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Listening Comprehension: A Videotaped Self-Observation Report



Listening comprehension is a fundamental skill in language acquisition, essential for

effective communication and overall language proficiency. In today's digital age, where
multimedia resources are abundant, podcasts have emerged as a valuable tool for
enhancing listening skills. This report details the implementation of a lesson plan
designed to enhance students' listening comprehension skills through the use of
podcasts. The lesson plan leverages the theories of renowned language acquisition
experts such as Stephen Krashen, Matthew Perry, and Ray Brown, integrating their
insights into practical teaching techniques. By incorporating a variety of activities that
engage students before, during, and after listening, the plan aims to create an immersive
and effective learning experience.

Keywords: Listening, Self Observation, video recording.

Acquired language comprehension is a critical skill that is essential for effective
communication and overall language proficiency. Podcasts have become a powerful tool for
enhancing listening skills in today's digital age, where there is an abundance of multimedia
resources. This article describes a lesson plan that aims to improve students' listening
comprehension using podcasts and includes videotaped observations for self-evaluation. The
lesson plan integrates theories from well-known language acquisition experts like Stephen
Krashen, Matthew Perry, and Ray Brown, and puts them into practical methods of teaching.
The plan aims to create an immersive and effective learning experience by engaging students
in a variety of pre-listening, listening, post-listening, and discussion activities. Podcasts have
gained popularity in language learning for a variety of reasons. They cover a wide range of
topics and genres, catering to a variety of interests and skill levels. Podcasts give actual
linguistic input, which is vital for improving real-world listening abilities. Furthermore, they
are accessible and handy, allowing students to work through the material at their own pace
and in a variety of settings.

Listening comprehension is one of the skills recognized as being most difficult to master by
learners (Kök & İzzettin, 2018) in language learning. Many studies have done to prove how
useful podcast in enhance listening skills. Podcast as well has positively effect on EFL
learners listening comprehension skill (Rahman, 2018; Widodo and Gunawan, 2019) This
manifests the need to out in efforts towards teaching various strategies Yulisa (2018) used
this to justify listening comprehension task as being varied because there are different levels
of impact on listening where low, medium or high stakes.

Research has enshrined the use of authentic materials in language learning. As per Dewi
(2018), the utilization of bona fide materials in listening comprehension can be influence
learners' abilities. This is just the kind podcast-related oral comprehensible input that has
been shown to be effective in second-language instruction generally. There has been
encouraging results with technology applications in language teaching. Mulyadi et al. In
discussing the research on technology-enhanced task-based language teaching, Aljondi and
Hamad (2021) concluded that it has a significant impact in improving listening
comprehension as found by Masykuri (2022).

Another key factor in listening comprehension is the role of culture. Hamad Al-khresheh
(2020) and also Namaziandost et al. ) refer to the cultural specificity of target data and
materials when considering listening comprehension, asserting that appropriate use of content
should take account for this aspect and contribute significantly in imparting effective
listening instruction. Saeedakhtar et al. The study reported by Byington and Lee (2021)
provides evidence that collaborative listening to podcasts can promote high school EFL
learners' capacity for different dimensions of their aural proficiency, including both L2
spoken input comprehension (in this case associated with top-notch audio materials involving
various authentic genres), as well as vocabulary gains.

Access to podcasts has been found to be beneficial by many researchers. Al-Jarf (2021)
discusses how audiobooks and mobile podcasts can improve the listening skills of English
foreign language students at universities. Humeniuk et al (2021) investigated the use of TED
talks in teaching listening skills in ESP classes and found it to be an effective tool. Hsieh
(2020) examined the effects of video recordings on learning and understanding EFL
vocabulary, providing insight intomultimodal learning styles.Listening problems have been
addressed in various studies. Saraswaty (2018) examined students' difficulties with listening
strategies, while Lestary and Seriadi (2019) examined the use of music to improve students'
listening skills. Syakur (2020) found success in improving eighth grade students' listening
comprehension skills using technology. Diora and Rosa (2020) provided teachers with
valuable information by analyzing students' difficulties in listening comprehension.

