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1. cycle (v) /saɪkl/: đạp xe
2. traffic jam (n) /'træfɪk dʒæm/: sự kẹt xe
3. park (v) /pɑ:k/: đỗ xe
4. pavement (n) /'peɪvmənt/: vỉa hè (cho người đi bộ)
5. railway station (n) /'reɪlwei ,steɪ∫n/: nhà ga xe lửa
6. safely (adv) /'seɪflɪ/: an toàn
7. safety (n) /'seɪftɪ/: sự an toàn
8. seatbelt (n) /'si:t'belt/: dây an toàn
9. traffic rule (n) /'træfIk ru:l/: luật giao thông
10. train (n) /treɪn/: tàu hỏa
11. roof (n) /ru:f/: nóc xe, mái nhà
12. illegal (adj) /ɪ'li:gl/: bất hợp pháp
13. reverse (n) /rɪˈvɜːs/: quay đầu xe
14. boat (n) /bəʊt/: con thuyền
15. fly (v) /flaɪ/: lái máy bay, đi trên máy bay
16. helicopter (n) /'helɪkɒptər/: máy bay trực thăng
17. triangle (n) /'traɪæŋɡl/: hình tam giác
18. vehicle (n) /'viɪkəl/: xe cộ, phương tiện giao thông
19. plane (n) /pleɪn/: máy bay
20. prohibitive (adj) /prə'hɪbɪtɪv/: cấm (không được làm)
21. road sign /rəʊd saɪn/: biển báo giao thông
22. ship (n) /ʃɪp/: tàu thủy
23. tricycle (n) /trɑɪsɪkəl/: xe đạp ba bánh



Cách dùng “How far” là câu hỏi thường được dùng để hỏi về khoảng cách, quãng đường giữa 2 địa
Ta đặt “It” làm chủ ngữ trong câu để nói về khoảng cách.
Cấu trúc How far is it from A to B?
It is (about) + khoảng cách
Ví dụ How far is it from your house to Tan Son Nhat airport?
(Khoảng cách từ nhà bạn tới sân bay Tân Sơn Nhất bao xa?)
It’s about 200 km (Khoảng 200 km)
Lưu ý Trong câu trả lời về khoảng cách ta thường dùng “about” (khoảng chừng) khi không biết
chính xác về khoảng cách đó.

Bài 1: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng.
1. How far is it from your apartment (from/to) the city centre?
2. It is (at/ about) 1 kilometre.
3. It is not very (near/far) from my house to the post office. It is just 500 metres.
4. How far (is it/ it is) from your country to Japan?
5. How (far/ much) is it from your location to the train station?
6. My house is 2 kilometers (near/ far) from my grandparents’ bungalow.


7. How far (is it/ are they) from here to the local museum?
8. I think it is about 200 ( metres/ metre) from here to the nearest bus stop.
9. My school is not far (from/to) my house. I can walk to school every day.
10. How far is it (from/ at) your office to the supermarket?

Bài 2: Điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

1. How_______ is it from your house to the city centre?
2. How far is it from this restaurant to the nearest __________? It is about 1 kilometer from this restaurant to
the nearest bank?
3. How far__________it from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City?
4. It is about 5 kilometres from my house__________yours.
5. How far is_________from your company to your apartment?
6. It is __________3 kilometres.
7. How far is it from my school to yours? __________is about 8 kilometres
8. How far is it __________where you live to your company?

Bài 3: Dựa vào những câu trả lời cho trước, hãy viết câu hỏi về khoảng cách.
1. ______________________________________________________________?
It is about 300 metres from here to the nearest post office.
2. ______________________________________________________________?
It is about 3,900 kilometers from New York to California.
3. ______________________________________________________________?
It is about 200 metres from my house to my family store.
4. ______________________________________________________________?
It is about 4576.89 miles from Beijing to Berlin.
5. ______________________________________________________________?
It is about 1 kilometer from my hotel to the beach.
6. ______________________________________________________________?
It is about 500 metres from here to the place where I live.
7. ______________________________________________________________?
It is about 200 kilometers from his hometown to the place where he lives now.
8. ______________________________________________________________?
It is just 200 metres from the park to the parking lot.
9. ______________________________________________________________?
It is approximately 4 kilometers from here to the airport.
10. ______________________________________________________________?
It is about 60 kilometers from my parent’s house to mine

Bài 5: Dựa vào gợi ý cho sẵn trong ngoặc, trả lời các câu hỏi về khoảng cách sau đây:
1. How far is it from your house to the gym? (300 metres)
2. How far is it from where you live to where you work? (2 kilometres)
3. How far is it from Hanoi to Hoi An? (about 800 kilometres)
4. How far is it from from Earth to Mars? (about 34 miles)
5. How far is it from Earth to the nearest star? (4.2 light-years)
6. How far is it from North Pole to Equator? (about 100000 kilometres)


1. Should (nên) và Shouldn't (không nên) dùng để đưa ra lời khuyên
Should là động từ khuyết thiếu, do đó nó không cần chia theo các ngôi và luôn cẩn một
động từ nguyên thể không "to" đi đằng sau

Thể Thể khẳng định +Thể phủ định Thể nghi vấn

Chức năng Dùng để diễn tả lời khuyên, hay ý nghĩ điều gì Dùng để hỏi ý kiến hay yêu cẩu một lời khuyên.
là đúng, nên làm hoặc không nên làm.

Cấu trúc s + should/ shouldn't + V + (các thành phần Should + s + V + (các thành phẩn khác)?
khác). Yes, s + should.
No, s + shouldn't.

Vi dụ We should brush our teeth twice a day. (Chúng Should we buy a new car?
ta nên đánh răng hai lẩn một ngày.) (Chúng ta có nên mua một chiếc ô tô mới
We shouldn't waste water. không?)
(Chúng ta không nên lãng phí nước.) Yes, we should.
(Có, chúng ta nên mua.)


Bài 1: Đọc câu và điền should/shouldn't vào chỗ trống sao cho hợp lý. so many lollipops. It's bad for his teeth.
2. He's fifteen. He........................ drive a car.
3. Pregnant women..............smoke as it can damage the baby.
4.We...................go somewhere exciting for our holiday.
5. People fast in the town centre.
6. You ...................ask the teacher to help you if you don't understand the lesson.
7. I the dress or the skirt?
8. She ...................tell lies.
9.That's a fantastic book. it
10. The doctot said: you healthy food. fast food.You
................... watch so much TV. You ................... walk 1 hour a day. You...................
drink fruit juice and water. You...................drink wine or beer.
11. You ................... be so selfish.
12. I don’t think you ................... smoke so much.
13. You................... exercise more.
14. I think I you ................... try to speak to her.
15. You are overweight. You ................... go on a diet.
16. Where................... we park our car?
17. You ................... never speak to your mother like this.
18. The kid ................... spend so much time in front of the TV.
19. ................... I tell her the truth or should I say nothing?
20. I think we................... reserve our holiday in advance.


Bài 2: Nối câu ở cột A (tình huống) với cột B (lời khuyên) sao cho hợp lý.

Cột A Cột B
1. It's too far to walk. a. You should learn the language before you go.
2. Someone doesn't know which way to go. b. You should ask a policeman.
3. Someone is going to live overseas. c. You should wear an overcoat.
4. It's going to be a cold day. d. You should pay by cheque.
5. Someone is feeling hot and has a headache. e. You should call the police.
6. Someone has seen somebody breaking into a shop window. f. You should see a doctor.
7. Someone hasn't got any money with them. g. You should take a rest.
8. It's raining. h. You should take a taxi.
9. Someone has to get up early in the morning. i. You should set your alarm clock.
10. Someone is tired out. j. You should take an umbrella.

1........... 2........... 3........... 4........... 5...........

6........... 7........... 8........... 9........... 10...........

Bài 3: Sắp xếp các từ sau để tạo thành câu hoàn chinh.
1. up/I / smoking/./ should/ give
2. I/ not/?/ tell/ her/ or/ Should
3. think/should/I/take/you/easy/./ it
5.Jeff/ much/. /work/ so/ shouldn't
6.We/ our/ take/ should/ umbrellas/.
7.don't/ accept/ this/ Anita/ job/./ think /I /should
……………………………………………………………………………………… should/ sure/ we/ Are/ it/?/ do
9.What /should/ is/ do/ home/, /go/ you
10.speak/ should/ think/ to/ Do/ police/?/ you/ the/I
Bài 4: Dựa vào các gợi ý dưới đây để đưa ra lời khuyên cho mỗi tình huống sau.

Take medicine / take up swimming/ worry about it/ eat so much sweets/ do little jobs or go
babysitting/ ask your teacher to explain it again/ study harder/ watch too much television/ i
practice a lot/ get up earlier
1. We are often late for school.
2. My friends laugh at me because I don't have expensive clothes.


3. My mother has a terrible headache.
4. don't understand how to give advice in English.
5.My brother gets very bad marks at school.
6.We're going to write a Maths test tomorrow.
7. My sister can’t swim and she wants to go to Greece next summer.
8. I always feel tired
9. My friends love eating and they're very fat.
10. I want to buy some new clothes but I don't have any money.

Bài 5: Chọn động từ thích hợp trong bảng dưới đây để điền vào chỗ trống.

clean eat fasten go stay study take visit watch

1. If you have time you should............................ the National Museum.

2. When you are driving a car, you should. .........................your seatbelt.
3. When you play football, you should .........................the ball .
4. It's late and you are tired. You should...................... to bed.
5.You should .....................your teeth at least twice a day.
6. It's too far from here. You should....................a taxi to get there.
7. If you want to pass the exam, you should....................more.
8. He wants to lose weight, so he should.................... less
9. It's raining now. I think you umbrella.
10. He is ill. He should............................ at home.

Bài 6: Dựa vào các gợi ý sau, viết câu với cấu trúc should hoặc shouldn't.
1.(eat between meals) You ........................................................................................................
2.(go on a diet) You ........................................................................................................
3.(get exercise) You ........................................................................................................
4.(drink soda) You ........................................................................................................
5.(eat mmore vegetables) You ........................................................................................................
6.(eat apple) You ........................................................................................................
7.(eat too much bread) You ........................................................................................................
8.( only drink plain water) You ........................................................................................................
9. (eat too much chocolate) You ........................................................................................................
10. (change your health habits) You ........................................................................................................



1.1 Phát âm nguyên âm đôi /eɪ/

Bước 1: Bắt đầu từ âm /e/, sau đó di chuyển về phía âm /ɪ/.
Bước 2: Khi bắt đầu, miệng mở rộng thoải mái, đầu lưỡi chạm hàm răng dưới, hàm hạ. Sau đó, môi dần kéo
sang hai bên về phía tai, hàm dưới nâng lên một chút.
Bước 3: Kết thúc âm, môi mở hờ.
Ví dụ:
• Later /ˈleɪtər/: sau đó
• Tasty /ˈteɪsti/: vị
• Danger /ˈdeɪndʒər/: nguy hiểm
• Explain /ɪkˈspleɪn/: giải thích
• Exchange/ ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/: trao đổi

1.2 Phát âm nguyên âm đôi /aɪ/

Bước 1: Bắt đầu từ âm /a/, sau đó di chuyển về phía âm /ɪ/.
Bước 2: Khi bắt đầu, miệng mở hình ovan, lưỡi hạ thấp chạm hàm răng dưới. Sau đó, môi dần kéo sang 2
bên về phía tai, hàm dưới nâng lên 1 chút.
Bước 3: Kết thúc âm, môi mở hờ.
Ví dụ:
• fine /faɪn/: tốt, nguyên chất
• behind /bɪˈhaɪnd/: đằng sau
• child /tʃaɪld/: đứa trẻ
• nice /naɪs/: đẹp

Means of transport:

Bike/bicycle Motorcycle Car Bus

Truck Ambulance Train Boat

Ship Plane Taxi Helicopter

1.accident (n) Tai nạn 2. population (n) Dân số

3. rule (n) Luật lệ 4. vehicle (n) Phương tiên
5. pedestrian (n) Người đi bộ 6. pavement (n) Vỉa hè
7. footpath (n) Lối đi bộ 8. helmet (n) Mũ bảo hiểm
9. obey (v) Tuân lệnh 10. increase (v) Gia tăng
11. cross (v) Sang đường 12. narrow (a) Hẹp
13. bumpy (a) Nhấp nhô 14. crowded (a) Đông đúc
15. illegal (a) Phạm pháp 16. rush hour Giờ cao điểm
17. traffic jams Tắc nghẽn giao 18. traffic sign Biển báo giao thông
19. traffic light Đèn giao thông 20.cycle lane Làn đường cho xe đạp
21. parking lot Bãi đỗ xe 22. safety belt Dây an toàn
23. poor quality Chất lượng kém 24. means of transport Phương tiện giao thông

Ex I: Choose the word that has different sound in the underlined part
1. A. ship B. bicycle C. dish D. taxi
2. A. hole B. cold C. motorbike D. bowl
3. A. hand B. traffic C. cancel D. park
4. A. subject B. truck C. ambulance D. luck
5. A. illegal B. helicopte C. nest D. dentist
6. A. railway B. law C. may D. today
7. A. accident B. cookies C. traffic D. carry
8. A. entered B. loved C. kicked D. discovered
9. A. opened B. invented C. considered D. married
10.A. attacked B. stopped C. laughed D. surrounded

Ex II: Label the picture

Traffic lights, cycle lane, Turn left ahead, Parking lot, No cycling, One way
traffic, Turn right ahead, Road work

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Ex III: Write the words using the first letter given

1.m……………….. 2.t………………. 3.t………………….. 4.b…………………


5.h……………….. 6.s………………. 7.p……………….. 8.t………………..

Ex IV: Odd one out

1. A. ambulance B. taxi C. sign D. plane
2. A. bus B. driver C. motorbike D. bicycle
3. A. train B. yesterday C. tomorrow D. today
4. A. artist B. engineer C. painter D. transport
5. A. pavement B. sheep C. pedestrian D. footpath
6. A. crowded B. bumpy C. accident D. noisy
7. A. increase B. supermarket C. restaurant D. cinema
8. A. helmet B. vehicle C. accident D. narrow
9. A. pizza B. spaghetti C. obey D. hamburger
10.A. secretary B. rule C. nurse D. dentist

Ex V: Add more word to each list

1. Means of transport: bus,………………………………………………………………
2. Road signs: stop,……………………………………………………………………………

Ex VI: Circle the correct word

1. You can/can’t park here.

2. You can/can’t turn right here.

3. You can/can’t turn left.

4. You can/can’t make a U-turn here.

5. You can/can’t go home here.


Ex VII: Put the words in the correct column

tradition, payment, train, lane, , today, May, whale, pain, taste, lake, main, rain, stay,
die like why high night fighting / surprise childhood tour guide

/ ai / /eɪ/

Ex VIII: Read and choose the best answer

a. You must turn right. 2. a. Pedestrians can enter.

b. You must turn left. b. Pedestrians mustn’t enter.
c. You must go ahead. c. Pedestrians must enter.

3. a. Trains must stop. 4. a. You can park here.

b. Trains mustn’t enter. b. You must park here.
c. You must be careful with the c. You mustn’t park here.

5. a. You can turn back. 6. a. Cyclists must enter.

b. You mustn’t turn back. b. Cyclists mustn’t enter.
c. You must turn back. c. Cyclists can park here.

Ex IX: Read and underline the words with the /e/ sound and /eɪ/ sound in the following passage

For many years, Betty has been driving to work and back every weekday. Every morning, on her way
to work, especially during the rush hour, the highways are usually crowded causing massive traffic jams. The
situation is even worse in the evening when she drives home. All the traffic comes to a halt whenever there
is an accident or a car broken down and blocks an entire lane. In the winter, particularly when it snows, multi-
car accidents with injuries can take vehicles removers a number of hours to clear the road. When Betty is
stuck in a heavy traffic jam, she listens to music on the radio to calm her nerves. Her boss and her husband
know that if she is late, she is probably stuck in traffic.

Ex X: Fill in the gap with a suitable word or phrase given in the box

pollution suspension traffic environmental

factories underground busiest cheapest

1. In Dubai, the …………… so bad that it is quicker to walk than to go by car or bus.
2. People suggest building flyovers, tunnels and …………… parking.
3. There are lots of problems nowadays, mainly because of pollution.
4. The emission of smoke from ……………….and cars is a big cause of air pollution.


5. We all should act green and fight the ……………….by using the 3 R’s.
6. One of the quickest and ………………..ways travelling around the city is to take a bus.
7. Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is one of the …………….city in the world.
8. The Golden Gate Bridge, a…………………. bridge, is one of the most internationally recognized
symbols of San Francisco.

Ex XI: Choose the best answer

1. They often choose …………………cars with bigger engines to get higher speed.
A. slower B. faster C. smaller D. worse
2. The underground in Japan is much …………………than taxis or buses.
A. slow B. quick C. quicker D. more quick
3. What ………………did you use to play when you were six years old?
A. toy B. card C. ball D. game
4. There should be a ……………..limit in the playground to prevent accidents.
A. speed B. time C. engine D. cost
5. The traffic…………….tell people to do, warns people about possible dangers in the street.
A. jams B. signs C. lights D. rules
6. Always look…………………..when you cross the street.
A. quicklyB. well C. carefully D. safely
7. What must you do before you turn left or right when ……………a motorbike?
A. holding B. taking C. making D. riding
8. He is driving his car too fast but he is not wearing his……………..
A. seatbelt B. helmet C. hat D. coat
9. The little boy is walking at the side of the road towards a zebra………………….
A. passing B. crossing C. taking D. doing
10. Why should pedestrians wear light colored …………….in the dark?
A. gloves B. hats C. clothes D. jeans
11. Big cities often ………………..from traffic jams every day.
A. cross B. suffer C. start D. come
12. One problem in big cities is that too many people…………the road.
A. take B. do C. make D. use

Ex XII: Write the correct form of the word given

1. A man in a silver sports car ……..……. into a lady in a big blue truck in the middle of the intersection
yesterday. CRASH
2. Traffic accidents can be ……………….if people obey the rules. PREVENT
3. My father used to go ………………in the pond near our house. FISH
4. Which drivers are the ………………….on the roads? SAFE
5. Young and inexperienced ………………..are the most likely to have an accident. DRIVE
6. When young male drivers have their friends in the car, their driving usually
7. It’s much more ………………………..for you to cross the street now. DANGER
8. You should drive more ………………….and safely when it gets dark. SLOW
9. Bells are designed to wake the ………………..motorists. SLEEP
10.There are many …………………who sell and buy things on the road every morning. VILLAGE

Ex XIII: Give the correct form of the words in brackets

There are over 700 million motor vehicles in the world and the number is (1.rise)……………….by more
than 40 million each year. This dependence on motor vehicles has given rise to major problems including
(2. environment)……………………..…pollution, traffic congestion and safety. Emissions from new cars
are far more (3. harm) ………..……than they used to be. City streets and motorways are becoming more

10 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
(4. crowd)………..………than ever, often with more older trucks, buses and taxis. This makes the air
quality in urban areas unpleasant and sometimes (5. danger) …………………….to breathe

• It’s illegal to eat or drink while driving in Cyprus.
• In South Africa, animals have the same right to the roads as motorists do. Drivers face heavy fines
of up to $500 if they do not slow or stop for passing livestock.
• Road safety officials in Denmark have made it a legal requirement for drivers to check for children
hiding beneath the vehicle before starting the engine.
• In Moscow, it’s all about cleanliness - police impose fines on anyone with a dirty car.
• In Jasper Gates, Canada, a dumb law forbids drivers from going faster than a horse or carriage


I - Read the passage and choose the best option to answer each of the following questions.
In the UK, bus journeys are just boring and simply a necessity. This public means of transportation is often
convenient when you live or work in the city centre, as you can avoid traffic jams by moving very quickly
in the bus lanes, and do not have to pay to park the car. After all, though, taking the bus is just a necessary
and tedious part of life: you board the bus, pay the driver and sit down or find a place to stand. Very boring.
In Latin America, however, bus trips can be very lively. For a start, long-distance buses put on films so
that you have entertainment for at least some of the journey. Naturally, local transport does not show films
but drivers usually switch on the radio and that can be a great way to hear new songs and new styles of music.
Therefore, taking the bus doesn’t sound like fun but it is much more exciting than any UK bus journey.
(British Council)
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Buses in the UK are very convenient.
B. Bus journeys are different in the UK and in Latin America.
C. Bus journeys in the UK are boring.
D. Films are shown on long-distance buses in Latin America.
2. Public transport in the UK is convenient because you can avoid_________.
A. traffic accidents B. policemen C. traffic jams D. bus lanes
3. The word “tedious” in line 3 means_________.
A. not interesting B. exciting C. wonderful D. important
4. The phrasal verb “put on” in the first sentence of the second paragraph can be replaced with “_________”.
A. close B. wear C. play D. open
5. Which of the following statements is NOT MENTIONED about bus journeys in Latin America?
A. Passengers can entertain during their trip by watching films.
B. Drivers play new styles of music on the radio.
C. They are more exciting than bus trips in the UK.
D. They are more expensive than bus trips in the UK.

