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Version 1.

–1– English

Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)

© Robert Hamberger 2017-2019
What is needed to play?

FIRETEAM is a tactical skirmish game played with

plastic brick models and brick-scale figures on round
32mm bases (4x4-studded round plates) on a custom-
printed hexagon grid. Each player needs to have only
a small number of models and figure to play, usually
between 2 and 6 combatants. In the following descrip-
tions of FTTʼs game mechanics, these models and
figures will be referred to as operatives, or more com-
monly, as units.
The battlefield in FTT is represented by a hexagon-pat-
terned PVC mat, while buildings, special terrain types
What is FTT?
and other obstacles are made out of rearrangeable tiles
(also created from bricks, as these provide nearly infi-
Ever played with plastic bricks as a grownup when you nite building possibilities). All objects aside from units
thought nobody else was looking? Don’t deny it now! can be labeled with terrain information to help players
Now, you can do it again, along with your friends: quickly reference their properties.
There is no requirement for measuring tapes or rulers.
FIRETEAM: Tactics (FTT for short) is a tactical table- Instead, distances on the battlefield are measured by
top war game designed for small-scale skirmish battles counting hexes. Unit visibility is established through ac-
with brick models and figures. The action takes place tual, physical line of sight (LOS). Most dice rolls in FTT
in a suspenseful near-future science fiction universe are made with twelve-sided dice, referred to as D12
where aliens are invading Planet Earth - or anywhere (see below).
you actually want to place it.
FTT is designed to be played with up to four players
controlling independent factions on the table. Game-
play is mission-based and allows for advancement and
upgrades for any surviving characters.

A 12-sided die

Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
Just like brick building toys, FTT is a modular system Unit Ratings
designed with expandability in mind. This document will
provide you with the rules, but content, such as units,
weapons, and missions, is separate, making it easier to Point Value: A unitʼs point value reflects its general
customize the game and/or add more content. usefulness on the battlefield. Simply put, versatile, high
quality units cost more unit points (UPs), while weak
units are cheaper and can be more numerous.
Standard & Unique Units The sum of all unit point values of a squad cannot ex-
ceed a given number, as specified in a missionʼs de-
When playing FTT, each player assumes control over scription or decided upon by the players prior to the
a number of operatives, which can be human or alien start of the game. Normally, all factions involved in a
soldiers, creatures or machines (or monsters and other battle are granted the same amount of unit points to
fantastic beasts, for that matter). Each single operative build their squad with. In some specific missions, how-
is referred to as a unit. Units from one faction normally ever, Squads disadvantaged by their deployment zone,
form a squad or a team (or some other type of coherent certain difficult mission objectives or other starting cir-
group), and are controlled by a single player. cumstances are granted additional unit points in order
to even the odds.
There are two main types of units: Standard and
unique. Standard units have generally lower point
Standard Units: When building a standard unit, multi-
costs than unique operatives. However, standard units
ply its UP cost (including abilities, limitations and gear)
lack some of the possibilities for customization. They
by 0.8 (rounded up). Only basic abilities are available
cannot be given advanced abilities, and their stats will
to them. These have to be chosen prior to the game
not improve during campaigns. Unique operatives, on
and cannot be changed over the course of a campaign.
the other hand, can be outfitted with advanced abilities
Standard units do not earn experience points in mis-
and advanced gear in order to boost their stats and ex-
sions. However, if a standard unit does not survive a
pand their usability, but come at an overall higher base
mission, it can be replaced with an identical standard
price than standard units.
unit at the beginning of the next mission.
There are no formal restrictions to the ratio between
standard units and unique operatives in a squad. Using Unique operatives: Can use advanced gear and can
only unique operatives will ultimately result in a smaller, be given advanced abilities. They can also use basic
more specialized team with members that cannot be gear and be given basic abilities. If they survive, play-
replaced in campaigns, while building the team out of ers can upgrade their stats after each mission using ex-
standard units makes it larger and more expendable. perience points. Defeated unique operatives can only
Usually, a healthy combination of standard units and be replaced with an already existing type of standard
unique operatives is advised. unit from the current team during a campaign. The re-
Players may create their own units. Using this feature placing unit is not allowed to have a UP cost higher
along with the advancement rules for unique operatives than the replaced unit. If there are no standard units in
adds an amount of RPG elements to the campaigns of the current team, the unique operative cannot be re-
an otherwise purely tactical skirmish game. placed at all, leaving the team one unit short.

Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
For shorter, fast-paced games, we suggest a team stance, can crouch and go prone, lowering their height
strength of no more than 800 UPs in total. 2000 UPs to 1 for crouching and even 0 in the prone position,
and more per team would make for more massive bat- making them much harder to hit, but also considerably
tles that take hours to play out. slowing down their movement.
A typical size code for a human unit reads: 1hx, height
Size: A unitʼs size code determines two important as- 2, meaning: The unit occupies 1 hex on the battlefield,
pects of its presence on the battlefield: How many hex- has a height level of 2 when standing, a height level of
es it occupies, and how tall it stands. 1 when crouching, and a height level of 0 when prone.
Larger units (such as certain aliens, robots and vehi-
cles) stand on seven hexes. They may have difficulties
passing through narrow spaces and are generally eas-
ier to hit, but are usually more powerful than normal-
sized units. Very small units also occupy one full hex,
since the diameter of one hex is the smallest horizontal
size measurement on the board. Larger units tend to
be more powerful, reflected in the creation rules by al-
lowing to add more armour, strength and health to the
unit, but limiting their evade and stealth ratings (see
spreadsheet). A large unit is also a lot more expensive
(+100%) in terms of unit points in order to balance out
its higher damage potential and survivability.

hexes occupied by a
small unit (left) and a Sticking together
large unit (below)

Action Points (APs): An operativeʼs action points are

probably her most important asset. They determine the
amount of actions that can be performed by the unit
during the playerʼs turn. In FTT, all actions on the battle-
field, including movement, cost various amounts of ac-
tion points, and once a unit runs out of action points, its
phase is over. Fast units tend to have a higher number
of APs at their disposal than slow ones. APs may be
saved up in order to be used for snapshots during the
enemy’s turn (see overwatch, p. 19).

Health Points: Most commonly, humans-sized units

come with three health points, allowing them to survive
two injuries from lesser attacks. Very weak units may
also have less health points, while stronger entities
possess more. Only when a unit loses all of its health
A unitʼs vertical size in its default stance (standing for it goes out of action. Injured or damaged unitsʼ health
humanoid units), also known as its height level, is also can be restored during the battle through the use of
contained in the size code as a number between 1 and certain items and abilities.
4. A height level of 1 means the unit has a very low sil-
houette, such as a dog or very small alien would have. Armour: The armour level measures the amount of
Regular human-sized units have a height of 2, while protection a unit has from damage. The higher the rat-
heights of 3 to 4 are for larger things - giant robots, any- ing, the lower the probability of being injured. Naturally,
one? Height is relevant when using obstacles for cover. weapons powerful enough to defeat even the most
For the use of cover in firefights, see p. 15. hardened armour exist, and they should always be part
of a squadʼs equipment when facing enemies with high
Most units also have the ability to change stances in
armour ratings.
order to lower their standing height. Humans, for in-

Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
When an armoured unit is hit, a weaponʼs power be- rating. Some units are incapable of ranged combat
comes important. This is where the weaponʼs power is (through the lack of a ranged weapon, for instance),
determined by adding the results of a given amount of and therefore have a ranged rating of 0.
dice to its base power, while the armour level acts as
a target number which has to be exceeded in order for Stealth: Reflects the unitʼs ability to move without be-
the unit to take any damage. ing noticed. Successfully passing a stealth rating test
means the unit avoids revealing its position to the en-
Alert: Represents the quality of a unitʼs senses, vigi- emy. Large and heavily armoured units tend to have
lance and combat reflexes. This stat is checked in or- poor stealth ratings.
der to be able to perform a snapshot or melee counter-
attacks during an enemy turn. The alert rating is also Strength: A unit’s strength rating is added as a bo-
used to detect enemies that are sneaking or hiding. nus to a melee weaponʼs power, which improves the
probability of a melee attack to penetrate armour (see
Evade: A unitʼs evade rating makes it harder to hit in above). When unarmed, the unitʼs strength rating alone
ranged combat once used. However, an evading unit is used as power for melee attacks. Weapons have a
is not allowed to attack during the same turn the eva- minimum strength requirement (MSR), which, if not met
sive action is initiated. Evading units are basically on by the unit, prevents it from using the weapon. Strength
the run. They have a higher chance of not being hit in also determines how much additional equipment a unit
ranged combat, but are still as susceptible to being hit can carry before suffering movement penalties for be-
with melee attacks. The evade rating is also used to ing overloaded.
determine a unitʼs ability to pass through hexes con-
taining obstacles.
Abilities & Limitations
Guts: An important rating that measures the unitʼs
potential to withstand fear and intimidation and also Abilities allow selected units to perform feats other units
certain effects of parapsychological powers (psi). In are incapable of. Advanced abilities are available only
certain situations or as an effect of specific attacks, op- to unique operatives. All abilities cost unit points (UPs)
eratives become prone to demoralization, for instance. and are chosen for each unit prior to starting a game or
To avoid this, they have to roll a D12 lower or equal to a campaign. Unique operatives can also acquire them
their guts rating. Understandably, heroic unique opera- in-between missions by spending XPs.
tives tend to possess higher guts ratings than regular Limitations, on the other hand, refund unit points.
grunts or underlings. Robotic units are normally im- Picked abilities and limitations are permanent.
mune to aforementioned effects by default and have
less uses for a very high guts rating.

