Alpha420 eBook Recipes Updated and Clean (1)

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Infusion Tips & Recipes 1


Why Edibles ..................................................................................................................................................... 03

Craft Your Own Experience ............................................................................................................... 03

New to Edibles .............................................................................................................................................. 04

Calculating T_C Dosages ..................................................................................................................... 05

Decarboxylation FAQs .................................................................................................................... 06

Base Infusion Recipes ............................................................................................................................. 09

10 Tips to Make Gummies .................................................................................................................... 18

Gummies ............................................................................................................................................................ 20

Snacks ................................................................................................................................................................. 23

Main Dishes ..................................................................................................................................................... 31

Sweets ................................................................................................................................................................ 37

Candy .................................................................................................................................................................... 47

Drinks .................................................................................................................................................................... 56

Topicals ................................................................................................................................................................ 65

Infusion Tips & Recipes 2

Edibles are cooking up a storm, rapidly growing in popularity. Edibles have come a long way
from the magic brownies of yesterday. Think infused gummies, decadent chocolates, savory
sauces, condiments, cookies, beverages and more.

Edibles can be eaten discretely, anytime, anywhere. They are a simple, smoke-free alternative
to get your dose.

Edibles are healthier. You can try your favorite herb without the negative effects of smoking,
especially for those with allergies, asthma, etc. Edibles are safer for your throat, lungs and
airways without all the carcinogens and crud that come with smoking.


Store-bought edibles cost a small fortune, contain ingredients that can’t be pronounced, and
are loaded with sugar.

Many consumers are choosing to bake their own loaded desserts. Consumers choose their
own preferred ingredients, their favorite strains, thus controlling their own dosages.

Say hello to gluten free, sugar free, keto, locally sourced or organic ingredients, and savory
flavors and goodbye to unwanted preservatives or ineffective strains.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 3


Start Slow and Low

If you are new to edibles, start slow and low. Edibles will creep up on you. Smoking hits almost
immediately, ingesting takes time to feel the effects and lasts longer. Edibles “have a reputation
for being the most powerful method” of consumption.

A rule of thumb: start with small doses and wait almost 2 hours to really judge effects. Give
yourself plenty of time before deciding “I’m not feeling anything yet.” Think twice before eating
the second half of that brownie.

Then increase your dose if necessary. Keep your second dose low to avoid overconsuming
and getting too strong a reaction. For beginners, try between 1-5 milligrams of T_C to start
with. Infused oils or butters can be very potent, particularly coconut oil with lecithin.
The effects of eating your favorite herb last longer. Smoking can be felt typically for 2-3 hours,
Edibles can last up to 4-6 hours.

Hitting that Sweet Spot

Finding your personal potency level will be bit of trial and error. Patience and a good attitude
are key as you determine your personal preference.

The ideal edible dose depends on a lot of things, including tolerance, individual body chemistry
and experience you are looking for. Each person’s response is unique and can vary significantly.
Keep experimenting until you hit that sweet spot.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 4

For proper dosing, it’s important to get the math straight. No one wants to end up…

Numerous apps exist online to help you calculate dosages, some easier to understand than

Following are guidelines for calculating T_C dosages, old school style with some math in-
volved. They might seem intimidating at first, but once you work thru it a couple of times, it
will be clear and easy.

Strain Potency

First, find out the T_C potency for the strain you are cooking with. Check strain databases and

If you don’t know, start with a general estimate of 10% T_C. Most strains have about 10%, 15-
20% is above average, 21% or greater is very strong.

Calculate T_C Dosing

1. Weigh your dry plant material (grams)

2. Convert the weight to milligrams
3. Multiply weight by the T_C percentage
4. Determine total infusion amount
5. Calculate percentage of T_C used in your recipe. Divide the amount used in your recipe
by the total infused amount made
6. Divide by the servings to calculate a per-serving T_C dose

Might sound complicated, but let’s break it down with an easy example.

You made an infusion with 2.5 cups of butter and 2 grams of flower. You then used 1 cup of
butter to make 20 cookies. How much T_C does each cookie have?
1. 2 grams of flower
2. 2 grams = 2,000mg

Infusion Tips & Recipes 5

3. If the strain is 10% T_C, 10% of 2,000mg is 200mg.
.10 x 2,000mg = 200mg T_C
4. Your infusion made 2.5 cups of butter
5. Your recipe calls for 1 cup of butter
1 cup of butter / 2 ½ cups of infusion = 40% (aka .40)
200mg (Total T_C of Infusion) x .4 (Infusion Amount Used in Recipe) = 80mg
6. Your recipe makes 20 cookies
80mg / 20 cookies
Each cookie has 4mg of T_C


What is Decarboxylation?

Yes, you need to start here. Your edibles will be stronger thanks to this process.

Decarboxylation might sound intimidating and like high school science that no one wants to
remember. But once you experience its benefits, you will want to remember this amazing

Let’s demystify the process. Simply put, decarboxylation uses heat to transform and activate
your favorite herb into the magic we all love it for.

Most people are familiar with heating the herb via smoking. Smoking instantly converts it into
But without heating, the raw herb won’t do anything for you, it mainly contains T_CA. Heating
the herb removes this unwanted “A” (aka carboxylic acid group) and converts it to T_C.

Apply the right heat for the correct time period. It is now chemically activated for your body
and ready for consumption.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 6

Decarb Properly for Stronger Edibles

Like with any science, the closer you follow the formula, the better your results.
If you bake your herb at precise decarb temperatures, YES, you can make your herb more

What is the best temperature for decarbing?

Experts say that 240°F is the “sweet spot” temperature to decarb the herb. T_CA converts to
T_C while still preserving many other beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes.

Can I speed up Decarbing?

Proper decarbing is slow and low.

One might be tempted to bake at higher temperatures to speed up decarbing. Some sites
even advise this. However, know that valuable terpenes will be burned off and lost at higher

Higher temperatures or longer baking times activate other cannabinoids like CBD or CBN
making T_C less effective.

“Speed decarbing” is a myth. Trust us, proper decarboxylation will be worth the wait.

Do I have to decarb before I infuse?

This is our most often asked question. The biggest misconception people have is that decar-
bing and infusion happen at the same time.

No matter what you are baking or blending, remember the Alpha420 mantra “Heat to Eat”.