II - Read the passage and do the tasks below.

Traffic jams in Viet Nam frequently take place in big cities, such as Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City.
There is no fixed rule for the time a traffic jam to happen. But It is worst during the rush hour when everyone
is in a hurry to get to work or come back home. Apart from peak hours, the time between 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
and between 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. also witnesses long lines of vehicles, mainly motorbikes. When it rains, the
traffic jam gets more terrible. Taxis are extremely hard to catch or wave during the downpour.

11 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
However, the most annoying thing about the traffic jam is the way people react to it. Most road users ride
their motorbikes on the pavement rather than waiting calmly. Moreover, they constantly use their horns to
hasten riders in the front, even shouting at them from time to time.

Part 1: Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.

1. What is the passage mainly about?
A. the causes of traffic jams in Viet Nam
B. the effects of traffic jams in Viet Nam
C. the reality of traffic jams in Viet Nam
D. the solutions to reduce traffic jams in Viet Nam
2. When is traffic congestion in Viet Nam the worst?
A. when everyone goes to work
B. between 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
C. between 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
D. at the weekend
3. It’s difficult to catch a_________during the downpour.
A. bus B. taxi C. train D. motorbike

Part 2: Decide whether the statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
1. There is a certain time for traffic congestion in Viet Nam. ❑
2. The traffic jam becomes more serious when it rains. ❑
3. To get through a traffic jam, road users usually break traffic rules. ❑


Exercise 1: Listen and complete the text about traffic. (Track 13)
There is too much traffic on our roads. In (1) ....................., it may take 20 minutes to go through a
02-kilometer road by (2) .....................
Everyone agrees that something has to be done to solve this problem. No one likes to spend much
time going to school or the (3) ..................... Going home takes even more time.
It is not easy to build more or (4) ..................... the roads because it is expensive. So, the answer here
is to reduce the number of vehicles.
(5) ..................... may be the solution to the traffic jam.
The problem is that time is golden, so not everyone agrees to wait for (6) ..................... of public
transport such as buses or (7) ..................... Another problem is that they may not like to be (8)
.................... in a (9) .................... bus. The last problem is that the buses cannot go in a small road, so
some people who work in a small road will have to walk for a while.
The answer to (10) ..................... has not been found out.

Exercise 2: Listen and decide if each statement is true or false or not given. (Track 14)
No. Statements T/F/NG
1. Garret A. Morgan lives in a rich family since he is born.
2. When he is 14, he does not study at school any more.
3. He is famous all over the world for his imagination.

12 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
4. He works in a sewing machine shop and finds it interesting.
5. In 1901, he sells the idea of a special belt at the price of $150.
6. Three years later, he invents a helmet and wins a silver medal for this
7. When Morgan witnesses the car accident of his mother, he thinks of a
traffic light.
8. Morgan spends the amount of money from selling the idea of traffic
light on an abroad trip.


Talk about your favorite means of transportation
You can use the following questions as cues:
• What is your favourite means of transportation?
• How often do you use it?
• Where do you usually go?
• Why do you like it?

Useful languages:
Useful vocabulary Useful structures
• bicycle • My favourite means of transportation is ...
• car • ... is my favourite means of transportation.
• helicopter • I ride a bike/ sail on a boat/ fly every day/ every
• boat weekend ...
• convenient • I ride a bike/ sail on a boat/ fly to ...
• cheap • I really like this vehicle because ....
• safe • I love this vehicle because of its + N
• environmentally friendly
• healthy

Complete the notes:

Structures of the talk Your notes
What is your favourite means of __________________________________________
transportation? __________________________________________
How often do you use it? __________________________________________
Where do you usually go? __________________________________________
Why do you like it? __________________________________________

Now you try!

Give your answer using the following cues. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.
1. My favourite means of transportation is ...
2. I ride a bike/ sail on a boat/ fly by plane ...

13 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
3. I ride a bike/ sail on a boat/ fly by plane to ...
4. I really like this vehicle because ....


I- Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use
other words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
1. have/ trip/ hometown/ brother/ two days ago.
→ ________________________________________________________
2. 15 kilometres/ my place/ my hometown.
→ ________________________________________________________
3. go/ there/ train/ and/ it/ comfortable.
→ ________________________________________________________
4. there/ a lot of/ vehicles/ road.
→ ________________________________________________________
5. trip/ exciting/ meaningful.
→ ________________________________________________________

II - Write a short paragraph (60-80 words) describing a trip to your hometown.

You can answer some of the following questions:
• Where is your hometown?
• How did you get there?
• Who did you go with?
• How was the traffic?
• Did you enjoy the trip?


14 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
1. animation (n) /'ænɪˈmeɪʃən/: phim hoạt hoạ
2. critic (n) /'krɪtɪk/: nhà phê bình
3. direct (v) /dɪˈrekt/: làm đạo diễn (phim, kịch...)
4. disaster (n) /dɪˈzɑːstə/: thảm hoạ, tai hoạ
5. documentary (n) /,dɒkjə'mentri/: phim tài liệu
6. entertaining (adj) /,entə'teɪnɪŋ/: thú vị, làm vui lòng vừa ý
7. gripping (adj) /'ɡrɪpɪŋ/: hấp dẫn, thú vị
8. hilarious (adj) /hɪˈleəriəs/: vui nhộn, hài hước
9. horror film (n) /'hɒrə fɪlm /: phim kinh dị
10. must-see (n) /'mʌst si:/: bộ phim hấp dẫn cần xem
11. poster (n) /'pəʊstə/: áp phích quảng cáo
12. recommend (v) /,rekə'mend /: giới thiệu, tiến cử
13. review (n) /rɪˈvju:/: bài phê bình
14. scary (adj) /:skeəri/: làm sợ hãi, rùng rợn
15. science fiction (sci-fi) (n) /saɪəns fɪkʃən/: phim khoa học viễn tưởng
16. star (v) /stɑː/: đóng vai chính
17. survey (n) /'sɜːveɪ/: cuộc khảo sát
18. thriller (n) /'θrɪlə /: phim kinh dị, giật gân
19. violent (adj) /'vaɪələnt/: có nhiều cảnh bạo lực



1. Although/ In spite of/ Despite:
Although In spite of Despite
Chức năng Chỉ mối quan hệ đối lập giữa hai thông tin trong cùng một câu
Cấu trúc Although + mệnh đề 1 In spite of +danh từ/ Despite +danh từ/ cụm danh từ/
(S+V), mệnh đề 2 cụm danh từ/ V-ing V-ing
Ví dụ We enjoyed our We enjoyed our camping We enjoyed our camping holiday
camping holiday holiday in spite of the despite the rain.
although it rained every rain. (Chúng tôi đã rất thích chuyến đi
day. (Chúng tôi đã rất thích cắm trại mặc dù ngày nào trời
(Chúng tôi đã rất thích chuyến đi cắm trại mặc cũng mưa)
chuyến đi cắm trại mặc dù trời mưa) Despite the pain in his leg, he
dù ngày nào trời cũng completed the marathon.
mưa) In spite of the traffic, we
arrived on time. (Mặc dù đau chân nhưng anh ấy
vẫn hoàn thành cuộc thi chạy)
Although he worked (Mặc dù giao thông tồi
very hard, he didn’t tệ, tôi vẫn đến đúng giờ)
manage to pass the
(Mặc dù anh ấy học
hành chăm chỉ, nhưng
anh ấy đã không thi đỗ)

15 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
2. However/ Nevertheless:
However/ Nevertheless:
Chức năng Chỉ mối quan hệ đối lập giữa hai câu
Cấu trúc Mệnh đề 1. However/ Nevertheless, mệnh đề 2.
Mệnh đề 1. Chủ ngữ, however/ nevertheless, động từ.
Mệnh đề 1. Mệnh đề 2, however/ nevertheless
Ví dụ I love London. However, the weather is bad.
(Tôi yêu Luân Đôn. Tuy nhiên thời tiết thì tệ)
I love London. The weather, however, is bad.
I love London. The weather is bad, however.


Bài 1: Điền “although/ despite/ in spite of” vào chỗ trống thích hợp.
1. ________________ she has a good look, everybody hates her.
2. Jane seldom sees Jim ______they go to the same school.
3. ________________ her illness, Jane went to work yesterday.
4. ________________ it was chilly outside, we went fishing.
5. ________________ working hard, Peter failed the test.
6. ________________ the difficulties, Sarah managed to solve the problem.
7. My grandfather was very strong __________his old age.
8. The children slept deeply ________________ the noise.
9. ________________ the high salary, Mary refused the job offer.
10. ________________earning a high salary, Sara never wastes her money.
11. I find the film boring________________ many people like it.
12. ________________the bad weather, we went on our school picnic.
13. ________________the congestion, we weren’t late for the meeting.
14. ________________ he’s rich, he is always upset.
15. I couldn’t sleep________________ I was exhausted.

Bài 2: Sử dụng liên từ “however” hoặc “nevertheless” để liên kết hai câu cho sẵn.

1. Mrs Smith loves her children so much. She’s sometimes very strict
2. We can go there by bus. It is not the only way.
3. Jim is good at English. He is not the best student.
4. My new phone costs a lot of money to buy. It isn’t as good as I expected.
5. It’s hard to find a parking lot near here on Sunday. I think we can find one.
6. My mother wants to go to Paris in this summer. My dad wants to go to Berlin.
7. Jane doesn’t like salads. She likes vegetables.
8. My father loves watching football match. He never plays football.

16 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Bài 3: Hoàn thành câu với một trong những từ nối “although/ despite/ however” sao cho thích hợp.
1. _______________ the restaurant’s good reputation, the food was terrible.
_______________ the restaurant has a good reputation, the food was terrible.
The restaurant has a good reputation. _______________, the food was terrible.
2. _______________ it didn’t stop raining, we didn’t cancel our picnic.
_______________ the rain, , we didn’t cancel our picnic.
It didn’t stop raining. We didn’t cancel our picnic,______________.
3. Mary still bought the watch, __________ it had a high price.
Mary still bought the watch __________ its high price.
The watch had a high price. Mary, ___________, bought it
4. _______________ the fact that I was late for school, my teacher didn’t punish me.
_______________ I was late for school, my teacher didn’t punish me.
I was late for school. My teacher didn’t punish me, ___________.
5. _______________ I invited Jim to my party, he didn’t come.
_______________ my invitation to the party, Jim didn’t come.
I invited Jim to the party. _______________, he didn’t come.
6. I don’t want to watch this film_______________ it has many good reviews.
I don’t want to watcht this film _______________ its good reviews.
The film has many good reviews. I don’t want to watch it, _______________.
7. _______________ there are many challenges, Tom won’t give up his dream.
_______________ many challenges, Tom won’t give up his dream.
There are many challenges.__________, Tom won’t give up his dream.
8. _______________ I studied very hard, I failed the exam.
_______________ studying very hard, I failed the exam.
I studied very hard. I,__________, failed the exam.

Bài 4: Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng.

1. We adore winter _________ the cold.
A. in spite of B. although C. however
2. She went to bed early_________ she didn’t finish her work.
A. despite B. although C. however
3. _________ the fact that he is 23 years old, he is so childish.
A. in spite B. despite C. however
4. I go to school by bus every day. I don’t like it much, _________.
A. despite B. although C. however
5. _________ Jim owns two cars, he rarely drives to work.
A. despite B. although C. however
6. The athlete completed the race _________ his pain.
A. despite B. although C. nevertheless
7. Jane looks pretty. She, _________, seems to lack personality.
A. despite B. although C. nevertheless
8. _________ we have a slim chance to win, we won’t lose hope.
A. despite B. although C. however
9. _________ of his bad luck, he won the medal.
A. in spite B. despite C. however

17 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Bài 5: Nối cột A với cột B sao cho thích hợp.

1. Although I have many friends, a. However, I admire her courage.
2. I didn’t wake up late b. Nevertheless, he is good at Literature
3. I don’t really like Mary. c. Living in it, however, is very comfortable.
4. Their project was finally successful d. he didn’t skip the class.
5. Tom is not good at science subjects. e. although my alarm clock didn’t go off.
6. In spite of his headache, f. I feel lonely sometimes
7. My apartment is quite small. g. despite all the obstacles
8. I rarely go travelling h. although many friends want to travel with me.

1-_________ 2-________ 3-________ 4. -________

5-________ 6-________ 7. -________ 8-________

Bài 6: Gạch chân lỗi sai trong câu và viết lại cho đúng.
1. Despite of the film’s amazing effects, its plot is not so appealing.
2. However she doesn’t look very beautiful, she has a kind heart.
3. In spite that I don’t like her way of talking, I appreciate her effort.
4. My brother isn’t very young, nevertheless, he talks like a middle-aged woman.
5. Although the fact that Mary’s recently moved to this city, she is so familiar with it.
6. I often eat fastfood. It is not, however, good for my health.
7. My brother wants to travel around the world. Although he can’t afford it.
8. I try to spare some time for my children. I am very busy, although.

Bài 7: Hoàn thành câu thứ hai sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi so với câu thứ nhất, sử dụng từ gợi ý
trong ngoặc.
1. Although there was a traffic jam, me managed to arrive at the train station on time (despite)
2. I don’t want to buy a new computer although I have enough money. (having)
3. Both of them usually go to school late although they don’t live far away from school. (spite)
4. My brother still went to school yesterday although he was sick. (sickness)
5. Although he looks healthy, he has a weak heart. (looking)
6. Despite the fact that Louis is not so rich, he often does charity. (although)
7. In spite of the awful weather, we enjoyed our party last night. (although)
8. She goes shopping every week although she has many clothes. (having)

18 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Bài 8: Điền “although/ despite/ in spite of” vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành những câu sau.
1. _____________ Peter was not invited to the party, he was the first to come.
2. _____________ he promises he won’t tell lie again, I won’t trust him anymore.
3. This is an old car. _____________, it’s very reliable.
4. I am exhausted after school. _____________, I will help mom do housework.
5. Ted is only 6 years old. He, _____________, can play the piano very well.
6. She bought that sweater _____________ its high price.
7. They rushed to the cinema. _____________, they were too late.
8. _____________Sally hates crowded places, we’ve invited her to the prom.
9. I didn’t like her rude behavior. _____________, I said nothing.
10. _____________ working slowly, he rarely makes mistakes.
11. I do exercise every day. I haven’t lost any weight, _____________.
12. My father tried to lift the box. _____________, it was too heavy.
13. We won the game_____________ having lost two players.
14. I called Jane four times. _____________, she didn’t answer me.
15. He wants to be a famous actor. His parents, _____________, wants him to be a doctor.

Bài 9: Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, hãy viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh.
1. Although/ Anna/ not look/ serious/ she/ worried/ now.
2. In spite of/ get/ up/ late/ this morning/ I not miss/ the bus
3. Despite/ have/ no/ money/ we/ go/ shopping/ tomorrow.
4. Although/ the book/ thick/ Jane/ finish/ it/ yesterday.
5. Jim/ have/ serious/ car/ accident/ last/ month/ howver/ he/ recover/ quickly.
6. Although/ I/ fascinated/ to/ know/ the result/ I/ pretend/ I not care.
7. Jim/ not/ usually/ like/ sci-fi movies/ nevertheless/ this one/ be/ exception.
8. Although/ it /sunny/ I / bring/ umbrella/ with me.

19 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Cách phát âm /ɪə/ và /eə/
Hai âm là nguyên âm đôi, tức là bao gồm hai nguyên âm đơn ghép với nhau. Nguyên âm đôi được phát âm
bằng cách bắt đầu bằng việc luyện phát âm từng nguyên âm đơn rồi ghép lại với nhau (tương tự cách đánh
vần trong tiếng Việt). Để luyện được nguyên âm đôi, cần biết cách phát âm nguyên âm đơn trước.
• Âm /ɪə/: Phát âm âm /ɪ/ (tương tự chữ cái “i” trong tiếng Việt), sau đó chuyển khẩu hình miệng sang phát
âm âm /ə/ (để người học dễ hình dung, âm /ə/ trong tiếng Anh có phần giống với chữ cái “ơ” trong tiếng


1. “ea” phát âm là /ɪə/ trong những từ có nhóm ear
Ví dụ:
fear /fɪə(r)/: sợ hãi
smear /smɪə(r)/: trát, bôi lem nhem
weary /ˈwɪəri/: uể oải, mệt mỏi
2. “ee” phát âm là /ɪə/ khi đứng trước tận cùng là “r” của mỗi từ
Ví dụ:
deer /dɪə(r)/: con nai, hoẵng
leer /lɪə(r)/: liếc trộm
steer /stɪə(r)/: lái xe, tàu


1. “a” phát âm là /eə/ trong những từ có một âm tiết mà tận cùng bằng “are” hoặc trong một âm tiết
của một từ khi “a” đứng trước “r”
Ví dụ:
care /keə(r)/: chăm sóc
dare /deə(r)/: dám
fare /feə(r)/: tiền vé

2. “ai” phát âm là /eə/ khi đứng trước “r”

Ví dụ:
hair /heə(r)/: tóc
pair /peə(r)/: cặp, đôi
chair /tʃeə(r)/: cái ghế

3. “ea” phát âm là /eə/

Ví dụ:
bearish /ˈbeərɪʃ/: hay cáu gắt
wear /weə(r)/” mặc, đội, đeo
swear /sweə(r)/: thề

4. “ei” có thể được phát âm là /eə/

Ví dụ:
heir /eə(r)/: người thừa kế
their /ðeə(r)/: của họ (đại từ sở hữu)

20 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Types of films:

1.action film Phim hành động 2.comedy (n) Phim hài fiction Khoa học viễn tưởng 4.romantic comedy Phim hài lãng mạn
5.thriller (n) Phim rùng rợn 6.horror (n) Phim kinh dị
7.cartoon (n) Phim hoạt hình 8.animation (n) Phim hoạt hình
9.documentary (n) Phim tài liệu 10.discovery (n) Chương trình khám


1.interesting Thú vị 2.boring Tẻ nhạt

3.entertaining Có tính giải trí 4.scary Đáng sợ
5.violent Bạo lực 6.hilarious Vui nhộn
7.moving Xúc động 8.shocking Gây sốc
9.gripping Thu hút 10.romantic Lãng mạn

Ex I: Choose a word that has different sound in the underlined part

1. A. bored B. acted C. lived D. combined
2. A. talked B. liked C. kicked D. needed
3. A. moving B. romantic C. exciting D. frightening
4. A. action B. scary C. romantic D. animation
5. A. fly B. crazy C. story D. comedy
6. A. professor B. lorry C. horror D. actor
7. A. careful B. date C. hate D. delay
8. A. enter B. director C. violent D. documentary
9. A. thought B. thank C. month D. these

Ex II: Match the films with their definitions

a. comedy b. romantic comedy c. action film d. documentary
e. cartoon f. science fiction g. horror i. adventure film

1. A film that has humorous drawings or characters.

2. A film that is based on scientific discoveries of the future. It deals with space travel and life on other
3. A film that is intended to be funny, with a happy ending.
4. A film which combines comedy with a love story.
5. A film about strange and frightening things.
6. A film about dangerous experience, journey or series of events.
7. A film that has a lot of exciting actions.
8. A film or television program that gives facts about something.

Ex III: Fill in the gaps with a suitable adjective given in the box

scary boring romantic interesting

violent entertaining disappointing moving

1. The show was so ………………………Every one left in the middle of the program.
2. My son doesn’t like horror films because they are ………………..
3. T.V programs for small children shouldn’t include …………….scenes.

21 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
4. The film was so …………………that nearly every one cries when they see the ending.
5. VTV3 has a lot of ……………………… shows.
6. Titanic is a film famous for its ……………….love story of the two main characters.
7. The film is so …………………..that I saw it twice.
8. Doing the same thing every day is ………………….I want to do the new things.

