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Academic Track
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo




Submitted by:
Janine E. Notorio
Mary Vanessa M. Buñol
Rossele Mae P. Maximo
Christine Kate T. Bullo
Jerrie Mia N. Pareja
Christine Kate T. Bullo
Mhisty M. Batir
Shynly A. Juaquin
Deondrei R. Emboltorio
John Matthew A. Navida
Florence Kate A. Barranco

A Research Sample
Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in EAPP
For SeniorHigh School - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

January 2024

EAPP Adviser

Academic Track
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo

Table of Contents


Title Page

Table of Contents i

List of Tables ii

List of Figures iv


Background of the Study 1

Objectives 2

Significance of the Study 2

Scope of the Study 3


Housefly (Musca domestica) 4

Rice Bran 7

Fish Entrails. 8


Tools and Materials 10

Research Design 11

Maggot Breeding 11

Harvesting 12

Drying of Samples 12

Proximate Analysis 13



Academic Track
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo


Table 1. Percentage of Substrate per Experimental Unit 10

Table 1. Comparison of Proximate Composition of the 18

Housefly Maggots (Musca domestica) Fed with Pure Fish
Entrails and Combination of Fish Entrails and Fermented
Rice Bran
Table 2. Proximate Composition of Housefly (Musca 19
domestica) within Dry Matter

Table 3. Proximate Composition of Housefly (Musca 20

domestica) Larvae in Fish Entrails and Hog (Sus
domesticus) Meat Wastes as Substrates, (Jolito, et. al,

Table 4. Wet Weight, Dry Weight, Moisture Content, & Dry Matter 20

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Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo


Figure 1. Housefly (Musca domestica) 5

Figure 2. Larvae stage of housefly (Musca domestica) 6

Figure 3. Pupa sequence of housefly (Musca domestica) 6

Figure 4. Rice (Orya sativa) bran 7

Figure 5. Fish entrails 8

Figure 6. Identification of substrates 15

Figure 7.Fermentation of rice bran 15

Figure 8.Cleaning of fish entrails 15

Figure 9. Preparation of substrates 15

Figure 10. Preparation of set-ups.Fish entrails only (left). 16

Fish entrails and fermented rice bran (right).

Figure 11.Harvesting of maggots 16

Figure 12.Obtaining wet weight of maggots Fish entrails 17

only (right) and fish entrails and fermented rice bran

Figure 13. Dry form of maggots. Fish entry only (right) 17

and fish entrails and fermented rice bran (left).

Academic Track
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo


Background and Rationale of the Study

The human population increases, the demand for animal protein rises. Thus, the
animals that give a source of protein like cows, pigs, and fishes must have a great
source of nutrients in the food consumption. Ginting, Mirrhwandono and Wahyunni
(2020) state that protein components have a vital role in an animal feed formula because
they are involved in the formation of growth tissue and are actively involved in viral
metabolisms such as enzymes, hormones, and also antibodies. Aquaculture and Inland
Fisheries Project (AIFP) (2004) as cited in Agbatogun, Ajayi, Obsenya and Okuneye
(2011) said that a healthy diet must formulate essential nutrients in the right proportions
to feed to animals.
Makinde (2015) states that insects are a natural source of food for poultry.Akhtar
and Isman (2018) states that insects have a high nutritional content, which is one of the
great advantages of using them as a sustainable food source. Insects are high in
vitamins and minerals, in addition to lipids and proteins.
Common house flies (Musca domestica) are always found in association with
humans or the activities of humans and it is the most common species found on hog and
poultry farms, horse stables and ranches. This species of fly is set to have originated on
the steppes of Central Asia (Sanchez-Arroyo & Capinera, 2017).
The use of maggot protein for fish and poultry production has been extensively
documented (Atteh & Adedoyin 1993; Sheppard et al. 2002) however, different authors
have reported different nutritional values for maggot (Aniebo, Erondu & Owen, 2008)
meals. Some of which are attributed to variations in species, age,processing method,
and source of maggot (substrate) (Atteh & Ologbenla 1993; Teguia et al. 2002).
The milling industry’s by-product, rice bran, provides for around 10% of the total
weight of rough rice (Ijaz et al., 2021). Iljaz et al. (2021) state that sterols, dietary fibers,
fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins are all vital sources found in rice (Orya sativa) bran.
High crude protein, crude fat, and moderately low crude fiber are all found in fish entrails
(Berdos et al., 2020).
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Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo

The researchers chose rice bran and fish entrails because of their high nutritional value
as a substrate for the larvae’s growth and development. Furthermore, the researchers
would like to conduct this study to give further notice and explanation to the potential of
house fly larvae as a food source. The proximate composition of house fly larvae
(Musca domestica) meal formed from a mixture of rice (Orya sativa) bran and fish
entrails will be determined and analyzed in this study using proximate analysis.

General Objective
This study would like to evaluate the proximate composition (ash, crude protein,
crude fiber, and crude fat) of House fly larvae (Musca domestica) meal from fermented
rice (Oryza sativa) bran and fish entrails.
Specific Objectives
1. To determine the crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, moisture content and ash
of Musca domestica meal from the different ratio - concentrations of fermented
O. sativa bran and fish entrails:
a. 750g fish entrails;
b. 250g O. sativa bran and 500g fish entrails (replicate 1); and
c. 250g O sativa bran and 500g fish entrail (replicate 2);
2. To compare the crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, moisture content and ash of
Musca domestica meal from the different ratio - concentrations of O. sativa
bran and fish entrails:

Significance of the Study

This study connects to zero hunger, one of the United Nations 17 Sustainable
Development Goals (SDG). Thus, it will be a great endeavor to conduct this study for
the people.
Agencies like the Department of Agriculture would also benefit from this study to
gather information for their projects and determine various substrates on housefly larvae
(Musca domestica) as alternative food sources.

Academic Track
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo

The result of this study is beneficial to the poultry breeders that generally use
feed as their food source and to provide cheaper food sources for their poultry.

Furthermore, the consumers and sellers will benefit from this study.Healthier
meat products will be produced, which will help the health of those people who love to
eat meat daily.
To future researchers,this study will serve as a reference. To shed light, to
analyze and compare it in their studies.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This present investigation would like to evaluate the proximate composition of
housefly maggot (Musca domestica) meal produced from the decomposition of rice
(Orya sativa) bran and fish entrails that will be evaluated to determine the crude protein,
amino acids, crude fiber, and ash contents. This house fly will be then generated as a
substitute for the food of pigs and other poultry animals. This study will only evaluate the
mixture generated from rice bran and fish entrails all throughout the process.
Due to financial constraints, there will only be three trials to be conducted to
provide thorough examination and to check the results. The duration of the study will be
approximately 30 days or one month.

Academic Track
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo

Review of Related Literature

In this chapter, the researchers present a brief description of the literature

relevant to their study, Proximate Composition of Housefly Larvae (Musca domestica)
Generated from Mixture of Rice (Orya sativa) Bran and Fish Entrails.

Housefly (Musca domestica)

The housefly, scientifically known as Musca domestica, can be found anywhere,
especially in areas where humans inhabit. It is well-known that house flies are believed
to have originated in the Eastern hemisphere's temperate zones.
House flies have short antennae, a gray thorax with four darker longitudinal
stripes, and a gray or yellow abdomen with a darker median line and uneven
pattern(Doctor, 2017). When it comes to the abdomen, there are eight segments in
males and nine segments in females. The first five segments in females are visible
externally. It said the last four segments are normally retracted, but they make the
ovipositor when the female lays her eggs. This enables females to bury the eggs several
mm below the surface. Females are slightly larger than males. It has only one pair of
wings.The second pair is reduced to halteres, which are employed to keep everything
under check. Their wings are translucent, and when not in use, they fold back straight
(Ian, 2020). Houseflies are 5-7 mm long, 6.35 mm long on average (Borror, et al.,1989;
Dahlem, 2003; Hewitt, 1914; Marshall, 2006; Robinson, 2005; Swan and Papp, 1972; as
cited by Doctor,2013).
Erlich (n.d) states that house flies are generated feeders, meaning they will
consume anything from food to animal and human deces. Erlich (n.d.) also added that
they can only eat liquids because of their spongy mouths, thus they must regurgitate
food to liquify it. They are drawn to a wide range of things, including overripe fruits and
vegetables, animal dung and sweet foods (Erlich, n.d.).
It is well-known that the house fly is an alternative food source for other
organisms. Nutritional analysis by Ian (2020) found that it contains approximately 71.4%
water, 18.6% protein, 5% fats, and 5% salt and carbohydrates. Thus, this suggests that

