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Discuss the challenges and opportunities that your community has been facing as a result of the

COVID-19 pandemic.

Since we started facing covid-19 a lot of things had come to us. It contains both hardships and chances.
Both of them give us loss and hope. I’m here to make a discussion about it.

Ever since covid 19 started, a considerable number of occurrences has come to us. They contain both
hardships and chances could potentially give use more hope or otherwise, losses. The following
paragraphs would discuss further how these elements continue to have an influence on my community.

Covid-19 started out as a cold in China. Then it spread globally. People at first didn’t think it would
become one of the most fearsome pandemics in the history of humanity. A cure was immediately
researched and created by doctors. It worked but the virus mutated to resist the cure so another cured
was created. The virus kept mutating. It happened over and over again and had created a decrease in
many countries economic. In addition to that a lot of deaths has come to many civilians. At first it was
only a few a day. Then it increased to ten a day, hundreds a day, sometimes even thousands. Despair
came to us. We started worrying about us, our family. Those who are poor would meet death because
they couldn’t afford medical treatment. People started losing jobs. Some are lucky to have an income
while others had nothing to survive.

- Economy.

+ Social distancing so people can’t go to work.

+ Money to develop cure.

- Unemployment.

+ Less demand

- Mutations => cure more difficult to develop.

+ Virus spread so able to mutate

- Decreased morale.

+ Stay at home too much

+ Pessimistic about chances of catching disease

+ No money

- High human causalities.

+ The virus gets stronger therefore more deaths.

+ Careless people in prevention.

First and foremost, economic problems seem to be the main headache to any human on Earth. The
implementation of social distancing means that people can no longer come to work to create resources.
Already facing that, governments need to pour money into cure research, putting a further stress on the
economy. Staying at home also prevents people from going out and actually spend money on products,
which in turn would decrease demand for manufacturers, who then have to cut down their workforce. In
the end we face unemployment percentage shooting up. In addition, the virus itself is also very
dangerous. It could mutate because people are not practicing precautions, which then would send cure
research cost up to the sky. Not to mention, people’s physical and mental health are also severely
affected. Being surrounded by walls is not going to cause good to the their morale. Also facing all the
problems with money would also exacerbate this further. Finally, the human causalities have been
increasing and the pressure on national health services has never been worse.

Even though it sounds horrible but it doesn’t mean it is all bad. After all humans have survived the
pandemic just like the others and we have also learned a lot of things. A new immunity has come to our
body after the pandemic. We are now stronger and the covid-19 has become a normal cold. A lot more
medicines was created by scientists. It provides us new things can help us if another one break out.
Appreciation came to us because we are still alive. We feel lucky to survive the pandemic which can kill
thousands of humans in just one day. In addition to that is happiness. Going outside after a long time
locking ourselves inside a square is something that cannot be described. The world has a new chance to

Overall, the pandemic is a up and down experiment. Sometimes hope come to us while others make us
wonder is the end of the world has come yet? Seemingly the damage is huge but we did learned
something out of this.

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