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a SS , ‘selection of the bes children stories for Christmas RS ‘A Marshall Cavendish Publication Berties Escapade. a. mutowed down in hsstraw.Sothey along the uddock,pastthe house, and out atthe sence, ll at ast they saw a glimmer of| the pile‘ andarved_ neat it i,t up wth lcci ff Chalkpt Fl Then ene wih a seat inning ound thre es wos lovenocoeeana winters night “Wel never” gasped Bere nthe on thing blacker ha he “ourtyrd an yawning Inthe in ft big house th hts were out and ‘wn shouldnt do someting Berte was aig of acon. “Deeds “Then bite you" sk Bert ot gs” was a a. treat you please” hy mp nd ted sc, Dota ‘hey ood atthe foo ahi eter pulled out large lamp of "Whatever are you up, Brae ue and ened the entrance said Peter se tong, dare anne "Come on” he ary op sa ert, “We're said and dived iy andthe thers ‘Thelit stopped with ajerk The ‘ut quickly, paso!” and slammed it Behind than, Tey found themselves ‘pen artsy. ey tue ound to ask the male ‘anished: Were thn en there was SA squat pte o grass tec om sn Sd inthe mil fe patch wa a Suton wate mish “And here's Mr Stone's use, jst “Splendid” sid Bete, *Now well ‘goright up othe bouse and lng our ‘Andsoon Mr Stone wil come ot and prs sand patour heads, and say ‘were clover animals ad asin And ‘hat wil mean spper inthe dining oom, and champagne wih and a planted themscves ner he windows. Then Bert said. it well give them ‘Wl, you must both do te bes you Petr fllowed hm, as best he coud ‘usa nstruments, He did hs best, bat Presently thoy heard Mis Stone's vce saying, “What on eats that "Then thoy heard Mr Stone replying, “ttsounds Bee anal bar ithe trimaly under te windows eating fd grunting. gout with aig ky and dive hem away Stel Ow, ow sal Base, ‘Then they heard Mis Stone gala, oar Go through te stabe-yard to tho ‘They tured al ad an or hale ves Peter ad lead slated ome ten seconds previous: they sw him Speman doe cara ahead tan andra wile behind tem. and ‘oming ea hey Na lay Wow Wow mushroom. Heung hisalfon tend reset and cet te ite it was ‘mol, epping ott si sharp "Nove then Huy up, piss youre gang ry up ndeed There was no need osay that They flung themselves onthe MF ont beatles ond exhanated, The rca Slammed the door an alle the rope, and they sai downwards them ovr and grinned "Hoda pent eerng? ‘ere would not answer he was oo sarcastically: “Oh yes, fusca My tend hares» popula Carl snigr Tey mks hi else ‘wherever he goes and ive him he best Nove dont you ar pling my eg Peter sa Barbe, for] won ttand Teten fale tonight and admit and tel you what wil do to makeup {ort You two comeback tomy ay, and youreverhad™ ‘Oh yes fist cabbage stalls sid Benj. We kn your uppers” Nota all” sid Bate eames, onthe canary There's window In time. And now where te wer ‘eps is keys Pur your austin me, and Yyoushal have cold cen, pressed boas tf, and champagne — at least perhaps more but hats theless youl ave! “ete the bit stopped witha ek “Tumble oll of yrs” side oe, Aingng the door open. An oo sar ‘ors clang ene, findTmguing,——Themoleprotsted twas much too ——_‘themenntainedallthe cables ad hod ted enough, they proponed rome" Int: tin the en they pended hi ‘roadymentoned,aswellas apes, tonsa and dani health. “The Rig.” "Noyourenst, When hey gotbacktotebighowsethe angen chocolates and.glagereet’ “Our hin Bare” "A Happy Chis” ‘ldman” rabulstook the move of to wash hs “The supper weslad inthe inner Then there were speeches, and song, faid Bere hands nd br isha whe Berto pigsty Tey were all very unry shen more specs and more P atectonaety, cieappened easoosy round a comerot _hatwaland when everythin was Sonu ant wae the eck