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The effects of H+ upon the gills of freshwater fish

Department of Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont., Canada L8S 4 K l
Received October 7, 1982
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D. G. 1983. The effects of H + upon the gills of freshwater fish. Can. J . Zool. 61: 691-703.
The structure and function of the gills of freshwater fish are briefly summarized and the responses to low pH are reviewed, with
particular reference to the salmonid fishes. Major influences are seen upon ion and acid-base regulatory mechanisms at the gills
and upon mucous secretion and gill structure. Ionic imbalances which can be responsible for death at low pH are caused by
disturbances to both the active transport and the diffusional losses of Na+ and C1-. The disturbances, while not identical for the
two ions, are similar to the extent that the undirectional fluxes of both are dependent upon the severity and duration of the acid
exposure and upon the external calcium concentration. Calcium also has an important influence on the net flux of H+ across the
gills. A model is proposed for the interaction of c a 2 + and H+ on gill function. The physiological importance of mucous secretion
at low pH is discussed and the issue of whether acid-intolerant species can be successfully adapted for life at low pH is examined.

D. G. 1983. The effects of H + upon the gills of freshwater fish. Can. J. Zool. 61: 691-703.
La structure et le fonctionnement des branchies de poissons d'eau douce sont rCsumCs sommairement et leurs rCactions a un pH
faible ont fait I'objet d'une rCvision, en particulier chez les salmonidCs. Le pH faible semble affecter en particulier les
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mCcanismes de contrdle des ions et de 1'Cquilibre acide-base au niveau des branchies, de m2me que la sCcrCtion de mucus et la
structure des branchies. Le dCsCquilibre ionique qui peut entrainer la mort a un pH faible est causi par des traumatismes dans le
transport actif et par les pertes par diffusion des ions Na+ et C1-. Les traumatismes, bien que non identiques pour les deux ions,
sont semblables en ce que les mouvements non dirigks des deux ions dependent de la gravitC et de la durCe de I'exposition a I'acide
et de la concentration en calcium du milieu. Le calcium a Cgalement un effet important sur la circulation nette de H+ dans les
branchies. Un modele est proposk ici pour reprksenter I'interaction de c a 2 + et de H + sur les branchies. L'importance
physiologique de la sCcrition de mucus 21un pH faible de m2me que la possibilitk d'adapter des especes intolirantes 21I'acide 21un
mode de vie en pH faible font I'objet d'une discussion.
[Traduit par le journal]

Introduction point of view adopted here is that the gills are the
Acid rain and snowfall, primarily a consequence of primary target of elevated hydrogen ion activity in the
sulphur dioxide emissions from industrial sources, is environment. Thus, many of the effects of low pH upon
now prevalent in many parts of the world. The impact freshwater fish can be more fully understood by
upon the environment has been greatest in Scandinavia, appreciating the nature of the interference of H+ with
in the northeastern United States, and in eastern Canada, normal gill functions.
areas where poorly buffered and, therefore, highly In order to review this subject, it is useful to start with
sensitive watersheds are common. Fish dwelling in a brief summary of the structure and function of the gills.
these waters have, for several years, been experiencing Figure 1 has been prepared for this purpose and is a
progressively increasing levels of acidity and as a result, distillation of information from several sources. For
populations have decreased or are seriously threatened more detailed information, the reader should consult
in thousands of lakes (Schofield 1976; Muniz and such reviews as Motais and Garcia-Romeu 1972, Maetz
Leivestad 1980; Harvey et al. 1981). This serious 1974, Maetz et al. 1976, Potts 1977, Kirschner 1979,
environmental problem has prompted a considerable Evans 1980, and Rankin and Davenport 1981.
amount of research on the ecological and physiological The gills of freshwater fish serve a variety of
consequences of low pH to fish, research which has now functions. First and foremost, they are organs for the
been quite thoroughly summarized in several reviews exchange of respiratory gases, a function which
(Schofield 1976; Leivestad et al. 1976; Harvey 1979; necessitates a large and permeable surface area. As a
Fromm 1980; Haines 1981; Harvey et al. 1981; Wood consequence, the gills are also the main site for the
and McDonald 1982). In light of the broad scope of diffusional loss of ions (normally about 10% or less
these earlier reviews, this one will focus upon the occurs in the urine; McDonald and Wood 1981). The
responses of the gills of freshwater fish to low pH. The principal components of these losses are sodium and
CAN. J. ZOOL. VOL. 61, 1983

Water Flow
Pavement Cell

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, y( (kv-~fferent
M \ X Filament

