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1. Many laws have made (A) to deal with the menace of (B) offences against women. (C) No error (D)
2. Whenever he is coming (A) here, he brings (B) many gifts for me. (C) No error (D)
3. If mountains are stripped from (A) trees, rains will soon wash(B) fertile topsoil down the slope. (C)
No error (D)
4. Although he parked (A) his car in a no-parking zone, (B) but he got away with it. (C) No error (D)
5. The students sitting on the dais, (A) studied here for three years, but (B) they have never created
any problem (C) No error (D)
6. Complementary medicine carries (A) fewer risks, since it is used along with (B) standard remedies,
often to lessen side-effects. (C) No error (D)
7. When you will find out a solution (A) to this problem, you will (B) be awarded a prize (C) No error
8. My parents (A) sometimes come (B) to school (C) to see the principal. (C) No error (D)
9. Scarcely the teacher (A) entered the class (B) when he heard the noise. (C) No error (D)
10. The whole lot of young men (A) were very enthusiastic but your (B) friend alone was a wet blanket.
(C) No error (D)
11. Times of India is a most (A) popular news paper (B) these days. (C) No error (D)
12. She regards negotiating (A) prices with customers (B) as her special preserve. (C) No error (D)
13. I have come to (A) know that his (B) father has died (C) three days ago. (C) No error(D)
14. He acted not (A) as per my advice (B) but somebody else (C) No error (D)
15. I don’t usually like staying at hotels but last (A) summer we spent few days at a very nice hotel (B)
and enjoyed ourselves a lot. (C) No error (D)
16. Our most guests (A) are not familiar to (B) these customs of ours. (C) No error (D)
17. I will try to be on time (A) but do not worry (B) when I am late. (C) No error (D)
18. The teacher remarked that (A) they all had done (B) it very badly in the exam. (C) No error (D)
19. The gardener felled some (A) unwanted trees with (B) hardly no efforts all. (C) No error (D)
20. Even if they weren’t expecting (A) us they managed to (B) cook a marvelous meal. (C) No error (D)
21. Now that my children are all grown up (A) and gone out into the world would like to spend (B) my
old age in the village I was born. (C) No error (D)
22. When he persisted in making the same mistake (A) despite constant re minders (B), I explained him
where he had gone wrong. (C) No error (D)

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23. India's travel and tourism industry (A) is poised to growing at seven (B) percent this year alone. (C)
No error (D)
24. More than one scientist have (A) contributed to the success (B) of this venture. (C) No error (D)
25. Online games may not necessarily (A) adversely affect the academic results in children (B) contrary
to most parent's perception. (C) No error (D)
26. Drugs worth Rs 10 lakhs (A) were confiscated by the MP's (B) apartment by the police. (C) No error
27. The linguistic adaptability of (A) refugees children is reflected (B) in their readiness to adopt. (C) No
error (D)
28. Many people in Delhi celebrated (A) Diwali in a grand way (B) because of the high prices. (C) No
error (D)
29. The complainants in their complaint (A) have been alleged that they were forced (B) to leave their
belongings unattended. (C) No error (D)
30. I will write a letter (A) to you tentatively indicated (B) the date of the program me. (C) No error (D)
31. The eloquent speech delivered (A) by him has taken the wind (B) in front of his competitors’ sails. (C)
No error (D)
32. The new development policy will (A) greatly improve transporting and communication (B) in the
eastern part of the country. (C) No error (D)
33. The link road has now become (A) the roughest road than (B) any other road in the city. (C) No error
34. Kamal ordered his servant to bring (A) his some hot water as he (B) had to take some medicine. (C)
No error (D)
35. During this time of (A) the year the mountains (B) are usually covered in ice. (C) No error (D)
36. The constant change (A) in priorities do not solve (B) the problems of an ailing economy. (C) No
error (D)
37. In spite of his busy and grueling (A) life he just retains (B) freshness and robustness. (C) No error (D)
38. Until the reinforcement does not arrive (A) the troops should not go out in the battlefield. (C) No
error (D)
39. The company has few (A) investors who will (B) surely help it to revive. (C) No error (D)
40. It is generally (A) believed that he (B) is a man hard to deal. (C) No error (D)
41. The captain along with his crew (A) members was preparing very hardly (B) for the forthcoming
matches. (C) No error (D)
42. The young numismatist found a few ancient (A) coins in the pawn shop next door (B) and he bought
these coins immediately. (C) No error (D)