Basic Abilities
Melee: The melee rating determines a unitʼs probability
to hit in hand-to-hand combat, be it with melee weap-
ons or even unarmed. The desired dice result to hit Agile (costs 6 UPs): Agile units are granted free move-
a target has to be lower or equal to the melee rating. ment and/or change stance actions / change facing ac-
Some units are incapable of melee combat (such as tions worth 2 APs during every phase. Such bonus APs
a unit without the means to strike at close range), and cannot be spent for other actions, such as attacking. If
therefore have a melee rating of 0. an agile unit performs an action that uses up all of its
APs during a phase, it can still move for 2 more APs
Psi: Analog to both attack ratings (ranged and me- before or after the action.
lee), this rating reflects the unitʼs ability to use various
parapsychological powers (psi). Most units, especially Airborne (costs 7 UPs): A unit with this ability is al-
standard ones, have psi ratings of 0, and therefore can- ways flying at an elevation of at least 1, being unable
not use psi. Machines and a select few living units that to land. Given the unit itself has a height level of 2, its
happen to be entirely immune to the influence of psi effective height level would be at least 3 at any given
can also never use such powers. time. When flying over an obstacle, the elevation of the
unit has to be higher than the obstacle’s height level. All
Ranged: Analog to the melee rating, this rating deter- units in flight are unable to use stealth.
mines a unitʼs probability to hit a target with ranged
weapons, such as small arms, heavy weapons, energy Always Moving (costs 30 UPs): The unit receives
weapons or hand grenades. The desired dice result 30 free APs for movement only, and this movement is
to hit a target has to be lower or equal to the ranged compulsory – i.e. APs have to be entirely used up dur-

Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
ing the same phase. The unit’s separate, regular APs Flight (costs 10 UPs): The unit can change into the
can still be used for everything else (including addition- flying stance, allowing it to pass over obstacles faster
al movement as needed). As a result of the compulsory and without additional effort.
movement, such fast attack units cannot be pinned
down, although they can be suppressed. If the units
are constructs, they cannot be repaired as they remain
A flying unit
in constant motion.

Cloned (costs 20 UPs): When the unit is defeated, im-

mediately replace it with an identical unit on a pre-de-
fined area on the board, called a spawn point (has to be
placed prior to the mission if not already provided with-
in the mission description). The newly spawned unit is
ready for action after skipping its next possible phase.
Only available to standard units with a point cost of 100
or lower. Only for units that are not constructs.

Construct (28 UPs): Units that are constructs can

have their health points restored only by using the tech
ability as if it was the heal ability. They are also auto-
matically treated as pariah, so the pariah ability does
not require to be picked if it is desired for the unit. Con-
structs cannot be demoralized. They also cannot suf-
fer the status effects bleeding, dazed, panicked, para-
lyzed, poisoned, terrified, unconscious or go berserk.

Difficult Target (costs 22 UPs): Units with this ability

make for tricky targets, either because of their small Full FOV (costs 10 UPs): Units with this ability do not
size, high speeds, unpredictable movement, or a com- have to turn in order to see or attack into any direction,
bination thereof – attackers have to add 3 to their at- as they have a 360-degree field of vision.
tack roll every time they target them with either ranged
or melee attacks. Psi powers are not affected. Hardpoints (costs 15 UPs): Units with hardpoints
are allowed to carry four times their strength rating in
Enhanced Targeting (costs 12 UPs): Boosts ranged equipment weight (as opposed to double the strength
and alert ratings by 2 points each, ignoring limits. rating normally) without being overloaded.

Extended FOV (costs 8 UPs): Units with this ability Heal (costs 12 UPs): Medical skills allow the unit to
have a 240-degree field of vision to their front, leaving heal others by administering first aid. Healing is an ex-
only a blind angle of 120 degrees to their rear. clusive action which uses up all of a unitʼs APs during
its phase. One health point per phase can be restored
to an injured friendly unit when it stands on an adjacent
hex. Also applicable on self instead. Units with the heal
ability can also administer an antidote on themselves
and adjacent units, which costs 5 APs.

Hive Mind (costs 7 UPs): All units possessing this abil-

ity can rely on any unit from their team that possesses
the lead ability without having to be close. Applies to
all tests concerning demoralization and issuing orders.
For this to work, the leading unit needs to be part of the
hive mind, as well.

Keen Hearing (costs 5 UPs): Units possessing this

ability can attempt to uncover an enemyʼs stealth mark-
er without requiring LOS, as long as said marker is in-
side a 5-hex radius around the unit. Both methods of
Extended FOV (240 °)

Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
detecting hidden enemies can be used (see p. 20). The the time is right to summon the unit again. In the case
hidden unit must pass a stealth test when entering the of jetbikes and their specific type of movement (see al-
listeners range regardless of LOS. This ability is useful ways moving and turning circle), they are very likely to
against enemies sneaking up from behind. quickly reach the edge of the combat zone, often due
to running out of space where to fly. After making a U-
Lead (costs 10 UPs): Military leadership skills allow turn outside of the visible combat zone (which takes
the unit to command friendly units. The lead ability be- the aforementioned next full phase), they return to the
comes useful when nearby friendly units are demoral- hex through which they left the action. Take heed of the
ized, suppressed or otherwise influenced by the enemy facing direction you choose during reinsertion, as their
in a detrimental fashion (see p. 20). limited cornering ability makes them dangerous to ride
(see turning circle).
Life Drain (costs 10 UPs): A special melee attack with
added difficultiy and possibly life-saving benefits: By Strength Augmentation (costs 6 UPs): Boosts
making a successful melee attack without an equipped strength by 3 points, bypassing limits.
weapon and 2 added to the roll result, 1 health point is
transferred from the victim to the attacker instead of reg- Tech (costs 8 UPs): The tech ability is used in anal-
ular damage resolution. Health is restored to the attack- ogy to the heal ability (see previous page), but is ap-
er only if he is not at full health. The ability can be used plied to robotic units (constructs) instead. It may also
at will, allowing units possessing it to still use different be used for other, mission specific purposes, such as
melee attacks. Only for units that are not constructs. hacking a terminal in order to fulfill winning conditions.
Also applicable on self. Units with the tech ability can
Low Silhouette (costs 15 UPs): Lowers the unit’s de- also sabotage constructs at the cost of 5 APs when
fault (standing) height level by 1. they are away 5 hexes or less, rendering the target unit
malfunctioning. Tech units automatically carry a toolkit
Natural Weapons (costs 10 UPs): Units with this abil- that adds no additional weight to the unit’s load.
ity add 1D10 to their strength rating to determine the
power when attacking without an equipped weapon in Vehicle (costs 15 UPs): Vehicles are machines
melee combat, and can also cause up to 2 points of manned by living beings. In game terms, they are
damage instead of the regular maximum of 1. Natural somewhat similar to constructs, normally allowing them
weapons cannot be dropped or lost. Units with natural to have their health points restored by using the tech
weapons can still use other weapons. Only for units ability – not jetbikes, though, because of their compul-
that are not constructs. sory movement disallowing them to ever stop in battle
(see always moving). Concerning their vulnerability to
status effects, vehicles are immune to bleeding, para-
Night Vision (costs 6 UPs): Allows units to see well
lyzed, poisoned, and unconscious. Vehicles cannot
in less-than-ideal lighting conditions. Night vision is
change their default stance at all, so they are not al-
achieved either naturally or by technological means,
lowed to take the rigid limitation for points.
but the effects are the same. For details, check illumi-
nation levels on p. 16.
Wide FOV (costs 6 UPs): Units with this ability have
an 180-degree field of vision to their front.
Regeneration (costs 10 UPs): Units possessing
this ability may restore one of their lost health points
by performing an exclusive action in their phase that
consumes all of their APs. Regeneration doesn’t work
while suffering the status effects of being overloaded,
poisoned, bleeding, suppressed or pinned down.

Strafing Run (costs 15 UPs): Units with this ability can

leave the battlefield, allowing them to be summoned by
their player when needed again. Whenever a unit with
the strafing run ability reaches a hex at the very edge
of the battlefield, it leaves the combat zone and has to
skip its upcoming phase. At the beginning of their next
possible phase after that, the absent unit can be rein-
serted through the same hex, facing in any direction
desired. This allows the controlling player to wait until
Wide FOV (180 °)

Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
Some doomed space marines

Advanced Abilities Kill Shot (costs 10 UPs): Extends critical hit results by
1. Critical hits with ranged weapons are thus achieved
Artifact Aptitude (costs 10 UPs): Allows the unit to on a result of 1-2 instead of only 1, greatly increasing a
equip and use such weapons and items that can nor- unitʼs ranged damage potential.
mally be utilzed only by specific other factions.
Lone Wolf (costs 15): This type of unit is better off on
Balls of Steel (costs 8 UPs): the unit adds 2 to its guts its own. If no friendly unit is within a radius of 8 hexes,
rating, ignoring limits. the lone wolf receives a bonus of -1 to all of its tests.

