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era 8 ron MPOCBEWEHHE «1964 A®@PVUKAHCHUME CHA3SHUN WSRATEMCTBO burning — c6xairan 2 engeatt, a e “Mt ate ae ini AES Ast Sa coats he SiS BS pc Fh eam ala ih i cde Bical ot tee "HaHa ign hl, Grr ‘ner Boon hgh twas realy ai, He Taso quickly hid in the ele whe Baboon, could not geet him, He lay there safe and sound." Grandfather Baboon Sat outside and” held the slick tight, He waited and waltad Ul i became cold and dark and it began raining. Then he lunterstood that be was holding a sticks He got‘up, went hhome and told Grandmother Baboon about Tsl's trick. So to this day Grandfather Baboon is angry with Tsura because he made him eat bis ow tail. "That & why? the ‘monkey and the rabbit are enemies. To this day all the ‘animals in Africa. remember how Touro once fooled Grandfather Baboon with ground-nuts Thal why ground-nut ae called* monkey-ns allover HOW THE RABBIT BROUGHT LIGHT TO ANIMALS. Tuto felt lonely® in his hole. “Dsl go Tor 4 wale” he said. It was dificult fo Tind his way about the veld because at that time there was no'sumhine or moonshine on the arth Téuro was walking and playing his lute At the sound of ifs sweet music all the animals. in the forest lay dow and Tsuro saw many green eyes whieh ‘were shining eve: Fywhere, ‘Soon Tsuro came to the end of the world. He saw a geal ipider-nch Twas hanging from the ky. Tauro okt tip and said” “Tiwant to know what it is Uke up there Well, Isha go there and see. So he bezan io climb up, He climbed up and sp into the dark blue sky fll the veld was under him. He climbed i — Soot oem mad ancmpyacwm, nan “Talat itis ke up there —hax Tow ost aueasaer 0 up and up (ih the clouds were under him. He sw the stars ‘hich: were shining stound him. He wanted f0 stop and catch some of them but suddenly he se a bright golden Tight over bis head anda moment later he: found Mimsell inva beni country. “Tso looked sraund in wonder. The trees and_ grass were green here. There were many, beautiful flowers al Sound, Butterflies and bids of bright colors were flying verywbere, And a golden light shone ‘over everything. It ‘Wat coming trom a great ball of ight that ture’ above Thave ever: seen arything like. fhs,” Tsu sai “t want to live heres T mist find the chief of thls) wor: deri country. ‘And he started walking again IN'was not dificult 0. lind the way. to the chie, as many people were going there. “We shall take you to our chet they said, “bat you rmist play to ws Tosco pla fd his lute as he walked. Soon Tauro carne to the ciel He greeted the ehiel and sa: ‘Yur ccuntry i 50 beautiful, let me hive here.” “Techie laughed “You want to live in our beautfel country, but who are you and what can you do?” Tan make sweet muse And Tairo began to play and sing I am Tsuro who does not love darkness. Tam Tauro whe loves flowers and butteriies and birds." ee ar ee GE OW ot hen Splenda hs Seek se leat a Hac et od i wonder ['sinia} —e yaamnetin 1 he Harte ating —o noaes 2 Medan eas Cheah mp e was prepared Young people played, sang and danced for 1 ong time. Tsuro was very fred and went to his hut 10 sleep ialen asked him: ‘May take the sun in, husband?” “Day please,” said Taito. Malenl took the sin out of the sky, put it on her head ‘and brought i ino the hut. Saddeny’ everything inthe hut began to shine with warm golden Tight and Tsuro Shut hi eyes. When be opened thet again, Malent put te Sun in a large calabash.* Suddenly it became dark. Then Mateni asked “Please, husband, allow me to hang the moon in the ‘yet ‘Tauro allowed her and she opened another large cal basi, Everything in the hut began to shine with silver Tight, Malent took out the moon, put it on her head, car ried it oul and hung it-io the sky. Suddenly the whole world became silver. fot epdad Every evening. the same thing happened. But once a ron the moon had a rest? and stayed in the ealabash at tla i a ony 3 iie in the sky pased very apply. for Touro and his beautiful wile, Yet he. soon grew homesick! He wanted {o leave the new country and. £0 hack. to. his old iriends. He'thought of them every” day. Once Tsuro sid to hiasell: "All these beauifal things must be on the earth If {ake a bil of the sun and a bit of the moon with me, it will no longer be dark and gloomy? tere. The tees and ‘ass wil become green, the lowers, bultrfies ard iets of bright colours will be there." Every ay he. tought about this. The sun and the tpoog ate $0 Tage. "Nobo" notice IT chip off ibis Mach good food was prepared. — Dis spirerstno sro TS arueites|—nad mpmnemo Bree, mol mag arate gaa" momen tree Sets om te have a resonators ‘he toon grew omeiek™ capo) ou crag tcnonms oo 20 2 Ata anger be dark ad loomy ~ cise we Gyer Te "SESE chip off ute bi - So one day when his wife was out, Tsuro chipped a Iitle bit off the sun and a litle bit of the moon. He tied the pieces to his belt, closed the ealabashes and ran to the magie web As Tat ashe coud, he’ began to climb ‘When Maleni came back, she did not find Tsuro at hhome. She opened the calabsshes to take out the sur and the moon and saw that a little piece was chipped off the off the moon, The young woman hurried to her "Tauro has done this," Maleni said to her father, “he thas gone to the magic web.” i chief and his daughier ran to the web and looked down, Far below they saw that Tsuro was climbing down. ‘There was the piece of the moon on one side of hin. On his other side ‘hey saw the plece of the sun. It was shining Tike a ball of fie. "ring back the sin and the moon." the chief roared at Tsuro so that the people on the earth thought it was thunder But Tsuro took no notice® and climbed on. ‘The chie! called his soldiers. “Bring Tauro back so that i may Kill hm” he ered to them. lit lars began fo clin down the spiter-web aftr “Truro climbed down as fast as he could. Soon he was ‘on the earth, The solders fell down on the earth ton. The ehiel of the soldiers called together all the animals in the forest and asked them to help him. ‘ot remember how Teiro deceived you when he was fon the earth? ‘We remember,” Grandfather Baboon said. “We shall help you to ealeh Tur.” ‘And they ran after him. Touro heaed the sound’ of many fect behind him ant ran faster. At last he found himself on the bank of a great Fiver. Bul he could not swim across the river as it was {oo fast and wide, He could not run’ back as the animals ‘and the Soldiers were close behind him.” THRE pce was chipped ott nznien> m ageey ot + sider were tose behind him cara asTara ero 8 wnt iat lute and sai them Word At the same ten ment Re. tured into! 2 big sik The sors andthe animals came to the place where be ly Where has he gone? 1 saw him. bere mor iment sg,” Grandfather Ba cried one of the soldiers. “I see something behind those ‘trees on the other bank Wist_be Tsuro.” He picked up? a stick that lay near and threw it across the river, ‘As soon as the’ stick fell on the grass, it turned into Tauro again, laughed body can It wes true, Nobody, rot even an elephat could swim across that wide river ‘Tauro climbed a high fee, He untied | the piece of the sun from his belt and. hung i in the sky. Suddenly. the warm suushine filled the world. Tsuro was happy to see 3 He climbed down and "began to pay his Hate, dance and sing “1 am Tsuro who does not love darkness. Tam Tsuro who loves birds and Dutterfles and flowers. AAs he sang, the