The Shackled City

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by Jesse Decker, James Jacobs, Tito Leati, David Noonan,

Christopher Perkins, and Chris Thomasson

Developer: James Jacobs

Editors: James Jacobs, Erik Mona, James Sutter, and Chris Thomasson
Managing Editor:Erik Mona
Art Director:Sean Glenn with Kyle Hunter ("Life'sBazaar")
Graphic Designers: Sean Glenn with Theresa Cummins
Cover Artist: Matt Cavotta

InteriorArtists:AttilaAdorjany,Tom Baxa, Peter Bergting,Matt Cavotta,

JeffCarlisle,Christine Choi, Stephen Daniele,Omar Dogon,
Tom Fowler,Andrew Hou, Ben Huen,Eric Kim, Chuck Lukacs,Val Mayerick,
Mark Nelson, Ramon Perez,Chris Stevens,Jim Zubkavich
Cartographer: Chris West
Prepress Manager: KellyO'Brien
Project Manager: Amanda Titus
Production Manager:JefFAlvarez
COO 8r. Publisher: Keith Francis Strohm
Paizo CEO: Lisa Stevens

This whole thing was Chris Thomasson'sidea.

Basedon the original Dungeons sjDragons rules createdby E.GaryGygax and Dave Arneson
and the new Dungeons u Dragons game designed by
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams,Richard Baker,and Peter Adkison.

This Paizo Publishinggameproductcontainsno OpenGame Content.Noportionof this work

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and the d20 System License,

Thisadventureoriginallyappearedin serializedformat in Dunceon.Subscribeto Dungeonat

Paizo Publishing, LLC-U 2700Richards RoadSuite 201to- Bellevue,WA 98005-4200

First Printing July 2005

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Preparation 5 SECRETS OF THE SOUL PILLARS ....... 198
Campaign Background ' 5 Wherein the local clergy makes the terriblemistakeof not
Cast of Characters 9 hiring enough assassinsfor thejob.
Cauldron 11
Cauldron's History 11 CHAPTER EIGHT:
Regional Timeline 12 LORDS OF OBLIVION 222
Life in Cauldron 13 Whereina charminglocal noble woman'sparty comes to
Rumors in Cauldron 14 a sudden andgruesomeend.
Exploring Cauldron 16
Exploring the Cauldron Region 27 CHAPTER NINE:
CHAPTER ONE: Wherein the weathertakes a turnfor the worse.
Whereinanoverzealousmerchantfrom deep below CHAPTER TEN:
harvests too aggressivelyfrom a local orphanage,and THIRTEEN CAGES 268
overstayshiswelcome in thefoundationsbelow. Wherein agroup ofdiverseand talentedallies learnsthe
folly ofnot working togetheragainsta commonfoe.
Wherein a tribe ofgoblinsattracts too much attention STRIKE ON SHATTERHORN 288
and brings unwelcomeguests to its master'sden. Wherein the lastfragmentsofa once-powexfrd
organizationarefinally reduced to ruin.
Wherein a solid plan to ransomcapturedwands turns ASYLUM 304
sourfor threefriendsand their employees,and a local Whereina trip to the other side resultsin an unforseen
luminaryloses his tongue. adjustmentto a prisoner'scage.


Whereina tribe of the Sea Mother'schildrensufferfor
sparing the life ofa mad prisonerthey probablyshould APPENDIX II:
have eaten. FEATS, SPELLS, AND MAGIC 334


Wlierein three sisters,an exiled demon,a twelve-foot-tall
smith,and a man made of mirrorsmeetgrislyends. APPENDIX IV:
Wherein a sorcerer'sattempt to claim a landfor his own CHARACTER CREATION
ends in sudden betrayalat the hands ofhis allies.

Who really runs the world? When I was way: How often do you get to brainstorm a campaign
working on Dungeon, the other maga outline, then hire people to actually write if for you?
zine staffers and I spent hours on this I quickly coerced Chris into writing the first adven
and other nonsensical topics when weprobablyshould ture. With his intimate familiarity with the core ideas,
have been working on the magazines. Some editors I wanted him to lay the groundwork for the authors to
think the yuan-ti run the show. But me—I think mind come. What followed is one of my favorite Dungeon
flayers have the edge. Just as impressive mentally, their adventures of all time: "Life's Bazaar."
being lawful makes them perfect secret world des Each adventure that followed carefully built up
pots. Mind flayers also have the mental domination the plans of our sinister villains, a group dubbed the
shtick on their side. All ideas, new or recycled, must Cagewrights.They were to be utterly vile, and the ad
stem from their tentacled clutches. It was reassuring ventures would take groups across the Multiverse. I
to know that I wouldn't have to think for myself in a wanted each adventure to be something the author
world run by mind flayers. They come up with all the would be excited about, so I worked up a campaign
schemes and ideas—we would just be their pawns. packet that detailed all the recurring NPCsand plots at
These sorts of conversations contributed to making work and sent it out to authors as they were assigned
each day working on Dunceon an adventure, no pun individual adventures. I also kept rigorous control
intended. But when I became editor of Dungeon in over which prominent characters could be killed (and
April,2001,things changed. Nomatter whatanyonesays, when), where the Adventure Path would take the PCs,
the power goes to your head. When you step into that and when key plot elements could be revealed to PCs
role, you want to leave an imprint, a legacy—something playing through the adventures.
greater than the sum of the blood, sweat, and tears that We also drew on the best artists available to us in an
goes into everyissue. But as my favoritesuper-hero, the industry full of great artists.We wanted the adventuresto
Tick,says,"Absolutepower is a stickywicket."When you be as much about a visual immersion in the campaign as
add the extra complication of followingin the footsteps theywere aboutgreatstoryand fantasticadventure.Folks
ofChris Perkins, one of Dungeon's most illustrious edi like Chuck Lukacs, Tom Baxa, and Jeff Carlisle consis
tors and contributors, you'refacinga tall order. tentlydeliveredinspiring art that pushed the boundaries
I immediately felt pressure to produce something of anything the magazine had printed before.
cool that would blow the readers away. I'd seen letters to One ofthe guyswho reallymade the cityofCauldron
Dungeon for some time requesting more serialized ad come to life for me, though, was Christopher West. I'd
ventures following the successful "Mere of Dead Men" wanted Chris, one of the industry's nicest and most
series, which wrapped in issue #72. I always believed talented guys, to draw every map for the entire cam
that the magazine was at its best when it did as much paign, and I never regretted that decision. With each
of a DM's work as possible. I've also alwaysbelieved that adventure, he continued to blow us awaywith amazing
bigger is better. What could I do, I thought, with a huge map after amazing map.
adventure series that made a DM's life as easy as pos Experiences like these made this project one of the
sible? The answer: an entire campaign, all within the best I'veever worked on. Professionally,I don't think I've
pages of Dungeon. It would take characters from 1stto everfeltmore proud ofa finished pieceofwork than I do
20th level, and each adventure would be written by one ofthis one.AlthoughI wasn'table to stickaround and see
of the best adventure designers in the business. it through as Dungeon's editor,being ableto contribute
The adventures would have to stand on their own, to the storytoward the end and seeingmy terribleCage
and they would have to be unconnected with an ex wrights wreak their twisted havoc on the printed page
isting campaign setting, both to better mesh with the wasjust asgreata thrill.I hopeyou put this campaignup
existing campaigns of our readers and so the adven on yourshelfrightnextto other classicD%D adventures.
tures wouldn't be cluttered with the weight of dozens That's the second best place for it, right after your gam
of campaign setting sourcebooks. A series of adven ing table,of course—atleastin my mind.
tures from Wizards of the Coast had just wrapped up Or maybe that's just the mind flayers.
as well, making the timing perfect. And of course, it
hadn't been done in Dungeon before.
I spent a long lunch one afternoonspeakingwith my
predecessor,Chris Perkins,hashing out a global cam
paign arc based on my originalconcepts:the Tarterian
Depths of Carceri,demodands,a cult of their worship
ers—allintent on turning the world into one big prison
camp.The more wetalked,themore excitedwe became. Chris Thomasson
The magnitude of the projectwas intimidating,but ab Editor Emeritus, Dungeon magazine
solutelyexhilaratingat the same time. Think of it this



The Shackled City Adventure Path is an entire thrived in a hostile environment. Unfortunately,
campaign for the Dungeons siDragons game, things are about to grow even more hostile for the citi
designed to bring new, ist-level characters all zens of this remote city,as two ancient forces converge
the way up to 2oth-level over the-course of its run. upon the region in a dreadful confluence of cruelty
This campaign originally appeared as n seperate ad and madness. One of these is an imprisoned demon
ventures in Dungeon magazine, starting with "Life's prince of madness by the name of Adimarchus, and
Bazaar"in issue #97 and ending with "Asylum"in issue the other is an ancient organization of demodand-
#116. For this book, we'vereorganized and updated the venerating cultists called the Cagewrights.
original eleven adventures in the campaign so they'll
work together better as a unified whole. Adimarchus
Those who are already familiar with The Shackled To understand the source of the doom that comes to
City's earlier incarnation will find much of this book Cauldron, one must cast back in time several hun
familiar, yet you will also find much that is new. The dred years, to a realm far removed from the Material
constraints of publishing an adventure in a serialized Plane and a time when a fallen celestial named Adi
format meant that we often had to cut out portions marchus led a demonic invasion of the Seven Mount
of these adventures in order to make them fit in the ing Heavens of Celestia. The heavenly host repulsed
magazine. We have re-integrated this "lost" mate Adimarchus's demonic army, but at great cost, for
rial into the adventures in this book—each of the ad the angels of Celestia were forced to cast the part of
ventures thus has something new lurking within its Celestia occupied by the demons into the Abyss,tear
pages (some more than others), even for those read ing apart the fabric of their own plane in the process.
ers who followed the entire arc in Dungeon. In addi This massive chunk of planar matter came to rest on
tion, we've added an entirely new adventure into the a layer of the Abyss called Occipitus.
campaign—Chapter Two's"Drakthar's Way,"designed Adimarchus survived this event, and acted quickly
to smooth the transition between "Life's Bazaar" and to incorporate the wreckage of Celestia into Occipitus.
"Flood Season." In doing so, he became the ruler of the Abyssal layer,
gaining almost limitless power there and becoming a
PREPARATION demon prince in the process. Even in defeat, he knew
You'll need a copy of the Player'sHandbook,Dungeon success. For many years, Adimarchus ruled Occipitus,
Master's Guide, and Monster Manual to use this adven crafting from the ruins a great demonic empire and
ture. The Shackled City Adventure Path also features often leading wars against his most powerful demon
many creatures, magic items, spells, feats, and other ic rival, the demon prince Graz'zt.
rules that have appeared in other Dungeons si Drag And then, only fifty years ago, Adimarchus vanished
ons supplements, but in these cases we've provided from his realm.
enough information for you in this book that you The truth behind Adimarchus's disappearance
won't necessarilyneed these additional books to play. centers on his love for Athux, a resolute aasimar pal
Nevertheless, access to Monster Manual II, Monster adin with six fingers on each hand. Five decades ago,
Manual III, Fiend Folio, Draconomkon,and Libris Mortis Athux embarked on a quest to redeem Adimarchus's
should be of use when you're running this campaign. soul. The aasimar cut a swath across the tumor
The Shackled City Adventure Path is not set in any ous plains of Occipitus and confronted the demon
particular campaign world. It uses deities from the prince in his own throne room. Adimarchus and
core D8(D pantheon, and some proper names from Athux fought until, exhausted, the demon prince
the Greyhawk campaign setting, but the campaign sundered the aasimar's sword with his own dark
itself has been specificallydesigned for easy integra blade. Clutching Athux by the throat, Adimarchus
tion into any Dungeons Si Dragons campaign. saw something in the aasimar's eyes that sparked his
compassion. He could not kill Athux, nor could he
CAMPAIGN BACKGROUND subject the paladin to the torments of Occipitus. He
The city of Cauldron is aptly named. Nestled in the tried to lure Athux over to the side of evil, but his'at-
throat of a dormant volcano, this frontier city has tempts were half-hearted at best. Athux remained a
prisoner on Occipitus and stood by Adimarchus's Adimarchus from the start. He was, in fact, Graz'zt's
side as the demon prince plotted against Graz'zt, devoted son. At that moment, Adimarchus realized
all the while fuelling Adimarchus's rage against his foolishness. Graz'zt had found a weakness in his
demonkind. A strange friendship bloomed, puz rival—a long-buried desire for redemption that Adi
zling Adimarchus's minions and spurring some to marchus assumed he'd lost long ago—and used that
betray him. Graz'zt learned of the planned assault weakness to dethrone his enemy. The very thought
against him and the alliance of Adimarchus and drove Adimarchus to madness, a madness powerful
Athux and, in true demonic fashion, he conspired enough to leak out of Skullrot, across Carceri, and
with Adimarchus's treacherous minions to over eventually into other planes.
throw his rival. Adimarchus's madness touched countless minds
During the epic battle between Adimarchus's over those years, yet they were not powerful enough
army and Graz'zt's hordes, demons swayed by to cause much more than momentary lapses of sanity
Graz'ztcaptured Athuxwith surprising ease,impris in those they found. Only when these insane thoughts
oning him on Carceri in an asylum called Skullrot. came across ancient altars, statues, or sites once sa
Adimarchus could not bear the loss of Athux, and cred to his cult could they linger. One such item was
the treachery of fiends rekindled the fallen angel's an ancient statue of the demon prince, carved from
burning hatred. Adimarchus abandoned his hordes, Abyssal stone mined from Occipitus by Adimarchus
H his realm, and his evil ways and fled to Carceri to himself and, of late, in the private collection of a
rescue Athux and find redemption. Alas, the tale of particularly cruel man by the name of Fetor Abra-
Adimarchus and Athux would not end well. dius. Over the next several years, Adimarchus's mad
As Graz'zt's army crushed Adimarchus's aban dreams worked their ways on Fetor, sharpening his
doned demon horde, Adimarchus arrived at Skull- cruelty to a razor's edge and driving him to seek out
rot to find Athux overcome with dementia, the terrible secrets wherever they might be hidden. Fetor
prisoner of one of Graz'zt'smost powerful allies—a did not know that these dreams were, in fact, guiding
powerful undead priest named Dark Myrakul.Un him to a way to release the demon prince from his
able to wrest the aasimar from Dark Myrakul's Carcerian prison.
clutches, Adimarchus traded his own freedom for
the paladin's restored mind and safe return to Ce The Cagewrights
lestia. Dark Myrakul readily agreed. The imprisoned This secret society of cruel-minded arcanists,
Adimarchus watched as Athux shook off his "lu priests, and scholars was founded over 300 years
nacy," only to transform into a black-skinned fiend ago by a massive and deformed shator demodand
with six fingers on each hand. Athux had misled named Dyr'ryd. His goal: to foster a group of like-
minded spellcasters and scholars dedicated to dis find in the world. Eventually, they were all slain, but
covering a way to create a permanent portal between they left in their wake a horrifying number of un
the prison plane of Carceri and the Material Plane natural pregnancies.
that would allow the demodands to harvest inmates The resulting spawn' were mostly stillborn, but a
and slaves for the massive prisons and asylums of few twisted unfortunates survived. As the genera
that realm. Dyr'ryd's not-so-secret desires to use tions passed, the fiendish corruption grew ever more
such an accomplishment to ascend to new levels of diluted. Eventually,
power remained unspoken. Develop all visual traces of
ment of such a ^^^^^^— \j *fti X^ demodand ances
try faded entirely.
But the taint in

Cagewright'spri- jf^S^ uTrL ^HlT the blood and soul

mary goal. They ^H 1,\ rni^M\*W^" remained, just as

took to calling ^23^^ ^ Lik H%^ Dyr'ryd had en
this event the pla- f K ^^I^Plf^V^ visioned. Every
narjunction. Wf K ^V^ few generations,
Dyr'ryd had al an indication of

ready developed ^H^V^ ^^ this taint surfac

several theories on V '.\ *X es in the form
3 >
how such a portal ,J4 of an invisible
could be construct- ** birthmark in
ed. Most of his theo the shape of an unholy sigil
ries were based on the known as the Carcerian Sign.
belief that by merging the bloodlines of the na These are the Shacklebom.
tives of these two planes, one could create a spiri The Cagewrights know about
tual bridge between Carceri and the Material Plane the Shacklebom, and they believe that their sacrifice
that could then be used as a focus for greater works. during the ritual of planar junction could serve as the
Thus, as he began to recruit promising individu necessary bridge between the two planes to force the
als into his secret society, Dyr'ryd also called upon portal open. The problem, though, was how to tap an
his most fecund demodand minions and unleashed energy source powerful enough to not only tear this
them upon the Material Plane. For a month, these portal open in the first place, but to fortify it once
thirteen demodands ravaged anything they could created so it would become permanent. As the years
rolled on, the Cagewrights began to fear that base of operations into the region, choosing
progress on the ritual of planar junction was the nearby ruins of an ancient yuan-ti city
too slow.With each passing year,the Shack called Shatterhorn as their new lair. Over
lebom grew fewer in number, and some the next three decades, the Cagewrights
of the Cagewrights began to fear that worked feverishly at refining the ritual
they would die off completely before of planar junction and constructing
they had perfected the ritual. a more permanent lair deep under
Cauldron, near the slumbering
The Soul Pillars volcano's core.
Although few of the
Cagewrights realize it, Trees and Cages
Fetor Abradius's re The site for the ritual of
cruitment into their planar junction chosen, the
ranks gave them the Cagewrights were finally
key they so desper able to begin the arduous
ately needed. Fetor task of preparation for the
first came to the atten great event. In order to open
tion of the Cagewrights the portal, the Cagewrights
when one of the orga needed a matrix in which to
nization's leaders, a vile arrange the Shacklebom and
man named Nulin "Fish" to focus their life forces in
Wiejeron, was hired to as precisely the right way. They
sassinate him. During sev also needed a way to trigger
eral days of following Fetor, the volcano's eruption.
Nulin came to realize that Dyr'ryd and his Cage
the wizard seemed to have wrights focused their ener
an almost supernatural gies upon creating an arti
knowledge of things re fact to serve just these pur
lating to magic and the poses—the Tree of Shackled Souls.
planes. He knew then that Construction of this potent artifact
Fetor would make an ex would take the Cagewrights nearly
cellent recruit, and offered thirty years, and even then, they
him a choice. If Fetor would would need to build thirteen soul-
join the Cagewrights, Nulin cages to house the Shacklebom
would reverse the terms of on the Tree's branches. Construc
his assassination and kill the tion of these thirteen cages would
jealous sorcerer who had put the take, by Dyr'ryd's estimate, another
contract out on his life. If Fetor re thirty years. To speed along the pro
fused, Nulin would finish the job and cess, Dyr'ryd convinced another cult,
collect his pay. Fetor knew a good the Ebon Triad, to build these thirteen
offer when he heard it and joined the Cagewrights artifacts for them. He also found Cauldron's leader
without a moment's hesitation. ship to be decadent, foolish, or greedy, and quickly
It took less than a year for Fetor Abradius to prove established a comfortable arrangement between his
his worth, by making a terrific discovery in an an organization and the town's governors ensuring that
cient ruined complex near Cauldron. There, via no one would disrupt their activities.
several ancient repositories of magical lore known The only troubling elements were Cauldron's
as the Soul Pillars, he learned of a ritual that would churches. The citizens were unusually devout in
allow the harnessing of an erupting volcano's vast their faith, but the Cagewrights were only mini
power, a ritual that was strangely similar to the ritual mally concerned. If all went according to plan,
of planar j unction. these temples would never become suspicious
Fetor reported to his masters, and several of the enough to notice the Cagewrights and their mach
Cagewright leaders came to investigate. Not only inations, especially once they were able to gain the
were they able to confirm Fetor's discovery, but support of the city's most powerful church—the
they also discovered that Cauldron counted a for Cathedral of Wee Jas.
tuitous number of Shacklebom among its citizenry. All that remains now is the collection of thirteen
The convergence of these two elements were all the Shacklebom and final construction of the last few
Cagewrights needed to be convinced that Cauldron soulcages. The Cagewrights are poised to begin the
would be the site of their ritual. They relocated their ritual of planar junction in the shadows deep below

Cauldron within the next year, and only the interven Gortio:Doppelgangerwho servesVhalantru.
tion of the PCs can stop them. Gotrrod: Eldest offspring of the notorious dragon
CAST OF CHARACTERS Grehlia Cairnis: Once leader of local Ebon Triad cell,
The following significant characters are found in now apprenticed to Nulin Wiejeron; oversaw cre
this adventure. This list is organized alphabetical ation of soulcages.
ly by first name to help you reference a particular Gretchyn Tashykk: Headmistress of the Lantern
character quickly. Street Orphanage.
Adimarchus: A fallen angel and demon prince of Hookface: The most notorious red dragon to live in
madness now imprisoned on Carceri. the region.
Adrick Garthun: Talented counterfeiter who works Ike Iverson: Second-in-command cleric of the Cathe
for the Last Laugh thieves' guild. dral of Wee Jas in Cauldron.
Alek Tercival: A noble-born paladin who serves the Jenya Urikas: Cleric of St. Cuthbert and primary pa
church of St. Cuthbert. tron for the PCs.
Alurad Sorizan: One of the Thirteen, leaders of the Jil: Talented thug and assassin, member of the Last
Cagewrights. Laugh thieves' guild.
Annah Taskerhill: A noble-born adventuring bard, Kaurophon: Mysterious half-demodand who wants to
leader of the Stormblades. become ruler of Occipitus.
Ardeth Webb: One of the Thirteen, Ardeth's been a Kazmojen: Half-troll slaver from the Underdark. 2 .-
member of the Cagewrights from nearly the start. Keygan Ghelve:Gnomish owner of Ghelve'sLocks.
Artus Shemwick: Nondescript man who sells infor Khyron Bonesworn: Leader of evil adventuring party
mation, member of the Last Laugh. known as the Necrocants.
Asfelkir Hranleurt: High Priest of the temple of Kristof Jurgensen: Keeper of the shrine of Pelor.
Kord. Kyan Winterstrike: One of the Thirteen, Kyan serves
Aszithefi Haraknin member of the Flamewarders, one the Cagewrights as a sniper, killer, and explorer.
of Vhalantru's contacts. Maavu Arlintal: A prominent local merchant, wizard,
Byakala: A marilith demon who once served Adi and member of the Chisel.
marchus as a general; she now dwells in Harrowfell Meerthan Eliothlom: Elf disguised as a dwarf, leader
on Carceri. of the Striders of Fharlanghn in this region.
Celeste:Amysterious woman who comes to Cauldron Mikimax: Innkeeper of the Redhead Miner's Inn in
to investigate rumors that a sinister cult has estab Redgorge,member of the Chisel.
lished a foothold in the region. Nabthatoron: Glabrezu ruler of the Demonskar, ex
Cora Lathenmire: Self-assured local duelist, member iled to life on the Material Plane.
of the Stormblades. Nidrama: An enigmatic angel tasked with the behind-
Crazy Jared: Crazy hermit who lives in a hut north of the-scenes protection of the Cauldron region.
Cauldron. Nulin "Fish" Wiejeron: One of the Thirteen, Nulin is
Dark Myrakul: Undead warden of Skullrot and high- the primary assassin for the Cagewrights.
priest of Graz'zt. Oliron Masht: Also known as "The Foreman," the cur
Dhorlot the Dragon-Father Black dragon who fives in rent leader of the Chisel.
Bhal-Hamatugn and has many half-dragon scions. Olomasta: Tribata and Sminelpa's sister, one of the
Dugobras: Fire giant who helped create the soulcages, hags of Vaprak's Voice.
member of the Ebon Triad. Ruphus Laro: Second in command of the church of
Dyr'ryd:Amassive shator demodand with a conjoined St. Cuthbert in Cauldron, after Jenya.
twin, Dyr'ryd is the leader and founder of the Cage Saureya: A fallen angel lost in the Abyss who knows
wrights. much of Occipitus' history.
Ekaym Smallcask: Human bard and member of the Severen Navalant:The lord mayor of Cauldron.
Chisel. Shebeleth Regidin: One of the Thirteen, Shebeleth is
Embril Aloustinai: The high-priestess of the Cathe the primary priest and religious leader of the Cage
dral of Wee Jas in Cauldron, one of the Thirteen. wrights.
Fario Ellegoth: Member of the Striders of Fhar- Shensen Tesseril: Member of the Striders of Fhar
langhn. langhn, caretaker of the shrine of Fharlanghn at the
FellianShard: Member of the Striders of Fliarlanghn. Lucky Monkey.
Freija Doorgan: One of the Thirteen, Freija is the Skaven Umbermead: Halfling who helped with the
Cagewrights' most talented magic item creator. initial enchantment of the soulcages,member of the
Gaflon:Denizen of the dimension of mirrors and ally Ebon Triad.
of the hags of Vaprak's Voice. Skie Aldersun: Owner of Skie'sTreasury.
Gau Kleeoch: Minotaur barbarian who oversees the Skylar Krewis: Up-and-coming member of the Caul
Cagewright defenses, one of the Thirteen. dron town guard.
Sminelpa: Tribata and Olomasta's sister, one of the like Vhalantru (at the end of Chapter Eight). Once
hags of Vaprak's Voice. the PCs have these key bits of information, they'll
Ssythar Nahazir: A half-blood yuan-ti, Ssythar is be able to use them as guides in researching the
the newest leader of the Cagewrights; he serves organization further by making Knowledge (ar
as the primary caretaker of their headquarters in cana, local, or religion) or bardic knowledge checks.
Shatterhom. Listed below are several sample bits of knowledge
Tarkilar: Undead gnoll who aided Skaven in the ini the PCs can learn about the Cagewrights. Note that
tial enchantment of the soulcages,member of the some of the DCs required to learn the information
Ebon Triad. via research are quite high; the PCs can mitigate
Terrem Kharatys: Shacklebom child kidnapped by these high DCs by using well-stocked libraries to
Kazmojen. aid their checks, and remember that the journals
Terseon Skellerang: Captain of the Cauldron town and notes they capture grant additional bonuses to
guard. the checks.
Thearynn Louvel: One of the Thirteen, Thearynn is Finally,spells like legend lore and vision can impart
the Cagewright'sspecialiston conjuration and pla this same information once the PCs have captured
nar magic. some intelligence, as you see fit.
Thifirane: One of Cauldron's nobles, Thifirane serves DC 25:The Cagewrights are a mysterious cult asso
as the public face for the Cagewrights and is Vha- ciated with the prison plane of Carceri. They are said
lantru's primary point of contact with the group. to worship demodands, and may even be led by these
Ti'irok Coalfire: Fire giant leader of the Flameward- foul fiends.
ers. DC 30: The Cagewrights were founded by demo
Todd Vanderboren: Shifty local rake and member of dands several centuries ago and charged with discov
the Stormblades. ering a way to link the Material Plane with Carceri,
Tongueater: Triel Eldurast's cohort, a half-ore wereba- providing the demodands with a near-endless source
boon and member of the Ebon Triad. of prisoners and slaves for their needs.
Tribata: Sminelpa and Olomasta's sister, one of the DC 33:The Cagewrights maintain their secrecy by
hags of Vaprak's Voice. using lesser cults to do much of their work for them.
Triel Eldurast: Disgraced town guard now a cleric of The Ebon Triad is one such cult, and rumor holds
Hextor, helped build a soulcageand member of the that they often have ties with more established reli
Ebon Triad. gious orders, especially those associated with magic
Velior Thazo: Guildmaster of the Last Laugh. or oppression.
Vervil Ashmantle: Owner of Kingfisher Sendings, DC 35: The Cagewrights are searching for individu
peddler of slaves on the black market. als called the "Shacklebom." Descended from half-de-
Vhalantru: Beholder masquerading as human noble, modands, a Shacklebom's soul is believed to possess
pulls the strings on Cauldron's leadership. a unique link between the Material Plane and Carceri.
Viirdran Daraqor:One ofthe Thirteen, Viirdran serves This link is of particular interest to the Cagewrights,
the Cagewrights as a tactician, thug, and alchemist. for some reason.
Xokek: One ofthe Thirteen, this shadar-kai is the Cage DC 36:The Cagewrights traditionally number at 26
wrights' primary espionage specialist and scout. members—13 leaders and 13 apprentices. In practice,
Zachary Aslaxin II: Adventuring cleric of Kord, mem the number of apprentices varies wildly, while the
ber of the Stormblades. number of leaders remains constant. New leaders are
Zarn Kyass:The "Blue Duke,"ogre mage who provides selected from apprentices when necessary. Currently,
half-ore thugs and mercenaries to those in need. there are 18 members of the cult.
Zenith Splintershield: Shacklebom dwarf held pris DC 39: The Cagewrights believe that a ritual of
oner in Bhal-Hamatugn. planar junction, fueled by a source of primal energy
meshed with the souls of the Shacklebom (whose
RESEARCHING THE VILLAINS link to Carceri provides a necessary "pathway" for
At some point during this campaign, the PCs learn the magic to travel between the two planes),can cre
that a group called the Cagewrights have dire plans ate a permanent portal between the Material Plane
for Cauldron. This discoveryprobably occurs in Chap and Carceri.
ter Six as the PCs speak with Kaurophon, a half-fiend In addition, a DC 40 check is good enough to un
who was once allied with the Cagewrights. cover the identity of one of the 13 Cagewright leaders
The Cagewrights have been quite good about (and that Cagewright'sapprentice, if any). The identi
maintaining their secrecy, and there's little the ties of the Thirteen are listed below.
PCs can do to really learn more about them until Alurad Sorizan: Male human blackguard, primary
they recover the journals and notes of one of their torturer and interrogator (apprentice:none).
members, such as Fetor Abradius or Thifirane (in Ardeth Webb: Female tiefling tattooed monk, advi
Chapters Seven and Eight) or of one of their allies sor and historian (apprentice: none).
Dyr'ryd: Male shator demodand, leader of the The followingstat block applies to Cauldron at the
Thirteen (Embril was his apprentice, and start of the Shackled City Adventure Path. As the cam
since her promotion he has not taken on a paign progresses,expect the details of this stat block
new apprentice). to change, especiallyas citizens begin to leave town
Embril Aloustinai: Female human cleric of Wee in the face of increasing taxes and a growing militant
Jas and newest inductee into the group—ru theme to the town's leadership.
mor holds that Dyr'ryd is grooming her to be yil Cauldron(small city):Conventional; ALNG;Pop
Thearynn's replacement as the group's expert on ulation 7,500 adults; 15,000 gp limit; Assets 5,625,000
the planes (apprentice:Ike Iverson). gp; Mixed (79% human, 9% halfling, 5% gnome, 3%
Freija Doorgan: Female human conjurer, primary dwarf 2% elf, 1% half-elf; 1% half-ore).
magic item creator (apprentice:Thifirane). Authority Figures: Lord Mayor Severen Navalant,
Gau Kleeoch: Female minotaur barbarian, over male human aristocrat 10 (elected leader of the
sees defenses of Cagewright headquarters town); Terseon Skellerang, male human fighter 8
(apprentice: none). (captain of the Town Guard); Lord Vhalantru, ad
Kyan Winterstrike: Female elf arcane archer, vanced beholder (the true power behind
sniper and explorer for the group Cauldron's government).
(apprentice:none). Typical Guard Patrol: A
Nulin Wiejeron: Male human typical patrol consists of
assassin, primary killer a sergeant (warrior 4)
and assassin for the and id4+2 privates
group (apprentice: warrior 2). Guards
• Grehlia Cairnis). typically wear
Shebeleth Regidin: breastplates
Male human emblazoned
cleric, spiri with the town
tual leader emblem (a
(apprentice: watchful eye
Decrihni wreathed in
Baiul). flames) and
Ssythar Nahazir: carry halberds,
Male yuan-ti short swords,
sorcerer, care and shortbows.
taker of Shatter- By the time
horn stronghold Chapter Four be
. (apprentice: none). gins, Vhalantru's
Thearynn Louvel: Male program of introduc
human conjurer, expert ing half-ore mercenaries
on the planes and conjura into the city guard is in full
tion magic (apprentice: Xarthyx). swing. At this point, typical guard
Viirdran Daraqor:Male drow eldritch knight, patrols consist of a sergeant (fighter 4)and
tactician and alchemist (apprentice: none). id4+2 privates (fighter 2)—many are half-ores. The
Xokek: Male shadar-kai wizard, espionage and scout sergeant carries two potions of cure light wounds and a
(apprentice: none). potion of sanctuary.
As Chapter Fivebegins and things start to get dicey
CAULDRHn in Cauldron, Vhalantru introduces "security platoons"
Cauldron forms the hub of this campaign; it serves as that consist of a human aristocrat 6 (one of his trusted
a home base for the PCs and the majority of their al advisors),twohalf-ore sergeants (fighter 4), and io+2d6
lies. Asthis campaign progresses, Cauldron's presence half-ore fighters (fighter 2). This platoon is 75% likely
remains a constant and stable theme, and the PCs will to include a 3rd-level cleric of Wee Jas and a 3rd-level
have opportunities to get to know its many residents, wizard. After Chapter Seven, no WeeJas clerics are en
explore its streets and alleys, aid in the city's evacua countered in security platoons.
tion when the volcano below comes to life, and possi Once the PCs defeat Vhalantru in Chapter Eight,
blyevenbecome its new leaders. This section provides town patrols revert back to the way they were in
a history of this unique city, details on its government Chapter One.
and structure, and information on many locations ,0"
within its walls. You should study this section care >,
fully,since nearly every chapter of this campaign is set Humanity is only the most recent race to settle in the
at least partially within the city's walls. Cauldron region—this area has a long history of in-
habitants. Characterswith ranks in Knowledge(histo He founds Redgorge in the shadow of a great vol
ry) may know somethingabout the region'shistory— cano,and raises the BasaltBastions to protect his
if they don't, they can use the same skill to research men from attack while theybegin building.
the past at any of Cauldron'slibraries (the best public -697 Years (DC —): After Surabar manages to make
library is located at Bluecrater Academy), or consult great strides in ridding the area of demonic taint,
an NPCsageon the matter. Bardicknowledgecan also a demon lord who had taken a special interest
revealsome of the details of Cauldron'spast. in the region sends one of his minions to the
The following timeline gives brief details on the Demonskar to organize its defense. This demon
region, along with the DC required to know the in lord was Yeenoghu, and the minion he chose was
formation. Feelfree to expand on these entries as you a glabrezu named Nabthatoron.
see fit for your campaign. Events with "DC —" listed -695 Years (DC 25): Kozomagon Lidu, one of Sura-
cannot be discovered with Knowledge (history) or bar's friends and competitors, arrives in the re
bardic knowledge checks; this information must be gion and founds the nearby village of Liduton,
learned elsewhere. intending to horn in on whatever action had en
ticed her friend into the region.
Cauldron Timeline -690 Years (DC 25): Surabar defeats Nabthatoron
-3,000 Years (DC —): Spell weavers from an un in combat and breaks the back of the demon
known plane arrive in the area and settle in the host from the Demonskar. While the place
region destined to become the Demonskar. They remains dangerous to this day, the demons
subjugate local ogre tribes and use them to help never fully recover from this sound defeat, and
in building a great city. At this time, the region have remained in the crater. Yeenoghu exiles
to the east of Cauldron is ruled by the yuan-ti Nabthatoron to the Material Plane in disgust.
of Shatterhorn and the underground rivers and During the battle against Nabthatoron, Ko
lakes are ruled by the kopru. Frost giants rule the zomagon tries to draw upon the power of an
mountain tops. ancient kopru necropolis she discovered on
-2,500 Years (DC 45): Drawn by rumors of power the nearby lakebed, but loses control over the
ful magic in the region, the human necromancer necromantic energy and destroys the village of
Kyuss arrives in the region. He establishes a base Liduton instead. The village becomes known as
of command and erects a massive tower, known the Haunted Village, and is shunned from this
now as the Spire of Long Shadows. His cultists point on.
begin skirmishing with the yuan-ti to the south. -680 Years (DC 20): Discovery of numerous prof
-2,000 Years (DC 45): A mysterious doom comes itable mines in the region attracts hundreds of
upon the Spire of Long Shadows. The cultists prospectors and adventurers. Redgorge quickly
perish to a man, and Kyuss vanishes. In their outgrows its walls. Surabar determines that the
wake, the spawn of Kyuss emerge and their evil nearby volcano is extinct, and that its cauldron
slowly spreads throughout the world. would make an excellent natural defense against
-1,900 Years (DC —): Last of the kopru are driven attack from Nabthatoron's armies. Many of
off by spell weaver explorers. Redgorge's inhabitants relocate to this region—
-1,820 Years (DC 40): When the spell weavers Cauldron is founded. Over the centuries, the
make a critical error in the construction of a discovery of many large underground complexes
massive planar transport device, their city is and caverns below the city draws the attention of
destroyed in a tremendous explosion that tears dwarves and gnomes from far and wide. Two of
a hole in reality. Portals to the Abyss open ran these regions become Jzadirune and the Mala
domly in the region for the next century, al chite Fortress.
lowing demons to gather and grow strong in -650 Years (DC 25): Surabar dies of natural causes.
the ruins. The massive crater later becomes He is entombed in an undisclosed location. Over
known as the Demonskar. the next several centuries, Cauldron continues
-710 Years (DC 30): One of the greatest wizards of to prosper.
the time, Surabar Spellmason, receives a vision -600 Years (DC 25): Kingfisher Hollow and Hol-
from Nidrama, who has grown concerned about lowsky founded. The citizens hold their own
the demon infestation in the region. She gifts against the nearby yuan-ti, and even manage to
Surabar with a potent magic weapon named Al- drive them back from several small encamp
akast, and charges him with the task of settling ments on the jungle's edge.
the region and driving out the demonic taint in -400 Years (DC 25): Shatterhorn is sundered by
g the Demonskar. Merrshaulk's displeasure with the religious lead
^ODU'<£ -700 Years (DC 25): Surabar leads a small army in ers there and their inability to drive back the ad
land from the newlyfounded cityof Sasserine,on vance of humanity; the yuan-ti presence in the
the pretense of founding a new city of his own. area dwindles to a shadow of its former glory.
-320 Years (—): Dyr'ryd founds the order of the involvementwith the Cagewrights.Embril mur
Cagewrights,and begins seeding mortals with ders them beforetheycan report the discoveryand
demodand taint to create the Shacklebom. disposes of their bodies with a plane shifl spell.
-200 Years (DC 25): The red dragon Hookface
arrives in the region. His attacks on mer LIFE IN CAULDRON
chants and cities of the region continue in Cauldron's buildings, tightly packed and built from
termittently for a century—no heroes are able volcanic rock and wood, line the inner bowl of a
to defeat the dragon. nameless, dormant volcano. Cobblestone roads form
-100 Years (DC 20): Hookface retreats to his lair concentric circles around a small but deep lake of
north of Cauldron with his mate, Taliraxia. The cold water which fills the volcano's basin. Although
two dragons do not emerge from their lair, al the town's sewageseeps into the lake,local clerics rou
though periodically one of their spawn emerges tinelypurify the water for the citizens in exchangefor
to terrorize the area before being slain or moving charitable donations to their temples.
on to other regions. A 50-foot-tall fortified wall of black malachite en
-75 Years (DC 25): Jzadirune is hit with the Vanish circles the city, tracing the outer rim of the volcano.
ing after tainted spell weaver artifacts infect the Four roads descend the volcano's slopes, becoming
place.The gnomes abandon the stronghold and major thoroughfares that lead to other towns and p=»
never return. distant realms. The regions nearer the rim of the city
-50 Years (DC —): Adimarchus is betrayed by tend to be occupied by upper class families and elite
Graz'zt's son Athux and is imprisoned in merchants. The closer one gets to the center of town
Skullrot. (and the closer to the often pungent odors of the cen
-32 Years (DC 10): The rainiest winter in cen tral lake),the shoddier the construction and the more
turies results' in massive flood damage to the dangerous its dark alleys become.
lower reaches of Cauldron. The Flood Festival is Most people get around Cauldron on foot, although
founded the next year, and for the next several the town has its share of wagons and carriages, most
years the freakishly wet winters continue before of them owned by merchants and nobles.
the weather finally returns to normal. Cauldron's major exports come from two sources:
-31 Years (DC —): Fetor Abradius discovers the mines and plantations. Both industries are based in
Soul Pillars. The Cagewrights relocate to the re the hills surrounding the city,and are managed by the
gion, settling in ruined Shatterhorn until they various noble families who live in the area. Obsidian
can complete construction of the Fiery Sanctum and diamonds are the primary products mined in the
deep under Cauldron. region. Plantations usually produce sugarcane and
-30 Years (DC —): The Cagewrights begin construc coffee. Most of those who dwell in the city itself are
tion of the Tree ofShackledSouls,and hire the Ebon either merchants, scholars, or workers in the mines
Triad to aid in the construction of the soulcages. and plantations in the lowlands. Water is never scarce
-15 Years (DC 20): Cauldron's newest noble, a gen in town, but most of the city's food must be imported
erous human named Vhalantru, is welcomed from Sasserine since the local fishing and farming
into the city's aristocracy after he donates huge enterprises are meager at best.
sums of money to fund the rebuilding of the
Town Hall and several other ancient structures TAXES
that were starting to fall apart. In light of his As the campaign begins, taxes are fairly light in
generosity, no one pries into the mysterious Cauldron. Citizens pay a modest yearly flat tax of
noble's background. 1 gp, while merchants and nobles pay a 5% income
-10 Years (DC 25): Zenith Splintershield falls under tax each year. In addition, a 1 sp gate tax is charged
the influence of Adimarchus's dreams and disap for non-citizens who enter the city by any of its
pears into the Underdark on a mad crusade to four gates.
cleanse it of evil. These days are coming to a close. As Chapter Four
-9 Years (DC 20): A young guard named Triel mur begins, Vhalantru's greed and need for more income
ders several of her fellow guards—her motive to prepare for what he believes is his imminent rul-
is never discovered. She eludes capture and be ership over the city increase dramatically. Tax col
comes one of Cauldron's most wanted criminals, lectors (human expert 3) become a common sight in
although over the years her capture grows less of the street, their distinctive high hats and red tabards
a concern as she remains in hiding. quickly becoming synonymous with civil unrest.
-7 Years (DC 10): Aplague of filth fever strikes Caul- The PCs should not only hear horror stories from
dron. Severalhundred die before the city's clerics locals who were forced to pay dozens of gold coins
can get the plague under control. in "back taxes" to these collectors, but will certainly
-2 Years (DC —): The three highest-ranking clerics have run-ins with them as well. At some point dur
of Pelor accidentally discover Embril Aloustinai's ing Chapter Four, a tax collector tries to collect a 50
gp "adventurer's tax" from each of the PCs. If they developmentof informationas the campaignprogress
refuse to pay, the PCs can expect a visit from four es;once you reach Chapter Eight, rumors about the as
8th-level half-ore fighters and another tax collector, sassination attempt on the PCs or the lord mayor'sdis
who now tries to extract a 100 gp late fee from each appearance become more popular than old news like
PC in addition to the 50 gp adventurer's tax. A suc the abductions from Chapter One.
cessful DC 25 Diplomacy check allows a character to
dodge the tax, but otherwise, anyone who refuses to CHAPTER RUiriHR IT1HDIFIERS
pay is arrested and ends up spending id6 months in
jail (area 2).
Bythe time Chapter Fivebegins, the excessivetax
es culminate in a riot. The riot earns the city a short "BBffisaswwR&a
reprieve from taxes, until Chapter Seven begins. At Four +6
this point, Vhalantru targets a much smaller (and Five +13
much richer) portion of Cauldron—adventurers. Six +13
He imposes a 20% sales tax on all weapons, armor, Seven +18
magic items, and spells cast. If the PCs have estab Eight +21
lished friendly relations with some of Cauldron's Nine +21
merchants and spellcasters, a DC 25 Diplomacy Ten +21
check gets their contact to waive this ridiculous tax, Eleven +21
as long as the PC doesn't mention it to anyone else.
Talk begins to spread of an equally excessive year-
end property tax—hopefully the PCs can put an end CAULDRHIl RUIIlHRS
to Vhalantru's plots before he can institute the 30% D20

property tax against all of Cauldron's merchants and Roll Rumor

home-owners. 1 One of the children kidnapped from the or
phanage is the bastard son of the lord mayor.
As the campaign progresses, the PCs have ample op 2 A cloaked figure collided with me in the street
portunities to speak with Cauldron's citizens. Indeed, and knocked me down. She uttered some hor
speaking to the townsfolk is an excellent method for rible curse, glared at me with her ghostly face
the player characters to learn about problems that and haunting blue eyes,then strode off. (True;
are facing the town, and also serves the DM as an the "woman"was a skulk.)
excellent tool for foreshadowing what is to come in 3 A secret guild of halfling rogues is responsible
later chapters. for the kidnappings and robberies. (False, al
If the PCs seek specific information about a per though dark creepers could be mistaken for
son, place, or thing, you should have them make a halflings at a distance.)
Gather Information check to determine the success 4 Someone in Cauldron trades in strange cur
of their research. For key pieces of plot-related in rency: coins stamped with a jester instead of
formation (such as in Chapter Three when the PCs the sovereign. The authorities are trying to find
are searching for the wands of control water, or as in the source. (True;The LastLaugh guild in town
Chapter Seven when they need to track down who mints its own coins.)
sent a band of assassins after them), the DCs for 5 A tentacled beast lurks in the cold depths of
these checks are given in the appropriate chapter. the lake. (True; a half-fiend morkoth makes its
For less specific questions, simply assign a DC based home in the lake's depths.)
on the question's difficulty. A DC 15 check is good 6 Coryston Pike, one of the kidnapped victims,
enough to learn the location of a specific shop. A DC feared for her life days before she vanished.
20 check is appropriate for more obscure informa (False.)
tion, like a description of Maavu's standard daily ac 7 Evil cultists are abducting people and sacrific
tivities. For very obscure information, such as "Who ing them to an evil god who has two heads and
runs the Last Laugh?" feel free to assign a DC 25 or tentacles for arms. (False.)
DC 30 to the check. 8 A magical disease is causing people in the city
If, on the other hand, the PCs simply ask the locals to vanish.The same thing nearlywiped out the
for rumors, gossip,and other scuttlebutt, you can have gnomes of Jzadirune 75 years ago! (False; the
disease, though real, is not to blame for the

14 _,A° them make a DC 15 Gather Information check. Success
uncovers a rumor from the following table. To deter
missing townsfolk.)
One of the stolen orphans is the offspring of
?0DUC^ mine which rumor is uncovered, roll id2o and add a
modifier to the roll depending on which chapter of the Dwern and Imogen Stormshield, two adven
campaign you've reached. This mechanic models the turers who perished a few years back.(Partially
true; Vhalantru the beholder turned Deakon's of monsters. (True; this entire region was once
parents to stone and added them to his statue controlledby an empireof spell weavers;in ad
collection,then had their son placed in the lo dition, a band of kopru once dwelt in a fortress
cal orphanage.) below Cauldron.)
To Keygan Ghelve is one of the finest locksmiths 20 Groups of cloaked figures have been seen
in the world. Only a skilled rogue or spellcaster jumping from rooftop to rooftop the last few
could bypassone of his lockswithoutthe proper evenings.(True; the Last Laugh guild is train
key! (True.) ing new recruits.)
11 Jeneer Everdawn,one of the missingtownsfolk, 21 Apesky tribe of kobolds used to infest some
did volunteer work at the local orphanage. Co of the catacombs below the southern sec
incidence? I don't think so! (False.) tion of the city, but they've been taken care
"12 Gryffon Malek and Krylscar Endercott knew of now. (True; the kobolds were recently
each other. They would meet each other after wiped out by an adventuring group called
hours at the TippedTankard and drink until the "The Stormblades.")
wee hours of the morning. Now they're both 22 Afriend saw a mysteriouswoman down by the
gone!(True; theywerefriends who both caught lakeshore a fewdays ago. She had fieryred hair
the attention of the skulks.) and wore some sort of bulky armor under a
13 The Flood Festival is a front, founded years black tabard. She was talking to some shady-
ago by a cult of Hextor to fund a secret army looking individuals and handing them some
of bloodthirstymercenaries hidden in caverns money and weapons. (True; This was Triel El
below the city.(False.) durast hiring more thugs and Alleybashersto
14 More giant snakes have been sighted near the help with her plans.)
villageof Hollowskyto the east. I bet the yuan- 23 The churches have lost the wands of control
ti of Shatterhorn are back! (True; the yuan-ti of water. There's nothing to hold back the flood
Shatterhorn never left and are slowly rebuild waters if the rains don't stop! (True; this rumor
ing their strength.) can only appearonce ChapterThree starts and
15 Something's been riling up wildanimals in the before it ends; otherwise substitute a different
area for the last several months; in particular, rumor for this result.)
the lowland baboons seem to have become 24 The umber hulk burrowed its way up into the
especiallyhostile lately.(True; some of the lo city from the Underdark because its caverns
cal animals can sense the growing dreams of were flooded this winter. There are hundreds
Adimarchus and are starting to act strangely of such creatures down there, and if they dis
as a result.) cover how much food is available on the sur
16 Alek Tercival,a paladin who serves St. Cuth face, they'll destroy Cauldron! (False; this ru
bert, has been out of town for several days; mor can't appear until Event 11: Umber Hulk
I hear he traveled to the village of Redgorge Smash, has occurred.)
to take care of a woman who was possessed 24 Maavu the caravan-master was keeping the
by a demon! (False; there are no demonic umber hulk has a pet. Ifyou didn't paythe price
possessions in Redgorge, but Alek Tercival he offered you, he'd feed you to the monster!
has indeed been in Redgorge lately; he's (False,although Vhalantru's agents are spread
been conferring with members of the Chisel ing this rumor. This rumor can't appear until
about what he thinks could be corruption in Event 11: Umber Hulk Smash, has occurred.)
Cauldron's government.) 25 The Stormblades will be named "Champions of
17 Hookface the dragon was spotted flying over Cauldron" because they recently completed a
the hills to the north by some adventur dangerous mission in the tunnels belowtown.
ers—hope they don't go rile him up! (False; (False, although they did just complete a mis
Hookface has not emerged from his lair to the sion belowthe cityat Vhalantru's behest.)
north in nearly a hundred years. The dragon 26 The giants in the mountains south of the city
who's been causing these rumors is in fact are getting restless and plan to invade Caul
Hookface's son Gottrod.) dron this winter. (False.)
18 Some sort of evil aquatic druid from the Un- 27 When Maavu the merchant fled the riot, a
derdark has taken up residence in the lake, and group of half-ore thugs chased him on the
it's planning to cast a spell to lure people into road to Sasserine. (False, although agents of
the water to transform them into its monstrous the Chisel are spreading this rumor. Maavu in
minions! (False.) fact fled to Redgorge.)
19 Cauldron's not the first city to be built on this 28 Three weeks ago, a gnome peddler named *0DJ3&
site. Adventurers tell stories of a ruined city in Flismatt met Alek Tercival at the Lucky Mon
the caverns below, a city built by a strange race key. The paladin was helping the carpenters to
repair the building, and helping them indeed. 38 The lord mayor was assassinated by mem
He could split logs with his bare hands and bers of the Last Laugh thieves' guild. (False.
carry an elephant's load on his back! (True, Vhalantru killed the lord mayor and spread
although Alek's performanceis a bit exagger many false rumors about the mayor's actual
ated. His augmented physical power derives whereabouts.)
from the Amaranth Elixir.) 39 The Temple of Wee Jas was recently stormed,
29 Several weeks ago, Alek Tercival met with the its clerics massacred! Embril Aloustinai, the
Stormblades while they were playing a home high priestess of the temple, was away when
version of "snatch the gem" at the Drunken her temple was attacked, although word of
Morkoth Inn. The paladin did not join in the the slaughter has already reached Sasserine.
game ("an immoral pursuit"), but amazed ev (True; the High Temple of WeeJas in Sasserine
eryone by pulverizinga bone die with his bare has denounced the attack but secretly blames
hand. (True,one of the dreams sent by the hag Embril for abandoning her church in its time
covey led Alek to find out if the Stormblades of need.)
had any information about how to contact the 40 Ayoung boy abducted from the Lantern Street
Chisel; they were unable to help and insulted Orphanage has gone missing again, only
Alek in the process.) months after his safe return. (True; members
30 The City Council raised the taxes to buy a of the Last Laugh thieves' guild abducted the
powerful artifactthat will permanentlyprotect boy, one Terrem Kharatys, because he is a
Cauldron from future floods. (False, although Shacklebom.The Cagewrights need Terrem to
Vhalantru's agents are spreading this rumor.) complete their portal ritual.)
31 Lord Vhalantru, one of the lord mayor's most 41 A strange affliction is driving some citizens
trusted advisors,was recentlytasked with pro completely mad.The town's smalljail is filled to
tecting Cauldron from future disasters. (True, the rafters with howling lunatics,and guard pa
although the beholder's plans for Cauldron trols are finding more of them everyday. One
have littleto do with protectingit.) poor soul was dragged down Obsidian Avenue
32 A group of duergar have come to the tunnels screaming "I am Adimarchus!" or some damn
below Cauldron.They seek revengeagainst the fool thing. (True;the Cagewrights' preparations
heroes who disrupted that slave ring late last for turning Cauldron into a gate-town have
year. (False, but this rumor might make the yielded some strange side effects, including
PCs worry about their encounters with Kazmo- flashes of temporary insanity among certain
jen and Pyllrak Shyraat in Chapter One.) members the local populace.)
33 Terseon Skellerang is preparing a special task
force to raid Redgorge. He thinks that a group
of dangerous conspirators have their base
there. (True.Terseon Skellerangfears the Chis EXPLHHinG
el, who have a secret hideout in Redgorge.) CAULDHHn
34 Many of the adventurers who used to call This section explores Cauldron in detail. In many
Cauldron home have moved on to bigger cit cases, buildings and locations mentioned here play a
ies and richer prizes. (False. Over the past 10 key role later in the campaign; in this case, a reference
years, Vhalantru has carefully manipulated to the chapter in which this building is detailed in
most adventuring groups into taking on chal full is given. Locations like the Church of St. Cuthbert
lenges too difficult for them, and that work and Skie's Treasury that might play prominent roles
has left Cauldron with a very low number of throughout the entire campaign are covered in depth,
active adventurers.) while other, minor locations (like the Coy Nixie or
35 The lord mayor has journeyed to the larger city Weer's Elixirs) are only given a brief description. You
of Sasserine to petition their aid. (False. Vha can expand on these minor locations as you see fit for
lantru recently killed the lord mayor and spread your campaign.
many false rumors about the mayor's actual
whereabouts.) 1-4. CITY GATES
36 Lord Vhalantru's leadership is the only thing Citizens of Cauldron are allowed to pass through the
holding the city together. (True, although he's citygatesfor free; visitorsmust paya i sp gatetax each
not the benevolent noble that most think him time they enter the city.Afrequent visitor to Cauldron
to be.) can purchase a month gate pass for i gp after a rigor
37 EmbrilAloustinai,the high priestessofWeeJas, ous interview process (and a DC 15 Diplomacy check).
fled the cityin shame. (False. Embril leftthe city Gate passes are a hot commodity on the black market,
for reasons of her own, unknown to even her and a no-questions-asked pass can be had for a DC 20
second in command, Ike Iverson.) Gather Information check and a 2 gp bribe.
Cauldron's town hall is a single-story building and
one of the oldest structures in the city. The building
serves as a place for the lord mayor and his advisors to
hold meetings with the nobles and other movers and
shakers of the city, but they don't actually live there.
Records of ownership, historical documents, and
similar archives can be found here. Access to these ar
chives is possible with a DC 25 Diplomacy check, and
use of them grants a +6bonus on Knowledge(history)
or Knowledge(nobilityand royalty)checks.
The town hall is the location at which events 32 and
33 in Chapter Nine take place.
This location is patrolled regularly by a group of six
2nd-level warriors.


These buildings house the bulk of the town
guard, which consists of about 750 warriors, most
of whom are 2nd-level. When Vhalantru starts to
bring in additional half-ore mercenaries, the beds
here quickly fill up. Overflow mercenaries are
put up at Minuta's Board until event 18 in
Chapter Five, after which point all the half-
ores are moved into a camp outside the
city walls. The central area of this walled
compound is used for training, and the
low single-story keep is the aboveground
facade for the Cauldron Prison, a five-
level underground facility that can
hold hundreds of prisoners. Terseon
Skellerang lives in a one-story green-
roofed house in the southwestern
corner of the compound.

The two-story Church of St. Cuth
bert, its white marble walls suf
fused with veins of vivid blue, stands
in stark contrast to the buildings of bare black
stone that flank it on the north end of Obsidian Av
enue. A pair of white marble statues depicting ar
mored warriors stands on either side of the temple's
heavy oaken door. Each of the statues raises a great
mace to the sky. Above the door's marble architrave
are boldly inscribed the following words: "within
Since the church's high priest, Sarcem Delasharn,
is on an extended visit to the port city of Sasserine at
the start of this campaign (and is doomed to meet a
messy end in Chapter Three), the day-to-day tasks of
tending to the church have fallen to a cleric named
Jenya Urikas. Her subordinates include two 3rd-level
clerics, two 2nd-level clerics, and four ist-level clerics.
All of the clerics are lawful neutral and wear amulets
that displaythe symbolof their deity.Apaladin of St.
Cuthbert named Alek Tercivalguards the temple and

occasionally patrols the city. 9. SLIPPERY EEL TAVERN

The Church of St. Cuthbert likely becomes one of The Slippery Eel is a favorite tavern for the city's min
the strongest allies and supporters of the PCs in this ers, plantation workers, and other working-class citi
campaign. The PCs may return to the Church of St. zens.The food and drink is cheap, and the town guard
Cuthbert for healing as they wish; the clerics in at tends to ignore the place, making it a handy site for
tendance use their magic to mend injured PCs as best illicit deals and clandestine meetings. The reason for
they can. In addition to providing healing, the temple this is simple: a sizable hidden complex below the
can sell equipment, potions, and scrolls to the PCs. tavern serves as the guildhouse for Cauldron's largest
The PCs get a 20% discount as long as they remain in guild of thieves—the Last Laugh.
the temple's good graces. The Last Laugh thieves' guild is led by five masters,
The church keeps a ready supply of healing potions of which only one (Velior Thazo) is detailed in this
and scrolls. If the PCs request a potion or scroll that volume. The other four can be detailed as you see fit.
confers a different effect(such as a potionofdelaypoison If the PCs kill Velior, the Last Laugh declares war on
or a scroll of lesser restoration),the church has a 100% them. Times are strange in Cauldron, though, and it's
chance -10% per spell level of having the requested possible that the Last Laugh bides their time before
item in inventory. If the PCs request more than one launching a campaign of revenge against the PCs. In
of the same available item (such as four potionsofbull's any case, the nature and scope of their guildhall is left
strength),roll id4 to determine how many the church to you to detail.
keeps in stock.
In general, the Church of St. Cuthbert replenishes 10. CUSP OF SUNRISE
its supply of potions and scrolls every other week. This high-society club is a favorite place for Caul
dron's rich and powerful to meet and relax. Owned
8. MAAVU WAREHOUSES and operated by Lady Ophellha Knowlern, this loca
Local merchant (and member of the Chisel) Maavu tion is covered in detail in Chapter Four.
Arlintal keeps several warehouses here. As with most
other merchant warehouses, about 50% of the hold 11. MAAVU'S MAIN WAREHOUSE
ings here are various forms of food stores for the city Maavu devotes most of his smaller warehouses to food
that are kept and sold by the Grocer's Guild. In return storage; this location is where he keeps the majority of
for donating half his warehouse space, Maavu enjoys his actual business holdings. Maavu's primary imports
a greatly reduced tax rate (at least, until Chapter Four are foodstuffs, entertainment, alchemical and medical
gets under way). supplies, books, and magic items. He sells most of his
magic item imports through Skie'sTreasury.Agroup 14. DRUNKEN MORKOTH INN
of six 3rd-levelfighters guards this location. This is perhaps the most popular inn in the city.
A regular stop for many merchants and traveling
12. TYGOT'S OLD THINGS adventurers, the combination of comfortable beds,
Tygot Mispas (male halfling expert 5), a 120-year-old good food, and reasonable prices make it a favor
halfling retired from adventuring for two decades, ite among the city's returning visitors. Each of the
owns a small but well-stocked antiquity shop on rooms here is decorated with a humorous paint
Lava Avenue. "Tygot's Old Things" specializes in ing of Cauldron's legendary lake monster, a large
nonmagical art objects gathered from across the morkoth. The paintings depict the morkoth in any
known world. Tygot himself has excellent com number of embarrassing and ridiculous scenes, al e=*

mercial contacts in the capital city of Sasserine, and ways with the morkoth drunk and confused, and
frequently buys old documents and art objects from often in incongruous locations.
local adventurers. Tygot's best customers include the
lord mayor himself and many nobles in Cauldron 15..TIPPED TANKARD TAVERN
(including Lord Vhalantru). This tavern is generally regarded as the best place
His shop is a two-story structure with a small flat in the city for common folk to get a drink (the Coy
on the upper floor and a well-organized business area Nixie and the Cusp of Sunrise both hold better repu
on the lower.Tygot shares the place with Lepook, an tations but are generally out of the price range for
elderly and lazy blink dog that agreed to spend his old the working citizen). It's a favorite place for off-duty
age with his "civilized"friend. Lepook keeps watch on city guards, and as such, brawls are fairly rare.
the shop and on Tygot as well, acting as The Last Laugh keeps an eye on events and
his "conscience" when the halfling's _C\ , developments in this tavern through the
greed rears up. The main shop eyes and ears of one of its cooks, a
itself contains an impressive man named Artus Shemwick.
assortment of less valuable
antiquities, mostly vases, 16. GARTHUN IMPORTS
statuettes, small furniture, This well-kept building houses the
and tapestries. Tygot keeps offices of Adrick Garthun, a promi
his most precious wares nent merchant whose import of
in the basement, where no alcohol, tobacco, exotic sweets, and
fewer than thirty art objects, seafood has catapulted him to the
worth an average of 300 gp height of success. Adrick quickly
each, can be found. The door found that he enjoys this high life,
that leads down to the base and in order to ensure that he can
ment is made of steel and is maintain these standards of liv
locked with two masterwork ing has taken to supplementing
locks (Open Lock DC 30) re his income by forging an alliance
quiring different keys. Apart with the Last Laugh. He is the
from the occasional trip to \ primary source for the Last
the Coy Nixie for a frugal meal, IJ Laugh coins being introduced
Tygot spends his free time writing into the local economy.
his memoir and casting diminutive
plaster replicas of Cauldron's monu- -'-^ 17. SKIE'S TREASURY
ments (the Town Hall, the Cathedral of SkieAldersun Numerous stores in Cauldron
WeeJas, the Lakeside Pavilion, etc.). He sells sell magic items and gear, but
these replicas in his shop for 1 gp each. only one of them makes its sole business buying and
selling magic items to adventurers: Skie's Treasury. •
13. MAAVU IMPORTS SkieAldersun (female gnome sorcerer 6)is a retired
Although he keeps a home in Redgorge, Maavu gnome adventurer who spent much of her youth ex
spends much of his time here in Cauldron at his of ploring the catacombs and chambers below Cauldron.
fice. The modest two-story building has several meet She is quite knowledgeable about the creatures, traps,
ing rooms and a bookshop on the ground floor, and a dangers, and general geography of these tunnels and
small apartment on the upper floor. Much of Maavu's is always eager to share some of her tips and knowl
energy of late has been spent keeping an eye on his edge with paying customers. Youcan use Skie to give
biggest competitor, Adrick Garthun, whom Maavu PCs helpful hints or bits of advice as they continue
suspects of being involved with some form of govern to adventure in the region. She's had enough of the
ment conspiracy to raise taxes to pad the pockets of adventuring lifestyle,however,and won't agree to join
the rich. any new groups for any price.
SKIE'S TREASURY Skie's Treasury is a modest building crafted from
Item Price Discount blocks of volcanic stone. The facade of the building
Price bears dozens, if not hundreds, of symbols and sigils
+2 banded mail 1,400 gp 1,260 gp that have been carved into the face of the stone with
+1 chainmail 1,300 gp 1,170 gp chisels. One door and a pair of tiny windows face the
+1 heavy steel shield 1,170 gp 1,053 gp road and overlook the lake below. Above the door, a
+1 kukri 2,308 gp 2,077 gp sign proclaims the establishment to be Skie's Trea
+1 lightmace 2,305 gp 2,075 gp sury, but more impressive are the numerous items
+1 longsword 2,315 gp 2,084 gp of treasure—rings, coins, wands, necklaces, rods, po
+1 scimitar 2,315 gp 2,084 gp tions, scrolls, and more—that seem to slowlyorbit the
+1 Small dagger 2,302 gp 2,072 gp sign and shine with soft golden light. Every now and
+1 Small leather armor 1,160 gp 1,044 gp then, two of the items bump against each other, ring
+1 spiked chain 2,325 gp 2,093 gp ing softly like a wind chime.
bag of holding(Type 1) 2,500 gp 2,250 gp The treasure orbiting the sign is a permanentimage
cloak of resistance+1 1,000 gp 900 gp that was placed there not long after Skie purchased
golembanescarab(flesh) 2,500 gp 2,250 gp the building to set up her business. The runes on
hat of disguise 1,800 gp 1,620 gp the facade of her store are in Gnome, and are in fact
Heward'shandy haversack 2,000 gp 1,800 gp the names of various adventuring parties that have,
potion of cure light wounds throughout the years, patronized Skie's store enough
(8 available) 50 gp each 45 gp each that she offered them a special "Adventurer's Dis
potion of cure moderate count" in return for their loyalty. Some of the names
wounds(3 available) 300 gp each 270 gp each include The Greenswords, The Unhumans, The Sing
potion of haste 750 gp 675 gp ers of Ehlonna, and Varmint Patrol. A successful DC
potion of owl's wisdom 300 gp 270 gp 20 Spot check by someone who understands Gnome
ring offeatherfalling 2,200 gp 1,980 gp notices one rune that reads, "The Last Laugh."This is
ring of protection+1 2,000 gp 1,800 gp the name of one of Cauldron's thieves' guilds, as a suc
rope of climbing 3,000 gp 2,700 gp cessful DC 20 Knowledge (local) or bardic knowledge
scroll of dispelmagic 375 gp 338 gp check reveals.
scroll offame arrow 375 gp 338 gp Skie doesn't give out the Adventurer's Discount to
scroll of ice storm 700 gp 630 gp just any party that comes in off the street; in order to
scroll of lesser restoration 150 gp 135 gp qualify for this discount, an adventuring group must
scroll of levitate 150 gp 135 gp fulfill the following criteria:
scroll of mirror image 150 gp 135 gp
scroll of raise dead 6,125 gp 5,513 gp to- They must introduce themselves to Skie by name
scroll of silence 150 gp 135 gp and by adventuring group, and must display
scroll of speak with dead 375 gp 338 gp strong bonds of friendship.
sleep arrows (2 available) 132 gp each 119 gp each to- They must patronize "Skie's Treasury" at least
wand of cure light wounds once a week; transactions on these monthly visits
(25 charges) 375 gp 338 gp are not required, but they are appreciated.
wand of cure moderate to- On each visit, Skie likes to hear a story of the
wounds(22 charges) 1,980 gp 1782 gp group's recent accomplishments. She prefers to
wand ofMelfs acid arrow hear heroic tales and has little taste for mayhem
(10 charges) 900 gp 810 gp and cruelty. Evil adventuring parties are never
given the discount.
Skie retired from the adventuring life nearly a to- Finally, the group as a whole must sell no
decade ago when she accidentally awakened a slum less than 5,000 gp worth of magic treasure to
bering wyvern while attempting to steal some of its Skie. She keeps detailed records of all trans
treasure. The enraged wyvern managed to slay the actions, and once a group has sold more than
rest of her party (including her familiar, a cat named this amount in magic treasure to her (over any
Newt) before she managed to strike a killing blow. amount of time), and assuming that up until
The experience traumatized her, and she swore never this point they have followed the first three
to meddle with monsters again. But adventuring was points above on previous visits, she offers the
still in her blood. Skie decided to open a store that group the Adventurer's Discount.
catered to other adventurers, and since that day has
lived vicariously through the tales of her clientele. The Adventurer's Discount allows the lucky group
She still maintains a terrible fear of all dragons and to sell magic items at 6o% market value, rather than
has never summoned a replacement familiar for her 50% market value. Similarly, when they purchase
beloved Newt. items from Skie, they receive10%off the market value
of the item in question. Skie ap make purchases with. Additional
preciates customer loyalty,and funds over this amount she usu
has no problem taking a hit to ally converts to gemstones; she
her income to reward those generally keeps another 10,000 gp
customers she values. in gemstones in the safe as well.
Once a party gains the dis Greedy characters might
count, Skie uses her wand of view Skie's Treasury as a ripe lo
stone shape to rearrange the cation for burglary, but the store
runes on the front of her store is quite well guarded and likely
and add the Gnome transla beyond the capability of a low-
tion of the new party's name to level party to rob. Skie herself is
the facade. an accomplished sorcerer and can
Inside, the store's shelves are probably handle a group of four
fairly sparse, but never empty. low-level adventurers herself
Skie sells enough magic to In addition, she keeps several
keep herself in comfort, and guards on staff to protect
has no real ambition to make her inventory; two of these
a fortune at the job. Each of guards are always on duty
the items on her shelves is in the Treasury. The glass
kept in a glass cabinet under cases that contain the in
lock and key, displayed on a ventory are all locked with
silk pillow with a small placard good quality locks (Open
that describes the item's history, Lock DC 30); she wears the
powers, and what party sold the 1 only key around her neck
item to Skie. She doesn't allow shop on a silver chain. When the
pers to handle or physically inspect store is closed, Skie relo
items unless they are beneficiaries of the cates her entire inventory into
Adventurer's Discount. the safe in the back room. This
You can handle transactions at Skie's Trea safe consists of a lead-lined solid
sury in two ways. The simplest is to just as steel box set in a 5-foot-square hole
sume that she can afford to buy anything the Severen Navalant
carved directly into the stone floor. The
party might find, and has for sale any magic door of the safe is huge, nearly 3 feet across,
item worth 3,000 gp or less. For items of up and is set into the floor of the room like a
to 15,000gp in value, assume a flat 5% chance she has trap door. Anarrow ladder descends into the safe, and
the item in stock. If she doesn't, she can get the item a small dumbwaiter used to transport items from the
through MaavuImports in 2d6 days. room above is set in one corner of the safe. When the
For an ongoing campaign set primarily in one re door is closed, it is nearly impenetratable. The safe
gion, though, where the PCs are likely to return to the door is of amazing quality, and cracking it requires
same store again and again, this isn't the most realis 3d6 minutes of focused work and a successful DC 40
tic choice. The preferred method of handling transac Open Lock check.
tions (although it takes a bit more paperwork) is the Finally, if someone does manage to rob the Trea
method presented below. sury, they soon find that their problems are only be
At any one time, Skie'sTreasury has approximately ginning. As inferred by their rune on the facade of the
50,000 gp worth of magic items for sale. This increas building, the Last Laugh has an interest in Skie's Trea
es by 10,000 gp with each chapter the PCs complete. sury. Skie has extended the discount to all members
Alist of items for sale a the start of thsi campaign ap of this guild of thieves, and in return, they have prom
pears on the previous page. ised to leave her store alone. In addition, Skie pays
As the campaign progresses, feel free to alter the a monthly stipend to this guild; in return they have
list of magic items for sale as you see fit. Remember vowed to track down and return any objects stolen
to keep track of anything that the party sells to Skie from her store should such an affront be brought to
as well. As a general rule, each month there is a cu their attention. A character who steals from the Trea
mulative 25% chance that an item is sold to an NPC. sury and remains in the region can expect to receive
Once an item is sold, if her total inventory value is nightlyvisits from members of the LastLaughas long
below its current max gp, there's a cumulative 20% as they remain in possession of stolen goods.
chance each week that some new item is purchased Ad-hoc XP Award: If the PCs manage to earn
to replenish stock. the Adventurer's Discount, give them a CR 3 expe
At any one time, Skie tries to keep about 10,000gp rience award.
and 1,000 pp in the large safe in the back room to
18. LANTERN STREET ORPHANAGE Vanderborens got their start on their feet: Premiach
The orphanage rests on the corner of Lantern Street as a runner for a messenger service and Aeberrin as
and Lava Avenue, its charcoal-colored stones held to a server at a tavern.
gether with mold-encrusted mortar. The windows on
both stories are tightly shuttered, but a few slivers of 22. MINUTA'S BOARD
light manage to escape from within. Lanterns hang This low-cost inn and flophouse caters to anyone who
on either side of the oaken front door, mounted to can't afford to stay at Cauldron's better inns. Prices
which is a green copper knocker shaped like a smiling here are 75% normal, but the owners make no guaran
gargoyle'svisage,its nostrils pierced by a copper ring. tee against theft or loss of property. In fact, quite the
The ground floor of the orphanage is dimly lit and opposite, as this inn is run by a struggling group of
contains a main hall (with a staircase leading to the thieves known as the Alleybashers.Pressure from the
second floor), a kitchen with stairs leading down to Last Laugh has forced the Alleybashers to steal from
a cellar pantry, a dining hall, a playroom for the chil their guests, and the place's reputation has suffered
dren, a schoolroom, a small bathroom, and staff quar as a result. The details of the Alleybasherguildhouse
ters. The second floor is divided into three rooms: in the basement below the inn
a spacious bathroom with two large tubs and are left to you to design, al
two large bedrooms filled with cots. One of though they should be a
the bedrooms currently holds 19girls; the pale shadow of whatever
other room holds 31 boys. you come up with for
the Last Laugh.
The Coy Nixie is a high-class tav 23. SURE FOOT
ern and dancehall owned and LIVERY
operated by the Aslaxins. Al Sure Foot Livery is the
though prices here tend to largest (and only) live
be nearly double the nor stock and livestock ac
mal asking price, the food cessory business in town.
and drink are rivaled The business is run by
only by the Cusp a no-nonsense woman

of Sunrise. These named Tippys Surefoot (fe

two locations have male halfling expert 5).
a healthy compe
tition—while the 24. GURNEZARN'S
Cusp is generally SMITHY
held to have better This smithy is generally re
food, drink, and en garded as the finest such
tertainment, there establishment in the city.
are no member Its owner, Phalian Gurne-
ship fees at the Coy zarn (male human expert
Embril Aloustinai
Nixie. 6), has long held his own
against the relentless acqui
20. LAKESIDE PAVILION sition and domination of his
This open pavilion is one of the oldest structures in trade by the Lathenmires, and has his own skill and
Cauldron. Said to have been formed via magic cast by the loyalty of his customers to thank for the fact that
Surabar Spellmason himseff, the pavilion is tradition he's now the only non-Lathenmire smith in town.
allywhere the lord mayor issues announcements and As a result, his prices are the highest in town (125%
decrees. It has also become a favorite place after dark normal cost).
for illicit meetings.
21. VANDERBOREN MANOR The church of Kord is nearly as powerful and popu
This large manor houses the members and ser lar in Cauldron as the church of St. Cuthbert, if only
vants of the Vanderboren family, Cauldron's newest because they sponsor numerous sporting events and
nobles. The Vanderborens are the equivalent of real demonstrations for the people of Cauldron through
estate tycoons. Less respected by the other nobles out the year. This church is currently headed by a
because they're self-made,they constantly look for 6th-level male half-ore cleric of Kord named Asfelkir
ways to make the other nobles look bad to increase Hranleurt. He is attended by a 5th-level cleric, two
their standing among their new peers. They also 2nd-level clerics, four ist-level clerics, and a dozen
own and fund the Lantern Street Orphanage. Both acolytesin training(ist-levelcommoners).
This large walled compound is the oldest structure This towering structure is one of the most impres
in the city. The traditional seat of power for the sive and beautiful in Cauldron. The church of Wee Jas
town, the estate's ownership has been held by the has alwaysbeen powerfulin Cauldron,but not as well
Navalant family for the past 200 years. The current liked as the churches of Kord or St. Cuthbert, since
lord mayor, Severen Navalant (male human aristo the clerics of this church tend to be standoffish, curt,
crat 10), is well-liked but those close to him worry and even creepy. The clerics of Wee Jas are responsi
that he lacks the spine to be a true leader. His in ble for dealing with the unclaimed dead of Cauldron,
creasing reliance upon Vhalantru's advice worries and maintain vast catacombs for anyone who's rich
them all the more. enough to afford the burial but doesn't have a person
al crypt. Mostof the dead of Cauldron are cremated.
27. WEER'S ELIXIRS The cathedral is run by Embril Aloustinai, although
Owned and operated by Vortimax Weer (male hu she rarely sees visitors and leaves the day-to-day oper
man wizard 10), a retired adventurer, this cramped ations to a cleric named Ike Iverson. The cathedral is
shop is the go-to place in town for alchemical items also staffed by a cleric named Calmus Vel, two 5th-level
and potions. At any one time, id6 of any potion clerics, three 2nd-level clerics, seven ist-level clerics,
listed in the Dungeon Master's Guide can be found and ten acolytesin training (ist-level commoners).
here, along with any magical dusts, elixirs, and oth Whereas the Church of St. Cuthbert can be an ally
er similar wondrous items. Vortimax himself is a and supporter for the PCs, the Church of Wee Jas 55
cranky old curmudgeon who has little patience for should be a recurring foil to their efforts. As the PCs
youngsters, and even less patience for anyone who become more powerful, they catch the eye of Ike and
tries to haggle his high prices (generally 150% nor eventually that of Embril herself In public situations
mal asking price). Vortimax is one of the highest- where the PCs might be trying to accomplish some
level wizards in Cauldron, and spends much of his social goal, the church of Wee Jas takes up a contrary
time teaching alchemy and magical theory classes at position to the PCs' goals and desires, more often
Bluecrater Academy. than not simply to oppose them.
If one of the PCs is a worshiper of Wee Jas, this can
28. THE BRASS TRUMPET make for some entertaining roleplaying. The Wee Jas
This abandoned tavern is a Last Laugh safe house—it worshiper might soon find his loyalties divided be
is detailed in full in Chapter Eight. tween the church and his adventuring companions.
One thing to note is that Wee Jas herself doesn't
necessarily approve of Embril's actions, and as she 33. CHURCH OF
becomes more and more involved with the Cage PELOR
wrights, it's more likely that splinter faiths of This small yellow
Wee Jas break off from the main church and tower is tended by
form underground resistances to the a single 4th-level
growing corruption in the upper male human cler
ranks of the religion. Perhaps ic of Pelor named
the PC worshiper can join, or Kristof Jurgensen.
even found, such a group. His resources are
This location is detailed limited of late. The
fully in Chapter Seven. shrine to Pelor has al
ways been fairly small
30. GHELVE'S LOCKS and minor in Cauldron,
Most of the locks in the especially since Kristof's
city of Cauldron were cre three superiors recently
ated by the proprietor of died under mysterious circum
this small shop. This loca stances (they were murdered by
tion is detailed in full in Embril), leaving him in charge
Chapter One. of the entire shrine.

31 ORAK'S ThifiraneRhiavadi 34. HOUSE VHALANTRU

BATHHOUSE Unbeknownst to Cauldron's
Orak's Bathhouse is a squat, win- lord mayor and other townsfolk,
dowless building of dark stone. Vhalantru the beholder keeps
The baths are open from noon to his watchful eyes on local adventur
midnight every day. This location is ing bands. Once adventurers reach a level
detailed in full in Chapter Two. where Vhalantru perceives them as a threat to
his hold over the city,the beholder invites them
32. BLUECRATER ACADEMY to his manor and "cashes them out." Many heroes
One of the tallest buildings in who have served the lord mayor in the past now
Cauldron, Bluecrater Academy adorn Lord Vhalantru's estate as statuary.
is also the primary place of Vhalantru claims to know a sculptor who
learning here. The build carves these wondrous effigies in honor
ing has five stories, each of of Cauldron's greatest heroes—not so.
which is dedicated to an The lord mayor has seen many heroes
increasing level of educa come and go and constantly grooms
tion. Financed partially by new ones to replace those who have
tuition fees (but also by the seemingly departed in search of
support of nobles like Lady greater adventures elsewhere.
Ophellha Knowlern, the Lord Vhalantru has been prom
Aslaxins, and the Tasker- ised lordship of Cauldron by the
hills) Bluecrater Academy Cagewrights,as well as support from
is where the lucky youth several newly freed Carcerian fiends
of Cauldron go to learn in his bid to conquer and enslave
a trade. The upper floors neighboring realms.
consist of extensive li His estate is detailed in
braries and research full in Chapter Eight.
ers' offices. Access to
these libraries is dif 35. WESTKEY'S
ficult, requiring ei MAP EMPORIUM
ther a 2,000 gp bribe This modest shop is run by
or a 500 gp membership Bolar Westkey (male gnome ex
fee along with a DC 30 Diplo pert 4), a cartographer who recent
macy check. Once access is gained, ly settled in the area. He sells maps
the books in these libraries grant a of all manner, including regional and
+6 circumstance bonus on Knowledge local maps. The PCs should be able to
checks made with their aid. purchase maps of most public buildings
or the region here, but Westkeymakes it a
Lord Vhalantru
strict practice to not sell maps of private businesses. play that hangs above his counter. AsuccessfulDC 17
He does, however, have a fair collection of treasure Knowledge(dungeoneering)checkis enough to iden
maps, some of which are local, and some of which tifythe tooth as a legitimate morkoth tooth, albeit one
might actually be legitimate. Standard maps gener of unusual size.ADC 3oKnowledge (the planes) check
allycost anywhere from 2 to 20 gp, while his treasure also reveals that the morkoth the tooth came from was
maps are sold for 100 gp a shot (with no guarantees as likely a half-fiend of great power.
to the map's validity).
36. HOUSE RHIAVADI Given another few years,the Lathenmires could be in
This may well be Cauldron's most conspicuous dis ducted into Cauldron's nobility.Asit stands, the family
playof wealth. Lady Rhiavadihas long been one of the is as rich as most of the other nobles, having effectively
city's wealthiest nobles. Common knowledge holds cornered the local arms and armor trade. The Lathen-
that much of her wealth is inherited, but rumor holds mire manor is a sprawling structure with several train
that she has her hands in a large number of illegal ing,rooms and trophy halls on its ground floor.
enterprises as well. House Rhiavadi is detailed in full
in Chapter Eight. 40. LAVA TUBE ENTRANCE
Numerous entrances to the caverns below Cauldron
37. TASKERHILL MANOR exist; this one provides the quickest and most di
This massive manor is four stories in height, and is rect route to the Kopru Ruins that have housed the
easilythe most ostentatious of Meerthan Ebon Triad cultists in the area for the past thirty
Cauldron'snoblehomes(with r^TyroAmberhebn\ years. This area is detailed further in
the possible exception of Chapter Three.
House Rhiavadi).The manor
is home to the fantastically 41. HALF-ORC MERCENARY
rich Taskerhill family. CAMP
Lord Taskerhill is the wealth This large encampment of tents and
iest noble in Cauldron. He owns semi-permanent structures springs into
several mines in the nearby being practically overnight during Chap
mountains, as well as a promi ter Five,after the Last Laugh burns Minu-
nent workshop that ships exqui ta's Board and forces Zarn Kyass to re
sitely crafted obsidian furniture locate his half-ore mercenaries.
and knick-knacks to the indolent The encampment houses
cities of the north. Before the approximately 100
trouble in Cauldron re 4th-level half-ore
ally started (and the fighters and 20
PCs appeared on the 8th-level half-ore
scene), Lord Tasker fighters. The half-ores
hill made contacts are quite well-behaved—
in the nearby city of their employer pays them well,
Sasserine to hire an assas and they know that causing
sin to remove the lord mayor. He was fights or other problems can bring
forced to abandon those plans when swift punishment.
his contact abruptly went silent (the
work of the Cagewrights, who wanted THE STRIDERS OF
a malleable person in charge of the city). FHARLANGHN
With the help of Lord Vhalantru,
38. ZANATHOR'S PROVISIONS the Cagewrights' dark agenda has
While to the untrained eye there may seem to be gone unnoticed by most of Caul
nothing unusual going on at this general store, its dron's townsfolk. However, their
owner, BjellkirZanathor (male human commoner 3), appearance in Cauldron has caught
has the unique honor of being the onlylivingcitizen the eye of the Striders of Fharlanghn—a loosely run
in Cauldron who has seen the Crater Lake Monster. organization of adventurers and explorers who watch
He's always ready to tell the story of how his small the horizons for signs of great evil and strive to pre
fishingboat was attackedlate one night and sunk by serve the balance of power in the realm. The Striders
the fantasticcreatureseveralyears ago. The thing bit have tracked the Cagewrightsto Cauldron and seek to
offhis leg and left one of its teeth lodged in his hip. uncover their plans.
Zanathor'swillingto show offhis scars,wooden leg, The Striders of Fharlanghn know that the Cage
and the tooth, which he's mounted on a wooden dis wrights worship powerful extraplanar fiends living
in Carceri. Years ago, with the help of some good- The Striders may accept some or all of the PCs
aligned adventurers, the Striders attacked a cabal of into their group, if they display the right attitudes.
Cagewrights in a city far to the north, but not before In order to join the Striders, a PC must exhibit a
the Cagewrights called forth one of their vile masters healthy respect for the natural world, and must have
from the prison plane. SeveralStriders perished in the made all three of the other Strider agents helpful
battle, but the fiend was eventually banished back to allies via Diplomacy. A prospective member in the
Carceri and the surviving Cagewrights were routed. Striders must also have at least 4 ranks in four of
The Striders of Fharlanghn have sent one of their the following skills: Gather Information, Hide,
own, a neutral good half-elf named Meerthan Elioth- Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nature), Listen, Move
lorn, to undercover the Cagewrights'machinations in Silently, Sense Motive, or Spot. Once a character
Cauldron. Meerthan, posing as a dwarven merchant meets these requirements, and once Meerthan feels
named Tyro Amberhelm, has a room at The Drown he knows and trusts a PC, he offers that PC a place
ing Morkoth Inn. He suspects that the Cagewrights in the Striders.
are behind the recent string of kidnappings. When Membership in the Striders grants a PC the follow
the Church of St. Cuthbert hires the heroes to inves ing benefits:
tigate the matter, Meerthan takes interest in their ac
tivities and sends his agents to follow them as they to- The character gains a permanent Rary's telepathic
make their way underground. If the heroes get in a bond with Meerthan. Strider agents are expected
bind, these agents might come to their rescue at some to operate on their own (or with other agents);
opportune moment. the bond is generally used only to send Meerthan
At this time, there are three other Striders operating reports. The bond can also be used to call for
in the area: Fario, Fellian, and Shensen. These three aid from Meerthan, although he makes it clear
agents come into contact with the PCs in Chapters that he never expects one of his members to call
One and Three. Fario and Fellian share a permanent for help. Meerthan isn't a big fan of failure, and
Rary's telepathic bond with Meerthan. After she's res he explains that if he has to bail a PC out three
cued from the Lucky Monkey, Shensen finally agrees times, their membership in the Striders is dis
to have the wizard create a similar link for her. solved upon the third rescue.

Tlayer'sMapofCauldron& Environs

CatifdroD8 flrtifiw
to- The character gains free room and board at the mHiin*Ain EncEiiin*ERS
Drunken Morkoth. Av ERAGE

to- Meerthan will cast any spell he knows (or any D% Encounter EL Source

provided to him on a scroll) for a member of the 01-05 1 roc 9 Monster Manual 215
Striders free of charge, although often he needs a 06-10 1 stone giant 8 Monster Manual 124
day to prepare for the request. 11-20 1 hill giant 7 Monster Manual 123
to- Once per month, a Strider may requisition up to 21-30 ld6 dire apes 6 Monster Manual 62
1,500 gp in potions and scrolls from the organi 31-35 1 half-black-dragon 6 Monster Manual 146
zation. Requisitioned potions and scrolls arrive human fighter
ld4 days after the request is made. 36-45 ld6 giant eagles 6 Monster Manual 93
to- Access to the pathwarden prestige class (provid 46-65 2d4 hillfolk 6 Appendix4
ing all other prerequisites are met). This class is 66-75 ld6 apes 5 Monster Manual 268
fully detailed in Appendix 5. 76-90 3d6 ores 5 Monster Manual 203
91-100 ld4 ogres 5 Monster Manual 199
The Chisel is a secret organization of rich merchants LHWLAIID EIlCHUn*ERS
and artisans. Based in the Stonemason District of Average
Redgorge, the Chisel was founded ages ago by the d% Encounter EL Source

same heroes who defeated Nabthatoron's original as 01-05 ld3 hill giants Monster Manual 123
sault on the region. Descendants of these heroic colo 06-10 1 tyrannosaurus Monster Manual 61
nists, most members of the Chisel are quite powerful 11-20 1 wyverns Monster Manual 259
and skilled individuals. 21-35 ld3 dire lions Monster Manual 63
Although the original intent of the society was 36-55 2d4 hillfolk Appendix 4
to do good for the region, the Chisel has in recent 56-70 ld4 lions Monster Manual 21A
times shifted to a more selfish demeanor. Most of the 71-90 ld6 hill baboons Appendix 4
Chisel's energy is now spent on improving the eco 91-100 1 ankheg Monster Manual 14
nomic and political interests of its members. Recent
events in Cauldron pushed the Chisel to investigate JUIIGLE EnCHUIVtERS
the problems facing the city, more out of a need to Av ERAGE
protect the monetary interests of the region than out D% Encounter EL Source
of a desire to do good. The intelligence activity of one 01-05 1 vrock 9 Monster Manual 48
of the group's most influential members, a merchant 06-10 1 dire tiger 8 Monster Manual 65
named Maavu, will soon be discovered and punished 11-15 ld4 babau demons 8 Monster Manual 40
byVhalantru (see Chapter Four). 16-20 1 Grayhaunt 8 Appendix 4
Membership in the Chisel is difficult to secure. In marauder
order to become a member, a PC must first be invited 21-25 ld6 spawnof Kyuss 8 Appendix 4
to a preliminary meeting with the Chisel leadership. 26-35 ld6 yuan-ti 8 Monster Manual 264
Such a meeting occurs in Chapter Five. If the PCs halfbloods
manage to avert the invasion of Redgorge by Caul 36-40 ld4 megaraptors 8 Monster Manual 60
dron's city guard in Chapter Five, they may petition 41-55 ld6 gnoll hunters 7 Appendix 4
the Chisel for a membership. If the PC has at least 56-70 ld6 dire boars 7 Monster Manual 63
5 ranks in any Craft skill and can make a DC 25 Di 71-85 2d6 gnolls 6 Monster Manual 130
plomacy check, the Chisel grants him membership. 86-100 ld6 deinonychuse:;6 Monster Manual 60
Alternately, a character with 10 ranks in any Craft skill
is automatically granted membership (no Diplomacy
check required). *HE CAULDRHn
Membership in the Chisel grants a PC the follow REGIHn
ing benefits: At certain points during this campaign, the action
to- The character gains access to the Hall of Carv moves beyond Cauldron's town walls and into the sur
ings in Redgorge, and all the resources therein. rounding region. Certain locations, like Redgorge, the
to- Once a month a member of the Chisel may req Lucky Monkey, the Demonskar, Crazy Jared's Hut, and
uisition up to 1,000gp in gold or gems. This req- Shatterhorn feature prominently in this campaign.
. uisition can be fulfilled in 2d4 hours. Others, like Hookface's Lair, the Haunted Village,the
to- The character gains free room and board at the Keep of Jarl Khurok, Kingfisher Hollow, and Hol-
Redhead Miner's in Redgorge. lowsky don't play a role in the campaign at all. One
to- Access to the high handcrafter prestige class of these locations (the Spire of Long Shadows) plays
(providingall other prerequisites are met). This a prominent role in the second Dungeon Adventure
class is fully detailed in Appendix 5. Path campaign—Age of Worms. Nevertheless, your
"DungeonMaster'sMapofCauldron& Environs

players might wish to explore one of these regions. CRAZY JARED'S HUT
Likewise,you can use one of these areas as settings for Perched on a remote mountainside meadow, miles
pick-up adventures the PCs might wish to go on in from any sign of civilization, lies this lonely hut in
order to build up experience before tackling the next habited by a mad bard named Jared. This location is
chapter in the campaign. detailed in full in Chapter Four.
Cauldron is located in a sub-tropical climate.
The foothills surrounding the taller mountains THE DEMONSKAR
are rugged and covered with scrub, but are fairly This terrible crater in the middle of the track
open for several miles before giving way to roll less jungle was once the site of a spell weaver city.
ing savannahs. These savannahs then transform When an attempt to build a structure to allow pla
into particularly dense sub-tropical jungles a few nar transport on a massive scale failed, the entire
miles farther out from the mountains. This re city vanished in a terrific explosion of abyssal ener
gion is a true frontier land; a few villages sit in gies. The place has since come to be known as the
the foothills and lowlands (as indicated on the re Demonskar, if only for the fact that it is infested
gional map), but aside from these and the roads, with demons trapped here when that fateful explo
the area is still wilderness. sion tore them out of the Abyss and stranded them
on the Material Plane.
WILDERNESS ENCOUNTERS Several tribes of gnolls have recently appeared
The regions surrounding Cauldron can be broken in the jungles near the Demonskar. Most were at
down into three distinct areas: mountains, lowlands, tracted to the region by legends spread by a wan
and jungle. The characters venture out into these re dering gnoll adept about "Triple Tail."According to
gions at least four times in this campaign; chances this legend, the son of Yeenoghu emerged from the
are that they'll head out more than this in your game. Abyss in a great fire from the Demonskar, an event
When they do, you can spice up their journey using that marked the start of a thirteen-century war that
the following encounter tables. Assume there's a 10% would eventually make the gnolls the dominant race
chance for an encounter per hour, but never more in the world. These gnolls are loosely organized
than one encounter per day. Check once for an en brigands, but a few of them are religious fanatics in
counter during each rest period as well. If characters spired byTriple Tail.These gnolls, adepts and rang
stick to the local roads, the chance of an encounter ers of considerable ability, worship Triple Tail as the
drops to 3%. son of Yeenoghu.
"Triple Tail" does exist within the Demonskar. HOLLOWSKY
Although he cares little for such worshipers, he The village of Hollowsky is the smallest of the
nevertheless accepts human sacrifices from them. four human settlements in the region. With a
He is, in fact, a glabrezu demon named Nabtha population of 460, it barely qualifies as a village.
toron who once served Yeenoghu. After failing Hollowsky is notable mostly as the hometown of
to secure the region against Surabar Spellmason, one of the region's more benevolent nobles, Lady
Nabthatoron was exiled to the Material Plane un Ophellha Knowlern. Lady Knowlern owns a mul
til such time as he could raze Redgorge to the titude of businesses in the region, the most well-
ground. For the past several centuries, Nabthato known of which is the Cusp of Sunrise. She has
ron has tried many times to organize the fiends never married, and inherited her money from her
of the Demonskar back into an army, but his re parents. She owns a small brewery, the Drunken
sources and reputation have failed him so far on Morkoth Inn, and two plantations, among many
every attempt. other interests and investments.
Nabthatoron's lair is located somewhere in
the depths of the Demonskar, and is inhabited JARL KHUROK'S KEEP
by the survivors of the demon's original fiend The giants are a disorganized force in the region now,
ish retinue. This location is beyond the scope of but once a fair number of frost giants dwelt upon the
this campaign, but the PCs might want to seek snow-capped peaks of the southern mountains. Led
and explore it later, especially if Nabthatoron byJarl Khurok, these giants subjugated the local stone
withdraws from his fight with them at the end of giant, hill giant, and ogre tribes, and for many years
Chapter Four. The glabrezu's lair should feature were quite the problem for Cauldron until a band of
encounters with lesser demons of various kinds, adventurers stole into the giant king's keep and assas
namely Nabthatoron's unruly subordinates from sinated him. What lurks in the abandoned keep these
the Battle of Redgorge. days is unknown.
Although most of the spell weaver structures in
the vicinity were swept away by the explosion that KINGFISHER HOLLOW
produced the Demonskar, some remnants of their The town of Kingfisher Hollow, with its popula
once proud city survive. The PCs have a chance to ex tion of 2,100 souls, is the second largest settlement
plore some of these ruins in Chapters Five and Sev in the area. It's also the primary location for the
en. Other ruins left by the spell weavers are likely to region's plantations—the town is surrounded by
be subterranean places, buried deeply in lava,rubble, fields of coffee and sugarcane. Traditionally, two
and ash. noble families jointly lead Kingfisher Hollow. Of
late, the Aslaxins have taken up the reigns increas
HAUNTED VILLAGE ingly as the Taskerhills have declined. Today, only
The Haunted Village is a ruined settlement set in the one Taskerhill remains—and he's more interested
craggy foothills south of Cauldron. It was founded by in seeking redemption in the arms of St. Cuthbert
Kozomagon Lidu, one of Surabar's greatest friends than helping run a town. Zachary Aslaxin couldn't
and competitors. Originally named Liduton, the be happier.
Haunted Village thrived for only a very short time
before most of its inhabitants perished during the LAIR OF HOOKFACE
Battle of Redgorge. Kozomagon was a necromancer, Hidden in the northern mountains, the exact location
and she founded Liduton near an ancient kopru ne of Hookface's lair is known to quite a few. It's just that
cropolis hidden in a deep, dark lake. Just as Sura no one's ever been brave enough to confront the noto
bar used his great elemental powers to defend his rious dragon in his den. Since he and his mate haven't
people, Kozomagon drew upon her powers to raise bothered to emerge for the past century, the locals are
an army to protect Liduton. This foolish attempt to fine with leaving the place alone.
raise an army of undead koprus to support the de Hookface awakens in Chapter Nine, but the PCs
fenders of Redgorge ended in tragedy as the undead could go looking for his lair at any time before or
army turned on the citizens. Little is known today of after this Chapter. Details on his lair are left for you
the long-term results of this event, but rumors about to devise, but keep in mind that Hookface has 20,000
powerful undead creatures in the Haunted Village gp worth of coins, goods, and art items, roughly 60
continue to persist. gems (average value of 100 gp), id4 medium mag
In fact, the haunted village has become the base ic items, and at least one major magic item in his
of operations for a small band of necromancers and hoard, in addition to the magic items he uses. Of
mercenaries called the Necrocants. Led by one Khy- course, all sorts of dangerous traps and creatures
ron Bonesworn, the exact reason the Necrocants have guard the extensive caverns, including the dragon's
chosenthis location as their base of operations in the mate Taliraxia,who is, in fact, even more dangerous
region has been left to you to devise. than Hookface himself.
LUCKY MONKEY The Hall of Carvings takes its name from the ab
The Lucky Monkey is a large roadhouse and inn stract sculptural decoration of its vertical walls,which
about a day's ride from Cauldron. Founded so that are made of light gray, beautifully veined marble. The
travelers to and from Sasserine would have a safe pavements and the domed ceilings, which are 20 feet
place to stay, the roadhouse is also a favorite of local high, are completely smooth. The doors are made
loggers and explorers. The LuckyMonkey is detailed of slabs of stone, but open smoothly and easily at a
in Chapter Three. touch. Crystal lamps containing continualframes il
luminate the complex. A system of cleverly hidden
REDGORGE ducts conveysair from the surface and drinking water
This village was the first human settlement in from a nearby subterranean stream.
the area. Founded about 700 years ago, Redgorge
was at one time a much larger settlement, but it HI. Entrance
never fully recovered from Nabthatoron's assault The flagstones of an abandoned cellar above hide this
so long ago. Redgorge sits in a narrow strip of flat long stairway. These slabs are attuned to a secret Ter-
ground between a cliff and an immense quarry of ran rhyme. When the rhyme is properly performed in
red pebble gravel. West of the village, a prodigious Terran with a DC 15 Perform (song), the slabs vibrate
line of fortifications known as the Basalt Bastions and graduafiy become insubstantial, eventually rising
protect the land, their massive walls unguarded up into the air and opening the entrance. The slabs
and draped with vines. These fortifications, as im return to their original position after a minute. The
pressive as Cauldron's outer walls, tower over the same song can be sung from below to open the slabs
village itself. They were built ages ago by Surabar to allow exit from the Halls.
Spellmason's powerful spells in a single week, to
aid in the defense of Redgorge against the deni H2. Surabar's Daughters
zens of the Demonskar. This atrium is flanked on both sides by two rows of
Today, Redgorge is a farming and mining village. three smooth pillars. These pillars are caryatid col
The old Stonemason District, where Surabar Spell- umns created by Surabar Spellmason. The caryatids
mason once dwelt, is visibly depopulated and most of attack anyone who does not address them properly
its buildings lie empty and in ruin. Over the decades, in Terran as they enter the room. The password is:
most of Redgorge's masons left to work in Cauldron. "Stand easyand rest well!"They also fight when so di
^ Redgorge (village):Conventional; AL CG; popu rected by the Foreman of the Chisel.
lation 600 adults, 200 gp limit; Assets 6,000 gp; Mixed ? Caryatid Columns (6): hp 53 each; see Appendix 4.
(79% human, 9% dwarf,5%gnome, 3%halfling,2%elf,
1% half-elf 1% half-ore). H3. Warehouse
AuthorityFigures:Mayor Sind Nebern, female human This room is well supplied with food, wine, spare
expert 7;Pragat Millak,male human fighter 6 (bailiff). parts, and firewood for the entire complex. The total
Important Characters: Oliron Masht, male human value of the supplies here is 2,000 gp.
fighter 3/wizard 7/high handcrafter 4 (adventurer and
architect, a.k.a. the Foreman, high handcrafter of the H4. Fountain
Chisel); Ekaym Smallcask,male human fighter 3/bard A beautifully carved fountain sits against the north
4/high handcrafter 3 (adventurer and linguist, a.k.a. wall of this room. An underground stream feeds the
Honest Minstrel, high handcrafter ofthe Chisel),Maa fountain from below, providing the Hall of Carvings
vu, male human expert 5/wizard 4/high handcrafter 1 with drinkable water.
(merchant, a.k.a. Camel Driver, high handcrafter of
the Chisel), Mikimax, male human commoner 5/ex- H5. Dining Room
pert 2/high handcrafter 1 (innkeeper, a.k.a. Bird Seed, A large dining table and twelve chairs sit in the west
high handcrafter of the Chisel). ern part of the room. In the eastern part is a small
The Hall of Carvings
Aside from the private room under the Redhead Min H6. Guest Room
er's Inn, the Chisel has a much more secret and im This room is furnished with top quality beds and
pressive hideout in Redgorge. The Hall of Carvings is lockers, and can accommodate up to twelve people.
the historical base of the Chisel and a periodic meet
ing place for its most important members. Surabar H7. Chapter House
Spellmason built the hall and created several wards This 30-foot-high hexagonal room's walls are dotted
cf and guardians to protect it. The Hall of Carvings is with a total of forty niches (five per wall, excluding
'>, the entrance side). Twenty-nine niches accommo
*odu£«fi accessible only to those who have earned the absolute
trust of the Foreman and profess an interest in join date the bust of a man or half-elf, and the others are
ing the Chisel. empty. The busts represent the previous Foremen
of the Chisel, starting with Surabar Spellmason, devices in various stages of completion clutter the
whose sculptural portrait can be seen in the first room. A large alchemist's lab and several master-
niche set in the southwestern wall. A frieze of bas- work artisan's tool sets are arranged on the room's
reliefs at the base of the domed ceiling represents workbenches. Characters who use this room to craft
the same six episodes of Surabar's life depicted in magic items reduce the cost of raw materials and
the frescoes of the private tavern in the Redhead XP required by 5%. The total value of the objects
Miner's Inn. and devices here is 20,000 gp.
A hexagonal stone table with twelve chairs sits in
the middle of the room. Everyseason the top-ranking Hll. Dormant Earth Pool
members of the Chisel hold meetings here. The walls of this chamber are decorated with elabo
rate, beautiful carvings. Part of the cavern's floor is oc
H8. Guardroom cupied by what looks like a petrified lava pool, with a
This room is guarded by two stone golems created by flat surface that contrasts neatly with the somewhat
Surabar Spellmason. The golems look like massive uneven ground. From time to time, the pool rumbles
and muscular construction workers. Like the cary and narrow cracks form on its surface. Oddly enough,
atid columns in area H2, the golems attack whoever no heat or smoke issue from it when this happens.
fails to give a passwordin Terran ("Breaktime, gentle The pool was actually the home of an earth weird
men!").The golems also activate under the direction befriended by Surabar Spellmason eight centuries
of the Foreman. ago. The earth weird returned to its native plane sev
? Stone Golems (2): hp 77each, MonsterManual136. en decades ago. The current Foreman does not know
how to call the earth weird back, but is researching
H9. Library this matter via the books in the library (area H9). If it
Lined with wooden shelving and furnished with is recalled, the earth weird's ability to foretell disas
benches and a prominent lectern, this library contains ters could reveal the ultimate goal of the Cagewrights
many books about alchemy, sculpture, architecture, as the main threat of the campaign.
and engineering. The formal logs of previous Fore Earth weirds are detailed on page 91 of Monster
men can be found here, the oldest of which is four Manual II.
centuries old. Most of them are written in Terran. The
information in the adventurebackground concerning SHATTERHORN
the early history of the region can be found here, as The ruined yuan-ti city of Shatterhorn is a shadow of
can several spellbooks that might contain numerous its former glory. The ruins are extensive, and haunted
unique earth spells. Characters who use these books by all manner of monsters today. See Chapter Eleven
to aid in research gain a +8 circumstance bonus on for more details on this ancient ruined city.
their Knowledge check. The total value of the books
here is 30,000 gp. SPIRE OF LONG SHADOWS
This ancient, ruined tower is difficult to find without
HI 0. Workshop powerful magic, as its exact location is warded by pow
This is an amazingly well-equipped alchemy lab erful abjurations created over a thousand years ago by
and artisan workshop that has been in use for its legendary creator, Kyuss. This undead-haunted
nearly eight centuries. Several wooden and clay ruin is the focus of one of the upcoming installments
models of creatures, objects and buildings, a few of the Age of Worms Adventure Path in Dunceon,
unfinished statues and many strange mechanical scheduled to appear in issue #130 of the magazine.

• *- ,.

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Although nominally ruled by a lord mayor,Cauldron

secretlyservesas the demesne ofa greedybeholder S*AR*iriG CHAPTER HIIE
t.named Vhalantru. Disguised as an influential no The PCs should be brand-new and fresh Ist-level
ble,"Lord Vhalantru" is the secret power behind Cauldron's characters when this chapter begins. You may wish
government. He charms various nobles, merchants, and to run a few role-playingencounters with some of
members of the town guard. He pokes his eyestalksinto Cauldron's NPCs before starting with Event 1, or
various legitimate and illegal ventures within Cauldron's you can simply jump right into the game with the
walls,and no one—not even the lord mayor or the captain accosted priest.
of the town guard—is the wiser.
In general, life in Cauldron is good. The town guard
deals with local troublemakers but leaves the bigger easy marks. At some point, the PCs might question local
problems (like marauding monsters) to the lord mayor guards about the abductions and crime scenes, hoping to
or one of the many churches in town. Both the lord find clues to the kidnappers' identities. Each successful
mayor and the priests of Cauldron periodically hire ad DC 12 Gather Information check reveals one of the fol
venturers to deal with such problems directly. lowing pieces of information:
Townsfolk are generally pleased with the lord mayor,
although a recent string of disappearances and robber Jo People have been kidnapped from every district in
ies worries them. People have been taken from their the town. The crimes are not particularly localized.
homes during the night, and the town guard has been Jo Most ofthe victims are low- to middle-class citizens,
unable to identify the culprits or locate the vanished but otherwise nothing seems to connect them.
citizens. Moreover, the victims' homes were stripped of Jo- All of the recent kidnappings have occurred at
portable valuables. It seems that no place is secure. night. The kidnappers prefer to strike on overcast
Cauldron's beholder overlord knows the secret behind nights or when the moon is new.
the abductions. Vhalantru has met Kazmojen, the half- Jo- The town guard has been watching suspected
dwarf/half-troll slave trader who dwells below the town members of the Last Laugh or the Alleybashers,
in an old stronghold called the Malachite Fortress.This but their vigilance has not yet paid off.
unscrupulous slave trader runs a slave bazaar where he Jo The perpetrators pick the locks ofthe victims' dwell
sells his latest acquisitions to creatures of the Underdark. ings. Once inside, they grab their prey, steal any loot
Kazmojen is a recent arrival, and is still carving out a they can gather quickly, and vacate the premises.
business niche for himself Vhalantru has accommodated Jo No witnesses have come forward to report screams,
him thus far, allowing Kazmojen to continue operating loud scuffles, or sinister figures creeping about on
his business in return for regular monthly bribes. Skulks the nights of the kidnappings.
and dark creepers are directly responsible for the abduc Jo The local constabulary suspects between two and
tions: the people they capture are taken to Kazmojen. six culprits, based on the number of footprints
The kidnappers get to keep whatever they take from the found at various crime scenes. The footprints sug
homes of the abductees,plus a percentage of Kazmojen's gest that the abductors include both Small and
profits from the sale of the slaves. Medium humanoids.
The recent disappearance of four children from the
Lantern Street Orphanage has outraged many locals and The skulks and dark creepers select victims who
prompted a distraught cleric of St. Cuthbert to use a holy might be worth something as slaves. They like to pick
relic in her church to cast a divinationspell.The spell has a victim in the evening, follow their mark home, and
revealedseveralimportant clues,which the clerichas been survey the victim's residence until nightfall. Then, in
unableto piecetogether.Enter the playercharacters. the dead of night, they slip inside, quickly subdue the
victim, and loot the place.
THE KIDNAPPINGS The attack on the orphanage is a new twist: One of
The abductors have buUied copies of several skeleton Kazmojen's recurring clients—a durzagon (half-fiend
keys from local locksmith Keygan Ghelve. They creep duergar) named Pyllrak Shyraat—wants younger slaves
out of Ghelve's Locks at night and scour the town for who are more tractable and less likely to revolt. Thus,
Kazmojen has given the skulks and dark creepers in Sondor Ironfold (female dwarf, age 127): Wife of
structions to gather children from the city above. Lorthan Ironfold, she and her husband disappeared 35
nights ago.
RECENT ABDUCTEES Rikaldo Veskar (male human, age 34): His ransacked
During their investigation into the kidnappings, the home contained blood droplets and blood-encrusted
players might ask for a list of missing townsfolk. Al knives—not surprising, since Rikaldo worked as a skin
though investigating these past victims only yields ner. He disappeared 31nights ago.
more dead ends, you can use the following list to pro Lestor Coldwater (male human, age 22): A trained
vide some details of each of the kidnap victims. scribe and struggling poet. He and his girlfriend, Jel-
Tiervan Wispwort (male gnome, age 91): A local al luth, vanished from her home 26 nights ago.
chemist, Tiervan lived with two cats and ran a margin Jelluth Sirlana (female half-elf, age 33): A struggling
w ally successful business. He disappeared 88 nights ago. shoemaker who inherited her father's failing busi
Jorl Seerkin (male gnome, age 72): A law clerk who ness, she vanished (along with her boyfriend, Lestor) 26
worked for a local gnome barrister named AerykGylbar, nights ago.
he disappeared from his home 83nights ago. Elethor Ashstaff (male half-elf, age 58): A wizard
Azmi Dresker (female human, age 19): A known and trickster who occasionally performed minor feats
prostitute who plied her trade at the Slippery Eel Tav of prestidigitation at birthday parties for upper-class
ern, she disappeared from her residence 81 nights ago. children. A dead rat—possibly Elethor's familiar—was
She and a coworker, Snellen Rycah, rented the house found in his home. He vanished 22 nights ago.
from an old woman named Martira Hathaway, who Maple (female halfling, age 32): Last name unknown,
was asleep in the house that night and didn't hear or Maple was rumored to be associated with the Alleybash
see anything. ers. She disappeared 18 nights ago.
Snellen Rycah (female human, age 20): Another Corystan Pike (female human, age 35): A retired adven
prostitute who frequented the Slippery Eel Tavern and turer who wasliving on stolen loot, she walked with a cane.
shared a house with coworker Azmi Dresker and their She disappeared from her modest abode 16 days ago.
landlord. Snellen vanished 81 nights ago. Jasper Drundlesput (male gnome, age 74): Areclusive
Krylscar Endercott (male human, age 24): Kicked out of and eccentric mathematician who worked at Bluecrater
the local militia for drunk and disorderly conduct, Kryls Academy,he is believed to have vanished nine days ago.
car vanished from his parents' home 74 nights ago. Neither Pieces of parchment covered with numbers and sym
parent heard or sawanything suspicious,but theybelieve bols littered the floor of his ransacked house.
Krylscarmay haverobbed them and fled town in disgrace. Deakon Stormshield (male dwarf, age 20): A bright
Callum Sunnyrush (male halfling, age 37): He dwarf Deakon was taken from the Lantern Street Or
groomed horses and ponies for the Lathenmire noble phanage three nights ago. The orphanage took him in
family. He vanished from his room at a cozy local inn when he was six years old, after his parents failed to
69 nights ago. return from an adventure.
Gryffon Malek (male human, age 33): He worked as a Evelyn Radavec (female human, age 9): A quiet, sullen
barkeep at the Tipped Tankard tavern. He disappeared girl, she was taken from the Lantern Street Orphanage
66 days ago, three days before his planned wedding to three nights ago.Her father and mother succumbed to the
tavern barmaid Imelie Deranti. filth fever plague that struck Cauldron seven years ago.
Szordra Callagher (female human, age 35): A self-pro LucindaAldreen (femalehuman, age8):Agregarious but
claimed sage,she ran her own small bookstore. She was superstitious child given to the Lantern Street Orphanage
last seen 60 nights ago by her 18-year-oldson Leagan,a at age four by her poverty-stricken mother, Lucinda was
mason's apprentice. abducted from the orphanage three nights ago.
Tembor Kalavan (male human, age 25): A local min Terrem Kharatys (male human, age 9): This orphan,
strel of some repute, he vanished 52nights ago from his taken from the Lantern Street Orphanage three nights
room in the Laughing Horse Inn. ago, is a dour and temperamental lad. His parents died
Irruth Mercadi (female human, age 36): A local chan shortly after his birth (circumstances unknown).
dler who disappeared from the apartment above her
shop 47 nights ago. CAMPAIGN NOTES
Deven Myrzal (male human, age 18): A lamplighter At this point in the campaign, the Cagewrights have
who vanished 45 nights ago. Guards found the pole De gathered all of the soulcagesthey need for the ritual of
ven used to unhook hanging lanterns in the street a few planar junction. All that remains now is the gather
blocks from his home (whichwasnot robbed). ing of thirteen Shacklebom for this event. When the
Jeneer Everdawn (female halfling, age 42): Ajeweler's campaign begins,elevenof the Shacklebom are already
apprentice who did volunteer work at BluecraterAcad prisoners of the Cagewrights;these prisoners are kept
emy, she disappeared 40 nights ago. under Shatterhorn until later in the campaign, when
Lorthan Ironfold (male dwarf, age 125): Askilled cart- they are moved to the Fiery Sanctum itself deep un
wright. He and his wife, Sondor, vanished from their der Cauldron. The Cagewrights have selected a local
home 35 nights ago. orphan Shacklebom named Terrem as their 12th vie-
tim, and for the majority of the next few chapters of have the time to respond to the following encounter
this campaign the Cagewrights continue to search for setup, after all!
an appropriate 13th Shacklebom. If one of the PCs has
the Scarred Soul trait and is thus one of the Shackle- EVENT 1: THE ACCOSTED PRIEST (EL 3)
born, you should assume that the PCs' identity as one
of the Shacklebom has simply escaped the notice of A wretched drizzle falls from the ash-gray sky. The
the Cagewrights for now. If the Cagewrights learn that crowded, rain-slicked buildings seem especially
one of the PCs bears the sign of the Carcerian Eye be bleak and frightful this evening, hunched together
fore they capture Zenith Splintershield at the end of beneath the gloomy skies. A few lights burn in their
Chapter Four (perhaps because that PC has publicly windows, but mostly their shutters have been closed
displayed his birthmark or otherwise made a big deal for the night. The scent of chimney smoke fills the
about the strange invisible sigil on his face), the Cage air, and the din of water trundles from the rooftops, o
wrights opt not to use this PC as one of their victims splashing into dark alleys and turning street gutters
and decide to use Zenith instead, simply because they into rivulets. A sudden, plaintive cry for help from a
don't want to risk abducting a growing celebrity from nearby alley splits the evening air.
Cauldron's streets and triggering an early investigation
into their plans from the adventurers' allies. At this point, a successful DC 5 Listen check allows
When Terrem is stolen from the orphanage (along a PC to hear the sounds of a scuffle and cursing from
with three other children) by some skulks and dark the same nearby alleyway.The alley is 10 feet wide and
creepers working for a half-dwarf/half-troll slaver 60 feet long, opening into a street at either end. Like
named Kazmojen, the Cagewrights become agitated many alleys in Cauldron, it slopes toward the center of
and turn to Vhalantru to find the boy and return him to town at a fairly steep 150 angle; steps have been carved
safety.They should not make any personal appearances into the alleyway in many places to ease progress along
before the PCs in this chapter, with the possible excep its length. Two-story buildings loom on both sides.
tion ofThifirane at the chapter's end. Creatures: Within, three figures assault a fourth,
who lies face down on the wet cobblestones. One of
*HE ADYEimiRE BEGII1S the attackers lifts the victim by the hood of his cloak
The campaign begins with an encounter in the streets and thrusts him against a wall as another growls, "Stay
of Cauldron. The PCs may or may not know each other, awayfrom the orphanage, you got that?"
but as fate would have it, all of them are nearby when The three attackers have painted their faces half
they hear cries for help from a nearby alleyway.Ask each white and half black with makeup; a successful DC 15
PC why they are put on the streets this late autumn eve Knowledge (local) or bardic knowledge check reveals
ning, but try to guide their responses so they're not that the painted faces indicate the thugs are affiliated
about something terribly important. You want them to with the Last Laugh, Cauldron's most notorious thieves'
guild. Twoof the three brutes (named Nilas Varkaziand in shadows, hoping to remain unseen. PCs who take
Hylum Ferant) are accosting a 19-year-old cleric of St. a standard action to study the alley can make a Spot
Cuthbert named Ruphus Laro. The third (named Ker- check (opposed by Jil's Hide check result) to notice her
len Ree) watches the street in case a guard patrol shows hiding 20 feet above.
up. Have this wary thug make a Spot check (opposed Jil stands 5 feet, 3 inches tall and has short black hair
by the PCs' Hide checks)to notice the PCs; if the Spot and dark brown eyes. She wears a hooded black cloak,
check fails, the PCs each get a standard action during black boots, and black leather gloves. Like all members
the ensuing surprise round. of her guild, she paints her face white and black, trans
Jenya Urikas, the acting high priest of the Church of forming it into a grinning harlequin's visage.Intrigued
St. Cuthbert, sent Ruphus to console distraught chil by the brazen PCs,she does not attack them. She might
dren and staff members at the orphanage. He was head fare quite well against them, but she never jumps blind
ing back to the temple when the thugs ambushed him ly into combat against the unknown. If she is spotted or
and dragged him into the alley. attacked, Jil calls out, "Well done! But the cleric lives be
The Last Laugh thieves' guild doesn't want the cause we wish it so, not because of your misplaced bra
Church of St. Cuthbert snooping around the orphan vado." She then points a baleful finger at Ruphus and
age for clues about the recent abductions for a singu says,"Take these words back to your temple, priest! The
larly sinister reason: the guild provides intelligence children are lost and no longer St. Cuthbert's concern."
for the Cagewrights at the insistence of LadyThifirane, She then flees the scene, activating her wand ofsilenceto
and they've recently been asked to discourage people quiet her footfalls.
from investigating the abductions in order to give Lord Jil has no concern for the welfare of the thugs. She
Vhalantru an opportunity to track the child down and hired them specifically to accost the cleric, and they
to prevent outsiders from learning too much about the know nothing of the guild's plans and associations.
child's special nature. Although she'd rather not fight the PCs at this time,
^ Street Thugs (3): hp 14each; see Appendix4. Jil will fight to defend herself if forced to do so. She
^ Ruphus Laro: hp 12 (currently has 10 points of likes to sneak attack her prey using her poisoned short
nonlethal damage); see Appendix 4. sword. Her death attack makes her especiallydangerous
Tactics:The thugs want to scare Ruphus, not kill him. if she can study her target for 3 rounds before striking.
However,they draw swords when the PCs show up. One Jil uses her +1 whip to trip or disarm opponents from a
of them tells the heroes to "Bugger off!" If that doesn't safe distance.
work,theybegin slowlybackingawaywhilereadyingac Jil is quite capable of vanquishing a band of ist-lev
tions to swing at anyone who rushes toward them. As el adventurers by herself, but that is not her intent in
they back away, the battered cleric makes his way to this encounter. However, if the heroes perform well
ward the characters. against the three toughs, Jil might pay closer attention
If attacked, the thugs draw their short swords as a to them in the future.
free action (using the Quick Draw feat) and gang up on If a PC casts charm person on Jil and succeeds, or
a single target at a time. manages to adjust her initial attitude of unfriendly to
When battle erupts, Ruphus casts bless(on friendly with a DC 25 Diplomacy check, she
himself and the PCs), magic weapon (on treats that character with uncharacter
his mace), and enlargeperson on himself istic kindness but does not divulge
before joining the fray. He also heals guild secrets or stick around long
wounded characters after the fight. enough to be captured. If she es
Development: Ifthe heroes rescue capes, she might take a special
Ruphus, he asks them to escort him interest in her new "friend" (even
to his temple. He tells the PCs that after the charm person spell wears
he was heading back to the temple off), partly because she's intrigued
when he was mugged. He thought and partly because she likes to live
the thugs planned to rob him until dangerously. How this relationship
it became clear they were trying to develops is left for you to decide.
intimidate him. Ruphus knows Captured or charmed thugs have an
only that someone does not initial attitude of unfriendly. If made
want the Church of St. Cuth friendly with a DC 25 Diplomacy check
bert involved in an investiga (or if successfully charmed) they reveal
tion to find four missing chil that a member of the Last Laugh named
dren from the local orphanage, Jil hired them to "send a clear message" to
but he can't fathom why. In any case, he asks the PCs the Church of St. Cuthbert not to investigate the disap
to escort him back to the temple, where he promises pearance of the four children from the Lantern Street
his superior can reward them for their kindness. Orphanage. They also reveal that they work for the town
The thugs work for a rogue named Jil. She lurks guard and needed the money, and since the arrange
on the roof of one building, where she cloaks herself ment didn't involve killing the cleric, they agreed. PCs
can surrender these goons to the town guard, who takes Jo In the wake of the kidnappings, the Church of St.
them into custody and charge them with assault. The Cuthbert has publicly vowed to locate the missing
guards are held for three days and released after an children and bring the kidnappers to justice.
anonymous source pays each of their 50 gp fines. Jo To locate the children, Jenya borrowed an item
If the heroes get into trouble fighting the three off- from the church's vault. This is a +1 holy heavy
duty guards, a patrol arrives to break up the fight. Ru- mace called the Star of Justice. It has the power to
phus's three attackers attempt to flee before their fellow cast divinationonce per week. Only the church's
guardsmen identify them. PCs who allow one or more high priest is supposed to use it, but in his ab
of them to escape might encounter these guards again, sence, Jenya felt justified calling on the mace's
possibly while they are on duty. great power.
In any event, once this event doesn't go quite the Jo Jenya used the mace to ask the question, "Where
way the Last Laugh intended, they wash their hands of are the children who were abducted from the Lan
their involvement. They don't want to attract undue at tern Street Orphanage?"The response she received
tention, and for the remainder of this adventure their was a cryptic riddle. She wrote the riddle down and
agents make no further attempts to discourage the PCs • hands the PCs the note at this time:
from tracking down the abductees. ffl
? Jil: hp 27 each; see Appendix 4.
7*Axfe« kyitjbdyitm.|4^ jfc
This encounter assumes the PCs escort Ruphus Laro
3 '
back to the Church of St. Cuthbert on Obsidian Avenue.
He seems grateful for their company, and the short trip wMtfttk.J/mA inkik KuUht 'Ml •
can be spent sharing rumors. Consult the introduction
for details on the Church of St. Cuthbert.
Ruphus invites the characters inside, if only to es
cape the rainy drizzle. He also encourages them to
meet with his superior, Jenya Urikas, to whom he must
report his recent harrowing encounter. Upon entering
V- 1
the temple, Ruphus is greeted by another acolyte and St. Cuthbert's cryptic riddle holds many clues. The
taken to Jenya's chambers. Meanwhile, the heroes are first sentence refers to the locks on the doors of the
given warm blankets and invited to dry off and enjoy Lantern Street Orphanage; Keygan Ghelve, the lock
some hot tea. smith who wrought them, owns a shop in town. The
Afterleavingthe PCs to speak with Jenya,Ruphus does second sentence refers to the curtain in Keygan's shop,
not return. Instead, Jenya approaches them. Jenya has behind which is hidden a secret door that leads to an
premature streaks of gray in her rich brown hair, and abandoned gnome enclave under Cauldron. The third
wears a brown robe with golden trim and the symbol sentence refers to the gear-shaped doors in the gnome
of St. Cuthbert around her neck. She thanks the PCs for enclave,many of which are trapped and none of which
coming to Ruphus' aid, then leads them to a room where need be opened to reach the children. The fourth sen
they can sit down and enjoy a warm fire. If the PCs seem tence refers to a stronghold carved from black mala
eager to leave, she invites them to stay long enough to chite, where the children are being held until they can
entertain a proposal. She has not givenup on helping the be sold as slaves. The last sentence refers to the half-
Lantern Street Orphanage, despite the recent attack on dwarf slaver Kazmojen and his plans to sell the chil
Ruphus Laro. If the PCs are willing to hear her proposal, dren to an eager buyer.
she relates the following information. Jenya believes (correctly) that the first line of the
riddle holds an important clue. She is uncertain which
Jo Four children were kidnapped from the local or "locks" the riddle refers to, but she suspects the riddle
phanage three nights ago. Their names were Deak might be referring to the locks at the Lantern Street Or
on, Evelyn, Lucinda, and Terrem. The children are phanage. Jenya isn't a lock expert, nor does she know
the most recent victims in a series of strange dis that most of the city's locks come from a single source.
appearance and robberies. Creatures: Jenya is 30 years old, has brown eyes, and
Jo The orphanage has two common bedchambers on likes to wear her hair in various elaborate styles. Al
the second floor—one for girls, the other for boys. though she stands only 5 feet 4 inches tall, she walks
Two children were taken from each room. None of tall and confronts evil with merciless resolve. Her good
the other children and none of the resident staff nature belies her fierce convictions, and she freely sup
heard or saw anything. ports capital punishment for despicable crimes, includ
Jo The orphanage has barred windows and excel ing the kidnapping of orphaned children.
lent locks protecting its doors. The children are ^ Jenya Urikas: hp 31; see Appendix 4.
locked into their rooms at night to prevent any Development: Jenya wants to hire the PCs to find the
midnight mischief. missing townsfolk (the children, in particular) and punish
the kidnappers for their crimes. She offers each PC a po On the night the four children were taken, no one
tion of cure moderate wounds as a token of good faith and saw or heard anything, although one of the young boys
promises an additionalreward of 2,500 gp (total, not per remembered having a nightmare about an evil gnome
PC) upon successfulcompletionof the quest.The potion with crooked teeth and a tattered cloak trying to snatch
bottles are labeledwith the symbolof St.Cuthbert his breath. The PCs can question the lad (a hyperactive
PCs can inquire about locks around town. A suc 8-year-old human boy named Andro), but his night
cessful Gather Information check (DC 10)reveals that mare is unrelated.
a gnome locksmith named Keygan Ghelve fashions Gretchyn also points out that the PCs aren't the only
most of the town's locks. Most people can point he ones investigating the children's disappearance. The
roes toward Keygan's shop on Lava Street without too morning after the disappearances, members of the
much trouble. town guard took statements from each staff member
If the PCsdon't think to askaround, Jenyasuggeststhat and questioned many of the children. One day later,
they investigatethe Lantern Street Orphanageand ask a pair of half-elf investigators working for the lord
about the locks there. In the meantime,Jenya can com mayor returned and questioned her again, but didn't
pile a list of recent kidnap victims(see "RecentAbduct- speak to the children or other staffmembers. Gretchyn
ees"above)andhave it readyfor thePCs bymorning. took their names, naturally: Fario Ellegoth and Fellian
Shard. Although they exchanged some peculiar glances
EVENT 3: THE LANTERN STREET and asked many of the same questions as the guards,
ORPHANAGE (ELI) they seemed genuinely concerned for the children.
If the PCs accept Jenya's quest, they might want to in The orphanage has good locks (Open Lock DC 30)
vestigate the local orphanage for clues. Anyone at the built into the front and back doors, and only Gretchyn
Churchof St. Cuthbertcan point the heroesin theright has the key to open them. Gretchyn insists that she al
direction. See the Introduction for generaldetailsabout wayslocks the doors before she retires for the night. A
the orphanage. PC rogue who inspects the locks and succeeds at a DC
If the PCs knock, an elderly halfling woman opens 15Search check can determine that the locks were fash
the door a crack and peers out. Not recognizingthe ioned by the same locksmith and are in perfect work
PCs, her eyes flicker with suspicion. "Who sent you?" ing condition. If asked, Gretchyn tells the heroes that
she asks curtly. Keygan Ghelve, a local locksmith, fashioned the locks
The woman is GretchynTashykk(72-year-oldfemale for her many years ago, "and he charged a pretty coin,
halfling commoner 1), the orphanage's headmistress. If let me tell you!"
the heroes claim they are workingfor the Church of St. Creature:Unknown to anyone at the orphanage, Patch
Cuthbert, Gretchyn demands proof The heroes must worksfor the LastLaugh.Alow-rankingguild member
either succeedat a Diplomacycheck(DC 15) or showher named Revus Twindaggers contacted the half-ore last
the potion bottles bearing the St. Cuthbert label given year and gave him 50 gp to "keep his eye" on Terrem
to them by Jenya Urikas. Kharatys, one of the children, until the service was no
Once she's convinced that the heroes do not pose a longer required. Since then, Patch has honed his skills
threat to her or her children, Gretchynlets them inside as a rogue and learned a few tricks from his new friend,
and apologizes for her gruff demeanor. indulging in petty acts of larceny.
Gretchyn tells the PCs that the orphanage has five If the PCs succeed at a DC 15 Diplomacy check or oth
staff members besides herself erwise persuade Patch to divulge what he knows "for his
sake and that of the children," he reveals his association
Jo Jaromir Copperbeard, the gardener (99-year-old to the Last Laugh but begs the PCs not to share this
male dwarf commoner 1). information with Headmistress Tashykk.
Jo NevaFanister, the nurse (31-year-oldfemale human Patch doesn't know who took the four children, al
expert 2; Heal +6). though he suspects the Last Laugh might be involved
Jo Temar Flagonstern, the cook (48-year-oldmale hu because Terrem was among those taken. He did not
man commoner 1). step forward with this information because of his in
Jo Willow Atherfell, the schoolteacher (54-year-oldfe volvement with the guild.
male half-elf commoner 1). ^ Patch, male half-ore commoner l/rogue 1: hp 7;
Jo Patch, the janitor (23-year-old male half-ore com see Appendix 4.
moner l/rogue 1). Development Patch has enjoyed more than a few
drinks with Revus Twindaggers but has not seen the half
The staff has worked at the orphanage for severalyears, ling in a month; he doesn't know where Revusfives,where
and Gretchyn trusts them implicitly,but the headmistress he might be, or why the Last Laugh wanted him to watch
holds a special affection for Patch, the half-orejanitor. He over Terrem specifically. However, the half-ore dimly re
was brought to the orphanage twenty years ago, and the callsa conversation he had with Revus severalmonths ago,
abuse he suffered as a child left him without his left eye. shortly after their first meeting. When Patch asked why
He wears an eye patch to hide the empty socket, and the the LastLaughwas interested in Terrem,the tipsyhalfling
children seem especiallyfond of him. shrugged his shoulders and replied,"All I know is that is
has something to do with his on himself, Fario, and Fellian, and made it permanent
dead parents." using a permanencyspell.The three remain in constant
If the PCs visit the office telepathic contact, speaking Draconic or Elven when
of the lord mayor, they are ever possible. Fario and Fellian watch the temple and
denied an audience with orphanage (respectively)from distant rooftops, us
the lord mayor himself ing spyglassesto get a belter view. Once they've
but can obtain a list of identified the PCs, the
recent kidnap victims half-elves attempt
(see "Recent Abduct- to follow them
ees") with a success without be
ful DC 15 Diplomacy ing detected.
check. If the heroes Meerthan has
ask to meet with the provided them
half-elf investigators each with a po
assigned to the case tion of invisibil
ity, but each dose tn
of the missing or
phans, they are told lasts only 10 min
that the lord mayor utes, .so the half-
does not employ any elves use the po
half-elf investigators. The tions only in
names Fario Ellegoth and emergencies.
Fellian Shard are met with raised Creatures:

eyebrowsand blank stares. Fario Ellegoth

Attempts to arrange meetings with actual representa and Fellian Shard
tives of the Last Laugh are hopeless for ist-levelcharac :e relatively young
ters,as are any attempts to locate the Last Laugh guild- inexperienced
house. If they ask many people about Fario and Fellian, ;rs of Fharlanghn.
though, the half-elveseventuallyhear and contact the ape to learn more
PCs in Event 4. from Meerthan, as well as
Ad-hoc XP Award:If the heroes pry information from gain some prestige within the organization. De
Patch, award them experience as if they'd defeated the spite their friendship, the half-elves' ambitions and
half-ore in combat. competitiveness sometimes get the better of them,
and they constantly strive to one-up each other.
EVENT 4: MEETING THE STRIDERS Fario is 20 years old with a pale complexion, crisp
At some point during the heroes' investigation, they'll blue eyes, silky blonde hair cut short and left wild, and
catch the attention of a pair of half-elves named Fario a pinky finger missing from his left hand. Fellianis 19
Ellegothand Fellian Shard, either by asking too many years old with a tanned complexion,bright green eyes,
questions about them or because their multiple for a small scar across his right eyebrow,short brown hair,
ays into the ruins below Cauldron have started to earn and a cackling laugh.
them reputations as adventurers. Fario Ellegoth, male half-elf rogue l/fighter 1: hp 14;
The half-elves are members of the Striders of Fhar see Appendix 4.
langhn, and work for a half-elf wizard named Meerthan. Fellian Shard, male half-elf rogue l/cleric 1 (Fhar
Although many of the Striders worship Fharlanghn (the langhn): hp 12; see Appendix 4.
god of roads and horizons), Meerthan does not. Still, Tactics: The half-elves stay out of sight as long as
he shares the organization's hatred of the Cagewrights, possible. Their plan is to follow the PCs wherever
seeing them as a threat to the balance of power in the they go, hoping to discover a connection between
realm. Meerthan is in town posing as a dwarven mer the recent abductions and the Cagewrights. If the
chant named Tyro Amberhelm; he currently stays at PCs actively try to spot pursuers, have them make
The Drowning Morkoth Inn. Meerthan has sent Fario Spot checks opposed by the half-elves' Hide checks.
and Fellian to uncover evidence of the Cagewrights' in Remember to apply a -1 penalty to the Spot check
volvement in the recent string of abductions. See the for every 10 feet of distance between the spotter and
Introduction for more information on Meerthan El- the nearest half-elf pursuer. Apply an additional -2
iothlom and the Striders of Fharlanghn. penalty if it is raining or foggy.
Fario and Fellian have learned that the Church of St. If the PCs attack them with ranged weapons, the
Cuthbert plans to investigate the abductions, in particu half-elves duck into a nearby alley or scamper over a
lar the disappearance of four children from the local or nearby wall. Fellian might cast entropicshield on him
phanage. Since the high priest of St. Cuthbert is out of self hoping to dodge some missile attacks. If the PCs
town, Meerthan suspects the church will turn to private pursue them relentlessly, Fario and Fellian quaff their
investigators for help. He has cast Rary's telepathicbond potionsof invisibility.
If the PCs face an imminent demisefightingthe forces
of evil, the half-elves come to their aid. Fario waits until
Fellian casts divinefavorand shield offaith on himself al
lowing them to enter the fray during the same round.
The two half-elvestry to flank their quarry,tumbling to
avoid attacks of opportunity and hoping to deal sneak
attackdamage.Afterthe fight,if he is positivelydisposed
toward the PCs, Fellianmight offer to heal them using
his cure spells or scrolls.
Development: Once they are discovered, Fario and
Felliantry to avoid a conflictwith the PCs. Instead,they
offer to accompany the heroes on the remainder of then
mission. They saythey're good friends with Elethor Ash-
staff, a half-elf wizard abducted from his home more than
three weeks ago. They feign interest in finding Elethor
and mention nothing of Meerthanor the Cagewrights.
The half-elves don't stick around when the adventure
is over; they have other tasks to complete on their mas
ter's behalf Nevertheless, Fario and Fellian can become
mysterious recurring NPCs in the campaign, occasion
ally partaking in their own adventures and, like the PCs,
gaining experience as they go.

Armed with St. Cuthbert's riddle and suspicions con
cerning the locallocksmith,the PCsinvestigateGhelve's
Locks,a modest shop and dwellingon Lava Avenue.
KeyganGhelve,the locksmith,gave the skulks and dark
creepers skeleton keys fitting most of the town's locks.
Using these keys, the kidnappers can enter then victims'
homes without too much fuss. However, Keygan is an
unwillingaccompliceeagerto make amends—ifonlythe
evil skulkswould releasehis familiarfrom captivity.
The PCs' goal here is to find the secret door under
the staircase (area G3). Beyond the secret door lies the
abandoned gnome enclave of Jzadirune, the current
lair of the skulks and dark creepers. Jzadirune also
holds Keygan'scaptive familiar and the way to the kid
napped townsfolk.
WhenthePCsapproach,reador paraphrasethefollowing.

Asmall turret dominates the facade of this two-story

black stone building. Iron bars are embedded in the
thick window frames. Beyond the turret's ground-
floorwindowssits a lovelydisplayof locks,from large
to small, simple to complex. To the left of the tur
ret, above a heavyoak door, swings a simple sign that
reads "ghelve's locks."

Ghelve's Locks opens at sunrise and closes at sunset.

