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Step 1:

Lessons/Ideas from the Reflective Writing Handout:

a. Importance of Self-Knowledge: The handout emphasizes the significance of self-knowledge in

reflective writing, highlighting the understanding of personal development as a writer. This idea
resonates with me because it underscores the importance of introspection and self-awareness in
the writing process. In my Writer's Profile, I will use this lesson to reflect on my journey as a
writer throughout the course, discussing how my understanding of myself and my writing has
evolved over time.

b. Role of Reflection in Skill Development: Another important lesson from the handout is the
role of reflection in skill development. Reflective writing is portrayed as a tool for self-
improvement, allowing writers to identify strengths and weaknesses and make conscious
decisions to enhance their writing abilities. I will incorporate this idea into my Writer's Profile by
reflecting on specific instances where reflection has helped me improve as a writer and articulate
my plans for continued growth.

c. Connection to Metacognition: The handout discusses the connection between reflection and
metacognition, emphasizing the importance of monitoring one's intellectual processes during
writing. This idea highlights the cognitive aspect of reflection and its role in developing critical
thinking skills. In my Writer's Profile, I will draw on this connection to discuss how reflection
has influenced my approach to writing and research, demonstrating my understanding of the
cognitive processes involved in effective communication.

Connections Between Handout and Writer's Profile Guiding Questions:

a. The handout emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and understanding personal

development as a writer, which aligns with the guiding question about self-knowledge in the
Writer's Profile. By reflecting on my growth and experiences throughout the course, I can
demonstrate my understanding of how I have developed as a writer personally.
b. Additionally, the handout discusses the role of reflection in identifying strengths and
weaknesses, which relates to the guiding question about critical knowledge in the Writer's
Profile. By analyzing my past work and identifying areas for improvement, I can showcase my
awareness of my own strengths and weaknesses as a writer.

Connection to Unit 1 Reflection Assignment:

In my response to the Unit 1 reflection assignment, I discussed the benefits of reflective writing
in improving the revising process and identifying areas for improvement in my writing. The
handout builds on this understanding by emphasizing the role of reflection in skill development
and self-awareness. Now, at the end of the course, I have a deeper appreciation for the
importance of reflection in my writing journey and how it has contributed to my growth as a

Example Writer Profile Analysis:

The writer profile I chose is centered on reflective elements such as discussing the writer's
growth, experiences, and lessons learned throughout the course.

Similarities between the writer profile and the Writer's Profile guiding questions include
addressing self-knowledge, content knowledge, rhetorical knowledge, and critical knowledge.

The author addresses their previous work and experiences by reflecting on their progress,
challenges, and insights gained from completing various assignments and projects.

My Writer's Profile may differ from the example writer profile in terms of specific content and
focus, but it will still incorporate reflective elements and address similar themes related to
personal development as a writer and learner.
Overall, the handout on reflective writing provides valuable insights and frameworks that will
inform my approach to writing my Writer's Profile. It emphasizes the importance of self-
awareness, skill development, and metacognition, which will guide my reflection on my writing
journey throughout the course. Additionally, analyzing the example writer profile helps me
understand the expectations and reflective elements inherent in the Writer's Profile genre.

Step 2:

1. Rhetorical Situation for the Writer's Profile:

Audience: The audience for the Writer's Profile is a hiring committee at FIU responsible for
selecting student-mentors. They seek individuals who can articulate their strengths as writers and
researchers and effectively mentor others. The audience knows about ENC 1102 but lacks
specific details about individual classroom experiences.

Purpose: The purpose of the Writer's Profile is to convince the hiring committee that I have
developed essential writing and research skills during ENC 1102 and can effectively mentor
other students. It aims to demonstrate reflective thinking, articulate personal growth as a writer,
and provide evidence of the ability to support and guide peers in writing and research endeavors.

Context: The context of the Writer's Profile is an application for a student-mentor position at
FIU. It serves as a persuasive document within a larger application packet, highlighting my
qualifications, particularly in writing and research, relevant to the mentorship role.

Genre, Medium, and Design: The Writer's Profile resembles an essay and will be organized into
paragraphs according to the main ideas or themes. It will be written in a formal tone, considering
the professional nature of the genre. The document will be saved as a PDF, ensuring
compatibility and professional presentation. Visuals, hyperlinks, and stylistic elements may be
included intentionally to enhance understanding and engagement but not for mere decoration.
Language: The language used will be professional and persuasive, tailored to the audience of the
hiring committee. It will avoid generalizations and instead focus on personal reflections and
specific examples from ENC 1102 experiences.

2. Organize and start writing". Identify at least three pieces of advice that will help you
write your Writer's Profile

 Gather Evidence: Collecting materials from ENC 1102, including assignments, readings,
and class discussions, will provide specific examples to support claims made in the
Writer's Profile. This advice will help ensure that my reflections are grounded in concrete
experiences, making them more persuasive to the hiring committee.

 Craft a Clear Thesis: Developing a clear thesis statement will provide a guiding focus for
the Writer's Profile, ensuring that each paragraph contributes to the overall theme or
point. This advice will help maintain coherence and cohesion throughout the document,
making it easier for the hiring committee to follow and understand my reflections.

 Organize Supporting Paragraphs: Structuring supporting paragraphs around the main

theme or point of the Writer's Profile will enhance clarity and coherence. Each paragraph
should provide specific evidence from ENC 1102 experiences to support the claims
made. This advice will help ensure that my reflections are well-supported and persuasive,
reinforcing my qualifications for the student-mentor position.

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