trees and grass became green. | Brighl+ coloured birds, butterfies and flowers sprang up every. wh have never seen such a wonder!” the animals cried. "Tsuro is a great magician! We shall not pursue him fany more? We lived in darkness and now lookt Te has Drought us sunshine.” ‘And since that time* all the animals have been friends with Tsu, ‘WHO 15 STRONGER? Everybody knows thatthe hippopotas & very strong. Ineed, he i the strongest of all the stimalss The pe fest oas ey ood of it the arte ale Yo cach hin‘ lose ‘ne day the turtle went to the hippopotamas and said to hime f ou think you ere very strong. Iam smal, but 1 can pull you ot of he tren “The hippopotamus sie “Yeu daw pull me ‘out of the rivet, You are jokin You. are too mel "You cannot do that!” “But Mean tie tee sad “his going to be Tommy,” the hippopotamus said “Let ty So the trie set a datet with the hippopotamus to ty their strength ‘hen the turtle went to the elephant and ssi to him, "You are so trang and. Tat weak, but I can pil you info ie nvers™ 5 (Gey) eran sp — om) soma 2 Mei e's hin any mre — Ms we Gye Slee hate ex mp erie sts date aaa wsnauu seek * sid the elephant "Vou ara to small.” Sure J can do it the turtle sad Jes ty." he sa ‘And they also Set the’ day for the tial, the same date The turtle got avery stong top, “Ne shat ee wie srnge” he ald tml songs On the day of the trial all the animals came to the “Te turtle went down into the river and gave one end ‘of the rope to the hippopotamus. ® “Told this" esas “But dO not, Begin to. pull unt 1 tag atthe rope. Thea you can start. Fe turtle tame out ofthe water, It looked as if he were feady’ to pull against the Pippopotamts. But he went ymiing — yout, noe ds he wee ready — Sao xcs, sro oa cotepseroe ‘up to the elephant and gave him the other end of the oe The turle let the elephent and went to the river. It Iooked at if he were ready to poll against the clean Bat he only sent to the Fark of the river and. tugged at the rope Then he hid The hippopotamus and the clephent began to. pull at the same time. They pulled hard. The hippopolaras was trying fo pull’ the elephant into. the water. The cleat war trying 10 pull the bippapotamis out of the. water They were both very strong. The {eal continued the whole day, Both were greatly surprised ‘Can it be that the tule 8 30. strong tamus thought nd a ts ame tine the leant sai tse ‘Nit posible thatthe forte fo strong?" The hippopotamss wanted {0 see wio was at the other nd the rep. “Someboty 1s helping the tur so an see” ‘And he began to walk slowly up out of the iver ‘The clephant aio wane fo'see wao pulled so hard at the ater end of the rope And he began to walk slowly towards the river bank. Soon the elephant and the hippopotamus mel inthe wa ter al the bank So ey understood that they were pulling against each ote. But the elephant pulled out of the river, and the hippo potamus pulled into the rive “The turtle laughed atthe big animals ‘Hist Hat Iam te avinnee, "he cried, Who is small but clever ean be stronger than the strongest and biggest a sais ie you ‘the hippopo- "he said. “But 1 shall ‘THE SPIDER AND THE FIRE-FLY ‘The spider has always been a thief and a robber. He is not strong, but he can kill those who are stronger, bigger fand braver than he, It is because he attacks them’ sudden- iy. when they don't think of It He is very quick, and n0- body can catch him, But once he was punished eruclly aa gol erie marke whieh have stayed wth hm Tot flay Sn wil stay with all the spiders forever. happened i & time when it was ‘hard to get food, ‘The sper was busy trom ‘morning till night Tooklng Tor food. Bat he could get very litle foed, and his large fae ‘mis was alway hungry” The sper wae very sorry tht he ould not Work af night: Night i a good Une Tor thieves Bat even thieves" must have a little hight to. see how to Scie pr wan a Tile git tn oe fo eve at nigh. He thought and though, anda good Mea came into Hie had He dete to male ies? Seth the fee. the Telly gives me a lite light,” he thought, “we can seal much wile everyboly 1s asiep. Then we all Says have Tood But the spider knew that the firefly was honest and never sole anything “i think the firefly ig very hungry.” the spider said to imselt, "And it wil make him help The.” “The spider began to look forthe firey 11 al dare when he loan! the fteflye who was siting cn a Meal, He looked very sad How do you do, Treliy?™ the spiler said. “I know you hy your ght Eh, and by my light know you," the firefly sad “Lam ative because my light ‘always helps me to see But am 1 your enemy? Have. 1 ever. attacked you? Have T ever taken Iood Irom you?” aed the spider. “Not” cried the firefly. "You have not, but only. be cause you are afraid of my igh.” "Yes your light helps you a Tot,” the epider sai, “Bul your light wl nol give you food and you" can ie’ fer Teste hanger" “What do you want?” the firefly asked angrily. “Are you waiting Tor my Tight to goveat?? Hh you ‘want to ate har panied — on at 2 Restle eh — Soper 4 Kusom you by your igh" sano 2» roo cory. wa A i tag Tt gt! eatt ae te tack me, go away, My light will shine white I live. 1 am totaal of you : Oty dont speak with me ia this way." the spider said, "Twas looking for you asa fiend fike you Nery touch, and'T lke your light. And [want t belp you, Tear Sve your le 1 am song and T have ligt lege Listen © ine: We can easly die from the hangs. we work fete Ger we shal tie You can help me. with your light Tinow you are honest and T am a the, But you ean die from the hunger. If you die, your bright light will not Sine or other bugs.” “rlknow, T kro,” said the fry. “And this makes ime very ad. Ido not thin of msl! Bat Tain sory © eave the bugs iv davkess™ “Fyou must nol die the spler cred. “Let's work tor gether. Then you will never be hungry and you will never Fray th buyin darks” “Fret me of your plan,” the firey sad Piet id he Sie, ICT ona wat night when, everybody Is aslep, lean get enous ood for bah of us*You will go siong’ and. make’ alte Tight That fs all Tak you fo do. You wil not Stel. 1 shall steal. But shall give Sou food. You wil live and the ings will have your ight" “The Tirelly thought Tor some tine. He did not know ar at was nigi+ to-go with the spider and ‘belp him. But he thought the bigs He sad at lok SPGRalt go with you for the sake of the bugs, it is any daly The spider was very glad to heat it *Youare a clever an” be sai ‘And he told the ely of his plan ‘There was a iver ear that place, The Ieopard pat fs busts into the water, Every. meming he took lot of Tih ron hs besets and ved well, The sper saw tt He tanted to steal the Th from the leopards basket, But be Sar afraid of the leopard and did ot dare® to do iti the fot melo ete 5 froth ofS ee fae (We) dot are ony we cones day-time, But he was rot afraid to steal the fish at night by the light of the firefly : “It's quite easy,” he said. “You will give me 2 light, and I shall take the tsh out of the haskels. We are abso: Itely safe."