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Unit – 5

Digital Communication and Personality Making

Content Creation for Social Media: Emails, Webinars, Podcasts, Blogs
Social media marketing can help increase brand awareness, brand recognition, and sales
while improving your relationships with customers. A quality social media content plan can
help you earn more followers and reach more people. When used correctly, social media
marketing can help take your brand to the next level by reaching customers where they spend
their time online.

It’s a cost-effective marketing tool that allows small businesses to compete with large
corporations and form long-lasting relationships with customers. Social media can increase
the traffic your website receives, and it’s an essential sales tool. The more you increase your
visibility online, the more opportunities you have to convert visitors into loyal customers.
Every post you create is a new opportunity to advertise your business, but your content plan
should include a healthy mix of promotional and educational or engaging posts that can
attract more customers.

What is a social media content plan?

Creating good social media content requires a plan. A social media content plan is part of
your overall marketing strategy; it helps you effectively plan the types of content you post on
different social media platforms depending on your audience. A content plan should consist
of the use of multiple types of content, including videos, blogs, eBooks, videos, and content
developed just for stories.

Social media content plans are necessary because they help you see all the types of content
you’re sharing over the course of a month. They can also help you plan for the future. For
example, if you’re planning a product launch, you can look at your social media content plan
to determine the types of content you should create to announce the new product.

Developing a social media content plan can help you save time and make posting on social
media more efficient. Here’s how you can get started creating a social media content plan:

1. Learn about your audience

Studying your audience can help you decide what types of posts will perform best. It can also
help you choose the right social media platforms to use.

Learning about your audience can help you develop buyer personas, allowing you to build a
content plan that will increase engagement.

2. Set goals

All of your business and marketing initiatives need goals to help you measure performance.
A few goals you can have for your social media strategy include

• brand awareness
• website traffic
3. Perform competitive analysis

If your competitors are already successfully using social media, check on their profiles to see
what types of content are performing well for them. After all, you have the same target
audience, so the types of posts that do well for them will likely perform well for you.
However, always make your posts unique. Never steal designs or copy from a competitor.

4. Gather content

Your brand probably has a few pieces of content already developed for marketing use. Grab
all your content and see what you can repurpose for social media. For example, if your
website has a blog, consider the types of blogs you can post on social media to increase web
traffic and brand awareness.

5. Create a calendar

Creating a content calendar can help you plan your social media posts ahead of time, helping
to save you time. If you plan to post on social media daily, consider using a social media
management platform that will allow you to schedule posts on all your platforms from one
place. These platforms allow you to track the effectiveness of your posts and analyze
different aspects of your marketing strategy to help you make improvements in real time.

6. Evaluate content

After posting content, don’t forget about it. Re-evaluate your content regularly to help you
determine which types of posts perform well and get the most engagement among your target
audience. You may be surprised by your findings, so find a way to keep track of your likes,
comments, and web traffic to ensure you’re utilizing the most effective types of content in
your social media content plan.

Emails: Electronic mail (email or e-mail) is a method of transmitting and receiving

messages using electronic devices. It was conceived in the late–20th century as
the digital version of, or counterpart to, mail (hence e- + mail). Email is a common and very
widely used communication medium; in current use, an email address is often treated as a
basic and necessary part of many processes in business, commerce, government, education,
entertainment, and other spheres of daily life in most countries.

"Email" refers to both the delivery system and individual messages that are sent and received.
Today's email systems are based on a store-and-forward model. Email servers accept,
forward, deliver, and store messages. .

Today, email is one of the most popular methods of digital communication. Its prevalence
and security vulnerabilities also make it an appealing vehicle for cyber attacks
like phishing, domain spoofing, and business email compromise (BEC).

Email messages are sent from software programs and web browsers, collectively referred to
as email ‘clients.’ Individual messages are routed through multiple servers before they reach
the recipient’s email server, similar to the way a traditional letter might travel through several
post offices before it reaches its recipient’s mailbox.
An individual email is made up of three primary components: the SMTP envelope, the
header, and the body.