Ex V: Odd one out

1. A. thriller B. scary C. cartoon D. comedy
2. A. hilarious B. entertaining C. shocking D. discovery
3. A. confusing B. annoyed C. terrified D. interesting
4. A. producer B. writer C. documentary D. actor
5. A. horror B. director C. animation D. wildlife
6. A. radio B. television C. exciting D. internet
7. A. island B. actress C. director D. viewer
8. A. park B. university C. museum D. cinema
9. A. audience B. spectator C. viewer D. action
10.A. show B. science C. physics D. literature

Ex VI: Choose the best answer

1. That horror film is too …………………for me.
A. hilarious B. frightening C. romantic D. moving
2. The films was so ………………that we almost fell asleep.
A. interesting B. gripping C. boring D. violent
3. Critics were all ………………at their performance on the stage yesterday.
A. disappointed B. annoyed C. worried D. bored
4. The film is a big ………………….because the audience enjoy it a lot.
A. failure B. start C. finish D. success
5. The film is based on a book that was ………………fifteen years ago.
A. read B. opened C. written D. closed
6. They haven’t ………………..which film to see tonight.
A. decided B. wanted C. liked D. watched
7. That is a film about strange and frightening things that may ………………in real life.
A. use B. happen C. finish D. take
8. I can’t take my …………… the screen because the film is so interesting.
A. ears B. mouth C. nose D. eyes
9. A comedy is a film that tries to make people ………………
A. cry B. dance C. laugh D. sleep
10. In spite of ……………….preparation, they had a lot of difficulties in making the film.
A. slow B. quick C. carless D. careful

Ex VIII: Fill in the gap with a suitable word given in the box

successful reviews disaster romantic

performed frightening terrible directors

1. The new film didn’t receive good ……………….from critics.

2. Many European ………………………….have gone to Hollywood to make films.
3. I love this actor because he ……………….excellently in many films.
4. The film shown on T.V yesterday begins with a ……………disaster but it has a happy ending.
5. They spent a lot of money on the film but is wasn’t as ……………….as expected.
6. The film is a bit ………………..but I really enjoy it.

22 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
7. Titanic is a ………….. film which was directed by James Cameron.
8. At the end of the film, more than a thousand people died in the ……………………………

Ex X: Complete the second sentence in each pair, using the word in brackets. The meaning of both
sentences should be the same.
1. She finds doing housework is boring.
2. Receiving a small present from the teacher makes the boy excited.
The boy finds…………………………………………………………………………………….
3. This question is confusing to students.
Students ……………………………………………………………………………………………
4. The boys find playing games interesting.
The boys…………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. The ending of the film is quite shocking.
I was…………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Ex XI: Match

1. tell a.real-life events

3.attend c.a mistake interesting film e.a lot of awards f. a story g.the party
8. make h.old friends

Ex XII: Write the correct form of the word given

1. He was still …………………..when I saw him at 11 o’clock yesterday evening. WAKE
2. A crazy cat and a ……………… help him to find his parents. FRIEND
3. In the year 1905, astronauts……………....a life on this planet. DISCOVERY
4. This is an ……………………….story for me. I can’t believe it. BELIEVE
5. We ………………… move to a bigger house last month. DECISION
6. The film was so interesting that Peter saw it from …………………to the end. BEGIN
7. I was …………………..with the final results of the football match. AMAZE
8. Do you like watching …………………..films? ROMANCE
9. The film is about adventures in the ……………land in America. MAGIC
10.The film they saw yesterday was …………………by a famous man. DIRECT

Ex XIII: Choose the best answer

1. Let’s …………………..a look at the film section of the paper.
A. do B. use C. spend D. take
2. The main character …………….in love with a poor man in the countryside.
A. has B. makes C. falls D. interests
3. The film…………… exciting story about murder or crime.
A. holds B. reports C. tells D. watches
4. His father likes watching films that show real life…………..or stories.
A. events B. projects C. programs D. actions
5. The girl was so ………………by the film that she couldn’t sleep last night.
A. bored B. annoyed C. disappointed D. frightened

23 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
6. We are all …………………that he became the champion of the competition.
A. interested B. surprised C. terrified D. worried
7. How do you feel when you watch a ……………….film?
A. lazy B. hard-working C. gripping D. careful
8. Although the story of the film was good, I didn’t like the ……………..
A. script B. director C. acting D. color
9. My daughter ………………….a lot of money on her clothes but she is not satisfied.
A. has B. takes C. learns D. spends
10.I can’t hear anything because the …………… terrible.
A. sound B. color C. electricity D. light
1. 9. D 10.A


In a cartoon, instead of taking pictures of real people, the camera takes pictures of drawings. Many
drawings have to be made just to show a simple action. Each drawing is again made only slightly
different from the others. The drawings are then photographed orderly. When everything is complete
and the cartoon is shown, it also looks as though the characters are really moving.


I - Read the passage and choose the best option to answer each of the following questions.
The theory of the animated cartoon was introduced before the invention of the cinema by half a century.
When working to create conversation pieces for Victorian shops, people discovered the principle of
persistence of vision. If drawings of the stages of an action were shown in fast succession, the human eye
would perceive them as a continuous movement.
One of the first commercially successful devices, invented by the Belgian Joseph Plateau in 1832, was the
phenakistoscope, a spinning cardboard disk that created the illusion of movement when viewed in a mirror,
in 1834, William Horner invented the zoetrope, a rotating drum lined by a band of pictures. The Frenchman
Émile Reynaud in 1876 adapted the principle into a form that could be projected before a theatrical audience.
Reynaud became not only animation’s first entrepreneur but also the first artist to give personality and
warmth to his animated characters.
(Animation by Dave Kehr- extracted from Encyclopaedia Britannica)
1. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Early history of animation
B. The reason why animation is popular
C. The invention of Joseph Plateau
D. The first animation’s entrepreneur
2. When was the theory of animation developed?
A. after the introduction of the cinema
B. in 1832
C. about 50 years before the invention of the cinema
D. in 1876
3. What happens to human eyes when pictures of the stages of an action were shown in fast succession?
A. They will find the pictures more vivid.
B. They cannot see the pictures.
C. They will perceive the pictures as normal.
D. They will see the pictures as a continuous movement.

24 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
4. What is a phenakistoscope?
A. a popular form of entertainment
B. a spinning cardboard disk
C. a rotating drum lined by a band of pictures
D. a collection of Victorian drawings
5. Who is NOT MENTIONED as an inventor of an animation-making device?
A. Victoria B. William Horner
C. Émile Reynaud D. Joseph Plateau

II - Read the passage and decide whether the statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
Jennifer Lawrence is a famous young actress in Hollywood. When she was a child, she liked
sports, especially hockey and basketball. She also worked as a model. At the age of 14, she knew she wanted
to be an actress, so she went to New York City to look for work. She appeared in advertisements for MTV
and the fashion company H&M, and got work as an actress on TV and in films. In 2010, she acted in the film
Winter’s Bone and she was nominated for many awards including an Oscar. In 2012, she starred in the film
The Hunger Games as Katniss Everdeen. The film went on to become one of the highest-grossing movies
ever. One contributing element to Lawrence’s success is her fun and optimism. She is often cited as being
approachable, with a personality that seems unaffected by Hollywood excesses.
1. Jennifer didn’t like sports when she was a little girl. ❑
2. She worked as a model before pursuing a career in acting. ❑
3. Jennifer was nominated for an Oscar in 2010. ❑
4. She starred in the film Winter’s Bone in 2012. ❑
5. Her personality is affected greatly by Hollywood excesses. ❑


Listen and decide whether the statements below are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
Exercise 1: Listen and complete the text. (Track 15)
Among many programs and (1) ......................... on TV these days such as the current news programs,
sport programs, entertaining programs, (2) ......................... and movie programs, etc., I like the program
“the World of Animals” (3) .........................
This program is usually shown on (4) ......................... every day at 8.30 in the evening. It often lasts
about (5) ......................... minutes. In this program, stories of the life of many animals in the world are
told in a very (6) ......................... way. For example, people can watch films about (7) ........................,
snakes, tigers, insects, birds, sea turtles, sharks etc. ... and even the penguins and the polar bears. While
watching these films, I find the everyday life activities and habits of these animals very (8) .......................
In addition, I also learn that it is very important to protect these animals and their (9) .........................
Watching this program makes me very (10) ......................... after a day of work.
Exercise 2: Listen and put the phrases under the correct person. (Track 16)
- Likes watching TV in the free time - Is a student
- Likes comedies - Has a TV in the bedroom
- Likes game shows on VTV3 - Likes seeing famous people
- Is 19 years old - Learns many things through TV
- Thinks that the News is helpful

25 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Phuong Trung Thu


Talk about a film that you have watched recently.

You can use the following questions as cues:
• What is the name of the film? What is its genre?
• What is the film about?
• Do you like the film? Why (not)?

Useful languages:
Useful vocabulary Useful structures
• action movie • I went to the cinema to see ...
• documentary • The film that I have watched recently is ...
• animation • The film is about...
• horror film • I really enjoy this film because ...
• hilarious
• interesting
• entertaining
• gripping
• violent

Complete the notes:

Structures of the talk Your notes
What is the name of the film? What is its __________________________________________
genre? __________________________________________
What is the film about? __________________________________________
Do you like the film? Why (not)? __________________________________________

Give your answer using the following cues. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.
1. I went to the cinema to see ...
2. The film is about...
3. I really enjoy this film because ...

26 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
I- Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use
other words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
1. Animated character/ can/ animal/ tree/ or/ any household items,/ and/ they/ can/ talk/ like/ human being.
→ ________________________________________________________
2. I/ enjoy/ watch/ film/ made/famous/ Hollywood film producers.
→ ________________________________________________________
3. My favourite/ type/ movie/ comedy/ because/ it/ could/ make/ me/ laugh/ de-stress/ after/ long/ busy day.
→ ________________________________________________________
4. Original name/ worldwide famous/ Mickey Mouse/Mortimer Mouse.
→ ________________________________________________________
5. Some people/ interested/ horror movie/ because/ they/ want/ experience/ complex/ extreme emotions.
→ ________________________________________________________
II - Write a short paragraph (80-100 words) about your favourite type of film. You can answer some
of the following questions:
• What type of film is it?
• What are its main characters?
• Why do you like it?


27 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R

1. festival (n) /'festɪvl/: lễ hội

2. fascinating (adj) /'fæsɪneɪtɪŋ/: thú vị, hấp dẫn
3. religious (adj) /rɪˈlɪdʒəs/: thuộc về tôn giáo
4. celebrate (v) /'selɪbreɪt/: tổ chức lễ
5. camp (n,v) /Kæmp/: trại,cắm trại
6. thanksgiving (n) /'θæŋksgɪvɪŋ/: lễ tạ ơn
7. stuffing (n) /'stʌfɪŋ/: nhân nhồi (vào gà)
8. feast (n ) /fi:st/: bữa tiệc
9. turkey (n) /'tə:ki/: gà tây
10. gravy (n) /'ɡreɪvi/: nước xốt
11. cranberry (n) /'kranb(ə)ri/: quả nam việt quất
12. seasonal (adj) /'si:zənl/: thuộc về mùa
13. steep (adj) /sti:p/: dốc


Câu hỏi “yes”/ “no” hay còn gọi là câu hỏi đóng sử dụng be, have, do hoặc một động từ khiếm khuyết. Câu
hỏi Yes/No luôn bắt đầu bằng một trong những trợ động từ trên và có thể trả lời đơn giản là Yes hoặc No,
hay có thể lặp lại câu hỏi.

Lưu ý: Không thể hỏi câu hỏi Yes/No mà không dùng một trong các trợ động từ trên.
He want a car? —> Does he want a car?
You going to eat with us? —> Are you going to eat with us?

Cấu trúc câu hỏi trong tiếng Anh với động từ “To Be”
Dùng động từ be để hỏi về nhân dạng, hình dạng, nơi chốn và những hoạt động và tình huống ở hiện tại
hoặc quá khứ.

– Nhân dạng/Hình dạng

Bạn có thể dùng be + danh từ/tính từ để hỏi về nhân dạng hoặc hình dạng của một người, một nơi chốn
hoặc đồ vật nào đó.
Ví dụ:
Is this interesting? – No, it is not. (Cái này có thú vị không? Không.)
Are these islands part of Vietnam? – Yes, they are. (Những hòn đảo này thuộc về Việt Nam phải không?
Were they happy? – Yes, they were. (Họ có vui không? Có.)

– Địa điểm
Be + cụm giới từ để hỏi về địa điểm hiện tại hoặc quá khứ.
Ví dụ:
Are we at the border yet? – No, we’re not (Chúng ta đã tới biên giới chưa?)
Was his apartment above a store? Yes, it was. (Căn hộ của anh ấy ở phía trên một cửa hàng phải không.)

28 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
– Hoạt động/ tình huống hiện tại
Để hỏi về một hoạt động hoặc tình huống hiện tại, dùng hiện tại tiếp diễn: Hiện tại của be + hiện tại phân
từ (V-ing)

Am I going with you and Tom? Yes, you are. (Tôi sẽ đi với bạn và Tom à?)
Is England adopting the euro? No , it isn’t. (Nước Anh có dùng đồng euro không?)
Are we seeing a play tonight? Yes, we are. (Chúng ta sẽ xem kịch tối nay phải không?)

– Những hoạt động/tình huống trong quá khứ

Để hỏi về một hoạt động hay tình huống trong quá khứ, dùng quá khứ tiếp diễn: quá khứ của be + hiện tại
phân từ.
Ví dụ:
Was it raining? – Yes (it was). (Trời đã mưa à? Ừ.)
Were the prisoners rebelling? – Yes (they were) (Những tù nhân đã nổi loạn à? Ừ.)

– Sự kiện trong quá khứ.

Để hỏi về một việc đã xảy ra với ai hoặc với điều gì, ta dùng thể bị động: quá khứ của be + quá khứ phân
từ (V-ed hoặc cột 3)
Ví dụ:
Was he given a reward? Yes (he was). (Ông ấy đã nhận được giải thưởng phải không?)
Was I chosen? No (you weren’t). (Tôi có được chọn không?)

Cấu trúc câu hỏi trong tiếng Anh với HAVE

Ví dụ:
Has your brother left? No (he hasn’t). (Em trai cậu đã đi chưa?)
Has the party started? Yes (it has). (Buổi tiệc đã bắt đầu chưa?)
– Có thể hỏi câu hỏi Yes/No bằng cách dùng “Had”, nhưng đó phải là tình huống rất cụ thể và phải giải
thích cho một bài học ở tương lai.

Cấu trúc câu hỏi trong tiếng Anh với “Do”

Dùng động từ do để hỏi về những sự thật/thực tế về người, nơi chốn hay vật.
Theo sau “do” luôn là chủ ngữ và động từ ở dạng nguyên mẫu không to.
Ví dụ:
Do they smoke? No (they don’t). (Họ có hút thuốc không?)
Did it work? No (it didn’t). (Nó có chạy không?)
Does running hurt your knees? Yes (it does). (Chạy có làm đầu gối bạn đau không?)

Cấu trúc câu hỏi trong tiếng Anh với động từ khuyết thiếu
Dùng động từ khiếm khuyết để hỏi thông tin về những khả năng hoặc những việc chưa chắc chắn. Sau động
từ khuyết thiếu là các động từ nguyên thể không “to”.
Ví dụ:
Can we stay? Yes (we can). (Chúng ta có thể ở lại không?)
Should they stop? No (they shouldn’t). (Có có nên dừng lại không?)
Would you go with me? Yes (I would). (Anh sẽ đi cùng tôi chứ?)

29 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Chú ý: Khi hỏi câu hỏi với do hoặc động từ khiếm khuyết, động từ chính phải ở dạng nguyên mẫu không
Incorrect Correct

Do you to drink coffee? Do you drink coffee?

Does she to work here? Does she work here?

Can I to go with you? Can I go with you?

Should we to email her? Should we email her?

Tuy nhiên, nếu có hai động từ ở dạng nguyên mẫu sau do, thì động từ thứ hai phải có giới từ to.

Incorrect Correct

Do you want drink coffee? Do you want to drink coffee?

Does she like work here? Does she like to work here?

Did you need go home? Did you need to go home?

Chú ý là có nhiều cách để trả lời câu hỏi Yes/No, đặc biệt là trả lời bằng các dạng rút gọn.
Ví dụ:
Is he busy?
No he isn’t
No, he’s not.
No, he isn’t busy.
No, he’s not busy.
No, he is not busy.

Cấu trúc câu hỏi trong tiếng Anh dạng câu hỏi đuôi
Câu hỏi đuôi là câu hỏi ngắn được thêm vào cuối câu trần thuật. Chúng được dùng để kiểm chứng điều gì
đó có đúng hay không, thường được dịch là ‘phải không’

Cấu trúc: S + V + O, trợ động từ + not + S?

Câu hỏi đuôi được chia làm hai thành phần tách biệt nhau bởi dấu phẩy (,) theo quy tắc sau:

+ Sử dụng trợ động từ giống như ở mệnh đề chính để làm phần đuôi câu hỏi. Nếu trong mệnh đề chính
không có trợ động từ, ta dùng do/ does/ did thay thế.

+ Thì của động từ ở đuôi phải chia theo thì của động từ ở mệnh đề chính.

+ Đại từ ở phần đuôi để ở dạng đại từ nhân xưng chủ ngữ (I, we, you, they, he, she, it)

Ví dụ:
You like reading books, don’t you? (Cậu thích đọc sách, phải không?)
She often goes shopping in this supermarket, doesn’t she? (Cô ấy thường đi mua sắm ở siêu thị này, phải
They went out together last night, didn’t they? (Tối qua họ đi chơi cùng nhau, phải không?)

30 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
+ Nếu mệnh đề chính ở khẳng định thì phần đuôi ở phủ định và ngược lại.
Ví dụ:
Tom hasn’t got a car, has he? (Tom không có ô tô phải không?)
+ Chủ ngữ là các đại từ bất định chỉ người (everyone / everybody / someone / somebody / anyone /
anybody / noone /
nobody, none, neither…) phần đuôi để là ‘they’
Ví dụ:
Someone has broken your vase, hasn’t they? (Ai đó đã làm vỡ lọ hoa của cậu phải không?)
+ Chủ ngữ là các đại từ bất định chỉ vật (something/ everything/ anything, nothing) phần đuôi để là ‘it’
Ví dụ:
Nothing is impossible, isn’t it? (Không gì là không thể, phải không?)

+ Nếu chủ ngữ trong mệnh đề chính ở dạng phủ định (no one, nobody, nothing) hoặc trong mệnh đề chính
có chứa trạng từ phủ định (never, rarely, seldom, occasionally,…) phần đuôi để ở dạng khẳng định.
Ví dụ:
No one loves me, do they? (Chẳng có ai yêu tôi cả, phải không?)
They never go swimming, do they? (Họ chẳng bao giờ đi bơi phải không?)

Các trường hợp đặc biệt của câu hỏi đuôi:

Cấu trúc đặc biệt:

S + used to + V, didn’t + S?
S + had better + V, hadn’t + S?
S + would rather + V, wouldn’t + S?

+ Với mệnh đề chính I’m… đuôi là aren’t I?

VD: I’m crazy, aren’t I?

+ Câu mệnh lệnh là đuôi ‘will you?’

VD: Close the door, will you?

+ Với Let:
Rủ ai cùng làm gì: Let’s go to the cinema, shall we?
Xin phép làm gì: Let me use your dictionary, will you?
Đề nghị giúp ai làm gì: Let me help you cook dinner, may I?

Nếu câu ở mệnh đề chính có chứa MUST

– MUST chỉ sự cần thiết thì phần hỏi đuôi dùng NEEDN’T.
Ví dụ:
I must work a lot to meet the deadline, needn’t I? (Tôi phải làm việc thật nhiều để kịp hạn nộp, đúng không?)
– MUST chỉ sự cấm đoán nên phần hỏi đuôi ta phải dùng MUST (+ NOT).
Ví dụ:
They must come home late, mustn’t they? (Họ không được về nhà muộn, đúng không nhỉ?)
He mustn’t date with her, must he? (Anh ta không được hẹn hò với cô ấy phải không?)
– MUST chỉ sự dự đoán ở hiện tại: tùy vào động từ theo sau MUST mà ta chia động từ ở phần hỏi đuôi cho
phù hợp.
Ví dụ:
He must come early, doesn’t he? (Chắc là anh ta đến sớm đấy nhỉ?)
The child must be very good, is he? (Thằng bé chắc là ngoan lắm đấy nhỉ?)

31 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Nếu câu ở mệnh đề chính là câu cảm thán
(WHAT A/ AN…, HOW…, SUCH A/ AN…) thì danh từ trong câu cảm thán sẽ là chủ ngữ chính của câu,
từ đó ta sẽ biến đổi danh từ sang đại từ thích hợp để làm chủ ngữ trong phần hỏi đuôi.
Ví dụ:
What a lovely kitten, isn’t it? (Con mèo kia đáng yêu quá, phải không nào?)
How a handsome boy, isn’t he? (Anh ta đẹp trai, đúng không?)

