(Diagram) Instant Noodles

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The picture illustrates the process of producing noodles from flour.

Overall, there are eight main stages in this process, which mainly takes place in the factory.

Firstly, a container delivers flour to two storage silos, these flour is then conveyed to a machine
which mix them with water and oil. After the flour has been mixed thoroughly, they will turn into
what is called rollers and subsequently, dough sheets. These sheets will go through a machine which
stripe them.

Once the dough has all been striped, they move on to another machine where they are turned into
noodle discs. These noodles will be cooked using oil and be dried. Following this process is when
these noodle are put into cups with vegetables and spices attached to them. Not only that, they will
continue to go through another machine to be labelled and sealed. After this final process, these
instance noodles are ready for use.

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