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Módulo IV

Secundario para adultos

“Escuela de Formación
Profesional Prácticas
Rurales de Trancas”

Lengua extranjera Ingles

Types of houses and spaces (tipos de casas y sus espacios)
Multi-family house (casa multifamiliar) Apartment (departamento)

Ranch-style home (casa estilo rancho) Condominiums (condominio- inmueble habitado por
varias personas que comparten algunos espacios fisicos)

Bungalow (Bungalo- especie de cabaña o casa para turismo) Townhouse (grupo de 2 o 3 viviendas construidas una
al lado de la otra)

Mansions & Mcmansions (mansions y mega mansiones) Manufactured Homes (casas prefabricadas)
Parts of the house (partes de la casa)
ATTIC= ático LAUNDRY= lavadero
BEDROOM= dormitorio BATHROOM= baño
LIVING ROOM= living KITCHEN= cocina
BASEMENT= sótano DININGROOM= comedor

ROOF= techo PATH= camino

WINDOW= ventana DRIVEWAY= entrada de coches
BALCONY= balcón GARAGE= lugar para estacionar autos
DOOR= puerta HOUSE= casa
LETTERBOX= buzón de correos CAR= auto

ADJECTIVES TO DESCRIBE A HOUSE (adjetivos para describir una casa)

HUGE= enorme CLEAN= limpia

ENORMOUS= enorme OLD= vieja / antigua
MODERN= moderna NEW= nueva
RELAXING= relajante CHEAP= económica
BEAUTIFUL= hermosa DARK= oscura
HORRIBLE= ----------- DIRTY= sucia
LUXURIOUS= lujosa CRAMPED= estrecha
TIDY= ordenada DANGEROUS= peligrosa
LITTLE= pequeña EXPENSIVE= cara / costosa
SMALL= pequeña QUIET= tranquila
LARGE= grande UNCOMFORTABLE= incómoda
MARVELLOUS= maravillosa UNTIDY= desordenada
BIG= grande NOISY= ruidosa
COMFORTABLE= cómoda SPACIOUS= espaciosa
SAFE= segura OLD FASHIONED= pasada de moda / Antigua
ELEGANT= elegante NEAT= prolija / ordenada
AWFUL= horrible ATTRACTIVE= atractiva
SHABBY= en mal estado OWN= propia
ANCIENT= antigua RENTED= rentada / alquilada
HAUNTED= embrujada UGLY = fea
LIGHTED= iluminada
Match the adjectives in the box below with their opposites in this list
(Coloque los adjetivos contrarios de la siguiente lista)
















There is / There are (verbo haber)

There is significa hay en singular, es decir que hay un solo objeto.
There isn’t / there is not significa que no hay nada, en singular, es lo contrario de There is.
There are significa hay en plural, es decir que hay más de un objeto, o varios.
There aren’t / there are not significa que no hay nada, en plural, es lo contrario de There are.
Examples (ejemplos):
There is a swimming pool in the house (hay una pileta de natación en la casa)
There isn’t a swimming pool in the house (no hay una pileta de natación en la casa )
Is there a swimming pool in the house? (hay una pileta de natación en la casa?)
Yes, there is / no, there isn’t (si, hay / no, no hay)

There are 30 students in the classroom (hay 30 alumnos en el aula)

There aren’t 30 students in the classroom (no hay 30 alumnos en el aula)
Are there 30 students in the classroom? (hay 30 alumnos en el aula?)
Yes, the are / no, there aren’t (si hay / no, no hay)
1) Complete the sentences using "there is" or "there are".

1. books on the table.

2. many cars in the street.
3. a picture on the wall.
4. a pencil near the book.
5. many trees in the forest.
6. a cat under the table.
7. seven apples in the fridge.
8. a dog in the house.
9. a monkey on the tree.
10. many rooms in my house.

2)Complete the sentences using the interrogative form of there is /

there are".

1. an opera in our city?

2. many girls in your class?
3. a police-station near the hospital?
4. any bananas in the basket?
5. trees in the park?
6- an umbrella in your bag?
7- any books on the shelves?
8- a new teacher at school?

