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Magic realism, a genre that combines magical elements with reality, captivates readers by

transforming the mundane into the extraordinary. This literary style encourages us to suspend

disbelief and embrace the fantastical aspects of our everyday lives, offering a unique perspective

on the world. As a student of world literature, exploring magic realism has been an enlightening

journey, showcasing how literature can transcend the boundaries of reality and imagination.

This genre plays a crucial role in world literature, enabling authors to explore complex themes

and cultural narratives in an engaging manner. Originating in Latin America with writers like

Gabriel García Márquez, magic realism has influenced authors globally. It reflects cultural and

social realities, infusing everyday life with magical elements that serve as metaphors for deeper

truths and societal commentary. By blurring the lines between reality and fantasy, magic realism

challenges readers to question their perceptions and recognize the extraordinary within the


An example of magic realism from the Philippines is the novel "Hell University" by

KnightInBlack on Wattpad. This story blends Filipino cultural elements and folklore with

supernatural occurrences, creating a unique reading experience. It highlights how magic realism

can effectively blend cultural narratives with fantastical storytelling, providing a deeper

commentary on the challenges of young adulthood. Studying this genre has deepened my

appreciation for literature, reminding me of the importance of imagination in understanding the

human condition.

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