the spiritual civilization [2].

Landscaping Design Principles of Cultural and Creative Industry Park.

Cultural Principle.With the economic development of the city, people's spiritual and cultural
demand has been increasing, and the discovering and development of cultural resources have been
addressed. Urban landscape culture not only reflects a city’s economic strength, but also has subtle
influences, which persuasion, education and other functions are far beyond the political preaching.
Therefore a city cannot play the role of the political center without culture cooperation and
participation. The cultural and creative industry park landscape design as an important carrier of

© 2015. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press 151

urban culture, its cultural connotation embodied in design is very important. In other words, it is the
soul of overall design.
Creative Principle. Creation--Innovation, creation and invent, will promote social and economic
development. Meaning--Consciousness, ideas, wisdom, mind, is humanity's greatest wealth.
Creative industry refers to those enterprises get momentum from the individual creativity, skill and
talent; and those activities create potential wealth and employment opportunities through the
development of intellectual property rights. Creative industrial park cannot be separated from
“creativity” in function and enterprise distribution, never its landscape design even can. The creative
thinking way to discover and create landscape design is the purpose of our design.
Aesthetic Principle. Contemporary urban landscape style has changed significantly. With the
constant improvement of the life level and aesthetic taste, the designers are required to pay more
attention to the artistic appealing of a landscape design. Following the esthetics in form has become a
dominant principle in today's landscape design. The aesthetics in form is a rule of universal,
inevitability and immutability, is an inner form, is the core of all the design and the basis of aesthetics
for all school of art. In modern landscape design, form elements are pushed into an important position,
so complex and changeable design language can be only integrated into the form performance after
knowing the aesthetic elements of the form correctly.
Times Principle. Cultural and creative industry park is the product of the era development which
appears in recent 50 years. No matter interior space, outside space or landscape design of the building,
all of them are the reflection of an age and comprehensive response of all aspects of economic science
and technology culture in industrial society[3]. Any item cannot be separated from the influence of
culture, so it will be branded with the time mark too. Cultural and creative industry park as a product
of highly developed industrial age, its Characteristics of the times is the cultural identity of
industrialization. Therefore, the landscape design should adapt to the characteristics and
requirements of era, which should use its special language to express the essence of the era, to present
science and technology concept of this era and to reveal the thought and aesthetic. Spirit of the age
determines the main style of the cultural and creative industry park landscape design. With following
the steps of era, landscape design will innovate and develop.
Regional Culture Principle. Regional landscape design, refers to the design taking inspiration from
culture traces left by local, national, folk and regional history. It should also formed by local
humanities, geography, climate, environment and a series of factors. Good regionalism must be
relevant to the development of the local, the deep connotation of culture and region with a strong
identification. Nowadays, people cherish more things derived from the internal tradition and show
their uniqueness consciously, develop more regional culture in purpose and pursuit regional features,
local characters, national culture. People realize that the more national, the more international, and
the more personal, the more widespread. This is a kind of culture bounce phenomenon. Modern
landscape design as a culture will inevitably appears regression and bounce phenomenon like other
cultures. This is localization of landscape design [4].
The localization of landscape design is inevitable outcome of the development of world culture.
Learn from traditional culture in design, emphasizing on localization, using a brand new visual
language to express conventional words is a good innovation way of landscape design, a creative
space for designer and an inexhaustible source. Emphasizing on localization in design will certainly
become the highlight issues of the landscape design in the future. Also emphasizing on localization
and national style is worldwide of mastery design.
Ecological Principle of Environmental Protection and Energy Saving. Environmental protection
and energy saving are mainly reflected as saving material and energy, reducing waste, and using
harmless and solar energy. It also emphasizes the use of recyclable materials, energy and resources.
Ecological principle applies the idea of sustainable development and low consumption in the
landscape design [5]. In the past, landscape design emphasis only on the visual language and formal
characteristic, but ignore the landscape’s sustainability. Ecosystem of landscape is subjected to the

principle of place, adapt to the balanced development of ecosystem, and reduce the waste of energy.
At the same time, it should be self-sufficient with low maintenance requirements.

Ji Guang Creative Industry Park Landscape Design

Backgrounds of Design. Ji Guang creative industry park landscape design is in the western new
district of JinYue high-tech zone in changchun city, Jilin province, intersection of Tianqing Road and
Shenftai east street. In May, 2012, it was jointly identified as a national pilot advertising industry park
by the national ministry of finance and the state administration for industry. The park has six zones,
including forerunner area of advertising culture industry, gathering area, core zone of public platform,
incubator, development area and supporting area. It will be a multi-functional large-scale,
comprehensive cultural industrial cluster with advertising planning, animation design, exhibition
display, enterprise incubation, cultural exchange after the completion of the project. It’s a historical
turning point to enrich culture industry, promote the city image and soft power, improve the strength
and competitiveness of cultural industry, and promote the advertising industry of Jilin province from
resource based to innovation-type, which turns “Jilin issue” to “Jilin create”(see Fig. 1).

