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ID NUMBER: ......................................................,.............
Answer all the 40 Questions in this Section. All questions carry the same marks. Circle your

i. Which of the following statements is considered among the key challenges confronting
healthcare financing in Ghana
(a) Rising medical cost
(b) Increasing government budgetary constraints
(c) Individual demand of more (quality) healthcare benefits and services
(d) All the above

2. Which of the following is not considered as a rationale for motivation?

(a) To reduce pressures on employees who feel burnout syndrome, frustrated and
(b) To increase their responsibilities with fewer resources, managers must create a work
environment in which employees are engaged, happy at their job, inspired and
(c) To retire employees
(d) To enable employees to recognize the workplace as one of the most important aspects
of their identity

3. Which of the following is not one of Maslow’s Theory of Needs

(a) Physiological and Safety needs
(b) Belonging and Esteem needs
(c) Non-Psychological Needs
(d) Self-Actualization needs

4. Which of the following is not considered as part of the Performance Appraisal Process in
the healthcare organisations?
(a) Set Objectives and Targets with your Subordinates.
(b) Not giving them the required authority for the work,
(c) Let them know their Limits of authority.
(d) Provide them with the requisite Resources for the effective execution of the Tasks

5. Prejudice as a challenge in promoting effective Performance Appraisal of staff in the health

service could be attributed to differences in ethnicity, gender, age, religion or
This statement is
(a) Not true
(b) Partly true
(c) True
(d) None of the above.

6. Human Resource Development is provided in order to:

(a) Lower or remove performance deficiencies
(b) Lower turn-over and rates of absenteeism
(c) Increase productivity.
(d) All the above
(e) None of the above

7. Which of the statements is incorrect when staff are given orientation or induction:
(a) Vision and Mission of the organization i
(b) Work environment
(c) Attrition rate in the organization
(d) Job responsibilities and procedures

8. The greatest asset of any Health Facility is:

(a) Plant and medical Equipment
(b) Medicines and other Supplies
(c) Human Resource
(d) The Buildings

9. One reason why human resource development is necessary is to reduce the number and
costs of accidents:
(a) True
(b) Partly true
(c) False
(d) Partly false

10. Which of these performance appraisal feedback is correct:

(a) Avoid attacking the individual and making judgement
(b) Encourage the employee to listen
(c) The two above
(d) None of the above

Indicate which of the following services are exempted from the NHIS

(a) Optical and Hearing aids

(b) Orthopaedic aids and Dentures
(c) Cosmetic or beautification surgery
(d) All the above
(e) None of the

12. Which of the following is considered as a key challenge in Performance Appraisal in the
health service?

(a) Bias Tendencies

(b) Prejudice and tendency not be truthful
(c) Lack of Transparency
(d) All the above

Which of the under-listed statements should be considered by healthcare managers in

reducing errors in the performance appraisal of staff?

Training of Managers/Supervisors in Appraisal Management.

Empowering Staff to come out boldly and Protest for redress if they have issues with the
Appraisal Report.
Being committed to maintaining your Integrity
All the above

14. In the health service, a motivational reward that could make an employee take pride and feel
good about a job well done Is referred to as:

(a) Extrinsic reward

(b) Intrinsic reward
(c) None of the above
(d) Promotion

15. Which of the following should be considered as criteria in forming a team to undertake a
unique task in the health service?

(a) Concerned about and committed to the common Goal.

(b) Enthusiastic and optimistic
(c) Creative, flexible, and open-minded.
(d) All the above

16. Which of the following is not considered as important for promoting team building in the
health service?

(a) There is greater strength due to synergy which can enhance productivity
(b) The sharing of information among members improves the quality of operations
(c) Specialisation is made easier
(d) All the above

17. Which of the under-listed is not part of the possible actions after performance appraisal?
(a) Career progression
(b) Lay off
(c) All the above
(d) None of the above.

18. Which of the statements below is correct when staff are given orientation or induction:
(a)Job responsibilities and procedures
(b) Environment
(c) Code of Ethics in the organization
(d) All the above

19. Which of the under-listed statements does not promote effective Teams building?
(a) The use of Departmental Heads to solve problems of the Hospital
(b) Top-level commitment of Team Members.
(c) Involving all stakeholders
(d) None of the above
20. Which one of the following is one of the reasons for promoting team work in the health
(a) Enhanced productivity and synergy
(b) Ensures speed of work
(c) All the above
(d) None of the above

21. Which of the following is not a source of conflict in the health service?
(a) appointments
(b) promotion
(c) orientation of staff
(d) postings and transfers
22. An active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principle is:
(a) Power struggle
(b) Staff incompatible personal goals with organizational goals.
(c) Conflict
(d) Rigidity at the workplace.

23. Which one of these is a cause of conflict at the workplace

(a) Poor interpersonal relations
(b) Change or fear of the unknown.
(c) Poorly defined roles, responsibilities and authority
(d) All the above.

24. Which one of the following is not one of the key divisions in the Ghana Health Service
(a) Policy Planning Monitoring & Evaluation Division
(b) Institutional Care Division
(c) Regional Health Management Division
(d) Human Resources Development Division

25. Which of the following is not considered as a benefit of human resource functions in
healthcare organisations?
(a) Improved quantity and quality of productivity.
(b) Inability of organisations to respond to changing market conditions
and consumer demands
(c) Reduced learning time for employees to reach acceptable performance levels.
(d) Guidance of employees in their personal and career development.

