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in the City of Manila, Philip- SECTION1. Titu.-"l"'his Executive Order

thffi 30th day of January, in the year sl-.all otherwise be h-no"'-nas the Reorganiza-
Our Lord, nineteen hundred and eighty- tion Act of the Ministry of Finance.
SEc. 2. Reorganiza~ion.-The Ministry of
-' Finance, hereinafter referred to as ~Iinistry,
C. AQUINO ig hereby reorganized, struct}lrally and func-
.President of the Philippines tionally, in accord~illce with the provisions
of this Executive Order.
SEC.3. Declaral'ion of Polt"cy.-It is the
policy of the State that the Ministry of
Finance shall be primarily responsible for
Executive Secretary
the sound and effic,ient management of the
financial resources of the Government, i~
subdivisions, agencies and instrumentalities.
MAL.~CANANG SEC.4. Mandate.-'Ihe Ministry shall be
MANn.A responsible for the formulation, institu-
; tionalization and administration of fiscal
EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 127 policies in coordination with other concerned
subdivisions, agencifs and instrumentalities
of government.
Moreover, the Minigtry shall be respon-
,-'"~-- that ~he reorganization of the
sible for the genera~i.onand management of
is maIldated expressly in Article the financial resources of gQyernment, en-
Section 1 (a) and Article III of the suring that said resources are generated
Con~tjtution ; and managed judiriously and in a manner
-IN :ML.",'D that _pur~uant to Exec- supportive of development objectives.
Order No. ~, -(1986), it is directed , The Ministry shall b~ responsible for the
the necessa~ and proper changes in gupervision of the revenue operations of all
organizational and functional stru~turc::; local government unit.~, with the objective of
', its agencies and instru-' making these entitics less dependent on
be effeeted in order to promote funding from the national government. "
and effectiveness in the deliver Finally, the Ministry shall be responsible
services; for the review, approval and management
that it is necessary to reor- of all public sector debt, whether foreign
the Ministr)T of Finance t-Omake it or do~estic, with the end in view of ensur-
capable and responSive, organization- ing that all borrowed funds are effectively
its primary mandate utilized and all sul:h obligatoins are promptly
generating and efficiently sErviced by the government.
the financial resources of the SEC. 5. Powe'tS mm Functions.-To ac-
its stibdivisions and instrumen- complish its mandate, the Ministry shall
in order tc attain the socio-economic have the followin,~ powers and functions:
of the national development (a) In coordination ,vith other cc>ncerned
government agencies,formulate long-
, THEREFORE.I, CoRAZO~ C. AQUINO, range, medium-term and annual plans
of the Philippines, by virtue of co\7ering the government's resource
powers vested in me by the sovereign mobilization effort, involving all
of the Filipino People and the Freedom public sectcr resources whether gene-
., , do h~rehy order:
rated by rtvenues and operations,