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N a + d
7- K+ / Na+-TNa

FIG. 1. Structure and function of the freshwater fish gill. (A) Horizontal section through the head showing gill arches with
filaments. Note direction of water flow. (B) Section of gill filament showing individual secondary lamellae. Note patterns of
blood and water flow and different cell types. The most common epithelial cells are the pavement or "respiratory" cells which
cover most of the suface of the lamellae and the filaments. The "chloride" cells, which are so called because of their staining
properties and their role in salt secretion in seawater (Keys and Willmer 1932), make up only about 7% of the gill surface area in
freshwater (Potts 1977). These large cells are confined primarily to the filament epithelium (Olson and Fromm 1973) where they
are deep set and largely overlain by pavement cells. Their function in freshwater is uncertain but excretion of organic molecules
(Masoni and Payan 1974) and active transport of calcium (Payan et al. 1981) have been suggested. Earlier reports of an important
role in NaCl absorption (e.g., Bierther 1970) have been disputed by Girard and Payan (1980). The third type are the mucous cells
which are abundant on the leading edge of the filaments (Laurent and Dune1 1980) a position enabling the dispersal of their
secretions by the branchial water flow. (C) Cross section through the lamellar epithelium showing cell layers. In the outer layer
the cells are firmly bound together by apical tight junctions and by desmosomes (Morgan and Tovell 1973; Sardet et al. 1979).
The connection with the inner layer is more tenuous and the result is that the basolateral border of the outer layer is often in direct
contact with extracellular fluid (Laurent and Dune1 1980). The apical surface of the outer layer is projected into many folds or
microvilli (Morgan and Tovell 1973; Olson and Fromm 1973). These microvilli, together with more prominent surface ridges on
the filament epithelium (Hossler et al. 1979; see Fig. 1B), likely serve to anchor a protective mucous layer to the outer gill surface
(Hughes 1980). (D) Model of ion diffusion and transport in the freshwater fish gill. In freshwater the lamellar layer of pavement
cells is likely responsible for most of the ~ a and
+ C1- active absorption from the medium (Girard and Payan 1980; Haswell et al.
1980). This transport is thought to operate largely by independent, electroneutral Na+/H+, NH4+ and Cl-/HC03-, OH-
exchanges localized on the apical membrane (Kirschner 1979). Ion-specific ATPases, responsible for transport, are membrane
bound to the basolateral membrane in the case of Na+ /K+ ATPase (Payan 1978) and possibly to the apical membrane in the case
of Cl-/HC03- ATPase (Kerstetter and Kirschner 1974). Ion diffusion, under normal circumstances is thought (Sardet et al. 1979)
to occur largely via a transcellular route (---), but paracellular movements (---) may also be important (Steen and
Stray-Pedersen 1975).
chloride (Fig. 1D) , reflecting their predominance in well-established interspecific differences in tolerance to
extracellular fluids, but lesser amounts of potassium, acid stress which tends to complicate comparisons
calcium, and bicarbonate are lost as well. These ion among species. Even within the salmonids, upon which
losses are compensated by active transport mechanisms much of the work has been done, there appear to be
which are primarily localized in the gill epithelium major differences. The brown trout, Salmo trutta, and
(Maetz 1974; Dacke 1979). At the gill, sodium uptake is the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, are apparently the
thought to be independent of chloride uptake (Maetz et most sensitive to acid stress (Overrein et al. 1980)
a1. 1976; Kirschener 1979; Evans 1980), with the uptake whereas the brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, is
of both occurring as a result of electroneutral exchanges; generally regarded as the least sensitive (Dunson and
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Na' /H' (or NH4') and Cl-/HC03- (or OH-) (Fig. 1D) . Martin 1973; Daye and Garside 1975). Even greater acid
Less is known of potassium and calcium uptake, but the tolerances are seen among such teleosts as the white
gill chloride cell (Fig. 1B) is thought to play an sucker, Catostomus commersoni (Harvey 1979), the
important role in the latter (Payan et al. 1981). perch, Perca sp. (Harvey 1979, Muniz and Leivestad
Bicarbonate is a special case because of its importance to 1980), the roach Rutilus rutilus (EIFAC (European Inland
C02 excretion and acid-base balance. Its uptake at the Fisheries Advisory Commission) 1969), and the
gills is equivalent to the excretion of H' and both are characinid fishes of the Amazon Basin (Dunson et al.
controlled by the branchial mechanism of acid-base 1977). All of these fish species, as a rule, can survive at
regulation. This mechanism is thought to operate by the pH levels lethal to most salmonids.
manipulation of the relative intensities of Na' and C1- Despite the limitations of the present data, however,
uptake, increased Na' uptake correcting an acidosis and seven major effects of pH upon the gills can be identified
increased C1- uptake, an alkalosis (Cameron 1978; (ranked in approximate order of their occurrence with
Heisler 1982). In this, the gill assumes much of the role declining pH): inhibition of Na' and C1- uptake
that is the sole responsibility of the kidneys of terrestrial mechanisms, increased ion permeability and diffusional
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vertebrates. Finally, the gills are the principal site of ion efflux, increased hydrogen ion permeation of the
nitrogenous waste excretion. Over 90% of the ammonia gills, enhanced mucus production and release, mucus
produced in the body is excreted by the gills (Maetz coagulation and precipitation, inhibition of gas transfer
1973; McDonald and Wood 1981) employing a across the gills, and damage to and separation of gill
combination of ionic and nonionic diffusion (NH4' and epithelial layers. This list has been compiled largely on
NH3) and exchange against Na' (Kormanik and the basis of observations on salmonid fishes, and it
Cameron 1981). Thus, when one considers the should be kept in mind that it may apply only to this
functional complexity of the fish gill together with its group and to other, similarly intolerant, species.
structural delicacy and intimacy with the external However, as discussed in the last section of this review,
environment (Fig. I), it is easy to imagine that the it does appear that H' may have similar types of effects
primary impact of H' will be upon the gills and that a upon resistant species; the primary difference being
variety of disturbances will be produced. simply that a more severe exposure is required to
On the basis of published work it is now possible to produce the effects.
propose a fairly detailed model for the responses of the
gill to elevated H' ,but the present information has some Ionoregulatory disturbances at low pH
limitations which should be considered. First, the full In this section I have included the ionoregulatory
range of acid pH levels that a fish species is likely to responses of amphibian skin to low pH as these
encounter has not been thoroughly studied. Although responses have been more thoroughly examined,
investigations to date have used pH levels ranging from particularly in vitro. Furthermore, much of the findings
2.8 to 6.5 and have analyzed disturbances to various should be relevant to fish since there are strong functional
aspects of gas exchange, acid-base, and ion regulation similarities between the two transport epithelia (Motais
(see reviews by Fromm 1980; Wood and McDonald and Garcia-Romeu 1972; Kirschner 1979). From
1982), much of the studies have concentrated on the several studies on amphibian skin (reviewed in Motais
acutely to chronically toxic pH range of 3.5 to 4.5. In and Garcia-Romeu 1972) it is evident that acidification
particular, much less work has been done at the of the external medium causes an inhibition of the active
presumed threshold for pH effects upon the gills, pH transport of ions across the epithelium. Furthermore,
levels in the range of 5.0 to 6.5. Secondly, in many sodium u take (J,F+) is apparently more readily
studies the concentrations of ions other than H' have not inhibited tffan chlonde uptake ( ~ 6 - both
) in vivo and in
been controlled or have not been specified, nor has vitro. At a pH of about 4.0, J?:+ inhibition is usually
attention been paid to the prior acclimation history of the about 50% complete (Garcia-Romeu et al. 1969;
fish. This is particularly important in the case of external Mandel 1978) while J-: is either unaffected (in vivo,
calcium, as discussed below. Thirdly, there are now Garcia-Romeu et al. 1969) or is mildly stimulated (in
694 CAN. I . ZOOL. VOL. 61, 1983