To get the maximum T_C in your infusion, you must decarb BEFORE you infuse. If you don’t
decarb first, your product will only be 10-25% activated. Your spending good money on your
herb. Don’t settle for weak edibles.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 7


Yes, you need to start here. Your edibles will be stronger thanks to this process.

Following are base infusions recipes for herb infused butter, oil, tincture or sugar. Start here to
create your infusions and then use these infusions in other recipes.

For infusion amounts, please follow the minimum to maximum guidelines of your machine.

EdiWhip: 2 ½ - 5 cups
Ediwhip 2.0: 1 ¼ - 3 ½ cups
EdiOven: no minimum – 1 cup

Infusion Tips & Recipes 8

Make your toast pop with some herb-infused butter, the most famous infusion base.

Infused butter is a delicious and versatile carrier for T_C and other cannabinoids. Its high saturated fat
content makes it work well and can be used in practically any recipe.

Use regular unsalted butter or clarified butter (ghee) depending on your preference.

Flavor your butter and get creative. Dress up this base recipe by adding ingredients like honey and
lavender, roasted garlic and chives, roasted jalapeno and cilantro-lime, raspberry jam or other delicious

Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1-5 cups softened butter depending on your 1. Place the ingredients into your machine. Put
machine model the lid on when complete.
• ¼ - 1 oz decarbed plant material per cup 2. Select the Butter preset or 160 F for 2:00.
• 1 Tbsp sunflower lecithin liquid or powder per 3. When the cycle is finished, strain through a
cup filter using an oven mitt.
4. Pour into butter molds, cover and refrigerate.


• Do not use margarine or water.

• Do not use cold, firm butter. Soften first.
• For best potency results, we recommend clarifying your butter or using ghee. To clarify, gently melt
and simmer the butter. Discard the milk solids and surface foam. Use the clear golden liquified

Infusion Tips & Recipes 9

Infusion Tips & Recipes 10
Oil infusions are trending and can be readily used in endless recipes. Most popular is Coconut Oil. Its
higher fat content better absorbs the active ingredient.

You may also use olive, grapeseed, sunflower, almond, walnut, sesame, avocado, macadamia, or pea-
nut oil.

NOT recommended are soybean, canola, extra virgin olive or corn oil.

Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1-5 cups cooking oil depending on your ma- 1. Place the ingredients into your machine. Put
chine model the lid on when complete.
• ¼ - 1 oz decarbed plant material per cup 2. Select the Oil preset or 160 F for 1:30.
• 1 Tbsp sunflower lecithin liquid or powder per 3. When the cycle is finished, strain through a
cup filter using an oven mitt.
4. Pour into a mason jar and cover. Keep the oil

TIPS For Coconut Oil:

• Adjust the Oil timer setting to 2 Hrs as coconut oil is a thicker consistency.
• Do not use cold, firm coconut oil. Warm it to liquify it.
• Unrefined (organic) coconut oil will have more noticeable coconut flavor than refined coconut oil.
Refined will be neutral with very little coconut taste.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 11

Infusion Tips & Recipes 12
Tinctures are alcohol extracted products. Alcohol is extremely efficient in pulling the active ingredients
from your herbs.

A few drops are placed under the tongue. Small capillaries in the mouth rapidly absorb the active in-
gredients for quick effects that typically last awhile.

Tinctures break down rapidly if exposed to heat or light. Tinctures should be kept in sealed, dark con-
tainers, kept away from heat or light.

Glycerin can be used rather than alcohol but is only about 1/3 as potent for the same amount of herbs.

Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1-5 cups Everclear, 151 or 190 proof depend- 1. Place the ingredients into your machine. Put
ing on your machine model the lid on when complete.
• ¼ - 1 oz decarbed plant material per cup 2. Select the Tincture preset or 130 F for 3:00.
3. When the cycle is finished, strain through a
filter using an oven mitt.
4. Pour into dark amber colored bottles.
5. Refrigerate or store in a cool dry place.
6. Tinctures can be reduced by either cooking
the alcohol off or letting it evaporate. The
syrup like solution can be used in recipes such
as gummies.

• Do not use machine near open flames or hot surfaces. High proof alcohols are extremely flamma-
ble. No smoking and use in a well ventilated area.

• Do not add water or lecithin

Infusion Tips & Recipes 13

Infusion Tips & Recipes 14

Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1 cup Honey 1. Place the ingredients into your EdiOven. If

• 1 Tablespoon herb infused coconut oil using the EdiWhip, the machine minimum is
2.5 cups.
2. Set the machine to 105F for 40 minutes. Stir

• Dry in a safe area. Do not cover with an airtight lid, it must be breathable for the alcohol

Infusion Tips & Recipes 15


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1 cup herb-infused tincture 1. Add the sugar to a glass baking dish

2. Pour the tincture over the sugar.
• 1 cup white sugar (may also use brown, cane,
3. Stir well.
coconut, turbinado sugar) 4. Dry in a safe area. Do not cover with an airtight
lid, it must be breathable for the alcohol to
5. Stir every few hours. Let the mixture air dry for
48-72 hours or until completely dry.
6. It is ready when it crumbles like traditional
7. Store in an airtight container and enjoy!

• Note: Artificial powdered sweeteners such as Splenda will not work.

• To speed up evaporation, bake at 200F, stirring regularly until alcohol has evaporated.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 16


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1 gm decarbed flower 1. Place milk and flower into the canister

• 4 cups whole milk 2. Set temperature to 140F for 30 minutes
3. Cool, strain mixture using either cheesecloth
or mesh bag
4. Enjoy by itself or mix it into another drink

Infusion Tips & Recipes 17


Everyone wants gummies. Chewy, gooey, wiggly, delicious goodness so easy to pop in your mouth,
anywhere, anytime.

Gummies are great medibles; the equal sizes give consistent dosing. You know what to expect.

Maybe you want gummies that help you sleep, gummies for stress, gummies for nerve pain, or gum-
mies for fun.

Homemade gummies can be tricky to make but with a few easy tips, anyone can make gummy bears,
candy or worms.

Following are 10 tips to help make your gummy recipes easy.