Deadly Patience (costs 20 UPs): Instead of erasing Ninja Skills (costs 12 UPs): Enhances the stealth rat-
any remaining APs from overwatch at the beginning of ing by 2 points, ignoring the limits.
the unit’s next phase, they can be saved up for the next
possible opportunity of overwatch. This is possible only Pariah (costs 9 UPs): A pariah is not susceptible to psi
if the unit did not perform any (deliberate or involuntary) powers, but will also never be able to use them. This
movement while saving the APs. A maximum of double trait is only for units that are not constructs.
the unit’s total number of APs can be stacked.
Rapid Fire (costs 20 UPs): Ranged attacks can be
Death Blow (costs 8 UPs): Critical hits with melee performed faster, costing 1 AP less than usual.
weapons and unarmed attacks are achieved on a re-
sult of 1-2 instead of 1, greatly increasing a unitʼs me- Reflex-Boosted (costs 8 UPs): Improves melee and
lee damage potential. evade ratings by 2 points each, ignoring limits.

Dual Wielding (costs 15 UPs): By using two identical Rush (costs 15): Units with this ability do not allow en-
weapons (ranged or melee), one in each hand, the unit emy units to retaliate in melee combat after they attack.
gains a bonus to the attack power in form of one ad- The enemy may still launch a counterattack, however.
ditional damage die. However, dual-wielding doubles
the weapon’s minimum strength requirement (MSR). S-Agile (costs 9 UPs): Similar to the agile ability, super-
Buy the extra weapon with UPs in a regular fashion or agile operatives get 4 free APs for the purpose of mov-
pick it up on the battlefield. Not usable with indirect fire ing as well as changing stances and facing per phase.
weapons, grenades or other explosives.
S-Heal (costs 18 UPs): Similar to the heal ability, but
Fast Combo (costs 15 UPs): Melee attacks and coun- heals two health points instead of one per phase.
terattacks can be performed faster, costing 1 AP less
than usual. S-Lead (costs 13 UPs): Similar to the lead ability, but
the unitʼs guts rating is treated as being 2 points higher
Field of Fire (costs 7 UPs): When successfully using than normal only when rolling in place of other friendly
suppressing fire on a target, the targeted unit becomes units.
immediately pinned down instead of just suppressed.

Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)

S-Night Vision (costs 10 UPs): Improved night vision of damage with each attack. If the attacker’s to-hit roll
allows the unit to ignore all modifiers imposed by illumi- renders an odd number as a result, reduce the target’s
nation levels, even in pitch black darkness. final number of damage points suffered by 1.

S-Tech (costs 11 UPs): Similar to the tech ability, Vindictive (costs 10 UPs): After counterattacking a
but repairs worth of 2 health points instead of one per melee attacker, the unit is still capable of regular re-
phase. The number of APs or phases required to nor- taliation, thus giving it two melee attacks in such situa-
mally hack terminals and perform other mission-rele- tions. It can also retaliate after an attack of opportunity
vant operations is halved. or after being disarmed without spending APs.

Scorched Eyebrows (costs 10 UPs): A pyromaniac

always knows how to blow up or burn something to Limitations
maximum effect. With this ability, always add 4 to the
power of grenade, rocket, flamethrower or planted ex-
plosive attacks. Almost, with flamethrowers, success- Clunky (refunds 10 UPs): units with this limitation
fully hit targets are always set on fire. make lots of noise and/or are very hard to overlook
simply by their type of movement, they are rendered
completely unable to go stealthy (sneak).
Shadow Games (costs 15 UPs): If the unit is already
using stealth and has not used up any APs during the
current phase, it can forfeit all APs in order to gener- Glass Jaw (refunds 18 UPs): The unit takes one ad-
ate one additional blank stealth marker that appears ditional damage point every time it takes a critical hit,
on a hex adjacent to one of its stealth markers already regardless of how many points of damage the attack
in use. By generating additional blanks, one unit can would normally do. Even if the armor wasn’t penetrat-
have up to six stealth markers in total on the battlefield. ed, the unit will take one point of damage when criti-
This ability is also useful for replacing previously lost cally hit.
Lumbering (refunds 24 UPs): Lumbering units are
Tough as Nails (costs 20 UPs): Units with this ability rather slow to move, meaning they double their AP cost
have a high probability of simply shrugging of one point for any type of movement.

Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
Rampant (refunds 28 UPs): Being
out of control by nature, rampant units
have no sense for self-preservation
and are constantly aggressive. A
rampant unit always has to attack the
closest enemy unit within its line of
sight with its most powerful weapon.
A player is only in full control of the
rampant unit only when there is no
enemy in the unit’s field of vision.

Rigid (refunds 6 UPs): Units that

are rigid have a limited amount of ar-
ticulation or are simply built in a way
that does not allow them to take all
stances a humanoid creature would.
They are capable of changing their
stance to crouched, but not to prone.
Only available to units with an effec-
tive standing height of 3 or higher.

Straight Shooter (refunds 12 UPs): Straight Shooter

The unit’s weapons are fixed and fac-
ing toward the front. Units with this
limitation can fire their ranged weap-
Towering (refunds 7 UPs): Increase the unit’s stand-
ons only along the row of hexes in the direction they
ard (standing) height level by 1.
are facing. In case of flying units, such as a jetbike,
targets also have to have a height level equal or higher
Turning Circle (refunds 15 UPs): Units with this limi-
than the straight shooter’s current elevation from the
tation are affected by inertia in a way that allows them
to change their direction of movement by 60 degrees
only after having moved for at least 5 hexes. If they can
fly, the same applies for any change
in elevation (height level) by 1 incre-
ment. Turning and changing elevation
costs no additional APs. However, as
the unit has to move in a straight line
for at least 5 hexes before being able
to change trajectory and its height
level, navigating a cluttered battlefield
might require some careful planning.
If a unit with such limited maneuver-
ability moves on a hex containing an
obstacle or another unit with a height
level equal or higher than the mov-
ing unit’s current elevation from the
ground, a crash might happen.

Turning Circle

Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
Abilities & Limitations Overview UPs Status Effects
Agile costs 6 Units can suffer temporary conditions that impose dis-
Artifact Aptitude costs 10 advantages on their health and fighting abilities, called
status effects. Some types of units are more suscepti-
Balls of Steel costs 8
ble to suffering certain status effects, while others may
Cloned costs 20
be more resilient or even immune.
Clunky refunds 15
However, not all status effects are detrimental. Certain
Construct costs 28 status effects, such as stances, provide advantages in
Death Blow costs 8 certain situations and can be voluntarily attained.
Dual Wielding costs 15
Enhanced Targeting costs 12
Berserk: When a unit goes berserk, it charges
head-on towards the nearest enemy and attacks
Extended FOV costs 8
it with its most powerful attack (ranged or melee) as
Fast Combo costs 15 soon as it gets to act in its phase. Get standing first with
Field of Fire costs 7 a change stance action if crouched or prone. Use all of
Flight Capability costs 10 the unitʼs APs for moving towards the nearest enemy
Full FOV costs 10 unit, save for the number of APs needed to perform the
Glass Jaw refunds 18
attack. If the charging unit ends up on a hex adjacent to
the enemy and has enough APs left for multiple attacks,
Heal costs 12
it is allowed to perform multiple attacks. Yikes! If the
Hive Mind costs 7 unit has no ranged attacks and cannot reach the ene-
Keen Hearing costs 5 my with enough APs left for a melee attack, it simply
Kill Shot costs 10 won’t be able to attack in spite of its anger issues. Lasts
Lead costs 10 until the end of the unitʼs upcoming phase.
Life Drain costs 10
Lone Wolf costs 15
Bleeding: Affects only units that are not con-
structs. If the unit is moved, hit by an attack, or
Low Sihouette costs 15
performs any attacks or movement actions before or
Lumbering refunds 24 during its upcoming phase, it will lose one health point
Natural Weapons costs 10 at the end of it. Lasts until the unit is healed.
Night Vision costs 6
Ninja Skills costs 9 Broken: Probably the worst outcome for a demoralized
Pariah costs 9 unit. When all hope is lost, the unit just breaks down
Rampant refunds 28
and gives up the fight. It may not be physically defeated
or dead, but becomes nonetheless entirely useless and
Rapid Fire costs 20
is taken out of the game for good. Takes effect immedi-
Reflex-Boosted costs 8 ately, so no status marker is needed.
Regeneration costs 6
Rigid refunds 6 Crouched: Reduce height level by 1. A man-
Rush costs 15 sized humanoid unit reduces its standing height
S-Agile costs 9 level of 2 to 1 by crouching. The unit becomes harder
to hit in ranged combat with a modifier of +1, and easi-
S-Heal costs 18
er to hit in melee combat with a modifier of -1 on the
S-Lead costs 13
attackerʼs to-hit roll. Movement costs 1 additional AP
S-Night Vision costs 10 per hex.
S-Tech costs 11
Shadow Games costs 10 Dazed: Affects only units that are not constructs.
Strength Augmentation costs 6 Temporary disorientation modifies the results of
Tech costs 8 all success tests by +2, making life more difficult in
general. Lasts until the end of the unitʼs upcoming
Tough as Nails costs 20
Towering refunds 7
Vindictive costs 10
Evading: An evading unit is not allowed to do
Wide FOV costs 6 anything else than moving, turning, and chang-
ing stances during its current phase. It also has to pass