Academic Track
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo

the housefly is an alternative for protein acquisition and serves as a food resource for
other organisms. Maggots were seen as a potential resource for meat acquisition to help
aid the increasing population growth and pressure for more meat products. Nutritional
analysis of housefly larvae showed they were great as high protein food ingredients.

Figure 1. Housefly (Musca domestica)

(USDAGov, 2021)

● Life cycle

According to Ian (2020), the life cycle of a housefly can last up to 7-10 days
however, it can last up to two months due to poor conditions. It has four stages: egg,
larvae, pupa, and adult. Ian (2020) states that within a year, it can produce 20
generations in tropical regions. Whereas, it can produce up to 10-12 generations in
temperate regions. The first stage is the egg stage. The eggs are laid 75-150 eggs per
batch with around 1.2 mm in length per egg. The amount of eggs a female house fly can
reproduce is proportional to its body size thus, the larger the female, the larger the
number of eggs she can lay. Typically, a female house fly can lay up to 500 eggs in
three to four days.

The second stage is the larvae stage. Ian (2020) states The larva is a 3 to 9 mm
long creamy-white maggot with a cylindrical shape that tapers towards the end. It has
only a mouth equipped with two black hooks on its head to live. At this stage, the larvae
don’t have eyes, legs, or appendages. West (1951); Sanchez-Arroyo & Capinera (2017),
cited by Ian (2020), states that it is divided into 13 sections, 12 of which are visible. It
goes through three instars (i.e. molts twice) before becoming a maggot measuring 7 to

Academic Track
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo

12 mm in length. It takes 4 to 13 days at optimum temperatures (23°C - 30°C) or 14 to

30 days at suboptimal temperatures (12°C - 17°C) to finish its development.

Figure 2. Larvae stage of housefly (Musca domestica)

(Krok, n.d.)

The third stage is the pupae stage. In this stage, the oval pupa measures around
8 mm in length. The color of the pupa varies as it ages, from creamy-white to yellow,
brown, red, and finally black. It takes 2 to 6 days to develop at temperatures of 32°C to
37°C, or 17 to 27 days at temperatures around 14°C (Sanchez-Arroyo & Capinera,

Figure 3. Pupa sequence of housefly (Musca domestica)

( Kalisch, n.d.)

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Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo

The fourth stage is the adult stage. The adult housefly appears from the pupa
case by expanding its head. They can live for around 15-20 days. In some cases,
houseflies can live until two months at cooler temperatures and with ample food
resources (Sanchez-Arroyo & Capinera, 2017).

Rice Bran (Orya sativa)

EdiBran PH (2018) states that rice bran, also known as "Darak" in the
Philippines, is a by-product of the milling industry.According to Ijaz et al.,
(2021),accounts for about 10% of the
total weight of raw rice. WebMD (n.d.) states that rice bran comes from the outer layer of
rice (Oryza sativa).
Rice (Orya sativa) bran and rice polish (finely powdered bran and starch resulting
from polishing) are occasionally utilized as livestock feed (Britannica, n.d.).In Japan,
Asia, particularly India, Rice (Orya sativa) bran oil is famous as “healthy oil”. EdiBran
PH (2018) states that it is used as an alternative or additive to livestock feed since it is
cheap. In 2018, EdiBran PH also mentioned that it only costs ₱12.00/kilo.
Rice (Orya sativa) bran is used for treating diabetes, high blood pressure, high
cholesterol, alcoholism, obesity, and AIDS; for preventing stomach and colon cancer,
preventing heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) disease, strengthening the immune
system,increasing energy and improving athletic performance, improving liver function,
and as an antioxidant (Ohkawa T, Ebisuno S, Kitagawa M, et al.,)Rice bran could be
utilized to produce high fiber and minimum fat bakery products (Ijaz et al.,).