1. Use T_C infused MCT Oil or Coconut Oil. MCT is a clear liquid and gives a more traditional gummy
experience, clear gummies that jiggle. MCT Oil has no flavor or smell and won’t detract from your
gummy flavor. Coconut Oil tastes ok and remains solid at room temperature, hence more firm, dense
2. Stirring - Stirring is key! If not stirred well enough, the oil can separate from the gummy mix. If foam
develops on top, you have stirred too much. Simply skim off the foam and slow down a bit.
3. Keto, sugar free gummies – Use sugar free jello instead! Use a 0.3oz packet of sugar free jello
instead of the 3oz packet of regular jello. Lose the sugar but keep your jello flavor.
4. Unflavored gelatin – Unflavored gelatin has no color or flavor but gives the gummy consistency
everyone enjoys.
5. Lecithin - To prevent your gummies from separating (the oil and water/juice), use lecithin. Lecithin
is tasteless, but it’s important job is to keep ingredients together in recipes. Either liquid or powered
lecithin will do the job. Some say liquid does a better job because it mixes in better. Others report
powdered works just fine.
6. Use Fruit Juice - To help mask any herb-flavor, use fruit juice instead of water. It will also add some
yummy sweetness. Think apple or grape juice. Avoid citrus or pineapple juice; they will prevent your
gummies from solidifying.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 18

7. Extra Flavor – Whether you want to experiment or mask the plant material taste even more, consider
super strength flavoring oils. Think Orange Cream, green apple, tropical punch and more…
8. Dry your gummies – Remove the gummies from the molds. Place them on a wire rack, parchment
paper, or paper towel. Allow the gummies to dry for at least 24 hours. If you live in a humid or hot
climate, air dry in the refrigerator.
9. Keep them separated - To keep your gummies from sticking together, let them air dry for 24 hours
first. Then coat your gummies in sugar, cornstarch or citric acid. If you coat them before drying, they
will melt and become a soupy mess.
10. Bonus Tip - Store your gummies in a dark, cool place. In the freezer, they will keep for up to a year, in
the refrigerator up to a couple of months.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 19


Ingredients: Instructions:

• ¼ cup Herb-Infused Coconut Oil 1. Mix flavored and unflavored gelatin in a small
bowl. Keep gelatin, whisk and molds nearby.
• ½ cup cold water
2. In a small saucepan, bring the infused coconut
• ½ tsp lecithin
oil, water, and lecithin to a low boil over medium
• 6 oz Jello (go for your favorite flavor) heat. Whisk constantly until fully combined.
• 1 oz unflavored Gelatin 3. Increase to medium-high heat for a rolling
• Silicone Molds boil. Slowly whisk in gelatin mixture, stirring
4. Continue whisking over a rolling boil for about
one minute until fully combined. The mix will
be fairly thick at this point.
5. Keep the mixture on very low heat.
6. Use a dropper, condiment bottle or measuring
cup with a pour spout to fill your molds. Work
quickly before they start to set.
7. Refrigerate or freeze for 45-60 minutes until
they harden.
8. Storage - Storing in molds prevents sticking
together clumping problems. If you need to
remove the gummies from the molds, dry
them thoroughly. Place them on a wire rack,
parchment paper, or paper towel. Allow the
gummies to dry for at least 24 hours. If you
live in a humid or hot climate, air dry in the
9. Tip: To keep your gummies from sticking
together, let them air dry for 24 hours first.
Then coat your gummies in sugar, cornstarch
or citric acid. If you coat them before drying,
they will melt and become a soupy mess.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 20

Skip the artificial ingredients of store-bought gummies.
Get the health benefits of fruit and gelatin Gummy snacks are a great way to medicate quickly accu-
rately and discretely. This recipe makes about 150 average sized gummies

Ingredients: Instructions:

• ¾ - 1 cup tincture 1. Lightly spray your gummy mold with cooking

spray. (Keep it light, no one wants oily gummies)
• 2 ½ ounces unflavored gelatin
2. Stir the gelatins and citric acid together in a
• 12 ounces Jello
large bowl.
• 1 Tablespoon Tart & Sour or Citric Acid Powder 3. In a separate bowl, stir the honey and fruit juice
• 1 cup Chilled Fruit juice (not citrus or pineap- together.
ple juice) 4. Whisk the gelatin and honey mixture together
until it’s completely blended.
• ½ cup Honey or Agave
5. In a large, non-stick saute pan, reduce your
• ½ Tablespoon Flavor Extract
tincture on low heat. The alcohol will evaporate
leaving a concentrated thick syrup, similar to
molasses. Each cup of tincture will result in 1-2
teaspoons of concentrate.
What you will need: 6. Add the flavor extract and gelatin/juice mixture
into the pan.
• Cooking spray 7. Simmer over medium-low heat while whisking
• Saucepan the gummy mixture constantly.
8. Stir until the gelatin completely dissolves,
• Cup with pour spout
approx. 7-10 minutes.
• Whisk
9. Pour into gummy trays using a cup with a pour
• Silicone Molds spout.
10. Refrigerate approximately an hour.
11. Remove from trays.

Storage Tip: YMMV regarding the stickiness of your gummies. To help prevent them from sticking
together, refrigerate laid out gummies for 24 hours. Flip halfway through.
Store in an air-tight container in a cool, dark location for 2-3 weeks.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 21

Infusion Tips & Recipes 22

Ingredients: Instructions:

• 3 cups mixed raw nuts 1. Preheat the oven to 325.

2. In a small saucepan, melt the herb infused
• 1 Tablespoon herb infused butter
butter on low. Add the brown sugar, cinnamon,
• 3 Tablespoons brown sugar
chili powder, & maple syrup. Whisk together.
• ½ teaspoon cinnamon 3. In a large mixing bowl, mix the nuts and pretzel
• ¾ teaspoon chili powder sticks together. Pour the herb infused butter
• 1 Tablespoons maple syrup mixture onto the nut mix and toss until evenly
• 2 cups pretzel sticks
4. Sprinkle on the salt & toss well. Roast the nuts
• 1 teaspoon coarse sea salt
and pretzels for 20 minutes, stirring lightly after
10 minutes.
5. Cool and break up the mixture. Enjoy!

Infusion Tips & Recipes 23


Ingredients: Instructions:

• Tortilla chips 1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).