foreign and domestic borrowing, comprising the Ofl~ce of the
sale or privabzation of corporations Offices of the D~puty and J
or assets, or uQm other sources; and isters, the Economic Intelligence
supervise the implementation of such vestigation Bureau and the "'
plans; ~
consist of the Operations Groups
(b) Formulate;' bEtitutionalize and ad- constituent units, and Regional
minister fisc.al and ta-""{policies; SEC.8. Office of the .Minister.-The
(c) S'u~ise, direct and control the of the l\linister sha.ll consist of
coII~i'ion vf govfrnment revenues; :!lis deputies and their immediate
(d) .I\ct as custodian and manage all SEC.9. DePuty .L~li,ttisters.-The
financial resources of the national shall be assisted 'JY five (5) Deputy
ters appointed by the President
government; recommendatoin !)f the Minister ,
(e) Undertake and supervise activities
\vhom shall head. respectively, the
related "to the negotiation, servicing
and restructuring of domestic and Development and Management
Group mentioned ill Section 11 hereof
forei~ debt mcurred or guaranteed
by the 'government and its instru- the four (4) Operations Groups
mentalities, including taking part in in Section 12 hereof.
activities ~ohich affect the country's SEc. 10. Asssitail.!; Ministers.-The
capacity to service foreign debt; ister shall also be assisted by five (5)
(f) Review aIld coordinate the policies, ~istant Ministers appointed by the
11ponthe recommendation of the
plans and 1>Togramsof government
financial institutions and thereafter The respective assignments of the
recommend to them courses of action Ministers and the reporting pr~edures
that dovetail these policies, plans and be followed by them shall be
programs to national government by the Minister.
fiscal policies, plans and programs; SEC.11. PoliC'1J Dc'I.'elopmentand
(g) Ensure the implementation of neces- 'ment. Services Gruup.-The Policy
sary policies aI1d measures on local ment and Management Services
\vhich shall be heaciedby a Deputy ~
revenue administration;
shall consist of the following:
(h) Coordinate with other government (a) Planning and Policy Researchr --
agencies o~ matters concerning fiscal
and monetary policies, credit, econo- (b) Central Management
mic devel'Jpment, international fin- Office',
o ance, trade aJld investment; (c) Central Administration Office;
(d) Central Financial C
(i) Perform such other powers and func-
tions as may be provided by law. (e) Public Information and
SEC. 6. Mini$te1' of Fl~nance.-The au-
(f) Legal Office;
thority and reS})CnsihUityfor the cxercise
(g) Regional Coordination Office.
of the I!landate of the Ministry and for the
discharge of its ~wers and functions shall SEC.12. O'peratilJ11s Grou;ps.-The 1-
l}e vested in the Minister of Fi!!ance, here- tions Groups, each of which shall be :
ipafter referred to as ~:finister, who shall by a Deputy Minif:ter, shall consist of
paTe supervision ~!1dcontrol of th~ Minist~; following:
and shall be appoil,ted by the President. (a) Revenue Oper8,tionsGroup, ,.--
SEC. 7. St~tural OrganizatWn.-The of the following:
:l\Iinistry, aside frcm the l'Iinistry Proper (1) Bureau of Internal Revenue;
(2) Bureau of Custo~; (a) Establish a Management Information
(3) Revenue &!Vice; System and sub-systems for monitor-
ing and evaJuation of Ministry-wide
(4) Legal S~rvice;
programs and projects, including
Domestic OpeI.-ationsGroup, compos-
those that are executed by operating
ed of the fc.IJowing:
Bureaus and Offices;
(1)' Burean af Treasury;
(b) Fonnulate poli,cies, plans a!ld pro-
(2) Bureau of Local Government cedures for data control and systems
Finance; management;
" (3) Financial and Fiscal Policy and
(c) Act as the central repository of exist-
Planning Office; ing and future computer files;
International Finance Group, com- (d) Perfonn such ot..herappropriate func-
posed of the following: tions as may be assigned by the Min-
'. (1) International Finance Policy ister or hjs defluties.
Office; SEC.16. Composition.-The Central Man-
\. (2) Inten1ational Finance Opera- :3gementInfonnation Office shall be compos-
tions Office. ed of the folloWllig:
SEC. 13. Planni;:g and Policy Research (a) Project Monitoring and Evaluation
-The Planning and Policy Research Division;
shall have the following functions: (b) Data Control ~T1dSystems Manage-
Formulate Jong-range and annual ment Division;
projections of revenue needs, cash (c) Data Encoding and Processing Divi;-
position and borrowing capacity of sion;
the Government as basis for policy (d) Computer Operating Division.
" decisions of the Ministry;
(b) Supervise policy research and de- SEC.17. Centrat Administration Office.-
velopment on fiscal and tax measures 'lhe Central Administration Office shall have
undertaken by the operating bureaus the following functions:
and offices of the, ~finistry; (a) Supervise 1\linistry-wide services re-
..(c) Coordinate mth other government lating to internal cash management,
agencies on policy research as it im- personnel admlllistration, property
pacts on iisc2J and tax measures; and supplies procurement and cus-
-(d) Perform :suchother functions as may tody; and maintenance of central
be assigned by the Minister or his files, an corresponding reporting
deputies. systems;
: SEc. 14. Compo~:[tirrn.-The Planning and (b) Assist in the fonnulation of policies
Research Office shall be composed of and guidelines on the management of
following: human and physical resources and
general hou.sekeepingactivities for
(a) National Resou-rcePlanning Division;
unifonnity and standardization;
(b) Policy' Research and Coordination
(r) Serve as a center for the establish-
ment and periodic evaluation of man-
(c) S.tatistical Development and Coordi- 2gement operation systems, internal
of nation Division; control and work output's to deter-
(d) Special Studies Division. mine Ministry-.vide perfonnance effi-
SEC.15. Centr(!~M~nagement Information ciency;
Office.-The Central ~fanagement Inforn13- (d) Design and develop training policie5
iion Officeshall ha.-.;c
the following functions: and guideJines, administer and eval-

uate training programs and, in co- (a) Budget Division;

ordinRtion with external trammg in- (b) Accounting Division;
stitutions, screen ~d :recommendto (c) Audit Division.
the Minister th~ participation of
Ministry pI;Jrsonnelin training pro- All divisions enumerated above ~
grams, senlinars and conferences in replicated as sections or divisions undep
the country or abroad; Financial Management Division or c
(e) En&~re that" Ministry-mde activities tile case may ~, which each:
an(J~:efforts are focused towards a Bureau of the .Ministry shall have.
central direction as embodied in the
SEC. 21. Publi.:: In.for~nation and -'
national sqcio-eeonomic development
!lrlce OjJice.-The Public Information
plans; ,c,. Assistance Office shall have the .rfunctions:
(f) Perform su!:l: other appropriate func-
tions as may b~ assigned by the 1'I!in-
(a) Provide policy direction and; .-
ister or his deputies.
SEC.18. dbmp~siti~.-The Central Ad. to the operating Bureaus and
ninistration Office sr.all be composedof the:ollowing:of the Minish'y for the proper
semination of appropriate C ,
tion on Ministry-wide]
(a) Cash,Yanagereent Division; operations and activities;
(b) Personnel Sernces Division; ,
(b) Provide the operating Bureaus
(c) General Services Division; Offices with the general:
(d) Managem~nt Systems and Perform- for rendering direct assistanceto
an.ce Eva1uatioil Division; general public; ..
(e) Central Records Management Divi- (c) Receive complaints and r- -
sion; from the general public; -
(f) Human Resources Development Divi- referrals to concerned Bureaus
sion; .Offices and monitor responsesor
(g) Ministry Plans and Programs Divi- tions taken;
(d) Perform SUCllother ; , ,
All divisions enumerated above shall bereplicatedtions as nlay be assigned by the
as section3 or divisions under the ister or Deputy Minister for
Administration Di,~sjon or Office, as the~ase Development and Management
may be, which each operating Bureau ice.
L!nder the Ministry shall ha...e. SEC. 22. Composition.-The Public
SEC. 19. Centr'c.,~Fillancial Management form2.tion and Assistance Office shall
Office.-The Central Financial ManagementOfficecomposed of the following:
shall have the following functions: (a) Public Information
(a) Supervis,e MiTiistry-mde activities Division;
relating to budget preparation and (b) Public Assistance Management
management. ~,finistry accounting, sion.
and internal audit;
SEC. 2'3. Le.qal ()t]ice.-The Legal I:
(b) Perform such other appropriate func-
tions as may be assigned by the shall have the folIc...vingfunctions:
Minister or hjs deputi~s. (a) Prepare draft opinions/1rulings
SEC.20. Compo,~it?"on.-Th~Central Fin-ancial sig-nature of the Minister or his
puty on matters elevated to it .
Management Ofnce shall be composed
of the following: Bureaus and Offices of the
Conduct legal researches on all mat- of intelligence and investigation
ters referred to it by the Minister or works ;
his deputies; (d) Supervise, monitor and coordinate all
Perform such.other appropriate func- the intelligence and in...'estigation
tions a~ may be assigned by the Min- operations of the operating Bureaus
ister or his' deputies. and Office under. the ~fini5trv.-,
24. CO1P,p~s~:tion.-The Legal Office (e) Investigate, heat; and file, upon clear-
-. ance by the Minister, anti-graft and
be composed of the following:
corruption cases against personnel of
Legal Research Division;
the Ministry and its constituent
Opinions:/Rulings Division. units;
enumerated above shall be (f) Perform such other appropriate
as sections under the Legal Di- functions as may be assigned by the
, which each operating Bureau of the ~Iinister or his deputies.
shall have. SEC.27. Composition.-The Economic and