Figure 4. Rice (Orya sativa) bran

( Health Benefits, n.d.)

Academic Track
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo

Fish Entrails
Processing debris and other residues that are sometimes disregarded during fish
cleaning are not worthless: they often include valuable substances that, if processed and
prepared properly, can easily find consumers (Eurofish, n.d.).
Eurofish (2017) states that the potential usage of fish entrails ranges from
biodiesel, animal feed, and biogas to natural pigments and cosmetics, pharmaceutical
and medical such as dietary products, and nutraceuticals.Fish protein hydrolysis, for
example, is usually less expensive than carefully made isolates such as collagen,
keratin, or chitosan, which are used as functional components in a variety of goods
Although research and development in this subject only began a few years ago,
it is already revealing that fish and seafood waste can yield a variety of beneficial
compounds (Eurofish, 2017). Fish waste has to be processed quickly, however, for the
organic material has a low biological stability (short shelf life) due to its high water
content, its oxidation susceptibility and high enzyme activity (Eurofish,2017).
Organic material is abundant in byproducts and waste from fish processing
plants. Recycling these raw materials for future use helps to cut costs, safeguard the
environment, and ensure the long-term viability of the entire process chain (Eurofish,

Figure 5. Fish entrails

(Alamy, n.d.)

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Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo

Proximate Composition of Housefly Larvae (Musca domestica) Generated from

Mixture of Cattle Blood and Wheat Bran
According to Fasakin, et al. (2003), the proximate composition of the housefly
maggot meal from substrate mixture of cattle blood and wheat bran contained 47.1%
CP; 25.3% fat; 7.5% CF and 6.25% ash at a dry matter level of 92.7%. The crude protein
obtained in this study is a proof of the high protein content of this particular maggot

Mass Production of Maggots for Fish Feed using Naturally Occurring Adult
Houseflies (Musca domestica)
The crude protein contents of housefly maggot meal (HMM) production were
differently affected by length of culture The mean crude protein (46.69%) of HMM from
all the three lengths of culture was higher than the reported average of 38.9% (Ogunji et
al., 2006).

The crude fat content of housefly maggot meal (HMM) is 25.92% that falls within
the range 19.64% (Hussein et al., 2017) and 25.35% (Aniebo & Owen, 2010). The
increase in crude fat content with increased length of culture could also be linked to
accumulation of fat through the active feeding process with larval development.

Lastly, higher ash content in housefly maggot meal (HMM) harvested on the post
oviposition could be also linked to a higher level of minerals, accumulated for cuticle
formation (Liu et al., 2017). A similar higher ash content (10.1%) was observed in
maggot meal with chopped mango attractant harvested after 120 hours of culture
(Ukanwoko & Olalekan, 2015).Generally, the nutrient contents of the produced housefly
maggot meal are adequate to be used as the major source of protein in tilapia diets.

Academic Track
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo

Materials and Methods

This chapter aims to evaluate the approximate composition of the housefly

maggots (Musca domestica) fed with fermented rice bran and fish entrails in different
percent concentrations.
The proximate composition of the housefly maggot will be evaluated to determine
the crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, moisture content and ash. Three percent
concentrations of rice bran and fish entrails will be utilized for the experimentation. The
percent concentrations of the rice bran and fish trails is shown in table 1. All set ups will
be conducted once.

Table 1. Percentage of substrate per experimental mixture

Rice Bran and Fish Entrails Mixtures

Rice Bran Fish Entrails

Pure Fish Entrails 0% 100%

Fish Entrails and Rice Bran 33.33% 66.67%

Tools and Materials

The following tools and materials that are used in this study:clips,sprinkler,
masks, gloves, 1000 grams (g) of rice bran, 1750 grams (g) of fish entrails, House fly
(Musca domestica),6 tupperware with lids, 90 grams(g) of yeast powder, plastic bag,
tulle fabric, wooden flat wood, steamer, black polythene sheets, aluminum foil, digital
weighing scale, airtight plastic container, water, newspaper, fish net, lab gown, and
measuring spoons.
The researchers obtained the following tools and materials in the Janiuay Public
Market.Fish entrails were collected from the fish section of the said place. Prior to the

Academic Track
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo

experiment, each substrate was sealed inside of an airtight container to ensure that no
larvae were present.