– 10 –
Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
an evade rating test at the beginning of its phase, be- in overwatch are capable of spotting hidden enemies.
fore any movements were made. If the test is success- Once an enemy stealth marker comes into their LOS,
ful, the following effects are applied: Both snapshots the enemy unit has to pass a stealth rating test, or the
and regular ranged attacks taken at the evading unit marker is uncovered. Lasts until the beginning of the
suffer a penalty of +4 to their to-hit roll until the begin- observing unit’s upcoming phase.
ning of the evading unitʼs upcoming phase. If the evade
rating test failed, the unit instead becomes suppressed. Panicked: Probably off worse than being unable
Switch markers accordingly. to do anything, a panicked unit will drop the
weapon or item last used (place it on the hex where the
Flying: Units in flight raise their height level by at least status effect occured) and run off. Dropping the item
1. They can pass through hexes containing obstacles costs 1 AP, while the remaining APs are used to flee
without tests and at their full speed (normally 1 AP into a random direction determined with a D6 roll (see
per hex). Instead of a regular marker, use transparent diagram below). In case the unit is not already stand-
bricks underneath the figure. ing, use a change stance action (2 APs) to get up be-
fore moving. Lasts until the end of the unitʼs upcoming
Frenzied: Affected units will attack any other unit phase.
that is closest to them with their most powerful Paralyzed: Being paralyzed with fear or some
melee attack, unable to discriminate between friend or
foe. Only if the unit has no melee attack, it will use its
most powerful ranged attack. Lasts until the end of the Your side
unitʼs upcoming phase. A player must execute the af- of the table
fected unitʼs phase first during his turn.

Malfunctioning: Affects only artificial units (con-

structs). Effects are the same as for dazed, but other overwhelming emotion to the same effect, the
more severe with a modifier of +3. Lasts until the end of unit loses its entire upcoming phase. It cannot move,
the unitʼs upcoming phase. turn, attack or even defend itself. Tough break! As op-
posed to a unit that is unconscious, however, the para-
Mind-Controlled: A mind-controlled unit has lyzed unit can still detect hidden enemies if it was put in
been temporarily taken over by the opposing overwatch during its phase.
player after successfully using one of his unitʼs epony-
mous psi ability on it. The mind-controlled unit has to Pinned Down: Affected units are unable to move,
execute its phase early during its original playerʼs turn, take evasive action or attack during their upcom-
right after the original player has played one single un- ing phase, unless they manage to pass a guts rating
affected unitʼs phase, enabling him to stop the affected test first. Failing the test means losing the APs normal-
unit - possibly at a cost. Mind-controlled units are treat- ly required for the attack or the planned amount of
ed as if they were dazed (see above). Their actions are movement. Units that are pinned down can still change
entirely determined by the opposing player until mind stances without hindrance from the status effect. Lasts
control wears off at the end of the unitʼs phase. until the end of the upcoming phase.

On Fire: Burning units lose 1 health point at the Poisoned: Affects only biological units. Poisoned
end of their next phase unless they spend 6 APs units will receive one point of damage at the end
to put out the fire. Lasts until the end of the phase they of each of their phases, starting with the next one from
would take burning damage. the point of being poisoned. Lasts until an antidote is
administered, taking effect immediately.
Overloaded: When carrying more weight points
than twice the unit’s strength rating or dragging a Prone: Reduce height level by 2, with a minimum
body, units become overloaded. An overloaded unit of 0. A man-sized humanoid reduces its standing
cannot fly, sneak or scale obstacles of any height. Ef- height level of 2 to 0. The unit becomes much harder to
fective movement costs are doubled. The effect lasts hit in ranged combat with a modifier of +2, and easier
until the excess weight is dropped. to hit in melee combat with a modifier of -1 on the
attackerʼs to-hit roll. Movement costs 1 additional AP
Overwatch: A unit is left on overwatch at the end per hex.
of its phase if it has saved up enough APs for at
least one attack. Outside of their own phase, only units

– 11 –
Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
Restrained: Units that are physically restrained are Deployment
temporarily unable to move or perform any actions,
such as attacking. The effect lasts until the end of their
upcoming phase. During their phase, they can always Deployment patterns and locations for squads are nor-
attempt to break free by passing a strength rating test, mally specified in mission descriptions, but in a free-for-
which costs them 4 APs. all game, some general rules for deployment become
necessary: Enemy factions should start out as far as
possible from each other with as many obstacles as
Sneaking: A sneaking unit is initially replaced
possible between their units, or players simply set up
with three stealth markers that may be used to
their units on opposing sides of the battlefield adjacent
confuse the opposing player. The true position of the
to the very edge. Players can take turns in placing their
unit is known only to the sneaking unitʼs player. For de-
units one by one in order to avoid unfair advantages for
tails on using stealth, see p. 19. Lasts until all stealth
either side.
markers or the stealth marker hiding the unitʼs position
is detected. Sneaking units (ergo, their stealth mark-
ers) move at the cost of one additional AP per hex.
Turns and Phases
Suppressed: Affected units cannot attack during
their upcoming phase, unless they manage to
When playing FTT, players take turns in making their
pass a guts rating test prior to every attack. Failing the
troop movements and engaging each other’s units.
test means losing the APs normally required for the at-
tack. The effect lasts until the end of the unitʼs upcom- Moving, attacking and performing actions with one unit
ing phase. is referred to as a phase. A unit’s phase cannot be bro-
ken up. In effect, this means a player cannot move or
perform any more actions with that unit after switching
Terrified: The unit is terrified to the bones. Eve-
to another unitʼs phase during his turn.
rything it does is more likely to go catastrophi-
cally wrong. Rolling a result of 10-12 is considered a During his turn, one player performs all his unitsʼ phas-
critical failure on all success tests. Lasts until the end of es in any order he wishes while placing markers on
the unitʼs upcoming phase. the battlefield and on units. Markers are often used
as reminders for actions and status effects that may
Unconscious: Units suffering this status effect become relevant during another playerʼs turn, such as
automatically change their stance to lying prone APs saved up for reaction fire, live grenades, sneaking
on the ground and also become unable to perform any or hidden units, stances, and so on.
actions or detect hidden enemies. Lasts until the end of Don’t worry, we’ll explain everything.
the unitʼs upcoming phase, staying prone until a change
stance action is performed.

Plenty of status effect markers

– 12 –
Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
Turn Order

In the beginning of each game of FTT, the starting play-

er is normally determined via mission description. For
instance, a player attempting an assault on a defended
position always gets the first turn. For details on initial
unit deployment, see each mission description.
Turn order is handled differently in free-for-all sce-
narios. Here, the order of player turns is determined
by adding up the alert ratings of all units in a squad
and comparing the result to the other playersʼ squads.
Scoring highest grants a player the first turn, the sec-
ond-highest the second turn, and so on. Only in the
rare case of a tie, a comparing dice roll is used until one
of the tied players scores higher.

the six facing directions

Moving Units

Distance in FTT is measured in hexes. The diameter of

one hex corresponds to roughly two meters on a real-
world scale. Moving a unit in FTT uses up its action
points at a ratio of one AP per hex in its default stance
and movement type (standing, running for humans).
There are usually no restrictions to when movement
can be used during a unitʼs phase - units are allowed
to attack and move — or move first and attack then,
move, attack, move some more, and so on, as long as
they have enough APs left.

Standard FOV (120 °)

Movement types

Certain movement types may grant bonuses and im-

pose restrictions. For instance, a sneaking unit is al-
lowed to attack only with silent weapons unless it
accepts being automatically detected. Sneaking move-
ment also costs an additional AP per hex, making it a
considerably slower movement type. Not all unit types
are capable of all movement types available — read
each unitʼs abilities and limitations carefully to learn
which movement types are at its disposal and how they
are used.