..25. Regional Coordination Office.- Investigation Bureau shall be com-

of the Regional Coordination posed of the following:
to coordinate the operations of the (a) Intelligence Office;
Offices. (b) Investigation and Presecution Office;
26. Econonlic Intelligence and In- (c) Internal
Office; Inquiry and
. Prosecution
..B1treau.- The Economic Intel-
and Investigation Bureau, which (d) Internal Administration Office.
be headed by and subject to the su-
'-' and control of the Commissioner All offices enumerated above except- the;
Internal Administration Office shall be re-
shall be appointed by the President
plicated as divisions unda- the Intelligence
the recommendation of the Minister,
and Investigation Office, which each o1>er-
have the following functions: ating Bureau of the Ministry shall have.
Receive, gather and evaluate intel- SEC. 28. Bureau oj Internal Revenue.-
ligence reports and information and. The Bureau of Internal Revenue, which
evidence on the nature, modes and
shall be headed by and subject to the super-
extent of illegal activities affecting
vision and control of the Commissioner of
the national economY, such as, but
Internal Revenue, who shall be appointed
not limited to, economic sabotage,
by the President upon the recommendation
smuggling, t<1x evasion, and dollar- of the Mini,ster and hereinafter referred
salting, investigate the same and aid to as Commissioner shall have the functions
in the prosecution of cases;
of assessing and collecting all ta.xes, fees
Ccordinate with external agencies in and charges, accounting for all revenues
monitoring the financial and economic collected, exercising duly delegated police
activities of persons or entities, po""ers, administering all legal requirements
whether domestic or foreign, ,vhi~h that are appropriate, preventing and prose-
may adversely affect national £nan- cuting tax evasions and other illegal eco-
cial interest ,vith the goal of regu- nomic activities, exercising supemsion and
lating, controlling or preventing said control over its constituent units, and per-
activities; forming sueh other functions as may be
Provide all intelligence units of oper- pro\'ided by la"\\-. The Commissioner of
2ting Bureaus or Offices lmder the Internal Revenue ~th the approval of the
Ministry with the general frame- Minister of Finance will draft and prepare
work and guidelines in the conduct the necessaryrules and regulations as may
be needed to delineate the authorit}' and (4) Special Operations
responsibility of the various groups alld posed of the following:
services of the Bureau. (i) Industry Audit
Letter of Instructio~ 204 v,'ruch grants (ii) Banks, Financing
full authority to the Commissioner of In- ance Division;
ternal Re enue in mat1ers of discipline and (iii) Ill'cernational Tax
appointment or .Internal Revenue personnel sion'
, ,
shall remain in 'C:nect.
SEC.' ~29. Depoilty Comra'issio~ers.-The (iv) Value-Added Tax