* ‘Night after night the firefly and the spider came to the river. By the fireliy’s light the spider pulled the baskets fot of the river” He took the fishes one’ by one Irom the baskets. After that he put the baskets back into the. ver. Then by the light of the firefly the spider carried the Tish fone by ene to his house and gave some fod to his" large family. He left a litle for the Vireelly. The firefly could nol sleep at night. He thought “help. the spider. But his. work i¢ not honest. He is a thiel, Amt T also a thiel? What will the bugs sey if they lear about if? T had better go avay ftom him." It is not too late, T think He thought about that every day. And be liked his work less, ad less. Every night he asked himeel “Am Taso a thiel?" Now the spider's Large family had much food every day. But they left very little food for the iredy. ‘Tre. tretly as always hungry. AU Tas he got Nery angry® and si 0 1 Mba’ bettr go Sway ioe hot liye 9 ay or na helene very ae) ele picep anion » 1 wes hungry when 1 dd oot help the sper. Now I help him andvork all the might but am slo. hungry Besides everybody may think Vat 1 am a thief: No! I dart Sant to beip im any more. I had beer die* And before TG, shall teach him good Leon." the next ight the tie‘ andthe spider came to the river as Uslal*The sper took out ihe fk and be as fog to cary W home, At that nome he fiery Tet is fight go ont” and flew vay Mer Bit the spider though tha something had happend. * So he quckly hid himeelf ané waited. He waited fora long time but the firefly di not come back. At last he dc to'go home. He quickty pushed the deed fishes into the river, but he pt the large Tih, He started. on his way: back carrying that fish# Ie was slill dark and he dif not know which Way fo go because there was no Tight from the fey “the Spider went on and on inthe darkness He was very fired "AT lathe came to, ouse and opened, the dor “flere f my Route at Tas,” he thought. He put the ish on the Hoor ad fell asleep? But it was not his house, it was the house of the leo ard The spider Gi not know that he had fost tis way rly inthe morning the Teopand got up apd wanted oo dito the rer to lock. st his taskels. Suddenly he saw the dead fish ‘and the spider who was sleeping on the flor. He understood everythin at ce ‘Here ithe tel who takes iy sh," Be said to hime self, "He came Into my house by mistake” of cour” ‘the Teopard was very happy Now he heew what to do with the the. “First stall tie you up <0 tehty that you wll nol be able to move even ont of Sout legs, Then ‘Tit wale, you tne then Til tell you something, then THl beat you,” he it 1 ha eal neat 2 life ee fig go ot — corm ory cook her 1 hevlegt 2) team 7 ‘earying fat fh con 5ry pucy Hees oon fe bad lot is way ow asysace 15 tale ro atte ually nd oP the por very Highly and thn wake inp ‘Wien the spider saw where be was, he got frightened? He wanted to Tun sway. But he could not move even one of his legs "The Spider was so afraid that he falttsd, The leopard walled for a long tine tefore he. could speak to hi At lost the sper came to Ninel Then the Tepard told itm wat he thought of ht Aer that he beat the spider truny. He want fo eat im fo. cath Bot he war ery 2rd sopped for a short rest. Tle id rat see thal some cof the cons found the spier's legs ha broken The spider fan away a: fas as he could, Soom fe got fois house” He fees quie Bal the wort of all*\ asthe tight cord onthe mide of his ty. 1 dies ty tno two atts Tis wife could sot untie or cat the cord. She was aed to cut ter husbands body and kl him J day the sue ake a fh vidi te aie by gcd Bu ee tll Tighe nd fst 2 oe "As forthe firey Be {s so ashamed® that once he gave his light fo the sper. He Mies only In the drkness and ives ll the Hight forthe bugs a night. And he ever comes Gut inte dayline now. ‘THE GREAT RACE Once the animals decide to have 2 big race. ‘The ton gems th aed at af as kel rus Ting? Speed is inperlnt to the arias when they ‘Tn way fom their eneies. Many of them ran just or Mpa ct ees) PERE. 7 SL LN emt — (sot “DELS ahies toa ee Sa ded Se ta fun They were not going anywhere, They were just rune hing. The runner wanted to Teall the others see how good Hea, How light and quck! Once the erg sald AXE da habe at a, vey an the prt™ ‘Many arjimals wanted fo bein the race. Every day more and’ mote of them came and sal, "We want to be the Faces" The ion was very elad 10 hear i Tut once a der came. And he aio wanted to be inthe race, Everyintyinew that the deer was the quickest ofa {he animals The animals ‘were afraid To yace with him. For fige days they asked im ot to ake part in the race, ye know ‘witout any rates that’ you are the best runner of al: Now we war, ose ‘who the ghikest fnong tT yor run, verybody wil Tough at us Bit the dcr ed rot watt to Tsten fo. them. He walked round ai the tine with'a smile on his face. AU the end af the third day he sad ST will tae par inthe race Then all the oir animals sid, “HL we race with the dee ee wl nigh a We do nt want fo ben One aller another the animals refused fo foke part in the ace. Soon hobaty "wane fo race ath the dear And th Ser a wae cd with ge ys ae He asked vay proud: The king promised a good, prize 10 ‘winner. Bat ere were no ther runpers wd" wanted. to Take part in the race ARs Nery eaty for the der to win the prize,” the ani- smal sald "Te der was glad to ear that, He walked and walked with a happy smile on his fee Tie hing sid to the annals “Dont Te the dor win the prize so easily. Run with him TBut the animals were silent. Then the king roared out “IL somebody races with the deer. T shall, give him a prize too!” But nobody wanted to race with the deer. The 5 Fst a an rao pps SP olihfake part it ee me Oyay yssernonans >: scimals_were, prowl. Noboty wanted to take the second Hace The arte kept silence’ The, king got ary Sadly the asimals fear thin low soie. They looked down ond sew turtle. He sak Sn gong ov race wth the deer for the prize.” There wae Silence for moment Then the animals, be fn t0 lang, They itl so Toady that oer animal or files arouhi® could hear i. At last they stopped. because thoy could mot lah any fre, The tre sll sood there Heid not say a word. He did tot stile He looked. Ney seus. So i Kngwote down hs oan i anyday ete going to takepart the race™ asked sgt Bat nobly sowed. SToetannls vated Yor lhe dy of the race ‘The tule wants to race vith the oe,” they sald, i the gress je oo tit 1H going te very fanny “he fui called ll the other tutes together sn si: "sm gong to race with the deer You must help me Then we ssl arn the voce ange the ft pie "re det thks that he wil'win the ist prize” the ture went on’ “But T now how he une. He stops and fats gon along the way. He sop and. aks fhe meets somebody. He even takes naps.