Nếu câu ở mệnh đề chính có chứa HAD BETTER hoặc WOULD RATHER
Nếu câu ở mệnh đề chính có chứa HAD BETTER hoặc WOULD RATHER, ta xem HAD, WOULD là trợ
động từ và chia phần hỏi đuôi như bình thường.
Ví dụ:
You had better go to school early, hadn’t you? (Con nên đi học sớm, đúng không nào?)
You hadn’t better stay up late, had you? (Cậu không nên thức khuya, phải không nhỉ?)
They’d rather play video games, wouldn’t they? (Họ thích chơi điện tử hơn, đúng không?)

Nếu câu ở mệnh đề chính là câu điều ước thì phần hỏi đuôi sẽ dùng MAY.
Ví dụ:
She wishes she would become beautiful, may she? (Cô ta ước cô ta sẽ trở nên xinh đẹp, phải không nhỉ?)

Nếu chủ ngữ của mệnh đề chính là ONE thì phần hỏi đuôi sẽ có chủ ngữ là ONE/YOU.
Ví dụ:
One can play this song, can’t you? (Một bạn nào đó có thể chơi bài này, đúng không?)

Cấu trúc câu hỏi trong tiếng anh dạng câu hỏi phức

Câu hỏi phức gồm hai thành phần được nối với nhau bằng một từ nghi vấn.

S + V + Question word (Từ hỏi) + S + V

Ví dụ:
Alex still can’t figure out why his teacher gave his bad marks last week. (Alex vẫn chưa thể lý giải tại sao
giáo viên của anh ấy lại cho anh ấy điểm kém vào tuần trước.)
Luna hasn’t know where she will want to go at the weekend. (Luna chưa biết nơi cô ấy muốn đi vào cuối

– Câu hỏi phức là một câu hỏi, áp dụng mẫu câu sau:
Trợ động từ + S + V + Question word + S + V
Ví dụ:
Do you know what he said? (Bạn có biết anh ta đã nói gì không?)
Could you tell me how much it cost? (Bạn có thể cho tôi biết nó trị giá bao nhiêu được không?)
– Trường hợp đặc biệt, từ hỏi là một cụm từ như: Whose + noun, How many, How much, How long, How
often, What time, What kind,..
Ví dụ:
How often do you visit your parents? (Bạn có thường về thăm bố mẹ bạn không?)
Can you tell me how far your school is from your house? (Bạn có thể nói cho tôi biết từ nhà đến trường
bạn bao xa không?)

32 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Bài tập 1: Chuyển những câu dưới dây sang dạng yes/no question
1. He is a scientist.
2. They arrived last night?
3. He plays football to see you tomorrow.
4. They will come here on Thursday.
5. She has told us the truth.

Bài tập 2: Viết câu trả lời cho các câu hỏi sau
1. Are the keys under the books?
2. Was his house on an island?
3. Was it raining?
4. Are flowers grown here?
5. Has your brother left?
6. Have you driven before?
7. Did the key work?
8. Do they smoke?
9. Can we stay?
10. Should they stop?
11. KEY

BÀI 3.Điền từ phù hợp vào chỗ trống:

1. ____ your aunt a nurse? – Yes, she ____

2. ____ you have a pet? – No, I ____
3. ____ those shoes beautiful? – Yes, ____
4. ____ your sister like pizza? – No, ____
5. ____ Linh’s sisters at home? – Yes, ____
6. ____ Peter live with his father? – No, he ____
7. ____ his house next to a post office? – Yes, ____
8. ____ Andrew and Martin ride their bikes to school? – Yes, ____
9. ____ your friends tall? – No, they ____
10. ____ the children in the garden? – No, ____

Đối với các từ có hai âm tiết, dấu (ˈ) được đánh vào trước âm tiết được nhấn trọng âm.
có trọng âm được nhấn vào âm tiết thứ
nhất bamBOO /ˌbæmˈbuː/ (n): tre, trúc
Phần lớn danh từ và
E.g.: surPRISE /səˈpraɪz/ (n): bất ngờ
tính từ * costume /ˈkɒstjuːm/ (n.). trang phục aFRAID /əˈfreɪd/ (adj.): e ngại
* CHEERful /ˈtʃɪəfl/ (adj.): tươi vui
có trọng âm được nhấn vào âm tiết thứ
hai FINish /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ (v.): hoàn thành
Phần lớn động từ E.g.: Open /ˈəʊpən/ (v.): mở
* diSCUSS /dɪˈskʌs/ (v): thảo luận SUFFer /ˈsʌfə(r)/ (v.): chịu đựng
* aGREE /əˈɡriː/ (v.): đồng ý

33 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
I - Put the gown words in the box to the correct column according to their stress pattern.

review safety perform cannon locate

statue surround highlight reverse poster

Stress on 1st syllable Stress on 2nd syllable

Eg.: highlight

II - Choose the word with a different stress pattern.

Eg.: A. safely B. pavement C. sandwich D. support
1. A. science B. goggles C. review D. cannon
2.A. poster B. tuna C. relic D. surround
3. A. construct B. horror C. pancake D. sausage
4. A. highlight B. regard C. critic D. circle
5.A. locate B. culture C. omelette D. harvest
6.A. horror B. perform C. cannon D. greasy
7.A. direct B. harvest C. culture D. thriller
8.A. replace B. reverse C. review D. festive
9.A. Easter B. goggles C. consist D. highlight
10. A. unique B. fiction C. poster D. gripping
11. A. goggles B. repeat C. compose D. erect
12. A. puppet B. poster C. festive D. control
13. A. opera B. repeat C. statue D. chaos
14. A. circle B. traffic C. perform D. cannon
15. A. tofu B. thriller C. greasy D. locate


1.fascinating Lôi cuốn 2. religious Thuộc về tôn giáo
3. superstitious Mê tín 4. seasonal Theo mùa
5. unusual Bất thường 6. traditional Thuộc về truyền thống
7. joyful Vui vẻ 8. common Phổ biến
9. festival Lễ hội 10. costume Trang phục
11. feast Bữa tiệc lớn 12. fireworks Pháo hoa
12. celebrate Tổ chức 13. attend Tham dự
14. parade Diễu hành 15. gather Tụ họp
16. prepare Chuẩn bị 17. decorate Trang trí
18. perform Biểu diễn 19.describe Miêu tả

34 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Ex I: Put the word in the correct column

invite, music, parade, happy, action, famous, thousand, culture, popular, machine, nervous,
perform, candle, question, because, party

Stress on the 1st syllable Stress on the 2nd syllable

Ex II: Circle the word with a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. discuss B. traffic C. water D. winter
2. A. prepare B. relax C. produce D. summer
3. A. driver B. weather C. review D. sister
4. A. tourist B. support C. partner D. autumn
5. A. enjoy B. carry C. father D. nervous
6. A. classroom B. teacher C. student D. expect
7. A. service B. agree C. rabbit D. market
8. A. decide B. thousand C. season D. Easter
9. A. Christmas B. coffee C. hotel D. rubber
10. A. forget B. august C. before D. divide
Ex III: Label the picture

Tet holiday Christmas Halloween Cannes Film festival

Valentine’s Day Beer festival Vietnamese Festival of lights
Teachers’ Day

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

35 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Ex IV: Read the following sentences and mark the stressed syllable in the underlined words.
1. Film directors, stars and critics all come to this famous festival.
2. I carry two big boxes of pencils for my brother on Friday.
3. Do you often have English lessons on Monday?
4. People always put pumpkin lanterns outside their homes on Halloween day.
5. Can you take a photo of my parents on their wedding day?
6. The table below gives information about the program.
7. The village is far away from the city center.
8. We saw a big bunch of flowers on the table in the living room.
9. Can she pronounce the name of her sister?
10. My father is a doctor in a local hospital.

Ex V: Complete the table with appropriate nouns, verbs, and adjectives

Verb Noun Adjective

perform 1…………………………..
2………………………….. cultural
3…………………………. dancer 4……………………………
happiness 5……………………….....
6……………………...... fascination fascinating
7…………………………. romantic
discuss 8………………………….
season 9……………………………
10. ………………………. natural

Ex VI: Complete the sentences with words in Ex V

1. My sister works as a d……………………in a local pub.
2. This is one of the n…………..……….wonders of the world.
3. The artist prepared well yesterday. Therefore, she has an excellent p….……………………on the stage
4. The program gives us a chance to understand c……..……………values of the city.
5. Tom and Mary are going to d…………………….their festival project.
6. We are going to Rio Carnival to watch p……….………………dance.
7. How many s……………………..are there in your country?
8. Titanic is a r………………….film about love story between Jack and Rose.

Ex VII: Odd one out

10. A. elephant B. music C. gorilla D. crocodile

11. A. festival B. candle C. cake D. birthday
12. A. celebrate B. complete C. wonderful D. describe
13. A. information B. common C. nature D. classroom
14. A. funny B. nervous C. worried D. performance
15. A. usual B. desert C. valley D. mountain
16. A. art B. music C. painting D. question
17. A. tourist B. rename C. architect D. dancer
18. A. pumpkin B. cucumber C. watermelon D. describe
19. 10.A. lovely B. trousers D. gloves D. jeans

36 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Ex VIII: Match

1.celebrate a.the festival b. money c. Easter eggs
4.spend d.the meals
5.visit e.fireworks
6.enjoy f. the New Year
7.create g. the relatives
8.attend h. the gifts

Ex IX: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the words in brackets

1. How many……………………….are there in the program tonight? PERFORM

2. We often…………………………Tet holiday on the first day of the new year. CELEBRATION
3. ………………….voluntarily contribute their money and other things to celebrate the festival together.
4. There are some other activities such as …………………shows, buffalo races and traditional games.
5. People play drums, sing songs and ………………..happily. DANCING
6. When he swims, he often wears goggles to …………….his eyes. PROTECTION
7. We enjoy the food with local people and ………………TOURISM
8. Which do you think are …………………festivals? SEASON
9. Jack chose the festival because he would like to see elephants ……………..RACE
10.I don’t like this festival because it is …………………….USUAL

Ex X: Choose the best answer

1. The festival is …………………..every year at the end of October.
A. taken B. held C. made D. done
2. Festival of lights is a …………………..festival in India.
A. religion B. culture C. nation D. religious
3. People …………………the festival by throwing water to wish everyone happiness.
A. celebrate B. have C. organize D. complete
4. The biggest ………………….for the winner is a trip to France.
A. part B. benefit C. prize D. mark
5. A lot of people go to the city center to ………………the festival.
A. have B. attend C. relax D. discuss
6. It must be …………… see elephants racing in the street.
A. amazed B. nervous C. amazing D. romantic
7. What should the students do after this …………with the teacher?
A. task B. discussion C. homework D. break
8. People wear beautiful ………………and parade through the streets during the festival in this country.
A. jeans B. gloves C. boots D. costumes
9. The festival ……………place every two years.
A. takes B. happens C. has D. holds
10.During Tet holiday, we …………….our houses with apricot of peach blossoms.
A. decorate B. make C. build D. close

37 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Ex XI: Fill in the gap with a suitable word given in the box

harvest held followed Display

feast world performances attend

1. The festival is ………………… on the last day of October every year.

2. A lot of dancers go to Rio de Janeiro to………………. the Rio Carnival.
3. Yesterday, my family prepared a …………… welcome our grandparents from the USA.
4. Tourists can watch folk music …………………… this festival.
5. People in my village often celebrate this festival after they ………………….the crop.
6. They ………………a lot beautiful dolls in the best room of the house.
7. Local people and tourists from all over the …………….celebrate the festival together with endless all-night
8. The program is …………… fireworks and the appearance of a tall ship with red sails.

• Every year on the first Thursday in May, the small village of Cocullo in Italy sees thousands of
visitors at the annual Snake Festival.
• In the 11th century, there were many snakes in the village and many people died of snakebite.
Saint Domenlc got rid of the snakes and the people of Cocullo hold this festival every year to
remember him.
• For some weeks before the festival, people collect snakes and then, on st Dominic’s Day, they put
all the snakes on a statue of St Dominic.
• At midday, they carry the statue and the snakes in a procession through the village.
• At the end of the procession, there are fireworks.


I - Read the passage and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F).
If you think suffering teeth-chattering cold is part of the fun when you travel, then the Harbin International
Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival is the carnival for you. Set in Heilongjiang Province in northern China, it’s
the world’s biggest snow and ice festival and has plenty of spectacular works and activities.
The annual festival officially runs from January 5 to February 5 but some attractions open to visitors before
the opening ceremony, including the most popular of them all - the Harbin Ice and Snow World, made with
ice blocks pulled from the nearby Songhua River.
This year, the Harbin Ice and Snow World spans over 600,000 square meters and includes more than 100
landmarks. In addition to walking up the huge shining ice castles, other highlights include an exquisite snow
Buddha statue made of more than 4,500 square cubic meters of snow, a 3D light show and the 340-meter-
long Northern Lights-themed ice slides.

1.The world’s biggest snow and ice festival is held in Heilongjiang, China. ❑
2.The festival takes place every year for one month. ❑
3. ice used in the festival is carried to China from the North Pole. ❑
4.There are 600 landmarks in the Harbin ice and Snow World this year. ❑
5.People use about 4,500 square cubic meters of snow to make Buddha statue. ❑

38 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
II - Read the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
The Pacific Rim Whale Festival
Every year, about 20,000 grey whales swim past the west coast of Vancouver Island. The whales travel
from Mexico to the Arctic and back again. The whole trip is about 16,000 kilometres. Every March, the
people who live around the Pacific Rim National Park have a festival to celebrate the whales’ journey. The
festival is the Pacific Rim Whale Festival. The whales travel very close to the shore as they swim north.
This allows people to gather together to watch the whales from land and from boats.
Nanaimo Bathtub Race
On the east coast of Vancouver Island, you can see people moving through the water in a strange type of
boat. In the Nanaimo Bathtub Race, all the boats are made from bathtubs. The city of Nanaimo is home to
the oldest and most famous bathtub boat race in the world. Today, Nanaimo World Championship Bathtub
Race is a serious sport that attracts many racers and visitors from around the world.

1.How many grey whales swim near Vancouver Island every year?
A. 15,000 B. 16,000 C. 20,000 D. No one knows.
2. Where do the grey whales start their annual trip?
A. Vancouver Island B. the Arctic
C. somewhere in the open ocean D. Mexico
3.According to the reading, why is it easy for people to see the whales?
A. The people use binoculars.
B. The whales swim close to land.
C. The people are also swimming in the water.
D. They fly over the whales in helicopters.
4.Where does the Nanaimo Bathtub Race happen?
A. Far off the north coast of Vancouver Island.
B. On the South Shore of Vancouver Island.
C. On the west side of Vancouver Island.
D. On the east side of Vancouver Island.
5.What is special about every boat in the race?
A. Each boat can carry three people.
B. Every boat is made from a bathtub.
C. Every boat gets a safety inspection.
D. All the boats have sails.


Exercise 2: Listen and complete the text. (Track 19)
Hello students. Today I’d like to tell you some information about types and sources of energy. Energy
is classified into two main groups: renewable and (1) .......................
The energy from natural sources such as the sun, (2) ......................., and rain is called renewable energy.
They are (3) ....................... and can be generated again and again. They also have low (4) ....................... so
they are considered green and environment-friendly. Moreover, using renewable energy can reduce your
(5) ....................... costs. Unfortunately, solar energy can be only used during the (6) ....................... but not
during night or the (7) .......................
Non-renewable energy is the energy taken from other sources that are available on earth. They are (8)
........................ and will run out in the future. They can’t be re-generated in a short time. Fossil fuels - natural
gas, oil and coal - are examples of them. They are (9) ........................ and easy to use. However, when burnt,
they release toxic gases in the air so they cause serious environmental changes such as (10) ........................
And the important thing is that non-renewable sources will expire someday.

39 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
2/Listen and decide if each statement is true or false or not given. (Track 20)
No. Statements T/F/NG
1. Our earth stores the sun’s energy in their earth surface.
2. Some fossil fuels are coal, oil and wind energy.
3. Fossil fuels can be used to produce electricity.
4. Electricity is needed for many activities.
5. By 2013, people use about 80 percent of fossil fuels in the world.
6. One day, when people use up all fossil fuels, they will die because
there is no alternative energy.
7. Renewable energy will be used up one day.
8. Solar energy and wind energy are two types of alternative energy.


Talk about the festival of a foreign country you are most interested in.
You can use the following questions as cues:
• What and where is the festival?
• When is the festival held?
• What are the main activities of the festival?
• Why are you most interested in that festival?

Useful languages:
Useful vocabulary Useful structures
• Harbin Ice Festival • My favourite festival is ... in ...
• Lantern Festival • This festival is held ...
• Easter • Participating the festival, people can ...
• Thanksgiving • During the festival, people ...
• Jan-Feb • I'm most interested in that festival because ...
• 15/12 lunar year
• seeing lanterns
• seeing ice castles
• exciting
• entertaining

Complete the notes:

Structures of the talk Your notes
What and where is the festival? __________________________________________
When is the festival held? __________________________________________
What are the main activities of the __________________________________________
festival? __________________________________________
Why are you most interested in that __________________________________________
festival? __________________________________________

40 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Give your answer using the following cues. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.
1. My favourite festival is ... In ...
2. This festival is held ...
3. Participating the festival, people can ...
4. I’m most interested in that festival because ...


I- Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use
other words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
1. She/ participate/ Boryeong Mud Festival/ three/ year/ ago.
→ ________________________________________________________
2. Mud Festival/ take place/ July/ every year/ Boryeong town, Korea.
→ ________________________________________________________
3. It/ be/ originally/ provide people/ cosmetics/ use/ mud/ area.
→ ________________________________________________________
4. Participate/ festival, people/ have/ great excuse/ get dirty/ have fun.
→ ________________________________________________________
5. Participants/ immerse themselves/ nutrient-rich mud/ mud pool.
→ ________________________________________________________
6. People/ often have/ much fun/ when/ play/ colored mud.
→ ________________________________________________________
II - Write a short paragraph (about 60-80 words) about the festival you experienced and remembered
the best.
You can answer some of the following questions:
• What is the festival?
• When is the festival held?
• What are the main activities of the festival?
• What is the most impressive to you?


41 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R

1. always (Adj) / 'ɔːlweɪz /: luôn luôn

2. often (Adj) / 'ɒf(ə)n /: thường
3. sometimes (Adj) / 'sʌm.taɪmz /: thỉnh thoảng
4. never (Adj) / 'nevə /: không bao giờ
5. take a shower (n) / teɪk ə ʃaʊə /: tắm vòi tắm hoa sen
6. distance (n) / 'dɪst(ə)ns /: khoảng cách
7. transport (n) / trans'pɔrt /: phương tiện giao thông
8. electricity (n) /,ɪlɛk'trɪsɪti /: điện
9. biogas (n) /'baiou,gæs/: khí sinh học
10. footprint (n) / 'fʊtprɪnt /: dấu vết, vết chân
11. solar (Adj) / 'soʊlər /: (thuộc về) mặt trời
12. carbon dioxide (n) / 'kɑːrbən daɪˈɑːksaɪd /: khí CO2
13. negative (Adj) / 'neɡətɪv /: xấu, tiêu cực\
14. alternative (Adj) / ɔ:l'tə:nətiv /: có thể lựa chọn thay cho vật khác
15. dangerous (Adj) / 'deindʒrəs /: nguy hiểm
16. energy (n) / 'enədʒi /: năng lượng
17. hydro (n) / 'haidrou /: thuộc về nước
18. non-renewable (adj) / ,nɔn ri'nju:əbl /: không phục hồi, không tái tạo được
19. plentiful (Adj) / 'plentifl /: phong phú, dồi dào
20. renewable (Adj) / ri'nju:əbl /: phục hồi, làm mới lại
21. source (n) / sɔ:s /: nguồn


Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn (The present continuous)

1. Cách dùng
• Diễn đạt một hành động đang xảy ra tại thời điểm nói.
VD: I am eating my lunch right now.
• Diễn tả một hành động hoặc một sự việc nói chung đang diễn ra nhưng không nhất thiết phải thực sự diễn
ra ngay lúc nói.
VD: I’m quite busy these days. I’m doing my assignment. (Dạo này tôi khá là bận. Tôi đang làm luận án)
• Diễn đạt một hành động sắp xảy ra trong tương lai gần. Thường diễn tả một kế hoạch đã lên lịch sẵn
VD: I am flying to London tomorrow. (Tôi sẽ bay sang Luân Đôn sáng ngày mai)
• Hành động thường xuyên lặp đi lặp lại gây sự bực mình, khó chịu cho người nói. Cách dùng này được dùng
với trạng từ “always”
VD: He is always losing his keys. (Anh ấy cứ hay đánh mất chìa khóa)

42 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
2. Dạng thức của thì hiện tại tiếp diễn
a. Cấu trúc
Thể khẳng định Thể phủ định
I am I am not
He/ she/ it/ Danh từ số ít/ is He/ she/ it/ Danh từ số ít/ danh isn’t
danh từ không đếm được + V-ing từ không đếm được + V-
You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số are You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số aren’t ing
nhiều nhiều
Ví dụ: Ví dụ:
- I am reading a book. - I am not joking
- She is swimming. - She isn’t drinking lemon juice.
- They are sleeping. - We aren’t going to school.
- The dog is barking - My parents are sleeping.