3) Complete the sentences using the negative form of there is / there

are .

1. many people in the streets.

2. any butter in the fridge.
3. any plates on the table.
4. any milk in the bottle.
5. any coffee in the cup.
6- a swimming pool in this hotel!
7- any pictures in the living room.
8- a play station game in my room!
1. ............ a lamp in the room.
There is There are Is there Are there

2. Susan, .............. a chair in the garden?

there is is there there are are there

3. “Are there many windows in the house?”

“Yes, .......... many.”
there are there is is there are there

4. “Is there a dog in the house?” “No, ......... .”

there isn’t is there there is there are

5. ........... many glasses on the table.

There is Is there Are there There are

6. In the garden .......... three big trees.

there are there is are there is there

7. Carol, ....... much coffee in the cup?

are there is there there are there is
8. This morning ........ many children in the park.
there is are there is there there are

9. ........... a man in the garden?

Is there Are there There is There are

10. “Is there much tea in the cup?” “No, there .......... much.”
isn’t is aren’t are

11. .......... two little trees in the garden.

Are there There is There are Is there

12. ......... a nice door in this house.

Are there There are Is there There is

13. .......... many windows in the house?

Are there Is there There is There are

14. ........... a little girl in the room?

There are There is Are there Is there

15. Mum, ......... water in the glass?

are there there is is there there are

16. Susan, .... many cups at home?

there is are there there are is there

17. .............. many glasses here.

There are Is there There is Are there

18. ..... many boys and girls in the park.

Is there There are There is Are there

19. ......... a little girl outside our house?

There is Are there Is there There are
20. In London ...........a lot of museums.
there is there are is there are there

21. ........ many lamps on the wall?

There are There is Is there Are there

22. “Is there a dog here?” “No, ................”

there isn´t there is there are there aren’t

23. “Are there Italians in Spain?” “Yes, .........”

there are there is are there is there

24. “Are there four rooms in the house?” “No, ............ five”
there are there is are there is there

25. ................ two tables in the room?

Is there Are there There is There are

26. “Are there many animals in the house?” “No, .............only one”
there isn’t there are there is aren’t

27. “Is there a chair here?” “No, ............. “

there aren’t there is there are there isn’t

28. “Is there much water?” “No, .............”

there is there isn’t there are there aren’t

29. .............. many trees in this park?

Are there There is Is there There are

30. “Are there many people?” “No, ........... only one person”
there is there are there isn’t are there

31. In this glass............ some milk.

there isn’t there aren’t there is are

32. “Susan, are there many cups on the table?” “......two”

There is Are there Is there There are
Place prepositions (Preposiciones de lugar)

IN= dentro / dentro de IN FRONT OF= en frente de

ON= sobre / encima de AT= en
BETWEEN= entre UNDER= debajo / debajo de
BEHIND= detras de NEXT TO= al lado de
NEAR= cerca / cerca de OPPOSITE= opuesto a / en diagonal
IN THE CORNER= en la esquina

Look at the picture and complete the below Look the these cat pictures and answer the
Sentences by using the place prepositions. following questions. Use the place prepositions.
(Observe la imagen y complete las oraciones (Mire las imágenes del gatito y responda las
Utilizando las preposiciones de lugar ) siguientes preguntas. Utilice las preposiciones
De lugar)
Answer these questions. (Responda estas preguntas)

1) Are there three rooms in your house) ------------------------------

2) Is there a tv set in your living room? ------------------------------
3) Is there a garden at school? -------------------------------------
4) Are there 10 people in your family? -------------------------------
5) Is there a fan in the kitchen? -----------------------------------
6) Are there some pictures on the walls? -----------------------------
7) Is there a pet in your house? ------------------------------------
8) Are there many shops in your town? -------------------------------

Write 6 sentences about your house, you have to use the negative and
interrogative form of There is / There are and the place prepositions

Example (ejemplo): There are some CDs in my bedroom

There is a lamp next to the sofa

1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
3) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
4) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
5) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
6) -----------------------------------------------------------
Objects in the different parts of the house
(objetos de las diferentes partes de una casa)

In the kitchen
Imagine a part of your house and describe it, Use There is / There are in the
positive and negative forms and the place prepositions. You can read this
example to guide you. (Imagina una parte de tu casa y descríbela. Utiliza el
verbo haber en su forma positiva y negativa y las preposiciones de lugar. Puedes
leer el siguiente ejemplo como guía.)

