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Kimberlene A.

BSE 2-1
Lesson 3: Revisiting the Concept of Governance
Government is having the authority in implement rules and laws and the
one who function of governing. While the governance refers to the exercises and
process of governing the people in the society. Now we tackle about how
government implement a good governance?
This lesson made us understand on how good government help our nation
to function well. The different social forces affect governance in shaping the
society. The top three for me that need to give attention is, first, the family.
Even the family is the smallest part of our society, this part is the starting
point of the citizen. The parents should teach their child proper behavior
especially on how to communicate in different culture. Second is the religion
where teaches us having faith in Almighty God. Not only religion teach this
thing but also it teaches us on how to be act in everyday life with good moral
and having an ethics. Also the religion teaches us on how to be honest and
saying the truth with no hesitation especially if the situation is good for all
citizens. Last is the government. The government must provide the protection
of all citizens such as military defense, fire and police departments, roads,
education, social services, and environmental protection. Then the last part of
the report tackled the different prescriptions of good governance. For me, the
three important prescriptions of good governance are, responsiveness where
the government must be consider first the sake of all citizens before doing an
action or decision. It must be consider if the decision is right or wrong, or good
or bad. Second is having accountability where the government is doing their
responsibility without hesitation and in case of emergency taking the risk for
the sake of the nation. Being accountable is being honest and loyal to the
responsibility that has given. The government also is responsible if one of it
part is affected. Last, human rights cultural diversity and social cohesion. In
our society, everyone is deserving to receive equal treatment of our government
on in other term “no one will left behind”. We are all people in this nation, so
we are all deserving to have rights in our government such as having
education, proper treatment by others, and to be respected by all people
whatever your state in this nation.

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