Integrating these theories into the lesson plan increases its effectiveness while also providing
a formal framework for strengthening listening skills When teaching listening, it's important
to use language material to improve comprehension, rather than presenting it visually initially
(Abdulrahman et al., 2018). The exercises are intended to be entertaining and participatory,
creating a collaborative learning environment in which students may share their perspectives
and learn from one another. Aside from the theoretical underpinning, the lesson plan uses a
variety of instructional strategies to increase student involvement and learning outcomes.
Techniques like brainstorming, guided listening, cooperative learning, and presentations help
to establish a vibrant and encouraging classroom environment. These tactics are
supplemented by a self-evaluation component in which the instructor evaluates the lesson's
implementation using video recordings, measuring the clarity of instructions, effectiveness of
techniques, differentiation, and assessmentmeasures. It was proven that varying levels of
listening tactics had a substantial effect on students' listening comprehension. ( Yulisa, 2018)

The relationship between listening skills and other language skills has also been investigated.
Gottardo et al. Babayiğit and Shapiro (2020) examined listening comprehension and reading
skills among students whose native and additional languages were English. Namazandost et
al. (2019) examinedrelationships between listening comprehension difficulties and strategy
use among advanced foreign language learners.Many new methods have been researched to
teach listening. Qomariah et al. (2021) examined the effect of YouTube videos on students'
listening performance. Etemadfar et al. (2020) investigated how students learning English as
a foreign language learned to listen and think critically in a flipped classroom environment.
Vandergrift and Baker (2018) identified learning variables that are critical to success in L2
listening comprehension in French immersion classrooms.Together, these interdisciplinary
studies highlight the importance of listening comprehension, the potential of different
teaching methods and tools (particularly podcasts and technology), and the importance of
considering factors such as culture, learning strategies, and individual differences among
students in developing effective listening. understanding. ear instructions.
The lesson plan guarantees that the activities are based on known pedagogical principles by
depending on experts' views of language learning. Stephen Krashen's Input Hypothesis
emphasizes the relevance of comprehensible input for language acquisition, arguing that
pupils learn more effectively when exposed to language they comprehend (Krashen, 1981).
Matthew Perry's Processing Instruction promotes active involvement with hearing material,
encouraging students to process and understand what they hear (Perry, 2000). Ray Brown's
Extensive Listening technique emphasizes the need of listening to a great amount of authentic
language information for enjoyment and exposure Brown, 2000).

This research demonstrates how podcasts can be efficiently used in language learning to
improve listening comprehension skills. Using known theories, practical teaching strategies,
and self-evaluation, the lesson plan seeks to give students with a thorough and interesting
learning experience.

Self-Observation Methods
Lesson Plan Overview
Lesson Plan: Enhancing Listening Skills with Podcasts
Topic: Listening Comprehension with Podcasts Level: Intermediate (B1)
Duration: 90 minutes
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Bloom's Taxonomy:
2. Knowledge: Identify the main idea and supporting details of an audio recording.
3. Comprehension: Summarize the key points of an audio recording.
4. Application: Apply listening comprehension skills to real-world situations.
5. Analysis: Identify different types of listening strategies and their effectiveness.
6. Evaluation: Evaluate the accuracy and credibility of information presented in an
audio recording.
7. Creation: Create a short podcast episode on a topic of interest.
Listening Skills:
Enhance listening comprehension skills, particularly in understanding spoken English.
Improve ability to identify and interpret various accents and intonations.Develop strategies
for effective listening comprehension.
1. Whiteboard or flip chart
2. Markers or pens
3. Computer with internet access
4. Headphones or speakers
5. Pre-test and post-test (see below)
6. Brainstorming worksheet (see below)
7. Selected podcasts (see below)