The SMTP “envelope” is the data communicated between servers during the email delivery
process. It consists of the sender’s email address and the recipient’s email address. This
envelope data tells the mail server where to send the message, just as a mail carrier references
the address on an envelope in order to deliver a letter to the correct location.

Like the SMTP envelope, the email header provides critical information about the sender and
recipient. Most of the time, the header matches the information provided in the SMTP
envelope, but this may not always be the case. For instance, a scammer may disguise the
source of a message by using a legitimate email address in the header of an email. Because
the recipient only sees the header and body of an email — not the envelope data — they may
not know the message is malicious.

The header may also contain a number of optional fields that allow the recipient to reply to,
forward, categorize, archive, or delete the email. Other header fields include the following:

o The ‘Date’ field contains the date the email is sent. This is a mandatory
header field.

o The ‘From’ field contains the email address of the sender. If the email
address is associated with a display name, that may be shown in this field
as well. This is also a mandatory header field.

o The ‘To’ field contains the email address of the recipient. If the email
address is associated with a display name, that may be shown in this field
as well.

o The ‘Subject’ field contains any contextual information about the

message the sender wants to include. It is displayed as a separate line
above the body of an email.

o The ‘Cc’ (carbon copy) field allows the sender to send a copy of the
email to additional recipients. The recipients marked in the ‘To’ field can
see the email address(es) listed in the ‘Cc’ field.

o The ‘Bcc’ (blind carbon copy) field allows the sender to send a copy of
the email to additional recipients. The recipients marked in the ‘To’ field
cannot see the email address(es) listed in the ‘Bcc’ field.

The body of an email contains any information the sender wishes to send: text, images, links,
videos, and/or other file attachments, provided that they do not exceed the email client’s size
restrictions. Alternatively, an email can be sent without any information in the body field.
What is an email address?

An email address is a unique string of characters that identifies an email account, or

‘mailbox,’ where messages can be sent and received. Email addresses are formatted in three
distinct parts: a local-part, an “@” symbol, and a domain.

For example, in the email address, “employee” denotes the local-
part and “” denotes the domain.

Is email secure?

Although email is often used to exchange confidential information, it is not a secure system
by design. This makes it an attractive target for attackers, who may intercept an unencrypted
message, spread malware, or impersonate legitimate organizations. Other email security
threats include social engineering, domain spoofing, ransomware, spam, and more.

One of email’s most significant vulnerabilities is its lack of built-in encryption, leaving the
contents of an email visible to any unauthorized party that might intercept or otherwise gain
access to the message.

In an attempt to make email more secure, many email clients offer one of two basic
encryption capabilities: Transport Layer Security encryption (or ‘TLS encryption’) and end-
to-end encryption (or 'E2EE'). During TLS encryption, messages are encrypted during transit
(from user to server or server to user), and the email service provider retains possession of the
private key used to set up this encryption. The email service provider can therefore see the
unencrypted contents of the email. During end-to-end encryption (from user to user),
messages can only be decrypted by the sender and recipient of the email.

Webinars: What is Content Creation for a Webinar?

Content creation is producing and publishing digital content that is engaging, informative,
and relevant to a business's target audience. In the context of a webinar, content creation
plays a critical role in the event's success. By creating high-quality content that matches with
the target audience, businesses can attract more attendees, drive engagement, and generate
more revenue.

To create compelling content for a webinar, it is important to understand your target audience
and their interests. Businesses can gain valuable insights into their target audience's pain
points, preferences, and expectations by researching and gathering feedback from previous

Several types of content can be used in a webinar, including videos, case studies, white
papers, and templates. Videos are an effective way to capture the audience's attention and
convey information dynamically and engagingly. Case studies and white papers provide a
deeper dive into a specific topic, allowing businesses to showcase their expertise and thought
leadership. Templates, however, offer a practical tool that the audience can use after the
webinar to implement the concepts discussed.
Examples of high-quality webinars include those that offer unique and valuable insights to
the audience, feature engaging and knowledgeable speakers, and provide a seamless and
interactive customer experience.