My bedroom

My bedroom is my favourite part of the house. It is very big

and comfortable. There are two beds and a tv set. There isn’t
a sofá. There are some pictures on the walls but there aren’t
any toys. Next to my bed there is a desk and a chair. There is
a computer and a printer on the desk. There is a wardrobe in
front of the beds but there aren’t much clothes. Under the beds
there are some trainers and a ball. There is a window, a door
and some curtains. There isn’t a carpet but there are some
books on the shelves. My room is very clean and tidy, I really
love it!

Words for chores in the house (Tareas de la casa)

Wash the dishes: lavar los platos

Iron your clothes: planchar la ropa
Feed the pets: alimentar las mascotas
Tidy your room: ordenar tu cuarto
Hoover / sweep the floor: aspirar / barrer el piso
Take out the rubbish: sacar la basura
Make your bed: tender la cama
Lay / clear the table: poner / levantar la mesa
Match the verbs (1-8) to the nouns (a-h) (Unir con flechas ambas columnas)
Example: 1. Wash the dishes

1. Wash a. the floor

2. Iron b. your bed
3. Feed c. your room
4. Lay / clear d. the pets
5. Tidy e. the rubbish
6. Make f. your clothes
7. Hoover /sweep g. the table
8. Take out h. the dishes
Other activities we can do inside our house (Otras actividades que podemos
hacer dentro de nuestra casa)
Watch tv= mirar tv Have lunch= almorzar
Have a shower= bañarse Have dinner= cenar
Have breakfast= desayunar Listen to music= escuchar música
Read a book= leer un libro Sleep= dormir
Talk on the phone= hablar por teléfono Surf the internet= navegar en internet
Gardening= realizar tareas de jardinería Play video games= jugar video juegos
Do homework= hacer las tareas escolares
Share a meal or a coffee with someone: Compartir una comida o un café con alguien
Play board games= jugar juegos de mesa

Which of these activities you do at home? Write down some of them.

(Cuál de estas actividades realizas en casa? Escribe debajo algunas de ellas)

1)------------------------------- 6) --------------------------------------
2)------------------------------- 7)---------------------------------------
3)------------------------------- 8)---------------------------------------
4)----------------------------- 9)---------------------------------------
5)------------------------------- 10)--------------------------------------

Look at the following pictures and label the activity they represent (Observe las
imàgenes y escriba la actividad que ellas representan)

--------------------------------- ----------------------------------
----------------------------------- ---------------------------------

--------------------------------- ----------------------------------

--------------------------------- ---------------------------------

--------------------------------- ---------------------------------
--------------------------------- ---------------------------------

Indigenous Peoples in Argentina: 'We are strangers in

our own country'
"We want to live as human beings. We don’t want to be considered as strangers in our own country, poor
or useless. We want to live without discrimination. We don’t want blood shed, we just want to reclaim our
community,” said to Amnesty International Félix Díaz, leader of the Qom indigenous community of Potae
Napocna Navogoh (La Primavera), in the province of Formosa, Argentina.

Over the last few years state and private interests, especially those of the agribusiness and extractive
industries, have built up enormous barriers between Argentina’s native population and their rights to their
traditional lands. The UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Peoples has criticised the lack of
consultation with the communities that may be affected by development projects and exploitation of
natural resources.
In November 23, 2010, La Primavera’s people blocked the 86 National Route for four months, to protest
against the building of a National University on what they understood to be their ancestral lands. Police
violently broke up the protest, shooting at those gathered on the road. The episode ended tragically, with
a protester and a policeman dead, several injured and some houses burned down.
On October 12, 2008, Javier Chocobar, a member of the Pueblo Diaguita, in Tucumán province, was
shot dead while trying to stop the removal of his community by a local landowner. Although three people
were charged with his death, the trial has not started yet.

