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Worksheet No.

Exercise - Group Experiences

1. List the kinds of groups you have been a member of.

(This could include work, sport, social, friendship, flat)
A. I've been part of many groups some of them are:-
1. State/national NTSE team
2. District level quiz team
3. Bond socially NGO team
4. Green army environmental growth group
5. Save a life NHCPS
6. SSC(sea service corps)
7. School frnds group(we call it kasukabe defense group)
And many more.

2. How do you tend to behave in group situations?

A. Mosty in work and academics related group i a behave in discipline and
Speak when it is needed and sometimes we all enjoy when we win or loose after
trying our best, and in friendship groups we all enjoy and have funn, tease each
other and create memories together.

2. How would you like to behave, ideally, in group situations?

A. Ideally, in group situations , usually i should behave in professional way and speak when
it is needed support other members , be active listener and speaker, for academic and work

3. What is the most enjoyable or satisfying group you have been a member
of, and what made it so good?
A. The most enjoyable or satisfying group, I've been part of is working in NGO's ,
volenteering for people specially a project/initiative in which we have to take care of all street
dogs and spread awareness to adopt them, and feeding people in lockdown is most satisfying
when we feel the happiness of people.

4. What is the least enjoyable or satisfying group you have been a member
of, and why was the experience a negative one?
A. Being a part of some team in compitition was my least enjoyable moment , because
everybody was stressed over winning and loosing but when we lost national level , the
enthusiasm we had was lost, and everyone was sad because we all didn't win, but we were
little happy to try atleast.
5. From your experience to date, what skills do you have that may contribute to
working successfully in a group?
A. The skills i have that may contribute to working successfully in a group are:-
1. Decision making
2. Problem solving
3. Analysing team members qualities and weakess
4. Motivating
5. Creativity

6. From experience so far, what group skills do you think you need to work
A. The skills i mostly need to work on are:-
1. Communication
2. Control over stess
3. Being positive
4. Increasing my limit and potential

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