* And yet he has always won. We must take advanlage fall ths* tall tall 08 tow {o doit Yor now thst we tries ook very mach ales Now sion fo me We shall un inthe long Valley. fill ‘hide near the end of the valley not far from the finish, Each of you wil ide under th siuts all along’ the way (One of you wil tke hi pace with the coer af the sat Pam sate that the dear wl sop 10 eat, tas. to talk with Zomcbody or to take nap. Exch fine the acer soph, ome af you up abeads mst gly come out end ave on The fire eto fe behind mot hide onde al til ihe aces vers thn the deer will take a nap ear fhe ins He Shays dos so. newt thnk that ram sl ae be Hep seme = gue are 3 fo take a nap—ssapesciyts 4 We imst take advatage vo CT ak we) much aie — sa sean ox oso ton nage Fay a — apne a} fal thi. — Mar anaes bind. The king andthe acts wil walt for Lng ie Tere I'come to the finish to gst the second prize” But the eet will sot gel the fiat prize I shall be fhe fist al the fine “Te turtle smiled and all the turtles dancol on the green soft grass were the mecting tok place. ‘At last the day af he race care. the morning every turile id inhi place. Only Tew animals. came to se the Sart All the eters went to the for end of the valley where the ing was stting. That was the finish the place’ where the race ended. They’ didnot come to see the rae. They ‘eam fo laugh at the tlle. Animals like to laugh "relat took pace eaiy in the morning. The lew ant mals who were there laughed when they sav? that the tule Started bravely and looked happy. They thought be looked hhappy because the second prise was sure to be. hs They Iauged Tower when ina moment. the deer sas far ahead He looked back al the trtle and Ieughel “Good bye,” he shouted ‘The deer ran so fast that soon nobody could see him ‘The animals didnot stay to Took at the slow turtle. They Tel the pace ‘Soon the deer was tnd He Moppst ani ate some soft green gras. He had no breakfast Before the race "At that moment the fst turtle id andor a sub. ‘The turtle who was abesd came ost quietly onto the toad. The deer did ol seit ‘tera Long tne the der came beck to the raceway snd ran fat along It. He thought that the turtle was be hind ‘him, Suddenly he saw the tulle ahead of him The turtle was moving slowly slong. He was surprised, but he Iaughed and’ ran on. Soon he passed the tlle en the turtle left the raceway. He moved into the stub and lay il there Tat yous "The deer stopped many times to ea young leaves or to talk to sone arial. And each tine he paced the tare, he Tau just as before "Poor turtle! He wil be so tired, when he comes tothe finish the dese thought * de scond prize was sare to be Bs — can Gana yorpena m0 sonyurr otopyo ape = When the dor was a mile sway fom ne fishy fe decd fo fake a nap Fe ‘wanted to leep Tor 2 shor time. But he slept fort ‘long times The {urtesone‘atter nother tad tine to mtove foment tidineplace to. another ‘he ft face wate place atthe Teter. He Exme out! and moved fo tte inh, At that time the king and te animals were waiting fot the dee. “Soon the der will come, they sad 10 one another od ne. Suny instead of the der they sar the turtle who was moving at last a a fortle cout move. “The analy bogs to ch he der wants to give 85 4 goad show.” they. sid. “Hers fete jure un bead for fun’ He want 10 run up io te ln at the very last noment He wants to anh athe por ort.” BGP ie Eh avg nee ade, A at te ‘crosed the fit line belore the eyes of cverybady. ‘We the King ge tor Be was sumptsel. He opened Ie mow and roared 3 Toul that the trees ga {oiahe The seeping det? Woke He heard fhe moar Se thought it was ther, i juni up sna a i time to ge tothe finan and can song. the wall tad of acm 2 The Seping det Ce Hee thought that the turtle wae till far behind hirm and smiled happily. He was still smiling as he crossed the tine. But then he saw’ the tortle and understood the terrible truth He fainted. ‘The elephant brought him back 10 lifes" He threw some cold. water on his face. But each time the deer came to imsell? he saw the lurlle and fainted again, Ard the elepbant brought him to life again, The elephant was tired, Re lifted up the deer and. put hit inte the river. Then he lifted him out again and helped him to his fel ‘The deer falnted again when the King’ harded the first ize Lo the tre. esked very funy. The ais laughed persly “The king handed the second prize to the deer. OF course the deer was nat Happs. ‘All the night the turtles were dancing happily on the areen grass, It was a great holiday for the turtles Since that time ‘the deer” never ‘speaks. prouily. about himself and the turtle still carries his head high THE TURTLE AND THE SNAKE Very tong ago the turtle and the snake were good friends. They’ lived together, they ate together out af the samme dist. Ard they were happy: ‘One day the snake was very hungry “Why “should give® this fine food to. the turlle?™ be asked sell, “am so hugry Uf etter keep ial to myself.” So the snake wound its long bedy around the dish. There was no place for the {urlle. She could. nol get near the ih to eat, And the turtle was hungry. He walked round pd round the dish He watched at the snake way eating and felt more and more hungry. At last he asked: The elephant Wrought im Back fo Hl, —Crse mpiia eo 9 Ta Hat BES tour 2 “Why will you not let me eat together with you? We fiave always eaten together: 1 am eo hungry. Let me come up to the dish.” “I am bigger than you." the snake answered. “Tea ‘wind myself round this dish! And the food belongs to me because Tam big enough to take it for myself. He went on cating The Turtle’ thoaght ‘and thought ‘aout ‘the “snake's The next day he prepared his dinner, then he made 2 Tong tail out of grass! and tied it to himsell.- Then le ‘wound himself round the dish and began to eat.” When the stake came, there was no place for hitm. Nosy the. snake ‘was hungry. And the food im the dish was =0 goo. “Why don't you let me eat with you?” he asked at last “Tam” hungry. "And we have always eaten together." “Now the food belongs to me,” answered the turtle “Yesterday you were big and I was smtll. Today Tam big ‘eer than You. In this way the foolish snake was punished for being so greely.! Tat att wee gt sp 2 APTE Sh ete AL Pays CLEVER RABBIT AND LIGHT-LEGGED' SPIDER ‘Once there lived a rabbit. He was very clever and eve- sybody knew hint as Clover Rablit. He was Light Legged Spider's uncle. Te rebhit and the spider do. nat belong to the same family today but still they are alike, Botheare Tight-legged and ready to run when something frightens them. Both have very large families and both are busy ag they are always looking for food. ‘They neel Tot of food for their children who are always hungry. At that time. tt ‘was very difficult to’ get food. So Clever Ranbit and Lights Legged Spider had a hard time with thei large families, ‘Sometimes Light-Leyued Spider lost all hope and, lay at home for hours. Clever Rabbit never lost ope. He was older than Spider and he always said “Nothing Tasts forever Sol know that the. hand times, will soon be over. Only i must mnt lose hope.” ‘And so it happened that once Clever Rabbit saw a tree fon a hill near a high wall. Suis Nery “strange,” “Clever Rabbit sid to himself, “I have often passed this place but I have never” secn the tree before, Yes, the tree Tocks very strange to me." Indeed, the tree looked very strange. There were many small white flowers all over it and steam was sing out of every Hower “ever Rabbit looked and looked, then rbbed his eyes and looked again. Stl he clearly siw the flowers and the Steam Clever Rabi came up lo the bill and slood under the tree quite near the high wall that ran‘round the il ‘Then Clever Rabbit saw the strange thing. The small-white flowers were ‘not really flovers. Each flower was a dish seit warm food And seam was coming up from ach ih Clever Rabbit ran round the ill and Tooked at the” te ‘At last he understood Cat he was" doing ‘a ery” Tooish thing: He sal down ands the tre and Tooled for along time at the dshflowers- Then he eri: “dh, magic tres! Please. drop cow, one of your dish- flowers, just one ol your sal shes.” How great was his surprise when dish fll om his paws Witt leged — erponent | ROSES cnt aero we mpagenaaercr sewn Clever Rebit was tanpy, He thanked the magle tree and Ste the food rom the dh He ale ay och as he. wanied. ‘Nl il