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PostgreSQL HA 配置

基于 PG 的流复制再加上 pgpool 软件实现双机热备,类似于 Oracle DG 的 FSF 功




pg 主备节点实现流复制热备,pgpool1,pgpool2 作为中间件,将主备 pg 节点加入集群,

实现读写分离,负载均衡和 HA 故障自动切换。两 pgpool 节点可以使用一个虚拟 ip 节点作
为应用程序访问的地址,两节点之间通过 watchdog 进行监控,当 pgpool1 宕机时,pgpool2
会自动接管虚拟 ip 继续对外提供不间断服务。

一 主机规划

角色 主机名 IP 地址 端口
Master Pg1 1922 数据库信息
backend:0 Pg1 9999 Pgpool 信息
Slave Pg2 1922
backend:1 Pg2 9999
Vip(虚拟 IP) 对外提供服务
二 配置主机信任关系

在 pg1 机器上都生成 ssh 密钥和公钥如下:

ssh-keygen -t rsa
cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.pg1
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.pg1

在 pg2 机器上都生成 ssh 密钥和公钥如下:

ssh-keygen -t rsa
cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.pg2
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.pg2

把 pg1 的公钥 cp 到 pg2 上,并且改名:

scp .ssh/authorized_keys.pg1 pg2:/home/postgres/.ssh/authorized_keys

把 pg2 的公钥 cp 到 pg1 上,并且改名:

scp .ssh/authorized_keys.pg2 pg1:/home/postgres/.ssh/authorized_keys

把 pg1 的公钥写入到自己主机的 authorized_keys 文件中,自己主机信任自己:

cat .ssh/authorized_keys.pg1 >> .ssh/authorized_keys

把 pg2 的公钥写入到自己主机的 authorized_keys 文件中,自己主机信任自己:

cat .ssh/authorized_keys.pg2 >> .ssh/authorized_keys

#pg1 主机
ssh postgres@pg2 uptime
ssh postgres@pg1 uptime #第一次需要密码

#pg2 主机
ssh postgres@pg2 uptime #第一次需要密码
ssh postgres@pg1 uptime

三 安装 pgpool

3.1、安装 pgpool
mkdir /usr/local/pgpool (root)
chown postgres:postgres /usr/local/pgpool (root)
cd /soft/pgpool-II-3.7.13
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pgpool --with-pgsql=/usr/local/pg12.2/
make install
3.2、安装 pgpool 相关函数,可选,建议安装
cd /soft/pgpool-II-3.7.13/src/sql
make install
cd sql
psql -f insert_lock.sql
3.3、配置 postgres 用户环境变量(pg1,pg2)
vi .bash_profile
export PGPOOL_HOME=/usr/local/pgpool

四、配置 pgpool
4.1、配置 pg1 主机上的 pool_hba.conf
pool_hba.conf 是对登录用户进行验证的,要和 pg1 的 pg_hba.conf 保持一致。
cd /usr/local/pgpool/etc/
cp pool_hba.conf.sample pool_hba.conf

vi pool_hba.conf –添加如下内容
host replication repl pg2 trust
host replication repl trust
host all all trust
4.2、配置 pg2 主机上的 pool_hba.conf,添加如下内容:
host replication repl pg1 trust
host replication repl trust
host all all trust
4.3、配置 pcp.conf(pg1,pg2)
pcp.conf 配置用于 pgpool 自己登陆管理使用的,一些操作 pgpool 的工具会要求提供密
cd /usr/local/pgpool/etc
cp pcp.conf.sample pcp.conf

# 使用 pg_md5 生成配置的用户名密码
pg_md5 postgres

#编辑 pcp.conf 文件,文件里面有样本内容

4.4、在 pgpool 中添加 pg 数据库的用户名和密码(pg1,pg2)

#需要先创建一个 pgpool.conf,否则在产生 pool_passwd 文件时会报错:
cp pgpool.conf.sample-master-slave pgpool.conf

pg_md5 -p -m -u postgres pool_passwd

#输入数据库登录用户 postgres 密码,生成 pool_passwd 文件
4.5、配置 pgpool.conf
配置该文件是最核心的内容,HA 是否能够正常运行,跟此文件的配置息息相关。该配
出错。我们可以根据前面 4.4 步骤产生的配置文件进行编辑。
4.5.1、主机 pg1 主机 pgpool.conf 配置,由于参数繁多,只列出需要修改或者关注的内
# - pgpool Connection Settings -
listen_addresses = '*'
port = 9999

