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Chapter 2

Atoms, Molecules, and Ions


Lab: 第一教學大樓 N1128
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Chapter 2
Table of Contents

2.1 The Early History of Chemistry

2.2 Fundamental Chemical Laws
2.3 Dalton’s Atomic Theory
2.4 Early Experiments to Characterize the Atom
2.5 The Modern View of Atomic Structure: An Introduction
2.6 Molecules and Ions
2.7 An Introduction to the Periodic Table
2.8 Naming Simple Compounds

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Section 2.1
The Early History of Chemistry

Early History of Chemistry

• Greeks were the first to attempt to explain why

chemical changes occur. (By about 400 B.C. they had
proposed that all matter was composed of four fundamental
substances: fire, earth, water, and air.)

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Section 2.1
The Early History of Chemistry


1. 認識一些早期至近代的化學歷史、重要人物以及定律。

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Section 2.1
The Early History of Chemistry

Alchemy (煉金術) dominated for 2000 years.

*Several elements discovered (silver (Ag), gold (Au) and copper (Cu))
*Mineral acids prepared. (Hydrochloric and Nitric acid, Potash and
Sodium Carbonate. They were able to identify the elements Arsenic,
Antimony, and Bismuth.)

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Section 2.1
The Early History of Chemistry
Robert Boyle (1627-1691) was the first “chemist”.
Performed quantitative experiments. (measured the relationship
between the pressure and volume of air)

PV = K

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Section 2.1
The Early History of Chemistry
• Oxygen gas, discovered by Joseph Priestley
(1773-1804) an English clergyman and scientist.

 the discovery that a gas later identified as

carbon dioxide could be dissolved in water to
produce seltzer (soda water).
 the first to observe that graphite was an
electrical conductor
 his greatest discovery occurred in 1774 when
he isolated oxygen by heating mercuric oxide.

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Section 2.2
Fundamental Chemical Laws

Three Important Laws

• Law of conservation of mass (Antoine Lavoisier (1743-
1794), a French chemist; 近代化學之父):
 Mass is neither created nor destroyed. 質量守恆定律
(Also, he wrote the first modern chemistry textbook. It is not
surprising that Lavoisier is often called the father of modern
• Law of definite proportion (Joseph Proust (1754-1826)):
 A given compound always contains exactly the same
proportion of elements by mass. 定比定律

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Section 2.2
Fundamental Chemical Laws

Three Important Laws (continued)

• Law of multiple proportions (John Dalton (1776-

1844)): 倍比定律; 道爾吞定律
 When two elements form a series of compounds,
the ratios of the masses of the second element that
combine with 1 gram of the first element can
always be reduced to small whole numbers.

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Section 2.3
Dalton’s Atomic Theory

Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1808)

1/5 Each element is made up of tiny particles called atoms. (元
2/5 The atoms of a given element are identical; the atoms
of different elements are different in some fundamental
way or ways. (同元素的組成原子長得都一樣)

3/5 Chemical compounds are formed when atoms of

different elements combine with each other. A given
compound always has the same relative numbers and
types of atoms. (不同元素的原子組合成的化合
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Section 2.3
Dalton’s Atomic Theory

Dalton’s Atomic Theory (continued)

4/5 Chemical reactions involve reorganization of the

atoms—changes in the way they are bound together.
5/5 The atoms themselves are not changed in a chemical
reaction. (化學反應進行的同時,各原子的本

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Section 2.3
Dalton’s Atomic Theory

Using similar reasoning for other compounds,

Dalton prepared the first table of atomic
masses (sometimes called atomic weights by
chemists, since mass is often determined by
comparison to a standard mass—a process
called weighing).

Dalton's Table of atoms, their

properties and masses
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Section 2.3
Dalton’s Atomic Theory

Concept Check

Which of the following statements regarding

Dalton’s atomic theory are still believed to be

I. Elements are made of tiny particles called atoms.

II. All atoms of a given element are identical.
III. A given compound always has the same relative
numbers and types of atoms.
IV. Atoms are indestructible.
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Section 2.3
Dalton’s Atomic Theory

Gay-Lussac and Avogadro

• Gay—Lussac, 1808 (French chemist Joseph Gay-Lussac
(1778-1850) )
 Measured (under same conditions of T and P)
the volumes of gases that reacted with each

• Avogadro’s Hypothesis, 1811 (Italian chemist named

Amadeo Avogadro (1776-1856)
 At the same T and P, equal volumes of
different gases contain the same number of
particles. (體積正比於粒子數量)
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Section 2.3
Dalton’s Atomic Theory

Representing Gay—Lussac’s Results

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Section 2.4
Early Experiments to Characterize the Atom

J. J. Thomson (1898—1903)

• Postulated the existence of electrons using cathode-

ray tubes. (發現電子)
• Determined the charge-to-mass ratio of an electron.
(where e represents the charge on the electron in coulombs (C) and m
represents the electron mass in grams.)