he fa etowgh Tlt fo erry* home for bs amy ‘ine cider ad's good dine hat day. Aller dinner Any bean f0 Jump 1S and run about Becauwe they were fai and hap Pater’ Rath was also happy. Now he went fo the ll exery day stood under the te and asked Tora small dh fo fal down® on hs. pews. The tree al- svg gave itm some foot ‘day in aut Light-Legged Spider came fo see his uncle He came atthe fie when the chilren were eating {hei ood and warm steam led te ron “fl you lve me some coal, ele Spider asked “Okcodme Ratt anowersty I ge thon Tory now. And'he gave some coal 10 Tight Legged Spier. Bat Spier dd pt vant fo go aay, so be onped the. coals ito. ome water om the oor “Oh he cre“ fave dopped the fire gn it fel ine to some wnt Give me ame move pease" “Tit get you more fre" sald is uncle “But ist ofa give te some food" sal Lght-Legged Spider. “You know, ear tle, Tam dying of hunger Lat me-eat at your ttle" hen Clever Rabbit gave some food to Spider. Alter that Light Legged Spider came fo his uncle every day He himself ate-aad asked for some ft Torts fay” At lest Cieger Rat's wile sat “Enough Why does he not find bis food himset? He is younger and stonger than you are, He sheld go and look Tortie food mel. Tate’hm with Sou toto ‘The nextday Clever Rabo ook Light Legeed. Spider with him: Spiley gw the age tree ail he Setched ‘is Snel gel hie foods “Now Idail wk the tee to give, me a didvflower te ail fo is uncle, “but 1 dort want a stall ih Tm ting fo sk for a bigger one wg Fe Bad erugh tf cary —y nero ccaccy seem, they were full ov cu eam 2 G5} Sica fra Sa dt fal down — 9) opin. wee YE te hoa eo and lok for—Euy e7exom0 oi nonce She nthed ounce get Ris fod’ nats ox eae ne 0 he turned tothe tee ad called to it "Sond down a big wish. But do not send down a stall cone, T want the biggest dt.” "AL that moment the ‘biggest dish full of food fell on Spider nd nearly Killed hi THis uncle tap fo help him, He ited the big_ ds Spider was badly hirt® so ft was very dificult for Rabi {3 cary hin home. After that Clever Rabbit brought fad for Spider and his family every day unl Spider got well? But when Light-Legged Spider could walle again, the tee Gi pot want to give him any food. But the ree gave food {o Clever Rabbit until the hunger was over. And then the dishfowers dissapeared. ‘And nowdays rabbits stil sit upright and fool up, but spiders wale close fo the grou a nobly les tien. =x) ofgarson rye) 9 Splder got well eae ronpamsce ‘TWO SENTINELS Conce there lived a great snake. He was a robter, He tobbed on the ground, fm the tops of the tres and on the High mountains Once the eae could nol have a Tarly Ieause the great snake had rbd! the eagle’ nest. While {he eagle war looking for foo the great stake ale all the eas Tit snake was greatly ara of the eagle. He was not so much afraid of any oer bid.or animal Once the eagle Caught the snake's Brothers. He eatied each of them hi Sto the sy. He Tes? for malls holding the snake so tight that be could tot move. Only one cf the snake's. brothers Ted thyough* this. terrible. punishment. But someting Iappened to him after thal, He eould never again go to an teal st wo oniily wry hgh Hest tis “could not move at all when the eagle held, me so tight, Nothing else canbe So terrible. You don't know ‘what i is when you can't move at all and the eagle car Fes you high int the sky. T-sall seriember 1 alm fife. {Tey fot tovmest the eagle. Run avay when You see him, or wil punish ou tthe same way ‘When the snake heard this terelble story, be became eo ao he ah Ht be ey eg area ad. Indeed, be robbed the eagle's nest. so_catefully tow that the engle could never catch him ‘The stake hid Himcelf'somewicre near the eagle place and waited, He lew thatthe eagle went away to ook for fod evry de But the eagle wes not away foc'a Tong tine. So the snake ine rk qk, He uckly moved up fo the et nd ate Whe egg: greedily. Then be moved quickly away to hide himself. ae ¥ 4 Sven ihe lime came for the eagle to. havea family gan, she decided {0 have'a seine: So she went (oa Big rd and sata “St by my nest for an hour each day and shout for help* when te great snake comes. Help me to catch hin 1 ie area amake had robbed —orpvnan sue erases Sa tog 0 4 free foe help Saone Sm no 2 1 shall give him, one lng trip above the high mountains ae ef wl be enough for" him. Help ine" f0 catch f "The bird agreed to help the eagle JP yall watch your net,” she said bravely. “Your eggs will be safe. "rhe eagle was happy to have such a brave sentinel. She went away to lok Tor food. She stayed avay longer this Tine shall not hurry," she thought. “The brave birds by iy nest” then the great snake came to the eagle's nest, the bird was frantened, She’ almost lost bis. vole. It Decame. so Walk at Re could not shout for help. He only said “Doo. Towdoodoo" ia soft voice. Nobody could hear it and the shke-was not alraids He ate all the eggs. then hid himselt safely. "When the eagle came back, the bird was stil trembling Her volte Was 20 wea that she could hardly tll the ter Tile news, “fort know what happened" she said became very weak. Nobody could bear i “The eagle wai very angry and fold the bird to go nat my voice "K year pased, Agu. the tine came for, the eagle to make }Tamiy. She went 02 Ue bed and said. her “Spteae ai by my est wile Lam away. and shout for help when the feat srake comes. Hep me fo cafch him and Tsall phe hin a Tong trp above the high’ moun shall try," said the bied. “I shall do my best It is rot easy for ie to lace the great terrible snake. But | think T'shall not be afraid and my voice will not become ite eagle liked the answer very muh. My cus will be sale nowy" she. thought and flew avay, bit She decided not lo be away so long. this time "Fe great sake was watching te eagle (rom his hiding ploce the lite bird was also watching, The bird turned Fis bead round. and round, Tooked this way and. that he could hardly tell— ora € zp cvoran pacar Said my tet f'cesa ies SB ai wea, teat aay Seon os inet the hate, guick movements of ape eagle was out of weht— “OG esl heel] —o exe = ‘THE COUNTRY MOUSE AND ‘THE CITY MOUSE* One day a city mouse met a country mouse in the ‘The country, mouse was eating grains and ground-nus. “Hello Iiend!” the city mouse said Hello" answered. the country mouse “Why do you eat such bad food?” asked the city mouse, “1 always eat only. good food and as much as T want.” “Do you work hard to get your food?" "No, I don't work at all The’ country mouse was. surprised Hip that 502" she asked Surely? Come with me and see. You will like every- thing in the ety. You will never think of this field again and you will never want to come back.” The country mouse wanted very much to see the place where his friend lived. ‘She went together with the city mouse. They walked and walked. At last they came to the city. There were many big and small houses in the cily fand the Iriends went info’ one of them, “There is a room in the house,” said the cily, mouse, fatty He people ep read and cies food. “Less there.” “Tiere was a lot of feod in the room. The country mouse was very glad. “So muuch food! I con't believe my eyes! What shall wwe begin with?” she asked. “Come onl? Let's have dinner. You may take what you like," the city mouse said ‘They started to eat. At this moment they heard the soured of people's voices. ‘Run! Run away quick!” the eity mouse cried