vitro, Ussing 1949). It is also evident that diffusional ion maintained in soft water (ca2+ = 0.06 mequiv./L) !a
losses increase at low pH but, as a rule, large increases pH 4.0, there was very little recovery of J:
are not seen until pH levels are reached that are lower (McDonald et al. 1983). At higher c a 2 + levels (up to
than those inhibiting influx (Schoffeniels 1956; 5.7 mequiv. /L) recovery of J?:' was significantly
Gonzalez et al. 1976). In toto, these observations can be greater although it was not complete. [ca2+]and pH had
interpreted as evidence that the active transport similar, although generally smaller, effects upon ~7;-
mechanisms for Na' and C1- are independent of one (McDonald et al. 1983).
another and also that ionic efflux at low pH occurs by With regard to the influence of H+ on the passive
pathway(s) through the epithelium that are separate from efflux of ions (JZ' and ~ 2 : ~the~ )conclusion drawn from
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the inward transport pathways. Further, the inhibition of frog skin studies is that low pH modifies the epithelium
J?' and not of J;' can be explained by supposing that from being characteristically "tight" to being "leaky." In
fixed charges play an important role in the initial entry "tight" epithelia most of the Na' and C1- diffusive efflux
step of both ions. Hydrogen ion titration of negative is thought to occur by a transcellular route, i.e. through
charges in Na' -specific channels would act to restrain both the basolateral and apical membranes of the
the access of Na' to its transport mechanism but would epithelial cells (see Figs. 1C and 1D) while in "leaky" or
have little or no effect on neutral or positively charged highly permeable epithelia such as gall bladder and
C1- channels (Motais and Garcia-Romeu 1972). proximal kidney tubule, most of the efflux (>90%) is
In the fish gill, the inhibitory effect of H+ on Na' actually paracellular, i.e. through the tight junctions
influx was first shown by Packer and Dunson (1970) and between epithelial cells (Erlij and Martinez-Palomo
has now been well established. Inhibition begins at pH 1978). Gonzales et al. (1976), by following movements
levels as high as pH 6.0 (Maetz 1973; McWilliams and of normally impermeant nonelectrolytes such as sucrose
Potts 1978) and is typically nearly complete, in and mannitol across the frog skin in vitro, concluded
acid-intolerant species, upon acute exposure to pH 4.0 that low pH (pH G3 .O) opened the paracellular pathway
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(Packer and Dunson 1970; McWilliams and Potts 1978; to diffusion. Since tight-junction permeability is
McWilliams 1980a; McDonald et al. 1983). Effects on restricted, at least in part, by calcium bound to fixed
Jgl- have been less thoroughly examined. However, negative charges in the intercellular cement (Oschman
J:; was unaffected by pH 6.0 in goldfish, Carassius 1978), Gonzalez et al. proposed that Ca2+was liberated
auratus (Maetz 1973). Also, McWilliams (1980b), from the epithelium by low pH titration, thus opening
quoting unpublished observations, indicated that a the junctions to ionic efilux. In support of this
reduction of pH from 7.0 to 4.0 actually reduced C1- loss hypothesis they noted the appearance of Ca2+ in the
across the gills of brown trout by a factor of 2.5. The external medium upon acidification.
latter is contrary to observations of marked plasma C1- In the fish gill, the site and mode of action of H+ on
losses at pH 4.0 in a number of studies (Leivestad and ion permeability is not known but large increases in
Muniz 1976; McDonald et al. 1980; Ultsch et al. 1981; ionic efflux are typical of salmonids acutely exposed to
Booth et al. 1982) and a report of ~7;- inhibition at this low pH (Fig. 2). This tends to argue for a paracellular
pH in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri (McDonald et al. locus for the effects of H+ because the alternative, a
1983). Nevertheless, the initial inhibition of ~7;- in the large increase in transcellular permeability, would
trout was less than that of JF' (McDonald et al. 1983) probably require modification to both the apical and the
which supports the view that the responses of the frog basolateral membranes (Fig. 1C) .
skin and the fish gill to low pH are at least qualitatively Current studies indicate that low pH has similar,
similar. The major diiferences are of a quantitative though not identical, effects upon Na' and C1- efflux.
nature; the ionic fluxes through frog skin appear to be The threshold for stimulation of Na' efflux ( ~ 2 ' )in
less sensitive to acid exposure than those of the fish gill salmonids is between pH 5.0 and 6.0 and the effect is
at least as far as salmonid fishes are concerned. progressive with pH reduction (McWilliams and Potts
Whether ion uptake remains inhibited with continued 1978; McWilliams 1980b; McWilliams 1 9 8 2 ~ )At . pH
acid exposure has recently been explored in the fish gill. 4.0, for example, J$ :' can be up to 10-fold higher than
The available evidence indicates that some recovery is normal (Packer and Dunson 1970). With influx virtually
possible but the degree of recovery is dependent upon completely inhibited at this pH the large JZ' resulted in
pH, time, and upon the external calcium concentration. a net loss of body Na' of about 10%/h. A further
McWilliams (l980a, 1980b) showed that J?:' in brown reduction to pH 3.0 increased the Na' loss to about
trout recovered completely after 10 days at pH 6.0, but 50%/h and very rapidly resulted in the death of the fish
recovery was only about 20% at pH 4.6 and virtually nil (Packer and Dunson 1972).
at pH 4.0 by this time. McWilliam's experiments at pH The effect of low pH on JZ- has not been examined
4.6 and 4.0 were conducted in very soft water (Ca2+ = as extensively. However, in rainbow trout, the acute
0.03 mequiv./L). Similarly, when rainbow trout were increases in JZ; upon exposure to pH 4.0 were similar
to or greater than J~N.",' (McDonald et al. 1983). External
calcium, as discussed below, had a pronounced
influence on the degree to which ~ 2 ,increased
- with low
pH. 0

