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Subject English

Date 12 May 2023

Time 0840-0940

Class 1

Number of pupils 6

Theme World of Self, Family and Friends

Topic At School

Skill/Focus Listening

Language Focus Classroom object

Prior Knowledge Pupils learn the some of the classroom object before.

1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Content Standard
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of very simple
phrases and sentences.
Learning Standard
2.1.5 Name or describe objects using suitable words from word
At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. listen and point out 9 objects based on the audio listen.

Learning Objective 2. high proficiency pupils can list out 4 object that they often use in

Assessment Worksheet
Thinking Habits (HOTS/KBAT) Analysis

Cross Curricular Elements (CCE) Language, Values

Value Application Cooperation

Teaching Aids (TA) audio, PowerPoint, YouTube link, objects (shown in page 10)

Arts in Education Role play

√ Communication Skills
Critical Thinking and
Problem-Solving Skills
Lifelong Learning and
Managing Information
Soft Skills (SS): Skills
√ Social Skills
Ethics and Moral
Entrepreneurship Skills
√ Leadership Skills
Contextual Learning
Project Based Learning
Problem Solving Based
√ Brain Based Learning

Current Pedagogy (CP): 4C or 7C/3R/3M

√ Exploratory Learning
Inquiry Based Learning
Cooperative Learning
Self-Directed Learning
Steps / Time Teaching & Learning
Content Remarks
(Minutes) Activities

1. Pupils are given some TA: items in class and

pictures. school
2. Pupils stick the picture SS: Communication Skills
that can be found in
class. CP: Brain Based Learning
3. Pupils try to name some
CCE: Language
object shown by
chair teacher. ICT: PowerPoint
4. Teacher state the
learning objectives.

Red marker pen

Set Induction

water bottle


Learning objective:
The object in the class.
Step 1 Audio track CD12 1. Teacher plays audio CD TA: supermind text book
(Presentation) track 12. page 10

2. Pupils are given 9 flash SS: Social Skills

cards in pairs. CP: Brain Based Learning
3. Pupils point and show CCE: Language
the flash card when listen to
the audio. ICT: PowerPoint
Items in classroom VALUE: Friendship
(Refer appendix for flash 4. Teacher teaches pupils
cards) with correct answers.
5. pupils listen and say the
words after teacher.

Colour learned 1. Pupils review back the TA: Academy Stars Year
1. orange colours learn in previous 6 Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 4
2. green
3. blue class. SS: Social Skills
4. red 2. Teacher guide pupils to
5. yellow combine the colours with CP: Brain Based Learning
Step 2 6. purple words.
(Practice) CCE: Language
Combine phrases 3. Pupils try to combine
1. green pencil case and say out the words ICT: PowerPoint
2. blue ruler after example is given by notebook teacher. VALUE: Friendship
4. pink rubber
1. Pupils are shown with a TA: super mind workbook
worksheet. page 10
2. After understanding the SS: Social Skills
way to finish it, pupils
listen to the task 1. CP: Brain Based Learning
3. After teacher say a
CCE: Language
word, pupils match the
words with pictures. ICT: PowerPoint
Step 3 4. Pupils and teacher
(Production) discuss the answers VALUE: Friendship
5. Pupils try to look and
colours the pictures with
correct answer.
(Refer appendix for 6. Pupils state out the
clearer view)
black shadow with
picture shown.

1. Pupils name all the item TA: flash card

in flash cards.
T: what are you learn 2. Teacher asking some SS: Social Skills
today? question to know the
P: (all the items they CP: Brain Based Learning
understanding of pupils
Closure learn)
T: you like study? Why?
to class. CCE: Language
P: can play with friend, 3. Pupils give their opinion
can sing at school... etc and state the answer ICT: -
they know.
VALUE: Friendship
Flash cards


Wajib ditulis selepas setiap satu sesi pengajaran dan ditampal dalam buku rekod mengajar selepas slot
P&P berkenaan.
Langkah Kekuatan Kelemahan
Pupils can state out some of the items in class. Pupils will use other language to name the items.
Set Induksi

High proficiency pupils can show the flash cards very fast. Some of the pupils look at the other friends for answer.
Langkah 1

Pupils still remember the colors. Low proficiency combines the color and words wrongly.
Langkah 2

Pupils like colouring. Almost all the pupils cannot recognize the words even had
Langkah 3 been read.

Pupils can list out the words learning. Pupils can’t recognize the words but picture only.

Cadangan Tindakan yang akan diambil untuk memperbaiki kelemahan:

Teacher can ask the pupils to memorise the words learning and write it behind the flash cards.

Kesan pelaksanaan cadangan tindakan:

Pupils can recognize some of the words.

Guru Pelatih Pensyarah Penyelia Guru Pembimbing

______________ __________________ ________________

(Liau Siew Ling ) ( Yasmine Liong Pui Kwan Bt. Abdullah) ( Yu Shun Ay)

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