i the ‘YouTecoming thetouse, about et minutes be ready they sat dow, and sted ‘moming beloe the mole tipped trough along to have appeared lhe pig staggering under themselves and dank, and ted sors, the lings round the plasty and made Supper wlthus* the weight of twolarge baskets One of! andallalked atonce:andwhenthey”" is wey badka hison home. "Gea save King Wenceses™ Well said the farmer. “tall wosbod enh but thare wos on aven greater danger They fund he igor mice ono sola he “Con you hep Hector fd is saa ay {Brgeoun. We" ovhly fd up wih etalon intend of non ita mgecristeten teh [Hell Wha pei worst “Waal fa someones ote ‘lly oer soley of nonball “Quek! Quek! Achocoate salar barghoor ey sud, ‘Carty Clin Tests indanger Sore Edvina and Pogo!” "Wally you thre — bat woh ut rhe wicked som gion “Tote eee! Sound he big!” They otved justin eve, and when the Thebatalion moved ou tow gots ow hewn co, hey ed Nie ioe HR ( B a > J H/ S@) “sth snow gins! Mare soontile Tho fend lyin empl heoo. ese enact petind lon coureel ion SoHedor was bockwihhis bation And when is rend so they woud inthelondhersoldersnevormel” _vathm, his hoppnes war complete powered bcyde ~ archard borl tel fy Eventi he ached Mr Mists ightand bit coloured las bal Caravan ofSurcen seein the Timberewgs ees it up when he se Comerofasnow-coered fed Twerst — thamall ‘Hallo, Granny. Can tgoouttoplay athe Waveling market hod owes for had Taree item? ‘he winter bat bs 1 “Oak, na theyre a resent rom me “Ofcruse youcen Lok,t™m going far MFM Tnbertwig entered the toy,” sled Me Mist, “And You cen ary one cold wine's moming outto nl ance Chas te forthe ‘raven and found him oartng mains ve your wicked old Granny awe ‘Tinbertwig woke wp tofind Wiggly fontronm Why dont you popovertosce bys pen stove. ‘Chratnas hss tom me aswell” ‘Wood meal ransomed by 2 irMist an boy the decorations for? Come ts Tanbertwig, come i Danket of sparkling white snow “Fntertwig dhdstnoed tobe asked announed. "And what can [ofr yo LoskcAbigall he called ashe tio He grad his oat and cat and “Pense Mr Mitt Fike your bat Picked uphis hal. "Hs been snowing!” ran exatealy thvoug Wiggly Wood. He sett Cha oration or on [Rbialthe magic spider appered other hata marvels time sculing ough wre sl Time lide door wrappedin arag end utctang the snow siting down te hil an ever Mr Ms lite up tiny bot wate bate opping ora quick snowball ght with ache old aera "Did-dont know," she shivered, the ing Tees ‘ond squnsed beceghtings nigger & 4. babwen'the 4 2 Tmbertwigran downstairs find Ww yy (Gry Koo ning the Chistes ING ‘ding in age bl a Nowe me he me "op a beetlrot 8 et Sprnking at warms, f rand. eh, bo py fier. othe running and TOCA “Timberwigthankod Me Mitt and produced her engi ek tbogan tor home He decided "Wipe wept sippy 268 would be quicker ogo va Bilberry Lot decorates lhe te.” Brook as the water would be frozen ‘There was ete bangjand a Uninc inb i eve mage he ahh ‘ {eet ouched the sppery ste ies dks) ey i ptees we Tentns Ot Tinted doraemon Aig at orc Spd “Ok nl Whe wt Sento al gt eal? Siscesins” “0h Aba tat wb ea aging et "aly Everything is broken” “ft then Mr Mist appeared coming age bap" wa Gdn mean youto goteal his wouble” Ooh! whats in the amps” asked "Tnbestwig was confised alin Tertius they eniered te chen butwihen hentepped ode he soon Ochs jsta wee Chas dane top trots, wih marking decorations. they had eer had. \ Bun ing John wos nate goodman — Mle had ts ile ways ‘ed sometimes noone spoke hin fer days nd day ond doy ‘ad mex ho came across, When walking town, Gove hima speriios sore, (Grposee wath noses in he a ‘rd bod King ann sod bly hee, Blshing beneath hs cown King Jn wos not a good