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Imphal, the 3rd July, 2024

Government Order of even No. dated

No.ESTT-301/3/2024-GAD-GAD: In continuati0n of this
y) as Public Holiday, ceteris paribus, the
2nd July, 2024, declaring 3rd July, 2024 (Wednesda
th 2024 IThursday) as a public holiday
Governor of Mamipur is pleased to declare the 4 July,
Undertakings /Corporations / Autonomous
for all Govermment Offices including Public Sector
r, in exercise of the powers conferred
Bodies/Societies under the Government of Manipur; furthe
Instruments Act, 1881 (XXVI of 1881), for
by the explanation under Section 25 of the Negotiable
in the State shall also remain closed on
all Banks, Financial Institutions & UC, etc. located
4th July, 2024.
and not to move out except for
2. General public is sincerely appealed to stay indoors
e and relief works smoothly.
emergency so tnat the authorities can carry out the rescu
in rescue and relief operation and
3. However, it is reiterated that Departments involved
District Administration, Relief & Disaster
essential services namely, Home, Police, Fire Services,
Water Resources, PWD, GAD, CAF&PD, Ml,
Management, Power, Healtfil & Famib/ Welfare, PHE,
ver, Offic ers/ employees of all the
Forests, LDA, etc., shall remain a working day. Moreo
e _call for any even tuali ty.
othe r Departments will also be available on phon
4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Autho
By Orders & in the name of the Governor,

~Angom t:ieer Singh)

Oeputy Secretary· (GAD), Government of Manipur

Copy to:
1. Secretary to Governor, Manipur
2. Secretary to CMief Minister, MaRipur
3. PPSs/PSs/APS to all ·M•inisterrs, Manipur
4. PS to Ld. Advocate General, Manipur
5. Staff Offieer to Chief Secretary,. Government of Manipt:Jr
6. All Admiriistrative Se€retaries, Government of Manipur
7. Director GeAeral of Police, Manipur
8. Secretart, Legislative -Assembly, Manipur
9. All Heads of Departments/Offices, Manipur
10. All Dei,uty Commissioners, Manipur
11. Deputy Registrar, High Court of Manipur, Mantripukhri
12. Director, Inforrmation & Public Relatioras, Manipur for wide
13. Director, Print1ng & Stationery, Mal'ilipur
14. Mayor, Imphal Municipal Council, Imphal
15. Informatics Officer (DIT), Manipur for uploading in website
in the Local News Reels of
16. Asst: News Editor~ AIR Imphal Manipur for kind inclusion
all dialects of Man1pur
17. Notice Board
18. Guard file

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