Pre-Test (10 minutes)
1. Distribute the pre-test (see below) to students.
2. Instruct students to listen to the short audio recording and answer the questions to the
best of their ability.
3. Collect the pre-tests once completed.
Introduction (5 minutes)
1. Begin by introducing the topic of listening comprehension and its importance in English
language learning.
2. Discuss the benefits of using podcasts to enhance listening skills.
3. Elicit students' prior knowledge of podcasts and their experience using them for
learning purposes.
Brainstorming (10 minutes)
1. Distribute the brainstorming worksheet (see below) to students.
2. Ask students to brainstorm a list of different types of podcasts they have listened to or
are aware of.
3. Encourage students to share their ideas and discuss the various genres and topics
covered by podcasts.
4. Write down their responses on the board or flip chart.
Podcast Selection and Listening (20 minutes)
1. Based on the brainstorming session, select two or three podcasts that align with students'
interests and are appropriate for their level of English proficiency.
2. Play the first podcast and ask students to listen attentively.
3. After the podcast is finished, facilitate a brief discussion about the content, asking
students to share their understanding of the main points and any new vocabulary they
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the second and third podcasts.
Listening Strategies Discussion (15 minutes)
1. Initiate a discussion about different listening strategies that can be used to enhance
2. Introduce common strategies such as:
a. Predicting: Using context clues to anticipate what the speaker might say.
b. Identifying key words: Recognizing important words that convey the main ideas.

c. Paraphrasing: Restating what is heard in one's own words.

d. Note-taking: Jotting down key points or important information.
3. Encourage students to share their experiences using these strategies and discuss the
effectiveness of each.
Podcast Creation Activity (30 minutes)
1. Divide the class into small groups of 3-4 students.
2. Assign each group a topic of interest related to the podcasts they listened to earlier.
3. Instruct each group to create a short podcast episode on their assigned topic.
4. Encourage groups to use the listening strategies discussed earlier to effectively convey
their message.
5. Provide groups with time to plan, write, and record their podcast episodes.
6. Allow each group to present their podcast episode to the class.
Post-Test (10 minutes)
1. Distribute the post-test (see below) to students.
2. Instruct students to listen to the short audio recording and answer the questions to the
best of their ability.
3. Collect the post-tests once completed.
Conclusion (5 minutes)
1. Summarize the key points of the lesson, emphasizing the importance of listening
comprehension and the benefits of using podcasts for language learning.
2. Review the pre-test and post-test results to assess students' progress and identify areas for
further improvement.
3. Encourage students to continue practicing their listening skills by listening to podcasts
Pre-Test and Post-Test:
Listening Comprehension Pre-Test
You will hear a short audio recording about a recent scientific discovery. Please listen
carefully and answer the following questions:
1. What is the scientific discovery being discussed?
2. What are the key points supporting this discovery?

Picture 1. Learning practice

This lesson plan focuses on using podcasts to help students improve their listening
comprehension abilities. Students do a variety of exercises to increase their ability to hear
spoken English, including pre-listening, listening, post-listening, and conversation. The
strategy incorporates particular listening strategies and techniques to improve understanding,
building on ideas from famous language specialists.

In today's technologically advanced society, podcasts have emerged as an effective tool for
language acquisition. Their adaptability, accessibility, and entertaining nature make them
great for improving listening comprehension abilities. This lesson plan outlines a planned
way to incorporating podcasts into your English language instruction, leveraging successful
ideas and techniques to enhance student learning results.
As we begin this path of improving listening abilities with podcasts, consider the insights of
renowned language experts:
Stephen Krashen's Input Hypothesis: Krashen emphasizes the importance of understandable
information, claiming that pupils learn language more successfully when exposed to language
they comprehend. Podcasts provide numerous opportunities for students to absorb
understandable information through authentic interactions and captivating tales.
Matthew Perry's Process Instructions: Perry promotes processing instruction, which involves
assisting children to actively engage with the auditory information. This lesson plan includes
pre- and post-listening activities to help students absorb and understand the information they