In spite of the enormous challenges and violence faced by Argentina’s indigenous peoples, they refuse to
give up their claim to their ancestral lands.

"The land is our life. From it we obtain the food and medicines we need. It provides us with the natural
resources to make our houses, for our livelihoods. Without the land, we the indigenous people will lose
our spiritual roots," sums up Félix Diaz.
1) Read the text and complete the following phrases taken from it. (Lea el texto y
complete las siguientes oraciones extraìdas del mismo.)

1) We don’t want to be …………………………………………………. In our own country.

2) The episode …………………………………… with a protester and a policeman dead.
3) We want to ……………………………………………………………………………………
4) We don’t ………………………………………………………………………………………
5) Without the land,……………………………………………………………………………..

2) Say if the following sentences are T (true) or F (false) justify the false ones.
Diga si las siguientes oraciones son verdaderas o falsas, justifique las
oraciones falsas.

1) They obtain the food and medicines they need from land. -------------------
2) They think of give up their claim --------------------
3) Lack of protection for the community is not evident in The Nogalito -------------------
4) Javier Chocobar was shot dead on October 12, 2008 ---------------------
5) La Primavera’s people blocked the 56 National Route for 3 months ------------------

3) Choose the correct option (Elige la opciòn correcta)

1) They want to live as:

A- Strangers B- Poors C- Human beings

2) They want to live without :

A- Poverty B- Discrimination C- Rights

3) The leader of the Qom indigenous community is:

A- Juan Lopez B- Javier Chocobar C- Felix Diaz

4) They blocked the 86 National Route to protest against:

A- The government B- A National University C- Other aboriginals

Argentina’s Indigenous Communities Want
Their Land Back
For nearly nine months now, 25 representatives from Argentina’s indigenous communities — Qom, Pilagá,
Wichi, and Nivaclé — have camped at the heart of Buenos Aires calling for a meeting with President
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner to demand the restitution of land they claim once belonged to them.
Their encampment is located a few blocks away from the Ministry of Social Development and the
governor’s mansion. Banners with inscriptions of resistance and flags with the colors of the indigenous
communities also proudly garnish the area.
The group’s leader, Félix Díaz, explained several months ago that they are at the campsite to demand the
government’s return of land stolen from them decades ago. They also request, in reference to the right to
self-determination, that the government notify them in matters concerning natural resources and
compliance with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
“The government has searched for a way to divide the people,” Díaz. “In 1979, we were dispossessed,
when the province transferred our indigenous territory to the National Parks. We lost 50 hectares of land,
which was very critical to us. No one knew how to lead the commission, because the tribe’s chief didn’t
know how to read or write. Our chief unknowingly signed some papers, which ultimately transferred a
part of our land to the government. He didn’t know what he was doing.”
“The Land Is Our Land”
Narciso Sanagachi, leader of the encampment demands for the restitution of land. Sanagachi says that
what they request is the government returning the territories that originally belonged to his ancestors.
“The territory is ours; it belongs to all of the indigenous peoples. There was 5,000 hectares before the
governor of Formosa stole 1,500 hectares in order to sell it. Now they want to take all of our land again to
sell it. That’s why we are here. We are fighting.”

He also says that the governor of Formosa province, Gildo Insfrán, wants to make deals “with other

“We don’t have title to the property [of our territory], because in that epoch the government never gave the
tribe’s chief title to the territory. Now, people enter the area without permission, because there is no title.
But it was always our land.” Sanagachi adds.

The Solution: Property Rights

Writer and judge Ricardo Rojas tells the PanAm Post that these groups are seeking for a way to have their
territories recognized, because they were traditionally part of their lands, but that their communities
lacked the concept of property rights.

“I don’t know if title to property is of any interest to them,” he says. “How do we assure them that they can
continue living there? I don’t think they want title in order to sell it. The idea is to recognize the territory as
theirs. I imagine you could resolve the issue with a land reservation as the United States did, although
they created reservations for the purpose of surveying the land. Here, we would do it to guarantee the
lands remain with the indigenous people,” Rojas explains.