Thể nghi vấn Câu trả lời ngắn

Am I Yes, I am
No, am not
Is He/ she/ it/ Danh từ số ít/ + V-ing Yes, He/ she/ it/ is
danh từ không đếm được No, Danh từ số ít/ isn’t
danh từ không
đếm được
Are You/ We/ They/ Danh từ Yes, You/ We/ are
số nhiều No, They/ Danh từ aren’t
số nhiều
Ví dụ:
- Is she singing an English song?
=> Yes, she is/ No, she isn’t.
- Are you having dinner?
=> Yes, I am/ No, I’m not.
- Are the children crying?
=> Yes/ they are/ No, they aren’t.

b. Wh- question
Khi đặt câu hỏi có chứa Wh- word (từ để hỏi), ta
đặt chúng ở vị trí đầu câu và Wh- word + am/ is/ are + S + V-ing? đưa ra câu trả lời
trực tiếp.

Ví dụ:
- Who is she talking to?
- She is talking to her mother.
- What are you studying?
- I am studying English.
3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết
➢ Trong câu có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian:
now (bây giờ), right now (ngay bây giờ), at the moment (lúc này), at present (hiện tại), at this time (bây
giờ), at + giờ cụ thể (at 12 o’clock)
➢ Trong câu có các từ như:
Look! (nhìn kìa), Listen (hãy nghe này), Keep silent! (Trật tự), Be careful! (Cẩn thận), Hurry up! (Hãy
nhanh lên)…
Ví dụ:
- Now my sister is going shopping with my mother.

43 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
- Look! The train is coming.
- Listen! Someone is crying.
- Keep silent! The baby is sleeping.

3. Các quy tắc thêm –ing vào sau động từ

Các quy tắc Ví dụ
Động từ kết thúc bởi “e”, ta bỏ Have- having Make- making
“e” thêm “ing” Write - writing Come- coming
Động từ kết thúc bởi “ee”, ta See- seeing Agree - agreeing
thêm “ing” mà không bỏ “e”
Động từ kết thúc bởi “ie”, ta đổi Lie – lying Die- dying
“ie” thành “y” rồi thêm đuổi
Động từ kết thúc bởi 1 nguyên âm Run- running Stop - stopping
(u,e,o,a,i) + 1 phụ âm, ta gấp đôi Get - getting Travel - travelling
phụ âm cuối rồi thêm –ing.

4. Một số động từ không có dạng V-ing.

Những động từ sau đây chỉ dùng ở dạng đơn, không thêm đuôi V-ing.

Chỉ trạng thái: be, cost, fit, mean, suit. VD: We are on holiday.
Nói về sự sử hữu: belong, have VD: Sam has a cat.
Chỉ cảm giác: feel, hear, see, smell, taste, touch VD: He feels the cold.
Nói về cảm xúc: hate, hope, like, love, prefer, VD: Jane loves pizza.
regret, want, wish.
Nói về nhận thức: believe, know, think (nghĩ VD: I believe you.
về), understand.


Bài 1: Hoàn thành bảng sau, thêm đuôi –ing vào các động từ sao cho đúng
V V-ing V V-ing
Have (có) Help
Do (làm) Run
Say (nói) Write
Go (đi) Move
Make (làm) Play
Take (lấy) Stand
Give (cho) Talk
Use (dùng) Sit
Come (đến) Read
Find (tìm thấy) Speak
Put Open
Leave Draw
Work Walk
Ask Sell
Follow watch

44 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Bài 2: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng
1. Johny and Mandy (is/am/are) cleaning the kitchen
2. I (is/am/are) reading a book at the moment.
3. It (is/am/are) raining
4. We (is/am/are) singing a new song.
5. The children (is/am/are) watching TV at breaktime.
6. My pets (is/am/are) sleeping now.
7. Aunt Helen (is/am/are) feeding the ducks on the farm.
8. My friend (is/am/are) buying a pencil sharpener.
9. He (is/am/are) studying Science.
10. They (is/am/are) doing their homework.

Bài 3: Viết các câu sau ở thể khẳng định (+), phủ định (-) và nghi vấn (?)
1. (+) We are working on the new show right now.
2. (+)____________________________________
(-) I’m not talking on the phone at the moment.
3. (+)____________________________________
(?) Is he running very fast?
4. (+) Julia is baking a chocolate cake at the moment.
5. (+)____________________________________
(?) Are Tony and Kaity helping the teacher right now?

Bài 4: Nối câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở cột B sao cho phù hợp

1. Are they having dinner? a. Yes, she is.
2. Are you making a cup of tea? b. He is cooking pasta
3. Is she making a cup of coffee? c. No, he isn’t.
4. What are you doing? d. I’m going to Korea.
5. Is it raining? e. No, they aren’t.
6. What is he cooking for dinner? f. My brother.
7. Where are you going on holiday? g. No, it isn’t.
8. Are we going into town? h. Yes, we are.
9. Who is going to England? i. I’m looking for a number in the phone book.
10. Is your father taking a bus to the kinder j. Yes, I am.

1…….- 2………- 3……- 4…........- 5…....- 6……-7…….-8……..-9……….-10……….

45 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Bài 4: Sắp xếp từ trong câu theo thứ tự đúng để tạo thành một câu hoàn chỉnh
1. singing/ the/ birds/ are/ at/. /5 am
2. are/ at/ 7 am/ the/ dogs/ big/ barking.
3. up/ at/ is/ 7.20 am/ getting/ Thompson/ . / Mrs.
4. making/ she/ . / at/ breakfast/ her/ 7.40 am/ son’s/ is
5. 7.50 am/ is/ . / letters/ the/ the/ delivering/ at/ mailman
6. his/ 7.55 am/ son/ washing/ Mrs/ . / is/ Thompson’s/ face/ at
7. are/ eating/ 8 am/ at/ family/ Thompsons/ together/ the / breakfast.
8. blue/ 8.20 am/ work/ Thompson/ car/ is/ in/ at/ to/ Mrs./ driving/ her.
9. rope/ playground/ classmate/ is/ my/ in/ the/ . / skipping
10. school/ sister/ is/ an/ my/ international/ studying/ in.

Bài 5: Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì Hiện tại tiếp diễn
1. Alexander ______ (study) for his exam at the moment.
2. She ______ (not play) goft tomorrow.
3. They ______ (make) dinner now.
4. The company ______ (have) dinner now.
5. She ______ (eat) oysters for lunch right now.
6. David ______(not fly) to Chicago next week.
7. I ______ (work) on a special report today.
8. We ______ (not cook) dinner this evening because we’re eating out.
9. ______ (Tom drive) to work right now?
10. They ______(not prepare) for the science exam at the moment.
11. When ______ (you/ have) lunch tomorrow?
12. ______ (they give) a party this weekend?
13. Susan ______ (make) the decision at 3 o’clock this afternoon.
14. What ______ (you do)?!
15. Which motel ______(they stay) now?

Bài 6: Chọn động từ thích hợp cho dạng đúng của thì Hiện tại tiếp diễn và điền vào chỗ trống

read study post make speak draw come wait

sunbathe water

1. He is at the bank. He _______money from his account.

2. He is in the library. He ______
3. He is in the garden. He ______ the flowers.
4. She is on the beach. She ______
5. He is in the post office. He ______ letter.
6. He is in the telephone box. He ______ a call.
7. We ______ English at the moment.
8. Look! David and Max ______ home.
9. She ______for her boyfriend now.
10. I ______ to a dentist.
Bài 7: Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, đặt câu ở thì Hiện tại tiếp diễn
1. (they/ learn new things?)
2. (when/ he/ start work?)

46 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
3.(why/ I/ stay/ at home?)
4. (it/ get dark?)
5. (the dog/ not/ play with a ball)
6. (why/ it/ rain now?)
7. (how/ she/ travel?)
8. (where/ you/ work?)
9. (what/we/ watch?)
10. (I/ take too much cake?)


* NGỮ ÂM – Pronunciation
phát âm chính xác các từ có ba âm tiết

Đối với các từ có hai âm tiết, dấu (ˈ) được đánh vào trước âm tiết được nhấn trọng âm.


• PARadise /ˈpærədaɪs/ (n.): thiên
Nếu âm tiết thứ hai có chứa âm /ə/,
/ɪ/ hoặc /i/ thì trọng âm rơi vào âm
• PLENtiful /ˈplentɪfl/ (adj.): phong
tiết thứ nhất.
Phần lớn danh từ và
Nếu âm tiết thứ hai có chứa nguyên
tính từ • disAster /dɪˈzɑːstə(r)/ (n.): thảm
âm dài hoặc nguyên âm đôi và âm
tiết thứ ba chứa một nguyên âm
• aNNOYing /əˈnɔɪɪŋ/ (adj.): gây khó
ngắn thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết
thứ hai.
Nếu âm tiết thứ ba là nguyên âm
• ORganise /ˈɔːɡənaɪz/ (v.): tổ chức
dài hoặc nguyên âm đôi, hoặc kết
• Activate /ˈæktɪveɪt/ (v.): kích
thúc bằng 2 phụ âm trở lên thì trọng
âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất.
Phần lớn động từ
• deTERmine /dɪˈtɜːmɪn/ (v.): xác
Nếu âm tiết thứ ba có nguyên âm
ngắn và kết thúc bằng 1 phụ âm thì
• enCOUNter /ɪnˈkaʊntə(r)/ (v.): gặp
trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai.

47 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
I - Put the given words in the box to the correct column according to their stress pattern.
abundant recommend character biogas volunteer
consumption understand energy referee exhausted
performance limiting Halloween plentiful disaster

Stress on 1st syllable Stress on 2nd syllable Stress on 3rd syllable

E.g.: character

II - Choose the word with a different stress pattern.

Eg.: A. barbecue B. creative C. decorate D. calendar
1.A. atmosphere B. melody C. carnival D. recommend
2.A. allergy B. depression C. unusual D. performer
3. A. recipe B. abundant C. celebrate D. limiting
4.A. reporter B. fantastic C. natural D. delicious
5.A. essential B. memorial C. historic D. volunteer
6.A. cultural B. exhausted C. seasonal D. dangerous
7.A. recognise B. vehicle C. energy D. consumption
8.A. religious B. dangerous C. violent D. triangle
9.A. tricycle B. serious C. abundant D. biogas
10. A. illegal B. pagoda C. disaster D. referee
11. A. exciting B. determine C. gallery D. cathedral
12. A. adventure B. interview C. firefighter D. barbecue
13. A. decorate B. exciting C. apricot D. windsurfing
14. A. graffiti B. department C. entertain D. reporter
15. A. limiting B. dishwasher C. microwave D. understand

Types of energy:

Wind Coal Natural gas Nuclear

Oil Hydro Solar biogas

New words:
1.source of energy Nguồn năng lượng 2.carbon dioxide CO2

3.effect (n) Tác động 4.environment (n) Môi trường panel Tấm/bảng hứng năng 6. coal (n) Than đá
lượng mặt trời
7. natural gas Khí ga tự nhiên 8. biogas (n) Khí ga sinh học

48 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
9.nuclear (a) Hạt nhân 10.hydro (a) Thủy điện
11. renewable (a) Tái tạo lại 12.abundant (a) Phong phú,
13. available (a) Sẵn có 14. limited (a) Có hạn
15. exhaustible (a) Cạn kiệt 16. harmful (a) Có hại
17. polluting (a) Gây ô nhiễm 18. safe (a) An toàn
19. plentiful (a) Rất nhiều 20. convenient (a) Tiện lợi
21. enormous (a) To lớn 22. expensive (a) Đắt đỏ
23. alternative (a) Thay thế 24. produce(v) Sản sinh
25. create (v) Tạo ra 26.electricity (n) Điện

Ex I: Put the words in the correct column

wind, coal, oil, biogas, natural gas, nuclear, solar, hydro, wave

Renewable sources Non-renewable sources

Ex II: Odd one out

1. A. wind B. solar C. world D. hydro
2. A. biogas B. create C. produce D. make
3. A. oxygen B. nuclear C. hydrogen D. carbon dioxide
4. A. dangerous B. expensive C. polluting D. clean
5. A. abundant B. plentiful C. wave D. available
6. A. limited B. environment C. energy D. product
7. A. scientist B. engineer C. driver D. convenient
8. A. dangerous B. use C. polluting D. harmful
9. A. exhaustible B. limited C. water D. dangerous
10.A. renewable B. Monday C. Wednesday D. Saturday

Ex III: Match
1.solve a. electricity
2.install b. a film
3.take c. energy consumption d. television
5.increase e. the problems
6.generate f. solar panels
7.turn on g. the tax
8.reduce h. a rest

Ex IV: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined
1. A. energy B. expensive C. enter D. elephant
2. A. solar B. tomorrow C. another D. hydro
3. A. produce B. music C. tube D. just
4. A. carbon B. coal C. source D. candy
5. A. type B. energy C. easily D. chilly
6. A. solar B. abundant C. safe D. another
7. A. exhaustible B. dangerous C. train D. main
8. A. enormous B. about C. famous D. nervous
9. A. public B. limited C. polluting D. dioxide

49 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
10. A. book B. cook C. roof D. foot

Ex V: Put the words in the correct column

develop, family, elephant, gorilla, architect, decision, beautiful, eraser, terrified, abundant,
limited, tomorrow, afternoon, chocolate,

0oo o0o

Ex VI: Read the following sentences and mark the stressed syllable in the underlined words.
1. This is one advantage of using solar energy.
2. Fossil fuels are not considered sustainable energy sources.
3. Solar energy is derived from an abundant resource that we see nearly every day.
4. What types of gases are staying in our atmosphere for a long period of time?
5. Food, sunlight and wind are different from other forms of energy.
6. Is crossing the street during rush hour dangerous?

Ex VII: Fill in the gap with a suitable word given in the box

last produce heat solar

electricity environment ride lights

1. Using energy that produces carbon dioxide is bad for the ………………….
2. We install ………………panels on the roof of our house to catch the sun’s energy.
3. Renewable source of energy will ……………….forever.
4. My father installs new glass in the windows to stop..……..escaping.
5. Do you often walk or …………a bike when travelling long distances?
6. Remember to turn off the ………………..when leaving the room.
7. We don’t have to pay the …………….bill a lot because we use a little electricity at home.
8. These men will install a network of wind turbines to ………………..electricity.

Ex VIII: Put the words into the correct groups

Safe Natural gas Limited Clean Solar Expensive

Exhaustible Abundant Nuclear Available Wind hydro

Sources of energy Advantages Disadvantage

50 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Ex IX: Choose the best answer
1. Emissions from vehicles have negative ………………..on the environment.
A. tasks B. effects C. benefits D. problems
2. Using non-renewable energy sources like coal, oil …………………a lot of carbon dioxide.
A. makes B. does C. uses D. produces
3. They ………………… panels on the roof of the house to catch the energy from the sun.
A. have B. get C. install D. put
4. Wind is one type of …………………source of energy.
A. renewable B. expensive C. dangerous D. exhaustible
5. What things do they think might ………………..a big carbon footprint?
A. take B. put C. carry D. create
6. I think that using biogas is abundant and ………………
A. limited B. polluting C. cheap D. exhaustible
7. Solar energy is plentiful and it can be ………………….easily.
A. recycled B. replaced C. reduced D. reused
8. We install solar panels on our roof for the heating and …………..water.
A. hot B. cold C. dirty D. clean
9. His brother is ……………cracks in the water pipes.
A. having B. checking C. taking D. producing
10. The teacher is ………………..a talk about how to save energy.
A. doing B. taking C. giving D. making

Ex X: Write the correct form of the word given

1. Coal will be …………………by another renewable source of energy in the future. REPLACE
2. Natural gas is …………….and it is harmful to the environment. LIMIT
3. I like solar energy because it is ………………..PLENTY
4. Using public transport can reduce ……………….….POLLUTE
5. These types of energy do not cause pollution or waste ………………….resources. NATURE
6. We hope that by using solar energy, the problem of energy ……………….will be solved. SHORT
7. This new plant is being built to provide …………………for the population of the local area. ELECTRIC
8. Remember to turn off the lights when……………….to bed, boy! GO
9. She wears a sweater to keep her body……………… the early winter. WARMTH
10. What are the advantages and ………………….of using public transport?

Ex XI: Solve the crossword puzzle

2 5
6 7

51 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
1. We are doing a ………………..on sources of energy now.
2. Alternative ………………..of energy will be developed quickly.
3. What should the government do to ………………..the use petrol?
4. Wind………………..will offer a great deal of energy in the future.
1. My friends and I ride bicycles to school to reduce air ………………..
5. They put low ………………….light bulbs in the classroom.
6. My father prefers using …………………..transport to protect the environment.
7. When a source is used, it usually takes time to ……………

Renewable energy is often called green energy because it is natural, available and does not have to
be formed like non-renewable energy. The green energy is always there. For example, the Sun
consistently shines, water is abundant, and the winds blow throughout the year. The five types
include solar, energy from the Sun; geothermal, energy from heat within the Earth; hydroelectric,
energy from moving water; biomass, energy from dead plants and finally, energy from the wind.


I - Read the passage and choose the best option to answer each of the following questions.
Wind is a form of solar energy. Winds are caused by the uneven heating of the atmosphere by the sun.
Wind flow patterns are changed by the earth’s terrain, bodies of water, and vegetative cover. This wind
flow, or motion energy, when “harvested” by modern wind turbines, can be used to generate electricity.
Wind turbines are available in a variety of sizes, and therefore power ratings. The largest machine has
blades that span more than the length of a football field, stands 20 building stories high, and produces
enough electricity to power 1,400 homes. A small home-sized wind machine has rotors between 8 and 25
feet in diameter and stands upwards of 30 feet, and can supply the power needs of an all-electric home or
small business, utilityscale turbines range in size from 50 to 750 kilowatts. Single small turbines, below 50
kilowatts, are used for homes, telecommunications dishes, or water pumping.

1. What is the reason for the existence of wind?

A. atmosphere heated unevenly B. wind flow
C. motion energy D. wind turbines
2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a factor affecting the wind direction?
A. earth’s terrain B. bodies of water
C. vegetative cover D. the Sun
3.The word “variety” is closest in meaning with_________.
A. capacity B. popularity C. diversity D. minority
4.What is the height of the largest wind turbines?
A. as tall as a 20 story building B. between 8 and 25 feet
C. 30 feet D. 50 feet
5. A small home-sized wind machine can produce enough power for_________ .
A. 20 buildings B. a small business
C. 400 homes D. a football field
6. How much power do single small turbines generate?
A. about 30 kilowatts B. more than 50 kilowatts
C. about 750 kilowatts D. less than 50 kilowatts

52 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
II - Read the passage and answer the following questions.
You use energy every day. Energy is the ability to cause change. When you ride a bike, you use energy
from your body to make the bike move. Your parents use heat energy to change the food from raw to
Not all energy is used as soon as you get it. Sometimes energy is stored to be used later, stored energy can
be chemical energy stored in a battery or in your body. It can also be potential energy. Potential energy is
based on the position of the object. A soccer player standing ready to kick a ball has potential energy.
Energy of motion is also called kinetic energy. Potential energy converts, or changes into, kinetic energy
when the thing or person begins to move. When the soccer player kicks the ball, kinetic energy is at work.
Energy often changes forms. When you switch on the light, electricity converts into light. When you eat,
chemical energy from your food converts into thermal and mechanical energy that allows you to move and
1.What is energy?
2.What kind of energy is based on an object's position?
3.What is another name for energy of motion?
4.What is another way to say “changes into”?
5.Does energy often change forms?


1: Listen and complete the text. (Track 19)
Hello students. Today I’d like to tell you some information about types and sources of energy. Energy
is classified into two main groups: renewable and (1) .......................
The energy from natural sources such as the sun, (2) ......................., and rain is called renewable energy.
They are (3) ....................... and can be generated again and again. They also have low (4) ....................... so
they are considered green and environment-friendly. Moreover, using renewable energy can reduce your
(5) ....................... costs. Unfortunately, solar energy can be only used during the (6) ....................... but not
during night or the (7) .......................
Non-renewable energy is the energy taken from other sources that are available on earth. They are (8)
........................ and will run out in the future. They can’t be re-generated in a short time. Fossil fuels - natural
gas, oil and coal - are examples of them. They are (9) ........................ and easy to use. However, when burnt,
they release toxic gases in the air so they cause serious environmental changes such as (10) ........................
And the important thing is that non-renewable sources will expire someday.
2/ Listen and decide if each statement is true or false or not given. (Track 20)

No. Statements T/F/NG

1. Our earth stores the sun’s energy in their earth surface.
2. Some fossil fuels are coal, oil and wind energy.
3. Fossil fuels can be used to produce electricity.
4. Electricity is needed for many activities.
5. By 2013, people use about 80 percent of fossil fuels in the world.
6. One day, when people use up all fossil fuels, they will die because
there is no alternative energy.
7. Renewable energy will be used up one day.