(5) Regi,;)nal Offices

CommiMoner sh.?Jlbe assisted by ~.vo (2)
(b) Legal and Ip.tcrnal
Deputy Commissioners. Each Deputy Com-
Grollp, headed and
missioner shall, supervise one (1) of the
Groups defined ,in Section 30 below, to bG Deputy Commissioner and
, of the follovling Services
assigned by" the C.o:Ilmissioner. ,
\1!hich shall be headed bv a
SEC. 30. Composition.-The Bureau of ..
Internal R~;t,"en~eshall be composed of th~
following: \ (1) L-egal Service, c:omposed
(a) Assess~~i.entand Collection Group, (i) Legislative, Ruling o~
headed and supervised by a Deput}"
Commissioner and composed of the Division;
following Services, each or v'hich (ii) Prosecution Division;
shall be headed by a Service Chief: (iii) ~A..ppellate Division;
.(1) _.\ssessmentSenice, composed of (iv) Litigation Division;
the foilov.-ing: (2) Financial Service, c.omposed
(i) National Audit Review Divi- following:
sion; (i) Revenue Accollnting ...
(ii) Assessment Perfcrmance Can-
(ii) Budget Division;
trol Dinsion;
(iii) Disbursement Accounting
(iii) Tax Cr~t/Refund Division;
(2) Collection Service, composedof the (iv) PO/CR Monitoring' --
following; (v) Statistical Analysis
(i) Collecticn Enforcement Divi-
(3) Administrative Sernce, (--
of the following:
(ii) .;\ccounts Reeeivable/Billing
(i) Personnel Division;
.Division; (ii) General Services
(iii) Collection Performance Evalua-
(iii) Property Division;
tion Di ision;
(v) Accountable
Records Division;
Forms ~
(iv) Withllcldi!lg T~'{ Division;
(3) Excise Tax Ser'lice, composed of (vi) Career Development :-
the follo"\Ving: (vii) l\ledical and Dental:
(i) Alcohol Tax Di;ision; (4) Planning and Research ;"
(ii) Oil and Miscellaneous TR:{ composed of the following:
Division; (i) Planning and Research
(iii) Tabacco T,1XDi,ision; sion;
(iv) Field Operations Division; (ii) lIIanagement Information
(v) BIR Laborator;;; Data System Division;
(ill) Public Infomlation and l...s- a Deputy C.ommissionerand composed
sistance Division; of the following services, each of
Ins!3ecti.onService, composedof the which shall be headed by a Service
following: Chief:
(i) Internal Security -Division;
(1) Legal Service, composed of the fol-
(iil Fiscal Control Division;
(ill) Personnel Inquiry Division. (i) Ruling and Research Division; .-
31. A'[fPO'intmentb-ythe Presid.mt.-
(ii) Prosecution and Litigation Di-
De!=uties shall b~ a)-
by the President ul)On the recom-
of the Minister. (ill) Appellate Division;
32. Managementand Technical Staff. (iv) Tax Exempt Division.
Cqmmissioner and the t,vo (2) (2) Financial Service, composedof the
Commission~rs shall each have a following:
and Technical Staff to render (i) Revenue Accounting Division;
and secretarial support services. (ii) Statistical -~alysis Division.
33. Bureau of Customs.-The Bureau (3) Collection Service~composedof the
, which shall be headed and
to the management and control of
Commissioner of Customs, ~-ho shall (i) Collection Performance/Evalua-
., .by the President upon the tion Division;
of the Minister and herein- (ii) LiQuidation
4 and Assessment.
referred to as Commissioner, shall Audit Division; .
of collecting custom duties, (iii) Bonds Audi4 Division.
and the corresponding fees, charges
penalties, accounting for all customs (b) Customs Assessment and Operations
--collected, exercising police author- Coordinating Group, headed and su-
enforcement of tariff and customs pervised by a Deputy Commissioner
and composed of the following ser-
and all other economic frauds vices, each of which shall be headed
all ports of entry, supervising and by a Service Chief:
.exports, imports, foreign mails, (1) Imports and Assessment Service,
the clearance of vessels and aircrafts composed of the following: ."
-ports of entry administering all legal (i) yTaluationand Classification Di-
that are appropriate, prevent- vision;
prosecuting smuggling and other
(ii) Assessment Coordination and
activities in all ports under its juris-
, exercising supervision and control ltionitoring Division;
its constituent units, and performing (iii) Warehouse Coordination Divi-
functions as may be provided by law. sion.
Order No. 39 dated 6 August (2) Ports Operations Service com-
grants autonomy to the Commis- posed of the following:
of Customsin matters of appointment
discipline of Customs personnel shall (i) Auction and Cargo Disposal
, in effect. Division;
34. CompositiO1!.-The Eureau of (ii) Export Coordination Division;
shall be composedof the follo\nng: (iii) Port Operations Division.
CustomsRevenue Collection l'-I1onitor- (c) Intelligence and Enforcement Group,
ing Group, headed and supervised by headed and supervised by a Deputy
Commissioner and composed of the (3) Provide the!
following- services, each of which toms with accurate
shall be headed by a Service Chief: information and
(1) Intelligence and Investigation Ser- tion statistics;
vice, composedof the following: (4) Conduct continuing
(i) Intelligence Division; dated entries and
(ii) Investigation and Prosecution bonds; '"",'
(5) Perform such other ..