in fear ‘They both ran as fast as their legs could carry thet. ‘when they stopped at last, the country mouse turned to her Trend von hy (ae ome ois] —tsens mas they fed Srey t= Rove Game ont —Caopet “Oh, my heart was in my mouth." she said, 1 have ne- ver bee so mach afraid. I'am going bace tothe field to tthe bad food without fear. Pihink it is beter to be oor and bappy than fo be rich alive ia eat" THE SONG OF HARINDA, “The morning sun rose and touched the earth with golden fingers, ‘Clouds of songbirds broke trom the fore. “o's snging?” the bit asked one another, “the “They Hew across the hill on which the king's house stood and saw a young. gl, She was singing. Her song was very sad “The king's daughter must go, must go ‘Must go to the Great Snake's cave. § have Kear Hari he Bre sat he, tat your father (svery iil."And_you_are-going to-ask the Great Snake for help. Have you tried anything else?” have tre everything. she looked up atthe binds and her eyes ile with fears. "The ing Tell Test wine sense Ht) 8 In my math fmas]—y ween cepane » Th du of snes, ke oro yas, zy) newex ama fer. The best doctors from all over. the country exme {o'see him They have ried everyhing, but i was n0 wont fhen indeed you cannot do anything. You must go to Great "Shake who is eller than any doctor. But why avert jour Gee, bothers. tied to find Greet Snake? You sea girl of fifteen and you are not afraid of the “They have tried. But it was no good. All three are wave men. They. went to. Great Snake, but when tiey Came bucky they kere trembling ‘with fear. They do not Santo tell'us what. happened” You see,” the bieds went alraid. How sll you do it then?” “MYove helps when sents could do nothing,” Harinda answered With these words Haris slarted_on her way. She walled for many hours though the forest. She was singing she walled. The sum was high in the sky when the gi Stopped in Front of the eave, where the stake lived. It Was in the forest song the hill iow 3 30 do, Great Stak, Hater of dots!” se said n'a sweat voice est ita ie my cave” An uy hea appeared rom the cave in fear Hsrinds looked Into. the srake's large mouth with is Tong sharp teeth, But she tied not to show her Tear and si nt Harinda, daughter of the. king. Great. Snake, have come to as you to help my father. He is very Nabaly‘ean help him but you" Foolish gill Look at the footsmarks around you. Those are the ootiarke of strong men who have Tun avy ‘your big brothers were from me in fear. Will you tot run away too?" “Lam only a girl, but I shall not run away.” ‘Then come nearer, Til climb on your shoulders?" “Harindal Harinfal” cried a bird who was watching them. "Do not go up to the snake! But she did so Eire Ss oat, Ikea slowly back to her father’s house, with Gest Sake on er body. And ce eS ra ie oti See the people were nce House toked ia feat wind myst — “Is 1 Harinda." the giel vied, “Tam bringing Creat Snake, Don't oot, beease he has came to help my father. "The soldiers ran to Harinda's mother “Hide im your hy qieen, becouse Your daughter bas come a great sale! ‘With te lange snake round her body the girl came into ter father's howe. “Make a fre I stall mix a medicine for your father” the srake sid Hira made a fire at once and the snake made op the medicine: The King drank the medeine and in an hour he rose from his bed. Then the people came out of their fovies with, Haringe's mother to ive thanks to") Great Snake, ‘The women. gave hima rich dimer, the men Fought Hie any presents lay with ts ahd be eur doctor” they sald (0 i “T'do not want to live among. people,” he sald. "The séel mst carey me buck to my cave 'So once again Harinda slocd still and let the snake (cet aroun her body ris ine ew eter up" the eon Your magic song of peace at Urauly once more,” Great Stake told flavins on their way back, And Hara Stor singing all the time ae she walled along. She sang of “he‘usully played with other gis ‘jut are only a chill. the snakes ered. “You should lll lay® near our mothers huts but Bol go, ahd carry & stake! Now look, we have come fo my eave,” “thank you for your song” the sake said. “Come into my cave foe a few moments." “Do not go, Harindal” a bid told the girl. “Remember, ‘here are tones of ten in his eave!” ul Farina was not altads She bravely came after the spake into his cave, Suey she stopped fn great surprise. ‘here were many bright bemtifal snes onthe fle of the cae, They shore wilh'a green, red and whe ght and Teoked very beatiful “her up the people sid an tape 4 Yo shoul st piny ~ Tete erenano Gt pare ‘fa ew meme va seein man “Take what you like,” said Great Snake. “AIL I have. ill ke one, ees snust give it to me yoursell He crated tothe stones and took yp a, necklace of sree stoes in his teeth. He held it out*"to her, “This isthe necklace of raoonstones and itis the best among my riches Indeed, it belonged to my fathers and to there fathers fathers. ul it, on, Farinda. kn this wey Stall pay you for: your seng “thank you very much, Great Snake!” She put the necklace fou her feck and went away ‘When Harinda came back to the village, everybody was surprised and happy. ter mother id: "1d not hope to see you again.” “great Sake was very ind fo me.” Horinda told her. “Hle does net Kill people. Loo, he gave me these bent: ful stones. He has mock wells in fis cave. And she {old term all about Great Snake's cave. Her brother's eyes shone with greed” "You area foolish gle Why did you take so little?” ‘one of them cried. a sian “Let it go fo the snake's cave tonight,” another bro- ther, said "We ean il him and take his wealth.” “Do. you want to Kill the snake ‘who "har lielped_ our father?” Harnda cred and ‘her vole trembled with anger “Bul you will nol te able to do anything’ even i you bring & thousand slders with you." And she old her bro thes of Great Soate's strength and Bravery 0 thal hey ew sla” “ive us your preset ther" the tied. brother cle And te tied Yo take the meotstones away from his Sister. “The king Heard the quarrel lat dey that ai be ake. Tt my one to come’ here" £", Harinda agreed, “but you TAN ve yun By wo HELE —o- poems on i ERAS res ee rings mee orn a i — ou wey 4 ung people were, brought before the King at once, AAU Sour nghter who slrted the quarrel," one of the bothets ssf ~The great shake who came here is richer than you $" another ‘one Fie "The thd brother looked at Hrinda's necklace, “The fist does not ‘give us even one stone of what she has Srougit ing sew thatthe girl was looking in fear at hee brothers "Poor Harinda is afraid of her brothers," he told hime sel ‘And be said loudly, “Call the cpu When the people cane, he sid, “Hear all who are pre- sent! ly sonsare bad ex, folay I send Theat avay Irom. our country “ihe people who were present at the council shouted swith Joy" and eat the deans # “rien the day comes for me to die, my daughter, will be the queen. She slone vas prave enough to go and bung Great Snake who Helped me.” "The people again beat the drums and shouted with oy. ‘And Uhappened as the king had sad Four years tater tte Ged and Horinda became the queen. Soldiers were sent all over the country! fo tell everybody” the news. And People beat the drums, sang and danced everywhere rind was tll’ 2 young Wl nen all Unt happened. Her three brotbers decided 40 fake the kingdom Tron he. They gathered a large army” “hen Hasida Ieot about it, she called the