Ray Brown's Extensive Listening: Brown encourages students to listen to a lot of authentic
language for enjoyment or general exposure. Podcasts provide a wide selection of content
that can be tailored to students' interests and encourage lengthy listening habits.
1. Muhammad bilal ramadhan SMK 1 Sui raya ( desain komunikasi visual)
2. Farel Adi chandra SMK 1 Sui raya (teknik konstruksi dan perumahan)
3. Muhammad Isa Daud SMK 1 Sui raya (desain komunikasi visual)
4. Muhammad Fahmi pondok pesantren (alfityan)
5. Muhammad abdillah Smp 3 sungai raya ( kelas 2 smp)
All things considered, Muhammad Bilal showed remarkable listening abilities, especially
when it came to recognizing the major concepts and enumerating the important details. He
demonstrated a high degree of comprehension and critical thinking by using listening
techniques and evaluating material. Farel effectively summarized the most important aspects
and demonstrated a solid grasp of the essential ideas. His listening techniques and level of
participation were mediocre, but he was excellent at determining the veracity of the material.
Muhammad Isa demonstrated excellent listening comprehension abilities, especially when it
came to recognizing and summarizing key concepts. Although his listening techniques were
mediocre, he had excellent information evaluation skills. Muhammad Fahmi's performance
was mediocre overall, with information evaluation being one of his strong points. To further
advance his understanding abilities, he must, nevertheless, improve the way he employs
listening techniques. Muhammad Abdillah's difficulties with listening techniques and
participation hampered his overall comprehension. He did a mediocre job of summarizing the
essential aspects, but he still needs to work on determining the important ideas and assessing
the content.
Teaching material
This lesson plan focuses on strengthening these specific listening skills:

1. Identifying the primary idea and supporting details: Students will learn how to extract
the main topic and significant ideas from an audio recording.
2. Summarizing crucial points: Students will practice summarizing the major points of
an audio recording into a short synopsis.
3. detecting different forms of listening tactics: Students will investigate and
comprehend numerous listening strategies, such as predicting, detecting key words,
paraphrasing, and taking notes.
Students will learn critical listening skills to determine the dependability and trustworthiness
of information offered in podcasts. Effective teaching strategies are critical for increasing
student engagement and learning results.

This lesson plan uses the following techniques:

1. Brainstorming: Encourages students to produce ideas and exchange past knowledge,
resulting in a more collaborative learning environment.
2. Guided Listening: Provides students with guidance and cues before, during, and after
listening to improve comprehension.
3. Cooperative Learning: Encourages teamwork and peer engagement, allowing students
to learn from one another and share their perspectives.
4. Presentation: Allows students to demonstrate their understanding and share their
podcast creations.
Teaching Procedures

Introduction (5 Minutes)
Greet the students and introduce the topic of listening comprehension.
Teacher: "Good morning, students! Today, we're embarking on an exciting trip to
improve our listening abilities with podcasts. Podcasts are audio broadcasts that may
be listened to at any time and from anywhere. They cover a wide range of topics and
can help you enhance your understanding of spoken English.
Discuss the advantages of using podcasts for language learning.
Teacher: "Consider listening to fascinating discussions, stories, or news updates while
studying English. That is the magic of podcasts! They make studying more enjoyable
and engaging, and they can help you improve your listening skills in a natural and
authentic way."
Determine students' prior knowledge of podcasts and their experience using them for
educational purposes.
Teacher: "Who has ever listened to a podcast? What types of podcasts have you
heard? How have you used podcasts to learn?
Brainstorming (10 minutes).

Distribute the brainstorming worksheet to students.

Teacher: "Let's make a list of various types of podcasts. What types of podcasts are
there? What issues do they discuss?"
Ask students to make a list of the many sorts of podcasts they have listened to or are aware
Teacher: "Think of podcasts you've heard or are familiar with. What are some of the
genres or subjects they discuss? Write your ideas on the worksheet."
Encourage students to voice their thoughts and talk about the many genres and themes
covered by podcasts.
Teacher: "Now, let us discuss our ideas. What types of podcasts did you create?
"What are some of the interesting topics you've heard about?"
Record their comments on the board or flip chart.
Teacher: "As you share your ideas, I'll record them on the board." This gives us an
excellent insight of the wide world of podcasts."