2. Spread a layer of tortilla chips on a baking
• 1 cup shredded cheese
• 1/4 cup diced jalapenos
3. Sprinkle shredded cheese evenly over the
• 1/4 cup diced tomatoes chips.
• 1/4 cup diced red onions 4. Top with diced jalapenos, tomatoes, and red
• 1/4 cup herb-infused olive oil onions.
5. Drizzle the herb-infused olive oil over the
• Optional toppings: sour cream, guacamole,
6. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until the cheese is
melted and bubbly.
7. Remove from the oven and let cool slightly.
8. Serve the infused nachos with your favorite

Infusion Tips & Recipes 24


• Enjoy this salty treat even more by sprinkling ground, decarbed flower on each side of bacon.
Bake at 275º and flip after about 120 minutes.
• Sprinkle the second side and repeat for another 10 minutes.
• Bonus: Now you have infused bacon grease to use in other dishes.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 25


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1/4 cup coconut oil 1. Heat the coconut oil in a large pot over medium
• 1/2 cup popcorn kernels
2. Add the popcorn kernels and cover the pot
• 2 tablespoons herb infused melted butter
with a lid.
• 1 teaspoon chili powder 3. Shake the pot occasionally to prevent burning
• 1/2 teaspoon paprika and ensure even popping.
• 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 4. In a separate bowl, combine the infused
melted butter, chili powder, paprika, garlic
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
powder, and salt.
5. Once the popcorn is popped, drizzle the
melted butter mixture over it.
6. Toss the popcorn gently to coat it evenly with
the spicy seasoning.
7. Enjoy your infused spicy popcorn!

Infusion Tips & Recipes 26


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1/4 cup Coconut oil 1. Heat the coconut oil in a large pot over medium
• 1/4 cup herb-infused coconut oil
2. Add the popcorn kernels and cover the pot
• 1/2 cup popcorn kernels
with a lid.
• 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese 3. Shake the pot occasionally to prevent burning
• 1 teaspoon garlic powder and ensure even popping.
• 1/2 teaspoon dried parsley 4. In a small bowl, combine the grated Parmesan
cheese, garlic powder, dried parsley, and salt.
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
5. Once the popcorn is popped, transfer it to a
large bowl.
6. Drizzle the melted herb-infused coconut oil
over the popcorn and toss to coat.
7. Sprinkle the Parmesan cheese mixture over
the popcorn and toss again until evenly coated.
8. Serve the herb-infused Parmesan garlic
popcorn immediately.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 27


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1 cup frozen spinach, thawed and drained 1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).
2. In a large bowl, combine the thawed and
• 1 cup canned artichoke hearts, drained and
drained spinach, chopped artichoke hearts,
shredded mozzarella cheese, grated
• 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese Parmesan cheese, mayonnaise, sour cream,
• 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese herb-infused olive oil, minced garlic, salt,
• 1/2 cup mayonnaise and black pepper. Mix well to ensure all the
ingredients are evenly distributed.
• 1/2 cup sour cream
3. Transfer the mixture to an oven-safe baking
• 2 tablespoons herb-infused olive oil
dish, spreading it out evenly.
• 2 cloves garlic, minced 4. Bake in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes
• 1/2 teaspoon salt or until the dip is hot and bubbly, and the
• 1/4 teaspoon black pepper cheese on top is melted and golden.
5. Remove the dip from the oven and let it cool
for a few minutes before serving.
6. Serve the herb-infused spinach and artichoke
dip warm with tortilla chips, pita bread, or your
preferred dipping snacks.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 28


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1 cup old-fashioned oats 1. In a large bowl, combine the oats, nut butter,
• 1/2 cup nut butter (such as almond, peanut, honey, ground flaxseed, chocolate chips, and
or cashew butter) vanilla extract.
• 1/4 cup honey 2. Melt the herb-infused coconut oil and pour it
• 1/4 cup ground flaxseed over the oat mixture. Stir until well combined.
• 1/4 cup mini chocolate chips 3. Take small portions of the mixture and roll it
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract into balls using your hands.
• 1/4 cup herb-infused coconut oil 4. If desired, roll the energy balls in shredded
• Optional toppings: shredded coconut, coconut, chopped nuts, or cocoa powder
chopped nuts, cocoa powder

Infusion Tips & Recipes 29


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 3 ripe avocados 1. Cut the avocados in half, remove the pits, and
• 1 tablespoon lime juice scoop the flesh into a bowl.
• 1/4 cup diced red onion 2. Add the lime juice and mash the avocados
• 1/4 cup diced tomato with a fork until smooth.
• 1/4 cup chopped cilantro 3. Stir in the red onion, tomato, cilantro, garlic,
• 1 clove garlic, minced salt, cumin, black pepper, and herb-infused
• 1/2 teaspoon salt olive oil.
• 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin 4. Mix well and adjust the seasonings to taste.
• 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper 5. Serve the guacamole with tortilla chips or your
• 1-2 teaspoons herb-infused olive oil favorite dipping snacks

Infusion Tips & Recipes 30


Infusion Tips & Recipes 31

Loaded with garlic, butter, romano and parmesan, this simple recipe takes only minutes to delicious

Ingredients: Instructions:

• 4 tablespoons unsalted butter 1. Melt the butter in a large pan over medium.
• 7 garlic gloves, chopped coarsely 2. Add the garlic and cook 3-5 minutes until light
• 24 ounces fettuccine pasta brown. Remove from heat.
• 1 cup herb infused butter 3. Cook the noodles as directed on the package.
• ¾ pint heavy cream 4. In the pan, combine the cooked noodles with
• ¾ cup grated romano cheese the garlic butter, salt, pepper, romano and
• ½ cup grated parmesan cheese parmesan cheeses.
• Garlic salt, salt and pepper to taste 5. Stir well to make sure all the pasta is coated
6. Serve and enjoy

Infusion Tips & Recipes 32


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1 pound macaroni 1. Cook Macaroni according to package

• 1/2 cup herb infused butter instructions, drain, and set aside.
• 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
• 4 cups milk 2. Make Cheese Sauce:
• 3 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese In a saucepan, melt herb infused butter over
• 1 cup cooked and shredded chicken medium heat.
• 1/2 cup buffalo sauce Stir in flour until smooth, then gradually whisk in
• Salt and pepper to taste milk until thickened.
• Bread crumbs for topping (optional) Add shredded cheddar cheese, stirring until
melted and smooth.

3. Combine Pasta and Sauce:

Stir in cooked macaroni, shredded chicken, and
buffalo sauce into the cheese sauce.

4. Season and Bake:

Season with salt and pepper. If desired, transfer the
mixture to a baking dish, top with bread crumbs,
and bake until bubbly.