• The atom must also contain positive particles that

balance exactly the negative charge carried by
particles that we now call electrons.
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Section 2.4
Early Experiments to Characterize the Atom

Cathode-Ray Tube

The green color in the photo is due to the response of the screen (coated with
zinc sulfide) to the electron beam.

is -1.7588196 10 C kg .

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Section 2.4
Early Experiments to Characterize the Atom

Robert Millikan (1868-1953), (1909)

• Performed experiments involving charged oil drops.

• Determined the magnitude of the charge on a single
• Calculated the mass of the electron.

Thomson’s plum pudding model.

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Section 2.4
Early Experiments to Characterize the Atom

Millikan Oil Drop Experiment

Millikan’s experiments showed that the charge on an oil drop is always a whole-
number multiple of the electron charge. Return to TOC

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Section 2.4
Early Experiments to Characterize the Atom

Ernest Rutherford (1911;原子質量集中在核)

• Explained the nuclear atom.
• Atom has a dense center of positive charge called
the nucleus.
• Electrons travel around the nucleus at a relatively
large distance.

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Section 2.4
Early Experiments to Characterize the Atom

Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment

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Section 2.4
Early Experiments to Characterize the Atom


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Section 2.5
The Modern View of Atomic Structure: An Introduction


1. 認識以現代化學的觀點所闡述的原子結構。

2. 認識將原子拉在一起的作用力: 鍵結

3. 對週期表有一些基本的認識

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Section 2.5
The Modern View of Atomic Structure: An Introduction

• The atom contains:

 Electrons – found outside the nucleus; negatively
 Protons – found in the nucleus; positive charge
equal in magnitude to the electron’s negative
 Neutrons – found in the nucleus; no charge;
virtually same mass as a proton.

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Section 2.5
The Modern View of Atomic Structure: An Introduction
Nuclear Atom Viewed in Cross Section
• The nucleus is:
 Small compared with the
overall size of the atom.
 Extremely dense; accounts
for almost all of the atom’s

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Section 2.5
The Modern View of Atomic Structure: An Introduction
• Atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers
of neutrons.
• Show almost identical chemical properties; chemistry of atom
is due to its electrons.
• In nature most elements contain mixtures of isotopes.
• For lighter elements, stable isotopes usually have equal
numbers of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

p A

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Section 2.5
The Modern View of Atomic Structure: An Introduction


A certain isotope X contains 23 protons and 28

• What is the mass number of this isotope?
• Identify the element.

Mass Number = 51
Atomic Number= 23
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Section 2.6
Molecules and Ions

Chemical Bonds (共價鍵與離子鍵)

• Covalent Bonds
 Bonds form between atoms by sharing electrons.
 Resulting collection of atoms is called a molecule.

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Section 2.6
Molecules and Ions

Covalent Bonding

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Section 2.6
Molecules and Ions

Chemical Bonds
• Ionic Bonds
 Bonds form due to force of
attraction between oppositely
charged ions.
 Ion – atom or group of atoms that has a net positive
or negative charge.
 Cation – positive ion; lost electron(s).
 Anion – negative ion; gained electron(s).
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Section 2.6
Molecules and Ions

Molecular vs. Ionic Compounds

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Section 2.7
An Introduction to the Periodic Table
The Periodic Table
• Metals vs. Nonmetals
• Groups or Families – elements in the same vertical
columns; have similar chemical properties
• Periods – horizontal rows of elements

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Section 2.7
An Introduction to the Periodic Table

TABLE 2.2 The Symbols for the Elements That Are Based on the Original Names

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Section 2.7
An Introduction to the Periodic Table

Groups or Families
• Table of common charges formed when creating
ionic compounds.