How to Create Content for a Webinar

Creating a content strategy for a webinar can be complex, requiring careful planning,
organization, and attention to detail. Here are some key steps to follow when creating
effective content for a webinar:

1. Brainstorming: Start by brainstorming ideas for the webinar's content. Consider your
target audience's interests, pain points, and preferences, and think about how your
business can provide unique and valuable insights.
2. Sourcing: Once you have your ideas, it's time to source the content. This may involve
researching and gathering data, collaborating with subject matter experts, or sourcing
existing content that can be repurposed.
3. Copywriting: With your content in hand, it's time to start copywriting. This involves
creating compelling and engaging copy that communicates your message effectively
and resonates with the audience.
4. Optimization: Once your content is written, it's important to optimize it for search
engines and other channels. This may involve using relevant keywords, creating meta
descriptions, or optimizing your landing page for conversions.
5. Project management and collaboration: Effective content creation for a webinar often
requires collaboration between different teams and stakeholders. Businesses can use
project management tools and processes to ensure that everyone works together
efficiently and effectively.
6. Compelling video content: Video is a highly effective medium for webinars, allowing
businesses to convey information dynamically and engagingly. To create compelling
video content, optimizing for SEO, creating a consistent brand experience, and using
high-quality visuals and sound is important.
7. Social media and other channels: To promote your webinar and reach your target
audience, it's essential to use your social channels effectively. This may involve
creating targeted ad campaigns, using influencers to promote your event, or
leveraging your existing subscriber list to drive attendance.
Podcasts: A podcast is a program made available in digital format for download over the
Internet. For example, an episodic series of digital audio files that a user can download to a
personal device to listen to at a time of their choosing. Podcasts are primarily an audio
medium, with some programs offering a supplemental video component.

A podcast series usually features one or more recurring hosts engaged in a discussion about a
particular topic or current event. Discussion and content within a podcast can range from
carefully scripted to completely extemporaneous. Podcasts combine elaborate and artistic
sound production with thematic concerns ranging from scientific research to slice-of-
life journalism. Many podcast series provide an associated website with links and show notes,
guest biographies, transcripts, additional resources, commentary, and occasionally a
community forum dedicated to discussing the show's content.

The cost to the consumer is low, and many podcasts are free to download. Some podcasts are
underwritten by corporations or sponsored, with the inclusion of commercial advertisements.
In other cases, a podcast could be a business venture supported by some combination of a
paid subscription model, advertising or product delivered after sale. Because podcast content
is often free, podcasting is often classified as a disruptive medium, adverse to the
maintenance of traditional revenue models.

Blogs: A blog is an informational website consisting of disconnected, often informal diary-

style text entries (posts). Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order so that
the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page. Until 2009, blogs were often the
work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often covered a single subject
or topic. In the 2010s, "multi-author blogs" (MABs) emerged, featuring the writing of
multiple authors and sometimes professionally edited. MABs from newspapers, other media
outlets, universities, think tanks, advocacy groups, and similar institutions account for an
increasing quantity of blog traffic. The rise of Twitter and other "microblogging" systems
helps integrate MABs and single-author blogs into the news media. Blog can also be used as
a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

The emergence and growth of blogs in the late 1990s coincided with the advent of web
publishing tools that facilitated the posting of content by non-technical users who did not
have much experience with HTML or computer programming. Previously, knowledge of
such technologies as HTML and File Transfer Protocol had been required to publish content
on the Web, and early Web users therefore tended to be hackers and computer enthusiasts. As
of the 2010s, the majority are interactive Web 2.0 websites, allowing visitors to leave online
comments, and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites. In
that sense, blogging can be seen as a form of social networking service. Indeed, bloggers not
only produce content to post on their blogs but also often build social relations with their
readers and other bloggers. Blog owners or authors often moderate and filter online
comments to remove hate speech or other offensive content. There are also high-readership
blogs which do not allow comments.

Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject or topic, ranging

from philosophy, religion, and arts to science, politics, and sports. Others function as more
personal online diaries or online brand advertising of a particular individual or company. A
typical blog combines text, digital images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other
media related to its topic. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (art
blogs), photographs (photoblogs), videos (video blogs or "vlogs"), music (MP3 blogs), and
audio (podcasts). In education, blogs can be used as instructional resources; these are referred
to as Edu blogs. Microblogging is another type of blogging, featuring very short posts.

'Blog' and 'blogging' are now loosely used for content creation and sharing on social media,
especially when the content is long-form and one creates and shares content on regular basis.
So, one could be maintaining a blog on Facebook or blogging on Instagram.

Effective and Ethical use of Social Media by Text and Technique

Users of social media platforms should take responsibility for the content they share and
ensure that it is accurate, truthful, and not misleading.
Ethical issues like data privacy, bias, and transparency are important to consider when
crafting your social media marketing campaigns.
Business ethics are a foundation upon which companies build their reputation. A company’s
ethics establish trust between customer and company. If you are transparent about your
ethical practices, customers will notice. It’s that simple.
Ethics, in general, pertain to moral principles and a shared concept of what is “right” and
what is “wrong.” Social media marketing ethics, as a result, are not a rigid set of musts that
businesses have to follow. Instead, they’re an unwritten code of conduct.
Deceiving customers to achieve financial gain is ethically wrong. On the other hand,
establishing trust through honest interactions is an ethical gain, and is more likely to lead you
to financial gain as well.
Marketing ethics are pretty simple on the surface: don’t lie, don’t cheat, and don’t exploit
people. Ethical choices you’d make for traditional marketing campaigns also apply to social
media ones.
The difference is that social media marketing often has a wider, more immediate impact.
What you presumed was an innocent post could go viral, and you have to deal with the
fallout. That’s why it’s helpful to follow these tips for ethical social media marketing.

1. Be Honest

• Don’t lie in your social media marketing. This is as simple as telling the truth about
your product or service. Honesty extends to your brand personality and the way you
communicate with customers.

• You create doubt and mistrust when you give false information. Don’t exaggerate
what you can offer, and don’t distort information. Instead, be honest about the value
and usefulness of your product or service.

2. Be Transparent

• Transparency in social media marketing is a must. The motives behind your

marketing don’t have to be overstated and obvious, but don’t try to hide your
intentions behind crafty content.

• It’s easy to find environmental, business, and political affiliations in the digital era.
Consumers are quick to judge companies based on their alignment with ethical and
moral issues. Be transparent about your affiliations whenever you can.

3. Don’t Exploit Emotions

• Some might say that swaying emotions to motivate action is the underlying art of
marketing. Those people wouldn’t be wrong. That said, there’s a line between
appealing to emotional factors and exploiting emotions for your own gain.

• Hot button issues and times of distress are not opportune moments to promote your
product. Obvious attempts to take advantage of emotions may get called out and
exploited for all the wrong reasons. Don’t do it.
4. Don’t Compromise Data

• Compromised data and online data security is a touchy subject. On one hand,
companies have been buying user data for decades to fine tune marketing campaigns
and better reach their audiences. On the other hand, from a consumer perspective, it
doesn’t seem fair to have your data sold to companies without your knowledge.

• Buying and using user data to fuel your social media marketing campaigns is an
ethical grey area. Instead, try to build your audience and followers organically so that
you can market to folks who've opted-in to sharing their data so that they can learn
more about your business.

• And, it should go without saying, never reveal or exploit personal data through social
media. That’s very bad business ethics.

Ethical social media marketing is a far-reaching, nuanced topic. Being honest and transparent
and not exploiting people’s emotions or data is only the tip of the iceberg. It’s a good place to
start when considering your own company’s social media campaigns.
Effective use of Social-Media
Social media should be an integral component of your online marketing strategy. Not only is
it an effective way to promote newly created content and to increase your brand exposure, it’s
a fantastic way to engage with your target audience, which allows you to build brand trust
and loyalty, while also developing your brand personality. Not to mention that social media is
an effective PR tool when it comes to handling customer complaints or concerns. Keeping all
of this in mind, here are eight tips on how to use social media effectively:

1. Know Who Your Audience Is

You’re going to have a tough time connecting with followers if you don’t have a good
understanding of who your audience is. Otherwise, they may not care about the content
you’re posting and they may not connect with the voice you’re using. Figure out who your
audience is by developing your buyer personas and this will help you to more effectively
build relationships on social media.