The shop also closes for an hour around lunchtime,
when Keygan runs most of his errands.
Keygan charges fair prices for his locks. Although he
has plenty of locks in inventory, and can make an aver
age lock in 3 days and a good lock in 5 days, he lacks the
skill to make amazingly good locks (although he has a
few imported from Sasserine for sale).
The front door has three good locking mechanisms,
each requiring a separate key or DC 30 Open Locks
check to open. The door is unlocked during work spent the rest of his free time learning the locksmith
hours. If the PCs knock on the door at night when the trade and helping his father run Ghelve's Locks. He
shop is closed, Keygan goes to the kitchen on the stopped visiting the enclave when a strange
second floor (area G4), opens one of the magical affliction called the Vanishing
shuttered windows facing the street, and caused many of Jzadirune's denizens
says, "Shop's closed, friend. Come back to fade into nothingness. His shop
after sunrise." If the PCs ask to speak hides the only known entrance
with him about recent events in the into Jzadirune, although only a
city, he replies, "It's late, and I'm not handful of gnomes living in Caul
ready to talk business—yours or dron know this. After 75 years, Jza
mine. Come back tomorrow!" Only dirune has faded from most people's
a compelling argument—and a suc memories.

cessful DC 15 Diplomacy or Intimi Somewhat bored with his business,

date check—persuades him to let Keygan began studying magic a year
the PCs inside after hours. If a PC ago. A little over three months ago,
threatens him and fails the Intimi a gang of skulks and dark creepers
date check, Keygan rushes down found their way into Jzadirune from
stairs to cast hold portalon the front below. They followed the staircase
door, adding +5 to its break DC. up to the locksmith's shop, crept in
PCs can force their wayinside, but the side, and surprised both Keygan and
front door is sturdy and the windows his rat familiar, Starbrow. Taking the
bars hidden behind locked wooden shutters familiar hostage, they blackmailed
(Open Lock DC 30). An iron grill embedded Keygan into telling them everything
in the chimney mortar prevents Small intruders from he knew about Cauldron. When the skulks learned
crawling down the chimney. that the gnome had crafted many of the town's locks,
PCs might attempt to sneak inside while Keygan is they made him create a single key that could open all
running errands during lunch hour. Beforesetting out, of them. Fearing they would kill him and his familiar,
the gnome casts an alarm on the front door (the spell Keygan createdspecial"skeletonkeys" that would open
lasts 2 hours). The spell activates whenever someone any of his own locks. He then gave them a meticulous
other than Keygan crossesthe door's threshold, and the list of everyonein town to whom he'd sold locks in the
noise is loud enough to alert Keygan'sclosest neighbors past ten years.
(who are kind enough to summon the townguard). Keygan is not proud of his complicity,but he dares
Ij Front Door (strong,iron-bound wood): 2 in. thick; not act against the skulks so long as they're watching
Hardness5; hp 30; break DC 25; three good locks(Open him and holding his familiar hostage.
Lock, DC 30). ? Keygan Ghelve, Male Gnome expert 3/illusionist
IjJ Interior Door (good wood):11/2 in. thick; Hardness 1:hp 17; see Appendix 4.
5; hp 15; breakDC 18; good lock(Open Lock, DC 30). Tactics: If the heroes accuse Keygan of criminal
H? Window Shutters (simple wood): 1 in. thick; Hard wrongdoing or collusion, he denies their accusations.
ness5; hp 10; break DC15; good lock(Open Lock,DC30). However, if they try to stir up pity for the kidnap vic
<p Window and Chimney Bars (iron): 1 in. thick; tims, Keygan grows increasingly nervous and belliger
Hardness 10; hp 30; break DC 24. ent as he struggles to deal with his complicity.
Ij? Typical Lock: Hardness 15; hp 30; Open Lock (very Persuading Keygan to reveal the truth requires good
simple: DC 20, average:DC 25, good: DC 30). roleplayingcoupled with a successfulDC 15 Diplomacy
Creature: Keygan Ghelve is 110 years old, with salt- check. The PCs can also gain his trust with a charm per
and-pepper hair and a neatly trimmed mustache and son spell. Even then, the cagey gnome doesn't blurt out
goatee. His bushy eyebrows,creased face, and graven the truth where one or more skulks might hear him (see
frown make him look frumpy and dour, but he pos area G3). Instead, he tries to warn the PCs that he is not
sesses a sly wit and a disarming manner. alone, using subtle gestures (arching eyebrows,a nod
Keygan doesn't like clients looking down on him toward the back of his shop, and so forth) to tip them
while they're haggling over prices. During business off. Keyganmust make a successful DC 15 Bluff check to
hours, he wears a pair of wood-and-iron stilts that convey this information to the PCs. His Bluff check is
clamp to his calves and wears extra-long pants to hide only +0, though, and if he fails this check by 5 or more
them. The stilts make him appear nearly 6 feet tall. He it might seem to the characters that he's inviting one of
is accustomed to walking on the stilts and suffers no them into the back room for a little fun.
penalty to his speed. He does not wear the stilts at night If attacked, Keygan tries to incapacitate as many
or while running errands, and leans them in a corner by PCs as possible using color spray. If all of the PCs are VjA\ >,
the stairs when they're not in use. knocked unconscious by the spell, Keygan binds them $ •s b*'
Although he never lived in Jzadirune, Keygan vis with rope found in his workshop. It takes him 2 rounds
ited the gnome enclave several times in his youth and to fetch the rope and return with it, and 2 rounds to
bind a single character.The skulk assigned to watch Keygan can provide a worn map of Jzadirune, but he
Keygan (see Development, below, and area G3) helps refusesto accompanythe PCs into the gnome enclaveun
Keygan tie up the characters, then heads down to Jza less charmed or forced at sword point Although Keygan
dirune to fetch reinforcements. PCs can free them remembershis father tellinghim aboutsecretpassagesin
selves with a successful Escape Artist check (DC 10 + Jzadirune,Keygandoesn'tknowwhereanyof themare,and
Keygan'sUse Rope check result). theyare not shown on his map. Keygan's memory of the
If his colorspray fails horribly, or if he takes 9 or more variouschambersand theircontentsis sketchy,at best.
points of damage, Keygan surrenders and promises to Although Keygan's failure to report what he knew
reveal everything he knows. about the abductions might be understandable, it's
Development:One skulk guards the shop atall times. still not excusable. If his compliance with the skulks
The skulk hides on the second-floorbalconyoverlook is brought to the attention of the town guard, Keygan
ing area G3, within view of the secret door under the pleads guilty and begs for leniency. His eventual fate is
staircase. Hidden from plain sight, the skulk can over left to you to decide, but certain powerful individuals in
hear conversationsin the shop and jump on anyone the region (particularly the slaverVervilAshmantle,who
who detects the secret door under the staircase. The is tangentiallytied to the abductions)might take action
skulk does not come to Keygan'srescueif the gnome is against him if he feels the gnome could pose a threat.
attacked in his shop. Ad-hoc XP Award: Award full experience for Key
If he can be coaxed into helping the PCs find the gan if the PCs befriend him or persuade him to make
missing townsfolk,Keygan reveals the followinginfor amends. Award half experience for Keygan if the PCs
mation about Jzadirune and its current denizens: kill him without provocation.

Jo The kidnappers also took his rat familiar,Starbrow. Gl. STOREFRONT

His rat familiar is located in a dark place within
one mile, and through his empathic link, he can This storefront smells of wood and pipe smoke.Two
sense both the rat's hunger and fright. padded chairs flank a hearth containing a small yet
Jo The kidnappers include two types of creatures: lively fire. The fireplace's carved mantle bears a tin-
"tall ones" and "short ones." The "tall ones" resem- derbox, a small vase of dried smoking leaves, and a
. ble naked, hairless, genderless humans with blue finely wroughtcollectionof pipes. Aburgundystrip
pupilless eyes and gray skin that changes color, of carpet leads from the entrance to the wall across
allowing them to blend perfectlywith their sur from it, where dozens—perhapshundreds—ofkeys
roundings.They are usuallyencounteredin pairs hang from tiny hooks. The keys come in all shapes
or threes and often leave the shop wearingcloaks. and sizes.Ahandsomelyengravedmahoganycounter
The "short ones" are sinister gnomelike creatures stretches along one wall. Behind it hangs a red cur
with pallid skin, large noses, and soft black hooves tain that neatly hides the rest of the store.
for feet.Theywear blackcloaksandcowlsthathelp
them hide in shadows. Keygan likes his customers to feel comfortable. The
Jo The kidnappers share a common language that padded chairs,hearth, smoking pipes,and other accou
Keygan doesn't recognize(Undercommon). trements are intended to put visitors at ease.
Jo If the kidnappers have a leader,Keygan hasn't seen The keys hanging on the wall open various locks.
it. The "tall ones" and "short ones" seem to get When Keygan sells a lock, he points to the key that
along just fine without one. opens it and allows the customer to remove it from the
Jo Keygan gave the kidnappers three different-sized wall—a bit of ceremony goes a long way.
skeleton keys that can open most of the town's Treasure: PCs searching the counter find a book con
locks (any lock with an Open Lock DC of 30 or taining a complete list of sales made in the past several
lower). One of the "tall ones" carries the keys on a years and a locked iron strongbox (Open Lock DC 30).
silver ring (see area J15). The strongbox holds three removable shelves; the top
Jo The "tall ones" wield rapiers and light crossbows. shelf holds 233 cp, the middle shelf holds 150 sp, and the
The "short ones" wield sharp daggers.They live in bottom shelf holds 126gp and 4 pp.
the ruins of Jzadirune.
Jo Jzadirune was a small enclave inhabited by gnome G2. WORKROOM
spellcasters.The enclave was abandoned 75 years The door to this room is locked with a good quality lock
ago after a magical plague called the Vanishing (Open LockDC 30).
swept through it. The disease caused several of
Jzadirune's residents to slowlyfade away into noth Unlike the front of the store, the contents of this
ingness. Keygan doesn't know whether the plague room are not neatly arranged. A stout-legged wooden
still poses a threat. table and matching stool stand at odd angles in the
Jo Jzadirune's doors are gear-shaped and designed to room, and tiny mechanisms and tools litter the ta- 1
roll to one side or the other. Many of them bore bletop. The floor is cluttered with upright kegs hold
traps that only the gnomes could safely bypass. ing tiny gears, screws, metal lock casings, tumblers,
Tlayer'sMap ofjzadirune

springs, and keys. A bucket of coal, a short-handled A secret door is hidden in the wall of the staircase,,
spade,and a small iron oven equipped with a minia next to the red curtain. The secret door is well hidden
ture bellowsoccupy the far corner of the workroom. and locked. With a loud squeal, it pushes open to reveal
A lantern rests on another stool near the door. a 10-foot-square landing at the top of a stone staircase
that descends into darkness.
Keygan stores the raw materials for his locks and $p Secret Door (wood): 2 in. thick; Hardness 5; hp 20;
works his craft in this room. It takes him several nights break DC 15; Search(DC 20); Open Lock(DC 20).
of tireless work to finish a single lock, and he can make Creature:A skulk hides on the balcony overlooking
locks of varying quality and complexity. this room.
The tools and lock components found here aren't ^ Skulk: hp 12; see Appendix 4.
valuable,except to a skilled locksmith. Tactics:The skulk leaps down when PCs find the se
cret door or motion toward the staircase, landing on
G3. LOCK DISPLAY AND STORAGE (EL 2) its feet in a square adjacentto its intended target.The
skulk must succeed at a Jump check (DC 15) to avoid
Black curtains partially obscure a window niche that takingid6 pointsof damagefrom the 10-footdrop.The
faces the street. Ornate locks and complex locking skulk loses the advantage of higher ground but gets
mechanisms are neatly displayed in the niche. The a free attack during the surprise round if the PCs fail
room itself looks tidy, but lived in. Carpets cover a Listen check and Spot check to notice it. The skulk
the stone floor, and a broom leans against the rail fights until captured or slain.
ing of a wooden staircase leading up to a second Treasure: The locks and mechanisms in the win
floor balcony.Three wooden chests rest in the mid dows are nonfunctional display models and worth
dle of the floor, their lids bound shut with sturdy only a few copper pieces each. Keygan's valuable
iron padlocks. Small tables, shelves, and benches merchandise is kept in the three locked chests (Open
hold various knick-knacks, and a framed portrait of Lock DC 30). The first chest holds Keygan's light
a silver-haired gnome hangs next to a tall wooden crossbow and 10 crossbow bolts. The second chest
box at the base of the stairs. The wooden box con contains twenty-five very simple locks (20 gp each)
tains an intricate array of ticking gears, counter and sixteen average locks (40 gp each). The third
weights, and cylindrical chimes, surmounted by a chest holds eight good locks (80 gp each) and three
circular face that bears the numerals 1 through 12 amazing locks (150 gp each). The total value of the
on its circumference. locks is 2,230 gp.
The grandfather clock, as an heirloom and oddity, V, f%

The construct at the base of the stairs is a grandfather might be worth as much as 2,500 gp to an interested ^'n^
clock built by Keygan's father, who is expertly depicted buyer.The portrait of Keygan's father (illustrated by an
in the framed portrait. The clock weighs 300 pounds. unknown artist) is worth 5gp.
Development: PCs who step through the secret door
find themselveson a dark landing.Astone staircase(see
area Ji) descends into Jzadirune and the next chapter of
the adventure.


This kitchen contains all the basic amenities, includ

ing a tablewith an hourglassrestingatop it.Afireplace
dominates one wall, with pots hanging from hooks
on either side. Two cabinets with frosted-glassdoors
hold dishware and utensils. A half-barrel washbasin Trap: Two spring-loaded scything blades sweep out
stands in the far corner next to a lockedpantry. from narrow compartments between the drawers when
the bottom drawer is opened without the proper key.
Nothing in the kitchen appears out of place.The lock V Scything Blade Trap: CR 1; mechanical; location
on the pantry is very simple(Open Lock DC 20). Apart trigger; automatic reset; Atk +8 melee (id8/x3); Search
from the expectedsupplyof preservedfoodstuffs,spic DC 21; Disable Device DC 22.
<? es, and soap, the pantry contains little of interest. Treasure:The painted screen is finely wrought and
Treasure:The hourglass is worth 25 gp intact. worth 25 gp intact. The bookcase holds some mundane
books, including a thick volume titled BuildingBetter
G5. KEYGAN'S BEDROOM (EL 1) Locks(worth10gp to a locksmith).
Keyganlocks thedoortothis roomatnightbeforehegoes
to sleep.Thedoorhasagood lock(OpenLock DC 30). YAniSHirtG in
This richly appointed bedroom holds furniture sized Gnome architects and artisans designed and built
for a person of small stature.Acoat rack sits by the much of Cauldron. One of these architects, a gnome
door, while elsewherein the room sit a cozy bed with wizard named Jzadirune, also found time to carve out
a. hand-sewn comforter, a clean bedpan, a chest of a secluded enclave beneath the city for himself and his
drawers at the foot of the bed, a wooden screen with kin. The enclave, which was named after its creator, be
birds painted on its panels, a wardrobe, and a small came a sanctuary for gnome spellcasters and maesters.
bookcase with some books and trinkets on it. A lan Jzadirunebecame known as a place to build or acquire
tern sits atop a small end table by the bed. wondrous magic items. No one suspected that Jza
dirune had discovereda spell weaver vault during his
The wardrobeholds Keygan's clothes,includingsev early exploration of the region, or that his discoveries
eral small vests and three pairs of boots. would imbue all he built in his enclave with a horrific
The chest at the foot of the bed holds three drawers, lurking curse.
all held shut bya single good lock (Open Lock DC 30). The wizard Jzadirune died of natural causes a few
The drawershold the following: years after realizing his dream. Meanwhile, the enclave
Top Drawer. This drawer holds a varnished wooden continuedto churn out newmagic items.Its forges spit
comb,a sewingneedleand spoolsof thread,blankpiec out magic rings by the handful, its weavers spun mag
es of parchment,ajar of sepiaink,and somequills. ic clothing to pack a hundred wardrobes,and young
Middle Drawer. This contains some handwritten gnomes were taught the fine arts of scroll scribing,
notes on lock designs.Buried under them is a map of wandmaking,and potion brewing.The gnomes of Jza
Jzadirune written on a tattered piece of coarse leather. dirune were also known for their way with machinery,
The map does not revealsecretpassagesor show any of and created an assortment of mechanical automatons.
the newpassagesdug bythe dark creepers. Seventy-fiveyears ago, the gnomes of Jzadirune fell
Bottom Drawer.This drawer contains Keygan's spell- prey to a magical plague called the Vanishing. The ori
book.The drawer is also trapped (see below). gin of the plague remains a mystery, although some
scholars speculate that the gnomes' unorthodox meth-

fU5J5iaiji^iG!E D
ods for creating magic items spawned the disease. bears a tiny symbol at one end. For the key to work,
Others hypothesize that an unscrupulous competitor the symbol on the key must match the glyph on the
or a dissatisfied customer created the disease to put door. See Diagram #1:GearDoor and Key for a diagram
the gnomes out of business. In truth, the Vanishing showing a "J"door and matching "J" key. If the wrong
was a magical ward created long ago by a sect of spell key is placed in a door,nothing happens. Inserting the
weavernecromancers as a method of punishing those proper key causes a locked door to open or causes an
who sought to steal their powerful magic.The Vanish open door to roll shut and lock.
ing tooksome time to awakenafter Jzadirune'stheft of A knock spell opens a locked door. However, opening
the ancient spell weaver vault, but when it did awaken a gear door without the proper keyactivatesa trap.
inside the gnomes' magic items it infected anyone 1{I Gear Door (strong, iron-bound wood): 4 in. thick,
who handled them. 4 ft. diameter; Hardness 5; hp 60; Break DC 26; Open
Severalgnomes succumbed to the Vanishing,fading Lock DC 30.
away into nothingness. Unable to eradicate the dis Trap:Mostofthe gear doors in Jzadirune are trapped.
ease, the gnomesdestroyedall the contaminatedmagic The nature of the trap depends on the glyph inscribed
items they could find and abandoned Jzadirune. Many on- the door, as shown below. The trap continues to
continued plying their trade on the surface, without function until the door is opened or destroyed.
further misfortune. Any of the followingtraps can be dispelled by casting
Although Jzadirune remained mostly abandoned in a successful dispel magic against caster level 11th. The
the intervening years,a few monsters managed to find nature of the trap depends on the glyph inscribed on
their way into the enclavefrom the Underdark. Agang the door.
of dark creepers moved into the complex over a year "J"Door:Adoor inscribed with the "J"glyph releases
ago and found many of its doors protected by magical clouds of corrosivegas when improperly opened.
traps.To circumventthe traps, the dark creepers used y* CorrosiveGasTrap:CR1;mechanical;touch trigger;
a pair of pulverizer automatons to drill narrow pas automaticreset;multipletargets(10-foot-by-io-footby10-
sages between various rooms, allowingthem to navi foot volume on each side of the portal); 2d6 acid; DC 12
gate the complex without needing to open trapped Reflex save half; Search DC 21;Disable Device DC 20.
doors. A few months after the dark creepers settled "Z" Door: A door inscribed with the "Z" glyph has
in, a coterie of skulks arrived. These skulks were spies no real trap,but a Leomund'strap makes one think that
for the half-troll slaver Kazmojen, sent to find a route openingthe door improperlywilltrigger a deadlymag
to the surface. After a few fatal skirmishes with the ic effect.Any attempt to disarm the trap fails,and noth
dark creepers,the skulks negotiated a peace, helped ing happens when the trap is "sprung."
the dark creepers kill a few other monsters that had "A" Door: Afan of magical flames, similar to a burning
claimedparts of the enclave,and found their route to hands spell,fills the two5-foot-squaresdirectlyin front
the surface. of the door when it is opened improperly.
Jzadiruneremains home to the skulks,the dark creep y* Burning Hands Trap: CR 1; magic device, touch
ers(and their dark stalkerleader),and an assortmentof trigger;automaticreset,spelleffect(burninghands,2nd-
other nasty critters. The enclave also plays host to sev level wizard, 2d4 fire; DC 11Reflex save half); Search DC
erallingering magicaleffects,left in playby the previous 22; Disable Device DC 19.
gnome tenants.The twomostimportant of theselinger "D" Door: Crackling electricity fills the open door
ingeffectsare the geardoors and the Vanishing. way. The first creaturethat passes through the doorway
takes id8+5 points of electricity damage.The electricity
GEAR DOOR (ELI) field dissipates after dealing damage.
Most of the doors in Jzadirune are gear-shaped. Each y* Electrical Field Trap: CR 1; magic device; touch
door is designedto roll into a nearbywall cavitywhen trigger;automaticreset;id8+5 electricity;SearchDC22;
properly opened. The 4-foot-diameterdoor is carved Disable Device DC 19.
from 6-inch-thick wood and encircled with a ring of "I" Door: Six rays offrost spring from the doorway
molded iron teeth. The entire door is encased within a when it is opened improperly, striking random targets
double-frame of beveled stone. within 10 feet.
Burned into the center of each door is a glyph repre V Rays of Frost Trap: CR 1; magic device; touch
senting one of nine letters (in the Gnome language):J, trigger; no reset; multiple targets (six random targets
Z,A, D,I, R,U,N,and E.The various glyphs are depicted within 10feet);+5 ranged touch (id3 cold);SearchDC 22;
in the illustration of the Jzadirune Glyphs. PCs who Disable Device DC 18.
speakGnome recognizethe glyphs instantly.Asuccess "R" Door: Opening this door improperly instantly
ful DC 15 Decipher Script check also reveals what each summons id3 fiendish dire rats. The summoned crea
symbolmeans,as does a comprehendlanguagesspell. tures attack any non-gnome they encounter, disappear
The gear doors are normally locked. Opening or clos ing after 5 rounds or when "slain."
ing a gear door requires a slim, rectangular, rod-shaped y* Rat Trap: CR 1; magic device; touch trigger; au
key to open. The key fits neatly into a tiny, diamond- tomatic reset; spell effect (summon monster II, 5th-level
shaped slot carved into the doorframe, and each key wizard); Search DC 22; Disable Device DC 19.
^ FiendishDireRats(id3):hp 5each; MonsterManual107. disease presents the illusion that the victim is fading
"U"Door: Improperlyopening this door triggersan away, the creature remains solid and does not actually
alarm spell. Anyone within 60 feet of the door can hear turn incorporeal. Equipment is not rendered transpar
the ringingalarmclearly.Reducethis distanceby10feet ent by the disease.
for each interposing closed door and by 20 feet for each The transparencyaffordsone advantage:anycreature
substantial intervening wall. In quiet conditions, the reduced to half its Charisma or less by the disease is so
alarmcan be heard faintlyup to 180 feet away.The ring transparent that it gains a +4 circumstance bonus on
ing lasts for 1 round. Hide checks.
In addition, twospectral sicklesappear in the air and Successful saves do not allow an afflicted creature to re
swing at the nearest non-gnome creature, after which cover.Only magical treatment can savea victim of the Van
they disappear. The sickles pass right through armor ishing. A successfulbreak enchantment(againstcaster level
fey as though they were incorporealweapons,dealingid6 10),removedisease,or removecursespellcastupontheafflicted
points of damage with each successful hit. creature cures the malady.This can alsoremove the taint of
V Noisy SlasherTrap: CR 1; magicdevice;touchtrig the Vanishingfrom a magic item. Unlike normal diseases,
ger; automatic reset; audible alarmand +4 melee touch the Vanishingcannotbe treatedusingthe Healskill.
(id6 pointsofslashingdamage,2sickles);SearchDC 22; A creature reduced to o Charismaby the Vanishing
Disable Device DC 19. fades away, leaving behind any items worn or held. The
"N" Door: A door inscribedwith the "N" glyph re creature is slain, its body is lost, and it cannot be re
leasescloudsof poisonoustwilightmistwhen improp stored to life using a raise dead spell (although reincar
erly opened. nate, resurrection,and true resurrectionwork).
V TwilightMistTrap: CR 1; mechanical;touch trig The effects of handling multiple infected items are
ger; no reset; multiple targets(everyonein a 10-footby not cumulative.The Vanishingcannot be passed from
10-footby10-footareaon eachside of the door); poison one creature to another by touch. Anycharacter that is
gas (id6 Dex/id6 Dex, DC 13 Fortitude save negates); immune to diseaseis alsoimmune to the Vanishing.
Search DC 21; Disable Device DC 20.
"E" Door:Threejets of flame fill the doorwaywhen OTHER DUNGEON FEATURES
ever a non-gnome passes through the portal, dealing Unless stated otherwise,all rooms and corridors in Jza
3d4 points of fire damage.This trap activateseachtime diruneare unfit Mostcorridorshave emptysconcesalong
a creatureother than a gnome crossesthe portal. the walls(fortorches),whilemost rooms have small hooks
-/* Flame Jet Trap: CR 1; magic device; locationtrig danglingfrom ceilingchains(for hanginglanterns).
ger; automatic reset; 3d4 fire; DC 15 Reflex half Search All 10-foot-widecorridorshave flat, 10-foot-highceil
DC 21; Disable Device DC 19. ings. The dark creepers' roughly hewn tunnels are tu
Ad-hocXP Award:ThePCs shouldnotreceiveexperi bular and 5 feet in diameter.
ence points for every doortrap in Jzadirune,since they Ceilingheights in rooms vary widely.Assumea room
can navigatethe dungeon without disturbing manyof has a 10-foot-highceiling unless stated otherwise.
the gear doors. Feel free to award XP the first time the The secret doors in Jzadirune blend perfectlywith
PCs disableor survivea particulardoor trap;if they en the surrounding stonework. Except where noted oth
counter the same trap again,they should gain no XP for erwise, any secret door in Jzadirune can be found with
surviving or "defeating" it. a successful DC 20 Search check. Secret doors resemble
4-foot-squaresections of stone that pivot on a central
THE VANISHING (EL 2) vertical axis. A cleverly hidden knob, panel, or pedal
The Vanishingclings to Jzadirune'smagicitems,infect •opens the door when depressed.
ingcreaturesthat usetheir power.Althoughthegnomes Unless otherwise noted, magical effectsin Jzadirune
tried to destroy all items infectedwith the contagion, function at caster level 12th.
they were not entirely successful. A few contaminated
items still linger in forgotten comers of the enclave, Jl. DESCENDING STAIRS
waiting to be found.
Alivingcreature that uses a contaminatedmagic item A stone staircase, its steps shrouded with cobwebs and
isn't immediatelyawareofthe danger.One ofthe disease's dust,descendstwentyfeetto a ten-foot-squarelanding,
most insidious qualities is that it uses the item's magic then bends to the right and plunges into darkness.
aura to mask its own faint transmutation aura. Thus, a
detectmagicspelldoes not revealthedisease'spresence(al Characters with Track can make a DC 12 Search check
though a true seeingspell revealsthe infection). to notice small hoof prints (left by the dark creepers)in
A creature infected with the Vanishing must suc the dust. On a roll of22or higher,theyalso notice human-
ceed at an immediate DC 15 Fortitude save or suffer id6 sized bare footprints (left by the skulks, who are more dif
points of Charismadamageafter a 1-dayincubation pe ficult to track).The tracks suggest the ascent and descent
riod. Once a creature takes Charisma damage, it turns of multiple creatures, perhaps as many as a half dozen.
translucent, becoming increasingly transparent (and The staircase is unlit, although an iron torch sconce
taking damage) with each passing day. Although the is mounted to one wall on each landing.
J2. WELL-HIDDENSECRETDOOR (EL 1) Welcome toJzadirune—beholdthe wonder!
But beware,yewho seek to plunder.
The staircase descends another twenty feet before Traps abound and guardianspeer
openinginto a room.Fromthis landing,youcan hear Beyond everyportal,behind everygear.
strange sounds emanating from the chamber below, Treasure: Intact or melted down, the tarnished cop
specificallychirping birds, rustling leaves,and cheery per masks are worth 10 gp each.
giggles.The landing itself is bare save for an empty Development: If the characters make any noise or
iron torch sconce mounted on the south wall. bring a light into the room, the skulks in area J4 auto
matically notice.
The strange noises emanate from area J3. A secret
door in the south wall is expertly hidden and requires [4. LURKING SHADOWS (EL 4)
a successful DC 25 Search check to locate. Turning the The gear door to this room is partially open, creating
nearby torch sconcea quarter-turn clockwiseopens the a roughly crescent-shapedgap just wide enough for a
secret door; otherwise, the door can be opened with a Medium character to squeeze through. The door has
successful DC 20 Open Lockcheck.Turning the sconce been wedgedopenwith a chunk of stone; removingthe
counter-clockwise triggers a Trap. stone causes the door to close and lock, as well as reacti
Trap: Turning the torch sconce counterclockwise vatesthe door's trap (see Gear Doors for details).
causes the eastern end of the 10-foot landing to tilt
upward.Anyone on the landing tumbles down the 20- A dozen small cots and chests line the walls of this
foot staircase to the west, taking damage and landing ten-foot-highdusty room. Cobwebsblanket many of
prone in area J3. A successful Reflex save halves the the cots and chests, and tiny spiders scurry about.
damage. The trap and sconce reset after the trap has Two rough-hewn tunnels, each five feet in diameter
been triggered. and tubular, breach the eastern and southern walls.
V* Tilting Floor: CR 1; mechanical; touch trigger; Stony rubble covers the floor near each tunnel. A
automatic reset; 2d6 filling damage; Reflex save DC 12 one-foot-long iron rod lies in the middle of the
half; Search DC 25; Disable Device DC 20. floor, its golden tip shedding enough light to cast .
lurid shadows on the walls.
The skulks and dark creepers usually meet here be
The staircase ends at a forty-foot-square room with fore embarking on a surface raid. The skulks also rest
a ten-foot-high ceiling. A slight draft blows into the here from time to time. The glowing rod lying on the
room from a ten-foot-wide open passage in the far floor is a sunrod with 1 hour of light remaining.
wall, directly across from the stairs. Two four-foot- The twelve chests strewn about the room have been
diameter circular doors are set into the middle of the pickedcleanby the skulks,and anyvaluableswere taken
south wall. Each door is made of wood and framed to area J56.
with a ring of mortared stones. The westernmost Creatures: Two naked skulks feast on the spiders in
door is closed and inscribed with a strange glyph. this room. When they detect intruders, the skulks flank
The easternmost door bears a different glyph but the northern doorway and attempt to hide.
rests half-open. The half-open door reveals an iron ? Skulks (2): hp 9 each; see Appendix 4.
rim of gearlike teeth, and dim light spills from the Tactics: When an intruder enters the room, each skulk
chamber beyond. Mounted to the walls of the room attempts a surprise flanking attack. On the following
are twelve tarnished copper masks. The masks are round, one skulk flees through the southern tunnel and
two feet tall and cling four feet above the floor. Each heads to area J15 to alert the skulk there. The second
one depicts a smiling gnome's visage. The soft gig skulk flees down the eastern tunnel and heads to area J44
gling, chirping, and rustling noises seem to pour to alert the dark creepers. The skulks use their peerless
from the very walls. camouflageabilityto remain hidden while fleeing.
The skulks are cowardly and do not engage multiple
The sounds of giggling gnomes, rustling leaves, and foes for more than a single round before fleeing.
chirping birds are the result of permanent ghost sound Development: If one or both skulks escape, all other
spells cast within the chamber. skulks and all dark creepers within Jzadirune are alert
The twelve copper masks are held to the walls with ed to the PCs' presence. Sounds of battle here have a
sovereignglue; attempting to pry off a mask without the 50% chance of alerting the skulks in area J15 and J59,
aid of universalsolventrequires a DC 24 Strength check neither of whom come to their comrades' aid.
and results in the mask's destruction.
The mask located to the left of the west tunnel J5. DUSTY BARRACKS
(marked with an X) has a permanent magic mouth spell
cast on it. When a living creature enters the 10-foot- The room holds fifteen cots and fifteen small chests,
square directly in front of the mask, its mouth moves covered in cobwebs and dust. None of the chests ap
and says the following in Common: pears to be locked.
Each chest contains a dusty wool blanket, some rangedattackagainstAC 15 andhasa20% chanceofjam
worthless personal effects,and an off-white tabard em
ming the tilting mechanisms.Conversely,a rogue low
blazoned with the symbol of Jzadirune—aninsignia ered down to the gear mechanismscanjam them with
depictinga wooden gear with a yellow, eight-pointed a successfulDC 17 DisableDevicecheck. Once the gears
star in its hollow center. arejammed, the pit stops tilting.Trapped characterscan
smash through the wooden walls or floor of the pit to
J6. TILT-A-PIT TRAP (EL 2) escape.They can also attempt to clamber out of the tilt-
a-pitwhile it is upright.Gettingout of the tiltinghalfof
This dusty, cobweb-filledhall has a ten-foot-high the pit requiresa Climb check(DC 10 if oneuses a rope
ceilingand walls carvedwithfrescoesdepictingdour or the wooden spikes as handholdsand footholds).If a
gnomes clad in chain shirts and helms, and brandish knotted rope is used, the DC drops to 5. Climbingthe
ing hooked hammers. There are no obvious doors stone walls in the top half of the pit requires a DC 20
leading from this hall. Climb check. Anyone in the unlikelypositionof being
crushedbythe tilt-a-pittakes 4d6 points of damage,or
Three secret doors open into this hall: one at the half damage if a DC 15 Reflexsave succeeds.
south end of the hall (leadingto areaJ3), one alongthe -/* Tilt-a-Pit:CR 2; mechanical;locationtrigger;au
west wall(leading to area J7), and one at the north end tomatic reset; DC 15 Reflex save avoids;10 ft. deep (id6,
(leading to area J35). The western secret door is con fall) plus +3 melee (id4 points of piercingdamage,id4
cealedbehind a gnome fresco and is especiallydifficult spikes per wall); Reflex save DC 15 prevents fall; Search
to detect (DC 22Search). DC 17; Disable Device DC 17.
Trap: The 10-foot-square section of floor marked in tj? Tilt-a-Pit Walls and Floor (sturdy wood): 3 in.
red on the map conceals a 10-foot-deeppit. The pit's thick; Hardness 5; hp 45 per 5-foot by 5-foot section;
hinged lid opens when at least 150 pounds of weight Break DC 21.
is applied, although a successful DC 17 Disable Device IjJ Tilt-a-Pit Gearworks (sturdy wood): 2 in. thick;
checkjams the lid shut. Pulling down the lever in area Hardness 5; hp 30;Break DC 21; Disable Device DC 17.
J34 locks the lid and deactivatesthe trap.
Anyone standing on the lid when it opens must suc J7. SECRET ARMORY
ceed at a DC 15 Reflexsave or fall into the pit, takingid6
points of damageand landing prone.Once the trap has Bare,dusty shelvesline the north wall of this twenty-
sprung, have the characters roll initiative.The pit has foot-square room. Freestanding weapon racks fill the
an initiative check of +2. The bottom half of the pit is southern half of the room, but most of the weapons
made of wood with rows of wooden spikes embedded have been removed. Three small steel shields and a
in two opposite-facing walls. suit of cobweb-choked half-plate armor hang from
On the first round, the pit's lid springs shut, and the hooks along the south wall. Several more hooks re
bottomhalfof thepit tilts90 degreesto thesouth,throw main bare. Below them rests a large wooden chest
ing anyonewithinonto id4 wall spikes(eachdealingid4 secured with a dusty padlock.
pointsof piercingdamagewitha successfulhit).
On the second round, the pit tilts backto its origi The gnomes took most of the weapons and armor
nal upright position. Anyone in the tilting half of when they abandoned Jzadirune. However,a few items
the pit drops to the wooden floor of the pit and is wereleft behind in their haste to vacate the complex.
knocked prone if they fail a DC 15 Balance check, but Treasure: The chest is bound with an average pad
suffers no damage. lock (DC 25 Open Lock). It contains 16 crossbow bolts, 2
On the third round, the pit tilts 90 degreesto the north, smokesticks,a thunderstone, and a tanglefootbag.
throwinganyonewithinontothe otherwall ofspikes. A hidden compartment in the lid of the chest can
On the fourth round, the pit tilts back to its origi be found with a successful DC 22 Search check; tucked
nal upright position. Anyone trapped inside the tilt inside this compartment is a wand of burning hands (25
ing half falls to the bare wooden floor and is knocked charges) infected with the Vanishing.
prone if they fail a DC 15 Balance check, but suffers A thorough search of the room also reveals the fol
no damage. lowing weapons and armor: three gnome hooked ham
The pit stops tilting at this point until the trap is mers, two light picks, a heavy pick, a suit of half-plate
sprung again. If the pit's lid is held or wedged closed, armor, and three light steel shields emblazoned with
the tilting continues. The lid can be pushed open with a the symbol of Jzadirune (see area J5). All of the weapons
successful DC 10 Strength check and wedged open with and armor found here are sized for Small humanoids.
a successful DC 17 Disable Device check. The gear mech
anisms that cause the wooden half of the pit to tilt back J8. SLEEPING QUARTERS
and forth lie 30 feet below the lip of the pit. When the
pit is tilted to the north or south, these gears are clearly Nothing remains in this room except four decrepit
visible from the top of the pit. Dropping a dagger, rope, cots, four small wooden chests, and a wooden dresser
rock, or similar item into the gears requires a successful with four drawers. Everything is draped in cobwebs.
The gnomes removed all items of value from this citrines worth 50 gp each, and a tiny glass vial contain
room before abandoning Jzadirune 75 years ago. ing a dose of dust ofillusion.
The rabbit chest contains an unremarkable-looking
J9. NURSERY gray bag with a Nystul'sundetectableaura spell caston it.
Adetect magic spell reveals the bag's magicalnature but
Eight small cradles line the outer walls of this dark, masks its aura.The bag is actuallya gTay bag of tricks.
ten-foot-high room. A wooden playpen, a rocking Both the dust of illusion and the bag of tricks are in
unicorn, and a lovingly crafted wooden toy box rest fected with the Vanishing.
in the middle of the room. Everything is shrouded
with dust and cobwebs. J12. TILT-A-PIT TRAP (EL 2)

The outside of the toy box has frescoes of dancing A featureless, thirty-foot-long hall connects two
gnomes and small, burrowinganimals;a few toys and round doors. A narrow, five-foot-diameter tunnel
painted letter blocks can be found within. Nothing of breaches the middle of the south wall and heads off
value remains in this abandoned nursery. into darkness. Stone debris litters the floor near the
tunnel's mouth.
A secret door in the north wall leads to area J11. Di
This chamber's furnishings—three small cots, a small rectlyacross from the secret door, a rough-hewn tunnel
table, and a dresser—have been smashed to flinders, leads to area J13.
the wreckage strewn across the floor. A lonely chain Trap: The easternmost 10-foot section of floor is
hangs from the center of the ten-foot-high ceiling, trapped by a tilt-a-pit trap identical to the one in
and a lantern lies smashed in one corner. area J6.

The skulks entered this room though a secret door J13. CAPTAIN'S ROOM
in the south wall (leading to area J11) and thoroughly
searched it for treasure. A brief skirmish erupted when Rubble and splintered furniture fills this dark, ten-
one of the skulks found a potion tucked in the dresser; foot-high room. Most of the detritus lies heaped be
after quaffing the potion, the skulk succumbed to the tween a pair of five-foot-diameter tunnels crudely
Vanishing and now lurks in area J21. carved into the west and northwest wafts. A wooden
lever juts from an iron plate set into the east wall,
[11. CONTROL LEVER (EL 3) near the door. The lever looks like it can slide up or
down; it is currently in the "down" position.
Small mounds of rubble fill this ten-foot-high,
twenty-foot-square chamber. Most of the detritus This room formerly belonged to Jzadirune's captain
is piled near a roughly hewn, five-foot-diameter of the guard. A secret door in the south wall opens to
tunnel bored into the west wall. Three wooden reveal a dust-choked, 10-foot-square room. Hooks and
chests sit in the middle of the floor. The chests' shelves on the walls suggest that the chamber once
lids are carved and painted with anthropomorphic served as a secret closet, but the last captain of the
figures resembling a badger, a fox, and a rabbit re guard emptied it of valuables before leaving Jzadirune
spectively. The smashed remains of three padlocks forever. The secret room no longer contains anything
lie strewn around the chests. A wooden lever juts of value.
from an iron plate set into the south wall. The lever The wooden lever in the east wall controls the trap
looks like it can slide up or down, and is currently in area J14. Pulling the lever up locks the pit's lid and
in the "down" position. deactivates the trap, allowing creatures to cross the
pit safely.
The wooden lever controls the tilt-a-pit trap in area
J12. Pulling the lever up locks the pit's lid and deacti J14.TILT-A-PIT TRAP (EL 2)
vates the trap, allowing creatures to cross the pit safely.
The three chests were once locked and trapped with The corridor ends with a pair of circular doors in the
summonmonsterI spells, but the skulks smashed the locks, west and east walls. Dust and debris cover the floor.
triggered the traps, and defeated the summoned mon
sters. They also removed most of the valuable items from Trap: Another tilt-a-pit lies in wait 10 feet from the
the chests;however,a fewitems escaped their notice. south end of the hall. The trap is identical to the one in
Treasure: The badger chest is completely empty. The area J6. Adead, naked skulk is inside the pit, and his ra
foxchest appears empty as well but contains a false bot pier, light crossbow, and six crossbow bolts lie scattered
tom that can be found with a successful DC 24 Search on the pit's floor.
check. Inside the secret cavityis a finely wrought silver Pulling down the lever in area J13 locks the pit's lid
bracelet worth 25 gp, a small pouch containing three and deactivates the trap.
Flickeringlight spills from this great hall,and PCs who
Dead rats,burnt tindertwigs,and bitsof brokenstone succeed at a DC 10 Listen check also hear the sound of
litter the floor of this room whose only furnishings trickling water from within.
include a cot against the northeast walland a wooden
chest bearing a dented lantern. The lantern is lit, but Eightblackmarblepillarssupport the thirty-foot-high
barely enough light escapes through its shutters to ceiling of this majestic hall.The pillars are carvedto
illuminate the room. Across from the round door in resemble gnome artisans and warriors standing on
the west wall, a five-foot-diameter tunnel carves its each other's shoulders, bracing the vaulted roof with
way east into darkness. their collective strength. The walls are adorned with
faded murals depicting gnomes in reverie—playing
A cloaked skulk sleeps in the cot (see Creature pipes,dancing,performingacrobaticstunts,drinking
below). The wooden chest is unlocked and contains wine, and so forth. The forty-foot-wide hall widens to
the Treasure. sixty feet at the south end, where a large circularpool
Creature: The sleeping skulk gets a Listen check is enclosed by a semicircular, one-foot-high veined
with a -10 penalty to detect intruders; if its check marble wall. Carved into the wall above the pool is
is equal to or greater than its opponents' worst a gnome visage with water spilling from its wide
Move Silently check, it awakens and reaches for its grin. Four bright lights illuminate the hall from end
gear (which is stowed under the cot). If awakened to end, corner to corner. They flicker and dance like
by sounds of combat in area J4, the sleeping skulk torchlight and drift aimlessly about the hall, chang
casts off its cloak,grabs its equipment, and attempts ing altitude and direction on a whim. Two piles of
to hide near the eastern tunnel. If one of the skulks rubble, one in the northwest corner and another in
from area J4 flees here, it also tries to hide after wak the southwestcorner, add elements of imperfection
ing its sleeping companion. to this grand hall.
^ Skulk: hp 9; see Appendix 4.
Tactics: If it hides successfully, the skulk waits until Jzadirune has many lingering magical effects, one of
all of its enemies enter the room before attackingthe whichis the dancinglightsspellin this hall.The lightscre
rearmost foe with its rapier. After the surprise round, ate many shifting shadows,allowingthe skulks in this hall
it hurls a thunderstone into the back room as it flees to to hide(see Creatures,below).Asuccessfuldispelmagiccast
area J17. The exploding thunderstone alerts the skulks on the dancinglights(casterlevel12) ruins them.
in areas J4, J17, J58, and J59. The 20-foot-diameter pool provided most of Jza
Treasure: The chest contains several items the skulks dirune's fresh water supply. Purification spells rid the
have found in the complex,including two dark robes water of contaminants; although the spells are long
(bundled and tattered), three sunrods, two flasks of oil, gone, the water remains drinkable. The gnomes used
two tindertwigs, a thunderstone, a ceramic stage mask to cast coins into the pool for good luck; the dark
portraying the sad visage of an anguished gnome with creepers swept up the tarnished coins shortly after
rabbit ears worth 5gp,a silverring shaped like a serpent they arrived.
with tiny azurite gems for eyesworth 25 gp, and a silver The dark creepers created the two piles of rubble dig
ewer adorned with dancing dryads and set with moss ging the 5-foot-diameter passages that lead to areas J4,
agates worth 75 gp. J15, J56,and J59. The skulks have hidden some Treasure
in the southernmost pile of rubble.
J16. MAP ROOM Creatures:Two skulks lurk behind the southern pil
An illusorywallconceals the north entrance of this room. lars. They attack anyone who dares to explore the south
Although it looks like an unremarkable stone wallwhen end of the hall.
viewed,physical objects and creatures can pass through ^ Skulks (2): hp 9 each; see Appendix 4.
it without difficulty. Touch or probing searches reveal Tactics: If possible, the skulks try to flank a single
the true nature of the surface, but do not cause the illu opponent and attack with their rapiers. They hurl their
sion to disappear. thunderstones at enemy spellcasters who remain out
of melee range and gain cover (+4 bonus to AC, +2 bo
Carved into the south wall is a large map showing nus on Reflex saves) when firing their crossbows from
various interconnected rooms and corridors. The behind the pillars. The skulks flee through the south
lines of the map glow faintly but do not shed enough tunnel if either takes 5 or more points of damage. They
light to illuminate the chamber. hole up in area J56.
Treasure: Characters searching through the southern
The map on the south wall shows Jzadirune's rooms pile of rubble who make a DC 20 Search check unearth
and corridors, but none of its secret chambers or hid a small, engraved wooden box adorned with prancing
den hallways. Show the players the Players' Map of Jza sylvan creatures and set with shards of lapis lazuli. In
dirune at this time, and allow them to view it only as side, the box is filled with gears and other mechanical
long as their characters remain in the room. components. Atiny silver crank also rests inside the box.
When the crank is inserted into a hole in the front of the it.PCs peeringthroughthe crackin the doorcansee that
box and turned, the interior mechanisms produce soft, the room beyond is torchlit,but little else. The sfightly
cheerymusic.The music box is worth 200 gp. ajar secretdoor also allows the skulk in area J21 to hear
Development:Loud noisesin this hall alert the crea PCs whonoisilyexplorethis room and its contents.
tures in areas J4, J15, J21, J58, and J59. Characters can find all sorts of costumes, masks, and
props here—noneof them magicalor valuable.
This twenty-foot-high room has two levels: a twenty- If the PCs approach this room without attempting to
foot-squarelowerlevelto the west and a ten-foot-by- dim their light sources or soften their footsteps, the
twenty-footloft to the east.Awooden ladder connects room's denizen (a skulk afflicted with the Vanishing)
them. Stacked crates and casks fill the lower level. A notices them automatically and hides near one of the
cabinetstands againstthe north wallof the loft,which exits—whichever one is farthest from the PCs.
also contains a heavy wooden trunk. Everything is
draped with cobwebs. Dead rats, broken bits of furniture, and debris litter
the floor of this dusty chamber. A torch burns in a
A secret door at the back of the loft opens into area sconce between a round door and a crudely burrowed
J58. Neitherthe skulksnor the dark creepers havefound tunnel in the west wall.
the secret door—or found their way into this room.
The crates are empty—their contents removed years Creature:Askulk lairs here. It spends most of its time
ago bythe formergnome occupants.The casks hold ale, gnawing on dead rats and listening for other skulks.
but time has rendered the entire supply undrinkable This skulk found a potion in area Jxo, imbibed it, and
and worthless. succumbed to the Vanishing. (The effects of the potion
The cabinet holds dusty towels, two empty clayjugs, have long since expired.)The other skulks shun it, fear
an iron kettle, and some crumbling bars of soap. ing they might catch the disease as well.This skulk has
The wooden trunk holds miscellaneous items: 12 been left to its own devices.
candles wrapped in a square yard of canvas,two 50-foot- The skulk has nearly faded away and appears almost
long hemp ropes, nine torches, an empty map case, and ghostlike. It brandishes a normal rapier and wears a
a small box containing flint and steel. black ceramic wolf mask taken from area J20. It also
wears a thick wolfskin cloak, which it uses to keep
J19. GUEST QUARTERS warm. It sheds the cloak if it needs to hide.
The gnomes of Jzadirune set aside this room for hon £ Skulks (2): hp 9 each; Cha 3; see Appendix 4.
ored guests. Three human-sized beds stand against the Tactics:The skulk prefers to attack solitary foes. If it
south wall. Other furnishings include a table and four detects multiple enemies, it flees and hides in area J13
chairs, and a carved dresser. The three dresser drawers or J20, where it makes its final stand.
are empty, and the room holds nothing of value.
Four ornate pillars support the twenty-foot-high
This room contains six bulky wooden trunks, their vaulted ceiling of this room, which is illuminated
lids thrown open and their contents disgorged. by lanterns hanging in the corners. Tattered red
Strewn about the dusty floor are dozens of ornate curtains dangle from iron rods mounted to the
masks, gaudy robes, fancy costumes, mock weapons walls and pillars. Four rows of ornately carved
carved from wood, gnarled staffs, and similar stage benches stand in the rectangular area defined by
props. A few costumes dangle from coat racks, wood the pillars. Partially set into the south wall is a
en mannequins, and wall hooks between some heavi raised wooden stage with two short staircases lead
er props, including a wooden folding screen painted ing up to it. Black curtains partially conceal the
with stars, a stuffed wolf and a wooden sun carved back wall of the stage, which is painted with an
with a grinning face. elaborate woodland mural.

The gnomes staged elaborate plays in their small the If the PCs seat themselves in the theater or approach
ater (area J22) and stored all of their costumes and the stage, read or paraphrase the following:
props here. The skulks entered the room through the
secret door in the south wall and searched the trunks One of the black stagecurtains flutters,and a small fig
for valuables, but found little of worth. ure steps out from behind it. Ababy black bear—or rath
The secretdoor in the westwall(leadingto areaJ21) is er,a gnome wearing a bear costume—takes center stage,
slightly ajar and therefore easier to detect than normal. raisesa pawto his lips,and begins speaking softly.
Anyone entering the room spots it with a successful DC "Night hath fallen in the Magic Woods, and
12 Spotcheck.Asearchofthe wallautomaticallydiscovers while myriad woodland creatures dream, Willow-
bough and her faerie friends frolic beneath the ing to open the trapdoor must succeed at an opposed
sorcerous moon!" Strength check to pull open the trapdoor, or they can
The small bear curls up into a ball on the stage smash through it.
and feigns sleep. Moments later, a female gnome Medium and larger characterssuffer a -2 penalty
with briarsfor hair materializeson stage,asthough on attack rolls while fighting in the cramped under-
she were standing invisibly a moment ago, and stage area.
begins dancing. Solemn music fills the theater as Treasure:The understage area contains two items: a
butterfly-wingedfaeries appearfrom backstageand masterwork mandolin worth 100 gp and an unlocked
join in the ballet. wooden chest. The chest contains a fine cloak with
a Nystul's magical aura spell cast on it, a small locked
Lanterns lit by continualframe spells illuminate this spellbook(DC 25 Open Lock),a wand ofdetectsecretdoors
fey theater.The gnomes,faeries,and musicareprogrammed (15 charges)infected with the Vanishing,and a 5-inch-
images. If the PCs let the scene play out, they bear wit long steel rod with an engraved rune at one end and
ness to the drama of Willowboughand Silverarrow,a notches carvedinto the other (a key that unlocks all of
somber tale of a dryad who falls in love with a ranger, the "J"gear doors in Jzadirune).
and Moontusk, the ranger's bitter wereboar nemesis The spellbook contains the following spells: change
who strives to ruin their love by destroyingthe dryad's self, color spray, detect magic, ghost sound, invisibility,Leo-
sacred tree. mund's trap, mage hand, minor image, misdirection,Nystul's
Atrapdoor in the middle of the stage floor opens to magic aura, read magic,and silentimage.
reveala 3-foot-tall,cobweb-filledstoragearea under the Development: If the skulk in area J21 hears the play
stage. It contains both a Creature and Treasure. begin, it peers into the theater through a hole in the
Creature:Achoker lurks under the stageand tries to northwest curtain and observes the PCs. Meanwhile,
grabany PC who descendsthrough the trapdoor. the skulks in area J17 move to flank the archway east of
^ Choker: hp 16; MonsterManual34. the theater, attacking the first PCwho steps through.
Tactics:The choker uses its 10-footreach to snag its
prey without getting too close to the trapdoor. If it suc [23. EMPTY GALLERY
ceeds in grabbing a character on the surprise round or
the round following,the choker uses its extraordinary Two short flights of stairs lead up to a seventy-foot-
quickness to hold the trapdoor shut with one elongat long, thirty-foot-wide octagonal gallery with a fifteen-
ed arm while choking its prey with the other. PCs try foot-high vaulted ceiling.Twenty web-shrouded ped-
estals stand about the room, and the walls show signs Any gold or platinum coin placed in the bas-reliefs
of having once born tapestries and other fixtures. mouth is instantly teleported to the secret compart
However, the items once displayed here have long ment in the throne's armrest. Nothing more happens.
since been removed. If a PC drops a coin of lesser value in the mouth, the
coin is not teleported away and the magic mouth says
The gnomes of Jzadirune displayed many of their "Miser! What a paltry tribute! I curse you with clumsi
finest constructs here but removed the precious dis ness!" The PC must succeed at a Will save (DC 14) or
plays when they abandoned the complex.Asecret door suffer a -6 penalty to Dexterity (as per the bestow curse
opens into area J24. spell);the PC's Dexterityscore cannot drop below1.The
curse is permanent until removed with a break enchant
J24. SECRET ART VAULT ment, remove curse, or similar spell.
A mirage arcana spell makes this dusty room appear V* BestowCurseTrap: CR4; magic device, touch trig
empty. However,tactile exploration of the room reveals ger; automatic reset after 3 round delay;spell effect(be
severalitems leaning against the east wall(seeTreasure, stow curse, 5th-level cleric, target suffers a -6 penalty
below). The paintings become visible if they are taken to -Dexterity,DC 14 Will save negates); Search (DC 28);
from the room. Disable Device(28).
Treasure: Hidden by the mirage arcana spell are six Treasure: The secret compartment in the throne's
framed paintings covered in gray dust cloths. Each armrest contains a bed of 75 gp (plus any additional
painting measures 4 feet long and 3 feet tall and depicts coins teleported from the bas-relief visage's mouth) and
a natural or mystical landscape. The paintings can be two 5-inch-long steel rods, each with an engraved rune
sold to an interested art dealer for 100 gp each. at one end and notches carved into the other. The rods
are keys for the "N" and "E" gear doors, respectively.
Marble staircases split this room into three levels:
a rubble-strewn foyer to the east, a ten-foot-square Metal wreckage and broken gears lie strewn about
marble landing, and an upper hall supported by two this oddly shaped chamber. Standing in the middle
pillars sculpted to resemble petrified trees. Between of the room is the half-built metal framework of a
the pillars rests a graven throne. An elderly gnome four-legged, five-foot-tall construct with one arm
wearing a silver crown is slumped in the throne, his ending in a spiked wedge. Its other arm is nowhere to
soft snores echoing throughout the room. The thirty- be seen. Gear doors are set into the north and south
foot expanse of wall behind the throne is carved with walls.Near them, two roughly hewn tunnels lead into
frescoes depicting a complex array of gears. Another darkness. Webs fill the corners of the room.
noteworthy feature is a cherubic gnome's face carved
in bas-relief on the west wall of the landing. A half-finished, nonfunctional pulverizer automaton
stands in the middle of the room. Hiding behind the
The cherubic bas-relief visage is part of a magical construct is the chamber's lone occupant—see Crea
trap that triggers whenever a living creature sets foot ture, below.
on the 10-foot-square landing (see Trap, below). PCs sifting through the debris can find the smashed
The "sleeping gnome king" is a permanentimage cast remains of two work tables, several metal springs and
upon the throne. In his lap rests an illusory scepter that gears, a metal pincer claw, and bits of armor plating.
fades awaywhen touched. The room holds little of value, however.
The throne's right armrest contains a secret compart Creature:While scouring the dungeon for food and
ment that can be found with a successful DC 20 Search valuables, one of the skulks ran afoul of a strange crea
check. When the secret compartment is opened, the ture called a raggamoffyn in area J31. The raggamof
gnome king mumbles the following words in his sleep, fyn wrapped itself around the skulk and took control
which can only be heard by characters standing within of its mind. The captured skulk seeks to lure another
10 feet: humanoid creature (skulk or otherwise) into area J31,
where a second raggamoffyn waits to gain a host. Other
"Betrayedweare by ourown magic, skulks have encountered the captured one, but they fled
Onebyone,wefade away— to avoid a similar fate and have shied away from this
Jzadirune'slost! Oh, how tragic! part of the dungeon ever since
We curse the vanishingday." A raggamoffyn is a mysterious construct formed
when leftover magical energy interacts with inanimate
Trap: When a living creature sets foot on the 10- objects. They can dominate hosts by shrouding them
foot-square marble landing, a magic mouth spell cast with their bodies, transforming their victim into a cap
on the gnome's visage says in Common, "If you wish tured one.
an audience with the king, place your finest coin in ^ Captured Skulk: hp 36(raggamoffyn)and 10(skulk);
my mouth." see Appendix 4.
^ Common Raggamoffyn: hp 36; see Appendix4. Four of the niches contain magicallypowered,gear-
Tactics: As the PCs enter the room from the south, driven generators for the ceiling fans in areas J27, J29,
the captured skulk bolts through the north tunnel and and J31. Rope belts connected to each generator disap
heads to area J31. pearthroughholesin the ceilingof eachniche.Pullinga
If the PCsapproach from the north and the captured leveractivatesor shuts down eachof the eastern genera
skulk has no way to reach area J31, it attacks with its tors, although finding the lever requires a successfulDC
rapier. If the skulk drops to o or fewer hit points, the 12Searchcheck.The western generators havehad several
raggamoffyn abandons it to claim a new host. gears removed from them and are no longer functional.
The northwest niche has a secret door at the back of
J27. GEARWORKS (EL 3) it (leading to areas J29). The two middle niches contain
nothing but dust and cobwebs.
Smashed tables and chairs litter the floor of this The makeshift wall is described in area J39.
c; room. Hundreds of tiny wooden and metal gear
mechanisms spill from sundered crates, and a four- J29. SECRET LIBRARY (EL 1)
foot-high mound of stone rubble fills the northwest A permanent obscuringmist spell fills this chamber, ob
corner. Mounted to the twenty-foot-high ceiling are scuring all sight (including darkvision) beyond five feet.
two large wooden fans strung with cobwebs.The fans Adispel magic does not remove the mist, althoughagust
are connected to some gears and rope belts that cross of wind disperses the mist in 4 rounds.
the ceiling and disappear into the wall on either side If the characters disperse the mist, read or paraphrase
of the eastern exit. In the middle of the room stands the following text:
something draped in a large gray sheet. The shrouded
object is roughly five feet tall, five feet wide, and ir A thin carpet of stone rubble covers the floor of
regular in shape. this room, with mounds of shattered rock piled in
nearby corners. Built into the walls are rows of stone
The gnomes of Jzadirune used to make gears and shelves—perhaps bookshelves, although there are no
other mechanisms here. The ceiling fans helped circu books on them. A ladder leans against the northwest
late the air. The fan belts connect to a pair of nonfunc wall. An ominous silhouette in the middle of the
tional gearwork generators in area J28. room turns out to be a harmless wooden lectern.
Creature: The thing concealed beneath the sheet in
the middle of the room is a pulverizerautomaton.If the This room wasonce a library,but the gnomes of Jza
sheet is removed or the automaton disturbed, roll id2o: dirune removed their precious books before abandon
On a roll of 11 or higher, it grinds to life and attacks ing the complex. Mounted to the ceiling is a fan con
anyone within 40 feet who is not a gnome or dark one. nected to a magicalgenerator in area J28. Activatingthe
Otherwise, it remains inactive until further disturbed. ceiling fan clears the room of mist after 4 rounds.
Embossed on the surface of the construct (in Gnome) The ladder allows one to reach the topmost shelves,
are the command words for activatingand deactivating just below the 15-foot-highceiling. Both the shelves and
the automaton("thrymbryl"and "myglym,"respective the lectern are bare.
ly). Characters who cannot read Gnome cannot speak All of the secret doors here are hidden behind mov
the command words correctly. able sections of shelving that require a successful DC
When activated,the pulverizer follows simple com 20 Strength check to open. The obscuring mist makes
mands in Gnome ("kill all humans," "halt," "turn left, the secret doors harder to detect than normal (DC 22
"turn right,"and so on). It has suffered damage in pre Search check).
vious fights, and has a lower Strength score than most Creatures: Four Small monstrous centipedes attack
pulverizers as a result. PCs who explore this room.
The dark stalker used this automaton to burrow tun ^ Small Monstrous Centipedes (4): hp 2 each; Mon
nels through the rock. ster Manual 286.
$ Damaged Pulverizer Automaton: hp 18; see Tactics: The centipedes pursue prey out of the room.
Appendix 4. They attack mindlessly until slain.
Treasure: The "heart" of the automaton is actually
a deep blue spinel worth 500 gp. Finding it requires a }30. SCROLL STORAGE
successful DC 24 Search check. Arcane scrolls were once stored here, but the gnomes
removed and destroyed all of them, fearing they might
J28. GENERATORS spread the Vanishing.
Entering the empty, dust-covered room sends a
Set into the north and south walls of this corridor are number of small, harmless spiders scurrying and trig
six ten-foot-deep niches filled with dust and cobwebs. gers a programmedimage.An elderly,translucent gnome
Some of the niches contain elaborate, gear-covered wizard with a faintly glowing ruby in her left eye socket
contraptions. A makeshift wall composed of wooden appears in the room and recites the following words in
planks and braces blocks the eastern end of the hall. Common before fading away:
"I am Emirystul, librarian of Jzadirune. The scrolls rods, a thunderstone, and a vial containing two applica
you seek have been destroyed to keep you and others tions of universal solvent.
from fading into nothingness. The curse of the Van Development: If the captured skulk from area J26 re
ishing began here, in these mystic halls, and here it treats to this room, it hides behind the overturned table
will remain. Be careful what you find, and mind what and grabs the tanglefoot bag lying on the floor nearby.
ever magic was wrought here." It hurls the bag at the first PC to enter the room before
leaping into combat.
If the secret door to the room is closed and reopened,
the programmedimage resets. J32. SECRET POTION STORAGE

J31.ALCHEMY LAB (EL 3) Three cabinets stand against the walls of this ten-
foot-high room. The cabinet doors hang open, and a
An acrid stench fills this chamber, which contains two shroud of dust covers the floor.
large tables draped in cobwebs.Alchemicalapparatus
clutters one tabletop, while the other table has been The cabinets hold scores of flasks and vials contain
flippedon its side, spilling its contents into the middle ing liquids of various colors and consistencies. How
of the room. Amid the fragments of shattered glass lie ever, the gnomes dispelled all of the potions, believing
some broken candles, some spent tindertwigs, vari they were contaminated with the Vanishing. None of
ous sundry utensils, and a pile of rags. A five-foot-wide the liquid stored here radiates magic,although many of
tunnel in the west wallleads into darkness. Againstthe the flasksbear labels with spell names on them (written
opposite wallstands a cabinet,its doors set withjagged in Gnome).
shards of frosted glass. It looks like someone smashed
through the glass to reach the contents within. Mount J33. SLEEPING QUARTERS
ed to the ceiling is a web-shrouded wooden fan con This room is identical to area J8.
nected to some gears and a rope belt that crosses the
ceiling and disappears into the north wall. J34. PIT LEVER AND RUBBLE

The pile of rags is actually a Creature. It waits until Chunks of broken stone and smaller debris fill this
someone enters the room before attacking. The room's room. Awooden leverjuts from an iron plate set into
other contents are detailed under Treasure, below. The the west wall. A five-foot-diameter tunnel delves east
wooden ceiling fan connects to a magically powered into darkness.
generator in area J28,but it is currently "off."
Creature: A common raggamoffyn disguises itself as The wooden lever controls the tilt-a-pit trap in
a pile of rags in the middle of the room. It attacks the area J6. Pulling the lever up locks the pit's lid and
first living humanoid that enters the room. deactivates the trap, allowing creatures to cross the
^ Common Raggamoffyn:hp 36;see Appendix 4. pit safely.
Treasure: The upright table bears an alchemist's lab Characters searching through the rubble find some
worth 500 gp as well as the following items: five empty smashed furniture and, with a successful DC 22 Search
glass flasks, six flasks of
harmless (nonmagical)
powder, three flasks of
hardened sludge (harm
less), two flasks of acid,
20 tindertwigs, and a 5-
inch-long steel rod with
an engraved rune at one
end and notches carved
into the other. This key
opens all "U" gear doors
in Jzadirune.
On the floor near the
"pileofrags"restsa tangle
The broken cabinet
holds a few alchemical
items of interest: three
flasks of alchemist's fire,
four vials of antitoxin, two
smokesticks, eight sun-
check, a five-inch-long metal rod with a rune engraved The dark creepers received an unpleasant surprise
on one end and notches carved into the other. This key when they first discovered the room, leading them to
opens all "Z" gear doors in Jzadirune. seal off the area with makeshift walls (see area J39).
Creature: Not long after the gnomes left, a grell
J35. FOYER AND IRON DOORS took residence here. For years it fed on tiny rats and
vermin. When the dark creepers arrived, the grell cap
Four circular doors—each one bearing a different tured and devoured one of them. It currently lurks
rune—lead from this dusty fifteen-foot-high room. in the shadows above the eastern balcony, waiting for
A semicircular mosaic of engraved floor tiles fans other succulent morsels to blunder into its lair. Agrell
out from an arching set of double doors set in the is a disgusting creature that looks like a massive pal
north wall. Unlike the other portals, the northern lid floating brain. Ten long tentacles dangle below its
doors are made of iron, embossed with gearlike body, giving it the look of a massive jellyfish. Ajelly
patterns, and held to a stone doorframe by great fish with a big toothy beak.
iron hinges. ^ Grell: hp 32;see Appendix 4.
Tactics: The grell drops down on prey from above
The iron double doors are locked from the south side, or tries to grab a creature ascending the eastern spi
although theycan be pushed open with easefromareaJ36. ral staircase. It uses its FlybyAttack feat to move both
The key to unlock them has been lost. Engraved on the before and after taking an attack action; thus it can
semicircular floor mosaic in front of the doors are nine swoop down on an unsuspecting character, make a
glyphs—thesame ones that appear on Jzadirune'sgear single tentacle attack, and hoist its grappled prey into
doors(see GearDoors for details).Theseare purelydeco the air.
rativeand do not trigger any traps,magicalor mundane. Treasure: The bones and shredded black robe of
IjJ Locked Iron Doors:2 in. thick;Hardness 10; hp 60; the grell's dark creeper victim lie atop the eastern
Break DC 28; Open Lock DC 30. mezzanine amid the dusty desks. Amid the remains,
PCs can find the following items: a Small masterwork
J36. GREAT FACTORY (EL 3) dagger with a poison compartment holding one ap
plication of monstrous spider venom, a potion of cure
This enormous chamber has a ceiling that soars light wounds, a potion of invisibility,and a black pouch
to a height of forty-five feet at its peak. Two great containing 80 cp and 32 sp. Since the potions were
marble pillars support wooden balconies fifteen feet not created in Jzadirune, they are not afflicted with
above the chamber's west and east wings. Two iron- the Vanishing.
wrought spiral staircases—located in the southwest
and southeast corners—connect the balconies to the J37. CLASSROOM
ground floor. The furnishings on the ground level
suggest some sort of assembly area. Desks occupy Small desks have been arranged in three concentric
much of the area, although a few boxes and crates semicircles facing the south wall of this fifteen-foot-
fill various corners and nooks. An eight-foot-diam high octagonal room. Chalkboards set in stone frames
eter wooden gear hangs from the ceiling at the north along the three southernmost walls bear faded equa
end of the chamber, suspended by a pair of great iron tions and formulas. A web-shrouded lectern stands in
chains. A bright light burns in the hollow center of front of them, facing the desks. Apile of stony rubble
the huge gear, illuminating a large mosaic of inter spills from the mouth of a five-foot-diameter tunnel
connected gears painstakingly painted on the ceiling that breaches the north wall.
and walls of the room. The singular light casts many
shadows throughout the chamber, and the faint Jzadirune's scholars used this classroom to teach
sound of clattering gears resonates from somewhere young gnomes various subjects, including math
not too far away. ematics and the magical arts. The dark creepers
searched this room and found no valuables; PCs
The diagram below provides a cross-sectional view of who search the chamber also find nothing of value,
this room, as viewed from the south. although a successful DC 20 Search check reveals a
A permanent ghost sound cast upon the room years secret door in the west wall that leads to the library
ago invokes the sound of clattering gears, which doesn't (area J29).
travel far from this room. The great gear hanging from
the ceiling is part of the chamber's decor, and the bright J38. WEAVER'S WORKSHOP
light burning in its center is a continualfame spell.
The gnomes of Jzadirune constructed most of their A large wooden loom, its skeletal frame draped with
wondrous magic items here. Characters who search the cobwebs, stands in the middle of this fifteen-foot-
desks and boxes find some of the raw materials needed high octagonal room. Three smaller spinning wheels
to create such items, although the gnomes took the surround it, also covered with cobweb sheets. An iron
most valuable components with them when they left. coat rack stands next to one of them.


The gnomes of Jzadirune wove clothing here. The Half-made kegs, tables, bookshelves, and chests
three spinning wheels radiate moderate transmutation clutter this dark room. Most of these unfinished
magic when a detect magic spell is cast. works have been pushed against the outer walls,
Programmed mage hand spells cause the spinning making room for four cots in the middle of the
wheels to spin and clatter whenever someone enters floor. Two workbenches covered with carpenter's
the room. The effect is harmless, but it may discourage tools flank the north exit. A few rat bones litter
interlopers from investigating the east wall,which con the floor.
ceals a secret door (leading to area J42).
Characters searching the room for treasure can, with
J39. MAKESHIFT WALL a successful DC 12 Search check, find a small trove
To confine the grell in area J36, the dark creepers erect stashed in a lidless chest (seeTreasure, below).
ed these makeshift walls using wooden planks (taken Creatures: A dark creeper lairs here. If the PCs use
from smashed benches in area J51). Iron spikes ham silence and darkness to conceal their approach, they
mered into the walls and iron braces bolted to the floor might catch the dark creeper napping in its cot. Oth
keep the wall from tipping over. There is no easy way erwise, the dark creeper is hiding among the half-fin
past the makeshift wall except to smash through. For ished furnishings.
tunately for the dark creepers, the grell's tentacles don't Dark creepers despise light and attack PCs carrying
deal enough damage to overcome the wall's hardness, torches or lanterns above all others. Some even spend
and the creature isn't quite strong enough to simply a move action extinguishing torches and lanterns
knock it down. dropped in the heat of battle. Dark creepers are stunted
<j? Makeshift Wooden Wall: 2 in. thick; Hardness 5;hp humanoids with pallid skin, large noses, and sinister
30; Break DC 22. eyes beneath hairy brows. Instead of feet, they have
small, soft black hooves.
J40. WOODSHOP (EL 3) ? Dark Creeper: hp 5;see Appendix 4.
If the PCs approach this room quietly in darkness, Tactics: If alerted to the PCs' approach, the dark
without raising alarms in area J44 or J45, allow them to creeper tries to gain a sneak attack, using its shadow £'•A ^
makea MoveSilently check to surprise the dark creeper cloak ability to gain partial concealment as it strikes. faftntiP,
located here.The check is opposed by the dark creeper's Treasure: The dark creepers keep some miscellaneous
Listen check. valuables in a lidless chest in this room. In addition to
Area J ^

some worthless trinkets, PCs find the following: four The trap wasdesigned so that gnomes (who are typi
engraved copper cups worth 2gp each,a silvercloak pin cally lighter than 250 pounds) could navigate the hall
set with a bloodstone worth 45 gp, three zircons worth way without triggering it.
50 gp each,a gold comb set with citrines worth 160 gp, y* SpearTrap: CR2;mechanical,location trigger;au
26 sp, and 130 cp. tomatic reset; Atk +3 melee (id6, id4 spears); Search DC
15; Disable Device DC 18.
{41. FORGE
Four soot-blackened hearths are set into the cor The gnomes stored many of their most precious
ners of the room. In front of each rests an an magic items and weapons in this musty, 10-foot-high
vil and bellows, and implements of the smith chamber. However, these items were either sold or de
ing trade hang from nearby hooks. Two barrels stroyed before the gnomes vacated Jzadirune.
of scummy water, once used to cool searing hot
iron weapons and implements, stand against the J44. HIDDEN FOES (EL 4)
north wall. Two more flank the south exit, and a
pair of empty weapon racks stands in the middle A five-foot-wide, rough-hewn circular tunnel breach
of the room. es the west wall of this chamber. Another punches
through the east wall.The rubble left by the excava
Characters who sift the bottom of the barrel marked tion of these tunnels has been pushed into the north
"X" on the map and succeed at a DC 20 Search check east part of the room, leaving the rest of this chamber
find a 5-inch-longsteel rod with a rune engravedon one clear. A few rat bones litter the floor, but otherwise the
end and notches carved into the other. This keyunlocks room appears empty.
all of the "I" gear doors in Jzadirune.
A secret door in the west wall leads to area J42. Two permanent 10-foot-radius invisibilityspherescon
ceal this chamber's occupants. The areas of invisibility
J42. SECRET HALLWAY (EL 2) are fixed and encompass the 5-foot squares shown in
This dust-choked T-shaped corridor leads to area J43; the diagram. The invisibility spheres, created by some
it contains a Trap. miscast magic years ago, mask only living creatures and
Trap: The 20-foot stretch of corridor north of the T- items in their possession.
shaped intersection is trapped. The entire 20-foot-by- Creatures: A damaged pulverizer automaton stands in
10-foot section of floor is one pressure plate. When 250 the southeast corner of the room, hidden by an invisibility
pounds of weight (or more) is applied to the pressure sphere. It is not alone; a dark creeper stands guard near
plate, spring-loaded spears extend and retract quickly the northwest corner, inside the other invisibilitysphere.
from holes in the walls (at varying heights). The spears ? Damaged Pulverizer Automaton: hp 47 (currently
continue to extend and retract as long as the pressure 28); see Appendix 4.
plate remains depressed. ^ Dark Creeper: hp 5; see Appendix 4.
Any creature in the 20-foot-long section of hall when Tactics: If it sees intruders approaching from the
the trap activates is attacked by id4 spears. The holes in south passage or southeast tunnel, the dark creeper
the walls are concealed by illusory wall spells, but they barks a command to the pulverizer in Gnome ("Taral
can be detected by touch. yan zyggek!" or "Attack all intruders!") and withdraws
to area J45 to warn its master. Although it cannot speak what they have to say for a minute before he attacks. If
Gnome fluently, the dark creeper knows the command someone makes a DC 20 Diplomacy check, he becomes
words from hearing the dark stalker speak them. unfriendly. He won't attack the PCs, and grants them
If the PCs enter the room through the northwest tun id4 more rounds of talking before he gets fed up and
nel, the dark creeper stealthily moves across the room and attacks. A DC 25 (or DC 15 if he's unfriendly and not
uses the southeast passage to reach area J52. It prefers not hostile) check is enough to make him indifferent, which
to fight the PCs without the presence of other creepers. is as friendly as he'll get. Friendly enough, in any event,
Anyone who speaks Gnome can command the pul that he's willing to talk to the PCs—he has no great loy
verizer to cease its attacks. The automaton can also be alty to Kazmojen.
commanded to perform other simple tasks. If it is given Yuathyb does not know how he contracted the Van
conflicting instructions in the same round, it takes no ishing but is anxious to find a cure. If the heroes can
actions on its next turn. offer one, the dark stalker listens to them. If the PCs can
Treasure: If the pulverizer is destroyed, PCs can cure him, he can also be persuaded not to interfere in
search the sundered remains. A successful DC 24 Search the PCs' plans, provided they deal no (further) harm to
check reveals a deep blue spinel "heart" worth 500 gp him or his dark creeper followers.
and a 5-inch-long steel rod with a rune engraved on one Yuathyb has no loyalty to the skulks, although they
end and notches carved into the other. The rod is a key have helped him in the past. He doesn't actively oppose
that unlocks all "A" gear doors in Jzadirune. the skulks but can provide information on their approxi
mate numbers and whereabouts. He also knows where
J45. GLASSBLOWING WORKSHOP (EL 4) they're keeping Keygan's rat familiar (in area J60) and
how to get there without opening any of the gear doors.
This dark room has exits in the north and south If the PCs have nothing to offer, Yuathyb might agree
west walls, plus gear doors set into the south and to leave them alone or reveal the way to Kazmojen's.for
east walls. A stone oven fills the northwest corner. tress (the elevator in area J63) if they promise to kill the
Iron tongs hang from a hook nearby. Bottles, flasks, grell in area J36 and return with proof of the creature's
and pottery clutter shelves and tables haphazardly death (all10of its tentacles,for instance).
pushed against the bare walls. Shards of broken glass Ad-hoc XP Award: If the PCs successfully negotiate
and ceramic cover the floor such that you think it with Yuathyb, award them experience as if they'd de
would be difficult to cross the room without step feated the dark stalker in combat.
ping on them.
Creature: Little evidence suggests that something
lives here, but the leader of the dark ones calls this This chamber contains a stout desk and matching
room his lair. This dark stalker, Yuathyb, requires very chair. The table bears a set of copper scales and ajar
little sleep, and he suspects that his dark creeper fol of dried-up ink with a feather quill sticking out of it.
lowers secretly conspire to betray him. For this reason, Shelves line the far wall. Everything is caked in dust.
he prefers to remain alone until the skulks have need of
his minions' services. Jzadirune's resident jeweler used to work in this
Yuathyb has pushed a heavily laden table in front small office. Everything of value was removed ex
of the secret door to area J47. Moving the table takes a cept for a 5-inch-long steel rod tucked in the back
move action, as does opening the secret door. of a small drawer built into the tabletop. A success
Yuathyb recently contracted the Vanishing and has ful DC 15 Search check locates the rod, which has a
acquired a ghostlike translucence. His current state small rune engraved on one end and notches worked
gives him a +4 circumstance bonus on Hide checks, into the other. The rod is a key that opens all "R" gear
which he uses to full advantage. doors in Jzadirune.
? Yuathyb, Dark Stalker: hp 16;see Appendix 4.
Tactics: The dark stalker prefers not to fight if out J47. SECRET TREASURY
numbered. Yuathyb tries to hide, attacking only if the
PCs find the secret door to area J47. In that case, he tries This chamber is completely free of dust and cobwebs.
to deal sneak attack damage with a poisoned weapon Green marble tiles cover the floor, and the walls are
and holds his ground until reinforcements arrive from painted with bright murals depicting a forest of enor
area J40 or J44 (at which point he can deal sneak at mous fungi. A gnome-sized suit of full-plate armor,
tack damage to flanked opponents). If reduced to 8 hit complete with visor and helm, stands in the middle
points or fewer, he uses Jog cloud to escape, tumbling of the room. Next to it sits a two-foot-tall clay urn
past foes if necessary to reach an exit filled with treasure.
Development: If the PCs can speak Gnome or Under-
common, they can negotiate with the wily dark stalker. Magicspells keep this chamber clean. The "fungi forest"
His initial attitude toward the PCs is hostile, but if mural cleverlyconceals the secret doors in the east and
the PCs open the encounter with words he'll listen to south walls,making them harder to locate (DC22 Search).
The clayurn containsallof the treasurethe darkcreep their leafy crowns fanning out twenty feet overhead
ers have amassed since coming to Jzadirune,including to form a roof of deciduous leaves through which
items pilferedfrom the cityabove (see Treasure,below). rays of sunshine filter. Brambles and thickets form
Treasure: The suit of armor is filled head-to- toe with impassible walls,although bramble archwaysset into
coins—4,500 sp, to be exact. If moved, the armor falls the north and south walls lead to dark passages and
apart, causing the coins to spill onto the floor. The ar chambers beyond. Two mounds of stony rubble flank
mor is ordinary gnome-sized full plate. a hole in the middle of the east wall that appears to
The clay urn has handles so that it can be carried eas be a natural tunnel through the underbrush. Agentle
ily. It holds the following items, 622 cp, 958 sp, 75 gp, zephyrcausesleavesto rustle, and birds chirp merrily
three silver rings worth 5 gp each, a tiny silver locket in the boughs above.
worth 10 gp containing ashes (a pinch of someone's cre
mated remains),two plain gold rings worth 25 gp each, An effect similar to a permanent hallucinatoryter
a platinum bracelet worth 175 gp engraved with the fol rain spell has transformed pillars into trees, walls into
lowing words in Dwarven:"To Sondor, my deepest love. brambles, and floor tiles into patches of grass.The room
Lorthan,"a set of masterworkthieves'tools, a potion of looks, smells, sounds, and feels like a forest. The two
delaypoison,and a wand ofsleep(8charges). piles of rubble against the east wall (left behind from
the dark creepers' excavations) appeared later and were
J48. SECRET VAULT (EL 3) not incorporated into the illusion.
The secret door in the northwest corner is well hid
Standing against the south wall of this room is a den by the illusion; locating it from this side requires a
gnome-sized suit of banded mail clutching a finely DC 25 Search check.
forged gnome hooked hammer. At its feet rests an The dark creepers despise this area and generally
iron chest secured with an iron padlock. avoid it whenever possible.

The dark stalker and dark creepers did not locate this [51. DINING HALL
vaultduring their search of the dungeon.
The iron chest is held to the floorwith sovereignglue. Once a dining hall, this chamber contains only the
(The universalsolventin area J31 can be used to dissolve wreckage of once-fine furniture. Two iron chande
the glue.)The chest is locked (Open Lock DC 25) and liers dangle from the ceiling, while a third—its rope
holds the Treasure. severed—lies amid the debris on the floor.
Creature:The armor is actually an animated suit
known as a dread guard that attacks if it or the chest Characters can hear the sounds of chirping birds and
is disturbed. rustling leaves through the northern archway (see area
^ Dread Guard: hp 37; see Appendix 4. J50 for details). Nothing of value remains here.
Treasure: A permanent image makes the chest appear
empty. An investigation of the chest grants a DC 19Will J52. KITCHEN (EL 5)
save to disbelieve this effect. Items removed from the
chest becomevisibleinstantly.Theyinclude the follow Two stone hearths fill the east corners of this kitchen.
ing: three shrew statuettes carved from smoky quartz Stone shelves, barren and dusty, fill the wall space
worth 75 gp each, a mother-of-pearl-inlaid board with between the blackened fireplaces. In the middle of
matching wooden game pieces (gnome kings, queens, the room stand two stout tables covered in old webs,
knights,and other figures)worth 250 gp for the set,and while against the south wall rests a dilapidated wood
a tiny silk pouch containing three white pearls worth en cabinet on the verge of collapsing under its own
100 gp each. weight. Debris from a roughly hewn, five-foot-diame
ter tunnel in the north wall spills into the room. Near
J49. SECRET VAULT the opening are heaped the shriveled husks of three
The dark stalker and dark creepers did not locate this enormous spiders.
vault during their search of the dungeon.
All three chests in this room are unlocked but have The dark creepers fought and killed three monstrous
Leomund's trap spells cast on them to make them ap spiders in this room. They then drained the arachnids
pear trapped. The chests are all empty—looted by the of their virulent venom.
gnomes before they left Jzadirune. Strange glyphs on Searching the cabinet might have dire consequences,
their lids might once have warded them, but any magic as detailed under Trap, below. Hidden amid the clay
was long since discharged. dishware in the cabinet is a 5-inch-long steel rod with a
rune engraved on one end and notches carved into the
J50. FALSE FOREST other. This key unlocks all "Z" gear doors in Jzadirune.
Creatures: Two dark creepers lurk here. If the dark
This section of the dungeon looks like a small for creeper from area J44 fled to this room, it is also hiding
est. Four great trees sprout from the grassy floor, in the room (behind a dead spider or under a table).
Encountered in pairs or threes, dark creepers are ex Treasure: The skulks have hidden two unlocked
tremely dangerous due to their sneak attack and shad wooden coffers inside the dead carrion crawler. Only
ow cloak abilities. by searching the remains can the characters spot the
^ Dark Creepers (2): hp 5 each; see Appendix 4. coffers within.
Tactics:The dark creepers hide in the fireplaces until Coffer #1 contains 140 cp, 225 sp, and 178gp.
an enemy approaches; they then move to flank, hoping Coffer #2 contains the following items: a small sil
to deal sneak attack damage. They rely on their shadow ver-framed mirror worth 15 gp, a healer's kit, a silver
cloak ability to avoid taking damage and use their Tum dragon pendant with moonstone eyes worth 125 gp, and
ble skill to avoid taking attacks of opportunity while a plugged copper scroll tube (worth 1 gp) containing a
maneuvering in tight spaces. scroll of mirror image and a scroll of mage armor, both
Trap: The large cabinet holds varnished clay dish- infected with the Vanishing.
ware left behind by the gnomes of Jzadirune. Open The armor consists of ten Small chain shirts and
ing or otherwise tampering with the cabinet causes it ten bucklers.
to topple. Anyone standing in front of the cabinet can Development: If the skulks from area J17 withdrew to
make a DC 10 Reflex save to take half damage. this chamber, they hide in the shadows on either side of
y* Collapsing Cabinet CR 1; mechanical; touch trig the hole in the floor. They try to flank and kill a single
ger; no reset; 2d6 points of damage; DC 10 Reflex save foe, fleeing via the secret door if faced with equal or su
halves; Search DC 13; Disable Device DC 16. perior numbers (but avoiding area J58).
If one of the skulks is captured or cornered here,
J53. PANTRY it pleads for its life in Undercommon. If the PCs can
The gnomes removed most of the edibles from the pan communicate with it, a successful Bluff, Diplomacy, or
try before vacating the complex. However, a few scat Intimidate check convinces the skulk to reveal where
tered jars and baskets of dried herbs remain amid some Keygan'sfamiliar is kept (in area J60) and the safest way
casks of vinegar, loaves of dry bread, and mold. to get there (via area J59).


This room is identical to area J8. The secret door leading to area J56 is locked from this
side. The door can be opened with a successful DC 20
J55. LATRINE Open Lock check or by turning a nearby torch sconce
a quarter-turn counterclockwise; finding the correct
Thin wooden walls separate six curtained stalls that mechanism to open the door requires a successful DC
stretch across the northern wall, although none of 22 Search check.
the dividers prevent the stench of this chamber from Turning the torch sconce clockwise or unlocking the
filling the air. A fish-shaped fresco carved into the secret door without properly turning the sconce trig
back wall once served as a waterspout to a rectangular gers the Trap.
pool of now-brackish water,although water no longer Trap: If the secret door is opened improperly, the
pours from its gaping mouth. 10-foot-square section of floor in front of the door tilts
up toward the west. Anyone standing on the floor must
Waste from the latrine stalls drops into a 30-foot- succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save or tumble down the west
square cistern located 20 feet below this chamber. The ern staircase toward area J17, landing prone. A success
foul stench rises from this cistern. The southern basin ful DC 15 Tumble check halves the damage and allows
contains fouled water and nothing more. the PC to land on his or her feet.
•V* Tilt-and-Tumble Trap: CR 1; mechanical; touch
J56. SKULK TREASURY trigger; automatic reset; 2d6 points of damage; DC 15
Reflex save negates; DC 15 Tumble check for half dam
Bits of rubble and debris cover the floor of this cold age; Search DC 23;Disable Device DC 25.
room. Patches of green mold grow on the damp
walls and cling to the ceiling. Lying in a heap in the J58. BATHROOM (EL 2)
southeast corner are the gutted, putrefied remains
of an eight-foot-long green worm with multiple legs Turquoise ceramic tiles adorn the walls and floor of
and eight slimy tentacles sprouting from its bulbous this room, in the middle of which rests a large oc
head.Aheap of armor and shields lies nearby. tagonal bathing pool with a two-foot-tall raised lip.
Pristine water pours into the pool from a smiling
Several months ago, the skulks and dark creepers stone face carved into an overhanging wall.The water
killed a carrion crawler that had found its way into the exits through a small circular drain at the east end of
complex. The skulks gutted it and stashed their trea the pool. A narrow stone ledge encircles the ceiling,
sure (including plunder from the city above) inside its which is hidden behind a tangled mass of thick webs.
molderingremains (see Treasure below). Suspended from the webs by ropy filaments is a co-
cooned humanoid corpse that dangles five feet above J59. SECRET CLOSET
the pool's glassy surface. This hidden closet connects to area J60 by a secret door.
A 5-foot-diameter hole in the floor drops about 7 feet
See the diagram below for a cross-sectional view of and turns sharply west.
this room. The skulks avoid this area. Creature: A lone skulk lurks here, waiting to strike
The water pouring from the stone face and filling anyone who comes up through the hole in the floor.
the pool is a permanent image that looks, sounds, and The skulk wears a tiny silver key around its neck that
feels real. PCs can fill their waterskins with the water, opens the cage in area J60.
but the water mysteriously disappears once it leaves •J> Skulk: hp 9; see Appendix 4.
the room. Disbelieving the illusion requires a suc Tactics: The skulk gains a +1 bonus on its attack roll
cessful DC 15 Will save; the DM can reduce the DC when attacking a foe coming up from below, since it has
fey of the save if the PCs have good cause to suspect the the higher ground advantage. It fights until reduced to
water is illusory. 4 hit points or fewer, at which point it drops its rapier
The creature suspended in the cocoon is a dead and pleads for its life in Undercommon.
skulk. Its bodily fluids have been completely drained Development If the skulk surrenders, it offers to trade
by the monsters that lurk in the webs and in the its life for the safe return of Keygan'srat familiar (from
pool (see Creatures, below). The webs suspending areaJ60). It evenshows PCsthe wayto Kazmojen'sstrong
the dead skulk have 6 hit points or require a DC hold (using the secret door in area J2 to reach area J63).
26 Strength check to break. The skulk still carries
some Treasure. [60. CAGED RAT (EL 4)
Creatures: A Medium monstrous spider lurks in the
empty pool, hidden by the watery illusion. It lacks the Empty weapon racks fine the walls of this dusty, 10-
intelligence to perceive the illusory water and leaps out foot-high room. In the middle of the floor rests a
of the empty pool to attack the first creature that comes large wooden chest with a flat lid and iron hinges.
within 5 feet. Atop the chest sits a small silver cage holding a rat
Two "baby" spiders (actually Small monstrous spi with a white star-shaped splotch of fur on its tiny
ders) prowl among the webs that stretch across the ceil forehead. It grips the bars and squeaks excitedly.
ing. They descend to attack only if the skulk's husk or
the webs are disturbed. They use fine web filaments to Creatures: The gnomes cleared all the weapons from
drop on prey from above, gaining a +1 bonus on their this room before vacating Jzadirune. Starbrow, Keygan's
melee attacks for higher ground. anxious rat familiar, is locked in the silver cage; unlock
^ Medium Monstrous Spider hp 11; MonsterManual289. ing it requires the proper key(found in area J59), a knock
? Small Monstrous Spiders (2): hp 4 each; Monster spell, or a successful DC 20 Open Lock check.
Manual 289. The chest under the cage is actually a friendly mimic
Treasure: Characters searching the shriveled skulk lulled into helping the skulks. Characters who succeed
corpse find a pouch containing two tourmalines worth at a DC 22 Spot check notice some slight imperfections
100 gp each and a clear spindle ioun stone infected with in the "chest." The mimic reveals itself if anyone ap
the Vanishing. proaches within 5 feet of it or the silver cage. A toothy
mouth splits the front of the chest as it speaks to them
in Undercommon (see Development, below).
f Mimic: hp 52; MonsterManual186.
^ Starbrow,Keygan'srat familiar hp 8;see Appendix4.
Tactics: The skulks keep the mimic fed on a diet of
rats and spiders. It loathes fighting Medium or larger
creatures, although it defends itself without hesitation
if attacked.
Unlike most mimics, this creature speaks only Un
dercommon. Nevertheless, it tries to negotiate with
the PCs, allowing them to take the rat familiar in
exchange for a week's worth of tasty rations or 200
gp worth of treasure. If the PCs can adjust its initial
attitude of indifferent to friendly, it settles for half
these amounts.
Development:The PCs can pry some useful informa
tion from the mimic at no cost. It knows the following:

to-The skulks raid the surface for slaves and hand

Area J ft them off to some hobgoblins, who then take the
slaves to a place called the Malachite Fortress.
So- The skulks work with a gang of "dark ones" led by The wooden floor of this room is actually an eleva
a dark stalker named Yuathyb. They all work for tor that descends 200 feet to area Mi of the Malachite
an Underdark slaver named Kazmojen. Kazmojen Fortress.When the iron lever is pulled down, the chains
pays them a share of the proceeds from his sales, and pulleys lower the floor at a speed of 20 feet per
and the skulks and dark ones keep whatever they round. Thus, it takes the elevator 10 rounds (1 minute)
pilfer from the city above. to reach area Mi.
Jo- Another mimic used to lair here as well, but a pair Creatures: Standing guard on the elevator are two
of hobgoblins working for Kazmojen "offered it a hobgoblins dressed in banded mail and carrying long-
job" guarding treasure in Kazmojen's stronghold. swords, javelins, and small steel shields.
The hobgoblins showed up several weeks ago and •^ Hobgoblins (2): hp 6 each; MonsterManual 153.
haven't returned since. The other mimic is a par Treasure: Each hobgoblin carries a pouch of 50 sp
ticularly mean and greedy thug, and this mimic and 50 cp.
wasn't sad to see him go.
Ad-hoc XP Award: If the PCs successfully negotiate KAZmnTEIVS BAZAAR
with the mimic, award them experience as if they'd de Two hundred feet "below the gnomish enclave of Jza
feated it in combat. dirune lies the Malachite Fortress, a stronghold built
by dwarves and gnomes to guard against incursions
J61. SECRET SLIME ROOM (EL 2) from the Underdark. When the gnomes abandoned Jza
This dusty hall has secret doors set in the north and dirune, they left the dwarves to maintain the Malachite
east walls (leading to areas J2 and J63, respectively). Fortress. Their leader, a righteous dwarven defender
Trap: Opening the secret door in the east wall trig named Zenith Splintershield, foolishly decided to wage
gers a 10-foot-square, 10-foot-deep pit trap that fills a campaign against the Underdark not long after. He
the eastern half of the hall. The floor of the pit con took his best fighting dwarves into the bowels of the
tains a 2-inch-thick layer of black, acidic slime that world and vanished (see Chapter Four for details on
deals id6 points of acid damage per round of con Zenith's fate).
tact. Raising the secret lever in area J62 closes the pit The half-troll half-dwarf Kazmojen came to the Mal
doors and locks them; pulling the lever down again achite Fortress one year ago with a small force of hob
resets the trap. goblins, convinced the few remaining defenders to sur
The skulks safely bypass the trap by knocking three render, and incarcerated them. He has spent the past
times on the secret door; this alerts the hobgoblins in year building his slave trade business, fortifying his
area J63, one of whom raises the lever in area J62. hold on the fortress, and cultivating a loyal clientele.
y* Slime Pit (10 feet deep): CR 2; mechanical; loca In that time, his activities caught the attention of Vervil
tion trigger, manual reset; DC 20 Reflex save avoids; Ashmantle, a prominent businessman from Kingfisher
10 ft. deep (id6, fall); acidic slime (id6 acid per round); Hollow who just happens to control the underground
multiple targets (first target in each of two adjacent 5-ft. slave trade in the region. Vervil has been in contact with
squares);Search DC 19;Disable DeviceDC 19. Kazmojen, and has recently recruited him into his un
Development: Opening the secret door alerts the savory organization. With Vervil's support, Kazmojen's
hobgoblin guards in area J63, who hurl their javelins bazaar could become a major source of slave trade in
at PCs in the pit or on the other side of the pit, gaining the region.
cover from the secret door. Vervil also informed his close friend Vhalantru
about Kazmojen's presence under Cauldron. The be
J62. SLIME PIT LEVER holder paid Kazmojen a visit in his beholder form to
A trail of bootprints through the dust leads from the put a scare into him. He allows the half-troll to con
secret door to a wooden lever jutting from an iron plate tinue his raids in exchange for information on vari
bolted to the north wall. When the lever is in the "up" ous "movers and shakers" in the Underdark. Kazmo
position, the doors to the pit trap in area J61 are locked jen receives this information from many of his cli
shut. When the lever is in the "down" position, the pit ents, among them a vile durzagon (half-fiend duergar)
trap is active.The room is otherwise empty. named Pyllrak Shyraat.
PCs who come to the Malachite Fortress must deal
J63. ELEVATOR SHAFT (EL 1) with Kazmojen, his hobgoblin allies, and the durzagon
Pyllrak (who is interested in buying the four children
The floor of this octagonal room is actually a large plucked from the Lantern Street Orphanage). They also
wooden platform supported by taut iron chains appear at an auspicious time, as Lord Vhalantru himself
looped over eight enormous pulleys bolted to the fif appears to claim the young boy Terrem, whose destiny
teen-foot-high ceiling. One end of each chain is fas lies elsewhere.
tened to a corner of the platform, while the other end
drops through a hole in the platform, connected to THE MALACHITE FORTRESS
something far below. Set into the northeast wall is an The walls, floors, and ceilings inside the Malachite For
iron panel with an iron lever jutting from it. tress are carvedfrom black stone and smoothly polished.
The vertical surfaces cannot be climbed without the aid dark power. Once free of the Malachite Fortress, they
of climbing gearor magic(suchas a spiderclimb spell). might find freedom easier to achieve.
Unless stated otherwise, all rooms and corridors in
the Malachite Fortress are unlit. Most corridors have Ml. ELEVATOR SHAFT
empty sconces along the walls (for torches), while most
rooms have iron-wrought cages dangling from ceiling The walls turn from bare gray stone to polished black
chains (for trapping fire beetles). malachite as the elevator creaks and groans. After a
Unless stated otherwise, the ceilings in most areas minute-long descent down the dark shaft, the wood
are 20 feet high and vaulted. en floor shudders as it comes to rest, and the chains
Doors: The Malachite Fortress features three kinds stop rattling. Above,the shaft rises into darkness. The
of doors: strong wooden single doors with iron hinges only exit from this room appears to be an iron-rein
and reinforcements, heavy iron doors with iron hinges, forced wooden door set into one wall.
and stone secret doors. Assume doors are unlocked un
less specified otherwise. A secret door in the south wall leads to area M2. PCs
Secret doors blend almost seamlessly with the sur can ascend the shaft using the elevator (by pulling the
rounding stonework, are soundproof and require a lever in area M2). They can also clamber up the chains
successful DC 20 Search check to locate. Secret doors and use the nearby walls to brace their ascent (DC 5
have hidden hinges on one side or the other and are Climb check) or ascend using magic.
spring-loaded so that they close automatically unless
held or wedged open. M2. SECRET LEVER
Because the secret doors are soundproof, any Listen
checks made to hear things on the other side of a closed This is a cold, dark room. An iron lever juts from an
secret door are treated as if impeded by walls rather iron plate bolted to the eastern wall.
than doors.
Ij? Strong Wooden Door: 2 in. thick; Hardness 5; hp When the elevator is down, so is the lever. Shifting
20; Break DC 25; Open Lock DC 30. the lever into the "up" position causes loud grinding
Ij? Iron Door: 2 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 60; Break noises as iron winches hidden deep behind the walls
DC 28; Open Lock DC 32. prepare to hoist the wooden elevator floor in area Mi
IjJ Stone Secret Door: 4 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 60; back to the top of the shaft.
Break DC 28. Two rounds after the lever is pulled up, the wooden
floor in area Mi begins ascending the elevator shaft,
CAPTURED! reaching area J63 in 10 rounds. If the lever is pulled
The PCs face many perils as they explore the Mala down, the floor starts to descend again.
chite Fortress, particularly if they raise a general alarm
and bring all of the fortress's defenses down on them M3. STONY GREETINGS (EL 2)
at once. At some point during the adventure, the PCs
might be captured or knocked unconscious. In such a The ceiling of this hall rises to an apex twenty feet
case, the campaign shouldn't come to a sudden end. overhead. The floor, walls, and vaulted ceiling are
Once Kazmojen learns of the PCs, he views them more composed of smooth black stone that almost seems
as commodities than threats. He would rather incarcer to absorb light. Two cylindrical iron cages, each one
ate them and sell them as slaves than simply kill and loot five feet tall and two feet wide, dangle from the ceil
them. Captured PCs are dragged to area M18and impris ing by iron chains. The base of each cage hangs five
oned in individual cells, where they are held for days or feet above the floor. A strange sculpture stands in
weeks before an interested Underdark client arrives in the middle of the hall between the two cages: a five-
search of new slaves.The PCs might even receive a visit foot tall column of roughly hewn gray stone covered
from VervilAshmantle, come to appraise their potential. with sharp protrusions. Four crystal-tipped append
The PCs' mundane gear is stashed in area M19, while ages jut from the stony mass, each one pointing in a
their more valuable treasures (anything worth more than different direction.
100gp) are added to Kazmojen'strove in area Mil.
Food and water are passed to the PCs through the The "strange sculpture" is the Creature. The empty
barred windows in their cell doors, but occasionally iron cages were designed to hold giant fire beetles,
their jailers might haul one of them to the torture which in turn provided the hall with illumination. Both
chamber (area M22) for an hour of pointless interroga cages are currently empty.
tion. If the PCs are unable to mount their own escape, Creature: A stone spike guards this hall. One of the
days or weeks might drift by before fortune smiles on stranger creatures brought to the fortress by Kazmojen,
them. The half-elves Fario and Fellian might come to this elemental resembles a roughly sculpted column
their rescue, or the PCs might be sold in chains to Py of stone with four crystal-tipped arms. It usually waits
llrak Shyraat, Venal Ashmantle, a derro wizard, a bar- until intruders pass beyond the first iron cage before
ghest, or some other visiting flunky of a greater Under- attacking.It does not attack if one or both hobgoblins
from area J63 accompany the party, instead passing it carved in the likeness of an ovoid creature with three
self off as an inanimate piece of decor. stubbylegs,three eyes,and three spindlyarms spaced
^ Stone Spike: hp 25; see Appendix 4. equidistantly around its pebbly body. Smoke issues
Development: Sounds of combat in this area attract from a gaping mouth atop the creature's "head." A
the attention of the fortress's major-domo, Xukasus (see dark, pungent haze fills the room. A nine-foot-tall
area M4 for details). Xukasus enters the hall 1 round gray stone statue of a dwarven warrior stands before
after battle erupts. the southeast set of iron doors, facing northeast. The
dwarf stares blankly forward, two glistening black
M4. MAJOR-DOMO'S QUARTERS (EL 3) gems embedded in his eyes, a spiked helmet resting
atop his formidable brow. His armor bears graven
A putrid stench fills this room. The rectangular glyphs, and a shield is slung over his back. His stony
chamber beyond is splattered wall-to-wall with filth, gauntlets rest on the handle of a stone greataxe etched
bile, bones, and other disgusting remains. Although with fierypatterns. The head of the weapon is planted
the room contains no furnishings per se, some of the firmly on the floor. Draped over the statue is a mass of
older refuse has hardened into a crude chair, and an iron chains ending in nasty barbs, spikes, hooks, and
iron chest rests half-buried in a small mound of dung blades. Some of them are coiled around the statue's
in the southeast corner. arms and legs to keep them from sliding off.

Creature: Among Kazmojen's loyal servitors is the The stone braziers are carved to resemble xorns.
repulsive Xukasus, an unusually smart otyugh poly- The coals that burn in them are sprinkled with dried
morphed long ago into an unusually gangly ogre by a subterranean plants that exude a horrible stench
polymorphany object trap. Xukasus lairs here, devouring when burned.
his garbage,gathering waste from other areas of the for The statue depicts Zenith Splintershield, the noble
tress to replenish his larder, and haphazardly guarding dwarven defender who once commanded the fortress
the locked iron chest at the back of the room (see Trea garrison. The gems embedded in its eye sockets are
surebelow). held in place with sovereignglue and can be easily re
The vile Xukasus enjoys his new form. In combat, moved if universalsolventis applied; prying them loose
he wields an enormous filth-encrusted falchion, even without applying magical solvent damages them and
though he doesn't have proficiency with the weapon. reduces their value to one-tenth normal. The gems rep
Like all otyughs, Xukasus speaks Common, greeting in resent the only Treasure to be found here.
truders with the cheery catchphrase, "More carrion for Creatures: Four hobgoblins stand guard here: two
my larder! Very nice." flanking each set of iron doors. Eyeholes in the north
Xukasus retains his ogre form if slain. A successful west set of doors allow them and other creatures to peer
dispel magic against caster level 18th returns Xukasus to into area M7. The iron bar that binds the northwest set
his true form. of doors can be slid to one side with ease. The double
^ Xukasus, male ogre (polymorphed otyugh): hp 42; doors are not otherwise locked.
see Appendix 4. The four hobgoblins keep their eyes and ears open
Treasure:The iron chest is locked (Open LockDC 30) for Underdark visitors, escorting Kazmojen's clients
and contains the following treasure: 5,990 cp, 2,248 sp, from area M7to prearranged quarters (areas M23-M24)
two deep green spinels worth 100 gp each, and a dried or their master's slave bazaar (area M34). The hobgob
fungi flask containing a potion of cure moderatewounds. lins here attack any intruders who are not accompanied
Ad-hoc XP Award: An otyugh is usually a CR 4 mon by a hobgoblin escort.
ster. However, Xukasus lost his otyugh special attacks. The mass of chains draped over the statue is an
In his ogre form, he is considered a CR 3 creature, since animated construct given to Kazmojen by Vervil Ash
he has no proficiency with his weapon and can't use one mantle as a gift. The animated mass of chains stirs
of his feats. only if it or the statue is disturbed, or if Kazmojen
himself commands it to attack. It moves by sham
M5. SECRET CORRIDOR bling across the floor. These chains are treated as a
This unlit, L-shaped corridor connects areas M3 and Medium animated object with Hardness 10 and the
M28. The hall enables fortress guards to move quickly constrict special attack.
between different areas of the stronghold. ^ Hobgoblins (2): hp 6 each; MonsterManual153.
^ Mass of Chains, Medium animated object: hp 31,
M6. ZENITH'S HALL (EL 4) MonsterManual13.
Treasure: The two black sapphires set into the stat
The ceiling in this square chamber rises to an apex ue's eye sockets are worth 1,000 gp apiece intact, or 100
thirty feet overhead. Great pairs of iron doors are set gp apiece if damaged. <V,
into opposite-facing walls, although only the north Development: The southeast doors are designed to ^tt«^,
west doors are sealed with a heavyiron bar. Each cor allow sound to pass through them; the guards in area
ner of the room holds a two-foot-tall stone brazier M21 hear sounds of combat emanating from this room
and alert Kazmojen in area M34, but otherwise remain imbibed too much bad mead. The hobgoblins flank
at their posts. foes as they can.


A stone bridge arches across a chasm.Thirty feet be This room is horridly appointed. The walls are carved
low lies a pool of still black water. with tall, narrow niches piled high with skulls, and the
skinned hides of various monsters hang on the bare
The stone bridge is secure and enclosed on each side walls between them. A large chair made of monster
by a 2-foot-high stone railing. Anyone who falls from skins stretched over a framework of bones stands in
the bridge lands in a 70-foot-deep pool of icy water. the middle of the room. A draconic skull surmounts
Mineral deposits have turned the water black, but the the chair, empty eye sockets starting menacingly.Be
real danger comes from the water's cold temperature; hind the chair, near the far wall, a bed of soft moss
see "Water Dangers" in the Dungeon Master's Guide, and fungi sprouts from a large heap of carrion. Afew
page 85, for drowning and hypothermia rules, if they bones lie scattered around the bed.
become necessary.
Kazmojen sleeps on the bed of moss, fungi, and car
M8. TO THE UNDERDARK rion and sits in the chair during private meetings with
Lord Vhalantru, Vervil Ashmantle, and various sordid
A wide tunnel at the back of this dark, cold cavern Underdark clients.
slopes down into darkness. A small forest of stalag Kazmojen collects and displays the skulls and hides
mites sprouts from the uneven floor, but the cavern of past victims. The walls are adorned with the skinned
otherwise appears empty. hides of a basilisk, digester, displacer beast, ettercap,
medusa, and salamander. The skulls are mostly gobli-
The tunnel leads to the vast network of caverns noid but also include a fewgnome, dwarf,duergar, dark
known as the Underdark. Underdark denizens such as elf grimlock, and troglodyte skulls. A hydra skull rests
Pyllrak Shyraat (see M34) travel this tunnel whenever atop his "throne of skins and bones."
they visit the Malachite Fortress to secure new slaves. Characters searching the room find scattered bones,
If the PCs insist on exploring this region of the Un animal droppings, and long quills on the floor—all left
derdark, consult Chapter Four for some pointers and by Kazmojen's pet howler.
sample encounters. Kazmojen keeps no valuables here. A secret door in
the south wall leads to his hidden treasury (area M11).
A hellish glow fills this room, emanating from a
two-foot-long beetle imprisoned in an iron-wrought This thirty-foot-square room has no other visible ex
cage suspended from the ceiling. Glands above the its. In the middle of the chamber rest three padlocked
beetle's eyes shed the light, illuminating the sparse chests, three casks brimming with coins, a small stone
furnishings of this rectangular chamber. Four mala bowl filled with gems, a heap of armor, and two large
chite slabs, each one covered with a pallet of green shields used as trays to hold more coins. Various oth
ish-black moss, jut from the walls. A wooden table er trinkets and trophies add to the trove, including
stands in the middle of the room, surrounded by a gem-encrusted horn, an ornate walking cane, and
four chairs. The table bears four empty clay flagons an engraved golden gong hanging from an intricately
and an iron cask. sculpted wooden frame. An iron lever juts from an
iron plate in the south wall. The lever is current in
This simply furnished chamber is occupied. The the "down" position.
moss-covered slabs serve as beds for the guards sta
tioned here. The three chests are locked (Open Lock DC 25), and Ka
Creatures: Four hobgoblins lair here. Two are awake zmojen carries the keys. Closer inspection of the chests
and seated at the table, drinking mead from the iron reveals that one is iron-bound and has handles on its sides
cask. The other two are asleep on their beds, snoring for easytransport. Another is blackened by fire and has a
loudly. The caged fire beetle presents no threat unless it toothy, crescent-shaped grin painted on its front in dried
is released, in which case it attacks a random target. blood.The third has copper fittings, a dagger-shaped sym
^ Hobgoblins (2): hp 6 each; MonsterManual 153. bol carved into its lid, and a hidden Trap.
^ Giant Fire Beetle: hp 4; MonsterManual285. The iron lever in the south wall controls the pit trap
Tactics: At the first sign of trouble, the alert guards in area M12.When the lever is raised, the pit locks shut
grab their weapons and wake their sleeping comrades. and is safe to cross.
The awakened guards spend another round gathering Creature: A mimic has assumed the form of the gold
their gear and "shaking out the cobwebs" from having gong and its wooden frame. Kazmojen's allies brought
the mimic from Jzadirune (see area J6o). It attacks any clutchinga scrollin its beak.AsuccessfulDC20 Knowl
one other than Kazmojen who approaches within 5 feet edge (local)check identifies this stamp as the mark of
of the hoard. a messengerservicebased in KingfisherHollow called
1 Mimic: hp 52; MonsterManual186. "Kingfisher Sendings."
Trap: The chest with the dagger carved into its lid Vervil Ashmantle is scheduled to confront the PCs
radiates moderate evocation magic under the scrutiny in Chapter Eight. For now, his involvement in the
of a detect magicspell. Anyonewho opens the lid releases problems facing Cauldron amounts to little more than
a spectral dagger that attacks the opener for 7 rounds a red herring.
before disappearing. The dagger cannot switch targets
and otherwise behaves exactly as a spiritual weapon cast M12. TRAPPED ROOM (EL 2)
by a 7th-levelcleric with 14Wisdom. Located between two secret doors, this room contains
y* Spectral Dagger Trap: CR 2; magic device; touch a Trap.
trigger; repair reset; Atk +5 melee (id4+2, spiritual dag Trap: The floor of this room is actually the lid of a
ger); lasts 7 rounds; Search DC 22; Disable Device DC 20. twenty-foot-deep spiked pit. It opens when the first
Treasure: The iron-bound chest contains four large character sets foot in the room. The pit's lid can be
iron keys shaped like black demons resting on a bed locked shut by raising the lever in area Mil. The pit
of 4,225 sp. The keys do not open any doors in the trap can be closed and the trap reset by raising and low
Malachite Fortress but might prove useful elsewhere ering the lever.
in the Underdark. y* Spiked Pit (20 feet deep): CR 2; mechanical; loca
The scorched chest with the bloody smile contains tion trigger; manual reset; DC 20 Reflex save avoids; 20
450 gp, a silver crescent moon pendant on a silver chain ft. deep (2d6, fall); multiple targets (first target in each of
(worth 30 gp), and two potions of darkvision,all buried two adjacent 5-ft.squares); pit spikes (Atk+10 melee, id4
under a layer of worthless black iron coins. spikes per target for id4+2 each); Search DC 18;Disable
The trapped chest contains hundreds of worthless Device DC 15.
glass beads. However, the beads can be poured over a
20-foot-square area, requiring any creature that moves M13. ARCHED BRIDGE
across them at normal speed or faster to succeed at a
Reflexsave (DC 12) or fall prone. An arched stone bridge connects to a ten-foot-wide
Other treasures found here include the following: causewaythat spans one wall of a great cavern. Fused
an oak cask containing 2,219 CP> a fungal cask contain with the rough-hewn cavern walls are smooth walls
ing 696 sp and 1,451 cp, an iron cask containing 522 gp of dull black stone, some with doors and windows
and 900 sp, a masterwork chain shirt a suit of master- set into them. Two nine-foot-tall statues carved from
work studded leather armor, a composite shortbow white marble stand in alcoves on each side of a rein
(+2 Strength), a silvered two-bladed sword, a darkwood forced wooden door set deep into the west wall. The
shield holding 180sp, a large steel shield holding 362cp, statues depict a male and female dwarf clad in armor,
an engraved stone bowl containing 19 gems (six chunks each of which brandishes an urgrosh. The cavern
of blue quartz worth 10 gp each, four carnelians worth plunges thirty feet below the level of the causeway,
50 gp each, four peridots worth 75 gp each, two white ending in a pool of still, black water.
pearls worth 100 gp each, a pink pearl worth 250 gp, and
two aquamarines worth 500 gp each), an ivory horn set The arched bridge leads to a door that opens into
with bloodstones worth 450gp, and an ash walking cane area M34. Opposite this door is another portal opening
with a silver, angel-shaped handle worth 55 gp which into area M14. The dwarf statues, though fearsome in
unscrews to reveal a tiny compartment containing a po stature and well crafted, are unremarkable.
tion of cure moderate wounds in a vial. The cane belongs Anyone who falls from the bridge or causeway lands
to Coryston Pike (see area M21). in a 40-foot-deep pool of icy water. See "Water Dangers"
Development: A DC 22 search of the room finds a on page 304 of the Dungeon Master's Guide for drown
crumpled piece of paper behind the scorched chest. ing and hypothermia rules, if they become necessary.
This is a recent letter (no more than a week old) to Ka Development: Loud noises in this cavern can be
zmojen from Vervil Ashmantle asking him in not so heard by the hobgoblin guards in areas M9, M21, and
gentle words to ease off on the snatching of slaves-to- M34,who investigate the following round.
be from Cauldron. Vervil warns Kazmojen that it's easy
to become "too successful" at this job, which usually M14. AUTOMATON GUARD (EL 5)
results in the unpleasant involvement of jealous com Illusory walls separate this room into a 10-foot-wide
petitors or offended do-gooders. The letter closes by corridor with two chambers to the north and south .
stating bluntly that if Kazmojen doesn't slow down on The illusorywalls are represented as dotted lines on the
the abductions, he'll attract the wrong sort of attention. map. Although the walls appear solid and real, touching
Kazmojen is mentioned by name many times, but Ver them reveals their insubstantial nature.
vil never mentions his own name. He signed the letter Characters who enter this room from the north or
with nothing more than a stamp of a flying kingfisher south find themselves in a 2o-foot-by-3o-foot room
bound by the illusorywalls.They also seeone of two au M16. EMPTY CELLBLOCK
tomatons standing guard here (see Creatures,below).
The roomcontainsno furnishings.Woodenleverspro This corridor stretches for nearly a hundred feet,
trude from iron panels bolted to the northwest and south ending at a blank wall. In the east and west walls are
west walls. The levers are currentlyin the "up" position; several six-foot-tall, two-foot-wide iron doors kept
pulling them down causesthe stone blocksin area M15 to lockedbyiron bars.The iron doors are typicalexcept
sealoffthe westerncellblocks(areas M16 and M17). for the six-inch-wide, three-inch-high barred win
Creatures:Two hammerer automatons guard this dows set into them at dwarven eye level.
chamber. One stands by the north lever, while the
other stands beside the south lever. A rust monster Each ten-foot-square cell contains an uncomfortable
damaged both constructs several years ago, and no stone slab (actuallya protrusion of the far wall), an iron
one has bothered to repair them. A hammerer is a chamber pot, a clayjug for holding water, and the oc
roughly human-shaped construct. One of its two casional gnawed bone, chunk ofdried bread, or piece of
arms ends in a massive pincer, and the other in an moldy cheese.
even more massive hammer. None of the cells is currently occupied.
? Hammerer Automatons (2): hp 36(currently 24and
19); see Appendix 4. M17. EMPTY CELLBLOCK
Tactics: If someone other than Kazmojen,a hobgob This cellblock is similar in configuration to area M16.
lin, or an ogre enters this room, the automatons have No prisoners are currently kept here.
instructions to pull down the levers, sealing off the
western cellblocks. Once the levers have been pulled, M18. CELLBLOCK
the automatons attack intruders, striking from behind The layout of this corridor is identical to that in area
the illusorywalls. M16. The difference here is that a successful DC 5 Lis
A hammerer attempts to grapple the nearest foe ten check reveals faint whimpers from down the hall.
with its pincer. If it succeeds, it smashes the trapped The cells are furnished similarly to the ones found
victim with its hammer on subsequent rounds until in area M16. Attempting to unbar and open a cell door
the victim is dead or goes limp, at which point it re without attracting the attention of the guards in area
leases its prey and seeks out its next target. A grap M20 requires a successful Move Silently check opposed
pled character can trick the automaton into releasing by the guards' Listen checks.
its hold by using a full-round action to "play dead." Creatures: Four prisoners, all kidnapped townsfolk,
A successful Bluff check (opposed by the hammerer's are incarcerated in separate cells. They wear tattered
Wisdom check) fools the hammerer into releasing its and stained clothes, but any other possessions of pos
hold on its next action and choosing a new target. The sible value or use have been stored in area M19.
character playing dead falls prone at the start of the Krylscar Endercott (warrior 2, hp 14 [currently 5]), a
hammerer's turn. 24-year-old male human, remains impertinent and
Treasure: The "heart" of each automaton is actually contentious despite a terrific beating given to him by
a violet garnet worth 500 gp. Finding it requires a suc his jailers. Not surprisingly, the scruffy, ornery, and ob
cessful DC 24 Search check. noxious loudmouth remains an unsold commodity.
Ad-hoc XP Award: Hammerer automatons are nor Deven Myrzal (commoner 1; hp 3), an 18-year-oldmale
mally CR 4 monsters. However, these ones are already human, has lost all hope ofbeing rescued and has endured
damaged and should be treated as CR3 creatures. special torment at the hands ofhisjailers, who have vowed
to eat him soon if no one buys him as a slave.
M15. SLIDING BLOCKS Irruth Mercadi (commoner 1; hp 4), a 36-year-old fe
The corridors leading to the cellblocks (areas M16 and male human, trembles quietly in a dark corner of her
M17) are 10feethigh. Recessedinto the walls are twogreat cell, imagining the various horrors that await her.
blocks of malachite on stone rollers. The blocks fit the Jasper Drundlesput (expert 2; hp 6), a 74-year-old
corridor perfectly,allowing only the slightest gap between gnome, mumbles quietly to himself most of the time. He
them and the surrounding floor, walls,and ceiling. has used a sharp stone to carve mathematical formulas
When the levers in area M14 are pulled, the blocks into the walls of his cell, mostly to pass the idle time.
roll 10 feet to the east, effectively sealing off the cell- Tactics: Deven, Irruth, and Jasper are not much good
blocks and trapping the prisoners within. Keeping a in a fight, but Krylscar will swing a sword, a chair, or
block from rolling into place requires a successful DC whatever else he can find to win his freedom. He re
25 Strength check; if the check fails,any creature in the bukes authority and doesn't take orders well, however.
space to be occupied by the block is pushed back 10 Use the stats for a street thug (Appendix 4) if the PCs
feet automatically. recruit Krylscar's aid in this manner.
Arolled block must be physically pushed back into its Development: These prisoners know that they are
niche; this requires a successful DC 25 Strength check. not the only ones being held in the fortress. Four
Moving the block is a lot harder from inside the sealed- children were recently removed from their cells and
off cellblock, requiring a DC 30 Strength check. taken to the auction chamber (area M34), and six
other slaves have been put to work in the forge (area room. Three branding irons lie half-immersed in
M27). The prisoners know how to get to both rooms the coals.Two iron cages hang from the ceiling on
from this cellblock. either side of the oven: one holds an enormous bee
Ad-hoc XP Award: Award the party 100 XP for each tle with red-glowing glands, and the other holds a
prisonerreturnedto Cauldronalive and 50 XP for each pile of bones and skulls.The latter cage hangs by a
slain prisoner theyreturn to the town for proper burial. narrow window that looks out into a dark cavern.
Against the south wall, a haggard woman sits in a
M19. PRISONER GEAR tall, iron-wrought chair, metal clamps around her
wrists, ankles, and neck.
Two stone slabs jutting from the west wall of this
room bear a number of common items, from articles Unless a disturbance lures them elsewhere, Kazmo
of clothing to daggers. jen's chief jailer and two other hobgoblins lurk here.
They are killing time by torturing one of their master's
Prisoners detained in the cellblocks are stripped of prisoners—an attractive middle-aged woman named
all belongings; unnecessary clothing and other mun Coryston Pike. Her shackles are held shut with iron
pins,whichcan be easilyremovedto set her free. &
dane equipment is stored here. PCs searching the ta
bles find several bundled outfits, as well as vests, cloaks, The caged giant fire beetle poses no threat as long as
belts, slippers, and boots. The room also contains some it remains confined.The other cage contains bones from
equipment taken from captured Underdark denizens, manydifferentcreatures,placedhere to add to the decor.
who are more likely to carry weapons and armor than Creatures:The chief jailer is an ebon-skinned hob
city-dwellingfolk; seeTreasure,below,for details. goblin with one arm named Zarkad;he impressed Ka
Treasure: Among the worthless clothing and per zmojen in battle despite his apparent infirmity. The
sonal effects, PCs find the following gear: a Small suit other two hobgoblins are typical of their kind.
of studded leather armor, a bloodstained chain shirt, a Coryston Pike gave up adventuring 13 years ago af
blood-encrusted short sword, two longswords, a leather ter a marauding troll tore her comrades to pieces and
bag of caltrops, a 30-foot length of hemp rope, three nearly did the same to her. She walks with a limp—a
torches, an empty backpack, and any items worth 100 painful reminder of her encounter with the troll. If the
gp or less taken from captured PCs. PCs set her free, she assists them any way she can.
^ Giant Fire Beetle: hp 4; MonsterManual285.
M20. JAILER'S QUARTERS (EL 1) ^ Hobgoblins (2): hp 6 each; MonsterManual 153.
£ Zarkad, male hobgoblin warrior 2: hp 15; see
Moss pallets coyer five malachite slabs that protrude Appendix 4
from the walls of this rank chamber. A somewhat ^P Coryston Pike, female human rogue l/sorcerer 2:
mistreated wooden table and four chairs stand in the hp 17(currently 5); see Appendix 4.
middle of the room. A rack of javelins occupies the Ad-hoc XP Award:Award the party 150XP if Coryston
northeast corner. is returned to Cauldron alive, or 75XP if the PCs return
her dead body to the town for proper burial.
The moss-covered slabs serve as beds for the chief
jailer and his four subordinates—all hobgoblins. Only M22. MAIN HALL (EL 2+)
two hobgoblins are in the room at present, but the oth This hall is guarded and trapped. If the PCs enter the
ers are close by in area M21. hall with a hobgoblin escort (either charmed or other
The weapon rack in the northeast corner holds 16 wise befriended), they are allowed to traverse the hall
normal javelins. and knock on the doors leading to Kazmojen's auction
Creatures: Two hobgoblins rest here. Although they chamber (area M34). If the PCs enter the hall unescort
are lying down, they are kept awake by the sounds of ed, they are attacked.
torture in area M21. Creatures: Two hobgoblin guards stand at the south
^ Hobgoblins (2): hp 6 each; MonsterManual 153. end of the hall, on either side of the iron double doors
Tactics: If anyone enters the room or if they hear leading to area M34. Their darkvision allows them to
loud noises in area M13 or Mi8, the two hobgoblins see the length of the hall.
grab their swords and shout for reinforcements. They ? Hobgoblins (2): hp 6 each; MonsterManual 153.
like to flank foes in combat. Tactics: If they spot the PCs, the hobgoblins bang on
Development: Any disturbance in this room attracts the double doors and shout "Croleks!" ("Intruders!"),
the monsters in area M21, who appear one round later. alerting the occupants of areas M26 and M34. They
then begin shooting arrows at the intruders.
M21. TORTURE CHAMBER (EL 2) On the second round, four hobgoblins from area
M26 enter the hall, stopping just short of the pit traps
Ghastly furnishings decorate this hellishly lit (see Trap,below).The two archers ready actions to pull
chamber. Glowing-hot coals fill the black belly of down the levers, opening the pit traps when they think
a six-foot-diameter iron oven that dominates the they can catch the most intruders.
The hobgoblinstryto catch asmany PCs aspossible PyllrakShyraat,one of Kazmojen'sbest clients,claims
in the pit traps, then begin hurlingjavelins down at this room as his own.
them. Once the levers are pulled, the two archers re The iron chest is locked (Open Lock, DC 25) and
sume shootingarrowsat PCs still in the hall proper. contains Pyllrak's supplies and personal effects (see
Trap: The hall contains two io-foot-by-20-footpit Treasure, below). The four chains attached to the
traps. The pits open when the levers by the southern chest end in shackles;Pyllrak has keys for the shack
doors are pulled; the west lever opens the northern les,which he uses to bind his slavesduring long treks
mostpit,and the eastleveropensthesouthernmostpit. through the Underdark.
Each pit is 10 feet deep and lined with spikes.The in Creatures:Two horrid blobs of flesh lurk here as well;
side walls of the pit are polished smooth and cannot be these are Pyllrak'slemure thralls. They have orders to
climbed without climbing gear. attack anyone other than Pyllrak who enters the room.
m The pit fids can be closed and locked by pullingup ^P Lemures (2): hp 9 each; MonsterManual48.
the levers,although the lids are heavy and take a round Treasure: Pyllrak's locked trunk contains the follow
to close. ing items: an explorer's outfit, a bedroll, a jug of wine,
y* Spiked Pits: CR 1; mechanical; manual trigger; a full waterskin, four spare sets of manacles, four small
manual reset;20-ft.deep;id6 damage(fall);Atk +3 melee empty sacks, and two potionsofcure light wounds.
(id4 points of piercingdamage, id4 spikes); Reflex save
(DC 15) avoids;SearchDC17; DisableDevice DC17. M26. MAIN BARRACKS (EL 2)
Development: When they hear the callto arms, the two The door to this room is slightly ajar, allowing the
hobgoblinsin area M34 watchthebattleunfoldthrough guards within to hear cries of alarm in area M22.
tiny eyeholes in the southern set of double doors. If the Thesebarracks,whichhold four rowsofiron-wrought
hall guards are overwhelmed,the hobgoblins in area bunk beds, can accommodate 32 guards, although only
M34bar the double doors leading to that area and use a half that many hobgoblins sleep here. The bunks are
circuitous route (through areas M29 and M27) to reach sized for dwarves, much to the hobgoblins' chagrin.
the interlopers. Kazmojen remains in area M34. Two empty iron cages hang from the ceiling.
Creatures:Four hobgoblins rest here, their weapons
M23. GUEST QUARTERS leaning against their bunks or lying on the floor near
by.They respond quickly to cries of alarm or sounds of
An iron cage dangles from the ceiling in one corner battle in area M22.
of this room. Trapped inside the cage, a large beetle ? Hobgoblins (4): hp 6 each; MonsterManual153.
with glowing glands bathes the room in an infernal
light. The room contains a pair of simple beds and a M27. FORGE (EL 3)
table with two chairs. PCs who listen at the west or south door can hear the
sounds of a roaring fire and hammers striking metal.
These two rooms are set aside for Kazmojen'sclients. The north secret door is soundproof
Neither room is currently in use.
Creature: If released, the caged beetle attacks the This smithy is unpleasantly warm and filled with
nearest creature. the stench of hot metal and ash. A blazing forge
? Giant Fire Beetle: hp 4; MonsterManual 285. dominates the east wall, flanked by malachite cary
Ad-hoc XP Award: PCs do not receive experience for atids depicting dwarven metalsmiths. In front of
releasing and killing the giant fire beetle. the hearth rests a ten-foot-wide, twenty-foot-long
slab of gray stone surmounted by two black an
M24. GUEST QUARTERS vils. Barrels of water and metalsmithing tools rest
Kazmojen reserves this room for special guests (like nearby. Two cylindrical iron cages, each one five
Vervil Ashmantle), but it is currently not in use. An feet tall and two feet wide, dangle from the ceil
empty iron cage dangles from the ceiling in one corner. ing by iron chains. The bottoms of the cages hang
The room's furnishings include a large bed, its corner five feet above the floor, and the giant fire beetles
posts shaped like dwarven sentinels. Three cots, a table, locked within them shed a lurid orange glow. Atop
and four chairs fill out the decor. the slab, a female dwarf and three goblins ham
mer away at pair of newly forged javelins while two
M25. PYLLRAK'S QUARTERS (EL 2) halflings sit on the floor nearby, linking together
tiny chains for what will ultimately become a suit
An iron cage dangles from the ceiling in one corner of armor. The dwarf and halflings have manacles
of this rectangular chamber. Trapped inside are two binding their ankles.
enormous beetles that shed a hellish light The room's
furnishings include a large bed covered with animal Dwarves used the forge to craft armor and weapons,
hides, its corner posts shaped like dwarven sentinels. and Kazmojen has just begun using the room for a sim
Next to the bed sits an iron trunk with claw-shaped ilar purpose. His slavesare not welltrained in the art of
feet and four chains bolted to its sides. metalsmithing, however,and progress has been slow.
One of the hobgoblinscarries the key that unlocks M30. COOK'S QUARTERS
the slaves' manacles. Otherwise, the manacles must be The cooks (see area M33) sleep here and have neither
picked,smashed,or magicallyopened. valuables nor a place to hide them. The room holds
Creatures:The four hobgoblins who guard the slaves onlythree cots atop a gray, stained rug.
here are tired of watching them work. The loud ham
mering and roaring fire prevent them from hearing M31. LARDER
cries of alarm elsewhere in the fortress.
In addition, three goblins can be found here. They Four slabs of meat hanging from hooked chains
fight alongsidethe hobgoblins.If all of the hobgoblins are the skinned, dried corpses of four Medium-size
are slain, the goblins surrender. They can be goaded monsters: a giant lizard, a krenshar, a hunting bat,
into helping the PCs, but they remain untrustworthy and a snake.
and turn against the PCs to save their skins.
The dwarf and halflings are Cauldron townsfolk. These remains will eventually be cooked and served
Theywear tatteredclothes,but anyother possessionsof up to Kazmojen and his garrison.
possiblevalue or use have been stored in area M19.
Sondor Ironfold (commoner 1; hp 4), a 127-year-old M32. PANTRY
female dwarf who came here with her husband who was Characters who search the jugs, flasks, pots, casks, and
sold off four weeks ago. She has felt alone ever since. sacks on the stone shelves find various edible foodstuffs
Jeneer Everdawn(commoner 1; hp 2; Appraise+4) is purchased from Underdark traders. Most of the food Pn
a 42-year-oldmale halfling and is delirious with fear. consists of edible fungi, mold, small vermin, and ale.
Red rings around his eyes attest to the nightmares that Treasure: Exotic Underdark spices and seasonings
consume his sleep. fill bottles along the shelves. Characters can collect 15
Maple(see below)is a 32-year-oldfemale halflingwho bottles of exotic spices worth 2 gp each.
constantly looks for a way to escape captivity. Escape
and self-preservation are always foremost in her mind. M33. KITCHEN (ELI)
Shealso speaks Goblin, so she secretly knows what her
captors are saying. This sparselyappointed kitchen has a stone hearth set
If released from their cages, the giant fire beetles at into the southeast corner, a worktable in the middle
tack nearby targets indiscriminately. of the room, and some shelves carved into the west
^ Hobgoblins (4): hp 6 each; MonsterManual153. wall.The table bears many pots and utensils, and clay
^ Goblins (3): hp 5each; MonsterManual133. dishware clutters the shelves.
^ Maple, femalehalfling rogue 1: hp 5; see Appendix4.
^ Giant Fire Beetle: hp 4; MonsterManual285. The kitchencontainslittleofvaluebut is usuallyoccupied.
Ad-hoc XP Award: Award the party 100 XP for each Creatures: Gryffon Malek (commoner 1; hp 4), a 33-
townsperson returned to Cauldron alive, or 50 XP for year-old human barkeeper from Cauldron, serves as
each dead NPC returned to the town for proper burial. Kazmojen'shead cook. He wormed his wayinto the po
sition to avoid Kazmojen's slave auction. In exchange
M28. SECRET ARMORY for his loyal service, he gets to sleep in a cot instead of
a cell, and he gets to eat warm leftovers instead of cold
Dozens of forged weapons are neatly arrayed on four ones. On the downside, he must work with two goblin
wrought-iron weapon racks standing in the middle of assistants who can't tell the difference between a fork
this floor. Pushed against the east wall are two tables and a spoon.
covered with suits of armor. ^ Goblins (2): hp 5 each; MonsterManual 133.
Tactics: The hobgoblins have instructed the two gob
Treasure: Characters who search this room find the lins to watch Gryffon and test the food he cooks to make
following equipment: two chain shirts, two suits of sure it's not poisoned. The goblins are bullies who yield
banded mail, a suit of half-plate, two spiked gauntlets, when injured or faced with certain death.
a masterwork greataxe, 15 shortspears, ten throwing If presented with a no-fail plan of escape, Gryffon
axes, ten handaxes, five battleaxes, five heavy picks, and agrees to accompany the PCs. However, if his so-called
five warhammers. "saviors" fail to present a viable plan of escape, Gryf
fon would rather stay here than risk Kazmojen's ire.
M29. DINING HALL Convincing him to accompany the PCs requires a suc
The dining hall is currently unoccupied, although cessful Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check, with a
the hobgoblin garrison gathers here every 24 hours +2 circumstance bonus if his friend Krylscar (see area
to partake in a feast served by their enslaved cooks M18) is present.
(see area M33). They seat themselves on benches Ad-hoc XP Award:Award the party 100 XP if Gryffon
around the four long tables, which are littered with is returned to Cauldron alive or 50 XP if the PCs return
empty tankards, smashed pottery, and moldering his dead body to the town for proper burial.
scraps of food.
M34. SLAVE BAZAAR (EL 6) behind a visor. In one gauntlet, he clutches a wicked
dwarven urgrosh. In the other, he grasps a chain ending
Four malachite pillars support the twenty-foot-high in an iron ring clamped around a human boy's neck.
ceiling of this grand chamber.Hanging from an iron This is Kazmojen, the Underdark slaver behind the
bracemountednear thetop ofeach pillaris acylindrical abductions that have plagued Cauldron. Behind him,
iron cage containing a giant beetle that sheds an infer crouched at the top of the stairs, looms his howler pet.
nal orange light. The southern half of the chamber rises Kazmojen was the product of a mad wizard's ex
five feet,and awide blackstaircaseleads upto theraised periment at crossbreeding a male dwarf with a fe
floor. Just past the top of the stairs, an eight-foot-tall male troll. Lacking strong parental guidance as an
iron post erupts from the floor.Iron shackleshang from ugly youth, Kazmojen quickly learned the three rules
the top of the post. Five narrow windows carvedinto the of survival in the Underdark: never buy food from a
south wall stand open to the darkness beyond. stranger, never take your eyes off your traveling com
panions, and never let anyone see you cry. His troll
The northern double doors leading to this room have heritage also reinforced a general loathing of acid
small eyeholes set into them, allowing Kazmojen'shob and fire.
goblin guards to keep abreast of events in area M22. Kazmojen found Prickles, his juvenile howler com
The shutters for the eyeholes can be closed and locked panion, on an Underdark expedition. He treats Prickles
from the south side. better than all of his other servants combined and be
If the guards in area M22 raise a general alarm, Ka comes positively enraged if Prickles is slain.
zmojen orders the two hobgoblin guards in this room to Kazmojen is currently haggling with a creature that
slide an iron bar across the northern double doors, sealing looks like an ash-skinned dwarf with sharply pointed
them. He then sends the guards through areas M29 and ears and yellow eyes. He wears robes encrusted with
M27 to deal with the intruders (see area M22 for details). mold, and he holds a bone box filled with coins. This
If the PCs reach this chamber with the aid of a is Pyllrak Shyraat, Kazmojen's latest customer.
charmed hobgoblin escort (and without raising a gen Shackled to the slave posts in this room are three
eral alarm), they are allowed inside. children: Deakon Stormshield, Evelyn Radavec, and
Creatures: A 5-foot-tall muscular figure clad in black Lucinda Aldreen. Kazmojen (the figure in black ar
plate armor stands on the staircase, his face hidden mor) carries the keys to their shackles. He holds the
shackles of the fourth prisoner—Terrem Kharatys— The round after combat erupts, Pyllrakturns invisible
so that Pyllrak can inspect the boy more closely. and tries to stay out of harm's way. If either Kazmojen
Terrem Kharatys bears a hidden mark on his left or Prickles falls in battle, Pyllrak flees the room (using
cheek: a Carcerian Sign. The birthmark is naturally darknessto mask his exit, if necessary)and returns to his
invisible and can be seen using a see invisibilityor true quarters (area M25) to gather his belongings. He then
seeing spell. Pyllrak specificallyrequested child slaves vacates the fortress with his lemure minions.
because they are easier to subjugate and less likely to Unlike Kazmojen, Pyllrak has no taste for blood. If
revolt. However, something about Terrem unnerves Py the PCs challenge him for ownership of the children,
llrak, although the durzagon can't put his finger on it. Pyllrak backs down, agreeing to their demands pro
He has already negotiated a fair price for the other three vided he receives"compensation" in the form of 450gp
children; the bone box he carries contains his offer. worth of coins or magic items (which he expects the
The other occupants of the room include a pair PCs—not Kazmojen—to pay). A successful DC 15 Di
of hobgoblin sentries (who stand guard just inside plomacy check persuades him to reduce the amount,
the northern double doors), Pyllrak, and the four although he won't go lower than 150 gp.
kidnapped children. PCs can negotiate for Terrem. Pyllrak does not pro
test when Kazmojen offers to sell the boy for 100 gp. m
^ Kazmojen,male half-troll/half-dwarffighter 3: hp
39;see Appendix 4. PCs can haggle over the price, although Kazmojen is
? Prickles,juvenile howler: hp 29;see Appendix 4. alreadymad at them for "arriving unannounced." Asuc
^ Pyllrak Shyraat, male durzagon: hp 32; see cessful DC 20 Diplomacy check persuades Kazmojen to
Appendix 4. drop his price by as much as half.
? Hobgoblins (2): hp 6 each; MonsterManual153. Ad-hoc XP Award: Award the party 100 XP per child
^ Giant Fire Beetles (4): hp 4; MonsterManual285. returned safely to the Lantern Street Orphanage in
Tactics: Kazmojen is busy pushing the sale of the Cauldron, or half that amount for each dead child
fourth child, Terrem, and becomes quite annoyed if brought back to the town for proper burial.
the PCs interrupt his "negotiations." Still, he's curious Do not award experience for Pyllrak Shyraat unless
to knowwhythe PCs havecome to his stronghold the PCs defeat him in combat.
and allows them to speak before decid
ing whether to kill them, capture EVENT 5: VHALANTRU'S
them, or trade with them. INTERVENTION (EL 18)
Although he inherited his Lord Vhalantru knows about
evil ways from his troll Kazmojen's slave ring opera
mother, Kazmojen also tion; the beholder receives
inherited his father's monthly payments from the
lawful nature. He half-troll in order to en
has agreed in prin sure that the operation can
ciple to give Pyllrak continue. When Terrem
three of the chil was abducted, the behold
dren (Deakon, Evelyn, er was annoyed but knew he
and Lucinda) for 50 gp could come to collect the child
each and is currently of at any moment. Instead, he al
fering to sell Terrem "at a lowed Kazmojen to continue,
discount" of 30 gp. The PCs planning on showing up to re
are free to "bid" on Terrem, claim the child once Kazmojen
but the other children are off sold him off. This way, the half-
limits as long as Pyllrak Shyraat troll would have a chance to
is alive. profit from the sale (and of
If the PCs threaten course, a portion of that
Kazmojen or attempt profit gets siphoned up
to take the children by to Vhalantru). Ever since
force, Kazmojen orders Terrem's abduction, Vhalantru's
Prickles to attack and hurls one ally Thifirane (herself one of the
of his throwing axes at the insolent Cagewrights) has scryed upon Terrem
PCs. He then wades into melee with his ur- Terrem regularly to make sure he's not being treat
grosh, leavingTerrem unguarded by the stairs. ed too poorly. Once the PCs manage to rescue
If disarmed, he uses his sharp teeth and clawed gaunt him (or once his sale is complete), she quickly reports
lets to rend foes. Prickles's desperate howls are loud the development to Vhalantru. The two then prepare to
enough to be heard by every living hobgoblin in the gather up the Shacklebom boy.
fortress (but not Xukasus in area M4), and they quickly Thifirane casts greater invisibilityon herself and Vha
converge on the auction chamber. lantru removed his simulacrum suit to assume his true
beholderform, and then Thifiranecastsgreaterteleportto BEHinD*HESCEriES:
transport both of them to Terrem'sside. The timing of LIFE'S BAZAAR
this event is left to you, but you shouldstriveto present This first chapter should introduce the PCs to
their arrivalat a dramatic moment, perhaps as the PCs Cauldronandsomeofthe key NPCsthey'llbedealing
are fighting their wayout of the MalachiteFortress. with during the rest of the campaign: Jenya, the
Creatures: The appearance of a beholder should Striders of Fharlanghn, and Vhalantru the beholder.
shock the PCs. Even if none of the playersrealizewhat Theyshouldn't learn anything of the overall plot of
danger they're in and attack him, Vhalantru should the campaign yet, nor should they come out of the
have no problem handling them as detailed below in MalachiteFortressknowinganything biggerthan it
Tactics. Vhalantru keeps his central eye closed unless seems is afoot in the region.
he needs it in an emergency—hedoesn't want to risk Likewise, most of the various evil organizations
catchingTerrem in its area of effect and revealinghis featured in this campaign take no real notice of the
Shacklebom birthmark to the PCs. PCs during this chapter.The exceptions,of course,
If one or more PCs can see invisiblecreatures,they are the Last Laugh (who at this point view the PCs
also see a lithe figure standing next to the beholder: as little more than lucky do-gooders) and Vhalantru
a flying human woman wearing black robes and a tall (who sees promisein the groupand beginsto solidify
black headdress, her face concealed behind a dark veil. his plans for them—plans that come to fruition in
In one hand she clutches a slender crystal wand, and Chapter Four).AlthoughThifiraneis a member of the
around her neckshe wearsa pendantshapedlike a tiny Cagewrights,she doesn'tthinkof the PCs as anything
silver cage. This is, of course, Thifirane. She's careful more than unimportant pawns at this stage and
to avoid being caught in Vhalantru'santi-magic eye, doesn't even mention their existence to her allies.
should he open it.
If Kazmojen fives and is present, Vhalantru addresses
him directly.Otherwise,the beholderspeaks to whom to return Deakon, Evelyn, and Lucinda safely to the or
ever seems to be in charge of the child for the moment phanage.Assumingthey make it back to the orphanage,
they discover that Terrem has been returned unharmed.
"I have come for Terrem Kharatys.That boy should The orphanageheadmistress knows onlythat a mysteri
not have been taken from Cauldron. I intend to see ous woman wearing a dark veil escorted Terrem to the
that he is safely returned to his orphanage.You can doorstep, then quicklydeparted. Terrem did not recog
keep the others. They are of no consequence.Come, nize the woman, nor did he think to ask her name.
Terrem—you will be safe with me." If Kazmojen is still alive after Vhalantru departs, he
refuses to impart any information about the beholder.
^ Vhalantru,beholder:hp 157; seeAppendix4. Even if a PC successfully charms him, he declines to
^ Thifirane Rhiavadi, female human transmuter 13: speak of the beholder, believing that Vhalantru would
hp 51; see Appendix 4. find out and kill him. In any case,he's always dealt with
Tactics:Vhalantrucan annihilate a low-levelgroup of thebeholderin his naturalform, and knowshim onlyby
adventurers,but he has no interest in harming the PCs the name of Orbius—Kazmojenis unaware thaf'Orbius"
since he might have a use for them later (see Chapter and "Vhalantru" are the same creature. If Vhalantru ar
Four). Once Terrem is handed over,Thifiraneteleports rived in the middle of a battle,Kazmojenis no friendlier
them all back to Vhalantru's manor. toward the heroes after the beholder departs. He raises
Vhalantru does not divulge his name, and does not his urgrosh and says,"The deal is done! Now, you die."
feel compelled to answer any of the PCs' questions.
If they do not surrender Terrem into his custody, the EIlDinG *HE CHAPTER
beholder takes the child by force. He can tell that the To complete this chapter successfully,the heroes must
PCs are relative weaklingsand abstains from using his survive the perils of the Malachite Fortress and return
lethal rays, instead using his charm person, fear, and Deakon, Evelyn, and Lucinda to the Lantern Street Or
sleep rays, hoping to preserve the PCs for later use. phanage alive.
Although she thinks it's a mistake to let the PCs live, The church of St. Cuthbert pays the characters the
Thifirane follows Vhalantru's lead and refrains from promised 2,500 gp if all four orphans are returned un
killing anyone. harmed. In addition, Jenya puts in a word with the office
Vhalantru offers to pay Kazmojen50pp for his trou of the lord mayor, recommending that the PCsbe granted
ble, at which point the veiled woman yields a pouch an audience at some time in the near future to be com
filled with coins. The beholder offers the same amount mended for their deeds and offered future employment.
to the PCs if they're in control. The church reduces the award by 500 gp per child slain
If Terrem dies before Vhalantru can claim him, the or not safely brought back to the orphanage. Jenya still
beholder tries to claim Terrem's body so that the boy recommends the PCs to the lord mayor, but not with the
can be raised from the dead. same feeling or commendations. She has no hard feelings
Development: The PCs have little hope of "saving" toward the PCs; she just feels that an incomplete job is
Terrem from the beholder. The best they can hope for is not what she promised to compensate.