chief of her arm se do not want wat! We want to live et peace. But my broters"are bringing their army” agaist us. So we must gh “Te oldies beat the drums and begin lo wel reedy for war, Suddenly the people heard a. great ose, Harinda Tooked over te wall ang saw great amy’ of sales. They were slowly coming up towards the village. The sn shone 1 Fle young people were Phi se cane 1 Slater were sent all. @ver ibe country —Comama Gas pao. samo neh Spe ght — Noms sored pac a fon the bows and arrows of the soldiers. There were thou Sands and thousands of them. And they came nearer and Ae are los! We are lost!" cried the people in great fear, "ow can we light such an army’ as your brothers ae bringing’ Harinds Tooked at the new army and said Heo fede fat sy ie ot my brother” ‘ren they saw # Young man who was riding ie font of the emmy, Heed tie clothes on and- a. beautiful born found his necks The solders were ruming and shouting: “Greetings to ou leader!” ""We are coming n the name of peacel We ae coming fo help the quer Aven Hiring heard this, she came out to meet the steanzer "Where have you come from?" she asked “Don't. you remember_me,. Harinia?" he, smiled and atowed'her the medreom found is ek a he doe {or whom you carried. to. your father. T'was looking for a irl‘ was true-and had’ brave heart 901 tured tnto 4 Snake. You, Harinds, won my’ Heart with your sweet song of love and bravery. I'ak you now tobe my wile. All these men will Tigh for your county.” Now. Harinda did not have to gather® her army., Her brothers’ “armies: ran ‘before the “great army of» Snake Doctor. “The people were very happy, they beat the drums, danced fd sang in honour of* Hsvinda and the young man. But louder than’ the songs of the people were the songs of bi that, were ng over the gues ode after that the’ young people. got martied® a Snake Doctor became kings POP 8 He was very kind {0 Bis people snd they loved him very mh “The young man never forgot the days when he lived in a cave and Harinda came to him and. sang het songs. ‘The great king often ssid to hie wes 1 Me aze lost — Manoa HE st lade that army Tor ey ead oy spe 1 Mltdada di nt have 12 eather" Sapnse te opr omens “sing to me, Hatindal Sing once gain as you sang when T'was a ste” “Tener elear and weet voice rose over the ils and the forests. The. people stopped falling, stopped. working And lotened to her And bide sang together with het. It the evenings mothers. tld Harinds's wondertul "story to {heir children. When the children grew up, they fold It to thelr ehiloren, Thet i why the song of Marinda still lives inthe legends of the people CHOBAPE a out [Bout] abe—aoepye prep 0.6 cross [Ts] prep —roam, se adie ova} fiend [Se]. be ard (0 — ‘ea [lta] Agua ‘ean Ustilan) a appocie cot se [vhs] octamer sited [bell alo mega me ree ake [ak] a— oxo five [vlan] @— maa {Mo poe — en on ati [ea] 0 ss Sloe (9: lout] ado — nome fone [foun «one aon ‘log 9g} prep— sons m0 to [3 lol ade — rome ace fnong (2m 9] prep cpa me anges ('2p99] a—r0en Seer (egg e—epusra Be angry epsom in a aoe other rato} pron —a9yr0 ‘eu! oat any [ent rom any more — cone appear ('p0] »—nonsarse srmy [0:08] napa ound [>0und) odo, prep arto [rou] ergot fle [ship] a be asleep ck [tek e—anasur arxo- Iabooo_[b"bu:n] 6x6 ‘coc ack [be] ens ao — mn banana [bea 09] m— Goan, bank omg] 8 — Cope ark fo Kn — sop (@epesa) Basket ba et npn, eat fT (eat, Beaten 0 beauty [jet — epsora bee [a] — evens Beehive (hae) a— yak Selere [bls] © eeprom telong [6190] o—npenanremare Below [oo ado — may, prep Sete et)» — nome pone ‘end (ben (ent, Bet) eh ‘ent [ei cw Bend Bia fed} «ms Web zene Bone oun] nme bath fous] pron — 6, oe bow [bo] may (opps) rave fret] a appa cena Beavery breton] xpaciart ‘ek (beh) (bok, Broken) 9— puoiaa, soar: prt FOP Trea off — ofp ‘wing rg] (out bough) 9— puis, suse nos wrong (broth em. bing ‘ug [hag — nace rm (bo: (art Bar) 0 — eo eve mess cram. ani burt [bt] cx en Biey (ta a sna, esr ‘ah be busy — ours savers ately {Ont ncn ‘ny (a (ought Doughty 8 Bo ya by Dal) ade — os 0 pa carry ["ke] sent orsosrs ‘atch [het] (enh cab) © cave [hen] — nee up [et] cw ete ene (seiel]2— aeepacunah ange [fends] 9— wenn, fanaa), veemrlcs) ie tif] nso ‘(ale (a rey 2 — pe ee lear [els] @—seui8, spmpas ak rat sli an) lose fos) a — Gon love Io aK, PRU oat oul) — ron ol (E8] uber, oxpaea ome [ks] ame, come) = pou. prea came ap (10) soatone ‘command [5"masid| 9 ~ npn — tape 20 cient} 0 ApORO ‘oa [hu ¢— rors (nay) fed fd} a aetna foun [au] n— coer foarage[Esids] newer, cours [hos] of couse — xo. crawl [x3 oso pose ‘Som fo 9 —vopcenm pe reel eal] a— necro ‘tin fn] 8 — paar ‘inning 1aa09] @— arp xo ‘na cat Tt] (at, ex) ¢— pas, porn eel artes [dak] 9 — iugiter [D0] 0 (ead oes} a — pratt ‘Ge [ea © papers “ant (att Se (ag) (Gog, da) 9 none, ea a ap — nuxanscar, as [a] a zaps, 6090 (Gvie [ore] sear nOXe 2m pages sector (S55) — nson ma top [49] © pour FOOT fram [ea] &— capa y [da] o— cyst ig sg) cm ‘aig erg] prep— 8 reve, ty ei) m—aoar conan exch (hf) pron — xm ‘exch other —ap3" 3 nce [al] open ‘anh [26] nsec faey [ot] 2st, ery a op [tap] ores, nom sm slept tise} « — on See ao et fd fer) soe ‘Sem [sta] a apa, senpe ough nae ror — wae vem [von ado — zane Srerybedy [eto] pros — xm verging I ev819 pron no crerynbere [rte] ao be « fait (ent © — repens coma, ian 8 onopoe fa 01} (th fallen) 0 nagar far fe) a sana, gas; fast [fest] 0 emp, Cocrpak ‘ade cxepo, GacPo fear [fa] m— epan. yaae feast fst] n= mp fee i} (ek, fx) syne. fe et) ett few [i] Pron — sao abe Hat} ought Tough)» perce cpnamey, Soper, ‘at [i] © — seroma, sane {ind {Ini (ound, found) © — v2 find out — sac yma, fine [itn] @—npexpacinl, same "eres finger tn9c9] n— nasen fire [a] 2 — oro, nao firey ["fatallat] n—-eneramvor fish (0) 0 — pasa few {fla} ox ty fy {ia} lew, Hows 0— sere, fool flu] o—sypammon, eta foolish (ui) a — rayma foot {ut} «— ora, exynn foot-mark [futma:k) nese (woo) for i, fo] prep— arm va, 9m, forehead [Tarnd} n— 206 fovever U'reve] ado— nanceran ‘oegett' get Cora forgotten) 2 ‘pone forgot [fot] ca. forget, found {faund] ex: find fre (| a— coon Wed frend] #— aby, soseys, ‘omput Agen (out © ayrary eng fall (al) @ nant, vanomen funy (til @—cxeusot, rae ‘ash. sak o enter {52021 ‘cancn| set [et] Gt go) 0— vonyar, et fo sodpamen 0 (aanoro ‘tte meena) sad (gid) be glad — paso soomy ['glusm] a —uparut aun > [o>] (went, gone) 2 — sa sen, wae aoa sont fe foe wale [03] nara ning (sou be gong to ma ‘epearcn cobipeich (umeste {5 :desams) soden (‘gute “ame 0 [ot] em get fain [ren] — ape feat [get] "2 overs comaok, ently [get aoe (reed [rl a seaanorm (eeedy [gral] oss aera rect [ert] © —npwaerernonern, Seopomice reting ("9 t1g} n—epmercrane few [gre] ea. grow foam [grout] om vexeaD anne ronda ental] #998 row [0] (rem, om). grou (gall 0 pwns a— pe fran end) @— nara myers am syne tng 89] amg, ng) © — we Imppen {1nap20]9— opowxousrs, ‘crgumce ted had] apy, oe “atk; ado yeuenna,sm0p0 heart bat] expat heavy [het] avant eg [bat] n— wacom, te feo} npn here (sta) a reo Feral [hs] prot — ex, ta fd) e416 ide ate) (eho npr dg place [sepple» — yo igh Pa 2— mara ao ma ‘ums (ns) pron — cance ‘ppopetamas|uppsams] a — ie 5} — were Ising (stg) morse ol ou hel eld) © — acy « Ile tout] mapa, pm ma, orp nae [aust] a— sera Boney [oi] n— wx eneycom.