(ill) Internal Inquiry and Prosecu- --' functions consistent
tion nivision~ - .sigried tasks of the
(2) -EnIorcment, and Security Service, others which may
-compos~ of the following: Commissioner.
(i) Customs Police Division; (b) Customs Assessmentand
(ii) Water Patrol Division; Coordinating Group.
Assessment and
(iii) Radio Communication Division.
nating Group shall have
(d) Internal Administration Group, head-
ing functions:
ed and supervised by an Assistant
Commissioner and composed of -the (1) Regularly gather and
foll~wing : proval of the
lish values of I
(1)- Financial Management Office;
into the Philippines,
(2) Administrati°l! Office;. being the bas~s for the
(3) Planning and Policy Research tion of customs duties
Division revenues;
(4) ManagementInformation and Data (2) Monitor for decision
S~tems Di~ion; . poses the implementation
(5) Public Information and Assistance and regulations governing
Division; ment, warehousing and
(6) Medical and Dental Division; operations;
(7) Human Resources Management (3) l\fonitor auction and .;
Division. tivities together with
SEC" 35. Appointment by President.- operations related;
The aforementioned Deputy and Assistant decision-making purposes;
Commissioners shall be -appointed by the (4) Perform 'other
Presiaent upon the recommendation of the tions consistent with the
Commissioner of Customs in keeping with tasks of the Group which
the intent of Executive Order No. 39. given by the (
(c) Intelligence and ~ ,
SEC.36. Definition of Functiom.-
(a) Customs Revenue Collection Moni- shall have the following
toring Group. The CustomsRevenue (1) Regularly and
Collection ~Ionitoring Group shall intelligence information
have the following functions: customs and economic
(1) Maintain an updated accounting for for proper dissemination
all Customs revenues collected; Customs offices concerned;
(2) _-\dminister legal requirement~ of (2) C:)nd uct internal inquiry :---
the Bureau of Customs to include tigation which may serve
litigation and prosecution of cases; basis for prosecution;
(3) Exercise police authority con- piers, airports, terminal facilities,
ferred by the Tariff and Customs yards and freight stations;
Code or other laws which include (7) Perform such other appropriate
the enforcement of seizures and functions consistent with the as-
forfeitures and the imposition of signed task of the DistriCt/Port
penalties and fines; Collectors and those which may be
(4) P~orm such other appropriat~ given by the Commissioner.
functions consistent with the ;:1S- SEC. 38. Management and Tec~nical Staff.
~ signed tasks of the Group and
-The Commissioner and three (3) Deputy
.','. others which may be given by the
Commissioners, and the Assistant Commis-
, Commissioner. sioner shall each have a Management and
37. The CollectionDistricts.- -
Technical Staff, which shall be limited to
a specific number of personnel as deter-
The Bureau shall have 13 Collection
mined by the Commissioner, to render
Districts under the direct control
technical and secretarial support services.
and supervision by the Commissioner.
Each Collection District shall have as SEC. 39. Bureau of Trcasurlj.-The Bu-
many subports as necessaryto maxi- reau of Treasury, which shall be headed
mize revenue collection and the pre- by and subject to the supervision and con-
-vention of smuggling and fraud trol of the National Treasurer who shall
against customs. Each Collection be appointed by the President upon the
District shall be headed and super- recommendation of the Minister, shall have
vised by a District Collector while the following functions:
each subpOrt will fie headed by a (a) Act as the principal custodian of
Port Collector. The Collecto~.~shall all national government funds;
have the following functions: .- ~
(b) Assist in the formulation of, and
(1) Collect duties, taxes, fees" charges, execute, policies on financial- man-
penalties and fines accruing to the agement, public. borroviings and ca-
~ Government under the Tariff and pital market development.
-Customs Code and related laws; (c) Formulate, in coordination with
(2) Exercise police powers conferred g6vernment agencies concerned an-
to him/her by the Tariff and Cus- nual projections of revenue needs,
toms Code or other la,,'s which cash position and borrowing capacity
include the enforcement of pe- of the government;
rralties and fines; (d) Maintain accounts of the financial
(3) Examine goods, assessduties, fees, transactions of all national Ministries,
.charges, penalties and fines accru- bureaus, agencies and instrumenta-
ing to the Government under the lities ;
Tariff and Customs CQdeand other- (~) Manage the cash resources of the
related laws; Government and perform banking
functions in relation to receipts and
Supervise the entrance and clear-
disbursements of national funds;
ance of'vessels and aircrafts en-
gaged in foreign commerce; (f) Manage, control and service public
debts from domestic or foreign
(5) Supervise and control handling of
foreign mails arriving in the Phil-
(g) Exercise line supervision over its
Regional Offices/field units within
Supervise all import and export l\Iinistry Regional Administrative
cargoes landed and 'or stored in Coordination Offices;
[11) Perform such other appropriate Treasurer and composed
functions as may be assigned by the lowing:
Minister or Deputy Minister for D0-
(1) Public Debt
mestic Operations.)EC. which shall be composed
40. Composition.-The Bureau of (i) .Internal Debt
~asury shall ~ composedof the follow-
..y vision;
. (ii) External Debt
:a) Internal Affairs Sub-SectOrunder the Division;
diI"ect superviSion and control of an (iii) Debt Servicing
Ass~t National Treasurer -and
composed of the -following: (iv) Backpay Division.
(1) Administrative Service which shall (2) Debt Clearing Service
be-composedoi: be .composed of:
(i) National Government
(a) Legal, Intelligence and Investi-
.gation Division;
(ii) Government Corporate
(b) Human Resources Management vate -,-
(c),- General Services
Division; (iii) Local Government
.(p) Internal Security Divisio!l; Division;
(e) Public Information and Assis-
(3) National Cash Accounts ~
tance Division. which shall be composedof:
(2) Financial and Management Ser- (i) Fiscal Management: --'- S.EC 49
vice which shall be compOsedof: :: aforen
(ii) National Cash Acco\;lnt~g
(a) Accounting':Division; sion; Trea
.\b) Budget Division; (iii) Treasury Accounts :-
.(c) Managementand Audit Division; tion Division; -
(d)- Fidelity Bond Division. (iv)- Treasury Miscellaneous 8E.';.
(3) Management InfOrmation and Data counting Division.
Systems Service which shall be (4) Trea~ury Banking Service,
composedof: shall be composed of:
(a) Data Control Division; (i) Cash Division;
the Pre
(b) Data Encoding and Processing (ii) Special Clearing Division;
(iii) Claims and Documents- the )Ii:
(c) Computer Operations ~ivision ; (5) Operations Planning Service
be composedof: (a) Assi
(d) E.D.P. SysteDlS ~Ianagement
(i) Fiscal Planning and ~ men"
Division: men1
(4) Planning and Policy Research Di-
" man
vision. ,
(ii) Financial Planning and ,i; (b) ExeJ
(5) Public Information and Assistance tion Division
Division; (iii) Statistical Analysis and, trea=
(6) Legal Division. mation Division.
of }(
(b) National Government Affairs Sub- (6) Regional Offices which ~hall (c) DevE
Sector under the direct supervision under their supervision all
and control of an _.\ssistantNational cial offices and shall be 1 sour,