There are two aspects of the effect of pH on the ionic C

permeability of fish gills which are noteworthy since
they provide some insights into the mechanism of action -3
of H+. Firstly, the effect of H+ appears to be quite u

similar to that exhibited by two polyvalent cations, CI

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lanthanum ( ~ a " , on goldfish; Eddy and Bath 1979) and Jout

poly-L-lysine (PLL; on rainbow trout; Greenwald and
Kirschner 1976). These substances, at concentrations of
2.0 mmol/L and 0.001 mmol/L, respectively, cause 5-
to 10-fold increases in both JZ' and JZ-.The effect of
h3+ is particularly interesting because ~ a is ~thought
+ to
specifically bind to and precipitate glycoproteins in the
intercellular cement (Oschman 1978) and in this respect
may be operating as a c a 2 + antagonist. These findings J in
reinforce the view that H+ increases the permeability of
the gills by displacing c a 2 + from the paracellular diffu-
sion pathway.
The second feature which H+ , ~ a ~and + PLL
, share is Jout
that the increase in ion pemeability which they produce
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declines rapidly with time (Greenwald and Kirschner

1976; Eddy and Bath 1979; McDonald et al. 1983). For
~ a " and PLL, normal permeability was restored by
about 4 h while at pH 4.0 (or 0.1 mmol/LH+), ion
efflux fell from 6 x to 2 x normal by 4 h and was normal
within 40 h (McDonald et al. 1983; see Fig. 2). The
mechanism by which the increase in permeability is
rapidly reversed with the continued presence of the
stressor is unknown. It is unlikely to be due to any FIG.2. A possible model for the pH and time dependence of
significant change in the ion diffusion gradient as plasma unidirectional ion fluxes (Jin and J,,,) across the gills of
ion levels decline too slowly (Eddy and Bath 1979; freshwater fish. Shaded area indicates net. ion flux. Note the
McDonald et al. 1980). It could have a hormonal basis; rapid recovery of J,,, and the slower and only partial recovery
there is now evidence that secretion of the ionoregula- of Jin.Values extrapolated from measurements on Na+ fluxes
tory hormones, cortisol (Aschom 1979) and prolactin in rainbow trout in high Ca2+ water (5.7 mequiv. /L) at pH 4 . 0
(Notter et al. 1976), is stimulated by acid exposure but and 7 . 0 (McDonald et al. 1983). A plot for C1- fluxes would
again, hormonal effects usually require a minimum of show a similar pattern except for smaller disturbances in hi h
several hours before they are expressed. Another k+
c a 2 + and larger disturbances in low ~ a ? . Also, in low Ca
possibility may be a restiction of perfusion of lamellar there would be less recovery in both J:" and J ~ A - . At +40 h,
no values are shown below pH 4 . 0 because the rainbow trout
surfaces thereby reducing ion losses (i.e., a change in would not have survived to this point. See text for further
functional surface area rather than a true change in details.
permeability). 'In this regard, Jackson and Fromm
(1980) report an immediate increase in vasomotor tone Whatever the mechanisms for the reversal of the
in the isolated trout gill upon acid exposure (pH 3.5). permeability increase, the fact that it occurs indicates
Although the significance of this observation is that the rate of diffusional efflux of ions across the gills
uncertain it does suggest that gill tissue is capable of will be strongly time dependent, as well as being pH
rapid adjustments. Finally, the epithelial cells them- dependent. Similar conditions also apply to the
selves may respond directly to restrict the ion loss. Fibrillar inhibition of influx, as previously discussed. The
elements in the desmosomes, the organelles which seal complex nature of these effects is suggested by Fig. 2,
epithelial cells together (Fig. 1C) are contractile and which is a model based on Na+ movements in the
thus may be able to reduce the spacing between cells and rainbow trout (McDonald et al. 1983). Since the
thereby restrict the paracellular diffusion channels inhibition of J$'- and the recovery of J,S:- are not
(Geise 1979). identical to that of Na+ (McDonald et al. 1983), the
696 CAN. J. ZOOL. VOL. 61, 1983

complete picture for ion fluxes at the gill will be more Calcium appears to have a somewhat smaller
complex than indicated in Fig. 2. Furthermore, an even influence on C1- movements. The effect of c a 2 + upon
greater level of complexity is added when the effects of J$'- has not been studied but ~$1,- is not affected as
external calcium are considered. Not only does calcium much by Ca2+ removal as is JZ' (Eddy 1975) nor is it
reduction increase the net losses of ions across the gills reduced to the same extent by c a 2 +addition to deionized
at low pH (McDonald 1983) but it affects Na+ and C1- water (Maetz and Bornancin 1975). Nevertheless, in
movements in qualitatively different ways as discussed goldfish kept in deionized water, plasma chloride losses
below. did occur, although they were not as large as the sodium
losses (de Renzis and Maetz 1973).
The influence of external calcium
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Although the removal of external calcium causes