Units always face towards one side of the hex(es) they Movement restrictions
stand on, so there is a total of six directions they can
face in (see diagram). Unless otherwise stated, units Movement always occurs from one hex to any negoti-
have a 120° forward-facing field of vision (FOV). A unit able adjacent one. Passing through hexes containing
has line of sight (LOS) to every other unit in its field of a friendly unit is allowed, though standing on them is
vision (FOV) that is not fully obscured by obstacles. not. It is not allowed to pass through hexes contain-

– 13 –
Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
ing enemy units, except after performing certain melee attempting the climb, so a change stance action may
combat maneuvers (see p. 21). Passing through hexes be required prior to the attempt. Keep in mind that if
containing obstacles may or may not be possible, de- the unit is also sneaking, scaling the obstacle costs 1
pending on the nature of the obstacle, and often re- additional AP.
quires extra APs and/or a test to succeed. See scaling Failing the evade rating test means the unit loses the
obstacles (below) for details. number of APs required to scale the obstacle and re-
mains on the hex prior to it. Consequent attempts
to scale the obstacle can be made during the same
Turning phase, provided the unit has enough APs left to get to
the other side. Stay aware of enemy LOS and reaction
Spending APs for turning is not required when moving. fire when passing over obstacles.
For units that wish to turn on the same hex they are
standing on, turning into any direction other than they
are already facing simply costs 1 AP. For details on fac- Flying Units
ing directions, check the previous page.
Through the use of wings, jet packs or other gravity-
defying features, units capable of flight are allowed to
Stances pass over hexes containing obstacles without slowing
down. When flying over an obstacle, the elevation of the
Many unit types are capable of changing between unit has to be higher than the obstacle’s height level.
stances, which costs 2 APs. Using a different stance Flying units do not require any tests for scaling obsta-
changes the unitʼs height level, allowing it to make bet- cles. A change stance action is required to take off, an-
ter use of cover, but often also increases movement other one for landing. Units can take off only when they
cost. As an example, a crouching human has a lower are standing and not overloaded. Units cannot sneak
silhouette than a standing one, but can move only at while flying. In flight, the unit’s height level is increased
the expense of one extra AP per hex. The effective by at least 1 – because it has to have an elevation of at
cost for moving one hex while crouching is therefore 2 least 1. Flying units can change their elevation to any
AP. Combining the crouched stance with the sneaking desired height level at will while hovering on one hex.
movement type would further raise the movement cost Changing the elevation while moving or hovering costs
by one AP, rendering a crouched, sneaking human very no APs. Indicate the flying status and current eleva-
slow at 3 AP per hex, but also making him or her very tion by raising the figure or model on a corresponding
hard to detect if placed behind appropriate cover. number of transparent bricks.

Moving overloaded Carrying Equipment & Other Things

Units that carry more weight points (accumulated in A unitʼs strength rating does not only affect its melee
equipment or even by dragging an immobilized buddy) effectiveness, but also how much additional gear can
than their strength rating are overloaded, which raises be carried. Units can carry only up to a maximum of
their movement cost per hex by 2 AP. Overloaded units twice their strength rating in equipment weight points
cannot sneak or scale obstacles (see below). and are considered overloaded if the weight points of
the equipment exceed their strength rating. Overload-
ed operatives cannot scale obstacles, not even ones
Scaling Obstacles with lower height, they cannot sneak, and also double
all their movement costs.
Getting over most obstacles is easy — if the obstacle Most units (those with a melee rating of at least 1,
has a height level lower or equal to the unitʼs current meaning they have prehensile limbs) are also capable
height level, the hex containing the obstacle can be of dragging other units up to their own hex size, during
crossed normally. It is not possible to stop on the hex which they automatically count as overloaded. They
containing the obstacle, however. are also unable to attack or perform any other action in
When an obstacleʼs height level exceeds the unitʼs that state. Dragging becomes useful when an equally-
height level, an evade rating test has to be made in sized or smaller unit is suffering a status effect that pre-
order to attempt climbing/jumping over it, and passing vents it from getting to safety on its own. Dragging is
the hex costs a number of APs equal to the height level represented by keeping both units on adjacent hexes
of the obstacle. The unit must also be standing before and moving them simultaneously.

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Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
A spawn point for grey clones

COMBAT Basics - ranged Hitting Low Targets

Ranged and psi attacks in FTT are initiated in a simi- In ranged combat only, lower stances decrease the
lar fashion. A to-hit roll made with a D12 determines chance of being hit, even when out in the open. Add
whether the attack is successful. If the result is lower or 1 to the attackers to-hit roll when targeting a crouched
equal to the ranged or psi rating of the attacking unit, unit, and add 2 when targeting a unit that is lying down
the attack is a success. prone.
Conversely, lower stances are unfavorable when be-
ing attacked in melee combat. Subtract 1 from the
LOS Requirement attackerʼs to-hit roll when targeting a crouched unit,
and subtract 2 when targeting a unit lying down prone.
With most ranged weapons, line of sight between the The stance of a target has no influence on the use of
attackerʼs weapon and the target is required. At least a psi powers.
portion of the targetʼs silhouette has to be visible to the
shooter. In order to check the line of sight, players might
require to eye the target over the attacking figure’s or Hitting Distant Targets
modelʼs shoulder. If the target is entirely obscured by
obstacles (in full cover), it cannot be attacked with most On ranged attacks, the distance to a target may ad-
ranged weapons or psi powers. For the rules on partial versely affect the probability of hitting it. All ranged
cover, see p. 16. weapons have an ideal range rating. If the distance to
the target in hexes is lower or equal to the ideal range
rating, the test is made without changing the roll result.
Hitting Broad Targets In case the distance to the target exceeds the ideal
range rating of the weapon, the roll result is modified
It is easier to hit larger targets with physical attacks, by an increment for each excess hex, as provided in
both ranged and melee. When targeting a unit larger the weapon’s description.
than 1hx, subtract 1 from the attackers to-hit roll result.
The size of a target has no influence on the use of psi

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Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
Hitting Close Targets

Only with some weapons, especially such equipped

with magnifying sights, there is an additional minimum
range rating to be considered. Targets short of the mini-
mum range of the weapon become more difficult to hit
the closer they are to the shooter. Subtract the actual
distance to the target from the minimum range rating Grenade markers
and treat the result similar to excess hexes for distant
targets (see above).
Throwing Back Grenades

Indirect-Fire Weapons
When a hand grenade lands on a hex adjacent to a
unit that was placed in overwatch and has reserved at
Hand grenades, mortars and grenade launchers are
least 5 APs for overwatch, it may pick up the grenade
examples for weapons that do not require line of sight
and throw it (preferably back where it came from, fol-
to a target. Units equipped with them are allowed to tar-
lowing the same rules as for a standard grenade toss,
get any hex that is within the weapon’s specified range,
see above). This maneuver costs the reacting unit all
but not farther away. Indirect-fire weapons may often
reserved APs and also ends its overwatch status. Re-
cause collateral damage.
gardless, the grenade will explode on schedule.
When using an indirect-fire weapon, make the ranged
rating test first. Critical successes have no additional
effect with these weapons, so there is no power in- Placing Mines
crease. Treat critical successes as regular successes.
Hand grenades cannot land on a hex already occupied
Mines are a different type of explosive weapon that is
by a unit or an obstacle, so target a hex adjacent to
triggered when a unit gets close. They are often used
the target. In case there is a success on the to-hit roll,
to make certain areas difficult to access. Placing a mine
the projectile hits the desired hex. In case of a failure,
requires no to-hit roll and no scatter roll, but can be per-
make the scatter roll with a D6 to determine direction.
formed only on empty hexes adjacent to the attacker.
The amount of scatter is contained in the weapon’s
It cannot be placed directly on a hex adjacent to an
description. Basically, a grenade or other indirect fire
enemy unit. The mine activates at the end of the turn.
round might still cause damage to something, even if
the shot missed its mark. When any unit enters the hex containing the mine or
any hex adjacent to it, it must make an evade rating
Mortar rounds and Launcher Grenades explode on im-
test, or the mine will explode.
pact. Timed hand grenades explode at the end of the
attacking player’s turn. Live hand grenades may still
be interacted with (see to the right) and are therefore
Shooting at Mines and other Explosives
represented by markers in order to keep track of their
Mines and other explosives can be safely exploded
Most indirect fire weapons cause splash damage over
from a distance by hitting them with a ranged attack.
an area larger than one hex. Splash damage always
Because they are so small, they are difficult to hit. Add
has its effective power halved (round down) against
+3 to the result of the to-hit roll. The attack must also
units that are behind partial cover (see p. 16). The blast
have a power of at least 10 to detonate the device.
effect is entirely negated if a target is in full cover from
the hex where the blast originates from.

Your side
of the table


– 16 –
Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
Combat Basics - Melee less otherwise noted, an attacked unit is not allowed to
perform a regular melee retaliation after attempting a
melee counterattack.
In order for units to engage in melee combat, attacker
and target have to occupy adjacent hexes. A to-hit roll
is made with a D12. If the result is lower or equal to the
melee rating of the attacking unit, the attack succeeds. Using Cover

The use of cover is essential on the battlefields of the

Melee Retaliation
future, where enemies with high-powered long range
weapons happen to be regular business to be dealt
Units attacked in melee combat are usually allowed to with. It is important to learn how taking cover works in
retaliate immediately after the attack. This is not the order to make the best use of it. That said, obstacles,
case if the attack comes from outside the targetʼs field just like units, come with height levels. Obstacle height
of vision (FOV, 120 degrees to the front for most hu- levels become important when compared to a unitʼs
manoids) or if the attacker is making a stealth attack. A height level in the context of taking cover.
regular melee retaliation works just as a regular melee
attack, provided the executing unit is still alive, con-
scious, adjacent to the attacker, and otherwise able to Full Cover
perform it. Regular melee retaliation costs the defend-
ing unit no APs. It is voluntary, except for units that are
A unit fully behind an obstacle with at least the same
rampant, frenzied or gone berserk.
height level as itself is considered in full cover, and can-
not be hit with a ranged attack that requires line of sight
(LOS), even if it was previously detected by the enemy.
Melee Counterattack
Naturally, this applies both ways, meaning a unit enjoying
full cover from an enemy has no line of sight to that en-
In order to melee counterattack the attacking enemy, emy, and therefore cannot engage it in ranged combat.
a unit must save up enough APs during its own phase Note that hexes with no elevation (height level 0) are
(for a snapshot, see overwatch, p. 19) and also have never considered obstacles, and therefore do not grant
an alert rating higher or equal to the attacker. A melee a unit cover, even if the unit has reduced its height level
counterattack costs as many APs as a regular melee to 0, such as a human lying flat on the ground (prone
attack. For most units, the counterattack is voluntary position).
and has to be called by the attacked unitʼs player. Un-

