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Drugs, the Brain, and Behavior 3rd

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Preface xvii

1 Principles of Pharmacology 3

Pharmacology: The Science of Drug Action 4 Pharmacodynamics: Drug–Receptor

Placebo effect 5 Interactions 27
Box 1.1 Pharmacology in Action Naming Drugs 6 Box 1.3 Pharmacology in Action Drug Categories 28
Extracellular and intracellular receptors have several
Pharmacokinetic Factors Determining Drug common features 30
Action 7
Dose–response curves describe receptor activity 31
Methods of drug administration influence the onset of drug
action 8 The therapeutic index calculates drug safety 32
Multiple factors modify drug absorption 12 Receptor antagonists compete with agonists for
binding sites 33
Drug distribution is limited by selective barriers 15
Depot binding alters the magnitude and duration of Biobehavioral Effects of Chronic Drug Use 34
drug action 18 Repeated drug exposure can cause tolerance 35
Biotransformation and elimination of drugs contribute Chronic drug use can cause sensitization 38
to bioavailability 19
Pharmacogenetics and Personalized Medicine
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 25 in Psychiatry 39
Box 1.2 Pharmacology in Action Interspecies Drug Dose
Extrapolation 25

2 Structure and Function of the Nervous System 45

Cells of the Nervous System 46 Local potentials are small, transient changes in
membrane potential 60
Neurons have three major external features 46
Sufficient depolarization at the axon hillock opens voltage-
Box 2.1 The Cutting Edge Embryonic Stem Cells 47
gated Na+ channels, producing an action potential 61
Characteristics of the cell membrane are critical for
Drugs and poisons alter axon conduction 63
neuron function 54
Glial cells provide vital support for neurons 55 Organization of the Nervous System 65
Box 2.2 Of Special Interest Astrocytes 56 Box 2.3 The Cutting Edge Finding Your Way in the
Nervous System 65
Electrical Transmission within a Neuron 58
The nervous system comprises the central and peripheral
Ion distribution is responsible for the cell’s resting divisions 66
potential 58
CNS functioning is dependent on structural features 68
viii Contents

The CNS has six distinct regions reflecting embryological The cerebral cortex is divided into four lobes, each
development 70 having primary, secondary, and tertiary areas 76
Box 2.4 Of Special Interest Neuroendocrine Response to Rat and human brains have many similarities and
Stress 76 some differences 79

3 Chemical Signaling by Neurotransmitters and Hormones 83

Chemical Signaling between Nerve Cells 84 Neurotransmitter Receptors and Second-Messenger

Systems 98
Neurotransmitter Synthesis, Release,
and Inactivation 86 There are two major families of neurotransmitter
receptors 99
Neurotransmitters encompass several different
kinds of chemical substances 86 Second messengers work by activating specific
protein kinases within a cell 102
Box 3.1 Clinical Applications Orexin-Based
Medications: New Approaches to the Treatment Tyrosine kinase receptors mediate the effects of
of Sleep Disorders 87 neurotrophic factors 104
Neuropeptides are synthesized by a different mechanism Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission 104
than other transmitters 90
Synaptic Plasticity 105
Neuromodulators are chemicals that don’t act like typical
neurotransmitters 91 The Endocrine System 107
Classical transmitter release involves exocytosis and Endocrine glands can secrete multiple hormones 107
recycling of synaptic vesicles 91
Mechanisms of hormone action vary 109
Lipid and gaseous transmitters are not released from
Why is the endocrine system important to
synaptic vesicles 95
pharmacologists? 111
Several mechanisms control the rate of neurotransmitter Box 3.2 Pharmacology in Action Sex Hormones and
release by nerve cells 96 Drug Abuse 112
Neurotransmitters are inactivated by reuptake and by
enzymatic breakdown 97

4 Methods of Research in Psychopharmacology 117

Research Methods for Evaluating the Brain Multiple Neurobiological Techniques for Assessing
and Behavior 118 the CNS 134
Techniques in Behavioral Pharmacology 118 Stereotaxic surgery is needed for accurate in vivo
measures of brain function 134
Evaluating Animal Behavior 118 Neurotransmitters, receptors, and other proteins can
Animal testing needs to be valid and reliable to be quantified and visually located in the CNS 138
produce useful information 118 New tools are used for imaging the structure and
A wide variety of behaviors are evaluated by function of the brain 145
psychopharmacologists 120 Genetic engineering helps neuroscientists to ask
Box 4.1 Pharmacology in Action Using the Three- and answer new questions 150
Chamber Social Interaction Test 125 Box 4.3 Pharmacology in Action Transgenic Model
Box 4.2 Clinical Applications Drug Testing for of Huntington’s Disease 153
FDA Approval 131 Behavioral and neuropharmacological methods
complement one another 155
Techniques in Neuropharmacology 134
Contents ix

5 Catecholamines 159

Catecholamine Synthesis, Release, and There are five main subtypes of dopamine receptors
Inactivation 160 organized into D1- and D2-like families 171
Tyrosine hydroxylase catalyzes the rate-limiting step Dopamine receptor agonists and antagonists affect
in catecholamine synthesis 160 locomotor activity and other behavioral functions 172
Box 5.2 The Cutting Edge Using Molecular Genetics to
Catecholamines are stored in and released from
Study the Dopaminergic System 174
synaptic vesicles 161
Catecholamine inactivation occurs through the Organization and Function of the
combination of reuptake and metabolism 164 Noradrenergic System 177
Organization and Function of the Norepinephrine is an important transmitter in both
Dopaminergic System 166 the central and peripheral nervous systems 177
Norepinephrine and epinephrine act through α- and
Two important dopaminergic cell groups are found
β-adrenergic receptors 178
in the midbrain 166
The central noradrenergic system plays a significant
Ascending dopamine pathways have been implicated
role in arousal, cognition, and the consolidation of
in several important behavioral functions 167
emotional memories 179
Box 5.1 Clinical Applications Mutations That Affect
Dopamine Neurotransmission 168 Several medications work by stimulating or inhibiting
peripheral adrenergic receptors 183

6 Serotonin 189

Serotonin Synthesis, Release, and Inactivation 190 The serotonergic system originates in the brainstem
and projects to all forebrain areas 196
Serotonin synthesis is regulated by enzymatic activity and
precursor availability 190 The firing of dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons varies
with behavioral state and in response to rewards and
Similar processes regulate storage, release, and punishments 197
inactivation of serotonin and the catecholamines 192
There is a large family of serotonin receptors, most of which
Box 6.1 History of Psychopharmacology “Ecstasy”—
are metabotropic 198
Harmless Feel-Good Drug, Dangerous Neurotoxin, or
Miracle Medication? 193 Multiple approaches have identified several behavioral and
physiological functions of serotonin 200
Organization and Function of the Box 6.2 The Cutting Edge Serotonin and
Serotonergic System 196 Aggression 203

7 Acetylcholine 213

Acetylcholine Synthesis, Release, and Organization and Function of the Cholinergic

Inactivation 214 System 219
Acetylcholine synthesis is catalyzed by the enzyme Cholinergic neurons play a key role in the functioning of
choline acetyltransferase 214 both the peripheral and central nervous systems 219
Many different drugs and toxins can alter acetylcholine Box 7.2 The Cutting Edge Acetylcholine and Cognitive
storage and release 214 Function 220
Acetylcholinesterase is responsible for acetylcholine There are two acetylcholine receptor subtypes: nicotinic and
breakdown 215 muscarinic 222
Box 7.1 Pharmacology In Action Botulinum Toxin—
Deadly Poison, Therapeutic Remedy, and Cosmetic Aid 216
x Contents

8 Glutamate and GABA 231

Glutamate 232 GABA 251

Glutamate Synthesis, Release, GABA Synthesis, Release, and Inactivation 251
and Inactivation 232 GABA is synthesized by the enzyme glutamic acid
Neurons generate glutamate from the precursor decarboxylase 251
glutamine 232 GABA packaging into vesicles and uptake after release
Glutamate packaging into vesicles and uptake after release are mediated by specific transporter proteins 251
are mediated by multiple transport systems 232 GABA is coreleased with several other classical
neurotransmitters 253
Organization and Function of the
Glutamatergic System 235 Organization and Function of the
Glutamate is the neurotransmitter used in many excitatory GABAergic System 254
pathways in the brain 235 Some GABAergic neurons are interneurons, while others are
Both ionotropic and metabotropic receptors mediate the projection neurons 254
synaptic effects of glutamate 236 The actions of GABA are primarily mediated by ionotropic
Box 8.1 Clinical Applications Fragile X Syndrome GABAA receptors 254
and Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Antagonists: Box 8.2 Clinical Applications GABA and Epilepsy 255
A Contemporary Saga of Translational Medicine 239
GABA also signals using metabotropic GABAB
AMPA and NMDA receptors play a key role in learning and receptors 260
memory 239
High levels of glutamate can be toxic to nerve cells 245

