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In the car oil factory

Ahmed comes early as he returns to that in his last days so that -

he does not cause him to be expelled from work or reprimand, he
greets his colleagues at work and goes to the changing cabinet,
opens his closet to nd a letter and some important papers from
the supervisor of the direct work of the documentary lm of the

Ahmed smiles, but his smile does not last long to know that he -
is faced with a challenge to prove to himself that he is able to
challenge, Ahmed changes his clothes and goes to start his work
in mixing and producing car oils... There is a voice calling,
..Ahmed, Ahmed, Ahmed

Work colleague: What are you thinking about and straying the
!mind like this, did you see what you did

?Ahmed: What

Co-worker: Get up and go to the last product line to see what

.you did

Ahmed stops the production machine and goes to see what he -

caused from a major disaster, he nds the supervisor waiting for
him wondering

?Supervisor: How do you go and let the machine work alone

Ahmed: I didn't stay from my place for a minute from the start of
work, but I was a little distracted in my next task to make the
. lm

Supervisor: A little! Your mind was not present with us today, to

leave the oil caps open! This is a mistake that has never
happened before, but I apologize for you, go to arrange your
.work and come to the day of photography

Ahmed: A sound decision to preserve what is left of the oil

Ahmed goes to the closet and changes his clothes and takes -
the papers, goes home
A day/indoor

scene in the house

usually Ahmed's room is full of some chaos, but without the days
today, he sought to arrange it and arrange his ideas. Ahmed also
sits on his small and humble desk inside his room to lay out his
plan to direct the documentary lm of the factory in which he
.works as a production line worker

The mother intervenes on Ahmed in her hand a cup of juice and a

.light fob

Mother: Please, my son, you haven't eaten for a while

Ahmed: Thank you, mom, but I want a co ee to wake me up The

.work is in front of me a lot

!Mother : It's been days and months. You're working on your lm

Ahmed: This is a work for the factory where I work. I have been
entrusted with this task, and I see that the opportunity has come
to me that I am ready for it

.the mother: This is a beautiful news, my son. I wish you success

Ahmed starts his mental vision in lming the documentary and

does not think that a day is enough for that. The next day he
goes to work and asks for two additional days to complete his
.vision and reads what is left of the factory archive

scene on the day of lming

Ahmed calls a friend (BIGI) and tells him that he needs to help
him make a documentary about the factory where he works

a phone call: The friend suggests equipment required to rent on

,that day

Ahmed replies: We do not have the required amount for that, my

friend, but a suggestion that we rely on our mobile phones and
cameras in it will help us get out an acceptable and excellent
work, I think it will give

?the friend (bigi) : right, well, when do we start

,Ahmed: Tomorrow morning. The next morning

- they meet on their way to the factory, reclaiming some of their

long-lasting friendship and what they had dreamed of together,
but the circumstances on their pressure in life from the
requirements of the house, and they were at the beginning of
their life and youth, they had to give up their dreams for a period
of time and move forward, to support their families in the living
requirements of this life of food, drink and others. This required
many concessions to give up their academic future and enter the
labor market to earn a living despite their simple experience, but
they are steadfast and stepping, and each of them is still holding
.on to his dream
Up to the factory

- begin to arrange and locate the lming

everyone is surprised by that boy who dreams after the end of a
di cult day of lming in di erent places inside the factory and
lming with the crew, supervisor and factory manager to tell their
future vision.

- The two friends going home, exchanging talking sides...

- The friend (bigi) : What are you going to do today?

- Ahmed: Work today is the completion of those materials that

were lmed, in front of me a montage for a long time, it is a
great challenge to win it and provide what is better to impress
the bosses, I want to get out of this work to the better, my
friend, I learned a lot there.

bigi : I wish you success, my friend, I know very well what these
conditions are, we are living together now, do you remember our
covenant in this life, "Whoever arrives in us in a prestigious place
comes with the other with him" so that we can get up together.

- Ahmed and his friend were classmates, where they agreed in

that period to support each other if any of them reached his
authority. The friend arrived at his destination. Ahmed arrives
on his way home, and he is out of mind in the installation of
those videos in the montage, he has many ideas.
- Ahmed arrives to the house to nd his cat waiting for him
outside at the door of the house in his reception, he takes her
in his lap and knocks on the door. To open his mother and
receive him with welcome and love.

- Ahmed enters his room, sits at his humble desk to start

editing, touch and becomes

- His mother enters the room to nd him overwhelmed in his


Mother: I stayed up a lot today, my son, you did not sleep for
long hours, take a rest and start your work tomorrow.

Ahmed: You know, my mother, the livelihood does not come

without fatigue and diligence, if you want to achieve success, I
have to insist and insist on it, please pray for me in your prayers
to achieve what I want.

Mother: Well, my son, I always remember you in my prayers and I

pray to God for you.
The next morning

after the end of the editing

- Ahmed wakes up early as he is unusual to go into activity and

vitality and hopes to receive the acceptance of the heads of the
department for his work.
The factory

- Ahmed enter greets the guards of the reception gate with all his
warmth and smile, going to the supervisor's o ce

knocking on the door. A voice behind the door:

- Enter

Ahmed enters with greets smile

supervisor: Please sit down, now me with our great director ,

how was your work?

Ahmed: Very good, and this is what came to me early today,

thank God, I completed the documentary lm.

Supervisor: Show me, I'm excited for it!

Ahmed brings out his phone to show the video to the supervisor.
The supervisor watches the movie while he is amazed by the
attractive image and the smoothness of the narration, the voice
and pictures.

Supervisor: How beautiful this is creative, I wish you a bright and

promising future, your place is not here, you must ght for your
dream and reach what you want. Ahmed: Thank you for this kind
praise, and yes, I struggle for that and my presence here with you
is the best proof.
Supervisor: Life is stages and it is our duty to be patient and ght
to get what we dream of, you are a young boy and you have a lot
to achieve.

Ahmed: I am on that dream as long as I live, and my work here

with you taught me and helped me in a lot of honorable things

Supervisor : You are a good boy and I see a owering future,

leave me this lm I will present it to the board of directors.

Ahmed: It's yours, well, I'll go and start my work.

Supervisor: You are today on vacation, you can go home today

- Ahmed smiles replied,

Ahmed: I am not used to it here, work is work and in religions,

work is considered a worship, I will go and start my work with my
friends, I am the same, thank you for that.

Ahmed comes out of the o ce and has a beautiful smile full of

satisfaction and reassurance.

continue ….

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