Fermentation of Rice Bran

The fermentation process was conducted in the Science Laboratory in Janiuay
National Comprehensive High School. In a large container, the researchers moistened
the rice bran with 750 mL:1000 grams (g) ratio until the rice bran becomes "pero"; the
rice bran was tightly squeezed, it did not drip. The wad of rice bran did not spread while
the fist was open.The rice bran was steamed for 30 minutes. After that, the researchers
allowed the rice bran to cool to room temperature before mixing in the yeast until
uniformly distributed. The ratio of rice bran and yeast is 1 kilo: 60g. Then, the rice bran
was placed in a firmly sealed container or plastic bag for 6 days.The said fermentation
was based on Kambingjoinim (n.d).

Cleaning of Fish Entrails

The process was conducted in Captain Tirador St., Janiuay, Iloilo. The
researchers drained the 1750 grams of fish entrails after cleaning them with water. Next,
the researchers placed them in a new plastic container.

Preparation of Substrate
The researchers prepared one sample of every mixture for there will be one trial
of the experiment. After the fermentation and preparation of fish entrails, they prepared
three different substrates with different concentrations consisting of (mixture 1- 750
grams fish entrail, mixture 2- 250 grams rice bran and 500 grams fish entrails). Then,
the researchers mixed the three different mixtures of rice bran and fish entrails
individually. A total of 750 grams of each experimental mixture. The weight of every
substrate is the same so that the results will be fair and accurate.Lastly, the substrates
were placed in a container and were placed open to establish breeding colonies
(oviposition) for 12 hours.

Maggot Breeding

Academic Track
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo

Adult house flies was collected by attracting letting them go to the substrates to
establish breeding colonies (oviposition).After twelve hours, the units was covered with
tulle fabrics to prevent houseflies from entering inside the containers and housefly larvae

from leaving the container during its growth stage. The plastic units were also then
covered with black polythene sheets to provide darkness. The substrates were covered
with perforated black polythene sheets to provide darkness and were kept moist by
sprinkling water once daily (Hezron, et. al., 2019) in the afternoon. Cages were located
in a room with a photoperiod of 12 hrs light and 12 hrs darkness, temperature of 25 ± 2
°C, and ambient humidity (40-60%) (Hussein, et al., 2017).

After 3 days, mature maggots were harvested from a pool of maggots grown in
the substrate. The remaining substrates and housefly larvae were transferred from each
plastic unit into a different plastic culture unit, which has two chambers: the top and the
bottom. The substrates and maggots were placed in the upper compartment. To allow
the maggots to fall, the base of this chamber was screened with a fish net. The collection
chamber and place where the maggots were gathered will be the bottom chamber,
which will have a covered outlet. This set-up was based on the finished study of Hezran,
et al. (2019) for maggot production. To get the weight of the amount of water in the set-
ups, the following formula will be used:
Moisture content: [(wet weight - dry weight)/dry weight]*100
During harvesting, the substrate containing the maggots were turned up using a
wooden flat bar under intensive light. Maggots passed through the fish net and drop in
the bottom chamber where they were easily collected through the outlet of the collection

Drying of Samples
Wet maggot samples were placed in aluminium foil, flattened out and then placed
in the food dehydrator. The harvested samples were processed by microwave drying at
a temperature of 55°C until 92.7% dry matter was obtained for 33 hours. There was a
five-minute pause for every thirty-minute interval. After 35 intervals, the researchers
changed the interval to 3 hours: 30 minutes rest as advised by Ma'am Lucille Cadiz.