9 Drug Abuse and Addiction 265

Introduction to Drug Abuse and Addiction 266 Drug dependence leads to withdrawal symptoms when
abstinence is attempted 280
Drugs of abuse are widely consumed in our society 266
Discriminative stimulus effects contribute to drug-seeking
Drug use in our society has increased and has become more behavior 282
heavily regulated over time 267
Genetic factors contribute to the risk for addiction 283
Features of Drug Abuse and Addiction 270 Psychosocial variables also contribute to addiction risk 285
Drug addiction is considered to be a chronic, relapsing The factors contributing to drug addiction can be
behavioral disorder 270 combined into a biopsychosocial model 287
There are two types of progression in drug use 272
The Neurobiology of Drug Addiction 289
Box 9.1 Of Special Interest Should the Term Addiction
Be Applied to Compulsive Behavioral Disorders That Don’t Drug reward and incentive salience drive the binge–
Involve Substance Use? 273 intoxication stage of drug use 289
Which drugs are the most addictive? 275 The withdrawal/negative affect stage is characterized
by stress and by the recruitment of an antireward
Factors That Influence the Development circuit 292
and Maintenance of Drug Abuse and The preoccupation/anticipation stage involves
Addiction 276 dysregulation of prefrontal cortical function and
The addiction potential of a substance is influenced by corticostriatal circuitry 294
its route of administration 277 Molecular neuroadaptations play a key role in the
Most abused drugs exert rewarding and reinforcing transition to an addicted state 296
effects 277 Is addiction a disease? 299
Contents xi

10 Alcohol 307

Psychopharmacology of Alcohol 308 Neurochemical Effects of Alcohol 325

Alcohol has a long history of use 308 Animal models are vital for alcohol research 325
What is an alcohol and where does it come from? 309 Alcohol acts on multiple neurotransmitters 327
The pharmacokinetics of alcohol determines its Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) 335
bioavailability 310
Defining alcohol use disorder and estimating its incidence
Chronic alcohol use leads to both tolerance and
have proved difficult 335
physical dependence 313
The causes of alcohol use disorder are multimodal 338
Alcohol affects many organ systems 315
Box 10.1 Pharmacology in Action The Role of Multiple treatment options provide hope for
Expectation in Alcohol-Enhanced Human Sexual rehabilitation 342
Response 315

11 The Opioids 351

Narcotic Analgesics 352 Opioid Reinforcement, Tolerance,

The opium poppy has a long history of use 352 and Dependence 374
Minor differences in molecular structure determine Animal testing shows significant reinforcing
behavioral effects 353 properties 376
Bioavailability predicts both physiological and behavioral Dopaminergic and nondopaminergic components
effects 354 contribute to opioid reinforcement 376
Opioids have their most important effects on the CNS and Long-term opioid use produces tolerance, sensitization,
on the gastrointestinal tract 354 and dependence 377
Box 11.1 Clinical Applications Saving a Life: Naloxone Box 11.3 Of Special Interest The Opioid
for Opioid Overdoses 355 Epidemic 379
Several brain areas contribute to the opioid abstinence
Opioid Receptors and Endogenous syndrome 381
Neuropeptides 357
Neurobiological adaptation and rebound constitute
Receptor binding studies identified and localized tolerance and withdrawal 381
opioid receptors 357 Environmental cues have a role in tolerance, drug abuse,
Four opioid receptor subtypes exist 358 and relapse 382
Several families of naturally occurring opioid peptides bind Treatment Programs for Opioid Use Disorder 383
to these receptors 360
Detoxification is the first step in the therapeutic
Box 11.2 The Cutting Edge Science in Action 361
process 383
Opioid receptor–mediated cellular changes are
Treatment goals and programs rely on pharmacological sup-
inhibitory 365
port and counseling 384
Opioids and Pain 366
The two components of pain have distinct features 367
Opioids inhibit pain transmission at spinal and
supraspinal levels 369
Other forms of pain control depend on opioids 371
xii Contents

12 Psychomotor Stimulants: Cocaine, Amphetamine, and Related Drugs 391

Cocaine 392 Repeated or high-dose cocaine use can produce serious

health consequences 409
Background and History 392 Pharmacological, behavioral, and psychosocial methods are
Basic Pharmacology of Cocaine 393 used to treat cocaine abuse and dependence 409

Mechanisms of Cocaine Action 395 The Amphetamines 412

Acute Behavioral and Physiological Effects Background and History 412
of Cocaine 397 Basic Pharmacology of the Amphetamines 413
Cocaine stimulates mood and behavior 398
Mechanisms of Amphetamine and
Cocaine’s physiological effects are mediated by the Methamphetamine Action 414
sympathetic nervous system 399
Dopamine is important for many effects of cocaine and Behavioral and Neural Effects of
other psychostimulants 399 Amphetamines 415
Brain imaging has revealed the neural mechanisms of Amphetamine and methamphetamine have
psychostimulant action in humans 401 therapeutic uses 415
Several DA receptor subtypes mediate the functional High doses or chronic use of amphetamines
effects of psychostimulants 402 can cause a variety of adverse effects 415
Cocaine Abuse and the Effects of Chronic Cocaine Methylphenidate, Modafinil, and
Exposure 403 Synthetic Cathinones 418
Experimental cocaine use may escalate over time to a
Methylphenidate 418
pattern of cocaine abuse and dependence 403
Chronic cocaine exposure leads to significant behavioral Box 12.2 Clinical Applications Psychostimulants
and neurobiological changes 405 and ADHD 420
Box 12.1 The Cutting Edge Neurochemical Mechanisms Modafinil 422
of Cocaine Tolerance and Sensitization 406
Synthetic Cathinones 423

13 Nicotine and Caffeine 429

Nicotine 430 Nicotine exerts both reinforcing and aversive effects 436
Nicotine produces a wide range of physiological
Background and History 430 effects 438
Basic Pharmacology of Nicotine and Its Relationship Nicotine is a toxic substance that can be fatal at high
to Smoking 431 doses 439
Features of tobacco smoking and nicotine Chronic exposure to nicotine induces tolerance and
pharmacokinetics 431 dependence 440
Features of e-cigarette vaping and nicotine Cigarette Smoking and Vaping 443
pharmacokinetics 431
What percentage of the population are current users of
Nicotine metabolism 432 tobacco and/or e-cigarettes? 443
Mechanisms of Action 432 Nicotine users progress through a series of stages in their
pattern and frequency of use 444
Behavioral and Physiological Effects 433 Box 13.1 The Cutting Edge How Safe Are
Nicotine elicits different mood changes in smokers E-cigarettes? 446
compared with nonsmokers 434 Why do smokers smoke and vapers vape? 447
Nicotine enhances cognitive function 434 Smoking is a major health hazard and a cause of
premature death 450
Contents xiii

Behavioral and pharmacological strategies are Acute subjective and behavioral effects of caffeine
used to treat tobacco dependence 451 depend on dose and prior exposure 456

Caffeine 455 Caffeine consumption can enhance sports

performance 457
Background 455 Regular caffeine use leads to tolerance and
dependence 458
Basic Pharmacology of Caffeine 456
Caffeine and caffeine-containing beverages pose
Behavioral and Physiological Effects 456 health risks but also exert therapeutic benefits 459
Mechanisms of Action 460

14 Marijuana and the Cannabinoids 467

Background and History of Cannabis Acute Behavioral and Physiological Effects

and Marijuana 468 of Cannabinoids 480
Forms of cannabis and their chemical constituents 468 Cannabis consumption produces a dose-dependent
History of cannabis 468 state of intoxication 480
Marijuana use can lead to deficits in memory and
Basic Pharmacology of Marijuana 470 other cognitive processes 481
THC 470 Rewarding and reinforcing effects of cannabinoids
Cannabidiol 471 have been studied in both humans and animals 482

Mechanisms of Action 472 Cannabis Abuse and the Effects of Chronic Cannabis
Exposure 484
Cannabinoid effects are mediated by cannabinoid
receptors 472 Chronic use of cannabis can lead to the development
of a cannabis use disorder 485
Pharmacological and genetic studies reveal the
functional roles of cannabinoid receptors 473 Chronic cannabis use can lead to adverse behavioral,
neurobiological, and health effects 489
Endocannabinoids are cannabinoid receptor agonists
synthesized by the body 474 Box 14.1 Of Special Interest Beyond Cannabis:
The Rise of Synthetic Cannabinoids 495

