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Bill of Quantities

1 Provisional Sum
Procument Item Details

Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate(NPR) Amount(NPR)

1 Provisional Sum for safety and insurance LS 1.0 100000.0 100,000.00

2 Necessary Lab test LS 1.0 20000.0 20,000.00

3 Information Board with metal frame LS 1.0 2000.0 2,000.00

2 Construction work
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Site Clearance work including
grubbing, tree cutting, bush clearing,
dismantle of any temporary structures,
1 relocation of utilities within the site, LS 1.0
access road preparation all complete

Earthwork in backfill in foundation &

plinth area in Every 15,15 cm
including curing and ramming of
bottom as per specification, drawing
2 cum 108.9
and instruction all complete. (soil
filling from available soil of about
200m distance from site.)

Providing & laying plain cement

concrete in footing, column, beam,
slab, shear wall and all kinds of R.C.
C. structures with cement, sand and
aggregate of size (varies from 13 mm
to 20 mm gauge) including setting out,
mixing, compacting, curing and
finishing etc.upto 30 meter distance as
per drawing, specification and
3 instruction all complete. (Cement, cum 315.38
sand & aggregate will be mixed in
Mixturemachine by volume) P.C.C.
for R. C. C. M25(1:1:2) in Isolated
footing, Shear wall, Slab, Beam,
Column & Staircase.Note:
wheelbarrow track above
reinforcement should made during
slab casting.
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Supplying, straightening, cleaning,
cutting, fabricating, bending and
placing TMT steel reinforcement bars
of various sizes (ranging from 8 mm
to 25 mm dia) and binding the bars
with 18 gauge annealed wire for
binding them at each junction
4 MT 48.84
including all wastage, cut pieces,
spacer bar, chair & providing and
placing cement mortar (1:1) cover
blocks to keep the bars in proper
position as per drawing, specification
and instruction all complete.

Centering and shuttering with steel or

water proof plywood material for all
kinds of R.C.C. work including all
necessary propping, scaffolding,
5 Sq.m. 2273.86
staging, supporting,nails etc.with 30
meter lead all complete as per

Good quality local chimney made

Brickwork in 1:6 C/S mortar in
superstructure in perfect line level
6 finish including wetting the bricks, cum 4.83
racking the joints and curing the work
for at least 7 days all complete.

Total of Procument Items

Total Item Price


Grand Total

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