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Subject English

Date 03 May 2023

Time 0840-0940

Class 1

Number of pupils 6

Theme World of Self, Family and Friends

Topic Friends

Skill/Focus Listening

Point to something (green) …

Language Focus
Colours: blue, green, yellow, red, white

Prior Knowledge Pupils learn some of the colour during preschool.

Main: 1.2
Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Content Standard
Complementary: 4.1
Form letters and words in neat legible print using cursive writing
Main: 1.2.4
Understand short basic supported classroom instructions
Complementary: 4.1.2
i) Form upper- and lower-case letters of regular size and
Learning Standard
shape (preliterate pupils only)
ii) write letters and words in a straight line from left to right with
regular spaces between words and spaces*
*All pupils
At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. listen and point to 5 correct answers based on corresponding

Learning Objective colour.

2. can write 6 correct words into exercise book using regular words
and space.

Assessment Worksheet
Thinking Habits (HOTS/KBAT) Analysis

Cross Curricular Elements (CCE) Language, Values

Value Application Cooperation

Teaching Aids (TA) Balloons, PowerPoint, YouTube link,

Arts in Education Role play

√ Communication Skills
Critical Thinking and
Problem-Solving Skills
Lifelong Learning and
Managing Information
Soft Skills (SS): Skills
√ Social Skills
Ethics and Moral
Entrepreneurship Skills
√ Leadership Skills
Contextual Learning
Project Based Learning
Problem Solving Based
√ Brain Based Learning

Current Pedagogy (CP): 4C or 7C/3R/3M

√ Exploratory Learning
Inquiry Based Learning
Cooperative Learning
Self-Directed Learning

Steps / Time Teaching & Learning

Content Remarks
(Minutes) Activities
Set Induction Picture of rainbow 1. Pupils look at the picture TA: power point
shown by teacher.
2. Pupils state the colors SS: Communication Skills
that appear at rainbow. CP: Brain Based Learning
3. Teacher shows the
learning standards of the CCE: Language
T: Do you know what is day.
ICT: PowerPoint
P: rainbow
T: that’s right. do you
like rainbow? Why?
P: yes, got many colours.
T: what colour appear at
P: red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, purple
T: Well done. Today, we
will learn about colours.
Youtube link: TA: Academy Stars Year 1. Pupils are given 6 6 Workbook Book: Page
/watch?v=f_k3_Lq96Yg color’s paper. 4.
2. Pupils watch a video SS: Social Skills
about colors.
3. Teacher asking few CP: Brain Based Learning
questions in the video.
CCE: Language
4. Pupils try to answer the
Step 1 Questions:
(Presentation) questions. ICT: PowerPoint
1. which is red?
2. which is yellow? 5. Pupils show the paper
with corresponding VALUE: Friendship
3.which is orange?
4. which is purple? colors.
5. which is blue?
6. Teacher encourages the
6. which is green?
7. which colour you like? pupils to listen and point
Why? out the paper.

Game: let’s find items in 1. Pupils play a game. TA: Academy Stars Year
the class. 2. Teacher demo and talk 6 Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 4

1. pupils listen audio. about the rules of SS: Social Skills

2. after audio state the games.
colour, each of the pupils 3. Pupils listen to the audio CP: Brain Based Learning
Step 2 find the items that
(Practice) and find the items that
corresponding to the CCE: Language
colour. with corresponding
3. pupils try to state out colors. ICT: PowerPoint
the name of the items. 4. Pupils are given a small
(Example: blue chair, red gift after the games. VALUE: Friendship
marker pen)
1. Pupils listen to the audio TA: Academy Stars Year
played by teacher. 6 Pupil’s Book: Page(s):
5, audio 1.1
2. Pupils point the
answers. SS: Social Skills
3. Pupils colors the hat with
Step 3 CP: Brain Based Learning
(Production) corresponding colors.
4. Teacher checks the CCE: Language
answers with pupils.
5. Pupils try to repeat the ICT: PowerPoint
audio listened.
VALUE: Friendship
1. Pupils share the colours
they learn today.
2. Teacher shows the
words using power point. TA: paper
3. Pupils who read the
words fastest are given SS: Social Skills
a balloon with
corresponding color. CP: Brain Based Learning
Closure 4. Each of the pupils will
get a balloon at the end CCE: Language
of the class.
ICT: -

Red VALUE: Friendship

T: what colour is it?

P: red.
T: well, done, good! here


Wajib ditulis selepas setiap satu sesi pengajaran dan ditampal dalam buku rekod mengajar selepas slot
P&P berkenaan.
Langkah Kekuatan Kelemahan
Pupils can state some of the colors. 2/6 pupils don’t know how to respond to the questions.
Set Induksi

Pupils can watch the videos and enjoy watching video. Teacher can borrow the library’s LCD Projector, so the
Langkah 1 pupils can have a wider view.

Pupils like to play the game. The game takes more time than expect. 2/6 pupils almost lost
Langkah 2 control in the class.

Pupils can listen and try to find the answer. 3/6 pupils need teacher repeat the sentences and color the
Langkah 3 hat.

The ending is interesting to pupils. Pupils like the balloon 2/6 pupils need friends to guide and get the balloon.
Penutup very much.

Cadangan Tindakan yang akan diambil untuk memperbaiki kelemahan:

Teacher can ask the pupils write on board using the 4 lines board.

Kesan pelaksanaan cadangan tindakan:

Pupils can write better in the exercise books.

Guru Pelatih Pensyarah Penyelia Guru Pembimbing

______________ __________________ ________________

(Liau Siew Ling ) ( Yasmine Liong Pui Kwan Bt. Abdullah) ( Yu Shun Ay)

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