15 Hallucinogens, PCP, and Ketamine 501

Hallucinogenic Drugs 502 Pharmacology of Hallucinogenic Drugs 507

Mescaline 502 Different hallucinogenic drugs vary in potency
and in their time course of action 507
Psilocybin 502 Hallucinogens produce a complex set of psychological
and physiological responses 508
Dimethyltryptamine and Related
Tryptamines 504 Most hallucinogenic drugs share a common
indoleamine or phenethylamine structure 509
LSD 504 Indoleamine and phenethylamine hallucinogens
Box 15.1 History of Pharmacology are 5-HT2A receptor agonists 510
The Discovery of LSD 505 Salvinorin A is a κ-opioid receptor agonist 511
NBOMes 506 The neural mechanisms underlying hallucinogenesis
are not yet fully understood 511
Salvinorin A 507 Hallucinogenic drug use leads to adverse effects
in some users 511
Can hallucinogenic drugs be used therapeutically? 513
xiv Contents

PCP and Ketamine 515 PCP and ketamine have significant abuse potential 517
Use of PCP, ketamine, or related drugs can cause a
Background and History 515 variety of adverse consequences 519
Pharmacology of PCP and Ketamine 516 Box 15.2 Pharmacology In Action Getting High on
Cough Syrup 520
PCP and ketamine produce a state of dissociation 516
Novel therapeutic applications have been proposed for
PCP and ketamine are noncompetitive antagonists of ketamine 522
NMDA receptors 517

16 Inhalants, GHB, and Anabolic–Androgenic Steroids 527

Inhalants 528 Medical and Recreational Uses of GHB 538

Background 528 GHB is used therapeutically for the treatment of
narcolepsy and alcoholism 538
Inhalants comprise a range of substances including
GHB has significant abuse potential when used
volatile solvents, fuels, halogenated hydrocarbons,
recreationally 539
anesthetics, and nitrites 528
Abused inhalants are rapidly absorbed and readily Anabolic–Androgenic Steroids 540
enter the brain 528
Background and History 541
These substances are particularly favored by children and
adolescents 529 Anabolic–androgenic steroids are structurally related to
testosterone 541
Behavioral and Neural Effects 530 Anabolic–androgenic steroids were developed to help build
Many inhalant effects are similar to alcohol muscle mass and enhance athletic performance 542
intoxication 530 Anabolic–androgenic steroids are currently taken by many
Chronic inhalant use can lead to tolerance and adolescent and adult men 543
dependence 530 Anabolic–androgenic steroids are taken in specific patterns
Rewarding and reinforcing effects have been and combinations 543
demonstrated in animals 530
Pharmacology of Anabolic–Androgenic
Inhalants have complex effects on central nervous
system (CNS) function and behavioral activity 531 Steroids 545
Health risks have been associated with inhalant abuse 532 Research is beginning to unravel the mechanism of action
of anabolic–androgenic steroids on muscle 545
Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate 534 Many adverse side effects are associated with anabolic–
androgenic steroid use 546
Background 534
Regular anabolic–androgenic steroid use causes
Behavioral and Neural Effects 535 dependence in some individuals 548
GHB produces behavioral sedation, intoxication, Box 16.1 Of Special Interest Anabolic–Androgenic
and learning deficits 535 Steroids and “Roid Rage” 549
GHB and its precursors have reinforcing properties 535 Testosterone has an important role in treating
hypogonadism 552
Effects of GHB are mediated by multiple mechanisms 536
Contents xv

17 Disorders of Anxiety and Impulsivity and the Drugs Used to

Treat These Disorders 559

Neurobiology of Anxiety 560 Drugs for Treating Anxiety, OCD, and PTSD 587
What is anxiety? 560 Barbiturates are the oldest sedative–hypnotics 588
The amygdala is important to emotion-processing Benzodiazepines are highly effective for anxiety
circuits 561 reduction 590
Multiple neurotransmitters mediate anxiety 564 Second-generation anxiolytics produce distinctive
Box 17.1 The Cutting Edge Neural Mechanism clinical effects 595
Responsible for High Tonic Cell Firing Mediating Antidepressants relieve anxiety and depression 596
Anxiety 566
Many novel approaches to treating anxiety are being
Genes and environment interact to determine the tendency developed 597
to express anxiety 574
The effects of early stress are dependent on timing 576
The effects of early stress vary with gender 577
Characteristics of Anxiety Disorders 579

18 Affective Disorders: Antidepressants and Mood Stabilizers 601

Characteristics of Affective Disorders 602 Neurobiological Models of Depression 615

Major depression damages the quality of life 602 Box 18.1 The Cutting Edge Epigenetic
In bipolar disorder moods alternate from mania to Modifications in Psychopathology and Treatment 618
depression 602 Therapies for Affective Disorders 621
Risk factors for mood disorders are biological and
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors are the oldest
environmental 604
antidepressant drugs 621
Animal Models of Affective Disorders 608 Tricyclic antidepressants block the reuptake of
Models of bipolar disorder 608 norepinephrine and serotonin 623
Second-generation antidepressants have different
Neurochemical Basis of Mood Disorders 610 side effects 624
Serotonin dysfunction contributes to mood disorders 611 Third-generation antidepressants have distinctive
Norepinephrine activity is altered by antidepressants 614 mechanisms of action 625
Norepinephrine and serotonin modulate one another 615 Drugs for treating bipolar disorder stabilize the highs
and the lows 628

19 Schizophrenia: Antipsychotic Drugs 633

Characteristics of Schizophrenia 634 Box 19.1 The Cutting Edge Epigenetic Modifications
and Risk for Schizophrenia 642
There is no defining cluster of schizophrenic
symptoms 634 Preclinical Models of Schizophrenia 646
Etiology of Schizophrenia 636 Box 19.2 Pharmacology In Action
The Prenatal Inflammation Model of Schizophrenia 648
Abnormalities of brain structure and function occur in
individuals with schizophrenia 636 Neurochemical Models of Schizophrenia 650
Genetic, environmental, and developmental factors Abnormal dopamine function contributes to
interact 639 schizophrenic symptoms 650
xvi Contents

The neurodevelopmental model integrates anatomical and Dopamine receptor antagonism is responsible for
neurochemical evidence 651 antipsychotic action 655
Glutamate and other neurotransmitters contribute to Side effects are directly related to neurochemical
symptoms 652 action 657
Classic Neuroleptics and Atypical Atypical antipsychotics are distinctive in several ways 660
Antipsychotics 650 Practical clinical trials help clinicians make decisions
about drugs 663
Phenothiazines and butyrophenones are classic
neuroleptics 654 There are renewed efforts to treat the cognitive
symptoms 664

20 Neurodegenerative Diseases 671

Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Box 20.1 The Cutting Edge Alzheimer’s Disease:
Disease 672 It’s all in your gut??? 684

Parkinson’s Disease 672 Other Major Neurodegenerative

Diseases 685
The clinical features of PD are primarily motor
related 672 Huntington’s Disease 685
Patients with Parkinson’s may also develop dementia 673 Symptoms 686
The primary pathology of PD is a loss of dopaminergic Only symptomatic treatments are available for HD;
neurons in the substantia nigra 673 none alter disease progression 686
Animal models of PD have strengths and limitations 676
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 687
Pharmacological treatments for PD are primarily
symptomatic, not disease altering 676 The symptoms and disease progression in ALS
are devastating 687
There are several unmet needs in PD diagnosis
and treatment 677 The loss of motor neurons in ALS is complicated
and poorly understood 687
Alzheimer’s Disease 678 Two medications exist that are approved for ALS
AD is defined by several pathological cellular treatment 688
disturbances 679
Multiple Sclerosis 688
There are several behavioral, health, and genetic
risk factors for AD 681 The symptoms of MS are variable and unpredictable 689
Alzheimer’s disease cannot be definitively diagnosed Diagnosis 689
until postmortem analysis 682 Causes of MS 690
Several different animal models contribute to our Treatments fall into several categories for MS
understanding of AD 683 and can be very effective 691
Symptomatic treatments are available, and several others Box 20.2 Pharmacology in Action Can We Repair
are under study for slowing disease progression 683 or Replace Myelin? 693

