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huān yínɡ

欢 迎
selamat datang
hàn yǔ nán mɑ
汉 语 难 吗?
Apakah bahasa China sulit?

shì shànɡ wú nán shì

世 上 无 难 事,
Tidak ada yang sulit di dunia ini
zhǐ yào kěn dēnɡ pān
只 要 肯 登 攀。
lakukan saja
Bahasa inggris:

Bahasa China:
shǒu jī = 手机 =
Bahasa Indonesia:
The Chinese characters make Chinese learning
more difficult. Why is there Characters in Chinese? Isn't it
esaier to only write pinyin ?
1. If there is only Pinyin in Chinese, sometimes you
misunderstand the meaning of a word or a sentence. For
jiā rén
tā shì wǒ de jiā rén
她是我的 家人。 家人= keluarga
她是我的 佳人。 jiā rén
佳人 = pecinta
2. There are four different tones in Chinese, and different
tones has different meanings. For example:
ba: bā bá bǎ bà
ba ba yi ba ba ba ba zhu le
bà ba yì bǎ bǎ bà bǎ zhù le
Dad timely hold a handle.
With Chinese characters, we can know the meaning of
expression more accurately. If there is only Pinyin, even
there is no tone, it is difficult to understand the meaning
of a sentence.
3.The same Chinese characters have the same pronunciation, but
have different meanings.
For example:

fānɡ biàn
1. have time
方 便 2. go to toilet
3. 方便面 miàn = mie instant
Apakah kamu + 方便 Apakah kamu mau + 方便

nán mɑ Maybe it is difficult, but it just need you

难吗? to spend more time to remember it.
4. Chinese characters represent Chinese culture. Each
Chinese character evolved from a picture.
For example:

禾 hé:

口 kǒu: 口

和 hé Perdamaian
Makanan + mulut
Ada makanan di mulut, jadi tidak ada pertempuran
So you will learn how to pronounce from Pinyin, and
learn Chinese culture from characters.
You must know that Pinyin is the foundation, With the
correct pronunciation and correct tone, you can speak
correct Mandarin.
Therefore, You must practice Pinyin each day. Moreover,
you still need confidence and patience. Speak bravely and
loudly.Make sure that you are progressing every day, and
ensure that you learn more today than yesterday.
The first lesson is to learn the basic pinyin. It is
required to read follow me loudly and remember the
pronunciation of every subtitle.
Let's start now !
shēnɡ mǔ yùn mǔ

b p m f a o e
d t n l i u ü
shēnɡ diào
ā á ǎ à
ō ó ǒ ò
ē é ě è
ī í ǐ ì
ū ú ǔ ù
ǖ ǘ ǚ ǜ
yīn jié
yīn jié shēnɡ mǔ yùn mǔ shēnɡ diào
音节 声母 韵母 声调
bā b a ˉ
bá b a ´
bǎ b a ˇ
bà b a ˋ
yīn jié shēnɡ mǔ yùn mǔ shēnɡ diào
音节 声母 韵母 声调
pī p i ˉ
pí p i ´
pǐ p i ˇ
pì p i ˋ
yīn jié shēnɡ mǔ yùn mǔ shēnɡ diào
音节 声母 韵母 声调
mū m u ˉ
mú m u ´
mǔ m u ˇ
mù m u ˋ
yīn jié shēnɡ mǔ yùn mǔ shēnɡ diào
音节 声母 韵母 声调
dē d e ˉ
dé d e ´
dě d e ˇ
dè d e ˋ
yīn jié shēnɡ mǔ yùn mǔ shēnɡ diào
音节 声母 韵母 声调
lǖ l ü ˉ
lǘ l ü ´
lǚ l ü ˇ
lǜ l ü ˋ

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