– 17 –
Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
Partial Cover standing in poor lighting, as well as a +3 penalty on
their alert rating tests made to detect hidden enemies
Partial cover comes into play when a unit is taller than in their LOS. Units possessing night vision remain
the cover obscuring it and/or a fraction of the unitʼs unaffected. Pitch black means a total lack of lighting,
base is visible in the attackerʼs LOS. perfect darkness. Units without night vision are unable
to see in these lighting conditions, meaning they can
When part of the targetʼs base plate can be seen be-
neither attack nor defend themselves. They are even
hind cover that is at least as tall as the unit itself, add
unable to spot enemies that stand in pitch black dark-
2 to a ranged attackerʼs to-hit roll. Similarly, add 2 to a
ness. Units with night vision instead treat pitch black as
ranged attackers to-hit roll when the target is standing
poor lighting by default.
taller than its cover, but its base is entirely hidden. Both
these instances are called half-cover.
Should a target taller than its cover also have its base
partly visible behind it, the ranged attackerʼs to-hit roll Damage Resolution
is increased only by 1. This is known as quarter-cover.
It is the poorest form of cover, but still better than no After a ranged or melee attack results in a hit, players
cover at all. need to determine whether the attack causes damage
to the target. If the target has no damage protetction at
all (equalling an armour rating of 0), it takes the weap-
Illumination Levels on’s maximum damage (as specified by its maximum
damage potential) by default. If the target has armour,
The illumination of a battlefield or sections thereof has however, consult the weaponʼs power.
three possible levels: Good, poor and pitch black. The weaponʼs power generally consists of a fixed
Good lighting is used as a default and does not affect number (the base power) and a certain amount of pow-
units unless otherwise noted. er dice. Roll the power dice and add their results to the
Lighting conditions are normally determined before the base power. If the result exceeds the targeted unitʼs
start of a mission, as provided in the mission descrip- armour rating without being a multiple of it, one point of
tion, or are decided upon by the players while setting up damage is dealt to the target.
the battlefield. For instance, the inside area of a build- Note that many weapons have a maximum damage
ing could have worse lighting than all of the outside. potential higher than 1. It means they are capable
Units without the night vision ability suffer +2 penalties of inflicting multiple points of damage when their at-
on their ranged and melee to hit rolls against enemies tack power exceeds the targetʼs armour rating multi-

Different types of dice

– 18 –
Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
ple times: While a final power of more than twice the Destroying Obstacles
targetʼs armour rating would deal 2 points of damage
to the target, getting one of more than three times the Any obstacle with a height level higher than 0 can be
armour rating would cause 3 points of damage, and so targeted and, in theory, obliterated from the battlefield.
on, up to the weaponʼs maximum damage potential.
Obstacles have structural points instead of health
points, an information normally imprinted on stickers
applied to them. Some obstacles also come with an
Defeating Units
armour rating, also imprinted on the sticker for quick
reference. Treat an obstacleʼs structural points and ar-
When a unit is undeniably defeated (either by running mour rating just like a unitʼs health points and armour
out of health points or by another condition, such as rating. Most obstacles have only one structural point,
being broken), it is normally taken out of the game. so thereʼs no need to keep track of damage. Only ob-
However, when mission objectives require retrieving stacles specifically built to resist damage, such as re-
bodies and equipment, defeated units or parts thereof inforced bunker walls, have more than one structural
might need to stay on the battlefield for the rest of the point, and are usually also well-armoured.
game. Keep in mind equipment can be picked up from
Hitting obstacles is treated in analogy to hitting units,
the ground and bodies can be dragged (see p. 12).
and so is damage resolution. When destroyed, obsta-
cles are removed from the battlefield. Some obstacles,
such as explosive items, may follow additional rules, as
Critical Misses
provided in their respective descriptions.

On their to-hit-roll for an attack (including psi attacks),

all units can suffer critical misses. Critical misses only Collateral Damage
apply to attack tests. Whenever rolling a natural 12 (the
actual dice result before adding modifiers) on an at-
In ranged combat, sometimes a missed shot will cause
tack roll, not only is the attack automatically a miss, but
that what is called collateral damage.
other undesirable effects may additionally apply. These
depend on the type of attack and the weapon used Whenever a ranged attack against a target misses, the
(see weapon description). Accidental friendly fire on al- attacker chooses a hex adjacent to the right or the left
lied units close to the target (see below) is exemplary of the targeted hex. If that hex contains an obstacle
for such an undesirable effect. (and not a unit!) within LOS of the shooter, it is hit. In
case there is no LOS to the respective hex, the obsta-
Any critical miss can be averted (turning it into a plain
cle obscuring the side hex (but again, not unit) closest
old vanilla miss) by spending a lifesaver (see p. 22).
to the shooter gets hit instead.
Involuntary hits on other units are achieved only through
Friendly Fire critical misses (see to the left).
Weapons that cause splash damage automatically
When a weapon’s critical miss effect reads friendly fire, cause collateral damage to everything in their area of
first check if there are any friendly or allied units in the effect. This includes both obstacles and units included
line of sight of the attacker. If there are, pick the one within their specific area of effect - a damage template
closest to the unit that rolled the critical miss and treat as provided within the weapon data.
it as if it suffered a (regularly successful) attack with the
currently used ranged weapon. Oops!
Status Effects

Critical Hits Status effects change the properties and game rules
concerning a unit, usually on a temporary basis. Being
Critical Hits, on the other hand, are only available to unconscious, mind-controlled (via psi), crouched (low-
unique operatives. They only apply to attack tests and ered stance), and evading are common examples for
occur whenever a natural 1 is rolled on such a test. status effects. Every status effect has a specific marker
After a critical hit, the power of the attack is effectively that is placed on a unitʼs base plate for as long as the
doubled. In addition, the target may suffer specific sta- effect persists. This allows players to keep track of their
tus effects, as provided in the weaponʼs description. unitʼs many statuses at a glance. See the next page for
a quick visual overview of all available status effects.

– 19 –
Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
Status Effects Overview Table Marker

Berserk (see p. 8) Units may choose to use evasive action instead of en-
gaging the enemy. Acting evasive means going into a
Bleeding (see p. 8) fully defensive mode: An evading unit is not allowed to
do anything else than moving, turning, and changing
Crouched (see p. 8) stances during its phase. It also has to pass an evade
rating test at the very beginning of its phase, before any
Dazed (see p. 8) movements were made.
If the test is successful, the following effects are ap-
Evading (see p. 8)
plied: Both snapshots and regular ranged attacks taken
at the evading unit suffer a penalty of +4 to their to-hit
Flying (see p. 9) (Elevation)
roll until the beginning of the evading unitʼs upcoming
phase. Melee combat attacks against the evading unit
Frenzied (see p. 9)
are not affected.
Malfunctioning (see p. 9) If the unit fails its evade rating test, however, the ben-
eficial effects do not apply, and the unit is also rendered
Mind-Controlled (see p. 9) unable to do anything else than moving and changing
stances during its current phase, thus becoming effec-
On Fire (see p. 9) tively suppressed.

Overloaded (see p. 9)
Overwatch (see p. 9)

Any units can reserve APs during their phase (see

Panicked (see p. 9)
overwatch, next page) in order to execute a snapshot
during the enemyʼs turn. Any unit saving up APs for
Paralyzed (see p. 9)
such an attack during the enemy’s turn is automatically
Pinned Down (see p. 9)
considered in overwatch and is allowed to detect hid-
den enemies that cross its line of sight, so there is more
Poisoned (see p. 9) than one reason to save up your APs in this fashion.
Reserved APs for reaction fire are noted down on the
Prone (see p. 9) unitʼs stat card at the end of its phase, and erased as
they are used during enemy turns. Any remaining APs
Restrained (see p. 10) (by Unit) are normally erased at the beginning of the unitʼs next
Sneaking (see p. 10) Snapshots can be attempted whenever an enemy unit
enters the reacting unitʼs LOS. An alert rating test has
Suppressed (see p. 10) to be passed by the reacting unit, or it is not allowed
to perform the snapshot. In that case, the amount of
Terrified (see p. 10) APs required for the snapshot is still lost. Multiple snap-
shots at one or more enemy units may be attempted,
Unconscious (see p. 10) each with its own alert rating test, for as many times as
there are APs left. Snapshots follow all standard rules
for regular ranged attacks.
Not all weapons are suited for snapshots as provided
Advanced Tactics by this rule, but there are other means to attack an en-
emy in his phase. For melee counterattacks, see p. 15.
There is much more to combat than just running around, For attacks of opportunity, see p. 21.
shooting, and ducking down behind chest-high walls. Stealth markers cannot be attacked with snapshots, but
It’s here where the meat of FTT really begins. any units that come into view after their stealth markers
When the odds are against you and you become des- were disclosed can be immediately attacked with snap-
perate for a break, only advanced combat tactics will shots as described above.
allow you to (re-) gain the upper hand.