Glossary G-1
References R-1
Author Index AI-1
Subject Index SI-1
When we wrote the preface to the Second Edition of will become apparent that new medications for these
Psychopharmacology: Drugs, the Brain, and Behavior, we disorders are being introduced at a slower rate than
were struck by the many exciting developments in the expected, despite ongoing research that continues to
field and the remarkable rate of progress elucidating identify potential new molecular targets for pharma-
the underlying neurobiological mechanisms of psycho- cotherapy. For this reason, we must admit that excit-
active drug action. This has not changed over the 5 ing advances in understanding the basic structure and
years since the publication of that edition. The entire function of the nervous system have not yet led to sim-
field of neuroscience, including neuropsychopharma- ilar progress in treating, much less “curing,” disorders
cology, continues to be driven by technical advances. of this system. We came to the same conclusion when
Using optogenetics, neurobiologists can activate or writing the preface to the Second Edition, so it’s disap-
suppress anatomically and molecularly defined popu- pointing that the hoped-for surge in medication devel-
lations of nerve cells with amazing temporal precision. opment failed to occur during the intervening period.
Neuropharmacologists can visualize the 3-dimensional As before, this new edition of the text is complete-
structure of neurotransmitter receptors, enabling syn- ly updated to incorporate the latest research findings,
thetic chemists to design novel agonist or antagonist methodological advances, and novel drugs of abuse.
drugs with much greater selectivity than could have Regarding the latter, illicit drug labs in the United
been possible before. And huge projects like the Human States and abroad are working hard to turn out mas-
Connectome Project (www.humanconnectomeproject. sive amounts of recreational drugs, whether already
org) are using the most advanced neuroimaging tech- known compounds such as cocaine or fentanyl, or
niques to map the detailed circuitry of the living human novel synthetic compounds that can only be identi-
brain. Because of these technical innovations, we con- fied by submitting drug seizures to advanced forensic
tinue to add new information to Chapter 4, on Methods laboratories for chemical analysis. The national drug
of Research in Psychopharmacology. Readers may choose epidemic involving fentanyl, heroin, and other opioid
to go through the chapter in its entirety to familiarize compounds is discussed in Chapter 11. New and, in
themselves with all of the neuropharmacological and some cases, highly dangerous stimulant and cannabi-
behavioral methods reviewed, or they may choose to noid drugs are introduced in Chapters 12, 14, and 15
use the chapter as a reference source when they en- respectively. Most chapters have new opening vignettes
counter an unfamiliar method in one of the book’s later and breakout boxes, and new photographs, drawings,
chapters. and graphs have been added to bring attention both
Development and introduction of new pharma- to updated material and to completely new topic areas
ceutical compounds continues as well, although the for discussion.
emphasis has somewhat shifted away from the large Importantly, in preparing this next edition of the
pharmaceutical companies to a greater reliance on book we have maintained our conviction that a deep
drug discovery efforts by researchers at universities understanding of the relationship between drugs and
and medical centers. Statistics show that development behavior requires basic knowledge of how the nervous
of new drugs for CNS disorders (e.g., schizophrenia, system works and how different types of drugs interact
depression, and Alzheimer’s disease) costs more than with nervous system function (i.e., mechanisms of drug
for other kinds of disorders, and the failure rate is sig- action). We have also continued to present the methods
nificantly higher. These data have caused many of the and findings from behavioral pharmacological studies
large companies to downsize their CNS drug discovery using animal models alongside key studies from the
programs. As you read the chapters on drug addiction, human clinical research literature. Pharmacologists
mental disorders, and neurodegenerative disorders, it must depend on in vitro preparations and laboratory
xviii Preface

animal studies for determining mechanisms of drug systems most often associated with psychoactive drug
action, for screening new compounds for potential ther- effects, and presentation of their neurochemistry, anat-
apeutic activity, and, of course, for basic toxicology and omy, and function lays the groundwork for the chap-
safety testing. In cases in which clinical trials have al- ters that follow. Chapters 9 through 16 cover theories
ready been performed based on promising preclinical and mechanisms of drug addiction and all the major
results, both sets of findings are presented. In other substances of abuse. Finally, Chapters 17 through 20
instances in which clinical trials had not yet been un- consider the neurobiology of neuropsychiatric and neu-
dertaken at the time of our writing, we have striven to rodegenerative disorders and the drugs used to treat
point you toward new directions of drug development these disorders. Among the neuropsychiatric disor-
so that you can seek out the latest information using ders, special emphasis is placed on affective disorders
your own research efforts. such as major depression and bipolar disorder, various
A new point of emphasis in the text concerns neural anxiety disorders, and schizophrenia. Bulleted interim
circuits as mediators of behavior and as targets of drug summaries highlight the key points made in each part
action. As implied above in referring to the Human of the chapter. New to this edition, study questions are
Connectome Project, focusing on circuits instead of provided at the end of each chapter to assist students
cells as the nervous system’s functional units is the con- in reviewing the most important material. Finally, a
temporary way to think about how our brains control dedicated website for the book (
our actions, and how drugs, whether recreational or meyer-3e) is available that offers Web Boxes (advanced
medicinal, alter our subjective awareness and behavior. topics for interested readers), study resources such as
The Third Edition of Psychopharmacology: Drugs, the flashcards, web links, and animations that visually
Brain, and Behavior retains the same four-section orga- illustrate key neurophysiological and neurochemical
nization as the previous editions. Chapters 1 through 4 processes important for psychopharmacology.
provide extensive foundation materials, including the It has been our privilege in the first two editions
basic principles of pharmacology, neurophysiology of Psychopharmacology: Drugs, the Brain, and Behavior to
and neuroanatomy, cell signaling (primarily synaptic introduce so many students to the study of drugs and
transmission), and current methods in behavioral as- behavior. With this new and updated edition, we hope
sessment and neuropharmacology. An increased use to continue this tradition and perhaps inspire some of
of clinical examples demonstrates the relevance of the you to continue your studies in graduate school and
material to real-life issues. Chapters 5 through 8 de- join the thousands of researchers worldwide who are
scribe key features of major neurotransmitter systems, working to better understand and ultimately defeat ill-
including the catecholamines, serotonin, acetylcholine, nesses like addiction, depression, schizophrenia, and
glutamate, and GABA. These are the neurotransmitter Alzheimer’s disease.
Preface xix

Acknowledgments Henry Gorman, Austin College

Bill Griesar, Portland State University
This book is the culmination of the efforts of many Joshua Gulley, University of Illinois at Urbana-
dedicated people who contributed their ideas and hard Champaign
work to the project. We’d like to thank and acknowl- Matt Holahan, Carleton University
edge the outstanding editorial team at Sinauer Asso- Phillip Holmes, University of Georgia
ciates: Sydney Carroll, Martha Lorantos, and Danna Michael Kane, University of Pennsylvania
Lockwood, thank you all for your suggestions for Thomas Lanthorn, Sam Houston State University
improving the Third Edition, your help and guidance Lauren Liets, University of California, Davis
throughout the process of writing and revising, and not Ilyssa Loiacono, Queens College
least for your patience (textbook writing is a slow pro- Margaret Martinetti, The College of New Jersey
cess when one is simultaneously teaching, conducting Janice McMurray, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
research, and meeting administrative responsibilities). M. Foster, Olive Arizona State University
You were unwavering in your vision to produce the Robert Patrick, Brown University
best possible psychopharmacology textbook. Mark Sid- Anna Rissanen, Memorial University, Newfoundland
dall did a superb job of seeking out just the right photo- Margaret Ruddy, The College of New Jersey
graphs for the book. We are indebted to other key staff Jeffrey Rudski Muhlenberg College
members of Sinauer Associates who worked on this Lawrence Ryan Oregon State University
project, including Chris Small, Ann Chiara, and Joan Fred Shaffer Truman State University
Gemme. And we must acknowledge Dragonfly Media Evan Zucker Loyola University
Group for the beautiful job rendering the illustrations.
The following reviewers contributed many excel- Most of all, we are indebted to our spouses, Melinda
lent suggestions for improving the book: Novak and Ray Rosati, who supported and encouraged
us and who willingly sacrificed so much of our time
Joel Alexander, Western Oregon University together during this lengthy project. Linda gives special
Sage Andrew, University of Missouri thanks to her husband Ray for providing extensive ed-
Susan Barron, University of Kentucky itorial advice during the final production period.
Ethan Block, University of Pittsburgh
Kirstein Cheryl, University of South Florida
Matt Clasen, American University
Patricia DiCiano, The Centre for Addiction and
Mental Health and Seneca College
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Drugs, the Brain, and Behavior

Maggot therapy can be used to clean wounds and prevent infection.

(PA Images/Alamy Stock Photo.)
Principles of Pharmacology
Hopkins University, where he established the orthopedic department and
led it for most of his life, training many of the outstanding orthopedists of
the day. During World War I Baer observed that soldiers who had severe
and deep flesh wounds did not have the fever associated with infection
and showed little of the expected necrotic (dead) tissue damage if there
was a significant presence of maggots (fly larvae) in the wounds. Although
it had been believed that early peoples (Australian aborigines and Mayan
Indian tribes) and others throughout history had used maggots to clean
wounds, it was Baer who once again recognized their importance, espe-
cially in tense battlefield conditions where infection was especially hard to
treat. Apparently the maggots ingested the dying tissue but left healthy
tissue intact. Baer, upon doing further “pharmacological” experiments,
showed that his hospitalized patients with severe and chronic bone infec-
tions showed remarkable recovery after being treated with maggots—the
inflamed and dying tissue was ingested, leaving wounds clean and healthy,
and new tissue formed. As long as the maggots were sterilized, secondary
infections were avoided. After his research, “maggot therapy” became
popular and was used throughout the 1930s and 1940s until penicillin was
established as an easier treatment for infection. However, it has been sug-
gested that in modern times, maggot therapy will be reintroduced to treat
those wounds infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Presently in the
European Union, Japan, and Canada, maggots are considered “medicinal
drugs,” and in 2005 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the
use of maggots as a medical “device.”
What actually causes the amazing healing process is not entirely clear,
but pharmacologists are beginning to understand that maggot secretions
suppress the immune system and reduce inflammation, and they may also
enhance cell growth and increase oxygen concentration in the wound.
This is certainly not the first time pharmacology has returned to earlier
forms of therapeutics, but the science now can isolate and identify those
components that lead to healing. n
4 Chapter 1

Pharmacology: to dilate the pupil of the eye before eye examinations.