# - pgpool Communication Manager Connection Settings -

pcp_listen_addresses = '*'
pcp_port = 9898

# - Backend Connection Settings – 此配置非常重要,不容易理解

backend_hostname0 = 'pg1' #以后 bankend0 就代表了 pg1 在集群中的表述
backend_port0 = 1922 #连接 pg 数据库的端口
backend_weight0 = 1
backend_data_directory0 = '/usr/local/pg12.2/data' #pg 数据库路径
backend_flag0 = 'ALLOW_TO_FAILOVER'

backend_hostname1 = 'pg2' #bankend1 代表 pg2

backend_port1 = 1922
backend_weight1 = 1
backend_data_directory1 = '/usr/local/pg12.2/data'
backend_flag1 = 'ALLOW_TO_FAILOVER'

# - Authentication -
enable_pool_hba = on
pool_passwd = 'pool_passwd' #此处的 poo_passwd 就是上面产生的文件

pid_file_name = '/usr/local/pgpool/'
load_balance_mode = on

master_slave_mode = on
master_slave_sub_mode = 'stream'

# - Streaming – 流复制检查
sr_check_period = 10
sr_check_user = 'repl' #postgres replication 用户的名字
sr_check_period = 0
sr_check_password = 'oracle' #postgres replication 用户的密码
sr_check_database = 'postgres'

health_check_period = 10 #默认为 0,则不检查
health_check_timeout = 20
health_check_user = 'postgres' #pg 数据库用户的名字,要求要有 supper 权限
health_check_password = 'postgres'
health_check_database = 'postgres'


failover_command = '/usr/local/pgpool/ %H' #切换脚本,后面需要编辑


# - Enabling -

use_watchdog = on

# - Watchdog communication Settings - 看门狗设置

wd_hostname = 'pg1'
wd_port = 9000 #看门狗进行通信的端口

# - Virtual IP control Setting – 虚拟 ip 配置,非常重要,否则无法启动虚拟 ip

delegate_IP = '' #虚拟 ip

if_cmd_path = '/sbin'
if_up_cmd = 'ip addr add $_IP_$/24 dev eth4 label eth4:0' #注意选择公网 ip 的网口
if_down_cmd = 'ip addr del $_IP_$/24 dev eth4' #以后需要把 ip 命令加上 setuid 的权限
arping_path = '/usr/sbin'
arping_cmd = 'arping -U $_IP_$ -w 1 -I eth4'

# - Lifecheck Setting –
wd_monitoring_interfaces_list = 'eth4'

# -- heartbeat mode – 心跳线设置,与备机的通信

wd_heartbeat_port = 9694
wd_heartbeat_keepalive = 2
wd_heartbeat_deadtime = 30
heartbeat_destination0 = 'pg2' #备机的名字
heartbeat_destination_port0 = 9694 #进行测试存活状态的端口
heartbeat_device0 = 'eth1' #pg2 网络心跳的网口,一般选择专门的网口

# - Other pgpool Connection Settings – 与 pg2 连接的配置

other_pgpool_hostname0 = 'pg2'
other_pgpool_port0 = 9999
other_wd_port0 = 9000

4.5.2、备机 pg2 pgpool.conf 配置,可以把主机的配置复制到备机,然后做少量的修

# - pgpool Connection Settings -
listen_addresses = '*'
port = 9999

# - pgpool Communication Manager Connection Settings -

pcp_listen_addresses = '*'
pcp_port = 9898
# - Backend Connection Settings – 此配置非常重要,不容易理解
backend_hostname0 = 'pg1' #以后 bankend0 就代表了 pg1 在集群中的表述
backend_port0 = 1922 #连接 pg 数据库的端口
backend_weight0 = 1
backend_data_directory0 = '/usr/local/pg12.2/data' #pg 数据库路径
backend_flag0 = 'ALLOW_TO_FAILOVER'

backend_hostname1 = 'pg2' #bankend1 代表 pg2

backend_port1 = 1922
backend_weight1 = 1
backend_data_directory1 = '/usr/local/pg12.2/data'
backend_flag1 = 'ALLOW_TO_FAILOVER'