Data analyses and discussion

1. Muhammad Bilal Ramadan, 45545 points

High level of engagement (4)
Identification of the Main Idea: Very High (5)
Enumerating the Main Ideas: Extremely High (5)
Listening Techniques: Excellent (4)
Information Evaluation: Extremely High (5)
All things considered, Muhammad Bilal showed remarkable listening abilities,
especially when it came to recognizing the major concepts and enumerating the
important details. He demonstrated a high degree of comprehension and critical
thinking by using listening techniques and evaluating material.

2. Farel Adi Chandra (Score: 34435)

Participation: Typical (3)
Identification of the Main Idea: High (4)
Highlighting the Main Ideas: High (4)
Listening Techniques: Customary (3)
Information Evaluation: Extremely High (5)
Overall Evaluation: Farel effectively summarized the most important aspects and
demonstrated a solid grasp of the essential ideas. His listening techniques and level of
participation were mediocre, but he was excellent at determining the veracity of the

3. Muhammad Isa Daud (45534 points)

High level of engagement (4)
Identification of the Main Idea: Very High (5)
Enumerating the Main Ideas: Extremely High (5)
Listening Techniques: Customary (3)
Information Evaluation: High (4)
Overall Evaluation: Muhammad Isa demonstrated excellent listening comprehension
abilities, especially when it came to recognizing and summarizing key concepts.
Although his listening techniques were mediocre, he had excellent information
evaluation skills.

4. Fahmi (Result: 33324)

Participation: Typical (3)
Identification of the Main Idea: Normal (3)
Summarizing Important Points: Normal (3) Listening Techniques: Poor (2)
Information Evaluation: High (4) Muhammad Fahmi's performance was mediocre
overall, with information evaluation being one of his strong points. To further
advance his understanding abilities, he must, nevertheless, improve the way he
employs listening techniques.

5. Muhammad Abdillah (22312 points)

Low level of engagement (2)
Identification of the Main Idea: Low (2)
Highlighting Important Details: Normal (3)
Very Low (1) Listening Techniques; Low (2) Information Evaluation
All things considered, Muhammad Abdillah's difficulties with listening techniques
and participation hampered his overall comprehension. He did a mediocre job of
summarizing the essential aspects, but he still needs to work on determining the
important ideas and assessing the content.

Video type analysis

Reflecting on the implementation of this lesson plan using video recordings of the
classroom session allows for valuable self-evaluation. The teacher can analyze their
own teaching practices by focusing on aspects such as:
1. Clarity of Instructions: Were instructions clear and concise, ensuring student
2. Effective Use of Techniques: Were the chosen teaching techniques
(brainstorming, guided listening, etc.) implemented effectively to promote
student engagement and learning?
3. Differentiation: Were the activities differentiated to cater to students with
varying learning styles and abilities?
4. Assessment Strategies: Were the chosen assessment strategies appropriate for
measuring student learning outcomes?
5. By analyzing these aspects, the teacher can identify areas for improvement and
refine their teaching practice for future lessons.

Expert Opinions on Theories Used

Three primary hypotheses of language acquisition are incorporated into the lesson plan:
1. The Input Hypothesis of Stephen Krashen:
Krashen's theory highlights the significance of understandable input for
language learning. This notion is supported by the usage of podcasts, which
give students real-world, intelligible language input to support their language

2. Matthew Perry's Theory of Processing Instruction:

The main goal of Perry's approach is to help students actively comprehend and
evaluate what they hear. Pre- and post-listening exercises are incorporated into
the lesson plan to encourage students to interact fully with the material and
improve their comprehension.

3. Ray Brown's extended Listening:

Brown encourages exposure to a lot of real language material through his
extended listening method. Students are encouraged to listen widely by
include podcasts in the class plan, which meets their interests and develops
their listening skills through frequent and varied exposure. Introducing
podcasts in language instruction is a fun and practical approach to improve
listening comprehension. This lesson plan offers an organized method for
using podcasts in the classroom and is based on the theories of Krashen, Perry,
and Brown.

