YCC Activity week 1

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Imagine you have a superpower! A superpower that drives all sorts

of environmental damage away from the world. Thus, we're giving
you a super important mission that dives into how environmental
damage messes with the lives of children like you. You are open to
picking any of the environmental issues that you nd quite
menacing to society. For example, to name a few issues like
drought, water crisis, deforestation, ood, famine, etc
Then, tell us in 100-120 words why and how you chose to use your
superpower on that particular villain. Make it good – we're counting
on you, hero!
My power surges with the fury of a summer storm! My adversary:
Heatstroke, a villain who scorches the Earth, turning elds to dust and
playgrounds to shimmering mirages. Children wilt under the relentless
sun, their dreams of outdoor adventures dissolving in the heat. Time to
ght back! With a concentrated blast, I conjure swirling storm clouds,
unleashing cooling rain across the land. Parched earth drinks deeply,
and a gentle breeze carries the sweet scent of relief. Children erupt in
cheers, their laughter echoing as they return to play. This is just the
beginning. We'll plant shade-giving trees and promote sustainable
practices, ensuring a cooler, healthier future for all.

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