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Name: Hafidz Fakhrurrazi

Nim: 12117061

1. im hafidz fakhrurrazi , im 20 years old, and born in pontianak at 13 januari 2013. i

always do everything with my self, and i like so go semewhere that i never know,
sometime everyone call me freak cause im so random, but im careless.
2. im learn english from elementary scholl, but it stop in 5 class because my teacher go
out from the scholl, i continue my journey with my self i learn with my self until i go to
(kip) kampung inggris pare and now i always come to seminar to talk in international
seminar and take time to practice
3. english for conversation, because i like practice with anyone that i meet and i like to
talk with anyone from another country
4. for i know how to talk with them and they know bout what i talk bout
5. my teacher focus on reading and writing, but i dont know why my teacher never teach
me bout speaking.
6. only for develop material and nonformal conversation
7. speaking, cause i like to talk to much for showing up my knowledge
8. im learn writing for right now because i already have to do my research proposal
9. cause english is important we need to learn for our future as international language and
international human
10. yes i learn, from the normal conversation if i hangout with my friend from engish
teacher to, so we always use english as our comunication
11. i always use projector if scholl compytable, but if not usually use picture print out for
giving material
12. i learn bout english for teachers cause im a teacher in elementary scholl
13. speaking, i want to go study in another country, so i have to learn how to talk with
everyone now what i mean
14. youtube, spotify, ICT, Podcast.
15. instagram, reals, twitter, and threads
16. not to much, but if that english conversation i will uses
17. english lecture, english teachers
18. sometime context bout society, self life, how life goes on.
19. hear native speakers, talking with english speech, and read watpad
20. hannguel(korea), arabic( saudi arabian), malay(malaysia and also several citybin
21. a minimal information for a some knowledge cause the access to findid to hard and we
have to pay bout that
22. just a little while, people use english cause in indonesia english isnot second language
23. i learn how to develop english to another people with simple thing
24. writing, cause sometime we are lazy to write, its consume much energy
25. caption on instagram, 'heart beat, article
26. no, i hope it there is will be in TBi
27. i think its first time to me for learn bout this one
28. always make qoutes, and motivation text
29. yes, i wanna be english lecture
30. speaking for culture development

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