– 20 –
Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
Overwatch Moving in Stealth Mode (Sneaking)

Units are automatically put in overwatch at the end of After replacing the unit with stealth markers, these can
their phase if they save up enough APs for at least one be moved independently. Each marker originating from
of their attacks (ranged or melee). Only when they are a hidden unit can only move as many hexes per phase
in overwatch, units are capable of spotting hidden en- as the unit would while sneaking with the number of
emies. Doing so costs no APs (see below). Overwatch APs they have left. Keep in mind sneaking as a move-
lasts until the beginning of the unit’s upcoming phase. ment type raises the movement cost by one additional
AP per hex. Treat each marker as having the same size
code and current stance as the unit it originated from.
Initiating Stealth Mode Unlike hexes occupied by units, hexes occupied by
stealth markers can be passed through by anyone, but
Stealth becomes a key element to victory when the cannot be stood on.
enemy squad cannot be simply overpowered or out- As soon as a marker enters the LOS of an enemy unit
gunned. Any unit may attempt to use stealth, but has in overwatch (see above), another stealth rating test
varying probabilities for success depending on its is required. If it is failed, the spotted marker is turned
stealth rating. over, making it either disappear if it is a blank, or re-
In order to begin using stealth, a unit has to hide first. vealing the hidden unit. When the unit is revealed, all of
Hiding means leaving the line of sight of ALL enemy its other stealth markers are removed, as well.
units — going into full cover, either by moving entirely Opposing players might want to keep in mind stealth
behind an obstacle that is tall and wide enough, and/ markers have to pass this test every time they re-enter
or by ducking down behind one. Once hidden, initiat- the LOS of the same enemy or if they enter the LOS of
ing stealth costs 4 AP and requires a successful stealth another enemy in overwatch during the same phase.
rating test — rolling a D12 lower or equal to the unitʼs
stealth rating. If the stealth rating test is failed, it can
be repeated as many times as the unit has AP left in
its phase.
As soon as the stealth rating test successfuly per-
formed, the unitʼs figure or model is replaced with three
identical-looking stealth markers designated as be-
longing to the respective unit (via numbering, a pattern,
or any other identifier. Place the markers stacked over
each other. Only one of them represents the unit’s true
position, recognizable by its flip side (here: red), which
remains facing the table. Only the player using the hid-
den unit is allowed to know which one of the markers Stealth markers: Undersides - left one is a blank
actually stands in for his unit, while the other two mark-
ers (here: with clear undersides) work as red herrings
for the opposing player. The latter will be referred to as
blanks. Stealth Attacks

Hidden units (the stealth markers designating their true

position, but not blanks) can perform stealth attacks,
both melee and ranged, on unsuspecting targets. Au-
tomatically double the effective power of the attack
when undetected. It can be doubled again (effectively
quadrupling power) by additionally scoring a critical hit.
Melee stealth attacks also prevent the target from re-
taliating or making counterattacks.
If the weapon used in the stealth attack is not silent, the
attacking unit is automatically detected during the at-
tack. With silent weapons, such as sound-suppressed
firearms and most melee weapons, the unit may re-
Two of a unit’s Stealth markers: Top sides main hidden — but only if the target is put out of action
(read: either dead or unconscious) in one shot.

– 21 –
Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
Psi attacks made by hidden units are not treated differ- Also consult the demoralization lookup table for every
ently than regular psi attacks in terms of effect poten- unit that fails and proceed as described above.
tial. They never reveal a hidden psi userʼs position. Demoralization can be averted through the use of the
lead ability, which allows friendly units possessing this
ability to make the guts rating test in place of the de-
Detecting Hidden Enemies moralized unit, provided they are in close proximity (5
hexes away or less, no LOS required). This costs the
If all blanks of a hidden unit are uncovered, the position leading unit no APs. If failed, the demoralization still
of the originating unit may no longer be such a mystery affects only the afflicted unit, not the leading unit itself.
for the opposing player, but in game terms, it still re- The lead ability cannot take effect if the leading unit
mains in stealth mode until detected via standard rules. fails its own guts rating test against demoralization at
If the hidden unit is spotted, however, all remaining the same point in time. In case of multiple units includ-
blanks are immediately removed from the battlefield. ing the leading one risking demoralization at the same
Stealth markers can be uncovered in two ways: Ei- time, always let the leading unit roll for itself first.
ther in the sneaking unitʼs phase by failure of one of As with critical misses, demoralization of any single unit
its stealth rating tests (made for each marker individu- can also be averted by simply spending one lifesaver.
ally when it enters the first hex an enemy in overwatch This has to be called by the player before the effects
has LOS to), or through active detection in the enemyʼs of the demoralization are determined through the D12
own turn: lookup table (see below).
During its own phase, any unit that wishes to actively A special case is that of the last man standing — if a
detect a hidden enemy has to pick a stealth marker and unit remains as the only survivor of its team, it has to
make an alert rating test. The stealth marker in ques- test its guts rating at the beginning of every one of its
tion needs to be in the unitʼs LOS in order for this to be phases for the remaining duration of the battle.
allowed. This costs the detecting unit two APs.
D12 Roll Status Effect
1-5 Terrified (see p. 10)
Attacks on Hidden Enemies
6-8 Paralyzed (see p. 9)
9-10 Panicked (see p. 9)
Hidden units (in full cover) or their stealth markers
11 Berserk (see p. 8)
when sneaking can be attacked only with area-effect
weapons, and the result of the to-hit roll is always in- 12 Broken (see p. 8)
creased by 4. It is not possible to attack units in full
cover or stealth markers with other ranged weapons or
in melee combat. Suppressive Fire

Suppressive fire is used to intimidate an enemy by

Morale continuously firing weapons in its general direction. In
game terms, suppressive fire never does any damage,
There are certain points during a battle when a unitʼs neither to the targeted units nor to the obstacles they
morale is put to the test. Likewise, certain situations will are hiding behind. It can only be performed with fully
adversely affect the morale of the entire squad. automatic ranged weapons that are designated suit-
able for suppressive fire. The suppressive fire action
Whenever a unit witnesses a friendly unitʼs demise in
itself doubles its AP cost in comparison to the weaponʼs
close proximity (LOS, 5 hexes away or less), it has to
regular attack mode, but requires no to-hit-roll. The tar-
roll a guts rating test. If failed, roll another D12 and con-
get of suppressive fire cannot be away a number of
sult the demoralization lookup table (see to the right).
hexes higher than twice the weapon’s ideal range
If the unit happens to be immune to the rolled effect,
simply ignore the result. Do not re-roll. The established An enemy unit targeted with suppressive fire is consid-
effect lasts until the end of the unitʼs current phase, or if ered suppressed and is not allowed to perform any at-
the demoralization happened outside of its phase, until tacks. If a suppressed unit is subjected to suppressive
the end of its upcoming phase. Place a corresponding fire again, it becomes pinned down.
status effect marker on the unitʼs base plate. In order to lose the status effect of being suppressed
The morale of the entire remaining squad is affected the or pinned down, a unit has to pass a guts rating test at
moment it has lost half or more of its initial members. beginning of its upcoming phase, spending 2 APs to do
Now all remaining units have to make a guts rating test. so. If failed, the test can be repeated as many times as
the unit has APs left.

– 22 –
Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
The status effect of being suppressed or pinned down Restrain: Sometimes, it may become necessary to re-
can also be removed by a friendly unit using its lead strain without causing damage. A unit must occupy at
ability, by issuing orders. To do so, it has to be in close least the same amount of hexes and have a strength
proximity of the affected unit (LOS, 5 hexes away or rating equal to or higher than the target in order to make
less) and succeed in a guts rating test of its own. Issu- the attempt. If a melee rating test is passed at the cost of
ing orders costs the leading unit 2 APs, as well. 4 APs, the target is successfully restrained and cannot
Regardless, the status effects of being suppressed or retaliate (even though it could have counterattacked if
pinned down are removed at the end of the unit’s cur- the requirements were met). Unless having used cuffs,
rent phase, or at the end of it’s next full phase if suf- the restraining unit is not allowed to move or perform
fered during its own phase (in case of failed evasion). any other actions for the duration of keeping the target
immobilized. Restrained is a status effect (see p. 10).