,o PI





a. Er

North Gate KEY 15 Tipped Tankard Tavern 29 Church of Wee Jas

'. East Gate 16 Garthun Imports 30 Ghelve's Locks
J South Gate 17 Skie's Treasury 31 Orak's Bathhouse
4 West Gate 18 Lantern Street Orphanage 32 Bluewater Academy
5 Town Hall 19 Coy Nixie 33 Church of Pelor
") Town Guard Barracks 20 Lakeside Pavillion 34 House Vhalantru
/ Church of St. Cuthbert 21 Vanderboren Manor 35 Westkey's Map Emporium
8 Maavu Warehouses 22 Minuta's Board 36 House Rhiavadi
9 Slippery Eel Tavern 23 Sure Foot Livery 37 Taskerhill Manor
10 Cusp of Sunrise 24 Gurnezarn's Smithy 38 Zanathor's Provisions
11 Maavu's Main Warehouse 25 Temple of Lordly Might (Kord) 39 Lathenmire Manor
12 Tygot's Old Tilings 26 Lord Mayor's Residence 40 Entrance to Liva Tubes
13 Maavu Imports 27 Weer's Elixirs 41 Half-Ore Mercenary Camp
14 Drunken Morkoth Inn 28 The Brass Trumpet



ft a


Not long after the PCsbreak up Kazmojen'ssla respectableprofit for his troubles.The Cagewrightshave
ver ring,a minor crime wave grips the town of anticipated a time when they'll need just such an army,
Cauldron. Goblins seem to appear out of no and using Drakthar's Way to smuggle the mercenaries
where,robbing localsin dark alleys,breaking into ware into place seemed to them like an excellent plan.
houses,and defacingpublic property with lewd graffiti. Local noble (and Cagewright apprentice) Thifirane
Thegoblinsseemmost activeat night,and althoughthe Rhiavadiwasput in charge of organizing the operation.
local constabularyhas killed a half dozen of the little She made contact with Zarn Kyass, who.approached
menaces, the Office of the Lord Mayor fears that Caul Drakthar at her bidding with an offer of alliance. Zarn
dron might have a goblin infestation too great for the was surprised to learn in his first face-to-facemeeting
town guards to handle. CaptainTerseon Skellerangde with Drakthar that he was a vampire. Still, he was able
cides to turn to a group of able adventurers to help root to arrange an accord with him by telling him that he
out the goblins' lair and exterminate the irksome pests. served a powerful secret society that had big plans for
Terseon Skellerang has also issued some threatening Cauldron, and that Drakthar's aid now would secure
rhetoric toward the Last Laugh. Members of the Last for him a position of power in the new order to come.
Laughhave been advisedto help the TownGuard locate Draktharagreed,allowingthree of Zarn'sunderlings to
the goblins' lair, lest Skellerang begin cracking down remain in "his" dungeon to aid in preparing the smug
on all criminal activity in Cauldron. To this end, Jester gling operation and to serve as primary points of con
VeliorThazosends agents to locate the goblins' lair and tact in the future.
share their findings with whoever might be interested Drakthar is sly but impatient. He knows that the
in the information. three humanoids he's allowed (for now) to live in his
Unknown to the Office of the Lord Mayor, the lo domain are part of something big, but he can't wait
cal constabulary, and the Last Laugh thieves' guild, the for this "new order" to come. He wants a piece of the
goblins are merely shadows of a greater threat lurking action now, and although he's demanded to meet di
beneath Cauldron. The goblins have lived in a set of rectly with a member of this group, so far none have
caves below Cauldron for several decades, preying on deigned to grant him an audience. Drakthar is certain
other subterranean creatures like kobolds, skulks, and that some of this group's leaders live in Cauldron, so
dark creepers. This changed when a bugbear named he's recently decided to demonstrate to them the true
Drakthar took ownership of the complex that the gob extent of his powerand influence.Perhaps foolishly,he
lins call home. has instructed his goblin minions—the "Eyes of Drak
When the Cagewrights discovered that Drakthar's thar"—to terrorize and pillage the town, hoping that if
caves extend all the wayfrom the slopes of the dormant these mysteriousleaderswantthe recklessraids to stop,
volcano to the caldera itself, they reasoned that "Drak they willrecognizehim as an equal and invite him into
thar's Way" would be an excellent route for bringing their inner circle.
materiel and personnel into Cauldron without having
to smuggle them through the town gates and risk dis
covery.The Cagewrights toyed with the notion of elimi S+AR*inG *HE CHAPTER:
nating Drakthar, taking over the complex, and running DRAK*HAR'SWAY
it on their own, but ultimately decided to use proxies, Allow the PCs a chance to recover from their
since the smuggling operation would have to interact adventrues in Jzadirune and the Malachite Fortress;
directly with the city of Cauldron, and thus ran a much give them time to spend their money and get a little
higher chance of being discovered by meddlers and ad moresettledinthe city.Theyshould be 3rd level when
venturers. By using proxies, the Cagewrights wouldn't you start the chapter. If the PCs are finding that the
expose their organization if the smuggling operation challenges in Chapter One are too much for them,
were to fail. you can put that chapter on hold and start this one
As their proxy, they turned to Zam Kyass, leader of a as well, althoughjuggling two concurrent adventures
large band of mercenaries that has operated with some can make things a bit complicated.
success in the region. Zarn hires his mercenaries out to
™*=r •• r-n.". ."
local interests as small armies for hire, and has made a
LadyThifirane Rhiavadi doesn't want the authorities So- Town guards have cornered and killed six goblins
to learn about Drakthar'sWay, particularlysince Zarn in the past week, yet the robberies, break-ins, and
Kyass is finally in the midst of smugglinga company vandalism continue.
of half-ore mercenaries into town through the pas
sages.She's not ready to entertain the chaoticvampire's In "Life's Bazaar," the PCs overcame a band of skulks
morningstar-rattling, but she has placed the entrance and dark creepersinfestingJzadirune.Theymight find
to Drakthar's Wayunder secret surveillance. it curious that goblins have now started rearing their
ugly heads. Captain Skellerang doesn't rule out the
Hun*inG GHBLins possibilitythat the twomight be related,but he points
This adventure assumes that the PCs return to Caul out that the dormant volcano upon which Cauldron
dron after surviving the events chronicled in "Life's is built contains vast networks of tunnels and caves,
Bazaar," where they'll find an invitation from Terseon many of which have undoubtedly become havens for
Skellerang waiting for them at either the monsters. He also points
Church of St. Cuth out that the "ease" with
bert or the PCs' pri which the PCs handled
mary residence. The
letter bears the wax
it is (trijit the skulks and dark

seal of the Office of iltjonfT creepers makes them

doubly qualified to deal
the Lord Mayor.
y Terseon Skelle pnBtpaptiTjFMiter with the goblin threat.
It's okay for the PCs
rang has a lot on
his mind these days
ijtSfLfi to spend a few days to
a week looking into the
and gets right to the
point. He tells the
pit %ATtpj. goblin matter. Captain
Skellerang accepts that
characters about the they need time to rest,
"possible goblin in recuperate, and spend
festation" and asks for their hard-won trea
their help in locating sure from their recent
the goblins' lair. If the PCs ask whyhe chose them for underground forays. Hunting down the goblins is not
the assignment,Terseon mentions that he was speak urgent, given the petty nature of their crimes.
ing with Jenya Urikas, the cleric at the Church of St.
Cuthbert, after services and she recommended them. USING THE STAR OF JUSTICE
Although he expects that the PCs want to help, he of Characters might want to speak with Jenya Urikas,
fers to pay 5 gp for every goblin ear they bring him. acting high cleric of the Church of St. Cuthbert. She
(The trophies, though morbid, demonstrate to the lord doesn't know any more about the goblin infestation
mayor that something is being done about the goblin than Captain Skellerang. However,she has access to an
threat.) item that benefited the PCs once before:the Star ofJus
In all likelihood, the characters suspect that goblins tice. Assuming it's been a week since the last time the
are only part of the problem.Terseon encouragesthem mace was used, Jenya is willing to use it again to help
to act on what they learn, but keep him informed. As the characters. The response Jenya receives from the
long as their investigationsdon't damage the town's divinationspell depends on the question asked:
property, he doesn't care how they get the job done. Wliere is the goblins'lair?"Ask the red-eyed dwarf and
Captain Skellerang can provide the followingaddi he'll lie."
tional information: Wlmt do thegoblinswant?"To play like rats, steal coins,
So- The goblinsappearat night,and mostlyon cloudy, and please their master."
overcast, or foggy nights. They tend to rove in Whom do thegoblinsserve?"Draktharthe Bloodmonger."
gangs of three to six. No amount of in-town investigation revealsanything
So- Most of the goblins are armed with short swords about Drakthar the Bloodmonger. However, a successful
and light crossbows. DC 20 Gather Information or Knowledge (local) check
So- Goblins have been sighted all over town. There reveals that the "red-eyed dwarf is likely Orak Stone
doesn't seem to be a pattern to suggest when or haven, a retired dwarf adventurer who lost his right eye
where they'll strike next. several years back and wears an eye patch with a red
So- The goblins have broken into a couple ware gem sewn into it (a growing fashion amongst his clan).
houses, robbed some folk, and vandalized build Success also reveals that Orak runs a modest bathhouse
ings with graffiti. However, they haven't killed on Lava Avenue. With a follow-up DC 20 Gather Infor
anyone... yet. mation check, PCs learn that Orak, a one-time regular
So- The graffiti, presumably written in Goblin, was at the Tipped Tankard, stopped frequenting the tavern
never translated. Terseon dismisses it as "mean over a month ago and pretty much keeps to himself
ingless vandalism." these days.
SEARCHING IN THE TOWN zaar," when she and two Last Laugh thugs accosted a
Characters can check the local taverns, temples, and cleric of St. Cuthbert in a rain-soaked alleyway.She uses
hospices for information about the goblins.They can a disguiseselfspell(cast from a scroll)to concealher ap
learn the names of places and people attacked by the pearancein this encounter,so the PCs mightnot recog
goblinsin the past week,but theywon'tgain anymean nize her unless they pierce the illusion.
ingfulinformationbeyondwhatCaptainSkelleranghas When Jil catches up with the PCs, she's disguised as
already told them. a plump young woman, standing 5 feet tall and sport
Goblin Graffiti: Drakthar doesn't realize that his gob ing a wry smile. She has red hair and jade-green eyes,
lin thralls have taken their compulsive scribbling up and wears a black cloak over a finely made suit of stud
into the town. Most of the goblin graffiti was written in ded leather armor. A sheathed sword and a coiled whip
chalk and has been washed awayby the rain or cleaned hang from her belt. Characterswho physicallytouch
up by the city guard. However,a few scant samples of Jil may attempta DC 12 Will save to pierce the illusion
the goblins'handiworkremain.Witha DC15 GatherIn concealing her true form.
formation check, characters locate id4 places where the Creature:Jil is a female human rogue/assassinwho,
goblingraffitiremains.The graffitilookslike a mess of in her true form, stands 5 feet, 3 inches tall and has a
weird signsand scribbles,but anyonewho understands ponytailof black hair and dark brown eyes. Characters
Goblin can translate them and gain subtle insights into who met her in "Life's Bazaar" can make a DC 12 Spot
Drakthar's intentions and true nature. Have one of the check to recognize her without her half-white, half-
players roll percentile dice, and consult the Goblin black harlequin face makeup. Her attire is unchanged
Graffiti table to determine what the graffiti says. from the description above.
If Jil realizesthat her illusion spell has been pierced,
GHBLin GRAFFITI she smiles wrylyand says,"Funny weshould meet again
Roll Graffiti ' so soon."
01-10 "Drakthar owns this." £ Jil, female human rogue 5/assassin 1: hp 27; see
11-20 "Hail Drakthar, lord of the rats." Appendix 4.
21-30 "Drakthar is dead! Long live Drakthar!" Tactics: Jil doesn't want a long, boring conversation
31-40 "Murrd wrote this." with the PCs. She delivers the following message, then
41-50 "Who buildstown in volcano?Stupid humans." attempts to depart:
51-60 "Drakthar is the fog!"
61-70 "As a wolf, Drakthar hunts." "Ihear that you'rehelping the townguard dealwith the
71-80 "Hey, Cage Makers!This is our town, too!" goblininfestation.I have someinformationthat might
81-90 "Drakthar has bat ears." be useful. Check out Orak's Bathhouse on Lava Avenue.
91-100 "Snerk smells like dung!" I think you'llfind that's where the goblins come from.
Orak,the one-eyeddwarfwhoownsand runs the place,
Night Patrols:Cauldron is enjoying a damp autumn. hangs around thereat night as well. He's alsoa retired
Rain falls throughout the night, giving way to a thick adventurer, so don't underestimate him."
fog after midnight. Characters who wander the streets
between dusk and dawn encounter regular guard pa Jil admits that it's odd for a dwarf to be working
trols, most of which stop and question them. There is a with goblins,and vice versa,since dwarves and goblins
15% chance everynight that they encounter a small gang generallydespise each other. She suspects that Orak is
of id4+2 goblin sneaks lurking in an alley, scribbling under some sort of influence, although she assumes
graffition a wall or trying to break into a locked shop. blackmail, not magic.
Drakthar has dominated the goblins into not revealing Characters can follow Jil, but at one point she sheds
the location of the entrance to his dungeon complex her illusion and attempts to vanish into the nearest
(specificallyOrak's Bathhouse). Instead, they flee any crowd. If the PCs successfully oppose her Hide check,
where but Orak's Bathhouse, hole up, and wait. Eventu she may resort to using an obscuringmist spell to facili
ally,Drakthar notices they have not returned and sends tate escape. She may also have some Last Laugh thugs
them instructions telepathically. (see Appendix4) watching her back.
If the PCs manage to hide from the goblin sneaks, Development: As the DM, you might want to create
they can wait for the goblins to finish what they're do some romantic tension between Jil and a charismatic
ing and then follow them back to the bathhouse, in PC. Jil's demeanor might lighten up slightly as a con
which case you should check twice to see whether the sequence, but she remains canny and aloof Under no
goblins notice the PCs (once initially and once as they circumstances should Jil assist the PCs any more than
are leaving for the bathhouse). she has already.

Eventually, a member of the Last Laugh thieves' guild >HA**

named Jil approaches the characters when they are Onyx tiles cover the floor of the bathhouse, and the
alone. Players encountered her early on in "Life's Ba vaulted ceiling rises to a height of twenty feet. A
twenty-five-foot-diameter sunken basin is set into AsuccessfulSense Motive check (opposedby Orak's
the floor against the south wall, and water fills it. A Bluffcheck) reveals that Orak is lying or being evasive.
translucentcrystaldome above the poolallowslight If the PCs talk with Orak for at least 1 minute, a DC
to enter and creates water reflections on the walls. 15 Sense Motive check reveals that the dwarf is under
Several smaller areas lead off of the main room; some sort of spell-like or supernatural influence.
however,bead curtains or doors block your view of Characters may threaten to notify the authorities if
these areas. Orak doesn't truthfully answer their questions or allow
them to inspectthe bathhouse.Unlesstheysucceedon an
Orak's Bathhouseis a squat,windowlessbuildingof Intimidate check, Orak can't be reasoned with on this lev
dark stone located on Lava Avenue, due west of Crater el and tries to throw them out and lock the front doors.
Lake. The buildingis open from noon to midnightev Creature: Orak Stonehaven stopped adventuring
ery day. The owner,Orak Stonehaven,runs the placeby when he found the decanterofendless waterand realized
himself Years ago, he stumbledupon a decanterofend he could build a businessaround it. He lost his right
less water and now uses it to fill his bath pools. Every eye to a dart trap in the same dungeon where he found
night before closing, Orak drains the pools and refills the decanter,althoughhe claimsthe injuryhad nothing
them withfreshwater.Used waterdrainsthroughpipes to do with his retirement.
in the floor, eventuallyspilling out into the lake. Orak Orak is a middle-ageddwarfwith a ruddy complex
doesn't reside at the bathhouse normally; his modest ion, thinning red hair, and a long beard. He wears a
apartment is a fewblocks away. However,since Drakthar blackeye patchset with a smallrubygemstoneover his
y dominated him, the dwarfrarelyleaves the bathhouse, missing right eye. Although he doesn't wear armor or
goingso far as to sleepin one of the changerooms. bring largeweaponsto the bathhouse,he keeps a han-
Althoughthe bathhouseis lockedup tightfrommid daxe looped to his belt,just in case.
night to noon, Orak answersany knock at the door. He ^ Orak Stonehaven, male dwarf fighter 4: hp 35; see
doesn't allowanyone to enter the bathhouse after hours Appendix 4.
(except the goblins, of course), although forceful PCs Tactics: Drakthar has given the dominated dwarf
might push or talk their way inside(see below). specificinstructions:let the goblinsin and out at night,
Orakcharges1sp for a bath and 1sp fora barof soap. don't let anyone else reach the staircaseleadingto the
Use of a towel is free. Orak doesn't allow weapons or dungeon,and don't tell anyone about what goes on at
armor inside the bathhouse. the bathhouse at night.
Orak doesn't like to answerquestions about his busi PCs can use Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate to
ness and grows belligerent when pressed. Here are convince Orak to let them into the bathhouse. Orak's
someof his answersto questionsthe PCs might ask: attitude toward the PCs is unfriendly at first, and
What do you know about the goblins?"They're degen they must either improve his attitude to indifferent,
erate creatures that wallow in their own bully their way inside, or dupe the dwarf into letting
filth. That's all I know or care to know them in. If they try to take Orak's treasure chest
about goblins." (see area 5) or open the iron door to the stair
Haveyou seen anygoblins?"I've case (see area 6), he turns hostile and attacks
seen many goblins in my life them with his handaxe.
time, but none lately."
Wliy areyou workingwith RAT BASTARDS (EL 6)
the goblins?"I'm not." Agroup ofwererats keeps watch on Orak's
Where is the goblins' Bathhouse at all hours. At any given
lair? "Not here." time, a total of four wererats in
Whom doyou serve? human form watch the
"I'm self-em building's entrance.
ployed." Characters

^ Orak Stonehaven
looking for enemy surveillance can make a Spot check 5. ORAK'S OFFICE
(opposedbythe wererats'Hide checks)to see a cloaked Orak's office contains a wooden desk and two chairs, as
figure watching the building from some discrete van well as a shelf lined with 150bars of soap, each of which
tage point (either a rooftop or alleyway).The wererat sells for 1 sp.
does not flee when approached; instead, it whistles for Treasure: Orak keeps a small money chest under his
backup as it assumes hybrid form and draws either a desk. The chest is locked (Open Lock DC 30), but Orak
rapier or crossbow. carries the key. It holds Orak's decanterof endless water
If the PCs get inside the bathhouse, the wererats (in plus 34 gp, 65 sp, and 187 cp in three separate pouches.
hybrid form) follow them inside and attack. The follow
ing battle can be played out in the street instead of the 6. LOCKED IRON DOOR
bathhouse if the PCs notice the wererats' surveillance. Orak carries the key to this locked iron door and does
Creatures:The wererats prefer to fight in hybrid form not yield it to anyone without Drakthar's permission,
and do not make "small talk." fighting to keep it if he must. The stone staircase be
^ Wererats (4): hp 12 each; see Monster Manual pages yond descends 30 feet to area 1 of Drakthar's Way.
172-173. tp Iron Door: 2 in. thick; hardness 10; hp 60; break
Tactics: The wererats like to gang up on one or DC 28;Open Lock DC 30.
two opponents at a time. They rely on their damage
reduction to protect them from harm. They cannot DRAKTHAR'S WAY.
be bribed. The rest of the chapter details the dungeon complex
Development: The wererats aren't local, and they under Orak's Bathhouse. Before running this part of
don't know that Thifirane Rhiavadi is paying for their the adventure, carefully reviewDrakthar's statistics and
service. If one of the wererats is captured or charmed, combat tactics.
it reveals the name of the man who hired them, but
the information won't do the PCs any good because THE EYES OF DRAKTHAR
the man was magically disguised and the name he The Eyes of Drakthar are wretched goblins that have
gave the wererats (Gaelen Trodor) was false. A suc been dominated, enslaved, or won over by Drakthar.
cessful DC 15 Knowledge (history) or Knowledge (lo Drakthar's makeshift "tribe" contains four types of gob
cal) check reveals that Gaelen Trodor was one of lins, described below:
Cauldron's founders, and has been dead for hundreds Goblin Adepts: The goblin adepts provide spiritual
of years. guidance to the Eyes of Drakthar, but their primary
The PCs may need to recuperate after this first function is to brew potions for the tribe. They serve the
battle. They can persuade Captain Skellerang to bugbear vampire only because he has dominated them;
place guards inside or around the bathhouse to in truth, they are terrified of him.
frighten off any remaining wererats, as well as deal Goblin Sneaks: The sneaks are the stealthy rogues
with goblins that come up from the dungeon below. who creep into Cauldron and wreak havoc nightly.They
Presented with enough circumstantial evidence, prefer hit-and-run tactics and attempt to make sneak
Skellerang can also have Orak Stonehaven detained attacks. They believe Drakthar will reward them with
and questioned for a day or two. However, Skellerang gold for their loyalty,but only because he has dominat
maintains that the PCs are much better equipped to ed them and duped them into thinking that.
explore the dungeon beneath the bathhouse than his Goblin Skirmishers: The skirmishers account for most
town guards. of the goblins in Drakthar's Way and serve as the rank-
and-file warriors. Likethe adepts, they fear Drakthar and
1. MAIN BATH respect his power. Their usefulness is limited, so Drak
This large pool contains 3 feet of room-temperature water. thar doesn't waste time trying to dominate them.
Silent Wolf Goblins: These goblin ranger/rogues once
2. TOWEL STORAGE belonged to the Silent Wolf tribe and now serve Drak
Gray bath towels hang from hooks on the west wall. thar willingly and eagerly.They see him as the undying
Orak keeps folded towels on a covered shelf under champion of Maglubiyet and howl with delight when
neath the hanging towels. they see Drakthar assume wolf or dire wolf form. They
are Drakthar's lieutenants, and each one has a worg ally
3. CHANGE ROOMS that serves as a mount.
Each of these rooms contains a wooden bench.
4. PRIVATE BATHS Although the PCs aren't likely to speak at length with
Each of these rooms contains a stone tub filled with the goblins, they might learn a few of their names dur
hot water. The water is heated by a natural spring un ing interrogations. Here, then, is a short list of male and
der the bathhouse. female goblin names that you can drop, as needed.
Male: Brog, Fergi, Gait, Gerdi, Grud, Herg, Jort, Krud,
Murrd, Prut, Rugi, Slurrt, Yag.
Female: Drek, Essek, Gruk, Horrk, Irgu, Jark, Loku, rough-hewn passages vary in height, but generally
Nerrk,Ogu,Snerk,Thok, Ugu, Vak. range from 20 to 30 feet high.
Doors: All doors in Drakthar'sWay are made of strong
CAPTURED GOBLINS wood withiron hinges(seeTable3-10:Doors,page61 ofthe
Drakthar has dominated the goblin adepts and goblin Dungeon Master's Guide,fordoorand hingestatistics).
sneaks, who do not share information with their cap Contour Lines: The rough-hewn tunnels that cut
tors even when intimidated. If a character spends at through the dungeon complex have contour lines with
least 1 minute interrogating a dominated goblin, she measurements designed to show the slope of the pas
can make a DC 15 Sense Motive check to determine sage and how many feet the tunnels descend. The mea
that the goblin is under some powerful enchant surements are relative to the floor of area 17, which is
ment. The goblin skirmishers can be intimidated considered to be "o feet" (the point at which the tunnel
easily enough, but they are not aware of Drakthar's climbs no further). So, a contour line that reads "-50 ft."
true nature. They have been told that Drakthar is a is 50 feet lower the floor in area 17.
bugbear wizard who can turn into fog and summon
rats, wolves, and other creatures to do his bidding. ENCOUNTERS IN DRAKTHAR'S WAY
The Silent Wolf goblins haven't been dominated and Drakthar's Way is a living dungeon, and its inhabit
know that Drakthar is a vampire, but they are much ants tend to move around. Consequently, when a fight
harder to intimidate. erupts in the dungeon, it doesn't take long for the gob
All of Drakthar's goblins know the layout of the lins and other intelligent denizens to hear about it and
dungeon complex and can lead captors wherever they respond in force.
want to go, including to Drakthar's lair (area 31). How Alerted Goblins: Once the goblins are alerted to in
ever, the goblins are poor cartographers;a goblin com truders, they begin scouring the dungeon for enemies.
manded to draw a map of the complex must succeed on They gather in small packs and creep stealthily along
a DC 20 Intelligence check to create an even remotely corridors and through dungeon chambers, using their
accurate representation of the dungeon. Captured gob Hide and Move Silently skills. When they spot intrud
lins canwarnPCs aboutknownhazardsin thedungeon, ers, they shout "Bree yark!" before attacking. If over
particularly the "flying face-eaters" (darkmantles) in whelmed, they withdraw and group with other packs to
area 18. increase their numbers.
Wandering Monsters: In addition to the planned
FEATURES OF DRAKTHAR'S WAY encounters, PCs have a 10% chance per hour spent in
The most prominent feature of Drakthar'sWay is a nat the dungeon of encountering one or more wandering
urally formedjagged sloping passagethat cuts through monsters. If an encounter is indicated, have one of the
the earth from the foot of the volcanoto just below the players roll percentile dice, then match the result on
town of Cauldron. Over the years, dwarf stonemasons the table below to determine the exact encounter.
reshaped the passage a bit to make it less arduous to If the PCs defeat wandering goblins, do not subtract
traverse. Dwarves also built an underground complex them from the dungeon's roster; Drakthar quickly re
around the rough-hewn passage. This complex is now places lost goblins with new ones plucked from the sur
infested with goblins and other monsters. rounding Underdark passages.
Drakthar's Way has several recurring features, which
are described below: wAnDERinG mnns*ERS
Illumination: There are no lights in Drakthar's Way. Roll Monsters
Drakthar, his goblins, and all other dungeon natives 01-25 6 goblin skirmishers (EL2)
rely on darkvision to see. 26-40 3 goblin sneaks (EL 3)
Walls: Drakthar's Way has masonry walls and un- 41-55 1 goblin adept with 3 goblin skirmishers (EL 4)
worked walls, both made of dark, volcanic stone. 56-65 1 SilentWolfgoblin with 1 worg (EL 4)
The smoother areas of the dungeon have l-foot-thick, 66-70 3 dire rats (ELI)
cracked masonry walls. Nearly every inch of these walls 71-75 1 ethereal filcher(EL 3)
is covered with goblin graffiti written in chalk, blood, 76-80 2 stirges (EL 1)
excrement, or slime. Among the many lewd drawings 81-85 1 bat swarm (EL 2)
and crude symbols are frequently misspelled proclama 86-90 1 rat swarm (EL 2)
tions about Drakthar and various named goblins (see 91-100 Drakthar(EL 4)
the Goblin Graffiti table for examples).
The rough-hewn passage that cuts through the vol 1. WELCOME TO THE DUNGEON (EL 1/2)
cano bears no such markings and features abundant
ledges and handholds. Climbing along a masonry wall The stone stairs from Orak's Bathhouse descend
requires a DC 20 Climb check, while climbing along an thirty feet, eventually opening into a five-foot-wide
unworked stone wall requires a DC 15 Climb check. corridor that runs east to west. The masonry walls
Ceilings: Unless noted otherwise, ceilings in ar are covered with crude graffiti written in chalk,
eas with masonry walls are 10 feet high. Ceilings in blood, slime, excrement, and other less recognizable
substances. To the east, you hear a strange cacophony removed, leaving many 3-inch-deep holes and a few
of monstrous chatter and barking dogs. There are with shattered wooden pegs sticking out of them.
two openings in the south wall.The doors that once
sealed these openings have been removed, but their 5. MERCENARY QUARTERS
hinges remain in place.
Four pillars support the ceiling of this otherwise
The graffiti on the walls consists of lewd drawings empty square room. Graffiti covers the walls, and the
and goblin epithets. On the wall directly across from southern door hangs ajar. Nine sturdy wooden cots
the staircase, written in goblin blood in the Goblin covered with folded wool blankets are neatly pushed
tongue, are the words "DRAKTHARIS DEAD! LONG against the walls.
The goblins have strung a tripwire across the floor The goblins have set aside this room as temporary
in the square marked "T" on the map. The wire contin quarters for half-ore mercenaries brought into the city.
ues along the north wall and is tied to an alarm bell in The wooden cots are for them.
area 9A. Any character that enters the trapped square
without first detecting the tripwire (DC11 Search check) 6. STORAGE (EL 2)
tugs on the wire hard enough to ring the alarm bell and
alert the goblins. Crates, chests, and casks fill this room> each one
Development: If the PCs enter the dungeon with one burned with a symbol resembling a birdcage. Narrow
or more light sources, the two goblin sentries in area 6 avenues cut between the piles of supplies.
detect them automatically.
The crates, chests, and casks belong to the three mer
2. DEFILED CHAPEL cenaries who work for Zarn Kyass. As the PCs move
through the room, have them make Spot checks to de
Four pillars support the ceiling of this room, each termine whether they see the Creatures hiding here.
pillar carved to resemble a dwarf warrior clad in full Creatures: Two goblin sneaks lurk among the crates
plate armor. At the far end of the room stands a de and casks in this room, in the squares marked "G" on
capitated seven-foot-tall statue, its stony hands rais the map.
ing a massive warhammer.The statue probably rep ^ Goblin Sneaks (2): hp 7 each; see Appendix 4.
resents a dwarf but its head is nowhere to be seen. Treasure: Characters who search the room thorough
An ornate stone brazier stands before the altar. The ly find five greatswords, 12 pairs of manacles, 20 days'
walls are carved with bas-reliefs of dwarf artisans worth of trail rations, four disguise kits, 20 peasant's
at work, but they have been defiled with excrement outfits, 25 gallons of ale and three casks, each one con
and crudely painted images of goblins stabbing the taining the equivalent of 50 flasks of oil
dwarves in the back with spears. Development:The goblins in area 16A are alerted by
sounds of combat or light sources in this room and ap
This chapel, dedicated to the dwarven god Moradin, pear 1 round later, followedone round after that by the
has been defiled by the goblins. They took the trouble goblins in area 16B.
to break the head off of the statue of Moradin and roll
it down the long hall outside the chapel (it can be found 7. SMUGGLER'S PIT
in area 10). They also filled the brazier with dung, and
it's now a bed for squirming maggots. The southeast corner- of this fifteen-foot-square
chamber has partially collapsed. Aside from the re
3. PRIESTS' QUARTERS sulting rubble, the room appears empty.
This chamber, once reserved for dwarf clerics, has been
thoroughly looted and contains only smashed furnish The middle 5-foot section of floor is a single square
ings, a broken kiln, and the triangular shards of a shat tile that can be lifted up to reveal a 4-foot-square, 5-foot-
tered mirror. deep compartment underneath. Locating the stone "lid"
requires a DC 15 Search check, and lifting it requires a
4. OLD LIBRARY DC 15 Strength check.
Dwarves built the secret compartment to hide valu
Four stone pillars support the ceiling of this square ables, and the goblins have yet to discover it. Four Me
room. Half of the southwest pillar has broken away dium creatures and their gear can hide in the compart
and collapsed into a heap of rubble. Rows of one- ment, although it's a tight fit. Miniscule holes in the
inch-diameter holes are bored into the walls, and a stone floor tile permit air to enter the compartment
few contain splinters of wood. and allow those confined within to hear what's going
on in the room above.
The walls of this ancient library were once lined with Treasure: The hidden compartment currently holds
wooden shelves, but the shelves have long since been the following items: four flasks of alchemist's fire, four
thunderstones, a tanglefoot bag, a healer's kit, a set of This pool contains a supply of fresh water. The wa
masterwork artisan's tools, and a set of masterwork ter comesfrom the purified lake and seeps out through
thieves' tools. drain holesin the bottom of the basin.The goblinshave
taken care not to pollute the water supply. However,the
8. GOBLINS' PERCH (EL 2) tiled floor around the basin and the walls are smeared
with slime and excrement.
This chamber opens into the side of a thirty-foot-
high, rough-hewn passage that slopes down toward 12. SNEAKS'LAIR (EL 3)
the westand up toward the east.Two moldypalletslie
against the north wall. An eye-watering stink fills this cavern. Filthy straw
pallets lie heaped amid moldy food, dung, and yel
The floor of this chamber is 20 feet above the floor lowing bones.
of the tunnel to the south. A pair of goblins uses the
pallets as beds,but they keep nothing of value here. Drakthar's goblin sneaks have claimed both of these
Creatures:Two goblin sneaks stand watch here.They rooms. The goblins leave nothing of value lying about.
fire their crossbows at any unescorted intruders they Creatures: Area 12A contains four pallets and three
see in the southern tunnel and draw their short swords goblin sneaks (the fourth goblin sneak is stationed in
if attacked from the west. area 35). Area 12B contains two pallets, but no gob
^ Goblin Sneaks (2): hp 7 each; see Appendix4. lins are present (these two missing goblin sneaks are
standing watch in area 5). Area 12C contains four pal
9. SKIRMISHERS' LAIR (EL 6) lets and no goblin sneaks (they are scattered elsewhere
The doorsto area9A have beenleftajarso that the gob in the dungeon).
lins in these chambers can hear sounds of alarm from ^ Goblin Sneaks (3): hp 7 each; see Appendix 4.
elsewhere in the dungeon.
A foul stench taints the air of this filthy chamber.
Crude pallets lie strewn on the floor amid small Four mangy pallets rest against the west and east
heaps of bones and offal. walls of this rank chamber.

Drakthar's goblin skirmishers have claimed all This room sleeps four goblin adepts,only one of which
four of these rooms. The goblins leave nothing of is typicallypresent (see Creature below).The others can
value lying about. normally be found in areas 14,19A,and 31respectively.
Creatures: Area 9A contains two goblin skirmishers Creatures:A goblin adept waits here with a readied
who scream "Bree yark!" at the first sign of intruders. action. A rat familiar perches on the adept's shoulder.
Three more skirmishers wait in area 9B. Area 9C con The rat familiar has AC 16(touch 14, flat-footed 14),7 hit
tains fivesleeping goblin skirmishers, and area 9D con points, and improved evasion.
tains four sleeping goblin skirmishers and four more ^ Goblin Adept: hp 14; see Appendix 4.
that are sharing jokes and stories. All told, 18 goblin Tactics: Given time, the goblin adept quaffs a potion
skirmishers live here. of aidand a potion of invisibility.The adept then readies
^ Goblin Skirmishers (18 total): hp 5 each; see an action to cast a spell (either burninghandsor sleep)the
Appendix 4. instant intruders open the north door.


The eastwardtunnel ends in collapse.The stone head A stone cauldron stands in one corner of the room,
of a regaldwarflies amid the rubble,staring up at you plumes of smoke rising from its gaping mouth. In
with blind granite eyes. the opposite corner stands a rickety table covered
with clay flasks and jugs.
The goblins broke off the head of the statue of Mora
din in the chapel (area 2)and rolled it here. The tunnel The goblin adepts brew potions in this chamber. The
beyond collapsed many years ago. cauldron, the table, and their respective contents are
described under Treasure below.
11. WATER SUPPLY Creature: A goblin adept stands next to the rickety ta
ble. A rat familiar weaves among the flasks on the table.
A stone basin fills nearly half of this circular cham It has AC 16 (touch 14, flat-footed 14), 7 hit points, and
ber. The lip of the basin is ornately carved, and water improved evasion.
pours into it through the mouth of a smiling dwarven ? Goblin Adept: hp 14;see Appendix 4.
face carved in bas-relief on the southeast wall. Tactics: Given time, the goblin adept drinks a potion
of aid and potion of invisibility,then casts a scorching ray
spell (as a readied action) at the first adversary to come Tactics: The goblin sneaks do their best to sur
through the door. prise and flank foes. If half their number is defeated,
Treasure: Most of the clayflasks and jugs on the table the survivors attempt to flee west, down the rough-
are empty,but one contains a potionofsee invisibility.The hewn passage.
stone cauldron is a magic item created by the dwarves. Development: Sounds of combat in this area alert the
Three times per day, it can boil up to 10 gallons ofliquid Silent Wolfgoblins and worgs in area 17, which appear 1
without need of fire; it weighs 250 pounds and is worth round later.
2,500 gp. The liquid currently brewing in the cauldron
evaporates after 1 hour, leaving behind a potion of cure 17. SILENT WOLF GOBLINS
moderate wounds.
This area has both rough-hewn walls and masonry
15. LARDER walls. A natural passage continues west. Against the
east wall rest two large straw pallets hopping with
This room is festooned with a half-dozen hooked lice. Gnawed animal bones litter the floor, and more
chains that dangle from the ceiling. Skinned ani bones fill two crude alcoves in the northeast corner.
mal carcasses and large, smelly fish hang from
the hooks. The Silent Wolf goblins have claimed this area as
! *4
their own. However,only one of the goblins is present
The Silent Wolf goblins do most of the hunting for at any given time.
the Eyes of Drakthar and store the skinned carcasses Creatures: A Silent Wolf goblin and its worg mount
and cleaned fish here. The six carcasses include two ba inhabit this area. The goblin is teaching the worg a new
boons, two wild boars, and two 6-foot-long pikes. trick. At the first sign of trouble, the goblin mounts the
worg. The goblin and the worg unleash loud howls as
16. SNEAKY GOBLINS (EL 3) they rush into battle, and their howls can be heard all
Areas16A and 16B are goblin guard posts. the way to area 19.
Creatures: Two goblin sneaks stand guard in area ^ Silent Wolf Goblin: hp 19; see Appendix 4.
16A, and another two lurk in the shadowy recesses of ? Worg: hp 30; MonsterManual256.
area 16B.Both pairs are within earshot of each other. Tactics: Although the Silent Wolf goblin rides the
^ Goblin Sneaks (4 total): hp 7 each; see Appendix 4. worg into battle, it dismounts to attack with its swords.
If the worg successfullytrips an opponent, the goblin ^ Goblin Adept: hp 14; see Appendix 4.
attacks the prone foe. ? Goblin Skirmishers (5): hp 5 each; see Appendix 4.
Treasure: Lodged in one of the northeast alcoves is ^ Goblin Sneaks (3): hp 7 each;see Appendix4.
a dwarf skeleton clad in a rusted chain shirt. Hidden ? Silent Wolf Goblin: hp 19;see Appendix 4.
under the chain shirt is an amuletof naturalarmor+1. •j> Worg: hp 30; MonsterManual256.
Development The howling of the goblin and worg Tactics: The goblin skirmishers rush out to attack the
can be heard by the goblins stationed in area 19.Anoth PCs, while the Silent Wolfgoblin moves into a flanking
er Silent Wolf goblin and its worg mount investigate, position. Meanwhile, the worg tries to trip and maul the
arriving in 3 rounds. nearest foe. Both the Silent Wolfgoblin and the worg
howlloudlyas they spring into battle,alerting the deni
18. DEATH FROM ABOVE (EL 3) zens of areas 22-33.The goblin sneaks pepper the PCs
with crossbowbolts; if one of them falls, the remaining
The floor ofthis tunnel is quite uneven,and stalactites sneaks retreat to area 28 (crossing the rope bridge at
clingto the thirty-foot-highceiling.Narrowledgesjut area 20).
from the walls at varyingheights, but they are bare.A The goblin adept drinks its potion of invisibilityand
few small bones are scattered here and there. casts bless. It then casts a scorching ray spell against an
opponent not engaged in melee combat. Once it loses
The floor of this tunnel is considered difficult ter the benefit of the potion of invisibility,the cowardly ad
rain, and creatures crossing the passage move at half ept scampers up to area 22, pulls up the wooden ladder,
speed. The goblins avoid this tunnel, fearing the crea and casts burninghands and sleep at pursuers that come
tures that reside here. Acouple goblin skirmishers died into view.
exploring it, and their gear lies scattered among their Development: If the Silent Wolf goblin and worg
bones on the tunnel floor. Characters who make a DC have been lured elsewhere (see area 17), they will not
15 Search check find the worthless remains. be encountered here. Drakthar (see area 31) can hear
Creatures:Three of the stalactites are actually dark- the sounds of combat but waits until the battle ends
mantles in disguise. before making an appearance (see Drakthar's Tactics
^ Darkmantles (3): hp 6 each; MonsterManual38. for details).
Tactics:As the PCs make their waythrough the tun
nel,the darkmantles use their darknessability,then drop 20. ROPE BRIDGE
down on their blinded prey.
A sagging rope bridge spans the rough-hewn passage
19. TUNNEL AMBUSH (EL 7) at a height of thirty feet, connecting two ends of a
As the PCs reach this tunnel intersection, have them five-foot-wide worked tunnel. Sturdy wooden posts
make Listen checks.Then make an opposed Move Si hold the bridge in place.
lentlycheckfor the goblin adept,the SilentWolfgoblin,
the worg (Move Silently +6), and the goblin skirmishers Goblin sneaks use the frail rope bridge extensively.It
(just roll once for the skirmishers).Due to the acoustics can support three Small creatures or one Medium crea
in this area, the PCs get a +2 circumstance bonus on ture at a time. Any additional weight causes the bridge
their Listen checks. If the Silent Wolfgoblin and worg to break, and a fall from this height deals 3d6 points of
have been lured away, you do not need to make Move damage. Characters adjacent to a tunnel mouth when
Silently checks for them. the bridge breaks can make a DC 15 Reflex save to grab
onto the ledge and avoid the fall.
At this point, the unworked tunnel breaks into side In addition, the rope bridge is quite unsteady and re
passages to the north and south. A ten-foot-high quires a DC 10 Balance check to cross safely.A creature
ledge overlooks this naturally formed intersection. that fails its Balance check must succeed on a DC 15
Reflex save or fall; even if the save succeeds, the creature
Goblins lurk in areas 19A-19C, ready to attack in cannot move any farther on this turn.
truders as they head up or down the main tunnel. The
ceilings in these areas are 30 feet tall. 21. GOBLINS'LAIR
Creatures: Huddled in area 19A are five goblin skir
mishers, a goblin adept, and the adept's rat familiar, Goblin graffiti covers the walls of this room, which
which has AC 16 (touch 14, flat-footed 14), 7 hit points, contains three moldy straw pallets. The far wall has
and improved evasion. They are trying to be quiet, but partially collapsed.
the cave's good acoustics make that difficult, and con
sequently PCs gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Listen The three goblin sneaks stationed at area 19C sleep
checks made to detect them. Hiding in the recesses of here. Characters who search the room find some bones
area 19B is a Silent Wolf goblin astride a worg. Finally, and goblin waste, but no treasure.
three goblin sneaks are crouched atop the 10-foot-high
ledge overlooking the intersection (area 19C).
22. THE HIGH GROUND fifteen-foot-deep chamber covered in
goblin graffiti. The floor of the cham
The tunnel breaks into a fifteen-foot ber is twenty-five feet above the floor
square room with no graffiti or of the adjoining tunnel.
furnishings of any kind. A make
shift wooden ladder connects the No goblins stand watch here. The
room with the floor of the tunnel adjoining tunnel to the south is 40
ten feet below. feet high from floor to ceiling, which
puts the opening of this room near
The goblins built the makeshift the tunnel roof.
ladder, which is sturdy enough to
support the weight of Small and 26. MERCENARY QUARTERS
Medium creatures. The ladder can
be moved easily. This octagonal chamber has a twenty-
foot-high vaulted ceiling painted with
23. EMPTY CHAMBER an elaborate mural depicting a
multitude of dwarf artisans
The northeast and southwest raising their hammers high
corners of this room have col and immersing them in a great
lapsed into rubble. Aside from flame that fills the ceiling's
the debris, the room is empty and apex. The flame actually sheds
bereft of graffiti. light, bathing the room in flick
ering orange firelight. However,
A careful search of this room Kallev the room is not particularly warm.
yieldsnothing of value. Astern dwarf's visage carved in bas-re
lief on the northwest wall spews clear
24. FOOD SUPPLIES water into a large basin that dominates
Drakthar has made this room off-limits that corner of the room. Gems are set
to the goblins. The Eyes of Drakthar into the eyes of the stone face. Other
never enter it without the permis furnishings include three sturdy
sion of Drakthar or the mercenar wooden cots covered with wool
ies in area 26. blankets, a small wooden table,
and three matching stools.
This fifteen-foot-square room
contains several wooden The original purpose of this
crates and casks. Each con room is lost to time, although
tainer bears the symbol of a the basin fills with
small black birdcage. fresh water from
the caldera.
The crates and casks Small holes
contain various per in the floor
ishables. Characters of the basin
who search the allow the wa
room get a quick ter to seep out,
sense of the in and a thin stone
ventory, which lip around the
includes enough edge of the basin
food for a group keeps the water
of 3 people for at confined. The fiery
least a month. light emanating from
the ceiling is equivalent
25. to a continualframe spell (caster
UNGUARDED level 7th).
LEDGE The cots, table, and stools are
meager furnishings at best, but they
A staircase climbs the north serve. Only two of the three mercenar
wall of the tunnel, doubling ies stationed in Drakthar's Way are pres
back on itself at one point before ris ent (see Creatures below). The third can be
ing to meet the floor of a ten-foot-wide found in area 35.
Creatures: This room contains two mercenaries in Cauldron).They overheard their boss speaking
named Choriyndyr and Kallev, as well as Chorlyndyr's with a soft-spoken woman (Thifirane) some time
lizardfamiliar,whichhasAC 16(touch14, flat-footed14), ago, and learned that the woman was a member
9 hit points, and improved evasion. Due to the sound of a secret society of cabalists and demon cultists
of water pouring into the basin, they do not hear any based somewhere in the region.
sounds of combat from outside the room and may be *o- The Blue Duke keeps a private army of half-ore
taken by surprise. soldiers, and is currently in negotiations with
Choriyndyr, a male human sorcerer, oversees Zarn one of the nobles in Cauldron. This noble wants
Kyass' interests in Drakthar's Way and regularly meets to augment his or her personal bodyguards with
with (and negotiates with)the bugbear vampire.Anambi stronger mercenaries, but doesn't want to do so
tious and self-interestedyoung man of 24years,he wants publicly.The Blue Duke plans on smuggling these
to pleaseZarn and eventuallyget promoted to a position mercenaries into town using the goblin tunnels,
of command in the BlueDuke'sprivatearmy. and stationed Choriyndyr, Kallev, and Xoden here
Kallevis a brash and disagreeabletieflingfighterwho to set things up.
served three months ofjail time in Cauldron for griev Jo- They don't know which noble is trying to bolster
ously wounding three members of the town guard. She his bodyguard count, or why, but wryly observe
was exiled from the town upon her release(over a year that things are changing in Cauldron. The mer
ago) and wouldlike nothing better than to seeCauldron cenaries might even hint that, in the months to
wiped out. She has cloven hooves for feet and spiky come, the PCs might find themselvesworking for
u horns jutting from her brow. Drakthar has dominated the Blue Duke.
her, although none of her fellow mercenaries have real
ized this yet. 27. ALCOVES
^ Choriyndyr:hp 18; seeAppendix4.
^ Kallev:hp 30;see Appendix 4. Two irregular alcoves appear in the walls of the tun
Tactics: Choriyndyr and Kallev realize they're on the nel, across from one another. The western alcove has
same side, but they don't get along well and tend to act a ceiling only five feet high. The eastern alcove has
independently.Theyare alsoprone to beratingone an a ten-foot-high ceiling and sits atop a ten-foot-high
other in the heat of combat. Both have the Dodge feat ledge. The ceiling of the main tunnel is thirty feet
and use it wisely. high at this point.
Choriyndyr relies on his Improved Initiative feat to
get the drop on his enemies. He abhors melee combat Characters who inspect the western alcove(area 27A)
and immediately begins casting his summon monster II see that it is littered with animal and humanoid bones,
spell, calling forth a lemure devil (Monster Manual 57) including some goblin bones. The eastern alcove (area
that appearsat the start of his next turn. He then begins 27B) is sometimes used as a guard station by goblins
hurling Melfs acid arrow spells from behind Kallev or and shows evidence of goblin use (scratch marks on
the lemure. the walls, dried lumps of excrement in the corners, and
Kallev rushes into battle, swinging her halberd ma such). Characters who climb up into the alcove see a
niacally. If reduced to fewer than half her hit points, symbol painted in dried blood on one wall. Characters
she casts darkness and heads straight to Drakthar's who understand Goblin or succeed on a DC 15 Deci
throne room (area 31), where she drinks her healing pher Script check recognize this as a goblin warning
potions and briefs her secret master on the apparent sign for "vampire."
strengths and weaknesses of the invaders. If her escape
is blocked, she drinks her potions in the darkness or 28. LEDGE
uses her Blind-Fight feat to help her strike down the This half-formed room looms 25 feet above the floor of
foes she cannot see. Regardless, she leaves Choriyndyr the tunnel to the north, which has a 30-foot-high ceiling.
to his own devices. Development: This ledge is usually vacant, although
Development: If captured and interrogated, both the goblin sneaks from area 19C might retreat to here.
Choriyndyr and Kallev remain stoic and evasive.They If so, they fire their crossbows at any intruders they spot
are quite loyal to their boss, and only in extreme situa in the tunnel or on the rope bridge (area 20).
tions do they talk. Nonetheless, if magically compelled
to talk, or if their hostile attitudes can be made helpful, 29. SHOCKER LIZARD DEN (EL 5)
they'll reveal what little they know (some of which is
based on faulty supposition): Three moldy straw pallets lay heaped against the
eastern wall of this chamber, which has a door to the
£0* Choriyndyr, Kallev,and their ally Xoden were part south and an open archway to the north. The walls
of a group of adventuring mercenaries who work are covered in goblin graffiti,and large rat droppings
for an ogre mage they call the "Blue Duke"(in fact litter the floor.
Zarn Kyass,although they don't know his real name
or that he's currently masquerading as a human This dark room contains several Creatures, described below.
Creatures:Agoblin adept and a mated pair of shock The walls of this sinister chamber are painted in
er lizards inhabit this room. The goblin adept stands blood, which has dried and turned a rusty shade
adjacent to the south door and keeps the shocker liz of brown. The back corner of the room has fallen
ards between itself and the open north entrance. The away into a dark crevice, and a roomy chair made of
shocker lizards have accepted the goblins as co-inhabit stitched skins, torn-off faces, and bundled bones sits
ants of the dungeon and do not attack them; however, in front of the gaping orifice.
they attack non-goblins on sight. The shocker lizards
have not laid any eggs yet, but when they do, the goblins Drakthar uses this room as an audience chamber.
hope to rear the young as guardians. Or as food. They None may pass into the cavern beyond (area 32) with
haven't decided yet. out Drakthar's permission, lest they incur the bugbear
^ Goblin Adept: hp 14;see The Eyes of Drakthar. vampire's undying and painful wrath. The throne is
^ Shocker Lizards(2): hp 13 each; MonsterManual224. fashioned from the skins and bones of various human-
Tactics: Given enough time to prepare, the goblin oid creatures, but predomi
adept drinks a potionofaidand readies a sleepspell, hop nantly goblins, gnomes,
ing to catch enemies as they reach the top of the north and dwarves. The dried
stairs. The lizards react by generating a bolt of electricity blood that covers the
each round at the intruder, dealing 4d8 electrical dam walls like flaking
age on any one target within 20 feet of one of them (DC paint was like
12 Reflex half). The adept flees if wounded or if one of wise drawn
the shocker lizards is slain. Once outside of the room, from many
the goblin adept quaffs a potion of invisibility,tries to go sources.

someplace where there are more goblins, and then uses

a potion of cure light wounds to undo any damage it may
have suffered.


Alarge section of this room has fallen away, forming

a gash in the west wall and a forty-foot-high preci
pice overlooking a rough-hewn tunnel, the ceil
ing of which is the same height as the roof of this
chamber. Three, moldy straw pallets are heaped in
the southeast corner of the room, which contains no
other furnishings.

Drakthar has assigned three dominated goblins the

task of watching the western tunnel for intruders. Their
high perch gives them an unobstructed view of the tun
nel in question.
Creatures: Three goblin sneaks are stationed here.
^ Goblin Sneaks (3): hp 7 each; see Appendix 4.
Tactics: The goblin sneaks fire their crossbows at
any intruders they see. They use the high ledge for
cover (+4 cover bonus to AC and +2 bonus on Reflex
saves) against foes in the western tunnel, and they
use the gash in the floor to create a gap between
them and enemies that enter the chamber from
the north.


(EL 3)
If the PCs somehow manage to reach this area
without raising an alarm, they catch Drakthar
sitting on his throne, immersed in thought as
he ponders howbest to manipulate Zarn Kyass
and his mercenaries. Because the throne faces
the only entrance to the room, the PCs will
have a hard time sneaking into the room with
out Drakthar seeing them.
Creature:If Drakthar is present, refer to the Drakthar 32. DIRE BAT CAVE (EL 2)
Attackssection below for tips on how to run the bugbear
vampire. This ledge overlooks a cavern nearly twenty feetacross
Drakthar's throne is an undead creature that came and fifty feet high. The cavern floor, which slopes
into being on its own. It has become suffused with the down gently toward the southwest, is twenty feet be
barest shred of Drakthar's will to live, a supernatural low and quite uneven. A twenty-foot-long makeshift
awareness that doesn't quite amount to sentience or wooden ladder rests against the side of the ledge, of
intelligence. Most of the tinie, the throne remains per fering an easy way down. Thirty feet to the south, a
fectly still, but whenever Drakthar is forced to return to similar makeshift ladder climbing twenty feet to a re
his coffin (in area 33), it becomes animate and attacks cess carved into the wall of the cavern is visible.
any creature that tries to cross the room. Drakthar can
also command it to animate as a free action if he has PCs can descend and ascend the wooden ladders
line of sight to the throne. safely. However, the floor of the cavern is treated as
When it animates, the throne sprouts four difficult terrain (movement costs double).
skeletal legs and two thick skeletal arms. It does
not radiate magic; however, it can be turned Creature: This cavern is home to a dire bat,
like any undead creature. It prefers to stay which normally hangs from the ceiling
in the room and does not move more than in the southwest corner. It attacks
30 feet from the chamber regardless, even if any creature except Drakthar that
turned. attempts to cross the cavern. It
? Drakthar: hp 19; see Appendix 4. fights until slain. The dire bat
^ Drakthar'sThrone: hp 39; see Appen cannot easily fly into area 31,
dix 4. but it can reach opponents in
;\ area 33. Drakthar ensures that
the dire bat is well fed.
•j> Dire Bat: hp 30; Monster
Manual 62.


Various treasures have

been haphazardly
strewn against the
back wall of this
recess amid
heaps of dust
and bones.
Loose copper and silver coins, assorted weapons and The first character that steps into the square directly
armor, and a wooden chest are apparent in the scat below the arch receives an unpleasant surprise, as a
tered mess. patch of green slime fills a slender crack in the top of
the natural arch. The slime drops down on the first liv
The items scattered about the alcove are catalogued ing creature to pass through the opening. For more in
under Treasure, below. formation on green slime, see page 76 of the Dungeon
The middle 5-foot section of floor is a single square Master's Guide.
tile that can be lifted up to reveal a 4-foot-square, 5-fopt- Development: The goblins and Cagewrights are
deep compartment underneath. Locating the stone "lid" aware of the green slime and value it as a trap. They
requires a successful DC 15 Search check, and lifting it avoid the slime by using the narrower passageways that
requires a DC 15 Strength check. If the PCs located the wend through the rock farther south.
similar compartment in area 7, they get a
+2 circumstance bonus on their 35. HALF-ORC MERCENARIES
Search checks. (EL 7)
Dwarves built the secret com
partment to hide valuables, The passage widens, forming a rough-
but Drakthar uses it as hewn cavern with a forty-foot-high ceil
his coffin. The compart ing. The floor slopes down toward a
ment is filled with earth, southwest exit. Two natu
except for a vaguely bug ral columns of rock sup
bear-shaped pocket port the ceiling, and
dug out of the a twenty-foot-high
middle. Min- ledge connects .the
iscule holes in westernmost column
the stone tile to a nearby wall.
permit the bug
bear vampire to enter Characters who
and leave the compart search the cave discover
ment in gaseous form. a few scattered bones,
If the PCs defile Drak rusted bits of equip
thar's coffin by pouring ment, and pools of
one or more yials of harmless slime.
holy water into it, the bug Creatures: A lone
bear vampire can no longer use goblin sneak stands
the coffin and is effectively doomed atop the western ledge. In
once reduced to o hit points. Drak addition to its normal gear,
thar is incensed by the destruc it carries a wooden horn, which
tion of his coffin and attacks the it blows if it spots intruders ap
PCs fearlessly, determined to wipe XodenNightshield proaching from the southwest. The horn can
them out. be heard in areas 8,16-20, 22, 25, and 28-35. However,
Treasure: The items strewn about this area were since the PCs are likely to enter the cavern from the
seized from Drakthar's victims or handed over as trib north, the goblin does not blow the horn. Instead, it
ute. They include 17,200 cp and 3,500 sp in loose coin fires its crossbow while using the ledge or nearby col
age, a rusty battleaxe that breaks on a natural roll of 1,a umn for cover (+4 cover bonus to AC,+2 cover bonus on
composite longbow (+3 Str bonus), a quiver ofEhlonna,a Reflexsaves).
masterwork rapier, a masterwork spear with a silvered Voices emanating from the cavern belong to six
head,a breastplate shaped in the likeness of a griffon, half-ore mercenaries who have just recently ar
a mithral shirt, a heavy darkwood shield, and a locked rived from one of Zarn Kyass' encampments in the
wooden chest (Open Lock DC 20) containing a finely surrounding wilderness. They are part of a much
wrought gold bracelet worth 50 gp, a silver comb inlaid larger company that's slowly being smuggled into
with amber worth 155 gp, a small ivory flute with jade Cauldron. A grimy, bald dwarf named Xoden Night-
inlaysworth 250 gp,a necklaceoffireballs(type II) wrapped shield greets the half-ores. Although his superiors
in a purple velvetcloth, and a Quaal'sfeather token (bird). occasionally need his skills as an artisan, Xoden cur
rently handles the logistics of moving mercenaries
34. SLIME DROP (EL 4) and materiel through Drakthar's Way. He is also the
only mercenary present who speaks Goblin, although
The sloping passage narrows at this point, forming he abhors goblins and constantly threatens to inflict
a natural archway a little over five feet wide and ten bodily harm upon them. Xoden thinks Choriyndyr
feet tall. and Kallevare bickering screw-ups too eager to serve
their own puny ambitions. He doesn't normally like
to wear armor, but around goblins he can never be BEHiriD *HE SCEIIES:
too careful! DRAK*HAR'S WAY
Xoden, the half-ores, and the goblin sentry rely on During this chapter, the PCs should gain their first
darkvision to see. The half-ores are named Graytusk, hintsthat there's something biggoing on in Cauldron.
Harla, Krohlag, Mincer, Trullek, and Varla. They may learn about the Blue Duke, although they
^ Xoden: hp 22; see Appendix 4. probably won't learn his name, so when they meet
^ Half-ore Mercenaries (6): hp 19 each; see Appen him in Chapter Five during Event 18 they might not
dix 4 (use stats for Town Guard but add a potion of bull's make the connection.
strengthto possessions). Thischapter alsoservesto foreshadowevents later
•^ Goblin Sneak:hp 7;see Appendix4. in the campaign, when the Cauldron cityguard starts
Tactics: PCs can fool Xoden and the half-ores into to hire half-ore mercenariesto augment their ranks.
thinking they belong in the dungeon with a success Terseon Skellerang remembers the PCs' findings
H ful Bluff check (opposed by the villains' Sense Motive during this chapter and, in a strange sort of way, the
check). If Xoden realizes that the PCs don't belong in PCs themselves may thus be responsible for much
the dungeon, he orders the half-ores to attack them of the racial tension that begins to build in Cauldron
while he attempts to flee to area 26 via one of the nar starting in Chapter Five.
row tunnels heading north. If he finds the other two TheCagewrightsare disappointed withthe lossof
Cagewrights dead or missing, he spends a couple Drakthar'sWay as an easysmuggling route, but in the
U rounds gathering provisions in area 24 before attempt end this loss has little impact on their plans. Terseon
ing to flee the dungeon. If cornered, he fights with his Skellerangproves to be much more accommodating
dwarven waraxe. to Vhalantru's need for more mercenaries, and by
The half-ores each drink a potion of bull's strength be Chapter Four the augmentation of the city guard
fore entering combat, time allowing. Then they rush with Zarn Kyass' half-oremercenaries happens above
into battle, charging if possible while making use of ground and in public.
their Dodge feat. In subsequent rounds, they attempt to
flank opponents. If a half-ore misses with its sword two
rounds in a row,it changes tactics and instead attempts and relishes any opportunity to turn them against one
to aid another half-ore's attack (see Player's Handbook another. As the PCs get closer to Drakthar's coffin (area
page 154). If three or more half-ores are defeated, the 33), the bugbear vampire's attacks become less playful
rest attempt to withdraw from the dungeon and re and more determined. His impressive Hide, Listen,
group in the woods outside. Move Silently, and Spot bonuses make him difficult to
Development: The half-ores have traveled far and are surprise and even harder to detect.
quite weary, and they are not predisposed to taking or Drakthar looks like an underfed bugbear with blood
ders from the dwarf Their initial attitude is hostile, but shot eyes. The stench of death clings to him. He has
a DC 25 Diplomacy check changes their attitude to un human, elf and dwarf hands and tongues nailed to his
friendly, at which point the half-ores can be convinced wooden shield.
to parley. They admit to being mercenaries-for-hire but Drakthar doesn't try to wipe out the PCs all at once.
no more. If the PCs manage to adjust the half-ores' atti Instead, he gnaws at them. Between encounters, Drak
tude to friendly (or successfully cast charmpersonon one thar relies on his fast healing ability to regain any hit
of them), they can learn the identity of their superior, points he may have lost.
the Blue Duke. Attempts to interrogate Xoden should Drakthar doesn't like fighting alongside his goblin
yield similar results to those gained from interrogating minions and leaves them to their own devices. Before
his two mercenary allies (detailed in area 26). entering into combat with an enemy, he chooses one of
three approaches, each of which is described below:
36. TUNNEL MOUTH Crush the Body: Drakthar approaches his enemies
Drakthar's Way comes to an end at this point, where the and starts bashing them with his morningstar and
mouth of the tunnel meets a heavily wooded area on the slamming them with his fist. After taking down one
slope of the volcano. Creeping plants obscure the en foe, he turns gaseous and withdraws. If the PCs chase
trance somewhat, making it difficult to spot from outside. him, he leads them into area 18 or some other danger
Nothing dangerous greets the PCs if they emerge from ous part of the dungeon (but away from areas 31-33).
the tunnel and explore the immediate surroundings. Break the Spirit: Drakthar summons id6+i rat swarms
or id4+i bat swarms and sends them after his enemies.
DRAKTHAR ATTACKS! (EL 4) He then chooses one target to dominate, turning the
At some point, the PCs encounter Drakthar, either as a dominated foe againsthis or her comrades.Whetherthe
wandering monster or because he has been alerted to attempt to dominate succeedsor fails, he doesn't leave
their presence. The bugbear vampire isn't confined to the battle until at least one enemy is taken down, at which
any one area of the dungeon. In fact, he likes to hunt point he assumes an alternate form and withdraws.
intruders. He harangues them with hit-and-run tactics
Devour the Soul: Drakthar assumes the form of a dire What happens if Drakthar succeeds in dominating all
wolf and howls as he nears his enemies' location, hop of the PCs? Instead of dispatching them, Drakthar de
ing to unnerve them. He tries to trip one enemy and pin cides to use the PCs as his spies in Cauldron. He wants
it under his lupine form. He then uses his blood drain them to find out more about the Cagewrights' plans. He
ability on the pinned victim. Once the victim is killed or demands an update every seven days. He doesn't care
completelydrained of blood, Drakthar withdraws. how his new thralls complete their task or whether it
places them in conflict with the Cagewrights. Drakthar
TROUBLESHOOTING also instructs the PCs not to reveal his location or true
Even though he's somewhat weaker than a normal vam nature, or cause harm to befall him or his minions. Al
pire, Drakthar is a tough foe for 3rd-level characters, es though Drakthar can issue instructions telepathically
pecially since he can take them down with only three of over great distances, his dominated minions cannot
his slam (and energy drain) attacks. Here are answers to telepathically transmit messages or sensory input back
some basic questions that might arise as the PCs con to him.
front Drakthar:
How does Drakthar choose his victims? He doesn't ETlDinG *HE CHAPTER
like to be turned or confronted with the horror of his Drakthar's destruction liberates any creature under the
undead existence, so he tries to kill clerics and paladins effect of his dominateability.The vampire's goblin thralls
first. He's smart enough to use his dominate ability on slowly disband, retreating deep into the Underdark or
fighter-types and rogue-types, and he prefers to use his hiding out in the forests around Cauldron. Characters
blood drain ability against arcane spellcasters. formerly under the vampire's sway are no longer bound
What happens when Drakthar is reduced to o hit to his service. Orak Stonehaven, if alive, likewise regains
points? He turns gaseous and returns to his coffin (in his senses and rewards the party with free baths and a
area 33). If he thinks he's being followed, he takes a cir pouch containing four 100 gp gems.
cuitous route guaranteed to slow down his pursuers or
place them in jeopardy, then slips away.



^ ,

As winter draws near, the citizens of Cauldron be grew more gaudy and extravagant. Over the past decade,
gin shoring up their homes and businesses in the winters have been fairly mild, and it is doubtful that
preparation for the flood season. Since the town the lake would have flooded even if its waters weren't held
is essentiallybuilt inside a large bowl,the rainy seasons of back by magic. Asthe apparent need for protection faded,
winter can be particularly dangerous. The mouth of the so did the city's memories of the floods of decades past,
dormant volcano catches the falling rain with great effi and the need for the wands of control waterslipped.
ciency,and the gutters and alleywaysof Cauldron quickly As a result, the long-standing alliance between the
become filled with turbulent rivers that more often than four temples of Cauldron weakened. The church of Kord
not overflow into the streets as they drain down the in always balked at the cost of building the wands, and this
ner surface of the volcano and into the central lake. This year its priesthood turned its focus to the Flood Festival
rainfallcan quicklyovercomethe lake's drainage into the itself organizing numerous sporting events to enter
Underdark and nearby rivers. As a result, the water level tain the city.The church of Wee Jas would rather spend
slowlycreepsup,floodingthe lowerbuildingsand forcing their efforts creating "more constructive magic items,"
the inhabitants to flee to higher ground. Since the build and they too have dropped from the wand-creation pro
ings along the lakeshore tend to be poorly constructed, gram. The church of Pelor, although still supportive of
and their inhabitants poor, sick, and destitute, the dam the program, has a relatively small presence in Cauldron
agedone by these yearlyfloods can be devastating. now, and last spring it lost its two most powerful priests
After a particularly wet winter several decades ago, to a tragic accident. No current member of their clergy
when the central lake's waters reached Ash Avenue and has the expertise to build wands of control water.
completely submerged many of the lower buildings, That leaves the church of St. Cuthbert. Sarcem Delas-
the town's leaders decided to do something about the harn, the current high priest of the temple, grew wor
recurring problem. Representatives of the churches of ried as the year wore on. He couldn't make enough
Pelor,Wee Jas, and Kord got together under the urging wands himself for the festival,and certainly didn't think
of the then-high-priestess of the church of St. Cuthbert, that the calm winters Cauldron had witnessed over the
pooled their resources, and created several wands ofcon past decade would last much longer. He collected what
trol water to combat the next flood season. That winter, funds he could and kept the wand shortage as low-key
clerics from these four temples patrolled the lower and secret as he could; he didn't want to distress the
streets of Cauldron and fought back the flood using the populaceany more than necessary.Afterall, they might
wands. The citizens were grateful for the aid, and assist not even need the wands this year. But Sarcem wasn't
ed with sandbagging and shoring of buildings where willing to leave that to chance. A few weeks before the
they could; even with the magic wands, the flood waters beginning of the campaign, he left Cauldron to visit
could still do significant damage. Sasserine,ostensibly to take part in a two-month-long
So successful were these measures that, after that dedication of a new shrine recently constructed there,
flood season ended, the city of Cauldron erupted into a but also to engagethe servicesof that city'sclerics in the
massive festival. In the years to follow, this grew into a creation of eight new wands of control water. In his ab
tradition, the Flood Festival,beginning earlier each year sence he named Jenya Urikas as the acting high priest
until it started before the first rains fell. Each year, the ess of St. Cuthbert in Cauldron.
clericsof the citycreated wands ofcontrol water to fight Unfortunately, something far more sinister and
the floods, and each year the floods were controlled. For dangerous than floods is brewing in Cauldron's
a few years,the clericsevendabbled with scrollsofcontrol shadows this year. Only a day away from his return
weather,but this option was abandonedbeforelong be
cause too many mishaps cropped up when lower-level
clericsmiscast these powerfulspells. S*AR*II1G *HE CHAPTER
But time breeds contentment, and the Flood Festival The PCs should be 4th-level when they begin this
becametoosuccessfulfor its owngood.As the yearswent chapter. They should be well-settled into Cauldron
by, the churches began to refine their uses of the wands by now, and have probablymade several friends and
and found that they could build fewer wands and still allies of the town's citizens.
make it through the season. At the same time, the festivals
journey to Cauldron, Sarcem has stopped at a near Unfortunately for them, Grehlia and Dugobras kept
by roadside tavern called the Lucky Monkey to rest all the earnings from their stint with the Cagewrights.
for the evening. Unfortunately, his activities have With few finds, the remaining Triad
been watched by a sinister cult called the members spent several months de
Ebon Triad. vising a way to save up enough
The Ebon Triad is a relatively new money to relocate to a less
cult comprised of heretics from remote location and possibly
the churches of Erythnul, Hex- join a different Triad cell. It
tor, and Vecna. They believe was Triel who hit upon the
that their deities represent a idea of stealing the wands of
fragmented divinity, and that control waterand ransoming
through their actions they them back to Cauldron as
' vl
can merge the power of their the rains began. Skaven kept
three deities into one overde- an eye on Sarcem's progress
ity of extreme and unimagi in Sasserine via scryingspells
nable power. The Ebon Triad while Triel hired a large
has cells throughout the world, group of thugs to aid in
each working to raise funds to fi stealing the wands and
nance their ambitious project. The defending their hideout
official churches of Erythnul, Vecna, deep below Cauldron.
and Hextor are less than pleased When Sarcem began
with the foundation of the Ebon his return journey from
Triad. Tradition and belief have Sasserine, Triel sent the
always kept these three churches thugs, led by her cohort Tongueat-
at odds with one another, and er (a werebaboon) to ambush Sarcem
the majority of these faithful on his way back to town.
have no wish to see the glory / In this chapter, the party is called
and power of their patron upon to retrieve these eight wands of
deity "diluted" through mix control water from the Ebon Triad after
ing with "lesser" religions. The they successfully steal them from Sar
fact that their deities continue to grant Annah Taskerhill cem, leaving the poor high priest dead in
spells to the cultists of the Ebon Triad is their wake.
vexing and disturbing to the traditionalists, and in time
these three evil churches might launch programs to put EVENT 6: MEET THE COMPETITION (EL 7)
down the upstart cultists before their radical ideas gain Word of the party's adventures in and below Cauldron,
too many more followers. and the role they played in putting a stop to the kidnap
One such cell existed in the Cauldron region for pings and the goblin vandals,has spread. Every once in
many years, led by a dangerous cleric named Grehlia a while, a commoner or shopkeeper should recognize
Cairnis. It was she the Cagewrights contacted with the the group and thank them profusely for their work;
task of creating the soulcagesthey needed. She and an some shopkeepers might even go so far as to give them
expert blacksmith fire giant named Dugobras spent small discounts on their merchandise. Unfortunately,
several years creating the thirteen soulcages (includ not everyone in Cauldron is pleased with the party's
ing two spares in case of unexpected emergencies)the growing fame.
Cagewrightspaid for. Nearthe end, as time grewshort, One group in particular, a band of adventurers call
Grehlia called on the assistance of the three remain ing themselves the "Stormblades,"has taken an espe
ing members of her Triad cell: a disgracedtown guard cially foul view of the PCs. Comprised of four local
named Triel Eldurast, a secretive halfling diviner named adventurers who are also all members of various noble
Skaven, and a loathsome gnoll cleric named Tarkilar. families in Cauldron, these four young aristocrats de
Working together, the five were able to finish the last cided to form an adventuring party to get some excite
soulcageonly a few months ago. ment, fame, and extra cash several months ago, and
Grehliaparticularlyimpressed Nulin"Fish"Wiejeron, have spent those months exploring some of the less
and she immediately accepted his offer to become an dangerouscatacombsand lava tubes below the city. In
apprentice Cagewrightupon the completionof the fi particular,they recentlywiped out a large tribe of pesky
nal soulcage.Sheabandoned the EbonTriad,and the fire kobolds that had taken up residence in some old lava
giantDugobrasrelocatedto a cave near the Demonskar tubes below the southern section of Cauldron.

1 0, g
.O to pursue other goals(see Chapter Five).The remaining In any case, the news of the PCs' triumph over the
Od s^~ three members of the Cauldron Ebon Triad cell, Triel, slaver ring and the goblins of Drakthar's Way has all
Skaven, and Tarkilar, felt more than a little slighted at but eclipsed their less impressive accomplishments,
their leader's abandonment of their cause. and the Stormblades aren't happy about it. Rather than
seeking greater glories for themselves, they obsess over her or her lover, Zachary. Cora's fighting style is an un
the PCs. As time progresses, the PCs may hear rumors usual combination of graceful jabs and powerful stabs,
that some people have been asking about them. They she's a natural at fighting with finesse but her patience
also might catch a glimpse of one of the Stormblades often runs out by the third round of combat, at which
(most likelyTodd Vanderboren)stalking them. Eventu point she starts to utilize her Power Attack feat. As she
ally, the entire group confronts the PCs as they relax gains levels, she learns how to focus her anger
at a tavern (perhaps at the Tipped Tan with more grace, but never fully learns to
kard) or busy themselves at market control her emotions. She has short
or somewhere similar; stage this red hair, numerous scars (mostly
event at a time when the inter on her hands and forearms), and
ruption is obnoxious but not a swaggering gait. She dotes on
dangerous—sometime before Zachary, but thinks Todd is a
the Flood Festivalbegins. coward and would like to teach
Creatures: The Stormblades him a thing or two about com
merelywant to harass the par bat the hard way if given the op
ty and mock them publicly in portunity. Her parents are well-
an attempt to sully their pres known weapons traders, and em
tige and reputation. If all goes ploy a number of smiths in town;
according to their plan, they characters who anger her parents
hope to goad the PCs into attack may find that many of Cauldron's
ing them. If they're successful, weapons and armor dealers start
the Stormblades fight back to charging them inflated prices.
defend themselves, but strive Todd Vanderboren is the only
to do only nonlethal damage truly evil member of the
since they want to come out Stormblades, but he keeps
of the battle looking like the the true extent of his de
good guys.The citywatch re pravity well concealed. His
sponds quickly to this public, goal is to someday take com
disturbance, since the Storm mand of the Stormblades and
blades take care to stage then found a criminal syndicate. Un
plan in a place where the city fortunately, he has a horrible habit
watch is never far away. Within of insulting anyone and everyone,
2C14 rounds a patrol arrives to put then cackling loudly and mockingly
an end to the disturbance. Cora Lathenmire at their discomfort. He's a little too thin
Annah Taskerhill is the leader of the for his frame, and his weak chin and long face
Stormblades, if only due to her remarkable gift make him look a bit like a weasel. His eyes are watery
with words and her shocking beauty. She has a knack and his hair short and brown; his clothes are well made
for knowing how to say exactly the right thing at the but he wears them without grace. He doesn't really like
right time, and it's rare indeed that she is forced to pay any of the other members of the Stormblades except
for her own meal or room while out on the road. The Annah, with whom he's been in not-so-secret-lust for
other members of the Stormblades all look up to her, many years. He endures Zachary and Cora's presence
and without her leadership the group would quickly fall only because Annah seems to prefer their company.
apart. Todd's real parents are dead; his adoptive parents are
Annah is tall, with smooth dusky skin, long black hair among Cauldron's newest nobles, and although they
braided into numerous comrows, sharp features, and a have tried valiantly to raise Todd right, his rebellious
great sense of fashion. She prefers to hang back in com nature has all but exhausted their patience.
bat and encourage her three friends to fight for her with Zachary Aslaxin II is the most level-headed member
her bardic music, supporting them with her crossbow or of the Stormblades, perhaps because of his newfound
whip as she gets the chance. Her actual feelings for the faith in Kord. Although he has yet to fully embrace his
other members of the Stormblades is coldly mercenary; teachings, in time Zachary might repent his callous
she sees them as little more than minions, but maintains ways and turn to a less troublesome life. He has been
thecharadeof friendshipto further encouragetheir sup with Cora for several months now, since before the
port. Her parents are some ofCauldron's most important Stormblades were founded, but lately he's been find
nobles,and her father Ankhin is reportedlya close per ing her rough nature tiresome and annoying despite
sonal friend of the lord mayor. If Annah comes to harm, her continued devotion to him. Annah has increasingly
Ankhin is likelyto hire assassinsto seekvengeance. caught his eyeof late,and before long he plans to dump 3 O, .0
Cora Lathenmire is the most quiet and bloodthirsty Cora to court the bard. He hasn't figured out how to do °d s%y
of the group. Quick to anger, most of the Stormblades' this gracefullyyet,so for now he hides his feelings and
fights start when Cora imagines an insult directed at bides his time. Zacharyis tall and ruggedly handsome,
with a well-trimmedbeard and curly dark brownhair. with the Stormblades and avoid getting into a fight
His parents are amongst Cauldron's nobility, and run a with them.
high-class inn named "The Coy Nixie"near the eastern
gate of Cauldron. EVENT 7: THE FLOOD FESTIVAL
? AnnahTaskerhill,female human aristocratl/bard As this chapter starts, the city of Cauldron is preparing
3: hp 17; see Appendix 4. for the Flood Festival.Beforethe PCsare summoned by
^ Cora Lathenmire, female human aristocrat 1/ Jenya during event 8, you should give them a few days
swashbuckler 3: hp 33; see Appendix 4. to relax and enjoy the festival.
? ToddVanderboren,malehuman aristocratl/rogue Traditionally,the festivalbegins on the first dayin win
3:hp 22, see Appendix 4. ter that sees any noticeable rainfall. Work comes to a sud
? Zachary Aslaxin II, male hu den stop in the city on this day as the citizens flock
man aristocrat l/ranger 2/cler- to the streets in an impromptu celebration of
ic 1: hp 18; see Appendix 4. the rainy season. For the next several days,
• ft Development Once the the festival grows increasingly organized.
batde is' over, assuming What starts as impromptu parties on the
the Stormblades survive, streets becomes rows of Flood-Festi-
they continue to harbor a val-themed merchant stalls lining the
grudge against the PCs.If streets, organized games and competi
they lost, the humiliation tions, and a seemingly endless series
of being beaten down in of parades put on by churches, guilds,
a public place further en nobles, and other groups throughout
rages them; if they won, town. Visitors from neighboring towns
their success embold throng to the streets of Cauldron to
ens them and convinces take part in the festivities.
them that the PCs' fame is Whenever the PCs move about
even more misplaced. If any town during the first sections
members of the Stormblades of this adventure, make sure
are wounded with real dam to impress on them the
age or killed, the survivors chaos and excitement
vowto see the player charac that infects the city.
ters imprisoned. Sinceeach Listed below are sev
member of this group is eral sample compe
the child of an influential titions, games, and
member of Cauldron's up events that the PCs can
per class, the Stormblades' take part in during the Flood Festi
parents are more than willing val. Use these events as guides for creating
to fund legalaction against the Flood Festival fun of your own!
PCs on behalf of their children. If Todd Vanderboren Flood Festival Sales: A fair amount of Cauldron's
all four members are killed, then citizens save up their earnings over the course of the year
parents and the guard press for the imprisonment and in anticipation of the Flood Festival sales. During the
possibleexecutionof the PCs. The extentof such legalac festival,all of Cauldron's merchants give a discount of at
tions are beyond the scope of this adventure, but they can least 15% off their regular prices; some merchants (like
haunt the partythroughout their entire careerin Cauldron Skieof Skie'sTreasuries)go as high as a 20%discount.
if they don't handle the situation well. Drink Down the Flood!: Cauldron's taverns hold an
Although the Stormblades could pose a fairly danger elaborate drinking contest during the length of the fes
ous threat to a group of four 4th-level characters, they tival. This contest symbolizes Cauldron's more prodi
are an intrinsically chaotic group of thugs and it won't gious drinkers pitching in to lessen the flood damage
take much to make their practiced, almost choreo by drinking away the excess liquids in town—it just so
graphed fighting teamwork fall apart if the party man happens that the contest focuses on the consumption
ages to separate them or goad one of the members into of the alcoholic liquids. Any contestant can register for
doing something foolish. the contest at any of Cauldron's taverns on the first day
Assuming that the PCs and the Stormblades both of the festival by entering his name on the grand roster
survive this event relatively intact, the Stormblades can of contestants (kept posted on a board in front of the
play an important role for the rest of the campaign, Tipped Tankard Tavern) and paying the entry fee of 1
serving as foils against the characters' successes,or even gp. There are only 64 slots open for contestants, so of
eventually as their allies. Even if they don't survive,their ten large groups hold mini-competitions of their own
parents are rich enough to pay for raise dead spells. earlier in the year to select "champions."
Ad-hoc XP Award:Awardfull experience points to the If a character wishes to take part in this contest, he
party if they manage to roleplay through a confrontation must pay the fee and register on the first day. He must
then take part in one drinking bout per day for the next lantru declares the contest a draw. He allows the char
six days, eachof whichtakes about10minutes to settle. acter to collecthalf the 500gp award,and makes a men
The character makes a series of Constitution checks tal note to keep one of his many eyeson him from this
while his opponent does the same, one after the other. point onward.
The first check is DC 5; each additional check increases Crater Lake Monster Hunt: On the second day of
by 1. Once a contestant fails a check, he passes out and the Flood Festival,Bluecrater Academy holds their an
the other contestant wins the bout. If both contestants nual Crater Lake Monster Hunt. At sunrise, students
pass out, the bout is declared a draw and both contes from the universityset hundreds and hundreds of tiny
tants are out of the running. If a contestant fails to show boats afloat on the surface of Crater Lake. During the
for his scheduled bout, he is knocked out of the running morning hours, anyone who wants a shot at catching
as well. Each evening, the day's winners are posted, as the monster pays a 1 sp entry fee for a
is the schedule of who drinks against who the wooden chit.
•* >
next day. By noon, the surface of the
On the first day, the PC's competi lake is clogged with boats.
tion has a Constitution modifier Each of these boats is identi
of+0. On each successive day, the cal in shape, but one of them
competition's Constitution modi has a contingent illusion
fier increases by 1 point, so any PC placed upon it—once it is
who makes it to the final bout on grabbed and the wooden
day 6 goes up against an NPC with chit is fitted to its deck, a ma
a Constitution modifier of+5. The jor image of a vast tentacled
winner of the final bout on day monster springs up from
6 not only wins a nice trophy around the boat to flail about
(worth 10 gp), but also wins a dramatically before crashing
30 gp prize taken from the back into the surrounding
entry fees. (The balance lake. The person who fitted
of the entry fees is split the chit into the boat is im
evenly amongst the mediately affected by aja-
tavern owners who eriefirespell, and wins the
run the event.) hunt (and a trophy worth
On the seventh 10 gp)-
day, the winner of Hundreds of peo
the contest is in ple join in the Crater
vited to one final Lake Monster Hunt.
bout—a drinking If some of the PCs
contest with Lord Vhalantru wish to take part in the
himself Lord Vhalantru's ca hunt, you can simulate
pacity for holding his liquor the hunt by having all PCs
is legendary in Cauldron, and there's a standing make DC 10 Swim checks each
award of 500 gp to anyone who manages to out-drink round. Success indicates that they
him. To date, no one's collected. This final bout is always can grab a boat and fit their chit to its
held in the tavern of the contest winner's choice, and deck. The PC should roll a d2o at this point—if he rolls
traditionallydraws huge crowds—competitionamongst a 20, he immediately rolls again (as if he were confirm
tavern owners to curry the winner's favor is fierce. ing a critical hit). If this second d2o roll is also a 20, he
Of course, Vhalantru is a beholder, and beholders are has selected the right boat and wins. When the contest
horribly difficult to get drunk. Their alien bodies pro begins, roll idio+10—the result is the amount of Swim
cess alcohol with great efficiency.If a PC takes part in checks (and thus the amount of tries) a character gets
this bout, roll the dice for Vhalantru and act like he's before someone else catches the monster.
doing great. He'll never fail his check, and eventually Several dozen accomplished swimmers accompany
the PC will succumb. If the PC manages to go for at the hunters; if a PC fails his Swim check by 5 or more
least 15 rounds before passing out, though, his fame in and begins to drown, one of these swimmers comes to
town is assured. his aid and pulls the character to shore and to safety.
A character who wins Cauldron's drinking contest Street Performance: On the third day of the Festival,
gains a +2 bonus on all Diplomacychecks made against tradition holds that Cauldron's amateur performers get
Cauldron citizens. If that character goes for at least 15 a chance to show their stuff. The streets are filled with
rounds with Lord Vhalantru, that bonus increases to +6. singers, dancers, instrument players, and all manner of & O, C
. On the chance that the PC in the contest can cope skilled(ornot-so-skilled)performers trying to catch the °D s^>"
with alcoholas well as Vhalantru,the drinking contest eye of a potential patron.
lasts until round 50, at which point an intrigued Vha-
Characters who wish to take part in this tradition twogroupsto watch"Surabar"and "Nabthatoron"engage
need only select a section of street and start making in a mock battle. The battle ends with "Surabar" strik
Perform checks. The character can make ten Perform ing "Nabthatoron"with a glowing staff, at which point
checks. If he makes at least six of these DC20 checks,he thepersonplaying"Nabtliatoron"isexpectedtocollapse.
attracts the attention of a prominent merchant or even After this, ZacharyAslaxin removes his maskand helps
a noble of Cauldron,and is approachedwith a long- "Nabthatoron" back to his feet and reveals who he had
term job offer. Over the next several weeks, the charac chosen to play the role. The gala then becomes a more
ter must spend at least8 hours a week workingon this traditionalcostumedball—often,the person whoplayed
commissioned piece for his patron. At the end of each "Nabthatoron" finds himself at the center of attention.
N-.I-.T1 week, he makes a Perform check and notes the result. At Of course, if the PCs are invited, you should have one
the end of three months (12 Perform checks),the char of them receive the Nabthatoron invitation!
acter tallies the total of his perform checks. If this total Booth Games: Numerous idle booth games are avail
exceeds200, the patron is pleased.If not, the patron is able at the many street vendors in town. Each of these
underwhelmed. He pays the PC 50 gp for his time and games costs 1 sp to play. These games are either tests
wants nothing more to do with him. of Strength or tests of Dexterity.To play the game, the
If pleased,the patron invitesmanyof his associatesto character makes a DC 20 ability check of the appropri
a private party, at which the PC is expectedto perform ate type. Success indicates he wins a minor prize worth
his work. He must now make a final Perform check. He 5gp. If he beats this check by 10,he wins a grand prize
gains a cumulative+2 bonus on this check for every 10 worth id6x5 gp. Once a character wins five grand prizes,
points by which his 12prior Perform checks exceed 200. word of his skill spreads and the booth merchants won't
Multiplythe result of this final check by20; the result allow him to play anymore.
ing number is howmanygp the pleasedpatron pays the
characterfor his effortsafter the party. EVENT 8: SARCEM'S SENDING
A character who makes a DC 25 check with this final At some point after the Flood Festival begins, the PCs
performance makes an impression on many of Caul receive an urgent summons from Jenya Urikas at the
dron's movers and shakers, and gains a +2 bonus on temple of St. Cuthbert. The message says that she's been
all Diplomacy checks and Gather Information checks in contact with high priest Sarcem Delasharn and that
made in Cauldron from this point on. he needs immediate assistance.
The Demonskar Ball: On the last night of the Festival, When the party arrives at the Church of St. Cuthbert,
the Aslaxins hold their traditional Demonskar Ball at they find Jenya in a state of panic. She quickly ushers the
the Coy Nixie.This is an invita
tion-only event that takes place "•
in the Nixie's large upper floor fit U*fc«f'Wtoiibif.flw **M «>****•
ballroom. If any of the PCs have
caught Aslaxin's eye (perhaps
Writ's-U** MaokUfeaiulit*M
because he noticed their street
performing skills, or maybe wOl
one of the PCs did well in the (enow wfrVft (itve.
h***- $wd assistar\oi\
drinking contest), he invites
that PC and a guest. Alternately, y*y*t jo«&fyi en..'
if the PCs have tangled with the Tt
Stormblades, Aslaxin's son con
vinces him to invite the PCs, •**£ Anot{ Zt- •v+AWA.qe
in hopes that the Stormblades
(who will be in attendance at
the ball) will get another chance
to publicly humiliate and mock
the party.
The ball itself is a masked costume ball. Each attend PCsinto a side room while worshipers and acolyteslook
ee's invitation bears one of two symbols: a mountain, or on worriedly. Once the PCs and Jenya are in a private
a crater. If an invitation indicates a mountain, that char area, she confides to them that she just received a terri
acter and his guest are expected to come dressed as one bly disturbingmessagefromSarcemDelasharn,the high
of Cauldron's founders—the role of Surabar Spellmason priest of the church. He sent the message via a sending
is reserved for Zachary. If an invitation indicates a cra spell toJenya; shewrotedown the messageand her reply
ter, that character and his guest are expected to come as soon as she was able and passes the hastily scribbled
dressed as a demon. If the invitation indicates a crater note to the party for them to examine.
with a demonic clawrising out of it, that character is ex When the PCs have read the note, Jenya tells them she
pected to dress as Nabtliatoron.At the start of the ball, meant to tell Sarcem to "have faith," but she ran out of
everyonegathers at either side of the ballroom in their room and the response wassent. Since the sending,Jenya
has grown distraught. Aside from agonizing over the fact in dire peril. Jenya tries to arrange for a patrol of city
that she didn't plan her sendingresponse that well, she's guards to head out to the Lucky Monkey as well, but
sure that each passing minute puts Sarcem in greater wading through the red tape might take some time...
peril. She briefly contemplated riding out to save him time Sarcem doesn't have.
herself but she can't leave the church unattended; if a di
sasterstruck the cityand the church was needed, Sarcem DEA*H A* *HE
would never forgiveher. Soshe turned to the PCs. lucky mnriKEY
She asks them to ride out to the Lucky Monkey im Unfortunately, no matter how fast the PCs are, they are
mediately to save Sarcem. She's willing to answer a few too late to help Sarcem. The cleric has been killed by
questions before the PCs leave; likely questions and her the werebaboon Tongueater and his minions, and the
answers are given below. villains are now busy looting the place and recovering
What/where is the Lucky Monkey? "The Lucky Mon from the battle. The wands themselves are already in the
keyis a roadside tavern about a day's ride northwest of Ebon Triad's clutches below. While they do expect travel
Cauldron. It's a convenient rest stop for travelers on ers to continue to stop by,and planned to set up a fewof
the northwest road, and a popular place with the local their number as fake employees to turn away such visi
lumberjacks."Jenya can provide a map of the Cauldron tors as needed, they think that their actions have gone
region that shows the route to the LuckyMonkey. unnoticed and are not expecting retaliation this soon.
Can you come with us to the Lucky Monkey? "I can If the PCs think ahead, they can secure maps of the
not accompany you, even though I desperately want to. LuckyMonkeyin Cauldron before they leave.The Lucky
Alas,I must remain in Cauldron and tend to the church Monkeyis a popular placeto stay for travelersalong the
and any emergencies that might arise." northwest road, so securing a map of the roadhouse is
Can you send any help with us? "I can send Rufus, fairlyeasy. If the PCs find a map, you can provide them
but Alek is tending to another urgent matter in Red with a copy of the inn's map.
gorgeand cannot be reached in time."She refuses to go Likewise,the PCs can obtain a copyof a map of the re
into anymore detail about Alek's activitiesin Redgorge, gion surrounding Cauldron from Jenya or, barring that,
since she doesn't want to spread rumors of government from anynumber of merchants in town for a mere 15 gp.
corruption until she's sure such corruption exists. Ru APCwho succeedsat a DC15 bardic knowledgeor Knowl
fus Laro hasn't gained any experience levels since the edge (geography)check knows enough about the region
PCs rescued him at the start of Chapter One; he won't that he can draft his own copy of this map.The map only
be much help to them as a result, but if the PCs accept shows relative positions of areas of interest. The Lucky
the offer, his stats can be found in Appendix 4. Monkey(as wellas thethreefrontiervillagesof Kingfisher
What was Sarcem talking about when he mentioned Hollow, Hollowsky,and Redgorge)are all approximately
the wands? "Sarcem purchased eight wands of control 24 miles away from Cauldron. For more information
waterduring this trip to Sasserine;these wands are used about the Cauldron region, consult the Introduction.
to help control the watersof the central lake during the Apart from encounters with local wildlife,the most
rainy season. Since the flood seasons have been minor disturbing thing that happens on the trip to the Lucky
over the last several years,and the other three churches Monkey might even go unnoticed by some parties. At
have lost interest in providing the time and effort to severalpoints during thejourney through the lowlands,
build wands this year, he was forced to go to Sasserine they pass within a few hundred feet of several large
to procure them. It is vital that the wands get back to troops of baboons.Allow charactersa DC 23 Spotcheck
Cauldron before the flood season starts." (or DC 18 if the characterhas the wild empathy special
Who do you think assaulted the Lucky Monkey? "I ability)as theydo;successindicates that characternotices
have no idea. I've heard rumors of bandits operating in the baboons become quiet and still as the group passes.
the area, but an assault on the Lucky Monkey makes no Dozens of sinister black eyes follow their progress until
sense. The owners aren't particularly wealthy, and ban the PCs are a bit down the road, at which time the ba
dits have never attacked any established structures in boons resume their normal behavior. A typical troop of
the region for as long as I can remember." baboons numbers about 30,and they defend themselves
What's in it for us? Naturally, Jenya hopes that the and their territory with great ferocityif threatened.
PCs agree to ride to Sarcem'said out of a sense of com
passion, but she understands if they take a more mer THE LUCKY MONKEY
cenaryangle to her request. She offers a reward of 5,000
gp (total,not per PC)if they can save Sarcem and return The LuckyMonkeysits to the eastofthe road, partially
the wands to her. surrounded by the dense jungle. The building is old
If the party needs mounts, Jenya can arrange for a and well used—the chimneys stained with soot, the
number of riding horses for them. She also provides roof sagging,the wood siding weathered and stained
each PC with a potionof cure moderatewounds taken from from last year's mildew. A smaller stable stands to the
the church's supply. She urges them to make haste to building's side in a similar condition. The building's
the Lucky Monkey; Sarcem is a fairly powerful cleric facade sports numerous carved wooden monkeys,
and he wouldn't call for help like this unless he were many of whom are engaged in risky, death-defying
stunts. In one, a wooden monkey balances on a nar 1. THE LUCKY MONKEY
row tree branch to get a banana hanging over a sleep The bandits have locked the front doors (Open Locks
ing tiger; in another, a monkey sits on a boulder com DC 28) and propped a ruined table against them in
pletely unaware that a poacher sneaking up behind an attempt to further block the doors from outside
him was suddenly attacked and eaten by an ankheg. intruders. Unfortunately, the drunken bandits ne
glected to note the fact that the doors open outward,
Once the PCs get closer to the building, they im so once the doors are unlocked, it's a simple matter
mediately recognize that something dreadful has hap to pull them open and then push aside the table as a
pened at the roadhouse. Here, a broken window yawns standard action.
open. There, a spray of blood glistens against the wall.
Crushed plants and churned up earth fill the space be 2. STABLES
tween the facade and the road. Then there's the harsh The stables can house up to twenty-four horses, al
sound of construction... or more likely, destruction, though at the time the bandits struck the building held
coming from the building's interior. only fourteen. These horses have fled the stables, driven
Althoughseveralbandits still lurk in the Lucky Mon to terror by the lycanthrope's proximity.
key when the party arrives, they are not in the best con
dition to defend their ill-gotten gains. Triel led the at 3. SIDE ENTRANCE
tack on the tavern. Once she made sure that Sarcem was These exterior doors to the Lucky Monkey have been
dead and that she had the wands ofcontrol water,she left locked(Open Locks DC 28) and barricaded with a desk
forher headquartersbelowCauldron,leavingTongueat in the same inefficient manner as the front doors.
er and the rest of her minionsbehind to scroungewhat
wealth they could from the place and finish off the last 4. SERVICE ENTRANCE
fewsurvivors. She doesn't expect her cohort to return to Tongueater has converted the kitchen into his base of
the cult headquarters for a few days. operations in the Lucky Monkey. Unlike his drunken
The majority of the villains encountered in this minions, he's barricaded the service entrance more ef
chapter (including the hillfolk and Alleybashers)have ficiently. Not only are the doors locked (Open Locks
been at the alcoholstores;as a result theyare all rather DC 28), but a stout length of wood has been jammed
drunk.As longas they remaindrunk (approximately2 through the door's inside handles, forming an im
hours after they realize they're under attack), the ban promptu bar. Once the service doors are unlocked, a
dits suffer a -2 circumstance penalty on all attack rolls, successful DC 20 Strength check is required to break
savingthrows,and skill checks.Defeatinga drunk ban the doors open.
dit is much easier than defeatinga sober one, so you
should reduce the XP award for such defeats by 50%. 5. HUNGRY WILDLIFE (EL 5)
Likewise,the ELsgiven in encounters with drunk ban After the slaughter of the Lucky Monkey's guests and
ditsis generally1lowerthan it shouldbe; if thePCs give employees, Tongueater and his bandits hauled the bod
the bandits time to sober up, these encounters become ies out to the edge of the jungle behind the roadhouse
more difficult. and stacked them here. The morbid mound of corpses
Shouldthe banditsdiscoverthey'reunderattack,they numbers fifteen in all. The bandits havealreadylooted
try to rally, but their drunken state fills them with false the bodies thoroughly.
bravado. Rather than forming an organized defense, Creatures: The mound of bodies quickly drew the
they tend to hit the party in small groups of three or attention of local scavengers and predators, but they
four. As theysearchthe roadhousefor the PCs, keep in .were chased off by the arrival of a pair of hungry
mind that their drunkenness impacts their skill checks, deinonychuses. The dinosaurs have claimed the
saves, and attack rolls. mound of bodies as their own and currently chew
Sturdy wooden shutters coverboth ground and sec away at them contentedly. They attack any creature
ond floor windows of the inn. The shutters were closed that attacks them or approaches within 20 feet of
for the night when the bandits attacked, and the intrud their feast.
ers have left them closed and locked. Breakingor forc •J> Deinonychuses (2): hp 34; MonsterManual 60.
ing the shutters automatically alerts those in the room
beyond that someone is attempting a forced entry. INSIDE THE LUCKY MONKEY
1^ Locked Shutters: 1 in. thick; Hardness 5; hp 10; The interior of the Lucky Monkey is comfortable,
Open Locks DC 15; Break DC 13. but most of it has been savaged by the bandits in
^ Wooden Doors:2 in. thick;Hardness 5; hp 15; Open their search for loot and booze. Most of the rooms
Locks DC 20; Break DC 18. have windows for light; after dark, lanterns and can
dles served to light the place. Throughout the road
.tQ •o
OUTSIDE THE LUCKY MONKEY house, the motif of lucky monkeys can be seen. For
°D S^^v The encounters in this section refer to the map of the example, the mantles of the carved stone fireplaces
LuckyMonkey and surrounding area. feature numerous monkeys cavorting through trap-
filled passageways.
Most travelers, after leaving their horses in the nearby
Ruined tavern tables, bloodstains, torn-up floor stable, entered the Lucky Monkey via this door and ar
boards, and general wreckage dominate this once- ranged for rooms with a receptionist here.
cozy tavern room.
Creatures: Although many of the bandits Triel hired This room served as the personal quarters of the Lucky
are simple thugs recruited from bandit camps hid Monkey's night clerk.
den throughout the surrounding hills, a similar num
ber consists of Alleybashers, a group of rogues from M12. ROOM KEY STORAGE
Cauldron recently fallen on hard times due to the Last This room contains a large ruined chest of drawers that
Laugh's rising dominance over the city's crime scene. once contained copies of keys for all the rooms on the
The Alleybashers think of the hillfolk as little more upper floor. The bandits smashed the drawers apart
than mongrels and often try to order them around. For and took the keys to aid in their search.
their part, the hillfolk detest being told what to do by
"city folk", and minor fights between the two groups M13. STOREROOM
are common. This large room is a complete mess; it was used to
Fourhillfolkand twoAlleybashersdrink and carousehere. store everything from firewood to bed linens to lamp
^ Nather,Terney, Lence, and Jendy,hillfolk (4): hp 19 oil to lumber.
each; see Appendix 4.
^ Nathilie and Feristin, Alleybashers (2): hp 14each; M14. RECORDS ROOM/LIBRARY
see Appendix 4.
Cabinets and shelves fine the walls of this room; addi
M2-4. PRIVATE BOOTHS (EL 3) tional free-standing shelves clutter the central portion.
These smaller rooms were rented out to larger parties Most of them have been knocked over, and scrolls, pa
for private dining or meetings. pers,and books are scatteredacrossthe floor.
Creatures: One of the hillfolk and a curious Alley-
basher have retreated to area M3 for a more private This room contained reading material for use by the
place to exploretheir unexpectedinterests in eachoth Lucky Monkey'sguests.It alsoheld old guest booksand
er.They are unlikelyto immediatelynotice the sounds other records kept by the roadhouse.
of combat in the main room.
^ Pierto,hillfolk: hp 19;see Appendix 4. M15. CHAPEL TO FHARLANGHN
^ Bria,Alleybasher:hp 14; see Appendix 4.
Once a comfortable, well-tended, and cozy chapel,
M5. STAIRS this chamber now lies in ruins. Shattered chairs and
Thisflightof stairsleads up to areaM31 of the upper floor. torn-up swaths of carpet clutter the floor, and holes
have been knocked in the walls. Even the altar has
M6. STAGE (ELI) been smashed to splinters.

This raised platform is arranged like a stage;twolarge Funding for the Lucky Monkey's construction was
chairs sit against the walls before an extraordinarily partiallyprovidedbythe church of Fharlanghn,on the
large fireplace.Ashes have been scattered across the condition that a small chapel dedicated to the Dweller
floor, and the fireplaceitself is in ruins—large holes on the Horizon is maintained on site. The caretaker of
are smashed in the sides and back of it and crumbled the shrine was a half-elf named Shensen, now the only
bricks lie stacked haphazardly to the side. survivor of Triel and Tongueater's attack on the Lucky
Monkey (see area M43).
Creature: A semiconscious bandit lies in one of the
chairs here. She rouses in id4 rounds if combat erupts M16. PRIVATE LOUNGE
in area Mi. This lounge was used by the employees of the Lucky
^ Corene, Hillfolk: hp 19; see Appendix 4. Monkey to relax, game, and eat.


The flight of stairs behind the bar leads up to area M28.
This room looks like it once served as a combination
M8-9. RESTROOMS lounge, library, conservatory, and bedroom. Unfortu
The doors to each of these restrooms can be locked nately,it's now in the same condition as the rest of this .O
from the inside. Tongueater currently holds the keys place—inruins.The bed's mattress is torn into tatters,a °D S%>~
to open these locks; if any of the PCs are captured, the small upright pianoliesin fragmentsagainstthe south
bandits turn these rooms into impromptu jail cells. ern wall,and piecesoffurnitureliein heapson the floor.
r v


This is where ShensenTesserill,the Lucky Monkey's him or anyone wearing a red sash on their wrist. The
current keeper of the Chapel of Fharlanghn,lived. She thugs and Alleybashers(all human men and women)
preferred to spend most of her time outside and was are careful to always wear these sashes when they're
returning from a walk when the bandits attacked. She around the savage creatures
is the only survivor of the bandit attack and has barri ^ Hill Baboons(5): hp 22; seeAppendix4.
caded herselfin the well room(area M43). Tactics:The baboons attack anyone in the room who
doesn'tweara red sash.Theyfight fiercelyuntil slain.
M18-19. EMPLOYEE QUARTERS Development: If a PC manages to charm or dominate
The waitresses, cooks, bartenders, and chambermaids one of the baboons, it can provide some information
employedby the Lucky Monkeylived in these rooms. if a speak with animals spell is used. A captive baboon
"speaks"glowinglyabout its great ape leader (a refer
M20. GARDENING SUPPLIES ence to Tongueater),and mentions that he currently
Thisroomcontainsnumerousgardeningtools,alongwith resides in the man-food room (a reference to the kitch
a tinybunkusedbythe Lucky Monkey'sgroundskeeper. en—area M27). A baboon can describe Tongueater in
vague terms, but it always describes his baboon form.
M21. COURTYARD (EL 6) A friendly baboon also mentions its leader's metal
"tooth"(a referenceto the lycanthrope'sfalchion).The
This central courtyardlooks like it escapedthe dev baboons don't remember Triel much beyond her ar
astation that has been visited upon the rest of the mor and bright red hair and don't volunteer informa
roadhouse. Trees and flowerbeds accent the area, and tion about her unless specificallyasked if the great ape
a white gravel path winds past a pair of marble foun leader serves another.
tains that bearintricatecarvingsof monkeystaunting
all manner of strange monsters. M22. BANQUET HALL
This room was rented to host banquets for large
While the bandits have left this area untouched, groups of important visitors. The stairs ascend to the
1Q .O most of Tongueater's baboon minions have settled second floor.
°D S$>~ into the courtyard.
Creatures: Five hill baboons lurk in the courtyard. M23. STOREROOM
The baboons are loyal to Tongueater and won't attack Cleaning supplies are kept here.
M24. PREPARATION ROOM Tongueater prefers to fight in hybrid form. He can
This room was used to prepare dinners for the ban be quite devastating with his falchion in combat, and
quet hall. generally focuses his attentions on the most heavily ar
mored enemy he can see.
M25. MEETING ROOM Treasure:Tongueater has spread out the collected loot
This small officewas used by the employees for meetings. from the LuckyMonkeyon a large table and sorts through
it, piling it into large leather sacks for transport back to
M26. TREASURY Triel'slair in the Kopru Ruins.The loot consists of 2,680
cp, 1,953 SP> 742 gP» x8 pp. and 4,500 gp worth of various
Five large iron safes sit against the opposite wall— art objects(paintings,sculptures, silverware,wine, and so
each of them hanging open and empty. A desk forth)weighinga totalof 120 pounds.This lootbelongsto
against the wallto the south lies on its side, its front the murderedguestsand employeesof the LuckyMonkey.
smashed in and its mundane contents strewn about Trackingdown the families of the victims is a daunting
the place. task, and fewwould fault the PCs if they keep the loot.
One final item of note to be found here is Sarcem's
The door to this room is completely battered down. Sev severed head (the rest of his body can be found in the
eral large safes held the monetaryholdings of the Lucky basement).Tongueater has mounted this grisly trophy
Monkey;theAlleybashershave alreadycrackedthesesafes on the wall and has eaten its tongue.
and consolidatedthe moneyin the kitchen(area M27). Development:Tongueateris fanaticallyloyal to Tri
el, and interrogations of the werebaboonare difficult.
M27. KITCHEN (EL 7) See Event 9 for more details on what can be learned
from the lycanthrope if he's taken prisoner and suc
This large room wasobviouslythe roadhouse's kitch cessfully interrogated.
en.The large metal tables for food preparation have
all been pushed against the walls, leaving the firepit M28. STAIRS
in the center of the room isolated. Impressive stacks These stairs descend to area M7.
of coins, paintings, silverware,bottles of wine, and
other costly-lookingtreasures lie near the firepit in M29. BRIDGE
organized piles. This bridge leads over the courtyardbelow and allows
the cooks to move between the bar and kitchen without
The bandits decided to make this room their base of disrupting the guests in the courtyard. It arcs 10 feet
operations.The stairs lead up to area M30, and a bro over the ground below.
ken-down door below them leads to a flight of stairs
heading to the basement. M30. STAIRS
Creatures:Tongueater is here, busily counting the These stairs descend to area M27.
loot his minions have gathered so far, or cursing and
mocking Sarcem'ssevered and tonguelesshead. Three M31. STAIRS
hill baboons lurk in the room as well; they fight to the These stairs descend to area M5.
death to defend their beloved master.
Tongueaterisahalf-orewho prefersto spendmostof M32. FLOPROOM
his time in hybrid form. In this form,his face and snout This large room containsseveralbunks for travelerson
are baboonish,completewith large,razor-sharp fangs.A a tight budget.
large mane of blackhair sproutsfrom his head, and he
is quite fond of facial warpaint,body piercings(mostly M33. GUEST ROOMS (EL 4 OR 7)
of bone or metaljewelry),and decorative,self-inflicted Several bandits are in the process of looting and de
scar patterns.His studded leatherarmor is tailoredto structively searching these rooms.
fit him in half-ore or hybrid form, but if he assumes Creatures: Two of these rooms (determined ran
baboon form the armor falls off. domlywhenthe PCs arrive)each containa groupof two
^ Tongueater, male half-ore werebaboon barbarian thugs and two Alleybashersbusydismantling the place
3: hp 41; see Appendix 4. lookingforloot.If one group of four bandits is attacked
^ Hill Baboons (3): hp 22; see Appendix 4. and they call for help, the second group of four comes
Tactics: The bandits in area M38 arrive in 3 rounds to to their aid if they hear the cries.
aid Tongueaterif they hear the sounds of battle in the + Shanni, Rollin, Wart, and Daniki, hillfolk (4): hp
kitchen. Although Tongueater ignores the sounds of 19; see Appendix 4.
fightingin other rooms (the hillfolk and Alleybashers •J* Chana, Dantiano, Chuto, and Lystiviny, Alleybash
often get into scuffles),if he hears the sound of combat ers (4): hp 14; see Appendix 4. ±Q .O

in a nearby room last for longer than four rounds he od s^v

comes to investigate.

- K

' ^

M34. GUEST LOUNGE Development: These bandits rush down the stairs to
This room gave guests a quiet place to relax or play aid Tongueaterif they hear sounds of battle or cries for
cards away from the hustle and bustle of the common help coming from the kitchen.
room downstairs.
M35-36. BATHS
Each of these rooms containsa large round tub and a This room is dominatedby severallarge tanks, kegs,
cabinetcontainingtowels,scentedoils,andsoaps. and other brewing equipment. The tanks are now
empty and hacked to pieces, and the floor is a stink
M37. HIGH CLASS GUEST ROOMS ing morass of muddy earth soaked with a mixture
These four guest rooms were fairly extravagantbefore of beer, mead, and blood. A terrible battle must have
the bandits took them apart. • taken place here.

M38. ORIN'S BEDROOM (EL4) Sarcem and several others made a final stand in this
chamber.Mostof the bodies(includingthose of fallen
This large room looks like a combination office, bandits)were taken away to be piledat the edge of the
lounge, and bedroom. At one point, several wooden jungle behind the roadhouse,but Tongueaterwas par
panels could be moved to separate the room into ticularly angry with Sarcem,who put up quite a fight.
smaller areas,but they, like most of the other furni The high priest's mutilated body lies slumped against
ture in this room, have been smashed. the base of a batteredkeg, the head missingcompletely.
Afterbeing burned by Sarcem'smagic mace,Tongueat
The one-time ownerof the Lucky Monkey,a human er decided to leave the body's gear intact until he was
expert named Orin Marsh, lived in and ran his business ready to return to Cauldron.
from this large combination bedroom and office. Creatures:Three bandits and two Alleybashers have
Creatures:Agroup of two hillfolk and an Alleybasher gatherednear the passagewayoppositethe stairs,trying
1 o, o
are still busy tearing this room apart. to come up with a safe way to batter down the door at
°D S^ ^ TeruchandUsawyn,hillfolk(2): hp 19; see Appendix4 the far end without getting too close to the deadlybarri
^ Paldi,Alleybasher:hp 14; see Appendix 4. cade(see area M42).Anearlier attempt to burn the door
down resulted in disaster.
% Nisty, Moruka, and Lakus, hillfolk (3): hp 19; see reveals this fact. The three dead Alleybashers who lie on
Appendix 4. the ground before the door were killed by the trap when
^ Arn and Ildawyn, Alleybashers (2): hp 14; see they tried to burn the door down.
Appendix 4. Ij? Warped Wooden Door: 2 in. thick; Hardness 5; hp
Treasure:Sarcem'sbloody hand still grips his +1 holy 20; Break DC 24.
light mace. His other gear consists of a suit of+1 banded Assuming the party can get by this door and the Trap,
mail, three empty potion bottles, a ring of protection+1, read them the following text.
and a periaptof Wisdom +2. There is no sign of the wands
ofcontrol waterhe was bringing to Cauldron. The temperature in this room is near freezing. A thin
Development: These bandits rush up the stairs to layer of frost coats the floor and walls of the northern
aid Tongueater if they hear sounds of battle or cries for portion of the room. A low, circular well sits in the
help coming from the kitchen. center of the room, its mouth partially covered
by a few planks of wood.
This room contains several (now The well is 30 feet deep, and
empty) wine racks. filled with 10 more feet of water.
Creature: When Sarcem was
M41. FRUIT CELLAR killed by Tongueater, Shensen
This room contains fruit and Tesseril knew she had only
vegetables, although most a few seconds to live if she
have been cast carelessly didn't think fast. She ran
to the dirt floor by bandits to the cold storage room,
searching for treasure. grabbed the metal .box
of brown mold, then
M42. COLD STORAGE fled to this room. She
sealed the door with
This room feels moist and hu a wood shape as the
mid. Several sides of meat hang bandits were fin
from hooks set into the ceiling, ishing off Sarcem,
and a number of storage bins and then threw the
line the west wall. The far metal box at the door
end of the room, is empty from across the room.
except for an open metal It burst open as it hit,
box lying on its side; the scattering brown mold all
box is lined with slowly over the door and the imme
melting frost. Alarge sign diate area. She then managed
hangs near the door, its to stagger over to huddle behind
bold red letters reading,"no the well, where she now waits, hop
FIREBEYONDTHIS POINT!" Shensen Tesseril ing to survive the night long enough
to heal herself and escape.
This room was used to store meat and other perish Shensen has long silver hair, dusky skin, and is
ables; the room itself was kept cold by a small container nimble and athletic, although she is currently in poor
of brown mold (see page 117 of the Dungeon Master's shape from her fightwithTongueaterand his goons.As
Guide) kept in a sealed metal box at the far end of the a child, she was raised in a monastery and trained as a
room. Shensen used the box of mold to create a barricade; monk. When her elders turned away a wounded bard
the room is still cool,but not quite as cold as area M43. who sought protection from wrongful punishment at
the hands of an angry mob, she went against the wish
M43. WELL ROOM (EL 2) es of her elders and let the bard into the monastery
through a secret door. When her actions were discov
The door at the end of the hall is a solid, iron-rein ered, the monks turned the bard over to the mob (which
forced wooden door that bulges at the seams, almost quickly lynched him) and exiled Shensen. The experi
as if the wood had melted and expanded to clog its ence left her embittered toward the overly ordered and
frame. The iron bands that reinforce the door are detached lifestyle of the monk, and although she re
caked with frost, as are the bodies of three thugs who tains some of the training she gained at the monastery,
lie huddled on the ground before it. One of the bod she never returned to that lifestyle. Instead, she became
ies grips an extinguished torch. an explorer and wandering storyteller, combining the
social graces of a minstrel with a reverence for nature.
The unusual warping of the door is the result of Eventually,she encounteredthe Stridersof Fharlanghn
Shensen'suse of wood shape; a DC 22 Spellcraft check and joined their ranks, and for the past year she's been
the attendant caretaker of the chapel of Fharlanghn at lakeshore are built on stilts to avoid minor floods, but
the Lucky Monkey. if the party takes too long to recover the wands, not
Shensen can become one of the party's most sup even these measures can save the lower quarters of the
portive allies throughout the course of this adventure. city from flooding.
Her good word goes a long waywith Meerthan, should
the party wish to join the Striders of Fharlanghn at a EVENT 9: HUNTING FOR THE WANDS
later date. Sheis more than willingto donate her skills, The PCs should return to the Church of St. Cuthbert
spells, and knowledge to the party for their use, and and report their findings to Jenya. After a brief moment
may even fall in love with a PC of similar interests or of despair upon learning of Sarcem'sdeath, her tearing
skills to her own. eyes fill with a steelyresolve.She'sjust become the high
^ Shensen Tesseril, female half-drow monk 2/bard priestess of the church, and full authority to act on the
» V-
l/druid 3: hp 29(currently2); see Appendix4. situation is hers and hers alone. If she promised to re
Trap: The 5-foot squares to either side of the door to ward the PCs with money for their rescue attempt, she
ft this room are thick with brown mold. Openingthe door points out that the group has yet to retrieve the wands,
instantly exposes the character before it to the mold. and until they do so, their reward stays in the temple
y* Brown Mold: CR 2; 3d6 nonlethal cold damage treasury. She hopes that she won't have to resort to such
within 5 feet; fire brought within 5 feet doubles its size; tactics to enlist the party's aid in recoveringthe wands,
can be destroyed by cold damage (see the Dunceon of course. If the PCs have it, she requests the return
Master's Guide76). of Sarcem's holy mace, which is actually the property
Development If rescued,Shensenis grateful,but her of the church and the badge of office of the new high
first order of business is to contact her mentor Meer priest or priestess. Shedoes allowthem to keep his oth
than Eliothlorn and inform him of the attack on the er possessionsif theybrought his bodybackfor proper
Lucky Monkey. She asks to travel with the party back interment in the church's burial catacombs.If they PCs
to town, and promises not to forget the aid the PCs left the body behind, Jenya sends a pair of acolytes to
gave her. Some time after she reports to Meerthan(no retrieve it.
more than a day after the PCs return to Cauldron),she At this point, the recoveryof the wands ofcontrol wa
returns to the group and rewards them with a pair of ter shouldbecome the party'sprimarygoal.They likely
boots ofstridingand springing,given to her by Meerthan have no idea where the wands have been taken, but for
as thanks for her rescue. tunately several leads present themselves. These vari
Ad-Hoc Experience Award: If the party rescues ous leads are outlined below. Searching for these clues
Shensen,award themexperiencepointsas if they had is difficultand time consuming.Researchinga specific
defeated her in combat. lead shouldtake,on average,4 hours ofwork.Jenya en
courages the PCs to seek out the wands, but she isjust
*he missinG WAITDS as adamant that someone seekjustice for Sarcem. If the
With Sarcem murdered and the wands of control water PCs don't suggest casting speak with dead on his body,
nowhere to be seen, the PCs must return to Cauldron Jenya brings it up the following day, tracking the PCs
with empty hands.As they do, the clouds above gather down, if necessary,so they can observe the casting of
andthe rain begins tofall, first in big wet drops and by the spell.
the time they return to town,in miserable sheets.The Divination Magic: If a PC wishes to use a spell that
mood in the cityhas dampened as well,as an undercur the party doesn't have access to but that Jenya can cast,
rent of tension spreads through the citizenry.Rumors shegladlycasts the spell for themfor free if the request
that the wands ofcontrolwaterused to hold the floodwa- is brought to her attention.
ters at bay are lost spread, and the churches of Cauldron Divination:If the PCs cannot cast this spell, Jenya
do little to refute this gossip. can cast it using the Star of Justice. If the PCs ask
Over the next several days, the rainstorms continue. her to perform a divination about the current situ
They relent for a few hours each day, but it soon be ation, she gladly does so. You should allow the PCs
comes clear that this will be a wet winter.As the days to come up with the question, and frame the answer
go by, the Flood Festival begins to lose steam. The such that it steers them toward a local fence named
relentless rainstorms depress the public, and the in Artus (see event 10); this way the party can approach
exorable rise of the water level begins to worry them. Artus for information rather than waiting for him
If the wands ofcontrol water are not recoveredquickly, to come to them. Doing so catches Artus off guard.
flooding and riots become real dangers to the people As a result, he hasn't had time to properly work up
of Cauldron. You should time the rise of the waters to a price for his services and only charges the PCs 300
provide a constant growing threat in the background. gp for the information.
Use them to keep the PCs focused on their task, but not LocateObject:The wandsofcontrolwaterare kept in var
3 0, o
r^ to punish them. Crater Lake has several natural drains ious rooms in the Kopru Ruins, deep below Cauldron.
°£> S"£> into the Underdark and also out the side of the vol Success shows that the wands are deep underground,
cano into a number of surrounding rivers, so it won't approximately 550 feet beneath the western gate. Unfor
overflowovernight. Most of the buildings around the tunately, this spell doesn't provide directions on how to
reach this apparently inaccessible location, and keep in Tongueaterknowsquite a bit more—he'sactuallybeen
mind that lower-level casters might be out of range of to the Kopru Ruins several times and knows about the
the wands' location when they cast the spell, depending secret entrance to the lava tube that leads to the ruins.
on where the spell is used. It is unlikely that he can be captured alive, though, since
Speak with Animals/Speakwith Plants: If the PCs use he is fanatic and fights'to the death. If captured he re
this spell to interrogate the local flora and fauna near mains hostile, and requires a DC 25Diplomacy check or
the Lucky Monkey, there's a 5% chance that the ani a successful Intimidate check to make him admit that he
mal or plant can provide a rough description of Triel works for Triel. If further pressed, he tries to Bluff his
("brightred hair and face marks and shiny spiky metal captors by feeding them false information (perhaps by
skin"). Any of the hill baboons located in the Lucky telling them that Triel has a base of operationsin Red
Monkey can provide this description automatically, gorge or a dangerous region like the Demonskar).Get o
assuming their savage, hungry natures can be quelled ting the actuallocationof the Kopru Ruins out of him is
long enough for a decent conversation. possibleonlyif his attitude is adjusted to helpful.
Speak with Dead: The party can use this spell to in If the PCs take Tongueater prisoner, Triel eventually
terrogate fallen bandits or Tongueater without having finds out and sends groups of Alleybashers to save him.
to resort to Intimidate checks. Of course, their bodies The first group consistsof four Alleybashers.If theyfail
probablygain a savingthrow to avoid the spell,and the she personallyleads a second group of six Alleybashers
answers are often cryptic, unclear, or repetitive. More in an attempt to save her cohort.
importantly,the party can use this spell to speak with Interrogating the Survivor: Shensen doesn't have &
Sarcem's head, although his mutilated state incurs a much information to impart about the attack. She was
50% chance of outright spell failure with each casting. returning from a walk when she heard the sounds of
Afailed casting does not count against the limit of one combat from within the Lucky Monkey. She ran to inves
use of speak with dead on a body for a week. Sarcem can tigate and found that the bandits had alreadyslain most
providea descriptionofTriel,and even verifythatTriel of the guestsand employees.Onlya few remainedstand
took the wands from his body just before Tongueater ing, includinga human clericwho seemed to be the fo
cut off his head. cus of the bandits' attention. She knows that the bandits
Ebon Triad Symbol: If the PCs recoveredTongueat- were led bya horrible man-beast,and that this creature
er's unholy symbol,they'll have a clue as to the nature followed the orders of a beautiful woman with red hair,
of their enemy.The symbolis a triangle of wood,paint facial tattoos, and a suit of spiked full plate emblazoned
ed black and with tiny shapes carved into each point: with Hextor'sunholysymbol.Shelent whataid she could
a hand gripping an eyeball, six arrows in an X-shape, to the defenders,but they were eventuallyforced to re
and a wrathful demonic face. A DC 10 Knowledge (reli treat into the basement, where the beast-man killed the
gion) check is enough to identifythese smallershapes cleric. This left Shensen alone and outnumbered. She
as the unholy symbolsof Vecna, Hextor,and Erythnul, fled to the far end of the basement, barricaded herself in,
respectively.ADC 25 Knowledge(religion)check is re and spent the next severalhours praying.
quiredto learnthatthis particularsymbolis the symbol Triel, the Red-Haired Woman: If the PCs get a de
of the EbonTriad, a group of heretics from these three taileddescriptionof Triel,allow them a DC 25 Knowl
churches who seek to merge their three malign deities edge (local) or bardic knowledge check. If the group
into one powerful Overdeityof unsurpassed malevo fails this check, they can uncover the following infor
lence. Unfortunately, no known cultists of the Ebon mation by interviewinglocals in town and making a
Triad(orofVecna, Hextor,or Erythnul,for that matter) successful DC 21 Gather Information check. Each at
dwell in Cauldron. If such individuals do live here, they tempt takes 4 hours and costs 2d6gp in bribes.Asuc
have masked their agendas well. cessful identification reveals her to be none other than
Interrogating Prisoners: The PCs might have man the notorious Triel Eldurast, a one-time town guard
aged to captureone or more bandits at the LuckyMon who escaped punishment after murdering several of
key.Theyarenot tooloyal,andonce capturedtheiratti her fellow guardswhile on duty.This eventtook place
tude becomesunfriendly.AsuccessfulDC15 Diplomacy nearly a decade ago, so the specificshave grown hazy
or Intimidate check is enough to get them talking— in the memories of the people of Cauldron. Nothing
they're quite afraid that their roles in the assassination has been heard of Triel since her escape, so the guard
of a prominent local figure might get them executed. and citizens eventuallyassumed she succumbed to her
Unfortunately,interrogating them yields little useful wounds and died in the wilderness.
information. They were all hired by Triel from the al VisitingOther Churches:Cunning (or paranoid)PCs
leys ofCauldronor the surrounding environs,but none no doubt become suspicious of the three churches in
of them have been to (or even suspect the existenceof) Cauldron who used to help with flood control but have
the Kopru Ruins under Cauldron. They can provide a latelylost interest in the ritual. If this is brought to Je-
detailed description of Triel, though, and know that nya's attention, she too becomes concerned and agrees 3 o, .0

their mission was to provide support for Tongueater, that it might be helpful to speak with representatives of °D S"£>"
who had been charged with Sarcem's assassination and the other three major churches in town.
the theft of some magic items he was carrying.
The ShrineofVelor.If KristofJurgensen
learns ofthe missing wands, he becomes
quite concerned and makes a visit to Je
nya to pledge his aid in any way that he
can, but unfortunately his resources are
limited. The shrine to Pelor has always
been fairly small and minor in Cauldron,
especially since Kristof s two superiors
recently died, leaving him in charge of
the entire shrine. Kristof is genuinely tf«W^ [tnevctj
fackuf> tiiti h
concerned about the situation, but he has vu
no idea what happened to the wands.
The Church of Kord: The high-priest of
Kord, Asfelkir Hranleurt, has little time
to talk to anyone about missing wands. Asfelkir is EVENT 10: INFORMATION FOR SALE (EL 5)
convinced that the lake won't flood anyway, since Eventually, the party's questions and investigations
it hasn't flooded in over a decade. All the buildings attract the attention of Artus Shemwick, fence and
down by the lake have been rebuilt on stilts and be information broker extraordinaire.Artus works part
* <!
hind breakwaters, so there shouldn't be a time at the Tipped Tankard tavern as a cook, but his
problem. He doesn't know what hap real source of income is from fencing
pened to the wands, but if pressed, stolen gems, art objects, and minor
he drops hints that the cler magic items for the Last Laugh.
ics of Wee Jas might have had He also brokers in rumors and
something to do with it. This information. He has numerous
is more because Asfelkir is contacts among the low-lives of
trying to get the PCs off his Cauldron, and it isn't long before
back and has a natural dis the party's investigation comes
like for the Wee Jas clerics to his attention, possibly even
than from any actual suspi viafirst-hand observationif they
cions. In truth, the church of ever visit the Tipped Tankard and
Wee Jas does have something make a point of discussing their
to hide, it's just not the theft of problems aloud.
these eight wands. Artus makes contact with the
The Cathedral of Wee Jas: party by having an urchin deliver a
High priestess Embril Alous note to one of the PCs. The note is
tinai rarely sees visitors and brief (see handout above).
leaves the day-to-day opera The Lakeside Pavilion is a large
tions to her subordinate Ike open building on the east shore of
Iverson. The PCs aren't al the lake; many public ceremonies
lowed to speak to Embril, and take place here, but at night
even Ike remains aloof and un the place is deserted and sin
interested in their worries. He's ister. If the PC who received
always viewed the Flood Festival the note goes there at mid
as a waste of resources and time, night, Artus steps from the
and has no problems stating as shadows to deal with him. If the
much to the PCs. He's a haughty, Artus Shemwick PC brought backup that Artus can see,
disdainful character who doesn't he calls off the meeting and does not
think the PCs are important enough to spend more make contact that night. Each night,
than a few minutes talking to. He doesn't know what he repeats his offer, adding 300 gp to his
became of the wands, but if the PCs confront him fee each time until the PCs simply don't show up or
with a description of Triel, he can honestly deny the contacted PC finally shows up alone.
recognizing her. Creature:Artus has no intention of robbing the PC,
Ad-Hoc ExperienceAward: If the party manages to although his methods of communication might not
learn aboutTriel'sinvolvementin the conspiracy,award make that clear. If the PC honors the terms of the deal,
them XP for a CR 3 encounter. If theymanageto get the Artus accepts the 500 gp payment and tells the char
&Q & location of the Kopru Ruins out of Tongueater,award acter that Triel has joined a cult known as the Ebon
°D S"£>v them experience points for a CR 5 encounter (which Triad. She and her fellow cultists (of whom Artus has
helps offset the fact that they no longer need to go not been able to find out much at all) plan to ransom
through event10to locatethe ruins). the wands back to Cauldron after the town becomes
desperate. He also tells them that Triel and her min grant them experience points as if they had defeated
ions have set up a base of operations in a subterranean him in combat.
ruin below Cauldron that can be reached by a hidden
lava tube. He gives the PC a crude map of Cauldron *HE KHFRU RUIITS
with an "X" marked on the outer northeastern slope, The PCs can find out about the Ebon Triad hideout in
about 200 feet down from the wall; this "X" marks the the caverns below Cauldron in a number of ways: they
hidden entrance to the lava tube. can learn of its existence from Artus, by successfully
Artus is a fairly nondescript man in his early twenties, interrogating Tongueater, or through sheer luck and
but this is mostly an act. He can turn on the charm with persistence. Characters who watch the northeastern
ease,and cleans up real nice when he wants to make an slopes of Cauldron after dark have a chance of seeing
impression on an important client. Triel enter or exit the secret lava tube; there's a nightly
^ Artus Shemwick, male human rogue 5: hp 20; see cumulative 5%chance she exits or enters the tube dur
Appendix4. ing any watch of at least 4 hours in length. She isn't
Development:Artus is a member of the Last Laugh, particularlysneakybut usuallyoperates under a silence
and has numerous friends in Cauldron. If the PCs attack spell when she exits the tunnel. The cover afforded by
him and he escapes,he tries to get revenge on them at a the terrain grants her a +2 circumstance bonus on her
later date, possiblyby secretlypoisoning food or drink Hide check, bringing her total Hide check modifier to . ri
they order at the Tipped Tankard. He might also have -2. Remember that Spot checks to notice her suffer a-1
other members of the thieves' guild harass the PCs. penalty per 10 feet of distance,and stormy conditions
If the transaction goeswell,Artus can become a valu further impact Spot checks by imposing a-8 penalty.
able resource for the PCs throughout the campaign. His Two entrances grant access to these ruins. The secret
prices for information rise as his clients become more lavatube entrance connects the northeast slope of Caul
rich and powerful,and he tries to keep closetabs on his dron to area Ki of the ruins. It consists of a long, circular,
best customers so that if the need arises, he can black winding,downhillpassagethat maintainsa universaldi
mail them for additional funds or to keep them quiet ameter of about six feet. The second entrance is an un
about his actual source of income. derwaterpassagethat connectsthe Phantom Lake (area
Ad-Hoc Experience Award: If the PCs manage to K6) to thecentrallake ofCauldron.Thispassagewayalso
learn what Artus knows without resorting to combat, connectsto severalother underground lakesin the area,

%Q .O

°D S"S>"
and is horribly complex to navigate. The most direct and takes 2d3 points of nonlethal damage plus 5<16
route between the Phantom Lake and the central lake is points of normal damage.
about2,400 feet longandemergesintothecentralwatery
shaft at a depth of about 1,300feet below its surface. K2. TRANSPORT CAGE
Dungeon Features:The ruins themselves are gloomy This cage can be raised or lowered between areas Ki
and dark, periodicallylit by patches of phosphorescent and K9. The winches in areas K3 and K11 control the
fungus and continualframe spells placedat key positions cage operation.
by the cultists. The architecture is smooth and somewhat The cage itself looks rickety,but it can support up
unsettling, looking almost like a more stable structure of to three Medium creatures with no problem. Up to six
dwarvendesignthat was allowedto partiallymelt; allan Medium creatures can cram into the cage, but this runs
gles on the interior and exterior are smooth and curved. a chance of snapping the ropes that hold the cage.Each
In manyplaces,badlyerodedcarvingson thewallsdepict round the cage is overloaded, it must make a DC 10
theancientkopru enslavingotherracesandpartakingin Fortitude save (+2 per additional Medium creature in
all forms of vile practices. the cage over the normal limit of three) to avoidcrash
Numerous small fissures in the rock walls provide ing into the lake below. The cage has a Fortitude save
ventilation in this area. Nonetheless, the air in this en bonus of +2. The cage descends15 feet per round (90-
tire complexis warm,humid,stale,and nastysmelling. foot total descent),so creaturesin a falling cage take
The air won't hurt anyone who breathes it for extended less damage the closer to area K11 they are. Anyone
periods, but it is unpleasant to smell and taste. who inspectsthe cage and makes a DC 20 Knowledge
If1 Unlessstatedotherwise,theceilingsin most artificial (architecture and engineering) check can determine
areasare 10feethigh. In caverns,the height increasesto the cage's safety threshold.
20 feet, and in the outer cavern it reaches 120 feet at the Acharactercan descendthe ropeswithout the cage
highest point. with a successful DC 18 Balance check or a DC 15
Doors: The doors in the ruins are constructed of Climb check.
heavy stones that pivot on a central bar, allowing the
door to rotate along the centerandprovidingan open K3. UPPER WINCH
ing to either side a little less than 3 feet wide. The cult This room is dominatedby a large winch. Operating
ists have fitted several key doors with locks, but if the the winch requiresa successfulDC 10 Strengthcheck.
text doesn'tsay thata dooris locked(orcan be locked), Eachround, the winch moves the cage 10feet. Since the
it cannot be locked at all. distance between the two areas is about 100 feet, it takes
Ij? StoneDoor:4in. thick;Hardness8; hp60; BreakDC 28. one minute for someone to movethe cage from one lo
cation to the next. Safetyfeatures on the winch halt the
Kl. OVERLOOK progress of the cage if the operator ceases to use it be
fore the cage reaches the other side. Asuccessful DC 20
The lava tube suddenlyends at a small ledge over DisableDevicecheck removesthis safetyfeature;with a
lookinga vast cavern.Asmall pile of wooden planks result of 30 on the check, the missing safetyisn't obvi
is stackedon the edge of the ledge. Nearlya hundred ous. The winch also hasa lockingmechanismthat pre
feet below,thewatersofa lake filledwith dimlyglow vents it from functioning;releasingthis lockrequiresa
ing green algae lap against cave walls encrusted with DC 25 Open Locks check.
pallid fungi. Asmall stone buildingis built into the A tiny one-foot-square circular window is set into the
side of the ledge wall, and a pair of heavy ropes de southern wall. Affixed to the wall next to this window is
scendsfrom a winch on the building'sside, dangling a stone ofalarm; it can be activatedby touch and removed
across the lake to a similar winch attached to a wood from its mountwith a successfulDC 15 Strengthcheck.
en structure on the lake's far shore. Suspended on
these ropes is a ricketywood-and-ironcage mounted K4. WINCH OPERATOR'S BARRACKS (EL3)
on a system of pulleys.The lake's phosphorescence This room contains two bunks, a table,and two chairs;
just barely illuminates the vast cavern, and you can the thugs prefertopass the timeplayingcards or taking
see what appear to be the partially melted ruins of shifts sleeping, for the most part.
severalbuildings protruding from a sparklingwall of Creatures: Two of Triel's thugs are always stationed
volcanic rock along the far wall of the cave. Severalof here; they make sure no one uses the winch to lower the
these buildingshave small doorwaysat ground level, cage unless they're attended byTriel or one of the other
but you see no windows in the ominous dark facades. cultists.Guard duty here is considered fairly relaxing,
The air here is thick,warm, and excessivelyhumid. and is usually awarded to minions who have pleased
Triel in some way. Each of the thugs carries a key to
The planks can be used to form a makeshiftbridge lock and unlock the winch in area K3.
>.Q .6~*^| between the hanging cage and the ledge, allowing jf Narthusand Kildivy,hillfolk(2): hp 19; see Appendix4.
°D s"E>v people to cross into the cage with ease when it is re Tactics:If the thugs realizethat someone is trying to
tracted up to this location. Anyone who falls off the invade the cavern, one of them quickly makes sure that
ledge drops 90 feet into the nasty green water below the winch in area K3 is locked down, while the other
activates the stone ofalarm, filling the main cavern with attack anything it hears or spots in or near the water.
a cacophonous din and alerting the cavern denizens. It is savageand cruel to the core, and defends its beach
with fearless rage.
K5. STORAGE •^ Skulvyn: hp 26; see Appendix 4.
This small room contains two week's rations and drink Tactics: Once the skulvyn senses prey nearby, it
able water, along with a sizable stack of replacement quickly slithers into the lake since it gains a substantial
planks for the pile in area Ki. bonus to its Hide check in the water. The demon swims
beneath anyone near the shore or in the water to catch
K6. THE PHANTOM LAKE them in its slowaura, then surges forth to grab one vic-
tim.with a grapple before retreating underwater.
The waters of this large lake glow softly with thick,
ropy, glowing algae. Nowand then tiny curls of steam K8. KOPRU LAIR (EL 6)
rise from the lake, filling the area with a cloying stink
ofsoggyplant matter.The surfaceof the water ripples This low cavern is filled with steam and thick sheets
now and again, but it's impossible to tell if these rip of ropy fungus.The place reeks of something rotten.
plescome from underwater currents welling up from
below or from something hungrier. The fungus that coats the floor and wallshere is thick
and slippery; any bipedal creature attempting to walk
The water below the layer of algae—which grows to on the ground must succeed at a DC 12 Balance check
S^ 1
a depth of roughly five feet—is warm (around 80°F) each round. The creature that lives here can slither
thanks to the presence of severalvolcanicvents located around on the fungus sheets with ease.
in its bed. The phosphorescent algae provides illumi Creature: A lone and insane kopru has moved into
nation equal to that emitted bya torch, but dies quickly this chamber, having traveled up through the lightless
when removed from water or exposed to sunlight. underwater tunnels of the Underdark, seeking the fa
The lake itself is about 200 feet deep, but it has no bled ruins of its ancestors. The monster was enraged to
true bottom. Rather, its bed branches into numerous learn that the ruins had been taken over by air-breath
aquaticwaterwaysthat wind through the rock; most of ers,but it waswise enough to know that a frontal attack
them eventuallyempty into the waterycentral shaft,but on the ruins would quickly turn sour since it was so
a few emerge from the sides of Cauldron to form rivers outnumbered. Compounding its problems is the skul
or streams. vyn in areaK7; when the kopru first arrivedhere,it and
Development:The lake itself is strangely free of ani the demon got into a terrible battle. The result of the
mal life.This is due to the presence of the ravenous de fight was a draw, but only becausethe kopru managed
mon that has taken up residence on the eastern beach to hold and constrict the demon for a couple rounds
(see areaK7). The demon is watchful,and if it seesany before the skulvyn broke free and retreated.
one enter the waters of the lake it quickly slithers into ^ Kopru: hp 36(currently 30); see Appendix 4.
the water and swims out to feed. Development:The kopru knows that it only survived
its tangle with the skulvyn through luck—its normal
K7. NIGHTMARE BEACH (EL 4) attacks couldn't easily penetrate the demon's damage
reduction. For the past few days, the monster has sub
This beach is horrifying. Thick carpets of pale fungus sisted on the fungus in this cave while recuperating and
intermingle with sheets of clotted blood and partially trying to decide how to proceed.
eaten entrails and body parts. The entire place reeks It sees the arrival of the PCs as its greatest hope; it at
of decay. tempts to dominate one of them and uses its new min
ion to convince the other PCs to help it, first by slaying
To aid in guarding this area while they were helping the skulvyn and then by systematicallywiping out the
build the soulcages,Grehila Cairnis arranged for a single intruders in the ruins. While the goals of the kopru and
skulvyn demon to help guard the lake. Since she left the PCs might seem similar, the kopru has no intention
the EbonTriad for the Cagewrights,the remaining cult of letting the PCs go once they have outlived their use
ists have lost control the demon, but they periodically fulness. Those it can't dominate it kills and eats.
throw tributes to it in the form of homeless people or
criminals snatched from the alleys of Cauldron. So long K9. BEACH OF RUIN
as they let it keep its territory, the skulvyn is content to
leave them alone. This large beach is covered with rocks and patches
Creature: If the PCs manage to reach this beach of fitfully glowing phosphorescent fungus and algae.
without entering the waters of the lake, they can find More impressive are the stony ruins that protrude
the skulvyn lurking here. A skulvyn is an aquatic de from the sheer rock wall along the beach's western $Q
mon that looks like a streamlined lizard with flippers edge. The architecture of these ruins seems melted °D S%>"
instead of feet and four long tails that end in razor and somehow intimidating—whatever creatures
sharp spines. The demon slithers out into the lake to
built these dwellings were obviously inhuman and Development: As long as the complex is on alert, the
alien in nature. Alleybashers in areas K14 and K15 keep an eye on this
corridor through the arrowslits in the northern and
A small building made of wood sits apart from these southern walls. They fire upon any intruders they can
structures; the ropes descending from the ledge on the see in the corridor.
opposite side of the lake attach to a second winch on
the side of this building. K14. NORTHERN GUARDROOM (EL 3)
If the characters manage to reach this area without The three Alleybashers from area K40 wait here if the
alerting the cavern,chances are that they can infiltrate complex is on alert. The northern secret door leads to
any of the buildings with ease. The denizens of the ru area K34.
ins are confident that no one knows about their hideout Ip Secret Door: 4 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 60; Break
' V-:
and as a result don't keep a watchfuleye on this beach. DC 28; Search DC 20.
Creatures: The three Alleybashers can make attacks
K10. TRAPPED FOYER (EL 4) with their arrows at any target in area K13 by utilizing
Trap: A low tripwire just past the arc of the northern the arrowslits in the wall.
door is triggered when a creature walks through this ^ Tilavast,Oarus, and Ristikus, Alleybashers(3): hp
gj J area. When triggered,the tripwire snaps and releases 14; see Appendix 4.
several key bits of webbing that hold the eastern wall
in place,causing the entire mass of timber and wood to K15. SOUTHERN GUARDROOM (EL 3)
come crashing down into the corridor. If the complex is on alert status, the three Alleybash
i'U V* FallingWall Trap: CR 4; mechanical;locationtrig ers from area K22 are located here. The southern secret
ger; repair reset; Atk +14 melee (6d6, falling timbers); door leads to area K26.
Search(DC 27); DisableDevice(DC 23). Ij Secret Door: 4 in. thick; Hardness8; hp 60; Break
DC 28; Search DC 20.
Kll. LOWER WINCH Creatures: The three Alleybashers can make attacks
Thiswinchoperatesin thesamewayastheoneinarea K3. with their arrows at any target in area K13 by utilizing
The cultistsdon'tnormallypost guardshere, since they the arrowslits in the wall.
figure thatthe trapin area K10 is protectionenough. ^ Samus, Iteyl, and Abernath,Alleybashers(3): hp 14;
see Appendix 4.
The ceiling of this large room rises in a forty-foot-
high dome; the floor is polished smooth. Water from The edges of this huge room fade into darkness. Sev
condensationruns down the walls,anda pairoflarge eral large worktablescoveredwith bits and pieces of
braziersto the northeastand southeastprovidesmoky scrap metal stand in the center of the room. Some
light. A long table with a dozen chairs dominates the where from the depths of the room, strange skitter
center of the room. ing sounds echo offunseen walls.