direet control and supervision of credit utilization schemesat the local
the National Trea..~. levels;
41: Assistance to. National Treas.u- (d) Pro\~de consultative services and
National Treasurer shall be di- technical assistance to the local gov-
assisted by the: ernments and the general public on
~ local ta..ution, real ,property assess-
:Management and Technical Staff, ment and other related matters;
which shall perform the functions of (e) Exercise line supervision over its
rendering technical and secretarial Regional Offices/fieIa units within the
support services; Ministry Regional AdmiT1istrative Co-
Intelligence and Investigation Office, ordination Office and the local trea-
which shall perform the following sury and assessmentservices:
functions : (f) Perform such other appropriate
~(1) Monitor, gather and evaluate re- -functions as may be asSigned by the
porl3 on financial and economic -Minister or Deputy Minister for Do-
actiities .of persons or entities, mestic Operations.
;,.- foreign and domestic, which may
1 adversely affect national financial SEC.44. Compositio-n. The Bureau of
Local GovernmentFinance shall be composed
of the following:
(2) Perform such other appropriate
functions as may be assigned by (a) Internal Administration Office, under
the National Treasurer. the direct supervision and control of
the Director and composed of the
.42. Appointment by the President.-
aforementioned two (2) Assistant Na- follo\ving: "
.Treasurers shall be appointed by the (1) Planning and Policy Research
upon the recommendation of the Division;
(2) Management Information and
Data Systems Division;
43. Bureau of Local Government Fi-
(3) Public Information and .;\.ssist-
The Bureau of Local Government ance Division;
,vhich shall be headed by and sub-
to the su~rvision and control of an (4) Financial Management Division;
Di ector ,vho shall be appointed (5) Administrative Division;
President upon the recommendation .(6) Legal Division.
Minister, shall have the following (b) Policy Enforcement and Special Pro-
jects Group, headedand supervised by
a Deputy Du'ector and composed of
Assist in the formulation and imple-
the following Services, each of which
~entation of policies on local govern-
shall be headed b}" a Service Chief:
ment revenue administration and fund
(1) Local Finance Policy Enforce-
manag:ement; ment Service, composed of the
Exercise administrative and technical
supervision and coordination over the following:
treasur}' and assessmentoperations (i) Local Treasury Operations
of local governments; Division;
Develop and promote plans and pro- (ii) !LocalTa.~Policy Researchand
grams for the improvement of re- Review Division;
source management systems, collec- (iii) Local Assessment Operations
tion enforcement mechanisms, and Dinsion ;
(iv) Local Go.ernment Loan headed by a Director who shall
~ Review Division; by the President upon the
(2) Special Projects Management (
Service, composedof the follow- tions :
ing: (a) Coordinate, in r
(i) PJansand Programs Develop- appropriate government
~': -" ment Division; the formulation of
" (ii) Project Execution and Man-
"- ~';':, agement Division; cial and fiscal plans of
,. - Government and the local
('iii) Project Monitoring and Eya- ments, consistent with the
.". luation Division; development plan;
--(iv) Central Fund Management (b) :rtlonitor and review the
DiVision; tion of such financial and
(c) Field Operations Examination Group, in relation to recent
headedby a Deputy Director and com- the economy;
posed of the following: (c) Coordinate ~'ith other ---
(i) }lanagement Systems Examina- agencies involved in :'
tion Division; and economicplanning and
(ii) ~ea1 Property AssessmentExa- -mulation;
mination Division; (d) Undertake special studies ~
(iii) Financial Operations Examina- search projects on financial and
tion Di~ion; policies;
-(iv) Local Revenue Enforcement (e) Coordinate the formulatiQn .
-.Examination Di\ision. gessmentof :
--. domestic finance operations
SEC.45. Assistance to the Executiv~ Di- different bur:eaus ~nd offices
rector.-The Executive Director shall be di-.-
: ~~inistry;
rectly assisted by the: -(f) Perform such other ~
(a) Mana~ent and Technical Staff, functions as may be assigned
whic..ttshall perform t.he f-.mctions oi :rtlinister, the Deputy
rendering technical and secre:aricl Domestic Operations or "
support services;
(b) Intelligence aud Investigation Office, Minister for Domestic I
which shall r.erform the following SEC.47. Coinpositio-n.-The:Fiscal
.functions: Policy and Planning Office
(1) Monitor, gather and evaluate re- Icomposed of the following:
ports on financial aIia economic
(a) Financial and Fiscal :-
activities of persons or entities,
foreign and domestic, which ma)" sion;
-, adversely affect national financial -(b) Policy :Research and (
interests; Division;
(2) Perfornl such other appropriate (c) Statistics Division;
functions as may be assigned by (d) Special Studies Division;
the Director. (e) Adminisu.ative and Support r
SE{:.46. Financial a-rill Fiscal Policy and Staff.
Planning Office.-The Financial and Fiscal SEC.48. I ntel"national FillanceOffice.-The
Polic~- and Planning Office, which shall be I. International Finance
, headed by a Director who shall be (a) .'\.ssist in the formulation of policy
by the President upon recommen- and guidelines for foreign borrowings
of- the :Minister, shall have the fol~ including provision of government
functions: guarantees and monitor compliance
(a) Monitor and anal}'Ze international with these policies;
monetary, financial and trade develop- (b) Provide support work for interna-
ments and their implications for the tional financial negotiations and par-
Philipp~e economyand evolve propo- ticipate in such negotiations with
csals for appropriate response to said multilateral financial institutions,
",'events: bilateral creditors and' donors and
" commercial creditors. This includes
~ (b) Provide inputs int{) the formulation
, of fiscal, monetary, financial, foreign negotiations for new assistance
(grants and loans) as well as for
trade and exchange rate policies as debt rescheduling;
well as budgetary and bafance of pay-
(c) Monitor implementation of projects
ments programming in line with do-
mestic economicgoalsand the external fund.ed by foreign assistanceand cre-
fina~cial and trade environment; dits, utilization of such external re-
sources and compliance with coIDInit-
(c) Formulate and monitor a foreign fi- ments as well as debt repayment
nancing program on the basis of do- obligations;
:~ mestic requirements and trends in de- (d) Assist in the structuring and conduct
tal flows; assistance and other capi~ of international conferences and
";: meetings of the Ministry's officers
(d) Interact with multilateral, regional: (the term "officer" a~ used in this
and other international organizations E..'CecutiveOrder is intended to "be
~- and formulate in coordination with "ithin the meaning of the term "offi-
t appropriate agencies Philippine posi-
cial" as used in the Freedom Consti-
tions on institutional and policy issues tution) ,vith foreign dignit.aries or
take~ up in these bodies; organizations ;
(e) Coordinate with other appropriate (e) Perform such other appropriate
ministries and government agencies~.". functions as may be assigned by the
in areas concerning international fi-t: Minister or Deputy Minister for In-
nance and foreign trade;~ ternational Finance.
(f) Perform such other appropriate;: SEC.51. Composition.-The International
functions as may be assigned b)" the~: Finance Operations Office shall be composed
Minister or Deputy Minister for In- of the following:
i ternational Finance.
(a) Commercial Credits and Legal Servi-
49. CompoS'itio-l~-The International ces Division;
Policy Office shall be composed of (b) Bilateral Assistance Division;
follo,ving: (c) Multilateral Assistance Division.
(a) International Economy Division; SEC.52. Admini8'tratil~e Sta.1Jand Finance
Attache Division.-The Deputy ~Iinister for
(b) External Adjustments Division. International Finance shall be directly assist-
SEC.50. Internatio-naZFinance Operatio-ns ed by a Finance Attache Division and ~.c\d-
-.-The International Finance Opera- ministrative Staff.
Office, headed by a Director, shall have SEC.53. Legal Service, Revenue Sert'ice
following functions: and Regio-nal Offices.-The existing Legal

