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Modelling and Simulation of EMS Using Interchangeable Auxiliary Renewable Power

Sources for Commercial Use

Anant Verma #1 Ankit Kumar Singh#2 Akshat Yadav#3
Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial College of
Engineering and Management, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

Abstract –
In this paper the main aim is to develop and show a system which integrates two renewable
energy sources into one system capable of handling varying load conditions. The input will be
the two available energy sources operating at maximum power point using fuzzy logic
controller and output will be a load consisting of a particular whose value will decide the
working condition i.e. whether one or two energy sources will ne used for power output. The
objective is to demonstrate a hybrid energy management system for the use of residential areas,
small industries to make them independent from electricity providers as it can function in day
and night thus fulfilling energy requirement and reducing carbon footprint with the use of
renewable energy.
Keywords: Energy Management, Renewable energy, fuzzy logic, auxiliary resource etc.
Introduction –
Since the industrial revolution of 18th century our world has constantly evolved through
technology that we invented for our own use but with that power consumption has increased
drastically. In India energy consumption increased to 8.6% in 2023-2024. This energy is to be
still largely dependent on conventional sources of energy like coal, petroleum which has a
drastic fuel effect on environment as it increases the carbon emissions. Therefore, there is a
clear demand of renewable energy sources to fulfill clean energy goals by 2050. Energy
consumption can’t be reduced as per capita energy consumption defines the development of a
In India about 40% of energy comes from renewable energy resources currently about 170.8
GW capacity but still we need independent system in dense region like Delhi where energy
consumption per capita is very high.
A hybrid energy management system for renewable energy sources with day and night
operation will play a critical role in effectively integrating different type renewable energy [1].
A comparative study has been done on MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) for solar and
fuel cell application so as to select the best method for our system [4]. A customized series
circuit has been implemented with solar and fuel cell block and series of switch which will be
explained in later section.
In fuel cell a fuel optimization technique has been implemented [22] which shows the
adjustment fuel flow rate depending upon the load attached.
In this paper concepts of hybrid energy implementation with fuzzy logic maximum power
tracking method has been merged to develop a hybrid energy system which can perform in
day and night operation specifically according to the requirement of load

Fig 1.1 Block diagram of proposed system

2-Methods and techniques-

2.1 Boost DC-DC converter
DC-DC converters can be used as switching mode regulators to convert
an unregulated dc voltage to a regulated dc output voltage. The regulation
is normally achieved by PWM at a fixed frequency and the switching device
is generally BJT, MOSFET or IGBT. The minimum oscillator frequency should be about 100
times longer than the transistor switching time to maximize efficiency.
Below shows a step up or PWM boost converter. It consists of a dc input voltage
source Vg, boost inductor L, controlled switch S, diode D, filter capacitor C, and
the load resistance R. When the switch S is in the on state, the current in the
boost inductor increases linearly and the diode D is off at that time. When the
switch S is turned off, the energy stored in the inductor is released through the
diode to the output RC circuit.
Fig 2.1 Circuit diagram of boost converter


(a) Charging Phase: In this phase, the switch is turned on, which allows the
current to flow through the inductor. The inductor stores energy in the form
of a magnetic field. During this time, the voltage across the inductor is equal
to the input voltage, and the output capacitor is charging.
In the ON state, the circuit diagram is as shown below in Figure

Fig 2.2 Boost converter in on state

(b) Discharging Phase: In this phase, the switch is turned off, and the inductor
begins to discharge its stored energy. The energy stored in the magnetic
field is transferred to the output capacitor, causing the voltage across the
capacitor to increase. During this time, the voltage across the inductor is
reversed, and current flows through the inductor, the diode, and the
output capacitor.
This cycle of charging and discharging the inductor and capacitor continues, and
the output voltage increases until it reaches the desired level. The output
voltage is regulated by controlling the duty cycle of the switch (the amount of
time the switch is on compared to the time it is off) and the value of the
inductor and capacitor.

