Before a hurricane

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Before a hurricane:

1. Create an emergency plan: Establish an evacuation plan with your

family and determine a safe meeting place in case you get separated.

2. Stock up on essential supplies: Make sure to have enough non-

perishable food, drinking water, medications, batteries, flashlights, and
cash in case payment systems are not functioning.

3. Reinforce your home: Secure doors and windows with shutters or

plywood, and consider reinforcing roofs and garages if possible.

During a hurricane:

1. Stay informed: Follow instructions from local authorities through radio,

television, social media, or other reliable sources for updated information
about the hurricane and safety measures.

2. Seek shelter in a safe location: Take refuge indoors in your home, away
from windows. Avoid flood-prone areas and stay clear of fallen power

3. Preserve essential supplies: Keep essential supplies handy, such as a

flashlight, radio, bottled water, non-perishable food, and extra batteries.

After a hurricane:

1. Assess damage and prioritize safety: Once the hurricane has passed,
assess the damage to your home before entering. If you encounter
damaged structures, fallen wires, or gas leaks, seek professional assistance
and keep a safe distance from hazards.

2. Avoid flooded areas: Steer clear of walking or driving through flooded

areas as there may be hidden dangers and strong water currents.

3. Communicate with loved ones: Check on the safety and well-being of

your loved ones and communicate with them. Utilize text messages or
social media if phone services are affecte.

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