Currentlyempty,the EbonTriadonceusedthischamber Thislargeroomwas oncea kopru spawningchamber,

to meet with their Cagewrightcontact(Nulin Wiejeron). but after the EbonTriad cultists moved in they cleared
More recently,Trielusedit to meetwith theAlleybashers. out the room and transformed it into a huge workroom
There is nothing of interest here for the PCsnow. for soulcageconstruction. They intend to keep using the
room in the future for additional projects, but for now
K13. THE GAUNTLET (EL 2 OR 7) the room lies unused and mostly empty,exceptfor the
This long vaultedhallwayseemsemptyand harmless;in Creature that Grehlia abandoned here.
truth, it is anything but. The eastern and western ends Apair of leverslocatednext to the doors leadinginto
of the corridor hide two Traps,and anyone standingin this room can be pulled to activateor deactivatethe pit
the "safe"central section of the corridor is subjectto at traps in area K13.
tack from the guards to the north and south. Creature: A mud slaad lurks in the far reaches of the
Trap: A pair of pit traps are located at either end of room. This pitiful creature once served Grehlia as a
the corridor. The levers in area K16 can deactivate them, minion, but when she fell in with the Cagewrights she
but both are currently active. Each pit trap is identical left it here. Since then, the mud slaad has spent most
and fills a 10-foot-square region. of its time chasing the odd tiny monstrous spiders that
V 20-Foot-Deep Pit Traps (2): CR 1; mechanical; sometimes find their wayinto this room. Amud slaad is
location trigger; manual reset; switch bypass; Reflex a five-foot-tallfrog-like humanoid with sicklybrownish
1Q <r
savingthrow (DC 15) avoids;2o-ft.-deep(2d6, fall); mul- green skin. It has the slaad's characteristic wide mouth
°fi S"&^ ^S tiple targets(first target in each oftwo adjacent5-foot full of sharp teeth and strong, sharp talons on the ends
squares);Search(DC 20); DisableDevice(DC 23). of its long spindly arms.
^ Mud Slaad: hp 39; see Appendix 4.
Tactics: The mud slaad, despite its appearance, cultists while the remaining three open the door to area
harbors deep feelings of inferiority and shame after K17 and begin to throw vials of alchemist's fire into the
eons spent being tormented and mocked by more room onto trapped PCs. Once each has thrown a vial,
powerful slaadi. It lives in constant fear that more they close and block the door by pushing the table up
slaadi could appear at any moment to torture it, so it against it. Once the door between rooms K17and K18 is
will not summon a red slaad, and it only attempts to blocked, its Break DC increases to 30.
call another mud slaad if it is in dire peril (it drops
to fewer than 10 hit points and its cringe ability is K19. STOREROOM
ineffective). It prefers to open combat with its screech This room contains two weeks of dried food rations
and then flail away with its bite and claws. If hard and drinking water kept in large barrels.
pressed, it feigns death and hopes its tormentors
wander away. K20. SOUTHERN ARMORY
Treasure: The slaad keeps its treasures wrapped in a
ragged cloak in the far end of the room under a table; a The walls of this room are loaded with weapon and
DC 15 Searchcheck revealsit This trove consists of150 pp, armor racks. Swords and bows hang from pegs, and
threegems(worth600 gp, 100 gp,and 6 gp), and a master- a dozen suits of armor hang on the far wall. A barrel
work lute. Unknown to the mud slaad, the rag it wraps its of arrows and two small wooden kegs sit behind the
treasure in is its greatest possession: a cloakofarachnida. armor stands.
Development: A character who examines the bits of
metal and tools lying about this room and makes a suc The door to this room is locked (Open Locks DC 30);

cessfulDC25 Knowledge(arcana)check can tell that this Skavenhas the key. The small kegs hold cheap ale.
room was used to build some sort of magic device, most Treasure: The weapon racks contain 12 longswords,
likely something connected to the schools of conjura 6 rapiers, and 8 longbows.A barrel in the corner holds
tion, abjuration,and necromancy.Beyondthis, nothing 120 arrows. The armor stands hold nine suits of stud
can be learned from investigating the remains. ded leather armor and four suits of chainmail. The ale
is particularlycheap (5 gp per barrel)and hardlyworth
K17. WELCOME TRAP (EL 1) the cost of transport. Skaven uses the ale to reward the
mercenaries who work for him.
Hundreds of thin white cords stretch from wall to
wall in this chamber, all about six inches off the K21. MESS HALL
ground. The cords make a tangled sheet, and it
looks nearly impossible to pass through the room This room contains a table and several chairs. A cabi
without stumbling. net againstone wall containswoodeneating utensils,
plates, and the like.
This room seems unused, but it actuallycontains a Trap.
Trap: The floor of this room is criss-crossed with Off-duty bandits use this room to eat, relax, and
tightly strung ettercap webs. The cultists and their gamble,unlike their guard posts,which they usejust to
minions know which parts of the floor are safe to tread gamble. No one occupies this room right now.
upon, but anyone who walks carelesslyinto the room
triggers the Trap. This causes a large ettercap web to K22. BARRACKS (EL 4)
drop from the ceiling, covering a 10-foot square area.
The web has tiny bells attached to it, so the triggering This room contains several bunks. It looks like about
of the trap alerts the guards on duty in area K18. a dozen people could sleep here.
V FallingWeb Trap: CR1;mechanical; location trig
ger; manual reset; Reflex saving throw avoids (DC 15); Creatures: The bandits who work directly for Skaven
entangles (EscapeArtist, DC 20, or Strength check, DC sleepin these bunks. ASearchcheck(DC 15) revealsthat
26, to escape); Search DC 20; Disable Device DC 21. eleven human-sized individuals quarter here.
^ Samus, Iteyl, and Abernath, Alleybashers (3): hp 14
K18. GUARDROOM (EL 6) each; see Appendix 4.
This room contains a table and several chairs, along Development: If the complex has been alerted, these
with the Creatures. Alleybashershave relocated to area K15. Otherwise, they
Creatures: Four thugs lurk here, playing a compli are asleep here when the party enters the room.
cated dice game, arguing loudly, and waiting for their
shift to end. K23. SOUTHERN ENTRANCE (EL 5)
^ Kristoff, Mathus, Stysai, and Jestie, hillfolk (4): hp
19 each; see Appendix 4. Each of these thugs carries one This chamber seems to be some sort of meeting 3.o,
flask of alchemist's fire. room; a large table with a dozen chairs sits in the cen °D s"£>v
Tactics: If the guards hear the trap triggered in area ter of the room.
K17,one of their number heads south to alert the other
Creatures: A pair of thugs and a pair of Alleybashers defend it from anyone but Skaven who tries to touch
can be found in this room. any of the books or scrolls on the shelves in here or in
•J> Makrityand Chyles,hillfolk (4): hp 19 each;seeAp area K25.
pendix 4. Skaven is mysterious and introverted. He's bald,
? Klarkus and Blare,Alleybashers(2): hp 14each; see keeps his beard trimmed neatly, and has a dark com
Appendix 4. plexion. Still,while handsome, he has little concept of
Tactics: If the alarm has been raised, the mercenar social graces and would rather avoid contact with oth
ies have upended the table for coyer; the Alleybashers ers. He tends to let the Alleybashersand thugs that work
have readied actions to fire upon anyone who comes for him do as they please, as long as they don't disturb
through the northeast door, and the hillfolk aid their his studies. He eschews weaponplay and combat, and
Armor Classeswith the aid another action by blocking he doesn't openly wear a symbol of Vecna, keeping his
attackswith their shields.The hired swordsspring into faith a secret. Aside from his cat familiar, Pywakit,Ska
melee should intruders get close enough to attack. ven prefers the company of the ettercaps and spiders
ft that live in the caverns to the south.
K24. SKAVEN'S PARLOR (EL 3 OR 8) ? Skaven Umbermead, male halfling wizard (diviner)
The door to this room is kept lockedwith an arcane lock 7: hp 26; see Appendix 4.
cast by Skaven.Without the arcane lock, the door still re ? Medium Air Elemental: hp 26;MonsterManual96.
quires a DC 30 Open Locks check or one of Skaven's Tactics: Skaven prefers to avoid combat. If attacked,
• <l
keys to open it. he attempts to escape the room by turning invisible or
using one of his potions of hiding. If he manages to es
This room is a breath of fresh air. While still a little cape, he heads to area K32 to enlist the aid of the har
warm, the air is dry and nowhere near as foul in here. poon spider against the PCs. If unable to escape,Skaven
Awell-madedesk sits against the oppositewall,which uses his combat spells in an attempt to scatter the PCs
looks like it has been partiallymelted by an ancient and enable his flight to the harpoon spider.
lava flow. A bookshelf sits against the northern wall, Treasure: The numerous books and scrolls found
and the room is well lit bya softlyglowingcontinual here covera range of topicsand are written in a variety
flame that hangs from a chainset into the ceiling. oflanguages.Onecommonthemebinds them together:
mystery.Skavenis obsessedwith mysteries and spends
This room and the room directlyto the north long hours poring over ancient texts of unexplained
are the personal quarters of one of the events. The scrolls currently on his desk are
three cultists responsible for the theft partial histories of the kopru that built
of the wands of control water. this ruined city. This collection of
Creatures: Unlike his two fellow books and scrolls is worth 1,200 gp
cultists, Skaven Umbermead is not to the right buyer.
actually a cleric. Although he's
trained as a wizard (specifically, K25. SKAVEN'S
as a diviner),his faith in his dei BEDCHAMBERS (EL 6)
ty is as strong and devout as that The door to this room has been
of his fellow cultists. What his arcane locked by Skaven. Without
fellow conspirators don't know is the arcane lock, the door lock still
that Skaven worships Vecna. Triel requires an Open Lock check (DC
has alwaysassumed he worships 30) or one of Skaven'skeys to
Erythnul, and although open. The door also bears
Tarkilar no longer cares, a Trap.
he used to think Skaven
worshiped Hextor. This room, like the last
Skaven can be found one, is fairly cool and
in this room if the com dry—and comfortable. A
plex isn't on alert; other bed sits against the north
wise, he is in area K32. If wall, and a thick carpet
he is encountered here, he is covers most of the floor.
sitting at his desk poring over More bookshelves line the
some ancient scrolls. walls here, their shelves sag
The air quality in this room and ging with books, tomes, and
in area K25 is the result of the work of scrolls of all shapes and sizes.
1Q o' a Medium air elemental that Skaven bound
°£S^ to these rooms using a scroll of lesser planar Skaven Umbermead Trap: Skaven has used his magic to
binding several months ago. The elemental is ward this room. Aside from the arcane lock
ordered to maintain air quality in here and to on the door, he has placed a sepia sriakesigil
on the door. The false back to the eastern bookshelf (see Creatures: Five monstrous spiders nest in this cav
Treasure, below)is also warded by a sepia snake sigil. ern. If combat here lasts more than 4 rounds, the two
V Sepia Snake Sigils(2): CR 4; spell; spell trigger; no ettercaps from area K31 arrive on the fifth round to aid
reset; spell effect (sepia snake sigil, 7th-level wizard, Re their spider allies.
flex save, DC 16, negates); Search DC 28; Disable Device ^ Medium Monstrous Spiders (4): hp 14, 12, 11, 10;
DC 28. Monster Manual 288.
Treasure: The back of the top shelf of the eastern •J> Large Monstrous Spiders (2): hp 28, 22; Monster
bookcase can be pulled out, as revealed by a successful Manual289.
DC 25 Search check. The removable back is warded with Trap: Several portions of the floor in this room con
a sepia snakesigil.In the hollow beyond the false back are sist .of fresh, sticky webbing. Each round a character
two valuable objects: Skaven'sspellbook and one of the who doesn't know the safe routes in the chamber moves
stolen wands ofcontrol water. more than 5 feet, the character must make a DC 15 Re
flex saving throw to avoid becoming stuck.
K26. WORKROOM STORAGE y* Sticky Webs: CR 1; mechanical; location trigger;
This large room was used to store extra supplies for the no-reset; Reflex saving throw (DC 15) avoids; entangles
workroom (area K16); it's currently empty. The secret (EscapeArtist, DC 26,or Strength check, DC 32, to break,
door to the north can be discovered with a successful 12 hit points per 5-foot section); Search DC 22; Disable
DC 20 Search check. Device DC 22.
Treasure:The spiders have collected a fair amount of JP
K27. SPIDER NEST (EL 3) treasure. It's shrouded in a ball of webbing, and a suc
The door to this room is more difficult to open than cessful DC 24 Search check is necessary to locate it. The
most others; its Break DC is 30 due to the webs on the treasure consists of 620 gp, 4 pearls worth 100 gp each, a
other side. scroll of summon monsterI, a potion of clairaudience/clair-
Creatures: Six small monstrous spiders lurk at vari voyance,and a wand ofburninghands(23 charges).
ous points in this room; they quickly skitter forth to
attack anyone foolish enough to open the door. K31. ETTERCAP LAIR (EL 6)
^ Small Monstrous Spiders (6): hp 4 each; Monster The floorof this cavernis trapped with masses ofsticky
Manual 288. webs, as detailed in area K30.
Creatures: A sizable nest of ettercaps lurks in this
K28. ABANDONED WEBS room, although only two of them can be encountered
here at this time. They rush to the aid of the spiders in
The corners of this room are clogged with webbing, area K30 when they hear sounds of battle.
but a five-foot-wide,eight-foot-tall web-lined tunnel •^ Ettercaps(2): hp 27 each; MonsterManual106.
leads south. Tactics:The ettercaps use the sticky webs in this cave
to their advantage, luring intruders into sticky sections
The webs here and in the caves beyond coat every of floor or bull rushing them into stickywallsas the op
inch of floor, wall, and ceiling. Although most of the portunitypresentsitself If theybegin to lose the battle,
webbingis no longer sticky,it is quite soft.All creatures they quickly flee to the east to area K32 and alert the
in this room and areas K30-K32 gain a +4 circumstance harpoon spider there.
bonus on Move Silently checks.
Both of the secret doors that allow access to this pas The spiderwebs in this cave are thick and tangled,
sageway are masterfully hidden and require DC 25 hanging from the unseen roof above in coiling sheets.
Search checks to discover. Large mounds of webs lie heapedon the floor,almost
like sand dunes. The air in this cave is stale, hot, and
K30. WEBBED CAVERN (EL 6) stinks of decaying fungus.

The air in this cavern is thick, stuffy, and humid, Like areas K30 and K31, the floor of this cave is dot
and stinks of rotting fungus. Sheets of thick white ted with sticky spider webs.
webs choke every surface, and coils of the sticky Creatures:Adangerous predator from the Underdark
stuff hang from above in thick ropy sheets. The known as a harpoon spider has lived in this cavern for
webbing muffles sound, making the cavern seem some time, trapped here when a lava tube that led into
much smaller than it actually is. In fact, the thick this cave collapsed. The harpoon spider lived for some
webs make it quite difficult to accurately judge the time on the indigenous bats and fish in the main cave,
size of the chamber, or what might be lurking in but eventually a tiny group of ettercaps and their spider $a O
its depths. allies found a way here. The ettercaps, amazed by the °D S$>'
harpoon spider, worship it as a god, tending to its every
need. One of the three ettercaps in the group can always nated by weapon racks and armor stands. A wine rack
be found by the harpoon spider's side. with several unopened bottles sits against the southern
If the complex is on alert, Skaven retreats to this cave. wall.
Skaven and the harpoon spider have become friends Treasure: The weapon racks contain 7 longswords, 5
over the past several months; the spider is intrigued by rapiers, and 11 longbows. The armor stands hold 3 suits
Skaven'stales of Vecna,while Skavenfinds the harpoon of studded leather armor and 6 suits of chainmail. Each
spider an amazing creature and wants to learn all he of the 17bottles of wine on the rack is worth 50 gp.
can about the subterranean predator.
A harpoon spider is the size of a large horse. It has K36. TRIEL'S CHAMBERS (EL 7)
ten legs and a body covered with sharp spines, and its
eight eyes look more human than arachnid. This large room is elegantly appointed and, if any
^ Harpoon Spider: hp 42;see Appendix 4. thing, even more humid and cloying than the other
^ Ettercap: hp 26; MonsterManual106. chambers. The reason is probably the large pool of
Treasure: The harpoon spider keeps its valuables bubbling water in the southern end of the room.
encased in a niche near the ceiling in the easternmost A hammock swings to the west of the pool above a
cul-de-sac of this cave; characters searching this area large chest, and the northern portion of the room
specifically can discover it with a successful DC 25 seems to have been converted into a small combat
Search check. The treasure consists of 500 sp, 450 gp, training ground, complete with thick mats and com
a darkwood and silver masterwork lap harp worth 800 bat dummies.
gp, a diamond ring worth 5,000 gp, a jade idol of Yon-
dallaworth 700 gp,a +1 light steel shield,an elixirofhid The door to this room is locked(Open LocksDC30);
ing, and bracers of armor +2. Skaven has also entrusted Triel has the key. The door also contains a Trap.
one of the wands ofcontrol water to the harpoon spider This room is the personal quarters of Triel Eldurast,
for safe keeping. the cultist most directly responsible for Sarcem's death
and the theft of the wands ofcontrol water.
K33. TRAPPED CHAMBER (EL 5) Creature: Triel can be found in this room wheth
Trap: This trap is triggered whenever the door in the er or not the alarm has been raised; she prefers to
northwest corner of the room is opened. Dozens of spend most of her time here when she isn't working.
holes then open in the ceiling and floor,and a forest of Triel is quite fond of the martial aspects of Hextor's
rapier-thin poison spikes lances out of these holes to teachings. She has short but wild red hair, and she
impale anything in the room. The spikes retract wears a suit of full plate festooned with
into the wall and the door closes itself af spikes and the symbol of Hextor.
ter one round, at which point the trap She also bears several in
automatically resets. tricate tattoos, including
V Poison Spike Trap: CR some on her face. Of
5; mechanical; touch trigger; the three Ebon Triad
automatic reset; Atk +16 me cultists that remain in
lee (id8+4 plus poison, spike); this area, she is eas
multiple targets (all creatures ily the most beauti
in area K33); poison (Medium ful and charismatic,
spider venom, Fortitude save, and as a result she's
DC 14, resists, id4 Str/id6 Str); the one they rely on to
Search DC 17; Disable Device take care of things out
DC 21. side of the Kopru Ruins.
She was once a city guard in
K34. STOREROOM Cauldron, but her growing
This room contains two weeks of bloodlust eventually got her
dried food rations and drink into trouble. She fled the city
ing water kept in large bar for several years and eventually
rels. The secret door to the became a cleric of Hextor before
south can be discovered joining the Ebon Triad.
with a successful DC 20 ? Triel Eldurast, female
Search check. human fighter 4/cleric 3: hp 46;see
Appendix 4.
K35. NORTHERN Tactics: If the PCs have
ARMORY managed to invade this far with
The door to this room is locked (Open out triggering an alert, they find
Locks DC 30); Triel has the key. The TrielEldurast Triel naked and enjoying a soak
east and west walls of this room are domi- in her hot spring; she responds to
unwelcome intrusions with great anger and attacks at ^ Milo, Hamfist, Mari, and Eirlinaki, hillfolk: hp 19;
once, despite her lack of armor. If only one PC enters, see Appendix 4.
she tries to seduce the character into joining her in the Development: If the complex has been alerted to the
pool, at which point she'll try to drown the gullible fool PCs, this room is empty and these thugs wait in area
before suiting up and stalking through the complex K46. Otherwise, the four thugs are asleep when the par
looking for other intruders. ty enters the room.
If the complex is on alert, Triel is ready to unleash
pain on anyone foolish enough to invade this room; K40. ALLEYBASHER BARRACKS (EL 4)
she has also called the four Alleybashers from area K42
to her room for assistance. She casts bull's strength and More bunks fill this chamber. A quick glance reveals
shield offaith on herself given time, then wades into that while several people probably live here, the room
combat, flail swinging, targeting opposing clerics be could accommodate more people than currently use
fore others. She pauses to heal herself if reduced to 20 the chamber.
hit points or less.
Trap:Anyonewho tries to pass through the door with Creatures:The Alleybashers working directly for Tri
out depressing a cleverlyhidden switch on the exposed el sleep in these bunks. A successful Search check (DC
upper rim of the door (Search check DC 30) suddenly 15) determines that sevenAlleybasherssleep here.
finds the revolving door swinging shut while numer ? Tilavast, Oarus, and Ristikus, Alleybasher: hp 14;
ous razors extend from both its edges. If the door trap see Appendix 4.
hits the character, he becomes pinned in place until the Development: If the complex has been alerted to the
door is forced open (Strength check DC 28)or he makes PCs, this room is empty, its denizens stationed at area >.
a DC 26 Escape Artist check. K14. Otherwise, three Alleybashers sleep here when the
•f Razordoor Trap: CR 3; mechanical; touch trigger; party enters the room.
automatic reset; Atk+15 melee (idi2+8/x3plus pinning);
Search DC 15; Disable Device DC 27. K41. BLOODBATH (EL 5)
Treasure: Triel prefers to carry her treasure with This room seems to be empty of anything of interest,
her, but when she sleeps or is bathing she keeps it but in truth, it holds a dangerous Trap—an illusory
stacked in the large chest under her hammock. This floor covers a large pit in the center of the room. A 3-
chest can be locked (Open Locks DC 30) with a key foot-wide ledge winds around the edges of the room,
she carries. providingthe only safe place to walk. The pit is filled
Ad-Hoc Experience Award:If the party defeats an un- with water and a swarm of creatures.
armored Triel, award them 80% the normal experience Creature: The water in the pit is filled with a hungry
point total due to her reduced Armor Class. swarm of bloodbloater oozes. Bloodbloaters are Dimin
utiveaquatic oozesthat feed on blood. Individuallythey
K37. MESS HALL (EL 6) pose little threat, but they have a propensity to swarm in
This room is a combination mess hall and lounge used huge clouds of hungry protoplasm.
by Triel's minions to relax and unwind when they get ^ Bloodbloater Ooze Swarm: hp 22; see Appendix 4.
the chance. Trap: The center of this room is actually a 20-foot-
Creatures: Six thugs can be found here; if the alarm deep pit filled with 10 feet of water. Falling in the pit
has been raised they are alert and ready for action. won't hurt unless the victim is encumbered or can't
^ Thistle, Adjar, Pyrus, Sukoro, Zoth, and Lonjiku, swim. Of course, the monsters that lurk in the water are
hillfolk: hp 19;see Appendix 4. much more dangerous.
V 20-Foot-Deep Water-Filled Pit: CR 1; magical;
K38. MEETING ROOM constant effect; illusory floor covering pit; Reflex save
This unremarkable room is used by Triel to meet (DC 20) avoids; 20 feet deep with 10 ft. water; Search
with her minions and hand out daily orders. A plain DC 24.
table and some uncomfortable chairs sit in the center Treasure: Triel dropped one of the wands of control
and several broken chairs are stacked in the corners water into this pit for safe keeping. When she wants'to
of the room. retrieve it, she intends to simply use another wand to
lower the water to an inch or two deep and snatch the
K39. THUG BARRACKS (EL 5) wand from the relatively helpless landlocked blood
bloaters with a quick and well-gauntleted hand.
This room contains severalbunks; a dozen people could
sleep here, although not all the beds look lived in. K42. NORTHERN ENTRANCE (EL 6)
This room seems fairly empty and clean, but like many
Creatures: The thugs who work directly for Triel other rooms in the ruins, it contains a dangerous Trap. 3 a
sleep in these bunks. A successful DC 15 Search check The ceiling in this room is 40 feet up, and a 5-foot-wide °D S^v
determines that ten human-sized people sleep here. balcony runs around the rim of the room 20 feet above
ground. A knotted rope that can be lowered to provide
access to the balcony has been pulled up by the Crea of the cult,but they are all currently empty. PCs captured
tures hiding above. by the cult probably end up in one of these cages.
Creatures:FourAlleybasherslurk on the balconysur
rounding this room. PCs can make DC33 Spot checks to K44. INTERROGATION CHAMBER
detect the waiting rogues.
^ Meryin, Sorkalath, Durkal, and Pindinson, Alley This room contains a desk, a chair, and a strange
basher hp 14; see Appendix 4. apparatus that looks like a wooden bed covered
Tactics: The mercenaries fire arrows at any intrud with various iron straps and spikes. The device
ers that enter the room, although they wait and see if looks... uncomfortable.
opponents first set off the trap. Characterswho bypass
the footshredder aren't attacked until the last PC has The device is a torture rack designed to painfully
entered the room. stretch the person strapped into it. Triel uses this

Trap: Anyone who opens the western door triggers room to interrogate prisoners. Although no one is
* ft; this room's trap. Doing so causes the floor of the room currently held here, PCs who are unlucky enough to
to retract 6 inches down,revealinga forestof tiny spikes be captured might end up in this device. If you have
designed to shred the sole of the foot. access to the Book of Vile Darkness,treat this device as
V FootshredderFloor: CR1; mechanical;touch trig a masterwork rack, otherwise assume that for each
ger; manual reset; multiple targets (all in contact with round a character spends on the rack, he suffers 1
the floor of area K42);Atk+14 melee; any creature struck point of damage. A successful DC 22 Escape Artist
suffers id4 points of damage and is wounded as if by check is required to escape.
caltrops; Search DC 20; Disable Device DC 23.
Development: If the caves are on alert, these rogues K45. UNFINISHED TRAP
have joined Triel in area K36.
The rough, unfinished floor of this room seems to be
K43. PRISON pockmarked with hundreds of tiny holes drilled into
This room contains four small cages.Each can be locked the floor. There is no indication as to the purpose of
with keys carried by Triel or with a successful DC 30 these holes, but it must have taken someone months
Open Lockcheck.These cagesare used to hold prisoners of mind-numbing work to drill them all.
Triel is in the process of building a second foot WAIID LHCA*IFJriS'
shredder trap (see area K42) here, but she can't quite The eight wands of control water are hidden in
get the logistics of the project down and has given up the followinglocations in the Kopru Ruins:
on it for now. PCs in a hurry might waste valuable time • One wand is carried by Skaven in area K24.
trying to figure out what kind of weird trap awaits • One wand is hidden in area K25.
them in this chamber. • One wand is kept bythe harpoon spider in
area K32.
K46. GUARDROOM (EL 5) • Triel carries three of the wands in area K36.
Creatures:If the complex is on alert, Triel has posted • One wand is hidden in the water of the trap in
the four thugs from area K39 to guard this route toward area K41.
the treasury. The thugs do their best to prevent intrud • One wand is kept by Gutterrut the quasit in
ers from penetrating any further into the complex via area K56.
this route.
*) Milo, Hamfist, Mari, and Eirlinaki, Hillfolk: hp 19; '- — TV'. . .*&'
see Appendix 4.
Creatures: The Ebon Triad once counted two ogres
K47. ENTRANCE TO TARKILAR'S CAVERNS amongst their minions, but after a tragic incident in
which the ogres lost their temper and attacked the
This long room is partially collapsed. The northwest Ebon Triad cultists, they were put down. Tarkilar used
ern portion has been destroyed by an ancient lava his wand of animatedead (which has long since run out
flow, but two circular lava tubes seem to provide ac of charges) to animate the dead ogres as zombies, leav
cess to the caves beyond. ing them in this room as additional undead guardians.
^ Ogre Zombies (2): hp 55; see Appendix 4.
The network of caves here (areas K48-K56) are
the domain of the third Ebon Triad cultist, Tarkilar. K51. GLYPHS OF WARDING (EL 6)
Since Tarkilar became a huecuva, he has become less Trap: Triel recently purchased two scrolls of glyph of
interested in aiding his one-time companions, and wardingand used them to ward the exits to this cavern.
more interested in fostering his hatred of the liv Each glyph is identical, and triggers when an intruder
ing. Someday soon he might finally forget his old passes over it.
alliances and seek out his old allies to satiate his V GlyphsofWarding: CR 4; spell; spell trigger; no re
growing spite. set; spell effect (glyph of warding [blast],5th level cleric,
Reflex save, DC 14, half damage, 2d8 sonic); Search DC
K48. BONE GUARDIAN (EL 8) 28; Disable Device DC 28.
Creature: Before Tarkilar was transformed into a
huecuva several months ago, he managed to get his K52. CULT TREASURY (EL 8)
hands on a high-level animatedead scroll. He found the
remains of a dead tyrannosaurus in the foothills to the This cave glitters and glows; the volcanic rock here
east of Cauldron, and over the course of several weeks has formed millions of tiny black and red crystals
smuggled the skeleton into this chamber, bone bybone. that catch the light from a continualflame near the
He then reassembled the skeleton and used the animate door and reflect it back a millionfold. The one thing
dead scroll to create a massive skeleton. The undead that doesn't glitter is a large slab of dull black stone in
dinosaur must squeeze to pursue characters who flee the center of the room. •
beyond this room.
^ Tyrannosaurus Skeleton: hp 117; see Appendix 4. The slab of hardened lava in the middle of the cham
ber was naturally formed, but the cultists found its
K49. SAFE CAVERN remote location and size intriguing enough that they
The fairly narrow passage leading to this chamber is too hired a pair of dwarves (who were later used to create
small for the tyrannosaur skeleton even to squeeze into. the Creatures that guard this place) to transform the
A PC who makes it to this cave might be able to do sig block of stone into a clever chest. A successful DC 25
nificant damage to the skeleton with ranged attacks and Search check determines that the top of the stone slab
magic from the safety of this room. is hinged and can be opened. Doing so triggers the Trap
and reveals the cult's Treasure.
K50. UNDEAD OGRES (EL 5) Creatures: The two dwarves the cultists hired to build
the chest were rewarded with two rare gifts Tarkilar pro
The stink in this cavern is overwhelming. Sticky cured after he snuck into the Spire of Long Shadows:a
pools of congealed fluid lie in depressions in the s
pair of worms harvested from a spawn of Kyuss.Tarkilar $ o, .0
floor, having drained from several rotting giant spi implanted the worms into the two dwarvesafter chaining °D s*>~
der carcasses that have been pushed up against the them to the chest,and then watched in glee as the worms
northwest wall. transformed the dwarves into undead mockeries of their
former selves.Tarkilar then used his abilityto command
undead to force the new spawn to serveas guardians.
Unfortunately, when Tarkilar accidentally
transformed himself into a huecuva, he lost
control of the spawn. Neither Skaven nor
Triel could command them, and since
that fateful day three months ago, none
of them has been able to safely approach
the treasury.
In the meantime, the two spawn of Kyuss are
content to lurk here, attacking anything that has
the misfortune of entering.
^ Spawn of Kyuss (2): hp 29 each; see
-Pi/ I Appendix4.
Trap: The chest is coated witha thin Layer of nitharit
V PoisonedChest: CR 5; mechanical;touch trigger;
manual reset; poison (nitharit, Fortitude save, DC 13,
resists, o/3d6 Con); Search DC 25; Disable Device
DC 19.
Treasure: The chest contains several leather
sacksfilled with coins:15,500cp,8,000sp,4,500 gp,
and 200 pp.


The floor of this large cavern is nearly com

pletely covered by a partial cave-inthat created
a huge mound of loose debris in the center of
the room. A fewhands and legs protrude from
the rubble.

This cave-in happened about the time

Tarkilar was transformed into a huecuva.
The resulting shockwave of energy trig
gered a collapse in the already weak ceiling
of this cavern,destroying several zombies and
skeletons Tarkilar had stationed here to pre
vent interruptions to his ritual.
Clambering over the rubble is possible with a
successful DC 15Climb or Balance check.


Trap: Tarkilar warded the narrow passagewaybetween
areas K54 and K55 with a single glyph of warding before
he was transformed.
V GlyphofWardinff.CR 4;spell;spelltrigger;no reset;
spell effect (glyph of warding [blindness],Fortitude save,
DC 16, negates);Search DC28; DisableDeviceDC28.


Once Tarkilar became a huecuva, he lost control of many
of his undead. He quickly relocated these former min
ions to this chamber, where they await intruders.
Creatures: The eight human zombies in here
lurch into life when intruders enter
this room.
^ Human Zombies (8): hp 16each;
Monster Manual 266.
This cavern has seen better days. It was probably once FLHHD SEASHn
a fairly well-appointed room, complete with carpets, The PCs learn about the Ebon Triad in this chapter.
a laboratory,a small altar, and a bed, but some recent They'lltanglewith the remainingtwo membersofthe
terrific explosion has scattered the furnishings of the Triad in ChaptersFive andTen.They may start to think
room into piles of twisted rubble along the edges of that the EbonTriad is the primaryvillain group they'll
the cave. befightingagainst bythe time theyfinishthis chapter;
don't do anything to discouragethis perception.
This room is the lair of the third cultist, Tarkilar. The PCs' actions during this adventure represent
Creatures: Tarkilar spends most of his time worrying the firsttimethey'llreallybe inthe publiceye.As the next
at the wires that bind his chainmail to his bones and chapter starts, they'll find themselves more and more
arguing with what he thinks are the voicesin his head. often recognizedon the streets byCauldron'scitizens.
In truth, these voices are real and come from an invis Although the Cagewrights still haven't really
ible quasit named Gutterrut who once served Tarkilar noticedthe PCs bythis time, the PCs have definatley
as a minion but is now only a tormentor. caughtthe attention of the LastLaugh and Vhalantru.
Until recently, Tarkilar was the most powerful of The latter has realizedthat they maysoon develop into
the three cultists. As a 7th-level cleric, he commanded a liabilityand a threat, and in Chapter Four he fakes
the most defensible lair in the complex and served as his steps to try to engineer their dooms.
the leader of the group for a time after Grehlia left to
join the Cagewrights. This all ended a few months ago.
Flush with money from the completion of the soulcages, Treasure: Gutterrut recently stole the eighth wandof
Tarkilar was finally able to afford a costly component to control water from Triel, who has yet to notice the theft.
a ritual he believed would transform him into a vam Gutterrut isn't quite sure what to do with the wand, but
pire. Unfortunately, the ritual was botched and caused he knows Triel wants it. Eventually, he plans to use it as
a great explosion in this room (which also partially col a bargaining chip with the beautiful cleric to gain her.
lapsed the ceiling of area K53); Tarkilar was slain by the as an ally.
explosion, but at the same time, the necromantic ritual
partially worked. He rose from the ashes of his failure
as a huecuva, but drained of several levels of experience FIGH*inG *HE FLHHD
and left a raving lunatic. Since the failure, he has lurked Once the party manages to recover all eight wands of
in his cavern with only Gutterrut, a quasit he once be control water, they should return to the surface and
friended with the aid of a lesserplanarallyspell, as com report the good news to Jenya. Their return couldn't
pany. happen at a better time. The rains have been hitting
Tarkilar is an intimidating sight: an undead gnoll with Cauldron hard, and the central lake has started to
a suit of chainmail and a spiked chain wired directly onto seep into the closest buildings. If the waters aren't
his rotting flesh. He's nearly skeletal, and his dry skin is controlled soon, the flood damage could be exten
stretched tight over his bones. Clumps of his fur have sive. Jenya takes one of the wands and calls upon
torn free, leaving several bald patches in his once-thick the aid of the fellow clerics in her church, as well as
pelt. His eyes glow with a nasty yellow light, as does his those of Kord, Pelor, and Wee Jas, although none of
saliva.His fangs are jagged, sharp, and broken. the clerics of Wee Jas respond to her call. She might
Gutterrut takes great glee in watching his one-time also call upon any PCs who can use the wands to help.
pal grow more and more insane. A few weeks ago, Over the next few miserable hours, Jenya, the PCs,
Tarkilar's friendship with the quasit finally faded and and the other clerics can force back the waters until
he attacked Gutterrut, who escaped by turning invisible the rains falter. The whole ordeal takes id4+4 hours,
and flying away. Since then, Gutterrut has entertained -1 hour for each two wands of control water recovered;
himself by tormenting the huecuva by pretending to be the night drains a total of 80 charges from the wands
a set of different personalities arguing in its head. (split evenly among all the wands recovered). After
^ Tarkilar, male gnoll huecuva cleric 4: hp 42; see the night is over, though, the PCs have saved several
Appendix 4. businesses from suffering great damage, and they
^ Gutterrut, Quasit: hp 13; MonsterManual 46. find their popularity in the city rising.
Tactics: Upon seeing living creatures enter his lair, The rains continue on and off throughout the rest
Tarkilar flies into a kill-crazyrampage, casting spells of the winter, but it's nothing that the newly recov
until an enemy comes within range of his spiked chain, ered wands can't handle. Eventually, the winter pass
then resorting to melee attacks. Gutterrut watchesqui es, and the churches of Cauldron prepare for the year
etly froma vantage point on the northern wall, waiting with a newfound respect for the Flood Festival. Jenya 3 .0
to seewhowins the battle. If the PCswin, the quasit fol gladly pays the PCs their reward of 5,000 gp, even if °D s%>'
lows them around invisiblyand waitsfor a good chance the PCs were good-hearted enough not to ask for one
to cause some mischief in the first place.


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Dark plots are afoot in the town of Cauldron, eri. He's not sure how dangerous the mission to rescue
despite the best efforts of adventurers, who've Zenith is, so he decides to kill two birds with one stone
already foiled a kidnapping conspiracy and by manipulating the PCs into attempting the rescue. If
averted a citywide flood. Vhalantru the beholder is still they succeed, he'll gain a potent bargaining chip with
the city's puppet master, ruling from behind the scenes. the Cagewrights. If they fail, well, that's one less group
The Cagewrights have but one task left before they can of do-gooders he has to worry about eventually discov
turn Cauldron into a massive gateway for an army of ering his true nature.
fiends from the Outer Planes. They need to find one But first, Vhalantru wants to test the characters, and
more Shacklebom. And Vhalantru believes he has found the lord mayor has had difficulty lately collecting taxes
their final Shacklebom in Zenith Splintershield. from a merchant named Maavu. When an errand takes
Once a righteous dwarven defender, Zenith disap the PCs to northwest Magma Avenue, Vhalantru's agents
peared into the Underdark a decade ago.Vhalantru has release a fiendish umber hulk to rampage through the
discovered that Zenith yet lives, but is now a prisoner city—conveniently near many of Maavu's shops, offic
of a kuo-toan cult deep underground. es, and warehouses. When the characters vanquish the
Zenith marched into the Underdark with a small marauding umber hulk, they get an invitation to the
army of dwarves, steadfast in his determination to save Cusp of Sunrise, an invitation-only club for nobles.
the vast caverns from evil. But the Underdark didn't After dinner at the Cusp, an alluring woman named
want to be saved, and Zenith's men faced countless Celeste leads them into a private meeting room where
grim battles against mind flayers, derro, and worse. they meet a dwarf so decrepit that he looks dead. The
As he buried friend after friend, Zenith despaired of dwarf, Ironlord Davked Splintershield, explains that he
his quest. Somewhere in the dark, he grew insane—or has been cursed by a terrible wasting disease because
had his first revelatoryvision from the Smoking Eye, he disowned his three sons. The only way for the curse
as he would later put it. With the surviving dwarves, to be lifted, Davked relates, is to make peace with each
Zenith marched into the kuo-toan temple-fortress of of his three sons. He's done so with two of them, but he
Bhal-Hamatugn, as bid by his vision. The kuo-toas eas can't find the third son, Zenith Splintershield.
ily captured the dwarves,then mercilessly slaughtered Celeste offers the PCs a reward if they can find Ze
all but Zenith in a horrid ritual. As he was being led nith and return him to Cauldron. The characters head
to the sacrificial dais, Zenith began babbling wildly in north from Cauldron into the mountains, eventually
Kuo-toan, prophesying the bloody death of the kuo- reaching an entrance to the Underdark near the hut
toan sorcerer-chieftain. of an old hermit named Crazy Jared. They climb down
Intrigued, the kuo-toas spared Zenith's life. The fol
lowing day, the kuo-toa chieftain was indeed dead, slain
bya demonwhen its planarbindingspellwent awry.The S+AR*inG *HE CHAPTER:
kuo-toas unshackled Zenith and listened closelyto his ZEIU*H *RAIEC*FIRY
raving prophecies. Yearslater, Zenith is the de facto lead Many weeks should pass between the events of
er of the kuo-toas,goading them to greater atrocities in chapterthree and this one. Winteris overand spring
the name of the presencehe knowsonlyas the Smoking is beginning. The characters should have had time
Eye. Hisdread ferocityin battleand his uncannyvisions to recover and to do any shopping, item creation,
have amazed the kuo-toas,who veneratehim with a pas or other long-term tasks. Before running Event 11,
sion that borders on worship. What neither the kuo-toas inform spellcastersthat they should prepare spells
nor Zenith realize, however, is that the source of his vi for a day spent running errands in town, keeping
sions,the SmokingEye, isin fact the insanedreamingof in mind that Cauldron hasn't been the safest city in
the imprisoned demon prince Adimarchus. the world lately.Also, if any of the characterstake the
Vhalantru doesn't know any of this, but he needs Ze Leadershipfeat at this time, you should take some
nith in his clutchesjust the same. He hopes that by time beforestartingthis chapterto work new cohorts ?; o
presenting the final Shacklebom to the Cagewrights, and followersintothe campaignas appropriate. //
he'll gain even more favor with the cultistsand be giv
en special privileges once they open the gate to Carc
into the Underdark and reach the kuo-toan temple of Exterior doors are strong wooden doors (Hardness 5,
Bhal-Hamatugn. There the PCs learn that Zenith is the 20 hp), and they're all unlockedbecause the shop pro
leader of the kuo-toas, not a prisoner. They must con prietors flee in such haste.
tend with Zenith and the kuo-toas before returning to Creatures: The most important creature in this en
Cauldron to claim their reward. counter is the fiendish umber hulk, which is desperate
to destroy as much of the city as possible. The charac
EVENT U: UMBER HULK SMASH (EL 9) ters must also deal with crowds of Cauldron residents
The chapter starts with the characters minding their who werejust in the wrong place at the wrong time. As
own business on Magma Avenue Northwest when a the battle goes on, they may have to deal with the city
fiendish umber hulk begins its rampage through the watch (a help or hindrance, depending on the confu
city.The timing of the attack is no accident, of course— sion rolls) and three Cauldron residents in particular
Vhalantru has had the characters under sporadic and danger (Beppo, Kyria, and Mergala). The characters
discreet surveillance,and he's decided the time is right may get some useful assistance from agents of the city's
to test their mettle. Magical Threats Agency, who rush to Magma Avenue
Magma Avenue Northwest is a mix of small shops as soon as they can. The tactics for each character or
and larger mercantile warehouses, so the characters group are discussed separately below.
might go there for any number of reasons: replenish ^ Fiendish Umber Hulk: hp 71; see Appendix 4.
ing the contents of a spell component pouch,repairing ? Town Guards, male and female half-ore fighter 2
a loose pommel on a sword, or fencing some of the (4): hp 15; see Appendix 4
loot from their previous adventures. Even if they don't ^ Kyria, femalehuman expert 2: hp 7;see Appendix4.
have specific business on Magma Avenue, it's one of ^ Beppo, male human commoner 3: hp 8; see
the four main thoroughfares encircling Cauldron, so Appendix 4.
they might just be passing through. ^ Mergala,female elf rogue 3: hp 11; see Appendix 4.
This encounter should play like a big set-piece ac ^ MTA Agent, male and female gnome wizard (il
tion sequence from a movie, with lots of property dam lusionist) 3: hp 17; see Appendix 4.
age, civilians caught in the crossfire, and other distrac Umber Hulk Tactics: The umber hulk's mission is
tions. Because the characters begin completely rested to destroy the city, so it focuses on property damage
and may eventually get help from the city watch, they at first, relying on its confusing gaze to keep the city's
have a better chance than the Encounter Level would protectors at bay. It won't completely ignore the city's
otherwise indicate. residents; it might take a swipe at anyone who comes
Have each PC make a DC 20 Listen check to get a within reach. Once an attack deals the umber hulk 10
moment's forewarning of the umber hulk attack. Those points of damage or a spell somehow hampers its abil
who succeed get a surprise round when they hear the ity to rampage, it attacks any obvious foe.
low rumble. Have these characters roll initiative, and The umber hulk's most important ability is its con
then take their surprise round actions. On the fiendish fusing gaze. It's too busy trashing the city of Cauldron
umber hulk's turn, it erupts from the ground with a to actively try to meet the eyes of PCs, so characters only
roar at the corner of a nearby warehouse, which col have to make Will saves at the beginning of their turns.
lapses immediately. If a PC is within 30 feet of the umber hulk at the be
The map of the Umber Hulk Attack indicates where ginning of his turn, ask how they handle the confusing
the umber hulk emerges from Maavu's warehouse. The gaze (their options are described in the Gaze Attacks
characters immediately have to deal with the umber section in Chapter 8 of the Dungeon Masteb's Guide).
hulk and the crowd. At the end of every round, assess If reduced to 35 hit points, the umber hulk bur
how the battle is going, and introduce encounter ele rows into the ground, leaving no tunnel behind it,
ments to help or hinder the PCs if you need to. The De then emerges id4 rounds later by digging up into the
velopment section below provides a suggested sched middle of a building. It then trashes the interior before
ule for reinforcements and complications, but let your moving out into the street again. It repeats this tactic
own sense of pacing guide your decisions. when it reaches 15 hit points.
There's a lot going on in this encounter. The terrain The umber hulk saves its smite good ability for a bite
is complex, there are a number of NPCs to keep track attack against an enemy wearing the holy symbol of a
of and a bunch of characters are probably going to be good deity, unless it's about to die anyway, in which
have randomly because of the umber hulk's confusing case it smites anyone nearby, hoping the target is good.
gaze. Make sure you've read the stat blocks and keep It reserves use of its Power Attack feat for unarmored
your notes organized. foes and buildings. If it misses an unarmored foe by 5
Magma Avenue is well-maintained cobblestone ex points or more, it won't use PowerAttack against that
cept where the umber hulk crashed through the wall, character again.
where the terrain is dense rubble, adding 5 to the DC When the umber hulk attacks a building, just skip
of Balance and Tumble checks, and adding 2 to the DC right to damage,rolling2d4+i2for eachclawand 2d8+9
of Move Silentlychecks.Warehouseand shop walls are for the bite. A building wall has hardness 5 and 60 hp.
6-inch-thick wood (Hardness5, 60 hp, Climb DC 21). If you don't want to keep track of hit points for wall
sections,just assume that six attacks (or 2 full-round feet with each of Beppo's move actions. Otherwise, it
actions)are sufficientto tear a 5-foothole in a building. moves at only 5 feet per round during Beppo's turn.
Two adjacent 5-footholes are enough damage to cause MergalaTactics: Disasters sometimes bring out the
the entire wall to collapse. worst in people, and one of them is Mergala (marked
CrowdTactics:The passersby marked on the map of "M"), a common criminal who tries to take advantage
the umber hulk attack function as crowds (described in of the disorder by sneaking into the warehouses and
the City Streets section in Chapter 3 of the Dungeon shops of Magma Avenue and helping herself. She uses
Master's Guide). As the DM, you have enough to keep the Hide skill, moving 15 feet with each move action,
track of without worrying about the exact composi until she reaches one of the following three buildings:
tion of the crowd. Every round at initiative point o, the Udoo the Silkmonger, Maavu's Imports, or Garlock's
crowds move 30 feet away from the umber hulk. If the Auctions. She enters, spends a round casing the joint,
crowd falls within range of the umber hulk's confus then takes 2 rounds to grab all the valuables she can.
:•# '
ing gaze, however, the entire crowd doesn't move that She then runs away (60 feet as a full-round action be
round (those fleeing are hindered by those attacking, cause she's got 100 pounds of loot).
babbling, and so on). Characters can use Diplomacy MTA Force Tactics: The lord mayor recently cre
or Intimidate to direct the crowds, as described in the ated a special section within the City Watch, the Magi
Dungeon Master's Guide. Even a confused crowd can cal Threats Agency, in response to recent events. Their ^
be directed, although it moves at only half speed be precinct station happens to be nearby, so they come to
cause not everyone willingly responds. face the umber hulk. A group of four gnome wizards
City Watch Tactics: Unless the PCs warn the city watch arrives with mage armor already cast, then casts shield
ahead of time, id4+4 soldiers of the city watch rush into and blur while they assess the scene. The gnomes then
melee with the umber hulk, exposing themselves to its attack from outside the range of the umber hulk's con
confusing gaze. Those who make their save—which fusing gaze with their wands of magic missile.The MTA
won't be many of them—avert their eyes each round agents try to coordinate their efforts with the PCs if it
and attack as best they can with their halberds. Once looks like the PCs are being effective, offering to cast
they realize they're out of their league, they attempt to haste ovjly from their scrolls, for example. They're also
retreat (read: flee) or desperately cry for help. eager to lure the umber hulk into an alley, where they
Kyria Tactics: Kyria is a seamstress who lives in the can cover it with web spells.
third-story apartment marked "K" on the map. The The MTA agents have decent Will saves, so they risk
round she appears, she screams for help from the the umber hulk's confusing gaze if they must.
apartment window, holding a baby in her arms. On Development: This encounter includes a lot of
the following round, the umber hulk passes within NPCs, but you don't have to deal with them all at once.
30 feet of her window. Once that happens, Kyria sets The umber hulk's confusing gaze ability means that
her swaddled baby on the windowsill on her next ac fights against it probably last longer than normal, so
tion, twitches, and flees back into the apartment. The you can introduce other NPCs gradually. The following
babyworks its way free of the swaddling with a DC 10 schedule indicates when the characters have a chance
Strength check (the baby has Str 1), making one check of noticing each NPC. Adjust it depending on how the
each time Kyria's initiative point comes up. Once the pacing of the battle goes.In particular, strive to givethe
babygets free, it wavers precariously on the windowsill characters one or two things to worry about beside the
for one round, then falls to the street at Kyria's initia umber hulk. They should be somewhat distracted, but
tive point in the round after that. don't overwhelm them—or yourself.
Beppo Tactics: Beppo is a fruit merchant who fre Round 1: Umber hulk and crowds.
quents Magma Avenue in the spot marked "B."His cart Round 2: Beppo.
is overladen with fruit and other comestibles. Beppo Round 3:City Watch.
has a Strength of 8, so he can only move the cart 5 feet Round5: Kyria.
as a full-round action. Beppo is stubborn enough to Round 7: Mergala.
have a good chance of resisting the umber hulk's con Round 10: MTA agents.
fusing gaze (and he keeps his eyes closed after the first
round anyway),but also stubborn enough to refuse to EVENT 12: INVESTIGATING THE RAMPAGE
leave his fruit cart. As Magma Avenue returns to normal, squads of the
The cart weighs 800 pounds, but its wheels make it CityWatch swarm the area, directing crowds, securing
effectivelyweigh400 pounds for the purposes of move the crime scene (Maavu's warehouse), and otherwise
ment. As a full-round action, each character helping urging everyone to move along, nothing to see here. A
Beppoapplieshis Strengthseparatelyto the cart, using kindly sergeant takes a statement from the PCs, thanks
theheavyload listedonTable 9-1: CarryingCapacityin them for their efforts,and says,"A representative of the
the Player'sHandbook. Beppo, for example,has a heavy lord mayor'soffice will be in touch with you, probably >, O
load of up to 80 pounds.If the sum of everyone'sheavy tomorrow, if there's anything else." // TU$>
load reaches or exceeds400 pounds, the cart moves 20 If the PCs wantto do some investigatingthemselves,let
them. The City Watch is willing to let them cross barri-
4 m m p

cades and ask the occasional question ofa witness,as long of the PCs and presents him with a small white card.
as they don't make a nuisance ofthemselves,but the Watch She says,"I'd like to arrange a business dinner with you
doesn't have time to escort them from place to placeor get and your comrades for tomorrow sundown. You'llfind it
them interviews with people who aren't present. profitable. Dress appropriately." She demurs on further
The inside of Maavu's warehouse is completely questions, saying over and over again, "We'll discuss it
trashed; the umber hulk's burrowing has even buckled tomorrow night." Ifpressed, she hints that the invitation
the floor and covered everything with heavy rubble. A has something to do with the umber hulk rampage.
DC 20 Search check reveals some sigils that may have The white card is written with fine calligraphy, and it
formed part of a summoning circle, but it's impossible reads: "Cusp of Sunrise/Obsidian Avenue Northeast."
to know for certain. Any member of the City Watch A DC 10 Knowledge (local) or Gather Information
and anyone who works on Magma Avenue Northwest check reveals that the Cusp of Sunrise is a well-known
knows that the warehouse belongs to a rich merchant dinner club and inn for nobles. Access is by invitation
named Maavu. But Maavu is nowhere to be found. from a member only, and the membership list is re
Some of his employees helpfully suggest that Maavu puted to be quite exclusive.The Cusp is owned by one
might be at his office, but the domestic staff there of Cauldron's nobles, an elven woman named Ophellha
says they don't know where he is. Gather Information Knowlern who livesin Hollowsky.Atrip along Obsidian
checks are likewise unhelpful. Avenue Northeast reveals an ivy-covered, cross-shaped
More information becomes available later that eve building with a circular tower that stretches as tall as
ning. Shortly after sundown, a rumor spreads through the citywalls.Anengravedsign on the ironbound door
the city about Maavu, and a DC 10 Gather Information says "C.o.S.—MembersOnly." Soft laughter and music
check reveals that Maavu was seen fleeing the city at can be heard from within.
dawn on a black horse with clouds where its hooves
should be. This is, of course, a false rumor seeded by EVENT 14: DINNER AT THE CUSP
Vhalantru's agents, who are alreadyat work discredit When the PCs arrive the next day, a knock on the door
ing the merchant. is met by an immense bald man in light blue robes.
"You're the umber hulk people. I'm Renjin—welcome
EVENT 13: A DINNER INVITATION to the Cusp of Sunrise."
Later the same evening, a strikingly beautiful woman He doesn't move from the doorway until the char
who identifies herself only as Celeste approaches one acters producethe white card Celestegave them. He'd
rather not ask for it directly, and coughs politely and West Door: An engraved sign above the door says,
acts ever more pleasant and nonchalant until the PCs "Dueling in West Courtyard Only."Passing through the
get the idea to give him the invitation. He then smiles door, the PCs find themselves in a glass-enclosed court
broadly and ushers them inside with a grand bow. yard with finely manicured topiaries and flowering
Once inside, he looks the PCs over from his mahoga plants. No one is dueling at present, but blue-robed ser
ny desk. Any character who isn't wearing a noble's outfit vants are cleaning the glass and trimming the bushes.
or masterwork (or better) light armor and at least 100 South Door: The hallway beyond this door leads to a
gp in visiblejewelry won't get beyond the antechamber. succession of nicely appointed studio apartments (for
Renjin hints about clothing without actually saying the out-of-town noble guests and philandering nobles whose
PCs are underdressed, repeatedly complimenting the spouses have kicked them out of the manor). Members
outfit of everyone he sees who is dressed nicely. If a can stay as long as they like for free. About half of the
PC asks about a dress code, Renjin smiles broadly and dozen apartments are occupied and thus locked.
mentions a clothier and jeweler he knows on Lava Av East Door: An engraved sign above the door is
enue Northeast who's "ever so tasteful." marked "Offices." Despite Renjin's warning, no one
Melee weapons and light armor are perfectly accept stops the PCs if they walk through this door. Two spiral
able accessories in the Cusp of Sunrise, but shields or staircases lead up from and down to the underground
medium or heavy armor are considered a dress.code kitchen; observant characters soon realize that the ser
violation.Ranged weapons are likewisefrowned upon, vants always ascend on one staircase and-descend on
and Renjin mentions that "there are no stags to be the other. The rest of the east wing is given over to six
hunted in the Grand Library, good sir" to anyone car conference rooms of varying sizes. Characters who scan
rying a bow or crossbow. the area magicallysee moderate auras on three of the
Once everyone is ready, Renjin says, "Celeste will conference rooms, and a DC 20 Spellcraft check reveals
join you shortly. Until then, make yourselvesat home. that they're guarded by an abjuration effect (Morden-
As invitedguests,youhave access to all areasexceptfor kaincn'sprivatesanctum,specifically).Those three doors
the east wing. You'll find the Grand Library through are locked.
the door behind me. Good evening." Whiletheywait for Celeste,the PCs can amuse them
The encounter with Renjin should last only as long selves in any number of ways.
aseveryoneat the gamingtableis havinga good time— Order Drinks: A bar just past the harpsichord in the
there's no sense in dragging this out longer than nec GrandLibraryservesdozensofdifferentlibations,eachcost
essary.What you're trying to get acrossis the exclusive, ing from 1gp(housewine)to100 gp(vintagefey-mead).
high-societynature of the club. If you can have a little Order Food:Anyservant can provide a menu or bring
fun watching the PCs deal with a world that's more a meal to a PC who asks. Each day's menu features at
foreign to them than the most dangerous dungeon, so least a half-dozen complete meals ranging in price
much the better. from 1 gp (slow-roasted mutton with spiced potatoes
The doors behind Renjin lead northeast to the big and leafygreens)to 10gp (rarevenison,saffron-infused
gest room in the club: the Grand Library. grain medley,and druid-tended vegetables).Meals ar
rive 10 minutes after a character orders one.
The center of the Cusp of Sunrise is a room some Play Dice:The nobles play a dice game called gem-
100 feet across—a circular tower whose inside sur snatcher that uses strange-shaped dice (convenient
face is covered with bookshelves and iron ladders on ly, the same dice you play D#D with).Any number of
sliding rails. A score of nobles are present, but only characters can play gemsnatcher, although the tables
a few are reading. Most are clustered in conversa seat only six. The game begins with each player si
tion as they sip wine from slender flutes.Others play multaneously rolling a 4-sided die. Characters who
a dice game at a series of circular tables. A few eat, roll a 1 have "snatched the gem" and trade their 4-
using fine cutlerywhile ensconced in plush leather sided die for a 6-sided die. Then everyone rolls si
chairs. A harpsichord stands on a small stage to one multaneously again, and anyone who rolls a 1 gets to
side, but no one is playing it at present. Blue-robed "snatch the gem" and upgrade their die to the next
servants scurry from noble to noble, appearing and larger one.
disappearing through swinging doors to the north, This continues until the round where one or more
south, east, and west. players are rolling the d2o for the first time (by vir
tue of rolling a 1 on the 12-sided die in the previous
The PCs can explore beyond the Grand Library if round). Everyone rolls the die one last time. Every
they like. The doors behind them lead past Renjin's player who doesn't roll a 1 in the final round must pay
desk and outside. The other doors lead to the rest of a number of coins equal to the d20 roll to the players
the club. who rolled the 20-sided die. For example, if you're the
North Door: Stables. Nobles who fancy horses make first player to upgrade to the 20-sided die, your first of arriving via this door. Stabling and grooming roll is also the final round of the game. You roll a 14,so
is free for members, and servants are always present every player who didn't roll a 1 in the final round must
grooming horses and repairing tack. pay you 14 coins.

At the Cusp of Sunrise, tables are designated "gold," and hopes to use such a talented and obviouslywell-cul
"platinum," or "ingot." The kind of table tells you what tured adventurer as a way to wean her away from lead
kind of coin the winner gets paid in. Ingots are small ing the Stormblades. Conversely, if the PCs have already
platinum bars worth 100 gp, and they're available from tangled with the Stormblades and caused Annah harm,
the bartender. Gemsnatcher is played conversationally. Ankhin recognizes them and becomes flustered. He de
A player typically regales the others with an anecdote, mands that the "thugs" be removed from the Cusp, but
then everyone rolls the dice as they laugh. Someone Vhalantru intervenes at this point to overrule Ankhin.
might then ask a pointed question, and everyone rolls The spurned noble gathers his things and storms out of
the dice while someone thinks of a witty answer. the Cusp without another word.
Chat with Nobles: Most of the nobles engaged in Besun'nfc and Liorial Lathenmire: Husband and wife,
conversation don't particularly welcome newcomers; these two nobles are dressed in matching suits of ex
they're considered to have an unfriendly attitude, al quisite elven chain. Although not technically members
Nk> though they are outwardly polite. Characters can use of Cauldron's nobility, the Lathenmires are as close as
Diplomacy to improve a noble's attitude. Mentioning one can possibly get without actually being aristocrats.
that they defeated the umber hulk immediatelychang They are Cauldron's most successful weapons traders
es the nobles' attitude to friendly,although they insist and importers, and before the evening is over,Beswink
that the PCs tell them about the battle rather than dis and a fair number of other patrons retire to the west
cuss anything else. courtyard to observe a demonstration of an adaman

Severalof the guests at the Cuspof Sunrisethis night tine spiked chain he recently procured from an un
o* are prominent local nobles. The followingin particu named master weaponsmith from the distant north.
lar might catch the party's interest. Note that with the The Lathenmires agree to speak with the PCs if they
exception of Vhalantru, none of these nobles make the can impress them with a DC 25 Diplomacy check, at
first move and approachthe PCs, althoughall of them which point they are invited to join their other friends
keep an eye on the party throughout the evening. A in the westwing for the chain demonstration. They are
successfulDC20 Spotcheckfollowedbya DC20 Sense both secretly quite proud of their daughter Cora for
Motive check is enough for a character to notice one of choosing the adventuring lifestyle,and if the PCs have
these NPCs watchingthem.ADC 15 Knowledge(nobil caused her distress or harm, the Lathenmires avoid the
ity and royalty)checkis goodenoughto identifyanyof PCs, givingthem icyglares throughout the evening.
these prominent locals. Adrick Garthun: Perhaps the most distinctiveperson
V)\alantru:Vhalantru got wind that the PCs were in at the Cusp tonight is Adrick Garthun, a gregarious
vitedto the Cusp of Sunrise,and made surehe'dbepres dwarf with snowy hair and a black leather half-mask
ent so he could observe them. He would like to see how with a translucent black gem set in the eyehole. All
they present themselves and interact with the others for of his teeth are gold, a trait he enjoys showing off by
a short time before he approaches them. He thanks the smiling.Attendedat all times byhis twodwarvenbody
PCsin personforallthe servicesthey'veprovidedto Caul guards Daxavaltand Kerg,Adrickis a common sight at
dron, and commendsthem for their heroicsin fighting the Cusp.The owner of a successful importing agency,
floods and umber hulks. Strive to present Vhalantruas Adrick also happens to be the one providing the Last
an important but complimentarynoble. He might even Laugh with the gold and silver they need to mint their
invitethe PCs to visithis houseat a laterdate,to take part own coins. Adrick has little to say to the PCs, and the
in a dinner to celebratetheir accomplishments. PCs likely have little reason to speak with him. Never
AnkhinTaskerhill:One of Cauldron's wealthiest nobles, theless, if the PCs approach the dwarf they find him
Lord Ankhin Taskerhill has little time or interest in the friendly and welcoming, and quite eager to talk busi
PCs. He's constantly surrounded by a crowd of about a ness or local politics. The PCs are destined to meet Ad
dozen minor and petty nobles, all of whom vie for his rick at least once more, in Chapter Eight.
attention and approval. If the PCs can impress him with Perform: The unattended harpsichord should be
a DC 25 Diplomacycheck, he'll publiclyrecognizetheir a magnet for any PC who has ranks in Perform (key
good deeds and offer the PCs a pouch of 10 pp as his board instruments). The nobles are a jaded audience,
personal thanks. While this causes his adoring fans to however, especially when confronted with a musician
grumble and eye the PCs with jealousy, the PCs should they don't know. Unless the PCs have already identi
realizehis "award"for what it is,a thinly veiledattempt fied themselves as the vanquishers of the umber hulk,
to brush them off as his inferiors.Amale PCwho puts the DCs for a Perform check (described in the Perform
on at leasta memorableperformanceat the Cusp(witha skill description in Chapter 4 of the Player'sHandbook)
DC 29Perform check)also attracts his attention, but in a are 4 higher than they'd otherwise be. The harpsichord
different way. Ankhin introduces himself, compliments is of masterwork quality, so it grants a +2bonus on Per
pi s the PC on his skill, and then offers to introduce the PC form checks.
/C to his daughter Annah. In this scenario, Ankhin tries to Browse the Library: Most of the books cover Caul
& 3-RAS^ win that character's loyaltywith compliments, financial dron's history, and there's a treasure trove of genea
support (including loans of up to 2,000 gp), and advice. logical data as well (the Cagewrights have secretly been
He secretly disapproves ofAnnah'sadventuring lifestyle, researching the family history of those born with the
Carcerian Sign in case it's an inherited trait). Characters will waste away to nothing unless he makes peace
able to spend 4 hours researching a question here gain with each of his three sons. He's done so with two of
a +2circumstance bonus on a Knowledge them, but he can't possibly travel the Underdark in
(geography), Knowledge (history), his frail condition. That's why he wants the PCs to
Knowledge (local), Knowledge bring Zenith back.
(nobility and royalty), or The PCs probably have some questions. Here
bardic knowledge check. are Davked's likely answers:
Can't magic cure you? "I wish it could.
EVENT 15: Even the most powerful clerics of my faith
A PRIVATE have been unable to reverse what Marta
MEETING wrought. Perhaps the gods found her
Eventually, as the eve words fitting—I can't argue with her
ning winds down, sentiment."
Celeste arrives at the How do you know Zenith's alive?
Cusp. She makes sure "I've had cleric and wizard alike cast
the PCs have whatever powerful divinations, and here's
food and drink they desire, what they've revealed: Zenith is be
then ushers them into a con ing held prisoner in. a kuo-toan
ference room in the East shrine in the Underdark north
Wing (not one of the magi of here. The shrine is called
cally warded, locked ones). Bhal-Hamatugn." .

Awaiting her there is How will we find him?

Davked Splintershield, "Find Bhal-Hamatugn
a dwarf so old and ema and you'll find my son Ze
ciated that he'd almost nith—how many dwarves could
pass for a skeleton. Even there be in a kuo-toan shrine? You'll
his snow-white beard looks know him by his great righteousness,
ragged and thin, as if it were his jet-black beard, and the battle
about to fall out. He wears fine / ^. standardof the Splintershield
robes, and beneath their voluminous folds clan, which he is honor-
the PCs can see a hint of chain—adaman bound to carry."
tine, perhaps? How soon? "The soon
"You're the heroes of the city right er the better, obviously.I
now, and it's heroes I need," he wheez don't know how long
es. "I'll pay you weU if you rescue my I've got, and I don't
son from the Underdark." want to face the af
Davked then tells the tale of his terlife with a curse
son, Zenith, although Celeste hanging over
takes over for part of the my head
story when Davked gets from this
too winded to keep speak world."
ing. Zenith was a righteous How

dwarven defender and the much money?

lord of the Malachite Fortress "I'll pay you 4,000
that guarded the underground gold each, or 6,000
approaches to Cauldron. About in equivalent arms and
a decade ago he recruited a small armor from the finest
army for a crusade to rid the Un craftsmen in my clan. Plus
derdark of evil, marched into the Celeste says she'll sponsor
darkness, and never returned. you and pay for your mem
Davked pleaded with him not to bership fee here at the Cusp
abandon the Malachite Fortress, and of Sunrise. That's worth 1,000
father and son nearly came to blows gp right there, and the fact that
over the disagreement. Davked freely she'U vouch for you is some
admits that he was a harsh, unyielding thing money can't buy."
father to his three sons. But he's paid a How do we get to Bhal-Hama
terrible price: when his wife Marta died tugn? (Celeste fields this ques fr TRh&O
last year, she cursed him with her dying tion.) "There's a complication. An
breath for driving her sons away. Davked other group of adventurers—they
call themselves the Stormblades,perhaps you've heard coming to the Cusp of Sunrise in case the characters
of them—caved in all the passagewaysbeneath Jza employ truth-detecting magic; as a result, his current
dirune and the MalachiteFortressabout a month ago. Bluff check is at +54. He says whatever the characters
So there's no easy access to the Underdark from Caul want to hear—all he cares about is that they accept the
dron anymore. However,there's reputed to be a fissure mission. Gortio doesn't know the real reason Vhalantru
that leads to the Underdark in the mountains north of wants Zenith back in Cauldron. "Vhalantru wants Ze
the city. Specifically,a hermit named CrazyJared men nith back in Cauldron," is all the reason Gortio needs.
tioned it to some of Davked'sclansmen.I've got a map At this point, Gortio is still a normal doppelganger
that'll get youto CrazyJared's place.It's abouttwo days rogue. His stat block in Appendix 4 applies to him after
north by horse, or four days on foot." he is transformed into a tarterian creature in Chapter
What do we do once we rescue him? (Celeste fields Eight. His stats shouldn't become important for this
this question as well.)"Bring him backhere to the Cusp encounter, but if they do, make sure to back out the ad
of Sunrise, and I'll take over from there. Poor Davked justments made from the application of this template.
will likely be at his home—it's taken a lot out of him to Gortio/Davked also doesn't quite lie when he tells
do this much, in fact." the PCs that powerful divinations revealed Zenith's lo
Davked is willing to pay more for the PCs' services, cation, but he comes close. Spells did reveal the general
but he won't exactly volunteer that information. If the whereabouts of the missing Shacklebom, but Gortio
characters ask for more money, he instead offers them also knows that his master received the specific loca
an advance(he'll go as high as 50% paid in advance)or tion and the name of Bhal-Hamatugn from an infor
up to 7,000 gp in dwarven weapons and armor. His true mant within the kuo-toan stronghold. A Sense Motive
limit is 6,000 gp or 9,000 gp in dwarven weapons and check opposed by Davked's Bluff check (when the PCs
armor. If he reaches that point, he angrily wheezes that ask about how they know Zenith is alive) here reveals
he should have hired the Stormblades all along instead that the dwarf isn't quite revealing everything he knows
and tells Celeste that the meeting is over. about how Zenith's whereabouts were determined.
Development: This entire interview is riddled with Celeste is also more than she appears. She is, in
falsehoods. Zenith does indeed have a father named fact, an agent for a powerful good-aligned archmage

I 1321 Davked,but this isn't him. This is Gortio, a dangerous

doppelganger rogue who works for Vhalantru. Gor
who lives far to the north. This archmage has learned
something of the Cagewrights' activities in this region,
tio is smart enough to lie effectively, coming up with and sent Celeste south to investigate. Celeste is actu
believable but unverifiable details in the answers he ally a ghaele eladrin, although she uses disguise self to
gives.He used a charge from his wand ofglibnessbefore appear as a beautiful human woman. She's uncovered
a fair amount about the various conspiracies in Caul growing increasingly frustrated with the old man's
dron—and suspects that Vhalantru is dirty. Her goal nonsensical answers.
here is to goad the conspirators into revealing them Gotrrod's father is a much older dragon, Hookface,who
selves, most likely by their abducting Zenith once the lairs on a mountain peak about 60 miles north of Crazy
PCs bring him back. She also wants to test the PCs—if Jared's hut. Hookfacehas been slumbering for the past sev
they prove able and powerful, she hopes to use them as eral years,but is due to awakensoon (seeChapter Nine).
tools against this corruption. Jared is a loon, but he could be a useful loon if
For now, Celeste keeps her cards close to her chest. the PCs befriend him. He happily casts any spell he
She doesn't want to blow her cover yet. Unfortunately knows—including legend lore—on their behalf and he
for her, she's about to get in over her head. knows a great deal about the history of Cauldron and
the region. Jared's madness is beyond the power of re o
EVENT 16. CRAZY JARED (EL 7) move curse,greaterrestoration,or heal to fix.
Celeste provides a map showing the wayto CrazyJared's ^ Gotrrod, male young red dragon:hp 121 (currently
hut, which is some forty miles north of Cauldron along 98); see Appendix 4. Gotrrod has already cast 3 of his
trails that wind through alpine meadows and rugged ist-level spells.
mountains. Consult the Introduction for appropriate ? Jared, male human bard 10:hp 33; see Appendix 4.
wandering monster encounters along this journey. Gotrrod's Tactics: Gotrrod prefers to stay aloft, bom
Once the characters reach the spot on the map marked barding Jared's hut and any foes with blasts from his
"Crazy Jared's Hut," they'll still need to search a fairly breath weapon.He commonly flies directly overhead at %'
large area of mountainside to find the hermit's abode. an altitude of 30 feet and breathes straight down, cre
Fortunatelyfor them, someone's already found it. ating a 25-foot-radiuscircular breath-weapon pattern >:
As this chapter begins, a red dragon named Gotrrod on the ground. He only lands if it looks like there's no
(son of the legendary dragon Hookface)has started to opposition or if he's taking more damage from ranged
expand his claim on the surrounding region. Only a attacks and spells than his breath weapon is dealing.
few hours before the PCs arrive in the area, Gotrrod Jared's Tactics: Jared is, quite frankly, as nutty as a
had a run-in with another local dragon, the notorious fruitcake. He's ill-equipped for combat, but if the PCs
ly fecund black dragon Dhorlot. The two dragons had can keep him safe,he can be helpful indeed.
crossed paths many times before, and each time their Once Jared sees the PCs, he yells, "Onward, my
encounters ended in a fight. Gotrrod won this most re knights! For Anduria!"and uses his rod of splendor to
centfight,forcingDhorlotto retreat to his lair in Bhal- garb himself in robes fit for a king. On the second
Hamatugn,but not before the black dragon scored a round, he begins to use his inspire courage ability,
lucky hit with his breath weapon. Gotrrod knows that composing a new verse in an epic poem every round.
Dhorlot has a secret lair far underground, and has been His epic tends to be equal parts flowery language and
spending the last few hours scouring the mountains play-by-play,but even a round that goes badly for the
looking for this entrance. PCs gets a very sympathetic treatment in Jared's epic.
Creatures: As the PCs arrive in the area, allow them If one PC does particularlywellagainst Gotrrod,Jared
to make DC12Spotchecks.Successindicates that they switches to inspire greatness, targeting that character.
see a flash of fiery light over a hill. Failure indicates Jared's hut and the fences that surround it are made of
theyautomaticallynotice plumes of smoke rising from wood and straw, so they immediatelygo up in flames if
this area a few minutes later. Gotrrod breathes on them. They deal 2CI4 points of fire
If the PCs notice the flash of light early and make damage to any characterstandingnext to them (within5
haste to the source, they'll arrive at CrazyJared's hut as feet) until theybum themselvesout in about20 minutes.
Gotrrod hasjust started to vent his frustrations on the Development: Once the fight is over, Jared thanks
area. In the center of the meadow stands a thatch hut the PCs in an imperious voice and says, "Behold the
surrounded by a low wooden fence crudely painted to peaceablerealmof Anduria!Haveyou seen a land more
look as if it were made of brick and mortar. Four thick beauteous?" He then casts hallucinatoryterrain to cover
posts have been driven into the ground at each corner the immediate vicinity in an illusion of verdant, sun-
of the fence, and a mixture of wood and fabric between dappled rolling hills covered with ready-for-harvest
the posts forms an unconvincing simulation of a stone vineyards and dotted with stands of flowering trees.
tower. Gotrrod wheels in the air above the now flam Jared isn't trying to fool the PCs; he openly casts the
ing hut, having just blasted it with his breath weapon. spell, and anyone who succeeds at a DC 19 Spellcraft
Crazy Jared scrambles away from the conflagration, a check knows exactlywhat he did. But he is fooling him
wild-eyed old man gripping a silver rod in his hands. self Jared lives his life under the delusion that he is
Otherwise, the PCs arrive after Jared's hut has been King Jared IV, ruler of the (nonexistent) realm of An w
burnt to cinders. In this case, Gotrrod has landed in duria. In reality, his illusion and enchantment spells
the ruins and has cornered Jared against two large keep him safe from the dangers of the mountains, and h
rocks. The dragon is interrogating the old man in Dra he's just a hermit in a thatched hut. But in his mind, fTu£
conic, trying to find the entrance to Dhorlot's lair and he's a head of state, serving the brave and doughty yeo
men of his realm.
Here are some questions PCs might ask, and his answers:
Are you crazy? "What a bold question to ask of your
liege! But I'll indulge it, for you are not the first citizen
to make such a query. I'm as sane as any ruler, and
saner than the demon-queen of Kheltos, who threat
ens my realm from north and south." (There's no such
place as Kheltos.)
Is there an entrance to the Underdark near here?
"Indeed, a foul place known as the Pit of the Seven
Jaws. If some servant will fetch me pen and parchment,
I can easily sketch you a map of the place. Just last week
I sent five hundred of Anduria's finest there to guard
against an incursion by the mind flayers."
We come from Cauldron. "How is that town, cer
tainly one of the finer in my realm? Are the residents
carefree under the gentle hand of the lord mayor? I am
cheered to see the city rebuilt after the long siege by
the army of Kheltos."
Have you heard of Bhal-Hamatugn? (Jared immedi
& ately casts comprehendlanguages.)"It sounds Kuo-Toan,
• i^- this phrase that trips ill from my tongue. In the third
declension, it means "lucky blackness." Or perhaps
"blackfish"—myKuo-Toanis somewhatrusty."
This isn't a castle. "It is in need of repair, 'tis true.
I'm considering a competition where the finest arti
sans in the realm will offer designs of grandeur for a
new palacewhose towerswill scrape the sky itself."
If the characters confront Jared with proof of his de
lusion,he chucklesand says: "It is said that the royal
blood of my family is tainted with a touch of madness.
Too much inbreeding in a bygoneage, I suppose.We'll
just have to get along, knowing that our perceptions
differ in certain minor ways."
The PCs can banter with Jared as long as they wish;
he's a font of information,even if obviouslyimaginary
details surround the useful answers Jared provides.
Once Jared scrawls a map on a tattered bit of parch
ment for the PCs, they can head further into the moun
tains. Another twentymiles on reasonablyclearmoun
tain trails leads to the Pit of the SevenJaws.


This entrance to the Underdark would be used more,
except that it's remote and guarded by a dangerous
cryohydra. Hydras are complicated monsters, so it's a
good idea to study their entry in the Monster Manual
before running this encounter.

This forty-foot-widepit scars an otherwise unremark

able alpine meadow, surrounded by low mounds of
the dirt and rock that once filled the hole. A metal-
grate stairway spirals counter-clockwise down the
interior surface of the pit. The pit bottom is dimly
visible some sixty feet below.With the stairwayin the
s a way, the walls of the pit near the bottom are hidden

& 3TIA^0
from view.
The stairs are gradual, so it poses no particular dif
ficulties to movement. However, the stairs are also ex-
tremelycreaky,imposing a-10 penalty on Move Silently Several short dead-end passageways branch off of
checks.Each flight of stairs descends 15 feet vertically,so the main fissure along the way, but no significant side-
the landings at the corners are 45 feet high (northeast), tunnels present themselves before the PCs eventually
30feet high (northwest),and 15 feet high (southwest). reach the kuo-toan shrine of Bhal-Hamatugn. Here
The PCs can't initially see it, but a rough fissure in the they face the kuo-toan religious fanatics who have fall
south wall near the pit floor leads into the Underdark. en under Zenith Splintershield's sway, and learn the
Creatures: In the fissure is a seven-headed cryohy- chilling truth: Zenith is the leader, not the prisoner, of
dra. It listens (Listen +7) for the approach of intruders, the kuo-toas.
hoping that the stairs will bring it another meal. The kuo-toas have killed or frightened away most of
? Seven-Headed Cryohydra:hp 75; MonsterManual155. the.other nearby denizens of the Underdark, so they
Tactics: The cryohydra waits in the fissure until the don't fear an attack on Bhal-Hamatugn. A few guards
PCsreachthe northwest landing, then attacksthe lead PC watch the entrance, but the other kuo-toas are busy wor
or PCs with its breath weapon. It can't reach higher than shiping, monitoring the breeding program, and prepar
the landing, so any PCs farther up the stairs are safe.Then ing for their next major battle. They respond quickly to
it ducks back into the fissure while its breath weapon re a cry of alarm or other sign of trouble, but they go back H
charges. Because the stairs are a metal grate, not solid to their usual routine after 12 hours. The kuo-toas of
iron, they provide less cover to those standing on them Bhal-Hamatugn are convinced of their invulnerability
(+2 bonus to AC and +1 bonus on Reflexsaves).Once PCs and the oracular wisdom of Zenith; their leader would
reach the southwest landing, the cryohydra makes bite at surely have foreseen any serious invasion.
tacks with its heads between breath weapon attacks. It may take the characters several forays into Bhal-
Treasure: In an alcove in the northeast corner of Hamatugn before they reach Zenith Splintershield.
the pit bottom is the flash-frozen corpse of a drow. After the first attack, the kuo-toas send the spearmas-
He wears a +1 mithral shirt and carries two masterwork ter Hlanamm and four kuo-toa soldiers to pursue the
scimitars, a masterwork composite longbow (+3 Str), characters, discover where they're camping, and per
five arrows, and 25 gp. haps pick off any stragglers. The whips prepare new
spells every midnight; although they're underground,
BHAL-HAITlA-FUGn the water clock in area 7 tells them when to medi
The fissure at the bottom of the Pit of Seven Jaws leads tate about Blipdoolpoolp's slimy majesty. If the PCs
downward gradually,descending about 100 vertical feet employ daylight spells to force the kuo-toas to suffer
over the course of a quarter-mile. A stalactite-studded light blindness, every whip prepares darknessor deeper
ceiling is 20 feet to 50 feet (id4+i x 10)overhead, and the darkness the following midnight. Thereafter, in every
fissure itself is 10 feet to 40 feet wide (id4 x 10) at any encounter, one whip always readies darknessas a coun-
given point. For purposes of overland movement, the terspell against daylight(assuming a whip is present).
fissure counts as trackless mountains (1/2 movement). When the PCs first reach Bhal-Hamatugn, read them
It's ten miles to the cavern containing Bhal-Hamatugn. the following description.
Random Encounters: There is a 10% chance per
hour of an encounter as the characters travel to Bhal- The Underdark passage opens out into an immense
Hamatugn. If an encounter is warranted, roll on the rift cavern at least a half-mile across and several hun
following table: dred feet deep. Faintly glowing with phosphorescence
at the bottom of the rift is a massive stone structure
UIIDERDARK EnCHUIVtER *ABLE shaped like a prehistoric spined fish. Awide stairway
D% Encounter Average EL can be dimly seen leading up into the fish's mouth.
01-03 1 behir 8 A narrow ledge slopes down, hugging the side of the
04-08 1 drider 7 cavern as it descends in a series of switchbacks.
09-13 ld3+l minotaurs
14-19 ld3+l centipede swarms 7 Characters who succeed at a DC 20 Spot check note
20-24 1 gauth (beholder) 6 that water covers the floor of the cavern. From this dis
25-34 ld3+l derro 6 tance, they can't tell how deep the water is.
35-42 lettin 6 The ledge heading downward is fairly smooth and
43-49 ld3 gargoyles 6 well-traveled, although there aren't any discernable
50-58 ld3+l ghasts (ghoul) 6 tracks on it. The characters can easily walk down to the
59-66 ld3+l gricks 6 shore, where they encounter the ferry-keeper.
67-74 ld4+lshadows 6
75-79 ld4+2 giant bombardier beetles (vermin) 6 THE FERRY (EL 7)
80-84 ld3+l bugbears 5
85-87 ld4+4 dire bats 5 The water begins about a hundred yards from the A
88-91 ld4+2 drow elves 5 base of the stairway that leads into the structure. It's // TRh^
92-95 Id3 ogres 5 murky, silty water—obviously only a few inches deep
96-100 1 troll 5 at first, but it's impossible to tell by looking how deep
it gets. A thin mist floats a few feet over the surface tershield back to the surface"),Aabhaca paddles them
of the water. across the surface of the lake.
But it matters whether Aabhaca believes them or not.
Creature: A few moments after the PCs arrive, a IfAabhacasenses danger or falsehood from the PCs,he
long canoe emerges from the mist, drifting slowlyto attempts to flip the canoe when the stern passes near
ward them. Crouched in the stern is a froglike crea the stalagmite by the stairway,40 feet from the base of
ture the size of a human, holding a paddle in one the stairs. The splash alerts the guards in area 15, who
hand and a shortspear in the other. The canoe stops immediately begin shooting into the water. It takes a
about 20 feet from the water's edge, and the creature DC 10 Strength check to flip the canoe, and each PC
looks in their direction. in the canoe adds +2 to the DC. Whether Aabhaca suc
Many PCs will start a fight here. Those who don't ceeds or not, he dives under the surface of the water,
may learn something about the nature of the kuo-toas, then attacks whichever PC appears to have the most
' *••
although the nature of the ferry-keepermayleave them trouble swimming.
more puzzled than ever. If Aabhaca believes the PCs, he drops them off at
This is Aabhaca,the ferry-keeper.His kuo-toan keen the stairway,then paddles off into the mist. Along the
sight is good enough to see even invisiblePCs, as long way, the PCs can pump Aabhaca for information about
as they're moving. Zenith and Bhal-Hamatugn. This is your chance to be
^ Aabhaca,kuo-toamonk 5: hp 47; seeAppendix4. as cryptic as possible without lying outright or seem
Tactics: Aabhaca waits a moment for the characters ing deliberately evasive. Like many of the residents of
( to speak. Bhal-Hamatugn, Aabhaca has a poor grasp of reality.
If the PCs attack right away, Aabhaca throws his His responses to the PCs' questions tend to wander
shortspear at the nearest PC, then dives into the water. and circle back on themselves, and he speaks as if the
The followingrounds,he swims for the stairway,which characters are fellow kuo-toan worshipers of the Sea
he reaches in 2 rounds. If he gets inside Bhal-Hama Mother, even though they obviously aren't. For exam
tugn, he sounds the alarm, then joins the soldiers in ple, if the characters say,"Have you seen a dwarf named
area 15 after getting another spear from area 16. Zenith Splintershield?" Aabhaca responds, "I glimpse
Ifthe PCsdon't sayanything,he croaks(inKuo-Toan), Zenith amid the great darkness, but he glimpses things
"Seek ye the SmokingEye? I'll guide you through the beyond the dark, where it is darker still. Darker than
maw." Slowly putting his spear down, he beckons the dark, yes.And I see dimly what Zenith sees, in the dark.
characters into the canoe. The cold, wet dark. It's dark, dark where I see Zenith.
If the PCs speak to him, Aabhaca behaves in a friend Are you from the dark?" And so on.
ly manner but speaks only cryptically.Many players Ad-hoc XP Award: Because the characters are on a
will attempt some sort of ruse or false pretense to get specific mission—recovering Zenith Splintershield—
Aabhaca to take them into Bhal-Hamatugn.Let them, they earn full experience for Aabhacawhether they de
and have them make Bluff checks as appropriate as feat him in combat or trick him into deliveringthem
you roll Aabhaca's Sense Motive check. Aabhaca's ini to Bhal-Hamatugn.
tial responseis the same, no matter how well or badly
the ruse goes. He beckons them into the canoe, then BHAL-HAMATUGN FEATURES
slowly paddles toward the stairway.Even if the PCs are Once the characters get to the stairs, they've reached
completelyhonest ("We're here to bring Zenith Splin their goal: the kuo-toan fortress-shrine of Bhal-Hama-

fc TRP&O
tugn. Unless stated otherwise, dungeon features have
the following characteristics.
Walls: Bhal-Hamatugn's walls are made of l-foot-
thick superior masonry (hardness 8, 90 hp, Climb DC
25, break DC 35) covering the solid stone that the giant
fish is made out of They're covered with tiny droplets
of condensation and trickles of water run down them,
which is why the Climb DC is higher than it otherwise
would be. Ceilings are 15 feet high.
Floors: Well-fitted flagstone floors are the rule,
although they're uniformly wet, with large pud
dles collecting water in the center of most rooms.
This makes them slippery and increases the DC
of Balance and Tumble checks by 5. Some places
are marked on the map as shallow pools. It costs 2
squares of movement to move into a square with a
shallow pool, and the DC of Tumble checks in such
squares increases by 2. The pools also impose a -2
penalty on Move Silently checks.
Doors: All the interior doors in Bhal-Hamatugn
are carved from solid blocks of granite (hardness 8, 60
hp, break DC 28) and have nested hinges (describedin
Chapter3 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). The doors
all have locks (DC 25), but they'll only be locked if the
alarm has been sounded and it makes tactical sense to
do so. Mangh-Mictho,Saagogoi,and Zenith each have
a key for the doors—thesame key opens every door in
Bhal-Hamatugn.The doors lockfrom either side,and a
lockeddoor won't open from either side without a key.
Stairs: The steep staircases in Bhal-Hamatugn re
quire2squaresofmovementto enter each squarewhen
ascending.They're also slippery,so characters running
or chargingdown them must succeed at a DC 15 Bal
ance check or stumble and perhaps fall, as described
in the Miscellaneous Features section in Chapter 3 of
the Dungeon Master's Guide. The stairs have railings
wherevertheydon't have a wall next to them.


When the characters approach Bhal-Hamatugn, they
may come under fire from the kuo-toa soldiers keep
ing watch from the structure's"eyes."

An immense structure of rough, wet stone in the

shape of a fishlikecreature stands here. Its eye sock
etsareempty,revealingdarknessbeyond,and its slick
surfaceis dotted with patches of faintly phosphores
cent moss, giving the entire structure a faint purple
glow. Asteep but wide stone stairwayemerges from
the water and leads to the open mouth of the fish, and
from within sound faint, sporadic, froglike croaks.

The PCs can try to sneak past the four kuo-toans in

the eye sockets (area 15) above, but it'll be tricky be
cause the kuo-toans have good Spot bonuses and can
see moving invisible creatures.
Creatures: Four kuo-toan soldiers watch this area.
They're actually hiding in area 15, but they probably
fight characters in area 1.
^ Kuo-toa Soldier(4): hp 19each;see Appendix4. to take any legitimate non-kuo-toa guest through the
Tactics:The kuo-toas are watchingfrom the rough prison (area 3)and the torture chamber (area 8) rather
crenellations that form the lower eyelid of each eye than through this door.
socket. As the PCs approach, check whether the kuo- -/* Greaterglyph of warding: CR 7; spell; spell trig
toa soldiers see the PCs and whether the PCs see them; ger; no reset; spell effect(greaterglyph of warding[blast],
the kuo-toashave a Hide bonus of+6 and a Spotbonus i6th-level cleric, 8d8 sonic, DC 19 Reflex save half dam
of+10. If possible, the kuo-toas wait until a PC is with age); multiple targets (alltargets within 5ft.); SearchDC
in 30 feet of the eye sockets before firing their hand 32;Disable Device DC 32.
crossbows,because then they deal sneak attack dam
age.They focus their attacks on whichever PC is closest 3. SOLDIER BARRACKS (EL 7)
to the entrance. They have cover(+4 to AC, +2 to Reflex
saves) from the sockets. Behind a ratty tapestry is a room faintly lit by pur
If the kuo-toan soldiershavea chance,theydrawtheir plish patches of phosphorescence on the floor. A
rapiers and leap out of the eye-socket balconies and midden heap sits in the center of the room, and the
onto a nearbyPC. They take 2d6 points of damage and walls have primitive stick-figure carvings of bipeds
dealid6 points of damage to whomeverthey land on— with spears on them. Four slight depressions in the
if they make a DC 15 Tumble check they only take id6 floor hold an inch or two of water.
points of damage from the fall. The impact automati
callybouncesthem into a random adjacentsquare. A DC 15 Knowledge (nature) check or the scent abil
Development:The sounds of battle may awakenthe ity reveals that the phosphorescent patches are actu
off-duty soldiers in area 3. Check at the end of each allykuo-toa excrement—the glowis a byproduct of the
round; it's a DC o Listen check to hear the battle, but glowing mushrooms in area 17.
they have a -10 penaltybecause they're sleepingfor a Creatures: A few kuo-toa soldiers rest here. If the
net penalty of-7. Don't forget to account for distance complex is on alert, they're no longer asleep.
as well. If the kuo-toas from area 3 don't arrive on their £• Kuo-toa Soldier(4): hp 19each; seeAppendix4.
own, one of the kuo-toas in area 15 rouses them if a Tactics: Unlike their counterparts in area 15, these
protracted ranged battle develops. soldiers are likelyto engagein melee combat as soon as
they make contact with the PCs. They use the Tumble
2. ENTRY CHAMBER (EL 7) skill to set themselvesup in flankingpositionsso that
Whether Bhal-Hamatugn has been alerted or not, this they can deal sneak attack damage with their rapiers.
area is usually empty, but the battles in other rooms They have only one attack per round anyway, so they
could spill into this chamber. The double doors lead don't give up anythingif they move into newpositions
ing deeperinto the kuo-toanshrineare trapped. every round. They fight to the death, although they
aren't above feigning unconsciousnessif they think
Red and green-tinted frescos cover the walls in this theycan get a sneak attackfrom the deceptionlater.
largely empty chamber. A set of carved stone doors
stands opposite the main entrance, flanked on the left 4. PRISON (EL 8)
by a fresco of a frog-creaturecarryinga strange staff
with two-tinedforks on both ends, and on the right Beyond the iron portcullis is a hallway running
bya squatmalehumanoidin plate armorwitha black north and south. Alongits east wallis a series of cells,
sphere where his head should be. Frescos to either divided by walls of solid masonry and enclosedby
sidedepicthundredsof red, spear-wieldingkuo-toas . portcullisesof their own. The bars are set onlya few
marching through Underdark caverns.Curved shards inches apart. Inset in the wall to the north is an iron
ofwhatlooklikethin, fragileporcelaincoverthe floor. lever pointing straight up.
Passagewayslead east and west from here.
Firstthe charactershave to contend witha loud port
A DC 15 Search check reveals that the paint on the cullis.Once the PCs getinto area4 itself two prisoners
humanoid fresco is much fresher than the other fres of the kuo-toas beg the PCs to release them.
cos,which are starting to crackand peel.The new fres The iron portcullis that bars the way into area 4 is
co is an "artistic" representation of Zenith himself A easy to operate. Swinging the inset lever clockwise
DC 10 Knowledge(nature)check reveals that the por from the 12-0'clockto the 6-o'clockposition sets into
celain shards are actuallybroken eggshells,and a DC motion the mechanism in motion that opens the port
20 Knowledge(nature) check reveals that they're from cullis. But the portcullis makes a shrieking, grinding
kuo-toa eggs. Spreading eggshells on the floor is a racketwhenit opens or closes.If the PCwho pulledthe
measure of hospitality among the kuo-toa. lever immediately reverses the course of the lever, the
0 Trap: The doors are carved with an abstractzig-zag mechanism emits only a brief shriek. Otherwise the ca
Tutf* pattern. They're also trapped with a glyph of warding cophony of the portcullis lasts for a full round.
that goes off when any non-kuo-toa opens the door,
whether it was locked or not. The kuo-toas are careful
BriefNoise:The kuo-toasin area5don't hear the brief ergar beneath Cauldron.Cherrit didn't think anything
shriek of metal on metal, but Garekk the mummy in of it at the time, but recently he heard a rumor that in
area 8 might hear it and hide underwater. visiblebirthmarks had immense arcane power and used
Sustained Sound: Garekk automatically hears the a legend lore scroll to locate Bhal-Hamatugn.At first,
portcullis open fullyand hides underwater,waiting pa he claims to be "in the wrong place at the wrong time"
tiently for the PCs. and admits his interest in Zenith only after a success
Silencingthe Portcullis:Most of the mechanismis be ful Bluff,Diplomacy,or Intimidatecheckon the part of.
hind the wall, so it's impossible to manually lubricate the PCs. Even then, he claims to be checking on his old
and repair the portcullis mechanism to be quieter. A comrade'swell-beingand won'tmention the birthmark
grease spell is likewise problematicbecause the spell- unless charmed or otherwise compelled to do so.
castercan'ttarget the relevantparts.Asilencespell does The PCs can simply leaveboth White-Eyeand Cher O
the trick, however, and a DC 25 Disable Device check rit locked up, although if they announce their inten •'•*' »
lets the PCs manually lift the portcullis without engag tion to do so, both try to bargain for freedom with
ing the noisy mechanism. detailed but completely fictitious descriptions of the
Each of the metal plates is a coVer that swings out kuo-toa defenses deeper in the temple (neither of them
ward to reveal a lever in the 12-0'clockposition. Unlike have been beyond the torture chamber in area 8). If one
the portcullis between area 2 and area 4, these levers prisoner starts describing the rest of the temple, the
make only a faint squeaking sound when pulled, but other loudly exclaims, "He's lying! He's leading you
they're locked in place with big iron padlocks (Open into a trap!"
Lock DC 25). The PCs can bash these locks open (hard Both prisoners try to conceal their true power from
ness 15, 30 hp), but if they do so, there's a 50% chance the PCs (White-Eye'slycanthropy and Cherrit's spell-
that the blows also knock the gears out of alignment, casting).White-Eyetakeshybrid form onlyif he'sabout
sticking the portcullis in place. to fight.
Creatures: Two of the cells are empty. The north Development:If PCs are obviouslybadly wounded,
ernmost cell holds White-Eye, a wererat thief appre either prisoner immediately attacks if freed. Otherwise,
hended by the kuo-toas. The southernmost cell is a freed prisoner promises to leave Bhal-Hamatugnand
occupied by Cherrit, an evil halfling sorcerer from never return. They keep half their promise, returning
Cauldron who knows part.of the Cagewrights' plan. a few hours later.White-Eyefigures that the PCs might
They've been locked up together for weeks, and each disrupt the kuo-toas enough to make temple-looting
hates the other intensely. easier, while Cherrit figures he can still find Zenith.
As soon as either prisoner sees that the intruders The PCs probablymeet the former prisoners on a later
aren't kuo-toas, he begs to be freed. The other prisoner foray into Bhal-Hamatugn—whenit's least convenient
immediately replies, "Don't free him! He's working for them.
with the kuo-toas!"The first prisoner replies, "Liar!You The characters earn no experience for setting the
love the frog people, not I!" They both begin jabber prisoners free, nor do they earn experiencefor leaving
ing at once,accusing the other of perfidyand inventing them in their cells, because neither is a challenge. They
very specificstories about how the other one is a kuo- earn experience only if they defeat the prisoners in a
toan thrall. reasonably fair fight. But if the PCs set either prisoner
^ White-Eye, wererat human fighter 4: hp 37; see free, they will undoubtedly have that chance in a later
Appendix 4. encounter, and they earn experience points then.
^ Cherrit, male halfling sorcerer 6: hp 21; see Ad-hoc XP Award:As they are when initially encoun
Appendix 4. tered, both prisoners are worth 20% less experience
Tactics:White-Eyeknows that Cherrit is a spellcaster than normal because they have no equipment.
of some sort (he's seen Cherrit cast light occasionally)
although he's not sure what kind. He claims that Cher 5. SHRINE TO THE SEA MOTHER (EL 9;
rit tried to get White-Eyeto talk one day, then relayed SEE TEXT)
the conversation to the kuo-toan jailers while White-
Eye was pretendingto sleep.White-Eyewas capturedby A seventy-foot-highstatue of a lobster-headed and
the kuo-toas about three weeks ago as he tried to sneak lobster-clawed woman dominates this chamber. Its
into Bhal-Hamatugn, intending to rob it of its riches. eyesglowwith a bright crimson that illuminates the
Cherrit knows that White-Eye talks to a rat, so he be room. An iron-railed balcony rings the room at a
lieves that White-Eyehas a rat familiar (making him an height of thirty feet, above a pool of water. A stairway
arcanist)or is a druid. Cherrit was captured about five leads up to a platform directly across the chamber
weeks ago, and claims that White-Eye is a mercenary that encircles the midsection of the statue, a few feet
magicianworking for the kuo-toas who locked himself below its massive crustacean claws. The balcony fol
in a cell moments before the PCs arrived. lows the walls three-quarters of the way around the ^ o
Cherrit, a Cauldron native, is here looking for Zenith chamber. To the east and west are stairs leading both TM&
Splintershield too. He happened to see Zenith's strange up and down. About thirty feet above this balcony is
birthmark a decade ago when the duo were fighting du- another balcony, which extends only halfway along

the leftand right walls.Frescosof bloodysacrifices—
parts—coverthe walls. Everysingle kuo-toadepicted
is facing the lobster statue.

Drawbridgeson the upperlandingaregenerallykept

retracted, to prevent easy access to areas 17-19; these
bridges can be raised or lowered via wall-set winches
in the hallway south of area 5A.
Thestatueof Blibdoolpoolpis made of pure obsidian,
and is essentiallya massive,stationarymagicitem.It has
the followingeffects,all functioningat casterlevel 15th:

So- Permanent widened unhallow that covers all of area

5. This blocks all mental charm and compulsion
effects,makes rebukingeasierand turning harder,
and gives all creatures a +2 deflection bonus to AC
and a +2 resistance bonus on saves against attacks
made or effectscreated by good creatures.
So- The statue countsas three additionalwhipsfor the
purpose of the kuo-toas' lightning bolts, and the
the sameroomas the statue,not necessarilytouch
ing it. Four whips can generate a lightning bolt
that deals 7d6 points of damage in area 5,and even
a solo whip can generate a 4d6 lightning bolt.
Jo- Whenever a nonevil character enters area 5, the
statue uses a variant of a planar ally spell to call a
specific erinyes devil, Aushanna, 2 minutes later.
Aushanna returns to the Nine Hells after 10 min
utes, and won't return for another hour. If Aus
hanna is killed, the statue can't call another out
sider until a clericof Blibdoolpoolpof at least15th
level learns the name of another demon or devil
and makesa dealwith it through the statue to serve
as this area's guardian. Once the cleric learns the
outsider's name, the process of establishing the
new link requires a ritual that takes 12 hours of
prayer and meditation. For the sake of this adven
ture, slaying Aushanna effectivelyends this par
ticular threat even if the PCs leave the kuo-toan
stronghold and return later.

Creatures:The kuo-toa whips in area 5care engaged

in rhythmic croaking if they haven't been alerted yet.
If they've had at least a few rounds warning,they have
prepared enough electricity for a lightning bolt.
The characters immediately must contend with
two groups of kuo-toas: the whips at the base of the
stairs and the soldiers on the upper balcony, who
aren't initially visible to the PCs. Two minutes after
the PCs enter this chamber, Aushanna the erinyes
arrives, called from the Nine Hells by the power of
Blipdoolpoolp's statue. Because the PCs won't neces
sarily face all these creatures at once, they're dealt
with separately below.
^ Kuo-toa Whips (4): hp 29 each; see Appendix 4.
^ Kuo-toa Soldier (4): hp 19each;see Appendix4.
? Aushanna,advancederinyes:hp 114; see Appendix4.
Kuo-toa Tactics: Both sets of kuo-toas are more than Trap:A,greater<g/yphofwardingguardstheclaypot,triggering
willingto engage in ranged combatbecausethey know ifanyone who isn'ta kuo-toawearinga holy symbolofBlib
that if they can survive for a few minutes, Aushanna doolpoolpbreaksthepotorliftsthelid.
will arrive to reinforce them. The whips stay together V* Greater Glyph of Warding: CR 7; spell; spell trig
in a group,castingtheir defensivespells(entropicshield, ger; no reset; spell effect(glyph of warding [blast],16th-
then shield offaith) and generating lightning bolts as level cleric, 8d8 sonic, DC 19 Reflex save half damage);
often as they can. They only draw their morningstars multiple targets (all targets within 5 ft.); Search DC32,
and attack if they've already cast their defensive spells Disable Device DC 32.
and the characters have moved down to engage them Treasure: The contents of the pot are different in
in melee. The soldiers spread out to the balconies on each priest's chamber. >>
the east and west walls and fire their hand crossbows at East Chamber.500 gp,malachite-handledmirror (100
the PCs. gp), pearl necklace(300 gp), garnet ring (100 gp).
If a kuo-toa is close enough to charge a PC on a bal West Chamber.1,200 sp, 200 gp, embroidered mantle
cony, it tries to bull rush the PC off the balcony,going (400 gp), ebony chess pieces(200 gp).
with the PC if necessary—these are religious fanatics,
after all. It's a 30-footdrop from the balconies and plat 7. MEDITATION CHAMBER (EL 9)
forms in area 5b and a 60-foot drop from the upper
balconyin area 5a.The presence of the rail givesa char Murky waterlapsjust a few inches below.thethresh
acter resisting a bull rush attempt a +2 circumstance old to this room. The room is empty of furniture,
bonus on the Strength check. but the walls are covered with crab claws, mandibles,
Aushanna Tactics: Unlike the kuo-toas, Aushanna and other crustacean appendages carved in bas-re
has to work quickly because she returns to the Nine lief The warm light of a fire streams from doorways
Hells after 10 minutes. She flies up near the ceiling to the left and right.
and peppersthe PCs with arrows, using Rapid Shot to
make four attacks. If the PCs deal her significant dam This room is almost devoid of features, but one of
age (more than 15 points in a singleattack),she teleports the most powerful kuo-toas in Bhal-Hamatugn spends
away for a round or two, then teleportsback. She takes most of his time here.
advantage of her speed and maneuverability, using The meditation chamber is where the whips come to
FlybyAttackand Shot on the Run to flit backand forth preparespellseach day. Some of the claws on the north
between squares with cover from the PCs. wall form shallow bowls that spill over into each other;
If Aushanna arrives to find an empty chamber, she the fountains form a water clock so the kuo-toas know
flies through Bhal-Hamatugn looking for intmders. when to pray to Blibdoolpoolpagain. But the charac
With her true sight ability,she's likelyto find them, but ters must get through Mangh-Mictho,the head whip,
the searchuses up some of the 10 minutes she's allot before they can examine the water clock.
ted on the Material Plane. There's a chance the PCs have to engage in under
Treasure: If Aushanna is slain, the PCs can claim water combat here. It's a good idea to reread the Un
her bowand other equipment. As a called outsider, her derwater Combat section in Chapter 3 of the Dunceon
body and possessionsdon't disappear when she dies. Master's Guide before running this encounter.
Creatures:Mangh-Mictho,the head whip,spends most
6. PRIEST'S CHAMBER (EL 6; SEE TEXT) ofhiswakinghourshere,tendingthe shrineandnotifying
the other whips when it's time for them to return to the
A stone cistern about six feet long and four feet chamberand pray. He is waitedupon bya duergarslave.
across dominates this room. Shelves cover the walls. £ Mangh-Mictho, male kuo-toa cleric 8: hp 75; see
Most are empty, but a few hold moldy scrolls or rot Appendix 4.
ting books.A lidded clay pot some four feet tall sits ? Duergar Slave: hp 9; MonsterManual 91.
in the northern corner. An obviously magical flame Tactics: When he hears trouble, Mangh-Mictho first
burns in a brazier hanging from the ceiling. locks the door, then has his duergar slave help him put
on his armor (4 minutes). Once armored, he casts pre
These two rooms differ only in minor details. The paratory spells in the following order: bear's endurance,
personal quarters of the high-ranking whips, the cham bull's strength,owl's wisdom, entropicshield, shield offaith,
bers are notable only for their Trap and Treasure. magicweapon,divinefavor,and divinepower. He moves to
The scrolls and books are mostly religious texts about the door and listens for 1 round, then unlocks the door
Blibdoolpoolp, although they occasionally reference to face the intruders in area 5.
other faiths—mostly those of Wee Jas and Vecna. A PC When Mangh-Micthohas all the spells cast, his stats
who reads Kuo-toan that spends at least 20 minutes improve as follows: hp 103; AC 29; Full Atk +19/+14/+9 pi 2
scanning them, however, spots a passing reference to melee (idio+10, +1 pincer stafr); Fort +11, Will +16; Con ?; o
the "dark wisdom of the dwarf Zee'niht Shpehn-trah- centration +17, Jump -5, Listen +9, Spot +13, Swim +11; *nutf"
shad."The text provides no further details. saveDC 17 + spell level,18+ spell level for evocation and
The cistern is filled with clean water. necromancy spells.
By stepping into area 5, Mangh-Micthocan generate 9A. ARMORER'S WORKSHOP
a lightningbolt everyid4 rounds that deals 4d6 points
ofelectricitydamage.But Mangh-Micthocan also try to Down a long hallway is an alcove, partially covered
entice at least some of the PCs into entering area7, so with a bright red tapestry hanging from pegs in the
he might step back a square or two so he threatens an ceiling.Beyondit is a primitiveforge and a tablewith
open door with his pincer staff,which has a reach of 10 woodworkingand leathercraftingtools.
feet. Once one ormore PCs step into the room,Mangh-
Mictho moves to the door himself and closes and locks This vacant room is where one of the kuo-toas makes
it. He's willingto sufferattacksof opportunityfor this shields and armor for the rest of the tribe.
action. If Mangh-Mictho gets PCs inside area 7 when
the door is locked, he casts the raise water version of 9B. PAINTER'S WORKSHOP
control water, filling areas 6 and 7 to the ceiling.Then
the PCs must contend with the dangers and difficul Beyond the second red curtain is another alcove,
ties of underwatercombat,as describedin Chapter3of dominatedby a wooden table covered with mixing
the Dungeon Master's Guide.Those outside the locked bowls,mud-pots,and ceramicjars of paint.
door see onlya slowlygrowingpuddle of water, unless
they can open the door before their comrades drown. One of the kuo-toas prepares the paints that become
the frescoselsewherein Bhal-Hamatugnin this room.
8. TORTURE CHAMBER (EL 5) Treasure: The fresco paints are worth 500 gp (Ap
praise DC 25 to discern their value).
The passagewayleading to this room slopes down
slightly, and the omnipresent puddles eventually 9C. STONEMASON'S WORKSHOP
grow to the point where you're knee-deepin murky
water. The room, lit by a floating brazier in the This alcove has a pedal-operated grinder and a table
northwest corner containingan obviously magical covered with chisels, picks, and shards of flint, some
flame,has all manner of torture implements:shelves crudelyfashionedinto spearpoints.
with scalpels,thumbscrews,a largejar of salt, and a
well-oiledstretching rack. Manacles hang from the This alcove is for the stonemason,who does every
ceiling and the eastern wall. thing from repairs to the walls of Bhal-Hamatugnto
arrowheads and spearpoints for Hlanamm in area 9c
Creatures: Lurking in this room is the kuo-toas' tor
turer, a mummy named Garekk. If he heard the PCs 9D. WEAVER'S WORKSHOP
approach,he's hidingunderwater.Garekkrarelyleaves
this room, except to gather torture victims from the Abigloom coversmost of the availablefloor space in
cells in area4 or deliver"ritualcomponents"to area 5. this alcove.Ahalf-completedtapestryon the loom de
Garekk doesn't remember what race he used to be, and picts the green and black legs of what is apparentlya
he's so twisted and decrepit that it's impossibleto tell kuo-toa,and the swirlingblack tail ofsomethingelse.
by looking at him. Anothertapestryis rolledup and leaningin a corner.
^ Garekk, Mummy: hp 55; Monster Manual 190 ex
cept Hide +7, Intimidate +13, Listen+8, Spot+4. The kuo-toa weaver responsible for the tapestries in
Tactics:IfGarekkhearsthe portcullisin area4 openor Bhal-Hamatugn plies his trade here.
hears conversationin thesouthernhallway,he crouches The PCs should be glad the tapestryisn't completed.
underwater in the northeast corner of the room. When It depictsDhorlot(who lives in area 14) impregnatinga
he first rises from the water—or when the PCs other kuo-toa female.
wise first see him—they must succeed at a DC 16 Will Treasure:The tapestryin the corner,an abstractzig
save or be paralyzed with fear for 1CL4 rounds. He attacks zag design, is worth 400 gp. It weighs 75 pounds.
a paralyzedfoe first if possibleand the nearest enemy
if not. (Kuo-toasare naturallyimmune to paralysis,so 9E. WEAPONSMITH'S WORKSHOP (EL 7)
Garekk'sdespairabilitydoesn'tgetin theway.)
The room is filled with waist-high water to Medi The final alcove holds a round table with a bag of
um creatures. Medium or larger creatures get cover feathers,wooden shafts of various lengths and thick
from the water, but it costs 4 squares of movement to nesses, and a stitched-together padded mannequin
move into any square in the room (or they can swim with severalcrossbowbolts sticking out of its head.
N7 if they wish). Small PCs have to swim, but they gain
Pi improved cover (+8 bonus to AC, +4 bonus on Reflex Creatures: A kuo-toa rogue waits in ambush in this
\ >, 0
saves).Tumbling is impossible unless the character has room, and provides some insight into how the kuo-toa
*TR*tf> a swim speed, and the DCs of Move Silently checks are tribe works.
increased by 2. ^> Hlanamm the Spearmaster, male kuo-toa rogue 5:
hp 41; see Appendix 4.
Tactics: Hlanamm listens carefully, hoping to get Creature: A wraith haunts this room. It doesn't attack
warning of the PCs' approach.Then he hides at the the kuo-toas because it's learned that doing so invites
entrance to his workshop. Ideally,he throws his spear Mangh-Mictho's wrath.
when only one PC remainsin the hallway,but he also •^ Wraith: hp 32; MonsterManual258.
throws if he gets too worried that he will lose the ele Tactics: The wraith lurks near the altar, hiding with
ment of surprise. Hlanamm does whatever he can to only its head stickingout of the wall. If someonefalls
deal sneak attack damage. If taken below half his hit into the pit,the wraithswoopsdown through the floor
points,he flees to area 12, althoughthe portcullismay and attacks the trap victim, hoping to drain him com
keep him in area 11. pletely and create a spawn before the other PCs can
help. Otherwise,the wraith waits until one PC stands
10. HALL OF HEROES (EL 7) apart from the others before attacking,if it can.
Trap: Adeep,spike-filledpit liesjust inside the room
This chamber is mostly empty, but attached to the through the double doors.
walls are about two dozen motionless kuo-toas. y* Spiked Pit Trap: CR 5; mechanical;location trig
Those on the east wall have shields and weapons, ger; manualreset; DC 25 Reflexsave avoids;40 ft. deep
usuallyspears or rapiers. Some have large slashes in (4d6, fall); multiple targets (anyone standing in the
them—wounds that certainly look fatal. Those on marked area after a one-second delay); pit spikes (Atk
the westwallall have grisly holes in their bellies and +10 melee, id4 spikes per target for id4+4each); Search
carry no weapons.Abasalt altar with a single carved- DC 21; Disable Device DC 20.
stone crustacean claw is built into the south wall. Treasure: Golden incense burners (1,000 gp) sit on
the altar.
This room has a pit trap and a resident wraith who
eagerlytakes advantageof PCswho fall down the pit. 11. FINGERLING POOL (EL 8)
The PCs likely assume the worst—that the kuo-toas
on the walls are zombies or some other undead. But This octagonal room has a stone staircase ascend
the truth is far simpler: the kuo-toas honor their he ing into an alcove in the northwest corner and an
roes by stuffing their bodies and mounting them here iron portcullis in the south wall. It looks like a net
so that they can inspire others even after death. The has been woven through the bars of the portcullis,
east wall is for war heroes, and the west wall is for kuo- but the net only reaches halfway up the bars. Most
toan females who'vedied giving birth to the fingerlings of the western half of the room is covered with
in area 11. standing water. The water is murky, so it's hard to
tell how deep it gets,but if the floor is mostlylevel, 13. DHORLOT'S ANTECHAMBER (EL 6)
it shouldn't be more than a foot deep. The walls
are coveredwith frescos of young kuo-toasemerg Thisemptyroomhas wall frescosin a zig-zagpattern
ing from eggs and being handed spears by other so busyit's almost dizzyingto look at. Another carved
kuo-toas. stone door is in the center of the north wall.

In this room, the PCs come into contact with the Traps: This empty room has two traps: one on the
product of the kuo-toa'scrossbreedingprogram:half- carved stone doors between this room and area 12, and
dragon kuo-toa fingerlings. oneinsidethe roomitself Dealwiththe door trap first,
The wateris indeed shallow,exceptas markedon the then read the boxed text above when the PCs get the
map near thestairway.There it's4 feet deep, providing door open.
cover for the guards in this room. Characterswho cross the room face the second trap,
The leverthat opens and closesthe portcullisis inset whichtriggers6 secondsafter the first PCstepsbeyond
into the west wall on the south side of the portcullis. the threshold. Anyone in the room at that point gets
It functionslike the portcullisesin area 4, except that targeted by the trap, unless they're Small or crawling,
it makes only a faint rattling noise.The net keeps the in which case the spears flyharmlessly overhead.
draconicfingerlingsfrom swimminginto area12. V Lightning Bolt Trap: CR 6; magic device; touch
Creatures: Two kuo-toa soldiers crouch on either trigger; automatic reset; spell effect(lightningbolt, 10th-
side of the staircase, and under the surface of the wa levelcaster iod6 electricity,DC 14Reflexsavehalf dam
ter lurk two draconic fingerling swarms (describedin age); SearchDC 28; DisableDeviceDC28. The lightning
the appendix). bolt is wideenough to encompassthe entire stairway.
? Kuo-toa Soldier(2): hp 19each; seeAppendix4. y* Poison Wall Spears: CR 5; mechanical; location
? DraconicFingerlings(2): hp 65 each;seeAppendix1. trigger; manual reset; Atk +16 ranged (id8+4 plus poi
Tactics:The kuo-toa soldiers hide underwaterif they son, spear);multiple targets(anyoneMediumor larger
know the PCs are coming, then raise their heads and in room); poison (Medium monstrous spider venom,
hand crossbowsabove the surface hoping to surprise DC 12 Fortitude saveresists, id4 Str/id4 Str);Search DC
(and sneak attack) the PCs when they enter the room. 17; Disable Device DC 21.
Crouching in the deep water, the kuo-toa soldiers have
improved cover (+8 bonus to AC, +4 bonus on Reflex 14. DHORLOT THE DRAGON-FATHER (EL 9)
saves) from PCs who aren'talso in the deep water.The
fingerling swarms simply attack any PC that sets foot This plain chamber features a stone altar on its north
in the water or comes within a verticaljump of the wa wall and clay pots lining the east and west walls.
ter's surface.
Creature: One of the most powerful allies of Zenith
12. LIVING QUARTERS (EL 8) and kuo-toas, a black dragon named Dhorlot, hides
here. Dhorlot fathered the draconic fingerlings in area
A pool of murky water lies in the center of this room. 12. The dragon has recently retreated to this chamber
The walls are covered with primitive stick-figure after a fight with Gotrrod over a territory dispute. Af
drawings of bipeds with spears. Some carry oval- ter retreating here, several of the kuo-toa clerics healed
shaped objects. Dhorlot of his wounds, and for the next several weeks
he hides here in this tiny room, waiting for Gotrrod to
This is where the rank-and-file kuo-toas sleep,bathe, lose interest in the area and move on.
and eat. ^ Dhorlot the Dragon-Father, male young adult
Astraightforwardfight is in store here,the onlycom black dragon: hp 150; see Appendix 4.
plication being the shallow water that covers much of Tactics: Dhorlot applies typical dragon tactics—
the room. breath weapon or full attack every round—against in
Creatures:Three of the kuo-toas are whips, and the truders. He casts shield if he hears intruders at his door.
others are Bhal-Hamatugn's remaining females (the But unlike the fanatical kuo-toas, Dhorlot isn't willing
others died after giving birth to the fingerlings and are to die to protect Bhal-Hamatugn. If reduced below 60
now stuffed in area 10). hp, he flees, bull-rushing PCs out of the way if he has
^ Kuo-toa Whips (3): hp 29 each; see Appendix 4. to and using obscuring mist at an intersection to slow
? Kuo-toa Females(6): hp 11 each; MonsterManual163. pursuit. If the PCs drive him off, he never returns to
Tactics: The kuo-toa whips cast protective spells on Bhal-Hamatugn, although he may return at a later date
themselves if they are forewarned of the PCs' approach. in the campaign to seek revenge.
pi 3 The females engage the PCs in melee, while the whips Treasure: Most of the clay pots are empty, but some
%A 0
ft cast spells and generate lightning bolts. The kuo-toas hold the dragon's hoard: 60 pp, 800 gp, 1,100 sp, 400
*TU& fight to the death unless they can slip past the PCs and cp, finely wrought electrum bracers (500 gp for the set),
run away, in which case they head toward area 5. four sets of silver flatware (50gp each), three rubies (300
gp each), two emeralds (200 gp each), 1 cut zirconium
(10 gp,but it takes a DC 15 Appraisecheckto avoid mis The mushrooms that cover the floor count as light
takingit for a 2,000 gp diamond),a scroll of dismissal, undergrowth, providing concealment and costing 2
a scroll of cloudkill,a scroll of wall offire, a wand of see squaresof movementto enter eachsquare.The DC of
invisibility(11 chargesremaining),a potion ofcure moder Tumble and Move Silently checks increases by 2.
ate wounds,a potion ofdarkvision,a potion ofdisplacement, Creatures: Four violet fungi live among the mush
and a dose of oilof keen edge. rooms. The kuo-toas don't mind because they're im
Ad-hoc XP Award: Because Dhorlot readily flees, mune to poison.
and because the close-quarters terrain favors the PCs, ? Violet Fungus (4): 15 hp each; MonsterManual112.
award 10% less experience for this encounter. Tactics: The violet fungi lurk near the interior cor
ners of the room. Until they move and extend their
15. GUARD POSTS (EL 7) tentacles, they're indistinguishable from the rest of the
mushrooms. They scuttle forward and attack as soon [•* '
Anarrow passagewayconnects these two small cham as theyhave a livingtarget that doesn't look like a kuo-
bers. Neither has any furniture or features beyond the toa.They aren't intelligent, so they mindlessly fight un ,»*'
large openings in the south wall, which afford a view til slain.
of the lake Bhal-Hamatugn sits in and the larger Un Experience:If the PCs get caught in area 17as it col
derdark cavern. A stone door in the north wall of the lapses, they earn experience as if it was a CR 8 trap.
passagewayconnects the two eye-chambers.
Creatures:It's likely that the PCs fought the kuo-toas BREATH (EL 8)
here when they entered Bhal-Hamatugn. If they didn't,
or if this is a later foray, four kuo-toa soldiers watch the This lozenge-shapedchamber has more frescoes,this
entrance from these rooms, the eyes of the giant fish time of kuo-toas emerging from the sea and march
that is Bhal-Hamatugn. ing into holes in the ground. The floor is covered
^ Kuo-toa Soldier (4): hp 19 each; see Appendix 4. with the same porcelain shards found near the en
Tactics: Because the kuo-toas guard Bhal-Hama trance. The eastern corner of the north wall features
tugn from exterior attack, they don't pay attention to a set of double stone doors.
the stairway that leads from area 3 to here. According
ly, they suffer a -5 penalty on Spot and Listen checks Creatures: If Bhal-Hamatugn has been alerted, or the
against PCs coming up the stairs. Once engaged, they PCs have made any noise opening the door, Saagogoi
rush into melee, trying to make as much noise as pos is perched directly above the door's threshold, using
sible to warn the rest of Bhal-Hamatugn. his slippersofspiderclimbingto cling to the wall where it
meets the ceiling. Otherwise he's standing at attention
16. ARMORY at the doors to area 19.
^ Saagogoi, male kuo-toa monk 3/Assassin 3:hp 49;
This small room has shields stacked on the floor and see Appendix 4.
dozens of spears in racks on the wall. Tactics: Saagogoi is confident enough in his ability
to hide in the ceiling shadows that he studies a foe for
This room is simply weapon and armor storage. 3 rounds, then leaps from the wall and attacks a PC.
Treasure: The room holds 40 heavy wooden shields, He chooses whichever PC looks most like a wizard or
120 shortspears, 10 pincer staffs, and 200 hand cross sorcerer, because he knows they're less able to resist
bow bolts. Five of the shields have had kuo-toa adhe his death attack. Then Saagogoi runs from the cham
sive applied to them. ber, trying to lure the PCs away from area 19. If pos
sible, he hides again, then makes another death attack
17. MUSHROOM GROTTO (EL 7) or sneak attack.

