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‫ َاْش َهُد َاْن َالِاَل َه ِاَّال الل ُه‬.

‫َاْلَحْم ُد للِه اَّلِذ ى َاْر َسَل َر ُسوَلُه ِباْلُهَدى َوِد ْيِن اْلَح ِّق ِلُيْظِهَرُه َع َلى الِّدْيِن ُكِّلِه َو َكَفا ِبالل ِه َش ِهْيًدا‬
‫ َالَّلُهَّم َص ِّل َو َس ِّلْم َوَبِارْك َع َلى ُم َحَّمٍد َو َع َلى َاِلِه َو َاْص َح اِبِه َاْج َم ِع ْيَن‬.‫َو ْح َد ُه َالَش ِرْيَك َلُه َو َاْش َهُد َاَّن ُمَح َم ًدا َع ْبُد ُه َو َر ُسوُلُه‬
‫ َو َك َذ اِلَك‬:‫ َو َقاَل َتَع اَلى‬. ‫ َفَيا ِعَباَداللُه ُاوِص ْيُكْم َو َنْفِس ى ِبَتْقَو االله ِاَّتُقواللَه َح َّق ُتَقاِتِه َو اَل َتُم وُتَّن ِاَّال َو َاْنُتْم ُم ْس ِلُم وَن‬: ‫َاَّم ا َبْعُد‬
.‫َجَع ْلَناُكْم ُاَّم ًة َو َس ًطا ِلَتُكوُن ُشَهَداَء َع َلى الَّناِس َو َيُكوَن الَّرُسوُل َع َلْيُكْم َش ِهْيًدا‬

On this occasion, let us express our gratitude to Allah SWT for all His favors
and blessings that have been bestowed upon us so that we can gather at this
event. As a form of gratitude, let us increase the quality of our faith and piety
to Allah SWT, with piety that is truly piety, so that we can realize ourselves as
a servant chosen by Allah as a noble servant by His Side.


‫َو َك َٰذ ِلَك َجَع ۡل َٰن ُكۡم ُأَّم ٗة َو َس ٗط ا ِّلَتُكوُنوْا ُشَهَدٓاَء َع َلى ٱلَّنا َو َيُكوَن ٱلَّرُسوُل َع َلۡي ُكۡم َش ِهيٗد ۗا‬
“Dan demikian (pula) Kami telah menjadikan kamu (umat Islam), umat yang adil
dan pilihan agar kamu menjadi saksi atas (perbuatan) manusia dan agar Rasul
(Muhammad) menjadi saksi atas (perbuatan) kamu (QS. Al Baqarah : 143)”


Indonesia is a unitary country full of diversity. It consists of cultural, ethnic and
religious diversity. On the one hand, this diversity makes Indonesia a unique and
interesting country. While on the other hand, if it is not maintained and managed
properly. It can be a potential source of conflict, the emergence of blind fanaticism,
unhealthy competition, disputes, even clashes that can undermine the country's
philosophy, Unity in Diversity.
The question is: Are we willing that this great nation, this nation that was built
with great difficulty, shedding sweat, tears, even pools of blood of the martyrs,
must collapse due to personal or group interests? The answer, of course not my
brother. Therefore. Allow me to deliver a speech entitled”Religious Moderation
as a Uniting Tool for the Nation”.
Honorable jury and happy friends, before we talk about moderation. Of course, we
must first know whether the meaning of moderation is the middle way between
two things, which experience social inequality or social friction. Then what is the
meaning of religious moderation? Religious moderation is how we behave, view,
behave, through the middle way in religion, so that we are not excessive or
extreme in practice.
Then how can we achieve religious moderation? The answer is twofold. Namely
the first: we must be a people whowasatiyah namely people who are in the middle,
people who are moderate and not excessive.

Ladies and gentlemen who are happy

Ahmad Mustofa al-Maroghi in his Tafsir al-Maraghi, Juz 2 page 93 explains: That
ummatawasato is the attitude of Muslims who are in the middle. The word ummata
wasato in Indonesian can be interpreted as a moderate ummah, an ummah in the
middle. Not excessive and not extreme and radical in carrying out religious

Then the way to achieve the second religious moderation is to be tasamuh or

tolerance. That means mutual respect and respect for each other. More specifically,
religious differences. Then where is the point of tolerance according to religion?
the answer is in the Koran

That is the principle of tolerance that God directly mentions, but friends are
unique. In Indonesia, there are many people who interpret tolerance. There was a
student who asked his teacher, Mr. Romadhon teacher yesterday, my Christian
friend brought me a cake. He said to me, happy fasting. The question is: Is that
what is called tolerance? Then where is the point of tolerance if it's like that
This is not tolerance, because Allah has clearly mentioned your religion to you and
mine to me. Tolerance is mutual respect and respect between people, but it is not a
matter of faith and belief. We as students will play a very big role in achieving the
unity of the people. Through religious moderation.

Dear jury, happy audience.

Thus a short speech that I can convey, as a conclusion. We as Muslims must carry
out two principles of the tension of religious moderation, namely the first. We must
be a wasatiyah people, namely middle people, a moderate Ummah and not
Second, we must be tolerant, wherever, whenever and to anyone as long as it is not
a matter of faith and belief in order to create a peaceful country, baldatun
toyyibatun warobbun Ghofur.
Before I close this speech, allow me to bring you a rhyme. Muslims celebrate Eid,
Christians celebrate Christmas yesterday. We carry out religious moderation, so
that this Mother Earth is peaceful. The durian fruit is white, that's all and thank
you. More or less sorry

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