5. Serve:
Serve the Buffalo Chicken Mac and Cheese hot

Infusion Tips & Recipes 33


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 4 large potatoes, peeled and diced 1. Cook Potatoes:

• 1/2 cup herb infused butter Boil or steam the diced potatoes until fork-tender.
• 1/2 cup milk
• 4 cloves garlic, minced 2. Make Mashed Potatoes:
• 2 tablespoons chopped fresh herbs (such as Mash the potatoes and mix in herb infused butter,
rosemary, thyme, or parsley) minced garlic, and milk until smooth.
• Salt and pepper to taste
3. Add Herbs:
Stir in the chopped fresh herbs.

4. Season and Serve:

Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Serve the herb infused garlic herb mashed
potatoes as a side dish

Infusion Tips & Recipes 34


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 1. Preheat Oven:

• 1/4 cup herb infused butter, melted Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).
• 1/4 cup Dijon mustard
• 1/4 cup honey 2. Prepare the Herb-Infused Honey Mustard:
• 2 cloves garlic, minced In a bowl, mix melted infused butter, Dijon mustard,
• Salt and pepper to taste honey, minced garlic, salt, and pepper.

3. Coat Chicken:
Coat chicken breasts with the herb-infused honey
mustard mixture.

4. Bake:
Place the coated chicken in a baking dish and bake
until the internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C),
approximately 25-30 minutes.

5. Serve:
Let it rest for a few minutes before serving. Spoon
some extra sauce over the top if desired.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 35


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 2 pounds chicken thighs, bone-in, skinless 1. Sauté Chicken:

• 1/4 cup herb infused butter In a large pot, melt herb infused butter. Sauté
• 1 onion, finely chopped chicken until browned on all sides.
• 3 cloves garlic, minced
• 2 tablespoons curry powder 2. Add Aromatics:
• 1 can (14 oz) coconut milk Add chopped onion and minced garlic. Cook until
• 1 cup chicken broth softened.
• 2 potatoes, peeled and diced
• Salt and pepper to taste 3. Stir in Curry Powder:
• Fresh cilantro for garnish Stir in curry powder, coating the chicken and

4. Add Coconut Milk and Broth:

Pour in coconut milk and chicken broth. Add diced
potatoes. Season with salt and pepper.

5. Simmer:
Simmer until chicken is cooked through and
potatoes are tender.

6. Serve:
Garnish with fresh cilantro and serve over rice.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 36


Infusion Tips & Recipes 37


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 9 cups Chex cereal (Corn, Rice, Wheat, Choc- 1. In a large bowl, pour measured cereal.
olate, or a mix) 2. In a second large microwavable bowl,
• 1 cup milk chocolate chips microwave chocolate chips, peanut butter and
• ½ cup peanut butter herb infused butter uncovered for 1 minute.
• ¼ cup herb infused butter Stir.
• 1 teaspoon vanilla 3. Microwave about 30 seconds more or until
• 1 ½ powdered sugar mixture stirs smoothly. Add vanilla.
4. Pour mixture over cereal, stirring until evenly
coated. Pour into large resealable food
storage bag.
5. Add powdered sugar, seal bag and shake.
6. Spread on waxed paper to cool.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 38


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1 Banana, sliced into 1” chunks 1. Combine herb infused butter or oil and
• ½ Teaspoon herb infused butter or oil chocolate chips in an oven safe bowl. Heat at
• 1 Tablespoon dark chocolate chips a low temperature until melted.
• Optional: chopped sprinkles, toasted nuts, 2. Keep the heat low to retain the cannabinoids.
coconut flakes, hemp hearts Stir with a rubber spatula until silky smooth.
Add bananas and coat well.
3. Place each piece on a parchment lined tray.
While the chocolate is still warm, dust optional
4. Place tray in freezer. Remove from tray once
frozen and store in a freezer bag.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 39


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1/2 cup herb infused butter, softened 1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and line a

• 1/2 cup peanut butter baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. In a large mixing bowl, cream together the
• 1/2 cup granulated sugar
herb-infused butter, peanut butter, granulated
• 1/2 cup brown sugar
sugar, and brown sugar until light and fluffy.
• 1 egg
3. Add the egg and beat until well combined.
• 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 4. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour,
• 1/2 tsp baking powder baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
• 1/2 tsp baking soda 5. Gradually mix the dry ingredients into the wet
• 1/2 tsp salt mixture until fully combined.
6. Use a cookie scoop or spoon to drop the
dough onto the prepared baking sheet.
7. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until the edges are
golden brown.
8. Let the cookies cool on the baking sheet for a
few minutes before transferring them to a wire
rack to cool completely.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 40


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1/2 cup herb-infused butter, softened 1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and grease
• 1 cup granulated sugar a 9x5 inch loaf pan.
• 2 large eggs 2. In a large mixing bowl, cream together the
• 3 ripe bananas, mashed herb-infused butter and granulated sugar until
• 1 tsp vanilla extract light and fluffy.
• 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 3. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, until fully
• 1 tsp baking soda incorporated.
• 1/2 tsp salt 4. Stir in the mashed bananas and vanilla extract.
• Optional mix-ins (chocolate chips, nuts, etc.) 5. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour,
baking soda, and salt.
6. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet
ingredients, mixing until just combined.
7. Fold in any optional mix-ins.
8. Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan and
smooth the top with a spatula.
9. Bake for 50-60 minutes, or until a toothpick
inserted into the center comes out clean.
10. Let the banana bread cool in the pan for 10
minutes, then remove it from the pan and let it
cool completely on a wire rack.
11. Slice and enjoy!