Service, Re,'enueService and Regional Offices (d) Public Information
for internal revenue, customs, national trea- Division;
sury, and local government finance shall (e) Financial
continue to be operated and maintained by (f) Administrative and
the Ministry'. Eacll Regional Office shall be sion.
headed by a..0Regional Director. 0 ' (g) Records
".., -:-
la nagement
A Regional OffiGe shal~ have, WIthin It:) ( h ) General Se .
a dm illlStrative region, th e f 011OWIng
° f unc- rVIces

tions: The constituent units of

..; " ..
I divisioBS-shall be similar to
(a) I~plement laws, rules. and regu a- units of their r esp t o
.-- Ii . I d ec Ive central
, .ti.on.s, pQ Cles, p a.n~' programs an the Ministry".
proJects of the MilliStry;
(b) Provide efficient and effective service The Regional Offi~~ of
to the people. Bureau under the MinIstry,
.'.. remain under the technical
(c) Coordinate WIth regIonal offices of
h ., t . ffi d .con tro I 0f th e head 0f th e
ot ~r mInIS rles, 0 ces an agencIes
th be Iong. For .
0 .' o however, each Regional Office
(d)- Coordmate wIth local government operational reports to the ~
units; required.'
SE '
(ef Perform...;);).
such other functions as may C -- AbQl l t."on
' ' Qf Un~t8