2. Know Which Social Media Platforms to Use

Different people use different social media platforms. For example, if you’re trying to reach
seniors over the age of 60, then Snapchat is probably not your best bet. Figure out what social
channels your audience is using so that you don’t end up wasting your resources on the
wrong platform.

3. Have a Personality

Don’t be afraid to have a personality when you post. Some of the businesses that are the most
successful on social media are known for their sense of humor and their willingness to take
risks (where appropriate, of course). The more of a personality you have, the more willing
your followers will be to engage with you.
4. Maintain a Singular Voice

Although you should have a personality when you post to social media, make sure your voice
is the same across all platforms. Consumers will be confused if you have a sombre, distant
tone on your website but a goofy, informal tone on social media.

5. Be Active

You should try to post on a daily basis, whether it’s posting links to new content, posting
questions to your followers or simply responding to comments. The more active you are,
the more engaged your audience will be with your brand. If you’re not active, then people
will eventually just forget about you.
6. Know When to Post

Use analytics to figure out when your target audience is most active on social media in order
to reach them. Posting at a time when nobody is logged into their social profile means that
whatever you posted will go unnoticed.

7. Don’t Just Share Your Content

While you should use your social channels to share new content when you’ve published it, be
sure to share other things as well. For example, share content from other sites that you think
your followers will like or find helpful. Share posts from your followers that you like. This
shows your followers that you’re not just using social media as a promotional tool.

8. Always Respond

Because social media is very public, always respond to questions or concerns posted by your
followers. You should especially address negative comments (as long as they aren’t
purposefully inflammatory). Remember, social media is a PR tool as well, which means
everyone is watching how you handle irate or unhappy customers.

Social media can be a very effective tool for building relationships with your audience as
long as you know how to use it properly. These tips will help you leverage your social media
presence more successfully.

Speech and Personality

Every individual has his own characteristic way of behaving, responding to emotions,
perceiving things and looking at the world. No two individuals are similar.

You might like going out for parties but your friend might prefer staying back at home
reading his/her favourite book. It is really not necessary that if you like partying around, your
friend will also like the same. Here comes the role of personality.

What an individual sees in his childhood days and most importantly his/her growing days
form his personality. How an individual is raised plays an important role in shaping his/her
An individual with a troubled childhood would not open up easily. He/she would always
hesitate to open his heart in front of others. Some kind of fear would always be there within
him. An individual who never had any major problems in life would be an extrovert and
would never have issues interacting and socializing with others.

You really can’t blame an individual for not being an extrovert. It is essential to check his/her
background or past life. It is quite possible that as a child, he/she was not allowed to go out of
his home, play and freak out with friends. These individuals start believing that their home is
their only world and they are not safe outside. Such a mindset soon becomes their
Personality also influences what we think, our beliefs, values and expectations. What we
think about others depends on our personality.
In a layman’s language personality is defined as the personal qualities and characteristics of
an individual. Personality is how we interact with others.

Personality is a sum of characteristics of an individual which makes him different from the
others. It is our personality which makes us unique and helps us stand apart from the crowd.

Following are the factors which help in shaping one’s personality:

1. Heredity - Heredity refers to factors that are determined once an individual is born.
An individual’s physique, attractiveness, body type, complexion, body weight
depends on his/her parent’s biological makeup.
2. Environment - The environment to which an individual is subjected to during his
growing years plays an important role in determining his/her personality. The varied
cultures in which we are brought up and our family backgrounds have a crucial role in
shaping our personalities.
3. Situation - An individual’s personality also changes with current circumstances and
situations. An individual would behave in a different way when he/she has enough
savings with him and his behaviour would automatically change when he is bankrupt.

An individual’s appearance, character, intelligence, attractiveness, efficiency, style determine

his/her personality.

What is Personality Development?