26. Health Regulatory Bodies in WHO member countries partly control unethical behaviour of
their respective members. Which of the following is not considered as a Regulatory
Body under Ghana’s Ministry of Health?
(a) Association of Clinical Laboratory Scientists
(b) Nurses and Midwives Council
(c) Food and Drug Authority
(d) Medical and Dental Council

27. The main implementing agencies in the Ministry of health Ghana do not include;
(a) Ghana Health Service
(b) Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG)
(c) Allied Health Professionals Council
(d) Quasi-Government Health Facilities

28. Which of the following statements is considered as a key reason why we communicate in
healthcare delivery?
(a) to inform others about programmes or activities of the health facility.
(b) To get others to think or act the way w e want them to do in order to achieve
organizational Goals.
(c) All the above.
(d) None of the above

29. Which óf the following is not among key exemptions under the National Health
Insurance Scheme (NHIS) of Ghana?

(a) Optical and hearing aids

(b) Hearing aids
(c) Cosmetic or beautification surgery
(d) None of above

30. The GHS as a corporate body performs several key roles except;
(a) preventive
(b) curative
(c) non-restorative/rehabilitative services
(d) promotive care at the national, regional, district, sub-district and community

31. Which of the under-listed statements is not considered as one of the aspects of change
management that can bring conflicts in the health service?

(a) adjusting to change

(b) controlling change
(c) Preparation of budgets and financial reports
(d) effecting change

32. Which of the under-listed is not a core Human Resource Management (HRM) function?
(a) Formulating HRM policies and strategies for the organisation.
(b) Development of Code of Ethics
(c) Recruitment, selection and motivation.
(d) Pay and benefits package for workers including pension

33. Which one of the following is not considered as part of Maslow’s theory of needs in
motivation, which should be noted by clinical laboratory managers?
(a) Physiological Needs
(b) Safety needs
(c) Regulatory needs
(d) Self-Actualization needs

34. According to McGregor is assumed that “all employees are inherently lazy, irresponsible,
require coercion and control before they perform”. Which of the following is the matching
theory of the above motivation statements?
(a) Theory S
(b) Theory Y
(c) Theory X
(d) Maslow’s Theory

35. Extrinsic rewards are motivators that health managers can provide that may serve as
incentives to become more engaged in an organisation and increase their productivity
(a) Money (pay bonuses, stock options etc.)
(b) Flexible schedules and job responsibilities and duties
(c) Strong leadership and organisational culture
(d) Benefits such as (health dental, vision, paid time off, retirement accounts etc.)

36. The act which covers the entire process of advertising the vacancy up to when the offer of
job is given to the best candidate is:
(a) Selection

(b) Recruitment
(c) Placement
(d) Orientation

37. Which of the following is not considered as a tool for assessing Quality Assurance in the
health service?

(a) Customer satisfaction ratings,

(b) Excellence in specific fields of expertise,
(c) Payment of End of year bonus
(d) Admission and discharge turnover rates,

38. The process of hiring people among shortlisted candidates and offering them jobs is:
(a) Recruitment
(b) Selection
(c) Placement
(d) Sanctioning

39. Which of the following is not part of the shortlisting groupings before interviews are
(a) Very suitable
(b) Quite suitable
(c) Most unlikely
(d) Not suitable

40. A process of providing knowledge, skills and abilities which are specific to a particular
task is:
(a) Human Resource Development
(b) Education
(c) Training
(d) Motivation


Answer any 1 (one) question under this Section. Each question carries equal marks

1. Briefly explain the role of Quality Assurance in clinical laboratory services, Discuss briefly four
(4) measures that can be introduced to improve Quality Assurance in a Clinical

2. List the main sources of financing the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) in Ghana.
Briefly discuss four (4) operational challenges that confront the NHIS.

3. Explain four reasons for motivating staff in the health service. Explain, with examples, the
use of Intrinsic and Extrinsic rewards in motivating staff of the health service.


1. To enable staff to withstand internal and external pressures.

2. To reduce pressures on employees who feel burnout syndrome, frustrated and overworked.
3. To enable employees to recognize the workplace as one of the most important aspects of their
4. To empower the staff to confront external factors such as the ageing population, economic
downturns, reduction in reimbursements, increase in market competition, increase in the cost of
providing care and healthcare reform.
5. Intrinsically, there are challenges such as a shortage of certain types of healthcare workers,
increasing accreditation requirements, increasing regulations, increasing responsibilities connected
with providing patient safety
6. Healthcare employees are continually being asked to increase their responsibilities with fewer
resources, managers must create a work environment in which employees are engaged, happy
at their job, inspired and motivated.



Extrinsic rewards
They are things that managers can provide that may serve as incentives to become more engaged in
an organisation and increase their productivity
These are tangible rewards such as:
• Money (pay bonuses, stock options etc.)
• Benefits (health dental, vision, paid time off, retirement accounts etc.)
• Flexible schedules, job responsibilities and duties, promotions, changes in status, supervision to
others, praise, feedback to recognition, a good boss, strong leader, other inspirational people
and a nurturing organisational culture.

Intrinsic rewards
These are internal to the individual and are in many ways less tangible
They are said to be highly subjective in that they represent how the individual perceives and feels
about work and its value.
These include;
• HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP: being able to develop a sense of connection with others in the
work place
• MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIP: where employees feel they make a difference in peoples lives
• COMPETENCE: Where employees are encouraged to develop skills that enable them to
perform at or above standards
• CHOICE: Where employees are encouraged to participate in the organisation in various ways,
e.g. expressing their views, opinion, problem solving, goal setting etc.
• PROGRESS: Where managers find ways to hold employees accountable, facilitate their ability
to headway towards completing their assigned tasks and celebrate progress.

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