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LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET Solving Quadratic Equations Background Information for Learners A. Solving Quadratic Equations By Extracting The Square Roots Quadratic equations can be written in the form x? = k, where k isa real number, ‘The method of solving the quadratic equation in the form, x? = k is called extracting the square roots. Note: Quadratic equations are equations with degree 2, therefore there are 2 roots or solutions. Example 1. Find the solution of the equation x? — 16 = 0 by extracting the square roots. x?-16=0 37-16+16=16 (Addition Property of Equality) x= 16 vx? = vI6 (Extract the square root on both sides of the equation) +VI6 (Since 16s greater than 0, then the ist property can be applied) xed Answer: The equation x? — 16 = 0 has roots/solutions: x= 4 and x=-4. Example 2: Find the solutions of the equation (x — 4)? - 25 = 0 (e-4)?-25=0 (x4)? = 25 +25 = 25 (Adgition Property of Equality) (w- 9? =25 (Write the equation inthe form x* = k) Vx-4 =1V25 x42 45 x=544 xa-544 x=9 x=-1 Answer: The equation has solutions: x = 9 and x Example 3: Solve for the roots of (x — 1)? = 36 («= 1)? = 36 /Ge=1F = V36 (Extract the square root on both sides of the equation) x-1=+6 Answer: The equation has solutions: x = 7 and x Example 4: Find the roots of x? = 8 xt=83 VF = 48 (Extract the square root on both sides ofthe equation) xaivt2 (Since 8 is not a perfect square number, get the factors of 8 which is a perfect square number) Factors of 8: 8+ 1,fi+2} where 4 is a perfect square number. x= t2Vv2 Answer: The equation has solutions/roots: x = 22 and x = —2v2. B. Solving Quadratic Equation by Factoring Some quadratic equations can be solved easily by factoring. To solve quadratic equations, the following procedures can be followed: 1, Transform the quadratic equation into standard form if necessary, 2. Factor the quadratic expressions, 3. Apply the 210 property by setting each factor ofthe quadratic expression equal. 0. 4, Solve each resulting equation. Example 1: Common Monomial Factoring Find the solutions of x? + 9x = 0 by factoring. x2 +9x=0-x(x+9)=0 (Factor out the common monomial factor x) x=0 — x+9=0 (Equate cach factor to 0) x=0 Example 2: Factoring Quadr: a) where a=1 i. Find the roots of x? ~ 5x ~ 24 = 0 by factoring, Factors of 24 are: 4 6,3°8, 12:2, 1-24 Since the sign of the last term is negative, this requires you to get the factors whose difference is 5 (middle term). Therefore, from the given factors above, 3-8 has difference of 5 x? —5x-24=0 (8 +3)=0 (Write the equation in factored form) x=8=0 x43 = 0 (Bquateeach factor to 0 and apply Addition Property of Equality) x-8+8 +8 xXx+3-3 -3 x 3 Trinomial 8 Not : The sign of the larger factor copies the sign of the middle term. ii, Find the roots of x? + 10x + 24 = 0 by factoring, Factors of 24: 1 24, 2-12, 38, 46 xt4=0 x+6= Since the sign of the last term is positive, this requires you to get the factors ‘whose sum is 10 (middle term), Therefore, from the given factors above, 4:6 has sum of 10. x4 10x+24=0 (x+4)(x+6)=0 (Write the equation in factored form) (Equate each factor to 0 and apply Addition Property of Equality) xa-4 0 x=-6 4) where al Set in the standard form ax? + bx +e C, Solving Quadratic Equation by Solve for the roots of 2x? + 3x —2= 0. Factor the first and 3" terms, Write them in to adjacent parentheses then get the product othe extremes and means. (x-D@+2)=0 Product of the Extremes 2x+ Product of the Means (x)(=1) = -x Since the sign of the last term is negative, get the DIFFERENCE of their products Ax 4x ~ x = +3x (Middle term) Equate each factor into zero and solve for x. @r-1)=0 + 2=2 1 x x+2=0 x+2—2 x= — Find the solutions of 6x? — 17x + 12 = 0 by factoring. Ifthe last term is positive, then get the SUM of their products. (3x — 4)(2x — 3) =0 Product of Extremes 3x-—3 = —9x. Product of Means 2x+—4-= 17x (Middle Term) Equate each factor into zero and solve for x (3x-4) =0 2x-3=0 Bx-4+4=0+4 2x-3+3 0+3 mpleting the Square This lesson will help you recall your knowledge on the square of a binomial which will give you a perfect square trinomial Review: (a+b)? = a? + 2ab +b? Examples: 1. (x +1)? = x? + 2x41 2.(a-3)? =a? -6a+9 Suppose in x? — 4x + Steps: a) get one-half of th 2, and how do you determine the last term (c)? coefficient of x ») square is (—2)? = 4, then write on the blank. Answer: x? — 4x + 4 perfect square trinomial These steps will facilitate you in solving quadratic equations by completing the square ax? + bx +c = 0. Extracting the square roots and factoring are both useful in completing the square. Examples Solve fir the roots of quadratic equation by COMPLETING THE SQUARE 1 x?-6x-7=0 whena=1 Steps: a) add 7 to both sides of the equation and simplify x? = 6x-747=047 x? 6x =7 b) get one-half of the numerical coefficient of -6x, square it and add the result to both sides of the equation ~6-F= (37 = XP 6x 495749 x7 6x 49= 16 ©) express the left side of the equation as a square of a binomial x7 ~ 6x +9 = 3)(x-3) G@-3) 4) write the result at the left side of the equation (-3) = 16 ©) extract the square root on both sides of the equation (-3)? =16 V@=3) =vi6 x-3=44 £) solve the resulting linear equation x34 x-35 x-34+3=443 x-343=-443 xe7 xe-l Checking: Substitute the value of x to the equation x? — 6x — 7 = 0 tx =7 Ifx = -1 x?-6x-7=0 x? -—6x-7=0 (7)? -6(7)-7=0 (-1)? -6(-1) -12=0 D. Solving Quadratic Equation Using the Quadratic Formula To solve quadratic equation, ax? + bx + ¢ = 0 using the quadratic formula, determine the values of a,b, and c, then substitute these in the equation +Vb7—4a6 X = —=——_ (Quadratic Formula) 2a Simplify the result if necessary. Note: Ifthe given quadratic function ts factorable, use factoring. However, ifthe quadratic equation is not factorable, it is suggested fo use the Quadratic Formula. Examples: Solve for the roots of the quadratic equations using the Quadratic Formula 1. 2x2 43x =27 or 2x2 +3x—27=0, where a =2,b =3,¢ = -27 —b+Vb?=4ac Use: x 2a i — L@tVG?-4@A7 then substitute x = so ~34V94216 4 ~3+V225 ACTIVITY 1: Find my Solutions! Directions: Solve the following quadratic equations by extracting the square roots. 6. x7= 50 7.t2-12=0 3. st=64 g.ct—32=0 9.(k+7)2 = 81 5.x? 144=0 10. (x—4)? = 169 Rubries for Scoring (1-5) 4 points each 2 points each for incorrect answer but with solutions ACTIVITY 5: Does Your Formula Work? Directions: Find the solutions of each quadratic equation using Quadratic Formula 1. x? +7x+10=0 2. x-x-12=0 3. x= 2x =15

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