53 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
8. Solar energy and wind energy are two types of alternative energy.


Talk about how to save electricity.
You can use the following questions as cues:
• What are the ways to save electricity?
• How to apply them?
• What are the benefits?
• What have you done to save electricity?

Useful languages:
Useful vocabulary Useful structures
• switching off the lights • There are many ways to save electricity like ...
• using natural light • Saving electricity brings many benefits, such as ...
• using low energy light bulbs • Saving electricity helps ...
• using on/off sensors • I have done some activities to save electricity. For
• financial benefit example, ...
• environmental benefit
• health benefit
• using fewer fans
• turning off the lights before going to
• using fewer air-conditioners

Complete the notes:

Structures of the talk Your notes
What are the ways to save electricity?
How to apply them?
What are the benefits?
What have you done to save electricity?

Now you try!

Give your answer using the following cues. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.
1. There are many ways to save electricity like ...
2.Saving electricity helps ...
3. I have done some activities to save electricity. For example, ...


I- Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use
other words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
1. Like/ any/ other type/ power,/ solar energy/ have/ own/ disadvantage.
→ ________________________________________________________
2. Solar power/ depend/ weather condition/ operation.
→ ________________________________________________________
3. If/ people/ build/ solar power/ plant,/ space/ must/ very huge.
→ ________________________________________________________
4. A lot/ money/ require/ build/ solar power plant.
→ ________________________________________________________

54 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
5. Humans/ should/ exploit/ solar power/ more/ have safe/ clean energy.
→ ________________________________________________________

II - Write a short paragraph (60-80 words) about disadvantages of nuclear power.

You can answer some of the following questions:
• What are the disadvantages of nuclear power?
• What are the solutions for them?


55 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
1.hyperloop / ˈhaɪpə(r) luːp / (n) Tàu siêu tốc
traffic jam /'træfɪk dʒæm/ (n.phr) Kẹt xe
campsite /ˈkæmpsaɪt/ (n) Khu cắm trại
tube /tjuːb/ (n) ống nước
flying car /ˈflaɪɪŋ kɑː/ (n.phr) Xe bay
pollute /pəˈluːt/ (v) Ô nhiễm
fume /fjuːm/ (n) Khói
teleporter /ˈtel.ɪ.pɔː.tər/ (n) Vận chuyển viễn thông
Mode of travel /məʊd ɒv ˈtrævl/ (n.phr) Phương thức đi lại
worry about / ˈwʌri əˈbaʊt/ (phr.v) Lo lắng
hope /həʊp/ (v) Hy vọng
wheel /wiːl/ (n) Bánh xe
Run on / rʌn ɒn/ (phr.v) Chạy bằng
track /træk/ (n) Đường ray
sail /seɪl/ (v) Chèo
vehicle / ˈviːɪkl / (n) Phương tiện

Bamboo-copter /bæmˈbuː-ˈkɒptə/ (n.phr) Trực thăng tre
skyTran / skaɪ træn / (n.phr) Taxi bay
solar-powered ship / ˈsəʊlə-ˈpaʊəd ʃɪp/ (n.phr) Tàu chạy năng lượng mặt trời
Solar-powered ships are eco-friendly.(Con tàu năng lượng mặt trời thì thân thiện với môi trường)
driverless car / ˈdraɪvləs kɑː/ (n.phr) xe hơi không người lái.
normal car / ˈnɔːməl kɑː/ (n.phr) Xe hơi thông thường
ride /raɪd/ (v) Lái
put it on / pʊt ɪt ɒn/ (phr.v) Mặc vào
popular /ˈpɒpjələ(r)/ (adj) Phổ biến
autopilot model /ˈɔːtəʊˌpaɪlət ˈmɒdl/ (n.phr) Loại hình tự mới
bullet train / ˈbʊlɪt treɪn / (n.phr) Tàu cao tốc

electric scooter /ɪˈlɛktrɪk ˈskuːtə/ (n.phr) Xe điện
electric car / ɪˈlɛktrɪk kssɑː/ (n.phr) Xe hơi điện
allow /əˈlaʊ/ (v) Cho phép
parking places /ˈpɑːkɪŋ ˈpleɪsɪz/ (n.phr) Bãi xe
petrol-powered car / ˈpɛtrəl-ˈpaʊəd kɑː/ (n.phr) Xe hơi chạy bằng xăng
planet /ˈplænɪt/ (n) Hành tinh
take holidays /teɪk ˈhɒlədeɪz/ (v.phr) Nghỉ lễ
means of transport /miːnz əv ˈtrænspɔːt/ (n.phr) Phương tiện vận chuyển
at the airport /æt ði ˈeəpɔːt/ (pre.phr) ở sân bay
disappear /ˌdɪsəˈpɪə(r)/ (v) Biến mất
possible /ˈpɒsəbl/ (adj) Khả thi
motorbike /ˈməʊtəbaɪk/ (n) Xe máy
bicycle /ˈbaɪsɪkl/ (n) Xe đạp
on time / ɒn taɪm/ (pre.phr) Đúng giờ

56 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
fly across / flaɪ əˈkrɒs/ (phr.v) Băng qua
walkcar /wɔːk kɑː(r)/ (n) Xe điện tử
stand on it / stænd ɒn ɪt/ (v.phr) Đứng lên nó
fall off / fɔːl ɒf/ (phr.v) Ngã, rơi
dangerous /ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ (adj) Nguy hiểm
turn on the switch /tɜːn/ /ɒn/ /ðə/ /swɪʧ/ (v.phr) Bật công tắc
solowheel /ˈsəʊləʊ wiːl / (n) Xe 1 bánh
Solowheel is small.(Xe 1 bánh thì nhỏ.)
self-balancing / sɛlf-ˈbælənsɪŋ/
(adj) Tự thăng bằng
Walkcar is self-balancing.
(Xe điện tử thì có thể tự thăng bằng)
convenient /kənˈviːniənt/ (adj) Tiện lợi

comfortable /ˈkʌmftəbl/ (adj) Thoải mái
charge /tʃɑːdʒ/ (v) Sạc, nạp
economical /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪkl/ (adj) Tiết kiệm
gaming screen /ˈgeɪmɪŋ skriːn / (n.phr) Màn hình trò chơi
introduce /ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs/ (v) Giới thiệu

autopilot function /ˈɔːtəʊˌpaɪlət ˈfʌŋkʃən / (n.phr) Chức năng tự lái
avoid /əˈvɔɪd/ (v) Tránh
advantage /ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/ (n) Lợi thế
causing noise /ˈkɔːzɪŋ nɔɪz/ (n.phr) làm ồn

sleep /sliːp/ (v) Ngủ
passenger /ˈpæsɪndʒə(r)/ (n) Hành khách
scientist /ˈsaɪəntɪst/ (n) Nhà khoa học
spaceship /ˈspeɪsʃɪp/ (n) Tàu không gian

carry /ˈkæri/ (v) Chở
road system /rəʊd ˈsɪstɪm/ (n.phr) Hệ thống đường bộ

1. Định nghĩa thì tương lai đơn
Thì tương lai đơn trong tiếng Anh (Simple future tense) được dùng khi không có kế hoạch hay quyết định
làm gì nào trước khi chúng ta nói. Chúng ta ra quyết định tự phát tại thời điểm nói.
2. Công thức thì tương lai đơn
Như các loại thì khác, công thức tương lai đơn cũng có 3 loại cấu trúc tương lai đơn.
2.1. Câu khẳng định thì tương lai đơn
Cấu trúc: S + will/shall + V-inf
(He will = He’ll, She will = She’ll, I will = I’ll, They will = They’ll, You will = You’ll..)
Ví dụ:
I will buy a cake tomorrow.
My family will travel in HCM City next week.

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2.2. Câu phủ định thì tương lai đơn
Cấu trúc: S + will/shall + not + V-inf
will+ not = won’t
Ví dụ:
I won’t come your house tomorrow.
I promise I won’t tell this anyone

2.3. Câu hỏi thì tương lai đơn

Cấu trúc: Will/Shall + S + V-inf ?
Câu trả lời:
Yes, S + will
No, S + will not (won’t)
Ví dụ:
Will you marry me? -> Yes, I will /No, I won’t
Shall we dance?

2. Cách dùng thì tương lai đơn

3.1. Diễn tả một quyết định hay một ý định nhất thời nảy ra ở thời điểm nói. Có từ tín hiệu chỉ thời gian
trong tương lai
Ví dụ:
I miss my grandmother so much. I will drop by her house after working tomorrow
(Tôi rất nhớ bà tôi vì thế sau giờ làm ngày mai tôi sẽ đi thăm bà.)
3.2. Diễn đạt một dự đoán không có căn cứ
Ví dụ:
I think she won’t come and join our party.
(Tôi nghĩ cố ấy sẽ không đến tham gia bữa tiệc của chúng ta đâu.)
3.3. Đưa ra lời yêu cầu, đề nghị, lời mời
Ví dụ:
Will you go out for dinner with me? (Bạn có thể đi ăn tối với tôi được không?)
Will you pass me the pencil, please? (Bạn có thể chuyển bút chì cho tôi được không?)
3.4. Diễn đạt lời hứa
Ví dụ:
I promise I will write to her every day. (Tôi hứa tôi sẽ viết thư cho cô ta mỗi ngày.)
My friend will never tell anyone about this. (Bạn tôi sẽ không nói với ai về việc này.)

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3.5. Diễn đạt lời cảnh báo hoặc đe dọa
Ví dụ:
Be quiet or Chinhtao will be angry. (Hãy trật tự đi, không Chinhtao sẽ nổi giận đấy.)
Stop talking, or the teacher will send you out. (Không nói chuyện nữa, nếu không giáo viên sẽ đuổi em
ra khỏi lớp.)

3.6. Dùng để đề nghị giúp đỡ người khác

(1 câu hỏi phỏng đoán bắt đầu bằng Shall I)
Ví dụ:
Shall I carry the bags for you, Dad? (Để con mang những chiếc túi này giúp bố nhé.)
Shall I get you something to eat? (Tôi sẽ mang cho bạn thứ gì đó để ăn, được chứ?)

3.7. Dùng nhằm đưa ra một vài gợi ý

Câu hỏi phỏng đoán bắt đầu bằng Shall we
Ví dụ:
Shall we play football? (Chúng ta chơi đá bóng nhé?)
Shall we have Chinese food? (Chúng ta ăn đồ ăn Trung Hoa nhé.)

3.8. Dùng để hỏi xin lời khuyên

What shall I do? hoặc What shall we do?
Ví dụ:
I have a fever. What shall I do? (Tôi bị sốt rồi. Tôi phải làm gì bây giờ?)
We’re lost. What shall we do? (Chúng ta bị lạc rồi. Chúng ta phải làm gì bây giờ?)

3.9. Dùng trong câu điều kiện loại I, diễn tả 1 giả định có thể xảy ra trong hiện tại và tương lai
Ví dụ:
If she learns hard, she will pass the exam. (Nếu mà cô ấy học hành chăm chỉ thì cô ấy sẽ thi đỗ.

4. Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì tương lai đơn

Dấu hiệu nhận biết tương lai đơn rất đơn giản. Bạn chỉ cần chú ý các ví dụ về thì tương lai đơn là cũng
có thể nhận ra.

4.1. Trạng từ chỉ thời gian

In + (thời gian): trong bao lâu (in 5 minutes: trong 5 phút)
Tomorrow: ngày mai
Next day/ next week/ next month/ next year: ngày tới, tuần tới, tháng tới, năm tới.
Soon: sớm thôi
Ví dụ:
We’ll meet at school tomorrow. (Ngày mai chúng ta sẽ gặp ở trường.)

4.2. Trong câu có những động từ chỉ quan điểm

Think/ believe/ suppose/ assume…: nghĩ/ tin/ cho là
Promise: hứa
Hope, expect: hi vọng/ mong đợi
Ví dụ:
I hope I will live abroad in the future. (Tôi hi vọng sau này sẽ sống ở nước ngoài.)

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4.3. Trong câu có những trạng từ chỉ quan điểm
Perhaps/ probably/ maybe: có lẽ
Supposedly: cho là, giả sử
Ví dụ:
This picture is supposedly worth a million pounds.
(Bức tranh này được cho là đáng giá một triệu pounds)


Ta có thể sử dụng một số cấu trúc ngữ pháp khác có chức năng tương tự thì tương lai đơn, diễn đạt hành
động, sự việc có khả năng xảy ra trong tương lai như:
(to be) likely to + V I believe that technological innovations such as robots are likely to do
(có khả năng/ có thể) most of human’s work in the future.

(to be) expected to + V Artificial intelligence is expected to replace human in most manual
(được kỳ vọng) work in the near future.


Sự khác biệt giữa thì tương lai đơn và cấu trúc ‘be going to + V’
Điểm khác biệt lớn nhất giữa thì tương lai đơn và cấu trúc ‘be going to + V’ nằm ở khả năng xảy ra của
phán đoán, dự đoán của người nói. Vì vậy:
Sử dụng mẫu ‘be going to + V’ nếu có bằng chứng chứng minh cho phán đoán của mình.
Sử dụng thì tương lai đơn hoặc các cấu trúc thay thế nếu phán đoán của mình chỉ dựa trên cảm nhận chứ
không có bằng chứng hoặc căn cứ rõ ràng.

7. Bài tập luyện thì tương lai đơn

Bài 1. Điền dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc
1. If it rains, he (stay)____ at home
2. In two days, I (know)_____ my results
3. I think he (not come)____________back his hometown
4. I (finish)______ my report in 2 days.
5. We believe that she (recover) from her illness soon
Bài 2. Dùng từ gợi ý viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh
1. If/ you/ not/ study/ hard/,/ you/ not/ pass/ final/ exam
2. they / come/ tomorrow?
3. rains/ it/ he/ home/ if/ stay.
4. I’m/ she /able/ afraid/ to/ be/ come/ to/ party/ the/ not.
5. You/ look/ tired,/ so/ I/ bring/ you/ something/ eat
Bài 3. Điền vào chỗ trống sử dụng những từ trong bảng sau để hoàn thành một bài Speaking Part 2
hoàn chỉnh
Question: How would you think the modern technology will change the workplace in the next 100
are going to feel are likely to lead to will have

will find is likely to become will develop

are predicted to work are likely to occur will be

will continue are going to happen will result

60 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Thanks to modern technology, there have been enormous changes in the workplace over the past
100 years.
So now let us consider the changes that (1)……………… in the next 100 years. Unfortunately, I
believe that not all changes (2)…………for the better. For example, more people (3)………… … from
home and so they (4)………… more isolated from their colleagues. On the other hand they (5)…………
greater freedom to choose their working hours.
A further possible change is that handwriting (6)…………… obsolete. We are already so used to
using a keyboard that today’s children are losing the ability to spell without the aid of a word processor.
Without a doubt, even greater changes (7)…………… in technology used in the workplace. Computers
(8)……………… to grow even more powerful and this (9) …………………… in an even faster pace of
life than we have now. Let us hope that our employers (10)……………… way to reduce the stress on
worker’s this fast pace can bring.
I also think these improvements in technology (11)……………… even more globalization than
now and companies (12)………………… very strong international links.

Bài 4. Chia động từ ở các câu sau (ở thì tương lai đơn hoặc be going to V)
1. I’m afraid I……………… (not/ be) able to come tomorrow.
2. Because of the train strike, the meeting ……………… (not/ take) place at 9 o’clock.
3. A: “Go and tidy your room.”
B: “Okay. I ……………… (do) it now!”
4. If it rains, we ……………… (not/ go) to the beach.
5. In my opinion, she ……………… (not/ pass) the exam.
6. A: “I’m driving to the party, would you like a lift?”
B: “Thank you but I ……………… (take) the bus.”
7. Look at the sky! It………………(rain) very heavily!
8. The company (hold)………………a very important meeting next month.
9. According to the weather forecast, it ……………… (not/ snow) tomorrow.
10. I think I (go)…………………study abroad.


BÀI 1: Dựa vào từ cho sẵn, viết câu ở thể khẳng định(+), thể phủ định, thể nghi vấn(+) với động từ
khuyết thuyết “will”

1. Jim/arrive/here/tomorrow.




2. There/ be/ many driverless cars/on the street/in the future.




61 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
3. Maria/ travel/to Berlin/ on the metro.




4. High-speed trains/ be/ very/ popular/in the next years.




5. There/ be/ gridlock/between 5:30 and 7:00




6. They/build/an overpass/here/next year.




7. Peter/ learn/to ride/a monowheel.




8. People/ travel/flying cars/ in the future.




Bài 2: Hoàn thành các câu dưới đấy sử dung động từ khuyết thiếu “ will” và động từ trong ngoặc.

1. In the future, buildings (be) _________________taller and moderner.

2. I think that people (drive)______________to work by flying vehicles and in the future.

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3. People (not use)___________ox or horse carts any more.

4. I think public transportation (develop)____________and people (use)______________less private


5.___________ (they/accept) my invitations?

6.____________ (many workers/ choose) to work from home?

7. Jim thinks that life (be) ________________easier in the future thanks to the help of robots.

8. Astronomers believe that they (find) __________________a living planet like the earth.

9. When _________________ (living in Mars/ be) possible?

10. Which means of transportation (take)_________the major role in the next 20 years?

11. It is predicted that there ( be)___________hail and snow tomorrow.

12. I’m afraid that my parents ( not allow)________me to go out too late.

13. Who (make)___________the last decision?

14._______________(robots /replace) all human workers in factories? No, they _____________

15. Jane expects that her mother (come)_______________home early today.

16. Future vehicles (run)______________on biofuel and other green energy.

17. My grandfather doesn’t believe that cars (fly)_________________like planes in the future.

18. There (not be)____________________gridlock in the future because people ( travel)____________by

flying cars.

19. I think that countryside (disappear)______________in the future due to urbanization.

20. Solar-powered equipment ( be)___________________very popular in the future.

Bài 3: Nối câu cột A sao cho câu trả lời cột B sao cho thích hợp


1.What will they do to reduce traffic jam a. solar and wind energy

2. Will it be possible for people to live on the Moon b. I think train will be more popular
in the future?

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3. What will be the sources of energy we use in the c. No, they won’t

4. What will the authorities do to protect the d. They will widen to the roads and build
environment? overpasses.

5. Will it rain tomorrow? e. I think it will be the bullet train.

6. Will all the forest be destroyed in the future? f. yes, it will

7. Which one will be more popular in the future- g. They will enact laws to protect the environment.
planes or high-speed trains?

8. What will be the most promising means of h. No, it won’t There’s a good weather forecast
transportation in the future? tomorrow.

1_____ 2_________ 3__________ 4___________

5______ 6________ 7__________ 8___________

Bài 4: Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh.

1. They /think/their team/ be/ champion.

2. I/ not think/ Jim/ buy/ a new car.
3. More people/ live/work/ in the cities.
4. What/ you/ do/ if/ you/be/ the winner?
5. People/ afraid/ non-renewable sources of energy/ run out/in the future.
6. Many people/ believe/ there/ be/ life/in other planets.
7. People all over the world/speak/ the same language/in the future?
8. More and more people/ travel/ airplanes/in the future.

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1.Đại từ sở hữu
Đại từ sở hữu chỉ sự sở hữu của người hoặc vật với người hoặc một sự vật khác. Đại từ sở hữu được sử dụng
để thay thế cho tính từ sở hữu và danh từ theo sau để tránh lập lại. (Đại từ sở hữu= tính từ sở hữu + danh từ)
2. Sự khác biệt giữ đại từ sở hữu và tính từ sở hữu .
Tính từ sở hữu Đại từ sở hữu
Định Tính từ sở hữu( possessive adjective ) là Đại từ sở hữu( possessive pronouns) dùng để thay
nghĩa từ để chỉ sự sở hữu và đứng trước danh từ. thế hẳn cho tính từ sở hữu và danht từ.
Đại từ sở hữu vừa có thể đứng ở vị trí chủ ngữ, vừa
có thể kaf tân ngữ trong câu.
Ví dụ This is my book.( Đây là quyển sách của That is mine. ( Kia là quyển sách của cậu)
tôi) →Trong câu sử dụng đại từ sở hữu “mine” để thay
→Trong câu sử dụng tính từ sở hữu “my” thế cho “my book” vì người nói không muốn lặp lại
và danh từ “ book” từ.