“They don’t have rights of registered properties. In theory, the lands are public lands, and the Chaco
government [and Formosa] has taken it from them. It’s a problem with no easy solution, because the land
value has increased. That’s why the only solution they have is to establish rights to property, whether it’s
a reservation or granting the land to them individually. Otherwise, the government will continue taking it,”
he concludes.
1) After reading the text, answer the following questions. (Despuès de haber leìdo el texto
responda las siguientes preguntas)

1) Who is the group’s leader?

2) Does the territory belong to the indigenous people?
3) Do they have a title of their property?
4) Do they want the government to recognize the territory as theirs?

2) Pay attention to these sentences, all of them are FALSE. Correct and write the true version
down . (Ponga atenciòn a estas oraciones, todas ellas son falsas. Corrijalas y escriba las verdaderas

1) In theory, the lands are private lands

2) It is a problem with an easy solution
3) Ricardo Rojas tells these groups are looking for houses to buy them
4) Narciso Sanagachi demands for a job
5) The province transferred their indigenous territory to the National University

1) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Places in the country and the city (Lugares del campo y de la ciudad)


THEATER: teatro POLICE DEPARTMENT: departamento de policía
SUPERMARKET: supermercado POST-OFFICE: correo
RESTAURANT: restaurante MUSEUM: museo
CHURCH: iglesia CATHEDRAL: catedral
STADIUM: estadio LIBRARY: biblioteca
HOTEL: = BANK: banco
UNIVERSITY: Universidad AIRPORT: aeropuerto
PETROL STATION: estación de servicio BUS STATION: estación de colectivos
CAR PARK: estacionamiento para autos SQUARE:plaza
PARK: parque SHOPPING CENTRE: centro comercial
Shops in the country and the city (Negocios en el campo y la ciudad)

Bakery: panaderia Shoes store: tienda de zapatos

Butcher shop: carniceria Clothes shop: tienda de ropa
Greengrocery: verduleria Bookstore: librería
Chemist’s: farmacia Grocery: almacén
Jewellery: joyería
Vocabulary related to economy: (vocabulario relacionado a la economía)

Business vocabulary exercise: financial verbs (borrow, lend, owe, invoice, afford)

(Tener suficiente dinero para poder comprar

afford algo)

to have enough money to be able to buy something.

often used with the verb ‘can’: (usualmente se lo usa con el verbo
can afford something; can’t afford something;
can / can’t afford to do something
1. I can’t afford to buy the car – it costs $10,000 and I only have $8000.
(No puedo comprar ese auto- cuesta $10,000 y yo solo tengo

(Pedirle prestado algo a alguien con la promesa

borrow de que se lo devolveré en algún momento)

to take something from someone while agreeing to return it at a

later time or date.
borrow something from somebody
1. We borrowed money from the bank. (Pedimos dinero prestado en el banco)
2. Can I borrow $10, John? I’ll pay you back next week
(Me podes prestart $10, John? Te los devolverè la pròxima semana)

(darle o prestarle algo a alguien con la promesa

lend de que se devolverá luego de un cierto tiempo)

to give something to someone with the agreement that he/she will

return it after a certain time.
Lend something to someone; lend someone something
1.We lent $1000 to John and $2000 to Peter (Le prestamos $1000 a John y
$2000 a Peter)
verb 2. The bank lent $12,000 (El banco prestó $12,000 )
(Significa “facturar”, enviarle una cuenta a
invoice alguien en forma de una factura.)

to send a bill to someone in the form of an invoice

invoice for something; invoice someone (for something)
(facturar algo, facturar algo para alguien)
1.We invoiced them $40 for the books (Les facturamos $40 por los
libros )
2.We haven’t invoiced you for the goods yet (Aun no les hemos
verb facturado las cosas)

(Tener que pagar por algo que ya se nos fué

owe dado o hecho)

to have to pay for something which has already been given or

owe something to someone; owe someone something
(Deberle algo a alguien; deberle a alguien algo))
verb 1.They owe us more than $50,000 (Ellos nos deben más de $50,000)