Fig 2.3 Boost converter in off state

Overall, a boost converter is an efficient way to step up a DC voltage to a higher

level, making it useful in a wide range of applications, including power supplies,
LED drivers, and battery chargers.
Fig 2.4 Inductor current waveform Fig 2.5 Inductor Voltage waveform

2.2 MPPT Technique

Fuzzy logic maximum power point tracking (MPPT), photovoltaic (PV) systems can
maximise the power output of their solar panels by tracking the maximum power point (MPP)
under a variety of environmental conditions, including temperature and sunlight intensity.
This is done by continuously adjusting the operating point. Using fuzzy logic control, fuzzy
logic MPPT makes judgements based on imprecise or ambiguous inputs, in contrast to
standard MPPT algorithms, which frequently rely on exact mathematical models or methods.

1.The input parameters of the fuzzy logic controller include temperature and sunshine
intensity, in addition to solar panel voltage (V) and current (I). Usually, sensors in the PV
system measure or estimate these inputs.

2.Fuzzy Inference System (FIS): The fuzzy logic controller's brain is the Fuzzy Inference
System, a collection of linguistic rules that specify how to modify the DC-DC converter's
operating voltage or duty cycle in response to various input parameters. Fuzzy logic
membership functions, which indicate the degree of truth for every input-output relationship,
are used to explain these principles.

3.The degree to which an input value belongs to each linguistic word (e.g., low, medium,
high) is defined by membership functions. By fuzzifying the crisp input values into fuzzy
sets, they let the controller deal with ambiguous or imprecise data.

4.Fuzzy Rule Base: A collection of IF-THEN rules that translate combinations of input
language variables into output linguistic variables make up the fuzzy rule base. Expert
knowledge or empirical connections between input and output parameters are captured in
these rules.

5.Fuzzy Inference: Using the current input values and matching membership functions, the
controller determines the extent to which each rule is met throughout the inference process.
The outputs of these rules are then combined using fuzzy logic operators (like AND, OR) to
produce output.
6. Defuzzification: The fuzzy output, which represents the change in duty cycle or operating
voltage required to track the MPP, is defuzzified to obtain a crisp output value. Various
defuzzification methods can be used, such as centroid or weighted average.

7. Control Action: Lastly, to dynamically optimise the solar panel's power output, the crisp
output value is employed to modify the DC-DC converter's duty cycle or operating voltage.

Compared to traditional MPPT methods, fuzzy logic MPPT has a number of benefits, such as
being more resilient to changes in the environment, being easier to implement, and being able
to handle nonlinear and uncertain systems. In contrast to conventional algorithms, it could
need greater computer power and fuzzy logic parameter adjustment. All things considered,
fuzzy logic MPPT may be a practical and successful method for maximising the energy
production of solar PV systems under actual operating circumstances.
𝛥𝐸 = 𝐸(𝑘) − 𝐸(𝑘 − 1)
∑ (𝐷𝑗 ) − (𝐷𝑗 )

Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy Logic is the way to model logical reasoning where the truth of the statement is not binary.
Fuzzy Logic controller is a system which is used to control the working of physical system
(plant) with the help of fuzzy logic. FLC is used to control the washing machine, air
conditioner, heater system, fan regulator traffic control, braking system controller.

The value of fuzzy logic lies between the binary values (i.e. 0 & 1)

2. Fuzzification

Fuzzification is the process of transforming physical values to fuzzy values. This is actually a
mapping process, where a crisp value is mapped to a value in fuzzy subset with the help of
membership functions. These membership functions assign a degree of membership (in the
range of 0 to 1) to crisp value. There are various types of membership functions like triangular,
gaussian, trapezoidal, singleton, sigmoid.

In our model of Solar PV array with fuzzy logic controller we are using the triangular
membership functions.
3. Fuzzy Rules (IF-THEN RULES)Fuzzy rules are designed by the designer on the basis of
the requirement. These rules relate input and output side membership functions. These rules
are in the form of IF- THEN.

The ‘IF’ part is known as Antecedent & ‘THEN’ part is known as Consequent. Antecedent
relates input side membership functions while consequent relates to the output side
membership functions.

An example of a fuzzy rule could be: IF solar irradiance is high and PV voltage is low, THEN
increase the duty cycle of the DC-DC converter.