[hakoun} a — se ‘oo fk] &— noses, atemire ‘pe (hou) n— mages; © em [in 9 — por Inger (ing) n— ronox nary "bape a — rose bry boil —-Topone,€oe hut (st) «sua, aoune tryna acm] a rue Sen at] nse men Un con) — ean a Au} he cay Gamune Initate Vatat] 9 nox, Important npn} eat tain rep —t wees (oapemens) Indeed [did add achat Aes (i's) prep —m,way7px Wee sl) pron sen 1 Join [4s] © prroenmsrice Joke [suk] n— ayn Joy [63s] passer, Jamo [isan] 2 epurans: 2 pmo jumper ['45mp9] n—npurye idle [djapall m— mayurns iat [gt] fe — sto 0 x seep thipl (ent hep)» Seam: coxponr sat f= yore a And (hand) ¢— sop, meno nde [ainda] AoSpore Aine (Ag — ropa Megson Mol n—nraenso ate fal} Boe L lake [ek] n —eseg0 Wat (lest) wat ast —naxone, Hag (af) ewer hay le © ox Be ead [9 le ed) 0 — secre leader (Teds) m—soean,pynon leat [it] n— er Year aa} 2 yumm yomen usar eave 159) (et, fet) 0— cm legen edad} 2 serena leopard "ep n— aeons Ie let) (lel) nomena ‘yest acon, 4 pore tet we et). He ta) (ay, lan) We down opus Me (al na 1 (it) &— nex, et [iat] wm eer coer a) he atk] @— socom, no306 ue prep —noxosa. rae fo [Ison] ace Bre [is] 2 aor lang 9 4 nest, ans Wok [lk © cuorpers Fanze, ook fr ctor tase [2] lst et) 9 — rep ost (th om fv Kat [st 2 et af — waar oud (au @ love ave motes tow oe made rsd) ex mae Image [Tied] 4 someon tmagklan [main] 8 ron sake. (eik] (ae, made) o— ‘mark (oak) ®—orwersa, mower marry [ee] © non ame, smay [el] wry, ome ¥o- meat ft] 2 — aco treddne (ned aexapeaa treet ft] (mets met) © serge vate) smecting | ':ttp} « — pet, co smery [rl] 2— sciau,paner: Ike (l} = cep igh [ait] @— cua, wo. sue ai} nat Inia [nur] n— 20 ‘take ft] acumen ‘by mislate no outa sew moment (‘mounent] m—vowest, monkey [phn esexaia ‘eon fr] mays eet ‘Neorhine man} nym mot oust) a ade— wget smovntln[sutta} a— rope ‘mouth {mu} n—por x03 ‘move [muy] 0 aberamce movement [man] — 30m moc rat ere, most) 2 ae — smase (i kp — ye ‘lan ef] a wana ‘mt rust} 2 nomen AoE, sy [ial] pon ak, mo myself self) pron — cau, nearby fsb} ade — Gum, 20. nearly [nt ado ~ none mech [nck] we reclace [ees] psamnes we. est tet] 2 reno fever [er] ad — minora fret [seat] 9 cxenymu, «o ce, cual se (nas) 6 Hon, po snbedy [sont] prot— mero tse (naz) 8 — ane tose [ne] n — nee ting 22619] 5708 — mero urs [ns © —nssearr, yx "ae (28 onnn) ° ° sit [o,f] prep— sone, pom ‘iter [fo 6 opera ‘ten [310] ads wero ce [ent foes pe, 6 at once — eps, weveasenso cl (oot ado Toss order [343] ¥— nop: mp, fm order to non ror, 6a ser {93} @— 9/08 ok ae (‘sus ale cry naps. soe cover [ev] abe over — xo on [oun] eaters sd pid] ou ain pn] wom rt [pat] naw ass (pus) & mpoconare apes ass by — sporocre wa 5 [ps] nana Pay pe) (ple pale) naar ace [na] ns Pek [pl 2 pate, cpucars co Cage ple up —soxsare, roatepar. piece {as} nse HYCO place [ples] take place apo ‘cram cayarce| [pies] ee fae pet] ®— rapensa fat (Pl] spon erp fprwertl prstl] 2 worries ‘nd, cua ese {peat} n— nosso Pie frat} 2— pave fee [ate] n— apie, npn ‘rome [roms] 8— oben ‘rod (rad) a ~ cop a ah oy rer ap unsh (pan) © snes uishnent (psa — mx ash [pa] °— ron at ost) (pt, pt) © a saree (era) scp ‘ecen [en — penn Sek (kerk) a —Guerpue cx = get [evant] @ ‘alte (iva) ae— compen eta ena ab [eit] — pane fee [cls] n-—cocmame rouge ‘ere, Gears samiperoat fealy [lt ado— sa caw xe sete (F2] © — eames remain {nein o— orate Femerber [ma 2 ok, reat [est] ora, 0 ore sie [tf] 9 — ora fehes [ett] n— Sora, oe rie [rail (de, item) «—exas (cep tr) @—sgmm mp ai righ — sop. noprane ripe a] @ ene Spent Fie (ett) (foe sen) 8m soar [fo] pe 8 peur pe roaring ro) — pe ab [38] © yepaces,erpatins aber [ab] a= potent rope (fu) — septa fous [rota] ca Fie ound [ous prep ~ acer sab [ab] 6— sper ning nigh — or rh ra] 9 opoearicn, nares s ye sad [ond] nec, oper. ait sate [et same (cn) pron. a — coma ox save [ce] 0 ena Sete) oe tt) send [nd (ent set) © sat, ommpanaers sent nt} ea. Send ‘atie [ental] —cropon seein [sors] cepa Several sal] ¢-— wean | Gecasn, wasbse nye fp] «— ocr shea [lit] (et, sho) © set [24] 2 xen sot tft) ea. soot hoster ould} 2 — ase sont oi eae Show {[ct) haved sews) 9 — stows [Jun] cx show Seah Je] = ayer St (tats) — saspnars thy [Ja] a= sacreto ae Bie sd} »—croyons, Coe Sere [arts] owen, sien siont]_ vost emarensh sive [2] 2 — copspenat Sine (st ra sy [sai] net Sip [sp] ¢— mockamanys ne sow [leo] @ eases, wen sve [sel] © Assan smile [sal] © yates, a "yuo snake (oe — ae $e ou} 280 Tox an pass, ose sold sou) sell toler (seuld3a) n —coaaee Semebody [smb] pron =x semntines {sama} ado —190- son ss]. nce on [ss] alo chop, spe erry to betel sory ~ Tse repress, coxasern mae st sound {snd n—soye South (208) nor rt 2 comen Spider spat) 2 — ‘Paden [spina a 8p star [sta] n—s0e0 Stet [tet] © cropamamen, stay [set] 2 —ocrammcn Stet [st] (tole, sen) 90> tenn [tin) «— nap flew [tie] oyu ane "mtoe mc lek (sm —namna SHI [st] @— axa conti do — ack ek 20 oat Tp stg (amg, tangy 9a stole [oto ox teal Hoge [tou] #— Hse 2 — a stop [sop] ©— ccrnanzmanes, spexpmarcn story [stor] m— pcr, noveery erp strange [tres] o— eran ‘somo nome stange stead} — wean strength [te 98] — exe Strong stag) aout Hep tip] ®— e660 06> slang (ss0) sting stupid (tpl @— coy suddenly sant} ode —oapy. sunshine sire [lio] be sure— 6am yom a erprice [ov rats]: be eaptod— ‘ae yarns, ye, sweet (set) 2 spans swim [xt Gam, swam o— 1 tat [to n—xn0er [tel ook taken): place—cayareceeporaoam talk [Ek) €— Geeaomre pane sapenns teeth (8] 2— 6a terrble['teobll a—ysemst tes test] — venue, poop there {0:0} there ved — aa co2n | het (ots] xm fieve [Oy] 2— pers spon (hin [21] aay. Toma ‘hing 1} x — nes Messer ‘hin (6p) Chou ho © sys (hiok of a plan —apexysors sought (#5) cx tink tare (or ex tow {Sownand (anes mam 9 — tarot [Seo a — p99 throug ri arp — spe cr throw [era] (tem, thrown) © pear. nisae hander [snd3} 2— roe tie [ta] puauare coeae Att st] a — apes {iF [can] ~ 20 mex po tine [sin] nape sagen, sd, ted (1a) 0 —yeramat together [1g] ado— avec too (te) te rane cme top Usp) map, bp, wep toaeh tf} © — spore, opi towarde [S73] prep—Ke 90 treat (] 2 efpamarce ‘rene (‘esi] &— apo. teal tes} a— acura Wick [ek] — ayaa tap [ip] 2 aprons. oi rouble (abt) spar, son ee. eve [tre] o— mpensaud ‘rank frag) «™xesor teu (ru) spans tty [va © nurmen, capac ‘pom. tug [ag] 2— pT, spears arm (tra) 0 fosopanin); {ars nto — npr) tale (ti) espera v eaty [agi] a~ ceocpossh Stn hea ae tute stale passers ‘stoner sind [ewan] 2 pate ste, pean sarwoundssund] oo, enwind fre [fea] #—adonie yoo "ec saaly (fea ade —oeame valley (y 2 asain eds} arene [pts] a roe w alt (fo) [wet] °-— xm oak "am (rots) k's] (wok, wokenyo sterm wom) oan watch (ot) 2 eneau, sas. way feel] naysayers, cn 6 Im ths may — rane cepane weak (wi: a— exon wealth (weld) e—Gorasema well [vel abe well — yore, ‘cSt scp, Gas anyon wet [oe!} a—nonpah coh ‘ws we [wal] cn) — ous, 0p ate Fett] 2 — cana Ste [ul| ase, na Wide atl] 2 — poet ie (vat) eas tid fae} a— ek ‘sin [sn] (von, won) asim, mocensame nga) (woend, wound) 9 — rane) RNS, 0 rans) wane [359] 0 — notes ‘ish Tet] 2— cam overs tost [sau] prep — froma wu} enn Ironder wads] — yaneneie revs, a0 onder [wansfl]_o— sme “oven jana i word od} — esos seid [wed asap round [wand] ox ind ‘wrong (99) ¢— verpasensnat y year tn] nro ye [et con) — 10 He went, 08 young [).91 4 —saro308, nt eur is] yvon— rae aa, yours jst) pron ean oe CONTENTS ‘Te couNTRY NOUSE AND THE CATY NOW BeEESESaeee aruKaneR xa Kira ane aan sien Saw Vl aaa Sea Ma te pa he

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