In an ecological context, water-borne calcium is ionic disturbances, fish eventually reach a new
important to fish populations since waters low in equilibrium at lower plasma ion levels (de Renzis and
calcium and other dissolved minerals are generally low Maetz 1973; Olivereau et al. 1980) and some species
in productivity (Willoughby 1976) and by virtue of their such as the eel Anguilla anguilla and the goldfish are
low buffering capacity (i.e., low [CaC03]) are apparently capable of indefinite survival in this
susceptible to acidification. Calcium is also of environment (Olivereau et al. 1980). Furthermore, if
considerable physiological importance. It has well- fish are maintained in calcium-depleted but otherwise
known effects on the stability and permeability of normal freshwater they are usually able to fully recover
biological membranes (Schoeffeniels 1967) and when their original ion balance (McDonald et al. 1980;
added to water will improve the survival of marine fish McDonald 1983). This recovery process (which
in freshwater (Carrier and Evans 1976) and that of requires at least a week and may require much longer
freshwater fish in acidified water (Leivestad et al. 1980; depending on species and on water ion levels;
McDonald et al. 1980; Brown 1981; McDonald 1983). McDonald et al. 1980; Olivereau et al. 1980) appears,
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In fact, in a survey of 700 acid lakes (pH 4.5 and 5.5) in from recent studies on the rainbow trout (McDonald et
southern Norway, Wright and Snekvik (1978) al. 1983), to involve primarily a gradual reduction in ion
concluded that calcium was at least as critical to fishery permeability rather than a stimulation of ion uptake.
status as was pH. This conclusion is based on the observation that following
To understand the ameliorative effects of calcium at 1-2 weeks of acclimation to low ca2+ (0.06
low pH it is of value to first examine its normal mequiv. /L) the gill turnover rates for Na+ and C1-,
interactions with gill function. In neutral waters calcium measured at a constant Na Cl,,, of 0.3 mmol/L, were
probably exerts most of its effect as a result of being similar to or actually lower than those measured in
bound to the gills. While it is likely that the binding animals in high c a 2 + (5.7 mequiv. /L). The mecha-
activity for calcium varies with species it is generally nism(~)responsible for this branchial adjustment to low
true that continued washing of animals in deionized ca2+ are not fully known, but an enhanced secretion of
water (Eddy 1975) or the use of chelating agents the pituitary hormone prolactin may play an important
(Cuthbert and Maetz 1972) is required before the effects role (Wendelaar Bonga 1978; Olivereau et al. 1980).
of calcium removal from the medium are expressed. Suggestions as to the precise role of prolactin in this
Furthermore, calcium is probably bound to at least two instance have included a direct effect upon diffusion
separate sites involved in ion regulation: to the tight channel permeability (Bern 1975) and an increase in the
junctions, as previously discussed in reference to frog calcium binding capacity of the gills (Wendelaar Bonga
skin and to the Na+-transport channels in the apical 1978). The latter implies that prolactin, in essence, may
membrane. The evidence for these loci is that calcium be creating with low Ca2+ acclimation, a high calcium
removal from the external medium provokes 5- to microenvironment at the surface of the gills.
10-fold increases in J%+ (increased junctional per; In view of the above, it is not surprising that external
meability?) and somewhat smaller increases in 4:" calcium will modulate the effects of hydrogen ions on
(Cuthbert and Maetz 1972; Eddy 1975). The latter ionoregulating mechanisms and that the effect will
presumably occurs because the access of Na+ to its depend upon ca2+ acclimation history. Acute reduction
transport channel is increased. This is supported by of both Ca2+ and pH in brown trout increased JZ'
observations on the action of amiloride; a highly specific substantially more than that caused by pH reduction
sodium channel blocker in a wide variety of epithelia alone (McWilliams 1 9 8 2 ~ )When,
. however, fish had
(Benos 1982). Amiloride inhibition will not occur been first acclimated to low calcium and then acid
without the presence of external ca2+ (Cuthbert and exposed the effects of external ca2+ were much less
Wong 1972) which suggests that calcium is required for pronounced. J,;' considerably elevated in rainbow
amiloride binding and thus is normally present in the trout upon initial exposure to pH 4.0, was virtually
Na+ channel. unaffected by water-borne c a 2 + over a nearly 100-fold
range in concentration (McDonald et al. 1983). JP' and J$'- are inhibited at low pH and remain so at low
Nevertheless, effects of Ca2+were still evident; animals ca2+ and low pH, it is more likely that external c a 2 +
acclimated to low Ca2+ showed initially a substantially exerts a general effect upon membrane stability and
greater ;:J than animals acclimated to high c a 2 + and, upon the structure of proteins in the ion transport
although;:J and ::J: eventually declined to normal channels. However, ,the nature of this effect remains to
levels, irrespective of [Ca2+], there was a persistent be elucidated.
inhibition of J?' and JE1-that was more pronounced at
low ca2+. These two effects, the initially higher J&lt-
and the greater inhibition of active ion uptake, are thus Acid-base disturbances at low pH
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together responsible for the elevated plasma ion losses Low pH environments are likely to interfere with
which occur in acidified soft water compared with hard acid-base regulation by the gills in two important ways.
water (McDonald et al. 1980; McDonald 1983; Firstly, the inhibition of active ion transport will disrupt
Leivestad et al. 1980) and also likely account for the Na+/H+ and Clh/HC03- exchanges and thus disable
increased mortality in this environment (McDonald rapid responses by fish to blood acid-base disturbances
1983). (cf. Heisler 1982). Although the kidney remains quite
The question thus arises as to the precise nature of the competent in acid-base regulation at low pH
interaction of Ca2+and H+ upon NaCl fluxes across the (McDonald and Wood 1981) it cannot fully replace the
gills. While it is likely that this interaction is complex function of the gills as it responds very slowly to acid
and not constant with time, it is possible to advance challenge (Wood and Caldwell 1978). Secondly and
some plausible explanations for its various components. more importantly, the gills can act as a major route for
A probable explanation for the initially large passive H+ ion permeation of the body fluids when external [H+]
ionic effluxes at low pH is that H+ displaces c a 2 + from is elevated. McWilliams and Potts (1978) recorded
the gill paracellular diffusional channels, as previously marked changes in transepithelial potential in brown
For personal use only.

