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Symposium Script – Speaking 3


Topic: English as a Foreign Language

Duration: 90 minutes
Moderator: 1 person
Experts: 4 people
Debater: 4 people
Participants: 4 people

Add relevant theory and data in every statement.

Experts give short speeches.

Debaters give arguments on experts’ speeches.
Participants ask questions or add statements to experts or debaters.

Symposium Script: English as a Foreign Language

Duration: 90 minutes

Moderator: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to today's symposium on the topic of
"English as a Foreign Language." We have a distinguished panel of experts, debaters, and participants
who will be sharing their insights and engaging in discussions on this important subject. Without
further ado, let's begin.

[Opening Remarks]

Moderator: To set the stage for our discussion, I would like to invite our first expert to deliver a short
speech. Please welcome Mr. Rahmad Wibowo, a renowned linguist specializing in second language

Expert 1 (Mr. Rahmad Wibowo): Thank you, Moderator. Ladies and gentlemen, the importance of
English as a foreign language cannot be overstated in today's interconnected world. English serves as
a lingua franca in many domains, including business, academia, and international communication.
According to the British Council, over 1.5 billion people are currently learning English worldwide. It
is crucial to understand the theories and factors that influence second language acquisition to
effectively teach and learn English as a foreign language.

[Expert 1 delivers a detailed speech on second language acquisition theories, highlighting key
concepts such as the input hypothesis, the affective filter hypothesis, and the role of motivation and
age in language learning.]

Moderator: Thank you, Mr. Bowo, for that insightful speech. Now, let's move on to our second
expert. Please welcome Ms. Georgia Aqualita, an expert in English language teaching

Expert 2 (Ms. Georgia Aqualita): Thank you, Moderator. Ladies and gentlemen, effective English
language teaching requires a comprehensive understanding of pedagogical approaches and
methodologies. The communicative approach, for instance, focuses on meaningful interaction and

Last updated : Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Symposium Script – Speaking 3

authentic language use, facilitating language acquisition. Furthermore, technology integration, such as
the use of computer-assisted language learning tools, can enhance language learning outcomes.

[Expert 2 delivers a detailed speech on English language teaching methodologies, discussing the
communicative approach, technology integration, and the benefits of learner-centered instruction.]

Moderator: Thank you, Ms. Aqualita, for sharing your expertise. Now, let's proceed to our third
expert. Please welcome Mr. Nurhadi Ramadhan, a researcher specializing in English language

Expert 3 (Mr. Nurhadi Ramadhan): Thank you, Moderator. Language assessment plays a crucial
role in evaluating learners' English language proficiency. Valid and reliable assessments provide
valuable feedback to both learners and educators, guiding instructional practices and monitoring
learners' progress. Various assessment formats, such as standardized tests, portfolios, and performance-
based assessments, allow for a comprehensive evaluation of learners' language skills.

[Expert 3 delivers a detailed speech on English language assessment, discussing the importance of
valid and reliable assessments, different assessment formats, and the connection between assessment
and instruction.]

Moderator: Thank you, Mr. Ramadhan, for your valuable insights. Now, let's move on to our final
expert. Please welcome Ms. Nuraini, an expert in English for Specific Purposes (ESP).

Expert 4 (Ms. Nuraini): Thank you, Moderator. Ladies and gentlemen, English for Specific Purposes
focuses on teaching English tailored to learners' professional or academic needs. Whether it's English
for business, medicine, or engineering, ESP provides learners with specialized language skills and
terminology, enabling effective communication in their respective fields. ESP courses integrate
subject-specific content with language instruction, equipping learners with the necessary linguistic and
communicative competence.

[Expert 4 delivers a detailed speech on English for Specific Purposes, discussing the importance of
tailoring English instruction to learners' specific needs, the integration of subject-specific content, and
the benefits of ESP courses.]

Moderator: Thank you, Ms. Nuraini, for your enlightening speech. Now, I would like to invite our
first debater, Ms. Yuliana Megawati, to present his arguments in response to Mr. Bowo's speech.