3. Đại từ sở hữu và nghĩa của chúng.

Đại từ nhân Tính từ sở Đại từ sở Nghĩa Ví dụ
xưng hữu hữu
I My Mine Của tôi Your book is not as interesting as mine.
Quyển sách của bạn không hay như quyên sách
của tôi.

You Your Yours Của bạn I will give mine and you will give yours.
Tôi sẽ đưa cho bạn cái của tôi, còn bạn đưa tôi cái
của bạn .
We Our Ours Của chúng This house is ours.
tôi Ngôi nhà này là của chúng tôi.
They Their Theirs Của họ If you don’t have a car, you can borrow theirs.
Nếu bạn không có ô tô, bạn có thể mượn của họ.
He His His Của anh ta How can he eat my food not his?
Sao anh ấy có thể ăn thức ăn của tôi mà không
phải của anh chứ?

She Her Her Của cô ấy I can’t find stapler so I use hers.

( tôi không tìm thấy cái dập ghim của tôi vì vậy
tôi sử dụng cái của cô ấy.)
It Its Its Của nó My feet are small but its are big.
( chân của tôi nhỏ nhưng chân của nó thì to )

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3. Cách dùng các đại từ sở hữu
Dùng thay thế cho một tính từ sở hữu Ví dụ
( possessive adjective ) và một danh I gave it to my friends and to yours. ( Tôi đưa nó cho bạn của
từ đã nói ở phía trước tôi và bạn của bạn)
→yours=your friends
Her shirt is white and mine is blue. ( Áo cô ta màu trắng còn
của tôi màu xanh.)
→mine= my shirt
Dùng trong dạng câu hỏi sở hữu kép( VD: He is a friend of mine( anh ta là một người bạn của tôi.
double possessive) It was not fault of yours that we mistook the way. ( Chúng tôi
lầm đương đâu có phải lỗi của anh ta.)


Bài 5: Hãy sử dụng đại từ sở hữu thay thế cho các cụm từ trong ngoặc trong các câu sau:
1. My brother’s bike is blue. (My bike)_____ is blue, too
2. This is my house and that is (her house)_________.
3. My brother ate not only his cake but also (my cake)___________
4. Please move to another table. This is (our table)_______________
5. They mistook our car for( their car)_________
6. Give this book to Jim. It’s ( his book)_________________
7. My laptop didn’t work, so I used ( her laptop)_________________
8. My house is not as modern as ( your house)________________________.
9. The last decision will be ( my decision)_________________________________
10. Is it your suitcase or ( his suitcase)______________?
11. Their garden is smaller than ( my garden)___________
12. It used to be my car. Now it’s ( her car)_______.
13. I found my keys. Have you found ( your keys)_______?
14. Their team beat ( our team)______________
15. This is not your money but it is ( my money)_______.
Bài 6: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng.
1. Have you got _______pen, or would you like to borrow _________?
A. your-mine B. yours-my C. yours-mine
2. Jane’s voice is good. ______is good, too.
A.I B. my C. mine
3.______ cat is adorable.______is adorable too.
A. Your-Mine B. Your-Mine C. yours-mine

66 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
4. My face looks like _______face.
A. she B. her C. her
5. it’s not _____fault. It’s _______
A. your-mine B. yours-mine C. yours-mine
6. Jim’s car was parked here. _______parked _______car here too.
A.I-mine B.I –mine
7. I know Louis is _________friend. He’s also a friend of_________
A. your-my B. your- I C. your-mine
8. I lost my pencil. Can I have one of ______?
A. your B. you C. yours
9. This is not _______car. __________is black.
A. my- my –I
10. Has the cat had ______food?
A. its C .his
Bài 7: Điền đại từ sở hữu thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại sau.
1. Peter: Hi Tom, you look happy today
Tom: Oh, hi Peter. I am so excited. My father’s bought me a new bike.
Peter: Really, I’ve got a new bike too. My bike is blue. How about(1) ________?
Tom (2)_________is green. I’ve heard that Jim has a bike too (3)_______has the same color.
Peter: Yes, I saw his bike but I haven’t seen ( 4)__________How about going cycling together this weekend?
Tom: That a good idea. Let’s invite Jim to join us.
2. Jim: Hello, this is Jim.
Tom: Oh, hi Jim, this is Peter. Peter and I are going cycling this weekend because we’ve got new bikes. Do
you want to join us?
Jim: It sounds nice.
Tom: My bike is green. It has the same color with (5)__________I hope that I won’t mistake your for
Jim: Don’t worry, my bike must look older than (7)_______Oh, wait a minute. I’ve remembered that my
bike’s broken.
Tom: It’s such a pity. Can you borrow a bike?
Jim: Uhm, let see. My sister has a bike. I will borrow (8)________ I will call you if she agrees to lend me
her bike.
Tom: Okay

67 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Bài 8:Đánh dấu …… trước câu trả lời đúng, dấu ……………trước câu sai và sửa lại cho đúng.
_____1.Excuse me. We came here first so this table is our.
_____2.Tom is a friend of me.
_____3.Jim house is as big as mine house.
_____4. My cat doesn’t sleep with me. It’s bed is in another room.
_____5.My answer for this question is different from his.
_____6.Do you have another umbrella? I forgot my at home.
_____7.Her hat is very expensive. Mine have a beautiful hat too.
_____8.Theirs restaurant is not as famous as ours.
Đối với các từ có hai âm tiết, dấu (ˈ) được đánh vào trước âm tiết được nhấn trọng âm.


• Do you think flying cars will replace planes? 
(Bạn có nghĩ rằng những chiếc xe ô tô bay sẽ thay thế
những chiếc máy bay không?)
Câu hỏi Yes/ No lên giọng
• Will your brother be a pilot in the future? 
(Anh trai của bạn sẽ trở thành một phi công trong
tương lai phải không?)
• What would you like to have for breakfast? 
(Bạn muốn ăn gì cho bữa sáng?)
Câu hỏi có từ để hỏi xuống giọng
• Where will you travel to for your next vacation? 
(Bạn sẽ đi du lịch ở đâu cho kỳ nghỉ tiếp theo vậy?)

Decide whether each of the following questions has raising tone (R) or falling tone (F).
E.g.: Which job will you do in the future? F
1. Will a flying car safe?
2. What will you buy for your child?
3. Do you think there is a real skycycling tube?
4. Why do you think there is no teleporter?
5. When did you last use the metro?
6. Will you travel on a supersonic airplane?
7. How could you escape the gridlocked road yesterday?
8. Have you ever used the metro?
9. Will she lend you her hover scooter?
10. Who has helped us build the skytrain system?

68 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R

Nouns Độ an toàn 2.system Hệ thống Không gian 4.fuel Nhiên liệu
5.skytrain Tàu trên khôn 6.invention Phát minh
1.exist Tồn tại 2.disappeart Biến mất
3.crash Đâm vào 4.avoid Né tránh
5.float Nổi Thiết kế
1.imaginative Tưởng tượng 2.environmental Thuộc về môi trường
3.electric Chạy bằng điện 4.serious Nghiêm trọng

Ex I: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined

1. A. transport B. second C. sport D. horse

2. A. avoid B. choice C. tortoise D. coin
3. A. weather B. teacher C. helicopter D. everything
4. A. space B. car C. crack D. crash
5. A. underwater B. bus C. future D. much
6. A. driver B. easily C. negative D. minute
7. A. favorite B. solar C. today D. station
8. A. valued B. powered C. renewed D. replaced
9. A. sources B. advantages C. shoes D. brushes
Ex II: Odd one out

1. A. airplane B. electric B. sheep D. helicopter

2. A. pilot B. driver C. transport D. captain
3. A. environment B. fly C. carry D. float
4. A. solar B. wind C. hydro D. speed
5. A. convenient B. dangerous C. fuel D. expensive
6. A. system B. crash C. traffic D. program
7. A. friendly B. clean C. cheap D. motorbike
8. A. weather B. believe C. think D. agree
9. A. pollution B. rubbish C. planet D. theft
10.A. personal B. push C. favorite C. private

Ex III: Put the words in the correct columns

a hot air balloon, a car, a space ship, a bicycle, a horse, a boat, a motorbike, a bus, a plane, a
ship, a train, a taxi
Drive Ride Fly Sail pedal

69 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Ex IV: Add more words to each group

1. Means of transport: bike, …………………………………………………………………

Types of energy: wind,………………………………………………………………………

Ex V: Match the means of transport with their descriptions

1.bullet train ship air balloon 4.train

a. This type of transport is made of strong material that is filled with hot air or gas to make it rise in the
air, usually carrying a basket for passengers.
b. This type of transport can carry passengers at high speeds.
c. This type of transport can travel in space and carry people.
d. This type of transport has a number of coaches of trucks pulled by an engine or powered by a motor
in each one, taking people or goods from one place to another.
Ex VI: Match

1.check a. a bicycle

2.sail b. lots of space

3.worry about c.public transport

4.ride d. the weather forecast

5.use e. traffic jams

6.take f.a boat

7.avoid g. a car h.the exam

Ex VII: Choose the best answer

1. What will our transport ……………..look like in the future?

A. system B. benefit C. problem D. part
2. One day I will travel to the Moon in a big ……………..that travels faster than the speed of sound.
A. car B. train C. boat D. space ship
3. It’s …………to fly and more convenient than a helicopter.
A. Fast B. cheap C. easier D. expensive
4. Look at the boy! He is ………………….a horse.
A. sailing B. riding C. driving D. taking
5. My father is a frequent …………….of Vietnam Airline because he has to fly every month for work.
A. flight attendant B. pilot C. actor D. customer

70 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
6. He doesn’t need to …………… the car because it is automated.
A. take B. ride C. drive D. pedal
7. …………………a bicycle is eco-friendly but sometimes it’s quite slow.
A. Using B. Taking C. Doing D. Making
8. Which ……………… you think will be popular in the future? Cars.
A. traffic B. transport C. job D. system
9. Elderly and disabled ………….…are not able to use this type of transport.
A. woman B. man C. children D. people
10. If you take a taxi, you will have to ……………….more money.

A. have B. make C. spend D. do

Ex VIII: Fill in the gap with a suitable word given in the box

crowded faster planes rainy

bus expensive future space

1. The …………… this time of the day are sometimes delayed.

2. There will not be enough …………………….for trees, lakes and buildings in the city.
3. Trains in Japan are always ………………….with passengers.
4. They prefer not to go by air plane because it is …………………
5. We went to the stadium to see our favorite football match by ………………. this morning.
6. Now, let’s talk about ………..….road transport with slide walks, sky cycling and bicycles.
7. Intelligent bikes have foldable roof for ………………
8. It’s much …………………if you want to go from one place to another in the city center.
Ex IX: Write the correct form of the word given

1. He is a …………………student because he goes to class every day. REGULARLY

2. We participate in a lot of activities to help the ……………………people in the countryside. OLD
3. Do you like………………. by plane or by coach? TRAVEL
4. The teachers is giving ……………………to the difficult question. EXPLAIN
5. ……………………has become a hot trend in this city nowadays. CYCLE
6. This type of transport is powered by ……………..motors. ELECTRICITY
7. You should ask an …………………….driver for help. EXPERIENCE
8. Intelligent bikes will never be …………………because they use fingerprint lock. STEAL
9. The man has ………………….and I can’t find him anywhere. APPEAR
10.Using biogas is an environmentally - ………………source of energy. FRIEND

Ex X: Circle the best answer

1. I can’t believe/agree that driverless cars already exist.

2. People can use a jetpack to drive/fly anywhere easily.
3. How much fuel does this type of transport use/cost?
4. What forms/means of transport do you often use to go to work?
5. Wonderland is the planets’ big/biggest city without a metro system.
6. There are fewer/less bicycles than there used to be in this area.
7. We will use more/less solar energy in the future.

71 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
8. My group is talking/having about future road traffic.
9. Do you think this way of transport will appear/carry in Vietnam?
10.Big cities will have to find a problem/solution to reduce traffic jams during rush hour.


Over a million people are killed in road traffic accidents every year, with tens of millions injured.
The development of smart roads connected to the Internet of things can greatly help to reduce road
deaths. Because road sensors can communicate with smart cars about the best ways to avoid dangers
or bad road conditions. In the future, wireless battery chargers will be found underneath roads. This
helps to reduce the level of air pollution and the need for fossil fuels to power cars.


I - Read the passage and complete the following sentences with ONE or TWO words.
The re-occurrence of new technology over the years has helped us change the way we live and do daily
activities. Most of this development is as a result of inventing and creating new ways to reduce our daily
stress and live an improved life. The transportation industry is one of the important areas where new
technological advancement takes place. We now see cars that drive themselves along predetermined routes.
Trains that will use new magnetic rail systems. An amazing new “hyperloop” train that will speed 800 miles
per hour. All these innovations are not just a form of illusion, they are set to happen within the next coming
years or have already started transporting us. This has increased the level of some industries like vehicle
transport companies and car shipping carriers. It has also made truck production company, and fleet
management more efficient.

1. Most of new technologies over the years are to reduce our_________and ensure an improved life.
2. New technological advancement takes place in the_________as well.
3. A new “hyperloop” train can run at the speed of_________per hour.
4. Some of these innovations have already support our_________.
5. The level of vehicle transport companies and car shipping carriers has been_________.

II - Read the passage and decide whether the statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
Flying cars aren’t just science fiction anymore. Terrafugia, based in the United States, is developing a
readable aircraft called the Transition. The vehicle has two seats, four wheels and wings that fold up, so it
can be driven like a car. Terrafugia first began to work on the Transition in 2006 and has come closer than
anyone to making the flying car a reality. The company uses special tires and glass that are lighter than
normal automotive ones, which makes it easier for the vehicle to fly. An owner needs to pass a test and
complete 20 hours of flying time to be able to fly the Transition. The Transition can reach around 70 miles
per hour (mph) on the road and 115 mph in the air. On the ground, it gets 35 miles per gallon.

1. The Transition has room for four passengers. ❑

2. Terrafugia has worked on the Transition since 2006. ❑
3. The flying car uses special tires and glass. ❑
4. All drivers of the Transition will only have to pass a test to get a license. ❑
5. The Transition will go faster in the air than on the road. ❑

72 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Exercise 1: Listen and decide if each statement is true or false or not given. (Track 22)

No. Statements T F
1. Buses, subways, airplanes and trains are called private transports.  
2. The subway is the most public transport used in big cities.  
3. In Vietnam, people use lots of motorbikes.  
4. In China, bikes are not used much.  
5. There are three types of buses in London.  
6. In some double-decker buses, there are automatic doors.  
7. All roads in London have bus stops.  
8. Open top in buses allow passengers to see the places in London.  

Exercise 2: Listen and answer the questions. (Track 23)

1. What does Michael do?
2. Where does Michael work?
3. How does Michael go to work?
4. What time does he leave home?
5. How long does he walk to the bus stop?
6. Where does he get off from the bus?
7. Why does Michael usually have a seat?
8. How long does it take Michael to get to work every day?


Talk about the benefits of self-driving cars.
You can use the following questions as cues:
• What are the benefits of self-driving cars?
• Which benefits are you most interested in? Why?
Useful languages:
Useful vocabulary Useful structures
• fewer accidents • Self-driving cars have many benefits. First,...
• reducing traffic congestion and Second, …..
pollution • Self-driving cars can help ...
• saving space • ... is the benefit that I'm most interested in because
• saving fuel • These benefits can improve our life like ...
• better life
• saving time
• saving money
• convenient

73 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Complete the notes:

Structures of the talk Your notes

What are the benefits of self-driving cars?__________________________________________
Which benefits are you most interested in? __________________________________________
Why? __________________________________________
How can these benefits improve human’s __________________________________________
life? __________________________________________

Give your answer using the following cues. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.
1. Self-driving cars can help ...
2. ... is the benefit that I'm most interested in because ...
3. These benefits can improve our life like ...


I- Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use
other words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
1. Modern/ means of transport/ be/ very strange/ me.
→ ________________________________________________________
2. I/ be/ most interested/ hyperloop/ skytrain.
→ ________________________________________________________
3. It/ be/ wonderful/ travel/ such/ modern/ means of transport.
→ ________________________________________________________
4. These/ modern/ means of transport/ help/ save/ much time/ travelling.
→ ________________________________________________________
5. It/ be/ fantastic/ if/ these/ means of transport/ be/ available/ future.
→ ________________________________________________________

II - Write a short paragraph (about 60-80 words) about means of transport of the future you are most
interested in.
You can answer some of the following questions:
• What is that means of transport?
• Why are you most interested in it?
• What are the benefits of that means of transport?

74 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
1. holiday /ˈhɒlədeɪ/ (n) Kỳ nghỉ
2. fantastic /fænˈtæstɪk/ (adj) Tuyệt vời
3. ask for directions /ɑːsk fɔː dɪˈrɛkʃənz/ (v.phr) Hỏi đường
4. local people / ˈləʊkəl ˈpiːpl/
5. travel /ˈtrævl/ (v) Du lịch
6. season /ˈsiːzn/ (n) Mùa
7. take a tour / teɪk ə tʊə/ (v.phr) Đi tham quan
8. go penguin watching /gəʊ ˈpɛŋgwɪn ˈwɒʧɪŋ/ (v.phr) Xem chim cánh cụt
9. exciting /ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ (adj) Thú vị
10. amazing landscapes /əˈmeɪzɪŋ ˈlænskeɪps (n.phr) Phong cảnh tuyệt vời
11. outdoor activities /ˈaʊtdɔːr ækˈtɪvɪtiz/ (n) Hoạt động ngoài trời
12. beach /biːtʃ/ (n) Bãi Biển
13. island /ˈaɪlənd/ (n) Đảo
14. sunset /ˈsʌnset/ (n) Hoàng hôn
15. museum /mjuˈziːəm/ (n) Viện bảo tàng
16. sports and games /spɔːts/ /ænd/ /geɪmz/ (n.phr) Thể thao và trò chơi
17. capital city / ˈkæpɪtl ˈsɪti/ (n.phr) Thủ đô
1. island country /ˈaɪlənd ˈkʌntri/ (n.phr) Quốc đảo
2. tattoo /təˈtuː/ (n) Hình xăm
3. kangaroo /ˌkæŋɡəˈruː/ (n) Chuột túi
4. Scottish kilt /ˈskɒtɪʃ kɪlt/ (n.phr) Váy kiểu Scotland
5. castle /ˈkɑːsl/ (n) Lâu đài
6. coastline /ˈkəʊstlaɪn/ (n) Đường bờ biển
7. native /ˈneɪtɪv/ (adj) Bản địa
8. unique /juˈniːk/ (adj) Độc nhất vô nhị
9. ancient /ˈeɪnʃənt/ (adj) Cổ
10. valley /ˈvæli/ (n) Thung lũng
11. symbol /ˈsɪmbl/ (n) Biểu tượng
12. boat ride /bəʊt raɪd/ (n.phr) Đi tàu
13. tower /ˈtaʊə(r)/ (n) Tháp
14. show /ʃəʊ/ (v) thể hiện
15. state /steɪt/ (n) Bang
16. official language /əˈfɪʃəl ˈlæŋgwɪʤ/ (n.phr) Ngôn ngữ chính thống
1. attraction /əˈtrækʃn/ (n) Sự thu hút
2. countryside /ˈkʌntrisaɪd/ (n) Miền quê
3. Statue of Liberty /ˈstætjuː ɒv ˈlɪbəti/ (n) Tượng nữ thần tự do
4. consist of / kənˈsɪst ɒv/ (phr.v) Bao gồm
5. entertainment centres /ˌɛntəˈteɪnmənt ˈsɛntəz/ (n.phr) Trung tâm giải trí
6. tourist /ˈtʊərɪst/ (n) Khách du lịch
7. bridge /brɪdʒ/ (n) Cầu
8. Englishman / ˈɪŋglɪʃmən / (n) Người Anh
9. run through /rʌn θruː/ (phr.v) Chảy qua
10. present /ˈprizent/ (n) Món quà
11. red telephone box /rɛd ˈtɛlɪfəʊn bɒks/ (n.phr) Tủ điện thoại đỏ