discussed. Indeed, exposing fish to deionized water trout when pH was reduced from pH 7.0 to 3.5 and
produces plasma ionic and acid-base disturbances (cf. concluded that, in fact, the gills were about 1000-2000
de Renzis and Maetz 1973) very similar in nature to times more permeable to H+ than Na'. This high
those produced by low pH exposure, particularly when permeability has been confirmed with recent measure-
the latter is conducted in hard water (McDonald et al. ments of a substantial net influx of H+ (J:~:) across the
1980). Under the circumstance where both external gills at pH 4.0 (Ultsch et al. 1981;McDonald and Wood
[ca2+] and pH are low, then the displacement of 1981; McDonald et al. 1983) and of the development of
membrane-bound Ca2+and, therefore, ion losses would a blood acidosis (Neville 1979; Packer 1979; McDonald
be increased. While prior acclimation to low c a 2 + will etal. 1980;Ultsch etal. 1981). AtpH 3.5 the J,Hd inthe
reduce this effect, it cannot abolish it entirely because carp, Cyprinus carpio, was even higher than at pH 4.0
ca2+ is likely to retain an important control over and the resulting acidosis more severe (Ultsch et al.
membrane permeability. The observation that low 1981). In this instance the acidosis was likely of
ca2+-acclimated animals initially lose Cl- more rapidly sufficient magnitude to have been the direct cause of
at low pH than high ca2+-acclimated animals can also death.
be explained by supposing that diffusion channels are The net influx of H+ at low pH is similar to Jd;',- and
physically restructured in the process of low Ca2+ ';5
: in that it declines with continued low pH exposure
acclimation. For example, these channels may be (Ultsch et al. 1981; McDonald et al. 1983). This
altered from being cation selective (possessed of a high suggests that there is a time-dependent reduction in
density of negatively charged residues) to being neutral epithelial permeability to H'. This interpretation,
or anion selective. This change, which would be distinct however, is complicated by the fact that branchial
from any increase in gill Ca2+-binding activity that ammonia excretion also increases substantially during
might be occurring with low Ca2+ acclimation, would acid exposure (McDonald 1983; McDonald et al. 1983).
specifically favor C1- diffusion when the channels were Since a variable proportion of this excretion can occur as
opened by low pH exposure. NH4+ as opposed to NH3, and since NH4+ and H+
Finally, the observation that low :a2+ prevents or excretion are equivalent, then NH4+ excretion could
limits the recovery of ion uptake (JEa and JE-) during have accounted for the decline in.::J This question
low pH exposure is more difficult to explain. The effect cannot be further resolved at the present time because it
is probably not related to the displacement of c a 2 +from is not possible to separately measure NH3 and N H ~ +
Na+ transport channels as this displacement increases excretion nor, in fact, to measure the undirectional
JP' at neutral pH (Eddy 1975) and indeed, does so fluxes of H+. It should be noted, however, that since
under mildly acid conditions in soft water (pH 5.5, Ca2+ JP' remained low in the acid-exposed trout, particularly
S 0.5 mequiv./L; McWilliams 1 9 8 2 ~ ) Since . both in soft water (McDonald et al. 1983), that the
698 CAN. J . ZOOL. VOL. 61, 1983

contribution of Nat/NH4+ exchange (Fig. 1D) to Ht tissue hypoxia. This conclusion has been supported by
excretion would be small. measurements of much reduced oxygen consumption at
External calcium, in addition to its effects upon ~ a ' low pH (Packer and Dunson 1972; Ultsch et al. 1980)
and Cl- regulation, also has an effect upon J,$at low and by evidence for restriction of oxygen diffusion
pH. Over relati~elylong-term exposures (4-5 days at by mucus (Ultsch and Gros 1979). While it seems
pH 4.0-4.5) ,J: was lower in rainbow trout acclimated likely that gas transport failure is an important
to soft water than in animals acclimated to hard water contributor to death at acutely toxic pH levels (pH S3.5)
(McDonald 1983). In the former, J:;declined to zero in it should be pointed out that extensive damage to the gill
1-2 days and there was virtually no detectable blood lamellae, with separation of the outer epithelial layer,
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by RICE UNIVERSITY on 08/08/17

acid-base disturbance, while in the latter a significant also occurs (Daye and Garside 1976). The latter would
acidosis gradually developed that was similar in propor- more profoundly interfere with gas exchange because
tion to that caused by severe exercise (Heisler 1982). the diffusion distance, water to blood, would be greatly
These results suggest that the gills of fish in low pH soft increased (Hughes 1980). Thus, it still remains to be
water are, in fact, less permeable to H+ than those of fish established whether mucous accumulation alone has any
in low pH hard water, particularly since there is no evi- harmful effects upon gill function.
dence for increased branchial or renal H+ excretion in the At less toxic pH levels (pH 24.0) the enhanccd
former (McDonald 1983; McDonald et al. 1983). The release of mucus is continued by the proliferation of
basis for this phenomenon is uncertain but it may be related mucous cells in the skin (Zuchelkowski et al. 1981) and
to the higher chloride permeability in soft water. If, in- the gills (Daye and Garside 1976). Since mucous
deed, the diffusion channels in the low ca2+-acclimated secretion is a common response not only to H+ but also
animal are no longer cation selective then these channels to a number of other toxicants such as trace metals
would favor equimolar ~ a and + C1- efflux and the (Lewis and Lewis 1971; Varanasi and Markey 1978;
inward diffusion of H+ would be less favored. Muniz and Leivestad 1980; Lock and Van Overbeeke
For personal use only.