Complete the following sentences by using the following vocabulary. (Completar las
siguientes oraciones utilizando el siguiente vocabulario)



1 Our business needed money so we from the bank.

2 We've repaid almost 50% of the loan. However, we still over

3 Last Christmas, my friend me $500 because I didn't have any money to

buy presents.
4 They've lowered the price of the product because the average customer

5 You shouldn't money if you know you can't pay it back.

6 We the client a month ago, but he still hasn't paid us.

7 The company owes over $10,000 .

8 How much did we invoice them ?

9 Can you me some money until I get paid next week?

10 How much do you owe ?

Business vocabulary exercise: sales & marketing (expansion, break even, target,

deal, retailer)

(El proceso de ser cada vez más grandes y

exitosos en los negocios; incrementando el
expansion número de negocios o áreas de ventas)

the process of becoming bigger and more successful in business;

increasing the number of your shops or sales areas

verb: to expand
1. The company’s biggest expansion last year was in Russia. (La mayor expansión de la
compañia el año pasado fué en Rusia)
2.The company has expanded by building a new factory in Poland. (La compañía se
ha expandido construyendo una nueva fábrica en Polonia)

(No producir ni una perdida ni una ganancia

break even en los negocios)

to make neither a loss nor a profit in business

irregular verb: break, broke, broken (verbo irregular)
intransitive verb (the verb never has an object)
1. We should break even before the end of this year. (Deberíamos equilibrarnos antes del
final de este año)
2. In the first year the company made a loss. In the second year they broke even. In the
third year they made a profit. (En el primer año la compañía tuvo una pérdida. En el
Segundo año ellos se equilibraron. En el tercer año se beneficiaron)
(Grupo de personas – sorteados por la edad,
la ubicación, etc- que quieres que venda un
producto para alcanzar o lograr un objetivo o
a target meta)

a group of people (sorted by age, location, etc.) that you want to sell a
product to
have a target; set a target; reach a target
1. The target of this advertising campaign is teenagers. (El objetivo de esta campaña
publicitaria son los adolescentes)
2. We didn’t reach our sales target last month. (No alcanzamos nuestros objetivos de
ventas el mes pasado)

a deal (Acuerdo o arreglo comercial entre personas o empresas)

a business agreement or arrangement between people or companies

countable noun: have a deal, sign a deal, do/make a deal (with someone)
1. We signed a deal with a telecommunications company worth $5m. (Firmamos un
acuerdo commercial con una empresa de telecomunicaciones por un valor de $5m)
2. We have a distribution deal with Sony starting next year. (Tenemos un acuerdo
de distribución con Sony que comenzará el próximo año)
3. They signed a three-year deal. (Ellos firmaron un acuerdo por tres años)

(Negocio –minorista- en el cuál se venden

cosas directamente al público, no a otros
a retailer negocios)

a shop which sells things directly to the public, not to other shops
a retailer, retailers
opposite: a wholesaler
1. The biggest retailer in the world is Wal-Mart. (El minorista más grande
del mundo es Wal-Mart)
2. I am an online mobile phone retailer. (Soy un minorista movil)

Now try this exercise. Choose a word from the box for each gap in the text. Use
each word once. (Ahora intente resolver este ejercicio. Elija una palabra de las
de abajo para cada espacio en blanco. Utilice cada palabra sólo una vez)

expansion break customers deal target retailer expansion break


An Expanding Business
The British Internet bank, IBUK, has begun its into the Asian by
buying the Japanese online bank BOJ. IBUK immediately set a of a million
new in Asia over the next two years. The bank says it believes the operation
will even by the end of 2020.

More Supermarkets
Tisco, the world's third biggest , has announced that it will open twenty
new stores in the UK next year. A spokesman for the company, Mark Smith, said that
it also hopes to sign a with a large British bank, which will enable it to sell
better financial products in its stores. Last year Tisco focused its in France
and Germany, where it opened fifty new shops. However, the company has closed all
its stores in Italy. Because of huge investments and a very competitive market there,
supermarkets were not able to even, Smith said.

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