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The man in the video is not Immafreeman.

I am the party who helped him win

his case and the interviewer in this video.
He (interviewee) started out using Marc Stevens docs. He then contacted me
for help (he also had plenty of knowledge except had no court experience, while I
The massive fraud is documented here and get this, the judge refused to enter
his docs he filed into the record (he had done 5 docs) and when demanded she did
enter 4 but refused to enter the 5th. The 5th doc was a certified copy of his
Arizona: County Recorders Office affidavit of his status and claims. Now, the
courts rules on evidence is that County Recorded documents (doesn't matter what
state) must be entered into evidence and can't be challenged as hearsay (so they
don't need sworn testimony of authenticity as evidence). Right there (her refusal
to enter into evidence the County Recorders filed doc) is concealment (18 USC 1001,
2071), a felony!
I advised him to not show up for trial. He never verbally contracted with
court, and challenged jurisdiction and liability for the charges, no warrant for
original arrest existed. They didn't have a signed sworn complaint (after repeated
demands they finally went into the back room WHILE HE WAS IN COURT WITNESSING THIS
and came back with a signed complaint 5 months after his unlawful arrest and
kidnapping. Unbelievable. They obviously signed in the back room while he waited
and then backdated it (because it did not appear in the 3 copies of previous
dockets that had been gotten (the docket is a journal by clerk of the court as to
what papers were submitted and file stamped and when, and acts the court does at
The judge issued a warrant (for not appearing at trial) and a sheriff swat
team came out and arrested him. A warrant is a financial instrument like a bill of
exchange. It has the party issuing it, the party it is for, the amount, the date
and is wet ink signed. So...we demanded possession of the warrant so we could take
it to the bank and deposit it! Of course they refused to ever give us the original
(can't cash copies of checks).
While he was in jail, I had an active warrant for the trust name and went
into the jail as his "assistance of counsel" and they let me in and brought him up
(knowing I am not an attorney) to get him to sign the docs i needed him to sign.
Did that a second time for more signatures. I was never arrested. I had a state
national passport (my certified passport actually has my upper and lower case name
on the DS11 with the words state citizen/national per INA 101: 21 written on the
DS11 Kerry(SOS) certified.
At trial there were so many frauds it's hard to know where to begin! The
supposed Judge came in and said "We are going to settle this (no trial). What's the
offer, prosecutor?". First offer came, got rejected! Judge said "Well, do you have
another offer?". It was 'lets make a deal' and she was not going to let this go to
trial. They can't cash the bonds (for huge money) unless they get an agreement! An
agreement is not a conviction.
I don't go to court (unless I have been kidnapped) and they leave me alone.
I have won 4 accusatory claims. I had an atty sue me in small claims, sent
him an NOL. He defaulted on proving a contract existed and that he hadn't committed
fraud by making promises that didn't come true! Sent a writ of prohibition to the
appellate court prior to trial set (I had never showed up for any court
appearances). The judge at trial (I didn't appear) ordered me to pay atty. I
didn't! The atty filed docs and judge summoned me to court. I filed (sent by mail,
2 copies and they stamp my copy and return in SASE), fraud on the court affidavits
showing no jurisdiction and writ of prohibition (which had also been sent to lower
court SO THEY KNEW). I didn't show on the summons, the judge then issued an ORDER
to come to court. I didn't go. Never heard from them again (been a couple years
now). No warrant on contempt.
If you have to appear in court:
1) object to being the defendant,
2) state I am the beneficiary for JOHN HENRY DOE XXX-XX-XXXX (SSA trust), the
DEFENDANT in this matter and appoint the judge and prosecutor to act as trustees
and settle the matter for your benefit, if they continue object,
3) Demand that they show cause jurisdiction over me the man exists, if they
claim it does but can't show how factually it came about object,
4) Demand that if there is no victim shown to exist in this matter to show
that a bona fide contract exists and show the contract.
5) Let them do what they do but object to everything they do (shows no
consent). You can't do statutory appeals UNLESS you brought up the issue at court
(objections hold the issue for appeal, no objection-no appeal).
If you feel compelled to continue showing up at court without any
jurisdiction shown to exist, then file a Writ of Prohibition or Writ of Mandamus
demanding the appellate court to correct the lower court and prove jurisdiction or
dismiss the case.
If the fraud continues, then realize it's all about evidence! Evidence is the
only thing a judgement or conviction can be based upon. All paperwork is hearsay
(but makes a prima fascie case) but you must object to it being entered because
it's hearsay or lose the right to appeal it. To get around this then you must swear
in and testify! And you must act without representation (presenting yourself)! And
the easiest way to do this is take your crafted affidavit of truth and just read it
into the record! Don't let them interrupt you! You will be subject to examination,
but don't answer questions (except to clarify what you testified to). " I don't
recall" is the perfect response for most questions you don't want to answer! Also,
count to ten before answering and do practice sessions with friends on getting
beaten up by the judge (friend). Object to everything being hearsay (unless the
statement or paperwork is testified (sworn in as a fact witness and having personal
first hand knowledge) to on the record IN COURT. So everything that happens outside
of court (with a jury or judge in a bench trial) is hearsay. Attorney can't testify
and if he does he is a witness and has to remain outside and can't act as attorney.
Next, the most powerful thing you can do is subpoena actual people to
testify. People are scared horribly by having to testify and to be asked questions
and won't come (there you have denial of the right to have witnesses testify for
you). I subpoenaed Jerry Brown (AG for California) to show up at my trial to prove
I was subject to the DMV codes and that the Court had jurisdiction. In my case for
driving without a valid license in 2010, they dismissed it on the 7th hearing
without me saying a word (by the judge "in the interest of justice").
I also filed a counterclaim for $1 mil against the court, DMV, and Sheriff's
office, and $100K against the judge, DA, Sheriff's deputy and people. All of whom
defaulted! I have file stamped copies entered by the judge into the record of both
counterclaim and default. Of course, the court refused to pay upon my written
demand. Go to State of California risk management (they ignore me also). I am a tar
baby to them!

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