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BETTER GOBLINS Some rules reminders

This document refrences a few rules from the

Goblins are fun! But these green boys lose their charm by the
Player’s Handbook. Here are some reminders so
tenth encounter. We get it: hit and run, duck and hide; yawn!
you don’t have to switch back-and-forth.
So this document is my attempt to spice ‘em up, but keep
Disengage. If you take the Disengage action,
them in the newbie-friendly encounter zone. These goblins
your move-ment doesn’t provoke opportunity
will rain down a hail of arrows upon you, fire eyebeams of
attacks for the rest of the turn.
concentrated force right through your favourite NPCs, and
Hide. When you take the Hide action, you make
surprise you in twenty different ways, with twenty defferent
a Dexterity (Stealth) check in an attempt to hide.
Unseen Attackers. When a creature can’t see
you, you have advantage on attack rolls against it.
ALTERNATE STAT BLOCK When you make an attack, you give away your
The goblin’s base stats are remaining largely the same, with the location whether the attack hits or misses.
following two exceptions: Half Cover. A target with half cover has a +2
bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws.
Š Their hit points increase to 10 (originally 7).
Three-Quarters Cover. A target with three-
Š Their speed increases to 40ft (originally 30ft).
quarters cover has a +5 bonus to AC and Dexterity
Goblins traditionally use a kind of hit-and-run warfare via saving throws.
their Nimble Escape ability, striking at the party’s heels and Total Cover. A target with total cover can’t be
diving into bushes. targeted directly by an attack or a spell.
Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the
Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on
each of its turns.

These goblins shouldn’t just be nimble though; they should

be cunning too! So to illustrate the way goblins can adapt to
any habitat, their knobbly skin shifting in colour to match
their environment, we’re giving goblins the passive Natural
Camouflage trait.
Natural Camouflage. A goblin obscured by regular
half cover is considered to have three-quarters
cover, and a goblin obscured by regular three-
quarters cover is considered to have total cover.

The original goblin stat block gives them both a melee

scimitar and a ranged shortbow, but I prefer goblins be
specialists in their weaponry. So the twenty goblin variants
listed here either a dedicated scimitar wielder or a dedicated
shortbow wielder, not both.
Š Goblins use a melee weapon with this sword symbol:
Š Goblins use a ranged weapon with this arrow symbol:Â

Goblins use either a scimitar or a shortbow:

Goblin Scimitar Attack. Melee Weapon Attack:
+4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2)
slashing damage.
Goblin Shortbow Attack. Ranged Weapon
Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit:
5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage 2
Below are additional traits you can use to modify your goblins.
Each goblin should only have one additional trait, as multiple A goblin confidently backflips out of the
traits would make them too powerful. Here’s the thing, though: tree where they were hiding and lands in

there are two different kinds here. Goblin traits 1-10 are front of you, grinning. They bow, waiting
mundane, regular gobbos using martial skills, and traits 11-20 for applause before brandishing a scimitar

are psionic in nature, using special mind powers to do heaps of at you.

wacky stuff.
Š A goblin is psionic with this filled-in star symbol:∂ The Flippy Goblin’s long jump is 25 feet and their high jump is
Š A goblin is mundane with this blank star symbol:ç 10 feet. The goblin gains this reaction

Leap Away! When a creature makes an attack

Read this super important bit! against the goblin and misses, the goblin may use
When the traits refer to granting cover, Natural their reaction to jump twenty feet away in a straight
Camouflage has already been factored in. So if a line without provoking opportunity attacks.
trait says it provides half cover, it provides half
cover; no conversion required. Charred GoblinÂ
Goblin Âç
I would generally recommend planning these encounters
ahead of time, but if you’re feeling spicy and want to roll on You can smell the acrid scent of pitch and
smoke, as a shimmering fire illuminates a
a random table, use the Better Goblins Table below. For a
row of sharp teeth. Laughter follows a
meanigful encounter, though, you might be better off just
burning arrow speeding towards you.
picking the traits that spark joy.
Better Goblins Table The Charred Goblin gains this bonus action.
D20 Trait Difficulty Page
1 Flippy Easy 3 Light ‘em Up! The goblin ignites their next attack
2 Charred Medium 3
with fire. If the attack hits, it deals an additional
3 Poisoner Medium 3
4 Boom Boom Medium 4 2 (1d4) fire damage, and the target must succeed
5 Deadeye Hard 4 on a DC 11 Dexterity Saving throw or catch fire.
6 Spelunking Easy 4 When on fire, at the end of the target’s next turn,
7 Jeering Medium 4 they take 2 (1d4) fire damage and are no longer on
8 Slimy Easy 4 fire. The target or a creature within 5 feet of the
9 Filthy Medium 4
target can spend a bonus action to douse the fire
10 Hustler Medium 5
11 Blaster Hard 5 and end the effect early.
12 Timey-Wimey Medium 5
13 Buffed Hard 5 Poisoner GoblinÂ
Goblin Âç
14 Duplicator Easy 6
15 Phantom Deadly 6
16 Wormhole Medium 6 Giggling under their breath, this goblin
17 Shielded Easy 6 applies a vial of green liquid to their
18 Telekinetic Hard 6 arrowheads, readying for battle.
19 Mind-Reader Medium 6
20 Big Brain Deadly 7
The Poisoner Goblin gains this passive trait.