# - Authentication -
enable_pool_hba = on
pool_passwd = 'pool_passwd' #此处的 poo_passwd 就是上面产生的文件

pid_file_name = '/usr/local/pgpool/'

load_balance_mode = on

master_slave_mode = on
master_slave_sub_mode = 'stream'

# - Streaming – 流复制检查
sr_check_period = 10
sr_check_user = 'repl' #postgres replication 用户的名字
sr_check_period = 0
sr_check_password = 'oracle' #postgres replication 用户的密码
sr_check_database = 'postgres'

health_check_period = 10 #默认为 0,则不检查
health_check_timeout = 20
health_check_user = 'postgres' #pg 数据库用户的名字,要求要有 supper 权限
health_check_password = 'postgres'
health_check_database = 'postgres'


failover_command = '/usr/local/pgpool/ %H' #切换脚本,后面需要编辑


# - Enabling -

use_watchdog = on

# - Watchdog communication Settings - 看门狗设置

wd_hostname = 'pg2'
wd_port = 9000 #看门狗进行通信的端口

# - Virtual IP control Setting – 虚拟 ip 配置,非常重要,否则无法启动虚拟 ip

delegate_IP = '' #虚拟 ip

if_cmd_path = '/sbin'
if_up_cmd = 'ip addr add $_IP_$/24 dev eth4 label eth4:0' #注意选择公网 ip 的网口
if_down_cmd = 'ip addr del $_IP_$/24 dev eth4' #以后需要把 ip 命令加上 setuid 的权限
arping_path = '/usr/sbin'
arping_cmd = 'arping -U $_IP_$ -w 1 -I eth4'

# - Lifecheck Setting –
wd_monitoring_interfaces_list = 'eth4'

# -- heartbeat mode – 心跳线设置,与备机的通信

wd_heartbeat_port = 9694
wd_heartbeat_keepalive = 2
wd_heartbeat_deadtime = 30
heartbeat_destination0 = 'pg1' #主机的名字
heartbeat_destination_port0 = 9694 #进行测试存活状态的端口
heartbeat_device0 = 'eth4' #pg1 网络心跳的网口,一般选择专门的网口

# - Other pgpool Connection Settings – 与 pg2 连接的配置

other_pgpool_hostname0 = 'pg1'
other_pgpool_port0 = 9999
other_wd_port0 = 9000


vi /usr/local/pgpool/
#! /bin/sh
# Failover command for streaming replication.
# Arguments: $1: new master hostname.

trigger_command="$PG_HOME/bin/pg_ctl promote -D $PGDATA"

# Prompte standby database.

/usr/bin/ssh -T $new_master $trigger_command

exit 0;
Chmod +x /usr/local/pgpool/

5.2、设置 ip, arping 等 setuid 权限,执行 需要用到,否则无法启动

虚拟 ip(pg1,pg2)。
chmod u+s /sbin/ip
chmod u+s /sbin/arping

六 启动集群守护进程

6.1、PG1 启动数据库与 pgpool 进程:

pg_ctl start –l pg.log
pgpool -n -d -D > /usr/local/pgpool/pgpool.log 2>&1 & #-d 为 debug 状态,显示很多内容

6.2、PG2 启动数据库与 pgpool 进程:

pg_ctl start –l pg.log
pgpool -n -d -D > /usr/local/pgpool/pgpool.log 2>&1 & #-d 为 debug 状态,显示很多内容

6.3、查看 pgpool 后台进程:

ps -ef|grep pgpool
postgres 3159 3078 0 Mar10 pts/3 00:00:00 tail -f pgpool.log
postgres 3166 3024 0 Mar10 pts/1 00:00:00 pgpool -n -D
postgres 3167 3166 0 Mar10 pts/1 00:00:02 pgpool: watchdog
postgres 3170 3166 0 Mar10 pts/1 00:00:00 pgpool: lifecheck
postgres 3187 3170 0 Mar10 pts/1 00:00:01 pgpool: heartbeat receiver
postgres 3188 3170 0 Mar10 pts/1 00:00:03 pgpool: heartbeat sender
postgres 3201 3166 0 Mar10 pts/1 00:00:00 pgpool: postgres postgres idle
postgres 3210 3166 0 Mar10 pts/1 00:00:00 pgpool: health check process(0)
postgres 3211 3166 0 Mar10 pts/1 00:00:01 pgpool: health check process(1)
postgres 3908 3166 0 Mar10 pts/1 00:00:00 pgpool: PCP: wait for connection request
postgres 3909 3166 0 Mar10 pts/1 00:00:01 pgpool: worker process