mon, ‘And no gad fens bad he Heya in every ofemoon Bitno-onecame oreo" ‘ad, und abou! December, The cards upon his cht. Wich wished himlots of Cvismes caer, ‘ad fot athe coring Yor, ‘Were raver em tis nor ond dor ny on hae = {King John wet nots goad mon, ieee btne Tbe sf erate RY Roekicte nh)» St eee Caerepbseice beta ed ieee rebesdne (ca King John wos not. ood mon, Hetvedhis He Sook ‘nae tought message ou {Wile cing upbeat Hevwrol down an propped ‘aca hay oe ‘and signed tt Ishomes Baer humby, “ince wad sine crocs And wont se candy TMkeobox of cocoldles “Wous come nhondy Ton? mind ranges Ido tke must ‘Areil stout tke pocket ene ‘hot reales ‘a,c Fehr Ovinos, i youlove metal, Bing me ob, red indo weber ball” Rose upto towing cr hot eins ha ee, ‘el people sized her sockings, ‘Ard opanedthem vt gle, ‘Ardcroder, tye ord pores appeared ‘Andips wih icky sweets wore smeared, King ot saa gm Teared, ating agen ral “| eid wontcrackers And did want conc; Tene alex of chocticles Wouideame nhondy ‘doloyeorarges, {del wert [haven ¥ oot pocket fo — Not one hat eve ‘and oh aber Chia had loved me ah He would have brough aig red King lof was rat good man — ‘ncovnbber ball He woe hs meseage out ‘And gain tos oor gin ing John saod by he window, Descending by the sou ‘drowned selon ‘a ol hong ny hee, The hoppy bond of Saye ond gle ‘poy tohopas ond fears Al ployng inthe row. « * Birk tsb ocoming now,” ‘Rudi e ood thre watching (Anis bedewed is brow) ‘dor “Hel bing one presen orphow — The fiat ve ba or yoo" “Forget abou the crackers, ‘nc ergs bout cond Tmsvreabox of cocolse Wed tever come handy Tent ike oranges, Io wont nts Arelint gate pocket eile “hot oimort Buy ch Faer Crstnas, youlove me ool, Bing me abig rein == SNOW WHITE: oe ee seven las oe ae S \ “nissan Secicngeresmeeeaeee bsp eet rb hog soot Bac ha sed beaut ute at sewing by her ‘bony wood ofthe window ane aan “toh fora dager wth nat ‘Andsoithappened. She hd ate get She came othe paar the ely ng he ‘roaght war a marin glen ame. “ie roo he wal, Whois the fret one of al?™ uO Queen, rhe ae ney at” fein he es pee ton ‘So much for you beau eae te wicked queen etched the fst ul be ‘re queen, “Now yo il al” Fae wares ol” sb crn rane astro Shove Wie waa Pale ocd tte ite (sda nhen hey od ee "Goad marin” said Saw Wat. ‘Do Laven helo! the as shouted ‘youase same prey hing forme bay snp Wie etn a Se ovey cle a i ‘equ recrvered “Som Wate qt forgot the ere “The qusen wi ind ot your ae, soleanwaning seat he vir in thy wars You stn han “tow bay yourbticeelcet Late do that Snow Wie wast ded ig al ar st" andahe tua om hry mic powers sb repre very spel, “Te pda tired the ibn ther sre, Onde wa ten and sale et ate her ad ther he eth ‘hehe wane and diy ‘hel down ne Apps” sh alo, knocking at he tage der. isp yep st pope ugha wow ant she woke up next moming anda the at, ble sen er oy a ‘were dled se had cee oy “Youcan cock can you asked the "And wash? And clan andi and they cme “butremember don et ‘yon ino he house we we ate a3" month th gen tought hat “wis gu” reped the queen ashe ‘ook te plsned ap rm er Bake an tamed the green sid herp tein "The apple dk extremely gon tank ont. and el down doa 3 eae eee ‘Bu Snow Wt til mre han you" ‘lhl th arte bak a "Te ried bana ld he bey al sa sare tunking ad te snow ois he coat ‘be the same thiryer, Sante a at las “Your havea proper Chiistas this {coup god disguises, Tere ao ots told dota stairs fe dressup as skiers or clowns fame, play with he cide, and in smalltne un is Christmas delivers he changed he tsual route Instead of tug towed sleigh maitle back sec beside the pak. Wie al he oe ender ad an fly Cartas dinner of sme decious Sw Rp on Sort