Atropine has a site of action (the eye muscles of the iris)
The Science of Drug Action that is close to the site of its ultimate effect (widening
Pharmacology is the scientific study of the actions of the pupil), so it is administered directly to the eye. In
drugs and their effects on a living organism. Until the comparison, morphine applied to the eye itself has no
beginning of the last century, pharmacologists stud- effect. Yet when it is taken internally, the drug’s action
ied drugs that were almost all naturally occurring sub- on the brain leads to “pinpoint” pupils. Clearly, for
stances. The importance of plants in the lives of ancient morphine, the site of effect is far distant from the site
humans is well documented. Writings from as early as of its initial action.
1500 bce describe plant-based medicines used in Egypt Keep in mind that because drugs act at a vari-
and in India. The Ebers Papyrus describes the prepa- ety of target sites, they always have multiple effects.
ration and use of more than 700 remedies for ailments Some may be therapeutic effects, meaning that the
as varied as crocodile bites, baldness, constipation, drug–receptor interaction produces desired physical
headache, and heart disease. Of course, many of these or behavioral changes. All other effects produced are
treatments included elements of magic and incantation, referred to as side effects, and they vary in severity
but there are also references to some modern drugs from mildly annoying to distressing and dangerous.
such as castor oil and opium. The Chinese also have a For example, amphetamine-like drugs produce alert-
very long and extensive tradition in the use of herbal ness and insomnia, increased heart rate, and decreased
remedies that continues today. World Health Organi- appetite. Drugs in this class reduce the occurrence of
zation estimates suggest that in modern times, as many spontaneous sleep episodes characteristic of the disor-
as 80% of the people in developing countries are totally der called narcolepsy, but they produce anorexia (loss
dependent on herbs or plant-derived medicinals. And of appetite) as the primary side effect. In contrast, the
in 1999, in the United States, modern herbal medicines same drug may be used as a prescription diet control
and drugs based on natural products represented half in weight-reduction programs. In such cases, insomnia
of the top 20 drugs on the market (Hollinger, 2008). and hyperactivity are frequently disturbing side effects.
Many Americans are enamored with herbal medica- Thus therapeutic and side effects can change, depend-
tions despite limited clinical support for their effective- ing on the desired outcome.
ness, because they believe these treatments are more It is important to keep in mind that there are no
“natural.” Nevertheless, serious dangers have been “good” or “bad” drugs, because all drugs are just chem-
associated with some of them. Web Box 1.1 discusses icals. It is the way a drug is procured and used that de-
the benefits and dangers of herbal remedies. termines its character. Society tends to think of “good”
When placed in historical context, it can be seen drugs as those purchased at a pharmacy and taken at
that drug development in the United States is in its in- the appropriate dosage for a particular medicinal pur-
fancy. The rapid introduction of many new drugs by the pose, and “bad” drugs as those acquired in an illicit
pharmaceutical industry has forced the development of fashion and taken recreationally to achieve a desired
several specialized areas of pharmacology. Two of these psychological state. Even with this categorization, the
areas are of particular interest to us. Neuropharma- differences are blurred because many people consider
cology is concerned with drug-induced changes in the alcohol to be “bad” even though it is purchased legally.
functioning of cells in the nervous system, and psycho- Morphine and cocaine have legitimate medicinal uses,
pharmacology emphasizes drug-induced changes in making them “good drugs” under some conditions,
mood, thinking, and behavior. In combination, the goal although they can, when misused, lead to dangerous
of neuropsychopharmacology is to identify chemi- consequences and addiction, making the same drugs
cal substances that act on the nervous system to alter “bad.” Finally, many “good” prescription drugs are ac-
behavior that is disturbed because of injury, disease, or quired illicitly or are misused by increasing the dose,
environmental factors. Additionally, neuropsychophar- prolonging use, or sharing the drug with other indi-
macologists are interested in using chemical agents as viduals, leading to “bad” outcomes. As you will read
probes to gain an understanding of the neurobiology in later chapters, the ideas of Americans about appro-
of behavior. priate drug use have changed dramatically over time
When we speak of drug action, we are referring (see the sections on the history of the use of narcotics
to the specific molecular changes produced by a drug in Chapter 11 and cocaine in Chapter 12).
when it binds to a particular target site or receptor. Many of the drug effects we have described so far
These molecular changes lead to more widespread al- have been specific drug effects , defined as those
terations in physiological or psychological functions, based on the physical and biochemical interactions of
which we consider drug effects. The site of drug ac- a drug with a target site in living tissue. In contrast,
tion may be very different from the site of drug effect. nonspecific drug effects are those that are based not
For example, atropine is a drug used in ophthalmology on the chemical activity of a drug–receptor interaction,
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across the clouds like spears of fire threatening revenge. The stone
has remained to the present day, and is known by the name of
“Koreno kardjo (dog) gambi” (stone).


The “Tjilbakuta” of the great emu ceremony, Arunndta tribe.

“The moment the sacred object is completed, the Illiyakuta delegates
one of his group to act as its attendant or guardian.”

The snake is an important character in the mythology of practically

every tribe of Australia; in fact most of the permanent water-holes
are supposed to be inhabited by great serpents which guard the
supplies, destroy unlawful consumers or polluters thereof, and
frequently communicate with those spirit ancestors of the tribes who
are descended from the original snake-man still living in the sky. In
many cases the mythic snakes can be recognized in some
characteristic features of the landscape. Take, for instance, the great
artesian spring near Coward Springs Station which is known as
Blanche Cup. This is looked upon as the mouth of a snake, while the
hill immediately at the back of it (Mt. Hamilton) is its head. In
consequence the formation is called “Worma-Kadiabba” (snake’s
head) by the local Arrabonna tribe. The natives have a dread of
these imaginary snake-monsters and prefer not to visit a water-hole
at night; in fact, at any time, day or night, they feel safer in the
company of a man who is “related” to the snake, because he can
protect them and give them the right of approach. The snake is
possessed of evil and will molest any but its totemic “relatives.”
The fundamental conception of the kobong (or totem), so far as
the Australian aboriginal is concerned, is of a religious nature. In the
beginning of all things, the Aluridja say a number of exalted
creatures of human form came out of the earth and were gracious to
their tribes-people. Then appeared a menace in the shape of a
gigantic dog which chased the good people from one place to
another, until they decided to adopt the forms of various animals and
plants, and thereby became either too fleet for the dog or were not
recognized by it. Other good people now descended from the hills
and drove the dog back to its hiding place in a cave where the evil
spirit dwells. The newcomers kindled a fire at the mouth of the cave
and kept the evil beings in captivity whilst the original Deities re-
assumed the human form. Ever after, however, these good creatures
were able to alter their appearance from human to animal at will; but
each individual in his choice adhered to the particular animal or plant
which had saved him from the ravages of the great evil dog.
Eventually they formed themselves into flat slabs of stone or wood,
upon the surfaces of which they scratched the emblems of their
animal representation and the traditions of their long wanderings on
earth. The spirits of these Deities now live in the sky but can return
at any time to re-enter the slab generally known as the “tjuringa.”
Among the Minning at Eucla the larger of these objects are known as
“wagal-wagal,” the smaller as “bobi,” whilst further west, in the
Laverton district, “kaidi” is the prevailing word. It is true, the tjuringa
is not known to all tribes; in which case the Deities are supposed to
have entered such natural objects as rocks, hills, and conspicuous
The Roper River natives believe that their deified forbears were
molested not by a dog, but by a hideous old woman or witch, who,
by the influence of evil, entrapped them and subsequently ate them.
On one occasion, however, a party of warriors were successful in
decoying her away from her haunts and slaying her. The jubilant
victors decided to cut out the old woman’s tongue as a trophy, but as
they were thus engaged, the tongue flew out of the mouth and spun
round in the atmosphere above them, making a terrible noise as it
did so. The men chased the tongue, but it flew towards a beefwood
tree and embedded itself deeply in the butt; in vain they looked for it
and tried to cut it out; it had become part of the tree. Before
returning, however, the men took a piece of wood out of the tree,
shaped like the woman’s tongue, which they tied to a piece of human
hair-string and swung round their heads with joy. Behold their mixed
feelings of delight and fear when the piece of wood began to howl
with a voice like that of the slain witch! The tribe retained that piece
of wood as a sacred memento of their victory, and they gave to it the
name the witch was known by, namely “Kunapippi.” Nowadays this
object is the equivalent of the central Australian tjuringa.
All tribes recognize the existence of deified ancestors, now real or
spiritual, whom they regard as sacred and worship accordingly. All
ancestors stand in a definite, intricate, and intimate relationship to
some animal, plant, water-hole, or other natural object which they
have at some time or other represented; some indeed in the first
place appeared as animals and later took the human form. They are
now looked upon as being those powers who by virtue of sacred
ceremonial can produce the species they have at some time
incarnated, in plenty or allow it to proliferate. As a matter of fact,
some of the sorcerers of the tribes often declare that they can see
the inside of a sacred rock or tjuringa teeming with young, ready to
be produced.
The Arunndta refer to their “Knaninja” (i.e. “totem” Deities) as
“Altjerrajara,” meaning the Supreme Number; the Aluridja as
“Tukurata” or “Tukutita”; and the Dieri as “Muramura.”
Just as the “totem” ancestor is connected with an animal, plant, or
other natural object, and is embodied in the sacred form of the
tjuringa, so the individual who traces his descent from such ancestor
recognizes a close and mysterious affinity between himself and the
tjuringa which has become his by heredity; henceforth it becomes his
sacred talisman which protects him from evil and procures for him
the means of maintaining his existence.
The emblematic representation of the deified ancestor, based
upon the form of an animal or plant living to-day and in some way
“connected” with the individual, is the “kobong” of the north-western
tribes first referred to by Sir George Grey.
The “totem” is very dear and sacred to the native, and is religiously
protected by him. I well remember on one occasion on the Alberga
River I discovered a small black and yellow banded snake which I
killed. An Aluridja man who was attached to the party at the time was
greatly shocked at this, and, with genuine sorrow, told me that I had
killed his “brother.” Turning to an Arunndta he lamented aloud:
“Kornye! Nanni kallye nuka kalla illum,” which literally translated
means: “Oh dear! This brother of mine is dead.”
One thing is always essential and that is that a native performs
frequent, prolonged, and reverential ceremonies, remote from the
women and children, and in the presence of his tjuringa. Under these
conditions the tjuringa is believed to have powers similar to those of
the Deity it embodies.
When not in use, the tjuringas are stored in caves, the entrances
to which are small and not easily discernible; the ground is
proclaimed taboo to any but initiated tjuringa holders and is strictly
regarded as a sanctum sanctorum. Although the sticks and stones
are the individual property of the tribesmen, the objects are generally
kept together, and only brought out during a religious ceremony. The
old men are the authorized custodians of the sacred collection. The
female tjuringas are included, because even though a woman may
possess one, she must never see it; if she does, accidentally or
otherwise, she is in imminent danger of being killed. No unauthorized
hunter is allowed near the prohibited area under any pretext at all;
even if an animal he has wounded should by accident make for the
sacred ground to breathe its last, the hunter is required by tribal law
and usage to sacrifice it to the divine factors incorporated in the
tjuringa, by leaving it on the spot.

