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UK 7+8+ Assessment

Ella Liang
微信公众号 UKBeiKao
1st Oct, 2019
10:15 – 10:30 Introduction & School Selection
10:30 – 10:45 English & VR
10:45 – 11:00 Maths & NVR
11:00 – 11:10 Break Time
11:10 – 11:30 Interview & Activities
11:30 – 11:45 Resources & Lesson Learned
11:45 – 15:00 Lunch, Drinks, Q&A

• The 7+ assessment is a competitive selection exam used by an increasing

number of top schools in London for entry into Year 3. Your child will sit
the exam whilst in Year 2.
• ‘At this age, schools feel that they can reasonably accurately assess
children’s ability, and so most select on the basis of academic ability at this
point,’ explains Susan Hamlyn, director of The Good Schools Guide Advice
Service. ‘If children are any younger than this, it’s harder to predict their
suitability for that school.’
• School Open Days – preparation, on the day, & afterwards
• Register
• Assessment Days
• Offers
• Small group/ 1 to 1 tour
• Decisions
A Good Private School for Parents
• 成绩,排名,毕业生去向
• 学校教育理念,校长背景,老师背景&稳定性
• 班级大小vs师资配备,学校场地&设施
• 课外班种类,音乐,体育,艺术,语言
• 学校位置,是否有校车
• 在校学生精神面貌,家庭背景,国际学生比例
• 男校,女校,混校?
• 11, 13, 18的学校?
• 8+ 走读vs住校生比例
We think what is good for our children… 建立在我们的经验上还是我们对自己孩子的了解?
A Good School for Children

Take your children to Open Days and let them tell you
Trial/tester day on a normal school day, or assessment day (half or whole day)
1st Round: (on paper or computer base)
• Maths, NVR (Non Verbal Reasoning)
• English, VR (Verbal Reasoning)
2nd Round:
• one to one/group Interview
• Group Activities
All schools run the 7+ assessments differently. The detailed arrangement will normally
be sent to parents prior exams in mail or email.
English – Comprehension
• 推荐方法:读完文章和问题之后,在原文中找到的答案下方划线并且标注题目
• 7+ Reading List (请下载:

• 注意事项:
• 如需回答完整句子的题目,大小写和句号很关键
• 时间 - 平时练习一定要计时
English - Composition
• 写作题目:
根据阅读理解题目发散思维型作文, a diary entry, an informal letter, a short
news report…
• 推荐方法:
1. 先构思好故事再下笔
2. 文章分三段
3. 加分点:’Wow words’ &故事主人公对话/dialogues (参照Roald Dahl)
• 注意事项:
2. 时间 - 平时练习一定要计时
Assessment – Verbal Reasoning

• The Alphabet
• Making Words (missing letter, hidden letter, word ladders, …)
• Word Meanings (rhyming words, closet/opposite words, odd one, …)
• Maths and Sequences (numbers vs letters, number sequences, …)
• Logic and Coding (letter – word codes, logical sentences, solve the riddle, …)
English & VR - Summary
• 阅读量 & 阅读广度 (Fiction, non-Fiction, newspapers, magazines…)
• 大声朗读,默读,家长陪读
• 家长提问技巧 (Open Questions, How, When, What, Where, Why, What if…)
• 注意词汇量积累 – Vocabulary Notebook/Flash Cards
• Past papers 正确率85%+ (会以邮件形式和大家分享各大学校7+试卷)
• Anywhere & Anytime
• 考前冲刺:写作高频词汇总结,阅读理解方法巩固
Assessment - Maths

• 选择题/填空题/应用题
7+知识点:counting and number patterns, Four Arithmetic calculations, Measurement, Money, Time,
Sorting/Ordering/Classifying, Comparing, Estimation, Fractions, Date & Graphs, 2D/3D shapes…

• 应用题答案写单位,最后拉分题写步骤
• 书写工整
• 仔细读题,特别是四则运算看清符号,关键词划线,送分题不能丢分
• 注意培养一题多解能力
• 时间 - 平时练习一定要计时
Assessment - NVR

• Paper or Computer based Non Verbal Reasoning

• 类型: Rotating/Reflecting Shapes, Identifying Shapes (Odd One Out or
Similar Ones), Missing Shapes, Complete the Series, 2D/3D Shapes, ….
Maths & NVR - Summary

• 加减乘除等基础知识扎实
• 生活中多一些练习机会,口算/心算,使用货币,读地图/说明书,测量
工具 …
• 注意数学词汇量积累 (为problem solving打基础) – Vocabulary
Notebook/Flash Cards
• Past papers 正确率85%+ (会以邮件形式和大家分享各大学校7+试卷)
• Anywhere & Anytime
Break Time
Group Activities
• 考察娃的在新团队/新环境的适应能力,社交能力,团队协作能力,沟通能力,是否听
• Classroom based activities, lessons, games & etc.
• Outdoor Sports/Games: running, climbing, jumping, hopping, football & etc.
• Music: singing, dancing, 有些学校会问是否在学习乐器

• Dress up – Smart but comfortable, make sure it is suitable for sport activities
1 to 1 interview tops:
• Q&A: Your hobbies? Your favourite subjects and why? Your favourite books and
why? Your favourite sports? What books are you reading now? Author? Why do you
like/dislike this book? Brief descriptions of the books. Why did you choose our
school? Do you have any pet? Your family members…
• Read a short story/a paragraph and related questions will be asked
• Mental maths,1-2位数四则运算,problem solving/应用题,大都是只需要简单

• Dress up – Smart but comfortable
• Confident –Hand shake, eye contact, & other small details (社交礼节细节)
Interview & Activities - Summary

• 增加社交活动, 如在Pre-prep,和老师沟通考试准备
• 生活中多一些练习口算/心算,单词拼写
• Anywhere & Anytime
How to Prepare for Assessments

The whole family/All family members must be prepared,

mentally and physically.
• Past papers from schools; ExamPaperPlus
• Major practise books, BOND, CGP, Schofield & Sims, Letts
• Exam notes/letters from schools
• Useful websites: IXL, Owl Tutors (free papers), Mumsnet, Good School
Guide, elevenplusexams
• then GOOGLE
What we did well?

• 充分利用学校官网和开放日/ Open Days信息

• 限量 & 有效的刷题,刷题不可避免,除了孩子需要熟悉各种题型,还需
• 数学/VR 4年级,英文/NVR 2-3年级
• 英文私教:有报考学校备考经验 & 性格和教学方法适合孩子
• 考试月越战越勇
What can be improved?

• 两次备考时间非常仓促 (3个月)
• 7+ 原本计划报5所学校,由于学校规定考试时间重叠&没有经验,最后只
• 8+ 报名太晚,只报上两所,准备不够充分
• 家长放松
What did the child say?

Be Happy!

7+, 8+, 11+, 13+


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