Academic Track
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo

Then, the dried samples were kept in an air-tight plastic container until proximate
analysis (AOAC 1990) to determine crude protein, fat, crude fiber, moisture, and ash
contents (Hussein, et al., 2017). pause for every thirty-minute interval. Then, the dried
samples were kept in an air-tight plastic container until proximate analysis (AOAC 1990)
to determine crude protein, fat, crude fiber, moisture, and ash contents (Hussein, et al.,

Proximate Analysis
The proximate analysis was conducted in the University of the Philippines -
Visayas Laboratory. Dried maggot samples were sent for the determination of ash, crude
protein, and crude fat.
Ash was obtained using the following standards described by the following the
standards described by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC). The
researchers submitted samples to the Institute of Aquaculture College of Fisheries and
Ocean Science UP Visayas.
Crude fat was obtained by using the standards Bligh and Dyer Method. The
researchers submitted samples to the Institute of Aquaculture College of Fisheries and
Ocean Science UP Visayas.
Crude protein was obtained using the following standards described by the
following the standards described by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists
(AOAC). The researchers submitted samples to the Institute of Aquaculture College of
Fisheries and Ocean Science UP Visayas.

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Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo

Figure 6. Identification of substrates

Figure 7. Fermentation of rice bran

Figure 8. Cleaning of fish entrails

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Janiuay, Iloilo

Figure 9. Preparation of substrates

Figure 10. Preparation of set-ups.Fish entrails only (left). Fish entrails and fermented rice
bran (right).

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Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo

Figure 11. Harvesting of maggots

Figure 12 .Obtaining wet weight of maggots Fish entrails only (right) and fish entrails and
fermented rice bran (left).

Figure 13. Dry form of maggots. Fish entrails only (right) and fish entrails and fermented
rice bran (left).

Academic Track
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo

Results and Discussion

Results showed that proximate composition of the housefly (Musca domestica)
larvae meal generated from two substrates which are pure fish entrails and combination
(1:2) fish entrails and fermented rice bran revealed that all values have a significant
difference of <0.5> except for the ash and crude protein.

Table 1. Proximate % Composition Housefly Maggot Fed with Pure Fish Entrails
(PFE) and Combination (1:2) Fish Entrails (FE) and Fermented Rice Bran (FRB)

Moisture Ash Lipid Crude

N % Mean + StD
Pure Fish Entrails 18.99+2.
3 18.89+.87 10.67+.53 29.32+.10

PFE (67%) + RFB 17.60+1.

3 21.78+.40 11.95+.36 29.88+.25
(33%) 58

Legend: FE – Fish Entrails, FRB – Fermented Rice Bran

Housefly larvae grown in a mixture of fermented rice bran and fish entrails as
substrates exhibit a higher moisture content 21.78% than the fish entrails alone 18.89%.
It also has a higher ash content 11.95% than the fish entrails only 10.67%. Last, it has a
higher crude protein content with 29.88% than the fish entrails only with 29.32%. While
the housefly larvae grown only in fish entrails as substrate exhibit a higher lipid with a
18.99% than the mixture of fermented rice bran and fish entrails with a 17.60%.

Academic Track
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo

Table 2. Comparison of Proximate Composition of the Housefly Maggots (Musca

domestica) Fed with Pure Fish Entrails and Combination of Fish Entrails and
Fermented Rice Bran