Melee Maneuvers Squeeze Past: Moving through a hex containing an

enemy unit is normally not allowed, but can be none-
theless attempted with this rather difficult melee com-
Attack of Opportunity: As soon as an enemy unit
bat maneuver: Make an evade rating test and add the
wishes to move through a hex adjacent to the unit of a
blocking unitʼs melee rating to the result. The attempt
player waiting for his turn, it may choose to perform an
costs the unit trying to squeeze past 2 APs. If success-
attack of opportunity free of cost. Treat this as a regular
ful, the unit may normally move through the enemy hex
melee attack, but without the possibility for the attacked
if it has enough APs left to do so. If not, the unit must
unit to retaliate.
stop before the blocking unit and may become the tar-
get of an attack of opportunity (see above).
Barge Through: Using brute force instead of agility,
a unit trying to get through a hex occupied by an en-
emy unit can make a strength rating test, given it has
a strength rating equal or higher than the blocking unit.
This costs the unit trying to barge through 3 APs, and it Psi Powers
has to be standing. The result of the test is only modi-
fied by adding the blocking unitʼs strength rating. If the Individual psi powers are acquired by spending UPs
test is successful, the unit may normally move through or XPs. The use of most psi powers is handled similar
the enemy hex if it has enough APs to do so. At the to a ranged attack: Line of sight (LOS) has to be es-
same time, the blocking unit is knocked into a prone tablished to the target and a psi rating test has to be
stance on the same hex. If the test fails, the unit at- passed. As opposed to most weapons, the range of psi
tempting to barge through must stop before the block- powers is not limited by distance, as long the psi user
ing unit and may become the target of an attack of op- can see the target. Psi powers have various effects on
portunity (see above). their targets, as described below.

Disarm: Disarming causes no damage, but forces the

Daze (costs 3 UPs): 3 APs. Requires LOS. If success-
target drop one weapon of the attackers choice. This
ful, the target becomes dazed (see p. 8). If the psi at-
rather difficult melee combat maneuver works only
tack was critical or if an already dazed unit is exposed
on handheld weapons, but not on mounted or natural
to the same psi power again, it becomes unconscious.
weapons. Treat the attempt as a regular melee attack
with a test result modified by the targetʼs melee rating.
Terror (costs 4 UPs): 3 APs. Requires LOS. If suc-
If successful, the weapon is dropped on a hex adjacent
cessful, the target becomes terrified (see p. 10). If the
to the target, chosen by the attacker. The target is not
psi attack was critical or if an already terrified unit is
allowed to retaliate. If the disarming attempt failed, the
exposed again, it becomes either panicked (odd roll re-
target may retaliate normally.
sult) or paralyzed (even roll result).

Push Back: Moving an enemy unit against its will is

Frenzy (costs 7 UPs): 4 APs. Difficulty +2 on the psi
hard, but any unit may attempt to do so if its strength
rating test. Requires LOS. If successful, the target be-
rating is at least equal to that of the unit to be moved.
comes frenzied.
Move on a hex adjacent to the unit to be pushed and
make an unmodified melee rating test at the cost of
5 APs. If the test is successful and there is enough Mind Control (costs 16 UPs): 6 APs. Difficulty +(tar-
space, the enemy is pushed back one hex away (in the get’s guts rating). Requires LOS. If successful, the tar-
direction the attacker was facing when attacking). get becomes mind-controlled (see p. 9). Mind-controlled
units may also be used for sensory relay (see below).

– 23 –
Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
Sensory Relay (costs 3 UPs): 1 AP. Requires LOS. Unit Progress
Allows the psi-using unit to establish LOS through the
target’s FOV for the purpose of using other psi pow-
ers on enemy units that are in full cover from the psi Only unique operatives earn experience points (XPs)
user. Can also be used on units that are being mind- in combat. These can be spent between missions of a
controlled (see above). The effect last until the end of campaign to improve the unit’s stats, expand its abili-
the player’s current turn. ties or buy extra gear. They work similar as UPs, but
can be spent only on the unit that earned them.
Deadzone (costs 12 UPs): 1 AP. No LOS requirement. Naturally, there is no reason to keep track of XPs when
The unit may perform only movement-related actions you are playing a one-shot mission. There is also no
(moving, turning, changing stances) for its remaining need to keep track of XPs for standard units, as their
phase, but all friendly units within a distance corre- initial setup cannot be altered anyway.
sponding to its psi rating cannot be targeted by enemy Note down XPs as soon as they are earned on the unit’s
psi powers. The effect lasts until the beginning of the card.Here’s what unique operatives earn XPs for:
player’s next turn.
Conditions for XP Gain Amount
Damage an enemy unit 1
Lifesavers Impose status effect on an enemy unit 1
Sneak attack an enemy unit 1
Lifesavers are tokens players receive at the beginning Defeat an enemy standard unit 2
of each mission. The maximum total number of tokens Defeat an enemy unique unit 3
in the game is 12, regardless of how many factions Heal/repair a damaged / afflicted unit 1
are fighting. Some mission descriptions specify certain
Find an item previously unavailable 1
amounts of lifesavers for each of the factions, while
in missions without specifications on lifesavers, they Fulfill a secondary mission objective 2
should be treated as a resource that can be bought Survive the current mission 1
with unit points prior to playing. While players generally
pay the same amount of UPs for one lifesaver, their
cost is adjustable. 20 UPs is a standard value for one Performing Upgrades
lifesaver, but players may agree to make them cheaper,
more expensive, or even ban them entirely.
When a mission is over, any surviving unique opera-
tive can be upgraded using their earned XPs as if they
Uses: Players are allowed to spend lifesavers to buy were UPs, ignoring the starting limits of the unit. Buy
one extra AP per token. Demoralization of one unit may additional rating points as desired.
be averted by spending one token in order to cancel
The unit can also acquire new abilities and psi powers
the effect. Players can also spend one token to avert a
with their accumulated XPs exactly as with UPs.
critical miss, turning the roll result into a regular miss.
A unit’s weapons and other gear can also be upgraded
in a similar fashion. In order to swap out a weapon or
item for a more expensive one, simply refund the UPs
for the old one before buying the new one. You have to
get a more expensive item for every item you give up,
or there is no deal. This rule is required in order to stop
players from getting massive refunds from expensive
items their units picked up during a battle. These, they
can keep, however.
It is not allowed to lower existing unit ratings or give up
already acquired abilities or powers for a UP refund.
You also don’t have to spend all XPs at this point, as
you may require to save them up over the course of
several missions for more expensive upgrades.
Choose wisely. No hero is born - they are built.
From tiny little plastic BRICKS!
Lifesaver Tokens

– 24 –
Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)
Unit Phase Actions Overview AP cost Conditions for XP Gain XP
Regular movement, standing 1 per hex Damage an enemy unit 1
Regular movement, flying 1 per hex Impose status effect on enemy unit 1
Regular movement, crouching 2 per hex
Sneak attack an enemy unit 1
Regular movement, prone 3 per hex
Defeat an enemy standard unit 2
Stealth movement (see p. 21) add 1 AP per hex Defeat an enemy unique unit 3
Overloaded movement add 2 AP per hex
Heal/repair a damaged / afflicted unit 1
Change from one stance to another (any) 2
Find an item previously unavailable 1
Turn into any direction 1
Fulfill a secondary mission objective 2
Turn while moving free
Survive the current mission 1
Scale an obstacle (unit has to be standing) [object height]
Stealthily scale an obstacle (standing, sneaking) [object height] + 1
Make a ranged attack consult weapon card Demoralization Outcome
Snapshot (see p. 20) as ranged attack
D12 Roll Status Effect
Suppressive fire (see p. 22) attack cost x 2
Remove suppressed or pinned down status (see p. 23) 2 APs 1-5 Terrified (see p. 12)
Make an armed melee attack consult weapon card 6-8 Paralyzed (see p. 11)
Make an unarmed melee attack 3 9-10 Panicked (see p. 11)
Make a melee counterattack (see p. 17) as melee attack 11 Berserk (see p. 10)
Retaliate in melee combat free
12 Broken (see p. 10)
Break free from restraint (see p. 12) 4
Squeeze past (melee maneuver, see p. 23) 2
Barge through (melee maneuver, see p. 23) 3
Attack of opportunity (melee maneuver, see p. 23) free
Push back (melee maneuver, see p. 23) 5
Restrain (melee maneuver, see p. 23) 4

Quick Reference Tables

Disarm (melee maneuver, see p. 23) as melee attack
Actively detect a hidden enemy 2
Initiate stealth mode 4
Issuing orders (see p. 23) 2
Administer first aid (see p. 5) exclusive action
Administer antidote (see p. 5) 5
Sabotage construct (see p. 6) 5
Use remote detonator 2
Cuff a restrained unit 3
Use simple item (on self or adjacent hex) 2
Pick up an item 3
Drop an item 1

Modifiers Overview Change to roll result

Ranged attack on large unit (7hx unit) subtract 1
Ranged attack on crouching unit add 1
Ranged attack on unit lying prone add 2
Ranged attack on unit in half-cover add 2
Ranged attack on unit in quarter-cover add 1
Ranged attack on evading unit add 4
Ranged attack on a small device (a mine, for instance) add 3
Ranged attack with area effect-weapon on a hidden target add 4
Ranged attack on target outside of weapon’s ideal range add increment x excess hxs
Ranged attack on target short of minimum range add increment x hxs short of min. rng.
Ranged attack on target in poor lighting add 2
Melee attack on large unit (7hx unit) subtract 1
Melee attack on crouching unit subtract 1
Melee attack on target lying prone subtract 2
Detecting an enemy (stealth marker) in poor lighting add 3

Joshua Strickland (Order #44431453)

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