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The purpose of this procedure is to protect employees from the hazards of entry into
confined spaces and evacuate or rescue from confined spaces.

Ansell Industrial & Specialty Gloves (M) Sdn. Bhd

The Supervisor and an Authorized Entrant shall ensure through delegation, that the
requirements of this Policy document are within the site’s health and safety
management system. In turn, departmental heads will ensure full implementation
within their respective departments.

4.1 Authorized Entrant (Entrant) – An employee who is authorized by the
employer to enter a permit space.
4.2 Attendant – An individual stationed outside one or more permit spaces who
monitors the authorized entrants and who performs all attendant’s duties
4.3 Entry Permit – A form that authorizes entry to a permit required confined-
4.4 Entry Supervisor – The person (such as the employer, supervisor)
responsible for determining if acceptable entry conditions are present at a
permit space where entry is planned, for authorizing entry and overseeing
entry operations and for terminating entry as required.
4.5 Hazardous Atmosphere – An atmosphere that may expose employees to the
risk of death, incapacitation, impairment of ability to self-rescue, injury or
acute illness.

5.1 Permit Required Entry Procedures

 As a minimum, an entry supervisor, entry attendant and entrant shall

be designated to participate in each permit required confined space
 Acquire, inspect and setup all safety equipment required by the permit
including blowers, full body harness, rescue tripod, and rope or
 The entry supervisor shall establish appropriate rescue procedures
specific to the space entry and shall list these procedures on the
Confined Space Entry Permit.
 Prior to entry, the attendant shall verify that entry conditions are
 The entrant must wear retrieval equipment during the entire entry
 The attendant will continuously monitor the portable gas detector and
record the readings every hour (minimum).
 An immediate evacuation of the space shall be ordered if the safety
equipment fails or if the space becomes, or has the potential to
become, immediately hazardous.
5.2 Entrants must evacuate the confined space if the concentration of oxygen in
the confined space goes below 19.5% or above 22.5%.
5.3 Entrants must evacuate the confined space if the air sampling equipment
alarm indicates that hazardous substance levels exceed safe levels.
5.4 Entrants must immediately evacuate the confined space if they begin to feel
or notice adverse health effects.
5.5 Entrants must immediately evacuate a confined space when told to do so by
the Attendant.
5.6 Only specifically designated, properly trained and protected Entry Attendants
or Entry Supervisors may attempt to conduct a confined space rescue or

 Entry supervisor will notify EHS department immediately in an

 All persons involved in the confined space entry must have received


Harness, tripod, rope or cable

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