Certainly, there is a good correlation between the net 1981) and organics (Christie and Battle 1963) it is
movements of Na+ and C1- and the net movements of worthwhile examining what the physiological benefits
H+. In soft water acclimated and acid-exposed trout the of this secretion to gill function, if any, might be.
low ,J: was correlated with nearly equimolar net losses Under normal circumstances the gills of freshwater
of Na+ and Cl-, while in hard water the high J z w a s fish are covered with a thin layer of mucus (see Fig. 1C).
correlated with a large':J: and a small ~2:- (McDonald This layer consists of a water-soluble complex of
1983). These are not surprising findings in themselves glycoproteins (Harris and Hunt 1973) which, because of
because charge balance across the gills must be the presence of sialic acid residues, will have a net
maintained. However, they do serve to emphasize the negative charge (i.e., be polyanionic) at neutral pH
important conclusion that ion and H+ movements are (Kirschner 1978). Suggestions as to the function of
interrelated at the gills and, also, that hydrogen ions mucus have included a defensive role, both against
need not permeate to the body fluids in order to have abrasion damage and against bacterial pathogens (by
toxic effects upon fish. virtue of the presence of immunoglobins and
antibody-like activity; Harris and Hunt 1973), and a role
Mucus and low pH in osmoregulation. Three separate osmoregulatory
One of the first and now extensively documented functions for the mucous layer have been proposed: that
responses of fish to acid exposure is the increased release it is a diffusion barrier to ion and water movement but
of mucus from cells in the skin and gill surfaces. The not, perhaps, to respiratory gases (Hughes 1980); that by
threshold for this response appears to be below pH 5.6 virtue of its polyanionic nature it will tend to concentrate
(Daye and Garside 1976) while at pH levels of less than cations and thus aid their active inward transport
4.0 mucus typically appears rapidly as a visible film on (Kirschner 1978), and that it has the property of being
the body surface (Westfall 1945; Beamish 1972; Ultsch able to specifically bind calcium (Wendelaar Bonga
and Gros 1979) and also accumulates to a considerable 1978). Marsha11 (1978) demonstrated in vitro that the
extent on the gills, particularly in the interlamellar ability of mucus to impede ion diffusion was not
spaces (Plonka and Neff 1969; Daye and Garside 1976; impressive; mucus had permeation characteristics
Muniz and Leivestad 1980). The rapid appearance of similar to that of water. Nevertheless, Shephard (1982),
mucus at low pH is probably due to both enhanced using cation-selective microelectrodes, showed that the
release and to the precipitation of the protein mucous layer overlying fish esophageal epithelium was
components in the secretion (Westfall 1945). A number an unstirred layer supporting a stable portion of the
of authors (see Fromm 1980 for review) have suggested transepithelial ionic gradient. Also Bierther (1970)
that a thick mucous layer upon the gills would impede demonstrated, by histochemical methods, the accumula-
oxygen transfer and thus would contribute to a severe tion of both sodium and chloride in this layer on the gills.
The implication of these findings is that the ionic some support for the view that short-term sublethal acid
activities "seen" by the apical transport pumps are likely exposure has relatively little permanent effect. Lloyd
to be higher than those of the external medium and this and Jordan (1964) found that rainbow trout, which had
would clearly assist ion uptake. How much higher is lost equilibrium after 24 h at pH 3.8, recovered
difficult to estimate and, as Shephard (1982) points out, completely when transferred to water of normal pH.
will depend upon the thickness of the layer, the Similarly, McDonald er al. (1983) have shown that J:"'
distribution and the dissociation of the charged groups, in this species returned immediately to normal after 2
and the electrochemical equilibria established within the days at pH 4.0. Since Na' uptake is possibly the most
layer. sensitive indicator of acid stress, this finding suggests
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by RICE UNIVERSITY on 08/08/17

These conditions will, of course, also influence the that the gill damage was of a relatively minor and
concentration of calcium at the gill surface but, in view reversible nature. Nevertheless, at more acutely toxic
of the importance of calcium to permeability control of pH levels, irreversible gill damage probably does occur.
the gills (see above) special provisions for its binding Beamish (1972) exposed white suckers to pH levels of
might be expected. Marshall (1978) has shown that the 3.0 to 3.8 and found that once a visible surface film of
exchange capacity of mucus is, indeed, higher for ca2' mucus became evident the animals could not be revived.
than for Na' and Chartier (1973) was able to isolate a Furthermore, the fact that gill injury has apparently such
protein fraction in branchial mucus that had specific a low threshold suggests that a gradual deterioration of
calcium binding properties. In later studies, Chartier et the epithelium is likely to occur with long-term sublethal
al. (1977) demonstrated that the calcium-binding acid exposure. This may be one of the major reasons
activity of the external surface could be significantly why attempts to acclimate fish to low pH have so far
increased by the removal of the Stannius corpuscles. proven largely unsuccessful (see below).
This observation raises the possibility that ionic
disturbances can be corrected by a mechanism involving Adaptation to low pH
For personal use only.