Flashlight photograph of “Illiya Tjuringa” or great emu ceremony, Arunndta


“The chief emu man is distinguished by an extra large head-dress called the
‘Illiya Altjerra Kuta.’...”
When on the warpath, a warrior always craves to carry his tjuringa
with him, even though this is not always possible. He firmly believes
that with the talisman kept on his person, or at any rate knowing that
it is nearby, no deadly missile thrown by an enemy will penetrate his
body. The mere knowledge of the fact that his opponent has a
tjuringa with him, and he not, is sufficient to make a coward of the
bravest fighter. Should he be wounded or take ill, one of his “totem-
brothers” endeavours to produce a tjuringa, from which, if the
medicine man considers it necessary, a little powder is scraped and
handed to the patient to swallow with water.
With regard to “totem” animals which form the objects of hunting
expeditions, a man is allowed to kill and eat thereof with some
restriction. He must kill only one animal at a time, and only in
accordance with the method prescribed by the tribal fathers and
handed down to them by tradition. This is usually a straightforward
hunting method, with as little loss of blood as possible. If much blood
should flow, the hunter is obliged to cover it without delay with sand.
If possible, other men should cut up the carcase, and only certain
portions be handed to the “brother” of the slain animal.
Each tribe has an endless variety of objects (animal, vegetable,
terrestrial, meteoric, mythic, and so forth), which may figure as a
“totem.” Any one of these may be the primary motive of a separate
cult or sacred ceremony, but here again the variety is usually
reduced to the number corresponding to the most sanctimonious and
most useful creations affecting the affairs of the particular tribe.
The ceremonies take the form of either a direct worship or a
prayer for increased productivity of a certain plant or animal, either
being offered to the Knaninja or “totem” ancestors living as spirits in
the sky. Usually the two ideas are embodied in one grand ceremony,
and the method of procedure is governed by tradition. Such
ceremonies have been particularly elaborated by the Arunndta tribe,
who refer to them by the same name as that of the sacred object,
namely “Tjuringa”; less frequently they call them “Intitjuma,” the latter
name being applied more to ceremonies without worship.
The Tjuringa ceremonies are divided into grades according to their
importance and sacredness. The water ceremony is ordinarily called
“Kwatje Tjuringa,” but if the “totem” spirit ancestor is invoked to
attend, it goes by the name of “Kwatje Tjuringa Knaninja”; if the
principal spirit ancestor is assumed to be present, the title becomes
“Kwatje Tjuringa Knaninja Knurrendora”; and finally the most sacred
water ceremony of all is the “Kwatje Tjuringa Altjerra Knaninja
As a typical illustration we shall discuss the “Illiya Tjuringa” or
Great Emu Ceremony of the eastern Arunndta groups. The date of
the performance is decided by the senior emu “brother” of the tribe,
the oldest member who claims to be related to the Illiya Knaninja.
Somewhat extensive preparations are made beginning a few days
prior to the opening event. Only fully initiated men take part, but the
women are allowed to witness certain of the most awe-inspiring
stages from a distance. Whilst the younger men are out collecting
leaves, out of which they make the down later to adorn the bodies of
the performers, the older men prepare the sacred ground. Others
slay a number of brown hawks, off which they pull the feathers and
then pluck the down. A suitable site having been selected, the old
men clear it by removing all grass and bush from the surface and
smoothing the sand with their feet. The “brothers” who claim
relationship alike to the great Emu-Man, the Emu-Knaninja, and the
emu itself, thereupon proceed to anoint the sacred ground with their
blood, for which purpose they puncture the median basilic vein of the
forearm with a quartzite chip and allow the fluid of kinship to sprinkle
upon the sand. It is surprising to see the amount of blood sacrificed
by the men on occasions like this; and time after time, when such is
required, the process is repeated. By examining the forearms of an
old stager, one can usually count a number of small scars along the
course of a vein indicating places where a perforation has at different
times been made. A venesection is made after much the same
manner among the various tribes.
The following Arunndta method will serve as an example. A
ligature of hair-string is in the first place tied tightly round the upper
arm, a little above the biceps muscle, after the style of a tourniquet to
check the flow of blood in the veins and thereby distend the vessels.
The man then makes a small longitudinal cut through the skin and
punctures the vein beneath it lengthwise; the blood spurts forth
immediately and is collected in the handle-pit of a shield. When the
flow is to be stopped, the native removes the ligature, and this in
most cases is all that is needed. Should, however, the blood
continue to come, he places a small amount of down over the
incision and presses it against the vein, or winds three or four
strands of fur-string around it. The little pad of down is usually left on
the arm until it dries and falls off. None of the women are allowed to
witness this operation, which is called “Ilgarukna.” The blood, when it
is to be used as an adhesive for the down-decoration, is applied with
a small brush (“ipinja”) made of twigs tied together with fur-string.
Vide Plate XXXIII.
The principal among the emu group is called “Illiyakuta,” and it is
he who directs the performance. He takes his followers to a secluded
place, such as a clump of timber or down a creek-bed, and there the
wooden tjuringas belonging to the ceremony are produced and
painted afresh with red ochre and emu fat.
Down is made out of the white, felty leaves and twigs of Kochia
bush, which the Arunndta call “kemba.” Small quantities of these are
placed upon a flat slab of stone and pounded with a pebble. The
fluffy material which results is next mixed and rubbed by hand with
powdered kaolin or ochre according to the colour required, the white
being known as “wadua,” the red as “wanjerra.”
A sacred object is now constructed which encloses the painted
tjuringas and is called the “Tjilbakuta.” It is about three feet high and
is made in the following way. The tjuringas are laid one on top of the
other and bound together with many lengths of human hair-string,
which completely obscure the shape of the separate pieces. A thick
layer of the stalks of the kangaroo grass (Anthistiria) is laid around
the parcel and kept in position with a few lengths of twine, and then
the whole structure is covered with great masses of human hair-
string wound spirally from top to bottom. A cylinder results which is
decorated with alternate vertical bands of red and white vegetable
down. Into the top of this Tjilbakuta one bundle of emu feathers and
one of black cockatoo tail-feathers are stuck; and often additional
plumes are hung beneath them. The moment the sacred object is
completed, the Illiyakuta delegates one of his group to act as its
attendant or guardian. For the time being his body is decorated with
symmetrically placed, curved ochre bands upon the chest and
vertical bands down the arms; at a later stage he ornaments his
body more elaborately, prior to taking part in the principal
performance; but all the time he remains in his place of hiding beside
the Tjilbakuta. Vide Plate XXXIV.
At the sanctified place close by the other men have been stacking
firewood at different points to illuminate the proceedings during the
evening. Occasionally, too, the Illiyakuta group of men cover a
portion of the ground with a coloured emblem of the traditional emu.
Early in the afternoon of the festive day the men who will take part
in the ceremony at night begin to prepare themselves. Many of the
non-performers help them.
Large quantities of down, both vegetable and birds’, are used to
decorate the bodies. The design is shaped much like a cobbler’s
apron, extending from the neck down the front to the level of the
knees. The greater part of this surface is red, but it is lined with white
and split along the centre by two parallel lines of white. The back is
not decorated at all. The entire surface of the face, including the eye-
lids and beard, is thickly covered with down which is white, except