tail -f /usr/local/pgpool/pgpool.log
2020-03-10 21:45:21: pid 3297: LOG: Backend status file /tmp/pgpool_status discarded
2020-03-10 21:45:21: pid 3297: LOG: waiting for watchdog to initialize
2020-03-10 21:45:21: pid 3298: LOG: setting the local watchdog node name to "pg2:9999 Linux
2020-03-10 21:45:21: pid 3298: LOG: watchdog cluster is configured with 1 remote nodes
2020-03-10 21:45:21: pid 3298: LOG: watchdog remote node:0 on pg1:9000
2020-03-10 21:45:21: pid 3298: LOG: watchdog node state changed from [DEAD] to [LOADING]
2020-03-10 21:45:21: pid 3298: LOG: new outbound connection to pg1:9000
2020-03-10 21:45:21: pid 3298: LOG: new watchdog node connection is received from
2020-03-10 21:45:21: pid 3298: LOG: new node joined the cluster hostname:"pg1" port:9000
2020-03-10 21:45:21: pid 3298: DETAIL: Pgpool-II version:"3.7.13" watchdog messaging version:
2020-03-10 21:45:26: pid 3298: LOG: watchdog node state changed from [LOADING] to
2020-03-10 21:45:26: pid 3298: LOG: setting the remote node "pg1:9999 Linux pg1" as
watchdog cluster master


先启动主库的 pg 数据库,然后启动主库的 pgpool 守护进程,这样子 vip 会在主库上生
成,否则会在备库产生,但是不影响业务的访问,从这可以看出 vip 是可以在不同的集群上
漂移,跟以往的双机热备有所区别,以前 vip 总是在主库上产生。
接着启动备库 pg 数据库,然后启动 pgpool 进程。
7.2.1、模拟主库 pgpool 进程中断:
pgpool -m smart stop

此时备库主机的 pgpool 会把 vip 给接管过来,但是主备库的角色没有发生变化。

psql -h vip -p 9999 -U postgres -d testdb

testdb=> show pool_nodes;

node_id | hostname | port | status | lb_weight | role | select_cnt | load_balance_node |




0 | pg1 | 1922 | up | 0.500000 | standby | 0 | true | 0

1 | pg2 | 1922 | up | 0.500000 | primary | 1 | false | 0

psql -h vip -p 9999 -U john -d testdb

pg_ctl -m fast stop
此时备库的 pgpool 切换脚本会把备库切换成主库,提供主库服务。
检查 文件,发现里面的 primary_conninfo 内容还在,需要把该行注
创建 standby.signal 文件:
primary_conninfo = 'host=pg1 application_name=standby_pg2 port=1922 user=repl
password=oracle options=''-c wal_sender_timeout=5000'''
restore_command = 'cp /home/postgres/arch/%f %p'
archive_cleanup_command = 'pg_archivecleanup /home/postgres/arch %r'
standby_mode = on
修改 文件:
primary_conninfo = 'user=repl passfile=''/home/postgres/.pgpass'' host=pg1
application_name=standby_pg2 port=1922 sslmode=disable sslcompressio
n=0 gssencmode=disable krbsrvname=postgres target_session_attrs=any'
new timeline 8 forked off current database system timeline 7 before current recovery point
使用 pg_rewind 进行恢复:
pg_rewind --target-pgdata $PGDATA --source-server='host= port=1922
user=postgres dbname=testdb'
pg_rewind: servers diverged at WAL location 1/410000A0 on timeline 7
pg_rewind: rewinding from last common checkpoint at 1/41000028 on timeline 7

pg_rewind: Done!
注意 rewind 以后会自动把 standby.signal 文件删除,以及修改 文件,

Pgpool 发生问题,只是到账 vip 发生漂移,不会影响主备库的状态,也不会影响业务。
主库数据库如果关闭或者异常中断,那么 pgpool 就会备库切换成主库,提供服务,不
所以以后如果要维护数据库,想不发生主备库切换,需要先停止 pgpool 进程,然后再


for i in {1..10000}
#echo $i
psql -p 9999 -U postgres -h vip -d postgres -c "SELECT * FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = $i"



postgres=# show pool_nodes;

node_id | hostname | port | status | lb_weight | role | select_cnt | load_balance_node | replication_delay