Infusion Tips & Recipes 41


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1 cup heavy cream 1. In a medium saucepan, heat the heavy cream

• 1/4 cup herb-infused butter and herb-infused butter over low heat until the
• 12 oz dark chocolate, chopped butter is melted.
• Assorted fruits and treats for dipping 2. Add the chopped dark chocolate and stir until
fully melted and combined with the cream
3. Transfer the fondue to a serving bowl and serve
with assorted fruits and treats for dipping.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 42


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1/2 cup herb-infused butter, softened 1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and grease
an 8x8 inch baking dish.
• 1/2 cup powdered sugar
2. In a large mixing bowl, cream together the
• 1 cup all-purpose flour
herb-infused butter and powdered sugar until
• 1/2 cup granulated sugar light and fluffy.
• 2 tbsp all-purpose flour 3. Gradually mix in the 1 cup of flour until fully
• 1/2 tsp baking powder combined.
4. Press the mixture into the bottom of the
• 1/4 tsp salt
prepared baking dish and bake for 15-20
• 2 large eggs
minutes, or until lightly golden.
• 2 tbsp lemon juice 5. In a separate bowl, whisk together the
• 1 tsp lemon zest granulated sugar, 2 tablespoons of flour,
• Powdered sugar for dusting baking powder, and salt.
6. Add the eggs, lemon juice, and lemon zest
and whisk until fully combined.
7. Pour the lemon mixture over the baked crust.
8. Bake for an additional 20-25 minutes, or until
the filling is set.
9. Let the lemon bars cool completely in the pan.
10. Dust with powdered sugar before serving.
11. Cut into squares and enjoy!

Infusion Tips & Recipes 43


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 12 cups plain popcorn, popped 1. Preheat your oven to 250°F (120°C) and line a
• 1/2 cup herb-infused butter large baking sheet with parchment paper.
• 1 cup brown sugar 2. Spread the popped popcorn evenly onto the
• 1/4 cup light corn syrup prepared baking sheet.
• 1/2 tsp salt 3. In a medium-sized saucepan, melt the herb-
• 1/2 tsp baking soda infused butter over medium heat.
• 1 tsp vanilla extract 4. Add the brown sugar, corn syrup, and salt to
the melted butter and stir until fully combined.
5. Increase the heat to medium-high and bring
the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly.
6. Let the mixture boil for 5 minutes without
7. Remove the saucepan from the heat and
quickly stir in the baking soda and vanilla
extract. The mixture will foam up, so be careful.
8. Pour the hot caramel mixture over the popcorn
and use a spatula to stir and coat the popcorn
9. Bake the popcorn for 1 hour, stirring every 15
minutes to ensure even cooking.
10. Remove the popcorn from the oven and let it
cool completely.
11. Once cooled, break the popcorn apart into
individual pieces and enjoy!

Infusion Tips & Recipes 44


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1/2 cup herb-infused butter 1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease a
• 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs 9x13-inch baking dish.
• 1 cup shredded coconut 2. Melt the herb-infused butter and pour it into
• 1 cup chocolate chips the bottom of the prepared baking dish.
• 1 cup butterscotch chips 3. Sprinkle the graham cracker crumbs evenly
• 1 cup chopped nuts (such as walnuts or pe- over the melted butter, pressing them down to
cans) create a firm crust.
• 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk 4. Layer the shredded coconut, chocolate chips,
butterscotch chips, and chopped nuts on top
of the graham cracker crust, in that order.
5. Pour the sweetened condensed milk evenly
over the entire mixture, ensuring that all the
ingredients are covered.
6. Place the baking dish in the preheated oven
and bake for 25-30 minutes or until the edges
are golden brown and the center is set.
7. Remove the baking dish from the oven and let
it cool completely before cutting into bars.
8. Once cooled, cut into desired-sized bars and

Infusion Tips & Recipes 45


Ingredients: Instructions:

For the crust: 1. Preheat your oven to 325°F (160°C) and grease
• 2 cups graham cracker crumbs a 9-inch springform pan.
• 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted 2. In a mixing bowl, combine the graham cracker
• 1/4 cup granulated sugar crumbs, melted butter, and granulated sugar.
3. Press the mixture into the bottom of the
For the filling: prepared pan and bake for 10 minutes.
• 24 oz cream cheese, softened 4. Remove from the oven and let cool while you
• 1 cup granulated sugar prepare the filling.
• 1 tsp vanilla extract 5. In a large mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese
• 4 large eggs until smooth.
• 1/2 cup herb-infused butter, melted and 6. Gradually add the granulated sugar and vanilla
cooled extract, mixing until well combined.
• 1/4 cup heavy cream 7. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, until fully
• Optional toppings (fresh fruit, whipped cream, incorporated.
etc.) 8. Stir in the herb-infused butter and heavy cream
until the mixture is smooth and creamy.
9. Pour the cheesecake filling over the cooled
crust and smooth the top with a spatula.
10. Bake for 50-60 minutes, or until the cheesecake
is set but still slightly jiggly in the center.
11. Turn off the oven and let the cheesecake cool
in the oven for 30 minutes.
12. Remove from the oven and let the cheesecake
cool to room temperature.
13. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or
14. Top with any desired toppings before serving.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 46


Infusion Tips & Recipes 47


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1 cup sugar 1. In a medium saucepan, combine the sugar,

• 1/3 cup light corn syrup corn syrup, and water.
• 1/4 cup water 2. Cook the mixture over medium heat, stirring
• 1-2 teaspoons herb infused tincture constantly until the sugar dissolves.
• Flavoring extract (e.g., cherry, lemon, mint) 3. Insert a candy thermometer into the mixture
• Food coloring (optional) and continue cooking without stirring until it
reaches 300°F (150°C).
4. Remove the saucepan from heat and let it sit
until the boiling subsides.
5. Stir in the herbal tincture, flavoring extract, and
food coloring (if desired) until well combined.
6. Pour the mixture into candy molds or onto a
greased baking sheet.
7. Let the candies cool completely until hardened.
8. Once hardened, remove the candies from the
molds or break them into bite-sized pieces.
9. Store the candies in an airtight container at
room temperature.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 48


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1/2 cup herb-infused coconut oil 1. In a bowl, mix the herb-infused coconut oil,
• 1/2 cup peanut butter peanut butter, and powdered sugar until well
• 1/4 cup powdered sugar combined.
• 1 cup chocolate chips 2. In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the chocolate
chips in 30-second intervals, stirring between
each interval until smooth.
3. Line a muffin tin with cupcake liners.
4. Spoon a small amount of melted chocolate
into each cupcake liner and spread it to cover
the bottom.
5. Place a spoonful of the peanut butter mixture
on top of the chocolate in each liner.
6. Pour more melted chocolate over the peanut
butter to cover it completely.
7. Place the muffin tin in the refrigerator for 1-2
hours until the peanut butter cups are firm.
8. Remove the peanut butter cups from the liners
and store them in an airtight container in the

Infusion Tips & Recipes 49


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 3 cups chocolate chips 1. Prepare a pan by lining it with foil or parchment

• 14 ounces sweetened condensed milk and spray lightly with cooking oil.
• ¼ cup herb infused butter 2. Put all ingredients into a microwave save
• 4 envelopes mixing bowl.

