Sample Objective Paragraphs: Grade 6 - Math A

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Sample Objective Paragraphs

Grade 6 Math A
The activities planned for the lesson were designed to focus the students on mastering the objective. The mastery objective for this lesson was: Students will be able to classify triangles and quadrilaterals by sides and angles. The objective, along with the units enduring understandings and essential questions, was posted on the board. The teacher read the objective aloud. Students used geoboards to explore the characteristics of different triangles and quadrilaterals and transferred their observations to a graphic organizer. They then completed a page of exercises in the textbook that asked for the results of their observations. As they worked, the teacher circulated around the room, checking student answers and asking focused questions about the names and attributes of different shapes. During the conference, Mr. Howard. shared that 23 of the 29 students had demonstrated mastery on the homework assignment related to the objective. Those still experiencing difficulty reviewed the material in class and corrected their homework.

Grade 10 English
While the lesson was planned for mastery, it fell short in delivery. The mastery objective for the lesson was The student will be able to analyze Holdens mental state based on his behavior and how it related to his journey of self knowledge. The objective was posted in the front of the class on a small piece of paper. Students could not read it from their seats. Mrs. Su did not verbally communicate the objective to students during the lesson. However, much of the class discussion supported this objective. During the discussion of The Catcher in the Rye numerous questions were asked such as Whats going on here with Holden mentally? and How is he acting here, what does this say about where he is mentally? While some students had the opportunity to address these questions, it is unclear whether the objective was met because there was no activity at the end of the lesson to see if all students could analyze Holdens mental state. The homework assignment was to review for tomorrows test. During the conference we discussed the importance of clearly communicating the objective to students during the lesson. We also discussed strategies for checking to determine if students have achieved the objective, and what to do if they have not.

Grade 5 Reading
For the observed lesson, Mrs. Mandel had both the essential question and the objective posted on the board. At the beginning of the lesson, Mrs. Mandel called on a student to read the essential question and the objective. EQ How does understanding exaggeration help me to better comprehend tall tales? Objective Fifth grade students will be able to identify examples of exaggeration in a tall tale. The lesson was not taught for mastery. Although an objective was identified, there was a lack of alignment between the intended objective and the activities of the lesson. The activity was an inductive exercise where student were to focus on the attributes of examples of exaggeration and non-exaggeration from a tall tale, classify them, and thus be able to label them accordingly. Consequently, the observed objective of the lesson became one of students defining the literary use of exaggeration, not identifying examples of exaggeration in tall tales. At one point in the lesson, Mrs. Mandel stated, Were not looking for examples of exaggeration, but what the rules for exaggeration are. As a result of the lack of alignment between the objective and activity, students were not able to identify example of exaggeration and struggled to formulate criteria for defining exaggeration. In the conference, Mrs. Mandel reflected on why the lesson did not result in mastery by any of the students. She was able to explain that the intended objective of the lesson did not align with the activity. She stated that defining exaggeration should have occurred in a prior lesson. Students would then have been prepared to move on to identifying examples of exaggeration within the tall tales they were reading.


Kindergarten Speech/Language
Ms. Lagniappes session was guided by different objectives for each of her two students. The objectives were clearly aligned with student IEPs and specific to their individual needs and levels of performance. Each objective was clearly stated at the beginning of the session. (To K) Were going to work on our /s/ sound in the middle of words. (To Pre-K) Youre working on /s/ with just the sound, and then with a vowel like sssss-a. These goals were reiterated to students throughout the lesson. (To K) I have some pictures here with the /s/ sound. Ill say it first and then your try. (To K) I want you to use popsicle, but make a sentence. (To K) Put medicine in a sentence. (To Pre-K) SSSS (To Pre-K) Now were going to put a sound with it sssss-a (To Pre-K) Youre making a good /s/s at the beginning. Ms Lagniappe provided students with maximal opportunities for sound production during each activity. She listened carefully to each student for accuracy in sound production and self-correction, and provided guidance as they practiced their target sounds. As a result of her planning for mastery, each student was well aware of the specific articulation sound and skill level they were working on and were able to produce their target sounds clearly within the structured context of each activity.

Counselor High School

The stated goal of this EMT was to determine if additional testing and more intensive placement are indicated for this student. Mr. Bailey presented data regarding this students progress and performance to the team (parent, psychologist, pupil personnel worker, resource teacher for Special Education, and assistant principal. The data included classroom reports and observations from all of the students teachers. Also included were interventions and support strategies that had been put into place in each classroom since September to support this student. The parent was consulted regarding her observations of her son at home and her assessment of the potential impact of a different placement on her son. Each staff member was asked to respond to the data presented. The meeting resulted in the collective opinion that some data suggested that the interventions needed to be in place for a longer period of time to determine their impact. The team decided to monitor the students progress over the next quarter before authorizing any educational and/or psychological testing.

Algebra II - Honors
The stated objective of the lesson was Students will be able to determine horizontal, vertical and oblique asymptotes for rational functions. Mr. Torres presented the objective for the lesson on the overhead in a prepared form, listing not only the objective but also the activator problem for the day and the homework assignment. Mr. Torres lesson supported the objective by providing a complete method for finding all three types of asymptotes. He explained that vertical asymptotes are derived from values that create a zero in the denominator. Secondly, he outlined the three rules for finding horizontal asymptotes. Lastly, he combined the use of the TI Presenter with polynomial long division to help students identify oblique asymptotes. Throughout the lesson Mr. Torres sketched all three types of asymptotes both on the board and with the aid of the overhead calculator. After each explanation, he gave students a practice exercise that asked them to apply the concepts, and circulated among them to monitor their work. The lessons homework required students to determine all asymptotes and graph 6 rational functions. Student mastery was supported as a result of the explanation, models, and practice with feedback. At the conference, Mr. Torres said that 23 of the 31 students had accurate work on the homework. He is building in additional practice to support retention and those who did not master the concept.


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