Debater 1 (Ms. Yuliana Megawati): Thank you, Moderator. While I respect Mr. Bowo's expertise, I
would like to emphasize the importance of individual differences in language learning. Factors such
as aptitude, personality, and learning strategies play a significant role in determining the success of
English language learners. Additionally, the socio-cultural context and exposure to authentic language
input greatly impact the acquisition of English as a foreign language.
[Debater 1 presents arguments supported by relevant research findings, highlighting the influence of
individual differences and the significance of socio-cultural factors in English language learning.]

Moderator: Thank you, Ms. Megawati, for sharing your perspective. Now, I would like to invite our
second debater, Ms. Nova Azri, to provide a counterargument to Ms. Aqualita's speech.

Debater 2 (Ms. Nova Azri): Thank you, Moderator. While the communicative approach and
technology integration have their merits, it is essential to recognize the importance of explicit grammar

Last updated : Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Symposium Script – Speaking 3

instruction in English language learning. Research has shown that explicit instruction aids learners in
understanding the structures and rules of the English language, allowing for more accurate and precise
communication. Additionally, a balanced approach that incorporates a balanced approach that
incorporates both communicative and explicit instruction can cater to learners' diverse needs and
maximize their language development.

[Debater 2 presents arguments supported by relevant research findings, emphasizing the significance
of explicit grammar instruction and the benefits of a balanced approach in English language

Moderator: Thank you, Ms. Azri, for sharing your insights. Now, I would like to invite our third
debater, Ms. Nora Isnaini, to present his arguments in response to Mr. Ramadhan's speech.

Debater 3 (Ms. Nora Isnaini): Thank you, Moderator. While I agree with the significance of
assessments, we must be cautious of the potential limitations and biases that can arise in language
assessment practices. Factors such as test format, cultural bias, and test-taker anxiety can impact the
validity and fairness of assessments. It is crucial to adopt a comprehensive approach that considers
multiple sources of evidence and takes into account learners' diverse backgrounds and experiences.

[Debater 3 presents arguments supported by relevant research findings, highlighting the limitations of
language assessments and advocating for a more inclusive and unbiased assessment approach.]

Moderator: Thank you, Ms. Isnaini, for sharing your perspective. Now, I would like to invite our final
debater, Ms. Hikmawati, to provide a counterargument to Ms. Nuraini's speech.

Debater 4 (Ms. Hikmawati): Thank you, Moderator. While ESP has its merits, we must also recognize
the importance of general English proficiency for learners. General English skills provide a solid
foundation for effective communication in various contexts, fostering versatility and adaptability.
Additionally, a well-rounded English language education can enhance learners' overall language
proficiency and facilitate their transition into different domains or fields.

[Debater 4 presents arguments supported by relevant research findings, highlighting the importance
of general English proficiency and the benefits of a well-rounded language education that goes beyond
specific domains.]

Moderator: Thank you, Ms. Hikmawati, for sharing your perspectives. We have now concluded the
speeches and arguments from our experts and debaters. It's time to open the floor for questions and
additional statements from our participants. Please raise your hand, and our panel will be happy to
address your inquiries or hear your statements.

Participant 1 (Ms. Deska Arianti): Thank you for the informative discussions. I have a question for
Mr. Bowo. You mentioned the role of motivation in second language acquisition. Could you elaborate
on specific strategies or techniques that educators can employ to enhance learners' motivation in
learning English as a foreign language?

Expert 1 (Mr. Rahmad Wibowo): Thank you for your question. Motivation is indeed a critical factor
in language learning. Educators can foster motivation by creating a positive and supportive learning
environment, incorporating meaningful and engaging activities, and acknowledging learners' progress.
Additionally, setting clear goals, providing opportunities for autonomy and self-directed learning, and

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Symposium Script – Speaking 3

linking language learning to learners' personal interests and aspirations can further enhance motivation
in the English language classroom.

Participant 2 (Ms. Intan Empat Putri): I appreciate the discussion on assessments. My question is
for Mr. Ramadhan. How can educators ensure that assessments are fair and unbiased, particularly for
English language learners from diverse cultural backgrounds?

Expert 3 (Mr. Nurhadi Ramadhan): Thank you for your question. Ensuring fairness and minimizing
biases in language assessments is crucial. Educators can adopt various strategies, such as using
culturally sensitive and inclusive test items, providing clear instructions, and considering the cultural
and linguistic diversity of the test-takers. Moreover, involving diverse item writers and conducting
rigorous item reviews and pilot testing can contribute to the development of fair and unbiased
assessments for English language learners.