for an oval red patch around the mouth.
The principal attraction, however, of the sacred emu ceremony is
the head-dress, which is both elaborate and imposing. To prepare it,
the attendant combs back the actor’s hair with his fingers, and
interlaces it with stalks of grass and small twigs in such a way that a
tall conical structure results right on top of the head. This is made
secure and of a uniform exterior by winding much human hair-string
around it, at the same time taking in a plume of emu feathers at the
apex of the cone. The headgear is completely enveloped in red and
white down, extending upwards from the head as alternate vertical
bands. The chief emu-man is distinguished by an extra large
headdress called the “Illiya Altjerra Kuta”; this measures a good
three feet in length, and it embodies, between the apex and the emu
plume, deeply enshrouded with hair-string and down, the sacred
“Illiya Tjuringa.” Other members who are of the same rank as the
“Tjilbakuta” guardian, wear their insignia beneath the emu feathers in
the form of a sickle-shaped rod, which carries at each of its points a
tuft of white cockatoo feathers. All performers cover their person with
a dog-tail appendage which hangs from a thin waistband of human
hair-string. And lastly, they all tie bundles of eucalyptus twigs, with
the leaves attached, to their legs just above the ankles. If possible,
old or half-dried leaves are selected in order that a more pronounced
rustling is produced when the men move about; the noise is made to
imitate the rustle of the wiry feathers of an emu. Vide Plate XXXV.
At nightfall the Tjilbakuta is removed from the hiding place and
planted on the edge of the ensanguined patch. The guardian is thus
given an opportunity to slip away and to attend to his ceremonial
toilet, which is similar to that of the rest of the Tjilbakuta group. When
he returns, the performance is about to begin, and all except he
leave the ground.
The stacks of wood are set fire to by invisible hands, and, so soon
as the flames flare upwards, the silence is broken by the booming
note of a bull-roarer, which is produced some distance off in the
The Tjilbakuta guardian sits beside the object like a statue, with
his eyes rivetted to the ground immediately in front of him. From
behind him the thud of stamping feet and the rustle of dry leaves
announce the coming of the official performers, while from the other
side the non-performing members step from the darkness and take
up their position by squatting between two fires. When the decorated
men come into view, the latter start beating their boomerangs
together in perfect time to the stamping of the feet of the advancing
actors. They come as a body of five or six rows, one behind the
other, each man holding his hands locked behind his back and
uttering a deep guttural note resembling a pig’s grunt. The folded
hands held over the stern represent the tail, the guttural noise the
call of the emu.
The Illiyakuta, wearing the tall Illiya Altjerra Kuta, is in the front
row, and he is attended on either side by a Tjilbakuta man. The chief
now starts a chant: “Immara janki darrai,” and all the others,
including the sitting men, join in; the same is repeated several times.
When the two parties are opposite each other, the performers
quicken the pace of their stamping and extend their arms sideways,
thereby widening their ranks. After this they retreat to behind the
Tjilbakuta and one hears a shrill chirping note resembling the cry of a
young emu.
The interpretation of this act needs no special elucidation. The
decorated performers are those of the tribe’s manhood who, in all
matters pertaining to the emu, have a right to communicate, through
the Tjilbakuta, with the astral emu ancestor living in the great
celestial domain of the ancestral spirits, which is known as
“Altjerringa.” They are invoking the benign Knaninja or originator of
their particular “totem” species to increase the numbers of emu on
earth for the exclusive benefit of their tribe. It is the Illiyakuta who
imagines that he receives the favourable response from above, and,
when it comes, it is he who imitates the cry of a young emu. It often
happens, however, that the chief persuades himself to believe that
the Great Spirit had not heeded the appeal, in which case the last-
mentioned cry is wanting. The ceremony is repeated time after time.
Altjerringa, it will be observed, is a compound word consisting of
“Altjerra,” the Supreme Spirit, and “inga,” a foot or trail. The implied
idea is that Altjerringa is the “walk-about” of the spirit ancestors,
where they walk, and have always walked, and where the spirits of
all tribes-people eventually hope to find their way.
After this act, the performance becomes less restrained and takes
more the form of a corrobboree. Some of the men seize firebrands
from the burning stacks and hurl them in the direction of the
women’s camp. From the moment of the sounding of the bull-roarer
at the beginning of the ceremony until now the women sat huddled
together, with their faces buried in their hands, thoroughly cowed by
the portentous happenings. When the firebrands come whizzing
through the air and crash into the branches of the trees around them,
sending sparks flying in all directions, they are almost beyond
themselves with fear. But just at this juncture the men call upon them
to look towards the festive ground and behold them dancing. In
obedience to the order, the women’s fears are dispelled and soon
superseded by a noticeable enravishment. They feast their eyes
upon the array of manhood in gala dress, and it is not long ere they
pick up the rhythm of a dance by beating time to the step. Provided
the Tjilbakuta has been removed to a place of secrecy, well out of
reach of accidental discovery, the men entreat the women to come
up and join in the song. Thus the sublime is eventually reduced to
commonplace, and the remainder of the night passes in joviality.
To refer briefly to a vegetable ceremony, we shall select the yam
or “Ladjia Tjuringa Knaninja.” The preparations are much the same
as those of the emu ceremony. An enclosure is first made in a
secluded spot with branches, in the centre of which the “totem” or
Knaninja “stick” is erected. Several men immediately set about to
decorate it with vegetable down as previously described. The design
in this case consists of vertical rows of red circles upon a yellow
ochre background. In addition, a large plume of split eagle-hawk
feathers is stuck into the top of the stick. All ordinary performers
wear conical head-gears or “tdela” made of Cassia twigs, into the
apices of which tightly bound bundles of grass stalks (“gortara”) are
fixed carrying plumes of emu feathers (“mangalingala”) (Plate
XXXVI, 1). Other men have squat, cylindrical bark structures called
“elbola” placed over their heads, which are elaborately decorated
with vertical coils of human hair-string and coloured down.
One of the principal actors represents the “Kuta Knaninja.” His
head-gear consists of two long kutturu, tied together with hair-string
and completely covered with gum leaves, the whole being
subsequently besmeared with blood and decorated with coloured
down. As the assistants are dressing this character, they keep up a
chant sounding like “Winni kutcherai.” Vide Plate XXXVI, 2.
The leading figure is the “Ingada Ladjia Knaninja,” who wears a tall
vertical head-piece which contains the tjuringa of the Ladjia
Knaninja. The tjuringa is, however, not visible, but is covered with
pieces of bark, securely tied over it with hair-string, the whole being
richly decorated with vertical bands of red and white down.
The Great Spirit of the Yam, called “Knaninja Tjilba Ladjia,” when
he leaves Altjerringa, takes up his abode in a cave near Mount
Conway, where the tjuringas are kept, but at night, before the fires
are lit, he is supposed to come to the ceremonial ground and occupy
the decorated “totem” stick described above. During the performance
he is surrounded by all the ordinary performers, who are known as
“Tjilba Ingarrega,” and are directly under the guidance of the Ingada
and Kuta Knaninja.
A group of men who are not decorated sit near one of the fires and
sing while the performers are thus encircling the Ladjia stick:

“Imbanai yinga
Wi ma bana Ladji di bana
Yammana wi ma bana
Jai ra ja ja
Jai ja ja na
Wi ba na na
De a re a ja betja,”

the voices finally fading away to an almost inaudible whisper.