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43. Scarcely the doctor started (A) the operation when there was (B) a complete power failure. (C) No
error (D)
44. The process was too simple and easy to (A) understand that it hardly took five (B) minutes for us to
grasp it. (C) No error (D)
45. Nobody else understands (A) this concept so well (B) like he does. (C) No error (D)
46. Most of the mangoes (A) were sweet, but we didn’t (B) find any mangoes sweet. (C) No error (D)
47. If they could bring forth (A) another evidence, the case (B) will get interesting indeed. (C) No error
48. This part of the year, the temperature (A) usually hovers between 25 degree (B) centigrade to 30
degree centigrade. (C) No error (D)
49. There are many soldiers (A) in the battalion as (B) brave or even braver than him. (C) No error (D)
50. The construction of a new business (A) hub in the town has lead to (B) a sudden rise in the
population here. (C) No error (D)


51. Those who work _________ pass the examination with flying colours.
(A) Hardly (B) Hard (C) Scarcely (D) Barely
52. He often comes _________ to school and that annoys his class teacher.
(A) Lately (B) Late (C) Let (D) Promptly
53. His parents really feel _________ about his missing the opportunity.
(A) Badly (B) Bad (C) Proud (D) Enthusiastically
54. I am sorry __________ the mistakes that I make so frequently.
(A) from (B) with (C) for (D) at
55. He ___________ her that she would pass.
(A) insured (B) ensured (C) assumed (D) assured
56. Your father __________ worry. I’m a very careful driver.
(A) needn’t (B) may (C) can’t (D) doesn’t
57. The ___________ chosen for construction of the building is in the heart of the city.
(A) cite (B) slight (C) sight (D) site
58. __________ pollution control measures are expensive, many industries hesitate to adopt them.

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(A) Although (B) However (C) Because (D) Despite
59. __________ his being innocent of the crime, the judge sentenced him to one year imprisonment.
(A) In spite of (B) In case of (C) On account of (D) In the event of
60. Criminal law has taken long strides ________facilitating access to justice for women by making
various provisions.
(A) above (B) on (C) into (D) In
61. They behave _________responsible people do during the difficult situation.
(A) As (B) for (C) since (D) like
62. The emergence of a sovereign Indian nation was premised __________ the notion of equality.
(A) At (B) over (C) with (D) on
63. The completion of the railway line has been _______ owing to the workers' strike.
(A) Held up (B) hold off (C) held on (D) hold over
64. Anand was the sort of person who always looked __________the bright side of life and that was the
secrete behind his jolly nature.
(A) At (B) over (C) after (D) on
65. "How _________ you speak to me like that, you impudent fellow!" shouted the officer.
(A) Need (B) ought to (C) dare (D) might
66. I refused to _______ with his rudeness any longer.
(A) put up (B) put on (C) put out (D) put forward
67. The first film on gypsies was such a success _______ now they are going to make a sequel.
(A) As (B) that (C) so (D) than
68. The repeated offender slipped ______ his old ways and started drinking again.
(A) In (B) off (C) by (D) into
69. Although it was raining, he went out _______ a raincoat.
(A) By (B) for (C) with (D) without
70. One of your friends used to be the team leader in the sales department, ___________?
(A) did he (B) does he (C) didn’t he (D) doesn’t he

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71. He went with his way to oblige his superior despite many difficulties he himself was in.
(A) On his way
(B) Out of his way
(C) By his way
(D) No improvement
72. Being too costly for him, he could not buy the coat.
(A) It being too costly for him
(B) He being too costly
(C) Being it too costly
(D) No improvement
73. No sooner has she agreed to marry him than she started having terrible doubts.
(A) She no sooner had agreed
(B) No sooner had she agreed
(C) No sooner did she agreed
(D) No improvement
74. I didn’t need to water the flowers. Just after I finished it started raining.
(A) I didn’t water the plants
(B) I needn’t water the plants
(C) I needn’t have watered the flowers
(D) No improvement
75. He complained of having tortured by the police.
(A) Having been tortured
(B) Tortured
(C) Been tortured
(D) No improvement
76. The welfare organizaions have been clamoring for nutritious food for the underprivileged from the
past two weeks.
(A) For past (B) Since the past (C) For the past (D) No improvement
77. You must complete this assignment up to Sunday.
(A) Within Sunday (B) By Sunday
(C) Until Sunday (D) No improvement
78. Twenty kilometers are not a great distance in these days of fast moving vehicles.
(A) Aren’t a great distance

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(B) Is no distance
(C) Is not a great distance
(D) No improvement

79. Take an early breakfast and then you should start your work.
(A) Start your work
(B) You should start your work
(C) You should then start your work
(D) No improvement