NOTE: Semisweet chocolate chips are the best. Because the sweetened condensed has a large
amount of sugar, the semisweet balances out the flavor.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 50


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1/2 cup herb-infused coconut oil 1. In a double boiler, melt the chopped chocolate
• 8 oz dark chocolate, chopped over low heat.
• Cocoa powder for dusting 2. Once melted, remove the bowl from the heat
and stir in the herb-infused coconut oil until
fully combined.
3. Chill the mixture in the refrigerator for 2-3
hours, until it is firm enough to handle.
4. Use a spoon to scoop the mixture into small
balls and roll them in cocoa powder.
5. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator
for up to a week.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 51


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1 cup chocolate chips or melting chocolate 1. Melt the chocolate and infused butter together
• 2 tablespoons herb infused butter in a double boiler.
2. Stir the chocolate mixture until smooth and
well blended.
3. Use a measuring cup with a pour spout to fill
the molds.
4. To set, place the molds in your refrigerator until
fully hardened.
5. Enjoy!

Infusion Tips & Recipes 52


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1/2 cup herb-infused coconut oil 1. In a medium-sized saucepan, melt the herb-
• 1 cup powdered sugar infused coconut oil over low heat until it
• 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder becomes a liquid.
• 1/2 cup dry milk powder 2. Remove the saucepan from heat and add
• 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract the powdered sugar, cocoa powder, dry milk
• Pinch of salt powder, vanilla extract, and salt to the melted
coconut oil.
3. Stir the mixture vigorously until all the
ingredients are well combined and a thick,
fudgy dough forms.
4. Place the saucepan back on low heat and
continue stirring for about 2-3 minutes until the
mixture becomes smooth and shiny.
5. Once the dough is smooth and pliable, remove
it from heat and let it cool for a few minutes
until it’s cool enough to handle.
6. Lightly grease your hands with coconut oil or
butter to prevent sticking, then pinch off small
portions of the dough and roll them into small
Tootsie Roll-shaped logs.
7. Place the rolled Tootsie Rolls on a parchment-
lined baking sheet or plate, ensuring they are
not touching each other.
8. Let the Tootsie Rolls cool completely at room
temperature until they firm up.
9. Once firm, you can enjoy the herb-infused
Tootsie Rolls immediately or store them in an
airtight container in the refrigerator for longer
shelf life.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 53


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1 cup herb-infused butter 1. In a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan, melt

• 2 cups granulated sugar the herb-infused butter over medium heat
• 1 cup heavy cream until it’s fully melted.
• 1 cup light corn syrup 2. Stir in the granulated sugar, heavy cream, and
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract light corn syrup until well combined.
• 1/2 teaspoon salt 3. Attach a candy thermometer to the side of the
saucepan, making sure the tip is immersed in
the mixture but not touching the bottom of the
4. Increase the heat to medium-high and bring
the mixture to a boil. Stir frequently to prevent
5. Continue boiling the mixture, stirring
occasionally, until the candy thermometer
reads 245°F (118°C). This will take approximately
10-15 minutes.
6. Once the mixture reaches the desired
temperature, remove the saucepan from heat.
7. Stir in the vanilla extract and salt until well
8. Pour the caramel into a greased or parchment-
lined baking dish or mold of your choice.
9. Allow the caramel to cool completely at room
temperature. As it cools, it will firm up and
become chewy.
10. Once completely cooled and set, cut the
caramel into individual pieces or wrap them in
wax paper squares.
11. Store the herb-infused caramel in an airtight
container at room temperature.
Infusion Tips & Recipes 54

Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1 can (14 oz) herb-infused condensed milk 1. In a medium saucepan, combine the herb-
• 1/2 cup granulated sugar infused condensed milk, sugar, corn syrup,
• 1/2 cup corn syrup and herb-infused butter.
• 1/4 cup herb-infused butter 2. Cook the mixture over medium heat, stirring
frequently, until it comes to a boil.
3. Reduce the heat to low and let the mixture
simmer, stirring occasionally, for 30-40
minutes, or until it thickens and turns a caramel
4. Remove the pan from the heat and let the
caramel cool for a few minutes before serving.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 55


Infusion Tips & Recipes 56


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1 cup vanilla ice cream 1. In a blender, combine the vanilla ice cream,
• 1/2 cup milk milk, strawberries, and herb-infused honey.
• 1/2 cup fresh strawberries, hulled and sliced 2. Blend until smooth and creamy.
• 1/4 cup herb-infused honey 3. Pour the milkshake into a glass and top with
• Whipped cream (optional) whipped cream, if desired.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 57



• ½ cup ground coffee

• 2 cups water
• 1 teaspoon infused MCT oil
• 1 tablespoon grass-fed butter or ghee
• Optional: vanilla extract, collagen peptides, sweetener

Infusion Tips & Recipes 58


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 4 T herb-infused butter (melted) 1. Place all ingredients, except ice cubes, in

• 2 C milk blender and blend until smooth. Add 3 ice
• 1/3 C half and half cubes and blend until the consistency is
• 1/2 C Greek vanilla yogurt smooth and creamy.
• 2 bananas
• 2 T chocolate syrup
• 3 ice cubes

Infusion Tips & Recipes 59

Rich with turmeric, Golden Milk is a traditional Indian beverage that is warm and comforting. It’s essen-
tially an anti-inflammatory latte. The coconut milk, turmeric, and plant material all lower the inflamma-
tion in the body.