Moisture Ash Lipid Crude

Expressed in %+StD
100% FE* 18.89+.87 10.67+.53b 18.99+2.63a 29.32+.10a
33% FRB + 67% FE** 21.78+.40a 11.95+.36a 17.60+1.58a 29.88+.25b
Sig. – 2-Tailed Test .006 .025 .477 .022
F .910 .273 1.868 1.030
df 4 4 4 4
Legend: FE – Fish Entrails, FRB – Fermented Rice Bran, a>b, same letter-comparable
The table 2 shows the moisture of fish entrails only 18.89+.87 and the mixture of
fermented rice bran and fish entrails 21.78+.40 has a significant difference of .006.
Next, the ash of fish entrails only 18.89+.87 and the combination of fermented rice bran
and fish entrails 21.78+.40 has no significant difference (.025). Then, the lipid of fish
entrails only (18.89+.87) and the mixture of fermented rice bran and fish entrails
(21.78+.40) has a significant difference of (.477). Lastly, the crude protein of fish entrails
only (18.89+.87) and the mixture of fermented rice bran and fish entrails (21.78+.40) has
a significant difference (.022). The ratio of variance of moisture between the fish entrails
only (18.89+.87) and the mixture of fermented rice bran and fish entrails (21.78+.40)
is .910. Next, the ratio of variance of ash between the fish entrails only (18.89+.87) and
the mixture of fermented rice bran and fish entrails (21.78+.40) is .273. After that, the
ratio of variance of lipid between the fish entrails only (18.89+.87) and the mixture of
fermented rice bran and fish entrails (21.78+.40) is .477. Then, the ratio of variance of
crude protein between the fish entrails only (18.89+.87) and the mixture of fermented
rice bran and fish entrails (21.78+.40) is 1.030. Lastly, the degree of freedom is 4 which
was obtained by subtracting 2 from the total number of items within the sample data

Academic Track
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo

Table 3: Proximate Composition of Housefly (Musca domestica) Larvae in Fish

Entrails and Hog (Sus domesticus) Meat Wastes as Substrates, (Jolito, et. al,

Proximate Composition of Housefly Larvae within Dry


Fish Entrails Hog Wastes
Protein (%) 63.22+0.20* 60.66+1.14
Lipid (%) 13.30+0.22 15.31+0.90*
Ash (%) 8.09+0.47 12.07+0.91*
15.55+0.59* 11.96+0.79
Extract (%)
Dry matter (%) 13.12* 10.36

Table 4. Wet Weight, Dry Weight, Moisture Content, & Dry Matter

Wet Weight, Dry Weight, Moisture Content & %Dry Matter

S1 (FE) S2 (FRB)

Wet Weight 213 134

Dry Weight 34 25

Moisture Content (%) 526.47% 436%

Dry Matter (%) 15.96% 18.66%

Academic Track
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo

This study aimed to evaluate the proximate composition (ash, crude protein, crude
fiber, and crude fat) of House fly larvae (Musca domestica) meal from fermented rice
(Oryza sativa) bran and fish entrails. Based on the table below, housefly larvae meal
generated from fish entrails only has a protein content of 29.32±0.1044, whereas
housefly larvae meal generated from the mixture of fish entrails and fermented rice bran
has a value of 29.88±0.2450. This implies that both substrates have no significant
In line with this, based on the similar study conducted by Jolito,, (2022), the
results are challenged by their findings in their crude protein, which has a value of
StD+mean of 63.22+0.20. In the same manner, it has also been revealed that both
substrates have a lower concentration of crude protein than the maggots grown in the
mixture of cattle blood and wheat bran, which is 47.1%, according to the study
conducted by Aniebo,, (2008). In addition, the results of Hezran, et. al., (2019)
indicated that various types of substrates (cow manure, poultry manure, pig manure,
cattle offal, and kitchen leftovers), whose values are around 48.6%, 46.7%, and 44.6%,
respectively, have the same discussion that can be implied.

The dry weight of the housefly larvae generated from the fermented rice bran and
fish entrails has a higher wet weight compared to the results of Jolito, et. al., (2022) with
a wet weight of 121.46% from fish entrail meal. Moreover, the dry matter of the housefly
larvae grown in a mixture of fermented rice bran and fish entrails has a lower dry matter
as compared to the study of Nutr. (2010), as cited by Aniebo and Owen (2010), which
comprises 92.7% when ovum is dried.
The results of this study will benefit the Department of Agriculture to gather
information for their future projects to determine various substrates for housefly larvae
(Musca domestica) as alternative food sources. This will also be beneficial to poultry
breeders, who generally use feed as their food source to provide cheaper food sources
for their poultry. Additionally, healthier meat products will be produced, which will help
the health of those who love to eat meat daily. Moreover, further study in regards to the
proximate composition of housefly larvae (Musca domestica) using other substrates can
be done.

Academic Track
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Janiuay, Iloilo


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Janiuay, Iloilo


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