The floor of this large, T-shaped room is cov 19. ZENITH'S CHAMBER (EL 10)
ered with bell-capped purple mushrooms stand
ing a foot or two high. Two massive pillars are Against the north wall sits a throne made of what
the room's only other visible feature. The south looks like stitched-together skin. Four slender pillars
ern pillar has partially collapsed and no longer surround a faintly luminescent circle about five feet
reaches the ceiling. The northern pillar is cracked across, carved into the stone of the floor. To either
but otherwise intact. side of the throne hang banners depicting a dwarf
in blue and white armor holding a waraxe aloft. Both
The northern pillar is all that's holding up the roof.
If it takes 30 points of damage, it collapses, caving in
banners are apparently upside-down. Hanging by
their feet from nooses attached to the 30-foot ceiling I
all of area 17(everythingwest of the double doors).The are dozens of rotting corpses, each with the top of its fTu^
cave-in functions as described in the Cave-Ins and Col head removed. The corpses mutter and twitch in a
lapses section of the Dungeon Master's Guide. pale mockery of life.
The throne is made from the scalps of the corps So- "You'llbe buried alive,but you won't be alone."
es, all foes that Zenith vanquished during &o- "Your heart harbors two ships: betrayal and
his time in the Underdark. A
unique necromantic ef So- "The Smoking Eye will
fect (equivalent to a set your city aflame."
3rd-level spell) makes
the corpses mutter When possible,
nonsense and flex the prophecies
their limbs from should involve
time to time, but death or destruc
the corpses aren't tion and include
undead—they're a specific detail,
just corpses. The even if they're
tapestries are the otherwise mad
Splintershield deningly vague.
clan's battle stan When Zenith
dards. A success reaches 20 hp or
ful DC 18 Knowl less, he breaks out
edge (nobility and of the defensive
royalty) check stance and uses
reveals this, as the teleportation
well as the in circle to go to area
formation that 5b. As soon as he
hanging them can, he readies an
upside-down is action to attack
a grave insult to anyone who fol
anyone of that lows him. He
clan. The circle goes into a sec
in the floor is ond defensive
permanent stance there
teleportation and makes
circle. Any his last stand
one who steps before the
into the circle is red eyes
teleported to the of the Sea
platform in area 5b Mother.
between the pincers of If a PC
the massive statue. uses magic
Creature: A tired-looking such as a see
dwarf slumps in the throne, a invisibility or invisibility purge
glowing sphere in his hand and an axe across his lap. spell to fight the invisible stalker, describe Zenith's
"I prophesy your doom!" he whispers harshly as he birthmark: the sign of Carceri like a big tattoo across
takes note of intruders. This is none other than Zenith his face. If the characters examine it later, they may dis
Splintershield. He won't willinglyleave his throne, but cover that it's naturally invisible.
he's willing to listen to any entreaties from the PCs.
f Zenith Splintershield, male dwarf fighter 7/ BACK*H CAULDRHn
dwarven defender 3: hp 88; see Appendix 4. Once the characters defeat Zenith and get him out
Tactics: Zenith's first action is to hurl his sphere of of Bhal-Hamatugn (provided he still lives), he be
the unseen at the south wall. This summons an invisible comes eerily docile. He follows the PCs wherever
stalker that attacks any PC who hangs back rather than they go, but he won't speak or otherwise interact
meeting Zenith in melee. with them, other than taking offered food and wa
Zenith then adopts a defensive stance and tries to ter. If he's involved in a fight, he adopts a defensive
kill any PC who comes within reach. Each round, he ut stance and readies an action to attack anyone who
ters another prophecy, pointing to a random character. comes within reach.
Here are some sample prophecies, but feel to make up Cauldron is several days away. You can either use
your own. the random encounter tables from the introduction to
liven up the return, or just declare that the trip back
S=> "A man in blue will slay you before the year is to town was uneventful. When the PCs return to the
done." Cusp of Sunrise with Zenith, though, they'll be told
that Celeste had to leave town to tend to an emergency BEHinD*HESCEriES:
elsewhere. They'll be met by Vhalantru himself, who ZEni-EH *RAIEC*FJRY
claims Celeste is a close friend and that she asked him The PCs could learn about the shacklebom in this
to take over custody of Zenith Splintershield and en chapter. If they discover the strange birthmark on
sure he gets to meet his father. Zenith'sface, they can research it as detailed in the
This is all a lie, of course. In tmth, while the PCs introduction to this book. They also meet Vhalantru
wererescuing Zenith, Celestedid a little more research for the first time (in human form) and Celeste, a
into the corruption within Cauldron. She hoped to ghaeleeladrinwho could becomea powerfulally later
find a lead and have this information available for the in the campaign. By the end of this adventure,they
PCs upon their return, planning to ally with them to should bestartingto suspectthatthere'ssomesortof
take care of whatever she uncovered. Unfortunately, corruption in Cauldron,although they shouldn'tyet •o
she found out a little more than she bargained for, and know where to start looking. It's okay if they start to
was captured by Vhalantru.The beholder managed to suspect Vhalantruat this time.
charm her with his charm monster eye ray before she The PCshave, bynow,fullycaught the attention
could escape. He has since bound her into a magical of the Cagewrights.Once the cultists have Zenith,
paintingwith a variant form of binding,Vhalantruisn't they have all the shacklebomthey need to start the
sure what to do with her yet,but figures she might make final stages of their ritual.They'll need to put all 13
a good gift to the Cagewrightsin case he ever needs of the shacklebom through a complex and lengthy
to win back their favor. For the next several chapters, purificaiton ritual first—a ritual that lasts until
Celeste remains his prisoner in Oblivion—as long as Chapter Nine. As this ritual begins, they retreat
she is bound into the painting, divination spells can into the Fiery Sanctum deep below Cauldron, and
not track her down. In Chapter Eight the PCs have a task Vhalantru with the job of keeping his eyes on
chance to rescue her, but until then, she remains out of the PCs. If they start to unravel the truth, they are
the picture. to be killed.
If the PCs hand Zenith over, Vhalantru sees that they As one of the leaders of the group, Embril
are rewarded with whatever Celeste promised to give Aloustanijoins the Cagewrightsin the Fiery Sanctum
them, and leaves with the dwarf for his estate. From as this chapterends, leaving Ike Iverson compeltelyin
there, the beholder hands him over to the Cagewrights, chargeof the cathedralof Wee Jas. Those who ask for
and the PCs won't see or hear from him again until her at the cathedral are told simplythat she is awayon
the end of Chapter Ten. It should be difficult for the church business.
PCs to see through Vhalantru's lies, since he drinks a Finally, while the PCs were in the Underdark,
potion ofglibnessbefore meeting them. Still, if they say Alek Tercival discovered proof of corruption in
they'd rather deliver Zenith to his father themselves, Cauldron'scityguard. Unfortunately,this proof came
Vhalantru looks impatient and does his best to con at the cost of his sanity. The results (and cause) of
vince them their part of the job is done. If the PCs con his insanityprovide much of the driving force for the
tinue to refuse to hand him over, or demand to come next chapter.
along on the journey, Vhalantru eventually relents. He
has no intention of letting the PCs interact with Gortio
the doppelganger again, but tells them anyway that it'll the derro. It's likely that the relatively low-level PCs
take a day or two to arrange the meeting with Zenith's won't have a chance to stop this plan, but if they do
father, since the dwarf is currently at an undisclosed pose a threat to Kravichak, the derro teleports away to
location with several priests who are making one final safety at the first opportunity.
attempt to cure his illness. If informed of this abduction attempt later, Vha
Later that night, after the PCs are presumably asleep, lantru seems shocked and appalled, and promises to
agents of the Cagewrights teleport in to take Zenith bring all his resources to bear on tracking the strange
away. The poor dwarf doesn't say a word as he's ab derro down. Of course, he does no such thing. He does
ducted. If the PCs post guards around him, they may inform the PCs at this time that Davkid has passed on.
have to contend with the agents the Cagewrights send. He tries to use guilt against the PCs at this point, insin
The initial abduction attempt is made by the half-mad uating that if they had just let him take Zenith to meet
derro Kravichak Riolgh, who uses scrying to scout out his father, things would have turned out so much bet
Zenith's location. Before attempting the abduction, ter. In any case, he no longer has a need for Zenith and
Kravichak uses greater invisibility,haste, and shield on is content to let the PCs do with him what they will. He
himself to increase his odds of success. The derro returns to his manor, and the Cagewrights continue to
grabs Zenith and teleportsaway as soon as he can—Ze watch the dwarf, striking at an opportune moment to
nith, strangely compliant as always,willingly goes with whisk him away to his destiny.
•*3»ara >£*<?


Despite the onset of spring, unrest has spread Redgorge and rode westward across the dense jungle,
through Cauldron. Taxes have been raised heedless of the terrible rumors about his destination.
numerous times to help the city cope with Aftera dangerousjourney to the Demonskar's rim, Alek
damage caused byrecent emergenciesand to take pre discovereda pair or enormous, truncated tubes jutting ft
cautions against further accidents during an eventful from the surface. When wind swept the area, a tremen
year. Since the last fiscal decree issued by Lord Mayor dous,echoingbellowissuedfrom the tubes,earning the
Navalant, taxes in Cauldron have become higher than place its name. After a bit of exploration,he found a
those in the much larger neighboring city, Sasserine. passage leading into ancient subterranean ruins, built
Protests and tax evasion are spreading. Visible ben ages ago by a cabal of evil spell weavers.
efits of the high taxes have yet to appear, and many Alek Tercival was not the only recent visitor to
Cauldronites grumble that the taxes are simply lining Vaprak'sVoice.Acovey of three half-feygreenhags have
the pockets of the nobility. Lord Orbius Vhalantru em inhabited the place for months, spending their nights
bezzles much of the collected money and uses it to fuel unraveling many of the ruin's ancient secrets. Shortly
his wicked work. Cauldron's wealthiest citizens, whose after their arrival, they received a visit from the Demon
taxes are collected first, are the first to suffer from the skar's master, a glabrezu named Nabthatoron. The hags
increases. Among these unhappy citizens is Maavu, the recognized the demon's superiority and swore to serve
merchant whose warehouse was smashed by a fiendish him as vassals.
umber hulk at the start of Chapter Four. Nabthatoron has long known that the Cagewrights
Now, dour tax collectors walk the city streets, invari have been operating in the region, since one of their
ablyaccompanied by patrols of heavilyarmed and ruth leaders, Thearynn Louvel,often visited the Demonskar
less half-ore mercenaries. Rumors circulate of special to speak to the glabrezu of matters Abyssal. Nabthato
squads of the town guard that break into private hous ron knows that the Cagewrights plan something devas
es, workshops, and stores to search for hidden goods, tating for Cauldron, and although he still lacks details
money, or other valuables. The captain of the town on this plan, he knows this disaster would surely affect
guard, Terseon Skellerang, recently announced special Redgorge as well, making his revenge against the town
security measures against a sect of dangerous anar all the easier. For the first time in centuries, the demon
chists believed to be plotting to overthrow the city gov feels his exile on the Material Plane may be drawing to
ernment. The lord mayor, for his part, has been quite a close.
absent lately, rarely showing up in public and leaving When Alekarrived at Vaprak's Voice, Nabthatoron was
most matters to his collaborators. present. The demon saw an opportunity in Alek's visit,
While chaos advances, a champion of good has been and ordered the hags to spare the paladin's life if they
chosen by fate to play an important role in Cauldron's could take control of him in some way. Obedient to the
future. Heir to one of the region's noble families, Alek demon's will, the hags used their mind blank, mirage ar
Tercival became a paladin after his father's death left cana, and veil abilities to assume the appearance of a
him destitute. With the assistance of his childhood trio of trumpet archons. Fooled by the covey's powerful
friend Jenya Urikas (now the high priestess of Caul deception, the paladin fell on his knees before them,
dron's Temple of St. Cuthbert), Alekjoined the church overcome with awe.
of St. Cuthbert with a strong (if rather flamboyant) From these false archons, Alek learned of an apoca
passion. Alek's advancement in the church has been lyptic event that would soon devastate the region. Al
painfully slow, but throughout it all his devotion has though the "trumpet archons" knew about the forth
remained strong. coming disaster, they did not say exactly what would
Three years ago Alekslew an incredibly old ogre near happen. Pressed by Alek on the matter, they led him to
the village of Redgorge. In the monster's lair, he found an artifact called the Starry Mirror, informing him that
a thin silver plate etched with odd drawings and char it was an ancient oracular device which could give great
acters. On the back of the plate the ogre had scratched insights to anyone bold enough to discover its secrets.
a crude map to an underground ruin called "Vaprak's In reality, the hags just wanted someone to take the risk
Voice," set on the rim of a geological rift called the of testing the ancient artifact.They lied to Alek, telling
Demonskar.Intrigued, Alek set out from the village of him that the Starry Mirror's divinatory powers would
large-scalepolice operationin Redgorge,in which he
S*AR*mG *HE CHAF*ER: *HE hopes to crush the Chisel once and for all.
DEmnnsKAR legacy After his warehouseswere damaged by the fiendish
The average party level should be 8 when you start umber hulk in Chapter Four, Maavu snuck out to Red
this chapter. You should allow some down time for gorge. There, he met with two leaders of the Chisel, the
characters with item creation feats to use their skills. Foreman and the Honest Minstrel, to deliberate on the
Duringthisdown time, you should startto highlight situation.On this occasion,the conspiratorshada spe
the changes that are beginningto affect Cauldron. cial guest: Alek Tercival,sentby dreams from the hags
Merchants and citizens alike complain more and to infiltrate the Chisel. With his magically acquired
moreabout the increasingtaxes, and the PCs should might and pride, Alek impressed the others so much
be noticing more and more half-ores in city guard that they agreed to help him in his "battleagainstevil"
K uniforms on the streets. in Cauldron,althoughhis storyof an impendingcatas
trophe left them puzzledand skeptical.
In Maavu'sopinion, a good start to restoring a righ
functiononly for someone who had proven his purity, teous government in Cauldron would be to replace the
and that theyhad for him a set of tasks to dojust that. town administrators with trusted people (that is, mem
At the end of the visit, the false archons gave Alek bers of the Chisel).To this end, using his knowledgeof
s a chahce filled with Amaranth Elixir, a strength-en the city legalities, Maavu devised a plan to remove the
hancing draught used by the spell weavers who built current captain of the town guard and put Alek in his
Vaprak's Voice. After drinking it, Alek became much place. According to an ancient law known as the Old
more physicallypowerful and reckless.As the Amaranth Law of Peers, descendants of the five founding noble
Elixirdimmed his wisdom, the "archons" told him that families of Cauldron (after the lord mayor) have the
he had been chosen to play the role of savior of the right to challengethe captain of the town guard if they
land. They warned him to keep this meeting a secret believe his behavior to be unworthy or immoral. Thanks
from everyone until the right moment, so to his ancestry, Alek happens to be among
the forces of evilcould not strike against the few who can issue such a challenge.
him. With this last recommendation, Satisfied with Maavu's plan, and in
the "archons" gave Alek a cloak of spired further by dreams sent by
resistance+1 with the covey's hag the hags, the impatient Alek
eye set in the clasp, allowing the wrote a letter of challenge to
hags to monitor his actions. Terseon Skellerang. At the
This final step complete, end of the meeting, the mem
the hags sent Alek back into bers of the Chisel, including
the world as their unwitting Maavu, set out to deliver the
agent. letter and organize the plan,
while Alek returned in secret
TERCIVAL'S to Vaprak's Voice to prepare
CHALLENGE for the duel by drinking
While Vhalantru has man again from the Amaranth
aged to subvert Cauldron's Elixir, since the effects
Last Laugh thieves' guild, had worn off that night.
the Chisel has resisted Unfortunately for
such corruption. Their Alek, now that he has
presence has always played his part in plant
been a thorn in ing this seed of chaos,
the Cagewrights' he is of no more use to
side, forcing them Nabthatoron. The glabrezu
to take additional Maavu allowed the hags to dispose of
care in hiding their him as they wished. When Alek
actions. With the final
N^ Arlintal
returned to prepare for the duel,
Shacklebom caged, the Cage they approached him in the guise of the
wrights want to take no chances, archons and told him that he had earned
and have tasked Vhalantru with rooting the right to use the Starry Mirror to divine
out and destroying the secret society. the future of Cauldron. They took back their
Vhalantru has determined that the Chisel's base of hag eye and led Alek to the Starry Mirror.Alek ea
operations is in the town of Redgorge, south of Caul gerly stepped into the Starry Mirror, hoping to arm him
dron, and has been rallying the lord mayor and Terseon selfwith knowledgeon how to stave offCauldron'sdoom,
Skellerang against Maavu and his associates. When but found himself instead trapped in a maze of mirrors.
the adventure begins, Skellerang is already planning a For the next several days he wandered the mirror maze
aimlessly, searching for the divinatory powers the "ar- Jo- The Striders of Fharlanghn havebeen keeping tabs
chons"had promisedhim. As the days woreon, madness on the Cagewrights, and Meerthan Eliothlorn fears
began to worm its way into his mind. The thought that that they might take advantage of the demonstra
his "archon" allies had abandoned him to this endless tion to further their agenda somehow. He sends
maze soon consumed his every thought. When, through Shensen Tesseril to the event to keep an eye on
pure luck, he stumbled out of the maze and into an an things; if she is allied with the party or has been
cientspellweavervaultfrom whichthere wasno apparent developing a deeper relationship with one of the
escape,his mind finally snapped. PCs, she asks them to come with her to the dem
And 500 miles away, in Cauldron, the challenge he onstration for companionship and support.
issued is blossoming into chaos... Jo- As the PCs relax at the Tipped Tankard (or any
where else, for that matter) a large mob of loud
EVENT 17: THE CAULDRON TAX RIOT (EL 8) and angry people passes by. Mention of "taxes" and
Ahuge demonstration is scheduled to take place around "thugs" and other topics can be heard in the din.
City Hall on the morning this adventure begins. More One of the members of the mob recognizes the
than 700 citizens (most of them merchants) gather in - PCs and asks them if they're going to the demon
the streets near City Hall to protest against the tax in stration as well.
creases. Try to encourage the PCs to attend the dem The demonstration against the tax increases, al
onstration; if they don't, the chapter can continue but though somewhat spontaneous, was largely inspired by
they'llhave to piecetogether what happened during the the Chisel, which has several affiliates among the crowd
riot from second-hand sources. Some possible hooks to (including Maavu).The Chisel intends to make it clear
get the PCs to attend are listed below. that Cauldron'spopulation is not going to tolerate fur
Jo- Jenya Urikas heard that Alek Tercival is going to ther abuses from the authorities. The Last Laugh, how
be at the demonstration, and since she won't be ever,has learned about the programs of the Chisel from
able to make it she asks the PCs to go in her place, an informant, and at Vhalantru's urging has prepared a
contact Alek, and ask him to come visit her at the countermove against them.
Church of St. Cuthbert. Alek's been out of contact
for some time, and Jenya is growing worried for The streets around City Hall are packed tight with
her friend. loud citizens rallying against the recent tax increases

• »" •• i •'--,.•• ': '•••., v • "

Comeone, come allto CityHallthis evening!Those
inpowermustlearnthatwe do notwelcometheir
indulgences!Theirvicesshallbe borneby ourpockets
no more! The tax collectors are the lapdogs oftheir

greed let not theirshadowsbesmirchourstoops!

Speakyour will! Voiceyourpains!



in Cauldron. Several guards stand in a ring been ordered to stir up a riot before the City
around the building and use the hafts Hall so the responsibility falls on Maavu
of their halberds to keep peopl d his associates.
out. Presently, a small group The guards are badly outnum
dignitaries, easily recogniz bered by the demonstrators, and
able as the town tax collec Sergeant Krewis is rapidly cut
tors, make their way to the off by the mob. Reinforcements
entrance. The citizens boo are not likely to appear before
and scream insults at the he is beaten to death. If he is
tax collectors as they scuttle to be rescued, it is up to the
inside the building. PCs to save him. Meanwhile,
Thifirane has been observing
After the tax collectors the scene from an upper win
have gone inside, Maavu dow of City Hall, and is pre
climbs a prominent dais to paring to use a sphere of the
speak. The merchant raises unseen to summon a breath-
a hand and the demonstra drinker to teach Maavu a
tors calm down a bit. After lesson (see below).
a moment of silence, Maavu As with the umber hulk
addresses the audience res attack in Chapter Four,
olutely. The merchant this encounter is
says that the lord mayor quite complex. As
has received a letter of usual, the actual out
challenge, in which the come of the events
noble Alek Tercival, pala depends on the party's
din of St. Cuthbert, challeng actions. A round-by-round
es the captain of the town guard, SkylarKrev/h breakdownof the riot's progressap
Terseon Skellerang, to prove his valor pears below in Tactics.
in a duel according to the Old Law of Peers. Maavu Creatures: The most prominent NPCs involved in the
points out that the challengehas not been publicized riot are Maavu, Sergeant Krewis,and the breathdrinker.
by the City Council,which is itself illegalbythe laws The supporting castcomprisesseveralcityguards,mi
of the city and proof of the ill will the lord mayor's nor agents of the Last Laugh and the Chisel, and dozens
advisors bear the citizens. Maavu is a skilled orator, and dozens of demonstrators.
and the crowd becomes more and more angry as he Maavu figures among the highest-ranking mem
speaks. When his words became too bold, a watch ser bers of the Chisel.In addition to being a skilled mer
geantnamedSkylarKrewisrushesout of the City Hall chant, he is also a wizard in the tradition of Surabar
to stop him. Read the following: Spellmason, the legendary leader of the first human
settlers of the region. Maavu is tall, handsome, and
The words of the fervor-filled merchant continue intelligent.He has a heroic streak in his personality,
to imbue the citizens with a mounting rage. The inspired by the Chisel'searly history,and is unusual
people'sanger culminates when Maavu points out lygenerouswith the destitute. He despises"illiberal"
the fact that a group of armed half-oresis already •laws,and constantly tries to outflank them to his own
harassing the town: "Skellerangis feeding a band advantage.Although more than 50 years old, he still
of filthy half-ore thugs a large share of our bread!" has the voice and manners of a young,energeticman.
he screams.Then, wading in the crowd of people,a Maavu's familiar (a rat named Ollie) died during the
human watch sergeant escortedby several half-ore umber hulk attack.
mercenaries approaches the dais to arrest the mer Krewis is a loyal and braveyoungman, and although
chant. "In the name of Terseon Skellerang,Captain he serves under Terseon Skellerang,he is a fair-minded
of the Town Guard, I must arrest you!" he declares, and understanding soldier. After a brief but fruitful ad
addressing Maavu. Suddenly, from within the an venturing experience, he started his new career to settle
gered crowd, an unassuming youth draws a hidden down and marry in Cauldron. Like all soldiers, Krewis
dagger and screams out, "Let's kill these half-ore must follow orders, but if the heroes save him, he could
brigands!"As his voice is drownedout bythe roar of become a useful allyamong Cauldron'senforcers.
155 5
a hundred other people, the lad lunges at the near
est half-ore. In seconds,the mob erupts into a full-
The breathdrinker is an ordinary member of its
species,summoned by Thifirane within City Hall and
<? fledged riot. enhancedwith wizard spells (see below). Its orders are
£w* simply to track Maavu and make short work of him.
The boy is a skilled provocateur of the Last Laugh, While the majority of the crowd is simply surly and
one of many in the crowd. These provocateurs have indignant, a fair number band together to form an
angry mob as combat begins. This mob forms in the Maavu casts shield on himself but takes no other ac
square directly north of the Speaker's Dais and acts as tion. Since he is still on the speaker's dais, the rioters
detailed below in Tactics. Rules for mobs of rioters and gain no attack of opportunity on him, but he does not
other creatures can be found in Appendix 1. receive the benefit of cover from the crowd.
^ Riot, Mob of Humans: hp 135; see Appendix 1. The mob surges about haphazardly, damaging
^ Maavu Arlintal, Male Human expert 5/wizard 4/ buildings and raising a din. The eight rioters sur
high handcrafter 1: hp 43; see Appendix 4. rounding Sergeant Krewis attack him. Archers in the
^ Skylar Krewis, male human fighter 4: hp 30; see windows of City Hall move into position. The Last
Appendix 4. Laugh provocateurs fade into the crowd (Hide check
^ Breathdrinker: hp 64; see Appendix 4. +8),their work done.
Tactics: The tactics listed here assume that the PCs Inside city hall, Thifirane uses a sphereof the unseen to
do nothing to affect the outcome of the riot. Their ac summon a breathdrinker.
tions can cause significant changes to the events listed Round 2 (Riot escalates):Sergeant Krewis realizes that %•••
here, in which case you can use these tactics as a guide fighting back against the crowd could only further en
to determine how things work out. rage them, so he spends his round defending himself
The rioting crowds make it extremely difficult to from harm.
move around or cast spells. Even in squares not occu Maavu casts expeditiousretreaton himself and retrieves
pied by the actual mob of rioters, the crowd remains his potion ofgaseousform from his belt pouch.
thick and surly. Movement in a crowd is halved (it costs The rioters continue to attack Sergeant Krewis. If
2 squaresof movementto enter a squarewith a crowd). he managed to drink his potion ofsanctuary,each of the
The crowdprovidescoverfor anyonewithin it, enabling eight rioters must make DC12Willsaves(theyhaveWill
a Hide checkand providinga bonus to Armor Class and +0) to be able to attack him. The four archers in City
on Reflex saves. Hall fire upon Maavu with their longbows (+3 ranged
Acharacter in a crowd during the riot can take a full- attack,id8/x3damage).Remember that the archers have
round action to defend himself (and stand motionless) a -2 penalty to hit Maavu due to range.
or move with the crowd (moving a distance equal to his Thifirane casts haste on the breathdrinker and com
normal speed in a random direction).If the character mands it to kill Maavu. She then retreats, adding no fur
takes any other action, he must make a successful DC ther chaos to the riot. The breathdrinker turns invisible
15 Reflex save to avoidsuffering id8 points of nonlethal as a free action and flies toward Maavu. Its hasted speed
damage from various bruises and bumps. A character of 110 ft. allows it to reach Maavu this round by taking
who tries to cast a spell in the crowd must make a suc two move actions, but there are too many buildings in
cessful DC 15 Concentration check or lose the spell. the way for it to charge.
Characterscan attempt to direct the non-mob crowd Round3 (Breathdrinkerattack):Sergeant Krewis contin
by making a DC 25 Diplomacycheck or a DC 30 Intim ues to defend himself.
idate check; the character making the check must be If Maavu goes before the breathdrinker, he tries to
obvious to the rioters. Attempting to direct the rioters drink his potion ofgaseousform; this provokesan attack
is a full-round action for Diplomacy, but a free action of opportunity from the breathdrinker. If the breath
for Intimidate. Success indicates that a 20-foot square drinker goes first or its presence is revealedto Maavu,
of rioters cease their destructive activity for a number he instead tries to cast glitterdustover the entire area
of rounds equal to 1 + the character'sCharisma modi (with himself at the center) in a desperate attempt to
fier. Since there are nearly30 groups of rioters this size, make the breathdrinker visible.
chances are that the PCs won't be able to calm the entire The rioters continue attacking Sergeant Krewis. If
mob down before the security platoon arrives on round the breathdrinker has already attacked, the archers
9 of the riot, but they may be able to protect Sergeant spend the round unsure of what to do; otherwisethey
Krewis with this tactic. continue firing arrows at Maavu.
Round o (Surprise round}. The riot begins in the sur On its turn, the breathdrinker becomes visible and
prise round; at this time, severalmembers of the Last uses its fear gaze on Maavu;if it paralyzes Maavu,it uses
Laugh catch the half-ore guards flat-footed and kill its steal breath abilityon him. Otherwise,it attacks with
them with a merciless barrage of sneak attacks. its wind scythe twice (thanks to haste) and turns invis
AnyPC who makes a successful DC 25 Sense Motive ibleat the end of the round. Once the breathdrinker be
check realizes that things are about to turn ugly and comes visible,the rioters in a 30-foot radius around the
maytake a standard action on his initiative check. speaker's dais flee in terror.
Round 1 (Riot begins): Sergeant Krewis tries to drink The mob moves north toward the town hall.
his potion ofsanctuary;this provokesattacks of opportu Round4: SergeantKrewiscontinues to defend himself
nity from the crowd. SinceKrewis is surrounded, eight If he remains unparalyzed, Maavu tries to escape the
rioters attack him (+2 melee, id6 damage). Four of the breathdrinker by fleeing. Unfortunately, the creature is
attacks of opportunity attempt to sunder his potion be fast enough that it should be able to keep up with him Ska^j
fore he can drink it. with ease.
The rioters continue attacking Sergeant Krewis.The they promise that taxes will not be levied for three full
archers resume their attacks on Maavu. months. Criers move quickly through the streets to
The breathdrinker continues to try to paralyze Maa spread the word, and by evening the chaos has ended.
vu, attacking with its wind scythe each round Maavu Squads of the town watch (sans half-ores)again patrol
remains mobile. the streets, but tensions remain high.
The mob continues to move toward town hall, reach Ad Hoc XP: Award the heroes a CR 8 experience
ing it at the end of its turn. point award if they manage to help control the riot and
Rounds5-S: Sergeant Krewis, the rioters, and the ar save Krewis.
chers continue to perform their same actions from
round four on the fifth and succeeding rounds as long EVENT 18: A FIRE IN THE NIGHT (EL 9)
as conditions don't change. Maavu puts all of his re Later that night, agents of the Last Laugh call a pair
sources into an attempt to flee the area, and the breath of Huge fire elementals. The Last Laugh sends the el-
drinker continues its attack on Maavu until round 14, ementals to ravage Minuta's Board, a cheap inn that
when it returns to the elemental plane of air in a blast boards any half-ore mercenaries who couldn't find
of vapor. The mob begins to attack town hall, breaking space in the town guard barracks. The Last Laugh
windows and damaging walls and doors. hopes that this elemental attack casts further shadow
Round 9: Cauldron's security platoon arrives on the on the Chisel's name.
scene. The platoon wastes no time in attempts to talk A few hours after sunset, the City Hall bell begins
the crowd down and begins firing arrows into the mob, to ring, warning the population of the fire. The or
killing many people. The citizens, however,still outnum ange glow of the flames makes it easy to spot the
LB) ber the soldiers ten to one, and drive them off with an burning building. If the heroes intervene, they find
intense barrage of rocks, lit torches and coins. For the that the inn's occupants have evacuated the building
followinghour, chaos reignssupreme near City Hall. and started a bucket brigade to douse the flames,
Development: If saved from certain death, Krewis which already wreath the entire building. Several
and Maavu becomethe PCs' friends(althoughwithdif burly half-ores begin chopping down the outlying
ferentperspectives),and grant them two interestingop wooden structures near the inn with their double
portunities. Krewis thanks the PCs heartily and gives axes in an attempt to prevent the fire from spread
them one of his potions ofcure moderate wounds (ifone ing to nearby houses.
remains). In future chapters, his intercession could al As the PCs approachMinuta'sBoard,in the red light
lowthe heroes to meetTerseonSkellerangwithouttoo of the fire, they overhearwhispersand screamsagainst
many problems. the half-ores("Go back to the hell you come from,mon
If the heroes save Maavu from the breathdrinker, the grels!","Have a taste of fire, spawn of the Unwinking
merchant owes them his life, and he realizes it. As the Eye!", "Let's burn away the rot from your human half
riot distracts the guards and citizens, Maavu does his freak!").These voices, of course, come from racist and ir
best to get the PCs' attention.He is wrackedwith guilt responsible Cauldronites who simply despise the latest
and worry about the riot, and thinks it was largelyhis tenants at Minuta's Board. Other citizens, however, have
fault that things got so out of hand. He pointedlyasks rushed to help the half-oresfight the fire.
the PCs if they believe that some evil is at work within In front of the flaming inn, its innkeeper Pilok
the governmentand if they want to help to exposeand Minuta (male human commoner 3) and a mercenary
defeat this hidden evil. sergeant Rokewko (male half-ore fighter 4) argue.The
Maavu wants to leave town beforesomeother enemy innkeeper pulls at his hair, crying and yelling to the
or law enforcer takes notice of him. Before he does, big half-ore."Your thugs are demolishingmyinn! Stop
though, he invites the PCs to a meeting in Redgorge. them!"Rokewkoignoresthe innkeeper,and turns away
He tells them that he has certain allieswhomaywish to to tell his axemen in Ore to continue. Pilok grabs at
speak with them, and that AlekTercival should be there Rokewko's arm in an attempt to get the sergeant'sat
to answer questions as well.If the PCs agree to the visit, tention.Bewildered,sweaty,and visiblyscorchedbyfire,
Maavu informs them that they must go to the Redhead Rokewko loses his temper and throws the innkeeper
Miner'sInn in Redgorgeand answer"mortar"to the ap to the ground. The half-ore grabs Pilok's neck with a
propriate question. Maavu imbibes his second potion of single hand, puts his foaming mouth at just one inch
gaseousformto escape the city. from the man's face, and yells,"You tiny idiot! You don't
If the PCs don't trust Maavu and threaten to arrest get it! Flame-demons inside kill us! Fire unstoppable!
him, Maavu does his best to escape and contact the Blades useless!"As Pilok whines incoherently, the half-
characters at some later date to renew his offer. ore puts his scimitar before the innkeeper's face, show
b Notlong after the riot begins,the entire town guard ing its twisted and melted blade.
pi breaks up the primary mob and restores order around Characters who make a successful DC 20 Listen
City Hall by arresting and beating many citizens. Iso check hear faint cries for help coming from somewhere
lated pockets of rioters and looters continue to plague inside the burning building.
the city until Vhalantru and the lord mayor appear on Creatures:As the PCs take in the scene, a gout of fire
the City Hall's balcony late in the afternoon, where suddenly explodes through the doorway of the inn, en-
velopingand incinerating a screaming half-oreaxeman. round that flaming debris falls upon a character inside
The two Huge fire elementals have burst out of the inn the burning building (id6 bludgeoning and id6 fire
and into the street to seek further things to burn. damage, DC 15 Reflex negates). Freeing the scullery-boy
The Last Laugh developed the plan of setting fire requires a Strength check (DC 21, up to two other char
to Minutia's Board to further infuse unrest in the city, acters can assist).
and did so at great expense. Last Laugh guildmaster Ten rounds after the fire elementals burst from the
VeliorThazo utilized a scroll of gate to call two Huge building, the commander of the half-ore mercenaries
fire elementals and set them loose on the building be arrives on the scene, fresh from a meeting with the city
fore retreating back to the Last Laugh guild house. He watch on increasing the mercenary presence in town.
chose Minuta's Board for two reasons. First, since the This is Zarn Kyass,the "Blue Duke." Although in reality
commanders of the half-ore mercenaries have been an ogre mage, he uses his polymorphability to assume the
staying here, he hopes to make the act of arson look form of a towering blue-haired human man dressed in
like the work of rebels or dissidents, further strain blue robes. If the elementals have not yet been defeated,
ing the relationship between the government and he joins the PCs in fighting them. Once the elemen
the populace. Second, he's long known that Minuta's tals are slain, Zarn uses multiple cones of cold to put out
Board is the guildhouse for the rival AUeybasher gang, the fires if they still rage, taking care to not catch any '^rH
and hopes to put an end to the competition with the civilians in the area of effect. The local cleric of Pelor,
fire. The elementals are uncontrolled but quite excited Kristof Jurgensen, also comes to help the wounded and
with the opportunity to burn so many buildings, and those intoxicated by the smoke. When all is finished,
until they are dealt with they continue to burn things and silence falls again on the streets, Kristof screams
with glee. out at Cauldron: "Fools! The flames of discord will raise
^ Huge Fire Elementals (2): hp 136 each, Monster hell in our town!"
Manual 99. Zarn is enraged at the attack on his mercenaries, but
Development: One of Pilok's scullery-boys(common if the PCs helped save the building and some of his
er l, perhaps a party's acquaintance from the Lantern men, he thanks them gruffly for their aid. He doesn't
Street Orphanage) stumbled down the stairs during the stay long to talk, since he wants to return to the town,
evacuationof the upper floorand is stuck under a fallen hall to complain to his allies there about the event and
timber. Inside the first floor of Minuta's Board, charac demand restitution.
ters are exposed to extreme heat and smoke (Dungeon Ad Hoc XP Award: If the PCs save the scullery-boy,
Master's Guide 303-304).There is a 10% chance each award them experience points for a CR 4 encounter.
HegemonicTlateFront found in his adventures to Tygot Mispas,
the proprietor of an antiquity shop
over on Lava Avenue. He sold
these objects to accumulate
the necessary money to
buy back his an
cestral manor,
which his fa
ther sold to pay
off some debts.
An investigation of
his latest sales to Tygot
might provide some clues
as to where he's been spending
his time over the last few months.
At the very least, Tygot himself might
have some more information on Alek.
EVENT 19: ORDER Jenya has already used the Star ofJus
RESTORED tice to cast a divination about Alek's current activ
The next morning, several town ities. The results were as follows:"Late on the path
criers announce that order has been ofjustice, trapped between glass and stone, he weeps
restored in Cauldron. The lord mayor where many can see him, but he can see only himself"
pardons all citizens involved in the riot,
and most of those who were arrested are freed EVENT 20: A CURIOUS MAP
before sunset.There is no pardon, however,for the "evil See the introduction for details on Tygot's shop.
merchant" Maavu. His properties have been confiscated When the PCs arrive, Tygot recognizes them as
and he is sentenced to death in absentia. Town criers the heroes who saved his shop from the floods and
publicizeAlek Tercival'sletter of challenge,but also cite greets them warmly. His blink dog companion Lep-
reliable sources that the paladin of St. Cuthbert has been 00k dimension doors over to the most charismatic PC
possessedby demons.Thus, the lord mayordeclaresthe and sniffs his hands. Tygot respects the PCs enough
challengenull and void.The governmentoffersa reward to skip his usual attempt to palm off the first piece of
of 5,000 gp to whomeverfinds and saves the possessed junk at hand, and invites them inside for a cup of tea
paladin. The crier also announces that after the destruc and a private chat. His office is neatly fitted out with
tion of Minuta's Board, all half-ore mercenaries in the fine, human-sized mahoganyfurnishings.
lordmayor'sserviceareto betransferredto an encamp Tygot is content with idle chit-chat, but if the PCs ask
ment outside the city walls. him about AlekTercival,Tygotbecomes more animated.
These recent events probably leave the PCs puzzled He says that the paladin is an interesting supplier of his
about two NPCs: Maavu Arlintal and Alek Tercival. shop, and a good friend to boot. As far as he knows, the
Maavu can be found at the Redhead Miner's Inn in paladin tithes one tenth of his treasure to the church of
Redgorge. Finding Alek's Tercival, on the other hand, St. Cuthbertand puts the rest aside for some purpose.
is a bit more complicated; no one seems to have seen Wheneverhe found art objects on his journeys,he in
him recently. variablycame here to sell them for cash.Tygot keeps a
Jenya Urikas has grown worried about Alek, and if meticulous register of his acquisitions, and can easily
the PCs don't visit her soon this day, she'll seek them track down all of the objects that Alek brought in over
out herself Alek Tercival and Jenya Urikas have been the last month. He knows Alek found them in the Caul
friendssince childhood,althoughthey driftedapart for dron region, but Tygot has no idea where any of them
a time during the paladin's "dissolute" years. originally came from.
If asked about him, Jenya admits that she'svery wor The items are listed below:
ried about Alek. Shesupports Alek'schallengeto Skelle So- The Volcanic Gosling: A life-size statuette of a
rang since she suspects he is the primary source of the small goose carved in deep gray, polished basalt
corruption in the government, but greatly fears this (8 lbs. weight, 250 gp value). One of twelve cre
rumor about Alek being the victim of demonic posses ated by the heroine Tlimida about eight centu
sion. She adds that although Alek has not been back to ries before, on Midsummer's Day. According to

Pi 151 cj
the church for two months, he has been seen in several
areas to the west, including Redgorge. Jenya tells the
legend, Tlimida also set the foundation stone of
Caludron's City Hall. Tlimida, a descendant of the
heroes about Alek's background and his conversion to legendary Surabar Spellmason, was deeply moved
a 'SKXl .«? St. Cuthbert and pleads with them to help him. by the sudden flight of a flock of ducks over the
Jenya Urikas gives the PCs one other important piece lake, and chose to immortalize the moment with
of information about Alek. He often sold art objectshe these carvings.
So- The Knight in Brown: A250-year-oldpainting of a
standing knight in brown robes (20 in. x 35 in., oil HegemonicTlateBack
on wood,150 gp value).The knight carries a bastard
sword at his side and leans on a decorative sill. On
the sill sits a horned helmet. Thought to be the
portrait of Axel Herewall, bailiff of the distant
town of Gradsul. The portrait is signed A. A.
on the lower right corner.
Jo- The Baboon Mask: A gold-plated,
darkwood mask of an unknown ba
boon-like divinity (human size,
350 gp) once worshiped in
the jungles west of Caul
dron. A successful DC
20 Knowledge (religion)
check reveals the name of pn

this deity as Saraslan—if

the check is exceeded by 10,
the PC also realizes that this cessful DC 30
deity was revealed to be the de Knowledge (na
mon prince Demogorgon centuries ture) check iden
ago, after which the false cult of tifies the six-armed
Saraslan was quickly destroyed figures as spell weavers
by enraged neighboring and the humanoid figures
tribes. Legend holds that as ogres.
scions of Saraslan still The spell weavers' leader is de
haunt the region, picted on the right side of the plate;
and that they have he holds something referred to as the
been cursed with lycanthropy. Whether Tongueat- "StarryMirror"above his head. Astring of ciphers under
er was one such scion is left to you to decide. the depiction of the Starry Mirror represent numbers.
Jo- The God of the Lake: A bust ofa fish-like monster's These numbers are, in order, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, and 3. These
head (a morkoth), finely carvedin pink marble (20 six numbers are the numeric combination that provides
lbs.,300 gp value).The neck bears signs of damage, the keyfor properly using the mirror jump property of
and was probablysevered from an actual statue of the StarryMirror(see areaV15 at Vaprak'sVoice),although
a morkoth. Its eye sockets are hollow, for the stat this is not indicated anywhere on the plate and is not re
ue's gemstoneeyes were stolen long ago. The head vealed by spells such as legend lore or vision.
dates back to a time well before the first settlers On the left side of the plate, three scenes are de
reached Cauldron.ADC 25 Knowledge(history)or picted.Thesethree scenes should be read from bottom
bardic knowledgechecknotes the factthat the bust to top.The bottom scene depicts the ogre slaves of the
looks quite similar to pictures of the supposed spell weavers toiling to build the planar travel instal
Crater Lake monster that are so prominent at the lation that malfunctioned and created the Demonskar.
Drunken Morkoth inn. The next scene up depicts the same ogres, empowered
So The Hegemonic Plate: A rectangular plate of sil by the Amaranth Elixirand granted greatstrength to aid
ver etched with odd figures and ciphers (6 in. x 8 in their work.The plate does not indicate the elixir'sless
in., 400 gp value).A crude map and a few notes in desirablequality of eroding the will and sense of self
Giant are scratched into the opposite side of the The topmost scene shows the planar travelinstallation
plate, which would be smooth otherwise. These in its completed glory.
scratched notes seem to be quite recent, but the The map on the opposite side was carved bythe old
plate itself has a definite aura of ancient weight ogre himself not long after he discovered Vaprak's
about it. Voice in his wanderings, and shows the way from his
While the other objects are unimportant to the cur lair to the spell weaver ruins. The ogre was slain by
rent situation with Alek, the hegemonic plate (which Alek before he could explore the site further. A suc
Alek found in an old ogre's lair) summarizes the cessful DC 25 Knowledge(local)check allowsa charac
terrible experiment of the spell weavers before the ter to note that a statue of a headless demon is said to
disaster that produced the Demonskar. A successful stand on the banks of the Red River to the southwest
DC 30 Decipher Script check, comprehend languages, of Cauldron.
legend lore, or vision spell allows a PC to decipher the If the PCs want to purchase one of these objects, Ty
runes and reveals that the plate is from an ancient got asks for double the listed value at first. When he
society of powerful spell-casting creatures. A suc- does so, Lepook howls loudly, and continues to do so
as long as the price remains over the listed value.Tygot The musician is Ekaym Smallcask (human male
looks embarrassed, smiles a lot, and quickly lowers his fighter 3/bard 4/high handcrafter 3, Decipher Script
asking price to that listed above. +14). Also known as Honest Minstrel, Ekaym is a high-
ranking member of the Chisel. Honest Minstrel is an
EVENT 21: TO REDGORGE adventurer based in Redgorge and a close friend of the
If Maavu extended an invitation to the heroes to visit Foreman, the mysterious leader of the organization.
him and his allies, the PCs should eventually take up Ekaym is an exceptionally skilled linguist, and is often
his invitation and travel to Redgorge. Once there, the called by the rulers throughout the region to work as
heroes can easily find shelter in any abandoned house an interpreter. If the PCs were not able to decipher the
if they're short on cash. Otherwise, they'll be able to spell weaver writings on the hegemonic plate, Ekaym
afford to rent a room at the Redhead Miner's. This could help them out.
two-story inn, which can accommodate up to 30 guests, The Chisel knows the heroes from their growing
K contains a large shop that caters specifically to adven fame, and the Foreman asked him to invite them to
turers and explorers. The inn has a large common a private meeting. Honest Minstrel sings the riddle
fef". room on the first floor, where villagers often come to to test their wits, unaware that Maavu may have told
have a drink before sunset. The innkeeper, Mikimax, them the answer already. In any case, after some small
is a big, smiling man who keeps his long red hair tied talk he invites the party to follow him to a private
in a ponytail. He's also a member of the Chisel. Every room in the basement of the Redhead Miner's, where
evening, when drinks are served, he puts dozens of de a meeting of his "colleagues" is scheduled to take place
licious, free snacks on the bar and provocativelyinvites soon. He simply says that the Foreman wants to talk
his tipsy customers to help themselves: "Come on over, with them. Maavu (if still alive) and Alek Tercival are
beggars! You won't starve as long as Mikimax lives!" also invited; Honest Minstrel tells the PCs this as well
When the heroes arrive, a handsome man in his in an attempt to further intrigue them into attending
mid-thirties quietly plucks the strings of a lute in a the meeting.
corner of the common room, heedless of Mikimax's
call. This man, dark-haired and rather short, wears a EVENT 22: TALKING WITH THE CHISEL
fine blue robe and polished knee-high boots. When The leaders of the Chisel meet the heroes in a private
he sees the heroes before the bar he calls out a rid room under the Redhead Miner's Inn. The room is si
dle to them: "What can bind with water, sand, and lent and comfortable, with a great oak table in the mid
lime?" The heroes should know the answer to this dle. On the chamber's walls, beautiful frescoes depict
riddle ("mortar") from Maavu. the glorious moments of Surabar Spellmason's life:


o Lucky

•Demonskar •

2W^ 10 15 20
to- Surabar's arrival near at the foot of a dormant vol Mikimaxand Maavu(if he still lives) arrive after a few
cano, recognizable as Cauldron. minutes, but Alek Tercival does not. Alek's absence wor
to An encounter between Surabar and a sword-wield ries the Foreman,but he admits that he did not expect the
ing angel, in which the angel gives Surabar a paladin to show up and starts the meeting without him.
glowing quarterstaff. A member of the Chisel, or During the meeting, the Foreman tries to persuade the
a successful DC 25 Knowledge (history) or bardic heroes to cooperate with him. He and his colleaguesdis
knowledge check, identifies the angel as Nidrama, cuss the followingpoints. If Maavu is dead,substitute him
a movanic deva said to watch over the region. The with Mikimax (who helped him) when he is mentioned.
same source identifies the glowing quarterstaff as to The Foreman begins by raising a point of con-
Alakast,a magic weapon said to be particularly po . tention with the organization's current situation.
tent against evil outsiders. The selfish interests of many of its members have
to The foundation of Redgorge. violated the philosophy of the Chisel, which is to

to- Surabar's magical construction of the Basalt Bas protect the region and support artisans and crafts
tions that protect Redgorge. men. Most of the violators are Cauldronites who
to The battle of Redgorge against the demonic deni • have shifted toward neutrality and no longer care SvQ
zens of the Demonskar; Surabar leads Redgorge's about the wellness of society as a whole.
forces and a towering hyena-headed glabrezu leads to- The Foreman reveals his fears that some great force
the Demonskar forces. of chaos and evil is at work in Cauldron's govern
to The transformation of Surabar into a mountain, ment, and that the lord mayor may be under its
symbolizing his death. influence. All sources of divination magic indicate
When the PCs arrive in the room, Oliron Masht, Fore some great disaster on the horizon. The Chisel's
man of the Chisel, is already sitting at the table's head. greatest prophet, an earth weird, has not answered
He is a tall human dressed in brown, with gray hair and the Forman's calls, so details on this disaster re
a short, well-trimmed goatee. He greets the PCs and of main vague.
fers them a drink from a cask of vintage wine. Oliron is to The Foreman mentions Maavu at this point and
a powerful and fearless individual who has tempered notes that although his actions were well-intended,
the tradition of his organization with years of adven they nonetheless caused more harm than good. He
turing. Originally from Sasserine, where he worked as now fears that the Chisel is becoming a scapegoat
an architect, his return to Redgorge a few months ago for the current troubles, and that forces from Caul
was prompted by rumors of evil afoot in the region. At dron may soon take drastic measures against the
first, he asks a few questions about the heroes' interests organization. Maavu justifies himself by claim
and goals,but doesn't say much about the Chisel or the ing he meant to organize a peaceful demonstra
matter at hand. If the PCs press for more details he asks tion, but that "some villain stirred up the riot to
them to wait for the other invitees to arrive. discredit any opposition." Honest Minstrel rightly

suspects the Last Laugh,and takes Maavufor a ride: heroes should be impressed with the overwhelming
"They suckered you, nothing else!"At this point, a presence of life around them. Eventually, they'll reach
squabble breaks out between Maavu and Honest the grim landmark.
Minstrel (Maavu: "Better dead than slaves!A wan
dering strummer like you should know!" Honest Alarge beach runs along the northern bank of the Red
Minstrel: "Peddler! You count lives like money! No River here. A badly weathered stone statue of some
difference to you, eh?"). The Foreman grows tired sort of humanoid creature stands at the edge of the
of the argument and demands silence. jungle, overlooking the beach. The statue's neck ends
to- At this point, Honest Minstrel notes that his in in a stump, and its expressive canine head lies in the
formants in Cauldron warned.him that Terseon sand a fewfeet away. Patches of mold and moss grow
Skellerang plans to invade and search Redgorge, on the statue, but the vegetation around it seems to
using the half-ore mercenaries now encamped out have been cleared away recently. A narrow trail winds
side the city walls.The members agree that the Hall off to the northwest and into the jungle just beyond
of Carvings would survive such an invasion intact, the statue.
but that such an event would be disastrous none
theless. The villagers would oppose such actions The mold-encrusted idol is little more than a carved
and would fight against the invaders. The Foreman pillar. If a character examines the sculpture closely and
muses that Skellerang must be persuaded to re makes a DC 15 Knowledge (the planes) check, he no
nounce this plan. Alek Tercival's public renounce tices that the statue depicts a glabrezu. The statue it
ment of his challenge should do just the thing, but self was built ages ago by gnolls in an attempt to curry
unfortunately, no one knows where he is. Nabthatoron's favor. The glabrezu has little interest in
to Alek's absence worries the Foreman above every the gnolls or this statue, but that hasn't kept the gnoll
thing else, and at this point he turns to the heroes. natives from viewing it as a sacred relic. Various local
If they have already started to search for the miss gnoll tribes often engage in short, brutal wars in order
ing paladin, the Foreman commends them for to lay claim to this land; it was during one of these bat
their insight. If they have not started yet, he asks tles nearly two centuries ago that the statue's head was
them to do so while the Chisel keeps several eyes knocked off.
on Skellerang's actions. He has no reward to of Creatures: A band of gnoll rangers lies in wait in the
fer but the Chisel's friendship. The Foreman con jungles surrounding this beach. Their tribe recently
cludes the meeting by leading the PCs and the oth gained control of this area, and these gnolls plan to
ers on a short night walk along the BasaltBastions. ambush the next tribe of gnolls to arrive here. Unfortu
He looks intently west toward the Demonskar at nately for the PCs, the gnolls take just as much offense
one point, then sighs and says philosophically, at their arrival in the area.
"Surabar'sspells raised this wall in sevendays, but ^ Gnoll Hunters, male gnoll ranger 3 (6): hp 37each;
his guidancehas failed to build a righteoussociety see Appendix 4.
in as many centuries." Tactics:The gnolls remain hidden in the foliageon the
If the characters seem to be at a loss as to where to north bank of the river and shoot the PCs with arrows as
begin their search for Alek, the Foreman recommends soon as they come within 300 feet of the beach. On the
they speak to Jenya Urikas at the Church ofSt.Cuthbert; wooded banks of the river,the gnolls have coverand con
the two of them have long been friends. He also informs cealment.They engage in melee only as a last resort.
the PCs that Alek had been spending a fair amount of
time recentlyexploring the jungles near Redgorge,and EVENT 24: THE OLD OGRE'S HOME (EL 11)
he often used a rowboatto enter thejungle via the Red The path into the jungle from the headless demon
River. If he is told about the map scratched into the he leads to the old ogre's home; a shallow cave in the side
gemonic plate from Tygot's shop, he can tell the PCs of a low hill. Here, AlekTercival recently killed a ven
that a beheaded statue of a demon does indeed stand on erable but vicious ogre. Ahorrible odor of decay ema
the jungle banks of the Red River to the southwest. nates from the interior of the cave. Inside, the PCs find
the ogre's skeleton along with the carcasses of a pair of
EVENT 23: THE HEADLESS DEMON (EL 9) devoured baboons. A Creature has also moved into the
After speaking with Jenya, Tygot, and the Chisel, the recently abandoned cavern.
PCs should be ready to head into the jungle via the Creature: A forest sloth now lives in this cave. It is
Red River to try to track down the missing paladin. quite protective of its new lair and fights to the death as
The jungles near Redgorge are fairly wild, with a few long as intruders stay inside the cave or attack it from
winding hunter's trails within. The most efficient way outside. If the party includes any Small characters, the
s to penetrate the jungle is to take the Red River. Miki sloth attacks them before the others, trying to swallow a

\sKAJ max gladly supplies the PCs with plenty of food and all
the mundane gear they may request, including a small
but stable rowboat. The rowboat trip to the Head
Small character whole.
? Forest Sloth: hp 147; see Appendix 4.
Treasure:A successful Search check (DC 25) made in
less Demon takes about four hours, during which the the old ogre's cave uncovers what was once Alek Ter-
cival's wand of cure moderate wounds. The Development Nidrama's first
wand is out of charges now, but the action after she reveals herself
symbol of St. Cuthbert is still quite to the PCs is to invoke
visible on its butt. Discovery of her protective aura and
this clue should encourage the use detect evil to deter
PCs that they're on the right mine if anyone in
track. the group is evil. If
Development: she detects any evil,
From the Old Ogre's her expression
Home, the PCs face grows horribly
a 15-mile hike sad and she plane
along a gnoll shifts away. If she
hunting trail in doesn't detect any
order to reach evil and the PCs
the entrance to don't attack or in
the Round Cav sult her, she intro
ern. Although most duces herself and
animals have learned to thanks the heroes
avoid this hunting trail for any good deeds
and the gnolls that use they have accom
it, the trail is far from plished in the recent
safe to travel. Gnoll past (such as putting
hunters can be found a stop to the kidnapping
often on the trail ring, saving Cauldron from
as they seek out Nidrama floods, protecting citizens from
food for their tribes. rampaging fiendish umber hulks,and savingKrewisfrom
Worse, larger creatures have learned that the trail serves the mob). She then speaks the following to them:
as a great place to hunt gnolls. The jungle track reduces
overland movement to 3/4its normal speed, and there's "Powerful forces of chaos and evil are afoot. I dare
an 8% chance each hour that those traveling on the trail not remain here long lest my presence attract the
have ajungle encounter. If an encounter occurs, consult attention of those forces. Yet I could not sit by and
the introduction to roll on the Jungle encounter table. watch you march into danger without warning you.
The Lord of the Demonskar knows of your approach,
EVENT 25:WINGS OF JUSTICE (EL 16) and even now his minions prepare for your arrival.
At some point after the PCs leave the Old Ogre's Cave They shall use deceit and treachery against you, just
but before they reach the entrance to the Round Cav as they have done with Alek Tercival before you. You
ern (most likely after they have settled down for the must remain resolute; Alek Tercival must be saved. I
evening to rest but before they fall asleep), they have have no aid to offer you but knowledge. In ages past,
a brush with history. A PC that makes a DC 14 Listen I provided to Surabar Spellmason a powerful weap
check hears a sudden flutter of large wings, and all on to assist him in his conflict with the Lord of the
wildlife falls suddenly silent. One round later, a beauti Demonskar. This was Alakast, a quarterstaff infused
ful woman emerges from the dense foliage and stands with an undying hatred of the fiends of the outer
at the edge of the PCs' encampment. She has perfectly rifts. Unfortunately, Alakastwas stolen centuries ago,
white skin and stern, sparkling eyes of silver. A pair of ripped from Spellmason's tomb by a grave robber. Yet
feathered wings spread out behind the woman's back do not despair, for it is fated that Alakast should be
and she raises a flaming sword, which emits myriad wielded again against the Lord of the Demonskar. It
flickering beams of light. has found its way to you, and all that needs be done is
Creature: This angelic creature is a movanic deva for you to claim it. Seek Alakastin the lair of my false
named Nidrama. She is the same angel encountered by sisters, beyond the watchful eyes of the north. That is
Surabar Spellmason centuries before (as shown in the all I am at liberty to say...I wish you well in your tra
frescoes in the Redhead Miner's Inn) and has long been vails, heroes, and never lose sight of your goals."
a guardian against evil in the region. She has taken note
of the PCs' actions and accomplishments, and has de Although she rails against the restrictive edicts of non
cided to make herself known to them just as she did to intervention, Nidrama has not yet worked up the courage
Surabar so many years ago. to fully go against her superiors. She has little else to say
^ Nidrama, female movanic deva:hp 108;see Appen
dix 4. Note that at this point, Nidrama has not yet fall
to the PCs, and unless they attack her she returns to the
outer planes via a plane shift. Her advice to look "beyond
en from grace, and her statistics (should they become the watchful eyes of the north" is a clue to the location of
needed) should be adjusted appropriately. the magic quarterstaff, which is hidden in area V14.
EVENT 26: THE ROUND CAVERN The spell weaver rooms are lit by magical plates, sort
of still-activeemergency lights, and have high ceilings,
The hunting trail ends abruptly and the trees thin proportionate to the surface of the floor. The magical
out considerably, granting a clear view of the sky. plates also heat the room to a comfortable tempera
To the north, roiling yellow and brown clouds boil ture. The corridors can be 10 or 20 feet wide, with 15
above ajagged, barren horizon. The jagged line of the or 30-foot-high ceilings. Usually, the smaller corridors
Demonskar's rim broods at the base of these clouds. connect with rooms through perfectly smooth, still
The ground itself between here and the rim is strewn functional sliding doors. Like the lights, the doors are
with razor-sharp ridges of volcanic glass and jagged magic (caster level 12th), and open automatically when
stone. Ruined strips of what can only be the metal an intelligent being (Int 6 or higher) approaches within
framework of ancient structures protrude from the 5 feet. The doors slide up into the ceiling, and remain
ground like broken fingers from a shallowgrave. One open for one minute or as long as an intelligent being
particularly large structure juts from the ground only remains in range. A creature in a doorway that closes
twenty feet from the end of the trail. The ruin appears must make a DC 12 Reflex save or be crushed and then
like nothing more than a massive pipe protruding pinned by the door, taking 3d6 points of damage. If the
from the ground, its twenty-foot-wide,two-foot-thick magic on the doors is dispelled when they are closed,
frame sloping down into the tortured ground at a the doors must be forced or battered open.
gentle slope. <jj Stone Doors:Hardness 8, hp 60, Lift DC 28.

This is the entrance to the "round cave" indicated on VI. LANDING

the back of the hegemonic plate.This pipe allowsaccess
to the ancient sewer network that once existed below Out of the dark passage, sharp and jagged rocks hang
the spell weaver city. The ruined pipes branch off and over a small ledge in the southeast part of a wide pit.
change direction many times, forming a maze. Char The pit, roughly one hundred and fifty feet in di
acters who follow the route indicated on the map for ameter, is set at the bottom of a large fissure among
about five miles emerge at area Vi of Vaprak'sVoice. If the arid, crystalline hills that border the Demonskar.
the PCs decide to explore other routes, they find most Puffs of eye-watering smoke seep from a pool at the
of them to be collapsed. A few lead to other exits in the bottom of the chasm, about fifty feet below. On the
area,either opening backinto the jungle or protruding other side of the chasm, a pair of gigantic metal tubes
from the wafls of the Demonskar itself protrudes from the rock, extending nearly fifty feet
and out of the fissure. The burning stink of sulfur
VHICEHF*HE and acid is everywhere, and the ground and walls
DES+KHYER are wet with foul-smelling condensation. A ramp of
The last mile of the ancient sewer pipe is dark and roughly hewn stone steps winds down into the pit.
almost completely intact. As the PCs proceed down As the wind rises and sweeps through the fissure,
its length, a rhythmic rumbling moan grows until it the two looming metal chimneys issue a thundering,
is nearly deafening. When the heroes finally emerge deep bellowthat echoes across the landscape.
into the open air, the assault on the senses is all but
overwhelming. The heroes have come at last to the The PCs can descend to area V2via the slippery stair
ruins of Vaprak's Voice, perched on the rim of the wayas long as they make DC 12 Balance checks. Failure
Demonskar itself. indicates a rough fall into the pit 50 feet below. Charac
ters who wish to explore the northern reaches of the fis
VAPRAK'S VOICE FEATURES sure can do so,although without flight, numerous DC15
The place known as Vaprak's Voice has two entrances, Climb checks are required to reach the opposite side of
both set into the west wall of a deep fracture radiating the pit. PCs who fly up and out of the fissure to survey
from the rim of the vast Demonskar. Both entrances the area are struck by the disturbing geographic illu
provide access to the ruins of a spell weaverlaboratory sion of a pair of black eyes and a gaping mouth formed
that partially survived the eldritch blast that formed by the chimneys and the pit. Characters who persist in
the Demonskar. For a time, a large tribe of ogres lived flying above the fissure eventually draw the attention of
here. They gave the place its peculiar name, inspired flying demons from the Demonskar itself
by the thundering bellow issued from a pair of im The horrendous stink of the foul vapor in the air
mense pipes near the entrance when the wind blew. here forces characters to make a DC 12 Fortitude save
Inside the complex, the areas of Vaprak's Voice can be each round to avoid becoming sickened for id6 min
10 divided into two distinct categories: rooms built by
the spell weavers, which have an odd angular struc
utes. Success indicates
customed to the smell.
that the character becomes ac

ture, and caverns dug by ogres, which are irregular The deafening moan of the twin chimneys lasts
and roughly hewn. The entire complex is rather dirty for ldio rounds, activating once every id6 minutes.
and foul smelling due to the sulfuric pollutants in the While the chimneys roar, Listen checks are made at a
air about the Demonskar. -10 penalty.

V2. MEPHITIC POOL (EL 5) Ip Huge Iron Portcullis:6 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp
180;break DC 40; lift DC 37.
The water in the shallow pool at the bottom of the
chasm bubbles constantly, stirred by acrid vapors es V4. BALCONY (EL 7)
caping from deep underground. A whistling puff of
smoke erupts sporadically from the water's surface, A wide balcony looms over the north face of this
spraying the surrounding rocks with warm, whitish passageway.An enormous winch system on the bal
droplets. On the west wall of the chasm, a twenty- cony above connects to a pair of chains and pulleys
foot-tall, massive iron gate blocks the wayto a passage attached to the portcullis. A giant-sized stool sits
dug into the rock. Over the blocked passage,a second behind a three-foot-tall wooden platform that runs
cave mouth opens on the rocky wall, much like the along the balcony.Severalspherical rocks are heaped
balcony of a giant gatehouse. near the balcony's edge.

The horrendous stink of the foul vapor in the air The winch can be used to raise the portcullis in area %
here forces characters to make a DC 14 Fortitude save V^with a successful DC 20 Strength check.
to avoid becoming sickened for id6 minutes. Success Creatures:Ahill giant named Muggo normally watch
indicates that the character becomes accustomed to es this area from the balcony above, although not very
the smell. attentively. If the giant makes a successful DC 20 Spot
The deafening moan of the twin chimneys lasts for check he notices characters passing by below; he relies
ldio rounds, activatingonce everyid6 minutes. Whilethe mostly on the portcullis itself and his hearing to alert I
chimneys roar, Listen checksare made at a-10 penalty. him to intruders. If he knows the PCs are in the area
Creature: An ancient and wicked mephit named (either because the mephit from area V2 warned him or
Kymzo,once part of Nabthatoron's retinue, enjoys bath he heard the sounds of battle or portcullis smashing),
ing in the bubbling pool. Kymzo serves the hags now, he lies in wait and begins hurling stones down on the
often acting as a contact between them and his prior intruders as soon as they pass below the balcony. The
demonic master. Kymzo has orders to let AlekTercival balcony and parapet grant cover from attacks initiated
pass by undisturbed, but no other humanoids are wel from below.
come in Vaprak's Voice. Muggo is under the effectsOfAmaranth Elixir, so his
^ Kymzo,advancedsteammephit hp 36; seeAppendix4 stats are somewhat different than those of the typical
Tactics: If Kymzo notices anyone else descending hill giant.
into this area, Kymzo uses his breath weapon to issue ^ Muggo, male hill giant: hp 111; see Appendix 4.
a special warning whistle (slightly different from the Development: If the heroes retreat from Vaprak's
usual geyser sound from the pool, DC 25Listen check to Voice and return later but haven't defeated the giants,
notice it) and flies up through the small opening above they find all of the hill giants from area V4 and V6 wait
the gate in area V3 to warn the hags of the intrusion. ing for them on the balcony above.


The end of this narrow canyon contains a large cave A fifteen-foot-wide, fifteen-foot-tall cave mouth
opening in the side of the rift. Amassive fifteen-foot- opens on the rocky wall here, obstructed by a crude
wide, twenty-foot-tall, spiked iron portcullis blocks wall of logs and boards bound together with rope
this entrance. About fifteen feet above the gate is a and huge iron nails. From the cave, a winding path
much smaller cave mouth; this one barely two feet leads downhill toward the misty, blighted heart of
in diameter. the Demonskar itself.

This entrance, created by the ogres decades ago, allows The wall of wood is a makeshift "doorway" built by
access to the surviving part of the ancient spell weaver the hill giants to keep out intruders. The wall weighs
complex. The portcullis is manned by a hill giant in area 1,500 lbs., so the average hill giant has little problem
V4 who has been instructed to open the gates only for hefting it aside when necessary.
Alek Tercival or Nabthatoron. The balcony has a 6-foot- The path from the cave mouth allows a safe walk
tall parapet that offers protection and concealment to the through the large crack on the Demonskar's rim.
giant. When the portcullis is raised, the bars slide up into If? Wood Wall: 1 ft. thick; Hardness 5; hp 120; break
the ceiling and block off the smaller entrance above. DC 26.
This smaller entrance is narrow enough that a Small b
creature can wriggle through with a successful DC 15 V6. MEETING HALL B
Escape Artist check; for Medium creatures the check is
more difficult (DC 30). Creatures larger than that can The walls of this circular, domed chamber are
not pass through it at all. Tiny or smaller creatures can carved and polished with exceptional precision
move through it with ease. and skill to look like cascades of petrified liquid.
Several metal disks on the ceiling sixty feet above Creatures: The four hill giants the hags recruited
provide a pearly illumination as bright as torch sleep, feast, and carouse in this room. Three of them
light. The center of the room is occupied by a bi can be found here while the fourth guards area V4.
zarre, thirty-foot-wide, seven-foot-tall metal and ^ Golot, Pogus, and Tibor, hill giants: hp 102 each,
stone sculpture made of truncated pillars, short Monster Manual 123.
ramps, suspended slabs of stone, and a total of Treasure:The four burlap sacks contain the person
twenty chairs with triple arm-rests. al belongings of the hill giants. Aside from the usual
mundane items, they contain a total of 2,100 sp, 950 gp,
This hall was originally used as a meeting place a silver ring worth 400 gp, and a gold-plated halfling
for the spell weavers; the object in the center of the skull worth 250 gp.
room is analogous to a meeting table. The spell weaver
meeting table featured many mobile parts, but is now Y8. HALLWAY
St. totally inert.
The door to the north is locked; its key is kept by the This huge, twenty-foot-wide, twenty-five-foot-high
fire giant in area Vio. corridor is blocked by a cave-in at its northern end.
Ij? Giant Door (strong, ironbound wood): 8 in. thick; Several magic plates on the ceiling fill the corridor
Hardness 6; hp 8o;break DC30,good lock(Open Lock with a soft, gray light.
DC 30).
Development: If the complex is on alert, the five et The arcade to area Vio emanates the bluish gleam of
tins from area V9 are found here. The ettins fight any flames from the furnace there. The crude, dark passage
intruders to the death. A few rounds after the ettins on the east wall, dug by the giants, leads to the barracks
are defeated, the three fey hags approach the PCs from of the hag covey'sogres.
area V11, disguised as trumpet archons (via veil); they
also use miragearcanato generatea heavenlychoir and V9. ETTIN BARRACKS (EL 11)
wisps of pleasing floral scents to accompanytheir en
trance into the chamber. They smile heavenly at the Five nasty-looking piles of animal skins occupy this
PCs and thank them for cleansing "this ancient and filthy cave.Several sacks, clay lamps and vases,cook-
sacred site"from the taint of those terrible giants. One ware, and crude tools are scattered here and there,
of the false archons carries a chalice filled with Ama and six torches have been jammed into cracks in
ranth Elixir and offers it to the most charismatic PC, the walls.
saying that his heroism against the giants has earned
him the right to drink the nectar of the Gods. The Creatures:The five ettins at the covey's service sleep
hags, however, have laced the liquid in the chalice with here. They are only encountered here if the characters
dark reaver powder (Fortitude save DC 20, primary manage to make it this far without alerting the com
damage 2d6 Con, secondary damage id6 Con plus id6 plex. The ettins don't have their own treasure; the fire
Str). If a PC drinks the liquid the effect of the poison giant from area Vio has promised them payment if
and the Amaranth Elixir stack together. If the charac they agree to serve as guardians. Whenever the ettins
ter succumbs to the poison, the hags recoil in horror try to collect on their payment, though, the fire giant
and exclaim, "Only one who had been tainted with evil confuses them with double-talk and sends them away
would react so to the nectar! You must destroy this empty-handed.
hidden agent of evil at once!"The hags hope to trick ? Ettins (5): hp 65 each, MonsterManual 106.
the PCs into arguing or fighting amongst themselves
so they can divide and conquer the group. Once their VIO. SMITHY (EL 12)
ruse is uncovered, they turn invisible and attempt to
retreat to area V13. This huge rectangular room has a prism-shaped,
fifty-foot-high ceiling. Ashiny, metal furnace stands
V7. HILL GIANT CAVE (EL 10) against the north wall, with rumbling, vertical blue
flames inside. A large mound of broken anvils is
This place reeks of sweaty, unwashed brutes and stacked against the side of the furnace, and several
scorched meat. Four twelve-foot-long stone beds more anvil fragments lie heaped inside the furnace,
covered with filthy animal skins lie near the walls. A glowing red-hot. An enormous hammer lies on a
huge firepit dominates the middle of the cave,under big iron anvil in the middle of the room, beyond
a chimney hole in the forty-foot-high ceiling above. which several more anvils are stacked haphazardly.
The charred, dismembered skeleton of a huge ape A great chair sits in the southwestern corner aside
lies over the bed of ashes. A pile of one-foot-diam a huge metal chest. A seven-foot-wide cubic cage of
eter polished rock spheres is stacked neatly against silver and platinum, its bars etched with mystical
the south wall, with a hammer, a chisel, and an em symbols, lies nearby, propped up against a pile of
ery nearby. Four large burlap sacks sit against the metal scrap.
west wall.

The flames in the spell weaver furnace are supernat- pounds. A character who studies the mystical sym
urally hot. Anycreature touching them takes 4d6 point bols etched on the prototype's surface and makes a
of fire damage and must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save DC 24 Knowledge (arcana) check can tell that conju
or catch fire (see Dungeon Master's Guide 86). Acrea ration, abjuration, and necromancy magic were part
ture placed completely inside the furnace takes i6d6 of its creation. A successful DC 15Search check made
points of fire damage per round. The anvils in the fur while examining the pile of metal scrap nearby un
nace are kept ready for throwing. The magic fire in the covers a small unlocked metal crate. Dugobras keeps
furnace is permanent, but can be dispelled normally two crystal jugs filled with ten doses of alchemist's
(caster level 20th). fire apiece in the crate. Near the metal crate sits a
The chest,which weighsjust over a ton, can be opened half-full pot of hardened, sticky resin (used to set the
with a combination lock. The combination lock has four trap in area V12).
wheels with numbers from o to 9, and only Dugobras The large metal chest contains 280 gp, 4,350 sp, a
knows the key(which is 9-3-8-3).The combination lock pouch containing 12 pieces of amber (100 gp each), a
can alsobe opened with a successfulOpen Locks check golden water boiler (worth 120 gp), a +1 arrow defec
(DC 35). The chest is protected by a Trap. tion light metal shield (emblazoned with the face of a
IjJ Iron Chest Hardness 10;hp 60; break DC 28. wolf biting the shaft of an arrow), a wand of lightning
Creatures: An unusually intelligent fire giant named holt (CL 7, 17 charges left), three potions of cat's grace,
Dugobras,once a member of the Ebon Triad, liveshere three potions of protectionfrom elements (electricity),
now. After the local Triad cell fell apart when Grehlia and a divine scroll with magicfang, hold animal, and
joined the Cagewrights, Dugobras abandoned Triel, remove disease.
Skaven, and Tarkilar so he could follow up on rumors
he'd heard of a powerful magic forge located on the Vll. FOUNTAIN
rim of the Demonskar. Upon arriving at Vaprak'sVoice,
Dugobras impressed the hags with his eloquenceand Four white pillars with capitals shaped like slen
strength and theyagreedto let him take up residence in der hands support a twenty-foot-tall ceiling in
this room. He now toils to build himself a set of mas- this rectangular room. A three-foot-diameter crys
terwork full plate armor. The cage leaning against his tal globe is embedded ten feet up on each pillar.
stack of spare anvils is a prototype soulcage the giant These hollow globes are half-filled with bubbling,
keeps as a memento of his time working for the Triad. transparent liquid that seems to replenish itself as
His smithwork is so intense that he breaks an average quickly as it drains out of a hole in each globe's
of one anvil per week. More of an artisan than a war base. At the base of each pillar, a silver spigot al
rior-type,Dugobras fights only if absolutely necessary. lows this liquid to drain out of the pillar and down
He prefersto face the heroes in areaVio to make good a narrow gutter to collect in a basin in the floor in
use of his hot projectiles. the room's center. There, the liquid turns a deep
Dugobrasdoesnot make use of AmaranthElixir,as he purple color and evaporatesas quicklyas it is filled.
finds its side effects distasteful. A golden chalice sits on the basin's rim near the
^ Dugobras, male fire giant expert 5: hp 258; see southeastern pillar.
Appendix 4.
Tactics: Dugobras's first action in combat is to use This alchemical fountain is the source of the Ama
his wand of displacementon himself; if he fails to acti ranth Elixir. The crystal globes that generate the elixir
vate the wand with a DC 20 Use Magic Device check on are fairly difficultto destroy,but if one is wrecked all
this first round he abandons that tactic and starts hurl four globes explode. The resulting spray of crystal
ing red-hot anvils at the heroes until they engage him shards and boiling liquid fills the room, inflicting 6d6
in melee. slashing damage and 3d6 fire damage on all creatures
Trap:The large metal chest actually consists of two in the room. A successful DC 20 Reflex saving throw
metal chests,the second of which is slightly smaller and halves the damage.The apparatus no longer produces
encased inside the first. The space between the inner the elixir if it is ruined.
and outer chest is full of pressurized alchemist's fire. If Treasure: The Amaranth Elixir increases the drink
the chest is broken, punctured, or forced open, the stuff er's physicalstrength, but causes terrible strain on the
explodesin a blast of fire and shrapnel. This explosion drinker's sanity. Its exact effects depend on the imbib
destroysthe potions and scrolls in the chest but does er's size (see Appendix 2).
not harm the other contents. The golden chalice on the basin's rim is of dwarven
V* Alchemist's Fire Trap: CR 7; mechanical; touch manufacture (value 350 gp). The hags use it as a prop
trigger;no reset;chest explodes(6d6fire damage,Reflex when they offer the Amaranth Elixir to Alek Tercival or b
half DC 20); multiple targets (all targets within 10 ft. of the PCs. pi
the chest); Search DC 30,Disable Device DC 30.
Treasure: The prototype soulcage is not magic, V12. EXPLOSIVE VAPORS (EL 8)
but the precious metals (silver and platinum) used The areasbeyond this door havecollapsed,leavingonly
to forge it have a value of 2,000 gp. It weighs 300 a small pocket of space beyond the door. A vent in the
floor allows flammable vapor to seep into this remain
ing space. nERRAWEAFHnS
Trap: The crafty Dugobras smeared an alchemical Nerras employ swords and daggers made of the
resin of his own design into the guides of the door so substance of the Plane of Mirrors. They resemble
that when it closes,the resin fills the gaps in the door's shards of broken mirrorset with a shinyhilt. Ashard
frame. Once the resin dries it forms an airtight seal. weapon is a +2 wounding weapon that requires an
This allows the small space beyond to becomepressur ExoticWeapon Proficiencyfeat to wield. Without this
izedwiththe flammablegas. Like the other spellweaver feat,the weapon'swoundingqualitycannot be utilized.
doors, this one opens when an intelligent being (Int 6+) Nerra can utilize shard weapons with the Weapon
comes within 5feet. The resin contains tiny bits of flint Finesse feat if they have it. The magic qualities of
and steel, so that when the door opens it generatesa nerra weapons in this adventure are maintained by
J<] I cascadeof sparks that instantlyignitesthe pressurized contactwith a living nerra; if the weapon is stolen or
gas beyond. itsownerslain,the weapon shatters into thousands of
V ExplosiveVaporTrap: CR 8; mechanical;proximity fragments.Anerra can rebuild itsweapon onlyon the
trigger; manual reset; gas (explosive,iod6 fire, DC 18 Re Plane of Mirrors.
flex save halfdamage);multipletargets(all targetswithin
30feet of the trap);SearchDC25; DisableDevice DC30.

V13. THRONE ROOM (EL 12) Development: If the PCs arrive here without alerting
the complex,they find the hags and the nerra in their
The north portion of this square room con normal forms. Otherwise, the heroes likely meet the
tains a seven-foot-high platform connected to hags after their battle with the ettins (area V6) and Ga
an L-shaped ramp. A strip of bas-reliefs depict flon at the StarryMirror(areaV15).
ing gaunt, magic-wielding, six-armed creatures
decorates the base of the platform. Each creature V14. HAG COVEY'S LAIR (EL 9)
holds a disk in its lowest set of arms, which is rep
resented like a shining sun. The rays emanating Three large beds sit in this room. Along the north
from the disks, engraved in the stone as straight wall hangs a set of golden baboon masks.The smooth
lines, form the background of the composition.A stone walls and the floor are covered by colorful and
white marble throne with triple armrests sits on bizarre tapestries and carpets. An elaborate weaver's
the platform itself. loom occupies the southwest corner. Various skeins
of wool of many different colors are piled near the
Once the seat of a spell weaver leader, this room is loom, next to a basket of sewing tools. Awooden chest
nowused bythe hagcovey to meetwithimportantvisi sits in the southeast corner.
tors.When the heroesenterthe complex,the threehags
are here speaking with a nerra varoot named Gaflon Creatures:The hags found four spell weaver skel
about Alek Tercival's fate. etons in the surrounding ruins and animated them
Creatures:Tribata,Sminelpa,and Olomastaare trip to serve as guardians. The skeletons still carry their
lets born of an unholy union between fey and green spell weaver chromatic disks (see MonsterManual II
hag. They look similar to most green hags but sport 118), although in their new undead states they can't
hairy cricketlegs and a pair of elongated,sickly-brown make use of the devices. If any PC tries to activate
moth-likewings ontheirbacks.When folded,thewings . one of these disks with Use Magical Device,the disk
look much like dirty, raggedcloaks. explodes, dealing 4dio points of damage within a
Gaflon looks like a hairless humanoid with mirror- 30-foot radius.
like skin. He wears onlya pair of soft boots and a loin The skeletonshave been commandedby the hags to
cloth with a leatherbelt, but carries a wicked-looking defendthe chamberfrom anynon-hagintruders.
shard of mirrored glass the sizeof a longsword. ^ SpellWeaver Skeletons(4): hp 78 each;seeAppendix4
^ Tribata, Sminelpa, and Olomasta,half-fey green Treasure: The five baboon masks on the north wall
hags rogue 2 (3): hp 49 each;seeAppendix4. are very similar to the one in Tygot'sshop in Cauldron
^ Gaflon,nerravarootrogue4: hp 24; see Appendix4. (see"Tygot'sOldThings").The carpetson the wallsand
Tactics: The three hags try to perform different ac floor (24 in total, each weighing20 lbs.) are worth 200
tions during a combat round (i.e. one makes claw at gp each.The skeins of wool are high quality,well-dyed
tacks, one uses her weakness touch, and one uses a stuff (15 bales worth 20 gp and weighing 10 lbs. each).
spell-like ability) in an attempt to make coordinated The chest in the southeast corner is unlocked, and con
defensesagainsttheir tacticsmoredifficult.If two hags tains the hag covey's treasure.
are killed, the third tries to escape and seek Nabthato- The chestcontains130 gp in a largepurse,12 piecesof
ron's help. assorted silverware (jugs, plates, bowls)worth a total of
Gaflon tries to slip awayto the StarryMirror,where he 450 gp, a golden armband (worth 120gp),a wizard scroll
can call a group of nerra kalareem for help (area V15). (pryingeyes,greaterdispel magic,sequester,casterlevel14th),
a necklaceoffireballs(type III, with just one 5D6 and two Centuries ago, the nerra of the Plane of Mirrors al
3d6 spheres left), two potions of cure serious wounds, four lowedthe spell weavers to build and use the SfarryMir
potionsofcure moderatewounds,and a +1 light mace. ror for a high price. The mirror has lain dormant for
A successful Search check (DC 25) made while search centuries, and when Alek Tercival passed through the
ing the wall behind the baboon masks uncovers a hid mirror at the urging of the three hags, the nerra sent
den switch built into the wall. If the switch is triggered, Gaflon back through to discuss the matter.
a shallow drawer slides out of the wall. Wrapped in silk The Starry Mirror was originally linked to four other
inside this drawer is Alakast, a +1 bane vs. evil outsiders portals at distant points across the Material Plane, of
quarterstaff.Bothheads of the quarterstaffbear identical which only one other remains functional today. The
magic qualities.Attacksmade byAlakastpenetratedam Starry Mirroralso allows intelligent creatures to use the
age reductionas if it were a good alignedweapon; this mirror jump ability of the nerra. The diagram on the
additional magic enhancement increases Alakast's mar floor representsa scheme of the primaryand secondary
ket value to a total of 20,000 gp. The hags sent some of colors. This scheme, together with the string of num
their minions out to steal this staff from Surabar's tomb bers on the hegemonic plate, can give the PCs clues to
some time ago; they originallyintended to present the successfullynavigatethe maze beyond the StarryMirror.
staff to Nabthatoron as a trophy to aid in securing his Any PC who touches the Starry Mirror finds that it
friendship,but the glabrezuapproached the hags on his is actually a vertical surface of cold, reflectiveliquid,
own. Now, the hags keep Alakasthidden here as a "secret which can be passed through with ease. Whoever does
weapon"againstthe demon,should he ever betraythem. so finds himself in one of the pentagonal rooms of the
mirror maze.
V15. STARRY MIRROR (EL 8) A PC who looks intently into the Starry Mirror sees
five pentagonal windows floating under its dark sur
The ceiling in this room forms a four-sided dome. face. Four of them show nothing but dull white light.
The apex of the dome is thirty feet off the ground. The fifth shows an indistinct image of Alek Tercival
An odd, ten-foot-wide pentagonal mirror hangs on sitting next to a large metal door in a stone wall, his
the west wall, from where it casts a dark reflection of expression filled with despair.
the room. This reflection is distorted in an unsettling Creatures: If Gaflon escaped from any conflicts in
way, and dotted with shimmering, star-like pinpoints area V13, the characters find him sitting on the spell
of white light. Asingle chair of white stone with triple
armrests sits in the middle of the room, facing the
mirror. A colorful hexagonal diagram is engraved in
weaver throne. He has used his disguise self spell-like
ability to appear as AlekTercival. In this guise, the va
root tries to distract and flank the heroes as other nerra
the floor surrounding the mirror. silently emerge from the Starry Mirror. Gaflon knows

Alek Tercival's appearance, having spied on him of foot-high rooms. The only differences between rooms
ten through the Starry Mirror. When the PCs enter the are the colors of the ambient light: blue, yellow,red, vio
room,Gaflonpretendsto wake up from a magicalsleep. let,orange,and green (theprimary and secondarycolors,
He warns the PCs that something terrible is going to shown in the floor diagram of area V15). Each wall has
happen in Cauldron very soon, and that the mirror on a pentagonal portal the same size as the Starry Mirror.
the wall reflects future events. He claims that he is not The semi-transparent surface of the portals reflectsthe
intelligent enough to discern the truth in the mirror's room around it but with a tint of the appropriate hue.
reflectionsand asks the heroes to help. The extra-dimensionalspace duplicates separately
A group of three nerra kalareem observes this room for all who enter, so the heroes always find themselves
from the Plane of Mirrors. They intend to discour alone inside the rooms, no matter how many are inside
age further trespassers from entering the Starry Mir at the same time. Sound carries across these duplicate
ror, and are also observing AlekTercival in the ancient rooms as a metallic echo, so characters can communi
vault, content with the fact that the paladin seems to cate with each other. Exit from the Starry Mirror back
be doomed.Theywait for Gaflon'ssignal(he drops his into area V15 is impossible; the only way to escape this
daggeron the floor) beforeattacking. maze is through the one surviving exit point into the
^ KalareemNerra(4): hp 19each;seeAppendix4. ancient vault.
Development If the heroes kill at least two nerra, the To arrive at the exit mirror, the heroes must inter
• - survivorstry to retreat to the Plane of Mirrors to report pret the string of numbers from the hegemonic plate
whathappenedto theirsuperiors.This caneventuallylead (3, 4,5,1, 2,3) and turn it into a combination of colors.
to furtherinvolvementwith the nerrain thecampaign. To do this, they must compare the numbers with the
color diagram on the floor of area V15. For example,
*HKFJUGH *HE if a PC is in a yellow room and the next number of
SFEC*Rlim the sequence is 4, he must enter in the room with
In order to reach or contact Alek, the characters must the fourth color in a clockwise order from yellow,
travelthrough the Starry Mirrorto his side. Long-range which is red. When a PC enters the Starry Mirror, the
communicationwith Alek (such as with a sendingspell) color of the first room is determined randomly with
is useless,sincehe is mad withdespairand in no condi a six-sided die. Characters grow hungry and thirsty
tion to form intelligent replies. normally in the mirror maze, so if they don't stum
Once they pass through the StarryMirror,the PCs find ble on the exit, starvation eventually sets in. Time
themselvesin an extra-dimensionalmaze made up of passes normally in the mirror maze as well, and al
an indefinitenumber of identical,pentagon-shaped,15- though the environs are alien, there is no danger of

1 square
Starry Mirror Area VI5 = 5 feet


Althoughthe StarryMirrorcontainsan indefinitenumberofsmall chambers,there are onlysix varieties,each with
a distincttint(red,orange,yellow,green,blue,and violet).Each room has five portalsthatlead to virtuallyidentical
chamberstintedto correspondto the portal used to accessthem (walkingthrougha blue portal,for example,leads
an adventurerto the blue-tintedchamber).Crackingthe puzzle'scode to reach Alek Tercival requiresdecoding
the numericinstructionson the HegemonicPlate,which correspondto the colored hexagonalfloor diagram in
area V15.

Keep the followingpoints in mind when runningthispotentiallyconfusingpuzzle:

1) APC who entersthe StarryMirrorappearsin a random colorroom (roll ld6).
2) All PCs appearalone in the color room,even iftwo PCs appearin a room ofthe same color.
3) When a PC entersaportalin acolorroom, he appearsin the middleofthe colorroom ofthe correspondingcolor.
4) To reach the final exit chamber(a gray-tintedpentagonalchamberwith a single mirrorleadingto area Al), a PC
mustfollowthe combinationonthe HegemonicPlate,extrapolatingthe combinationnumbers(3,4,5,1,2,3) into a
seriesofcombinationcolors.To do this,the PC mustfind the rightsuccessivecolorinthe floordiagramin area V15,
countingthe colorsin clockwiseorderfrom the appearanceroom color.

1) Random entrancecolor(ld6):"5" ="blue"(the PC appearsin the blue room).
2) Firstcombinationcolor:"3"(firstcombinationnumberon the HegemonicPlate)="orange"(thirdcolorfrom blue
in a clockwiseorder).
3) Second combinationcolor:"4"(secondnumberon the HegemonicPlate)="violet"(fourthcolorfrom orangein a
4) Third combinationcolor:"5"="blue".
5)Fourthcombinationcolor:"1"= "violet".
6) Fifth combinationcolor:"2"= "orange".
7)Sixth combinationcolor:"3"="blue".
8) At this point,upon enteringthe blue portal,the characterappearsin the exit room insteadoftheblue room.

• No matterhow many PCs are insidethe Starry Mirror, PCs always appearalone in the color rooms.Theirvoices,
however,can be heard byother partymembers in the Starry Mirror.
. Objectsabandonedinthe rooms disappearwhen when the PC leavesthe room, reappearingin area V15 as soon
as the PCs exit the Starry Mirror.
• Anerracan mirrorjumpthroughthe pentagonalmirrorin area V15 and thedestinationmirrorinarea Al,butmay
not mirrorjump intothe color rooms insidethe StarryMirroritself.
Alek's insanity has granted him the gift of prophecy. *HE AnciEn* VAUL*
Althoughthe vast majorityof his propheciesare little The spell weavers of Vaprak's Voice used the Starry
morethan insane ravings,a few of them are actually Mirrorto mirror jump between five fixed destinations
legitimate.Listed here are eight sample prophecies in their ancient empire. Each of these destination
he can cry out during the climactic battle with points contained a mirror that served as a focus; trav
Nabthatoron;you can usethem as guidesifyou need el via the Starry Mirrorprovides a one-way trip. Cur
to invent more prophecies. rently, only one of these destination mirrors remains
d8 Prophecy active, and even then, it is only partly functional. This
1 "When the final cage is shackledthe burning mirror is located in an ancient spell weaver vault. The
doom shall rise." vault survived the ages mostly intact due to its ex
4, 2 "The baboons watch and wait, patient and ceptionally sturdy construction, and is located in a
potent,for their empire to reign anew." desert 500 miles west of Cauldron, half buried in a
3 "When thrice by thrice the ancientjudgment windswept dune of sand.
^ falls, thunder strikesanew from Jarl Khurok's
4 "Seven blackbirdshave ye, yet death is not
deceived." A pentagonal, five-foot-wide mirror is set into a wall
5 "The Striders wander, their history true, yet of this square room.Twelve seven-foot-tallclay urns
with each step they grow more cruel." stand against the walls to either side, and an iron
6 "Chanta dirgeof gold coins,yourpocketsfill door, its face covered with countless scratches and
with lies." chips, blocks an eight-foot-tall archway in the wall
7 "Magic and death soon play their hand from opposite the mirror.
windowson high above the land."
8 "Beware the unseen mark! Beware the eyes This roomwas once a vaultused to store magic items.
that kill! By treacheryand deceitshallthe true These items have long since been looted, and even the
Lord fall and the false Lord rule!" clayurnsarecompletelyempty.Themagicthatonce pro
vided light to this room and allowedthe door to open at
the approach of an intelligent creature have both failed.
encountering dangerous natives in this maze since The pentagonalmirror on the south wall is a one-way
each room duplicates for everycreature in the maze. portal; while it radiates magic, it cannot be used to re
The portals between chambers should be treated as enter the mirror mazeor return to Vaprak'sVoice.
solid barriers for determining line of effect; spells The scratcheson the iron doorare from Alek's hope
cannot be cast through a portal as a result. less attempt to hack down the door with his sword. The
Certain divination spells can also aid in navigat dooritselfdoesnot forman air-tightseal;creaturesthat
ing the mirror maze. Augury can indicate if a portal can assume gaseous form can pass through the cracks
choice is the correct one (weal) or an incorrect one around the door with ease.
(woe). Communeand contactotherplanecanprovidethe <S? Large Iron Door: 2 in. thick; Hardness10; hp 60;
caster with the exact pattern required to exit the mir Break DC 28.
rors, providing the right questions are asked. Divina Creature: When the heroes arrive, Alek Tercival
tion causesthe image from the front of the hegemon slumps near the iron door he's been trying to batter
ic plate to appear in the caster's mind, with the six downand force open for the past few days. Now that the
numbers glowing in the appropriate colors needed effects of the Amaranth Elixir have left him, he simply
to navigate the maze. Locate creature and locate object isn't strong enough to force open or batter down the
both fail if used to locate Alek or any of his equip door. His ring ofsustenancekeeps him alive,but frustra
ment, since they are 500 miles away from Vaprak's tion and fear have started to take their toll and erode at
Voice. Find the path, although likely beyond the reach his already unstable sanity.
of most characters of this level, is the best spell for Alek believes that the powers of good (the "trum
the situation since it gives the exact route through pet archons" and their "heavenly potion") have aban
the mirrors to reach Alek. doned him for failing to save Cauldron. His red eyes
Once a PC traverses the six portals in the correct or show that he has been weeping for a while, and the
der, the final roomgrowsdark,illuminatedonlybydim bleeding blisters on his hands testify to his frantic
light streaming in from the five portals on the walls.All attempts to escape the chamber. Alek's despair is so
five portals now show one scene; area Ai of the ancient great that when the characters arrive in his chamber,
vault. Characters who look through the portals at this he barely acknowledges their arrival. Alek's insan
X0 & time see AlekTercival sitting on the ground of a dark, ity causes him a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, skill
^jcaW windowlessroom lit onlybythe faint light of his glow checks, and saving throws. Worse, he has come to be
ing sword.An iron door blocks an archwaynearby,and lieve that the insane thoughts that now race through
Alek looks sunk in despair. his fractured mind are in fact prophecies granted to
him from his days spent wandering in the depths of despair and shame is such that he refuses to return
the Starry Mirror.This insanity also confers a -6 pen to Cauldron and face the results of his actions, de
alty to his Wisdom score as long as it persists. Spells spite arguments to the contrary.
like bless or prater can offset this penalty, but actually
curing his insanity (and Wisdom penalty) requires a A2. ENTRANCE ROOM
heal orgreaterrestorationspell.
^ Alek Tercival, male human aristocrat 5/paladin 4: Four pillars support the ceiling of this square room.
hp 58; see Appendix 4. Alongone wall an arcadeallowsaccess to the outside,
Development: Alek's current attitude toward the its opening partially choked by sand. The sand has
PCs is effectively indifferent; he remains non-re spreadinto the room,coveringhalf of the floor.Ahu
sponsive until his attitude is adjusted to helpful. Un man skeletonjuts out of the heap of sand in the mid
til he's coaxed out of his depression (with Diploma dle of the room, an iron pickaxelying on the ground
cy checks, Intimidate checks, or magic), he remains near its outstretched arm.
despondent, muttering prophecy #1 (see the "Alek's
Prophecies" sidebar) over and over under his breath. The arcade opens out into a massive desert some
A successful DC 15 Listen check allows a character 500 miles to the west of Cauldron. The skeleton on the
to hear this whispered prophecy. If he is brought ground is human, all of its valuable gear having long
to his senses, he stops muttering and provides what since been looted. The pickaxe is unremarkable.
assistance he can. He is willing to relate the events
of his past few months if asked, but he still believes EVENT 27: NABTHATORON'S RAGE (EL 14)
that the fey hags were trumpet archons and that he At some point after the PCs arrive in the ancient vault,
has somehow failed the cause of good. If the PCs Nabthatoron takes matters into his own hands. The gla
update Alek on the recent events in Cauldron and brezu isn't about to let the heroes save Alek and possibly
reveal that the "archons" were in fact half-fey green- undo all the work he's done to get Skellerang to march
hags, he becomes very ashamed and very angry. He on Cauldron. He's been scrying on Alek for some time,
asks the PCs a lot of questions to learn as much as using a crystal ball back in his lair in the Demonskar, pi s
possible about what he missed. He agrees that his and happens to be watching when the PCs arrive on the
challenge to Terseon Skellerang must be withdrawn scene. He quickly gathers his resources, and then at an
publicly to avoid what would be a disastrous conflict opportune moment, he uses greater teleport to travel to
between Cauldron and Redgorge. Despite this, his Alek's side.
You should time Nabthatoron's arrival to be as dra even if Alek is "safely"in the Church of St. Cuthbert at
matic as possible at some point before the heroes leave the time.
the ancient deposit but after they have had a chance to Development Nabthatoron'sdestruction may have
speak with Alek. The glabrezu appears from nothing unforeseenconsequences.Hewas not the onlydemonic
ness with a roar, crying out, "You shall not save your inhabitant of the Demonskar—hewas merelythe most
friend, mortals!This time of peace is at an end!" powerful. As ruthless and cruel as he was, Nabthatoron
Creature: Nabthatoron poses a terrible threat to the was also quite wise and intelligent. He knew that hu
party,and it is very likelythat Alek (and possiblysome manity was now the dominant force in the region. As
of the PCs) willbe slain in this encounter.Ideally,the much as he may have wanted to lead his demonic forces
PCs shouldn'tbe faced with thisencounterunlessthey out into the world to ravageand pillage,he realizedthat
are fully healedand rested,withall of their spellspre such actions would only bring swift retribution from
pared for the day. If this isn't the case,you can have Ni Cauldron'sheroes and defenders.Much better,the gla
drama appear to aid the PCsin their battle againstthe brezu reasoned, to wait for an opportune moment to
glabrezu.Since this takessome of the gloryaway from strike, with precision rather than force. Such was the
the players,though,you shouldavoidintroducingthis genesis of his plans for Alek Tercival and the invasion
deus ex machinauntil the last possiblemoment. of Redgorge.
Since Nabthatoronis a huge creature,he may have With Nabthatoron gone, the remaining fiends in
to teleport into the desert just outside of the Ancient the Demonskarare without leadership.Worse, theyare
Vault—his size is one of the few advantages the PCs without fear of reprisal. For some time after his death,
maybe able to use against him. these demons squabbleand fight amongstthemselves.
? Nabthatoron,male glabrezu:hp 174; seeAppendix4. At some point, perhaps not until well after this cam
Tactics: When Nabthatoronappears,Alek's insanity paign is over and you're ready to start something new,
intensifies.Filled with rage at the sight of the demon, but perhaps as soon as Chapter Seven, when the PCs
he draws hisweaponandfightswith a primalfrenzy.As return to the Demonskar in search of Karran-Kural, a
he does, he spews out prophecyafter prophecyat the new leader emerges from these petty squabbles. Once
top of his lungs. The "Alek's Prophecies"sidebar lists Nabthatoron'sfavored sergeant, the hezrou Dreghakus
numerous sample prophecies he can utter during this proves to be the inheritor of the glabrezu's crown. Yet
combat. If the glabrezu teleported into the area just unlike Nabthatoron,Dreghakushas had enough of pa
outside of the Ancient Vault, Alek abandons sound tac tience and subtlety.
tics and races up to meet the demon in melee, likely The majority of the demons remaining in the
provokingattacksof opportunityas he passes through Demonskar are relatively minor, but numerous. Two
his reach. dozen bickeringvrock dwell in the caves surrounding
Nabthatoron focuses his initial attacks on Alek Ter the crater'srim, and the crater basin is home to nearly
cival, and tries to slaughter the paladin with his me a hundred babau demons. Rutterkins,bar-lguras,and
lee attacksas quicklyas possible.If the PCs manage to several chasmes (all detailed in the Book of Vile Dark
causethe demonsignificantharm(more than15 points ness) are present in number as well, and a poisonous
of damagewith a single attack),he takes the time to use river that pools in a tarry moat around Nabthatoron's
power word stun, confusion,or reversegravityto take them palace is home to schools of skulvyn.It takes time for
out of the combatso he can return to savagingAlek. If Dreghakusto bully thesedemons into servinghim,but
a PCseems to be gettingthrough his damage reduction with the aid of several fiendish hill-giants once loyal
with ease, Nabthatoronuses mirror image and switches to Nabthatoron (and now loyal to Dreghakus),the hez
his full attention to that character. He has no real inter rou soon creates squads of demons to send out into the
est in the PCs,and if they don't seem to be able to hurt world to spread his rage. Each of these squads is an EL
him, he teleportsback to his lair with mockinglaugh 13 encounter, consisting of a group of four babaus and
ter after he has slain the paladin, content that the PCs six bar-lguras led by a single chasme. Feel free to have
won'tbe able to stop the invasionof Redgorgenow that the PCs encounter one of theses groups of demonic
Alek's dead. If seriously threatened (brought down to raiders during Chapter Seven, or perhaps even during
less than 30 hit points), he teleports back to his lair in Chapter Nine,as theyattempt to evacuatethe city.Even
the Demonskar to plot later revenge against the PCs. tually, the PCs may need to confront Dreghakus within
If prevented from teleporting (with a dimensionalan the walls of Nabthatoron's palace in order to finally
chor, for example) and brought down to less than 30 hit bring an end to the Demonskar Legacy.
points, Nabthatoron tries to bargainfor his life,offering
a wish to the PCs if they spare him. Of course,if theydo cencLUDirtG*HE
so and let him leave, the demon makes their murder his CHAPTER
number one priority. If he has not already been slain, AlekTercival collapses
If the PCs manage to flee with Alek, Nabthatoron to the ground as soon as the PCs defeat Nabthatoron.
^W> teleports back to his lair and attempts to scry on him In any case, Alek franticly motions for the PCs to draw
again using his crystal ball. He continues to do so until near, his eyes wild and blood frothing at his lips. As
he's successful, at which point he resumes his attack, suming he was slain by Nabthatoron, the PCs should
be shocked to see that the paladin still lives, despite BEHirtD *HE SCEnES: *HE
wounds that should have left him quite dead. DEmnnsKAR legacy
As the PCs reach him, Alek grabs onto one of their Althoughthe PCs may have startedto catch hints of
arms or legs and looks deep into that character's eyes. conspiraciesinthe governmentbeforethis chapter,it's
He suddenly grows calm and a strange aura of peace during"The DemonskarLegacy"that the realityof this
settles over the characters as a voice, not his own, issues conspiracyshould hit home.The primaryeventgoing
from his gaping jaw: on behind the scenes during this adventure is the
imminent invasion of Redgorge.Terseon Skellerang
"There is naught left for you in Cauldron,heroes!To is the driving force behind this event, although his
return is to enter your own graves and to bring doom motivationis not connected to the Cagewrights.He's
upon all you love! Trust the sign of the Smoking Eye simplya powerfultool,drivenby hiscorruptnatureand
if you wish to save them all!" his devotion to Vhalantru. Terseon honestly believes
that the Chisel is a legitimate threat to Cauldron's
Characters who spoke to Nidrama earlier in this order, and he feelsthat wiping this subversivesociety
chapter should recognize her voice issuing from out isthe bestway to preventfurther civil unrest.
Alek's mouth. She has been moved by their attempt to The Cagewrightsthemselvescontinue to work at
save the paladin and defeat Nabthatoron, and against purifyingthe Shacklebornduringthis chapter,and as
the advice of her superiors provides the PCs with a result continue to maintain a low profile.
this clue. She knows that Kaurophon has been seek The most important event going on behind the
ing them, and that, while evil, he can provide the PCs scenes in this chapter, though, is Kaurophon's
with a wealth of information and advantages over the interest in the PCs. He loses favor with the
Cagewrightsif they only listen to what he has to sayin Cagewrights near the start of this chapter and is
Chapter Six. forced to go into hiding, but he doesn't let this get
With this cryptic and final prophecy,Alek dies if he in the way of his plansto gain control of Occipitus.
had been dealt a mortal wound from Nabthatoron. If The half-demodand hopes that the PCs may be
he had not suffered mortal wounds in the battle, he in able to assist him, given their accomplishments.
stead collapses into a coma. Aheal orgreaterrestorationis At several points during this chapter, Kaurophon
required to save him now. attempts to scryon one of the PCs. He has already
The characters may well now be stranded in the learned a fair amount about them during his time
middle of an unknown desert, 500 miles from their with the Cagewrights, so he knows which PCs to
homes and without any way to stop Terseon Skelle target (those with the magic combinationof a low
rang from marching upon Redgorge. If they do Will save and a lowIntelligence, to cut down on the
nothing, Skellerang gathers his troops the very next chances of them noticing the scrying). Kaurophon
morning and does just that. When they arrive at Red repeatsthis proceedurenumerous times, so make
gorge that evening, the town's citizens see it as an sure to have the PCs he targets make periodic DC
act of war and refuse to allow Skellerang's troops to 19 Will saves to resist his attempts at watching.
enter the town. A tense standoff follows, and eventu
ally, a frustrated Skellerang orders his troops to lay
siegeto the town.The siege lasts for some time—the has occurred, their allies can serve as their proxies
people of Redgorge are well known for their practi and defuse the situation. Skellerang still itches for a
cality, and have stored a lot of food and water. They fight, but with Tercival'schallenge withdrawn, he has
can hold out for several weeks, but if the PCs don't no excuse to march on Redgorge and begrudgingly
return eventually to explain what had happened to stands down.
Alek and retract his challenge, the eventual result is If none of the PCs can return home or contact allies,
Redgorge's conquest. all is not lost. Jenya,Shensen, or another allygrows wor
This campaign assumes that the PCs can somehow ried at the missing PCs by the end of the next day and
get the message of what happened to Alek to Caul contacts them with a sendingspell on her own. The PCs
dron. If they can't teleport back, they may be able to can use their reply to inform their ally what has trans
use spells like sending to contact Jenya, Maavu, or an pired, and perhaps ask for aid in returning home. Even
other of their allies. If the PCs have forged strong ties if Skellerang has already marched and laid siege to Red
with the Striders, their friends in that organization gorge, the information that Alek issued his challenge
may be able to convince their leader Meerthan to scry while under the influence of the hags is still enough to
on the PCs and use teleportspells to return them home, get Skellerangto call off the siege and return to Caul
at your discretion. Of course, if one of the PCs is a dron with his troops.
Strider, he can use his telepathic link with Meerthan S
to call for aid. 1
The PCs don't necessarily need to return with Alek ,A>SKA^\

to Cauldron to stop Skellerang. If they can contact an

ally with sending or a similar spell and explain what


.'. 'i Vy



Even to demons, Occipitusis a cursed place.The EVENT 28: AN UNLIKELY EMISSARY (EL 9)
507thlayerof the Abyss was once Adimarchus's Kaurophonhas decided to use the PCs as proxies for
realm, but since his imprisonment 50 years ago the Test of the Smoking Eye. Yet he also realizes that
it has lain dormant. Fiends who tarried there seemed convincingthem to aid him in his questwill take a fair
to suffer all manner of misfortune, from madness to amount of work. Ultimately, he decides to set up the
magicalmaladiesto overlyambitious subordinates.To PCs with an attack, then arrives to "save the day" in an
most demons, the cause seemed obvious—the chunk attempt to make himself seem like a helpful ally.
of Celestia that Occipitus absorbed long ago was some Kaurophon stages his introduction after scrying on
how still influencing events there. That Adimarchus the PCs, at some point soon after the end of Chapter
disappearedat a crucialmomentwas furtherproofthat Five. He casts invisibilityon himself, then disguiseselfto
Occipitus'scurse makes the layermore trouble than it's appearin human form with a tunic emblazonedwith a
worth.It is onlysparselypopulated today,mostlyby un smoking eye shape. He continues scrying on the PCs,
lucky fiends with no place else to go. who undoubtedly discuss what they'll do next. Put
About a decade ago, a half-demodand named Kau yourselfin Kaurophon'sshoes—youwantto learn more
rophon grew curious about Occipitus and explored about the PCs, but you want to make sure they come
the plane.While there,he met Saureya,an imprisoned with you to Occipitus.If the conversationbreaks down
angel who was cast down with Celestia and survived or starts to head in a direction you don't like, it's time
Adimarchus'sreign. Saureyatold Kaurophon that Adi for Kaurophon to take action. If the players are getting
marchus built a test into the very fabric of Occipitus frustrated with their predicament, that's also your cue
that prospects had to pass before becoming the new to act. Kaurophon wants the PCs to undertake healing
ruler of the layer. Kaurophon attempted this "Test of and other spellcasting,because it's in Kaurophon's in
the Smoking Eye"but failed for reasons he doesn't fully terest for the PCs to be at their strongest.
understand (although Saureyaknows why). Chastened, Creatures: When Kaurophon is ready to make his ap
Kaurophon left Occipitus for Carceri. pearance,he usesa scrolltogreaterteleportto someplace
But Kaurophon never forgot Occipitus's secret, and where the PCs won't be able to see him. To successfully
he bided his time. Eventually,he fell in with the Cage use this scroll Kaurophon must make a DC 14 caster
wrights. Dyr'ryd sensed his demodand heritage and level check. Remember that as long as the scroll doesn't
sponsored Kaurophon's induction into the cult person misfire(Dungeon Master's Guide238), the scroll'sspell
ally. Kaurophon, for his part, never really intended to is not consumed and Kaurophon can try to use it again
stay with the Cagewrights long. He simply wanted ac the next round. Once he arrives, he uses a scroll of sum
cess to their resources in order to research a way to pass mon monsterIX to summon id4+i babau demons; to use
the Test of the Smoking Eye.As he worked, he became this scroll he must make a successful DC 18 caster level
intrigued at increasing evidence that the Cagewrights check. Kaurophon briefs the babaus on his plans, then
themselves may have some connection to Occipitus. sends them in to attack the PCs. One round after this
When the PCs came to the Cagewrights' attention, combat begins, Kaurophon appears nearby and attacks
they also came to Kaurophon's. He began following
their progress through rumor, scrying, and hearsay. He
soon realized that the adventurers would make useful S*AR*iriG *HE CHAPTER: *ES* HF
pawns. Perhaps they could pass the Test of the Smoking *HE SmHKirtG EYE
Eye to gain control of Occipitus, and then Kaurophon The average party level should be 10 when you start
could either usurp their power directly or influence this chapter. Once this chapter begins, the PCs will
them from behind the scenes. As this chapter begins, likely be spending some time away from Cauldron,
& t
Kaurophon has abandoned the Cagewrights and is pre so before they go you should give them a chance to c/:

pared to make the PCs an offer for a strange, but pos

sibly informative, alliance. And if the PCs are stranded
recoverfrom the previous chapter's climax, use item
creation feats, and scribe new spells into spellbooks *S
in the middle of the desert, Kaurophon's offer for an as needed. When you are ready to begin, start the fr& s^jf
alliance may just be the only way they'll be able to get chapter with Event28.
back to Cauldron alive.
fc> ^
^s^o A?
the babaus he summoned. If this spell misfires, the submits willingly to divination spells, relying on his
babaus attack Kaurophon. Thinking quickly, he leads +8 Will save bonus, his +19 Bluff bonus, and his ability
the demons to the PCs and the combat proceeds as de to tell partial truths to defeat Sense Motive checks and
tailed in Tactics below. such spells as discern lies and zoneof truth. He also tries
^ Babau demons (id4+i): hp 68, 65, 61; Monster to steer away uncomfortable questions by tempting the
Manual 40. PCs with his knowledge about the Cagewrights.
^ Kaurophon, male half-fiend human sorcerer 11: Kaurophon'slikelyanswersto PC questions are listed
hp 65; see Appendix 4. below.They aren't necessarilyintended to be read aloud
Tactics: Because the babaus were summoned, they verbatim.Adjustthem so theymake sensewithin the on
can't make the careful plans that their kind are known going conversation—andadd anything Kaurophon may
for. Instead they rush in and try to set up flanking posi have overheard before he teleported to the ancient vault.
tions so they can make sneak attacks. Kaurophon has Chooseyour words with care—Kaurophonlies if he has
ordered the babaus not to use their darkness spell-like to, but he can accomphsh more by leaving out parts of
ability,becausehe wants to make sure the PCs see him the truth.
come to the rescue. What's Occipitus? "Occipitus is another plane, once
Kaurophon'stactics are simple: wait a round for the part of Celestiabut now corrupted and consumed by
fight to start, then come to the PCs' aid by attacking a evil. I've traveled its lands for years, and I think I've un
babau with ma,gic missileor by casting a beneficial spell covered the secret of controlling the plane and cleans v

(suchas bear'sendurance)on a PC.He shouts "I'm here to ing it."(True.)

help!"and "Die,demon!" frequently to make his inten Who lives there? "Few creatures do. Even demons re
tions obvious. gard it as haunted,becausethe light of goodstill shines
Development: The characters should make short there. Yet the evil is so strong that the angels of Celestia
work of the babau demons, especially with help from count it as lost forever. Unfortunately, some demons
Kaurophon.Only if the PCs are still gravely wounded and other creatures have moved there, trying to pass
from a previousencounter will this be a tough fight. If the Test of the Smoking Eye and expunge what good
the babau demons start to get the upper hand, Kauro remains there." (True.)
phon dismissesthem as a standard action while pull
ing out a blankscrolland pretending to read a dismissal
spellfrom it.Characterswithdefectmagic,arcanesight,or Kaurophon
similar magic might be able to tell that he didn't actu
ally use the scroll, as can anyone who sees through his
Bluff with a Sense Motive check.
Once the PCs defeat the babaus, Kaurophon has a
sales pitch to make.
Ad-Hoc ExperienceAward:Although normally
you wouldn'taward experiencepoints for mon
sters summoned by magic (since they are tech
nically part of the summoner's CR), go ahead and
award experience points for the three babaus en
countered here; this award represents the defeat of
the babaus as much as it does forging an alliance with


The PCs have a new ally, who introduces himself as
Kaurophon and briefly explains that he was sent "by
the powerof the Smoking Eye" to guide the PCs to the
outer plane of Occipitus. If the PCs can pass the Test
of the Smoking Eye, Kaurophon says, they can cleanse
Occipitusof evil and win a great victoryfor the forces
of good.
Kaurophon should be pretty convincing. What he says
matches Tercival'sdying words, he's wearing a smoking
eyesymbol,and he just helped the PCs.Plus he offers an CO
immediate way out for characters stranded in the desert O
by a one-way portal. But PCs are naturally suspicious, 6
and they'll undoubtedly question Kaurophon further. S^
Kaurophon's whole plan relies on the PCs' trust—or
at least the allaying of their immediate suspicions. He
Where is it? "It is part of the rophon is leaving out that the "words
Abyss right now. But if the right inside my head" were the result of
person passes the Test of hisown scrying spell.)
the Smoking Eye, he could What's in it for you? "I
separate it from the Lower want to see a new direc
Planes. Perhaps it would tion for Occipitus, and I
become a demiplane, or have the sense that it has
perhaps it would again a crucial role to play in
become part of Celestia. the battle between good
(True,althoughKaurophon and evil." (True, although
isn'tsayingthat the process Kaurophon'sidea of a "new
might take centuries.) direction" and a "crucial
* What is Occipitus like? role" is unstated because it's
"In the center of Occipitus probablyat odds with the PCs'
is a half-buried skull the sensibilities.If pressed, Kauro
size of a mountain, and from phon lies, saying "I want to see
its eye spews the perpetual flame evil expungedfrom Occipitus—then
< that fills the sky. Around it are parts IIIhave a place I can call home.')
of what was once Celestia, mixed with a We need to buy more gear/rest and
strange,almost livinglandscape:Occipitus's heal first. And we need to get back to Cauldron
original evil."(True.) to stop an invasion! "If it's truly
What are you? "I'm a trav necessary, so be it, but be
eler, and I've wandered ware! Rivals of unsurpassed
the planes for hundreds evil lurk near the first part
of years. Because I was of the Test. If we wait too
born of an illicit dal long, they'll gain a lead
liance between fiend SignoftheStnokingEye on us- Besides,I know of
and human, I'm welcome places on Occipitus where
nowhere. Perhaps my heritage is the reason I want to healing is easier,and a place I suspect holds Celestial
help someone pass the Test of the Smoking Eye and weaponsof great power.Unfortunately,I cannot help us
purify Occipitus. But I'm not one for introspection." return to your homes."(True; Kaurophonis referringto the
(True.) CathedralofFeathersand the Plain ofCysts respectively.)
What is the Test of the Smoking Eye? "It's a test Rivals? "Yes, some demons dream of ruling Occi
created by the former ruler of the plane, who dis pitus themselves and remaking the place as a plane
appeared years ago. Whoever passes the Test of the of pure evil. I know of at least two such groups—one
Smoking Eye becomes the new rightful ruler of Oc led bya succubus and another led by a renegade rak-
cipitus. I know the test has three parts, each hidden shasa. They're close to finding the first part of the
somewhereon Occipitus.Passing the first part of the test." (True.)
test reveals the location of the second part, and so on. What if we get stranded there? "I've prepared a few
I stumbled upon the location of the first test, but I'm scrolls of plane shift for you. Simply read them, and
not powerful enough to pass it. The prophet's final you'll be transported back to the Material Plane."(True,
words give me hope that you have sufficientpower." and a DC 26Spellcrqftcheck or read magic spell verifiesthat
(True; Kaurophondoesn'tknow who Tercivalis, so he refers the scrollsaregenuine.)
to him only as "the prophet.') Where'dthose babauscome from? "If I had to guess,
Who ruled Occipitus before? "A demon lord named I'd say that your recent actions against the forces of evil
Adimarchus,I believe.Hevanishedfifty yearsago, likely got you noticed by someone, and that someone sent the
slain by one of his countlessenemies."(True, asfar as babaus out to finish you off. In fact, I suspect the at
Kaurophonknows.) tackmayhave something to do with the true enemyyou
What's the first part of the test? "You must enter a face." (True; if Nabthatoron'sbody is present he suggests the
hidden chamber within a ruined Celestial cathedral. possibilitythat slaying theglabrezumay have triggeredsome
There you must choose one of two doors: one with a sort of conjurationspell to call the demons. He also tries to
bebilith demon behind it and one with an avoralguar- steer the PCs awayfrom questioningthe attack too closelyby
dinal."(True. Ifpressedabout what happenedto him, Kauro tantalizingthem with hints about the Cagewrights.)
Co W phon lies: "I chose correctlyand battledthe bebilith,but itwas You're evil! "You're detecting my unfortunate heri
too strongfor me. I was lucky to escape with my life.') tage—thefiendish blood that flows through my veins.
£ How'd you get here?"Much to my surprise, I found Just as I'm trying to purify my own soul, so too am I
^Estf-O myself here just moments after I heard the prophet's trying to end the battle between good and evil on Oc
words inside my head. I suppose that I'm the "sign of cipitus. I hope that someday my aura will be as pure as
the Smoking Eye" he talked about. (True, although Kau yours. In any event, the evil that taints my soul is a pale
shadow to those who have risen against you in Caul answermightbe "Yes,but beyondthe trap lies yourdes
dron."(True,althoughKaurophonischoosinghis words with tiny and Cauldron's salvation."
great care, and trying to shift thefocus of the conversationto Once the PCs have had their questions answered and
the Cagewrights.) made preparations, Kaurophon giveseach of up to three
You're using an illusion! "Mytrue form isn't as pleas spellcastingPCs a scroll of plane shift.Then he bids the
ant as this one, and I wanted to make sure you'd hear PCs link hands and they plane shift to Occipitus. Kau
my plea."(True.) rophon uses his lesseramulet of the planes to accomplish
What do you know about Cauldron and our enemies this, although he won't advertise the fact that he's carry
there? "I know precious little, I'm afraid. The group ing such a valuable item.
that has been orchestrating the troubles in your town Kaurophon is in somewhat of a hurry, because he's
from behind the scenes is known as the Cagewrights. worried about the rival test-takers and he wants the PCs
They are the source of the unrest in your city. Their on Occipitus before the Cagewrights put into motion
agentswereinvolvedin the kidnappings and thefts that other plans for them. He knows the PCs need to be at
plagued Cauldron. Yet I fear their true goals for the re their best, though he'll encourage spell preparation,
gion are much more sinister."(True.) healing, and other reasonable preparations.
What do they intend to do? "Alas, I'm not sure. It has
something to do with a planar ritual, but beyond that, I HCCIFI+lIS
cannotsay."(True;the Cagewrightsneverentrustedhim with After the opening chapter, the PCs probably spend
the detailsof theirgoals.) the rest of the adventure in Occipitus, the 507th layer
How do you know so much about the Cagewrights? of the Abyss. While most of the Abyss is crawling with
"My research into the nature of Occipitus drew their demons, Occipitus has areas where the power of good
attention, and for a time they tried to convince me to hasn't been completely expunged, so many fiends give
join their organization. I went along with them for a the layer a wide berth.
time, hoping to use them to further my own goals. Yet Which isn't to say that Occipitus is a hospitable
soon, I came to realize the simple fact that they were all place to visit. When part of the celestial landscape
mad, and I left them to their lunacies." (Mostly true— fell into Occipitus,Adimarchus used the power of the
Kaurophon leaves out thefact that hefted the group out of layeritself to consume the wreckage.This had the side
fear. Kaurophoncan tell the PCs little more about the Cage effect of twisting Occipitus into the vaguely organic
wrightsas a result.) layer it is today. And the consumption of the celestial
landscape is neither complete nor a one-way process.
RESEARCHING KAUROPHON Parts of Occipitus remain a testament to the enduring
The PCs might be stranded in the middle of the des power of good.
ert, but that doesn't mean they're without the ability to Occipitusappearsasa greatbasin surrounded byim
check up on what Kaurophon is saying. possiblysteep mountains that rise to the sky. Nearthe
KnowledgeChecks:ADC 20 Knowledge(the planes) center of the basin is a low mountain that looks like a
or bardicknowledgecheckis sufficientto knowthat Oc half-buried skull. Amoeba-like blobs of fire continually
cipitus is indeed a layer of the Abyss that most demons issue forth from the skull's exposed eye, rising to form
regard as cursed or haunted. ADC 25 check reveals the the sky and streaming to the mountaintops that form
layer'shistory in brief after a great battle between good the basin. The fiery blobs, known as plasms, bathe the
and evil, part of Celestia was pulled through a planar entire landscape in a reddish light.
rift and landed in Occipitus. A DC 30 check reveals de Despite its unusual nature, Occipitus is still a part
tails of the battle, including the name of Adimarchus of the Abyss, and the layer is mildly evil-alignedand
and the reasonfor the planar rift. It also providesa brief mildlychaos-aligned.Lawful or good characterstake a
physical description of the plane that matches Kauro -2 circumstance penalty on all Charisma-based checks.
phon's description. Lawfulgood characters suffer a -4 penalty.
Divination Spells: Divination,contact other plane, and The Skull: While the mountain-sized skull appears
communespells deliver accurate results, but the answers to be made of bone from a distance, a close inspection
are colored somewhat by the desire of good and lawful reveals that it's made of a chalky, white rock. The DC
deities to see Occipitus cleansed of evil. For example, for Climb checks up the skull is 30 because the rock is
answers might downplay the danger of going to Occi prone to crumbling without warning. While the moun
pitus and emphasize the importance of the Test of the tain isn't hollow like a real skull would be, it does have
Smoking Eye. If a cleric uses one of these spells to in a few interior chambers detailed later in this chapter.
quire about Kaurophon, the answers are truthful, but The few creatures who know about the chambers access
include an extra clause that pushes the PCs toward Oc them through an underground tube hidden just south ^ <&
cipitus anyway. For example, if a cleric uses commune of the skull.
to ask "Is Kaurophon planning to betray us?" the an
swer might be "Yes, but ultimately he'll succeed only in
The skull has no major features other than the eye
socket from which the plasms issue. Because the plasms
betraying himself." If a cleric asks, "Is this a trap?" the are exceptionally dangerous, few creatures venture into
the eye socket. Because the skull is visible from almost
anywhere on Occipitus, it's a useful landmark for the 300 and 400 feet) of the encounter map. Fewcreatures
layer's denizens. venture above 400 feet, where the plasms cover every
Occipitus Sky: The sky has thousands of plasms full square. During a plasm eddy,scatter four-square plasms
of fire and evil energystreamingto the faredges of the across a quarter of the encounter map, no matter what
layer.The plasmsaren't alive,but theydo respond to life the altitude. Such eddies are effectivelyCR9 hazards.
by moving nearer to it. Characterswho fly too near the Flyingcreatures on Occipitus notice another unusual
fiery sky find themselvestrapped in a swarm of plasms aspect to the plane: there's no wind.
drawn to their life energy.Aplasm deals 8d6 points of Flats:The "ground" on Occipitus is a fleshy,springy
fire damage and 8d6 points of unholy damage to any surface, warm and slightly damp to the touch. Noth
one who touches it. Each plasm takes up four 5-foot ing grows in the grayish-red substance. It can't be
squares, has a fly speed of 30 ft. (perfect),and has an dug, only cut into chunks and removed. The thunder
Initiativeof+0. Every round on its turn, a plasmmoves beasts that dwell here enjoy chewing on the ground,
K toward the closest living creature within 120 feet. Like tearing up great chunks with their massive jaws. It's
a swarm, a plasm takes up any four adjacent squares. not alive, however.
They're not living creatures,though; theydon't have hit The flats stretch unbroken for miles, but the trav
points and can't be hurt by weapons or most magic. A eler to Occipitus quickly notices variations in the flats
plasm is dispersed if it takes 100 points each of cold that add to its skinlike quality. Some patches of flat
and holy damage(in any combination)in a round. have thick, hairlike fibers emerging from them, while
The lowest plasms float 200 feet above the surface of others have surface variations reminiscent of scales
the layer, but at a few points an eddy of plasms floats and wrinkles.
lowenoughto be attractedbycreatureson the ground. Because the flats are spongy, characters gain a +2bo
Then the plasmdescends,risingonlywhen it no longer nus on Tumble and Move Silently checks there.
has living creatures within 120 feet. At 400 feet off the Characterswalking the flats may notice some other
ground, there's an unbroken mass of plasms,all drift featurescommonto the terrain,includingthe following.
ing toward the edge of the layer. Ulcers: What the denizens of Occipitus call "ulcers"
If you're running an aerial encounter on Occipitus, are 5-foot or 10-foot-wide holes in the flat surface. The
randomly scatter four-square plasms across roughly ulcers generate caustic, bubbling red liquid—some
a quarter (between 200 and 300 feet) or half (between times just a seepage, but other times what looks like a


What the PCs encounter on Occipitus depends on 0% Encounter Average EL
the terrain. 01-10 1 nalfeshnee demon 14
11-35 ld4+2 vrock demons 13
FLAK EnCHLin*ERS (EL IO) 36-50 ld4+2 fiendish wyverns 11
D% Encounter Average EL 51-60 ld3 greater shadows 10
01-10 ld6 thunder beasts 12 61-90 Plasm eddy 9
11-30 1 hezrou demon 11 91-100 ld4+3 fiendish giant eagles 8
31-40 ld3 vrock demons H
41-60 1 gray slaad 10 CELESTIAL RUBBLE EnCHUn*ERS
61-65 ld4+2 babau demons 10 (EL IO)
66-75 1 green slaad 9 D% Encounter

76-85 ld3 chaos beasts 9 01-10 1 leonal guardinal

86-90 ld3 fiendish dire lions 9 11-30 ld3+l spectres
91-100 1 succubus and 1 half-fiend cleric 9 31-45 1 couatl
46-55 1 stone golem
HSSAIC FHRES* EnCHUn*ERS 56-70 ld3 green slaadi
(ELIO) 71-100 ld3 ghost fighter 5
D% Encounter Average EL
01-10 ld6 thunder beasts 12 SKULL EnCHUIVtERS (EL 12)
11-25 1 hezrou demon 11 D% Encounter Average EL

26-50 ld3 vrock demons 11 01-10 1 nalfeshnee demon 14

51-70 ld4+3 babau demons 10 11-25 ld4+2 vrock demons 13 ,

71-80 ld4+3 fiendish centaur rar iger2 10 26-45 ld3 hezrou demons 13

81-95 ld3 chaos beasts 9 46-55 ld4+2 babau demons 10

96-100 ld4+3 fiendish owlbears 9 56-65 ld3 greater shadows 10

66-80 ld3 succubus demons 9

FIBRHUS FHRES* EIlCHUrHrERS 81-100 Plasm eddy 9

d% Encounter
01-20 ld3 hezrou demons
21-35 ld3 fiendish dire bears
36-50 ld3 vrock demons
51-65 ld4+2 babau demons
66-85 ld4+2 fiendish girallons
86-100 ld3 greater shadows

fountain. The ulcer fluid isn't blood, but it looks and structures—usually stone walls, partial statues, or in
smells like it. tricately carved monoliths—scattered across another
The seeping ulcers simply have a shallow pool of ul 10% of the encounter map.
cer fluid around them. Such pools are usually about a A square of dense rubble costs 2 squares of move
foot deep and 20 to 30 feet across. It costs 2 squares of ment to enter. Dense rubble adds 5to the DC of Balance
movement to move into a square with a shallow pool, and Tumble checks, and it adds 2 to the DC of Move
and the DC ofTumble checks in such squares increases Silently checks.
by 2. Fountain ulcers havea similar pool around them, Unlike the rest of Occipitus, areas of celestial rubble
but above the pool floats a pink mist—miniscule drop aren't evil- or chaos-aligned.
lets of the ulcer fluid. The mist provides concealment Tremor Zones: Parts of Occipitus—often but not
and damages creatures within it. The fountain itself is always near celestial rubble—quiver continuously,"as
usually id4 x 10 feet tall, with mist rising to half the if a minor earthquake were always going on there.
fountain's height. A typical tremor zone has a 100-foot radius. With
Regardlessofwhether it's a liquid or a mist, ulcer fluid in that range, the vibrations are enough to knock
deals id4 points of acid damage per round of contact. a character over. Every round at initiative point o,
Celestial Rubble: Part of Celestia has been sub every character within a tremor zone must resist a
sumed into the pervasive evil of Occipitus, but some trip attempt from the tremors; the tremors have a &
parts remain as a reminder of the layer's celestial ori +0 Strength bonus. Characters who fail the opposed
gins. While some specific locations are detailed else check are knocked prone.
A £
where in this chapter, the wreckage of Celestia has Ossaic Forests: Formed of a chalky, crumbling sub "£ST^0
been scattered across Occipitus. Such areas have dense stance, the ossaic forests are collections of gently curv
rubble in half of the available squares, and ruined ing columns that pierce the spongy surface of the layer.
Visitorsfrom the MaterialPlaneoften saytheylooklike of travel through the ossaic forest and lets the PCs han
massive rib-bones thrust into the air. Within the ossaic dle the travel plans.
forests, about a quarter of the squares on an encounter Kaurophon warns the PCs about the dangers of fly
map have columns within them, and another 25% of the ing: "It's safe as long as you stay close to the ground. But
squares have rubble from toppled columns. flytoo high and you'll attract the plasms, which will de
The columns take up an entire square and have AC stroy you in a conflagration of fire and absolute evil."
3, hardness 5, and 300 hp. They stretch (id4+2)x 10feet If the PCs can fly over the ossaic forest, it's a 92-mile
tall and take a DC 20 check to climb. The rubble doesn't journey to the Cathedral. If they're traveling overland,
slow movement, but it does add 2 to the DC of Balance it's no miles.
and Tumble checks. On the path from the plane shift point to the Cathe
FibrousForests:Someparts of Occipitushave house- dral of Feathers, there's an 8% chance per hour of an
sized tangles of fleshy, ropelike plants that feed off the encounter, whether the PCs are traveling or have made
to layer's surface. Although they aren't living creatures, camp. If an encounter occurs, use the relevant encoun
these tangles of fibers slowlyattempt to consume crea ter table described in the Occipitus section above.
tures who stay in one place too long. Creatures within
20 feet of a tangle who spend more than a round in the *HE CAFHEDRAL
same square find that some of the tendrils attempt a HF FEAFHERS
grapple against them at initiative point o. Individu Eventually the PCs' journey leads them to the Cathe
ally, the tendrils aren't effectiveagainst foes who resist dral of Feathers, a ruined structure once part of Ce
them; they have a total grapple bonus of+0. If a tendril lestia. Shortly after the cathedral fell into Occipitus,
succeeds at a grapple, it attempts to pin a foe during Adimarchus installed the first part of the Test of the
each successiveround. The fiber tangles don't deal any Smoking Eye underneath the cathedral. Mindful of the
damage.If theypin a helplessor dead foe, they'llslowly strange properties of the layer, Adimarchus ensured
consume him at the rate of one point of Constitution that his successorswould have the necessaryheritage
drain per hour. to control an evil layer tinged with good. Specifically,
Even a 5-footstep each round is enough to keep the he created an abjuration similar toforbiddancethat pre
fibertendrilsat bay.Travelerscan walk through the for vents anyone born of the Lower Planes from entering
est for hours withoutseeinga single tanglemove. the antechamber or either of the Test Rooms.
To draw an encounter area in the fibrous forests, draw The abjuration has thus far stymied Liuvesh, a suc
enough tangles on the map so that most but not all the cubus who also seeks to pass the test. Frustrated at her
squares are within reach of one or more tangles. Each inability to enter the antechamber, she's staked out the
tangle takes up four to nine adjacent squares.Tangles cathedral,hoping to capture other test-takers and wring
are 5 feet tall if they take up four to six squares and 10 the secret of the test from them.
feet tallif they take up seven or more squares.
ARRIVING ON OCCIPITUS Because the cathedral sits within an area of Celestial
Kaurophon's plane shift isn't accurate enough to drop rubble, characters don't suffer the -2 or -4 penalties
the PCs right at the Cathedral of Feathers. Because the on Charisma-based checks due to the plane's evil- and
PCs can't teleportto a place they'veneverbeen, theyface chaos-alignedtrait. The cathedral has areas of light
an overland journey. and heavyrubble (mostly fallen stone and wrecked fur
niture) strewn across its floors. The cathedral itself is
The sky seems to be made of flame, bathing every tilted because it sits on a slight slope.The angle is just
thing in a reddish glow. Off in the distance looms a enough to make Balance and Tumble checks more dif
massive skull: a white monolith the size of a small ficult(-2 circumstancepenaltywithin the cathedral).
mountain. Clouds of flame stream from the skull's Unless stated otherwise, the ceilings are 20 feet tall,
singleexposedeye socket and up into the sky. About the floors are flagstone,and the walls are superior ma
a half-mileahead stands a cluster of gently curving sonry. The rooms on the ground floor have great holes
white pillars, almost as if giant rib bones had been in their roofs, so flying or climbing PCs need not enter
stuck in the ground. In the distance looms a steep through the narthex.
mountain ridge whose top seems to touch the fiery Celestial Flashback: The interior of the cathedral is
sky. It stretches around the entire horizon—asif you imbued with a phenomenon known as celestial flash
were standing inside a vast bowl with a fiery lid. The back. Everyround, there's a 10% chance that the ruined
ground is spongy and wrinkled. It's more like skin cathedral transforms back into the version of the ca
$.id than dirt. thedral that once graced the slopes of Mount Celestia.
§ Such a transformation only lasts for a round, but it's
Based on landmarks such as the Skull and the ridge a complete transformation. The cathedral temporarily
^s^d mountains, Kaurophon estimates that the PCs are about becomes whole, it regains the magic traits it once had,
100 miles from the Cathedral of Feathers, the location and anyone inside is effectively standing in Celestia.
of the first part of the test. He points out the direction Celestial flashback has the following effects:

So- All spells with the Good or Law descriptors and When the PCs enter the narthex, one drider casts
those from the Healing subschool are automati web to keep them there while the other fires a light
callyempowered(as the metamagicfeat), although ning bolt from the ceiling.They'll repeat in the second
such spells don't use up higher-levelspell slots. round, each drider casting the other spell. Then they'll
So- All walls are undamaged, and there's no rubble use magic missiles,their dispel magic spell-like ability,
on the floor. The furniture is magically whole, and rays of enfeeblement(against heavily armored PCs,
candles glow in wall sconces, and the air is filled if possible)before gently floating downward to engage
with gentle breezes heavy with incense. The tilt of in melee.
the floor disappears. Characters who can see out
doors or windows see verdant alpine meadows, not SANCTUARY (EL 11)
the rubble-strewn landscape of Occipitus. Golden
sunlight, not the red-tinged light of Occipitus,fills This room has a vaulted ceiling some sixty feet high
the cathedral. at the apex, supported with buttresses but showing
to- While the building truly changes, the views out severalgaping holes in the roof. Most of the floor is
the windows aren't real; it's more like the windows a sea of debris—collapsed archways, shattered glass,
are remembering what they're supposed to show. and broken pews—but a clear path leads down the
Characters who leave the cathedral during a flash center of the room. Several large piles of debris still
back find themselves standing in Occipitus, look smolder and smoke. Where an altar undoubtedly
ing at a ruined cathedral. once stood is now a rough-hewn statue, propped up
to- The entire cathedral is consecrated and hallowed. At on stones so it doesn't tilt like everything else in
tached to the halloweffect is a bless spell that affects the cathedral. The statue depicts an obscenely fat
all lawful or good creatures. biped with the head of a ram. Black silk hanging
to- The air is filled with downy feathers. They aren't from nearby pillars gives the statue the appearance
numerous enough to provide concealment, and of bat wings.
they don't have any game effect.
to- No changes are evident from outside the cathedral. The statue was left here by followers of Orcus who
briefly contemplated taking over Occipitus after Ad
When the characters are .engaged in combat inside imarchus's disappearance. Orcus called them back to
the cathedral, roll for celestial flashback at initiative his home on the 113th layer of the Abyss after several
point o each round. If there's a flashback,it lasts until months because he had higher-priority missions for
the end of the following initiative point o. them there.
Of more immediate concern are the two evil outsid
NARTHEX (EL 9) ers lying in wait for the PCs.
To enter the narthex from outside the cathedral, Creatures: This is where the celestials used to wor
the PCs must force open a stuck set of stone doors ship before the cathedral was cast down into the Abyss.
(Strength DC 28). Because they're double doors, up to Now a succubus and a noble salamander lurk in wait for
three other PCs can assist the strongest PC. Remind the PCs.
the PCs that they can take 20 on this check, spending 2 ? Liuvash, Succubus: hp 36; MonsterManual47.
minutes straining at the door. If they take 20, they suc Possessions:+1 woundingspear.
ceed as long as the strongest character has a Strength ? Arrokh,Noble Salamanderhp 110; MonsterManual219.
score of 18 or higher. Possessions:+3 longspear.
Tactics: If Liuvash and Arrokh hear the PCs fight
This was once a beautiful cathedral. The remnants ing the driders, they move into ambush position: Li
of tapestries hang on the cracked stone walls, and uvash perched high among the buttresses but within
broken furniture and fallen stonework cover much 50 feet of the door, and Arrokh behind the statue. Their
of the floor. In the wall opposite is another set of preferred tactic is to wait until PCs enter the sanctu
stone doors. ary (readying actions if they beat the PCs on an initia
tive check), then have Liuvash swoop down and kiss a
Creatures:Apair of driders floats near the ceiling, di PC while Arrokh uses his wall offire to split the party
rectlyabove the doorway to the exterior. They cast spells and keep other PCs from interrupting Liuvash and the
as soon as they see anyone enter the room. hopefully smitten PC. Then Arrokh will use more walls
^ Driders (2): hp 45 each; MonsterManual89. offire and fireballs to harry the party, hoping to draw
Tactics: Ifthe driders hear the PCs coming, one uses its them into melee with him rather than with Liuvash.
& t
clairaudiencc/clairvoyance spell-like ability to observe who's Liuvash relies on her fire resistance 10 and doesn't 05

outside the door while the other one casts a silentimageof mind taking a little damage from Arrokh's spell-like
an open pit in the floor. In the second round, they both
cast invisibility.In the third round, they both cast levitate
abilities. Liuvash resorts to melee with her +1 wounding
spearonly as an act of desperation.
^ i
and rise to the roof where they hang upside-down and If things go poorly for Liuvash, she'll ask to parley
await the PCs. In the fourth round, they cast mage armor. while attempting to charm or make a suggestionto a PC.