ange ae any net moming they wandered ecagh be snowy eet wearing ‘ver hr showers People were jst Seng at rn nd pate paper and sual delight as chen fpened th preset “Look! Lok what {RS anced dwar ot Sta “They do soem pleased” said Santa, ‘When they knocked at umber 4, and Mis Si opened se dot, ey ‘Saughtere were opening presents around the Chrstnas wee They alloked the night before tat hiss goggles Dec gute my wh le he "Hello sid Sata warmly. “We ere ist pang and we ough we Ail'A Happy Chasinas” Vou can asus feidyouta| “Tdon know you. hs Chistes ‘and anyway Tm a oo bury. Come back Oh dear sad Rudolph sappointed They went ack tothe park end changed inn their oven ‘cetumes and nocked at another doorin theses “Te gtthe inne to cook sid ‘Mrs Jones t number 22. What do you want” Bend he, er four sons were lng wih lactam at Tia Seemed wor sow tbe oad Seftor much enue tee tains gave hen “Slogan your tanty Raper seg So yoda Sango? A Cust Custnae samy Sy And Monee Simed he oe sb he st Soohetey ® ¥ | ion he woke up and went to put ‘on ls boots he found them saning ese te grate wth eight neatly resents inside Ue. “What on ‘Scent lth gts came on, and there wara gent sho of “BOO! ADDY CHRISTMAS SANTA CLAUS! HOHO HOT "The room was flo bursting. There wore ght endear, thes Smith gis hd tie our Jones boys anda whole ‘tchestua of Mr ond rs Brower’ ‘den playing Fare’ aly good fellow on ier penny whites, Abanner tng ora window to dor which read STHANK YOU VERY MUCH", and tho table was sprad with enough ood far 3 bance "Weal rough eflover bts rom ‘Cust neh and ‘explained Ann Sh, "Theres away {artoo mach food a Chstnas” ‘Santa blew his nose nosy. “Rudolph this sal your ding How did these cilren get bare” wearers ey Toy alae : Bes ee What Wand: Te ee pco led you ar Conse a Edvard ees ere Wanted 49 cameie eer tes mts eed pute And wh ease shee eos peo a chs pened presen oe teadet tative ric acto Seaplane ets Be aolapesad Suns tubnaaer inet See re unrapa eee Soaapcan bop feo SeSc teams uaccrarioe cae pocniorecinaciesce (aime anata ctor setae Eeieeec kncamslocy | Saeriseter meee, Sa ara Irae vey Ante et ee Eikeclepedtcacyncaenr | pepeggie Maggantiieatts Stleorteetse cae ate tee cease ienaacabenss Sen eae alge ere Keates deasend erie ae NT een, Thea ake ay alent sees ae ‘Warr most have* ‘Sothe gal went cand {Bok ff the res ted pert. tine dge othe , She withdrew iy ay the fore Us from the window BE iwentwoknow ‘tang of ose ars De and retumed wih i cverthing, witout Dodked ber way Someone Sharetgoid Pea ere ‘eos hacking thoogh her, , i Seer, Take x rite yo jt oar Tortie bia shook othe ‘whatever you Y ‘tings est ot aaa \ 9 ¢ ‘want S Wanda “Faraway abig el tere” D cimbed and hee town. Cnr ie called Wanda. The ie ‘ Saupped clined 7 cxying Wanda wanted cothecone pence , her dress 0 now Cera ‘Shohad overseen My ast ringlt of ha. ‘cannat goto the bal ee eae . - Shetasteneditiohor own with ends ot “""""Deep inthe forest, Sleeping Beauty ‘ord toca i breath The swords passion flowers, and wenton her wey. hee pellbound forever The pce who htenone with every kind of presous ‘Ontopatthe word the cometo’ should have woken her has wo sword gem. “Good evening, maiden ont f rea place where to cog-vheel eg the bis Know how long it wi take me teat Sands which tums Use Eats Andthere, “Highinatower, Rapunzel sis through thee oso rescue Sleeping ‘ Seatning wat ais might o hed the crying. Herrin caine back fo may Isai ae ate pea we" ‘wheels stood the Ma-Who-Kows. her uted not know his owe witout "Won aso istening. "OF! ‘Ooi scald bere” tid Wanda, er golden hal, she ade aay freer ‘nly could ve the bent jewel in Wands wants oe aways "Stop! Sop ied Wanda “Ie