0 | pg1 | 1922 | up | 0.500000 | standby | 698745 | false | 0

1 | pg2 | 1922 | up | 0.500000 | primary | 2005824 | true | 0

8.2、pgbench 工具测试
pgbench -i testdb
pgbench -c 30 -T 20 -h vip -p 9999 -U postgres -r testdb

starting vacuum...end.
transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)>
scaling factor: 100
query mode: simple
number of clients: 30
number of threads: 1
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 22493
latency average = 80.087 ms
tps = 374.591718 (including connections establishing)
tps = 374.608719 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.002 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
0.001 \set bid random(1, 1 * :scale)
0.000 \set tid random(1, 10 * :scale)
0.000 \set delta random(-5000, 5000)
2.166 BEGIN;
8.840 UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;
2.260 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
3.446 UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;
9.520 UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;
2.383 INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES
(:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
51.283 END;
该测试用例只会在主库上操作,因为是 dml 操作,所以只能连接到主库。
postgres=# show pool_nodes;
node_id | hostname | port | status | lb_weight | role | select_cnt | load_balance_node | replication_delay


0 | pg1 | 1922 | up | 0.500000 | standby | 414026 | false | 99424

1 | pg2 | 1922 | up | 0.500000 | primary | 572956 | true | 0

注意 replication_delay 有了值,经过观察是备库做同步的时候延迟行数,只有在测试过程中才会出现,等同步完成就

8.3、进行 select 压力测试,2 个节点负载均衡:

pgbench -c 30 -T 30 -S -h vip -p 9999 -U postgres -r testdb

starting vacuum...end.
transaction type: <builtin: select only>
scaling factor: 100
query mode: simple
number of clients: 30
number of threads: 1
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 188317
latency average = 9.565 ms
tps = 3136.558834 (including connections establishing)
tps = 3136.724522 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.001 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
9.524 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;

duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 169220
latency average = 10.653 ms
tps = 2816.036003 (including connections establishing)
tps = 2816.167417 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.001 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
10.616 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;

duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 192090
latency average = 9.374 ms
tps = 3200.446677 (including connections establishing)
tps = 3200.575641 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.001 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
9.337 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;

8.4、把备库脱离出集群,进行单机测试,注意-n 后面是节点的标识符,show pool_nodes

pcp_detach_node -h vip -p 9898 -U postgres -n 1

pgbench -c 30 -T 60 -S -h vip -p 9999 -U postgres -r testdb

通过观察 select_cnt,备库统计没有发生变化。
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 148438
latency average = 12.136 ms
tps = 2471.925771 (including connections establishing)
tps = 2472.039335 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.001 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
12.097 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 192639
latency average = 9.351 ms
tps = 3208.339596 (including connections establishing)
tps = 3208.466385 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.001 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
9.317 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 197665
latency average = 9.113 ms
tps = 3291.849823 (including connections establishing)
tps = 3291.959408 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.001 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
9.084 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;


pgbench -c 60 -T 60 -S -h vip -p 9999 -U postgres -r postgres

duration: 80 s
number of transactions actually processed: 266983
latency average = 18.006 ms
tps = 3332.161044 (including connections establishing)
tps = 3332.301769 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.001 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
17.905 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
duration: 80 s
number of transactions actually processed: 271234
latency average = 17.714 ms
tps = 3387.202774 (including connections establishing)
tps = 3387.367938 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.001 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
17.604 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;

pcp_attach_node -h vip -p 9898 -U postgres -n 1

pgbench -c 30 -T 60 -S -h pg2 -p 1922 -U postgres -r postgres
starting vacuum...end.
transaction type: <builtin: select only>
scaling factor: 100
query mode: simple
number of clients: 30
number of threads: 1
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 78748
latency average = 22.880 ms
tps = 1311.215262 (including connections establishing)
tps = 1311.247768 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.001 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
22.848 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 80374
latency average = 22.413 ms
tps = 1338.480191 (including connections establishing)
tps = 1338.512735 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.001 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
22.385 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 78871
latency average = 22.840 ms
tps = 1313.458523 (including connections establishing)
tps = 1313.492331 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.001 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
22.811 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;

