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01 SEAFDEC/AQD Publications Brochures and flyers


Seed production of the native catfish

Clarias macrocephalus [Brochure]

Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center

Downloaded from, SEAFDEC/AQD's Institutional Repository

Seed production
of the
native catfish

Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
October 1999
he freshwater Broodstock development
catfish Clarias and management
macrocephalus i s Catfish broodstock can be
native to the Philip- obtained from lakes, rivers,
tributaries and other freshwater
pines but is fast be- bodies, and caught by hand or
coming scarce in many indigenous fish traps. C. macro-
natural habitats. cephalus was reported to abound
It is a favorite food fish due to in the Bicol region, Palawan,
its tender and delicious meat. and some areas in Mindanao.
Recently, farming of C. macro- Sexes are separate in
cephalus has gained interest catfish. Males have elongated
among catfish growers. Like urogenital papillae around the
other catfish species, it is anus, whereas females have a
resistant to diseases, can be simple round opening.
stocked at high densities, and
tolerates low water quality.
The catfishes C. macroce-
phalus a n d C. batrachus a re
almost similar in size and
appearance, but differ by the
shape of the occipital process
in the head portion. The
occipital process is blunt or
rounded in C. macrocephalus and
pointed in C. batrachus.
C. macrocephalus also has small
white spots along the sides of
the body.

C. macrocephalus C. batrachus

blunt pointed
occipital occipital
process process
Catfish are carnivores, but
can feed on small bottom-
dwelling animals, rice bran,
kitchen refuse, fish meal, or
formulated feeds. Broodstock
fe d a SEAFDEC-formulated diet
with 43% protein had similar
reproductive and larval quality
as those fed ‘trash fish.’
Catfish mature at about 6-8
months of age. Larger mature
females produce more eggs than
smaller females. About 20-90
eggs/g body weight (BW) can be
stripped from a gravid female
after hormone injection.
Captive C. macrocephalus
contain eggs and sperm the
whole year but do not spawn
by themselves. Artificial propa-
gation of C. macrocephalus
involves inducing the gravid
females to spawn by injection
of different hormones, and
manually stripping the eggs
after several hours. Before
females are stripped of eggs,
male catfish are sacrificed. The
male reproductive tract is then
dissected and macerated to
obtain the milt to fertilize the
Success in induced spawn-
ing depends largely on knowl-
edge of (i) the optimum dose
of hormones to be used, and
(ii) latency period, the time
between injection of hormones
and stripping of eggs. Induced
spawning of C. macrocephalus
can be done in any of the
following ways:

Inject females with strip after

1 pituitary gland (homogenized)/100 g BW 13 - 14 h

2 I.U. of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)/g BW 13 - 18 h
0.05 µg luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogue (LHRHa)
+ 1 µg pimozide (PIM)/g BW 16 - 20 h
0.5 µ1 Ovaprim /g BW 16 - 20 h
0.2 - 0.5 µl Ovatide/g BW 16 - 20 h

Ovaprim is available from Syndel Pharmaceuticals (Canada), and Ovatide

from Hemmo Pharma (India).

Mention of trade names in this publication is not an endorsement.

Hatchery SEAFDEC publications on
Four to five days after C. macrocephalus
hatching, catfish larvae are
Fermin AC, Bolivar MEC, 1991.
stocked at 30 per liter in bigger
Larval rearing of the Philip-
tanks. They are fed natural food
pine freshwater catfish,
organisms such as newly
Clarias macrocephalus
hatched brine shrimp Artemia
(Gunther), fed live zooplank-
for three days, and the water
ton and artificial diet: a
flea Moina for another four
preliminary study. The Israeli
days. Thereafter, larvae can be
Journal of Aquaculture–
weaned to formulated diets with
Bamidgeh 43 (3): 87-94
44% protein and particle size
150-200 µm. The diet is given Fermin AC, Bolivar MEC, 1996.
twice daily to two- to four-week Weaning of the Asian catfish,
old catfish fry at a feeding rate Clarias macrocephalus
of 20% BW and to older fry at (Gunther), larvae to formu-
5-10% BW. lated dry diet. In Santiago
CB, RM Coloso, OM
Nursery Millamena, IG Borlongan
(editors), Feeds for Small-
The nursery tank or pond
Scale Aquaculture, pp. 83-87.
is fertilized ten days before
Proceedings of the National
stocking of catfish fry. Fifteen-
Seminar-Workshop on Fish
day old fry may be stocked at
Nutrition and Feeds.
200-800/m2 i n tanks and up to
SEAFDEC Aquaculture Depart-
1200/m2 in ponds. More
ment, Iloilo, Philippines
fingerlings can be obtained
when the fry are grown in net Fermin AC, Bolivar MEC,
cages suspended in either tanks Balad-on SBM, Vargas JB,
or ponds. Fingerlings are 1995. Improved hatchery
harvested after 28 days, ready rearing techniques for the
for stocking in grow-out ponds. Asian catfish Clarias macro-
cephalus (Gunther). In Lavens
P, Jaspers E, Roelant I
(editors), Proceedings of Larvi
’95 – Fish and Shellfish
Larviculture Symposium,
pp. 394-397. European Aqua-
culture Society, Special
Publications No.24, Ghent,
Santiago CB, Gonzal AC, 1997. Tan-Fermin JD, Marte CL, Ueda
Growth and reproductive H, Adachi S, Yamauchi K (in
performance of the Asian press). Effect of season on
catfish Clarias macrocephalus oocyte development and serum
(Gunther) fed artificial diets. steroid hormones in LHRHa
Journal of Applied Ichthyol- and pimozide-injected catfish
ogy 13: 37-40 Clarias macrocephalus (Gunther)
Fisheries Science
Tan-Fermin JD, 1991. Suitability
of different formalin-contain- Tan-Fermin JD, Miura T, Adachi
ing fixatives for the eggs of A, Yamauchi K, 1999. Seminal
freshwater Asian catfish, plasma composition, sperm
Clarias macrocephalus motility, and milt dilution in
(Gunther). The Israeli Journal the Asian catfish Clarias
of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh macrocephalus (Gunther).
43 (2): 57-61 Aquaculture 171: 323-338
Tan-Fermin JD, 1992. Induction Tan-Fermin JD, Miura T, Ueda H,
of oocyte maturation and Adachi S, Yamauchi K, 1997.
ovulation in the freshwater Testicular histology and serum
Asian catfish, Clarias macro- steroid hormone profiles in
cephalus by LHRHa and hatchery-bred male catfish
pimozide. Journal of Applied Clarias macrocephalus (Gunther)
Ichthyology 8: 90-98 during an annual reproductive
cycle. Fisheries Science
Tan-Fermin JD, Emata AC, 1993.
63 (5): 681-686
Induced spawning by LHRHa
and pimozide in the Asian Tan-Fermin JD, Pagador RR,
catfish Clarias macrocephalus Chavez RC, 1997 . LHRHa and
(Gunther). Journal of Applied pimozide-induced spawning of
Ichthyology 9: 89-96 Asian catfish Clarias macroceph-
alus (Gunther) at different times
Tan-Fermin JD, Ijiri S, Ueda H,
during an annual reproductive
Adachi S, Yamauchi K, 1997.
cycle. Aquaculture 148: 323-331
Ovarian development and
serum steroid hormone
profiles in hatchery-bred
For more information, contact:
female catfish Clarias macro-
cephalus (Gunther) during an Catfish Project
annual reproductive cycle. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department
Fisheries Science 63 (6): Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines
867-872 Tel: 63 (33) 335 1009, 336 2965,
336 2937
Fax: 63 (33) 3351008, 336 2891

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