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Reflective Journal Assignment

Assignment Overview: Journal Entries

Journal writing is used as a tool for student reflection. It assists in connecting the course
readings and learnings with real-life experiences and issues and allows students better
to understand the links between the theory and management practice. This assignment
is meant to be interactive as students consider the concepts discussed in the course
and share their own experiences and insights on how those concepts may alter or
enhance their future management of conflict.

The basis of the four journal entries will be used to prepare a Final Reflective Journal
submission due in the last module.

Journal Entries

The journal entries are due at the end of the selected modules. Students will reflect on
an idea or concept introduced in the course and record their reflections in a journal entry
that includes the following details:

• An explanation of the concept chosen and a description of its importance and/or

relevance to Managers in today's complex work environment
• What influence or impact does this concept have on you?
• Why is the concept important to managing employees?
• A description of what you have learnt from this concept and how these learnings
will enable you to manage employees more effectively and become a successful
leader in the future

The journal entries should be between 300 and 600 words and include appropriate in-
text citations and references to the textbook or other published sources using APA
format. Although the journal is a reflective tool, please use professional writing skills
(i.e., good grammar, sentence structure) to communicate your points clearly.

Remember your Effective Communications courses; use the 7 C’s of


Final Reflective Journal

The final Reflective Journal will use your four journal entries to reflect on your learning
experiences. This assignment asks you to take an in-depth look at your learning during
the course and actively describe those concepts and theories you will use to grow and
develop as a manager.

Based on a review of the journal entries, reflect on the following:

• What concepts or theories stood out for me in this course?

• Have I learned something new or unexpected from the course that has me
considering things from a new perspective?
• Have I applied one of the concepts I discussed in my journal entries at work or
with someone in my life? What did I learn from that experience?
• Have I changed the way I communicate or interact with others? How has that
changed my perception of my work, or an individual or myself?
• Have my values, beliefs and assumptions about management and or leadership
changed? Why or why not?
• Are there any ideas or assumptions that I'd like to challenge?

Formatting Instructions

• Use APA format for in-text citations, paraphrasing, and citing sources.
• The minimum word count is 1000 words, and the maximum word count is 1500
• Choose an easy-to-read font like Time New Roman, Calibri, Arial, etc. and use
12-point lettering.
• Use page numbers
• Include your four journal entries as an Appendix to your Final Reflective Journal
assignment (it should be in the same document as the paper).

Once again, please use professional writing skills (i.e., good grammar and sentence
structure) to communicate your points clearly.

Remember your Effective Communications courses; use the 7 C’s of


Ensure you are referring back to your course or other academic/reliable literature and
resources to back-up your points and ideas.

The paper must be APA formatted.

This is an academic paper so spelling, grammar, clarity in writing and connection to the
course content are critical. You may wish to refer back to some of your writing courses
to support you in this assignment.

The use of generative artificial intelligence is NOT allowed in this assignment.

Remember your Effective Communications courses; use the 7 C’s of


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