8.7、连接 vip 进行负载均衡测试:

postgres=# show pool_nodes;
node_id | hostname | port | status | lb_weight | role | select_cnt | load_balance_node | replication_delay


0 | pg1 | 1922 | up | 0.500000 | standby | 711909 | false | 8440

1 | pg2 | 1922 | up | 0.500000 | primary | 2015619 | true | 0

Select_cnt 统计不断发生变化,说明两个节点都被分配了查询任务,实现负载均衡。

pgbench -c 30 -T 60 -S -h vip -p 9999 -U postgres -r postgres

starting vacuum...end.
transaction type: <builtin: select only>
scaling factor: 100
query mode: simple
number of clients: 30
number of threads: 1
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 136558
latency average = 13.195 ms
tps = 2273.668774 (including connections establishing)
tps = 2273.778799 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.002 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
13.155 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;

duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 130250
latency average = 13.829 ms
tps = 2169.355643 (including connections establishing)
tps = 2169.458627 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.002 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
13.791 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;

duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 156074
latency average = 11.540 ms
tps = 2599.621368 (including connections establishing)
tps = 2599.749783 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.002 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
11.508 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;

duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 155708
latency average = 11.571 ms
tps = 2592.586873 (including connections establishing)
tps = 2592.706989 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.002 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
11.539 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;

通过分析,发现通过网络连接到单机进行查询时所花平均时间为 22 秒;但是通过网络
连接到 vip(集群)进行查询时,所花平均时间为 12 秒,可以看出负载均衡还是起到了作用。
单机的 tps 平均为 1313,集群的 tps 为 2592。

pgbench -c 30 -T 60 -S -h pg2 -p 1922 -U postgres
latency average = 2.614 ms
tps = 11474.575733 (including connections establishing)
tps = 11474.786866 (excluding connections establishing)

8.8、pgpool.conf 中与连接数量相关的参数:

# - Concurrent session and pool size -

num_init_children = 120 #后台产生等待连接的进程

# ps -ef|grep request
# pgpool: wait for connection request
max_pool = 4
# 在 pgpool-II 子进程中缓存的最大连接数。当有新的连接使用相同的用户名连接到相同的数据库,
pgpool-II 将重用缓存的连接。如果不是,则 pgpool-II 建立一个新的连接到 PostgreSQL。如果缓存
的连接数达到了 max_pool,则最老的连接将被抛弃,并使用这个槽位来保存新的连接。默认值为 4。
如果该参数设置太少的话,用下面的测试用例只能支持最多 30 个并发连接:

8.9、调整 pg 数据库的最大连接数为 1000,然后再测试:

pgbench -c 100 -T 60 -S -h vip -p 9999 -U postgres -r postgres
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 97337
latency average = 61.851 ms
tps = 1616.801225 (including connections establishing)
tps = 1616.907355 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.003 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
61.087 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 90861
latency average = 61.344 ms
tps = 1630.148983 (including connections establishing)
tps = 1630.231327 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.002 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
60.663 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 105577
latency average = 57.013 ms
tps = 1753.979544 (including connections establishing)
tps = 1754.060665 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.003 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
56.487 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 108602
latency average = 55.300 ms
tps = 1808.315176 (including connections establishing)
tps = 1808.403380 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.003 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
54.867 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;

duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 101261
latency average = 59.440 ms
tps = 1682.356283 (including connections establishing)
tps = 1682.430350 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.003 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
58.966 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 100418
latency average = 59.951 ms
tps = 1668.027917 (including connections establishing)
tps = 1668.093257 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.003 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
59.473 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 132744
latency average = 45.252 ms
tps = 2209.859230 (including connections establishing)
tps = 2209.937983 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.002 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
45.009 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;

duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 76405
latency average = 78.842 ms
tps = 1268.357245 (including connections establishing)
tps = 1268.400040 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.002 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
78.098 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 112301
latency average = 53.503 ms
tps = 1869.039670 (including connections establishing)
tps = 1869.105436 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.001 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
53.226 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;

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