I Don’t Feel So Good... If the goblin is hidden

from its target before making an attack, they deal
an additional 2 (1d4) poison damage on a hit and
the target must make a DC 11 Constitution Saving
throw or suffer the poisoned condition until the
end of the goblin’s next turn.

3 Better Goblins
Boom Boom Goblin
Goblinç Jeering Goblin

The ground rumbles beneath your feet as A series of jeers and jibes ring out across
a grinning goblin pops up from the ground the battlefield. Popping up out of the
and throws a small explosive at you, shrubbery, a goblin hurls insults at you
before disappearing beneath the earth. before running off, taunting you to chase

The Boom Boom Goblin has a burrow speed of 20 feet. The

goblin gains this passive trait.
trait The Jeering Goblin gains this passive trait.

Special Delivery! Whenever the goblin uses Smell Ya Later! Whenever the goblin uses Nimble
Nimble Escape to disengage, the goblin may toss Escape to hide, before taking the hide action, they
a small explosive to deal 2 (1d4) fire damage to a may choose a creature they can see within 30 feet to
creature within 5 feet of them before moving. insult. The target makes a DC 11 Wisdom Saving
throw. On a failed save, they are taunted by the
Deadeye GoblinÂ
Goblin Âç goblin, and have disadvantage on attack rolls against
other goblins until the end of their next turn.
Covered in leaves and mud, the goblin
perches in the trees, shortbow in its grip.
Slimy Goblin
You hear the snap of a bowstring before a
hail of arrows streaks from the tree line Sneezing and rubbing snot covered hands
towards you and your friends. on its pants, this goblin runs ahead of the
hoard with a big grin waving a scimitar
over its head.
The Deadeye Goblin gains this passive trait.

In My Sight... If the goblin is obscured by at least The Slimy Goblin is immune to being grappled or restrained.
three quarters cover before they make an attack, The goblin gains this passive trait.
they gain an additional +2 to hit and +2 to damage
on all their attacks. Gross! Whenever the goblin is hit by a melee
attack, they deal 1 acid damage to the attacker.
Spelunking Goblin
Filthy Goblin
Abseiling down from the ceiling is a
goblin outfitted in a ridiculous amount of A goblin covered in dirt and grime rises
climbing gear. The goblin salutes you with out of the undergrowth unseen. It quickly
a pickaxe before running away, dropping attacks and then make its immediate
pitons behind itself. retreat, leaving a cloud of dust behind it.

The Spelunking Goblin has a climb speed of 40 feet. The The Filthy Goblin gains this passive trait.
goblin gains this passive trait.
Pocket Sand! Whenever the goblin moves 20 feet
Piton Pile! Whenever the goblin uses Nimble Escape or more in a straight line, they may choose to kick
to disengage, they leave a pile of pitons in the 5 up dust around themselves in a 10 foot radius
foot space they vacated. The space is considered at the end of their movement. Each non-goblin
difficult terrain and non-goblin creatures moving creature in the area must make a DC 11 Dexterity
through the space take 1 piercing damage. Saving throw or suffer the blinded condition until
the end of their next turn. 4
Hustler Goblin
Goblinç Blaster GoblinÂ
Goblin Â∂

You hear the crack of a whip as a goblin Slamming their hands together, the goblin
wearing a ten-gallon hat comes striding concentrates for a single moment. Its eyes
into battle, a sly smirk on its lips as it glow hot-white as it shoots a lancing beam
threatens to crack its whip again. of shinning green light towards you.

The Hustler Goblin wields a whip (1d4 slashing damage and The Blaster Goblin gains this action
reach 10 ft). The goblin has gains this bonus action.
Eye Beam. Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to hit, range
Scatter to the Winds! The hustler cracks their 80 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 +2) force damage.
whip and yells to their fellow goblins to find cover. If the attack hits, the goblin chooses whether the
Each goblin within 30 feet of the hustler can use target is pushed up to 15ft directly away or pulled
their reaction to move up to half their speed and up to 15ft directly towards the goblin.
take the hide action if they end this movement
behind cover. Timey-Wimey Goblin Â∂

The goblin curses as their sword swings

past the hero’s chest, barely missing. Clock
faces swirl around another goblin as they
reach out with their hands.Time rewinds
for a moment, and then restarts, the sword
now striking true!

The Timey-Wimey Goblin gains this reaction


Rewind (2/day). After a creature within 30 feet of

the goblin makes an attack roll, ability check or
saving throw, the goblin can force them to reroll.

Buffed Goblin

Swollen with psionic strength, muscles

rippling, this creature marches through
the battlefield menacingly, smaller
goblins chasing their heels.