Personality development is defined as a process of developing and enhancing one’s

personality. Personality development helps an individual to gain confidence and high self-

Personality development is said to have a positive impact on one’s communication skills and
the way he/she sees the world. Individuals tend to develop a positive attitude as a result of
personality development.

An individual’s personality refers to his/her appearance, characteristics, attitude, mindset and

behaviour with others.

Importance of personality development.

Personality development grooms an individual and helps him make a mark of his/her
own. Individuals need to have a style of their own for others to follow them. Do not blindly
copy others. You need to set an example for people around. Personality development not only
makes you look good and presentable but also helps you face the world with a smile.

Personality development goes a long way in reducing stress and conflicts. It encourages
individuals to look at the brighter sides of life. Face even the worst situations with a smile.
Trust me, flashing your trillion-dollar smile will not only melt half of your problems but also
evaporate your stress and worries. There is no point cribbing over minor issues and problems.

Personality development helps you develop a positive attitude in life. An individual with
a negative attitude finds a problem in every situation. Rather than cribbing and criticizing
people around, analyse the whole situation and try to find an appropriate solution for the
same. It is essential for individuals to behave well with people around. Being polite with
others will not only make you popular among other people but also earn you respect and
pride. You can’t demand respect by being rude with people around.

Personality development plays an important role in developing not only your outer but
also inner self. Human being is a social animal. One need people around. An individual
needs to have that magnetic power which attracts people towards him. You need to have that
charisma of yours.

Personality development helps you gain recognition and acceptance from the society as well
as people around.

Personality development plays an essential role not only in an individual’s professional but
also personal lives. It makes an individual disciplined, punctual and an asset for his/her

Personality development sessions help you differentiate between your personal as well as
professional life. It is really essential to keep a balance between both the lives to lead a
peaceful and stress-free life.

Effective Communication skills play a crucial role in honing one’s

personality. Communication helps individuals to express themselves in the most
convincing way. Your thoughts, feelings and knowledge should be passed on in the most
desirable manner and effective communication skills help you in the same.

A person should speak really well to make a mark of his/her own. Remember, no one would
take you seriously if you do not master the art of expressing yourself clearly and in the most
convincing manner.

Not all people are blessed with excellent communication skills; they acquire the same with
time and practice. People with great communication skills tend to have a better and
impressive personality than those who have problems in communicating as interacting with
others is not a challenge for them.

Individuals with effective communication skills can easily converse with other people around
be it their fellow workers, peers, family and so on.

Effective communication skills strengthen the bond among individuals. It is also said to
improve the interpersonal relationships with other people.
Careful selection of words is essential for effective communication skills. You really need to
know what you are speaking. You never know what might hurt the other person. Never even
think of being rude to anyone.

Speak convincingly so that the other person understands what you intend to
communicate. Your style of speaking has a tremendous impact on your personality.
Speaking slowly always helps as it allows you to find appropriate words and also reflects
thoughtfulness. Emphasize important and relevant words for the other person to realize the

Speaking confidently is the key to an impressive and great personality. Do not show signs of
nervousness while interacting with others. There is no point of being nervous unless and until
you yourself are not sure of what you are speaking. Develop proper eye contact with the other
person. Do not look around while interacting with the other person.

Take care of your body language. Correct body language exudes confidence which further
hones an individual’s personality. Do not fiddle with things around while speaking.

Be very particular about the pronunciation of words. If you are not very sure of how to
pronounce a particular word, avoid the same in your speech. Pronouncing words wrongly
creates a bad impression on others.

You really do not need to speak with a fake accent to prove that you have excellent
communication skills. Avoid copying others. An individual should have his/her own style to
stand apart from the rest. Speaking articulately enhances one’s personality and makes him/her
different from others.

Do not play with words. Never try to fool anyone as you might fall in the trap later on. One
should always say things straight to the point.

It is important to be a good and patient listener for effective communication skills.

Observe whether the other person is listening to you or not. Allow the other person to speak
as well in case of queries or confusions.

Personality Analysis: Types of Personality

Five Traits of Personality Analysis

OCEAN is an acronym:

O Openness.