80. He leapt at the opportunity that come in his way.

(A) Came to his way (B) Came his way
(C) Came on his way (D) No improvement

81. The good fortune of being your student in my younger days has helped me greatly in my life.
(A) Of my being your student
(B) Of my myself being your student
(C) Of my having been your student
(D) No improvement

82. How long do you think Mr. Kamal knew John?

(A) Will know (B) Knows
(C) Has known (D) No improvement

83. It is not wise to do the work at the eleventh hour.

(A) On the eleventh hour
(B) At eleventh hour
(C) At the end
(D) No improvement

84. To avoid any sort of bitter situation, she must try at making him understand.
(A) To make him to understand
(B) To make him understand
(C) To make his understanding

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(D) No improvement

85. As I am absolutely exausted, I cannot be able to climb this hill now.

(A) Can be able (B) Will not be able
(C) Will not be possible (D) No improvement

86. The warehouse entrance is opposite to the main car park.

(A) Opposite (B) Opposite of
(C) Opposite from (D) No improvement

87. He told us that he had been applying for a new job.

(A) Applies (B) Had applied
(C) Is applying (D) No improvement

88. After she arrived home from school, she cooks food for the family.
(A) After she arrives
(B) After she had arrived
(C) After she arriving
(D) No improvement

89. I always prefer staying indoors to go out on a summer day.

(A) Than going out
(B) To going out
(C) Than to go out
(D) No improvement

90. The bus broke off on its way to the hotel.

(A) broke out on it’s (B) broke down on it’s
(C) broke down on its (D) No improvement

91. Nisha is more funnier than Natasha is.

(A) Funnier (B) Funniest
(C) Quite funny (D) No improvement

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92. The government has no choice than to curtail the subsidies in order to contain the increasing fiscal
(A) But to curtail
(B) Only to curtail
(C) Other than to curtailing
(D) No improvement

93. He feels bad as he has lost his nearly all many pets.
(A) All his nearly many pets
(B) His many pets nearly all of them
(C) Nearly all his many pets
(D) No improvement

94. Those were the days when we would all go out together.
(A) Will all go out
(B) Will be going out
(C) Would have been going
(D) No improvement

95. After adequate deliberations, the council can see scarcely any valid reason for itself reviewing the
(A) Can see scarcely any valid reason for its
(B) Can scarcely see any valid reason for its
(C) Cannot see scarcely any valid reason for its
(D) No improvement

96. The new boss has been able to bear up all opposition.
(A) Bear off (B) Bear down
(C) Bear out (D) No improvement

97. Basmati rice is more superior than most other varieties of rice.
(A) Superior than (B) More superior to
(C) Superior to (D) No improvement

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98. Surbhi’s fathers did not want her to have spent all her money at the fair.
(A) To be spending
(B) To have been spending
(C) To spend
(D) No improvement

99. The newly selected team members are such well behaved.
(A) Is so well behaved
(B) Are so well behaved
(C) are such better behaved
(D) No improvement

100. My admonishing to him will not change his mind.

(A) Admonishing at him (B) Admonishing him
(C) Admonishing for him (D) No improvement

1. (A) 2. (A) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (B) 6. (D) 7. (A) 8. (D) 9. (A) 10. (B)
11. (A) 12. (C) 13. (C) 14. (C) 15. (B) 16. (B) 17. (C) 18. (C) 19. (C) 20. (A)
21. (C) 22. (C) 23. (B) 24. (A) 25. (B) 26. (B) 27. (B) 28. (C) 29. (B) 30. (B)
31. (C) 32. (B) 33. (B) 34. (B) 35. (C) 36. (B) 37. (B) 38. (A) 39. (A) 40. (C)
41. (B) 42. (C) 43. (A) 44. (A) 45. (C) 46. (C) 47. (B) 48. (C) 49. (C) 50. (B)
51. (B) 52. (B) 53. (B) 54. (C) 55. (D) 56. (A) 57. (D) 58. (C) 59. (A) 60. (D)
61. (A) 62. (D) 63. (A) 64. (D) 65. (C) 66. (A) 67. (B) 68. (D) 69. (D) 70. (C)
71. (B) 72. (A) 73. (B) 74. (C) 75. (A) 76. (C) 77. (B) 78. (C) 79. (A) 80. (B)
81. (C) 82. (C) 83. (D) 84. (B) 85. (B) 86. (A) 87. (B) 88. (A) 89. (B) 90. (C)
91. (A) 92. (A) 93. (B) 94. (D) 95. (A) 96. (B) 97. (C) 98. (C) 99. (B) 100. (B)

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