Arrokh has a similar backup plan: grapplingand con the wallor otherwise defaced.The rugs on the floor
stricting a PC, then using the hostage to bargain for are stained and torn, and much of the furniture—
his escape. mostly chairs and end tables—is missing legs or
IfLiuvashandArrokharesurprised,Arrokhisidlymov has ruined cushions. In neat rows across the room
ing^.flamingspherefromdebrispiletodebrispilewhile Li are a series of empty pedestals. Two piles contain
uvashstudiesa bookshefound proppingopenthedoorto broken statuary, ripped oil paintings, and a lot of
the meditationchambers.She's lookingfor clues,but she wooden debris.
won'tfindany in the celestialhymnalshe'sstudying.
Treasure: A set of four golden candelabras that are This room was once an art gallerywhere worshipers
worth 250 gp each sits on a partially ruined shelf. couldengagein prayeramid objectsofinspiringbeauty.
Development: Characters who reach the eastern end Most of the statues,oil paintings,and other great works
of the sanctuaryfind a set of stairsheadingdown; these are long gone,but persistent PCscan still glean treasure
• *
*•> stairs lead to the antechamberand the first part of the from the celestial ruins.
Test of the Smoking Eye. A DC 10 Craft (stonemason) The room has been ransacked, but the looters weren't
check is sufficientto notice that the stairwaywasn'tput exactly art critics. Accordingly, some valuable items re
in by the same artisans who built the cathedral—in this main. Becausethe place is such a mess, it may take some
case, Adimarchus had the lower level created after the time to find and identify some rich pieces of celestial
Cathedral of Feathers fell into the Abyss. art. Ten squares contain undamaged art, and an equal
a number contain just broken frames, defaced portraits,
LIBRARY (EL 10) waterlogged books, and other detritus. It takes a PC a
full-round action to search a square, and a minute to
This is a ruined library, with broken shelves lining appraise a found item. If a PC takes 20 on both checks,
the wallsand sheavesof parchment littering the floor. it takes 22 minutes per square (and if the PCs have se
Strangely, the library's books float in midair, lazily cured the rest of the building, you may want to sug
circling the center of the room. Each book is open, gest this option to the players).Each square has Search
and the pages flap like birds' wings as they orbit an and Appraise DCs listed for the treasure it contains. All
unseen point. these art objects are rare, exotic items, so PCs who fail
the Appraisechecksdon't realizethat what they're hold
Unliketheotherroomson thegroundfloor,thelibrary ing is valuable.
has an intact ceilingand walls. Although the interior is Kaurophon complains that the PCs are taking too
wrecked,the librarycontainsthe remnantof a powerful long searching for treasure—until the PCs pull some
trap left by the cathedral'scelestialguardians. thing valuable out of the debris. As long as the rest of
Trap: The books are themselvesa trap. If anyone en the cathedral is secure,Kaurophon'sgreed gets the bet
ters the room or disturbs a book'sflight,2d6 bookspull ter of him at this point and he offers to help search in
out of their orbit to fly toward the intruder. Each book exchange for a share of the treasure.
attacks with a +10 melee touch attack and deals 2d8 Treasure: The squares with treasure have the follow
points of holy damage on a hit. Books that miss land ing DCs:
harmlessly on the ground and become normal books; East Pile 1: Platinum and teak music box (1,000 gp),
books that successfullyhit are destroyed in a flash of Search DC 15, Appraise DC 20.
light. Characters who remain in the room or continue East Pile 2: Rolled-upoil portrait of a lillend (100 gp),
to disturb books face a barrageof 2d6 books per round Search DC 20, Appraise DC 15.
until theyretreator the 200floatingbooksaredestroyed East Pile3: Masterworkivoryharp with golden strings
or inert on the ground. Keep track of how manybooks (75° gp).Search DC 15, Appraise DC 25.
activate each round. West Pile 1: Statuette of Kyurek, favored of Pelor (150
V Flying Book Trap: CR 10; magical; proximitytrig gp), Search DC 20, Appraise DC 20.
ger; specialreset (trap is gone when no books remain); West Pile 2: Embroidered silk mantle (100gp), Search
2d6+10 meleetouchattacks(2d8 holydamageeach);mul DC 20, Appraise DC 20.
tiple targets (anyonein the room or disturbing the books West Wall 1: Slightly torn oil portrait of Lake Empyrea
from outside it); SearchDC31; DisableDeviceDC31. (200gp), Search DC 15,Appraise DC 25.
Treasure: Most of the books are celestial religious North Wall 1: Lightning-bolt amulet carved in ebony
texts and hymnals. A few are old enough to be worth a (150 gp),Search DC 20,Appraise DC 20.
great deal to book collectors; three of them are worth North Wall 2: Blown-glass hurricane lamp (100 gp),
1,000 gp each, but it takes a DC 25 Appraise check to Search DC 20, Appraise DC 15.
Co * discern which books are valuable. North Wall3:Torn oil portrait of Sacrima the planetar
(350 gp), Search DC 15, Appraise DC 20.
MEDITATION CHAMBER East Wall 1: Gold cup set with sapphires (2,500 gp),
&RS^6& Search DC 20, Appraise DC 15.
Frescoes of angels cover the walls of this large,
open room, although most have been scraped from
ANTECHAMBER (EL 15) the avoral guardinal. Choose one door, slay the occu
pant behind it, then pass through the door on the other
The stone stairway descends about forty feet, ending side. I will meet you there."
in a landing that opens into a square room roughly Creature: The mummy lord prefers not to answer
hewn from the granite underneath the cathedral. The questions. It won't bother the PCs, who can make what
heady scent of spices—cloves and cinnamon, among ever preparations they like before entering the room. It
others—fills the air. Sitting at an oak desk in the only attacks if it is itself attacked first.
center of the room is a withered, desiccated corpse ^ Mummy Lord: hp 95; Monster Manual 190. This
covered in a strange mix of funereal wrappings and mummy lord has the Travel domain rather than Pro
golden-filigree armor. Both the north and south walls tection, so it has teleport, dimensiondoor, and longstrider
have iron doors in them. prepared rather than slay living,spellimmunity,and sanc
tuary respectively.
As soon as the PCs make their presence known, the Tactics: The mummy lord fights cautiously because
corpse at the desk rises to its feet. Any PC who sees the it is bound by an oath to Adimarchus to administer the
mummy lord must immediately make a successful DC test until Occipitus has a new ruler. The creature casts
17 Will save or be paralyzed with fear for id4 rounds. spell resistance and divine power before unleashing its
The mummy lord, Adimarchus's proctor for the first offensive spells such as dismissaland insect plague. The
part of the exam, explains the test. mummy lord castigates PCs who attack it, saying "What F=*
The corpse lifts both hands, showing they're empty, student is so foolish as to attack the proctor of the test?"
then speaks: "Adimarchus, Most Potent Ruler of Occipi The mummy lord doesn't pursue PCs who retreat.
tus, bids you welcome to the Test of the Smoking Eye.If Development: Kaurophon can't pass further than
you are here, then Occipitus lies fallow,without a strong the landing because he was born on a Lower Plane.
hand to guide its development. Know then that you are He offers to stay behind and act as a guard. If the play
a pretender to Adimarchus's throne. If you are worthy, ers insist, he'll angrily demonstrate that he physically
step forward and undertake the Test of Judgment." can't enter the antechamber. Kaurophon claims that he
One withered hand points to the north door. "Behind doesn't know why he can't enter the antechamber, but
that door lies Thathnak the bebilith." The corpse points he's lying. Kaurophon waits for the PCs just outside the
in the other direction. "Behind that door lies Halalia cathedral, and he'll scry on their progress if he can.


/fcfc Stf<*
NORTH CHAMBER (EL 10) Development: The silk cords that connect the bridge
segments to one another cannot withstand much dam
This chamber contains a series of wooden platforms age. If a bridge square takes 20 points of damage, it
that form a network of bridges, seemingly connected falls, sending anyone standing on it to the spikes below.
by fine silken cords. A door is at the far end of the The bebilith is Huge, so it won't fall unless five of the
chamber. The ceiling is thirty feet above, and the bridge squares beneath it fall. The bridge falls apart in
floor,coveredin spikes,is thirty feetbelow. segments because it is heavilytethered to the walls by a
vast network of silken strands.
Creature: As the mummy promised, this room con If a combatant is bull rushed off the bridge, or a
tains a bebilith with murder on its mind. Immediately bridge segment collapses, the creature takes 3d6 points
roll initiative, because Thathnak attacks anything that of damage and lands on id4 spikes. Each spike attacks
comes through the door—even Adimarchus himself with a +10 bonus, dealing 1CI4+3 points of damage, plus
^ Thathnak, Bebilith: hp 158; MonsterManual42. 1 point of temporary Constitution damage (courtesy of
Tactics:Atfirst, the bebilith is a straightforward com years of residue from the bebilith's toxic drool). If the
batant, using its web on the first PCit sees, then charg bebilith falls, it doesn't take the Constitution damage
ing it. It makes full attacks as often as it can, hoping to because it's immune to its own toxins.
poison foes and rend their armor.
Against foes who aren't immobilized by the bebilith's SOUTH CHAMBER (EL 9)
web,the demon has a few other tricks it can employ. It
can bull rush a foe off the bridge; this provokes an at Hundreds of tin bird cages hang from the ceiling of
tack of opportunity, but then the bebilith makes a +17 this chamber. In the end of the otherwise featureless
bull rush check (+19 if charging) opposed by the PC's room is a circle of powdered silver. Inside is a for
Strength check. If the bebilith wins, it pushes the PC lorn-looking creature with a hawklike face, white bird
back 5 feet plus 5more feet for every5points by which it wings, and taloned feet.
won the opposed check. The bebilith can also grapple a
foe (+29 bonus), then climb to the ceiling (at half speed Creature: One of Adimarchus's minions trapped an
with a successful grapple check) and drop the PC onto avoral guardinal here with a planar binding spell and a
the spikes (6d6 falling damage, plus id4 spikes attack at calling diagram. If the characters disturb the diagram,
^. +10 for id4+3 and 1 Con). the avoral guardian is freed. The avoral guardinal has
If the bridge comes apart as described in the De been trapped here for decades, and he just wants to go
<N velopment section below, the bebilith uses its Climb home. He pleads with the PCs to free him by disturbing
speed to attack from the walls or ceiling if it can. With the circle of powdered silver that traps him.
a Jump bonus of+28, it's also adept at leaping gaps in The avoralguardinal's initial attitude is unfriendly be
the bridge network. cause he deeply distrusts anyone he meets in the Abyss.

He doesn't know or care about the Test of the Smoking again as it encircles the room: "Knowwho made you."
Eye, but he still helps any creature he feels he can trust. The room's only other feature is a tall stairway lead
He addresses the PCs in Celestial first, then switches to ing to a dais. On the dais is a lantern attached to a
Common if they don't understand. He uses frue seeingto four-foot pole by a short length of chain. A string of
discern any subterfuge the PCs may employ. red sigils glows in midair, surrounding the dais at a
^ Halalia,Avoral Guardinal: hp 66, MonsterManual141. ten-foot distance.
Tactics: If the PCs attack the avoral, he fights back
as best he can. If he's still trapped inside the circle, he The sigils are just a permanent image (caster level
uses lightningbolt, hold person,dispel magic, magic missile, 20th) concocted by Adimarchus to look like a trap.
and hisfearaura against PCs. If a drawn-out melee de They'll probably keep the PCs from grabbing the lan
velops, he protects himself as best he can with blur and tern before the mummy lord has a chance to enter
magic circleagainsteviland heals himself with his lay on the room.
hands ability. This encounter proceeds in one of two ways.
Development: After the PCs talk to the avoral guar If the PCs HaveDefeated the Bebilith:They have passed
dinal for about a minute, all the PCs should make the first part of the test, so the mummy lord appears in
Diplomacy, Bluff, or Intimidate checks depending on a flash of light, solemnly marches up the stairs, picks up
the tenor of the conversation. The following circum the lantern, and hands it to the PCs. It ignores the PCs
stance modifiers apply: PCs demonstrate that they're unless they attack it directly, and even then, it just pro
good by speaking Celestial, casting good spells, or tects itself and doesn't fight back until it's discharged
displaying holy symbols of good-aligned gods (+2); its duty and delivered the lantern.
PCs free the guardinal (+4); PCs give the guardinal a Asit hands the lantern to the PCs (which one doesn't
way to get back to Elysium (+8); PCs display connec matter), read the following:
tion to evil gods or demons (-4); PCs describe their
intention to rule Occipitus (-8). The PCs can aid an "Heed the words ofAdimarchus," intones the mummy.
other on this check, or they can each make their own "You have passed the Test of Judgment. Attend to the
rolls. If they chose to make their own rolls, only the wisdom of Adimarchus! Always deal with rivals first,
highest result counts. and enemies second. This lantern shall guide you to
Hostile(resultless than 5): The guardinal attacks as de the second test: the Test of Resolve." There's a flash of
tailed in Tactics. light, and the mummy is gone.
Unfriendly (result 5-14). The guardinal verbally chal
lenges the PCs, referring to them repeatedly as "evildo The beam from the lanternofguidancepoints back out
ers, or worse yet, the duped minions of evil." He'll urge the chamber (either through the north or south cham
them to turn from their evil ways, but he won't attack ber, whichever one the PCs entered through), then out
unless he's attacked first. of the cathedral.
Indifferent(result 15-24): The guardinal remains aloof If the PCs Haven't Defeated the Bebilith Yet: The mum
and distrustful. "Many a demon so deep in the Abyss my appears, but it tries to drive the PCs back from the
wears a kind face, but it's all illusion and lies." If freed, he Chamber of the Lantern. Read the following:
simply departs, seeking his own way home to Elysium.
Friendly(result 25-39):The guardinal uses his healing With a flash of light the mummy appears. "Fools!
and other spell-like abilities on behalf of the PCs and Don't seek a reward you don't deserve! Return and
aids them in any battles near the Cathedral of Feathers, begin anew!"
but he won't go elsewhere on Occipitus, opting instead
to wait in the cathedral until he can figure out a wayto Everyone should roll initiative at this point. The
get home. mummy uses spells or melee attacks to get the PCs to
Helpful (result 40 or more): As above, but the guar retreat, but it doesn't pursue them beyond this room,
dinal joins the PCs' quest no matter where on Oc instead waiting here for them to finish. Every round, it
cipitus it takes them. Kaurophon is none too pleased repeats its desire that the PCs retreat.
when he finds out, naturally, but begrudgingly agrees Development: If the PCs reenter the cathedral af
to play along. ter they have defeated the bebilith, and if there are
Ad-Hoc Experience Award: If the PCs free the guar more good PCs in the party than evil ones, they no
dinal, award them experience equal to what they would tice that the celestial flashbacks now happen 25% of
receive for defeating it in combat. the time. If they reenter the cathedral after they've
completed the second part of the test, they notice
CHAMBER OF THE LANTERN that the celestial flashbacks happen 50% of the time. Co

Occipitus is adapting to the possibility of a new,

Frescoes depicting a black-feathered angel in battle good-aligned ruler. *S

with hordes of demons and devils cover the walls of Ad-Hoc Experience Award: Award experience for the S*tEs&d
this room. Where the wall meets the ceiling is a sen mummy lord only if the PCs defeat it in battle, not if it
tence carved into the granite, repeated over and over disappears at the conclusion of its message.
*HE FLAin HF CYS*S fallen celestials. Hence the cysts, each ofwhich contains
The beam from the lantern ofguidance takes the PCs the body of a celestial or a good-aligned object. "Some
across the surface of Occipitus again, leading them demons say that the more the cysts...'digest' is the
on another overland journey. The PCs won't realize it word, I suppose...the angels, the more good is infused
until they arrive, but their destination is the Plain of into Occipitus and the more dangerous it becomes for
Cysts, one of the battlefields where demon fought an fiends here," he explains.
gel until the entire plain was cast into the Abyss. It's an Most cysts take up two adjacent squares and are 5 feet
8o-mile journey. tall, although some are "doubles" that are 10 feet square
On the path from the Cathedral of Feathers to the and 10 feet tall. To the touch, a cyst feels like it's made of
Plain of Cysts, there's an 8% chance per hour of an en gelatin, soft and slightly quivering whenever disturbed.
counter, except in the celestial rubble, where the chance Each cyst has 200 hit points, although 20 points of dam
of an encounter is only 5%. If an encounter occurs, use age with a slashing weapon is sufficient to carve into
the relevant encounter table described in the Occipitus them enough to get at whatever's inside.
section above.
CELESTIAL BATTLEFIELD Unlike the first part of the Test of the Smoking Eye,
the second part doesn't involve defeating a particu
Dozens of broken weapons, shields, and the occa lar enemy. Instead, the character bearing the lantern
sional bone litter the ground here. Every twenty feet must walk the path outlined on the map without
or so, a translucent ovoid—like a cocoon of some stopping overlong or diverging from it. Specifically,
kind—lies on the ground. Each has a black tube at the end of the lantern-bearer's turn, he or she must
on one end that disappears into the ground at the be at least 15 feet farther down the path than the lan
*.. other. Bipedal silhouettes are visible in some of the tern-bearer was at the start of the turn. If he isn't,
nearer ovoids. the lantern-bearer and any other creature within 20
<s feet—friend or foe—is teleported back to the ridge
Kaurophon explains that the essence of the slain de where the test begins. The 15-foot-wide path isn't
mons was absorbed back into the Abyss almost imme marked in any way, but the lantern ofguidance shows
diately, but that Occipitus still struggles to absorb the the way clearly.
The PCs won't have any idea what's going on at first, Development: After finding the treasure in this cyst,
and they might be teleported back to the start several the PCs might attempt a more comprehensive search
times before they figure out what the test of resolve en of every cyst, hoping to find other treasure troves. Kau
tails.That's OK, as long as the players are enjoying them rophon objects vehemently, even if the PCs offer him a
selves as they wrestle with the mystery of the involuntary share of the loot. He pleads with the characters to pro
teleporting.The playerswill probably make incorrect as ceed with the Test: "These treasures have been here for
sumptions about why they were teleported back to the years—certainly they can rest another day or two, can
beginning,suchas"youaren't supposed to mess with the they not?" The avoral guardinal likewise finds opening
cysts"or "you aren't supposed to fight the demons." But the cysts distasteful—"even the demons respected the
the reality of the test is this: Adimarchus wants to make fallen better than that." The involuntary teleportation
sure his successors can focus on the task at hand and also thwarts dedicated grave-robbing, unless the PCs
aren't distracted by riches or pointless battles. figure out why the teleportation is occurring.
Accordingly,it's your job as DM to provide the dis But NPC objections and involuntary teleportation
tractions. Five encounters appear below, but they aren't are both surmountable obstacles. It takes the PCs 80
keyed to specific locations on the path. Use your own hours of cyst-searching(divided by the number of PCs)
judgment and sense of pacing to spring them on the to clean out the Field of Cysts. During this time there's
PCs in whatever order you like. a 15% chance per hour of a random encounter on the
If the PCs get hopelessly stuck or frustrated by the Fibrous Forests table. After eight hours, the PCs un p=-
second part of the test, you can have Saureya (described cover a 4th-level treasure. A total of ten such treasures
in the Tube Entrance encounter) fly by and explain to lie within the cysts (determine contents as described in A\

the PCs how the test works. But bail the players out Chapter Three of the Dungeon Master's Guide).
only if you're sure that they will never figure it out on
their own. RETRIEVER (EL 11)
Start this encounter with Listen and Spot checks (DC
ABYSSAL BASILISK (EL 12) 20 on both).
Creature: The basilisk wandered into the plain Creature: The retriever is busy excavating a ruined
of cysts several weeks ago, and it's quite hungry. It suit of full plate from the ground, so the PCs can po
attacks immediately. tentially surprise it. The retriever has a Listen bonus of
^P Abyssal Greater Basilisk: hp 188; MonsterManual24. +0 and a Spot bonus of+0. It attacks the PCs as soon as
Tactics: The basilisk hopes to turn all but one of its it's aware of their presence.
foes to stone, then use its smite good bite on the re ^ Retriever: hp 135; MonsterManual46.
maining enemy, kill it, and eat it. It closes to within 30 Tactics: The retriever remains at range if it can, cy
feet as quickly as possible. cling through its eye rays in the following order: fire,
Because the basilisk has a gaze attack, make sure each cold, electricity, petrifaction. It prefers to move out
PC within 30 feet states at the beginning of his or her from behind a cyst, fire an eye ray, then move back be
turn whether he or she is looking at the basilisk (Fort hind the cyst to gain cover. The first creature to damage
save DC 21), averting eyes (the basilisk gets concealment the retriever becomes its focus for the rest of the fight.
from you, but there's a 50% chance you won't have to When it focuses its efforts on one PC, it hopes to ren
attempt the save),or closing eyes completely (giving the der the PC unconscious or dead, then drag it back to
basilisk total concealment, but no save required). its junk pile (marked on the map). Once the retriever
is dragging someone away, it ignores attacks until it's
EASY RICHES reduced to one-quarter of its hit points or less. It then
focuses on the PC who brought it below 34hit points.
A nearby cyst seems to contain a glowing, golden Treasure: Characters who examine the retriever's
longsword. Deeper into the cyst, the glint of other junk pile discover a +1 unholy dagger, a suit of master-
metallic objects beckons. work full plate, 190 pp, 3,200 gp, and 5,950 sp.

The cysts aren't dense enough to block divination NOT DEAD YET (EL 10)
spells such as detect magic, so the PCs can examine the Start this encounter with a DC 25 Spot check. Charac
objects before they retrieve them. The PCs have found ters who succeed see the following.
something all too rare in a D&^D game: worthy treasure
just lying around, theirs for the taking. But keep close A nearby cyst contains a brilliantly colored feathered
track of where the lantern-bearer is standing. If the lan serpent within it. Its wing makes a feeble twitch.
tern-bearer steps off the path or pauses while others do, ^
it's backto the beginning for anyone nearby. Rescuing the couatl from the cyst is simply a mat
Treasure:The contents of this cyst are a +1 holy bas ter of carving in through the translucent goo. Even Y^
tard sword,a cloak ofresistance+3, and a set of lesserbracers when removed from the cyst, the couatl remains un $* StAd
ofarchery.The body upon which these items once rested conscious. Several slashing wounds across its sinuous
has been absorbed by Occipitus. form bleed sluggishly.
plomacy);PCs ask for help getting the avoral guardinal
home (+2 on Diplomacy);PCs explainwhat'shappened
since Tiluklatl was knocked out (+4 on Diplomacy);PCs
displayconnection to evilgods or demons (-4 on Diplo
macy,+2on Intimidate); PCs describe their intention to
rule Occipitus(-8 on Diplomacy,+4on Intimidate).
Hostile (result less than 5): Tiluklatl attacks, either be
cause he's completely disoriented or because he doesn't
trust the PCs. He grabs a Small or light PC, grapples
and constricts him or her, then flies into the sky before
jettisoning his opponent. Tiluklatl doesn't know about
the plasms, so he may attract them.
Unfriendly(result5-14). Tiluklatl simply flees with his
plane shift spell-like ability.
Indifferent(result 15-24). Tiluklatl scans the group
with detect evil and detect chaos. If he finds no
chaotic or evil creatures among the PCs, he
thanks them briefly, questions them using detect
thoughts,then leaves with plane shift.If chaotic or
evil creatures are present, he plane shiftsaway.
Friendly (result 25-39): As above, but Tiluk
latl is willing to accept a group with one or
two chaotic members. If he trusts a group
after the questioning, he uses his spells
and spell-like abilities on their behalf
before plane shifting away with the
avoral guardinal.
Helpful (result 40 or more). As above,
but Tiluklatl joins the PCs' quest. If the
avoral guardinal needs to get back to
Elysium, the couatl plane shifts there,
then plane shiftsback to Occipitus to
try to find the PCs.


Have the characters make Listen checks at
the start of this encounter. Those PCs who get a result
of 10 or higher hear the following.

You hear a low muttering coming from ahead and to

the right. Between two cysts you spot four human-
Creature: The couatl is named Tiluklatl. He shaped figures cloaked in black. One of them holds a
fell unconscious during the battle and suffered a skull aloft, while the others look around as they lean
trip through a planar rift into the Abyss,the formation on their shovels.
of its cyst, and partial absorption into the fabric of Oc
cipitus. He doesn't awaken until he receives a remove Creatures: The cloaked figures are followers of Wee
curse or break enchantmentspell. Tiluklatl is otherwise Jas on the trail of a powerful magic item known in lore
stable at o hit points, so he can't do anything until he as the lensof the blacksun.They've just completed a speak
gets some healing. with dead spell cast on the skull of a celestial who died
Even if the PCs are able to restore him to conscious during the demon invasion of Celestia.
ness, Tiluklatl is disoriented and prone to lashing out ^ Wee Jas Assassins, male and female human rogue
at anyone in sight. The PCs must do some fast talking 5/assassin 2 (3): hp 31 each; see Appendix 4.
to keep him from attacking them. •J> Velasia, Wee Jas Cleric, female human cleric 7: hp
Co ? Tiluklatl, Male Couatl: hp 60 (currently o), Monster 40; see Appendix 4.

m Manual 37.
Development: Tiluklatl's starting attitude is un
Tactics: Two of the assassins maneuver into flanking
positions, preferably against front-line melee fighters,
friendly.The followingcircumstance modifiers apply to and then make sneak attacks with their poisoned blades.
Diplomacy or Intimidate checks to adjust his attitude: The third hides or turns invisible, makes a death attack
PCs heal him so he has 30 or more hit points (+2 on Di after studying a PC for 3 rounds, then hides again. If
possible, the cleric casts divinepowerand bear'sendurance the Skull. That's when they draw the attention of Vork
before entering melee combat herself. Once the cleric aire, an adult black dragon hunting for fresh meat.
enters the fray, the assassins tumble away from their Creature: This is a straightforward fight—Vorkaire
targets and try to attack spellcasters instead. is looking for food because he's tired of thunder beast
meat. The PCs are the first travelers he's seen in days,
END OF THE PATH (EL 15) mostly because a lot of Occipitus's other denizens
The end of the winding path across the Plain of Cysts is don't go into the ulcer field—they know the dragon
a well-hidden, permanent teleportation circle. Charac hunts there.
ters who step into it are teleported to a clearing in the ^ Vorkaire,Adult Black Dragon:hp 194; see Appendix 4.
middle of a fibrous forest (marked on the map), where Tactics: Vorkaire is content to cast mage armor and
another mummy lord proctor is present. It speaks as shield,then circle overhead and launch his breath weap
the PCs appear: on at the PCs and cast ray of enfeeblementuntil they do
something that necessitates a change in his tactics. If the
"Heed the words of Adimarchus. You have passed the PCs fly up to engage Vorkaire in melee or make strong
Test of Resolve. Attend to the wisdom of Adimarchus! ranged or spell attacks, he responds by diving into me
Let neither riches nor weaponry, neither allies nor lee with whichever PC the dragon perceives as the most
enemies, tempt you from your course. Instead, spread compelling threat. Vorkaire grapples spellcasters, uses
such distractions before your rivals.The lantern shall his teeth and claws to tear into lightly armored foes, and
guide you to the final test: the Test of Sacrifice. Your tries to bull rush heavily armored foes into one of the
ascension to the throne draws nigh!" ulcer pools.
If the PCs are traveling invisibly they still encounter
Creature: If the PCs interrupt the mummy, it ignores Vorkaire, but they'll see him coming from a long way
them. If they attack the mummy, it fights back to the off. Vorkaire flies over the ulcer field at an altitude of 60
best of its ability, reciting the above text as it fights. feet, so his blindsense picks up invisible creatures on
^ Mummy Lord: hp 95; Monster Manual 190. This the ground. The dragon doesn't bother hiding, so the
mummy lord has the Travel domain rather than Pro PCs see him gliding over the landscape long before he
tection, so it has teleport, dimension door, and longstrider flies directly overhead.
prepared rather than slayliving,spell immunity,and sanc Vorkaire knows that the plasms are deadly, so he
tuary respectively. avoids flying too high. His breath weapon reaches only
Ad-Hoc Experience Award: Award experience for the 80 feet, so he rarely flies above that altitude.
mummy lord only if the PCs defeat it in battle, not if it Development: The players can search for Vorkaire's
teleports awayat the conclusion of its message. lair if they can use magic to find it—or if they successful
lyinterrogate a helpless Vorkaire.The dragon dwells in a
SECRETS hollow that was once a particularly large ulcer just north
FTF*HE SKULL west of the Skull. Kaurophon argues against a side trip at
Once the PCs arrive in the fibrous forest clearing, the this juncture, pointing out that the Test of the Smoking
lantern of guidance points directly at the Skull. Once Eye is nearly complete. In any case, a successful DC 25
again, the PCs have an overland journey ahead of them, Search check is required to find the concealed entrance
although this one is only 50 miles long. Characters to his lair if the PCs don't know its exact location.
who correctly guess that the Skull is the destination Treasure: Vorkaire's lair is undefended in his ab
can simply teleport there and avoid the rigors of the sence, and contains a +2 heavy mace, 2,500 gp, and four
journey altogether. opals worth 500 gp each..
On the path from the teleportation point to the
Skull, there's a 15% chance per hour of an encounter. TUBE ENTRANCE (EL 12)
Once the PCs enter the Plain of Ulcers, though, they
have no encounters except for the one detailed below As the ground slopes upward toward the base of the
with Vorkaire the dragon. If an encounter occurs, use skull, the light from the lantern ofguidanceshines di
the relevant encounter table described in the Occipitus rectly upon a perfectly round ulcer pool. A shadow at
section above. the bottom of the pool could be a trick of the light—or
it could be a passageway under the caustic fluid.
About a half-mile from the skull, the flat Occipitus A creature that looks like a raven-winged angel lies
plain on which the PCs have been traveling develops on the ground next to the entrance, flat on its back. It
more frequent ulcers, described in the Occipitus sec £ t
struggles weakly against several iron spears that have CO
tion above. Most are of the seeping variety, but occa pinned its wings to the ground, then lies still.
sionally the PCs pass by a fountain ulcer. If Kaurophon is still with the group, he gasps when %
. Eventually the ulcers take up much of the terrain, and he sees the angel and says, "It's Saureya! I met this piti J^s^
the PCs wind their way through them on their way to ful creature many years ago—and he said he knew many
secrets about the Test of the Smoking Eye!"
The dark shadow in the bottom of the pool is indeed ^ Saureya, Fallen Astral Deva:hp no hp (currently o
a passageway,and the lantern ofguidanceindicates that hp); MonsterManualn.
the way onward is through it. Saureya doesn't have a heavy mace of disruption,nor
Creature: Saureya has been pinioned here by Zaur does he have access to any spell-like ability with the
Sza and Motruk, a rakshasa and fire giant Good descriptor. His natural weapons are not
who also hope to pass the Test of treated as good-aligned.
the Smoking Eye. If the PCs Development Keep track of how
aid him, Saureya may reveal many rounds pass from the mo
more than Kaurophon ment you read the boxed text
wishes him to. above. The struggle the
Saureya has a nearly 8- PCs witnessed there was
foot-tall, lithe frame. His Saureya's final attempt to
long, feathery wings break free under his own
are jet black. Tattered power—an attempt that
robes cover very little took him from o hp to
of his body, but a mass -l hp. He continues to
of scars, welts, and rough lose i hp per round
black spiral tattoos cover al until he dies, stabi
most every inch of skin. The lizes, or receives aid
wounds on his wings are from the PCs.
bleeding profusely, stream If brought above o
ing blood that seemingly has hp, Saureya regains
flecks of gold in it. consciousness. He
Saureya was one of the few thanks the PCs, greets
angels who was on the battlefield Kaurophon by name, then
when the Celestial army created the starts to walk away. He'll talk to
planar rift that cast the land down into the PCs for a while, but he'd rath
the Abyss.Adimarchuscaptured Saureya er be alone and eventually flies
shortly thereafter, sensing a kindred spirit: away no matter what. If the PCs
an angel alienated from his peers and cast healed him, his starting attitude is
out of heaven. Adimarchus kept Saureyaprisoner Saureya friendly,althoughhe's a gruff,wearysort
for years, treating him as a "court jester" of sorts on who doesn't exude much warmth or friendship to any
Occipitus. Because they were the only two angels on one. If he recovers on his own and later encounters the
the layer, an odd, strained friendship developed over PCs, his starting attitude is unfriendly.
the years. If only Saureya would completely cast off his Saureya'sanswers to questions the PCs are likely to ask
old morality, Adimarchus often told him during their are given below. Adapt the exact wording to follow the
long conversations, there would be a place of power character of the conversation, emphasizing that Saureya
for him among Occipitus's demonic host. just doesn't care about good vs.evil,the Test of the Smok
Saureya never gave in to Adimarchus's temptations, ing Eye, who rules Occipitus,or anything else.
although he's so disillusioned and poisoned by long- What are you? "I was once an astral deva. But when
term exposure to Occipitus that his alignment has this part of Celestia fell into the Abyss, I fell along with
shifted to neutral. It was Saureyawho planted the seed it. Now I don't know what I am."
of worry in Adimarchus's mind about a worthy succes Who did this to you? "The spikes, you mean? A rak
sor to his throne. Saureya is the true architect of the shasa and his bodyguard—a giant. They're on their way
Test of the Smoking Eye, although he introduced his inside the skull. Presumably they're trying to pass the
ideas so gradually that Adimarchus believed they were Test, too."
his own. Likewise, Saureya advocated a strong stand What's with the scars/tattoos? "The former ruler of
against Graz'zt—a battle that precipitated Adimarchus's this layer, a fallen planetar named Adimarchus, found it
disappearance from Occipitus. amusing to keep me around as his prisoner. He found
Is Saureya an incredibly subtle puppet master, ma me a kindred spirit, I suppose—where else are you
nipulating Adimarchus into death or exile, then ma going to find an angel around here? Adimarchus also
nipulating Kaurophon into bringing the PCs to Occi thought it would be amusing to torture me repeatedly
pitus? Or did he merely exact a petty revenge against and put these blasphemous sigils on my flesh."
'A Adimarchus by twisting his desire for a worthy succes Why don't you heal the scars with magic? "What's
153 sor? Saureya certainly isn't saying. He's quick to point
out that he doesn't care about the plots and machina
the point? Healing them wouldn't change the fact that
they happened."
tions of others. Whether that claim represents the truth What happened to Adimarchus? "He disappeared on
of an exhausted soul or is itself a machination remains the eveof a great and pointless battle between his horde
to be seen. and that of Graz'zt, a particularly vicious demon lord.
Some sayGraz'zthad him kidnapped and assassinated. A DC 20 Sense Motive check reveals that Kaurophon
Others saythe battle wasjust a ruse for some other plan gets a lot more interested whenever the topic turns to
ofAdimarchus's." the specificsof the final test, and he gets visiblynervous
You know Kaurophon? "Of course. We met—was it a whenever Saureya describes his previous meeting with
yearago, Kaurophon?—yes,about a year ago at the Ca Kaurophon. He's worried that the PCs will figure out
thedral of Feathers. He was wondering why he couldn't the truth: the only reason Kaurophon brought them to
enter the antechamber, much less get to one of the Occipituswasto pass the first two tests and lead Kauro
doors. So I told him: Adimarchus wanted to keep any phon to the third.
one born of the Lower Planes from becoming the next
ruler of Occipitus. Adimarchus was alwayshopeful that PERISTALTIC TUBE (EL 12)
his successor would be another fallen angel or someone After a brief, unpleasant swim in the ulceric fluid, the
formerly of the light." PCs find fresh air and a tubelike tunnel. This round
What do you know about the Test of the Smoking tunnel features a smoother, firmer "skin" than the sur
Eye? "Well,I helped Adimarchuscreate it—is that good face of Occipitus. It descends steeply for about 20 feet,
enough for you? He confided in me throughout its con then levels out.
struction; after all, I was exactly the kind of successor he Assuming the PCs move through the tube, read
wanted. I was able to introduce a flaw into the test, be the following:
cause Adimarchus wasn't always thinking clearly. Rul *
ing a layer of the Abyss will do that to you." Though it descends at first, the tube quickly changes
A flaw? "Well, you don't need to complete all three course, rising and spiraling clockwise. After walking
parts of the test—just the last part. The first two parts several hundred feet, it's apparent that you're some
simply point you in the direction of the final part, the where inside the Skull itself Every 50 to 100 feet,
part that really matters. The proctors—those mummies there's another curve to the right.
that Adimarchus created—can't tell who's passed pre
vious parts of the test and who hasn't. I suspect that's After the PCs have walked about 400 feet, have them
what the rakshasa is doing. The flaw is a little subter make DC 10 Listen checks to hear the Creatures that,
fuge on my part, from back when I dreamed of rescue. I lurk around the corner.
dreamed a powerful angel would come and rescue me, Creatures: Leaning against the wall of the tube are
and together we'd come here and perform the third part a bipedal tiger in an ornate girdle and loincloth and a
of the test before Adimarchus knew what was going on. heavily armored giant with black skin, red hair, and a
Then all of Occipitus would be borne anew,lifted right massive greatsword.
out of the Abyss and reconnected to its rightful place in Zaur Sza the rakshasa and Motruk the fire giant are
Celestia. I'm no longer so naive." taking a break from their climb. They attack the PCs
Why are you here? "I was waiting for you, frankly. on sight—especially if they see that the PCs also have a
After all these years, I had a mild curiosity about the lanternofguidance.
people who were going to pass the Test of the Smoking jt Zaur Sza, Male Rakshasa: hp 55; Monster Manual
Eye. Nowthat curiosity is satisfied." 211. Zaur Sza has bull's strength as a 2nd-level spell, not
What's the third test? "I'm not telling—and before you Melfs acidarrow.
start with the threats, I've had centuries of practice resist ? Motruk, Male Fire Giant hp 140; MonsterManual121.
ing torture from someone more ruthless and cruel than Tactics: These two combatants know their roles when
you. The rakshasa tried to force the same information a fight starts.
from me. He failed." Zaur Sza is confident that between his damage reduc
Why keep the test a secret? "I'll say this—knowing in tion of 15/good and piercing and spell resistance of 27,
advance what the test is won't help you prepare in any he's reasonably safe from the PCs' attacks, so he spends
meaningful way. You could succeed. You could fail. You the first three rounds casting spells to make Motruk
could turn your back on the whole idea. I'm not going tougher: bull'sstrength,bear'sendurance,and haste. On the
to meddle in your fate. My own fate is trouble enough." fourth round (or earlier if he's badly hurt), Zaur Szacasts
What happens if we pass the test? "The very fabric of invisibility,then starts casting spells to protect himself
Occipitus's reality is yours to command—you do know bear's endurance, shield, and mage armor. He then casts
how to control an entire layer of the Abyss, don't you? bull'sstrengthon himself and sneaks around the edges of
No?Well,I'd humbly suggest a line of academic inquiry, the fight, looking for enemy spellcasters to waylay,using
then. Like every other part of the Abyss, Occipitus re the lantern ofguidanceas a heavy flail (+12 melee, idio+6
sponds to power, and the more powerful you are, the points of damage).
more Occipitus will bend to your will." Motruk stays near Zaur Sza until he's received bear's &
Do you know about Cauldron or the Cagewrights? enduranceand bull's strength.Those two spells give him
"Affairson other planes don't interest me. For that mat 30 extra hit points, +2 on Fortitude saves, and a great
ter, affairs on this plane don't interest me either." sword attack of +22/+17/+12 melee (3d6+i8). He then fr* s^0
Any advice?"I'd catch that rakshasa,unless you want to wades into melee. He has the feats to make a number of
growwhiskerswhen he recreates Occipitus in his image." effective special attacks including the following (all of
enemies,he uses the PowerAttack feat as much as pos
sible,attackingat +7/+2/~3for3d6+48points of damage.
SunderAttack Motrukcan damage a foe's weapon,deal
ing 3d6+i8points ofdamage against it, ifhe succeedsat an
attackroll at +34, opposed by the foe's attack roll.If he uses
the PowerAttackfeat in conjunction with a sunder attack,
he still has a +19 on the opposed check,and his attackdoes
3d6+48 points of damage. Hit points for PCweapons are
listed on page166of the Player'sHandbook
Development: If the tunnel surface, including the
ceilingor walls,takes anydamage,the passagewaystarts
to constrict in rings that move upward, creating peri
odic waves on the surface of the tunnel that force up
ward any creature standing in the tunnel. The effect is
similar to that of an esophagus pushing food toward
the stomach. Any area spell that deals damage (such as
fireball) is sufficient to start the peristaltic waves, as is
any ranged weapon that misses its target cleanly(mean
ing that it would have missed if it were a ranged touch
attack).Melee attacks that miss the target cleanly(miss
ing even the target's touch AC) have a 10% chance per
attack of striking a tunnel floor or wall, starting the
peristaltic waves.
Everyonein the tunnel sees the wavesforming as soon
as the tunnel is damaged. Everyround thereafter at ini
tiativepoint o, a wave passesthrough the area,making
a bull rush attack against each creature with a +12 on
the Strength check.The wave always pushes PCs the
maximumamount,and it'salwaysin astraight
line further up the tunnel. Unconscious crea
tures move 20 feet up the tunnel each time
a peristaltic wave passes. The peri
staltic waves last 30 minutes
before subsiding as
suddenly as they

Zaur Sza makes checks at +1 (+3 af

ter bull's strength) to resist the bull rush.
Motruk makes checks at +14 (+16 after bull's
which assume that Motruk gets a bull's strength from Treasure: In addition to a second lantern of
Zaur Sza). guidance, Zaur Sza and Motruk have 10 days of bland,
Overrun Attack: This provokes an attack of opportu dried food, 4 throwing rocks, and a scroll of plane shift.
nity. Resolve that attack, and then compare Motruk's
opposed attack roll at +20 (+22 if charging) against THRONE ROOM (EL 10)
the foe's Strength or Dexterity check. Motruk's foe is
prone if Motruk wins, and Motruk can keep moving. The tube's upward spiral ends in a round chamber
Motruk often uses overruns to get front-line fighters with a doorway in the opposite end leading to a spiral
*pi out of the way so he can reach the spellcasters hiding staircase. Furniture in this room is limited to a mas
behind them. sive iron throne festooned with spikes. Most of the
Power Attack Motruk sometimes uses the Power Attack back of the throne is missing, although the frame
^£ StfP* feat to take a -7 penalty on the attack in exchange for +14 work of the back remains. Before the throne lies a
damage.That means his greatsword attack is +15/+10/+5 pile of wood—furniture debris from the looks of it.
for 3d6+32points of damage. Against stunned or helpless
There are ceramic shards on the floor; it looks as if it elsewhere. And Myaruk doesn't want to share his find
someone smashed dozens of clay pots here. with anyone else, evil or not.
Prior to this fight, the PCs have probably faced a rak
Creature: Behind the throne lurks a 7-foot-tall hu shasa and a clay golem—two creatures with high dam
man-shaped creature made of soft clay, with an over age reduction and either high spell resistance or out
sized chest and thick arms that hang to its knees. It right spell immunity.These can be frustrating fights.
slowly slams its big fists into the walls, but stops and This room is the PCs' chance to mow through piles of
gazes toward the PCs. This is a berserk clay golem, and lower-levelfoes before facing the lich itself
it attacks anything that enters the throne room. Don't be shy about flooding the PCs with summoned
The pottery debris is the remains of another clay monsters they can easilybeat—just keep them coming,
golem guardian—these golems turn to hard ceramic and the players should have a good time watching the
and then shatter when they die. The presence of the bits body count add up. ci
of pottery makes Move Silentlychecks across the floor This encounter is also a good place to spend some
much more difficult, imposing a -10 penalty. time beforehand thinking carefully about which mon
^ Berserk Clay Golem: hp 87; MonsterManual134. sters Myaruk summons. This is a good time to pick
Tactics:The golem is an unsubtle opponent, and it monsters such as fiendish vermin, fiendish animals,
lumbers up to any foe it sees and slams it until it falls. and elementals if the PCs have had their fill of regu
Originally,two clay golems were bound to the room as lar demons by this point. But consider carefully how M
guardians, but now that the one surviving golem is ber complicated you want this fight to be on your side
serk it can follow the PCs anywhere. of the DM screen. There's nothing wrong with using
Development: In the likely event that Myaruk straightforwardmonsters such as fiendish dire wolves,
the lich in the nexus room upstairs hears the fight Medium earth elementals, and Large earth elementals
against the clay golem, he starts casting spells in the so you keep all the NPCs straight.
order described in his Tactics section. Two rounds ^ Myaruk, Male Human Lich cleric (Vecna) 7/thau-
after Myaruk starts casting, an invisible magic sen maturgist 4: hp 71; see Appendix 4.
sor from his clairvoyancespell appears in the throne Tactics: If Myaruk hears a fight down in the throne
room. A character that can see invisible objects can room, he touches the nexus in the first round to gain +4
see this sensor. caster levelsand an extra unholyblight. Each round there
after, he casts these spells in order: clairvoyance,desecrate,
NEXUS ROOM (EL 13) divine power, shield offaith, entropic shield, and finally true
seeingif he suspectsthere might be unseen PCsaround.
A bonfire of utter blackness dominates the center of Myaruk hides inside the vortex before the PCs arrive
this room. It crackles as if it were normal flame, but if possible;as long as he remains in the vortex he heals
it's a slick, glossy black rather than the orange-red 4d8 points of damage per round. He then starts cast
of a fire. Surrounding the black flames is a pale yel ing summon monster spells, sending waves of creatures
low corona that casts light about the room. A sheaf against the PCs. Each summoned creature remains for
of papers lies scattered near the base of the black- 30 rounds and has +4Strength and +4Constitution due
flame bonfire. More than a dozen passages originate to Myaruk's Augment Summoning feat. Myaruk's plan
in this room, with at least some of them doubling is to let the monsters do the fighting for him, but he's
back on themselves. flexible enough to take a round away from summon
ing to use slay living,harm, or unholy blight on a PC who
This room contains a nexus of evil eldritch power. gets too close. If melee, he starts converting
The flames improve the spellcasting and spell-like abil his spells into the appropriate inflict spells and making
ities of any evil creature who touches them. touch attacks against a PC.
For evil creatures, the nexus functions like a com If reduced to less than a quarter of his hit points
bination pra_yer bead of karma and prayer bead of smiting, and forced out of the vortex—and it looks unlikely that
granting +4 caster levels and the ability to cast unholy he'll be able to cast harm or an inflict spell that'll cure
blight(Will DC 17 partial) once per day.The caster level him—Myaruk retrieves the scroll of planeshiftand uses
bonus lasts for 1 hour, and it also improves spell-like it to escape.
abilities with caster levels. It deals 4d8 points of nega Development: The lantern of guidance points toward
tive energy (which heals undead) per round to anyone the far corner of the room, where a spiral staircase
who touches the flames, regardless of their alignment. leads up for several hundred feet. Eventually the stairs
The flames themselves grant concealment to anyone emerge in the eye socket of the Skull, where the third
standing within them. part of the Test of the Smoking Eye takes place. &
Nonevil creatures who touch the nexus don't receive Ad-Hoc Experience Award: The PCs don't earn ex
the benefits, and instead take 2d4 negative levels (Forti perience for summoned creatures they defeat, just for % M
0 fc-.
tude DC 23negates after 24 hours have passed). Myaruk himself If Myaruk uses the nexus to boost his A Estf?
Creature: A lich named Myaruk has traveled from a caster level and to gain healing each round, award 125%
distant plane to study this nexus, hoping to duplicate the normal experience points for this encounter.
TEST OF SACRIFICE (EL 14) After the PCs have had a moment to adjust to their
surroundings and ask you questions, the mummy
The spiralstaircaseemergesinto whatcanonlybe the lord speaks.
eye socket of the skull itself The stairwayends in a
shallowdepression,with curvingwalls that eventually "Adimarchus, Most Potent Ruler of Occipitus, bids
become the ceiling some sixty feet up. From the cen you welcometo the Final Test of the Smoking Eye. A
ter of the eye socket—inmidair—a gusher of blind worthy successor to the throne of Adimarchus must
ing red light rushes outward and upward,eventually complete only one more task. To rule Occipitus—to
spreading to fill the sky with the fiery clouds above. grasp its power and use it for good or ill—means to
The origin of the gusher isn't visible—it's as if the sacrifice everything you hold dear. The final test is
plasma is being vented from a rip in the fabric of the this: sacrifice an ally to the plasma, and Occipitus
plane itself At the opening of the eye socket float a is yours!"
multitude of fiery clouds. The clouds don't drift into
the eye socket, however. Creatures: This sets up the adventure's final fight:
the PCs take on Kaurophon, who should be magically
Another greater mummy waits here; the mummy charged by the nexus from the previous room. Kauro
is dressed in golden armor and remains silent for a phon fights to the death, trying his utmost to force a
few moments. PC into the plasma gusher so he can claim his reward.
Any creature who enters one of the plasma gush Of course, if a PC pushes Kaurophon into the plasma
er squares takes i5d6 points of fire damage and i5d6 gusher, they can claim the same reward—Kaurophon
points of unholy damage per round. If this damage certainly regards the PCs as useful allies, even if he
kills the creature, its remains are consumed utterly. turned on them.
If someone the dead creature regarded as an ally bull- jt Kaurophon: hp 65;see Appendix 4.
rushed or otherwise placed the creature into the plas ^ Mummy Lord: hp 95; Monster Manual 190. This
ma gusher, the ally gains the Smoking Eye template mummy lord has the Travel domain rather than Pro
(see Appendix 1). tection, so it has teleport, dimension door, and longstrider
Oa *,pa Creatures can move through the squares with the prepared rather than slay living,spell immunity,and sanc
plasma gusher—it's a 2-foot-wide cylinder, suspended
roughly 3 feet off the ground, so it's easy to duck under.
tuary respectively.
Tactics: Except during the final fight, Kaurophon
^s^0' The PCs can't see it, but a wall offorce (marked on the is exceedingly cautious. In combat, he spends several
map) prevents the plasms from approaching any closer rounds casting defensive spells such asgreaterinvisibil
than they already are. ity, displacement,haste, bear's endurance,cat'sgrace, shield,

mirror image, and protectionfrom evil before using his BEHIIID *HE SCEIIES: *ES* HF *HE
offensivespells. He'll happily cast spells such as bear's smHKiriG EYE
endurance, cat's grace, and haste on the PCs, because While the PCs are involved in this chapter, things
Kaurophonrealizesthat such spellcasting is an effec move apace in Cauldron.With the ritual of planar
tive way to ingratiate himself to the PCs and provehis junction drawing near, Vhalantru begins to make
"good" intentions. his bid for power. The mayor vanishes suddenly;
Both of Kaurophon's 5th-levelspells can benefit im wild speculation abounds as to the cause, but in
menselyfrom the +4 caster levelshe mayhave gained truth, Vhalantru has assassinated and eaten him.
from the nexus room, so he'll use cone of cold on as The beholder siezes control of the city government,
many PCs as possible. After he surveys the damage ostensiblyas a temporarylord mayor, but now that
his initial attack does, he's got a lot of options. Greater he has the power he has little intentionof letting it
invisibilitycan keep him out of harm's way, especially go. Powerful contingents of mercenaries provided
in conjunction with dimension door. Telekinesis can to him by Zarn Kyass patrol the streets,and fear and
disarm the toughest fighter or take a spellcaster out suspiciongrow with each passingweek.
with a grapple. In a rare show of generosity, Vhalantru grants
If there's one PC who was particularly friendly or his Cagewright ally Thifirane a beholder eye graft
distrustful toward Kaurophon up until this point, at some point during this chapter.Thifiranespends
Kaurophon focuses his attacks on that PC. Other the majority of this chapter and much of the next #
wise, he takes out whatever he perceives as the biggest recoveringfrom the proceedure;she wears complex
threats first. Kaurophon knows he has to keep at least wigs designed to hide the graft from this point on
one PC alive to pass the final test. But he has no need when she appears in public.
for additional survivors.
Kaurophon has observed the PCs in action in numer
ous fights by this time, so he's ready for any PC tactic Test once in this manner. A character who gains the
he's seen before. By now he knows which characters Smoking Eye template in this manner knows that it
have poor Fortitude saves, for example, so he targets was a one-time boon; further acts of self-sacrifice in
those characters with his disintegratescroll. the gusher bring only death.
The mummy lord defends itself, but won't otherwise Ad-Hoc ExperienceAward: If Kaurophon used the
influence the battle. nexus prior to fighting the PCs, award 10%more expe
Development:This adventure assumes that Kauro rience for this encounter.
phon hasremainedwith the PCs and has survivedto this
point. If he hasn't survived,you still have a few options. cnncLUDiriG
If Kaurophon still lives but has been separated from *HE CHAF+ER
the PCs, he should arrive in this room a few rounds af "Test of the Smoking Eye"—boththe chapter and the
ter them; he's been following them for some time and Test itself—draws to a close when the PCs defeat Kau
is readyto take the final part of the Test himself rophon. One of the PCs should now have the Smoking
If Kaurophon was killed, his force of will combined Eye himself becomingan heir to the conflictedlayerof
with the evil of this plane may transform him into a Occipitus.More importantly, a character must have the
ghost, in which case his spirit waits here for the PCs Smoking Eye template to finallydefeat Adimarchus in
and attacks them on sight. Kaurophon can no longer Chapter Twelve.
gain control of Occipitus now that he's undead, but his In any case, the characters have earned a respite.
anger at the PCs for disrupting his plans still makes The entrance to the peristaltic tube is well-hidden
him a dangerous opponent. and the plasms make the eye-socket unreachable, so
Note that sacrificing an ally is an evil act. Even if nothing bothers the PCs for a time if they need to
Kaurophon betrays the party and tries to sacrifice rest and heal. And the PCs have certainly done what
one of the PCs, forcing him into the gusher can have Alek Tercival commanded with his dying breath;
serious consequences for characters like paladins or they not only sought the Sign of the Smoking Eye,
good-aligned clerics. but they might literally possess it. In any case,
There is a way to successfully pass this final test they've earned a trip back to the Material Plane—to
without sacrificing an ally and thus without commit revisit Cauldron and perhaps learn more about the
ting an evil act. If a character voluntarily enters the lore behind Occipitus.
gusher with the full intention of sacrificing himself, he Unless the PCs take specific actions to prevent it,
takes the full damage indicated above. If this damage other pretenders to the throne of Adimarchus could
is enough to kill the character, though, he is instead also pass the test—and given enough time, some un &
healed of all damage, forced gently but inexorably out doubtedly will. Anyone who does also receives the
of the gusher by invisible force, and granted the Smok Sign of the Smoking Eye template. These rivals to the
ing Eye as a reward for his selfless act. The forces of throne focus their efforts on establishing morphic and &ES*ffS
good have an interest in seeing Occipitus ruled by a military control of Occipitus.
non-evil being, and they are able to intervene in the
arc*?- ^~

t r


/- «•




One of Vhalantru's most successful ploys,both acters right now. Although he's confident that he and
in terms of maintaining his hold on the city his minions could destroy them handily, the characters
and in terms of aiding his Cagewright allies, are powerful enough that one of them might escape
has been the careful monitoring of any noteworthy ad with the news that the city's savior and current de facto 'W
venturing groups resident in Cauldron. Knowing that leader is in fact a beholder. Such news would be enough
the Cagewrightsrisk serious opposition from the forces to draw the attention of powerful forces from the larger
of good should their plan come to light,Vhalantruhas cityof Sasserine,forces that Vhalantru would rather not
carefullymanipulated the careers of most of the city's risk confronting before the successful completion of
adventurers, including those of the PCs. Once these ad the Cagewrights'plan. And so he turns to the Cathedral
venturers have proven themselves capable, but before of Wee Jas.
they reach a level of personal power that might allow Embril Aloustinai, the high priestess of Wee Jas in
them to challenge the beholder himself, Vhalantru ar Cauldron, is aiding the Cagewrights in preparing the
rangesone of two fates: recruitment or death. Shackleborn for the ritual of planar junction, leaving
When the PCs embarked on their journey to the Ike in charge of the temple and its dealings with Vha
Abyssallayer of Occipitus Vhalantru had already taken lantru and the Cagewrights. The Cathedral of Wee Jas
note of their achievements. Although he knew little of has been part of the alliance from the beginning, pro
the group's destination or mission on the outer planes, vidingdivine magic when needed and undead workers
his informants gavehim enough information to let him to handle the most basic aspects of the Cagewrights'
assume that the group was headed on a doomed mis efforts to build the soulcages before they were handed
sion to the Abyss. When the PCs unexpectedly return over to the Ebon Triad. Despite these contributions,
victorious, Vhalantru knows that they must be dealt Vhalantru and the Cagewright leaders know that the
with immediately.Seldom one to dirty his own hands, Cathedral has held back much of its strength, gathering
he puts events into motion as soon as the PCs arrive, influence and wealth from its dealings with the Cage
pitting some of the city'smost powerfulservants of Wee wrights while risking little. Unwilling to let this con
Jas against them. The Cathedral of Wee Jas itself has tinue, Vhalantru bullies Ike Iverson into coordinating
profitedfrom its allegianceto Vhalantru,but of late has an assassination attempt against the characters.
done little to aid his efforts. While the Cathedral's pow Ike reluctantly commits the Cathedral's resources to
erful high-priestess Embril is helping the Cagewrights the task, knowing that without Embril in town to back
prepare the Shackleborn,Vhalantrudemands that her him he dare not gainsayVhalantru's will.Although Ike
second in command, a cleric named Ike Iverson, de would rather not tangle with a group as successful as
stroy the adventurers. the characters have become, once he begins the process
he commits the full might of the Cathedral to the task,
WELCHITAE BACK including his own considerable spellcasting abilities.
Vhalantru does not yet want to risk an open confron Through Vhalantru'sagents, Ike possesses a great deal
tation with the characters—he does not fear them (far of information about the characters, and Ike himself
from it),but his cover is too perfect to risk on the char- has likely met them in the past.
Allow the characters to spend a few days learning
of the growing tensions within the city and renewing
S*AR*inG *HE CHAPTER: contact with old friends. During this time Ike uses scry
SECRE*S HF *HE SHUL PILLARS ing on the PC with the lowest Will save bonus to gain a
The average party level should be 12 when you start thorough understanding of their lodging, their security
this chapter. You should give the PCs some time to measures while in town, and their habits. Once he's had 3? %
recoverfrom their ordeals in the Abyss before starting a few days to observethe characters,his assassinsstrike. 3
the chapter with event 30, but don't wait too long.
Vhalantru wants the PCs dead now, and he won't wait EVENT 30: ASSASSINS (EL 14) o.
forever to strike. The assassins attack the characters wherever they stay ^e*0
in Cauldron, preferably when they are gathered for an
evening meal. You can use the map of the Tipped Tan-
kard to stage this fight in such an event. If the charac INVESTIGATING THE ASSASSINS
ters are particularly vigilant, the assassins might have After the assassination attempt, the characters should
to cast their pre-combat spells further away from the undertake a brief investigation to discover who ordered
group, reducing the amount of time that these crucial the attack on them. Ike Iverson was careful in select
spells will be active (see the Tactics section below for ing the best assassins he could buy and used his own
more details on these spells). spells to increase their chances of success.Despite his
None of the assassinsknowanythingaboutthe Cage diligence, Ike succumbs to his own arrogance in one
wrights,Vhalantru'strue nature, or.the soulcages. sense: he does little to cover his involvement with the
Creatures: Tulrak Gar-Hurk, Kennock Brage, and assassins. Although they pose a serious threat to the
Zaenna Quespin have worked together for many years. characters,if the PCs surviveit should be relativelyeasy
Ike trusts their abilities and their discretion because of to trace the attack to the temple of Wee Jas.
the trio's past dealings with the temple of Wee Jas. The As the PCsget into their investigations,it's important
three assassins are ruthless and efficient. that you make the playersfeel almost as if theyhave free
CO Ike Iverson casts several spells on the assassins run of Cauldron, and that their knowledge of the city
before they make their attack. All spells are cast at proves useful. The information in this section describes
13th level, and their durations are long enough that the actions of the most prominent and trusted NPCs
none are in danger of expiring during the initial that the players are likely to contact, but assumes that
fight with the characters. If tracking the duration of the PCs already know who it is they need to talk to.
the spells becomes an issue, assume that 2 minutes Because the characters are under little time pressure
of each spell's duration has elapsed before the en throughout the adventure and have the run of the city,
counter begins. encounters with these NPCs could occur at nearly any
^ Tulrak Gar-Hurk,malehalf-orerogue 3/fighter7: stage during the adventure, not merely after the assas
hp 96; see Appendix 4. sination attack. In particular, they maybe returning to
^ Kennock Brage, male human sorcerer10: hp 76; some of the NPCs they spoke to earlier to learn more
see Appendix 4. after they deal with Ike and his minions at the Cathe
^> Zaenna Quespin, female human rogue 3/cleric 7 dral of Wee Jas. Thus, general notes about the NPCs'at
(Vecna):hp 84;see Appendix 4. titudes and available information should prove more
Tactics: Zaenna and Tulrak each cast divinefavor helpful than specificencounter descriptions.
before the fight begins, while Kennock casts greater
invisibility on himself. Then Kennock casts haste on THE CHISEL
the group and Zaenna castssilenceon a small pebble Maavu is in Cauldron at this time, overseeing the re
that Tulrak carries. The three burst in on the PCs, pair and reconstruction of his warehouseon Magma
maneuvering to keep PC spellcasters within the ra Avenue. If he is dead, the information described below
dius of the silencespell. Kennock and Zaenna make can be obtained from another member of the Chisel
liberal use of their lesser metamagicrods ofsilentspell. like Oliron Masht or Ekaym Smallcask, although to
All three concentrate their attacks on the primary contactthem the PCsmust travel to the nearbyvillage
spellcasters among the characters, hoping to drop of Redgorge.
them quickly and discard the rock with the silence Maavu Arlintal: Maavu can offer the characters little
spell. This allows them to capitalize on the advan in the way of magicalaid, but he can give the characters
tage of their metamagic rods, and then bring their an accurate viewof the discontent that still grows within
spells to bear against the non-spellcasters in the Cauldron, and can provide reasonable estimates of the
adventuring group. In particular, the three strive to changesthat have been made to the townguard. Maavu
bring down any divine spellcasters quickly, know also knows that many of Cauldron's residents have
ing that if they cripple the character's access to moved awayand that a great deal more seem to be con
healing magic the fight is much more likely to go sidering such a move. He has a keen understanding of
in their favor. the dangers that travel poses to common folk,and he can
Development: Although the assassins have been help the characters understand that conditions must be
paid well, they refuse to throw their lives away fool bad indeed within the city for anyone, much less large
ishly. If one or more of their number drops, the re numbers of people, to consider a dangerous and expen
maining two flee unless they have a good chance or sive relocation. He can also tell them that although the
destroying the remaining characters quickly. If any city government has graciously pardoned him for his
assassins flee, they take refuge in the temple of Wee part in the Cauldron Tax Riot and is allowing him to re
& % Jas and confront the characters there in the company build his warehouse, he still suspects things aren't all as
> of Ike Iverson. they seem with the rulers of the city. For now, however,
'fcf J
Ad-Hoc Experience Award: Because the assassins he prefers to keep his theories to himself.
V:- ^. have the advantage of being prepared for the fight Maavu is at a loss to explain the assassination at
^TCS° against the players and the benefit of numerous spells tempt, but rightly points out that the PCs have made a
from a powerful cleric, award 150% the normal amount lot of enemies over the last year,any one ofwhom could
of experience points for this fight. be behind the attempt.

CHURCHES, SHRINES, AND CATHEDRALS his plans a bit and defends the Cathedral from the PCs
The PCshave probablyalreadymade contact with some as detailed in Chapter Two.
of Cauldron's temples, especially with Jenya and the Jenya Urikas (St. Cuthbert): When the characters
Church of St. Cuthbert. return to Cauldron, Jenya sends them a note welcom
Asfelkir Hranleurt (Kord): The high priest of the ing them back to the city. Should the characterswish
Temple of Kord's reaction to questions depends en to meet with her, she's more than willing to discuss
tirely upon his past dealings with the PCs. He can conditions in Cauldron, their previous adventures, or
confirm that the Cathedral of Wee Jas has grown whateverelse the group might be interested in.
more powerful over the past several months, but he One thing she's heard that has been troubling her is
sees nothing to worryabout in this. He's been in Caul the growing rivalry between the Cathedral of Wee Jas
dron for many years, and over those years he's seen and the Shrine of Pelor. She's heard that father Kristof
the strength of all Cauldron's religious institutions of Pelor believes that the Wee Jas worshipers plan to
wax and wane. He's quick to point out that the Tem build their Cathedral high enough to block the sun's
ple of LordlyMight has remained a solid pillar of the morning rays from reaching the Shrine of Pelor.While
community throughout, but has little more to add. it's true that the Cathedral has recently undergone some
He reacts to news of the assassination attempt with additional construction, Jenya is more worried that
indignation and outrage, no matter what his prior the added friction between the two churches points to
relationship was with the PCs, but he has no actual something more.
insights into the source of the attempt. Should the characters require healing or other assis
Embril Aloustinai (Wee Jas): Embril is the high- tance after the assassins' attack, Jenya is happy to help
priestess of the Cathedral of Wee Jas and one of the them. Depending upon their participation in previous
Cagewright leaders. She is secreted away in the Fiery adventures, Jenya may even offer to only charge the PCs
Sanctum deep below Cauldron at this time, and cannot for expensivematerial components. She performs the
be contacted. Should the opportunity arise, hinting at spellcasting herself in most cases. & %
Embril's power and spellcasting ability can help fore Kristof Jurgensen (Pelor): The last few months have 3
not been kind to the sole resident priest of the Shrine

shadow events in later chapters.

In any case, if the PCs seek out the Cathedral of Wee of Pelor. Kristof is wild-eyed and paranoid these days, O.
Jas before the assassination attempt takes place, they convinced that the Cathedral of Wee Jas is out to get ^E*°
find it to be "closed for renovation work." If they persist him. He points to the new construction atop their
in attempts to enter the Cathedral, flee simply moves up central spire as proof, the higher reaches come close
to blocking the rays of the rising sun over his humble tells them he'll do what he can to find out who ordered
shrine. Although his attitude may seem extreme to the the assassination. Ifthe PCs seem to be stuck in track
PCs, it is unfortunatelyjustified. Embril has long hated ing them down, Skylarcaninform them a few days later
Kristof,and over the past few years hasbeendoingwhat that it looks like the assassination attempt has links to
she can to force him out of town. Unfortunately,Kristof the Cathedral of Wee Jas. You should only hand this
has no proof apart from his paranoia. If told about the info to the PCs in this manner if they'retrulystumped,
assassination attempt, he immediately blames the Ca though;it's much more satisfyingfor them to figure it
thedral of Wee Jas, if a bit too earnestly;he is not put off all out on their own.
by the fact that nothing on the assassins' bodies indi
cated they were worshipers of Wee Jas. THE SEEDY UNDERBELLY
Nidrama: Nidrama willinglyaids any characterswho The PCs may have made contacts with some of
have proven themselves in the defense of Cauldron. As Cauldron's seedier citizens over the past several ad
a 12-Hit Die creature, she may be summoned via planar ventures. The local thieves' guild, the Last Laugh,
Hi bindingorplanarallyspells.Nidramabeginsanyencounter has closed its doors and most of its direct agents
with the Characterswithan attitudeof friendly.ADC 20 are nowhere to be found. Characters who persist in
Diplomacycheck shiftsher attitudeto helpful.Although trying to contact members of this group may find
she can'ttake a directhandin the intriguesof Cauldron, themselves receiving more and more threatening
sheiswillingtohelp charactersby castingdivination,com warnings to mind their own business. If one of the
mune,or any other clericspell(casterlevel 9th). characters has developed a relationship with Jil, she
Nidrama's celestial overlords cannot give her di cannot be contacted either. One sometime agent of
rect information about Vhalantru's disguise or about the Last Laugh is a bit more approachable, however,
the soulcages,but she can point the players toward the ifthe price is right.
temple of WeeJas once the assassination encounter has Artus Shemwick: The Last Laugh has recently cut
taken place. ties with Artus as well, much to his distress, and as a
result he's a bit more cautious about fencing goods or
CITY GOVERNMENT information. His initial attitude toward the PCs should
Although Cauldron's government may seem like the vary, depending on how their last meeting went,but he
last entity the PCs might wantto consult,they may still shouldn'tbe friendlyor helpful.If he canbe made help
attempt to do so. ful, though, he agrees to look into any questions the
Skylar Krewis: If he was rescued from the Cauldron PCsmayhave. His price is steep—2,500gold pieces.You
Tax Riot by the PCs in "The DemonskarLegacy,"Ser can use Artus to guide the PCs toward the next chapter
geant Krewis remainsa strong ally. Lately,he's been pa of the adventureas you see fit; at the very least,his in
trollingthe northeastquarter of the city; locatinghim formationshould point them to an NPC who can help
during the day requires a successful DC 20 Gather In them more. If asked to find out who ordered the assas
formation check. Skylarcan confirm that the Cathedral sination attempt, he raises his price to 5,000 gp. Artus
of Wee Jas has donated a large amount of money and has a feeling that the LastLaughis behind it, and wants
magic resources to the government, but notes a little the extra money to finance a quick getaway if he gets
bitterly that few of these resources have trickled down in over his head. As with Sergeant Krewis, you can use
to the guards themselves; they are more overworked Artus to lead the PCs to the Cathedral if they're stuck
than ever. If asked about possiblecorruptionhigherin for clues.
the government,Skylar glances around nervouslybe
fore admitting that, "Things have definitelybeen bet SHOPKEEPERS
ter in the Guard." He refuses to go into further detail, Friendlyshopkeepersare probably the best place to go
claimingthat his suspicionsare merely that, and until hunting forrumors. The PCscanlearn a rumor from them
he can find proof of his fears he doesn't want to name without having to make Gather Information checks.
any names. He does warn the PCs to avoid too much Tygot Mispas: Tygot Mispas (and any other shop
contactwith more powerfulmembersof the guard and keepers the PCs may have befriended) can tell the PCs
government, and that if they get into too much trouble that the newest set of taxes levied against his business
he'll do what he can to smooth things over. Just how have nearly bankrupted him, and although he's been in
much Skylarcan help ifthe PCs run afoul of the guard Cauldron for his entire life(well over100years),he's for
or government is up to you; you can use him to keep the the first time seriously considering moving somewhere
campaignfrom derailing too badlyifthe PCs getcaught less expensive. Tygot expresses concern and shock if
& % breaking into the CathedralofWee Jas, forexample,and told about the assassination, but has no further insights
£ are thrown in jail. as to who may have arranged it.
If the PCs ask Skylar to aid in tracking down the
'£> source of the assassins, he agrees readily and asks that THE STORM BLADES
^E*° their bodies be turned over to the guard for speak with The Stormblades have fallen on hard times as well.
dead spells.Ifthe PCs prefer not to do so (perhaps fear One member of the group is currently dead and lies in
ing government involvement), Skylar understands and state at the temple of Wee Jas. While adventuring un-
der Cauldron,they were set upon by a powerfulgroup be growingtoo powerfulas a result and may threaten
of undead led by a human wizard.Unbeknownst to the Cauldron's religious balance.
Stormblades,this was Fetor Abradius (see area K12), a Fellian and Fario have information of great relevance
dangerousloremasterand member of the Cagewrights. to the characters, although it is up to the PCs to recog
Fetor'sambush was arranged by Ike Iverson, who was in nize this fact. Because they have been scouting Caul
turn acting under orders from Vhalantru. dron so thoroughly,Fario and Fellianare well aware of
Annah Taskerhill: Annah's group's recent defeat many of theunusualgoingson in the city. In particular,
under Cauldron has rattled her, and she doesn't they candescribethe strangepreparationsof lateat the
seem as cocky and self-assured as she may have in Cathedralof Wee Jas. Severalpowerfulmercenaries(in
prior encounters with the PCs. If they ask to meet cludingat leasttwostone giants)nowguard the temple,
with her, she'll grant them a brief meeting at the Coy and lesser priestsand lay-worshipershave been denied
Nixie. Her initial attitude is unfriendly, but if she access to the temple since the day of the assassination
can be made friendly she tells them what happened attempt. To the two Striders,it appears that the tem
deep under Cauldron, along with Todd Vanderbo- ple is readyingitself against an attack.The characters
ren's tragic fate. She confides that the wizard who might guess that it is themselveswhom the temple's
ambushed them seemed to know all about their tac inhabitantsare preparing to fight,but Farioand Fellian
tics, strengths, and weaknesses;it was no idle attack. have no way of knowingthis. If they are told about the
Ifthe characters can shift her attitude to helpful, she assassination,theyrecommend that the PCsspeakwith
admits that theywere on a mission to scout the lower Meerthan about the event immediately, and are willing m
cavernsagainst a possible kuo-toa invasion, and that to introduce them to him.
the mission was given to them by Ike Iverson of the Shensen Tesseril: Unless things have progressed
temple of Wee Jas. differentlyin your campaign, Shensen has taken up
Cora Lathenmire: Cora is even less interested in talk residence in the small copse of trees near the Lakeside
ing with the charactersthan Annah is. If approached Pavilion, at Meerthan's request. There, she has been
in personor through other socialcontacts,Corareplies keepingan eye on manyaspects of Cauldron normally
that she is considering retiring from adventuring and overlookedby others, and has recently become alarmed
suggeststhat the characterscontactAnnahTaskerhillif at the strange smells (stranger than usual,that is) that
theywish to discuss the Stormblades'adventures. have been waftingin from the lake.Additionally,plants
ZacharyAslaxin II: Like Cora,Zacharyhas no inter that live close to the lake shore are dying, and more and
est in talking with the characters and directs them to more dead fish are washing up on the shore. The locals
Annah. If asked about Todd, he scowls but says nothing. seem to think nothing of it, but Shensen worries that
He'd rather have seen Todd taken to the Temple of Kord these signs might point to some instability in the cav
for resurrection, but since none of the clerics there are erns deep below Cauldron. In fact, these developments
powerfulenough to perform such magic,he grudgingly are a subtle indication of the actions of Cagewrights
wentalongwith the plan to seek aid from the Cathedral deep belowwho have begun to stir the ancient heart of
of Wee Jas. the volcano.As a result, plumes of noxious gasses have
Todd Vanderboren: The ambush in the caverns be risen as far as the surface, creating the stranger than
neath Cauldron claimed Todd's life. His companions es usual odors around the lake.
capedwithhis body,and he currentlyliesin statein the If told about the assassination attempt, Shensen is
Cathedral of Wee Jas awaiting resurrection. See area W4. shocked and enraged. She volunteers any of her spells
to aid the PCs if necessary,but since her investigations
STRIDERS OF FHARLANGHN have been so focused on the more natural problems
The Striders do not yet know the extent of the Cage facing Cauldron,she can't provide any further infor
wrights' plans,nor do they know about the existenceof mation. She does recommend that the PCs speak with
the soulcages. However, they do suspect that the Cage Meerthan about the event immediately, though, and is
wrights have a contact very high in the Cauldron gov willing to introduce them to him.
ernment (although they do not yet suspect Vhalantru). Meerthan Eliothlorn: Meerthan knows about the
Fario Ellegothand Fellian Shard: Friends and adven current situation in the Cathedral of Wee Jas, and once
turers, these two know a great deal about the changes he hears about the assassination he becomes sure that
to the city's guards, the growing tensions among the they are involved somehow. Meerthan willingly shares
populace,and once the assassination attempt has taken what he knows with the characters if they contact him,
place,they even know that the Cathedral of WeeJas has speaking to them in his dwarf disguise. He never takes
a temporary high-priest whom they suspect of having it upon himself to contact them, though, since he pre & %
spent a large amount of the temple's resources creat fers to workthrough his agents and remain impartial to 3
ing several powerful undead creatures. That the Ca current events. CP

thedral of WeeJas has donated a great deal of magical -fc

support to the town guard and to the new mercenaries MAGICAL INVESTIGATION ^E*°
the government hired to help protect the town has not The PCs should have access to a large number of divi
escaped their notice; they worry that the Cathedral may nation spells that can make their investigation much
easier.Even if none of them can cast these spells,they the spell is cast successfully(rememberthat the body
should have allies in Cauldron who can. Don't volun gets a Will save to resist this spell).The affectedcorpse
teer any of these spells to them; they should hit upon gives short, cryptic answers,but given the right ques
the idea of using magic themselves. tions reveals the involvementof the temple of Wee Jas.
Divination:The divinationspell can provide a great Here are sample answers to questions the characters
deal of information,albeitin crypticform. Any casting might put to the corpse:
of divinationthat successfullyprovidesan answergives Jo- Who sent you? "The Veiled Lady." (DC 25 Knowl
the followingcrypticclue. edge [religion]check to recognizethis as a little-
"Cagesabove and bones below known appellationfor Wee Jas).
Deaththe door and magic the key. fc> Why did you attackus? "The pay was good."
Knivesbut dust and soulsthe prize." te- Do you worship Wee Jas? "No."
Although the meaning of the first line of this riddle fo- Why were you in Cauldron? "Flired."
should not become apparent until the characters have Jo- What were you hired to do?"Kill you."
in- beenthroughtheCathedralofWee Jas (and perhapsnot Commune/ContactOtherPlane. Castingether of these
even then),thesecondline has clearmeaningtoanyone spells provides the characterswith a quick way to by
who makes a successful DC 20 Knowledge (religion) pass much of the legworknormallyrequired for an in
check;"death"and "magic"appearingso close together vestigation of this sort. A character's deity can answer
seems to point toward the worship of Wee Jas. Clever questionsaboutthe assassinationaccurately,withinthe
players might figure out that the third line indicates restrictions describedunder the description of the com
that the assassinsare ultimatelyunimportantand that mune spell. Ifthe PCs use contact other plane and try to
instead it is the SoulPillarsin the ruins of Karran-Kural contact an outer plane, there's a 10% chance that the
and the soulcagesthat hold Cauldron's fate. powercontactedis allied with the Cagewrights,and lies
Vision/LegendLore: Either of these powerful spells on all its answers.
proves incredibly useful should the characters take the
time or expend the resources to cast them. If cast on EVENT 51: THE DRAGONSPAWN (EL 14)
one of the assassin'sbodies, the caster learns a great Nearly50yearsago,just afterreachingyoungadulthood,
deal about the assassin'slife, includinga glimpse of the black dragon Dhorlot began an obsessivedrive to
the meetingwithIke Iversonduring which create half-dragon progeny. One of his most bizarre
the assassinsreceivedtheir or- |\ ders to couplings was with a female minotaur shaman who led
kill the player characters. a tribe far to the north. Dhorlot proveda cruel overlord
Speak with Dead: Cast to the minotaurtribe,but he did notstay long,viewing
ing speak with dead on histimewiththeminotaursasawastebecausetheprog
an assassin's body can eny matured too slowly for his obsessive tastes and
prove quite in because none of them ever developed proper
formative, if wings. Dhorlot later joined the organiza
tion known as the Cagewrights and con
tinued his breeding experiments in the
kuo-toan shrine of Bhal-Hamatugn. It is
likely that the PCs met and even killed
Dhorlot while exploring that shrine in
search of Zenith Splintershield.
In this encounter, Dhorlot's
most powerful progeny, a
minotaur named
Zarik Dhor,
comes looking
for the charac
ters. Unlike the
other encoun-


'i- A*

ters in this adventure, there is no set time or place for ventures in the Adventure Path to be too lethal, there's
the encounter with Zarik.It's up to you to decide when, some chance that the group could fall behind the sug
if, and how the encounter occurs, based on the needs gestedlevel.Thisinterludeencounter,whetherrun asa
of your group. Acomplex characterin his own right, combat-or roleplaying-focusedencounter,providesan
Zarik's selfish nature and occasional bouts of cruelty are opportunityfor the charactersto gaina few extraexpe
balancedby his disdain for his father's behavior.This rience points and bring them back to the adventure's
conflictgives the charactersat leastsomechanceof ne stated level ranges.
gotiatingwith him rather than having the encounter Creature: Zarik Dhor, a powerful half-black dragon
default to a simple combat. When you start this event, minotaur fighter/barbarian,sought out the characters
read or paraphrase the followingto the PCs. because of their previousinteractions with the dragon
Dhorlot. He appears as a fearsome reptilian minotaur
As you move down the street,noting again the subtle with the signaturehorns of a blackdragon.
signs of tension among the commonfolkof the city, ^ Zarik Dhor, male half-black dragon minotaur
a thundering cry echoes from behind you. Turning, fighter4/barbarian4: hp 162; seeAppendix4.
you see a powerfuldraconicwarriorin the center of Tactics: Should the characters decide to fight this
the street about twentyyards away. Clad in light chain powerful foe, Zarik uses the extra reach of his spiked
chain to maintain reach superiority and take out spell W5
armor and holding a huge spiked chain, the warrior
stands several feet above the head of the tallest hu casters first. Beyondthis simple approach, Zarik wastes
man. Although he halts his advance,the commoners no time with fancy tactics—he rages and starts laying
in the street rush to get out of the monster's way. His about with his spiked chain. He saveshis breath weapon
face, a rough mix of dragon and bull, seemsto grind until he can target more than one character,preferably
out a question:"Did youkill the Dragon Father?" after at least one of them has been severelywounded.

Interject Action: Should any of the investigation DEAFH AFID ITIAGIC

stages of the adventurebog down, a short but intense Eventually,the characters trace their assailants to the
combat encounter with Zarik can offer a diversion. Cathedral of Wee Jas. This temple, now the most pow-.
Because the encounter can come at any time, it grants erful in Cauldron, has been growing in power in recent
you a great deal of control over the pace of the game years. Led by the potent spellcasterEmbril Aloustinai,
session. Zarik might want to challenge the characters the Cathedral allied itself earlywith the Cagewrights and
physicallyfor any number of reasons. Perhaps he had Vhalantru. The alliance has given the Cathedral a great
plans to confrontDhorlot himselfas a confirmationof advantageover the other temples in the city. Although
his ownmight.Becausethe charactershave robbedhim much of the city's populace viewed the Cathedral of
of that chance (by killing or driving Dhorlot out of the WeeJas with a small amount of suspicion in years past,
region), Zarik instead wishes to measure his strength the clergy's prominent place in city affairs has paid off
againstthem. On the other hand, Zarik could have ven handsomely in terms of both financial resources and
geance itselfin mind—heheld no love for his draconic newworshipers.Each time that Vhalantru succeeded in
sire, yet his bond to his heritage compels him to take gathering more power to himself or enacting a "city-
vengeance on the characters. saving"measure,the clericsof Wee Jaswereon hand to
Interject Roleplaying:It's possiblefor the right mix of lend their support. As it has grown in political might, so
characters,particularlythose with an abundance of div- too has the temple grown in the eyes of the populace,
inatory magic, to proceed through the short investiga and due to newly finished construction atop the already
tive sections of this adventure quite quickly. If this hap impressivecentral tower, the Cathedral is now one of
pens in yourgroup,you might wish to introduce Zarik the grandest buildings in all of Cauldron.
not as a direct physical threat but rather as a powerful As soon as the assassins fail, Ike Iverson puts the
potential antagonist who's more interested in talking Cathedral on a defensive footing. He places formida
with the characters than smashing them into pulp. In ble guards in the Grand Hall and ensconces himself
this case, Zarik came to Cauldron to learn about those on the upper story with even more powerful minions.
who killed his father, and he has immensely personal With the assassins gone, Ike knows that it's only a mat
decisions to make regarding the fate of his draconic ter of time before the PCs find their way to him, and
sire as well as those who killed him (or drove him out of he prefers to meet them in the sheltered might of his
his chosen home of Bhal-Hamatugn). If you choose to Cathedral rather than in the open city. If the assassins
use Zarik in this way, he can provide an interesting op fail, Ike must also tread carefully around Vhalantru. He
portunity for roleplaying in the midst of an otherwise quickly assures the beholder that when the characters &
combat-intensive adventure. come to the Cathedral, he'll deal with them personally. 8
Provide Additional Experience: Many of the encoun Vhalantru is willing to give Ike a second chance to dis i—<

ters in this adventure are quite challenging, especially if pose of the characters only because Ike is too powerful o
the characters aren't careful to rest and replenish their a minion to waste. ^E*°
resources between encounters. In the event that one Asthe players enter the Cathedral, however,they know
or two characters perish, or if they've found other ad nothing of this behind-the-scenes maneuvering between
theevilpowersin the city.Insteadtheyfind agrandtem locked;lice carries the master keyfor the doors,and has
pleprotectedby powerfulmercenariesandcuriouslyde temporarily confiscatedall the other keys until the cur
void of lesserpriestsand every-dayworshipers. rent trouble is over.
The CathedralofWee Jas in Cauldronhas a long and The entire Cathedral is protected by an unhallow
powerfulreach, and Ike Iverson'sdefeat and probable spell cast at 20th level. The unhallow effect also holds
death draws the attention of her most powerful ser an invisibilitypurgespell (alsocast at 20th level)that does
vants. Good and neutral worshipers of Wee Jas who not affect the faithful of Wee Jas. Unhallow provides
look into the affair quickly learn that Ike and Embril evil creaturesin the Cathedralwith the followingben
were strayingbeyond the bounds of Wee Jas's portfolio, efits. (These benefits have not been included in the stat
and therefore let the issue rest. However, the charac blocksfor evil creaturesencounteredin the Cathedral.)
ters might find themselvesbeset byvengeance-hungry •Turn undead checkssuffer a -4 profane penalty.
servantsof the death goddess for years to come. Many •Rebuke undead checksgain a +4profane bonus.
powerful necromancers and undead creatures in the re •All creaturesare affectedbya protectionfromgood spell
gion pay homageto Wee Jas. Althoughnone aredirectly (+2 deflection bonus to AC and +2 resistance on
affiliatedwith the Cathedral,many stood to gain by the saves vs. attacksand spellsmade bygood creatures).
Cauldron sect's involvementwith the Cagewrights.As 'Invisibility purge throughout the entire Cathedral
the characters become a more and more visible force in (doesnot affectworshipers of Wee Jas).
Cauldron, they could well find themselvestargeted by lj? MagicallyTreated Stone Wall: 8 in. thick; Hardness
other powerful servants of WeeJas. 16; hp 120; Climb DC 30; Break DC 56.
1^ Iron Door: 2 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 60; Break
The Cathedral itself is built primarily of stone created
by hundreds of wall ofstone and stone shape spells cun Wl. THE GRAND HALL (EL 13)
ningly woven together.The result gives the impression
that the entire structure was carved from a single im The grand hall of the Cathedral of Wee Jas is a
mense block of volcanic stone, including the new ad magnificent sight. The huge octagonal room mea
dition atop the central dome. Internal walls are eight sures one hundred fifty feet across and the vaulted
inches thick (consistingof two walls ofstone side byside ceiling rises to a height of fifty feet in the hall's
and joined with stone shape spells)and have been magi center. Pillars engraved with images sacred to the
cally treated to increase their strength. Internal doors faith of Wee Jas ring the massive chamber, and
are of iron and covered with etchings and carvingsof an exquisitely rendered symbol of the death god
images sacred to Wee Jas. Each door is currently kept dess covers most of the chamber's otherwise bare
floor. Built to house huge gatherings and contain have served in Vhalantru'spatrols at the orders of Ike
powerfulmagical ceremonies,the hall is as beau and Embril,but they know nothing of the Cagewrights,
tifully and sturdily built as any building in the Vhalantru's true nature, or the soulcages.
city. Strangely,there are no pews or other items of The stairway that winds up the inside of the up
furniture at all in the chamber. In addition to the per reaches of this chamber provides access from the
grand doors leadinginto the main hall and a sec smaller outer tower (areas W6-W8) to the newly con
ond set of even larger doors to the east, one small structed Hall of Night'sRising(area W9). The iron lat
door in the southwest corner of the room hangs tice providesboth support to the stairwayand cover to
slightly ajar. A second normal-sized door opens anyone on the stairs.
onto a southern balcony about fifteen feet above ^l Iron Lattice: 3 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 90 per 5
the ground. The balcony provides access to a nar ft. section; Climb DC 15; Break DC 28.
row set of stairs encased in an intricate iron lattice. Creatures: An elite group of guards lingers in the
These stairs wind upward along the inner surface Grand Hall, awaiting the arrival of the characters. The
of the chamber's walls to a third door high up near guardsareallwell aware of the characters'appearances,
the ceiling. but not their tactics,strengths, or weaknesses.They at !m
tack on sight.
Although normally the chamber holds spare but Theguardsreactquicklyand intelligentlyshould they
functional seating for the commonfolk, Ike has discover that the characters have infiltrated-the temple.
cleared the hall of everything but the torches that None of the guards in this room knowanythingabout
light the grand room. Knowing that the charac the Cagewrights,Vhalantru'strue nature,or the soulcages.
ters will bring force against the Cathedral soon, he ? Stone Giants (2): hp 125,118;MonsterManual124.
warned the lesser priests to stay away and to keep the ^ Elite Half-Ore Guards, fighter 8 (3): hp 64 each; see
commonfolk out of the Cathedral until the conflict Appendix 4.
is resolved. ^ Calmus Vel, male human cleric 8 (Wee Jas): hp 63;
The lesser clerics and visitors are housed in outbuild see Appendix 4.
ings removed from the Cathedral itself, and pose no Tactics: Unlike the assassins, the half-ores and the
threat to the characters once Ike and the guardians in stone giants know little of the characters' strengths,
the main temple have been destroyed. Ifthe characters having been told only that adventurers are likely to
investigatethe outbuildings they encounter a few func show up and that they must be killed.
tionaries with minor spellcasting ability. These priests


Oncemore than four of his fellowguardshave fallen, sulting them. These books are bulky and heavy, and
CalmusVel attemptsto retreatthroughthedoor to the must be stored in a reasonablyorderly libraryto pro
south and rush up the stairs to join Ike. Far from dis vide a researcher with this bonus. The full set of books
couraging this tactic, Ike hopes that Calmus's retreat is worth 500 gp.
leadsbattle-wearycharactershis wayjust as he's finish
ing his own preparations for the conflict. W4. RITUAL CHAMBER

W2. THE HIGH ALTAR This long chamber is strikinglybare, its polished
walls and floor a glossyblack.Gildedsconceshangin
A massive pair of double doors, if opened, would each corner, and each holds a torch that glows with
provide this area a commanding view of the area to a silently flickering green flame. The austere room
the west. Two beautifullysculpted pillars frame a is divided by a thick velvet curtain about two thirds
massive onyx altar encrusted with runes and elabo of the length of the room away, and the body of a
rate magical glyphs. The jet-black walls have been young man lies on a long low table in the middle of
painted with images sacred to Wee Jas: stylizedsar the room.An elaborateholysymbolof Wee Jas covers
cophagi, obscure magical symbols, and other reli most of the floor.
gious imagery.Two massive tapestries cover the wall
directlybehindthe altar,givingthosestandingtothe This clean and nearly bare room is used for minor
west an impressiveview of the altar and its imagery rituals conductedby the temple'spriests.It currently
of the death goddess.Asingle door sits in the corner houses Todd Vanderboren's body, kept preserved
of the room to the southwest. with a gentle repose spell (caster level 13). Knowing
that the Stormblades'growing exploits might pro
The high altar sits on a raised platforma few steps vide them with enough fame to challenge him for
above the floor of the Grand Hall. The room itself ex control of the city,Vhalantru arranged for the group
ists entirely for ceremonial purposes and to impress to be ambushed deep beneath Cauldron. The am
gathered worshiperswith the might and grandeur of bush nearly succeededin destroying the group, and
Wee Jas. Normally,the huge doors are kept open into it left Todd dead and his companions demoralized
the Great Hall, but Ike has closed and locked the doors and fragmented.
in anticipation of the PCs' arrival. Todd'sbodylieshere awaitinga resurrectionspell.The
IjJ Massive Bronze Double Door: 4 in. thick; Hard bodyitselfappearsto be relativelyintact, and although
ness 10; hp 120; Break DC 34;Open LockDC 40. it bears numerous wounds, none of them seems mor
Treasure: Two of the wall hangings are small tal.Todd was actuallyslain by afingerofdeath spell cast
enough to be stolen, but they are still quite large and by Fetor Abradius.Although the Stormbladesquickly
have relativelylittle resale valuewhen comparedwith secured funds to pay for Todd's resurrection,they do not
the magical equipment of Ike and the mercenaries know that Ike Iverson, the priest retained to perform
guarding the temple. Each wall hanging weighs 120 the powerful spell, is in league with Vhalantru and
pounds and sells for 100 gp in the appropriate mar awaits the beholder's permission before performing
ketplace. Unless the characters declare their actions the ceremony.
in the Cathedral openly to the town guard, attempt Treasure: Todd Vanderboren's body is richly ap
ing to sell the wall hangings in Cauldron likely leads pointed, and anyone who takes the time to search his
to trouble. corpse finds a gold ring studded with emeralds worth
300gp, a fine silver necklace worth 100gp, and a beauti
W3. PREPARATION CHAMBER ful silk-lined cape worth 200 gp.
Development: Should the characters loot or harm
This well-appointed chamber houses several com the body, the rest of the Stormblades (and Todd
fortable chairs. The walls are pleasantly decorated himself, should he ever be brought back to life)
with hanging art, and a long polished wooden table seek restitution for the missing items. Alternately,
rests against the northern wall. Two bookcases hold ifthe PCs rescue Todd's body and aid in his resurrec
a few minor religious texts,writings of those devoted tion, they may well be able to finally forge a lasting
to the service of WeeJas. friendship with the rival adventurers.

The priests of Wee Jas use this room to prepare W5. PRIEST'S QUARTERS
& % themselves before addressing a gathering of followers Single bedrooms fill the back of the temple, providing
£ A or performing rituals at the high altar. The room has rooms for lesser clerics, visiting priests, or other guests
to a
seen little use since Embril left the city. too unimportant to house in richer quarters in the city.
o. Treasure: This sitting and reading room has com With Embril away and Ike's orders to vacate the build
^E*° fortable enough furnishings, but little of real value.The ing, the lesser clerics who usually occupy these rooms
texts that fill the bookcases grant a +1circumstance bo are not present, and the rooms are strikingly empty.
nus on Knowledge (religion) checks made while con Each holds a simple pallet, a small wooden dresser,


and a sconce sometimes used to house an everburn the last two months (corresponding to the time that
ing torch, but other than these simple furnishings the Embril has been absent from the city).
rooms are unremarkable. Treasure: Ike's minor possessions fill the room,
and some have considerable value. A successful DC 15
W6. STORAGE CHAMBER Search check revealsthree gilded candlesticks worth 50
gp each,a small money pouch containing 102 platinum
This small storage chamber is packed with dozens of pieces, and two beautifully made wall hangings worth
boxes and lined with shelves. A musty smell fills the 150 gp each.
air, mixed with hints of exotic incense.
This room stores extra ceremonial gear, robes, and
other mundane supplies used in the normal function A thick red carpet, emblazoned with the holy symbol
ing of the Cathedral. Because most of the priests and of Wee Jas, covers the entire floor. The circular cham
staff have been ordered away from the building, the ber has no windows to the outside, but a large win
room remains full of supplies. dow, currently covered by a thick curtain, overlooks
the Grand Hall. The furniture consists of a well-made
W7. IKE IVERSON'S CHAMBER bed, a beautiful wooden armoire, and a small but
beautifully carved wooden desk.
This bedroom is immaculately clean and perfectly
ordered. The thick carpet is embroidered with hun This richly appointed room serves as Embril Alousti-
dreds of small designs of skulls and bones and arcane nai's private chamber when she's in Cauldron. Because
runes. The room's furnishings include a large, well- she's been gone for some time, none of her important & %
made bed, two large armoires filled with rich clothes possessions remain in the chamber. £
and ceremonial robes, and a large desk. The desk contains a fair amount of paperwork that
w 3

outlines the day-to-day activities of the Cathedral's o

. This room is Ike Iverson's personal chamber. Papers faithful. A successful DC 25 Search check of the desk -^ES°
cover the desk in orderly stacks, but they hold nothing reveals a false bottom in one of the drawers. The hidden
but records of the Cathedral's day-to-day business for compartment underneath holds three potions of cure
moderateivoundsand a small sheafof lettersexchanged Death Goddess, ever see this chamber. Since the alliance
between Embril and a Cagewrightloremaster named with the Cagewrights was finalized, this hall has held a
FetorAbradius(see area K12 below).All but one of the soulcage,one of the artifactsneeded to bring about the
lettersarebrief reportsthat alludeto a continuingand Cagewrights'plans to turn Cauldron into a gate town.
taxing search for something unnamed. Each letter con Althoughthe soulcagehangs empty,its purpose is a se
cludes that all remains on schedule, but that the final cret that Ike Iverson cannot allow the characters to dis
answers still elude the searcher. cover. The soulcage'spresence and the potential wrath
One of the letters goes into far more detail than the of both Vhalantru and Embril force Ike to stand here
others. Its contents read as follows: against the characters.
Creatures: To make ready for the PCs' eventual ar
% rival, Ike Iverson surrounded himself with the
Cathedral's most pow
erful undead guardians
cfy&t iicstess, and cast planar ally to
05 recruit the services of a
m numg$aSc$ca&mc sap i$ecagesatone$>iff
not, bone devil.

fetivnoft$e fcituat,CC$c S-age^itfts$a<2c€uiftatnatii^on

tmyfe ^ Bone Devil: hp 105,
Monster Manual 52.
&$ic$to sufyottt$emt€ut*ucto$tsfattsitftcdncssoftfieotfeis,} ^ GrayRenderZombies
5«Zc€een feftoutoftfesediscussions.%»aieWJ OMgatf&amon^t (5): hp 146, 133, 133, 125,
121, Monster Manual 267.
t$t (£$i*tecnhoS.'J'ohmust&atnt$cmt$attfictcis moieRiddenin ^ Dread Wraith: hp

t$e4>ouftiff***t§atcoutdfioScofgtcatimyoittotfcii ffans. 104, Monster Manual 258.

? Ike Iverson, male hu
Wfiatmokeis needed}cannotsapandso fcontinuetoegptotet$c man cleric 13 (Wee Jas): hp
75; see Appendix 4.
mjsteiiesofi$e<fcouf#ffrti$atgtcatpciif,%imiss^a{c^0&$ Tactics: Ike casts magic
cScimoteiesttess,and t$einsanityjg*fics fto&nin JLitan- vestment on his armor and
shield and greater magic
c£uia£€eginstostit.%t}s£affict»ai»$cUuntitleend,infapcof weapon on his sword twice a
uWSeitingt$c fast ofi$e&ca$ets'frTidcntote,^tiff,t£c tistis&eaU day each as long as he's wait
ing for the PCs to attack. The
QJNVg piiccfiasdou£fed. bonuses granted from these
spells are included in the stat
qj. cy\6ia'dius block above. He casts a hero's
feast every morning as well
between the hours of 7:00 and
8:00; ifthe PCs attack between
the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00
Ifthe PCs decide to research the name Vittriss Bale, p.m., Ike and the other living creatures in the temple
they'll need to make a DC 30 Knowledge(arcana)check. gain ld8+6 temporary hit points, a +1 morale bonus on
If they have at least 5 ranks in Knowledge(history)they attack rolls and Will saves, and immunity to fear effects
get a +2bonus on this check. Success reveals that Vittriss and poison. These bonuses are not included in the stat
Balewas an ancient and powerful green dragon who al blocks.
lied with the creators of Karran-Kural,who promised Once Ike or his minions hear the sound of combat
him eternal life in return for his service as a guardian. in the Great Hall, Ike takes the following actions un
Vittriss Bale entered Karran-Kural and was never heard less there is an obviously better course of action avail
from again. able to him.
&o- Round 1: Casts air walk on self and starts walking
W9. THE HALL OF NIGHT'S RISING (EL 15) up near the ceiling of the room.
Jo- Round 2: Casts death ward on self continues air
The ceiling of this vaulted chamber rises over fifty walking.
& % feet. A low dais commands the center of the room, Jo- Round 3: Casts bull's strength on self, reaches ceiling
£ and a strange silvery-graycage hangs down from the and takes up a defensive position above the soulcage.
ceiling above. Jo- Round 4: Casts bear's endurance on self, retrieves
3> scroll of invisibilityfrom pack.
-^es0 The Hall of Night's Rising is the temple's most sacred So- Round 5: Casts invisibilityon self, retrieves scroll of
chamber, used only for the Cathedral's most important mirror image from pack.
rituals. Few creatures, even dedicated worshipers of the Jo- Round 6: Casts mirror image on self.
Jo- Round 7: Readies an action to cast flame strike on lent reactions to the PCs' visit are enough to persuade
the PCs as they enter the room. the city's overworkedguards that the PCs once again
Once combat starts, the dread wraith and gray render were workingin the defenseof the city. Jenya can help
zombies simply advance on the closest character greatlyin smoothing over the reactions of
and attack. The bone devil first attempts to the guards by offering to cast speak with
separateone or two of the charactersfrom dead spells on the assassins to verify
the rest of the group using walls of ice, their role as killers hired by the
then advances on a lightly armored church of Wee Jas.
character or a character who's obvi The recovery of the soul
ouslyan arcane spellcaster.It knows cage from the Cathedral
that these characters are more vul represents the PCs' great
nerable to poison than hardier est step yet toward Caul
melee fighters, and attempts dron's salvation, although
to take them out of the fight they may not recognize
quickly with its poison and it at the time. It doesn't
fear abilities. take long for Vhalantru
The undead obey Ike's to realize that Ike
commands and fight to the foolishly kept this
death without hesita soulcage in a place
tion. If pushed below 22 where the PCs
hit points, the bone could get
devil asks for to it, and
quarter un when he
less the fight does he
is going ex sets into

tremely well motion

for Ike and the a series of

undead. events detailed
Ike himself opens in the next install
combat with his prepared ment of the Shackled
Ike Iverson
flame strike. He casts his quickened City Adventure Path, "Lords of
shield offaith and divinefavor over the first two Oblivion."
rounds of combat while he approaches close enough to But Vhalantru's reaction should occur behind the
cast destructionon a PC. He saves his quickened inflict scenes at this time. Until the start of the next chapter,
seriouswounds to cast on himself if he's badly wounded. the PCs are faced with an intriguing artifact with no
He can also swap out his higher-level spells to cast mass apparent use. If they decide to ignore the soulcage (or
inflict wounds spells to heal himself and his undead worse, leave it hanging in the Cathedral), they may miss
minions while also damaging the PCs. out on several important clues that could lead them
Development: The soulcage can yield a great deal of to the ruins of Karran-Kural; in this case, you should
information to the PCs even though it has little value consider introducing the location of the ruins in an al
in its own right to anyone other than the Cagewrights. ternate manner. Perhaps an agent of Wee Jas attacks to
The soulcage is roughly the size of a coffin for a Me avenge Ike's death, and on his body the PCs discover a
dium humanoid and, despite the fact that it appears to journal that contains oblique references to the soulcage
be made of various kinds of rare metal, weighs only 50 and the ruins.
pounds. Note that this is one of the backup soulcagesthe Researching the Soulcage: The soulcage radiates
Cagewrights commissioned, and its destruction won't strong abjuration, conjuration, and necromancy magic
impact the timeline of their plans. and strong evil.The silver and gray bars of the cage twist
in on themselves in strange and disturbing patterns.
SECRETS REVEALED Anyone who examines the cage and makes a success
In the aftermath of the battle in the Cathedral of Wee ful DC 25 Knowledge (the planes) check realizes that
Jas, the PCs have two obvious options open to them. the cage is associated with Carceri. Since it's a minor
They can openly claim that they were responsible for artifact, identify and analyze dweomer do not reveal the
the killings inside the temple (justified, of course, be soulcage'sfunctions. Legend lore or vision is much more #= %
cause of the assassination attempt against them), or informative, and reveals that the cage is a powerful fo £
they can be discrete and cover up their involvement. cus for a ritual to establish a permanent portal between
W 3
Perhaps surprisingly, there are few repercussions from the Material Plane and Carceri. The spell indicates that Q'A-
the events in the Cathedral. Even ifthe characters have this particular soulcagewas forged by a fire giant named ^ES°
no physical evidence that the assassins were sent by Dugobras and created by a cleric named Grehlia Cairnis
agents ofWeeJas, Ike's monstrous guards and their vio with the aid of three individuals named Triel Eldurast,
Skaven Umbermead, and Tarkilar. It also reveals the of the ancient spell weaver city that once sprawled
soulcagehas ties to something calledthe "SoulPillarsof in the location now dominated by the Demonskar.
Karran-Kural,"alongwitha shortquote from an anony The ruins are located near the northern rim of the
mous source: "An ancient hate stolen from the souls of Demonskar, but are deep underground and can be ac
the dead, the cage is but the key to a greaterevil." Nei cessed only by a series of natural passages and spell
ther spell reveals further details of the ritual (such as weaver sewer tunnels. These tunnels wind down into
the fact that this is actuallya spare soulcage,that there the earth below the Demonskarfor an overall length
are more soulcagesneeded to completethe ritual, or the of about four miles. Complicating matters is the fact
role of the Shacklebornin the ritual). that most of these tunnels are flooded with water, in
Ifthe characters are unwilling or.unable to cast the many placeswaterwith fairly strong currents equiva
divinationspells necessaryto examinethe soulcage,Je lent to rough water (Swimcheck DC 15). PCs who can't
nya and any other allied NPCs urge them to continue easily navigate these tunnels by swimming can walk
investigatingit if the matter is brought to their atten along the bottom at half speed, providingthey carry
8 tion. If necessary,Jenya offers to handlethe expenseof enough gear to weigh themselves down (see page 92
payingan NPC spellcasterto cast legend lore to fully ex of the Dungeon Master's Guide).At a speed of 15feet
amine the soulcage,although if she is forced to do so her a character takes nearly two and a half hours to reach
opinion of the PCs turns a little sour. the entrance of the ruins.
Muchof this information can also be gained via leg
*HE RUiriS HF end lore or vision. Alternately,find the path can lead the
KARRAFl-KURAL PCs directlyto the ruins, although they'll likelyneed to
Once the PCs have dealt with Ike Iverson, they may castthe spell multiple times before they reach area Kl.
feel that they have reached a dead end—this is not Consult the introduction for details on the region's
the case. If they've researched the Soul Pillars or dis jungles and the perils that close proximity to the
covered Fetor Abradius' letter to Embril in area W8, Demonskar maybring. Ifthe PCs failed to slay Nabtha
they should realize that while they might not know toron, the glabrezumaymake another attempt on their
where the Cagewrightshave hidden themselvesaway, lives as they draw near his lair.
they now know the name of a location of some im
port to their cause: Karran-Kural.If seeking this lo KARRAN-KURAL'S HISTORY
cation out to explore it does not occur to them, an Driven by alien desires and a great understanding of
NPCally who has been made privy to the information necromantic magic, a cabal of spell weaver necroman
could suggest this course of action. Likewise, the PCs cersbuilt a tomb designedto garner evermore insight
may have come across mention of Karran-Kural dur into frozen death. In the twisted spell weaver mind, the
ing other bits of research on the Cagewrights(see the forces of cold and death held some mystical connection,
Introduction) and may decide to seek out the ruins the understanding of which promised ever greater ar
for other reasons. cane power.Deep belowtheir sprawlingcity, these spell
Of course, exploration of Karran-Kural is not re weaversbuilt an insidious laboratory/tomb, where they
quired to progress in the campaign.The PCs can con blended the forces of necromantic magic, the magical
tinue without investigating this lead, but if they do essence of cold, and the undead flesh of members of
they'll miss out on some important clues into the na their own race.
ture of their enemies. In this case, simply proceedwith Had the spell weavers confined their experiments
Chapter Eight; Karran-Kural has waited for centuries. to nebulous arcane forces and their own willing dead,
It will still be there in a few weeks ifthe PCs decide to their sinister designs perhaps could have been ex
investigate the ruins at a later date. cused, if not understood. But knowing neither con
The ruins of Karran-Kural are not common knowl science nor mercy, the spell weavers used dead slaves
edge in Cauldron. A successful DC 30 Knowledge and captives of other races in their necromantic rites
(history) check reveals that the ruins are part of an as well. When the construction of the planar travel in
ancient spell weaver empire that dominated the area stallation failed and created the Demonskar, the spell
long ago. The Knowledge check also reveals that the weavers of Karran-Kural perished, and their legacy
ruins are believed to be near the Demonskar, but not was forgotten.
their exact location. If none of the PCs makes this The lore hidden in this tomb remains as vast as
check, they can learn the same information by con it is cruel, and it was here, nearly thirty years ago,
sulting the libraries of Bluecrater Academy,the hold that the Cagewrights laid their plans for Cauldron.
& % ings in the Hall of Carvings in Redgorge, or possibly In delving between the magical essences of ice and
A by asking Meerthan Eliothlorn, Nidrama, or another death, the spell weavers discovered a number of
knowledgeable NPC for aid. strange arcane formulae that dealt with the merg
Discovering Karran-Kural's location is difficult. ing of worlds. From these secrets the Cagewrights
1> ^
^e*° A successful DC 35 Knowledge (geography) check extracted the genesis of the ritual to transform Caul
is enough to pinpoint the ruins' location. As with dron into a gate town. And it is upon the enigmatic
Vaprak's Voice, Karran-Kural is a surviving remnant
principlesand arcane formulaeof the heartlessspell strange depictions of six-armed humanoids working
weavers that the soulcageswere built. great magic—spellweavers.
Although the bulk of the Cagewrights'efforts have One notable feature of the ruins is its ice lattices. The
long sinceshiftedaway from Karran-Kural,one power locations of these lattices are indicated on the maps
ful loremaster remains, plunging ever deeper into the of the ruins. An ice lattice consists of one-inch-thick
dark and frozen secrets stored in the Soul Pillars of Kar strands of ice that crisscross from wall to wall at vari
ran-Kural. These Soul Pillarsstore the lore of the spell ousangles.Thespellweaversinfusedthese latticeswith
weaversand serveas the distant prototypes of the soul the magicalessencesof cold and death,and the lattices
cages so essentialto the Cagewrights'ritual. Should the carry these energies still. Anyone touchinga strand of
characterssucceedin exploringthe ruins and thwarting the lattice suffers ld6 points of cold damage and ld6
the loremaster and the last deadlyguardians left by the points of negative energy damage (no save). A charac
spellweavers,theygain their first direct victoryagainst ter moving full speed through the lattice must make a
the Cagewrightconspiracy,howeverunintentionalthat DC 25 EscapeArtistcheck to avoid contactinga strand.
victorymight be. Moving at half speed lowers the DC to 15,and moving
extremelycarefully(five feet per round or less),lowers
The spell weavers built this tomb complex to study Evil outsiders and undead can move through ice lat
the relationship between death and cold, and to turn tice strands with no ill effect. The ancient spell weav
this knowledge to their one passion—magical power. ers wore magic rings that also allowed them to pass
Although the true fruits of this research might well through the lattices,but none of these rings remain in
be lost, the malignant auras of the entombed spell the ruins today. The lattices are an innate defense of
weavers, the unwholesome lore that resides in the ne Karran-Kural,and if destroyed they reform completely
crotic pillars, and the strange magical energies that within a week's time.
suffuse the ruin itself still propagate a small fraction tj? Magic Ceiling Panel:1 ft. square, 6 in. thick; Hard
of their discoveries. ness 8; hp 45; Break DC 35.
This lore comprises two feats (Death Frost Spell and $? Iron Doors: 2 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 60, Break
Flesh of the Ice Tomb) and three spells (rime, icefane DC 28.
corpse, and necrotic mist), all of which are described in <J Ice Lattice: Hardness 5; hp 10 per five-foot square;
Appendix2. Once a creature has spent at least a day in Break DC 25.
the ruins of Karran-Kural, the feats and spells become
available options, provided the creature has the requi Kl. ENTRANCE TO KARRAN-KURAL
site levels and abilities.
The ancient flooded lava tubes open here into a pair
KARRAN-KURAL FEATURES of smaller, air-filled tubes that lead to the east. The
The entire complex is lit by small panels set flush with temperature drops alarmingly to the east, and the
the ceiling; these panels shed a pale blue light equiv two passagewaysmerge just before they are blocked
alent to torchlight. The panels also cool the complex byan enormous wallof ice.Anarrow tunnel has been
to a frigid 10° F. Characters unprepared for such cold hacked through the ice near its southern edge, allow
temperatures must make a Fortitude save every hour ing access into a larger area beyond.
that they remain within the ruins of Karran-Kural(DC
15 + 1 per previous check) or suffer ld6 points of non- The ice wall is part of the ancient protections the
lethal damage on each failed save. See page 302 of the spell weavers created to secure Karran-Kural from in
Dungeon Master's Guide for more information on the vasion. The Cagewrights managed to bore a narrow
effects of extreme cold. All of the creatures in the en passageway through the ice wall, at which point its
counters below are either immune to the cold or wear magic properties faded and it became a normal (but
sufficient clothing. The magic panels are part of the quite thick) wall of ice. Medium creatures can pass
walls of the spell weaver tomb, and they lose all magical through the tunnel with ease, but larger creatures
properties if removed. One panel is located in the ceil must squeeze. The ice itself remains frozen only due
ing of each five-foot square. The magic that powers the to the proximity of Karran-Kural, and if melted does
tiles functions at caster level 20th; if dispelled, the tile not reform.
simply ceases to function for ld4 rounds. Only by de Beyond the wall of ice, a second barrier once existed.
stroying the majority (at least 80%) of the tiles will the Again, the Cagewrights ruined this warding, leaving
temperature and lighting return to more natural levels. the once-magic portcullis in a twisted heap that can be & ^,
The effects of such a development on Karran-Kural are passed through with relative ease by creatures of up to £ A
up to you. Large size.
The corridors in Karran-Kural are as wide as they are Beyond the ruined portcullis a large set of double o

tall. Ceiling height in smaller rooms is usually ten feet,

#> &*
doors is all that remains of the once formidable barri ^E*°
but can be much higher in the larger chambers. Doors ers that protected the ruins. These doors are not magic,
are made of iron and covered with ancient runes and nor are they locked.

K2. SPELL WEAVER COFFINS to notice the movement. As long as the bodies remain
frozen, they pose no threat to the players.The strange
Paleblue lights set flush in the ceilinglight this hall behavior should set the tone of characters' exploration
way. The walls have a subtle curve, and the entire and emphasize the alien power of the spell weavers.
length is etched with disturbing imagesand symbols.
Strange glassycircles, each roughly five feet in diam Roll Corpse Behavior
eter, checker the length of the hallway'sfloor. Under 1 Jerk violentlyaway from the top of the coffin,
each disc, a six-armed humanoid figure hangs mo seemingly recoilingfrom the nearest PC.
tionless as if suspended in fluid or encased in glass. 2 Pound violentlybut silentlyon the underside
At each end of the hall, a pair of frost-rimed metal of the coffin's top pane.
doors stands closed. 3 The corpse's mouth opens as if in a powerful
scream, but silence remains.
The circular panes in the floorare magicspell weaver 4 Athin wail escapes a coffin (DC 15 Listen
coffins; each is actually a cylinder of magic ice that check to notice).
contains a frozen body of a spell weaver. Each cylin 5 The corpse calmly runs its fingers along the
der weighs six tons and completely encases the spell underside of the coffin'stop pane.
weaver to a depth of 8 feet. The material loses much of 6 The corpse's arms move languidly in patterns
its strength if taken beyond the magical energies that resembling arcane spellcasting.
pervade the spell weaver ruins, reverting to normal ice 7 The corpse folds all six of its arms as if in
in such a case. prayer.
The bodies in the coffins are not alive, nor are they 8 The corpse violentlytears at its own flesh,
& % dead. They are in a form of suspended animation, and without apparent effect.
8 A remain so as long as the magic of the ruin persists. Ev Each coffin is essentially a minor artifact (caster level
to vJ
H ery 1 to 6 minutes the characters spend within the ruin, 20th). They can be destroyed with enough damage, at
one of the spell weaver corpses nearbyjerks or moves in which point any remaining ice and dead flesh melts away
^ ^
^esO response to some strange twist in the magical energies into a foul-smelling but otherwise harmless black mist.
of the complex. Ifthe PCs aren't examining the coffin Ip Spell Weaver Coffin: Hardness 12; hp 90; Break
at this time, a successful DC 20 Spot check allows them DC 36.


K3. THE ICE PRISON (EL 13) Tactics:Izzaedruzzattempts to split up intruders with
wallsofice so he can fight them one at atime to take max
This chamber is nearly circular, although two sides imum advantage of the slowing effect of his icy spear.
are made flat by thick walls of ice. The entire room is Although Izzaedruzz has the full use of his abilities,
filled with a lattice of thin icy strands, each flickering he can only teleport within the confines of this room
with faint magical energies. and the nearby corridors (both areas labeled K2). If
overmatched, Izzaedruzz buys time by cowering behind
Two ice walls block two of the exits from this room. walls of ice to regenerate.
These walls are identical to the wall of ice spell (caster Izzaedruzz can move at full speed without risking
level 20th), save that they affect only the area shown on damage from the ice lattice.
the map. When a wall is broken, a plane of frigid air re
mains where the wall stood. Creatures passing through K4. FROZEN STAIRS
this plane of air suffer ld6+20 cold damage (no save, The south end of the corridor ends in a staircase
spell resistance applies).The zone of frigid air remains choked in rubble and ice. Determined characters could
for 20 minutes. possibly dig their way through it down to a lower level,
The walls are an innate defense of Karran-Kural; if but the features of this area are beyond the scope of
destroyed they reform completely within a week's time. this adventure.
$? Walls of Ice. 3 ft. thick; Hardness 0; hp 36; Break
Creature: This chamber houses an ancient and in
sane guardian, an ice devil bound to defend the ruins Six doors line the north and south walls of this pas
by the spell weavers. Having lived in isolation for ages, sageway, three to a side. The hall itself ends at a tan
Izzaedruzz now lies in wait for any who might try to gled lattice of icy strands that flicker and writhe with &
enter the compound. When the Cagewrights first en cold blue tendrils of light. A
tered the ruin, they lost several soldiers to the devil, and
on further expeditions they used teleportation magic to The icy lattice at the end of the hallway is a power o.» i0\
bypass the room entirely. ful scrying device built ages ago by the spell weavers. If ^ES°
•^ Izzaedruzz, Male Ice Devil: hp 153, Monster properly identified (using identify or analyze dweomer),
Manual 56. the lattice can be used to cast scryingonce per day (caster
level 13th).The lattice is bound to the structure of Kar These two rooms each house a single spell weaver
ran-Kural, and it cannot be moved intact. However,the coffin. Although the spell weaver bodies laid to rest
lattice regrows and repairs itself in one week's time if here underwent significant magical treatment, the
damaged.The Cagewrightshave used this lattice often experimentsperformed here were failures in the eyes
to scry upon their enemies. of the spell weavers (unlike those in areas K6 and K7,
<jj ScryingLattice:Hardness5; hp 20; Break DC 25. which they deemed a success).Plunged into frigid and
eternal isolation, the spell weaver soul imprisoned
K6. CELLS OF DESPAIR within the single coffin in each room was intended to
illuminatethe magical essence of solitude and bring
This chamber is empty, save for a set of four of the the spell weaverarcanists evengreater power.However,
ubiquitous circular discs set into the floor. even after long years of study the spell weavers were
unableto gleananyusefulknowledgefrom the trapped
Each of these rooms houses four spell weaver coffins souls. Unlike the elven and dwarvensouls in the prior
put to special purpose. Unlike the other coffins,these con areas, these souls are permanently bound to their cof
tain corpsesof elves.The spellweavers thoughtto plumb fins and can be released only through the destruction
the natureof despairbyentombingthe elves in this way, of the coffin itself, as detailed in area K2.
bindingthe corpseswithphysicaland magicalrestraints ^ SpellWeaverCoffin:Hardness12; hp 90; BreakDC36.
<r that tugged against the very souls of the dead elves.These
horrid ritesleftthe elvensoulstrappedin astateofeternal K9. PIT ROOM (EL 13)
k despair. Anyone in the chamber must make a successful
DC 15 Will save each round or besoovercomeby despair This barren room contains only one unusual feature;
that they find it hard to summon the will to act.This effect a smooth-sided, five-foot-diameterpit descends into
is exactlylike the slowspellcastbya 15th-levelwizard,ex the floor against the west wall.
cept that it is a supernaturalmind-affectingenchantment
effect. The sloiv effect lasts for 10 minutes. The pit in the floor leads 20 feet down to area K10 on
A cleric who can channel positiveenergycan release the second levelof the Karran-Kuralruins. The pit was
these trapped souls with a successful Turn Undead created with a pair of disintegratespells by a Cagewright
check. Each trapped soul (one per coffin) effectively many years ago when they realized that the section of
has 15 Hit Dice for purposes of determining success ruins they sought lay directly below this chamber. The
or failure for turning checks. Successfullyreleasinga walls of the pit are perfectly smooth.
trapped soul fills the room with a momentarypulse of Creature:An iron golem guards this room, and once
powerful energy, and any creature in the room at this a fight begins it pursues characters as far as area K3.
time gains the benefit of an empowered, maximized aid The golem itself is an ice-rimed relic from the ancient
spell (casterlevel 15th). Multiple freed souls extend the dominion of the spell weavers,yet it continues to fulfill
duration of any existing aid effects by fifteen minutes, its duties as guardian.
but the other effectsof the spell do not stack. ? Iron Golem: hp 135, MonsterManual136.
Development The ice devil imprisoned in area K3
K7. CELLS OF AGONY long ago learned to leave the golem alone, and should
the characters manage to get both involved in the same
This chamber is empty, save for a set of four of the encounter, the ice devil avoids the golem and uses its
ubiquitous circular discs set into the floor. cone ofcold ability to stay at range and harass the charac
ters while they tangle with the construct.
Each of these coffins contains the corpse of a sturdy
dwarf The spell weaversused their fearfulmagicto trap K10. RUINED CHAMBER
these dwarves in a state of constant pain, and like the
elven souls trapped in area K6, they project these feel The walls of this partially collapsed room are blasted
ings even though they have been dead for centuries. Any and pitted from some ancient calamity. The room's
living creature in the room must make a successful DC collapse is total to the north, a solid wall of frozen
15 Fortitude save each round or be overcome by agony stone. A smooth-sided pit rises up from the ceiling
and gain a -5 circumstance penalty on attack rolls, skill near the east wall.
checks, and ability checks for the next minute. This is a
supernatural necromantic effect. The opening in the ceiling leads up twenty feet to
;^ % The dwarven souls can be released in the same manner area K9.

and with the same results as the elven souls in area K6.
^tes° This large room is filled with a tangled lattice of icy
This chamber is empty, save for a single circular disc strands and beams that stretches from wall to wall,
set into the floor. floor to ceiling, and everywhere in between.
This entire room is filled with a massive ice lattice the dracolich in area K18 for access to the soul pillars.
similar to those found in other areas of the ruins. Fetor uses the scrying ice to gather information about
Creature:The Cagewrightsknewthat it wasextremely the outside world and report it to the mighty undead
unlikelythat an enemywoulddiscoverthe ruins of Kar dragon.The dracolichin turn allows Fetorto study the
ran-Kural, but didn't want to trust the site's defense to Soul Pillars.
the obscure location alone. Thearynn Louvel called up a ? Fetor Abradius, male human, wizard 7/loremaster
denizen of Carcerito guard the ruin, and used a hedged 7: hp 64; see Appendix 4.
prisonfroma bindingspellto ensurethat the kelubarde Tactics: Fetor has cast alarm and mage armorahead of
modand would remain a guardian of the ruins forever. time. The mental alarm is centered on the mid-point of
The bindingspell prevents the kelubar from leavingthis the passageleadingto this room.In the likelyeventthat
room or any of the adjoining hallways. And since the the PCs trigger the alarm while approaching the room,
kelubar is filled with rage over its predicament, anyone Fetor employs the following tactics.
who enters the room is seen as an enemy. The other So- Round 1: Casts bear's enduranceand quickened
Cagewrightstypically use teleport to travel directly to mirror image.
one of the nearby rooms, and so avoid confrontations So- Round 2: Casts see invisibilityand draws metamagic '•ffJ
with the kelubar entirely. rod of lesserempower.
The kelubar demodands are the bureaucrats of a le So- Round 3:Opens the door and casts an empowered
gion of self-appointed keepers of the Carcerian popu lightningbolt downthe hallway.If foes are still alive
lation. This kelubar, Olarithusk, is typical for his race; he castsa quickened lightningboltand takes a 5-foot
an obese 8-foot-tall humanoid with knobby skin coated step behind the door.
with a pale green slime. So- Round 4: Casts an empowered magic missile on a
^ Olarithusk, male kelubar demodand: hp 104; see divine spellcaster.
Appendix 4. So- Round 5: Casts confusion.
So- Round 6: Attempts to pick off stragglers with
K12. SCRYING CHAMBER (EL 14) vampiric touch.
Development: Gifted with remarkable intelligence
This perfectlycircular room is featureless save for an and cruelty, Fetor Abradius is not about to let his
irregular smear of black ice that covers the center of work or his life fall to a band of adventurers. Should
the floor. Even from a distance the ice seems filled the PCs gain the advantage, Fetor does not hesitate
with distant and shadowy images. to make use of his greater teleport spell to flee. Given
time to animate undead servants, hire a bodyguard or
The center of.the room holds a potent magic de two, and learn spells targeted at the characters' weak
vice that allows the user to scry. A single Cagewright nesses, the evil loremaster could become a dangerous
loremaster, a cruel and selfish man named Fetor recurring foe.
Abradius, spends his days here scrying and contem
plating the secrets of the spell weavers. He has al K13. THE LIBRARY OF SOULS (EL 10)
ready mastered much of the lore of the Soul
Pillars,but has no plans to leave until ev Fifteen corpses stand frozen
ery scrap of the spell weavers' power in place, equally spaced along
is his. the length of this rectangular
The inky black ice patch in the room. From head to toe, the
center of the room is a corpses are covered in faintly
more powerful version glowing blue runes.
of the scrying lattice
found in area K5. It can The room holds fifteen corpses;
be used to cast scrying five each of dwarves, elves, and
three times per day (caster humans. Each is covered with
level 20th). The ice is bound to spell weaver runes and glyphs.
the structure of Karran-Kural, and Anyone who successfully reads
it cannot be moved intact. It re- the glyphs learns that the
grows and repairs itself in one week's corpses record the history
time if damaged. of Karran-Kural and its
Creature: Fetor Abradius remains a spell weaver creators. The & %
Cagewright only in name. Convinced history is brief, but it outlines 3 A
to A
that the spell weaverlore offers far more the spell weaver belief that a fun
potential power than the Cagewrights ini damental connection exists between the o
» &A
tially estimated, Fetor remained here with magical essences of death and cold and that ^E^o
the few servants that his allies and masters
Fetor Abradius the tomb was built to explore that strange
allowed him, and continued to bargain with connection.
Trap: The door to this room is locked with an amaz
ing lock(Open Lock DC 40), and trapped with a power
ful energy-draining trap. The trap activates as soon as
anyone tries to open the door.
V Energy Drain Trap: CR 10, magic device; visual
trigger (true seeing); automatic reset; Atk +8 ranged
touch; spell effect (energy drain, 17th-level wizard, 2d4
negative levels for 24 hours, DC 23 Fortitude save ne
gates);Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 34.


This room descends twenty feet below the level of

the entry corridor and rises to a height of forty feet
above it. A ten-foot-wide walkway runs around the
outside. This rectangular chamber is dominated by
two large pillars, each made of what looks like gray
necrotic flesh. The chill in the room emanates from
these pillars, and now and again a tortured visage
forms and then fades on a pillar's surface with a
faint whisper.

This rectangular room holds two Soul Pillars; hor

rid repositories of spell weaver lore. Unlike those in
area K18, the Soul Pillarsin this room hold only minor
stores of knowledge. Activating one of the pillars re
quires 10 minutes of concentration and a successful
DC 10 Intelligence check.Anyone successfullyactivat
ing these pillars can ask a series of questions of the
undead spirits trapped within. The tortured spirits
impart knowledge in the form of answers to yes/no
questions, just as ifthe character had cast contactouter
plane to contact a demigod. The character using the
pillar must make a second Intelligence check to avoid
Intelligence and Charisma loss just as if he had cast
Creatures: Two powerful creatures (brought here
with the help of Wee Jas clerics) now serve the Cage
wright loremaster Fetor.Theystayin this room to study
the soul pillars at Fetor's orders.
^ Orgo Blacksword,male fiendish half-ore fighter 9:
hp 67; see Appendix 4.
^ Xail, Water Bone Naga sorcerer 3: hp 65; see Ap
pendix 4.
Tactics: In the event that the bone naga becomes
aware of the party before they become aware of it or
Orgo, Xail casts displacementon itself and Orgo before
the fight starts, following with shield and icefanecorpse
on itself. It then follows that the next round with
Evard's black tentacles, attempting to trap most of the
party in the corridor leading into the room. Xail then
uses wall offorce to contain the group within the area
covered by the tentacles. If possible, it lays a stinking
cloud on top of the tentacled area and then blasts the
group with shout spells. Ifthe tactic works, Xail uses
rayofenfeeblementto ensure that the characters remain
trapped by the tentacles. Xail uses multiple Evard's
black tentacles if necessary. Orgo knows this strategy
and how deadly it can be, so he works to engage char-
acters at the edge of the tentacle- and stinking cloud- The pentagramis a permanent magic circleagainstevil
covered area, hopefully preventing them from leaving (focused inward) that the spell weavers used for their
the reach of the tentacles without exposing himself to summoning rituals and similar rites.
their grasp.
This room opens into a massive dome. Awide broken
This long hallwayis lined with numerous iron doors, walkway circles about a third of the room's circum
each of which is choked over with ice. ference,and a thick ice bridge extends away from the
door into the center of the room. Five massive pil
Each door opens into a small cell that houses an lars,composedof graynecrotic flesh,stretch from the
empty spell weaver coffin;an empty cylindrical hole in floor to the ceiling.
the floor about five feet in diameter and eight feet deep. v-
Other than this, the rooms are bare and featureless. This huge chamber is the last great repository of
The Cagewrightsused these rooms to store supplies, spell weaverlore. It houses five massive Soul Pillarsand
and there's a 10% chance per room that some mundane is protected by a powerful dracolich, the most danger
supplies (torches,dried food, frozen water, tools, etc.) ous undead guardian the spell weavers ever created.
remain in the empty coffin. The room itself has an almost spherical shape, except
ing only its level floor. The only door to the chamber
K16. FETOR'S BEDCHAMBER opens in the middle of the western wall onto a broken
walkway that runs about a third of the circumference
The original purpose for this chamber is unclear, of the room. A dangerous ice bridge leads out to the
but someone has been using it recently as a camp central Soul Pillarand a solid platform.
site. A simple bed sits against the wall opposite a The ice bridge is nearly 10 feet thick, and can easily
desk and chair. Large stacks of paper are piled on support the weight of the characters and the dracolich.
the desk. Characters can move across the bridge at half speed
with no trouble, but moving at full speed requires a DC
Fetor sleeps and compiles notes in this chamber, but 15 Balance check or the creature falls prone.
lately he's been spending the vast majority of his time in A small ice lattice connects to the bridge and one of
area K12. He moves back and forth between this room the Soul Pillars.The strands fill only a small area and
and area K12 via dimension door to save time and avoid are easily avoided, but characters touching one of the
the demodand in area Kll. He used a scroll of perma strands deliberately suffer the effects described at the
nency to make an alarm spell permanent here; if his start of this chapter.
room is entered, the alarm is triggered and he quickly Creature: Vittriss Bale is a powerful dracolich. Cruel
comes to investigate. and dangerous in life, centuries of boredom and im
Although Fetor carries his material wealth and prisonment have made him even more so. Fetor, the
spellbooks on his person, the papers on his desk Cagewright loremaster with whom the dracolich has
contain extensive and valuable notes on the nature formed a tenuous alliance, is careful never to enter the
of the ruins, the Soul Pillars, and the Cagewrights room without first declaring his presence and ensuring
themselves. These notes are complex, disorganized, that the dracolich is willing to let him examine the Soul
and hold the observations of a cruel and subtle Pillars unharmed.
mind. Little can be gleaned from the notes upon ca Vittriss Bale keeps an alarm spell cast on the corridor
sual study, but a character who studies the notes and leading to this chamber, so assume that he has cast two
makes a successful DC 25 Decipher Script check can of his lst-level spells before he even begins prepping
learn much. for the combat with the characters.
If the notes are deciphered, they grant a +6 cir •J> Vittriss Bale, male adult green dracolich: hp 130;
cumstance bonus on any Intelligence-based at see Appendix 4.
tempts made to retrieve knowledge from the Soul Tactics: Despite his long isolation and mental in
Pillars. Additionally, they contain much information stability, Vittriss retains his cruelty and combat skill.
about the Cagewrights, granting those who use them When the dracolich becomes aware of the PCs, he read
a +10 circumstance bonus on all Knowledge checks ies himself with mage armor, shield, mirror image, and
made to research this group (see the Introduction spider climb. He then clings to the wall above the door
for more details). and waits to surprise the characters. Vittriss is careful & %
to use the room's terrain to his advantage, capitalizing w
K17. SUMMONING CHAMBER on his ability to fly and cling to the walls with the spider
climb spell. O.y,-
Thisemptychambercontainsan intricate pentagram Treasure: The spell weavers saw fit to furnish their ^FiESO
carvedinto the stony floor and inlaid with some form captive dracolich with a small hoard of treasure. At the
of metal. The pentagram seems to be empty. bottom of the room, amid the ice and rubble, the char-

k <

acters find 5,361 gp, 1,739 pp, 5 small diamonds (925 for Cauldron—Fetor's extensive notes should give
gp each),5 large diamonds (1,500 gp each), three plati them all the bonuses they really need to learn about
num rings set with diamonds (1,750 gp each), a plati the sinister group's plans and composition. Ifthe PCs
num scepter set with emeralds (5,000gp),and a match report this knowledge to their NPC friends, these al
ing platinum crown set with emeralds (7,000gp).They lies become quite distraught. Many of them begin
also find three magic items: an amuletofhealth +2, a +2 their own research into what's going on behind the
keen bastardsword, and Vittriss Bale's phylactery. scenes in Cauldron, and some of the information they
Development: Having been created, bound, and iso uncover plays a major role in the next chapter. Ifthe
lated by the spell weavers,Vittriss Bale has never had the PCs' enemies learn of this information, nothing much
chance to stow a draconic corpse for possession should changes. Vhalantru and the Cagewrights have already
he be defeated. If killed, the dracolich's spirit retreats decided that something must be done now to stop the
to its phylactery, a small jewel-inlaid silver box worth PCs, and are already taking actions to solve this situa
2,500 gp. It remains trapped in the phylactery until a tion once and for all. The PCs may or may not realize
dragon corpse is brought within 90 feet, at which point it, but they will soon come under the direct attack of
he can possess the corpse and reform his true body in the Cagewrights themselves.
2d4 days. If the phylactery is destroyed or rendered Until then, the PCs should now have some time to
nonmagic, Vittriss Bale is forever destroyed. rest, relax, create magic items, and otherwise recover
lj Vittriss Bale's Phylactery: Hardness 20, hp 40, from the trials they have endured in the Cathedral
Break DC 40. of Wee Jas and the ruins of Karran-Kural. They
could even make a few trips back to Karran-Kural to
CHnCLUDIITG study the Soul Pillars.The pillars hold vast stores of
#= *<fc *HE CHAPTER knowledge, and you can use them to impart a great
deal of information to the players. Each use of the
to 3
"Secrets of the Soul Pillars" ends when the PCs de
feat Vittriss Bale and gain access to the Soul Pillars of Soul Pillars requires a minute of concentration and
Q Karran-Kural. They should have learned during the an Intelligence check.
^E*° course of the adventure that the temple of Wee Jas is Long-term use of Soul Pillars exposes a character to
up to something sinister, but more importantly, they dangerous necromantic energy, as befits the disturb
have learned more of the Cagewrights and their plans ing practice of learning from tortured undead souls.
Feel free to create strange and detrimental side effects BEHinD *HE SCEnES: SECRETS HF
for characters who work too long with the Soul Pillars; *HE SHUL PILLARS
a gradualshift in alignment to evil might be one pos Once the PCs survive the assassin attack, Vhalantru
sible result. GainingTomb-TaintedSoulas a bonus feat grows nervous—the PCs have survived a fiendish
is another possible result. umber hulk, treks to the Underdark, the Demonskar,
The Soul Pillars dispense their foul knowledge in and theAbyss itself,and nowthey'velived throughthe
small and erratic spurts. A successful activation al bestthat the Cathedralof WeeJas hasto offer.They've
lows the user to pull knowledge from the undead even captured a soulcageof their own to study and
spirits trapped in the Soul Pillar.This works like the examine.Forthe firsttime in manydecades,Vhalantru
contact outer plane spell contacting a greater deity feels fear. Soon after the PCs defeat the assassins,
(caster level 20). Each use of a Soul Pillar requires a the beholder retreats into the chambers below his
DC 16 Intelligence check to avoid having the user's mansion, to a place he calls Oblivion. There, aided
Intelligence and Charisma reduced. This check fol by Cagewrightallies, he steps up his experiments in
lows the rules and restrictions of contact outer plane. augmentinghis power with the spiritual essence of
Fetor's notes on the Soul Pillars provide a +6 compe captured demodands, hoping to discover a way to
tence bonus on this check. assure his victory in the confrontationwith the PCs
Unlike contact outer plane, a Soul Pillar is not limited he now fears.
to one-word answers. You should feel free to dispense As the Cagewrightleadersnearthe completionof
cryptic phrases or even longer clues in addition to the the Shacklebornpurificaitonritual,ThifiraneRhiavadi
one-word answers given to most questions. As an ex has been servingas their eyes and ears in Cauldron
ample, if a character asks a Soul Pillar about soulcages, for some time. She has taken note of the PCs'
the response might be: accomplishments with alarm as well, and has sent
"When cages of metal hold souls of pain the prison invitations to several of the region's most notorious
shall open." criminals and villains to attend a meeting at her
manor in Cauldron.There,she plans on unveilingto
them the plans the Cagewrights have for Cauldron,
offeringthem a chanceto serve importantroles inthe
newworld to come if they only promise one thing in
return: they must preventthe PCs from interfering in
the ritual to come.

