1005 BI 1

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Subject English

Date 10 May 2023

Time 0840-0940

Class 1

Number of pupils 6

Theme World of Self, Family and Friends

Topic Meet the super friends

Skill/Focus Listening

Hi. What’s your name?

Language Focus
I’m (name)
Pupils know their own name.
Prior Knowledge
Pupils can read friend’s name.
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar Contexts
Content Standard
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of
very simple phrases and sentences.
Learning Standard
2.1.1 Give very basic personal information using fixed phrases.

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

Learning Objective 1. listen and speak at least 2 fixed phrase that had been taught.
2. can listen and give 5 responses based on audio listen.
Assessment observation

Thinking Habits (HOTS/KBAT) Analysis

Cross Curricular Elements (CCE) Language, Values

Value Application Cooperation

Teaching Aids (TA) Audio, comics, name card

Arts in Education Role play

√ Communication Skills
Critical Thinking and
Problem-Solving Skills
Lifelong Learning and
Managing Information
Soft Skills (SS): Skills
√ Social Skills
Ethics and Moral
Entrepreneurship Skills
√ Leadership Skills
Contextual Learning
Project Based Learning
Problem Solving Based
√ Brain Based Learning

Current Pedagogy (CP): 4C or 7C/3R/3M

√ Exploratory Learning
Inquiry Based Learning
Cooperative Learning
Self-Directed Learning
Steps / Time Teaching & Learning
Content Remarks
(Minutes) Activities

Picture of 4 friends in 1. Pupils look at the picture TA: power point (picture)
supermind textbook. shown by teacher.
SS: Communication Skills
2. Pupils review back the
name of 4 friends. CP: Brain Based Learning
3. Pupils talk about the
characteristic of friends. CCE: Language
Set Induction ICT: PowerPoint

Name of friends:
1. Whisper
2. Thunder
3. Misty
4. Flash
1. Teacher mixes 6 picture TA: supermind textbook
on whiteboard. page 8
2. Pupils are given to listen SS: Social Skills
an audio.
3. After listen for once, CP: Brain Based Learning
pupils try to arrange the
CCE: Language
order of comic listen.
4. Pupils listen the audio ICT: PowerPoint
Step 1
(Presentation) for second times.
5. Pupils are given chance VALUE: Friendship
to arrange the pictures
6. Pupils and teacher
discuss the answer
Comic in correct order. when listen the audio for
(Task refer at Appendix) third time.

1. Teacher introduce and TA: Academy Stars Year

teach some fixed phrase. 6 Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 4

2. Pupils listen and try to SS: Social Skills

spell the words teach. CP: Brain Based Learning
Step 2 1. Look at me!
(Practice) 2. My turn, look! 3. Pupils are works in pair. CCE: Language
3. I’m ……... They try to speak and
4. no, listen to me
answer their friend’s ICT: PowerPoint
5. How old are you?
VALUE: Friendship
1. Teacher shows a picture TA: picture of neighbour
of a neighbour.
SS: Social Skills
2. Pupils guess the people.
3. Teacher asks the pupils CP: Brain Based Learning
to draw their neighbour
Step 3 and write about him/her. CCE: Language
(Production) 4. Pupils draw a simple
She is Aminah. ICT: PowerPoint
She is 70 years old. picture and write about
neighbour. VALUE: Friendship
5. Pupils show the works to
the other friends.

T: do you enjoy the class 1. Pupils state the learning

today? of today. TA: paper
P: yes/no 2. Teacher asking the
T: what do you learn pupils opinion. SS: Social Skills
3. Pupils try to speak in
P: 1. Look at me! CP: Brain Based Learning
Closure 2. My turn, look!
English and give the
3. I’m ……... answer using fixed CCE: Language
4. no, listen to me phrase learned.
5. How old are you? ICT: -
T: How old are you?
P: I’m __________ years VALUE: Friendship


Wajib ditulis selepas setiap satu sesi pengajaran dan ditampal dalam buku rekod mengajar selepas slot
P&P berkenaan.
Langkah Kekuatan Kelemahan
Pupils still remember these 4 friends Pupils can spell the name.
Set Induksi

Some of the pupils can listen and try to put the pictures in Some of the pupils didn’t do any action and waiting for there
Langkah 1 order. friends to arrange the pictures.

Pupils can read the fixed phrases. Pupils need times to memorise the spelling.
Langkah 2

Pupils like drawing. Pupils spend too much times to draw and can’t write the
Langkah 3 sentences.

Pupils can state their learning. Low proficiency pupils need more help.

Cadangan Tindakan yang akan diambil untuk memperbaiki kelemahan:

Teacher can give more times to pupil to learn the fixed phrases and ask it in next lesson.

Kesan pelaksanaan cadangan tindakan:

3/6 pupils can write about fixed phrases.

Guru Pelatih Pensyarah Penyelia Guru Pembimbing

______________ __________________ ________________

(Liau Siew Ling ) ( Yasmine Liong Pui Kwan Bt. Abdullah) ( Yu Shun Ay)

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