Fig.1 Landscape Aerial View of Ji Guang Creative Industry Park

The Creative Design with the Main Trend of Culture.The landscape design of Ji Guang creative
industry park focused on the creative elements of Chinese culture, which more reflected the fusion of
city's rich history and culture and modern civilization. The model and form of landscape sculpture
and the external profile of building are unified, which formed the responding relationship with
buildings — one is virtual and another is real, one is linear and another is three-dimensional.
Universal beam sculpture was painted red. The bright colors and the dark grey of buildings formed
the rational logic. The main body of building is particularly outstanding against the red lines. The
positive and negative form constituted the integrated dialogue of overall environment, whose context
got the sublimation in the extension of the sculpture.
The concept of building itself in the Ji Guang creative industry park is derived from the books
and ancient Chinese characters, which symbolized the Typography, one of the four great inventions of
ancient China, had consistent cultural core idea with the contemporary creative industry park.
Therefore, we also adopted artistic method of inlaid Chinese characters on the I-beam of sculpture,
which made the whole landscape design look more like a long history and imply the influence of
history on modern society. At the same time, it also pointed the mission to progress from
contemporary to the future. It is a living fossil shaped by environmental art.
The design concept of landscape in industrial park is the same as that of sculpture, which all used
the abstract geometries inspired by nature. The shape echoed the form of the sculpture, with tall tree
species filling in some larger space, such as square, circle, triangle. And their shapes are the same as
the site structures. We can see clearly the geometric beauty of the plant in the spatial form organized
by the sculptures. In different seasons we chose the corresponding plants which show various
characteristics and highlights. Different skin textures and colors can foil the unique cultural

temperament of buildings perfectly, no matter the design of environment sculpture, plant, facilities, or
indicator system formed the harmonious art poetries with the brand image of Ji Guang creative
industry park. So setting the environmental theme is an important link which can better express the
environmental culture temperament characteristics. The good taste of the environment is dependents
on the designer's perception for the environmental culture, and it cannot be achieved without
designers’ refining essence of brand culture. We should say that the meaning of a place is the best
representation of culture
The Combination of Modernity and Formal Aesthetic. Ji Guang creative industry park is the
product of the era development, so its landscape design adopted the simple design methods which
showed the modern and times fully. The essence of simplicity is to eliminate the redundant vanity of
appearance and show the original characteristics. In the landscape design of the creative industry park,
the design element, color, lighting and materials are reduced to the minimum. Spatial structure has the
precise proportion and Chinese characters details inlaid. Although the color pallet and use of
materials are simple, they have very strong visual impact.
The landscape design of Ji Guang creative industry park respects the original characteristics of
buildings, which also exert and show the individuality of sculpture and art form. It grasped the
creative space perception accurately, emphasized to fit the architectural space image, properly dealt
with the reality and virtuality of the whole space, just like the "white space" of the traditional Chinese
painting. So we know that the more purely to show the image is, the more outstanding the spatial
characteristics are. Red channel steel combination is the main linear form, straightforward and vivid.
Its material has a unique intrepid beauty and particularity that other decorative materials can't express.
The combination of geometric shape showed the unique aesthetic feeling of form, which conformed
to the characteristics of creative industry park. Viewers can watch the different interfaces of space
from different angles through movement, and perceive the rhythm and rhyme of the space to get the
sublimation of the soul. The space with the emotional personality and form combination has become
the best part of the creative industry park.
Landscape Assessment. Ji Guang creative industry park was built in late 2014, combining Chinese
cultural elements with modern form through the landscape design, such as sculpture and plants. It has
been the brightest scenery in the western Jing Yue high-tech zone of Changchun, which enriched the
multi-perspectives of local landscape design. On the other hand, the design improved the cultural and
spiritual quality of landscape, also promoted the development of the urban culture and local economy.

Cultural and creative industry park landscape is the epitome of the urban cultural landscape, and the
symbol of the urban culture. This paper illustrates the significance of cultural and creative industry
park landscape design. Firstly, it is the shape of a city brand and cultural propaganda; secondly it can
improve the community environment and meet the spiritual demands of people for leisure
entertainment. In the summary, the design principles of cultural and creative industry park landscape
design include cultural principle, creative principle, aesthetic principle, time principle, regional
principle and sustainable principle. Through comprehensive analysis of the Ji Guang creative
industry park landscape design, the creative design which makes the culture as the main line and
combine times and aesthetic is the soul of the cultural and creative industry park landscape design.

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