& %

v> &'


Vhalantru's paranoia has reached new heights eradicate the Cagewrights,suspect that Vhalantru knows
now that the PCs have proven themselves somethingabout the Cagewrights'activities.The Striders
much more able than the beholder had esti have been spyingon Vhalantrueversince the lord mayor
mated. As this chapter begins, he has sequestered him disappeared, but they have learned precious little. 'pi
self in his manor, and frantically tries to perfect a vile
ritual he learned from a set of scrolls he "borrowed"
from the Cagewrights describing a ritual called the WI*H mEER*HAn
Zar'ilkoth Tarteros. The ritual enables one to absorb the The charactersbegin the adventure in Cauldron, enjoying
spirit of a demodand and gain its powers, augmenting some down time and catching up on rumors. At some op
the body and soul with fiendish strength and magical portune moment, the PCs are invited to meet with Meer
energy.Alas, the Zar'ilkothTarterosis a dangerous ritual, than Eliothlorn at the Drunken Morkoth Inn. Meerthan
and Vhalantru was loathe to try it on himself without needs their help rescuing an agent who was captured
first experimenting on some of his minions. Now, his while spying on House Rhiavadi from a Last Laugh safe
manor and the chambers below are infested with mal house before he cracks under interrogation and reveals
formed monstrosities bearing the taint of Tarterus, and the extent of the Striders' activities in Cauldron.
soon Vhalantru himself shall join their wretched ranks. The PCs have likely already met Meerthan's three
In the meantime, Thifirane Rhiavadi has invited agents—Fario Ellegoth, Fellian Shard, and Shensen
some of the worst criminal elements in the land—sla Tesseril. One of these three has been captured by the
vers, mercenaries, thieves, and even evil adventurers— Last Laugh—the adventure assumes that the captured
to a secret meeting at her estate in Cauldron. There she Strider is Fario, but if the PCs have befriended Fellian
informs them of.the Cagewrights' plans, offers them a or Shensen, consider having one of them captured in
chance to help reshape the world, and guarantees them stead to make things more personal for the PCs.
positions of power in exchange for their loyalty and Once you have selected which Strider has been cap
complicity. Her only demand—that these villains aid tured, have Meerthan quickly contact the PCs for aid. If
her in destroying the PCs before they can strike a blow one of the PCs has joined the Striders and has a tele
against her thirteen masters. pathic link with Meerthan, he contacts that PC directly.
If they act swiftly, the heroes can storm House Rhia Otherwise, he sends one of his other agents to find the
vadi and smash Thifirane's evil covenant before the vil PCs and bring them to meet with him.
lains have a chance to formulate a plan against them. However they are contacted, the PCs are to come to
They can also fight their way through Oblivion, Vha Meerthan's upstairs room at the Drunken Morkoth.
lantru's subterranean lair, and confront the beholder in Upon arriving, the PCs are met by any other Strider
a final showdown. agents still alive and not captured. Meerthan's room is
Cauldron's woes notwithstanding, the heroes might a cozy, well-appointed chamber with a desk, a bed, and
have good cause to suspect Lord Vhalantru of evildoing. walls hung with mounted hunting trophies. A dwarf
He has so far remained an enigma, sequestering him wearing a rich vest and golden circlet sits in a padded
self within his estate and rarely venturing into the public leather chair facing the door, his hands clasped tightly
eye.The Striders of Fharlanghn, who seek to locate and under his chin in a contemplative manner.
Meerthan Eliothlorn uses a hat of disguise to appear
as a dwarf, but he reveals his true form once he and the
S*AK*inG *HE CHAFFER: characters are alone; that of a cloaked, 45-year-old half-
LHRDS HF HBLIYIHn elf with hazel eyes and a small crescent-moon-shaped
The average party level should be 13 when you start tattoo under his right eye. Meerthan cuts to the chase
this chapter, and the PCs should reach 14th level (adjust the following speech as necessary if Felian or
part-waythrough the chapter. You should allow the Shensen was the agent captured):
PCs to advancein level when they gain enough XP to %.rO,
3» C
do so, since the final encounters in this"chapter are "I have dire news,my friends. Fario has been captured Op0^V
particularlyrough. while spying on House Rhiavadi.He's being detained
and interrogated in a Last Laugh safe house as we
speak. He has resisted their torture so far,but he can't encountershave been designedto showjust how pow
hold out much longer.Thanksto the telepathicbond erful and effective the heroes have become. Further
he and I share,I'vemanaged to remain in contactwith more, it's okay if the characters' success leads to over-
him. The Last Laughdoesn'tknow this. Pleaseforgive confidence—an attitude that, if carried over into the
my presumption, but I've already told him that help next part of this chapter,couldcost them dearly.
is on the way. When you return, we can discuss what A Last Laugh thug stationed in area B8 watches the
Fario has learned from his reconnaissance. The Brass front doors through a small triangular hole cut into the
Trumpet—an abandoned inn on Ash Avenue. That's glass of one second-storywindow.Ifthe charactersap
where they're holding him." proach the building without making any attempts at
concealment, the sentry automaticallyspots them and
Meerthan is willing to entertain questions—to a quietly alerts Finch, his boss (see area B8), who in turn
point. Every minute wasted is another minute Fario alerts the rest of the safe house.
must endure the tortures of the Last Laugh's vaunted Characters who knock on the front doors receive no
interrogators. Thanks to the telepathic bond with Fario, response from within.
Meerthan knows everythingof consequenceconcern tjj Strong Wooden Doors (locked): 2 in. thick; hard
ing Fario'slast mission. At this point, Meerthan is con ness 5; hp 20; break DC 25; superior lock (hardness 15;
cerned that Fario might divulge information about the hp 30;Open Lock DC 40).
Striders and their activities in Cauldron.
Meerthan knows that Fario'scaptors didn't take the Bl. ENTRY (EL 8)
time to blindfold him, clearly because they intend to
kill him once the interrogation is complete.The Last This twenty-foot-wide, fifteen-foot-deep room con
Laugh's carelessness has allowed Fario to pass along tains no furnishings. Arrow slits perforate the west
the location of the safe house, a general description ern and eastern walls—three arrow slits per wall.
of areas Bi, Bz, B4, B5, B7, B8, and B9, and an es
timated number of Last Laugh members inside (he A successful DC 15 Search check made to notice un
counted at least ten goons, and he saw fifteen beds usual stonework reveals that the walls with the arrow
in area B5). He can also describe the four Last Laugh slits are recent constructions. Behind each row of arrow
villains who captured him (see the descriptions of Jil, slits lies a narrow passage with a wooden ladder at the
Finch, Mokaius, and Xendro, below). All of the Last north end. Each ladder leads up to an unlocked trap
Laugh members paint their faces white and black to door in the ceiling that opens into area B8 above.
resemble a grinning harlequin's visage. The descrip Creatures: Six Last Laugh thugs lurk behind the ar
tion of the lead captor (a rascal of a woman standing 5 row slits, three per side. The arrow slits provide a +10
feet,3 inches tall with black hair and dark brown eyes) coverbonus to the thugs'AC and grant a +4cover bonus
may be familiar to the PCs who participated in the on Reflex saves.
events of Chapter One. ^ Last Laugh Thugs, male human rogue 2/warrior2
If the characters demand money for their services, (6): hp 25each; see Appendix 4.
Meerthan offers a payment of 2,000 gp but can be bar
gained up to 5,000 gp with a successful DC 25 Diplo B2. CROSSBOW BATTERY TRAP (EL 8)
macy check. This room contains a Trap that triggers when the north
door is opened. Two heavy black curtains cover open
*HE BRASS *RUITIFE* ings into areas B3 and B4.
The Last Laugh safe house is an abandoned inn called Trap: Last Laugh rogues have rigged five heavy cross
the Brass Trumpet. An iron sign set with a brass trum bows to iron tripods in the middle of the room. Fish
pet hangs outside the front doors, which appear newer ing lines have been strung from the crossbows' firing
than the rest of the building (the Last Laugh replaced mechanisms to the northern door. Any creature that
the inn's original doors with fortified ones).The build opens the door without first disabling the trap triggers
ing's walls are made of mortared volcanic rock, and all it. The trap can be easily disabled from inside the room
of the windows on the ground floor have been bricked simply by cutting the fishing lines (no Disable Device
up. The windows on the second floor have solid wooden check required).
frames and panes of opaque, smoked glass.The second- -/* Crossbow Battery Trap: CR 8; mechanical; loca
story floor (first-story ceiling) is made of timber. Unless tion trigger; manual reset; Atk +15 ranged (ldio plus
noted otherwise, all ground-floor ceilings are 10 feet poison/19-20, 5 heavy crossbows); poison (blue whin-
high, and all second-floor areas have 15-foot-high ceil nis, Fortitude DC 14 negates, initial 1 Con, secondary
ings with heavyrafters. Doors always open into rooms; unconsciousness for id3 hours); Search DC 25; Disable
a door connecting two rooms always opens into the Device DC 23.
smaller room.
The Last Laugh's safe house contains several encoun B3. SPIKED ROOMS
ters, none of them particularly dangerous to a group of The Last Laugh guild has lined the floors of these
well-equipped, high-level characters. The safe house's rooms with grids of iron spikes as tall as short sword
blades—dozens of them. These blades are part of the dropping the characters onto a bed of iron spikes 10
traps in area B6. feet below(see areaB3 for details).Characterswhoenter
the room through a window automatically step onto a
B4. COMMON ROOM (EL 7) weakened section of floor. A successful DC 18 Reflex save
This room used to be the inn's common room. The allows an affected character to avoid the fall (bygrabbing
room still contains some wooden chairs and tables, but hold of a sturdier section of the floor). The weakened
the fireplacethat once stood against the south wallhas floor can be detected with a successful DC 24 Search
been dismantled and removed from the premises. Four check, but not with mere prodding. Moving around the
timber pillars support the ceiling, and curtained alcoves outside walls of the room without causing the floor to
line the north wall. A creaky wooden staircase leads up collapserequiresa successfulDC15 Balancecheck.
to the second level,and anyone attempting to climb the -/* Bed of Spikes: CR 5; mechanical; location trigger;
stairs takes a -5 penalty on Move Silently checks. no reset; 10ft. deep (id6, fall); multiple targets (first tar
Creatures:Four Last Laugh thugs hide in the shad get in each of two adjacent5-foot squares);spikes (Atk
ows, two on either side of the western curtain and two +10 melee,id6 spikes per target for id6+5 each); Search
under the stairs. DC 24; Disable Device DC —.
^ Last Laugh Thugs, male human rogue 2/warrior 2
(4): hp 25 each; see Appendix 4. B7. WARDED SECRET PASSAGE
Two well-made secret doors (Search DC 25) conceal this
B5. LAST LAUGH HARLEQUINS (EL 12) 5-foot-wide, 10-foot-long dark passage. The northern
This room serves as barracks for the Last Laugh thugs secret door makes a grinding noise when opened, loud
assigned to guard the safe house. Fifteen wooden cots enough to alert the denizens of area B8.
are spread around the room. Trap: Finch(seearea B8) has cast an alarmspell in this
Characters who inspect the northwest corner of the secret passage.Anycreature that enters the passage not
room and succeed at a DC 25 Search check find a well- carrying one or more of the Last Laugh's"jester coins"
hidden secret door leading to area B7. triggers a gentle alarm bell that can be heard only in the
Creatures: This area contains four Last Laugh thugs interrogation room (area B9).
and a pair of 24-year-old monk/assassins named Mokai-
us and Xendro. They are twins with shaved heads, faces B8. CURTAINS (EL 12)
painted half-white and half-black, and lithe builds.
^> Mokaius and Xendro, Last Laugh Harlequins, male Five thick red curtains hang from the rafters of this
human monk 6/assassin 2: hp 56 each; see Appendix 4. fifteen-foot-by-thirty-foot chamber. The curtains di
^ Last Laugh Thugs, male human rogue 2/warrior 2 vide the room into a maze of five-foot-wide passages
(4): hp 25 each; see Appendix 4. and look thick enough to catch missile fire.
Tactics: Mokaius and Xendro have orders from Jil
not to allow intruders to find or pass through the se Tied across the top of each curtain are seven tiny bells
cret door leading to area B7. They cartwheel and leap that jingle madly ifthe curtain is disturbed; a character
about the room like acrobats when closing in for the trying to quietly move a curtain takes a -10 penalty on
kill, counting on the thugs to help them flank foes. his or her Move Silently check. Set into the northwest
If they hear sounds of combat in area B4, Mokaius and northeast corners of the floor are two unlocked
and Xendro send the two thugs to investigate. They wooden trap doors that pull open to reveal a wooden
and two other thugs remain here to guard the secret ladder and narrow passage (area Bi) below.
door, hiding in the shadows until intruders move into The southwest corner of the room holds a small table
the room. The twins' relatively low Intelligence makes with a hooded lantern resting on it and a locked wood
them suboptimal assassins (they can't cast spells, and en chest (Open Lock DC 30). The chest's contents are
the DC to resist their death strike ability isn't particu described under Treasure, below.
larly high), but they put their poisoned shuriken and An artfully hidden secret door in the south wall
Stunning Fist feats to good use in combat. (Search DC 30) leads to area B9. Attempting to pass
through it triggers a Trap (see area B9 for details).
B6. EMPTY BEDROOM (EL 5) Creatures: Jil's trusted lieutenant, a halfling named
Finch (so named because of his fidgety nature and gold
All ofthe furniture has been removed from these rooms, en-yellow hair), sits on the floor in the southwest corner,
and a fine layer of dust covers the wooden floor. playing cards in the dim light of the lantern while his
boss interrogates the half-elf prisoner in area B9. Finch
Members of the Last Laugh have skillfully weakened does not paint his face like most Last Laugh rogues; in
sections of the floor so that they collapse under any sig stead, he has a four-pointed red star circling his left eye.
nificant weight. These weakened sections are indicated He also wears a flashy red-and-gold cape. Standing by O,3>
on the map. one of the north windows, watching the front entrance Op0^V
Trap: When one or more characters step on a weak of the safe house, is a Last Laugh thug who answers to
ened section of floor, the floor collapses underfoot, Finch. The thug has cut a tiny triangular hole in the
smoked glass window—largeenough to see outside,but tiple occasions. Finch does not know about the secret
hard to notice from the ground (Spot DC14). summit meeting at House Rhiavadi. Although Finch
1 Finch, male halfling rogue 5/sorcerer6: hp 45; see enjoys Jil's good humor and her company, his loyalty
Appendix 4. to her quickly evaporates if forced to choose between
^ Last Laugh Thug, male human rogue 2/warrior2: his life and hers.
hp 25; see Appendix 4.
Tactics: Given sufficient time to prepare, Finch casts B9. INTERROGATION CHAMBER (EL 16)
displacementand shield(in that order) upon himself He The secretdoorin the north wallis trapped(seeTrap,below).
then uses his slippersofspiderclimbingto climb up to the
rafters, where he moves quietly through the shadows A male half-elf lies face down on a wooden torture
and above the jingling red curtains. From this vantage rack in the middle of this windowless fifteen-foot-
point, Finch either uses his wand of hold person or his square, fifteen-foot-high room. Magical light from an
ranged spells. If seriously wounded, he uses the dimen unseen source above the rafters paints the walls and
sion door ability of his cape of the mountebankto flee to floor in dark shadows. The wooden rack is shaped
area B9. The nameless Last Laugh thug hides among like an "X" with iron manacles binding the half-elf's
the curtains, hoping to fell a held opponent. wrists and ankles. The half-elf's back is striped with
Treasure: Finch carries the key to the locked chest, crimson lacerations. Standing next to the prisoner
which contains Fario's gear and a sack of 300 gp (each is a young woman in black garb with half her face
coin minted with ajester's grinning visage). painted black, the other half painted white. She holds
Development: If captured or dominated, Finch can a dripping blade near the half-elf's throat with one
disclose Fario's location and point to the secret door gloved hand and the handle of a silvery whip in the
leading to area B9. With enough coaxing, Finch re other. Something about her stance suggests a catlike
veals that he knows who's been helping the Last Laugh readiness, and she smiles triumphantly.
r %
mint their coins; the merchant Adrick Garthun. Finch
can even be persuaded to give up the identity of the The black-clad figure is Jil, a respected member of
<S» #
Op0^V Last Laugh guildmaster—a half-fiend named Velior the Last Laugh. She has whipped her helpless captive
Thazo. Finch is quick to point out that Jil doesn't like into near-unconsciousness. She has readied an action
Velior. She has spurned his sordid advances on mul to coldly plunge her short sword into Fario's throat if
the PCs make any hostilemove toward her. If forced to son^, 2 scythes);poison(dragonbile, FortitudeDC 26
take this step,she says,"He's yours.I'm done with him." negates,initial 3d6 Str, secondarynone); SearchDC 24;
Jil hopes this brutal act will enrage the PCs enough to Disable Device DC 21.
ignoretheTrapon the secretdoorand give her a chance Development:Unless the characters catch Jil by sur
to escape. prise,she probablyhas time to kill Fariobeforetheyar
Creatures: Fario is barely conscious (his current hit rive on the scene. Ifthe characters retrieve Fario's body
points are at o) or dead, but Jil remains a threat to the and theylackthe willor the means to bring him backto
PCs. Finch the halfling (see area B8)might also be here. life,Meerthan brings him to the temple of St. Cuthbert
The manacles binding Fario'swrists and ankles can be and pays Jenya for a raise dead spell.
unclasped as a full-round action. Jil's readied action If Fario is saved or brought back to life, he tells the
isn't a coup de grace, and she can still miss her target characterseverythinghe knowsabout Lady Rhiavadiand
if she rolls a natural 1 on her attack roll. Likewise, she her estate. If Fario dies, this information comes from
can inflict a critical hit if she rolls well. Chances are she Meerthan instead (see Meeting Meerthan for details).
onlyinflictsid6 points of damage(and possible poison
ing) on him—not enough to kill him, but enough to Jo- House Rhiavadiis an imperious structure with four 'PI
deliver a mortal wound. squat towers,one capped with an observatory.Aset
^ Jil, female human rogue 5/assassin 8: hp 66; see of heavy oak doors on the ground floor provides
Appendix 4. the only obvious entrance, although the building
Tactics: Given time to prepare, Jil casts magic circle has manywindowson the first and second floors.
againstgood and spider climb on herself If she doesn't Jo- Members of the town guard, including half-ore
have time to cast spells, she uses her ability to hide in mercenaries hired by Lord Vhalantru, have been
plainsight to avoid detection until 3 rounds havepassed seen entering and leaving the manor at all hours
and she can attempt a death attack with her poisoned of the day and night. Some of the half-ores head
short sword.While studying her victim, she can cast her straight to House Vhalantru after leaving House
silent spiderclimb and silent true strikespells. Jil uses her Rhiavadi, and vice versa. Sometimes they stay in
+1 whip to make disarm and trip attempts but prefers side for hours.
hit-and-run tactics to a straight fight. She saves her di Jo- Lady Rhiavadihas not been seen entering or leav
mension door spell for a quick escape, fleeing from the ing her house in weeks, although members of her
safe house if reduced to half her hit points. If cornered household staff (all halflings) come and go during
and unable to escape, she surrenders, hoping to trade the day. She must have a dozen or more servants.
information for her life and waiting for any opportu Jo- Lady Rhiavadi has several shady guests staying at
nity to escape her captors. Jil confesses that her mission her manor.
was to determine Fario's affiliations, locate others like Jo- A comely yet pale half-elf clad in scant, tight-fit
him, and dispose of all of them. ting black garments arrived at House Rhiavadi last
The characters might know Jil from their brush with night by horse-drawn coach. She wore a cloak of
her in Chapters One and Two. Treat her attitude as in black shadow that fluttered about her, even though
different unless the characters have angered her in the the night air was still. Her coach had blackened
past. If she has struck up a friendship with one of the windows and sped off into the night after drop
characters, she avoids harming that character. Jil has ping off the woman. She moved with grace up to
no love for Jester Velior Thazo, one of the guildmas- the doors, whereupon a smiling halfling dressed in
ters of the Last Laugh, and a character toward whom a black suit ushered her inside.
she's favorably disposed can persuade her to betray the Jo- Apair of well-armed humans—perhaps mercenar
Last Laugh with a successful DC 25 Diplomacy check. ies or adventurers—arrived at House Rhiavadi two
Jil knows that Velior is attending a secret conference at days ago. One of them carried a black mace capped
House Rhiavadi, meeting with Lady Thifirane Rhiavadi with an iron skull and a heavyshield with the sym
and several others to discuss the future of Cauldron bol of Nerull emblazoned on it.
and the Last Laugh's role in "the new world order." She Jo- Lady Rhiavadi's other guests include a contingent
doesn't know where the Last Laugh is minting jester of five well-armed dwarves who arrived three days
coins, or who runs the operation. ago. One ofthem was a white-haired, white-bearded
If he fled to this chamber, Finch the halfling casts in dwarf wearing a black leather half-mask that cov
visibilityon himself and uses the torture rack for cover ers his right eye. Set into the mask's eye socket was
as he targets characters with his wand or his spells. a black gem. A successful DC 15 Knowledge (local)
Trap: Two scythe-like blades slash any creature that check identifies the dwarf as Adrick Garthun.
steps through the secret door. The blades are hidden in
compartments on each side of the secret door and are Meerthan encourages the PCs to investigate what's
coated with dragon bile poison. going on at House Rhiavadi as soon as possible. He
•y S*
. V Slashing Blades Trap: CR 9; mechanical; location and the other Striders do not accompany the PCs, since Op0^V
trigger; automatic reset; hidden lock bypass (Search DC Meerthan would rather keep these agents close at his
25, Open Lock DC 30); Atk +16 melee (2d4+8 plus poi side for now in case the Last Laugh or other enemies
strike at them again. Likewise,he tells the PCs that he Each door sports a bronze knocker shaped like a
and the other Striders can mount a rescue operation balled fist. A bas-relief ofa two-headed raven is carved
if they are captured. At your option, one of the Strider above the architrave.
agents could accompany the PCs to House Rhiavadi,
especiallyif you feel they could use the extra help in Ifthe PCs knock on the front doors, one of the half-
dealing with the dangerous encounters that wait for ore guards in area R2 opens the doors and tries to
them there. frighten them off, sayingonly that Lady Rhiavadiisn't
interested in anything they have to offer. However,the
FAR+Y A* guard isn't especially bright, and characters can trick
HHUSE RHIAVADI their way inside using Bluff, by pretending to be ei
Lady Thifirane Rhiavadi,Vhalantru'sscheming confi ther late guests or Lord Vhalantru's emissaries. The
dante and a high-rankingCagewright,lives in a formi guard is naturally suspicious and gets a +5 circum
dable manor on ObsidianAvenue. Known for hosting stancebonus on his Sense Motivecheckto opposeany
E. outlandish gatherings, Thifirane has invited some of Bluff check.
fir the realm's worst villains to her estate to learn about
the Cagewrights'plans for Cauldronandto temptthem R2. MAIN HALL (EL 10)
into joining forces with the Cagewrights and their
fiendish allies once Cauldron has fallen. The PCs can Softmusic fills this opulent, sparsely furnished hall.
learn of the secretgatheringfrom Jil(see ChapterOne) A few chairs and plants stand against the walls be
or more reliable sources (such as the Striders of Fhar- neath brightly colored tapestries. A five-foot-wide,
langhn). This section describes House Rhiavadi and its ten-foot-tall spiraling column of butterflies floats
current occupants. in the middle of the hall, moving to the sound of
Although this section comes before the one describ the music.
ing House Vhalantru,the characters might very well
decide to investigateHouse Vhalantrufirst. Once they The butterflies and the music are elements of the
have finished pursuing Vhalantru,they may decide to same permanentimage spell (caster level 13th).
confront Lady Rhiavadiand her guests. Creatures: Four half-ore fighters on loan from Zarn
Kyass have taken up semi-permanent resident in House
HOUSE RHIAVADI FEATURES Rhiavadias guards. Generally,two of them stand guard
Like many buildings in Cauldron, House Rhiavadi has in this hall.Thifirane ensures their loyaltywith 500 gp
walls composed of gray and black volcanic rock. The per month to stand around and look impressive. Each
building has twostories and four squat towers.Three of half-ore carries a key to one of the locked chests in area
the towers have pointed spire caps. A domed observa R14, where they relax when not on shift. The two half-
tory made of alabaster and glass surmounts the fourth ores on guard when the PCs arrive are named Black-
tower.Alarge portico supported by four marble pillars spine and Wormspit; the two resting in area R14 are
covers the main entrance doors. Each pillar is carvedto named Kralk and Yaughr.
resemble a dragon. The windows of House Rhiavadiare ^ Blackspine and Wormspit, half-ore fighter 8 (2): hp
made of frosted glass set in heavycopper frames, with 59 each; see Appendix 4.
lockedwoodenshutters coveringthem at night. Development: Unless the PCs can fast talk their
Unlessnoted otherwise,continualflame spells illumi way around the guards, they'll have to fight their way
nate the manor's chambers.Doorsare of sturdywooden through them to get into the house via the front door.
construction with ornate bronze hinges and fittings. If combat does break out, the clashing swords and bat
Moreover, permanent unseen servantsopen the interior tle cries of the half-ores are loud enough to alert the
doors wheneverone or more creatures approach with entire household, including Thifirane and her guests
in 5 feet and close the portals once the creatures have (see area R29).
passed through; the exceptions to this rule are the front
doors (area Ri) and the doors barring Lady Rhiavadi's R3. DRAWING ROOM
private quarters (areas R15-R18),which are arcanelocked
(at 13th level).The ceilings in House Rhiavadiare 15 feet This cozy chamber has a pair of velvet-lined divans,
high unless noted otherwise. each decorated with a soothing floral motif Roses
$y Strong Wooden Doors: 2 in. thick; hardness 5; hp and violets grow from the carpet around each, and
20;break DC 25 (DC35 if arcane locked). the air is scented with their fragrance. A delicate end
SI Shuttered Windows: 1 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 8; table sits next to each divan.
break DC 18;good lock (Hardness 15; hp 30; Open Lock
DC 30). The roses and scent in the air are illusions.
Treasure: Each end table contains a single tiny draw
Rl. FRONT DOORS er, in which are stashed a dozen or so sheets of gold-
House Rhiavadi's front doors have an arcane lock spell rimmed stationary, tiny vials of ink, and several silver
cast upon them (caster level 13th). writing pens. Both sets are worth 500 gp.

Pegs line the walls and clothing racks stand on the A low table sits in the middle of this room, sur
floor of this high-ceilinged cloakroom. rounded by six stuffed chairs with high backs. Blue
velvetcurtainshang from the walls,and the carpeted
Three dwarf-sizedcloaks(one of which is quite a bit floor is thick and cushiony.
nicer than the others) hang on pegs here. Eachcloak is
emblazonedwith a stylizedsymbol of a volcano.A DC Treasure:ADC25 Searchof the westwallfinds a clev
15 Knowledge(local)checks identifiesthese symbolsas erly hidden panel that can be pushed aside to reveal
the logo for Garthun Imports.Along coathangs on one a narrow cavity in the wall. Within are eight different
of the racks—this one bears an exquisite embroidery of bottlesof rareand expensivewine and liquor.Each bot
a flying kingfisherclutchinga scroll in its beak. Asuc tle is worth 500 gp—ifopened, the value immediately
cessfulDC 20 Knowledge(local)checkidentifies this as drops to 50 gp.
the symbol of a messengerservicebased in Kingfisher
Hollow called "Kingfisher Sendings." R8. TEA ROOM
Treasure: A DC 25 Search of the nice cloak finds a
hidden inner pocket, in which are kept 5 cp, 5 sp, 5 gp, Adelicatecircularglass table,its edgegiltin silverand
and 5 pp—all minted with the Last Laugh markings. gold, sits in the middle of this room. Four polished
Adrick keeps these handy to show off at social gather oak chairs with velvet cushions sit around the table.
ings withfriendswhomhe trustswiththe knowledgeof Asideboardagainstthe wall displaysa collectionof a
his coin-minting projects. dozen potterytea-containers,each with a differently
themed floral lid.
Treasure: The tea stored in the twelve contain
This large chamber is thickly carpeted. The walls ers is all imported (at relatively great expense) from
bear remarkable scenes of sylvan forests that seem distant lands. Each container holds 200 gp worth of
almost lifelike; the leaves on the trees seem to tea leaves. The sideboard's drawers hold delicate tea
move in a gentle breeze, and now and then the cups and saucers; as a set, these are worth 500 gp.
half-seen shapes of cavorting fey can be glimpsed The glass table is the greatest treasure in the room.
out of the corner of the eye.Wicker folding screens Worth 1,200 gp, the table weighs 70 pounds and is
stand throughout the room, along with padded exceptionally fragile.
chairs, dressing tables, and some discretely hidden
chamberpots. R9. KITCHEN

The wallsare permanentimages;the longer one studies This is a well-stocked and well organized kitchen.
them, the more it becomes obvious that there are nu Large tables for food preparation fill the central area,
merous nymphs and satyrs frolickingjust out of sight. and the walls are covered with counters and cup
Treasure: The four chamberpots are of carved obsid boards. A massive marble fireplace sits against the
ian from local mines and gilt in gold and silver. The west wall.
servants keep them immaculately clean. Each one is
worth 250gp. Atany time, id3~i servants are toiling in here, prepar
ing for their mistresses' next meal.
This large chamber has a hardwood floor polished to
a glass-like sheen. A huge banquet table, its surface Three small bunk beds are crammed into this room,
covered with blue silk cloth, sits in the middle of the along with a single table with two small chairs.
room. Placesettings for a dozen people have been laid
out, and a towering mahogany silverware hutch sits Lady Rhiavadi's household staff consists of six
against the east wall. To the south, a massive marble middle-aged halflings employed as cooks, maids, and
fireplace looms, a fire burning merrily within. Several manservants. They are formally dressed, well treated,
small statuettes sit on the mantel. and free to go where they please. They never question
the lady of the house or her orders, and they wouldn't
Treasure: The silverware set kept in the hutch is of think to betray her. In truth, all of Thifirane's half
exquisite make, and as a set is worth 1,400 gp. The stat ling servants are simulacra, created using the simu
uettes on the mantel are all of cavorting nymphs and lacrum spell. (The models upon which the simulacra <J,
» \-
satyrs, depicted in shocking poses and made of silver are based have been baleful polymorphedinto animals Okq^V
and gold. There are seven statuettes in all, each worth and caged in area R18.) Each simulacrum is treated as
500 gp. a ist-level commoner with 4 hit points; it is destroyed
if reducedto o hit points,turning into a smallmound R14. HALF-ORC BARRACKS (EL 10)
of cold, wet slush. Thifirane can't abide people de
stroying her simulacra, as they cost precious time This room containstwolargewood-framedbunk beds.
and XP to create. A pair of locked wooden chests rest at the foot of each
Thifirane'sservantsconstantlymove about the man bed.
or, performingmundaneerrandsand chores.They oc
casionallyretire to their quarters for a time, usually Two of the beds are occupied(see Creatures,below),
duringthe nightwhen Lady Rhiavadineeds some pri whilethe other two are empty and unmade. The chests
vate time to herself While a simulacrum can communi contain the Treasure.
cate, it generally prefers not to. Creatures:Two half-ore fighters sleep on beds in this
chamber. The other two beds belong to the half-ores
Rll. PANTRY AND LARDER standingguard in area R2 (the guards work alternating
8-hourshifts).Lyingnextto theirbedsaretheirweapons
The walls of this room are thick with woodenshelves, and armor. Donning a suit of chainmail takes 4 minutes,
each bearing dozens of jars, metal containers, and so if the half-oresare roused by sounds of alarm, they
baskets of food and cooking utensils. Against the simply grab their weapons and run to battle.
southern wall is a large wooden and metal trunk, al ^ Kralk andYaughr,half-ore fighter 8 (2): hp 59 each;
most large enough for a person to lie downin. see Appendix 4.
Treasure:Thifiranepays her four half-oreguardsex
Treasure: The trunk is cool to the touch. Within tremely well for their service and loyalty. Each of the
are cuts of meat, dairy products,and other perishable four chests contains 2,500 gp.
foodstuffs.The inner walls of the trunk are platedwith
sheets of blue ice, a rare form of magicalice that never R15. MASTER TOWER FOYER
melts and can be worked like iron. The interior of the
icebox remains at a constant 2o°F. The icebox is worth This thickly carpeted room is empty of furnishings,
1,000 gp, but weighs300pounds and is too large to fit yet is still oddly comfortable since the muted sounds
through the room's door (Thifiranetransported it in of violin and flute music waft gently on the air,along
here with the aid of a shrinkitem spell). with the pleasant scent of wildflowers.

R12. TOWER FOYER Thifirane's shield guardian normally stands guard in

This room is bare and austere comparedto the extrava the center of this room. The music and scents in the
gance present in most of the other rooms in the manor. room are provided by a permanentillusion.
A door once allowed access to area R9 from here, but
the previous occupants of the manor took the door out R16. MASTER BATHROOM
after theyhad one too manyincidentsof the help steal
ing wine from area R13. Thifirane doesn't have prob This opulent room has a polished marble floor
lems like that with her simulacrum servants, but never that is strangely warm to the touch. Gentle warm
botheredto put in a doorsince it's easy enoughfor her breezes waft through the place, carrying with them
to dimension door in here when she needs something soft sounds of birdsong and the scent of flowers.
and can't be bothered to go up and around and down A marble counter with a silver washbasin atop it
the stairs. sits to the south, next to a large mirror. The most
. impressive feature of the room is the large mar
R13. WINE CELLAR ble tub against the east wall. Gilt with gold and
mithral, the tub looks like it could accommodate
A large wine rack sits against the northern wall of two people with ease. The tub's rim is decorated
this cool room, a bottle resting gentlyin eachspace. with a floral pattern, and a dozen brightly hued
A single oak coffin sits on the floor in the middle of songbirds hop and preen on its rim. A shelf at one
the room. end is cluttered with numerous vials of colorful
liquid and powder. To the north of the tub is an
The coffin belongs to Mhad, a vampire from Shat- exquisite rock garden, complete with miniature
terhorn that Thifirane invited to this meeting. Mhad waterfall and tiny miniature trees growing in beds
had the coffin shipped out here several weeks ago in of thick, rich soil.
anticipation of her visit. Inside, the coffin is partially
filled with moist soil that reeks of the jungle. A DC 20 The heated stone floor of this room is created by a
Knowledge(religion) check is enough for a character to minor magical effect Thifirane put into place to com
8 realize that an earth-filled coffin like this is a sure sign bat the unpleasantness of cold floors in the morning.
<? <r
Op0^V of vampires. The rock garden to the north looks like it should take
Treasure: There are 16 bottles of wine of various vin up a sizable area, but this is in fact a permanentillusion
tages on the rack. Each bottle is worth 100 gp, unopened.
designedtomake thebathroomlooklike it takes upthe The caged animals are actuallysix 2nd-levelhalf
space that is in fact occupied by area R18. ling commonerskidnappedby Thifiraneand used as
Treasure: The tub is a decadent magic item. Any crea models for her simulacrum servants. They are grate
ture who lays withinit cancommandit to fillwithwater ful if rescued but have no reward money to offer their
or to empty. She can also control the water's tempera saviors.They are willing to work off their debt, how
ture, and can even activate an unseen servant to aid in ever. Thallo Quickstride, the halfling polymorphed
washing.Thebirdsthat hop on its rim are permanentil into a monkey, retains his Intelligence and can ar
lusions.The tub itself weighs1,400 pounds, but is worth ticulate his feelings using gestures. When he sees the
4,000 gp. characters, Thallo points excitedly to the raven's cage,
The various bath salts and oils on the counter are hoping the characters will find Thifirane's hidden
worth 200 gp in all. spellbookand a spell to turn him and the others back
into halflings.
R17. MASTER BEDCHAMBER (EL 3) A character who collects the notes on Thifirane's
desk finds them to be written in Draconic. Anyone who
This posh bedroom contains a canopy bed, a full- reads through them finds that they contain a wealth
length mirror in a freestanding wooden frame, a of knowledgeaboutthe Cagewrights.Acharacterwho
small writing desk with matching chair, and several utilizes these notes while researching questions about fn
wardrobes and tables covered with small decanters of this organization gains a +6 circumstance bonus on
perfume and fine wine. any associated Knowledge check. In addition, a fair
amount of these notes seem to pertain to the design
The wardrobes are filled with rich gowns and noble of magic items and illusions. Characters might recog
outfits, shelves covered with fashionable hats and exotic nizemanyof the illusions that existin this manor here,
wigs(manyof them artfullydesignedto hideThifirane's along with some of the manor's more unique features
third eye). The furnishings are plush yet tasteful,and a (like the tub in area R16). The notes also detail several
tapestryhelpsconceala secretdoor(SearchDC25) lead of Thifirane's personal magic items, with particular at
ing to area R18. tention paid to an object that must be a construct of.
One of the tables is cluttered with papers, many of sorts. A successful DC 25 Knowledge (arcana) check is
which are crumpled. On these papers, Thifirane has enough to correctlyinterpret the notes and sketches.
been workingout what her speech to her guests should These notes are for one of Thifirane's most devious
entail. Ifthe PCs miss her speech in area R29, they can inventions—the simulacrum suit worn by Vhalantru.
get the gist of it by looking through these notes. It was the creation of this item that earned her a spe
Trap:The masterbedroom has one windowthat looks cial place in the beholder's heart, for without this suit,
out to the northeast. Thifirane has placed afire trap on Vhalantru's plans for taking over Cauldron would have
the window,set to detonate ifthe window is opened. been far more difficult. The notes make it clear that
y* Fire Trap: CR3; spell; spell trigger; no reset; spell a person could use a simulacrumsuit to disguise him
effect(fire trap, i3th-level caster, id4+i3 fire damage, Re self as someone else, and that the disguise is specifi
flexDC 18half); Search DC 27; Disable Device DC 27. cally engineered to defeat magical detection (such as
Treasure: There are 14noble outfits in the wardrobes, by true seeing).The notes also make clear the fantastic
each worth 75 gp.The mirror is worth 200 gp but weighs cost of the item, and that Thifirane has only made one
35 pounds. The eight vials of perfume are worth 50 gp so far as a result. She indicates she has given the suit to
each, save for one which is a rare tincture distilled from someone she refers to only as "V" in return for ample
dryad's blood—it's worth 700 gp. The three bottles of favors and payments. Nowhere do the notes mention
wine have been opened, and are only worth 50 gp each. that Vhalantru is a beholder.
Treasure:Asecret compartment in the base of the ra
R18. SECRET STUDY ven's cage holds Thifirane's spellbook(seeher stat block
for details). Finding the secret compartment requires a
This room contains a large desk carved with fancy successful DC 30 Search check.
scrollworkand cluttered with papers and scrolls,a tall-
backed chair, and six small cages resting atop small R19. UPSTAIRS PARLOR
tables or hanging from the ceiling by steel chains.
This room is lit by dozens of flickering candles that
All of the cages are bell-shaped and locked (Open line the walls, placed artfully around five large paint
Lock DC 20), and each one contains a different animal: ings. A seven-foot-tall suit of exquisitely crafted full
bat, lizard, monkey, rat, raven, and toad. All of these plate stands to the east. The suit of armor holds a
caged animals are actually people whom Thifirane has bastard sword before it, the point resting on a marble
transformed into animals using balefulpolymorph.Some base and its gauntleted hands draped over its hilt. <j,
'& £
of them have acquired the mental abilities of the ani OFO"&V
mals, while others still retain their original mental fac The candles are all lit with tiny continualfames.
ulties and can express themselves, albeit crudely.
Treasure:The five paintingsare all landscapesof no no interest in astronomy, she often leads guests to
table locationsaround the region.The theme that ties the observatory and impresses them with the view of
them togetheris the fact that these landscapesare of Cauldron by day or the stars by night. In addition to
the more dangerous areas in the region. One depicts the telescope,the observatorycontains some chairs,
the Demonskar,one the jungle-chokedruins of Shat- plants, and other decor.
terhorn, one the looming ruin of the Spire of Long Treasure:The 800poundtelescopeis worth4,000gp
Shadows,and one the frozen facade of the Keep of Jarl if transportedto a buyerwithoutdamagingit.
Khurok.The fifth paintingmay seem outof place,asit
is a rendition of the Cauldron skyline,as viewed from R24. GUEST TOWER FOYER
the northeastern rim. To the PCs, who have endured
countless perils within Cauldron'swalls, it might not This foyer is thickly carpeted, and furnished with a
seem out of place at all. Each of the five paintings is wooden table and two chairs.
worth 750 gp, but are rather bulky to move since each
measures 3 feet by 5feet. Both guest towers have identical features and fur
The suit ofarmoris sized for a humanfemale(Thifi nishings.The southern toweris currentlyusedbyKhy-
rane, in fact, although she never wears the armor and ron and Melagorn, while the southwest tower has been
had it made purely on a whim). Both the suit of full occupied by Zarn Kyass for several months.
plate and the bastard sword are masterwork.
This stone-floored bathroom is furnished with a low
This room is thicklycarpeted,and is lit by a pair of marblecounterand washbasinand a largemarbletub.
lanterns that hang from the ceilingon fine chains.
Bothguestbathrooms,while well made,are paleimi
tations of the one in area R16.
The walls of this gentlycurvingroom are hung with
numerous paintings. Eachdepicts either a serene syl A pair of large beds sits at either end of this large
van scene or cavorting and capering feycreatures. room. Between them sits a table, four chairs, and a
Thifiranehas a particularobsessionwithfey, and has
collectedpaintingsof these creaturesand the places in The southwest bedchamber, ironically, is in much
which they live for many years. The paintings on dis better shape than the southern one—Khyron and Mel
play here are her favorites. agorn are much more slovenly than Zarn Kyass.
Treasure: Not unsurprisingly, the paintings on dis
play here are also quite expensive.There are 14 paint R27. LIBRARY
ings in all. Eachis worth an averageof 250 gp.
This relatively small library is still warm, comfort
R22. VIEWING ROOM able, and well stocked with numerous large and in
teresting-looking books.
A flight of stairs arcs up to a floor above,while to the
south, a pair of high-backedchairs overlooksa large Thifirane maintains a library of useful reference ma
windowdisplaying Cauldron'smagnificentskyline. terials covering a broad range of topics. Characters us
ing the library as a reference gain a +2 bonus on the
Thifirane often retires to this room to relax and following skill checks: Craft (alchemy), Craft (black-
watch the city below. smithing), Craft (locksmithing), Knowledge (arcana),
Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (geography),
R23. OBSERVATORY Knowledge(history),and Knowledge (nobility and roy
alty).The libraryhas a significantnumber of texts relat
This observatory's geodesic dome is made of white ing to the planes, and these references grant a +4bonus
alabaster with great shards of glass set in triangular on Knowledge (the planes) checks. None of the books in
bronze window frames. A large telescope made of the library are magical.
wood with brass fittings dominates the middle of the In addition to several laden bookshelves, the library
room, its lens pointed up at the sky. contains a reading desk, a chair, and a lovingly drawn
A map of Cauldron and environs mounted to one wall in
<p •s-
Opo^V Bulky and awkward, the telescope cannot be re a heavy wooden frame.
moved from the room without first dismantling it
(a process that takes 1 hour). Although Thifirane has
R28. CONSERVATORY Khyron Bonesworn,MelagornThureq, Mhad, Vervil
Ashmantle, Velior Thazo, and Zarn Kyass. Adrick's
This carpeted room is dominated by a large ma two dwarven bodyguards stand by the southwest
hoganyand ivory harpsichord.Aglass cabinet to the doors, while Vervil's babau demons have positioned
north contains a large collection of flutes, violins, themselves near the south doors. Thifirane's shield
and horns. guardian remains by the north set of doors, while
Thifirane herself stands next to the table of wine
Treasure: Allof the instruments here (7 in all, count goblets, facing her guests.
ing the harpsichord)are of masterworkquality. Any number of things can happen once the charac
ters, make it this far. If they announce their presence
R29. BALLROOM (EL 20) and show their true faces, Thifirane recognizes them
immediately;the PCs are famous heroes, after all. If
The floor of this grand ballroom has black, lavender, the characters wear disguises, Thifirane has a chance
and ivory tiles that spiral in toward the center of the to see through their disguises (see the Disguise skill
room. Directly above the spiral's core hangs a daz description, pages 72-73 of the Player'sHandbook).The
zling crystalchandelier lit by magic flames.Atapestry charactersmight pass themselvesoff as a band of evil
hangingon the north wall has a dark symbolstitched adventurers who heard about the secret gathering at
into it. The symbol resembles an eye impaled on an House Rhiavadi, or they might pretend to-be emissar
ies or acquaintances of Lord Vhalantru. They might
upward-pointingarrow. Beneath the tapestrystands
a narrow table covered with a also announce themselves by kicking in the door,
magnificent arrange drawingweapons,and taking the fight to Thifirane in
ment of crystal wine her own house!
goblets, each one
filled with some sweet If Thifirane has an opportunity to
vintage. A semicircle formally address her guests, and
of seven black chairs the characters do not imme
faces the tapestry and diately intervene, read or
the table of goblets. paraphrase the follow
The main encoun
ter awaiting the PCs in Lady Rhiavadi lets
House Rhiavadi, occurs the • wine goblet
here. Read this encounter that she is hold
thoroughly before attempt ing drift from her
ing to run it. The high num hand. It floats next
ber of NPCs and monsters means to her, suspended
that a battle in here could last a long in the air as if held
time, and likely spills out into adjacent by some unseen ser
areas of the manor. vant. A golden weasel
This encounter assumes that the with beady black eyes
PCs arrive just as Thifirane gathers her slinks across the floor
guests and discloses the Cagewrights' toward her, and she
secret designs for Cauldron. It doesn't scoops it up and begins
matter what time of the day the gather stroking it affectionately.
ing occurs, but if the characters arrive at Her voice fills the hall as
some other time, you will need to modify the she welcomes her hon
encounter accordingly.For instance, you could alter ored guests and shares
the encounter so that the NPCs haven't gathered yet her chilling vision of the
and are spread throughout the manor, or you could as Thifirane future.
sume that the meeting has concluded and some of the "More than three centuries
bad guys are preparing to depart. Regardless, the char ago, the demodands sent a few
acters should still feel daunted by the number of foes. of their kind to our reality," she says. "Disguised as
Fortunately for them, not all of Thifirane's guests are humans, they mated with humans and other deni
prepared (or eager)for a fight with high-level adventur zens of this plane. Most of their spawn were stillborn,
ers. but a few survived. They in turn mated and produced c
Thifirane has turned her ballroom into a meet the next generation with demodand blood. As the
ing hall where she intends to reveal the Cagewright's generations passed, all obvious traces of their demo Ofq^V
plans to her guests. The seven chairs are enough to dand ancestry faded away. Today, we recognize this
accommodate (from left to right) Adrick Garthun,
sacred lineageby an invisiblebirthmark:the sign of
At this point, Lady Rhiavadigestures to the sym
bol on the tapestry behind her, which begins to
writhe. "We call these honored descendants 'the
Shackleborn,'and their sacrifice is the key to un VervilAshmantle
locking a portal to Othrys, the first realm of Carceri.
Here, demodands and countless, other fiends have
languished for near-eternity. In Cauldron, we have
found more Shackleborn than anywhere else in the
realm, and in Cauldron,we have the perfect condi
tions for the ritual of planar junction."
The tapestry'swrithing rune suddenlygrows, be
coming a twisted black tree with metal cages dan
gling from its iron branches. "For the past several
years,the Cagewrights have labored in secret to build via spells like
thirteen soulcagesto drain the life energyfrom the speakwith dead,
I--I.J Shackleborn.These soulcageshang from an artifact or by finding
called the Tree of Shackled Souls—the device that the documents
gathers the life energy needed to unlock the prison in Thifirane's bed
doors of Carceri. All of the preparations are now chamber that outline
complete.The Shacklebornare safely in our hands her speech.
and ready to give their lives to change the world Once her speech has con
forever. All that remains is the ritual itself, and it is cluded, Thifirane mentions what each
already underway." of her guests stands to gain byjoining the Cagewrights
The black tree bursts into flames and melts into until, finally,the gathering devolvesinto a half-dozen or
nothingness."Once the ritual is complete,Cauldron moresmallconversations.Thifiraneisn'tpreparedto say
won't be the same quiet little burg it is today. It will anythingmore about the ritual of planarjunction or the
be the font from which the darkness gushes forth, Tree ofShackledSouls,assuring her guests that some level
a roiling pit filled with doom and despair for our of secrecy must be maintained.
enemies. Almost immediately, fiendish armies will Creatures: Thifirane Rhiavadi
sweep across the land and lay waste to surrounding and her guests are described
territories, enslaving the weak and carving out new below.
dominions. Naturally,we expect resistance on all ThifiranePjxiavadi:A 37-
sides, and that's where you come in." year-old lady of fine
As Lady Rhiavadi's revels draw to an end, a fat breeding,
humanoidwith boarliketusks speaksup. "All eyes
will be on Cauldron," he chuckles. "We'll have
their worst fears to toy with."
"Precisely," replies Thifirane. "As kings raise
armies to confront the legions of Carceri, your
slavers, merchants, mercenaries, spies, and assas
sins will methodically search for weaknesses from
within, soften their resolve, and convince them
that their only true choices are to yield or
die. And there is one group in particular that
has been nipping at my masters' heels for far
too long. Your organizations have tangled with
them before... you knowwhom I speakof I trust
that, as your first servicesto the Cagewrights,you
can see to these meddling gnats with all possible

If the PCs interrupt Thifirane's speech, they

might lose valuable clues about the Cagewright's
fc«p plans. Likewise, the PCs can miss the speech
Of0t>v entirely if they simply attack the group the
instant they reach the room. In this case, the
PCs can learn much of the above information
Adrick Garthun
Mlxad: This 330-year-oldhalf-elfvampire has long
black hair with a silvery-white stripe running
throughit.Althoughbreathtakingin life,her ala
baster-whitevisageis nowa twisted
mask of utter contempt, and her
eyes burn crimson. She wears
an elegant but tattered black
gown and silvery-graybrac
ers studded with red blood
stones. The black cloak of
shadow she appears to
wear is actually her trav
eling companion, Hate (a

wears an elegant
yet elaborate black
gown decorated with
arcane glyphs stitched
in silver thread. The dress
has a strange asymmetry to
it—the latest fashion among the
noblewomen of Sasserine, no doubt. A bizarre hairpiece
holds her golden-brownhair up above her neckline,and
around her neck hangs a pendant shaped like a tiny sil
vercage(actuallya shieldguardianamulet).More disturb
ing than her attire is the livingbeholder eye grafted
to her forehead—agift from Vhalantru. Thifirane's
shield guardian—another gift, this time from
her fellow Cagewrights—stands no more than
10 feet from its mistress.
Adrick Garthun: Adrick is an unscrupulous
dwarven merchant who provides the gold and
silverthat the LastLaughneeds to mint their ownbrand Mhad
of coinage.For his contributions to "the cause,"he de wraith). Both Mhad
sires exclusivemining rights in the mountains around and Hate inhabit the ruins of Shat-
Cauldron. He appears as a snowy-haired, snowy-beard terhorn east of Cauldron, sharing it with a secret coven
ed dwarf of 90 years wearing a black leather half-mask of Cagewrights.Mhad wants the Cagewrightsand their
with a translucent black gem set into the eyehole. The fiendish masters to help her annihilate a widespread
mask covers up an eye he lost in battle. His good eye is order of lawful good monks called the Order of the Sil
crisp blue, like a frozen lake, and he has a pale complex ver Dream that has tried and failed to destroy her sev
ion. He is fond of smiling, revealing that all of his teeth eral times over the past 200 years.
are made of gold. Adrick is joined by two bodyguards, Vervil Ashmantle:The self-proclaimed "Lord Ashman-
Daxavalt and Kerg. tie" is a corpulent, mean swine of a tiefling, not to men
Khyron Bonesworn:The leader of a band of evil adven tion a notorious slaver who deals primarily in surface
turers called the Necrocants, Khyron is a powerful up- races. Fat in all the wrong places, he traces his abyssal
and-coming cleric of the god of death. He aspires to ancestry back to a nalfeshnee demon. His bloodshot
rule the city of Sasserine and displace the high priest eyes are sunk deep into the folds of his face, and his
of the city's hidden temple of Nerull. Khyron is a sen lower jaw sports a pair of stumpy, four-inch-long yel
sationally handsome and charismatic 26-year-old man low tusks. He wears a gold ring on one tusk and a black
with short black hair and creepy yellow eyes. He wears platinum ring scribed with silver runes on the other.
spiked full plate and carries a heavy shield adorned He hides his bloated body beneath elegant purple robes o
with the symbol of his god. He wields a black heavy threaded with gems. Two babau demons serve as his rO,3» <r
mace with a black, skull-shaped head. He is rarely seen traveling companions and henchmen "on the road." ofo^v
without his companion Melagom Thureq, a gaunt fig Vervil wants to legitimize and rule the slave trade, and
ure with long white hair clad in black robes.
the only way that can happen is by allying with the ^ Mhad, female half-elf vampire monk 9/shadow
Cagewrights and their fiendish masters. dancer4: hp 90;MonsterManual251.
VeliorThazo:The guildmasterofthe Last Laugh,also ^ Hate, dread wraith: hp 104; MonsterManual258.
known as the Jester,has elected to attend Lady Thifi ? Vervil Ashmantle, male tiefling sor
rane's secretconference.VeliorThazo usuallyap cerer 11: hp 48 (70with bear's endur
pearsin publicasadour youngworn- ,\& ance); see Appendix 4.
an standing barely 5 feet tall, ^ Babaus (2): hp 66 each;
with a slender build and MonsterManual 40.
short, curly-red hair. * Velior Thazo,
When not hiding his male half-fiend human
true form, Velior ap cleric7(Erythnul)/rogue
pears as a bat-winged 3: hp 63; see Appendix
humanoid with claws,
fangs, short horns, and ^ Zarn Kyass,
smoldering orange male ogre mage
eyes. An uncomfort fighter 4: hp 85;
able tension still ran see Appendix 4.
kles between him and Tactics:
Zarn over the burning of The encounter
Minuta's Board. with Thifirane
Zarn Kyass: The "Blue and her guests
Duke" Zarn Kyass deals in will test the
ogre and half-ore mercenaries. skills of even
He has provided several of his the most experienced DM. To
finest mercenaries to Lord Vha make running the battle easier,
lantru and Cauldron at a gener each villain's tactics are summa
ous discount, and he claims to have rized below; however, the DM can
countless more. Zarn Kyasswishes to deviate from these preset tactics as
be made a general or archduke once VeliorThazo the situation warrants.
the Cagewrights' plans for Cauldron Thifirane Phiavadi: Thifirane al
come to fruition and the fiends of Carceri ready has a nondetectionspell cast on her
are unleashed upon the land. Zarn Kyass uses his poly self and keeps her shield guardian close to her at all
morph spell-like ability to conceal his true form when times. Before entering combat,she casts the following
travelingabroad,but within House Rhiavadihe prefers spells,in sequence,if time allows:stoneskin,mage armor,
his true form. He enjoys a special rapport with Lady shield, bear's endur
Thifirane and has secretlygrown infatuated with ance, cat's grace,
her—a weakness he guards well. He has been fox's cunning,
staying at her manor for several weeks as a see invisibility,
house guest. haste. These
^ Thifirane Rhiavadi, female human
transmuter 13: hp 51; see Appendix 4.
^ Thifirane's Shield Guardian: hp
112; Monster Manual 223.
SpellStoring(Sp): The shield guardian
has afire shield spell stored in it. It ac
tivates the spell when so commanded
byThifirane, usuallybefore she heads
into battle.
^ Adrick Garthun, male dwarf
fighter 5/rogue 5: hp 68; see Appendix
^ Daxavalt and Kerg, male dwarf
fighter 6: hp 62,60; see Appendix 4.
^ Khyron Bonesworn, male human
cleric10 (Nerull):hp 67; see Appendix4.
& <N
^ Melagorn Thureq, male half-elf
"tf <T
Op0^V wizard (necromancer) 9: hp 38; see Ap
pendix 4. ZarnKyass
spellsalso affecther weaselfamiliar.On her firstinitia then closes for melee combat, furiously swinging
tive action, Thifirane activates a contingencyspell that, in his +1 morningstar.
turn,triggersa lesserglobe ofinvulnerabilityspell (which Zarn Kyass: At the first sign of trouble, Zarn turns
also affects her familiar).She also instructs the shield invisible and moves to protect Thifirane. He uses
guardianto activateitsfire shieldspell.In combat,Thifi straightforwardtactics in battle, swinging his great-
rane uses her eye ray and her offensivespells,occasion sword at singular enemies and saving his cone of cold
ally switchingouta spell to cast a scroll(prismaticspray) for an opportunemoment. If Thifirane is killed,Zarn
or expend a charge from her wand ofmagic missile. She flies into a rageand attacksher slayerwithout mercyor
usesher wallofforcespellto divideher enemiesor block quarter.Given the chance to murderVeliorThazo and
their advance. Her weasel familiar tries to stay within make it look like the PCs' work, Zarn takes the oppor
5 feet of Thifirane,yet out of harm's way. The shield tunity—hestill seethes that the guildmasterdared to
guardianuses its shield other abilityto absorbdamage burn Minuta's Board while so many of his mercenaries
dealt to Thifirane. However, if she is reduced to half her were staying there.
hit points,Thifiraneabandonsher shieldguardianand Development:Nothingthe PCsaccomplishat House
teleportsto Oblivion(see area O9), where the PCs may Rhiavadi prevents the Cagewrights from proceeding
encounter her again. with the ritual of planarjunction. The best the charac
Adrick Garthun: Adrick tries to flank foes to gain the ters can hope for is to takedowna member of the Cage
benefit of a sneak attack. Otherwise, both he and his wrights'inner circle(ThifiraneRhiavadi)and severalof
bodyguardsuse straightforwardcombattactics.If both the realm's most despicable criminals.
of his henchmen are killed or incapacitated, Adrick sur
renders or flees. He may even switch sides if he thinks *HE HlIIl*
he standsa goodchanceof survivalwith little possibil FHR VHALAIVFRU
ity of retribution. The final section of this chapter deals with the charac
Khyron Bonesworn: Khyron hasn't pledged his undy ters' search for Vhalantru. Whether enticed by rumors
ing allegiance to the Cagewrights,but he isn't foolish or their own growing doubts about Vhalantru's inten
enough to cross them, either. He packs a lot of defen tions, the PCs decide pay a visit to Lord Vhalantru's
sive spells. Before jumping into battle, Khyron casts estate. This chapter deals with the repercussions of
magic vestmenton his shield. When combat begins, he that decision.
casts shield offaith, spell resistance,freedom of movement, To most citizens of Cauldron, Lord Vhalantru is a
bear'sendurance,and divinepower on himself (in that or charitable noble with no known family in Cauldron
der).Time allowing,he also casts magiccircleagainstgood or the surrounding area. In public forums, he used to
and death ward. He likes to wade into battle with his jokingly refer to himself as "one of Cauldron's proud
unholy mace,savinghis hold personand slay living spells orphans." When the lord mayor recently vanished
for particularly annoying foes. If gravely wounded, he without a trace, Lord Vhalantru quickly swept in and
pulls out of combat long enough to cure himself His took control. However, the situation in Cauldron has
comrade-in-arms, Melagorn, castsfalse life, displacement, steadily deteriorated, leading some people to doubt
and shieldon himself (in that order), then bombards en Vhalantru's political commitment and intentions.
emies with offensive spells. He rarely makes public appearances anymore, and
Mhad: Although arguably the most lethal combatant the half-ore mercenaries he hired to bolster the town
in House Rhiavadi, Mhad doesn't like fighting unfamil guard are little more than thugs more interested in
iar opponents in unfamiliar surroundings. She stays out safeguarding his estate than insuring the well-being
of the fight as long as possible.If attacked,she and her of the common folk. Only the Cagewrights and a few
dread wraith flank and try to stun and drain the attacker select members of the Last Laugh know for certain
as quicklyas possible. Under no circumstances does she that Vhalantru is a beholder whose ultimate goal is to
join forces with the heroes, but if she and the characters enslave Cauldron's populace and transform the town
are the last ones standing, Mhad lets them live for the into his personal demesne.
time being. As soon as night falls, she returns to her lair
in the ruins of Shatterhorn east of Cauldron. HOUSE VHALANTRU FEATURES
Vervil Ashmantle: Vervil orders his babaus to attack the House Vhalantru is a stately, three-story manor located
PCs while he casts greater invisibilityand other defen on Obsidian Avenue. Like many estates in Cauldron, it
sive spells on himself The tiefling takes magical "cheap has walls of mortared volcanic rock. However, the inte
shots" (a magic missile here, a baleful polymorph there) rior surfaces on the second and third floors (including
while physically staying on the outskirts of the battle. walls, floors, and ceilings) are made of sturdy wood. In
Jester Velior Thazo: Jester Velior Thazo calls upon addition, Vhalantru has taken strides to make the house
Erythnul, god of slaughter, to help him destroy his appear more "elven." The wood paneling and railings
new enemies. If he has time to prepare for battle, display some of the finest leaf scrollwork in Cauldron, 8
rO,•s- c
he casts bull's strength,bear's endurance,shield offaith, and the windows are made of glass set in light wood Ok0^V
and divinefavor on himself (in that order). Against en frames, with lovely silver laurel designs running
ranged foes, he casts unholy blightor searing light. He through the glass.
Most of the statues found in House Vhalantru are in and V7 come to their aid. Vhalantru has ordered them
fact petrified enemies—adventurers,politicians,mer to never enter the upper floors of his home, warning
chants, and even minions. It's even possible that an them that the guardians there would treat them as in
NPC that the PCs met earlierin the campaignbuthave truders as well. Ifthe PCs flee upstairs,the guards do
since lostcontactwithcan be found here, petrifiedand not pursue. Instead, they take up positions here and
on display. If the PCs rescue any of these individuals, in area V3, hoping to catch the PCs on their way back
they may be able to provide rewards or further adven down. None of theguardsknow about the illusorywall
tures as you see fit. in area V8.
Unless noted otherwise,natural light provides illu ^ Benkus and Drulak, half-ore fighter 8 (2): hp 59
minationduringbrighthours,andcandelabrasprovide each; see Appendix 4.
light during the dark hours. The doors of House Vha
lantru are of sturdy wooden constructionwith ornate V3. GUARDROOM (EL 11)
silver hinges and fittings.All ceilingsare 15 feet high Creatures:Three more half-oreguards are posted here,
unlessnoted otherwise,and secretdoors requirea suc taskedwith guardingthis entranceto the upperfloor.
cessful DC 20 Search check to locate. ^ Renk,Krund,andYash,half-orefighter8(3): hp 59
lj? StrongWooden Doors: 2in. thick; Hardness5; hp each; see Appendix 4.
20; Break DC 25; Open Lock DC 30.
An exquisite marble fountain sits in this room.
Four lifelike statues in alcoves greet visitorsas they Standing at its center is a masterfullycarved statue
enter the estate—a female elven wizard in robes, of a beautiful elven woman. She holds a quarterstaff
a male elven ranger with a longbow,a female elven in her hands, and has a serene, dreamy look in her
cleric carrying a shield with the symbol of Corellon delicate features. Three marble benches and several
Larethian carved into it, and a male elven druid wear painted ceramic vats of sweet-smellingearth add to
ing a cowl and carryinga vine-likewhip. the decor.

Unlike the other statues in the estate, these ones are Vhalantru thought it would be a clever touch to build
simplyexpertcarvings.Ared carpet stretchesfrom the a fountain in his house, because surely that's what hu-
front doors to the far end of the mainhall (areaV2). manoidsdo! He charmeda local sculptorinto crafting
a statue of the elven goddess Sehanine Moonbow("the
V2. MAIN HALL (EL 10) Ladyof Dreams"),then placedit atop the marble plinth
where the water spills out into the basin.
Afive-foot-widestaircaseclimbs up the easternwall
to an overhanging balcony fifteen feet above.The red V5. KITCHEN
carpel that began at the front doors crosses the room
and continuesup the stairs to the balcony.Two heavy Along, wide counter runs along the south wall of this
five-foot-tall candelabras stand in the middle of the kitchen. The wall above is covered with cupboards,
hall but are unlit. and a large fireplace sits to the west.

Four statues—actually four adventurers turned to A cursory examination of this kitchen reveals that it
stone by Vhalantru—stand in different corners of the hasn't seen use for severaldays. This room is only used
room: a male dwarven fighter wearing full plate and when Vhalantru has guests.
carrying a greatsword,a female halflingrogue/sorcerer
perched atop a stone pedestal with a staff in one hand V6. DINING ROOM (EL 12)
and a short sword in the other, a male human monk in
a battle-readyunarmed stance,and a male gnome cleric Along, oaken table surrounded by a half-dozen chairs
of Garl Glittergold holding a morningstar and clutch sits in this room. The east wall sports five impres
ing a light steel shield. sive floor-to-ceiling windows that afford a nice view
A character who makes a DC 20 Wisdom check can of southern Cauldron.
detect a faint smell of rotting meat coming from some
where in the house. A creature with Scent can tell the Creatures: A group of four half-ore guards are relax
smell comes from upstairs. The source of this smell is ing here, awaiting their turn to serve shifts in areas V2
in area V15. orV3.
r 7
Creatures: Two half-ore guards stand to either side f Jorgat, Werskin, Prathik, and Toarth, half-ore
ft& C
of the stairs. They've been told by Vhalantru to es fighter 8 (4): hp 59 each; see Appendix 4.
Oi?o^V cort any visitors back outside, and to kill anyone who
doesn't comply.The guards callout an alarm if a fight
starts, and their fellow guards from areas V3, V5, V6,
V7. PARLOR (EL 13) Vhalantru would use this study to entertain visitors
and meet with Thifirane or other allies.
Five plush chairssurround a large round table in the Treasure:The water pipe testifies to another of Vha
middle of this room. Couches, wine cabinets, and lantru's vices. It is quite exquisite,and is worth 800 gp.
other furnishings are haphazardlyarranged.
The northern door leading to area V8 is locked with
a good lock(Open Lock DC 30). This large bedroom features an oversized cano
Creatures:Three half-ore guards enjoysome off-duty pied bed with purple silk sheets. A huge obsidian
time in this room. One relaxes on a leather couch while fireplaceis built into the southern wall, and several
the other twoengagein a rowdy,sometimes bitter game beautiful paintings of elvencities hang on the walls.
playedwith dice, goblin finger bones,and hard-earned Awritingdeskand comfychair sit in a circular nook
coins.They attack intruders on sight, particularlyif it to the northeast.
looks like they're headed for the door to area V8.
^ Uriad, Brenk, and Rukner, half-ore fighter 8 (3): hp A search of this room reveals that everything here
59 each; see Appendix 4. is coveredin a fine layer of dust. Vhalantrunever used
this room, but kept it up for the sake of appearances.
Y8. WINE STORAGE Treasure: The seven paintings are all well made—
each is worth 100 gp.
Rows of shelves along the north wall hold several
dozen bottles of good wine. Boxes of wine are piled VI2. BATHROOM
all over the room, making it difficult to get at the walls This bathroom served guests and servants; it's clean,
without moving the boxes aside. but a layer of dust covers everything.

Beholders have an atrophied sense of taste—alcohol V13. LIBRARY

is one of the few flavors they can enjoy. Vhalantru goes
through vast amounts of wine in a week. It's fair to say This cozy room is dominated by numerous wooden
a significantportion of the funds he embezzlesfrom shelves, each filled with dozens and dozens of books.
taxes fuels this habit. Asinglereadingtableand chair sit in the central por
Atrue seeingspell or tactile inspection of the east wall tion of the library.
reveals that part of the wall is illusory. Characters can
walk through the. illusorywalland enter area V9. Vhalantru's library is quite well stocked—reading
is perhaps the beholder's least-offensive obsession. A
V9. VEILED SHAFT (EL 3) fair number of the books stocked here are on magi
Behind the illusory wall lies a circular room con cal theory; a character who uses these books to aid in
taining six statues—the petrified remains of four research gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Knowl
more adventurers and their animal companions: edge (arcana)checks. The books in the west wing are
a male halfling rogue with a quizzical expression all about elven and half-elven society. An investigation
etched into his face, a female elven wizard aiming a of these books reveals they have all been quite well
wand, a female human druid petrified while drink read—Vhalantru used these books to study up on how
ing a potion, her cheetah animal companion, a male to act believablyas a human. These books are worth
human ranger with his longsword and short sword 5,000 gp in all, but transporting them out of House
crossed in a blocking maneuver, and his black bear Vhalantru might prove tricky.
animal companion.
Trap: An illusory wall spell conceals a smooth, 50- V14. SERVANT'S QUARTERS
foot-deep, 10-foot-wide shaft in the middle of the
floor. The pit drops into area Oi. In addition to A spiral staircase winds down to the lower level. Sur
landing prone, a fallen character is attacked by the rounding it are severalsimple cots,six in all.
creatures in area Oi.
Y*Pit Trap: CR3; DC 16 Reflexsave avoids; 50 ft. deep Vhalantru's house servants live here—when the be
(5d6, fall); Search DC 29. holder has them. He generally hires servants from non
local sources. He prefers to hire people with no fami
VIO. MASTER STUDY lies—he says in his interviews that he prefers to have
his servants live on site and not be distracted by family
This room contains two overstuffed couches that face matters, when in fact he's just looking out for the fact
each other, separated by a low marble table. A gold that, eventually, his servants are eaten. Servant eating is ft•5- c
and jade water pipe sits on the table. A single chair one of Vhalantru's bad habits; something he does when Op0^V
sits in a circular nook to the southeast. he gets nervous. With the PCs' growing power, the be
holder's been growing increasingly nervous. He ate his
lastcharmedservanta weekago, andhasn'tbotheredto V18. DELUXE GUEST BEDROOM (EL 14)
hire anynewones yet. Both of these rooms are extravagantlyappointed,with
largebeds,writingtables,fireplaces,and dressers.Thifi
V15. AVIARY (EL 13) rane often stayed in the eastern room when she didn't
fancy staying in the room Vhalantru set aside for her in
More than a dozen birdcages fill this room, each Oblivion.
one once home to three or four small but colorful Creature: The southern of these two bedrooms has
birds (finches mostly). Most of the cages sit atop been the lairof Vhalantru'sdoppelgangerminionGor-
shelves or tables by the windows, but a few hang tio for several years. Many times, when Vhalantru was
from the ceiling by elegant chains. Unfortunately, distracted with other issues, Gortio posed as the noble
the colorfulcontentsof these cages alllie dead, ap in public meetings.He also posed as Zenith Splinter-
1 r i-
parentlyfor some time, as the smellof rotting flesh shield's father in Chapter Four.
is thick in here. After Vhalantru successfullyused the Zar'ilkothTarte
ros to transform the gauths, he approached Gortio with
The songs of the birds here once evoked a sense of an offer. Vhalantru was worried that the Zar'ilkothTarte
natural tranquility, making the dark stone edifice feel ros wouldn'twork as well on a creature of superior in
less dreary. SinceVhalantru ate his servants and retreat tellectsuchashimself—testingthe ritualon the gauths
ed into Oblivion, no one has fed or watered the birds proved that it worked,but it wasn't enough to convince
for weeks and theyhave all long since died of thirst. the beholder that the process wouldn't drive him in
Creatures:Vhalantru came upon a series of caverns sane, or worse. So he made Gortio an offer—submit to
deep under Cauldron a few weeks ago claimed by a transformation via the Zar'ilkothTarterosor be petrified
small group of allied gauth beholderkin. Normally, and put on displayin Oblivion.The choicewas an easy
Vhalantru would have annihilated such hideous one for the doppelganger rogue, and within a day his
mockeries of the beholder form without a thought, body and soul had become infused with the spirit of a
but he realized after killing three of the dozen crea kelubar demodand.
tures that he could use them. They were similar The success of this ritual was all Vhalantru need
enough to his own physiology that they would make ed. He ordered Gortio to return topside and to aid in
perfect guinea pigs for the Zar'ilkoth Tarteros. Vha guarding the estate from entry, especiallyby the PCs,
lantru charmed the remaining nine gauths, rounded whomVhalantruhad been growingevermore paranoid
them up, and brought them to Oblivion,whereupon about. While Gortio guarded the upper levels, Vha
he bound the souls of nine farastu demodands to lantru retreated into the depths of Oblivion to begin
them. The first three gauth died, but the remaining the Zar'ilkoth Tarteros ritual one final time—this time,
six were a success. Delighted with the results, Vha with himself as the subject.
lantru moved the six charmedtarterian gauths up to Gortio is still not quite comfortable with his new
serve as guardians for his manor while he turned his found powers, and has been practicing suppressing
attentions to the next stage in his experiments (see the acidic slime he now exudes in his true form. If
area V18). the PCs manage to reach this area without raising the
The six tarterian gauths remain charmed by Vha alarm, they find the doppelganger in his true form
lantru, and spend their time floatingat variouspoints in here, amid a great swath of acidic slime that is slowly
the aviary,dutifullyawaitingneworders fromtheir mas eating through his furniture and the carpet to pool
ter. If they hear the sound of combat or an alarm raised and bubble on the wood floor below, which is only
down on the ground floor, they spread out throughout barely resisting the acid damage with its hardness. If
this floor, taking up positions near the stairs down to he hears an alarm raised, he uses clairaudience/clairvoy-
area V2,this room, and the entrance to area V14.Their ance to scout out the house. Once he sees it's the PCs,
orders are clear: they are to prevent intruders from en he changes form to match one of them, hoping to get
tering the second floor—this includes half-ore guards. a chance to throw some confusion into their intru
They pursue enemies upstairs or downstairs once com sion. While in a different form, Gortio does not exude
bat begins, but will not leave the manor. acidic slime.
^ Tarterian Gauths (6): hp 45 each; see Appendix4. ^ Gortio, male kelubar tarterean doppelganger
rogue 9: hp 62; see Appendix 4.
V16. GUEST BEDROOM Tactics: Gortio uses his ivand of shieldbefore combat,
These two bedrooms are fairly plain; Vhalantru used and if he has the chance he becomes invisible as well.
them to house the rare visitor to his home but neither He prefers to initiate combat from a position of ranged
has been used in many months. superiority, often achieved via spiderclimb,so he can use
his wands against his enemies. In melee, he fights with
V17. GUEST BATHROOM a punch dagger and his slam, taking full attacks only if
These rooms are serviceable, but dust-covered. There is his enemy seems weak. Otherwise, he uses Combat Ex
nothing of interest here. pertise to full effect, and makes liberal use of Improved
Feint and Improved Trip. Gortio is loyal to Vhalantru,
and if he can't escapea battle that turns against him, he entrance to Oblivion, connecting area Oi with area V9
fights to the death. in Vhalantru's estate.
Development: If the PCs manage to capture Gortio Vhalantruused his disintegrate eyerayto carveObliv
alive, they'llneed to use magic to get him to talk—no ion out of the rock beneath Cauldron. The beholder
amount of Diplomacyor Intimidation can get him to tends to favor spherical rooms and tubular passageways
betrayVhalantru.Remember,he's immune to charm ef (althoughexceptionsexist).SinceVhalantruhas darkvi-
fectsbut not compulsions—dominatemonster,suggestion, sion, he has little need for illumination, and visitors are
and similar spells can still affect him. expectedto bring their own light sources.
If made to talk, Gortio can give the PCs a wealth of Scalingthe vertical and curved walls of Oblivion re
information. He knows that Vhalantru is a beholder, quires a successfulDC 25 Climb check.
that he's allied to the Cagewrights, that he's trying to The lair includes some unusual features that required
find out where the Cagewrights are based in Cauldron, the expert servicesof several Cagewrightsto complete,
that he's down in Oblivion now infusing himself with including Vhalantru's insidious "oblivion doors" (see
Tarterianpower,and that he's become increasinglyob area O3) and the transmutation circle for the Zar'ilkoth
sessed with killing the PCs. Gortio has never been al Tarterosritual (see area O15).
lowed into Oblivion before, but he can show the PCs
where the entrance to this underground complex is OI. NASTY FARASTUS (EL 14) a"
(area V9).
Aten-foot-wideshaft drops through the ceiling of this
HBLivinn thirty-foot-high,forty-foot-widecylindricalchamber.
Vhalantru built the subterranean redoubt of Oblivion Carved into the rough walls of the cylinder at various
to suit his own tastes. Consequently, creatures lack heights are twenty-one shallow alcoves, each niche
ing the ability to fly have a difficult time navigating holding an ancient statue.
the lair. Oblivion has three levels spaced roughly 100
feet apart (Level 1 being the closestto the surface,and Each niche holds one of Vhalantru's petrified victims.
Level 3 being the deepest).Two long shafts (areas O2 A12-foot-highopening in the north wall gives way to
and O4) connect the various levels.A third shaft—this a verticaldrop of 200 feet (see area O2).
one 10 feet in diameter and.50 feet long—serves as the

t* 7

Creatures: Three half-ore "guards" stand watch in 3C disintegrate
front of the north exit—or so it seems. The half-ores 3D finger of death
are actually zombies that have been treated by Vha 3E inflictmoderate wounds
lantruandThifiranewith experimentalmagicalportals 3F sleep
that activatewhen the zombies are destroyed.As soon 3G charm person
as intruders appear,the half-orezombieslunge toward 3H slow
them. Once destroyed,a zombie shivers momentarily 31 charm monster
and drops its weapons. Moments later, a farastu demo 3J telekinesis
dand explodesfrom withinthe zombie,clawingitsway
to freedom with a terrible rush of tar and stink. Once a Each oblivion door weighs 5,000 pounds, and forc
farastu emerges,it fights the PCs to the death. ing one open physicallyrequires a nearly impossible
^ Half-ore Zombies (3): hp 16 each; Monster Manual Strengthcheck(DC 50). Aroguecanattempt to "finesse"
266 (use statisticsfor the human commonerzombie). the door, tricking it into opening with a successful
A ^ Farastudemodands(3): hp 71 each,seeAppendix4. Open Lock check(DC 45). Howeverthey do it, when the
PCs unlocktheir first obliviondoor, read or paraphrase
02. EAST SHAFT the following:
This vertical shaft measures 20 feet wide and stretches
220 feet tall, connecting every level of Vhalantru'slair. The door makes some dull grinding noises, then
Sound carries well in the shaft, so characters in the splits into three sections.Each section quickly re
shaft or in open rooms adjacentto the shaft (such as tracts into part of the adjoining doorframe. Once
areas Oi and O12) gain a +2circumstance bonus on Lis the three sections have fully retracted,the passage
ten checks. stands open.

03. OBLIVION DOORS (EL 10) Oblivion doors stay open for 3 rounds, then close au
tomatically.Anyonestanding in the doorframe when an
Alarge and intricate circular door measuring nine obliviondoor closesis crushed for iod6 points of dam
feet across completelyblocks the passageway.The age per round (ReflexDC15 half).
portal has interlocking parts made of composite There is nothing stopping characters from using
materials—primarily darkwood, bone, iron, and ad spells such as teleport, dimensiondoor, etherealjaunt,and
amantine. The door's face has been worked into the passwallto circumvent the oblivion doors.
likeness of a stylized beholder with ten eyestalks. Ijp OblivionDoor (locked):3 ft. thick; hardness 8; hp
Set into each eyestalk is a different color gemstone, 540; Break DC 50; Open Lock 45; impervious to spells
and set into the large central eye is a transparent and spell-likeabilitiesexceptfor the spell effect keyed
crystal the size of a human fist. The thick stone to that particular door.
doorframe is shaped like a ring and carved with Trap: Ifthe wrong eye ray or the wrong spell is cast
eight strange glyphs. on an oblivion door, or if an attempt to Open Lock
or bash it open fails, the door remains sealed and
Obliviondoors are recurring features in Vhalantru's instead fires idio rays of force back at the offender.
lair.They'redesigned to make travel through the com The rays of force emanate from small gems set into
plex challenging for all creatures other than beholders. the oblivion door's eyestalks. A character with an ac
The strange glyphs on the doorframe spell the word tive shield spell may count the spell's +4 shield bonus
O-B-L-I-V-I-O-Nin Undercommon, but they have no toward her touch AC, since the spell was designed to
bearing on how the doors operate.The color of a par absorb force damage.
ticular gem is also irrelevant. y* Force Ray Trap: CR 10; magic device;spell trigger
Beholdershave ten eyestalks.Not coincidentally,Vha (variesby door); automaticreset; Atk +10 ranged touch
lantru's lair contains ten oblivion doors, and each one (id6+i points of damage per ray, idio rays); Search DC
is attuned to a different beholder eyestalk(as shown in 25; Disable Device DC 33.
the table below).Vhalantruopens an obliviondoor by
firingthe correcteye ray at the fist-sizedcrystalembed 04. WEST SHAFT
ded in the door'scentraleye. Spellcasterscanbypassthe This 20-foot-wide shaft measures 120 feet tall and con
doors bycastingsimilar spells on the fist-sizedcrystal. nects levels 2 and 3 of Vhalantru's complex.The shaft is
For instance, oblivion door O3J (connectingareas O12 otherwise similar to the east shaft (area O2).
and O13) is specificallyattuned to the telekinesiseye
ray, yet casting a telekinesisspell on the central crystal 05. BEHOLDER BATH
also works to open the door. The lower half of this spherical room is filled with wa
fc•i- c ter seepage from Cauldron's lake. Vhalantru has taken
Opo"?>V Oblivion Door Attuned Eye Ray to calling the room his "bath," although he'd intended
3A flesh to stone to use the space for something else.
3B fear

This twenty-foot-squareroom has a ten-foot-diam Sconces shaped like stony fists protrude from the
eter,bowl-shapedindentation carvedout of the floor, walls of this twenty-foot-high chamber at regular
the ceiling,and every wall. Floatingin the exactmid intervals, each one grasping an everburning torch.
dleof the room,just out of arm'sreachfromthe floor, A great fire-scorchedthrone sits at the north end
is a single book with a red leather cover. of the room. The throne is carved in the shape of giant.
Most of this room radiates magic. The bowl-shaped
indentations in the walls generate crisscrossing levita- Creatures: In the middle of the room, a tall woman
tion fields that have the effect of suspending objects with hair like flames swings her greatsword at un
in the middle of the room, where a creature like Vha seen foes, seeminglyoblivious to the presence of any
lantru can get at them easily.Currently,only one book PCs. Her body is coveredwith a layerof rust-colored
is kept here. fur, and her eyes smolder. She is clad in a mithral
Treasure: The book in question has the words breastplate,wears metal gauntlets, and has a large 'cn
"Zar'ilkoth Tarteros" scrawled on the inside front cover. shield floating beside her, moving as she moves. A
Vhalantru used it to research information about the rit pink, rhomboid-shapedstone orbits her head lacka
ual to turn him into a Tarterian beholder, but he's done daisically,and she wears a red-lacquered armband
with the tome for the time being. Characters wishing on one upper arm. As she cleaves the air in front of
to perform the Zar'ilkothTarteros ritual themselves can her, fire plays across one edge of her greatsword, ice
do so,but doing so is an evil act.The Zar'ilkothTarteros across the other.
is a fantasticallyrare book, and is worth 10,000 gp to an When she notices the PCs she stops, looking bare
interested scholar. ly out of breath. Casting a baleful glance at them,,she
walks over to the throne and sits down. From behind
07. EYES IN THE DARK (EL 13) the throne emergesa sneering wolfwith flame-colored
Several doors lead into this irregularly shaped nexus fur and red embers for eyes.
chamber, which is guarded by the Creatures. They wear "Flameless Ones, have you come to pay tribute to
the Treasure. Ti'irok Coalfire?" the woman hisses.
Creatures: Three Nessian warhounds lair here. They A fire giant named Ti'irok Coalfire leads a small
belongto a groupof mercenariescalledthe Flameward- legion of mercenaries comprised of haraknin cano-
ers (see area O10). The warhounds attack anyone they morphs (fiery humanoids that can assume hell
don't recognize. hound form). This mercenary company is called the
^ Nessianwarhounds(3): hp 114each;MonsterManual152. Flamewarders, and a few years back it caught the at
Treasure: The Nessian warhounds wear black leather tention of the Cagewrights. Ti'irok has been serving
collars studded with diamonds and rubies. Each collar the Cagewrights loyallyever since, thanks in no small
is worth 4,500 gp (total value 13,500gp). part to the generous stipend they pay him. Ti'irok is
away handling various important matters, but he's
08. EMPTY ROOM left behind his best lieutenant to guard his secret
This spherical chamber is where Vhalantru kept a treasury (area On).
charmed Celeste for a few days, until he was able to pro The flame-haired creature is Ti'irok's lieuten
cure a scroll of bindingand had Thifirane imprison her ant—a powerful female haraknin canomorph
in a painting (see area O14). named Aszithef. The sneering wolf is a second ha
raknin canomorph named Khetru, who prefers to
09. THIFIRANE'S QUARTERS wile away the hours in hell hound form. Although
Vhalantru has set aside this spherical room for Thifi she initially resented Ti'irok buying her clan, he
rane Rhiavadi (see Chapter Two). To make Thifirane has treated her people fairly and paid them well.
more comfortable, a wooden floor has been built across Ti'irok has also won Aszithef's devotion by entrust
the room's equator, creating a hemispherical space ing her with his prized greatsword Coldfire.Aszithef
with a flat floor. Thifirane has already made the room is bored without Ti'irok and the others around. She
her own, adding various handpicked pieces of furni can't leave the immediate area since she can't open
ture and bringing along some of her outlandish ward the oblivion doors or easily navigate the shafts, and
robe in large, unlocked trunks. Characters searching so she waits with Khetru for Ti'irok to return for
through Thifirane's belongings won't find anything of them after the Cagewrights have finished the ritual
great value. of planar junction. Between the two of them, they
Development: If Thifirane fled House Rhiavadi, should be able to mop the room with the PCs' guts.
she is "regrouping" in this chamber. Her weasel fa Khetru demands that the characters pay a tribute of 4
8> \
miliar may be with her as well. See Appendix 4 for 10,000 gp, plus an additional 5,000 gp for each Nes Op0&
her tactics. sian warhound they killed in area O7 (lest they face
the wrath of the Flamewarders). Ifthe characters try
to negotiate, Aszithef and Khetru deliberately frus mare), and a suit of masterworkfull plate made for a
trate the characters at every turn, hoping to provoke Large individual.
them into a fight. Chest #2 contains 18,925gp, an unlocked iron box con
^ Aszithef, female haraknin fighter 7/rogue 6: hp taining 450 pp,10 flasks of oil,an iron strongbox contain
149; see Appendix 4. ing 4 potionsof invisibility,and an adamantine battleaxe.
^ Khetru, male haraknin fighter 5/rogue 5: hp 108;
see Appendix 4. 012. EMPTY ROOM
Development: If the characters kill Aszithef and This hemispherical chamber is currently unused. The
claimthegreatswordColdfirefor themselves,they might Nessianwarhounds in area O7used to playwith Ti'irok
need to reckon with Ti'irok Coalfire in the future. the fire giant in this chamber, and the floor is strewn
. with old bones, dung, and tattered bits of leather.
The secretdoor leadinginto this room is quite large (5 013. ART TREASURY (EL 13)
feet wide by 13 feet tall) and bulky, requiring a success
ful DC 25 Strength check to push open. Detectingthe Brickscoverthe walls,floor,and ceilingof this twenty-
secret door requires a DC 20 Search check. The door foot-high vault. Some of the bricks in the north wall
was designed with a fire giant in mind. have been neatly removed, creating rows of cubby
Ti'irok isn't happy about having to store a signifi holes and giving it a slightly pockmarked look. Many
cant amount of his treasure here, particularly since he of the cubbyholes hold bits of treasure.
doesn't know Vhalantru verywell.
Treasure: Two enormous iron chests rest in the mid Many of the cubbyholes are filled with treasures Vha
dle of the room. Both chests are locked (Open Lock DC lantru has amassed over the years (seeTreasure). The be
30), and Ti'irok took the keys with him. Moreover,each holder guards his treasure well, however (see Creatures).
chest weighs close to 800 pounds. Creatures: Observant characters who succeed at a DC
Chest #1 contains 22,150 gp, 30 large geodes worth 22 Search check notice the pair of stone golems em
Op0"S>V 300 gp each, a suit of dragonhide plate, a mithral heavy bedded in the chamber floor. Because of the brickwork,
shield, 15 cold iron javelins sized for a Large individual, it's hard to tell where the bricks end and the edges of
masterwork chainmail barding (for a horse or night each golem begin. The golems rise up from the floor
and attack any non-beholder who removes something pel magic does not. The painting is magical, and any
of value from a cubbyhole.The golems were gifts from attempt to destroy it causes it to bleed real blood and
Vhalantru's Cagewright friends. fills the attacker's mind with horrified mental screams.
•^ Stone golems (2): hp 107 each; MonsterManual136. Ifthe painting is destroyed,the bindingis immediately
Treasure: The cubbyholes contain the following cancelled—the painting vanishes and an unconscious
items: 24 ceramic urns containing 100 gp apiece, 7 Celeste(at o hit points) appears in its place.
painted copper urns containing50 pp apiece, a pouch C Binding Painting:Hardness o; hp 60;Break DC30.
of5moss agates(10 gpeach),a pouchof8 azurites(10 gp The paintingrepairs damage inflictedto it at a rate of
each), a pouch of 5 zircons (40 gp each),a silver oakleaf 20 hit points per round.
brooch (80 gp), a pair of matched crystal candlesticks Development:Celesteis incredibly grateful for being
(400 gp),a whitevelvetsashsetwithtinyrubies(600 gp), rescued,and promises the PCs she'll see to rewarding
a set ofivoryand obsidian chess pieces(1,200gp),a silver them as soon as she can. She wants to teleport back to
brazier engravedwith crashing waves (1,700 gp), a gold her patron and warn him of what'sgoingon down here
necklaceset with lapis lazuli (2,100 gp), a gold bracelet in Cauldron,but is willingto staywith the PCsfor a short
setwithsapphires (3,000gp),a platinum scepter setwith while. Althoughshe has no gear (her +4 holy greatsword
emeralds(3,000 gp), a silver clam-shaped case contain was sold by Vhalantru to agents from Sasserine,ironi
ing 4blackpearls(4,000 gp), a platinum crownset with cally, to fund the purchaseof the scroll he used to bind
emeralds(7,000 gp), a wand ofbull'sstrength(42 charges), her into the painting),she still has all of her cleric spells
a scroll of cure serious wounds, an amulet of naturalarmor prepared—she'sfar from helpless,and can provideim
+4, a +1frost kama, and a minor ring ofacid resistance. mense aid to the PCs when they attack Vhalantru.
Possible questions the PCs might have for her, and
014. TROPHIES their answers, are given below.
Why did you trick us? "I'm sorry for deceiving you. My
The walls of this thrrty-foot-high hall are carved with patron rightfully suspected that there was a dangerous
myriad bas-reliefsdepicting various Underdark crea conspiracy afoot here, and we suspected they were gath
tures and terrains. This hall also holds an impressive ering Shackleborn.I discovered that Zenith was one of
collection of monstrous statues, arranged in a semi them and intended to use him as bait once you returned
circleand all verylifelike.To the north, a huge archway with him. I was only trying to coax the conspirators out
looms. Two paintings hang on the wall to either side into the open. I was confident I could protect Zenith
of the arch. The western painting depicts what looks once you got him back to Cauldron. Unfortunately, I
like Cauldron under a burning sky.The eastern paint was wrong."
ing depicts a beautiful but horrified blonde woman Wlio is your patron? "A powerful archmage from the
imprisoned in a metal cage that looks almost as if it north. And no, I don't intend to give out his name."
were made of iron ribs and adamantine skulls. What happened toyou? "While you were rescuing Ze
nith, I began some investigation on my own. I was hop
Vhalantru keeps several petrified monster trophies ing to find a solid lead as to who the conspirators were,
in this hall. From west to east, they are as follows: ju and when you returned I was going to ask your aid in
venile black dragon, juvenile minotaur, harpy, otyugh, exposing them. My investigations led me to confront
rust monster, kuo-toa, and phantom fungus. Vhalantru. I realized my error too late. He's not a half-
The western painting is an artist's rendition of what elf at all. The man Cauldron takes to be Vhalantru is in
Cauldron might look like after the Cagewrights open fact some sort of disguise worn by the true Vhalantru—
the portal to Carceri. Vhalantru ate the artist after he a beholder. I tried to escape but he got me with one of
finished this piece, but liked it enough to hang it on the his beguiling eyes. For the next few days, I wasn't in my
wall here. right mind. Eventually,he and Thifirane used a scroll to
The eastern painting is magical. In fact, it is a variant bind me in that horrible painting, and now, here I am."
form of the bindingspell. Vhalantru procured the spell Where is Zenith now? "Vhalantru and Thifirane handed
from his connections with Sasserine's black market, him over to a pair of sinister-looking women. One was
then had Thifirane use the scroll on Celeste a few days a rail-thin human woman who wore her hair pulled
after the beholder captured and charmed her during back tightly from her face and was dressed in blood red
Chapter Four. Vhalantru hasn't quite figured out what robes. The other was a bald tiefling woman who was
to do with Celeste yet, but is happy, for now, leaving her covered with tattoos and wore simple white robes. The
trapped in the painting. tattooed tiefling took Zenith, and the other woman cast
A character who touches the painting notices that a teleportspell that whisked them away.To where, I can't
the canvas feels shockingly warm and smooth, almost even guess."
like living skin. Anyone who has met Celeste before If brought up to date with what the PCs have learned
automatically recognizes her as the woman pictured so far, Celeste grows even more worried. If the PCs ft••>• A
in the painting, otherwise a DC 20 Knowledge (local) haven't killed Vhalantru yet, she encourages them to Of0^V
check is enough to recognize her. An antimagicfieldor seek him out and volunteers to aid them however she
Mordenkaincn'sdisjunctionaffects the painting, but dis can. Once the beholder is slain, she thanks the PCs
again for rescuing her, promises to send them a reward a singleaction in the surprise round—Vhalantru'sonly
when shecan, and teleportsback tohermysteriouspa action in this round is to gawk in shock at the PCs.The
tron to give her report. She's true to her word about the beholder is in no mood to parlay,and once he realizes
reward(sendingthe PCs 20,000 gp in gems a few days the peril he's in he wastes no more time and attacks.
later),but beyond that, Celeste'sremainingrole in the Vhalantru's missing eyestalk is his inflict moderate
campaign is up to you. She could be sent on another wounds eye. He recentlygifted this eye to Thifiraneas
quest by her patron, or she could return to Cauldron to thanks for her service.
provide the PCs with more aid as you see fit. ^ Vhalantru, Shator Tarterian advanced beholder:
Ad-Hoc XP Award:Ifthe PCs rescue Celeste, award hp 157; see Appendix 4.
them experience points as if they.had defeated her Tactics: This should be one of the most dangerous
in combat. fights the PCs have had yetin the campaign.Vhalantru
has all of the options available to most beholders in
015. OBLIVION'S WOMB (EL 17) combat, plus the potent defenses and abilities of a sha
tor demodand.The PCs might gain a few criticalearly
This is a fifty-foot-wide,fifty-foot-highhemispheri attacks in the surprise round, and may have managed
cal chamber with weird, abstract murals painted on to free Celeste,whose protective aura should help the
the ceiling. Everburningtorches in sconces brightly PCs immensely with their ACs and saves against the
illuminate the room, revealingits contents.At the far beholder'seye rays. Nonetheless,you should expect at
end of the room is a largedesk, heapedwithbooksand least a few PC casualties in this battle.
scrolls.What lookslike a horriblydeflatedhumanbody Vhalantru is a complex monster, and has an amaz
is draped over the desk's chair.A bloatedsphere with ing number of combat options available to him. He
nine flailing eyestalks floats in the middle of the room, also knows the PCs,having had them under observation
pale green fluid weepingfrom knobby,festeringsores since practically the start of the campaign. His primary
covering its body. It hovers above a twenty-foot-diam tactic is to fly up near the roof of the room and then
eter symbol carved into the floor: a triangleinscribed bombard the PCs with eye rays and spell-like abilities.
within a circle,both inlaid with gold. At the three cor Keep the followingin mind when running this battle:
ners of the inscribed triangle, chained to the stone
floor,are three figureswearingcrudeleatherstraitjack- Jo- Vhalantru tries to catch as many PC spellcasters in
ets fitted with black straps and iron buckles.They ap his antimagic cone as he can. In particular, he tries
pear to be a human male,a half-oremale,and a gnome to keep Celeste in its area, if she is present. From
female.The figures are held in placebyankle and wrist his position near the center of the dome-shaped
manacles,their heavy chainslooped around iron rings ceiling, he can catch all of the lower fifteen feet of
securelyfastened to the floor. Suddenly,arcs of black the room in the area of his antimagic cone. If some
lightning leap from their eyesand strike the beholder, of the PCs can fly, Vhalantru keeps his central eye
causing its great bulk to heave and become even more directed down like this to keep characters on the
distendedfor an instant.The threefigurescollapseinto ground from harming him with spells.He only di
heaps of ash on the floor, leavingbehind nothing but verts his central eye if a magically flying character
charred straightjackets and burnt buckles. is attacking him in melee, in which case he can use
the anti-magic cone to make such characters fall.
No matter how long the PCs take to reach this cham £0* Vhalantru cannot use his spell-like abilities or
ber, they arrivejust in time to witness the final stage eye rays against targets in the antimagic cone of
of Vhalantru's transformation into a Tarterian crea his central eye, but he can use his paralyzing slime
ture. As Vhalantru notices them, he turns to face the spit attack. He'll use this tactic against creatures
PCs. Pressed up against the convex pane of his enor on the ground who use nonmagic ranged attacks,
mous central eye, the PCscan see the horriblyfatvisage although this tactic prevents him from using spell
of some demonic creature with a wide mouth full of like abilities and forces him to descend to a height
sharp, triangular teeth. This is the spirit of the shator of only 30 feet.
demodand he has just bonded with. £0- If not spitting or biting, Vhalantru uses his spell
The three bound figures were commoners whom the like abilities. He starts with mass charm monster,
Cagewrights abducted and afflicted with insanityspells. then follows with targeted dispel magic and ray of
Nothing of them remains except bits of their apparel. enfeeblement.If there are a large number of archers
Creature: Vhalantru has only just transformed, yet on the ground, he'll divert his antimagic upward
his superior intellect is able to immediately compre to flying characters and drop cloudkills and stink
hend and merge with the demodand's spirit. He suf ing clouds down below to damage the archers and
r 7
fers no period of disorientation or confusion from the block their line of sight to him. Once he's used up
ft A
8 transformation, but may be a little shocked and sur his more powerful spell-like abilities, he resorts to
<? \
Op0^V prised to find the PCs here. Allowthe PCs to make Hide using fear on any survivors.
and Move Silently checks. Anyone who beats both of So- Vhalantru can use his eye rays as a free action,
Vhalantru's opposed Listen and Spot checks may take even in rounds in which he utilizes his spell-like

abilities. Split the room up into four quadrants; BEHinD *HE SCENES: LHRDS HF
he can use up to three eye rays per quadrant. HBLIVIHn
Remember, he knows the PCs. He won't use his The PCs finally start confrontingthe villains of the
charm personeye rayon someonehe knows is not campaign directly in this chapter. Once "Lords of
a humanoid. He prefers to target characters with Oblivion" is done, the Last Laugh, Vhalantru, and
eye rays that take advantage of their class' poorest several other local menaces should have been put
saves. Remember, he does not have his inflict mod on the defensive,leaving only the Cagewrightsand
erate woundseye ray anymore. Adimarchus himself as the remaining antagonists. •
Jo- If the battle goes against him and he is reduced to The Cagewrights complete the purification
fewer than 40 hit points,Vhalantrugoes on the de rituals of the Shackleborn at some point during this
fensive and tries to escape. He tries to use his eye adventure, and. then retire to rest and recuperate
rays to cleara path to the exit—ifthis isn't possible, before theyfinally begin the ritual of planarjunction
he instead uses his disintegrate eye ray to start bur in Chapter Nine. Embril Aloustinai leads five of the
rowingan escape tunnel straight up. It's 100feet to Thirteen (Ssythar Nahazir, Alurad Sorizan, Xokek,
the surface, and he can disintegrate a 10-foot-long Kyan Winterstrike,and Viirdran Daraqor)on what is 'fll
tunnel in a round, so it takes him a minute (10 intended to be a short pilgramage to Carceri via a
rounds)to reachthe surface.He recastsinvisibilityon planeshiftspell.Thesesixintendto gather a great host
himself each round after disintegrating another 10 of demodands at Skullrot.the locationthat they intend
feet of tunnel and moving up. Ifthe PCs still follow, to link to the Material Plane. Once these demodands
he might try to cloud his escape with any cloudkill, are in place, the six intend to return to aid with the
fogclouds,or stinkingcloudshe has left.If he manages ritual of planarjunction, but unfortunatelyfor them,
to burrow all the wayup to the surface, he emerges things are about to get out of hand.
' just north of his estate. If he's got any left, he drops a
cloudkillon the nearby street. The cloud slowlyrolls
downhill toward crater lake,killing numerous inno something called the "Fiery Sanctum," which he seems
cent people as it goes—Vhalantru hopes this tactic to believe is the secret deep-underground fortress the
delaysany good-hearted PCs from pursuing him. Cagewrights are lurking in. According to the notes,
Vhalantru was trying to find this location simply be
Treasure: Apart from the beholder's gear, Vhalantru's cause it rankled him that the Cagewrights were keeping
desk should be of immense interest to the PCs. Draped so many secrets from him.
over the chair near the desk is the simulacrum suit Thifi Vhalantru's notes grant a +10 circumstance bonus on
rane built for him—it is with this suit that the beholder Knowledgechecks made to research the Cagewrights.
was able to masquerade for so long as a half-elf and Development If Vhalantru manages to escape,he flees
the suit should give the PCs indisputable proof that Cauldron and hides out in the ruins of Shatterhorn. A cow
they have done Cauldron an immense favor by slay ard at heart, he decides to leavethe city to the Cagewrights,
ing Vhalantru rather than a traitorous disservice. Vha but may be encountered later (perhaps during Chapter
lantru generally navigated Oblivion in his true form, but Eleven) as you see fit. He certainly burns with a need for
brought the simulacrumsuitwith him using his telekinesis revenge against the PCs, but at the same time, he has no
eye rather than risk its discovery if he left it upstairs. desire to engage in combat with them again on his own.
The books, papers, and scrolls on the desk are equally
damning. They catalog the length of Vhalantru's stay cnncLUDiriG
in Cauldron, and using these notes the PCs should be *HE CHAPTER
able to piece together much of the beholder's history "Lords of Oblivion" puts the heroes on the offensive,
as detailed in the Introduction. In addition, the PCs giving them a long-awaited opportunity to take the fight
find several sheets of paper that at first look like noth to the Last Laugh, the Cagewrights and their would-be
ing more than complex scribbles. A successful DC 20 allies, and the ambitious Lord Vhalantru. By the end of
Knowledge (dungeoneering or geography) check re the chapter, they should know about the Cagewrights'
veals the truth—these pages comprise a complex map plans for Cauldron. Moreover, Vhalantru should no
of the tangled caverns below Cauldron. The PCs should longer pose any threat. However, a couple important
be able to find the locations of the Malachite Fortress, puzzle pieces are still missing. The PCs may know about
Jzadirune, and the Kopru Ruins with ease if they care the ritual of planar junction, but they don't know where
to look. They should also note that all three of these lo the ritual is taking place or where the Cagewrights have
cations were hidden relatively close to the surface, and hidden the Shackleborn and their nefarious soulcages.
that the tunnels continue to stretch for some distance Fortunately, they may have recovered Vhalantru's notes
down into the Underdark. The map indicates that the and maps. With these and with Thifirane's notes, the
crater lake is almost 4000 feet deep, and that the tun n
PCs have most of what they need to track down and fi ft
'9 c
nels extend even further below this point. nally confront the Cagewrights in their lair. ofo"?>v
Examination of the maps and the notes Vhalantru But before they'll get that chance, the Cagewrights
was making seem to indicate he was searching for finally take things into their own hands.
v ^

"A J


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This chapter is unusual in that there are no dun
geons to explore. Instead, the PCs are faced S*AR*inG +HE CHAPTER:
with the daunting task of evacuating the city FHunDA*inn hf flattie
of Cauldron before a volcanic eruption. Running an Theaveragepartylevelshould be15whenyoustartthis
event-based adventure is tricky. It can be difficult to chapter.As the PCs emerge from Vhalantru'slair,they
keep up the pace, and it's easy to waste time flipping are likelywounded,weary, and possiblycarryingtheir
pagesbetween events. Study the entire chapter carefully dead—the PCs need time to rest. How long they have
prior to play to familiarize yourself with its contents. to recoverfrom the previousadventure is up to you. If
This adventure utilizes many complex rules for han they managedto finish the previouschapter with little
dling large crowds and adjudicating city-based disas trouble or are above 15th level, event 32 could begin
ters. Youshould feel free to reorganize the timing of the only few hours after they emerge. If, on the other
events as you see fit. Take the time to familiarize your hand, theytook heavycasualties,givethem a fewdays
self with the abilities and tactics for the primary villains to recover, resupply,and prepare. One thing to keep
in the adventure, in particular the derro assassin Kravi- in mind is that once this chapter gets under way, the
chak, the demodands, the Crater Lake Monster, and the PCs aren't going to have an opportunity to really rest
mighty dragon Hookface. and recover their resources until Chapter Eleven. In
addition, the very nature of Cauldron changes at the
EVENT 32: A MEETING OF MINDS end of ChapterTen.You should take the time before
The PCs are likely to share their findings from Chap starting Event 32 to give the PCs a chance to tie up
ter Eight with their allies. Even if they don't the city of any loose ends they may have in town, or to finish
Cauldron soon comes to realize that something very creating magic items or researching spells. Once you
fundamental has changed. The town guard seems con judge that they are ready,start with event 32.
fused and disorganized. The relentless tax collectors
are nowhere to be seen. Rumors that Terseon Skelle
rang has committed suicide spread like wildfire. And prominent merchants, and members of the Chisel and
perhaps most interesting of all—Lord Vhalantru is no the Striders of Fharlanghn.
where to be found. Jenya's invitation list also includes the heads of Caul
As word of the destruction of the Last Laugh, the dron's most important noble families, some of which
assassination of Lord Vhalantru, and other, even are parents of NPCs the player characters might have
more fantastic suppositions begins to spread, the already encountered. The meeting itself takes place
PCs are contacted by their allies. The surviving lead in a large room in the Town Hall. As the meeting pro
ers of Cauldron have called for a meeting in the gresses, the PCs should have ample opportunities to
town hall, and the PCs have been invited to attend. size up the nobles and others, either through conversa
If they refuse to attend, then nearly all of Cauldron's tion (Diplomacy checks) or careful observation (Sense
influential citizens are slain by Kravichak and his Motive checks).Most of the nobles do not respond well
berserker minions (see event 33). Jenya manages to to intimidation, and any attempted Intimidate checks
escape and locates the PCs later to fill them in on automatically turn their attitude unfriendly. The nobles
events and to express her disappointment that they aren't foolish enough to assault the PCs, but they are
weren't there to aid in the city's defense. The quakes generally brave enough to argue with them.
begin soon thereafter. The meeting begins with Jenyaintroducing everyone.
Jenya Urikas is the one responsible for calling this Her goalsfor the meeting include the following:
meeting of the city's remaining powerful, influential,
or perceptive members. She intends to determine a Jo- How should Cauldron go about replacing the lord
course of action for Cauldron, including compiling a mayor? Historically, the lord mayor appointed a
list of potential replacements for the slain lord mayor. successor, but unfortunately the previous mayor <J
In addition to inviting the PCs, she also invites all oth never took this step. ?*>'/on °
er allies to the cause, including clerics from the other to- Would a new form of government be better for the
temples(excludingthe now closed temple of Wee Jas), city? Jenya is pondering the concept of going to a
ruling councilformat,withthe officeoflord mayor and to perhaps feel as if their characters have an
becoming a tie-breakingposition in the council. impact on the development of the city's future.
&o- Jenyaasks the PCsto reporton what they'velearned
about the city's troubles. THE NOBILITY
The PCs may have had prior encounters with some
Of course, the meeting quickly crumbles of the noble families in the past; specifically,
into several heated discussions amongst with their children. The Stormblades are
those present. The most important a competing adventuring group com
thing to do here is allow the PCs the prised of Ankhin Taskerhill's daugh
chance to form their own opinion ter, Zachary Aslaxin's son, and the
about what's good for Cauldron adopted son of the Vanderborens. A
and to let them flex their politi fourth member of the Stormblades
'-.• :
cal muscles a bit. Allow them to exists (Cora Lathenmire), but her
endorse their own candidates and parents are not among Cauldron's
make their own case for him or nobility. The nobles' attitudes re
her. Encourage roleplaying be garding the PCs at this meeting de
tween the PCs and the others pres pends on how the heroes have inter
ent by asking for Diplomacy checks acted with their children in prior ad
or Sense Motive checks. ventures. Ifthe PCs are heated com
Ultimately, the PCs should feel petitors with the Stormblades,
like they have a great re they may suffer a -2 or -4
sponsibility to the city penalty on Diplomacy
and its people. If you and Intimidate checks
feel they're losing during the meeting. If
sight of the goal of the two adventuring
the meeting, Jenya re groups have become
minds them of this on a allies, they may gain a +2
fewoccasions.They should or +4 circumstance bonus on
feel the weight of this responsi these skill checks.
Lord Ankhin Taskerhill
bility, and know that suffering could Three notable noble families are absent.
arise if they make the wrong choice. The Tercivalsare gone (unless Alek somehow survived
The various participants at the meeting are de the battle with Nabthatoron, in which case you may wish
tailed below. Only brief statistics are given for each, to add these nobles to the meeting as well),and of course
for two reasons. First, when combat breaks out (see Thifirane and Vhalantru are likely both dead.
Insanity Plea, below), the majority of these NPCs Lord Ankhin Taskerhill, male human aristocrat 8: hp
quickly flee. Even if they were to remain, only a few 28; AL NE; Bluff+15, Diplomacy +10,Sense Motive +12.
of them are capable of providing concrete assistance. Lord Taskerhill has always made the appearance of
Since many of the NPCs at this meeting have played being a dutiful citizen, even spending time socializing
key roles in prior adventures in with the boorish ex-lord
the series. As a result, they mayor. Secretly, he
may have progressed in has always dreamed
wildly different ways of becoming lord
in different cam mayor himself,
paigns. Feel free to using his com
replace the NPCs bined political
here with others that power and ma
have become impor terial wealth to
tant in your specific rise to heights of
campaign. After all, power undreamed
the purpose of this ofby previous lord
encounter is to allow mayors. From this
the players a chance meeting, he seeks
to roleplay with to cement the sup
the numerous port of the other no
friends and al bles for his candi

ft .tf. lies they have dacy.He wanted to

fr Ton made over hold this meeting
the course of at his own man
the campaign, or—all the better to
impress his inferiors with his wealth and power—but tion in Cauldron is that one person (the head of the
Jenya flatly denied him for all the same reasons. household) speaks for the family so no other family
Ankhin responds poorly to diplomatic attempts to feels as though one of its rivals is more heavilyfavored
pursue another candidatefor lord mayor,and tries to re than anyother.The Vanderborensrealized this only too
turn the subject to the appointment at any opportunity late due to an overheard remark made by Lord Aslaxin,
if it diverges.Althoughhaughtyand cool to the PCs, he and they're still embarrassed. The Vanderborens want
probablyresponds best to intimidation, since he's quite the cityto remain safeand prosperous and have no real
a coward at heart. politicalagenda.However,Premiachis most interested
Unknown to him, Taskerhill is cur in hearing about Orbius Vhalantru's lair, and he
rently being served upon by a de tries to find out repeatedly who owns it (so he
ranged derro sorcerer named can make an offer on the place).
Kravichak (see Event 33). If a Lord Zachary Aslaxin I, Male Human
PC has an Intelligence of at aristocrat9:hp 31; ALN; Bluff+12,Diploma
least 12, he may notice the cy+12, Sense Motive +10.
scrying sensor. Make a secret The Aslaxins are primarily art deal
DC 20 Intelligence check for ers. They ship most of the non-obsidian
him; success indicates that artwork crafted by local craftsmen out of
he notices it. Likewise, spells town, but the bulk of the family's fortune is
like detectscryingcan reveal the tied up in shipping art and furniture, both
sensor. If the PCs notice the simple and exotic,into town.The Aslaxins 1\
sensor and take drastic action don't get along particularly well with the
(such as attempting to dispel Taskerhills. Lord Aslax
it), Kravichakimmediately tele in has always resented
ports in and the meeting
LordZacharyAslaxinI ^ Taskerhmcontrolof
detailed here must be re and the local obsidiantrade,
Lord Premiach Van each year.
derboren, male human Zachary can be described
expert 3/aristocrat 3: hp 21; in one word: ice. Cool, silent, and
AL LN; Bluff +11, Diplomacy +14, Knowl calculating, he always gives the
edge (geography) +8, Knowledge (local) impression that he's apprais
+10, Sense Motive +8. ing everything he sees, almost
Lady Aeberrin Vanderboren, female as if everyone he meets is a
human expert 2/aristocrat 4: hp 21; AL piece of art whose value must
LG; Bluff+11, Diplomacy +11, Sense Mo be determined. Lord Aslaxin
tive +10. becomes very interested in any
Lord Vanderboren is a savvy business PC with a Charisma of 12 or
man with a keen eye for things that other more, spending time engaged
people often overlook. He is still uncom in conversation with that char
fortable with the title bestowed on him acter in an attempt to win him
by the late lord mayor. His time on the or her over. He is sincere,
streets gave him something of a rough serious, and earnest,
edge, and he asks the PCs to call him but he also takes the
Premiach or "Vandy," whichever opportunity to qui
they prefer. He doesn't say much etly inform anyone
throughout the proceedings, speaking he speaks with that
mostly only when directly solicited for input. He also he expects Ankhin Taskerhill to make a bid for
has the bad habit of occasionally interrupting someone the office of lord mayor. He believes that only someone
when an idea occurs to him, and he often makes crass with ulterior motives would actually want such a difficult
jokes when he's nervous (and he's very nervous at this position. He also mentions occasionally that he'd prefer
meeting). a lord mayor who was reluctant to take the position, an
Lady Vanderboren is fiercely protective of her hus orchestrated move to set up his actual plan.
band and her family's newfound status. As a result, she Aslaxin wants a peaceful Cauldron because he's had
seems overly assertive and might even come across as difficulty with his business. In fact, for the past few O
ambitious or power-hungry. Perceptive PCs who see the months, his financial situation has grown more and
nobles interacting with each other will begin to suspect more dire. His primary contacts in other cities have ^k %
<^ •>'
the truth before long, though. been reluctantto do business lately, and he's getting 5W ^V"Ot<J O
The Vanderborens were the only family invited that desperate. He came to this meeting determined to walk
sent two representatives. They didn't realize that tradi- out the only candidate for lord mayor. He never broach-
es the subject, but once it comes up, he circuitously Omar Tiskinsen, the second-in-command of Caul
approachesthe idea of a nominee from this group.Al dron's church of Kord, falls firmly into Lord Tasker-
though he seems as if he's not personallyinterested, he hill's camp. He spends most of his time loudly re
reallywants the position,mostlyfor the salaryand the counting stories of the noble's athletic prowess while
opportunity to steal the coveted obsidian trade from Lord Taskerhill smiles thinly and chuckles at all the
the Taskerhills. right moments.
Lady Ophellha Knowlern, Female Elf expert 4/aris- Kristof seems entirely out of place. The other nobles
tocrat 2: hp 15; AL NG; Bluff+8,Diplomacy+10, Knowl mostlyignorethe least powerfulcleric,and he nervously
edge (local)+14, Sense Motive +13. sips too much winewhilewaitingfor the eveningto end.
Like Zachary Aslaxin, Lady Knowlern does not live The Striders of Fharlanghn (Fario, Fellian, Shensen,
in Cauldron—she makes her home in Hollowsky.Not and Meerthan) stay fairly quiet during the meeting,
nearly as openly powerfulas the other nobles present, watching the nobles and anyone else nominated for
she was invited because she knows the city, is a genu the post. If pressed for their own nominations, they
inely compassionate person who likes Cauldron, and is nominate the PC that has formed the closest bond
a close friend of Jenya Urikas. with their organization. Otherwise, they prefer to re
Ophellha projects a stern, commanding aura. She main silent observers.
has cultivated this almost fierce exterior as a defense The merchants (Keygan,Skie, and Tygot) quicklybe
mechanism to keep suitors away. At heart, though, come fairlyvocal and passionateabout supporting their
she's quite compassionate, and if the PCs recount choices for lord mayor. Keygan supports Taskerhill,
any of their adventures that deal with the plight of Skie the Vanderborens, and Tygot the Aslaxins.A suc
the less fortunate, a successful DC 20 Spot check re cessful DC 30 Diplomacy check can convince them to
veals that Ophellha is listening carefully,and per support a new nominee.
haps surreptitiously wiping a tear away from her eye. Most of the other participants of the meeting (with
For the most part, however, she's distant, terse, and the exception of the Striders, Jenya, and the PCs) as
somewhat unpleasant. sume Maavu is here to help represent the merchants
Ophellha Knowlernis here at Jenya'srequest to keep of Cauldron; he does own several warehouses in town.
an eyeon the other nobles. She has no interest in becom Maavu supports Lord Aslaxin's nomination, and stri
ing lord mayor, but she has a definite interest in who dently opposes Lord Taskerhill. A successful DC 30
does. Sheobservesthe meetingand tries to gauge what Diplomacy check can convince him to support a new
everyone present really wants. Secretly,Lady Knowlern nominee, unless that nominee is Ankhin Taskerhill.
hopes that Jenya herself will make a bid to become lord Development: Although this meeting may ultimately
mayor,but she's unwilling to put her friend on the spot come to nothing (especially if the PCs fail to success
by nominating her without discussing the matter pri fully evacuate the city later), the PCs won't be aware of
vately first. She might also throw her support behind this at the time. Eventually, the citizens of Cauldron
Lord Vanderboren or even Lord Aslaxin, as she finds the attempt to rebuild their lives. Just how the city recov
latter noble hard to read and believes him to be sincere ers and rebuilds can be quite strongly influenced by
in his concern for the city. the results of this meeting, even though dire times are
coming for Cauldron.
ADDITIONAL ALLIES It's possible that one of the PCs may become a favored
Jenya called upon representatives from the temples of nominee for the office of lord mayor. For the remainder
Kord and Pelor for moral support and so they could of the campaign, Cauldron is in no shape to be wor
help judge the character of anyone who is nominated rying much about the government, but eventually the
for lord mayor. city will need new leadership. Ruling a city and defend
Jenya herself seems taken with Lord Aslaxin.He walks ing it from yet unseen dangers could form the basis of
her around the room, refilling her goblet whiletalking a continuing campaign beyond the final adventure in
softly in her ear and listening intently to everything this series.
she says. Jenya is a logical choice for the PCs to select Ad-Hoc Experience Award: If the PCs help select a
as their candidate for lord mayor. She honestly doesn't good choice for lord mayor, award them experience
want the position, but truly persuasive PCs might be points as if they had defeated a CR15 creature to reward
able to convince her it's the best thing for the city with a their roleplaying efforts.
successful DC 35 Diplomacy check. Lord Taskerhill and
Lord Aslaxin oppose this move vehemently; they each EVENT 33: INSANITY PLEA (EL 17)
make a DC 20 Diplomacy check to oppose the PCs. Each A derro savant named Kravichak has been scrying on
success invokes a -2 penalty to the PC's own check to Lord Taskerhill since his arrival at the meeting. Kravi
convince Jenya. chak has decided that Cauldron has calmed down too
3<> •y
A In addition to the PCs, Jenya has invited several oth much; a little chaos and fear can only further the Cage
^ /on3o^ ers to the meeting to help decide Cauldron's future. You wrights' plans. When the meeting reaches a particularly
should select additional NPCs that the PCs have had tense moment, Kravichak and his barbarian minions
contact with in prior adventures. teleport into the room.
Creatures: Kravichak and his barbarian minions ap point, but since only Kravichak seems able to tell them
pear with little fanfarewithin 10feet of LordTaskerhill. apart, no one is entirely sure.
Since he's been observing the room via his scryingspell, ^ Kravichak Riolgh, male derro sorcerer 13: hp no;
his familiarityis "viewedonce"and he has a 76% chance see Appendix 4.
of successfullyteleporting into the room. If he fails, he ^ Kravichak's Berserkers, male and female derro
continues to try once per round until successful. barbarian 10: hp 108;see Appendix 4.
Kravichak looks like a small, hunched dwarf with Tactics: Kravichak loves to see his berserkers hurl
pale, blue-white skin and bulging white eyes. He wears themselves into battle, but he loves hurling spells in
unkempt but fine robes,and a long, wispy goatee hangs with them even more. Spellcraft checks to determine
from his chin and upper lip. His hair is crudely cut in the spells he casts are nearly pointless, since he fre
no particularfashion,choppedbyone of his berserkers quently shouts out the names of the spells as he casts
when the mood suits him. The derro has roughly even them. Most of the time he says the name of the spell
odds of being filthy or fastidiously clean. When Kravi correctly, but sometimes he makes honest mistakes.
chak speaks, his grating and squeaky voice frequently
breaks into upper registers. The derro often erupts into
Kravichak is especially fond of ray spells, and his gib
bering screams of joy and ecstasywhile he casts them
spasmodic,lurching giggles,which invariablygive him have unhinged otherwise doughty warriors. -Si
a bad case of hiccups. The foaming mouths of his four
berserker minions constantly stream an unending lita
Kravichak'sinitial plan was to teleport into the meet
ing and kill everyone.The presence of the-PCs doesn't
•g A
ny of shrill gibberish. surprise him, but it does alter his plans; he's not insane
Utterly insane, the derro savant teleported into the enough to not recognizethat they pose the greatest ini ,J£% '-. 4

Cagewrights' lair one day and declared himself their tial threat. He orders his berserkers to kill them while
ally. Despite their initial attempts to rid themselves he focuses his spells on them at range. If you elect to
of the crazed creature, the Thirteen have since decid haveanyof the other NPCs remain to assist the PCs,the
ed that the sorcerer has his uses. He has been sent on derro extend their attacks to them as well.
many deadly missions with little expectation for surviv Kravichakteleports in with some defensive magic al
al, but each time, he and his berserkers managed to re ready cast. He has used his wand offly on himself and
turn alive and successful. Some within the Cagewrights his wand of invisibilityon each of his four berserkers. He
believe that some of his berserkers have died at some has also cast shield and detect thoughts on himself and
haste on the entire group. The stat blocks in the appen
dix incorporate the benefits of these spells.
Meerthan, Jenya, and any other high-level NPCs in
the room react quickly when the attack begins. Meer
than gathers the five nobles and teleports awayto safe
ty, and the others simply flee via the doors as they can.
Each of the nobles has an AC of 11 and hit points as
indicated in their brief NPC capsules above.
Development: If one or more of the nobles dies, the
survivors certainly have an easier time selecting a new
lord mayor. Jenya arranges raise dead and resurrection
spells as necessary, but the onset of the events in the
rest of this chapter soon make the prospects for a new
meeting remote.