C Conscientiousness (Careful, Honest)

E Extroversion,

A Agreeableness

N Neuroticism (characteristic, traits)

Personality analysis is a way of examining the traits, behaviours and characteristics that
define someone’s distinct identity.
Personality analysis involves observing how a person thinks, feels and act in various
situations as well as identifying consistent pattern in their behaviour.

Personality analysis helps a person to know his strength and weakness this can be helpful in
personal as well as professional life.

Personality analysis is to analyse and evaluate core qualities including reliability,

determination, confidence, gentleness etc. of an individual. It accurately measures the
personality by gathering important information of that individual.

Types of Personality

1. Extroverted and Introverted: Extroverted (extroverts) are outgoing and

enjoy socialising with others. Introverts are more reserved and prefer quieter,
solitary activities.

2. Optimistic and Pessimistic: Optimists tend to see the positive side of things
and remain hopeful. Pessimists may focus more on negative aspects.

3. Open-minded and Close minded: Open-minded individuals are receptive to

new ideas and experiences. Close minded individuals may be more resistant to
change and new perspective.

4. Conscientious and Easy going: Conscientious people are organised,

responsible and detail oriented. Easy going individuals are more relaxed and
go with the flow.

5. Agreeable and Assertive: Agreeable individuals are friendly, co-operative

and considerate. Assertive individuals are more direct, confident and express
their opinions clearly.

6. Adventurous and Cautious: Adventurous people seek excitement and enjoy

taking risk. Cautious individual prefer safety and avoid unnecessary risk.

7. Empathetic and Logical: Empathetic individuals are sensitive to others’

feelings and emotions. Logical individuals rely more on reasoning and
objective analysis.

Concept of Personality: Maslow, Freud, Vivekananda

Abraham Maslow: Abraham Maslow theory was based on human needs. Let’s understand
one by one with some easy explanation.

Imagine you are climbing a ladder. This ladder represents the things everyone needs in life
and you have to climb it step by step.

1. First step- Physiological needs (Basic Survival): At the very bottom of the ladder are
things like food, water and air. This is the stuff you need to stay alive. It’s like making
sure you have enough to eat, drink and breathe, without them, it’s hard to think about
anything else.
2. Second step- Safety needs (Staying safe): The next step is about feeling safe and
secure. It’s like having a cozy home, being protected from danger and knowing you
are okay. Once you have food and safety, you can start thinking about other things.

3. Third step- Love and belonging (Friends and Family): Going up you reach a step
about love and belonging, this is like having friends, family and people who care
about you, feeling like you belong, just like having a group of friends with whom you
can share your things.

4. Fourth step- Feeling good about yourself: Further up is a step about feeling good
about yourself. It’s like being proud of what you can do and feeling respected by
others. This step is about confidence and recognizing your achievements.

5. Top step- Self-Actualization (Being the best you can be): Finally at the very top of the
ladder is self-actualization. This is like becoming the best version of yourself, doing
what you love and reaching your full potential. It’s about being creative, happy and

Swami Vivekanand: Swami Vivekananda ideas of personality development is like

building a strong balanced and meaningful life.

1. Physical Self (Healthy Body): Imagine your body as the foundation. Swami
Vivekananda said it’s important to keep it healthy through good food,
exercises and proper rest. A healthy body sets the stage for everything else.

2. Strong Mind: Vivekananda encouraged having positive and determined

mindset. Face challenges with courage, stay confident and believes in your

3. Continuous Learning: Vivekananda believed in always learning and growing.

Education, critical thinking and gaining wisdom help you understand the
world and make smart choices.

4. Know Yourself: Imagine a journey to discover who you really are.

Vivekananda thought it’s essential to understand your strength and weakness
by knowing yourself, you can work on becoming a better person.

5. Connect with the divine: Think of spirituality as a way to connect with

something greater than yourself. Vivekananda emphasized meditation, self-
reflection and finding a connection with the divine. This spiritual aspect adds
depth and meaning in your life.