The Buffed Goblin is medium sized, their hit points increase to

20, and they are immune to being knocked prone. The goblin
gains this passive trait.

Big! Goblins within 5 feet of the Buffed Goblin

have half cover.

5 Better Goblins
Duplicator Goblin
Goblin∂ Shielded Goblin

A swarm of similar-looking goblins As a rapier thrusts towards their throat,

approach you. One by one, they disappear the goblin raises their hands and a
into mist, obscuring the real goblin shimmering psionic shield appears, pushing
sneaking up behind you. the sword back.

The Duplicator Goblin gains this action

action. The Shielded Goblin gains this reaction

Mirror Image (1/day). The goblin casts the Mirror Shield (2/day). The goblin casts the Shield spell.
Image spell.
Telekinetic GoblinÂ
Goblin Â∂
Phantom Goblin
Rocks and dust swirl around the feet of
Laughter echoes all around you, seemingly this goblin as they shift terrain around
from nowhere. Suddenly a goblin launches it, creating perfect hiding spots for its
out of a wall, their form shimming, claws sneering brethren.
angled for your throat!

The Telekinetic Goblin gains this action

The Phantom Goblin gains this passive trait.
Shift Terrain (2/day). The goblin moves terrain
Incorporeal Mischief! The goblin can move with their mind. It can either shift an established
through other creatures and objects as if they were piece of terrain (such as a stone pillar) within 30
difficult terrain. If the goblin ends its turn inside an feet of itself, or pull up a new boulder from the
object, the goblin takes 4 (1d8) force damage. The earth. The goblin can place the object in an empty
goblin cannot end its turn inside another creature. space on the ground at a point 60 feet. The object
can be up to 10 by 10 feet in size.
Wormhole GoblinÂ
Goblin Â∂
Mind-Reader GoblinÂ
Goblin Â∂
Lurid green motes of light drift around
this cackling goblin as they open a portal A goblin stands far back from the
beneath your feet. battlefield, a single claw pressed to their
temple, while its nearby allies move with
unnatural prescience.
The Wormhole Goblin gains this reaction
reaction, which they can take
when they are targeted by an attack or spell.
The Mind-Reader Goblin is resistant to psychic damage. The
Thinking with Portals (2/day). The goblin targets goblin gains this passive trait.
another creature it can see within 30 feet. If the
creature is willing, the goblin and the target swap Telepathic Bond. Each goblin within 60 feet of the
positions and the target suffers the effects of the mind-reader can see and hear through any other
attack or spell in the Wormhole Goblin’s place. goblin’s senses within 60 feet of the mind-reader
If the target is unwilling, they make a DC 11 for the purposes of line of sight.
Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save they
swap positions as above. 6
Big Brain Goblin
Goblin∂ CREDITS
Writer: Roman Penna (@ Romantheflash)
The glowing bright green brain of this Gold Patrons: Amaran Nicole, Arno, Ashley Greatorex, Bass
goblin protrudes from its skull; eyes Levesque, Beth Goff, bob bobby, BonusParentBaba, cameron
burning with psionic energy as it leads its pearson, Carmen Knutson, Christopher LeFever, Conor
awful friends into battle. Kennedy, Cosmo Van Buren, Craig Savage, Daniel Dyer,
Darien Barnes, Dean Dunston, Elaine Fernandes, Ernie Evans,
The Big Brain Goblin is resistant to psychic damage. The Ethan Rodgers, Flannel Knight Gaming, GentlemanJimGM,
goblin gains this action
action. harmen van lith, James Lawson, JauntyJay, JawaSparky,
Jeremy B, Jeroen, Jerry Jordan, Joe Jones, Jonathan Allen,
Mind Blast (2/day). As an action the goblin Justin Rossman, Karlo Melendez Pena, Kevin Donville, Koli_
chooses a point within 60 feet of them and blasts Deveras, Kyle Somers, Laura Drummer, Leo Champney, Lord
it with psionic energy. Each creature in a 15-foot- Jiraiya, Luis Gilbert Villarreal, Mahle Andras, Mario Zetina,
radius-sphere centred on that point must make a Marsha Alexander, Meximan, nicolas tzicuris, Patrick Walzer,
DC 11 Intelligence Saving Throw. A target takes Paul S, Ricardo Valadares Gontijo Lanna Valle, Sergio Collins,
7 (2d6) psychic damage on a failed save and is SonOfSofaman, Spencer Murphy, Sushi Squad, The 2nd most
knocked prone. On a successful save they take Epic Wizard from Mt. Skullzfyre, Titans plice, Tonerde,
half as much damage and are pushed 15 feet TwinkleToes, vishal muralidharan, WanderingStar, West
directly away from the goblin. Coffin, Wouter van der Hoeven, Zac, Zachary Shapiro
Originally Published: 18/06/2024
Latest Version: 18/06/2024

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD
5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at
resources/systems-reference-document. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at https://creativecom-

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7 Better Goblins

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