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Amit Manekar

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Contact no: (+91) 9096754428/ (+91) 9421566484

Aptitude Made Simple

Problem 1: Express each of following as a fraction:

a. 56% b. 4% c.0.6 d. 0.08%

Problem 2: Find the missing figures:

a. ? % of 25 = 2.125 b.9% of ? = 63 c. 0.25% of ? = 0.04

Problem 3: An interviewer rejects 0.08% candidates. How many will be examined to

reject 2 candidates?

Problem 4: The ratio 5 : 4 expressed as percent equals?

Problem 5: 270 Candidates appeared for an examination, of which 252 passed. The
pass percentage is ?

Problem 6: What percent of 7.2 kg is 18 gms?

Problem 7: 0.01 is what percent of 0.1?

Problem 8: A batsman scored 110 runs which included 3 boundaries and 8 sixes. What
percent of his total score did he make y running between the wickets?

Problem 9: In an examination, 35% of students passed and 455 failed. How many
students appeared in examination?

Problem 10: A student has to obtain 33% ot total marks to pass. He got 125 marks and
failed by 40 marks. The maximum marks are?

Problem 11: x % of y is y % of ?

Problem 12: Population of town 2 years ago was 62500 Rs. Due to migration to big
cities it decreases every year at rate of 4%. The present population of town is ?

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