6. Help Others: Picture a circle of giving and receiving. Vivekananda believed

that helping others without expecting anything in return brings fulfilment,
selfless service to humanity or ‘Seva’ is like adding purpose and joy to your

Sigmund Freud: In simple terms, Sigmund Freud’s theory suggest that human
behaviour is influenced by unconscious memories, thoughts and urges. According
to Sigmund Freud personality has three structures.
1. Id: The id is like a little kid inside you that wants whatever feels good right
now. It doesn’t care about rules, it just wants pleasure and doesn’t think about
the consequences.

What you want, you want now

The id is like the little voice inside you that only cares about your own
pleasure and desires. It wants things immediately and doesn’t care about rules
and reality.

2. Ego: The ego is like the grown up in your head. It tries to find a way to make
the little kid happy but without getting into trouble, it considers what is
practical and real

Let’s think this through and find a realistic way.

The ego is like your practical side. It understands that you can’t always get
what you want right away, so it tries to figure out a smart and realistic way to
satisfy the id’s desire without causing problems.

3. Super Ego: The super ego is like a strict teacher or parent inside your mind. It
tells you what’s right and wrong based on rules from your family and society.

Is this the right thing to do, what would others think.

The superego is like your moral compass. It’s all about what’s right and wrong
based on the rules of society and own values. It wants you to behave in a way
that’s socially acceptable and morally good.

Example: Imagine you see a delicious cake and you are really hungry. (that’s
your id)

Your ego might think about whether it’s right time to eat the cake or if you
should wait until after dinner.

Meanwhile, your superego might remind you that it’s not polite to grab whole
cake without asking and you should share it with others

In summary, Freud believed that then true parts of your mind – the id, ego and
superego work together to shape your personality by managing your desires,
reality and morality.

Jung Typology & Personality Assessment

Jung Typology: Carl Jung Typology theory is a way of understanding and

categorizing personality traits.

According to Jung, people have different preferences in how they perceive the
world and make decisions.

He identified two main attitudes and four functions:

1. Extroversion (E): People who prefer extroversion are outgoing, social
and energetic by interaction with others.

2. Introversion (I): Those who prefer introversion are more reserved,

quieter, reflective and gain energy from time spent alone in smaller


1. Thinking (T): Some people prefer to make decision based on

logic and objective analysis.

2. Feelings (F): Others prefer to make decision based on personal

values, emotions and the impact on people they prioritize
harmony and empathy.

3. Sensing (S): People who prefer sensing focus on concrete

information, facts and details.

4. Intuitions (N): Those who prefer intuition are more interested

in possibilities, pattern and future potential.

By combining these preferences, Jung proposed 16 personality types. Such as ISTJ

(Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging) OR ENMF (Extroverted. Intuitive, feeling.

These types represent a way to understand and describe the variation in how individuals’
approach life, make decision and interact with others.

It’s important to note that Jung’s typology laid the foundation for the popular Myres-Briggs
type indicator (MBTI) which is based on his ideas.

Personality Assessment

Personality Assessment is a process of evaluating and measuring an individual’s personality

traits, characteristic skill, potential and behavioural tendencies.

It helps to develop a deeper understanding of how person thinks, feels, reacts and behave in
various situation.

Personality assessment is used in psychology, counselling, education and recruitment for

various purpose such as career planning, team building, individual development.

There is one popular tool for personality assessment is the Myres-Briggs Type Indicator
(MBTI) (based on Jung technology)

Myres-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): The MBTI is a personality assessment tool that
categorizes people into 16 personality types based on their preferences in four key areas:

1. Extroversion (E) vs Introversion (I): Extroversion are outgoing and energized by

social interactions.

Introverts are more reserved and recharge by spending time alone.

2. Sensing (S) vs Intuition (N): Sensors focus on concrete details and practical realities.

Intuitive are interested in possibilities, pattern and future potential.

3. Thinking (T) vs Feelings (F): Thinkers make decision based on logic and objective

Feelings make decision based on personal values and consideration for others.

4. Judging (J) vs Perceiving (P): Judges prefer structure, order and planning ahead.

Perceivers are more flexible and adaptable, preferring spontaneity.

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