an increased production and secretion of mucus, Many species of fish are adapted for life in acid
particularly if the result is an increased calcium waters. The Amazon basin, for example, supports an
concentration at the gill surface. abundant aquatic fauna despite the fact that the waters
It then follows .that mucous secretion at low pH may are ion poor and often acidic (pH 4.0 to 5.0; Heisler
well be a highly appropriate physiological response. 1980). Furthermore, many species of fish from these
However, it shouid be remembered that much of the waters have an exceptional tolerance of acid levels
function of mucus may depend upon its polyanionic which would be acutely lethal to most temperate-zone
nature. If this is the case, then acidification of the teleosts . The cardinal tetra, Cheirodon axelrodi, is, for
medium will titrate the charged residues and will example, able to survive immediate transfer to pH 3.5
profoundly interfere with their ion binding properties. for an indefinite period (Dunson et al. 1977). The
This aspect of the effect of pH has not been examined in physiological basis of this acid tolerance requires more
any detail but recently Miller and MacKay (1982) thorough investigation, but an important component is
showed that fish mucous solutions, which bind copper at likely to be the acid resistance of gill mechanisms of ion
neutral pH, lose that binding capacity entirely at pH 3.5. regulation. Dunson et al. (1977) showed while that the
Thus the question of the physiological benefit of mucous net salt losses in cardinal tetras, which were probably
secretion at low pH is still not resolved. responsible for their death, were comparable to those in
a less acid-tolerant species, the guppy (Poecilia
Epithelial damage at low pH reticulata), a much lower pH (3.0 vs. 3.75) was required
Daye and Garside (1976) have provided the only to produce such losses. Furthermore, McWilliams
detailed study of the effects of pH on gill morphology. (1982b) has shown that Na' transport and diffusional
They showed, in brook trout exposed to various pH loss in the acid-tolerant perch, Perca jluviatilis, were
levels for 7 days (or until death), that the threshold for completely insensitive to pH reduction down to a level
gill injury was between pH 5.6 and 5.2 and that, not of pH 4.0. Exposing the less tolerant salmonids to this
surprisingly, the gill was the most sensitive of the pH, as discussed, will produce virtually comppte
exposed surfaces. At pH 5.2 the principal effect was a inhibition of JP' and several fold increases in J?tt .
separation of the epithelial layers of the gill lamellae This acid tolerance has raised the possibility that less
which became progressively greater with increased acid tolerant animals can be gradually acclimated to low pH.
stress. Since brook trout are capable of prolonged Several studies have now addressed this question with
survival at pH levels below the threshold for injury, variable, but largely negative, results. In the rainbow
Daye and Garside (1976) suggested that an equilibrium trout, for example, some adaptive changes did occur
was established between cell destruction and replace- during pH 4.0 exposure: the passive efflux of ions
ment. While there is no direct evidence for this, there is returned to normal levels by 40 h and there was a partial
700 CAN. J. ZOOL. VOL. 61, 1983

recovery of ion uptake in hard water by this time clear evidence that such adaptation is possible but it is
(McDonald et al. 1983). However, plasma ion levels uncertain whether low pH tolerance would, in fact, arise
did not begin to return toward normal levels even after 5 from generations of exposure to chronically reduced pH.
days' exposure to pH 4.0-4.5 (McDonald et al. 1980) A study by Robinson et al. ( 1976) on brook trout strains
and, thus, body ion balance was not being restored. has shown that, indeed, inheritable differences in low pH
McWilliams (1980b), on the other hand, did show tolerance do exist, but points out that this tolerance arose
evidence of fairly complete recovery of ion levels in not from selection for low pH resistance but rather from
brown trout after 3-6 weeks at pH 6.0. Furthermore, selection for other desirable traits. In any case, studies
when these animals were subsequently exposed to pH by both Robinson et al. (1976) and Swarts et al. (1978)
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by RICE UNIVERSITY on 08/08/17

4.0, Na' influx and efflux were less affected than in indicate that such selection is likely to require many
animals previously maintained at pH 7.0. However, an generations and is, therefore, unlikely to occur as
important criterion for successful low pH acclimation is rapidly as the rate at which sensitive freshwater
increased resistance to lethal pH and it can be argued that environments are becoming critically acidic in the wild.
the brown trout would not have passed this test. To date,
only one study, by Trojnar (1977) on eggs and alevins, Acknowledgements
has shown improved lethal resistance following low pH The author's research quoted here has been supported
exposure. The remaining studies, using sublethal by grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering
acclimation times ranging from 2 h to 12 months have Research Council of Canada and from Fisheries and
shown either no effect upon resistance time (Lloyd and Oceans, Canada. Thanks are extended to the coauthors
Jordan 1964; Mount 1973; Falk and Dunson 1977; Daye of this work: Dr. Chris Wood, Dr. Dick Walker, Peter
1980; Gerking and Lee 1982) or deleterious effects Wilkes, and Helve Hobe for many useful discussions.
(Swarts et al. 1978). Furthermore, the recent study of
Gerking and Lee (1982) showed that the desert pupfish, ASHCOM, T. L. 1979. Serum cortisol and electrolyte responses
For personal use only.

Cyprinodon nevadensis, maintained for 14 weeks at pH in acid-stressed brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis. Ph.D.
6.3, failed to recover its reproductive capacity upon dissertation, Pennsylvania State University, University
return to neutral waters, thus indicating that some Park, PA.
permanent damage had occurred. BEAMISH,R. J. 1972. Lethal pH for the white sucker
The conclusion that one can draw is that while sensitive Catostomus commersoni (LacCpCde). Trans. Am. Fish.
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