4. Inside Fuzzy Logic Control

Rule - Base

e(t) u(t)
Fuzzifier Inference De- Fuzzifier
input Engine output

Compared to traditional MPPT methods, fuzzy logic MPPT has a number of benefits, such as
being more resilient to changes in the environment, being easier to implement, and being able
to handle nonlinear and uncertain systems. In contrast to conventional algorithms, it could
need greater computer power and fuzzy logic parameter adjustment. All things considered,
fuzzy logic MPPT may be a practical and successful method for maximizing the energy
production of solar PV systems under actual operating circumstances.

𝛥𝐸 = 𝐸(𝑘) − 𝐸(𝑘 − 1)
∑ (𝐷𝑗 ) − (𝐷𝑗 )

A fuzzy logic Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) controller for a solar photovoltaic
(PV) array is a sophisticated system designed to optimize the power output of the PV array by
continuously adjusting the operating point to the maximum power point (MPP) under
changing environmental conditions such as sunlight intensity, temperature variations, and
shading effects. Unlike traditional MPPT algorithms, which rely on precise mathematical
models, fuzzy logic-based controllers offer a more flexible and adaptive approach to deal
with the nonlinear and uncertain nature of solar PV systems.

Flow chart of fuzzy logic control MPPT for solar and fuel cell
Result and conclusion
Main Circuit
As shown in Above Figure a combined input of solar and PV array has been implemented in
MATLAB environment.

Solar PV Array output

As shown the solar pv array is working on maximum voltage

Voltage-28.95 V Power- 111.7W

Load- Vrms-30 Active Power-120W

Fuel cell with dynamic Load

As shown above our fuel cell is working with two load with R1=100,R2=50 ohm this can
also be seen by by fluctuating power of fuel cell. The aim was to show how a constant
voltage can be maintained while switching loads operation.

Main circuit Results

Load Limitations-

1.Primary task was to find the limiting load for solar PV array which has been found using
RLC load which came out at-

R=20 ohm where it gives 20 W power at voltage level of less than 10 v

We decided it to be the Switching factor in switching circuit for demonstration.

2. Finding the exact 200W consumption which is limiting to Solar PV Array

Upon careful hit and trial the result came out at series RLC load as-

Vrms-67.5 V

Active power 200.5W



1. Solar Working alone to fed power

At R=19 Ohm


2. Solar and Fuel cell both working


Vfuel=39.21v Pout=207.1 W


As shown the power is getting combined to meet the load requirement in this
condition fuel cell and solar pv array both are working and feeding the load whenever
the demand reaches the threshold of the solar.


The conclusion of the project "Modelling and Simulation of EMS Using Interchangeable
Auxiliary Renewable Power Sources for Commercial Use" involves the establishment of the
importance of energy management systems with auxiliary power sources. The project aims to
design a PV array in the MATLAB environment, study the open circuit characteristics of the
PV cell and the Hydrogen Fuel cell, analyze fuel cell control techniques, implement close loop
control and custom models of fuel cells, and design a DC-AC Pure Sine Wave Converter. The
final simulation of all circuit models using custom-made circuits for specific usage is also part
of the conclusion. Additionally, the project aims to implement a smart adaptive system utilizing
solar and hydrogen energy sources for a hybrid system, which will decrease the dependency
on conventional fuels and pave the road for a sustainable energy system.

Modeling fuel cells is a complex and multidisciplinary task that involves understanding various
physical and chemical processes. By using different modeling approaches and methods,
engineers and researchers can gain insights into fuel cell behavior, optimize performance, and
develop more efficient and sustainable energy solutions. As the demand for clean energy
sources increases, the role of fuel cell modeling in advancing fuel cell technology will continue
to grow.
Photovoltaic systems have revolutionized the way we tap into the abundant energy of the sun.
By leveraging the photovoltaic effect, solar cells seamlessly convert light energy into electrical
energy. Through the strategic interconnection of PV cells, the creation of photovoltaic modules
becomes possible, delivering usable electricity for various applications.

In this era of environmental consciousness, photovoltaic systems stand as beacons of hope,

offering a sustainable and clean power source for our energy-hungry world. As technology
continues to progress, the future looks bright for solar energy, paving the way for a greener and
more sustainable planet.


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