be proVIded by law. ' / .., t All unit s not : O

-..t t'nl8 ry.-
SEC.54. MOF-RACQ.-For purposes- of structural organization as hereIn
achieving maximum- utilization of resources, and all positions thereof are
~management coordination and administra- abolished. Their appropriatIons
tive integratiOn at the regional levels, there shall re..-ert to the General
is hereoy created a Ministry of Finance their records, equipment,
Regional Administrative Coordination Office assetsshall be allocated to
(l\'IOF-?ACO) in each of the adminis- units as the l\linister shall
trative regionS of the country, to be headed liabilities, if any, shall be
by a Regional Executive Director ,vho shall ance with the Auditing Code
report directly to the Deputy Minister for pertinent laws, rules and
Internal Aclministrafun. The Minister Their personnel shall be I
shaJl define the appropriate functions to be fIts pro'wided in the second
delegated to the MOF-RACO. Section 59 hereof.
The MOF-P \CO shall provide coordinative SEC.56. Seclu.ities and ...i.'
and administrative support services to all llUSS'ion.-The Securities
the Regional Offices of the operating Bu- Commission is hereby
reaus of the )Iinistry in its administrative Ministr)1".
region and shall be composed of the fol- SEC.57. Atta~hed )
lowing: ing agencies are hereby ~,
(a) Planning and Policy Research Divi- mstry:
sion; (a) Philippine Crop Insurance
(b) Intelligence and Investigation Divi- tion;
sion; (b) Philippine E}..-portand
(c) ?:IanagementInformation and Data Guarantee Corporation;
Systems Division; (c) Insurance Commission;
(d) National Tax Research Center; equipment, facilities and .other assets
(e) Central Board of Assesstment Ap- are transferred to the Bureau of
peals; l\Iines and Geosciencesof the Ministry
(f) Fiscal Incentives Review Board. of Natural Resources. Its appropr!a-
tions and funds shall revert to the
SEC.58. .4bolishedAgencies.-The follow- General Fund, while its personnel
agenci~, presently attached to the Mi- shall be entitled to the benefit; pro\-l-
are treated as follows: ded in the second paragraph of Sec-
(a) Export Credit Corporation is hereby tion 59 hereof.
abolished and its functions are trans- SEC.59. N elU Stntcture and Pattern.-
ferred to the Philippine E."<portand Upon approval of this Executive Order, the
Foreign Loan Guarantee Corporation, offic&rs and employees of the Ministry shall,
together with its appropriations, in a holdover capacity, continue to perfornl
funds, records, equipment, facilities, their respective duties and responsibilities
other assetsand personnel as may be and receive the corresponding salaries and
necessaryto the proper discharge of benefits unless in the meantime they are
the transferred functions. Its re- separated from government service pursuant
maining appropriations and funds, if to Executive Order No. 17 (1986) or article
any, shall revert to the General Fund III of the Freedom Constinltion.
and its remaining records, equipment,
The new position structul~e and staffing
facilities and other assets thereof, if
pattern of the Ministry shall be approved
any, shall be allocated to such appro-
aIld prescribed by the 1\Iinister within one
priate units as the Minister shall de-
hundred t\venty (120) days from the ap-:
termine or shall otherwise be disposed
proval of this Executive Qrder and the au-
in accordancewith the Auditing Code
thorized positions created hereunder shall be
and other pertinent laws, rules aIld
filled with regular appointments b~- him or
regulations. Its liabilities, if any shall
by the President, as the casemay be. Those
likewise be treated in accordancewith
inctlmbents ,,'hose positions are not included
the Auditing Code and other pertinent
therein or v,-hoare not reappointed shall be
laws, rules and regulations. Its per-
deemed separated from the service. Those
sonnel shall, in a holdover capacity',
separated from the service shall receive the
continue to perform their duties and
retirement benefit5 to which they m,"!'1 ba
responsibilities and receive the corres-
entitled under existing la"'s, rules and re-
ponding salaries and benefits unless in
gulations. Other,,-ise, they shall be paid th~
the meantime they are separated from
equivalent of one month basic salar)' for
the senice pursuant to Executive Or-
e\-ery year of selovice, or tne equivalent
der Xo. 17 (1986) or Article III of
nearest fraction tliereof favorable to them
the Freedom Constitution. lis per-
on the basis of highest salar)- received, but
sonnel whose positions are not inclu.
in no case shall such pa)-rnent exceed the
ded in the ne,v position structure and
equivalent of 12. months salal-Y.
staffing pattern of the Philippine Ex.
POl-t and Foreign Loan Guarantee No court or administra:ive body shall
Corporation or ,vl1O are not reap- issue any \\rit or preliminary injunction
pointed shall be entitled to the bene- or restrauling order to enjoin tne separa-
fits provided in the second paragraph tion/'replacement of any officer or emplo)-ee
of Section 59 hereof; effected under this Executive Order.
(b) Gold Mining Industry Assistance SEC. 60. Periodic Perjormance E1,'alua-
Board is hereby abolished, its func- tion.- The )Iinister is hereby required to
tions are discontinued and its records, formulate and enforce a system of mea-
suring and evaluating periodically and ob- SEC. 65. Impleme'liting
jectively the performance of the Ministry nister .-The Minister shall
and submit the same annually to the Pres-~ident.regulations and other"
necessaryto ensure the
,I "SEC.61. Notice aTGonse1l.tRequiremellt.- tation of the provisions of
"cUany reo~tional change herein autho- Order.
rized is of such substance"'ol"materiality as SEC.66. SeparabilitY.-Any
to prejud~ce third persons with" rights re- provision of _this Executive
cognized by law or contract such that notice be decl~red unconstitutional
.to or consent of creditors is required to be the effect of nullifying other
made or obtained pUrsuant to any agreement provisions hereof as long as
'entered into with any.
of such creditors,. such portions or provisions can still
'notice or consent requirement .shall be com- be given effect in their entirety. '
"plied with prior to- the implementation of
SEC. 67. Repealing (
"_suchreorgariizational change.
dinances, rules., regulations
SEC.62. Change of Namenclatures.-In issuances or parts thereof,
the event of the adoption of a new Consti- sistent with this Executive Order
tution which, provides for a presidential by repealed or modified
cform of government, the Ministry shall be
SEC. 68. E,tJecti'liity.-This .-
called Department of Finance and the titles
of Minister, D~pUty l\rmisfer, ana Assistant qer shall take effect immediately.
Minister shall be changed to Secretary, Un- approval.
dersecretary and Assistant Secretary re- APPROVED in the
pines, this 30th day City
of - of Manila,
SEc. 63. PTahiaiti.on Against Change.- of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and
No change in the reorganization herein pre- seven.
scrI"bedshall be valiq except ut>onpri9r ap-
proval of the President. for the purpose of (Sgd.) CoRAZONC. AQUINO
;"promoting efficiency and effectiveness in the President of the: -.
delivery of public services.
SEc. 64. Funding.-Funds needed to car- By the President:
ry out the provisions of this Executive Order
shall be taken from funds available in the (Sgd.) JOKERP. ARROYO
, Ministry. Executive Secretary

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