Group or Family Charge

Alkali Metals (1A) 1+
Alkaline Earth Metals (2A) 2+
Halogens (7A) 1–
Noble Gases (8A) 0

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Section 2.7
An Introduction to the Periodic Table


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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds


1. 熟悉並熟練較簡單的化合物(二元化合物)之命名。

2. 熟悉並熟練酸之命名

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds

Naming Compounds (命名)

I. Binary Compounds
 Composed of two elements
 Ionic and covalent compounds included
I.1 Binary Ionic Compounds (type 1, type 2)
 Metal—nonmetal
I.2 Binary Covalent Compounds (type 3)
 Nonmetal—nonmetal

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds
Binary Ionic Compounds
(Type I, 陰陽離子都只會帶有某一特定價數)

1. The cation is always named first and the

anion second.

2. A monatomic cation takes its name from the

name of the parent element.
3. A monatomic anion is named by taking the
root of the element name and adding –ide.

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds

TABLE 2.3 Common Monatomic Cations and Anions

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds

The rules for naming binary ionic compounds are

illustrated by the following examples:

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds
Binary Ionic Compounds (Type II)

• Metals in these compounds form more than one type

of positive charge.
• Charge on the metal ion must be specified.
• Roman numeral indicates the charge of the metal
• Transition metal cations usually require a Roman
numeral. (有d軌域的)

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds

TABLE 2.4 Common Type II Cations

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds

Figure 2.22

The common cations and anions.

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds
Binary Ionic Compounds (Type II)
• Examples:
CuBr Copper(I) bromide
FeS Iron(II) sulfide
PbO2 Lead(IV) oxide

Polyatomic Ions
• Must be memorized (see Table 2.5).
• Examples of compounds containing polyatomic ions:
NaOH Sodium hydroxide
Mg(NO3)2 Magnesium nitrate
(NH4)2SO4 Ammonium sulfate Return to TOC

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds

TABLE 2.5 Common Polyatomic Ions

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds

Formation of Ionic Compounds

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds
Binary Covalent Compounds
(Type III; 共價鍵化合物)
• Formed between two nonmetals.
1. The first element in the formula is named first,
using the full element name.
2. The second element is named as if it were an
3. Prefixes are used to denote the numbers of
atoms present.
4. The prefix mono- is never used for naming
the first element.
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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds
Binary Covalent Compounds (Type III)
• Examples:
CO2 Monocarobon dioxide
 Carbon dioxide
SF6 Sulfur hexafluoride
N2O4 Dinitrogen tetroxide

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds

Overall Strategy for Naming Chemical Compounds

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds
Flowchart for Naming Binary Compounds

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds


Which of the following compounds is named


a) KNO3 potassium nitrate

b) TiO2 titanium(II) oxide
c) Sn(OH)4 tin(IV) hydroxide
d) PBr5 phosphorus pentabromide
e) CaCrO4 calcium chromate

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds

• Acids can be recognized by the hydrogen that
appears first in the formula. EX: HCl.
• Molecule with one or more H+ ions attached to an

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds
• If the anion does not contain oxygen, the acid is
named with the prefix hydro– and the suffix –ic.
• Examples:
HCl Hydrochloric acid
HCN Hydrocyanic acid
H2S Hydrosulfuric acid

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds
• If the anion does contain oxygen:
 The suffix –ic is added to the root name if the
anion name ends in –ate.
• Examples:
HNO3 Nitric acid (nitrate)
H2SO4 Sulfuric acid (sulfate)
HC2H3O2 Acetic acid (acetate)

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds

• If the anion does contain oxygen:
 The suffix –ous is added to the root name if
the anion name ends in –ite.
• Examples:
HNO2 Nitrous acid (nitrite)
H2SO3 Sulfurous acid (sulfite)
HClO2 Chlorous acid (chlorite)

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds

The application of these rules can be seen in the names

of the acids of the oxyanions of chlorine:

The names of the most important acids are given in

Tables 2.7 and 2.8. An overall strategy for naming acids
is shown in Fig. 2.25.
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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds

Table 2.8 - Names of Some Oxygen-Containing

Table 2.7 - Names of Acids* That Do Not
Contain Oxygen

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds

Flowchart for Naming Acids

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Section 2.8
Naming Simple Compounds

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