The plan guarantees a thorough learning experience by involving students in pre-listening,
listening, post-listening, and discussion activities. An engaging and encouraging learning
environment is produced through the use of presentations, guided listening, brainstorming,
and cooperative learning. These methods develop students' critical thinking, teamwork, and
creative thinking in addition to their listening abilities.Teachers can reflect on their
educational practices and make the necessary adjustments to improve student outcomes by
using self-evaluation and videotaped observations. This kind of reflection guarantees that the
lesson plan will always be useful and adaptable to the demands of the pupils.

Ackermann, K. (2004). Podcast use in language learning: A review of the literature. The
Canadian Modern Language Review, 59(4), 599-620.

Belcher, W. J., & Ur, P. (2012). Teaching language: From theory to practice. Cambridge
University Press.

Brown, R. (2000). Extensive listening: A comprehensive approach. Longman.

Krashen, S. D. (1981). Second language acquisition and second language learning. Oxford
University Press.

Nunan, D. (2004). Task-based language teaching. Cambridge University Press.

Perry, M. (2000). Formative assessment in language teaching: An introduction. Routledge

Kök, İ. (2018). Relationship between listening comprehension strategy use and listening
comprehension proficiency. International journal of Listening, 32(3), 163-179.
Abdulrahman, T., Basalama, N., & Widodo, M. R. (2018). The Impact of Podcasts on EFL
Students' Listening Comprehension. International Journal of Language
Education, 2(2), 23-33.
COMPREHENSION. English Community Journal, 2(1), 139-152.
Lestary, N. L. G. W., & Seriadi, S. L. N. (2019). THE USE OF SONGS TO IMPROVE
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Yulisa, D. (2018). Learning to listen: Listening strategies and listening comprehension of
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Pengajaran, 5(1), 22-30.
Rahman, A. (2018). Podcast effects on EFL learners listening comprehension (Doctoral
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comprehension and reading comprehension in learners with English as first and
additional language. Journal of Research in Reading, 43(1), 78-97.
Namaziandost, E., Neisi, L., Mahdavirad, F., & Nasri, M. (2019). The relationship between
listening comprehension problems and strategy usage among advance EFL
learners. Cogent Psychology, 6(1), 1691338.
Syakur, A. (2020). Improving the eighth grade students’ listening comprehension
achievement by using dictation techniques. Konfrontasi: Jurnal Kultural, Ekonomi
dan Perubahan Sosial, 7(3), 205-216.
Diora, L., & Rosa, R. N. (2020). An analysis of students’ difficulties in listening
comprehension: A descriptive study at English Language and Literature Department
FBS UNP. Journal of English Language Teaching, 9(1), 85-98.
Qomariyah, S. S. A., Permana, D., & Hidayatullah, H. (2021). The effect of YouTube
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Inggris IKIP, 8(1), 67-73.
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Namaziandost, E., Sabzevari, A., & Hashemifardnia, A. (2018). The effect of cultural
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Dewi, R. C. (2018). Utilizing Authentic Materials on Students’ Listening Comprehension:
Does it have Any Influence?. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 9(1), 70-
Saeedakhtar, A., Haqju, R., & Rouhi, A. (2021). The impact of collaborative listening to
podcasts on high school learners’ listening comprehension and vocabulary
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Humeniuk, I., Kuntso, O., Popel, N., & Voloshchuk, Y. (2021). Mastering listening
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Mulyadi, D., Wijayatiningsih, T. D., Singh, C. K. S., & Prastikawati, E. F. (2021). Effects
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listening comprehension in French immersion classrooms. Canadian Modern
Language Review, 74(1), 79-100.
Appendix: listening material

Pre-listening zone
1. Who has ever listened to a podcast?
2. What types of podcasts have you heard?
3. How have you used podcasts to learn?
Material zone
1. What are your favorite podcasts and why?
2. How do you typically choose podcasts to listen to?
3. Do you prefer listening to podcasts alone or with others? Why?
4. Have podcasts ever helped you learn something new? If so, what?
5. What are some of the challenges you face when listening to podcasts?
Post listening zone
1. Write your opinion about the podcast!
2. Resume the point from podcast !

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