eid CChristmas” expand the Man. "So this everyone inthe word unhappy becase “The prince tmed a ite pale, and Se ofthe word must always be winter” us se faltered, “What Wanda wants ‘ont mist have.” He bowel io resented hor with his sword, ton ‘oud his ore ad ode way "With the jorbo sword tro hersach, Wanda danced of acre the rocky shor, There, inthe window of ‘thigh tower, sat Rapunae the sean, Her golden har tickled down ‘he wal ning amengst werbling Wanda: “Thepe you are as appy ast ame gi sald Wanda er voice soar ethan Repu s se melted away ‘ohn no, my dear. thnow fora fact that your Mother and Father ar iad you went away. Even now theyre saying "What emery not havo keep ying Wanda what she want tdont ant o know dnt want tobetruelf dant wantanyoftto have happened Well To make thats sai the Man-AWho-Koaws “1 have totum he swell bock to yesterday, ve never dane that betoe a eda, Leta hp, Oh do so WANT to ud nda "What Wanda wants, Wana it ‘igaticpish they red the world ackone whole day Why sts Chnitmas morning id Oh thank goodness sad Wanda. “1 thin mist have been dreaming, 10 ‘wat to give you and Dad these ‘Chrstoas ogee: stat ary boy Aada's Adin won basa ot ear a dak stanger muted oman swt Aas them broke Stepped oun ran en ‘rovelng How lsd aoe you!” Bc. tcden m care near Baghdad ast coterie a Disguise ane perineal okt hin Ho (Shed se Yeon ame her ng {tk and gloomy om th Adin” us, mac him eagmting eh eres ir ogcan in eh aa sepped nerds Boe hth sword ven and oced team ya the save eam. of all whohaldit What syourwiOmaserr™ AY “Tako use, O ene” Alain, ‘wih ete ey. p “Your ry commana! And SI ‘eneatmaent Abdali ands Go Ghal Baga, staning thi pre, ‘homatitares other place" rsepinkintheseingsim SER ay rs r Cee atl ea é poe to «) +) 1 Se “The child's ong shuts med to cheer Th robbs were cated ond they bogonta oy estes TAS wos {ornare nen sent “Ml hese wostehed Tho robbers wore red and Sort’ ups feo Were very wsleme "Con wehapyou ‘goin Wr Chas aaidne. "We've od sha god ie "Tie of toughest ober yoorad Once wor our Sofirg tee poses wih Src “veriespoons hey ruhed of hrogh “he remaining robbers ished hie tea. “Con wa help you make he oy fr rt yoor” hay aed. "We've go! sof (04 doo.” Infect he ebbers oe ll working forSonte los. "Tey or ery goed a iveting new toys They have probably mace some of your fovouriee. The obese happy = oil a ‘ond have na wish to lave nd never go ‘nse, bocauethey or surrounded by ‘its and inal ond bgt wrapping Proper so every dy tke Cheimas Doy {ote Great Sigh Rebbe “ange! Cai! appeared belo ber ono the aight. “Don tbe afraid" he sai “have ‘ome o yous mesenger fam God Tam tel yo tha ou have bee esen tobe the other fs ind hat he wold wl ‘he cd asthe Son of Gk “Meanwhile, faraway n Rome, the ‘peror Caesar Atte cdered ht ‘hewn eis get erp shld be tahed Everyone tn Parte ha ‘ti tothe place her ferme {rom order tobe rgitred Devs Bea bg we Mary bed {oven atiebem, King Dvds Sinan ey wars ong ony sey Set ate ‘Marytode on donkey, and Saeph Icy wet, nda he ie the beat sown on tems tend t wes night andthe town wae Ahrens wah poopie who had one trot narow, crowded sets searching or somes to et fore Tose wos Tied and nungry, Joseph and Mary Ptstegerinsto soar chen Tren nrseprtook pty on thm “Tonal can tr you proper fin Butyos could spend the hint Stable rots god an the sea Mary arose thanke im or asin ot he keeper athe thisnews, bathe hid hie felis rom he ‘eu found im, repot back tom esa “o ht ey ard wet and sti he bight ride tem on thor way. Sheng om te eat by ‘hy they eave by eight at We Three Kings * ee Cece oli Seer Fauld ced acl lobed Mel mabe

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