75 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
1. traditional festivals /trəˈdɪʃənl ˈfɛstəvəlz / (n.phr) Lễ hội truyền thống
2. visitor /ˈvɪzɪtə(r)/ (n) Khách tham quan
3. clean /kliːn/ (adj) Sạch
4. snake /sneɪk/ (n) Rắn
5. lake /leɪk/ (n) Hồ
6. famous for /ˈfeɪməs fɔː/ (v.phr) Nổi tiếng
7. lie /laɪ/ (v) Nằm
8. royal family /ˈrɔɪəl ˈfæmɪli/ (n.phr) gia đình hoàng gia
9. Pacific Ocean /pəˈsɪfɪk ˈəʊʃən/ (n) Thái Bình Dương
1. waterfall /ˈwɔːtəfɔːl/ (n) Thác nước
2. bushwalking /ˈbʊʃ ˈwɔːkɪŋ/ (n.phr) Đi bộ xuyên rừng
3. be rich in / biː rɪʧ ɪn/ (v.phr) Giàu
4. haka dance /Haka dɑːns/ (n.phr) Vũ điệu haka
5. experience /ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ (n) Trải nghiệm
1. palace /ˈpæləs/ (n) Cung điện
2. guard /ɡɑːd/ (n) Cận vệ
3. historic /hɪˈstɒrɪk/ (adj) Lịch sử
1. go sightseeing /gəʊ/ /ˈsaɪtˌsiːɪŋ/ (v.phr) Ngắm cảnh
2. border /ˈbɔːdə(r)/ (n) Biên giới
3. ice hockey /aɪs ˈhɒki/ (n) Khúc côn cầu trên băng
1. amazement /əˈmeɪzmənt/ (n) Sự ngạc nhiên
2. diary entry /ˈdaɪəri ˈɛntri/ (n.phr) Nhật ký hành trình

Mạo từ là gì? ARTICLES
Mạo từ là những từ đứng trước danh từ hoặc cụm danh từ, nó cho biết danh từ ấy nói đến những đối tượng
xác định hay không xác định.Người ta sẽ thường thấy trong tiếng Anh có 3 mạo từ a an the. Nhưng thực tế,
trong tiếng Anh có 4 mạo từ, đó là a an the và Ø. Ø được xem là mạo từ không, trong nhiều trường hợp
trước danh từ không có mạo từ chính là nó đang có mạo từ không.
Phân loại mạo từ
Vì mạo từ không thường không được tính tới nên ta sẽ chia mạo từ a an the ra làm hai loại chính:
Mạo từ không bất định: a, an
Mạo từ xác định: the
Cách sử dụng các mạo từ a an the
Cách sử dụng mạo từ a, an
A hoặc An là các mạo từ được sử dụng trước một danh từ số ít và có nghĩa là một. Mạo từ a an được sử
dụng trong các trường hợp sau:
• Đứng trước những danh từ số ít đếm được, khi nó được nhắc đến lần đầu tiên, trong đó:
“a” dùng trước những danh từ bắt đầu bằng một phụ âm “p,t,h,k,r,…”
“an” dùng trước những danh từ bắt đầu bằng một nguyên âm “o, u, e, a, i”
• Dùng trước những danh từ khi nó mang ý nghĩa là “một”
• Dùng trước những danh từ chỉ nghề nghiệp
• Dùng trong các cụm từ chỉ số lượng
Lưu ý một số trường hợp đặc biệt của mạo từ a và an
• Dùng “an” trước một số từ bắt đầu bằng “u”, âm “h” câm
Ví dụ: an umbrella; an hour

76 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
• Dùng “a” với một số danh từ mở đầu bằng “uni” và “eu”
Ví dụ: a uniform, a unit, a European,…

Cách sử dụng mạo từ xác định “the”

- Dùng trước những danh từ khi được nhắc lần thứ 2 trở đi
- Dùng trước những danh từ khi chúng được xác định bằng một mệnh đề/ mệnh đề quan hệ ở phía sau
- Dùng trước những danh từ là duy nhất, độc nhất (The sun, the earth,…)
- Dùng trước số thứ tự ( The first, the second, the last)
- Dùng trước tính từ để tạo thành danh từ chỉ người ở dạng số nhiều (The old- người già, the rich- người giàu,
- Dùng trước tên của các quốc gia tận cùng bằng -s và một số quốc gia số ít (The Philippines. The United
- Dùng trước tên của các loại nhạc cụ nhưng phải đứng sau “play”
- Dùng trước tên của các địa điểm công cộng (The zoo, the cinema, the park)
- Đứng trước danh từ tên riêng ở dạng số nhiều để chỉ cả gia đình nhà họ (The Smiths – gia đình nhà Smith)
- Dùng trước tính từ so sánh hơn nhất và so sánh kép
- Dùng trước tên của sông, suối, biển, đại dương, sa mạc, dãy núi,…
- Dùng trước những danh từ mà cả người nghe và người nói đều biết rõ về nó
- Dùng trước các buổi trong ngày
- Dùng trước tên của các tờ báo
- Dùng trước tên của các tổ chức
- Dùng trước danh từ số ít thượng trưng cho một nhóm động vật, loài hoặc đồ vật (The whale (loài cá voi)
- Dùng trước các danh từ chỉ phương hướng
- Đứng trước danh từ + of + danh từ ( The driver of the car (tài xế của chiếc xe)
- Dùng trong một số cụm từ cố định (At the end of sth, At the age of sth)
- Dùng trước hospital/church/school/prison/ khi chúng mang ý nghĩa khác
Những trường hợp không dùng mạo từ a an the
Dưới đây là những trường hợp các mạo từ a an the không được sử dụng:
- Trước tên các môn học
- Trước tên của các môn thể thao
- Trước danh từ số nhiều không xác định
- Trước danh từ không đếm được
- Trước tên của các phương tiện giao thông khi đứng sau giới từ “by”
- Trước danh từ chỉ màu sắc
- Sau tính từ sở hữu hoặc sau danh từ sở hữu cách
- Trước tên của các bữa ăn

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- Trước những ngày/tháng/năm/ mùa không xác định
- Trước tên các quốc gia (trừ các quốc gia đã được lưu ý), tên châu lục, tên núi, tên hồ, tên đường
- Trước danh từ trừu tượng (Love, health,…)

1/Một số bài tập trắc nghiệm về mạo từ a an the
1…… youngest boy has just started going….to school.
A. The – Ø B. a – Ø C. Ø – the D. an – Ø
2.….eldest boy is at….college.
A. The – the B. An – the C. The – Ø D. A – the
3…. person suffering from….shock should not be given anything to drink.
A. An – the B. A – Ø C. A – the D. A – any
4. Mr. Smith is… old customer and… honest man.
A. the – an B. an – the C. an – an D. the – the
5. Do you go to … prison to visit him?
A. the B. Ø C. a D. an
6. On…. Sundays my father stays in bed, reading….. Sunday papers.
A. the – the B. a – the C. Ø – the D. the – a
7. My mother goes to…. church in….. morning.
A. the – Ø B. the – the C. Ø – the D. a church – a
8. And in….. afternoon goes to visit…..friends.
A. the – any B. the – Ø C. an – an D. the – the
9. I have…. little money left; let’s have dinner in …. restaurant.
A. some – the B. a – the C. the – a D. a – a
10. Like many women, she loves….. tea parties and ….gossip
A. some – the B. Ø – Ø C. a lot of – the D. Ø – a
11. Ann used to ride a motorcycle up and down. …. road early in…. morning
A. a – the B. the – a C. the – the D. the – an
12. I am on night duty. When you go to … bed, I go to…. work.
A. a – the B. Ø – Ø C. a – Ø D. the – Ø

Bài 2: Điền mạo từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

1. I want ………… apple from that basket.
2. Miss Lin speaks ………… Chinese.
3. I borrowed ………… pen from your pile of pencils and pens.
4. Eli likes to play ………… football.
5. I bought ………… umbrella to go out in the rain.
6. I lived on ………… Main Street when I first came to town.
7. Albany is the capital of ………… New York State.
8. My husband’s family speaks ………… Polish.
9. ………… apple a day keeps your enemy away.
10. Our neighbors have ………… cat and ………… dog.

Bài 3: Điền vào chỗ trống mạo từ thích hợp

1. Copper is ………… useful metal.
2. He is not ………… honorable man.
3. Aladdin had ………… wonderful lamp.
4. He returned after ………… hour.
5. You are ………… fool to say that.
6. French is ………… easy language.
7. Mumbai is ………… very dear place to live in
8. She is ………… untidy girl.

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9. I bought ………… horse, ………… ox, and ………… buffalo.
10. Man, thou art ………… wonderful animal.
11. He is ………… honor to this profession.

Bài 4: Hoàn thành đoạn văn sau bằng cách điền mạo từ a/an thích hợp
Paul goes to university every day. In his backpack there is ….. book, ….. pencil case, ….. apple and …..
egg and mayonnaise sandwich. Some days he also buys ….. ice cream for dessert.
Today he has ….. English exam. The exam is not very difficult. He writes ….. short story about …..
adventurer. The story begins like this: “It is ….. special day for Oliver. At ten o’clock in the morning, he
gets on ….. plane. His destination is Australia…”

Bài 5: Điền các mạo từ “a/ an/ the” thích hợp vào chỗ trống, nếu không điền ghi X
1.I bought __ blue sweater yesterday.
2. I’d like __ cup of tea.
3. There is __ apple and __ banana on the table.
4. I bought __ beef, vegetables and milk. __ beef is very good.
5. Mai has __ many books. ___ books are mostly about English grammar.
6. I took __ suitcase and __ backpack on holiday. ___ suitcase was much more useful.
7. Julie read __ book and __ magazine. She said ___ book was quite boring though.
8. She offered us __ piece of cake and __ biscuits.
9. They drank ___ coffee and ___ tea.
10. Jame has __ son and __ two daughters.
11. Lan often watches __ films and __ TV programmes all night.
12. She has __ black umbrella and I have ___ blue one. ___ blue one is bigger.
13. I bought __ new dress, but I was annoyed to find that __ zip was broken.
14. We should take __ taxi because it's getting dark.
15. I met __ very nice American last night.
16. __ sun rises in __ east and sets in __ west.
17. __ moon moves around __ earth.
18. We often play soccer in ___ afternoon.
19. ___ guitar is one of the most oldest musical instruments.
20. I often go to __ school at 6.30 am.
21. Pop music has always appealed more to __ young than ___ old.
22. I often listen to ___ music in my free time.
23. Donald Trump becomes ___ president of ___ united states on January 20, 2017.
24. We often take __ exam each semester.
25. There will be __ interesting movie this weekend.
26. Hoa is __ most intelligent student in my class.
27. When I was at ___ school, I had to wear __ uniforms.
28. __ poor and __ elderly are often left behind when it comes to __ modern technology.
29. Is there ___ bank near here?
30. On ___ Christmas eve, people often have parties late at ___ midnight.

Bài 6: Điền các mạo từ “a/ an/ the” thích hợp vào các đoạn văn sau, nếu không điền ghi X
1.John bought __ new car last week. Unfortunately, ___ car broke down after just two days.
2. We went to __ movie yesterday. Although it got ___ good reviews, ___ movie was terrible. I was so mad,
I went to ___ box office and asked for my money back.
3. Our teacher gave us __ easy test today. There were ___ questions on there which we used to do in ___
previous tests.
4. Ms Parrot, ___ most famous lady detective of ___ twenty-first century, was born in ___United Kingdom
in ___ 1960s. Since then, she has been to many countries, including __ Portugal, Singapore and Australia.
She has never been to __ Philippines or ___ United States, but she speaks __ English, French and

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Portuguese. Like Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, ___ famous detective, she plays ___ violin, and
sometimes practises up to five times __ day. She is also __ only person in ___ world to have performed
Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture in one breath on ___ recorder.

Đối với các từ có hai âm tiết, dấu (ˈ) được đánh vào trước âm tiết được nhấn trọng âm.


• Do you think flying cars will replace planes? 
(Bạn có nghĩ rằng những chiếc xe ô tô bay sẽ thay thế
những chiếc máy bay không?)
Câu hỏi Yes/ No lên giọng
• Will your brother be a pilot in the future? 
(Anh trai của bạn sẽ trở thành một phi công trong
tương lai phải không?)
• What would you like to have for breakfast? 
(Bạn muốn ăn gì cho bữa sáng?)
Câu hỏi có từ để hỏi xuống giọng
• Where will you travel to for your next vacation? 
(Bạn sẽ đi du lịch ở đâu cho kỳ nghỉ tiếp theo vậy?)

Decide whether each of the following questions has raising tone (R) or falling tone (F).

E.g.: Which job will you do in the future? F

1. Will a flying car safe?
2. What will you buy for your child?
3. Do you think there is a real skycycling tube?
4. Why do you think there is no teleporter?
5. When did you last use the metro?
6. Will you travel on a supersonic airplane?
7. How could you escape the gridlocked road yesterday?
8. Have you ever used the metro?
9. Will she lend you her hover scooter?
10. Who has helped us build the skytrain system?

Ex I: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined
1. A. amazing B. around C. against D. spacious
2. A. serious B. question C. stressful D. dense
3. A. crime B. nutrition C. vehicle D. picture
4. A. obesity B. poverty C. homeless D. overpopulation
5. A. thousand B. healthy C. weather D. thirsty
6. A. crowded B. polluted C. wanted D. caused
7. A. place B. crime C. cause D. traffic
8. A. lucky B. suffer C. support D. culture
9. A. noise B. system C. square D. service
10.A. January B. crystal C. hungry D. skyscraper

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Ex II: Odd one out
1. A. population B. healthy C. serious D. crowded
2. A. increase B. stressful C. support D. provide
3. A. village B. countryside C. city D. atmosphere
4. A. disease B. poverty C. healthcare D. crime
5. A. slum B. wealthy C. spacious D. healthy
6. A. malnutrition B. headache C. obesity D. drought
7. A. hungry B dense C. flood D. difficult
8. A. death B. commit C. spread D. increase
9. A. shortage B. poverty C. crime D. peaceful

Ex III: Choose the best answer

1. Good living standard helps people to ………………. healthy and to live longer.
A. live B. stay C. take D. make
2. Traffic jam is the most serious …………… big cities nowadays.
A. part B. cause C. problem D. affect
3. You can see …………….people in many places in big cities. They have no place to live.
A. homeless B. old C. poor D. wealthy
4. The narrow streets can’t ……………..more traffic during rush hour.
A. take B. provide C. support D. carry
5. The lives of people in overcrowded cities are getting more ……………
A. easier B. faster C. poorer D. difficult
6. The government is trying to ………………the problem of shortage of accommodation.
A. solve B. help C. explain D. finish
7. Big cities often ……………….more pollution than the countryside.
A. enjoy B. support C. become D. suffer
8. A healthy child ……………………more care from his mother than a sick one.
A. has B. requires C. increases D. supports
9. The man ……………….crime last week and he was sent to prison.
A. committed B. had C. took D. got
10.Poverty is the major ……………of death for children living in the slums.
A. problem B. effect C. cause D. solution

Ex IV: Choose a word that has a different stress pattern from others
1. A. lazy B. children C. disease D. stressful
2. A. crowded B. wealthy C. problem D. effect
3. A. question B. invite C. city D. village
4. A. diverse B. weather C. money D. doctor
5. A. native B. river C. relax D. dentist
6. A. peaceful B. describe C. spacious D. dialogue
7. A. review B. pollute C. sister D. enjoy
8. A. complete B. candle C. traffic D. heaven
9. A. frighten B. nature C. number D. decide
10.A. compare B. freedom C. artist D. standard

Ex VI: Fill in the gap with a suitable word given in the box

caused difference living increases

enough life overcrowded healthcare
1. When too many people live in a small place, ……………….can become very difficult.
2. As the world’s population………………., there is less land left for agriculture to feed all the people.
3. There are so many people that there is not ……………….food or houses for everyone.
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4. Our government has spent a lot of money on schools and ……………
5. Air pollution is …………… vehicles and factories.
6. People in this country can enjoy high ………………….standard.
7. The city center becomes ……………….with so many people coming from different parts of the
8. Do you know the ………………..between a city and a megacity?

• The world’s population totals 7.6 billion people and is expected to grow to nearly 10 billion by the
middle of this century.
• More people live in urban than rural areas, with 55 percent residing in urban areas in 2018. By
2050 this proportion is expected to reach nearly 70 percent.
• A total of 50.4 percent of the world’s population is male, and 49.6 percent is female.
• China has the world’s largest population (1.42 billion), followed by India (1.35 billion).
• The largest city in the world by population is Tokyo, Japan, with a population of nearly 38 million.


I - Read the passage and complete the following sentences with ONE or TWO words.
The increased loss of the ecosystems including wetlands, wildlife, rainforests, coral reefs, aquatic life
forms, and grasslands are highly influenced by overpopulation. It is out of overpopulation that activities such
as excessive agriculture, environmental pollution, and extensive land development have become more and
more intensive.
For example, rainforests originally covered 14% of the entire earth’s surface. Today, rainforests only cover
about 6% of the earth’s surface and scientists forecast it may even become less in the next four decades
judged by the current rate of vegetation removal, logging, and deforestation. Besides, due to environmental
pollution, 30% of the ocean reefs have been lost because of acidification and global warming since 1980.
Also, more than half of the original wetlands have been lost.

1. The increased loss of the_________are highly influenced by overpopulation.

2. Excessive agriculture has become more and more_________.
3. _________of the entire earth’s surface was originally covered by rainforests.
4. Rainforests may cover less than 6% of the earth’s surface in the next_________.
5. Acidification and_________have made 30% of the ocean reefs disappear since 1980.

II - Read the passage and decide whether the statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
Population problems are different in different parts of the world. For example, in many European countries,
the population is getting older. The birth rate is low because many young people have only one child or none
at all. After retirement, they feel lonely and often very poor because they don’t save enough money.
In Africa, the population problems are very different. The population has grown rapidly over the last 40 years
and it has a relatively young population. Many families continue to have large numbers of children to look
after older people and to help on the land.
Asia is the largest and most populous of earth’s continents. It also has the highest population growth rate
today, and its population almost quadrupled during the 20th century. Asian population will continue to grow,
increasing pressure on the region’s natural resources.

1. In Europe, young couples usually have more than two children. ❑
2. Old people in many European countries don’t save enough money for their retirement. ❑
3. The population of Africa has increased rapidly. ❑
4. Asia has the highest population growth rate in the world. ❑
5. The population of Asia will decrease in the next few years.
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Exercise 1: Listen and complete the text. (Track 24)
Overpopulation is a real problem. It could (1) ....................... the Earth. Very soon, there will be too
many people and not enough (2) .......................
There won’t be enough (3) ....................... to grow food for everyone. We’ll eat all of the (4)
....................... in the sea. And our pollution will cause more (5) ....................... I think we are in a very
(6) ....................... situation.
I don’t know what the answer is. Our (7) ....................... don’t seem too worried. They never see the
bigger picture. The world’s population is exploding, and (8) ....................... cause great damage.
More and more people are living longer and longer. We have better (9) ....................... Our scientists
have found cures to many (10) ....................... There are many reasons. What we really need to do is
thinking about how overpopulation is damaging the Earth.
Exercise 2: Listen and decide if each statement is true or false or not given. (Track 25)

No. Statements T F N
1. There are more and more people on the earth.   
2. The author thinks that it is totally bad for the population to continue   
to increase.
3. When the world’s population increases too much, there will be food   
wars but water wars.
4. It is expected that by 2050, the population will be 20 billion.   
5. Natural disaster is one of the factors controlling population.   
6. Although we are rich, we cannot control the length of time we live.   
7. In Japan, there are more old people than young people.   
8. Japan government is importing foreign laborers.   


Talk about the causes and effects of an overcrowded world.
You can use the following questions as cues:
• What are the causes of an overcrowded world?
• What are the effects of an overcrowded world?
Useful languages:

Useful vocabulary Useful structures

• high fertility rates • Two main reasons for an overcrowded world are …
• scientific advancement • An overcrowded world causes many problems like ...
• no policty to control • There are some effects of an overcrowded world. For
• high unemployment example, ...
• traffic and air pollution
• poverty
• health problems
• crime

83 | G R A M M A R 7 . 2 2 0 2 4 - H O P E E N G L I S H C E N T E R
Complete the notes:

Structures of the talk Your notes

What are the causes of overcrowded world? __________________________________________
What are the effects of overcrowded world? __________________________________________
Now you try!
Give your answer using the following cues. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.
1. Two main reasons for an overcrowded world are ...
2. There are some effects of an overcrowded world. For example, ...


I- Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use
other words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
1. Overpopulation/ bring/ many problems/ like/ crimes/ unemployment.
→ ________________________________________________________
2. Every country/ should do/ something/ control/ population.
→ ________________________________________________________
3. Some/ measure/ should/ empower/ laws.
→ ________________________________________________________
4. People/ must/ aware/ effects/ overpopulation.
→ ________________________________________________________
5. Methods/ to control/ population/ should/ carry out/ soon.
→ ________________________________________________________

II - Write a short paragraph (60-80 words) about disadvantages of life in crowded cities like Hanoi or
Ho Chi Minh City.
You can answer some of the following questions:
* What are the disadvantages of living in an overcrowded city?
* What are the ways to solve those problems?


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