If the Great Spirit, Ladjia Altjerra Knaninja, is gracious, the tap-root
of the yam will be sent deep down into the earth near the Jay River
and from there spread its laterals all over the country to supply the
needs of the tribe.
When some of the most sacred ceremonies are performed, the
oldest “relatives” of the presiding Knaninja often construct a coloured
drawing upon the consecrated ground, whose purpose is similar to
that of the “totem” stick above described. The drawing is executed in
coloured down, both vegetable and bird. A space of suitable size,
often measuring many feet in length, is cleared of grass and stones,
and sprinkled with water, when it is ready to receive the down. In the
case of, say, the “Ladjia Tjuringa,” the design takes the form of a
number of concentric circles alternately red and white, from the
outermost of which six equally spaced groups of red and white lines
stand out radially. The enclosing border of the design consists
entirely of white down. Vide Plate XXXVII.
Once constructed, this drawing, which is known as “Etominja,” is
zealously guarded by one of the old men. If, peradventure, an
unauthorized person happens upon the sanctified place, he is killed
and buried immediately beneath the spot occupied by the design;
thereupon the ground is smoothed again and the Etominja re-
constructed. Nobody in camp ever hears what became of the
person, and should any relative track him in the direction of the area
known to be tabooed, he is horror-stricken and runs away.
While the old men are re-constructing the Etominja, they sing to
the Knaninja as follows:

Dakarai pa ma taka,
Pa mitu min jai, jin tarai,
Ja ra nai malgada, ja ranai.”

The next, and probably the most important, group of religious

ceremonies is that dealing with Sex-Worship. For years past
peculiarly shaped stones have been found in caves and among the
possessions of the Australian aborigines whose shape was strikingly
suggestive of a phallus, but hitherto no actual phallic ceremonies
have been observed. It was my good fortune to witness such among
the Aluridja, Arunndta, Dieri, and Cambridge Gulf tribes. From
enquiries made of the old men, it appears that in former days this
form of worship was practised considerably more than it is
nowadays. New stone phallus are rarely made by the present tribes;
those in their possession have generally been inherited from
previous generations. The old men have the phallus in their keeping,
and they are very loth to either produce or part with them.
The natives of the King Sound district in the north-west believe the
origin of the phallus to be as follows: In the early times a scourge
was raging among their forefathers, from the effects of which many
were daily dying, when a hairy man and his mate, a woman of
ordinary human form, came to earth from above. The evil was due to
the exhalation of poisonous breath from the gaping jaws of a green
monster resembling a crocodile. The stranger relieved the sufferers
from the awful curse by showing them how to perform an operation
upon their person which taught them to endure pain and protected
them against future ravages of the pestilence. This great and
benevolent stranger then took his departure, but left his name to
designate the surgical operation which to the present day is
performed upon the male members of the tribe; the name, strange
though it may seem, is “Elaija”; and it is known, at any rate, as far
east as Port George IV. But the tribe had become so weak through
the terrible havoc the disease had wrought that the old men called
him back and entreated him to stay. Elaija, however, took from a
dillybag his female companion was carrying, a stone carved after the
shape of a mutilated member, which he gave the name of
“Kadabba.” When the old men gazed upon this object, they took
fright and appealed to Elaija, but the good fellow had vanished. The
stone has remained with the tribe ever since, and through the divine
property Elaija endowed it with, their threatened extinction was
eluded. Moreover, they continued to practise the operation on all
young men because it made their members like the Kadabba of
Elaija, which they knew had the power of multiplying their kind. And
so the Kadabba became a sacred object whose procreative power
they have learned to worship, thinking that by such observance they
would augment their own capacities of sex. Vide Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Stone phallus, Northern Kimberleys, Western Australia (× 1/2).

One often reads, and I was under the same impression myself
until I became better acquainted with the tribes, that the Australian
natives do not connect the knowledge of conception with any
intercourse which might have taken place between the sexes. This I
find is not altogether correct, although usually the younger people
are kept in complete ignorance on the subject. No doubt strangers
are treated similarly when they put any pertinent questions to the old
men on matters of sex. The old men believe in the duality of human
creation, the spiritual and the material; sexuality is regarded as the
stimulus of corporeal reproduction, but the spirit quantity is derived
through mystic and abstract influences controlled by a “totem”-spirit
or Knaninja. Under these circumstances, it is not surprising to note
that the ceremonies of the phallus are transacted principally by the
old men of the tribe who aim at the rejuvenation of their waning
It is interesting to see the old men preparing for a ceremony which
is to be dedicated to a Knaninja or Spirit of Sex, because they all
endeavour to conceal the white hairs of their beards by rubbing
powdered charcoal into them. The bark of the cork tree (Hakea) is
used for the purpose; pieces of it are charred, crushed between the
palms, and applied where needed. It is astounding what a difference
this process makes to the appearance, and some of the old grey-
beards really look as though they had been made twenty years
younger by magic.
In the eastern MacDonnell Ranges stands a cylindro-conical
monolith whose origin is believed to be as follows: Many generations
ago, the paternal ancestors of the Arunndta walked from a district
situated, as near as one can gather, somewhere in the
neighbourhood of Ediowie; they were known as the “Kukadja,” and
were characterized by the enormous dimensions of their organs.
These old men or Tjilba of the tribe migrated northwards to beyond
Tennant’s Creek and settled in the productive “Allaia” country which
surrounds the Victoria River. In that same district one finds, even at
the present day, cave drawings of human beings with the anatomical
peculiarities referred to (Fig. 8). At a later time, the head-man of the
Kukadja, named “Knurriga Tjilba,” returned southwards to the
Macdonnell Ranges. While roaming the hills, he espied two young
women sitting on the side of a quartzite cliff, and without deliberation
began to approach them. He was in the act of making lewd overtures
when the guardian of the girls, a crow ancestor, caught sight of him
and hurled a boomerang at him. The missile struck the great man
and cut off the prominent portion of his body, which in falling stuck
erect in the ground. The force of the impact was so great that the
man bounced off the earth and fell somewhere near Barrow’s Creek.
He bled so profusely that a clay-pan soon filled with his blood. Thus
his followers found him, and overcome with sorrow they opened the
veins of their arms to mix their blood with his. Then all the members
of the party jumped into the pool and disappeared for ever.
Fig. 8. Ochre drawing of “Kukadja” men, north of Wickham River, Northern
Territory (× 1/3).

The severed portion of the old man’s body, however, remained just
where it fell and turned to stone. It has long been known as “Knurriga
Tjilba Purra.”
The two young women can also still be detected in the cliff as
prominent rock formations.
The stone has been protected by the tribe as long as the old men
can remember, because they realize that it contains an inexhaustible
number of unborn tribes-people. These mythic, foetal elements are
generally recognized to exist in certain objects of phallic significance,
and are called “rattappa.” The medicine men maintain that they can
at times see the dormant living matter in the stone. It is on that
account that it is regarded as sacred, and every now and then very
secret and worshipful ceremonies are transacted near its base, the
main objects of which are to multiply the future membership of the
tribe and to preserve the sexual powers of the old men.
The Tjilba Purra naturally figures prominently in some of their
ceremonies. In fact, it is reproduced and worn upon the head of the
leading man during the functions. The sacred effigy consists of an
upright column, about two feet high, composed of a stout bundle of
grass stalks, in the centre of which the tjuringa is contained. It is
decorated with alternating bands of red and white down throughout
its length. This upright column represents the “Tjilba” or revered
ancestor whose spirit is invoked to “sit” in the tjuringa; at the top of it
a plume of wiry emu feathers, well powdered with charcoal (“unjia”)
to give it a youthful appearance, takes the place of the forbear’s hair
and beard. Standing at an angle with the central column, a similar
though slightly smaller structure is intended for the “Purra” or
phallus; it carries a plume of white cockatoo feathers at its end to
represent the glans. Vide Plate XXXVIII, 2.
A landmark, of similar significance as the Tjilba Purra of the
Arunndta, exists on the Roper River in the Northern Territory; it is a
pillar of sandstone known as “Waraka.” Waraka is also the name of
the great Spirit Father of the tribe. In very early times this man came
to earth in a semi-human form, and made the country abound in
game, animals, birds, and fish. Then he found a woman on the
shores of Carpentaria Gulf who remained with him as his wife. Many
children came of the union; and Waraka’s mate has since been
looked upon as the mother of the tribe. The woman’s name was
“Imboromba,” and to this day the tribe takes its name after her.
Warraka had an enormous sex characteristic which was so
ponderous that he was obliged to carry it over one of his shoulders.
Eventually the organ became so huge that Warraka collapsed and
sank into the earth. His burden remained, but turned to stone, and is
now looked upon by the local natives as the great symbol of Nature’s
generative power which first produced their game supplies and then
the original children of the tribe; it is revered accordingly.
The Kukata have a somewhat similar legend of the origin of a
stone of phallic significance, the name of the possessor of the large
organ being “Kalunuinti.”
In the extreme north-western corner of Australia, in the Glenelg
River district, the natural stone is replaced by an artificially

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