Participant 3 (Ms. Laili Nur): I have a statement to add regarding English language teaching
methodologies. While the communicative approach is valuable, I believe that incorporating authentic
materials from real-life contexts, such as newspapers, movies, and podcasts, can enhance learners'
language skills and cultural understanding.

Expert 2 (Ms. Georgia Aqualita): Thank you for your statement. I completely agree with you.
Authentic materials play a crucial role in language learning. They expose learners to real-world
language use, cultural nuances, and authentic language structures. Integrating such materials in the
classroom provides learners with opportunities to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and
writing skills while gaining insights into the target language and culture.

Participant 4 (Ms. Vica Soleha): The speech given by Expert 4 highlights the significance of English
for Specific Purposes (ESP) in meeting learners' professional or academic language needs. By
customizing English instruction to specific fields such as business, medicine, or engineering, ESP
equips learners with specialized language skills and terminology, enabling effective communication in
their respective domains. The integration of subject-specific content within ESP courses ensures that
learners gain both linguistic and communicative competence, ultimately benefiting their career or
academic pursuits.

Expert 4 (Ms. Nuraini): Thank you for summarizing my speech so accurately. I want to emphasize
the importance of ESP in catering to learners' specific language needs. By tailoring English instruction
to their professional or academic fields, we enable learners to communicate effectively and confidently
in their respective domains. ESP courses go beyond general language proficiency and integrate subject-
specific content, equipping learners with the necessary vocabulary, terminology, and communication
skills relevant to their chosen fields. This targeted approach not only enhances their linguistic
competence but also facilitates their success in real-world situations. ESP courses truly empower
learners to excel in their careers or academic endeavors by providing them with the specialized
language skills they need.

Moderator: Thank you, Ms. Nur and Ms. Soleha, for your valuable addition. We appreciate everyone's
active participation and engagement in today's symposium. Unfortunately, we have run out of time. I
would like to thank our experts, debaters, and participants for their insightful contributions to the
discussion on English as a Foreign Language. Let's continue exploring and advancing our
understanding of this important field. Have a wonderful day, and thank you for joining us!

Last updated : Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Symposium Script – Speaking 3

Moderator: Before we conclude, I would like to express my gratitude to our experts, debaters, and
participants for their valuable insights and active participation in today's symposium on English as a
Foreign Language. The discussions have been enlightening and thought-provoking, shedding light on
various aspects of language learning and teaching. It is through such collaborative efforts that we can
continue to improve language education and empower learners around the world.

Moderator: Ladies and gentlemen, as we reach the conclusion of our symposium on English as a
Foreign Language, it is evident that this topic holds immense significance in our interconnected world.
The discussions today have provided us with a deeper understanding of second language acquisition
theories, teaching methodologies, language assessment, and the role of motivation and individual
differences in language learning.

We have heard from our experts who shared their expertise and research findings, shedding light on
various approaches and strategies for effective English language teaching and learning. Our debaters
provided valuable counterarguments and perspectives, stimulating critical thinking and encouraging
us to consider multiple factors and viewpoints in language education.

The participation of our attendees, through their questions, statements, and engagement, has enriched
our discussions and highlighted the diverse needs and experiences of English language learners. It is
through such collaborative efforts and knowledge sharing that we can continue to enhance language
education practices and empower learners to become effective communicators in English.

As we conclude this symposium, I encourage all of you to take the insights gained today and apply
them in your respective roles as educators, learners, policymakers, and language professionals. Let us
strive to create inclusive, learner-centered environments that foster motivation, cater to individual
differences, and provide opportunities for authentic language use.

English as a Foreign Language is not merely a subject of study; it is a gateway to global

communication, cultural understanding, and personal growth. Together, let us continue to advance our
understanding, refine our practices, and embrace the richness and diversity of language learning and

As we come to the end of our symposium, I would like to encourage all attendees to carry forward the
knowledge gained today into their professional and personal endeavors. Let us strive to create inclusive
and effective English language learning environments, where learners can thrive and develop their
language skills to their fullest potential.

Thank you once again to our esteemed panelists, debaters, and participants for your valuable
contributions. I wish you all continued success in your endeavors to promote effective English
language education.

Last updated : Tuesday, November 14, 2023

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