Ingredients: Instructions:

• 2 13.5 ounce cans of coconut milk 1. In a saucepan, add all of the ingredients except
• 1 Tablespoon maple syrup for the herb-infused coconut oil.
• 2 teaspoons ground turmeric 2. Bring to a boil and boil for 1 minute while stirring
• ¼ teaspoon ground ginger occasionally.
• ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon 3. Lower the heat to low and continue to simmer
• ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract for 10 minutes while the flavors deepen.
• 1 Tablespoon herb-infused coconut oil 4. After 10 minutes, take the pan off the heat and
whisk in the infused oil.
5. Pour into mugs and sprinkle with ground
cinnamon, maybe even some decarbed kief
for extra fun.
6. Enjoy

Infusion Tips & Recipes 60


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1 cup milk (dairy or plant-based) 1. Heat the milk in a small saucepan over medium
• 1 chai tea bag heat until it starts to steam, but not boil.
• 1 tablespoon honey or sweetener of choice 2. Add the chai tea bag and let it steep for 3-5
• 1 teaspoon herb-infused coconut oil or butter minutes.
Optional: Cinnamon or nutmeg for garnish 3. Remove the tea bag and stir in the honey and
herb-infused coconut oil or butter until well
4. Pour the chai latte into a mug and sprinkle with
cinnamon or nutmeg, if desired.
5. Enjoy the soothing and infused chai latte while
it’s warm.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 61


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1 cup water 1. Grind the flower into a coarse consistency or

• 1 cup granulated sugar ensure that your decarboxylated concentrate
• 1 gram of decarbed plant material or 1/2 gram is ready for use.
of decarboxylated concentrate 2. In a saucepan, combine the water and sugar.
Heat over medium heat, stirring constantly,
until the sugar has completely dissolved.
3. Add the ground plant material or
decarboxylated concentrate to the saucepan.
4. Simmer the mixture on low heat for 20-30
minutes, stirring occasionally. Be careful not to
let it boil.
5. After 20-30 minutes, remove the saucepan
from heat and let it cool slightly.
6. Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve or
cheesecloth into a heatproof container.
7. Use a spoon to press on the plant material to
extract as much liquid as possible.
8. Allow the herb-infused simple syrup to cool
completely before transferring it to a glass
bottle or jar for storage.
9. Label the container with the date and the
potency of the infusion (if known).
10. Store the herb-infused simple syrup in a cool,
dark place or in the refrigerator for up to one

Infusion Tips & Recipes 62


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1/2 cup sparkling water or soda 1. Fill a glass with ice cubes.
• 1/2 cup fruit juice of choice (e.g., orange, 2. Pour the sparkling water or soda into the glass,
cranberry, pineapple) followed by the fruit juice.
• 1 tablespoon herb-infused simple syrup or 3. Stir in the herb-infused simple syrup or
sweetener of choice sweetener until well combined.
• Fresh fruit or herbs for garnish 4. Garnish with fresh fruit or herbs for an extra
pop of flavor and visual appeal.
5. Savor this delightful drink

Infusion Tips & Recipes 63


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice 1. In a pitcher, combine the lemon juice, cold
• 4 cups cold water water, granulated sugar, and herb-infused
• 1/2 cup granulated sugar honey or syrup.
• 1 teaspoon herb-infused honey or syrup 2. Stir well until the sugar is dissolved and the
• Lemon slices and mint leaves for garnish ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
3. Add lemon slices and mint leaves to the
pitcher for extra flavor and garnish.
4. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes
to allow the flavors to meld.
5. Serve the herb-infused lemonade over ice and
enjoy its refreshing and tangy taste.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 64

Herb topicals come with a range of benefits that can make you feel on top of the world, or at least on
top of your discomfort. These magical potions can help ease pain and inflammation. They offer a non-
intoxicating way to enjoy the benefits of your favorite herb, so you can rub away your worries without
rubbing away your ability to tell a good joke.

With topicals, you can have your pain relief and your punchlines too, making it the perfect combination
for those who want to feel good in body and in humor. So go ahead and lather up!

Infusion Tips & Recipes 65


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1/2 cup herb-infused coconut oil 1. In a double boiler, melt the herb-infused
• 1/4 cup shea butter coconut oil, shea butter, and cocoa butter over
• 1 tablespoon cocoa butter low heat, stirring until well combined.
• 1 tablespoon vitamin E oil 2. Remove from heat and let the mixture cool
• Optional: 10-15 drops of essential oil (e.g., lav- slightly.
ender, tea tree, chamomile) 3. Stir in the vitamin E oil and essential oils (if
using) until thoroughly blended.
4. Pour the mixture into a clean jar or container
and let it solidify.
5. Apply a small amount of the healing balm to
the affected area and massage it into the skin
as needed.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 66


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1/4 cup herb-infused olive oil 1. In a double boiler, melt the herb-infused olive
• 1/4 cup coconut oil oil, coconut oil, and shea butter over low heat,
• 2 tablespoons shea butter stirring until well combined.
• 1 tablespoon beeswax (optional, for firmer 2. If using beeswax for a firmer consistency, add
consistency) it to the melted oils and continue stirring until
• 10 drops peppermint essential oil melted.
• 5 drops tea tree essential oil 3. Remove from heat and let the mixture cool
4. Stir in the peppermint and tea tree essential
oils until thoroughly blended.
5. Pour the mixture into a clean jar or container
and let it solidify.
6. Apply a small amount of the foot salve to your
feet and massage it in, focusing on dry or sore

Infusion Tips & Recipes 67


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 1 cup Epsom salt 1. In a mixing bowl, combine the Epsom salt and
• 1/4 cup herb-infused carrier oil (e.g., olive oil, herb-infused carrier oil.
almond oil) 2. Add the essential oil of your choice for
• 10 drops of your preferred essential oil (e.g., fragrance and relaxation.
lavender, chamomile) 3. Mix all the ingredients together until well
4. Transfer the herb-infused bath salts to a jar or
container for storage.
5. To use, add a generous amount of the bath
salts to warm running bath water.
6. Soak in the herb-infused bath for 20-30
minutes to experience the soothing and
relaxing effects.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 68


Ingredients: Instructions:

• 2 tablespoons herb-infused coconut oil 1. In a double boiler, melt the herb-infused

• 1 tablespoon shea butter coconut oil, shea butter, and cocoa butter over
• 1 tablespoon cocoa butter low heat, stirring until well combined.
• 1 tablespoon beeswax (optional, for firmer 2. If using beeswax for a firmer consistency, add
consistency) it to the melted oils and continue stirring until
• 5-10 drops of your preferred essential oil (e.g., melted.
peppermint, lavender) 3. Remove from heat and let the mixture cool
4. Stir in the essential oil of your choice for
fragrance (e.g., peppermint for a refreshing lip
5. Pour the mixture into lip balm tubes or small
6. Allow the lip balm to cool and solidify before
7. Apply the herb-infused lip balm to your lips as
needed for moisturization and soothing effects.

Infusion Tips & Recipes 69

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