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Word Analysis

Throughout the years Science & Technology played crucial roles in the
revolution of mankind. We cannot obtain the life we have right now in this
modern society without the help of Science & technology, through various
experiments, research, and re-creation. It made our daily lives more simple and

From roughly shaped stones used for chopping and scraping found in eastern
Africa, about 2.3 million years ago, to the earliest record of science came from
Mesopotamian cultures around 400 BC, disease symptoms, chemical substances
and astronomical observations of emerging science, and the invention of
telescope in 1600s the age-old belief that the sun revolved around the Earth,
and evolution of steam engine in the early 1800s, and up until now In the 20th
century several key figures further revolutionized science: Albert Einstein, with his
theories of relativity; Max Planck, through his study of quantum theory; and
Werner Heisenberg, who all but created the field of quantum mechanics.

The revolution of Science and Technology throughout history up until now this
modern age has had a huge impact on people. If there's a great advantage of
S&T on our life, There is also a downside to it. The latest and the most conversing
topic is Artificial intelligence ‘AI’. Students from Highschool to College have
been mainly relying on this tool, making it hard for professors to distinguish
whether it’s from students or from AI. Due to this, the students' learning
capabilities become slower due to dependency on Artificial intelligence.

Even though Science and technology brought countless benefits in our society,
it is also important to address and manage any negative consequences, such
as over reliance on AI, for us to have a balanced and sustainable progress in

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