*he meun*Ain
The Cagewrights don't immediately realize that Kravi
chak has launched his own, private assault against the
leaders and heroes of Cauldron. When they do notice
his absence, however, their plans quickly accelerate. The
Thirteen have specifically ordered everyone within the
complex deep under Cauldron to remain there; this
close to success, they aren't willing to risk exposure and
want their lair to be as well defended as possible. Sev
eral of their members (Ssythar Nahazir, Alurad Sorizan,
Xokek, Kyan Winterstrike, Viirdran Daraqor, and Em
bril Aloustinai) have left for Carceri to arrange the for %a
mation of the demodand army to invade Cauldron, and k^ONO'
those who remain under Cauldron wait impatiently for
KravichakRiolgh word from Embril that the ritual may proceed.
After the events of "Lords of Oblivion,"the Cage down Kravichak'smasters, that's a good sign to start the
wrights know that the PCs have struck a major blow ritual as well.
against their plans, especially if Thifirane was killed. As a result of their tampering with the forces within
When the CagewrightsdiscoverKravichakis gone,they the volcano, the Cagewrights set off a chain reaction
quickly determine what happened by casting several that threatens to destroy Cauldron. As this chapter
divination spells.The Cagewrightshave been awaiting progresses, the effects of these forces proceed through
the return of their remaining members to begin the two distinct stages, each of which is detailed below.
ritual, but this was more out of respect than necessity. The Cagewrights foresaw these devastating effects and
Once they realize what has happened, the Cagewrights have taken steps to ensure their safety.The artifact that
immediately begin the ritual of planar junction with serves as a focus for the ritual, the Tree of ShackledSouls,
out them. suppresses the effects of earthquakes and volcanic ac
The secondary effects of the ritual include steadily tivity within a half mile. Since the Cagewrights' hold
increasing tremors, soon joined by fissures opening in is located deep underground, these stabilizing effects
the ground. Dark clouds converge over the city, crack do not extend to the city above. Further details on this
ling with energy.These clouds signify the first tenuous location can be found in the next chapter.
connection between Carceri and the Material Plane. As As this chapter begins, the Cagewrights have just
the barrier between the planes weakens, demodands be begun the ritual of planar junction. Consequently, the
gin falling from the clouds and onto the surrounding volcano is beginning to stir in a series of uneasy rum
countryside and city. It is the beginning of the end for blings and grumblings. Initially, these tremors are ig
Cauldron, and only the PCs can do anything about it. nored. The townsfolk are no strangers to minor earth
The timing for the rest of the adventure depends on quakes, and react with little more than nervous jokes.
when the Cagewrights begin the ritual of planar junc As the minutes pass and the tremors continue to occur,
!JJ tion. If the PCs only barely survived their battle with however, the joking ceases. It doesn't take long for the
354 Kravichak, you can wait long enough for them to rest
and recover spells. If they made it through the battle
citizens to realize something terrible is on the way.
It's possible that once the tremors begin to shake
fr, with no problems, the ritual could begin as early as only Cauldron, the PCs can learn of the doom coming to
a few hours later. Ifthe PCs seem determined to track the city on their own by using various divination spells
or skill checks. In this case, allow them to draw their
own conclusions about what's happening. When the the PCs there to help take care of the major problems,
need to evacuate the city becomes apparent, Jenya may the majority of the citizens are doomed.
still contact them for advice or aid. If, on the other To evacuate a section, the PCs must convince the
hand, there isn't a PC that can cast powerful divina locals to help them by spreading the word. The best
tion magic, or if they seem to be ignoring the coming way to do this is by performing acts of heroism that
dangers or making plans to go elsewhere, use Jenya to free trapped or endangered citizens and allow them to
focus their goals as detailed below. In any event, as the escape. Once a section of the city has been evacuated,
tremors build, it should become quite apparent that simply tell the PCs that they have done all they can here
the volcano is awake. and can move on to a new section of town. The order in
Spellcasting characters may use spells like divina which the PCs evacuate the city is largely up to them, but
tion or commune to determine what's happening. You the Lake District is in the most danger due to flooding
should frame your answers to let the PCs know that and other trouble coming from the depths of the lake.
Cauldron may have only a few hours left before the As the PCs begin to evacuate the city, allow them DC
20 Gather Information or Knowledge (nature) checks.
9 ,
volcano erupts, and that the PCs should do what they
can to evacuate the city before the disaster strikes. If Successindicates that they learn (either via rumors and
the PCs don't hit on the idea for evacuating the city, panicked citizenry or via their own knowledge of how
you can have Meerthan, Jenya, Maavu, or another ally volcanoes function) that the Lake District should be one
suggest the course of action to them. of the first sections evacuated.
The rest of this chapter provides details on several
THE EVACUATION BEGINS events that the PCs may encounter as they evacuate
The second stage of volcanic activity in the region be the city. One of these events (The Morkoth Rises) can
gins shortly before the PCs can officiallyget started on only occur in the central section of the city, but the
the' task of evacuation. This stage lasts for the remain majority can occur anywhere. Ifthe PCs successfully
der of the chapter. The shift is sudden, and is not nor deal with an event, they gain a number of Evacua
mal behavior for an earthquake or the beginnings of tion Points as detailed in that event's Development
a volcanic eruption. In addition to worsening tremors section. To successfully evacuate a city section, the
and other volcanic hazards, this stage is accompanied PCs must accumulate at least 16 Evacuation Points
by a darkening of the skies, and roiling clouds above. in that section. The characters should have to over
Oddly colored lightning and flashes of energy pulse come at least two events per city section, and may
in the clouds, and a successful DC 30 Knowledge (the need to tackle three. Evacuation points in excess of
planes) check allows a character to realize that the cloud 16 do not count toward the successful evacuation of
formations are disturbingly similar to those found on other city sections.
the prison plane of Carceri. Eventually, fissures begin
to open in the ground, unleashing steam, toxic gas, and LOCAL HEROES AND VICTIMS
magma. The central lake boils and begins to flood the In many of the following events, local Cauldronites are
lower reaches of Cauldron. Portals begin opening in the in peril and the PCs must rescue them to help with the
skies above, raining demodands down upon the coun evacuation of the city.
tryside. Time is running out. The PCs may have to carry citizens (who are often
To completely evacuate Cauldron, the PCs must unconscious) to safety. Unless stated specifically in the
eventually travel to every section of the city. For the text, 80% of the victims are Medium, and the rest are
purposes of running the evacuation, Cauldron has been Small. Carrying victims can reduce a PC's speed and
split into five sections: four quadrants that reach from skill checks due to encumbrance. A Medium victim has
the city walls to Ash Avenue, and the lakefront area at an averageweight of 175 pounds and a Small victim has
the center of town from Ash Avenue inward. The PCs an average weight of 50 pounds.
don't need to personally escort each citizen out of the But not all of the locals are victims. The PCs can at
city; the city watch, helpful merchants, and other NPCs tempt to influence the public into aiding them in their
are also helping to organize the evacuation. But without evacuation efforts. In each of the events detailed later in

Diplomacy Intimidate
Situation Modifier Modifier
The PC reminds the citizens of the group's previous heroism in town. +2 +2
The player roleplayseffectively,appealing to the townsfolks' humanity and innate decency. +2 -2
The PC can prove he's acting on the authorityof Cauldron'sleadership. +2 +2
The PC reveals information about the Cagewrights and their plans. -2 +2
The PC plays on the crowd'sfears,telling them they'll die a fiery death unless they cooperate. -4 +2
The PC is analyticaland logical,pointingto the devastationthat has alreadythreatened the city %<J A
asan exampleofwhat will happen to the townsfolks'friends and family ifthe civiliansdon't help. +2 +2 ^/crod
The PC plays to the guilt of the citizensfor abandoning their fellows. +2 -2
The PCoffers bribes to anyone who helps with the evacuation. +2 +2
this chapter, a section described under Citizen Aid de with material components. A burrowing speed allows a
tails how the locals can help the PCssuccessfullycom buried creature to escape.
plete the encounter. Of course, the citizens of Cauldron Steam Vent (EL 5): A vent opens in the ground and
aren't heroes themselves, so they'll need to be convinced fills a 10-foot-spread area with steam. The steam deals
to help. 8d6 points of fire damage(DC 15 Reflexsave half).
In order to convince the locals to help, a PC must Gas Vent (EL 7): A cloud of superheated gas boils
make a successful DC 30 Diplomacy or Intimidate up from a vent in the ground, engulfing a 30-foot-ra-
check to secure aid.These checks normallytake a min dius spread. Everyone in the area takes 6d6 points of
ute to perform, but a character can rush the check as a fire damage (ReflexsaveDC 15 halves).In addition, the
full-round action, taking a -10 penalty on the check as cloud is toxic. A creature exposed to the cloud must
a result. Diplomacy generally works better in this situ make a DC 17 Fortitude save or take id4 points of
ation, since intimidating the locals damages the PCs' Strength damage and id4 points of Constitution dam
heroic reputation. Each Intimidate check made in an age. The initial and secondary damage is the same.
event to convince the locals to help reduces the Evacua Note that the steam that rises from the boiling waters
tion Point award for that event by 1. of the lake is also composed of this toxic gas, and can
You should encourage the PCs to roleplay their at affect anyone within 10 feet of the water's surface once
tempts to secure the aid of the locals. If they say cer the lake boils over.
tain things during this roleplay,theygain bonuses(or Lava Vent (EL 10):A vent opens in the ground and
penalties) on their Diplomacy or Intimidate checks, as a gout of lavablasts out of it to a height of id4xio feet,
detailed on the previous page. spattering everything within a 20-foot burst. Creatures
If the PCs wish to recruit a citizenwith specificskills in the area take iod6 points of fire damage(DC 18Reflex
(such as Handle Animal or Heal), they'll need to make a halves).Anyone who is damaged by the lava continues
successful DC 20 Gather Information check to find the de to take damage for id3 rounds after exposure, but this
siredindividualafterten minutesof interviewinglocals. additional damage is only half that dealt during actual
^ Cauldronite Citizen, commoner 1: hp 7; see contact (5d6 fire).
Appendix 4. Boiling Tsunami (EL 8): The deep tremors cause the
waters of the central lake to periodically flood the lower
VOLCANIC HAZARDS portions of the city.Waves wash as high as Ash Avenue
As the adventure proceeds and you run the events be in places. These waves make the waterfront area a pri
low, the escalating tremors and volcanism create ad ority for evacuation, as not only do they drown victims
ditional hazards for the characters. Use these hazards caught, but the waters themselves have been heated to
as you see fit to liven things up between events, or to boiling by the volcanic activity deep below. A single
increase the danger and add variety to an event you run wave of boiling water strikes everyone within a 30-foot
more than once. spread. Characters in the area take 8d6 points of fire
Tremor (EL 1): Tremors shake the ground, cause minor damage (ReflexDC 15 half) and must make a successful
property damage, and generate rising feelings of panic DC 18 Balance check or be knocked prone and dragged
within the citizenry. Each tremor only lasts for 1CI4+2 20 feet closer to the waterline by the sharp undertow.
rounds. Eachround during a tremor,creaturesstandingon Characters very near the water risk being dragged into
the ground must make a DC 15 Reflexsave or fallprone. the lake itself. Immersed characters take 8d6 points
Building Collapse(EL 6): Acreature inside a collaps of fire damage per round that they remain within the
ing building takes 8d6 points of bludgeoning damage scalding water and must make a Fortitude save due to
(Reflex DC 15 half) and is pinned beneath the rubble. exposure to the toxic waters (see Gas Vent,above).
Pinned creatures take id6 points of nonlethal damage
per minute while pinned. If a pinned creature falls un EVACUATION EVENTS
conscious, he or she must make a DC 15 Constitution The descriptions of these events assume that the adven
check or take id6 points of lethal damage each minute ture takes place during the day; if you set the events to
thereafter until freed or dead. occur during the night, modify each event's description
Yawning Fissure (EL 2): As the volcanic activity pro as appropriate.
ceeds, fissures begin to tear open the ground beneath You should plan which events the PCs face in each
Cauldron. A single fissure consists of a 5-foot-wide city section before the game starts. Plan for 2-3 events
crack that opens to a depth of id3xio feet. A creature per section. Since there are 13 events in all and five city
in the square when a fissure opens can avoid falling in sections, you'll probably need to run some events mul
with a successful DC 20 Reflex save. tiple times in order to give the PCs a chance to earn
Crushing Fissure (EL 7): A crushing fissure func enough Evacuation Points. You can combine two or
tions as a yawning fissure, save that id4+2 rounds after more events or add volcanic hazards to form different
ft ^ it opens it slams shut. Creatures inside a fissure when and interesting variations.
?^on o it closes are crushed for i2d6 points of damage and are
buried. Buried creatures take id6 points of nonlethal
damage per minute and cannot breathe or cast spells
AD-HOC EXPERIENCE AWARDS PCs can also attempt to climb or fly up to his window
Most of these events do not involve traditional fights and bring him down that way.
with monsters or traps to be discovered and overcome. Once Tomash sees the PCs trying to break into his
Each time the PCs complete an event, they should earn house or come for him, his panic takes over. He backs
an experience point award as if for a creature of a Chal into his room, slamming his window shutters and lock
lenge Rating equal to the amount of Evacuation Points ing them as he goes. Ifthe PCs charge him or cast spells,
they earned for the encounter. A i5th-level character he is so startled that he must make a DC 12 Reflex save
thus gains no experience points for an event that goes or drop his son. Any PC that has reach to the square
poorly and results in an Evacuation Point award of few directly under the window can then attempt a DC 20
er than 8 points. Only four of the events (40,44,45, and Reflex save to catch the falling infant. Failure indicates -<

46) should have experience points awarded normally the child (who has only 1 hp) takes 2d6 points of falling
for the defeat of monsters rather than for Evacuation damage. If Tomash drops Hagin, he wails in anguish
Points earned. and collapses inside the building.
Otherwise, Tomash must be successfully pinned,
EVENT 34. THE UPPER STORY (EL 8) knocked unconscious, or otherwise immobilized before
he can be carried anywhere. Once he is pinned, he stops
A tall tenement structure stands here, the windows struggling, and merely pleads that the PCs not forget
on the top floor thrown open. A hysterical man his babies. His daughter Uhlia is only 7 years old, but
leans precariously out one of the windows, a wail ifthe PCs break into the house she panics as well and
ing child clutched in his arms. On the street below, hides (Hide +4) in a closet and must be found before '•

another man stands screaming up at the man in the she can be rescued. A search of the house for her takes 1
window, gesticulating wildly and pointing at the minute, unless she hears her father call her name.
ground floor. With each passing minute, there is a cumulative 20%
chance a tremor strikes. If this occurs, the building col
Creatures: The two men are brothers. Rhegin is try lapses, likely killing Tomash and his two children.
ing to convince his stubborn brother Tomash to aban Citizen Aid: If the PCs can convince nearby towns
don the house and to flee Cauldron. Tomash has lived people to help, they add their voices to the requests for
in this home his entire life, and sees no reason to leave. Tomash to calm down and flee the building, automati
Rhegin has noticed several cracks forming in the build cally granting the PCs a +2 circumstance bonus on Di
ing's foundation and is growing desperate. A successful plomacy or Intimidate checks.
DC 20 Knowledge(architecture and engineering) check Evacuation Award:The PCs gain 8 Evacuation Points
confirms that the building is nearing collapse. for successfully convincing Tomash to leave the build
Rhegin is afraid to enter the teetering building but is ing before it collapses. IfTomash dies, reduce the Evac
quite concerned for his brother's welfare. Despite Rhe- uation Points awarded by 1. For each of his children
gin's best efforts, all he's managed to do is drive Tomash who die, reduce the total Evacuation Points by 2. Ifthe
into a near frenzy of panic. Tomash is almost complete PCs resort to force to bring Tomash and his children
ly unaware that his youngest child dangles precariously out, their hostility reduces the Evacuation Points by 1.
from his grip, and is equally oblivious to Rhegin's warn
ings that the building could collapse at any time. EVENT 35. TRAPPED TOWNSFOLK (EL 9)
A DC 10 Sense Motive check makes it clear that any
sudden moves might further panic Tomash into doing A narrow residential street here is filled with rubble.
something stupid—like dropping his son, Hagin. To The shattered remains of a large house seem to be the
mash also has a 2-year-old daughter, Uhlia, who is also primary source of the rubble. It must have collapsed
trapped within the building. fairly recently, since the rock dust hasn't settled and
Ifthe PCs try to talk Tomash down using Diplomacy the debris still shifts periodically.
or Intimidate, treat Tomash as hostile. His attitude
must shift to at least friendly before he agrees to come The rubble has trapped a family of 1CI4+2 citizens.
down. Rhegin aids the PCs in any Diplomacy checks One family member has just managed to stagger clear
they make with the aid another action (he has Diplo of the rubble, but the rest of the family is still trapped.
macy+0). Unless the PCs rush their check (and suffer a These trapped individuals have 2 minutes to live before
-10 penalty),each check takes a minute to perform. It they die of suffocation.
takes Tomash one additional minute to grab his oth A successful DC 20 Spot check indicates that the PCs
er child and exit the building once he's convinced he see someone stagger out of the rubble (the escaping
needs to leave. family member) and collapse to the street. This person *33
Of course, the PCs can also attempt to force Tomash was at o hit points after the collapse, and the strain of
to leave the building. The front door to the building is escaping has reduced him to -1 hit points. Unless he &
locked (Open Lock DC 25). Once through the door, it stabilizes or is healed, he'll soon die. 1*ion d
takes a minute to get upstairs to Tomash's location. The
A successful DC 28 Listen check means the PCs hear matters worse, the buckling earth now seems about to
faint coughing and muffled cries for help coming from reverse its course, and the crack has started to close. If it
the rubble. closes all the way, everyone of the townsfolk inside will
The rubble must be shifted carefully.If a PC simply be crushed and buried alive.
rushes in and starts tossing rocks around, the rubble The crevice is closing at a rate of 5 feet every 2
shifts inward, burying the trapped citizens alive. If this rounds. Its current width is 25 feet. Thus, the PCs must
happens, a successful DC 18 Listen check lets the dig descend into the crevice and retrieve the wounded and
ging PC hear the screams of the trapped individuals as unconscious townsfolk within 10 rounds. Climbing
the rubble pins them down. At this point, they'll die in the sides requires a successful DC 25 Climb check due
3 rounds unless freed. to the shifting soil and tremors. A PC anchoring a rope
Ifthe PCs stop to analyze the rubble, a successful DC from the top reduces the DC by 5. Even so, a character
15 Knowledge(architecture and engineering) check or a with a speed of 30 feet climbing to the bottom reaches
successful DC 28 Search check allows the PC to realize it in about 3 rounds. A PC can climb twice as fast us
how best to move the debris. A character with stone- ing the accelerated climbing option described on page
cunning receives a +4 bonus on these checks. The rub 69 of the Player's Handbook, but doing so results in a
ble can be shifted and moved with a successful DC 22 -5 penalty on any Climb checks. Failure by 5 or more
Strength check. Up to six other individuals can use the indicates that the character slides to the bottom of the
aid another action (by making a DC10 Strength check) rift, taking id6 points of nonlethal falling damage per
to aid the character moving the rocks. Each successful 10 feet (Reflex DC 15 half). Of course, a brave PC can
Strength check uncovers id4-i people. also simply slide down the narrow side of the 50-foot-
Magic can be used to clear rubble quickly as well. deep fissure and reach the bottom in a single round.
Disintegrate,if cast on the rubble, immediately frees the Naturally, characters that can fly can reach the trapped
trapped family with no further injury. Transmuterock to townsfolk with ease.
mud frees the family from the rubble but they imme Five of the citizens are unconscious and at -4 hit
diately begin drowning in the viscous mud. They must points when the PCs arrive. If not stabilized, they die
be freed in 3 rounds or they all die. Extracting someone in 6 rounds. To get full credit and experience for the
from the mud is a standard action. Stone toflesh con encounter, the PCs must see that any unconscious civil
verts the pile of rubble into a hideous mound of inert ians are brought to a safe zone (a temple or city gate).
flesh.This doesn't change the situation for the trapped Citizen Aid: Any citizens aiding the PCs can help tre
townsfolk at all, unfortunately, but if the PCs inflict at mendously with this encounter. They can anchor ropes,
least 100 points of damage to the AC o mound of flesh climb or flydown (ifthe proper spells are cast on them),
they can extract the family safely.Two stone shape spells or use the aid another action to help a character with
can reach the trapped family, creating a narrow tunnel a the Heal skill stabilize unconscious citizens brought to
Medium creature can crawl through without difficulty. the top.
Citizen Aid: The PCs can call upon the aid of any Evacuation Award:The PCs gain 9 Evacuation Points
helpful locals to tend to the escaped family member's for successfully rescuing all 14of the trapped locals. Re
wounds, or to help move aside rubble. duce this award by 1 for each local who perishes (mini
Evacuation Award:The PCs gain 9 Evacuation Points mum award of o).
for successfully saving the trapped family members.
Each family member that dies reduces this award by EVENT 37. A CITY AFLAME (EL 10)
1 point; if all family members perish, the PCs gain no
Evacuation Points at all. Plumes of smoke rising from minor fires have be
come an unfortunately common sight, but for now
EVENT 36. SQUISHED (EL 9) it seems that none of them are too large for the citi
zens to handle themselves. Not so the billowing wall
A massive fissure at least fifty feet long and half that of dark smoke rising from behind a nearby row of
wide at its widest point bisects the street ahead. Steam buildings; even now licks of flame can be seen rising
rises from the crack in jets. Suddenly, the ground con dangerously high
vulses sharply, and the edges of the fissure crumble a
bit and slowlystart to close.Achorus of screams wells This fire is the first of any significant size to start
up from within. during the seismic activity,and if the PCs don't help
fight it, it quickly grows out of control. Currently, it is
This massive crack split a major road, and fourteen contained to a single large (mostly wooden) house. To
hapless townsfolk have tumbled inside. Several were make a bad situation worse, a family was in the three-
knocked unconscious by the fall, but none have died— story building when the fire started, and they're un
yet. The crack has widened and deepened by several able to reach an exit. The screams of the trapped folk
feet for the past few rounds until it reached its current on the ground floor are impossible to ignore, but the
depth of 50feet.The tremors and crumbling edges have coughingof the victim on the upper floor is more dif
made it impossible for anyone to climb out. To make ficult to hear.
Upon entering the burning building, a breathing tion to aid a PC's Search check. A Cauldronite can only
character takes id6 points of fire damage per round make one such trip before having to stagger outside
(no save). He must also make a Fortitude save every 5 and rest his weary lungs and tend to his burns.
rounds (DC15, +1 per previous check)or take id4 points Evacuation Award:The PCs gain 10 Evacuation Points
of nonlethal damage. A character who holds his breath for successfullyrescuing the family and putting out the
can avoid the lethal damage, but not the nonlethal dam fire. If they fail to extinguish the fire, reduce the Evacu
age. Those wearing heavyclothing or any sort of armor ation Point award by 2. Reduce the award by 1 point for
take a -4 penalty on these saving throws. In addition, each family member who perishes. If all family mem
those wearing metal armor are affected as if by a heat bers perish, the PCs gain no Evacuation Points for this
metalspell (see page 239 of the Player'sHandbook). event, even if they put out the fire.
Unless a character in the building takes a move ac
tion to avoid flames and falling burning debris, he takes EVENT 38. LAKE OF FIRE (EL 10)
an additional 2d6 points of fire damage per round and
must make a successful DC 15Reflex save to avoid catch Several streets meet here at an intersection that forms
ing on fire. an open square. The cobblestones seem to be covered
The thick smoke in the burning building also poses a in a thick layer of rough, black rock. Several pedestri
hazard. Anyone breathing the smoke must make a For ans stand motionless in the center ofthe intersection;
titude save each round (DC 15, +1 per previous check) in fact, they look to have stopped mid-stride. Two ad
or spend that round coughing and choking. Note that ditional figures are slumped over near the center of
this prevents the character from moving to avoid fire the intersection, either unconscious or dead. What
and falling debris and results in 2d6 fire damage. A ever their situation, the tendrils of smoke rising from
character who chokes for 2 consecutive rounds takes the bodies is a bad sign.
id6 points of nonlethal damage. The smoke also ob
scures vision, and provides concealment to characters A lava vent opened up just above this intersection,
within it. and a river of thick magma bubbled to the surface.
Eight people are trapped in the burning building. It then flowed down the street to this intersection,
Four of them have succumbed to the heat and smoke pooling in the shallow depression of the convergence
and are unconscious, and the other four cower in the of roads. The pool of magma quickly cooled once it
few relatively safe pockets left. stabilized as an 80-foot-diameter pond, and the top
To find a trapped citizen, a PC must spend 5 rounds layer formed an insulating shell of volcanic rock. The
searching in the building. A successful DC 25 Listen next several people to walk by didn't realize the street
check also reduces the amount of time by 2 rounds, they were walking on was actually a layer of hard
as the coughing Cauldronites lead the PCs to their ened magma until they reached the thinner center,
location. A successful DC 20 Knowledge (architec at which point two fell into the lava. The remaining
ture and engineering) check reduces the search time ten people now stand frozen on a lake of magma, too
by-1 round, as the PC is able to determine where the terrified to move.
living quarters of the family members are likely to The magma pond is mostly hardened, but a nearly
be. Once the required amount of time has passed, i-foot-thick layer of lava still smolders beneath the
the character must make a successful DC 20 Search crust. The crust can support 200 pounds of weight in
check to find a citizen. For every 5 points by which one 5-foot square, except for at its center, where a 5-foot
this Search check exceeds the DC of 20, an additional square can only hold 150 pounds. If a character breaks
citizen is located. through the crust, he immediately takes 2d6 points of
An area effect cold or water spell directed at the fire damage. As if that wasn't bad enough, the charac
ground floor extinguishes one-third of the fire; three ter becomes wedged in the stone crust and requires a
such spells put the fire out completely and enable the DC 20 Strength check or a DC 25Escape Artist check to
PCs to retrieve civilians without having to worry about get free. A trapped person takes 2d6 fire damage each
the fire (although the smoke persists for many more round he remains stuck, and takes half damage for id3
minutes and the family still dies if left unattended). A rounds after being freed.
quenchspell cast by a caster of at least 10th level puts out The two unfortunates who lie slumped over near the
the blaze entirely. center of the lake were the first victims of this hazard.
Any citizen still trapped in the house after 4 minutes When they first fell through, their screams of terror and
perishes. pain alerted several nearby citizens who immediately
Citizen Aid: The PCs can call upon any citizens aid rushed to their aid, not realizing the danger. Only when
ing them to begin a bucket brigade to put out the fire. they got close enough to see the lick of flames from the
Doing so has no immediate effect, but after 2 minutes hole did they realize their mistake.
allfire damagesufferedis halvedas the bucketbrigade's To add to the danger, lava has begun seeping to the %<j .#,
work begins to take hold. surface again. Not enough has seeped up to cause the ^on cr
PCs can also enlist hardy citizensto accompanythem crust to break apart, but fissures begin forming 2 min
on forays into the structure to use the aid another ac utes after this event begins. Everyround thereafter, one

* ;

citizen succumbs to the lava and perishes. The PCs aid another action to help with Diplomacy or Intimi
must move quickly to save the ten scattered and pan date checks.
icked townsfolk. Evacuation Award: The PCs earn 10 Evacuation
Walking out to save the townsfolk is dangerous be Points for rescuing the ten trapped civilians. Reduce
cause the added weight could cause the shell of rock to this amount by 1 point for each civilian who perishes.
crack open, especially if a PC enters a local's square to
pick him up. The PCs can convince the locals to walk EVENT 39. STAMPEDE! (EL 11)
toward them with a successful DC 25 Diplomacy or In Sure Foot Livery, near the lake at the center of town,
timidate check; remember that these checks normally is the largest livestock (and livestock accessory) busi
take a minute to perform and if the PCs wish to rush ness in Cauldron. When the tremors first began, the
the check as a full-round action they take a -10 penalty animals kept in the stables here began to panic, and as
on the roll. Talking the individuals off the lava must be the situation in Cauldron worsened, the staff eventually
done one at a time. lost control of the herd. As the tremors grew worse and
Cold and water spells harden any volcanic crust fissures and gouts of lava began to appear, the animals
within their areas of effect. Increase the support went berserk. Sure Foot Livery's employees fled to their
weight by 25 pounds for each 10 points of damage homes to see to their personal affairs, leaving the live
such a spell deals. Any spell that deals non-cold dam stock to fend for itself It didn't take long for the ani
age, including ice storm, actually causes the crust to mals to break out and begin stampeding through the
break apart, sending any creatures within 20 feet on streets of Cauldron.
the crust into the lava unless they succeed at a DC 15 The PCs can encounter multiple stampedes as they
Reflex save. attempt to evacuate Cauldron. If you run this event
Flight can result in a speedy rescue. However, the lo more than once you should liven things up with fall
cals are terrified, and aren't necessarily convinced that ing demodands or volcanic hazards. In any case, the
a PC won't drop them back onto the lava. Until at least animals madly attempt to find a way out of the buck
one person is rescued by a flying PC, each attempted ing, heaving city, but they've mostly just been running
flight rescue requires the flying PC to make a success around the streets in giant circles.
ful DC 15 Diplomacy or Intimidate check to convince PCs can deal with the herd in several ways. Destroy
a trapped local to trust the flying PC. A flying PC can ing the herd is the most obvioussolution,althoughdo
!*7 attempt to grapple a stubborn civilian, but if he fails ing so impacts the number of EvacuationPoints gained
to do so the struggle causes the crust below to fracture, for this event.
,c/o dealing 2d6 points of fire damage to the local and id6 Aless destructive option is to try to herd the animals
to'/o^ points of fire damage to the PC. along the city streets, eventuallyleading them to a city
Citizen Aid: There is little aid that helpful citizens gate so they can escape down the mountainside.This
can provide, with the possible exception of using the is a more challenging prospect, but animal-loving PCs
might seek such an avenue.To accomplish this, the PCs terrified citizens away and cleanse the mountain of
must first calm a heard down so that it can be led. A DC the taint of humanity.
30Handle Animal check is enough to stop a stampeding ^ Elder Fire Elemental: hp 204; MonsterManual 99.
herd. Making a Handle Animal check in this manner is Tactics: The fire elemental attacks the first creatures
a full-round action. Characters with the wild empathy it sees, which are likely to be the PCs unless they're be
ability receive a +2 bonus on this check. ing stealthy. Otherwise, it immediately attacks nearby
Creatures: The livestock herd is composed mostly of buildings or townsfolk.The elemental isn't particularly
horses, although a few oxen, cattle, and other animals smart, so it won't try to bull rush or carry PCs into the
are scattered throughout it as well. Details on the mob area of the lava vent, but it does find fighting near the
subtypeappear in the Appendix. vent more comforting.
^ Stampede,mob oflighthorses:hp 195;seeAppendix1. Citizen Aid: Civilians can't help the PCs in this
Tactics: The animals in the stampede are terrified, straight-up fight. The most helpful thing citizens can
and are simply looking for a way out of the city. The do is run in and drag unconscious PCs to safety if no
stampede attempts to overrun any PCs in its path elementals are within 10 feet of the downed character.
during the first round of combat. PCs that enter the Evacuation Award:The PCs gain 11Evacuation Points
stampede or are overrun by it are subject to the herd's for defeating the fire elemental.
mob damage. Development:This event works well multiple times,
PCs can try to control the stampede by erecting mag although as the adventure progresses you should make
ical barriers (like walls ofstone orfire) in its path. Such the encounter more difficult. Adding another elder fire
obstacles can be used to direct the herd out of town elemental or id4 greater fire elementals to the battle
while causing minimal damage. Six such spells placed is an effective way to accomplish this. The PCs should
in strategic locations should be sufficient to redirect gain an additional Evacuation Point over the standard
the stampede to a city gate. 11 for each additional elemental slain.
Citizen Aid: Ifthe PCs secure the assistance of a local
with ranks in Handle Animal, that local can aid a single EVENT 41. MOB TROUBLE (EL 12)
Handle Animal check with the aid another action. If Fear does terrible things to people. In this event, the PCs
none of the PCs has the Handle Animal skill, one of encounter mobs of panicked citizens, fueled by fear and
these helpful locals can make the check for them. guided by the cries of a few insurgents and doomsayers.
Evacuation Award: The PCs gain 11 Evacuation Points Usually,these mobs are interested only in attempting to
for calming the animals or redirecting them out of the flee the city, but sometimes the mobs are more destruc
city. For each group of stampeding livestock killed, re tive. Some of them loot shops and homes, but the worst
duce this award by 2, to a minimum of 5 points. are the mobs who have become convinced that certain
groups or individuals are responsible for the trouble.
EVENT 40. ANGRY ELEMENTAL (EL 11) In this event, the PCs come face to face with a mob that
is convinced that the volcano is awakening as a direct
A-steaming fissure yawns at the edge of the street here, result of the trouble the PCs have been stirring up.
lit from below by an ominous orange glow. Instantly, Some of the mob's leaders are minor NPCs that the
the fire within surges, growing brighter and fiercer. A PCs may have slighted, insulted, or otherwise annoyed
spray of lava spurts from the fissure and spatters the in a prior adventure. They could even be people the PCs
surrounding area as a glowing appendage of flame havenever met but through their actions in prior adven
erupts from within. Aburning figure clambers out of tures may have influenced. One might be a housewife
the vent, howling in a voice that crackles and roars whose husband was killed in the Cauldron Tax Riot. An
like an inferno. other might be Mergala, the female elf rogue who the
PCsmight have apprehended while they fought the um
The lava vent remains active for id6 rounds. Depend ber hulk that was savaging the town. They might even
ing on where you place this event, the lava may or may be surviving Alleybashersthat the PCs all but wiped out
not create secondary fires that the PCs must battle. many months ago. Whatever the tie, the PCs may or may
Creatures: The magma-filled reservoirs of the not recognize these individuals, but they should certain
volcano below Cauldron have been home to numer ly recognize the threat the mob represents.
ous fire elementals. Much like a beehive incited Creatures: When the angry mob attacks, it surges
to frenzy by mayhem, these elementals are shaken forth and tries to overwhelm the PCs. They make grap
into a brilliant furor. They flow with the rest of the ple attacks en masse and try to pummel the characters
magma, eventually surfacing at various points in to death. There are three mobs in all.
the region to unleash their fury on the surrounding ^ Riot, mob of humans (3): hp 135; see Appendix 1.
terrain. They are quite enraged as well to find that Tactics: If the PCs hear the mob before they see it,
"squatters" have taken up residence on the surface they have a chance to avoid this event by hiding or oth %.4 .#,
of "their" volcano. Those fire elementals that emerge erwise escaping. Likewise, once the mob attacks, the *?.'/OS °
into Cauldron proper, like this one, seek to drive the PCs can probably escape via flight or teleportation with
little difficulty. Although this prevents unnecessary vio-
lence, it also fails to defuse the mob, which is free to do check to notice the impending explosion, they are
more damage to the city. caught at ground zero when it does explode.
The mob is a collection of irrational, frightened
townsfolk, and they behave as such. They attack with The ground heaves suddenly, lurching violently
mindless ferocityuntil reduced to o or fewer hit points, upward. An instant later, a massive explosion rips
at which point the mob disperses.The mob chargesthe through the street. A ball of fire the size of a large
PCs, hoping to grapple them and drag them down so house tears through the cobbles, followed by a thun
they can begin crushing them. Ifthe PCs seek to avoid derous blast of stone debris.
the mob rather than confront them, the mob exults in
their perceived victory. So emboldened, they march Pockets of toxic, volatile gas have been building in
toward a location in town the PCs frequent; a favor the many chambers and passages riddling the moun
ite tavern (perhaps the Tipped Tankard),the building tain beneath Cauldron. Some manage to dissipate
in which they five, or even the church of St. Cuthbert. harmlessly in the form of gas vents, but others—like
Once there, theyquicklybegin to dismantle and destroy this one—are touched off by the smallest spark and
the location to vent the anger and fear they had hoped burn away in an explosive flash. This particular pocket
to inflict upon the PCs themselves. had been building for some time beneath the streets
The best tactic in handling the mob is a non-hos of the city. When a crack beneath the pocket allowed
tile approach. The mob's initial attitude is hostile, some magma to seep into the cavity,it triggered a mas
and if a PC has attacked them already, Diplomacy sive explosion that has now left a large crater in a major
checks are made at a-io penalty, or-20 ifthe attack thoroughfare of Cauldron.
ing PCs are using lethal attacks. The mob disperses The explosion has a primary blast radius that affects a
if the PCs can adjust its attitude to friendly (DC 35) 30-foot-radius burst. It also has a secondary blast radius
or helpful (DC 50). Intimidate checks can also dis that affects everything in a ring-shaped burst from 31
perse the mob, but rather than calm them down these feet to 60 feet. Everything in the primary blast radius
checks (if successful) merely cause the mob to scatter, takes 8d6 fire damage and 8d6 bludgeoning damage; a
only to reform about 20 minutes later to hunt down successful DC 18 Reflex save halves the damage. Every
the PCs again. thing in the secondary blast radius takes 2d6 fire dam
Citizen Aid: Civilians are likely to be more a hin age and 2d6 bludgeoning damage; a successful DC 12
drance than help in this event. The mob assumes that Reflex save halves the damage.
anyone in the company of the PCs is likewise responsi The resulting crater in the street is 30 feet in diam
ble for their woes,and regular Cauldronitesaren't likely eter and 15 feet deep at the center. Smoke rises from the
to survive the mob's crush for long without quick think rift, obscuring everything in the crater and for an addi
ing on the PCs' part. This challengeis best handled by tional 30feet beyond. Anyonebreathing the smoke must
the characters alone. make a Fortitude save each round (DC 15, +1 per previ
Evacuation Award: The PCs earn 12 Evacuation Points ous check)or spend that round coughing and choking.
for dispersing the mob in a non-violent manner. Ifthe A character who chokes for 2 consecutive rounds takes
mob is dispersed with violence, word of the heavy- id6 points of nonlethal damage. The smoke also ob
handed heroes spreads quickly. This grants all future scures vision, and provides concealment to characters
angry mobs encountered a +2 morale bonus on all at within it.
tack rolls, grapple checks, and saving throws. Likewise, Dense rubble chokes the entire 60-foot-diameter
any Diplomacy checks made against future angry mobs area. Entering a square of dense rubble requires two
suffer a -2 penalty. PCs earn only 3 Evacuation Points . squares of movement. The DCs for Balance and Tum
for dispersing the mob violently. ble checks increase by 5, and the DC of Move Silently
checks increases by 2.
EVENT 42. GAS EXPLOSION (EL 12) There's little the PCs can do to prevent the gas explo
When this event begins, the PCs should make a DC 40 sion, although a few spells can minimize or stop it. A
Listen check and a DC 30 Spot check. A successful Lis wallof stone or wall of iron placed over the bulging sec
ten check allows them to hear a strange rumbling and tion of ground delays the explosion by one round per
hissing sound under the ground, and a successful Spot caster level, but such a spell can only be cast once this
check indicates they notice the ground swelling slowly, area has been cleared of pedestrians. A wall spell used
almost imperceptibly, upward about 20 feet ahead of in this manner reduces the final radius of rubble to 30
them. A successful DC 25 Knowledge(nature) check in feet. Wall spells can also be used to provide cover from
dicates that these are signs of imminent volcanic activ the explosion. Transmute rock to mud immediately trig
ity. This knowledge grants the character and anyone he gers the explosion, but reduces all bludgeoning dam
warns a +4 bonus on the Reflex save to halve damage age inflicted by the explosion to the minimum pos
-y done by the impending explosion. sible. Creatures inside a prismaticsphere or a solid wall
.A A
^on The PCs have only three rounds after this event be forcecageare completely protected from the explosion.
gins to react. If none of them make the Listen or Spot Simply changing the shape of the stone (with spells like
stone shape or disintegrate)causes the explosion to occur
immediately. Of course, miracle or wish can negate the ied characters take id6 points of nonlethal damage per
explosion with ease. minute; if a buried character falls unconscious, he or
Creatures:When this event begins, three locals are she must make a DC 15 Constitution check or take id6
standing in the primary blast zone and nine are in the points of lethal damage each minute thereafter until
secondary blast zone. If the PCs notice the bulging freed or dead. Finding a buried character requires a DC
ground in time, they can yell at the locals to run, or can 25 Search check. Once a character is found, a successful
even use magic or physical force to move them. Anylo DC 20 Strength check frees the character.
cal caught in the primary blast radius is probably killed Of course, the PCs aren't the only ones caught in
instantly, but those in the secondary blast radius might the avalanche. Several townsfolk are caught up in its
survive. Certainly several locals need immediate atten path, most of whom are slain outright by the swath of
tion or they'll die of their wounds. Of course, the rubble rubble. The disaster leaves a trail of chaos in its wake
and thick smoke complicate matters, making it difficult as it comes to a shuddering stop on the street where it
for the PCs to reach wounded locals. struck the PCs. After the avalanche, id6 locals remain
Citizen Aid: Helpful citizens can provide great help alive but buried in the rubble. If they aren't rescued in
here in tending to the wounded; an average citizen of id6 minutes (determine times for each local individu
Cauldron has Heal +o, but they can also use the aid ally),they perish. I ^
another action to assist PCs who use Heal to stabilize In addition, a major route out of the city has now
dying locals. been blocked, and the PCs must ensure that the street
Evacuation Award: The PCs earn 12 Evacuation Points is reopened. The street can be cleared manually, but do
for preventing the explosion from killing anyone. Each ing so requires 16 hours of work for one person. Each
local slain by the explosion reduces this award by 1 additional person reduces the amount of time appro
Evacuation Point. priately;thus, a group of four PCs could clear the road
enough to allow passagein 4 hours. Afar more efficient
EVENT 43. URBAN AVALANCHE (EL 12) solution is to use magic to help clear the street. Using
the various summoning spells to call upon aid is a good
Alow rumble that permeates the air sounds and even start; a summoned earth elemental is a tremendous
feels different than the periodic tremors that have boon here if the summoning PC can speak Terran. An
been shaking Cauldron. The sound continues to earth elemental of size Large or larger counts as two
build, quickly adding numerous screams to its cho additional people in determining how long it takes to
rus. An instant later, the source of the strange sound clear the road, even given the short duration of the sum
is apparent. From one of the steep streets that leads moning spell. A creature with a burrow speed counts as
to the edge of the city, rubble from collapsed build one additional person. Other summoned creatures do
ings and other debris is sliding and tumbling down not remain long enough to provide any substantial aid,
ward, forming an avalanche of detritus and ruin that unless they can cast some of the following spells.
threatens to engulf everything in its path. Spells such as move earth and telekinesis can clear
huge chunks of rubble at once. Each such spell cast
A group of well-meaning city guards and townsfolk on the affected area counts as an additional person.
sought to consolidate the rubble from a number of Disintegratecan also cut down on the time required;
structures in order to keep the streets clear. Unfortu each use of disintegratecounts as an additional person.
nately, these good intentions have resulted in catas Sympatheticvibrationdoes an excellent job at reducing
trophe. One of these piles of rubble has collapsed and the larger pieces of rubble to manageable fragments;
shifted into several other piles. As this event begins, the everytwo rounds a sympatheticvibrationspell continues
mass of rubble slides down one of the steep streets to it acts as an additional person. Similar spells can also
ward the city's center. The avalanche of rubble picks up help, but most destructive area-affect spells likejirebali
steam and mass as it tumbles down the slope. Many cit generally do nothing to help and create new problems
izens piled their belongings in the street in preparation of their own.
to leave the city, and the avalanche is only too happy to To determine the final time required to clear the
pick them up and carry them along on its journey. The road, simply add up the number of people assisting
shifting, sliding, tumbling mass now moves quickly with the project and the number of "people" provided
down the slope toward the PCs. by spells, and then divide 16 hours by this amount. For
When this event begins, all PCs can make a DC 20 example, a group of four PCs assisted by 6 citizens can
Listen check to hear the approaching slide (and to real clear the road in a little more than 90 minutes of work.
ize it's something different than a tremor), or a DC 25 Ifthe PCs cast move earth, two telekinesisspells, and two
Spot check to see its rapid approach. Those who notice disintegratespells, summon a Large earth elemental, and
the avalanche have one round to react. use a sympatheticvibrationspell for 16 rounds, the magic
The urban avalanche has a width of 100 feet. AnyPC adds 15 to the total, reducing the time required to clear %.C •^
in its path takes i5d6 points of bludgeoning damage the street to about 38 minutes. I^Jon 0
(Reflex DC 20 half). A PC that fails to save against this Every 10 minutes, there's a 10% chance that a new
damage becomes buried and pinned by the rubble. Bur event occurs, or some new volcanic activity manifests in
the clean-up area. You can determine the new event or ^ Farastu Demodands (4): hp 71 (currently 68, 60,56,
hazard randomly,or select one that seems appropriate. and 42); see Appendix 4.
These new events normally won't increase the time re Tactics: Farastus are not the most intelligent of crea
quired to clear the street, but they can put locals at risk tures, but they possess a natural cunning that enables
and can further deplete the PCs' resources. them to recognize trouble when they see it. As a result,
Citizen Aid: Ifthe PCs successfully enlist the aid of they are unlikely to assume the PCs are normal towns
the locals for this event, they can gather 3d6 citizens folk unless the PCs use a disguise. The farastus are also
to aid in clearingthe street. Once the cleaningbegins, used to working in groups to subdue unruly prisoners
the PCs don't even need to remain to help, freeing on their home plane. Since that's all they think of the
them up to continue with the evacuation elsewhere. Of PCs, they fall back on their habitual tactics.
course, ifthe PCs leave the locals to clear the street and The first thing the farastus attempt is to summon
a new event or hazard manifests, the locals will likely more of their kind. This done, at least one farastu uses
be slain. ra_y ofenfeeblementon the toughest-lookingmeleefighter.
Evacuation Award: The PCs earn 12 Evacuation Points The remaining farastus become invisibleand attempt to
for clearing the street of the urban avalanche. Each of disarm the weakened character. If this tactic works, the
the id6 localstrapped in the avalanchethat perishesre farastus repeat it on another target. If it doesn't prove
duces this awardby 1; likewise,each local that perishes successful,some resort to more rays in an attempt to
whilehelpingto clearthe streetreducesthe award by1. subdue one character,while the others try to pummel
the other characters with their natural attacks. A farastu
EVENT 44. FALLING FARASTUS (EL 14) that manages to engage an arcane spellcaster in melee
attempts to grapple the foe.
Without warning, a bodytumbles from the sky, land Citizen Aid: In this event, the citizens of Cauldron
ing with a wet thump in the middle of the street, are more likely to be a hindrance than a help. Farastus
splattering a large area around it with a copiousspray won't hesitate to use citizens as hostages, threatening
of thick black sludge. The creature is humanoid in to tear out throats unless the PCs surrender. The best
shape,about sevenfeettall and possessingoverlylong thing the PCs can do for the townsfolk is order any
arms and legs and a deformed, oblong head. Its skin helpful citizens away.
secretes more of the tar-like ooze even as its body Evacuation Award:The PCs gain 12Evacuation Points
shudders twice and then lies still. for defeating the demodands.
This unfortunatecreatureseemsto be onlythe pre
cursor of a full-fledged storm of falling bodies as an EVENT 45. DESCENDING KELUBAR (EL 13)
other dozen or so similar creatures tumble out of the
sky. They simply appear in the air at varying eleva An immensely obese creature flies in lazy circles in
tions, crashing down through roofs, glancing off of the sky on bat-like wings that seem too small to ef
statues and walls, or simply thudding down into the fectivelysupport its bulk. The creature's leathery skin
street likethe first.Andunlike the initial victim,it ap is knobbed, rough, and coated with pale green slime.
\ pears that at least a few of the creatures have angrily Its bloated face is demonic and hateful. A crowd of
survived their falls. cowering civilians huddles below the circling mon
ster as it barks out orders in a thick, phlegmatic voice.
As the ritual of planar junction continues to build The townsfolk root through the rubble of a fallen
and the life forces of the Shackleborn are drained, building, placing stones atop each other as if build
some demodands begin finding ways to push through ing some sort of structure.
the portal prematurely. However,since the portal isn't
completely formed, only a few make it through (usu Creature: A kelubar arrived early from Carceri due
allyin small groups ofabout a dozen),and most appear to the same sporadic magic that brought the falling
high enough above the city that the fall slays them. farastus (see event 44). Unlike its lesser brethren, how
Some, however, are healthy enough on landing to still ever, the kelubar has wings and was able to descend
pose a threat. safely to the city below. It has already begun rounding
Creatures: A few farastu demodands that have landed up terrified townsfolk for the new prison and is giving
near the PCs still live. The demodands waste no time orders to begin building a new set of cells. The kelubar
in rounding up civilians for their new prison on the knows that the cells are likely to collapse from trem
Material Plane, but they eagerly engage hostile PCs. Of ors, a fact that makes it enjoy the rebuilding all the
the initial farastu rain, four of the creatures survive in more due to its hopelessness. So far, it has recruited
to varying levels of health. The EL for this encounter has fifteen strapping locals.
been reduced slightly to account for the damage the de ^ Kelubar Demodand: hp 97; see Appendix 4.
%o ^ modands have already suffered. If you run this event Tactics: Allow the kelubar Spot and Listen checks at
frTon o^ multiple times, feel free to increase or decrease the an initial encounter distance of 100 feet to notice the
number of surviving farastus (and their corresponding PCs, and another at 50 feet. Remember to apply penal
hit points) ties for distance, and the kelubar takes a -5 penalty on
its checks since it's distracted. Ifthe kelubar notices the the PCs have a view of the lake, they might even see the
PCs before they engage it, it immediately attempts to massive creature surface from quite a distance.
summon id2 more kelubars. If it still hasn't been en
gaged in melee,it casts acidfog on the locals below out The waters of the central lake have been steaming and
of spite before focusingits attention on the PCs. bubbling periodically for some time, but the current
The kelubar uses its stench in an attempt to ensure uprising of frothy water is unusual. Suddenly,a mas
that none of the surviving townsfolk can come to the sive palegrayshapesurgesout of the boilingwaterwith
PCs' aid. It then flies up into the air and activates its a thunderous roar! The creature's face is that of a deep-
invisibility,followed by another acidfog centered on the sea fish with protruding red eyes and a gaping fanged
PCs. The kelubar then alternates invisibilitywith Melfs maw. Horns protrude from its brow and chin, and a
acid arrow and other ranged attacks, moving between spinysail-likefin runs alongits back. Its lowerbodyre
each attack to keep the PCs off guard. If the PCs seem sembles that of an octopus in that it has eight tentacles,
capable of seeing through its invisibility,the kelubar but the creature also sports long, lobster-like legs. The
abandons the ranged attacks and moves to engage a front pair of these legs ends in massive talons. A pair
spellcaster in melee. of huge wings or flippers unfurls from the creature's
Citizen Aid: As with the farastus, Cauldronites are un sides, lifting it out of the water and into the air. The
likelyto help here.The kelubaris a savageopponent, and creature's flesh is blistered in places,obviouslyscalded
it has no qualms about annihilating irritating townsfolk bythe boiling water,and it roars again as itapproaches
that getin its way (or eventhose that get out of its way). the shore and a large group of panicked citizens.
Evacuation Award:The PCs gain 13Evacuation Points
for defeatingthe kelubar.Subtract1 point for each local Once this encounter begins, the waters of the central
slain during the battle. lake have become suffused with toxins and heat from
the volcanic activity deep below. Anyone who contacts
EVENT 46. THE MORKOTH RISES (EL 13) the lake takes id6 points of fire damage, and anyone
Since this event takes place on the shores of the cen immersed in the water takes iod6 points of fire dam
tral lake, it can only occur in the central section of the age per round. In addition, the toxins in the water are
city. If you choose to start this event when the PCs are released into the air. Anyone who breathes the water or
in another part of the city, they can be drawn into this the air within 10 feet of the water's surface must make
event by hearing the screams of citizens attacked by a DC 17 Fortitude save or take id4 points of Strength
the morkoth (or the morkoth's roars, for that matter). If damage and id4 points of Constitution damage. The
initial and secondary damage is the same.

random on the crowd below. In order to use its wands, the
BEHII1D *HE SCEIIES: morkoth must makea successfulUse MagicDevicecheck
FHunDA-wnn hf flaitie (DC 20). Its checkis high enoughthat it alwaysmakes the
During this chapter, the Cagewrights are split into check, unless it rolls a 1 (in which case it can't use that
twofactions.Agroupofsix led by Embril arecurrently particular wand for a day). Despite its bestial form, the
on Carceri,arrangingthe demodand army.Thisleaves creature is quite intelligent and if it encounters the PCs
only seven of the Cagewright leaders in the Fiery it quickly realizes that they should be the focus of its at
Sanctum deep belowCauldron,wherefor the duration tacks. It resorts to melee only as a last resort. Note that
of this chapterthey remain engaged in performing the morkoth's spell-like abilities function at caster level
the ritual of planarjunction.The ritual isemotionally 21, and as a result, its blasphemyspell-likeability can be
exhausting,and taxes the already shaky sanities of especiallydevastating.Evil characters(andthose with the
theseseven powerful NPCs. When they completethe Smoking Eye template) are immune to the effects of the
ritual at the start of ChapterTen, they'll be at their morkoth's blasphemy,but all other living creatures within
most vulnerable. a 40-footradius of the morkoth when it uses this spell
At the end of Chapter Eight, the PCs probably like ability are likely going to be paralyzed, weakened,
killed Vhalantru. If he still lives, the beholder has dazed,or even killed, no save. If you feel that this would
retreated to the ruins of Shatterhorn. At about the unfairly devastate the PCs, it's okay to have the morkoth
pointwhen the second stage of the volcaniceruption "waste"its daily blasphemy spell-like ability to kill off a
.a begins, his mind finally buckles under the enormity large number of commoners—perhapsthis horrifying
of his defeat.The loss of his empire beingtoo great scene is what initially catches the party's attention.
to bear,Vhalantrucloses his centraleye andturns his Sincethe morkoth is an aquatic creature,it can't stay
disintegrate rayupon himself. out of the water for long. It must hold its breath while
Once he dies (be it by his own machinationor out of the water; it can do so for 11 rounds since it's
that of the PCs), Vhalantru'ssoul is shunted directly taking standard and full-round actions. Once this time
into Carceri as a result of the bond he now shares with runs out, the morkoth must make a DC 10 Constitu
the shator spirit. And upon Carceri, the tormented tion check every round to continue holding its breath;
soul finallycomes faceto facewith the mad dreams of each round, the DC increases by 1.If it fails the check, it
Adimarchusand undergoes one final transformation. begins to suffocate (see the Dungeon Master's Guide,
page 304).The morkoth tries to retreat to the water one
or tworounds before it must start making Constitution
Creature:This powerfulhalf-fiendmorkothis the leg checks; it also retreats if brought below 40 hit points.
endary monster of the lake that has long haunted the It's immune to poison so it doesn't have to worryabout
tales of Cauldron's fishermen and lakeside dwellers. The the toxic effects of the water or the air above it, but
Morkoth has lived in the lake for hundreds of years, ever it only has fire resistance 10 so it likely takes dam
since it was originallycalledfrom the OuterPlanesby the age each round from the boiling water. Once it has its
kopru to guard their deep underwaterlairs. breath back, the desperate morkoth bursts out of the
Sincethen, the morkoth has lurked in the depths,ex boiling lake and flies at top speed in a random direc
panding its vast network of spiraling tunnels and oc tion, hoping to find more hospitable waters to retreat
casionally swimming to the surface on exceptionally to.There are severalrivers in the surrounding area,but
dark nights to pluckone or two victimsfrom midnight the chances of the morkoth reaching one before it suf
swimsor earlymorning fishingtrips for its owndebased focates is a mere 10%. Each round that it is prevented
amusement. Stories spread of the lake monster, but be from making a double move, this chance is reduced by
fore todaythe beast has never surfacedin daylight.The 1%, so ifthe PCscan keep it busyfor ten rounds, victory
sudden awakening of the volcanotransformed the lower is assured.
reaches of the lake into a boiling hell, and the morkoth Citizen Aid: As with the demodand encounters, Caul
has been forced to swim upward to escape the scath dronites are more likelyto die than help in this event.
ing currents. As it reaches the surface,it's alreadytaken Evacuation Award:The PCs gain 14Evacuation Points
some damage from the boiling water. It leaps clear of for defeating the half-fiend morkoth. The destruction of
the wateron wings neverusedto fly, but aftera few flop the legendary monster increases the heroes' Evacuation
ping false starts it takes to the air with a fury and vents Point totals by +2for the four other sections of the city.
its rage on the hapless populace nearby.
•^ The Crater Lake Monster, advanced half-fiend EVENT 47: HOOKFACE (EL 18)
morkoth: hp 220(currently 176); see Appendix4. A mature adult red dragon named Hookface has dwelt
^ Vrocks (id3): hp 115 each; MonsterManual48. in the mountains near Cauldron for nearly 300 years. He
Tactics: The half-fiend morkoth's first action in com spent the last 50 asleep in his lair far to the north. The
.1a bat is to use summon monster IX to summon id3 vrocks dragon has had little interest in the city,and its residents
fr/os <* to aid in its assault on Cauldron. After summoning the have come to believe him to be more myth than fact.
vrocks,the morkoth takes to the air, flying in circlesand Hookface is all too real, however, and the recent events
using its spell-like abilities and wand of lightning bolt at in Cauldron have woken him from his dreaming.
The first few tremors could be felt for miles around, repeats this attack unless it proves ineffective,at which
and they woke Hookface immediately and angered him point he landsand engagesin an all-outbrawl.
greatly.As the tremors increased, his anger became cu Hookface doesn't fight to the death if he can help it. If
riosity, and he flew to the top of his mountain lair to he can't slay a magic-loaded PC quickly and depart with
see if he could discover the source of the seismic activ the body, he flees if reduced to 100 or fewer hit points.
ity. He immediatelytook note of the strange, swirling If Hookface succeeds in taking one of the PCs down
black cloud roiling above Cauldron to the south. He and flying off with the body, he doesn't go far. He stops
gathered his gear and took wing, eager to see if new about 100 yards north of the city walls and begins the
plunder could be had from the once-thriving town. process of stripping the character of her possessions.
The timing of this finaleventis up to you,but it's best Once that task is done (which takes about 2 minutes),
played as the PCs are leading the last group of citizens he roasts the body with his breath weapon and gulps
from the city.As the refugeesleave viaone of the cracked it down. With that accomplished, he finally takes flight
city gates, allow the PCs to make DC 20 Spot checks to for his lair in the north mountains.
notice Hookface'sapproach as he swoops down out of
the clouds and weaves between the occasional falling cencLUDiriG*HE
demodand. Hookface doesn't immediately single out CHAF+ER
the PCs, preferring to swoop over the city looking for "Foundation of Flame" concludes as the PCs successful
treasure. He casts detect magicand flies 60 feet above the lyevacuateCauldronand defeatHookface.The PCs have if.. f=a ?

ground,searchingfor magic auras. Ifthe PCsdon't take accomplished something incredible. For successfully
precautionsto hide or disguisethemselves,allow Hook evacuating Cauldron, award the party experience points
face a DC 40 Spot check each round. Success means the as if for a CR 17 creature. This large experience point
dragon's amazing eyesight picks up the PCs' gear. award in part compensates for the relativelylight haul of
^ Hookface, male mature adult red dragon: hp 312; treasure to be gained in this adventure,but also rewards
see Appendix 4. the PCs for roleplaying and the sheer accomplishment
Tactics: Hookfacehas already cast cat'sgrace,fireshield, of saving thousands of fives from certain doom.
protectionfrom energy (cold), protectionfrom energy(electric Finally,remember that the PCs need most of their
ity), and protectionfromgood on himself He takes a great strength to deal with the Cagewrights and their min
dealofjoy in the fear his appearance causes,so he saves ions deep under Cauldron. Allow them time to rest,
his greater invisibilityspell for troublesome opponents recuperate, and prepare for the assault on the Cage
or to escape. wrights—the ritual of planar junction takes several
In the first round of combat, Hookface tries to snatch days to complete. Eventually, the PCs must return to
up one ofthe PCsalong with a quickened breath weapon. Cauldron and make one last desperate attempt to stave
After successfullysnatching a character, he swoops into off a terrible doom. Ifthe Cagewrights complete their
the air to a height of at least 100 feet before dropping ritual, the volcanic eruption will quickly become the
the unfortunate character onto the city below. Hookface least of the PCs worries.

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Cauldron has been evacuated. Violent trem

ors began rocking the city several hours ago, REYELA+IHITS AnD
followed by lava-spewing fissures, monsters DESCEn*
falling from the sky, and other catastrophes. In the Now that the PCs have evacuated Cauldron, and the
townsfolk stream down the mountain toward safety fn
shuddering red clouds above, a vortex is slowly form
ing above the city—aspiraling scar in the clouds within under the direction of the town guards and clergy,they
which can be seen glimpses of an alien sky. As blasts of finally have the chance to plan an assault on the Fiery
steam and ash vent out of the volcano, they spiral up Sanctum, the deep underground fortress used by the
and merge with these clouds—somepanicked citizens Cagewrightsto stage the ritual of planar binding.
even claim to see tortured faces hidden in them. Yet If the PCs don't take it upon themselves to find out
these events are but symptoms of the true doom that where the Cagewrightsare hiding, they are approached
has come to Cauldron. by one of their allies(Jenya,the Chisel,or the Striders)
The Cagewrights, long plotting to turn Cauldron and prompted to do so. Knowledge checks, divination
into a gateway for the fiendish demodands of Car spells (particularlycommune with nature, commune, and
ceri, have completed the ritual of planar binding, divination),captured intelligence from the enemy, and
a ceremony that uses the life energy of the Shack council with alliesshould provide the PCs with the fol
leborn to create this gateway. The lynch-pin for lowingthree keypoints of information.
this ritual is the Tree of Shackled Souls. The tree is
a hideous adamantine and mithral structure with fco- The volcanic activity is not natural, as a DC 25
thirteen branches built to hold thirteen soulcages. Knowledge(nature)checkcan attest. It should have
In each cage is imprisoned one of the Shackleborn. erupted already,given the magnitude of the trem
In the previous chapter, events conspired to force ors and minor venting of gas and lava—italmost
the Cagewrights to begin the ritual earlier than they seems as if some vast force is barely holding the
planned, without all thirteen of their ruling mem eruption in check.Butjudging from the increasing
bers present, and as a result the ritual took longer magnitude of the tremors and minor eruptions,
for them to complete than they had anticipated. Yet the power of this force is failing rapidly.
complete it they did. As this adventure begins, the Jo- A DC 35 Knowledge (arcana) check allows a char
Cagewrights and their apprentices are relaxing after acter to piece together the clues and realize that
completing the ritual of planar binding while the this "force" is likely the ritual of planar junc
Tree ofShackledSoulsabsorbs the volcanic energies of tion, using the volcano as an energy source to
the mountain and the soul energies of the thirteen power the opening of the portal to Carceri which
Shackleborn. The PCs have a window of opportunity is forming in the tortured skies above the city.
to stop the portal from opening, but that window is If the PCs have access to Fetor's, Thifirane's, or
closing rapidly. Vhalantru's notes, they gain a +4 bonus on this
Knowledgecheck for each set of notes they have
access to. Commune and commune with nature can
S*AR*lnG *HE CHAPTER: suggest or verify this theory.
*HIR*EEn CAGES So- Now that there's been some time to observe the
The average party level should be 16 when you start slow formation of the Carcerian portal above
this chapter. In this chapter, the PCsfinallycome face Cauldron and its interaction with the volcanic
to face with the Cagewright leaders. This chapter is activity below, a successful DC 25 Knowledge
alsoset against a timer—ifthe PCs take too long,the (arcana) or Knowledge (the planes) check allows
volcanoerupts and Caldron is destroyed. As such, you a character to formulate a theory about the na
should allow the PCs to rest up and be fully healed ture of the waxing portal. Its formation is fu
beforeyou start this chapter, although there's certainly eled by something deep under Cauldron (likely A>, &
no time to scribe spells or build magic items. this Tree of Shackled Souls the PCs have heard f^En^j
about from Thifirane's speech or the captured
notes). If the portal can be cut off from this
source of energy before it completes its for Shackled Souls. If the right questions are asked,
mation, it will collapse. Cauldron may still be commune can point the PCs in the right direc
lost, but a disastrous link between the Material tion, but probably can't give them enough infor
Plane and Carceri will be averted. mation so they can use greater teleport to reach
the vicinity. Find the path is the best spell in this
The exact amount of time left for the PCs to defeat situation, for it can lead the PCs directly to the
the Cagewrightsis not static; you should use the im Fiery Sanctum.
minent threat of the opening portal to spur the PCs So- InterrogatingPrisoners:Of the villains the PCs have
onward. Although the dangers encountered in this ad directly confronted so far, only two know the ex
ventureare significant,the greatestproblemfacing the act location of the Fiery Sanctum: Thifirane and
PCs is the fact that they'll probablyneed to complete Kravichak.Noamount of diplomacyor threat can
this entire adventurewithout stopping to rest and re convince these two to give up the Sanctum's loca
cover resources. As a general rule, as long as the PCs tion, but where interrogation fails,magic can suc
don't flee the dungeon or stop to rest,theyshould have ceed. Giving up this information is against their
K* enoughtime to stop the creationof the Carcerianpor nature, so they may gain additional saving throws
tal. If theyinsist on retreating from the Fiery Sanctum to resist the effects of a charm spell when asked to
to rest, recover resources, identify magic items, or oth divulge the route to the Fiery Sanctum, but with
erwise waste time, the Tree of Shackled Souls completes the right questions and the right combination of
its work and opens the portal as detailed in "Conclud dominateperson, demand, suggestion,and speak with
ing the Chapter." If; on the other hand, the PCs come dead, the PCsshould be ableto get a good enough
up with creativesolutions to the problem(such as re description of the region that they'll be able to
treating to the Astral Plane or some other timeless re teleport into the caverns and passageways sur
gion where theycan rest withoutfear of "advancingthe rounding the fortress.
clock"), don't punish them. After all, coming up with
unexpected solutions is part of the fun of playing a Once the PCs have located the approximate loca
high-level adventure! tion of the Cagewrights'complex,they must attempt a
precarious descent into the depths of the volcano. The
FIFlDinG*HE initial portion of this excursion is deadlier in many
FIERY SAnOFUin respects. The Tree ofShackledSouls emits a half-mile ra
Investigation,divination spells,and logic should point dius effect that stabilizesthe seismic energy near the
the PCs toward the Fiery Sanctum, the Cagewright heart of their complex, keeping them perfectly stable
stronghold deep under Cauldron. Unfortunately,the while tremors rock the rest of the mountain. The PCs,
Fiery Sanctum itself is protected by the aura of the Tree however,must travel through the network of lavatubes
of Shackled Souls—this aura not only prevents direct that leads to this safezone, and until they reach it must
teleportation into the sanctum, but also shields the lo deal with frequent earthquakes and the other perils of
cation from divination effects. the tunnels.
Nevertheless, there are three methods that the PCs Tremors continue to rock the earth as the PCs make
can use to locate the fortress. their descent (see Chapter Nine for details on how to
So- Vhalantru'sMaps: Ifthe PCsdiscoveredVhalantru's run tremors).The lava tubes from the northwest point
extensive maps of the underground regions be of entry down to the Cagewrights'lair are all fairly
low Cauldron, they can study them for a critical sturdy, and the Cagewrights have reinforced the weaker
clue.Although the map seems fairlyextensiveand portions of them with magic. Although this magical
complete, a DC 20 Knowledge (dungeoneering) influence can't be detected with a detect magic spell, a
check revealsa noticeablegap in the region deep dwarfor other characterwith stonecunning can make a
under the crater lake's bed—a region that Vha DC 20 Spot check to notice the residue of these spells.
lantru's notes indicate he never exploredbecause Acharacterwith Knowledge(nature) or Knowledge(ar
he assumed that the volcano's magma core was chitecture and engineering) can make a similar check
located there. While he's partially correct, the Fi (DC30)to garner the same information.
ery Sanctum is indeed hidden away on the fringe At various points throughout the descent to the lair of
of this inhospitable realm. The map is detailed the Cagewrights,the PCs must deal with more than just
enough that a character could use greater teleport the tremors that result from the group's ritual. Cave-
to move down into a cavern or passageway near ins have blocked some passages, and others are simply
the edge of this unmapped region. This method dead ends (usually magically induced to prevent more
is the least precise, since it still forces the PCs to than one point of access to the complex). Still others
explore a fair amount of caverns, but it narrows hold pockets of toxic,volatile gas released by the reacti
down the search considerably. vated volcano, monsters that call these passages home,
^E^ G* So Divination Magic: Attempts to observe the Fiery and water leaking into the passages from the central
Sanctum directly with spells like scrying auto lake (which is in the process of steaming away in the
matically fail, due to the presence of the Tree of now-empty city above).
If the PCs decide to approach the Cagewrights' were trapped on the Material Plane. Not the bright
stronghold(known to them as "The Fiery Sanctum") est of creatures, the phiuhls have been pondering
via the lavatubes, they've got an approximately 8-mile what course to pursue while enjoying the occasional
hike through these stifling, tremor-laden tunnels. gouts of toxic gas venting into the room. When the
Treat these treacherous, rubble-strewn tunnels as PCs enter, they forget their plight momentarily to
trackless mountains for determining overland move engage in their favorite pastime: tormenting mor
ment speeds;thus, a party movingat a speed of 30 can tals. The phiuhls are hiding at the roof of the cham
reach area Ci in about 180 minutes. A party that uses ber when the PCs enter. Characters can make Spot
divination magic, Vhalantru's map, or interrogated checks opposed by the phiuhls' Hide checks to de
prisoners to gain enough information to use greater tect the gaseous creatures.
teleportcan cut this down to a mere mile of navigating Phiuhls are formed from an unholy amalgamation
the same tunnels. of misery,pain, hunger, sweltering heat, and poisonous
As the PCs make their way through the tunnels, you vapors.They resemblea churning miasma of green and
can run some or all of the following encounters to liv violet smoke that often forms into a humanoid shape
en up thejourney as you see fit. Use these encounters with long spindlyarms and a leering,elongatedface.
as guidelinesfor developingadditionalencountersof ? Phiuhl (2): hp 76each;see Appendix4. A
your own design for this portion of the adventure. Tactics:Unless the PCs are particularly cautious and
enter the room stealthily, the phiuhls detect their ap
BOILING LAKE (EL 13) proachandarehidingin the centerofthe room(rough
ly50feet fromthewaterline)near the ceiling.Whenthey
The tunnel widens and the moisture clinging to attack,their elongated,wispyfaces contort in malicious
the black rock of the passage increases along with glee.As soonastheyapproachwithin50 feet ofa PC, the
the sound of boiling water as the lava tube inter character must deal with their death gas. Once within
sects a large cavern. Abeach of rock meets a steam 30 feet, they must also deal with the phiuhls' heat aura.
ing pool of bubbling water as dark as the volca The phiuhls attempt to swoop through the PCs'squares
nic stone it laps against, and the ceiling, fifty feet in order to use their desiccate ability.
above, echoes with the sound of water dropping Development: The phiuhls don't know where they
from the stone. The passageway continues on the are, but they're not willing to die here. If one dies, or if
far side of the cavern. both are reduced to 25 hit points or less, the creatures
attempt to flee through one of the many cracks in the
This cavern is roughly circular, with a diameter of chamber walls.
sixtyfeet.The poolof wateris severalhundred feetdeep
and boiling hot. BAD AIR (EL 9)
The ritual of planar junction has created several in The increased volcanic activity has generated signifi
stabilities in the borders between the Material Plane cant amounts of toxic, explosive gases in parts of the
and the Outer Planes. Because they're performing mountain's interior. As the PCs descend, the smells of
their ritual in the heart of a volcano, the Cagewrights sulfur and other volcanic minerals increases, so these
have inadvertently created weak spots between this re normallyfragrantgases are indistinguishable from the
gion and similar areas on other planes besides Carc surrounding air by the time the PCs reach an area of
eri. This has had little effect on the Cagewrights, but bad air. The toxic, flammable gas within is heavier than
the PCs are about to learn a little more about the side the surrounding air and pools in sections of the tunnel
effects of the ritual. that dip down for a short distance.
The boiling water inflicts id6 points of fire damage Trap: A DC 25 Survival check determines that the air
unless the victim is fully immersed, in which case it in these areas is even fouler than that in the tunnels
deals iod6 points of fire damage per round of expo above. Creatures with scent automatically know that
sure. The air in this cave is extremely hot. Breathing something is wrong with the air in the chambers just
the air in here deals id6 points of fire damage per min before they enter the danger, but they don't know spe
ute. In addition, characters must make a Fortitude save cificallywhat without the successful Survival check: A
every 5 minutes (DC 15, +1 per previous check) or take detect poison spell cast at the entrance to one of these
id4 points of nonlethal damage. Those wearing heavy areas reveals that any 5-foot cube within 10 feet of the
clothing or any sort of armor take a -4 penalty on this floor is poisonous. A section of poisonous air generally
save,and those wearing metal armor are affected as if by runs for a length of 3d6xio feet.
heat metal. -/' Flammable Toxic Gas Trap: CR 9; mechanical; lo
Creatures: Two phiuhls from the plane of Gehen cation trigger; automatic reset (always active or 1 hour
na—a place of infinite, desolate volcanoes—inad reset); multiple targets (all targets within 10 feet of the
vertently wandered through a weak spot created by floor); poison (volcanic gases, DC 20 Fortitude resists, &A 6
the ritual and into this chamber inside Cauldron's 2d6 Con/2d6 Con) and fire (iod6 fire, Reflex DC 15 half ?*ZE&C^
volcano. By the time they realized what had hap negates poison damage for 1 hour, fire only if gas ex
pened, the planar rift had sealed and the creatures posed to open flame); Search DC 30;Disable Device n/a.
ELEMENTAL JUNCTION (EL 11) know much about magic (nor can it identify human
genders),but it knows that this human was powerfulin
The tunnel branchesup ahead.One passageleads off magic that dealt with elementals and other such crea
to the right, sloping up slightly,whilethe other bends tures. It has felt the pull of binding magic before in its
sharply down and off to the left. The ground ahead longlife,and it managedto escapethis spellcasteronly
gives a sudden lurch, as if in protest to the volcanic because it recognized a similar force. The human was
activity that's plagued the area. accompaniedby a tiny flying creature with spikyhorns
and a wickedgrin (aDC 25 Knowledge[theplanes]check
The PCs are likely to think this another tremor, but a revealsthis to be a quasit).This wasThearynn Louvel,a
DC 20 Knowledge(nature) check reveals that the lurch conjurerand member of the Cagewrights,and his qua
ing ground is likely caused by some sort of Creature, sit apprentice Xarthyx.
probably an earth elemental.
Creatures:Two greater earth elementals have jour *HE FIERY SArtC*Lim
neyed here from higherin the mountain.Thelurching Howeverthe PCs reach the Fiery Sanctum, the areas in
ground is causedbythe argumentthey're havingabout sidethe fortresshave manyaspectsin common.Ceiling
what to do now (the argument has consisted of "Yes" heightin the complexremainsconstantat 15 feet unless
and "No," backand forth, for the past hour). Ifthe PCs otherwisenoted.The roomsand chambersare lit bynu
watch, the ground lurches again roughly1 minute later merous tiny cages (replicasof the soulcages)containing
as one of the huge creatures shifts its position.Their squirming, glowing fire beetle larvae; these "lanterns"
voices can't be heard, as the creatures' heads are bur provide illumination equal to torchlight.
ied in the stony floor. They are so absorbed that they Most doors in the Sanctum are made of stone and
don't notice the PCsuntil they'rewithin 15 feet,at which are unlocked. Secret doors in this dungeon are quite
point they attack. cleverly hidden and require a successful DC 35 Search
A PC who speaksTerran can approachand get their check to locate.
attention by rapping something hard sharply on the Several areas feature heavy cloth draperies woven
stone floor. The character can then attempt a DC 25 cunningly to resemble the volcanic rock so common
Diplomacycheck to preventcombat and possiblygain in the Sanctum. The cloth feels like stone even to the
some information. casual touch, but can be pushed aside for passagebe
^ Greater Earth Elementals (2): hp 228 each; Monster yond. These draperies are used to conceal areas the
Manual97. Cagewrightswant to keep private but easilyaccessible.
Tactics: The elementals attack if the PCs just ap Finding one of these curtains requires a DC 20 Search
proach or if the characters try to simply bypass them. check. Parting a curtain can be made as part of any
These elementalsare readyto blame any creaturethey other move action.
encounter for the trouble in their home. The characters If the PCs use find the path to help navigate the
might be ableto sneakpast,but to do so they'd have to dungeon, remember that the numerous thin stone
step on squares effectivelyoccupied by the elementals, walls that block several passagewaysin the complex
which are submerged in the floor of the tunnel, impos register as blocked routes; find the path works around
ing a -10 penalty on any Hide or Move Silentlychecks them. Unless PCs discover these walls, the shortest
for such an attempt. In combat, the elementals attack path to the Tree of Shackled Souls is neither the safest
from the walls,floor,and ceiling,using their push abil nor the most direct.
ities to set up flanking attacks. They fight only until Many areas in the Fiery Sanctum include lakes or
one of them is slain, at which point the other attempts •rivers of lava. Make sure you are familiar with the lava
to flee. rules on page 304 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.
Development:Ifthe PCs successfullyuse Diplomacy Note that the Cagewrights are presented here as
to deal with the elementals, they can learn some inter they are after they finish the ritual and have retreated
esting bits of information from the creatures. These to their respective chambers to recover from the ex
two fled their homes near the mountain's heart over a hausting ritual. They all suffer somewhat from various
year ago, driven from there by a great creature of fire. forms of insanity, and often their egos get in the way
They describe its terrible heat, and how it lives in a lake of common sense. Each thinks themselves the better of
of fire. They're describing the pyroclasticdragon Mol- the PCs, and being able to claim their destruction on
tenwing in area C14, but the PCs might assume they're their own would place them in Dyr'ryd's great favor.As
speaking of another elemental. In either case, it rein a result, the Cagewright leaders don't initially mount an
forces to the PCs that they had better be prepared to organized defense against the PCs' intrusion into the
deal with fire when they reach the Cagewrights. Fiery Sanctum. Ifthe PCs let several of them escape, the
A DC 35 Diplomacy check reveals that one of the el surviving Cagewright leaders may gather in area C27 to
& ementals actually managed to explore a bit of the Fiery join forces. A fight against all seven of the Cagewright
•^E^ G* Sanctum before being driven away. This elemental can leaders and their apprentices involves nearly a dozen
describe a human spellcaster that tried to cast magic complex NPCs.This could well be an EL 22 encounter.
that ensnared the elemental. The elemental doesn't Handle such a battle with care.
Finally,the presence of the Tree ofShackledSouls sup move quietly,she automaticallyhears them as they pass
presses all teleportation magic in the Fiery Sanctum; by and prepares for combat.
for completedetails,referto the Tree ofShackledSouls.
Ij? Stone Door: 4 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 60; Break C5. GAU'S CHAMBERS (EL 15)
DC 28, Open Lock (whenlocked)DC 40.
The severe neatness and organization of this cham
CI. THE GATE (EL 8) ber stands in stark contrast to the animal stench that
fills the room—a combination of sweat, manure, and
A monstrous gate of black metal blocks further wet fur makes the air thick and fetid. This appears
progressalong this smooth, volcanictunnel. Fully to be some sort of dueling or training chamber.
fifteen feet high and eight feet wide, the gate is Practice dummies line the walls, along with weapon
emblazoned with the Carcerian Eye—the sym and armor racks displaying exotic equipment of all
bol of the Cagewrights. A twisted, leering visage sorts. The most disturbing thing about the chamber
sculpted from the same metal as the gates adorns is the spikesprotruding from the walls in clusters at
the lintel over the door. The face seems both calm various heights.
and entirely insane, if such a thing is possible, and
its race or gender is indeterminate. Its glowering These two chambers(areas C3a and C3b) are inhab
eyes have also been carved in the symbol of the itedby a minotaurnamedGau. Ifthe PCs pass bythese
Carcerian Eye. rooms, Gau repositions herself at area C5 to ambush
them later.
This gate is made of adamantineand is both locked Gau's livingquarters (area 03b) are sparse,furnished
and trapped. with little more than a few dire bear rugs and a large
(p Adamantine Gate: 1 ft. thick; Hardness 20; hp 480; bed made of animal hides and bones.
OpenLockDC40if arcanelockis dispelled;BreakDC50 Creature: Gau is the most martial—and the most fe
(arcanelock, caster level15th). ral—ofthe Cagewrights.Not particularlybright, she is
Traps:The alarm is trig valued for her intense loy
gered if someone opens alty to Dyr'ryd, the Cage
the gate without a proper wrights, and their plans.
password (Adimarchus's ^ Gau Kleeoch, Cage
name, pronounced by two wright Leader, female mi
people,one in Abyssaland notaur barbarian 11: hp
the other in Celestial, spo 181; see Appendix 4.
ken within 20 feet of the Tactics: Gau rages and
gate). This password also Power Attacks for at least
deactivates the disintegrate 10 points, reducing the
trap for one minute. The amount as needed in later
disintegratetrap can target rounds until she hits with
two creatures per round at least three of her four
within range. The sickly attacks in a given round.
green beams of the spell She also charges, goring
launch from the eyes of and using Improved Bull
the visage over the door Rush to push opponents
to strike at the two nearest into the barbed spikes
creatures within 10 feet. on the walls of her cham
V Alarm Trap: CR —; bers. Creatures pushed
magic device; proximity into the spikes take 2d6
trigger (20 ft.); automatic reset; spell effect (mental points of piercing damage, plus additional damage
alarm, ist-level wizard, mentally alerts specific Cage equal to Gau's Strength modifier. In addition, crea
wrights within 1 mile); Search DC 26; Disable Device tures stuck on the nasty spikes must take a full-round
DC 26. action (that provokes attacks of opportunity) to yank
V DisintegrateTrap: CR 8; magic device; proximity themselves free with a successful DC 20 Strength or
trigger (10 ft.); automatic reset; Atk +10 ranged touch Escape Artist check. A creature that does so takes an
(twice); spell effect (disintegrate,i3th-level wizard, 26d6 additional 2d6 points of damage from the spikes as
damage,DC 19Fort save for 5d6damage);SearchDC31; they tear loose.
Disable Device DC 31. Treasure: Three of the weapons on the racks are un
usual. One is an adamantine morningstar and another a %.
C2. DETOUR silver flail. The most impressive weapon is a trophy Gau
The curve in the tunnel hides a secret door that leads won from a paladin; a holy avengeremblazoned with the
to Gau's chambers. Ifthe PCs take no precautions to symbol of Pelor.

Creatures: A pair of vrocks has been stationed here via
Beyond the heavy curtain is an irregular room. Odd, bindingbyShebeleth(second-in-commandof the Cage
uncomfortable pieces of furniture lie about the cham wrights).The demons lurk in small, cramped quarters
ber,includingseverallong,narrowbeds. Bizarrestat behind two heavy stone-coloredcurtains,which they
uary and paintings adorn the walls and several low hurl asideto attackthe party'smiddle ranksas theypass
pedestals,and a thick, black, tarry substance covers by. Rememberthat,like the PCs, the vrocks'greatertele
most of the room's surfaces. port spell-like abilities don't function this close to the
Tree of ShackledSouls.
Areas 04aand 04b have similardecor.The tarrysub ? Vrocks (2): hp 115 each; MonsterManual48.
stance is exuded by the three farastus that live here.
Creatures:The farastusarelikelyto hearPCs passing C7. KELUBAR COMMAND (EL 15 OR EL 17)
in the hallwayto the north and prepare for combatby
hiding in the shadowsof the room. Ifthe PCs pass by, . This chamber reeks of a strong, acrid odor. A pale
one farastu in the first room shouts a warning to the green ichor coats the floor in the chamber beyond,
other group after 1 round (the sound channels between and strange, warped furniture can be seen among
areas G^a and Gib allow farastus in either room to hear the room's contents. A rack has been attached to the
these warnings automatically),then they all move to far wall, and stretched out on it are the burned and
flank the PCs in the hall. disfigured remains of at least seven humanoids, al
^ Farastu Demodands (3 each): hp 71 each; see though an exactnumber is difficultto ascertain given
Appendix 4. the condition of the corpses.
Tactics: The floor in each room is caked with farastu
slime. Creatures other than farastus treat these areas as Creatures: This chamber is the lair of a pair of kelu
filled with dense rubble(DungeonMaster'sGuide60). bar demodands that answersdirectly to Dyr'ryd.
^ KelubarDemodands(2): hp 97each; seeAppendix4.
C5. BREAKAWAY WALL Tactics: If the kelubars are warned of the PCs' ap
As mentioned at the start of this chapter, this is proach, they turn invisible and wait for the characters
A one of several thin stone walls built to baffle find to investigate this chamber before attacking. Ifthe PCs
?^E-t5 G* the path spells. show no inclination to enter the kelubars' lair, they wait
«p Thin Stone Wall: 1/4 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 15; until the characters leave the area before gathering any

Break DC 15. nearby allies to stalk and ambush the PCs.
If combat breaks out here and Gau is lurking to the Development: If the PCs met and killed Aszithef
north of area C5, she breaks through the wallto come to Flamewarder in Chapter Eight and one of them now
the kelubars' aid. The Flamewarders in area C8 quickly wields her greatsword Coldfire, the flamewardersrec
warn Ti'irok Coalfire in area C10 and then marshal in ognize the weapon and become enraged,taking special
the corridor outside that area in preparation for battle. pains to focus their attacks on that character.


The floor, walls, and ceiling are polished to a mirror Long cots fill this chamber in orderly rows. The cots
finish in this stiflinglyhot hall, the light of dozens of are immaculately made and look quite uncomfort
cages of glowinggrubs reflecteda hundredfold.The able. Closed footlockers rest at the end of each bed.
western wall has been carved in a series of terrifying The walls bear only a single decoration—a tapestry
scenes. Fiends of all shapes and sizes force creatures depicting a field of red with a black silhouette of a
of an evenwider varietyinto burning servitude.Lord bearded face outlined in flames and howling in firry.
ing overthem all,however,is a horrifyingmenace.Its The air smells strongly of brimstone.
misshapenface seems to face two directions,imply
ing that nothing escapesits fierce,maniacalgaze. Creatures: These are the barracks for the haraknin
Flamewarders. Most are stationed elsewhere, but a pair
Characters who stride boldly into the area just north of them rests here now unless they have been sum
of the thin wall that closes off this hallway stumble into moned to help protect area C8.
a particularlydevastatingTrap.In addition,severalcrea ^ Flamewarders, male and female haraknin fighter
tures lie in wait to ambush anyone who approaches. 5/rogue5(2): hp 108 each; seeAppendix4.
Creatures: Areas C8-C10 have been given over to the Treasure: The footlockers contain spare uniforms,
Flamewarders, a mercenary band composed of extra- whetstones and armor-cleaning supplies, and bits of
planar creaturesknown as haraknin: hell hounds that food. ADC30 Search check turns up a few items of in
can assume humanoid form. The Flamewarders are led terest, including a total of 347 gp, 445 sp, a potion of cure
bya fire giant named Ti'irok Coalfire. moderatewounds,and a wand ofknock(10 charges).
Two Flamewardersstand guard here at all times, lis
tening for sounds of intruders beyond the breakaway CIO. TPIROK'S CHAMBERS (EL 19)
wall. If they hear sounds of battle from area C7, one of
them alerts their commander in area C10, while the The walls here are rough and natural, although the
other retrieves the other two Flamekin stationed in area floor is polished smooth. A massive iron bed fills
C9.The haraknin mercenaries are under orders not to half the wall to the east, and a stream of glowing
attackbeyond the breakawaywall but to form ranks to lava runs slowly though the center of the room to
repel invaders from here. what appears to be a large sunken pool built into
^ Flamewarders, male and female haraknin fighter the west wall.Atapestry made of a dark, heavymetal
5/rogue5 (4): hp 108each;see Appendix4. adorns the wall across from the door, displaying a
Tactics:The haraknin fight out of admiration of and silhouette of a bearded face outlined in flames and
devotion to their fire giant commander, not out of any howling in fury, all on a field of red. A large iron
loyalty to the Cagewrights.They attempt to block the bookshelf sits on the floor below, carrying several
PCs from moving out of the trapped area behind the oversized books. Next to that and facing the door
break-awaywall foraslong as possible.Ifthe battle goes is a massive iron table cluttered with metal sheets
poorly, the Flamewarders make a fighting retreat to and a dragon's skull.
ward area C10, where their commander joins the fray.
Trap: The 10-foot area right behind the break-away The leader of the Flamewarders dwells here. He is
wall is dreadfully trapped. When anyone steps on the Ti'irok Coalfire,a fire giant who assembled his band
area without speaking Dyr'ryd's name aloud, the mon of haraknin on a trip to the Elemental Plane of Fire
strous, two-faced creature in the wall carving (a repre manyyears ago. He bought the entire lot of them from
sentation of Dyr'ryd himself) launches beams of nega an efreeti slaver and had them transported back to his
tive energyat the intruders. As long as a PC stands on clan's lands. After a failed coup against his clan leader,
one of the four squares behind the wall,the wall contin Ti'irok found himself out of favor. Consequently, he left
ues to fire two beams each round at targets in the area his clan behind and set off, haraknin in tow, to seek his
(determined randomly from availabletargets). fortune as leader of a mercenary band.
V Energy Drain Trap: CR 12; magic device; location After a few successful campaigns, Ti'irok's re
trigger (10-footarea behind break-awaywall); automat markable band of Flamewarders drew the atten
ic reset; multiple traps (two simultaneous energy drain tion of the Cagewrights. He has been serving the &
traps);Atk+10 ranged touch and +10 ranged touch; spell Cagewrights loyally—thanks in no small part to the *>*ES<*
effect(energy drain, i7th-level wizard, 2d4 negative lev massive sums of gold they pay him—for the past six
els); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 34. years. Ti'irok still holds the contract of purchase for
the haraknin, but he has never resorted to keeping walls, padded practice weaponsrest in racks on other
the lawful creatures in line with it—he has had no walls,and curls of mist rise from a low pool in a nook
need. Through their battles together, he has always across from the door, heated by trickles of lava run
tried to treat them well,if strictly, and the harkanin ning down the walls into fissuresaround its edges.
have thrived under Ti'irok's leadership.
Ti'irok's lieutenant and cohort was a female hara The lava running down the walls heats the stone
knin named Aszithef He assigned her to the beholder around the pool, creating a hot bath in which weary
Orbius Vhalantru to act as an intermediary between haraknin can relax. The pool is far too hot for crea
the creatureand the Cagewrights(and also to keep an tures lacking some resistance to fire, however, at an
eye on the eye tyrant), but she has not reported back uncomfortable 150 degrees. Creatures exposed to the
in several days, likely due to the PCs' interference in water take 2d6 points of fire damage,or 8d6 per round
Chapter Eight. if fully immersed.
Creatures:Ti'irokis likelyaware of the PCs'approach Creatures: Four Flamewarders train here. The door
due the sounds of battle from area C8, and has mar to this chamber is normally kept open, so chancesare
shaled two of his harakninto help prepare his recep that they'll hear the sound of combat in nearbyareas.
tion for the PCs. If they do, they quickly grab their weapons and join
^ Ti'irok Coalfire,male fire giant fighter 8: hp 249; the battle.
H see Appendix 4. ^ Flamewarders,male and female haraknin fighter
^ Flamewarders,male and female haraknin fighter 5/rogue5(2): hp 108 each; seeAppendix4.
5/rogue5(2): hp 108 each; seeAppendix4.
Tactics: Ti'irok uses his helm of telepathy to contact C12. DECRIHNI BAIUL'S CHAMBER (EL 14)
Dyr'rydas soonas he's aware of the PCs. If they detect
the characters in advance, he and his Flamewarders The first object that draws the eye is a massive pipe
ready actions to attack the first target they see. Oth organ along the west wall. Black
erwise, they draw weapons as soon as ..,•.-/,-•. I 11 iron pipes run up from the large
they become aware of organ, and along the contours of
the characters; Ti'irok the natural ceiling. The keys are
engages in melee and made of what appear to be the
the Flamewarders move fingerbones ofvarious humanoid
to the edges of the room creatures, and the organ bench is
to fire their bows. the skeleton of a dwarf, bent into
Ti'irok begins the en a squatting position with hands
counter near his bed. As raised to support the musician.
soon as the opportunity A gilded bed sits against the
presentsitself,he attempts to opposite wall next to a carved
use his Improved Bull Rush stone wardrobe that looks to
feat to push someone into be part of the rock wall of
the lava pool. A PC who falls the room. A small shrine sits
in takes 2od6 points of fire against the south wall, and
damage from total immersion the scent of burning incense
in the 12-foot-deeppool. fills the air.
Development The metal
sheets on the table serve Ti'irok Shebeleth Regidin has gra
as paper; he uses special metal ciously allowed his protege,
inks to write on them. Two Decrihni Baiul, to assume
sheets might be of interest to chambers separate from
the PCs. The first contains a few his own, something most
notes about the ritual of planar of the other members of
junction; namely, that once it is the Cagewrights' inner circle
completed the Tree of Shackled have refused to do. Decrihni is of a martial bent, and
Souls still requires severalhours to build up enough en spends nearly as much time in combat drills with the
ergy to open the portal. During this vulnerable time the Ramewarders and Gau as he does aiding Shebeleth in
tree must be defended at all costs. his rituals and arcane researches.
The second is a fist oftasks shown above. Creatures: Decrihni stands about 5 feet tall, and has
a thick, barrel-shaped body and arms and legs like the
%A Cll. TESTING CHAMBER (EL 0 OR 17) trunks of healthy trees. His eyes protrude from beneath
'•^EN,G> a coarse brow and his bulbous nose is shot through with
This chamber is some sort of martial training facility. burst blood vessels. His shaggy black hair is chopped
Combat dummies in various states of repair line the short, and he wears a scraggly black beard.
When the PCs arrive in this chamber, they find De C14. PYROCLASTIC ACTIVITY (EL 17)
crihni madly playing his pipe organ. Decrihni isn't
very good, but he makes up for his lack of skill with This massivecavern is lit by a large lake oflava.Islands
sheer exuberance. of volcanic stone protrude from the molten rock, but
^ Decrihni Baiul, male human fighter 5/cleric 9 (Ad gaps of five to fifteen feet separate them. To the east,
imarchus):hp 99; see Appendix 4. the cavern wall curves gently to a larger ledge. At the
Tactics: Decrihni casts divine power and a quickened rear of that far ledge hangs a magnificent tapestry,
divinefavor on himself as soon he notices the PCs. He blackwith thread of gold strung through it. Through
then wades into melee gleefully,his eyes shining and agapbetweenthe tapestryand the wall, you can see a
maniacalspittle flying from his lips as he occasionally dark chamber extending even further beyond.
shouts prayersto the dark powers in which he believes
(chiefamongthem beingAdimarchus). Long beforethe Cagewrightsarrived,beforeeventhe
Development:Decrihni's pipe organ is more than it founders of Cauldron built the first structure in the
appears.A DC 30 Search check uncoversa strange set bowl of the dormant volcano above, Garathrynakh the
of symbols carved into an obscure corner of the con pyroclasticdragon (known also as Moltenwing)dwelt
traption.ADC 30DecipherScriptor Perform(keyboard here. Moltenwingspent severaldecades after first com
instrument) check reveals that the symbols indicate a ing to the Material Plane ravagingnow-ancienttowns
specificchord on the organ,which can be successfully and civilizations,but eventually grew weary-and retreat
played by anyone with at least 1 rank in Perform(key ed into the depths of this volcano to sleep. Above, bis
board instrument) or with a successful DC 25 Dexterity legendfaded,and eventuallysettlers reachedthe moun
check. Doing so causes the organ to swing open and tains and built the first buildings of the city.
reveala narrow,twisting passageinto the stone behind. When the Cagewrights first found the crude series
This leads to a private shrine of Decrihni's dedicated of chambers near the volcano's heart, they had no idea
to the demon prince Adimarchus. The walls are paint they were trespassing in the outer warren of caverns
ed with a mix of blood and other, fouler substances in around Moltenwing's lair. Their intrusion awoke the
mad, haphazardswirls.The room reeks,and a shrine in dragon, who responded with fury. The Cagewrights
its center holds a stone statue featuring the Carcerian were not interested in a fight, however, and managed
Eye. Adimarchus'sname is also painted on nearly every to secure the dragon's reluctant friendship with large
available surface in Abyssal, Infernal, and Undercom- amounts of gold, magic, and flattery. A bargain was
mon, along with terribly crafted poems praising the struck between the two parties: the Cagewrights would
"dark lord of madness" and all his works. send regularpaymentsof treasure to Moltenwingdur
A character with the Smoking Eye template feels a ing their stay in the caverns,and in return, the dragon
strangereactionto this room; good charactersbecome would not bother them. Later, when the Tree of Shackled
overwhelmedwith sorrow and pity while evilcharacters Souls was completed, the Cagewrightsalso asked the
are filled with exultation and joy. A neutral character dragon to guard a magic collar that could be used to
feels nothing, but all characters with this template im shut the Tree down in the event of an emergency (see the
mediately understand that the shrine can be used to Tree ofShackledSouls).
drawupon the energiesof the Abyssallayerof Occipitus Creature: Moltenwing spends most of his time
to use wish once as a spell-likeability.This wish must be snoozing on a ledge submerged 7 feet below the lava
made in this room and does not cost experience points level in the far eastern portion of the cavern (see the
to cast; once used, the connection between Occipitus map for details).When the PCs enter the room, Mol
and this altar is burned away, forever gone. tenwingloungesthere and can make a Listen checkto
detect their approach. Moltenwing has a-18 penalty on
C13. MEETING ADJOURNED this check due to the distance between him and the en
trance to his lair. If he fails to hear them, he can con
Everysurfaceof this large,rectangular room has been tinue to make Listen checks each round, and eventually
polished to a mirror sheen. Quarter-circlepools of detects them with his blindsense when they approach
lava in three of the room's four corners augment within 60 feet.
the light provided by numerous grub cages. Massive When the PCs arrive, the dragon does nothing. Only
double doors carved with the Carcerian Eye exit the the tip of his snout is exposed to the surface (asa DC 45
room to the east, but the chamber is dominated by an Spot check reveals),resting on the edge of the ledge in
immense, carved stone table, also in the shape of the the southeastern corner of the chamber. He waits until
CarcerianEye.Thirteen chairs surround the table,the they come within 60 feet or step onto the large ledge
one at the head larger than the others. to the north of his position, then bursts from the lava,
splattering everything within 30 feet with magma. Crea
This is the meeting chamber of the Thirteen. They tures in the area take 2d6 points of fire damage, and 2d6
gather here when great events must be discussed, or more for the next 2 rounds from the hot lava; a success
when the group must be informed as a whole of one of ful DC 15 Reflex save negates this damage.
Dyr'ryd's decisions.
Moltenwing knows by their entrance that the PCs titude is helpful, he'll hand over the important thing
are not of the Cagewrights,who always contact him he's guarding (the dispersalcollar)if they ask for it. Oth
with a sending before approaching. However, he is cu erwise, Moltenwing grows tired of the discussion in a
rious about even more humanoids daring to enter his few minutes and ifthe PCs haven'tleft his lair bythen,
lair,and is supremelyconfidentin his abilityto handle he attacks. Of course, if he ever suspects that they're
them should the need arise. After potentiallyshower hereto harm the Cagewrights,he attacksimmediately.
ing them with lava, he steps up onto the large ledgeand ? Moltenwing (Garathrynakh), male mature adult
bellowsat them to identify themselves. pyroclasticdragon: hp 312; see Appendix4.
Moltenwinghas given his word to the Cagewrights, Tactics: When Moltenwing attacks, he tries to catch
but more importantly,theyhave shownhim proper re at least two PCs in the area of his disintegrating line
spect and showered him with wealth. He doesn't want breath weapon.He then attempts to bull rush a PCinto
the cash flow to stop, so he acts to protect the Cage the lava. If successful,he dives in after them, grapples
wrights from any perceived threats. While he talks, he them in the magma to keep them from escaping, and
tries to keep the PCs in a line respectiveto his position eats their charred remains without resurfacing.Other
(to use his breathweapon),and warns them not to ap wise, he takes full attack actions,using his breath weap
proachcloserthanhalfwayacrosstheroom.Thedragon ons when he can.
isn't a skilled diplomat, and cleverPCs might be ableto The dotted lines on the map represent passagesMol
wrangle some interesting bits of information from him tenwing has carved out beneath the islands so he can
before he decides to attack. crawl through the magma without having to squeeze.
Moltenwing's initial attitude is hostile, but he's willWhen moving through the magma, Moltenwing uses
ing to talk to the PCs long enough for them to make his burrow speed.
Diplomacyor Intimidate checks to adjust his attitude. Treasure: Behind the massive tapestry is Molten-
Ifthe PCs can adjust his attitude to friendlyhe admits wing's hoard chamber. He has amassed an impressive
that he has indeed formed an alliance with the Cage amount of treasure worth a total of roughly 34,000 gp:
wrights.He'll also, at this point, proudlyannounce that 2,411 gp, 339 pp, 32 assorted gems worth a total of 2,762
he guards something of incredible import for them, gp, a silver hand mirror (50 gp),an oaken hairbrush in
since they're obviously too weak and puny to guard laid withjade (60 gp),a green dragon-skin rug (500 gp),a
%4 •^E^ C>
their own treasure. Only if the PCs make him helpful pair of platinum bracers (600 gp each),a silver candela
does he volunteer the names and brief descriptions of bra (700gp),a silk tapestry depicting the constellations,
the Thirteen if asked. Ifthe PCs can successfullyBluff with diamonds set as stars (1,200 gp), a potion of lesser
him into believingthey're Cagewrightallies and his at restoration,an arcane scroll of charm person, knock, and
ray ofenfeeblement,agolembane scarab,a cloak ofCharisma and much of that carried by her fellows in the organiza
+4, a wand of bull's strength(24 charges),and a dispersal tion. She also aids Shebeleth in research matters. Her
collar.This last item is the device the Cagewrights built full library isn't here, as she hasn't been engaging in any
as a safety measure against catastrophe should the Tree research,but enough portions of it are that an arcanist
ofShackledSouls fail. interested in conjuring magic or item creation could
find reference materials of interest.
C15. ROUGH PASSAGE Freijais a rail-thinwomanwho wears her hair pulled
Ifthe PCs don't take care to remain silent while travers backtightlyfrom her face. She wears austere robes that
ing this passageway,the demodandslurking in areaC16 cover her from neck to wrist to ankle, always of the
likelyhear them and reactaccordingly. same blood red color. She is fastidiously clean, and her
chambers are the only ones in the complex that look
C16. DEMODAND TORTURE CHAMBER (EL 15) scrubbed. This cleanliness is actually a sign of her ob
sessivecompulsivebehavior.Shepreparesfor everybat
The walls of this chamber look like melted wax, and tle by casting the same preparatory spells in the same
the air smells acrid and foul. Various implements order. If her robe is mussed in a fight she becomes
of torture occupy the chamber, including a bed of enragedand focuses on the characterresponsiblewith
wicked,barbed spikes,some sort of stretching device grim implacabilityuntil that person is dead, all the
resemblinga rack, and hooks on the wall that hold while screaming,"You got me dirty! How dare you, you I ,
corpsesin variousstatesof decay.Alargechest sits in filthy,filthy maggot!"and similar imprecations.
an alcove to the south. ^ Freija Doorgan, female human conjurer 15: hp 95;
see Appendix 4.
Creatures: Two farastus and a kelubar inhabit this Tactics: If warned of the PCs, Freija casts displacement
chamber.They have had no task or purpose for months, and shield. She prefers to fight from behind a screen of
and their boredom led them to gather a few torture de summoned monsters. As soon as she hears the PCs out
vices and turn this chamber into a room more reminis side, she casts summon monsterVIII to summon a vrock,
cent of those they occupied on Carceri. Despite their followedbyher other summon monsterspellsin descend
orders not to risk discovery by meddling with surface ing order. She uses her wand of enervationto maximum
dwellers,the kelubar managed to sneak to the surface a effect,targeting spellcastersfirst if she can.
few times to capture beggars to torture. Treasure:Equipment from the workbenchesincludes
•j} Kelubar Demodand: hp 97; see Appendix 4. expensivereagentsusedto craftmagicitemsworth3,000
^ FarastuDemodands (2): gp, and the gear from the
hp 71 each;seeAppendix4. area can be used to put to
Treasure: The demo gether two full alchemist's
dands have amassed a fair labs if it's relocated.
amount of treasure from Development In a secret
their victims. The large drawer of one of Freija's
chest contains 1,455 §P> a workbenches (Search DC
scroll of fame strike (10th 30, Open Lock DC 30)is a
level), a scroll of mass cure collection of notes writ
light wounds, a +1 dagger, a ten in Abyssal that details
+2 breasfplafe,and a periapt the creation of the dispersal
ofhealth. collar, a device Freija was
ordered to create should
C17. FREIJA the need ever arise to shut
DOORGAN'S down the Tree of Shack
CHAMBERS (EL 16) led Souls in the event of
an emergency. The notes
Alarge canopied bed rests mention that the collar has
against the far wall, the been secured with "that
covers pulled tight and FreijaDoorgan dark wyrm of Gehenna."
neatly tucked. Workbenches
and shelves line the other walls, covered with magi C18. FIRESTREAM (EL 17)
cal apparatus, books, and papers. A circle has been
carved into the floor. Arcane glyphs and runes have Astream of lavarunning along the far wall of the tun
been scribed and intertwined around and through nel empties into a pool of molten rock that fills the «0

the circle, and it glows with a soft, silvery light. majorityof the eastern section of this cavern.Arough A•Si ft
stone table covered with scraps of charred, nearly raw •^E>5
Creature: Freija Doorgan is the item creation expert meat, along with several stone stools stands in the
for the Cagewrights. She crafted most of her own gear room's center. A water barrel rests near the entrance.
The pool of lava is only 3 feet deep; creatures can apprentices, or other servants. It is also a central rally
wade through it as if it were dense rubble but suffer ing point used in the case of intruders.
damage from the lava each round Creatures: If the PCs have already encountered
Creatures: Four Flamewarders guard this chamber. Ti'irok in area C10 and dealt with the Flamewarders
They can serve as reinforcements for areas C20 or C27 there,two Flamewardersguardthis chamberalongwith
as necessary. Two of the Flamewarders are located on a glabrezu named Ja'akrand called here by Shebeleth
the north side of the pool, with the second pair on the (who usedhis^afescrollto do so).The powerfuldemon
southern shelf with their bows at the ready. If combat was initiallyunhappyaboutbeingcalledfrom theAbyss
begins,theymake sure to callout warningsto the near until it realized it had been called to the Material Plane.
by denizens. It nowintends to destroyas manysoulsfrom this plane
^ Flamewarders,male and female haraknin fighter as it can during its stayhere, and its pincers snap and
5/rogue5(4): hp 108each;see Appendix4. twitch in anticipation of mortals to rend.
Ifthe PCs have not yet dealt with Ti'irok but raised
C19. FALLING FLOOR (EL 9) the alarm,the fire giant has been notified to coordinate
a defense in this room. The Cagewrightsconnected
A tall stone door stands in the northern wall of this these passages in such a way as to channel intruders
cavern, with passages leading to the east and south. to this point, and Ti'irok has drilled his Flameward
Asingle rill of lava flows out of the far wall through ers in the defense of this chamber. If this is the case,
thischamber,then followsthe eastwall ofthe passage Shebelethhas not used his scrollofgate to call the gla
around a bend to the south. brezu,relyingon the resilient fire giant and his band to
repel the intruders. Ti'irok brings the four Flameward
Trap: The floor is actually an illusion that blends ers from areas C10-C11 to help defend the chamber,
seamlessly into the bordering stone floor and walls. leaving the other four in area C8 to defend that area of
The illusion conceals a network of artificiallydeep the Fiery Sanctum.
ened lava streams that criss-cross the true floor in an ^ Flamewarders,male and female haraknin fighter
intricate pattern. The one visible stream is part of the 5/rogue5(2 or 4): hp 108 each; seeAppendix4.
illusion,although it mirrors one of the many streams ^ Ja'akrand,MaleGlabrezu:hp 174; MonsterManual43.
on the actual floor. Characterswho don't see through ^ Ti'irok Coalfire:hp 249; see Appendix 4.
the illusionor fly over it stepin one of the 4-foot-deep Tactics: The Flamewarders tumble to flank and at
streams of lava,at which point they can make Will saves tack single targets until they take him or her down. The
to recognize the illusion for what it is. glabrezuis a more cunning foe. It hangs back and uses
-/*• Illusory Floor and Lava Trap: CR 9; magic de its spell-like abilities to great effect. It activates mirror
vice; proximity trigger (entire room);automatic reset; image in the first round, then uses power word stun on
illusorywall on floor concealsnetworkof 4-foot-deep, an arcane spellcaster or rogue it can see (it's trying to
3-foot-widelava streams (8d6 fire damage from par pick a target with lowerhit points). Flamewardersmake
tial immersion, 4d6 fire damage on followinground, sure to attack stunned targets to maximize their sneak
2d6 fire damage on third round);multiple targets (all attacks.Ja'akrandthen uses reversegravityon heavilyar
creatures touching the floor in the room); DC 16Will mored characters,sending them to the 30-foot ceiling
disbelief (if interacted with); Search DC 29; Disable for 3d6 points of falling damage. It engages in melee
Device DC 29. only when that is the best option left available.
Ti'irok uses tactics as described in area C10, bull
C20. GATHERING CHAMBER rushing likely targets into the lava stream, where they
(EL 16 OR EL 19) take 4d6 points of fire damage(followedby2d6 the fol
lowinground and id6 the round thereafter).
This large chamber looks partly natural and partly
sculpted.The ceilingis high here, reachingto rough C21. STALAGMITE GARDEN (EL 14)
ly thirty feet. Two thick streamsof lava courseslowly
along the floor. One emerges from the north walland Acluster of large stalagmites rises toward the roof of
the other from the south. The twolava riversmergein this fifteen-foot-high cavern. Each has been sculpted
the center of the room and continue to flow through into humanoid shapes of exquisite detail. In addition,
a channel to the south. Sturdystone benches line the parts of the figures appear to be made of some clear
walls where the lavadoesn't flow, sculpted out of the material, allowing you to see that the stalagmites
volcanic rock. The Carcerian Eye has been carvedinto seem to be filled with lava. The molten rock glows
the south wall. The sculptor was either a master or from within the partially translucent figures, casting
had the aid of magic, for the disturbing image seems strange shadowy shapes on the walls.The display of
%•?> f*t
Xs to follow movement in the room. statuary would be quite beautiful if not for the grue
TEzn some scenes depicted. Each figure displays a visage of
This central gathering chamber is used by the Thir cruel savagery,snarls in fury, or grimaces in pain. Sev
teen when they must confer with their mercenaries, eral display cruel deformities or vicious wounds, the
light from the magma within causing them to glow order: aid, protectionfrom good, air walk, prayer,and divine
with terrible fire. power, followed finallyby harm (she holds the charge for
the first round of combat). She then hides within the
This garden is kept by Grehlia Cairnis, apprentice maze of her statuary garden. She attempts to stay hidden
Cagewrightto Nulin Wiejeron and onetime leader of until the PCs enter, then sneaks up on a lightly armored
the local Ebon Triad cult. A sculptor by hobby, she uses character to strike with her spiked gauntlets and harm.
spells to augment her trained ability to create these She then attempts to withdraw to the statue garden, us-
tributes to Vecna. ingjlamesfrifcebeforebeing forced into melee.
Grehliajoined the Cagewrights only recently,aban Grehlia's loyalty to the Cagewrights has eroded. She
doning her post as leader of the Ebon Triad in the begs for mercyif brought below25 hit points.
region to do so. Some of the other members of the Development: Sounds of battle here are probably
Thirteen objected when she was initiated, claiming heard byThearynn in area C22, as well as Nulin in area
that she was too advanced in skill and experience to C27 and Shebeleth in area 024a.
be pliable enough to accept her If the PCs grant Grehlia sur
role within the organization, render, her initial attitude is un
but her enthusiasm and skill friendly. If made friendly, she'll .

eventually allayed their doubts. agree to tell the PCs what she
Grehlia is open about the knows about the Cagewrights if
worship of her deity, and keeps theyagreeto firstescorther out of
a small shrine in the chambers the immediate area and then tele
she shares with Nulin, spend port her to safety.If madehelpful,
ing at least an hour every day she allies with the PCs and aids
in prayer. She suspects that the them in their fight against the re
other divine casting members maining Cagewrights.The other
of the Cagewrights are uncom Cagewrights react with rage in
fortable with her faith, but she any battle where Grehlia's be
doesn't know why. She asked trayal is obvious, and they focus
Decrinhi once about his god, their attacks on her rather than
but he only sneered and stalked the PCs as a result
away. Shebeleth secretly believes Grehlia has learned an amaz
that Grehlia's faith in Vecna may ing amount about the Cage
prove to be a liability when she wrights during her short time
eventually learns the truth of here—her capacity for learning
the organization's devotion to and keeping secrets has served
Adimarchus. He has Decrinhi keep an eye on her; Em her well as a cleric of Vecna. You can use her informa
bril does the same when she is around. Grehlia knows tion as you see fit to give the PCs an advantageover the
she is being watched and resents the suspicion. Thus, Cagewrights,or evento revealto the PCs the best meth
despite their similarities in combat style or faith, she od for stopping the formation of the Carcerian portal.
finds herself mostly avoiding the company of the other Grehlia's alliance with the PCs ends as soon as this
clerics. She has started to doubt the wisdom ofjoining chapterends;she wantsnothing more to do with them,
the group,and might evenbe convinced to betray them the Ebon Triad, or the Cagewrights. Left to her own
by a particularly diplomatic party. devices,she planeshiftsto a distant plane and starts her
Creature: Grehlia is small and stout. She has mousy life over.
brown hair cropped just above her ears. She typically
keeps it slicked back with some greasysubstance to keep C22. THEARYNN LOUVEL'S CHAMBERS
it out of her eyes. Her eyes are the same brown as her (EL 17)
hair, and she tends to breathe through her mouth unless
she's on a job. In such cases, her focus sharpens notice This chamber is almost barren of furnishings. A nar
ably, and she moves as silently and gracefully as any to row cot rests against the far wall next to a workbench
have practiced her trade. She speaks with a noticeable containing a few tools and a simple wooden chest.
lisp, but any who have pointed her impediment out to A perch that looks like it might act as a rest for a
her have usually ended up screaming with agony as the large bird sits in one corner; a number of black, foul-
dark power of Vecnacoursed through their bodies. looking droppings litter the floor beneath it. An iron
•^ Grehlia Cairnis, female human rogue 2/cleric 11 brazier heats the cold space.
(Vecna)/assassin 1: hp 84; see Appendix 4.
Tactics: Grehlia favors inflict wounds spells used in Creature: Thearynn Louvel is the most paranoid of y, A
conjunction with attacks from her spiked gauntlets. the Cagewrights. He lives isolated from the other mem ^ mn
If she knows the PCs are only a few rounds away from bers of the Thirteen, nurturing his mistrust and his
reaching this area, she casts the following spells in this own form of madness. Thin and pale, with wide, darting
browneyes,he keeps his head shavedexceptfor a small Theraynn again in the fight with Shebeleth, where he
forelockin the middleofhisbrowthathe toys withwhen makes his last stand.
nervous, making it greasy and flat. He favors summon Treasure:Thearynn keeps his spellbooksin his secret
ing spellsbecausehe canavoid combatbymakingother niche in the ceiling,along with some rambling notes,
creaturesfightforhim. One of theonly Cagewrightsnot mostly written in Abyssal,that are the obvious product
to take a human apprentice,he thoughtthat selectingan of a dysfunctionalmind. Among the bits and pieces of
outsiderwould ensure that he wouldn'tbe betrayed.As trivia,though, is a passage that reads, "I know the Fish is
all three of his previousapprentices(humansall) tried out for me. I know the Fish wants my power. I know the
to assassinate him and assume his position as one of Fishis a traitor.Aliar,backstabber—Iknow.Thesneaky
the Thirteen, his paranoia is understandable. He wears Fish. Set the traps on the south wall. I know he's tunnel
frayed brown robes to avoid showing signs of obvious ing—tunneling to me. Sneaky Fish. Rotten Fish."
wealth, and only ventures from his chambers on the
summons of Dyr'rydor to visitMoltenwing,withwhom C23. ARDETH WEBB'S CHAMBER (EL 18)
he is completely fascinated.
Xarthyxthe quasit servesThearynnas an apprentice. A pool of glowinglava nearly thirty feet across fills a
Boredwithhis lifein theAbyss,the quasitwas intrigued sunken region to the south of this large cavern.The
when he was called up byThearynnand offeredan ap ceiling is forty feet high, and the room appears to
v. *£ prenticeship.Xarthyx has made incrediblyrapid leaps be some sort of training facility. Paper screens line
in his spellcasting,but his raw powerand inexperience most of the walls, painted in various impressionistic
leads him to make mistakes, a trait Thearynn hasn't had patterns and designs, and reed mats cover the floor.
the inclinationto correct.The quasit is a dark green Weaponrackshold a varietyof exoticweapons.Apair
color, with a bloated, rotund belly and a tendency to of practice dummies hangs from the high ceiling
twitchhis tail and salivatetremendouslywhen excited. along the east wall, and a low, wooden cot sits against
^ ThearynnLouvel,malehuman conjurer15: hp 68; the west.To the south stands a large armoire.
see Appendix 4.
^ Xarthyx,malequasitsorcerer11: hp 57; see Appendix4. This chamber is the home ofArdeth Webb, one of the
Tactics:Thearynn has developeda plan to deal with Thirteen, but another member of the group is found
those out to get him, and he has drilled with Xarthyx here as well: Nulin "Fish" Wiejeron, the spymaster of
extensively to ensure its success. When Thearynn be the Thirteen. He spends a great deal of time here train
comes aware of intruders, he casts true seeing and uses ing with Ardeth, and he has long planned to make his
his boots oflevitationto ascendinto a holesculptedinto stand in this room given its unusual features.
the ceiling. The hole is actually not visible to those on This chamber has been enhanced with several per
the ground,due to a permanentillusory wall spell con manent invisibilityspells, each of which fills a 5-foot-
cealing the entrance. Not even the rest of the Thirteen square as indicated on the map. Anyonewho stands on
are aware of this hidey hole.Thearynncan seethrough them and says aloud,"Blessingsof Adimarchus"in any
the illusion due to his true seeing spell, and he has a language as a free action becomes invisible, as the invis
small ledge in the hole on which he can lie down and ibilityspell (casterlevel 10th).
observe the entire room. He casts his defensivespells Creatures:Ardeth is an enigma, even to her comrades.
when he hears battle in area C21. He also casts ventrilo All theyknowis that she has been a part of the Thirteen
quism on himself longer than any other member except Dyr'ryd.Shewas
Xarthyx'sjob, meanwhile, is to turn invisible and wait. born on the Material Planeover150 years ago, the child
When the PCsenter the room,Thearynn castsopen/close of a servant of a dark monastery that trafficked with the
to close the doorbehind them.The invisiblequasituses spawn of the Nine Hells of Baator. Her mother died in
a scroll of arcane lock to seal it (the PCs automatically childbirth and Ardeth wasbrought up by the monks.At
hear the quasit read the scroll, but he doesn't turn vis the age of 20 she left the monastery,and by age 40 she
ible). The imp then flies to a corner of the room near had been recruited byDyr'ryd.Moneyand material gain
the ceiling and begins launching a barrage of deadly have never driven Ardeth—only power motivates her. It
spells—mostly evocations—at the intruders. was during her long time among the Cagewrights that
Thearynn meanwhile casts acidfog, filling the room she became a tattooed monk (this prestige class is de
with the deadly mist, followed by Evard's black tentacles tailed in full on pages 82-84 of CompleteWarrior,but all
to try to keep them grounded. Ifthe PCs lookas though relevant details are presented in her stat block).
they'recapableof handling the fog, he castshis summon Ardeth keeps her own counsel most of the time. She
monster spells, using his greater extend metamagicrod to seems content to pursue the machinations devised by
keep the summoned creatures around longer. By vir Embril and Shebeleth, secure in the knowledge that
tue of his ventriloquismspell, he's able to throw his voice they bring the Cagewrights' goals ever closer to frui
.0 evenwhen casting spells,making it seem as though the tion. She knows that her silence unnerves the others,
fo£E^ caster is everywhere at once. If Thearynn takes more and that brings her a certain amount of perverse joy.
than half his hit points in damage, he casts phase doorto Ardeth stands about 5 and a half feet tall, and weighs
escape to area C25. If this happens, the PCs encounter about 130 pounds. Fit and strong, she spends most of
her days conversing (and plan ? Ardeth Webb, female tief
ning)with Dyr'rydor honing her ling monk 6/tattooed monk 10:
skills with Nulin. She keeps her hp 119; see Appendix 4.
head shaved to display a twisted ^ Nulin "Fish"Wiejeron, male
tattoo of a scorpion across her human rogue 5/fighter 2/assas-
scalp. Her eyes are dark and sin 8:hp 82;see Appendix4.
her face ageless, adding to the Tactics: Fish and Ardeth use
mystique that surrounds her. the invisibility squares in this
She typicallywears simple white room to great effect. The two
robes. pursue similar tactics, disap
Ardeth's most striking fea pearing one round, then mov
tures are her tattoos. The most ing and attacking in the next.
prominent is the scorpion tat If a PC seems able to see invis
too on her shaved head. The ibility, they focus their attacks
body of the creature begins on on that character exclusively.
her forehead, its pincers sweep Ardeth Webb When they activate a square, •pn

ing down on either side of her eyes. Its hindquarters they whisper the command word in Abyssal.Asuccess
endjust above her neck,its tail coiling around her neck ful Listen check(DC 20,modified for distance) allowsa
to end just above the joining of her collarbones. She character to hear this command word.
bears a crane tattoo on her back, a tiger on her right Treasure:The weapon racks contain two each of every
arm, a wasp on her left, and a monk weapon (see page 40 ofthe
phoenix on her chest. The most Player'sHandbook),and each is of
disturbing aspect of her tattoos masterwork quality. In addition,
is that they are twisted and mal the following magic monk weap
formed, possibly from the ef ons are kept here: a +3 adaman
fects of her fiendish blood. Two tine dragon bane nunchaku and
small horns jut from Ardeth's a +2 ghost touch kama. A secret
brow, and the faint smell of compartment beneath Ardeth's
brimstone follows her wherever cot (Search DC 30 to find) con
she goes. tains an arcane scroll of dimen
Nulin "Fish" Wiejeron earned sion door and dimensional anchor,
his nickname years ago when a staffoffrost (23 charges),and a
he worked as a waterfront tav druid's vestment. Finally, the ar-
ern bouncer in a distant city. moire contains Fish's expansive
He became something of a lo wardrobe, which is worth a total
cal legend due to his ruthless- of 2,400 gp.
Nulin "Fish* Development: IfArdeth is de
ness and cold-blooded willing
ness to engage in violence. If someone insulted him feated before Fish, the PCs are faced with an interesting
or threatened him with violence, they turned up dead conundrum. The assassin, who is pragmatic before all
within a day, their bodies picked clean. He learned his things, remains invisible but breaks off combat to ad
skills as an assassin when he felt the money he earned dress the PCs. He offers information in exchange for
in the tavern couldn't keep him comfortable—and his life. After extracting a promise of safety from the
when thejob became boring as fewer and fewer patrons most lawful-looking PC, Fish (still invisible) quickly
were willing to risk his ire by misbehaving. Shebeleth answers any questions the PCs may have. He can tell
and the other Cagewrightsrecognized his talents, chief them the names and basic powers of all the other Cage
among them his discretion. Eventually he proved him wrights,the purpose of the ritual of planar binding, and
self enough times that he was offered a position among the purpose of the Tree ofShackledSouls. He only reveals
the Thirteen. Never one to pass up an opportunity for that the dispersalcollarcan safelydeactivate the tree if his
more power and influence, Nulin readily accepted. initial attitude of hostile can be made helpful. Finally,
Nondescript in the extreme, Nulin is quiet, and seems if asked who it is the Cagewrights serve, he takes a deep
content to mostly go along with the plans the other breath and admits they serve a powerful demon prince
Cagewrights cook up. He wears dark clothing as a rule, imprisoned on Carceri, and that this demon prince is
but owns a massive wardrobe, with clothing suitable for named Adimarchus.
the throne room as well as beggar's rags. A master of
disguise, the balding, ordinary-looking assassin's many C24. SHEBELETH REGIDIN'S CHAMBERS «0
outfits find frequent use. He has no chambers of his (EL 19 OR 20) X &
own here, spending most of his time on the surface un ^nn
til recently. He now spends his time here with Ardeth, The western half of this chamber is decorated lavish
training, or with his apprentice in area C21. ly as a bedchamber. Fine rugs cover the stone floors,
and tapestries the walls. An ornate desk sits against Shebelethshould be serving it, as is only proper, but it
one wall, emblazoned across the front with the Carce has greater respect and fear for Dyr'ryd.
rian Eye. Awardrobe built of ebonysits near a large, ^ Shebeleth Regidin, male human cleric 10 (Adi-
four-poster bed. The room narrows to the east, then marchus)/loremaster7: hp 120; see Appendix4.
opens into a second chamber. This one is much more ^ Keeriv, Shator:hp 127; see Appendix 4.
spartan. The floor is bare, but has been carved once Tactics: Shebeleth has been aware of the PCs for
more with the symbol of the Cagewrights. An altar some time now, but remained unconcerned. This fear
and font stand near the far wall, both covered in a lessnessis his ownbrand of madness—unlessmagical
strange glowing script. ly compelled, he feels no emotions whatsoever. When
the PCs arrive, he turns to them and attempts to stall
The strange altar is dedicated to Adimarchus,and the them with conversation as long as possible to give the
spidery runes on it sing his praises in Abyssal.The font Tree ofShackledSouls time to complete its job. If combat
nearby contains 20 doses of unholy water. As with the does erupt, he reacts by casting time stop, then spell re
secret shrine ofAdimarchus in area C12, characters who sistance,magic circleagainstgood, and protectionfromgood
have the Smoking Eye template feel a strange bond to on himself if there's time, followed by summon monster
the altar if they approach within IX to summon a hezrou.
10 feet of it. In this area, such Keeriv casts mage armor, bull's
a character gains a +4 insight strength,blink,and true strikeif he
bonus on attack rolls, saving realizes the PCs are near. While
throws, and skill checks as he is Shebeleth talks, he lurks in the
able to draw upon the power of shadows of the chapel, trying to
Occipitus via this altar. appear threatening until com
The area to the east (area bat erupts.
024b) is Shebeleth's personal Treasure: The shelves in area
library. The tomes in this cham C24b hold numerous tomes
ber cover a wide range of sub that address matters arcane
jects, from the Outer Planes to and planar. Also on the shelves
local history. are an arcane scroll of analyze
Creatures: Of the Thirteen, dweomer, an arcane scroll of
few wield as much power as phase door, and an arcane scroll
Shebeleth. Only Dyr'ryd and offireshield.Construction plans
Embril Aloustinai are more for the Tree of ShackledSoulscan
powerful. The other members secretly fear this in be found here as well. Written in Abyssal,these plans
timidating priest. Shebeleth was the primary builder outline in detail the Cagewrights' goals. They do not
of the Tree of Shackled Souls. A keeper of lost myster mention the dispersal collar (those plans are found in
ies and arcane knowledge, he owns a tremendous area C17), but they do mention a failsafeback-up plan
collection of books worth quite a bit of money (see for shutting down the tree should something go awry,
Treasure, below). Shebeleth is also a fair musician, a and that Freija has been tasked with implementing
trait his apprentice has attempted to emulate. Strains this plan.
of his eerie compositions on the violin fill the Cage Development: Combat here is likely heard in area
wrights' complex at all hours, sending chills down C27 by Dyr'ryd (Listen DC 35).
everyone's spines.
Shebeleth is tall and gaunt. He rarely eats, taking C25. FOOD AND SUPPLIES
his meals in his chambers while he works. He wears
nondescript dark robes that cover him from his neck This large cavern is used to store food, water,
to his feet, with long, voluminous sleeves that con and other supplies. Several barrels of wine, ale,
ceal even his hands. In battle, however, he throws his and fresh water rest against the north wall, and
sleeves back to reveal spindly arms covered in grue three heavily laden shelves hold several hundred
some scars. The rest of the Thirteen speculate that pounds of food.
similar scars actually cover his entire body, signify
ing his commitment to whatever force grants him his Treasure: A successful DC 25 Search check reveals a
clerical powers. Shebeleth keeps his head shaved and small cask behind a sack of dried beef on one of the
sports no facial hair. His only adornments are a dark, shelves that holds six potion vials, each labeled clearly
diamond-shaped crystal embedded in the middle of in Abyssal as a potion of cure moderate wounds.
his forehead and his holy symbol, a dark iron amulet
%.A. N
J& in the shape of the Carcerian Eye that hangs from a C26. DYR'RYD'S CHAMBER (EL 15)
L^E^ thick iron chain.
Shebeleth is always attended by a shator demodand The walls of this large chamber are dark red. In the
minion named Keeriv.The demodand secretly believes corner of the chamber lies a pile of cushions nearly



thirty feet across, stacked nearly six feet high. The C27. TREE OF SHACKLED SOULS (EL 20)
cushions, like the floor, are covered in a pale, sickly
slime. A desk behind a bend in the chamber is sized This massive elliptical chamber glows with a hellish
for someone overlylarge—at least ten feet tall. light from lava bubbling through shaped channels
that form a familiar pattern in the floor. These rivers
This is Dyr'ryd'spersonal chamber.The leader of the of lavaform the sign of the Carcerian Eye, and from
Thirteen and pre-eminent Cagewrightis currently spend the eye's"pupil" grows a horrendous sight.
ing his time in area C27 with the Tree ofShackledSouls. A large tree of metal erupts from the lava there.
Creatures: Three fellow demodands await Thirteen branches sprout from a central trunk sev
Dyr'ryd's pleasure here. They won't leave this room eral feet across, twisting menacingly around the
to investigate the sounds of battle elsewhere, in chamber to increase the diameter of the area occu
stead remaining here to guard Dyr'ryd's treasury pied by the tree to nearly sixty feet. The branches
and the secret door. are covered in wicked barbs, but each branch tapers
1 Kelubar Demodand: hp 97;see Appendix 4. to end in a hook. From each hook hangs a cage, and
£ FarastuDemodands (2): hp 71each; see Appendix 4. within each cage you see the slumped form of a hu-
Treasure: Area C26b serves Dyr'ryd as a treasury. manoid figure. These must be the Shackleborn—in
Three urns hold a total of 2,333 gP and 639 pp. Also dividuals cursed by fate to be the keys to unlocking
among the loose treasure are two potions of cure moder the gate to Carceri. P
ate wounds and a potion of bull's strength.There are signs ,%.a fv
that more treasure was at one point stored here, but the The terrible metal tree is the Tree of Shackled Souls. *£e 13
majority of it was used to finance the construction of The PCs may recognize some of the Shackleborn in
the Tree of ShackledSouls. the thirteen soulcages, including Terrem and Zenith
Splintershield. Full details on this artifact and how the
PCs can deactivate it are detailed below. CFinCLUDinG *HE
Creature: Dyr'ryd waits here for the PCs, the last CHAPTER
line of defense for the Tree ofShackledSouls.The mas The chapter can end in one of three ways: in defeat,
sive demodand is actually two entities inhabiting the with an eruption, or in total success.Each possibilityis
same monstrous body. He looks like a normal sha detailed below.
tor with the exception of a second, loathsome face
and a small, stunted arm and leg that protrudes DEFEAT
from the side of his head. This second face resem Should the PCs fail and be defeated, the Tree ofShack
N bles Dyr'ryd's, but is not identical. The demodand's led Souls completes its dark duty and creates a perma
main face is actually the personality known as Dyr, nent rift between the plane of Carceri and the city of
while the second, cancerous face goes by the name Cauldron. Demodands pour through and set out to
Ryd. When Dyr'ryd speaks, both voices rasp just out create a demodand empire in this part of the world.
of sync. Utterly insane, Dyr'ryd often converses with Whether they succeed in this grand endeavor is out of
himself/especially when he's excited. One face com the characters' hands, although this scenario can form
pliments the other on a particularly devastating at the foundation for an apocalyptic new campaign in
tack, while if a stratagem fails, one chastises the oth which new PCs strive to close the portal and reclaim
er, screeching imprecations for a few seconds while lost lands.
the vestigial leg twitches and the arm clenches its
tiny fist. Of the two faces, Ryd is far more foul tem ERUPTION
pered, and more likely to attempt Intimidate checks. Ifthe PCs destroy the tree, the pent-up seismic energy
Dyr is smoother and more prone to using Bluff or is released in a massive rush back into the volcano's
Diplomacy than resorting to threats. heart. They have prevented the formation of the Carce
j Dyr'ryd,advanced shator demodand:hp 180; see rian gate, but in so doing have triggered a massive vol
Appendix 4. caniceruption that destroys the city above and possibly
Tactics:If warned, Dyr'ryduses clairaudience/clairvoy- the PCs with it. The eruption process takes 10 minutes
ance to check through the complex and determine in to begin once the tree is destroyed,so PCs maybe able
which direction the PCs are heading. When the PCs to escape by using magic to flee.
approach this chamber, he casts invisibilityon himself Charactersthat remain in the volcanowhen it erupts
then the following spells in order: mage armor, bull's are immediately slain (no save) and their bodies and
strength,displacement,and true strike.When the PCs enter, equipment destroyed. Only a well-phrased wish or mir
he castshaste. He extends displacementand hastewith his acle can avert the explosion at this point. With Caul
gauntlet, reserving the last use of the item in case his dron's destruction, this is a pyrrhic victoryat best.
spells are dispelled.
When the PCs enter, Dyr'ryd tries to stall them, SUCCESS
much as Shebeleth does in area C24. Revealinghis The best solution to the situation is to use the disper
massive, horrid form to the PCs, he asks why they've sal collar. If the PCs use this device, the ground gives
come. He grills them with difficult questions and one last lurch as the tree is drained of energy.This final
tries to convince them that servitude to the demo tremor is massive, and can be felt for dozens of miles.
dands is not only inevitable,but good for the people Characters still in the Fiery Sanctum are thrown to the
of the Material Plane. He also tells the PCs that de ground if they fail a DC 20 Reflexsave. Above,a signifi
stroying the tree will set off a chain reaction that will cant portion of the southeast corner of Cauldron, weak
destroy the mountain (although this is true, the PCs ened by previous tremors, collapses in a tremendous
are unlikely to believe him given the circumstances). blast of sound. The remaining ground remains stable
Dyr'ryd answers many of the PCs' remaining ques and the city can be rebuilt, but the familiar concentric
tions about the Cagewrights or the Thirteen—any ring of Cauldron has been permanently broken. It bears
thing to stall them as long as possible—but refuses this scar for the remainder of its existence.
to disclose how the tree functions or what could shut
In combat, Dyr keeps the PCs at baywith his spells Ideally, the PCs complete the adventure by shackling
and spell-like abilities, while Ryd shouts at his other the tree, freeing Cauldron from the potential tyranny
face to hack the characters to bits with Mindbite. Once of the demodands without completely destroying the
engaged in melee, the demodand uses his weapon's city.The Shackleborn, one in each of the soulcages,re
reach to keep the PCs at a distance. If he can, Dyr'ryd main dead. Their bodies are withered and pinched as
CO bull rushes spellcasters or ranged attackers into one of if completely drained of moisture, due to their soul en
A the lava channels. ergy being funneled into the tree. The bodies are intact,
however, and now that things have been set right, the
thirteen descendents of the demodands can be raised
from the dead.

When the PCs share the news of their success, they BEHinD*HESCEITES:*HIR*EEn CAGES
are heralded as the heroes of the city, and the new lord This chapter should mark the beginning of the end
mayor makes a vow to have statues of the characters for the Cagewrights.
erected in Cauldron to honor the moment. He also Vhalantru's tormented soul reaches Skullrot just
promisesto name a newholidayin Cauldron after the as the PCs close the portal. Their heroic act causes
heroes (named after their group name, if they haveone, the dreams of imprisoned Adimarchus to pulse
or simply"Hero's Day" if they do not). with rage and frustration.These dreams wash out
Allow the PCs time to bask in their victory. They've over the surrounding region, infusing the gathering
accomplishedsomething incredible. Overthe next sev demodand horde at Skullrot with rage. The horde
eral weeks, the citizens of Cauldron slowly return to explodes into a riot of self-destruction.Embril and
their shattered city and begin the process of rebuild the other remaining Cagewrightleaders surmise that
ing.The PCs can aid in this process as they see fit, but somethingcataclysmichas happened,planeshift back
things are not quite safe in Cauldron yet. to the Material Plane, and then retreat to their hideout
For one last villain remains. under the ruins of Shatterhorn to regroup.
Adimarchus himself. On Carceri, Vhalantru's soul is swept up by the
current of Adimarchus'sdreams of mad rage, to be
carried between the dimensions and eventaully to
be deposited on Occipitus, where the beholder is
returned to life... of a sort...

%4 &
*%5XTf '


Smoke still rises from the shattered buildings and The characters come to the ruins of Shatterhorn
ruined streets of the troubled city of Cauldron, seeking to capture or eliminate surviving Cagewrights,
yet if not for the actions of a band of heroes, it who havebeen using the ruins of Shatterhorn as a secret
would not exist at all. The Cagewrights lie shattered, staging area for their plots in Cauldron. Shatterhorn
their surviving members put on the defensive for the harbors several high-ranking Cagewrights who share
first time. All that remains is to finish thejob, but the the ruins and the dungeons below with a number of al
surviving Cagewrights still have some surprises left in lied creatures. The journey to the ruins from Cauldron
their mysterious stronghold under the snake-haunted should pose little threat to high-level PCs, especially if
ruins of Shatterhorn. they use greaterteleportto travel there.
The surviving Cagewrights have withdrawn to their
secret redoubt in the nearby ruins of Shatterhorn, an THE RUINED KEEP (EL 18)
ancient yuan-ti stronghold hidden in the jungle east
of the town. Angered and dumbfounded by their re A two-hundred-foot-tall spire of jagged rock stands
cent "setback," the surviving Cagewrights plot their in a rough clearing, dwarfing the surrounding trees.
next move. Desperate to free the demon prince Adi Some great force has split the rock into three sec- .
marchus from his prison on Carceri, Embril has res tions, forming, deep clefts. Around the base of the
urrected a spell weaver whose body was recently re cleft spire, someone has built a one-story stone keep.
covered from the ruins of Karran-Kural. In exchange, Many of the keep's walls have collapsed, and a thick
the spell weaver—a master of necromantic lore—has shroud of fog envelops the structure. The lone, shrill
agreed to help Embril. With an appropriate sacrifice cry of a baboon echoes in the desolation of this
to Nerull, the god of death, Embril believes she can dreary place.
secure the god's aid in freeing Adimarchus from his
prison on Carceri. An eerie, nonmagical fog engulfs the keep, reaching a
height of 20 feet before thinning out. Creatures within
SHAF*ERHHRFl the thick fog have concealment against attacks made
Shatterhorn, located roughly 50 miles east of Caul more than 10 feet away. Rain seems to fall more frequent
dron in a section of the Amedio Jungle known as the ly here than in other areas, making all surfaces slick and
Grayhaunt, is a 200-foot-high jagged spire of solid rock damp (-2 penalty on Balance and Climb checks).
reaching up toward the sky. Four hundred years ago, a Use the Ruins of Shatterhorn map for this encounter.
yuan-ti prophet named Ssythar Vassha claimed Shatter A single-story stone keep surrounds the Shatterhorn.
horn was a divine oracle—an instrument for commun Although most of the keep's mortared walls remain in
ing with the yuan-ti god Merrshaulk. He and his follow tact, its entire roof structure has collapsed, exposing
ers raised a keep around the spire, and used it as a base the various rooms and corridors to the open sky. Some
for their raids. One stormy night, an incredible bolt of of its thick walls have collapsed as well, leaving behind
lightning split Shatterhorn into three, cracking it open
from peak to base. At first, the yuan-ti took the event as
an ill omen, but when no trace of Ssythar Vassha could S*AR*inG*HE CHAPTER: STRIKE
be found, his followers assumed that Merrshaulk had HTl SHA**ERHHRn
rewarded the visionary yuan-ti by taking Ssythar Vassha The average party level should be 18 when you start
into his eternal embrace. Vassha's followers built a se this chapter. Afterevacuating Cauldron and defeating
cret temple beneath Shatterhorn and placed a statue of the Cagewrights in the previous chapters, the PCs
the "prophet ascendant" in its greatest hall. Other yuan- deserve a chance to rest, research spells, and create
ti prophets rose to take Vassha'splace and lead the cult, magicitems.They should knowof the existenceof the
but it soon became clear that Shatterhorn had lost its second Cagewright hideout by now, but there's no real
alleged power to commune with Merrshaulk. The yuan- rush to take care of them quite yet. After the hectic
ti cult's fortunes turned, and they were driven off and pace of the last few adventrues, the PCs can take their
exterminated by their enemies. time dealing with the remaining leaders of trie cult.
heaps of rubble (moving through 5 feet of debris costs ^> Spider Eaters (4): hp 42 each; MonsterManual234.
10 feet of movement). Over the years, assorted deni jf AncientWill-o'-Wisps(2): hp 212 each;seeAppendix4.
zens have cleared the debris from the rooms to create Tactics: The ruins provide Ghath with plenty of
lairs for themselves. Countless adventurers have plun rocks to throw, but he prefers melee combat over
dered the keep as well, drawn by false rumors of dragon ranged combat. He uses the fog for concealment as he
hoards hidden within the ruins. closes in for the kill, and his dire wolves are trained
The ruined keep is far from the impenetrable bastion to provide flanking opportunities and sniff out invis
it once was. The Cagewrights, in particular, have done ible foes. Against poorly armored foes, Ghath uses his
precious little to fortify the keep, arguably to preserve Power Attack feat, taking a -5 penalty on attack rolls to
its "abandoned" appearance. That said, the Cagewrights gain a +10 bonus on damage rolls with his greatsword
have left a monstrous garrison in the ruins to dispatch (when Ghath rages, these modifiers increase to -10 and
unwanted interlopers (see Creatures, below).The ruins +20, respectively).
are also inhabited by troops of screaming baboons that One of the half-ores blows his hunting horn when the
u» fallstrangelysilent in the companyof strangers. battle is first joined, alerting the keep's other denizens
The characters probably have more than one way to and setting off a riot of baboon shrieks. The half-ores
reach the keep, or may circumvent it altogether by tele- and spider eaters provide aerial support, using their +1
porting directly into the dungeon beneath (see "Under seekingarrows to ignore the 20% miss chance caused by
Shatterhorn"). Characters searching the keep notice the fog. The half-ores only fight on the ground if their
serpentine bas-reliefs carved on the inside walls, al mounts are slain—they know that spider eaters are sur
though heavy rain has eroded some of the finer works. prisingly frail, and generally do not fly more than 20 or
Stone basins built into the floor that once served as 30 feet off the ground.
yuan-ti baths now hold murky pools of water. Decrepit The will-o'-wisps are tenuous allies of the Cage
wooden doors bear rusted iron hinges and handles wrights and their minions. They serve as the giant's in
shaped like serpents and dragons, and some of the visible "eyes" and "ears" until he's killed, and they are
floor stones bear chiseled yuan-ti inscriptions. Charac quick to attack characters that split off from the group.
ters searching for treasure discover that the ruins have If one of the will-o'-wisps is slain, the other flees.
been picked clean, except for the occasional armor Development: The hill giant hurls rocks at any inter
fragment or rusted weapon. lopers he sees while sending his dire wolvesafter char
Creatures: The ruins are crawling with baboons, and acters who keep their distance. The half-ores prefer not
characters navigating the ruins notice that the normal to leave the spider eater mounts behind, but a half-ore
ly skittish creatures become quiet and still as the party deprived of his mount pursues characters into the cleft.
passes, fixing their black eyes on the characters until Only the will-o'-wisps know about the illusorywallin the
they pass out of sight, at which point the baboons re cleft (see The Cleft Horn, below). Their unfriendly at
sume their normal behavior. Only if attacked do they titude aside, the will-o'-wisps are open to negotiation. A
scatter, in which case they retreat in a strangely orderly, successful Diplomacy check can shift the wisps' attitude
unnervingly silent exodus. to indifferent, friendly, or helpful. They can also impart
In addition to the baboons, characters exploring the useful information if bribed with 5,000 gold pieces
ruined keep or the Shatterhorn itself may attract the worth of treasure. They recognize the Cagewrights as
attention of the keep's guardians: a hill giant barbarian "the ones wearing the silver, cage-shaped pendants"
named Ghath, his two dire wolf pets, a small gang of and can describe each of them, as well as provide the
half-ore bandits called the Grayhaunt Marauders, and location of the dungeon entrance.
their trained spider eater mounts. These mercenaries If the characters raise the alarm or otherwise make
work for the Cagewrights and can be placed anywhere a lot of noise, they alert Ssythar Nahazir's familiar (see
inside the keep walls. (The hill giant normally patrols The Cleft Horn, below).
the keep's interior, while one Grayhaunt Marauder
and mount usually stays near the outermost corners THE CLEFT HORN
of the keep.)They converge on any area where trouble Shatterhorn is a fractured, horn-shaped spire of solid
is detected. rock go feet wide at its base and 200 feet tall. A narrow
A pair of ancient will-o'-wisps that predate the fall cleft separates the towering thirds of the spire, creating
of Shatterhorn also haunt the ruins, remaining invis three narrow, debris-strewn passages that meet at the
ible until they strike. Predatory and opportunistic, yet heart of the spire. These passages are open to the sky
loosely allied with Ghath and the Grayhaunt Maraud and widen toward the top. Climbing the inside or out
ers, they join the battle in the keep's defense 2 rounds side walls of Shatterhorn requires a DC 17 Climb check
after combat erupts. (including a -2 penalty for the slick surface).
^ Ghath, male hill giant barbarian 10: hp 263; see The entrance to the dungeon is carved into the
Appendix 4. northern fragment of Shatterhorn and consists of a 10-
? Dire Wolves (2): hp 64 each; MonsterManual65. foot-tall, 5-foot-wide downward-spiraling passageway.
£» Grayhaunt Marauders, male half-ore fighter 8 (4): The passagemakes several descending revolutions be
hp 59 each; see Appendix 4. fore openinginto area1 of the dungeon.Anillusorywall
spell (caster level9th) obscures the passageway,disguis Treasure: At many points, the text calls for rolls on
ing it as part of the surrounding rock wall.The wall ap the following table to flesh out minor treasures hidden
pears absolutely real when viewed,but physical objects in the ruins.
can pass through it without difficulty. A character with d% Treasure
true seeing active does not perceive the illusory wall but 01-04 Black funereal vestments traced with gold
instead sees the open passageway. The illusory wall is (150 gp)
permanent until dispelled. 05-08 Black gold fang-shaped ring with
Creatures: Ssythar Nahazir has hidden his snake fa single-dose poison reservoir (180 gp)
miliar Salsinath among the rocks near the illusory wall. 09-12 Amber serpent figurine (200 gp)
If it sees intruders entering the cleft or otherwise hears 13-16 Crystal flask containing elixir of
disturbing noises, it slithers down the spiraling passage sneaking(250 gp)
and alerts its master in area 1. 17-20 Crystalflaskcontaining
•j> Salsinath, Ssythar Nahazir's snake familiar: hp 36; elixir of hiding(250 gp)
see Appendix 4. 21-24 Vial of silversheen(250 gp)
25-28 Gold mask with small obsidian
UTlDER SHA**ERHHRn horns (360 gp)
The "dungeon" under Shatterhorn contains temples, 29-32 Snakeskin-wrapped scroll tube containing
catacombs, and hidden vaults built by the yuan-ti. Char a 3rd-level divine scroll*
acters can reach the dungeon under Shatterhorn using 33-36 Gold, wavy-bladedceremonial dagger inlaid
the downward-spiraling passage at the base of the spire with red garnets (500 gp)
(seeThe Cleft Horn) or using powerful magic. 37-40 A bead of blessing(600 gp)
The dungeon under Shatterhorn has the following 41-44 Silverscroll tube (10 gp) containing a
features: 4th-level divine scroll*
Illumination: Unless noted otherwise, all dungeon 45-48 Gold serpent-shaped bracer inlaid
corridors and chambers are torchlit. The torches cast with jade (750 gp)
eerie shadows upon the walls, ceiling, and floor. 49-52 Golden necklace with eight dangling
Stonework: All areas have 10-foot-high, bare stone jade orbs (900 gp)
ceilings unless specified otherwise. The walls are made 53-56 Salve of slipperinessin a snakeskin-wrapped
of mortared bricks of black volcanic rock covered with flask (1,000 gp)
painted plaster murals depicting yuan-ti and other ser 57-60 Crystal flask containing elixiroffire breath
pentine creatures. Most of the murals have faded, and (1,100 gp)
in many areas the plaster has peeled or fallen away, re 61-64 Ivory scroll tube (50 gp) containing a
vealing damp black stone underneath. 5th-level divine scroll*
Secret Doors: Secret doors are actually 3-inch-thick 65-68 Gold circlet with blackgold inlayand
barriers of painted plaster that blend seamlessly with amber tracery (1,200 gp)
the surrounding murals and stonework. A secret door 69-72 Fire opal pendant on a fine gold chain
doesn't open like a normal door; it must be smashed (1,400gp) .__.
through (Hardness 2; hp 15). Unless the fragments of a 73-76 Platinum necklace with dangling
smashed secret door are moved to another area, a pro jet fangs (1,500 gp)
grammed make whole spell automatically reassembles a 77-80 Platinum bracelet set with three black
broken secret door after 1 hour. pearls (2,000 gp)
Ij? Secret Door: 3 in. thick; Hardness 2; hp 15; Break 81-84 Snakeskin tube containing oil of magic
DC 13. vestment+4 (2,400 gp)
Illusory Effects: Various minor illusory effects per 85-88 Golden headdress with emerald and golden
vade the dungeon, courtesy of permanent minor im topaz inlays (2,500 gp)
age and ghost sound spells. Tiny illusory snakes slither 89-92 Golembanescarab(2,500 gp)
across the floor, emerge from cracks in the walls, or coil 93-96 Necklaceoffireballs,type II (2,700 gp)
around sundry objects. These shiny-black vipers dis 97-100 Gold ring set with rubies (3,500 gp)
solve into nothingness when touched. A rattling noise *Roll on Table 7-24: Divine Spell Scrolls in the Dungeon
echoes through the dungeon as well, but the rattling Master's Guide.
always seems distant, and its origin cannot be traced.
These illusions pose no threat yet serve to keep inter 1. TEMPLE OF FANGS (EL 14)
lopers on edge.
Collapsed Areas: Over the years, earth tremors have Ten thick pillars support the ten-foot-high ceiling of
causedsectionsof the dungeon to collapse;attempts to this large, unlit room. Deep alcoves are recessed into
clear collapsed sections only cause further collapse. If the west and east walls. A few snakes slither across the
you wish to expand the dungeon, you can add new ar floor, and a distant rattling noise emanates from the
eas to any of the places where the map currently shows deeper darkness. A sculpted stone altar rests in the
a collapse. middle of the room, its surfaces stained with dried
blood and carved with serpentine motifs. One end of Ij? Altar of Fangs:3 ft. thick; Hardness 8; hp 540; Break
the altar curls up to form the head of a great snake DC 50.
with stony fangs and gems for eyes. Creature: Ssythar Nahazir, a mad yuan-ti Cagewright,
hides behind the altar (in the square marked "N" on the
The distant rattling noise is an eerie illusory effect map). Nahazir believes he is a prophet of Merrshaulk
(see Dungeon Features). gifted with divine insight, which explains the self-cho
The eastern alcoves are, in fact, part of one large al sen title of Ssythar (a Yuan-ti word meaning "chosen
covewith a "rolling pillar" in the middle of it. The pillar one"). Nahazir has a serpentine head and scalyskin, but
looks like a protruding section of wall but has stone otherwise appears human. He conceals his features be
rollers tucked into its base, allowing it to roll to the neath a form-fitting black robe, and around his neck he
north or south. Noticing the rolling pillar requires a DC wears a silver pendant shaped like a tiny cage.His snake
25 Searchcheck,and rolling it requiresa DC25 Strength familiar, if present, is coiled around one of his wrists.
check.The rolling pillar concealsa 10-foot-longpassage During his exploration of the catacombs, Nahazir
leading to area 2. stumbled upon a yuan-ti pureblood mohrg guarding a
A secret door (see Dungeon Features) is set into the collection of burial urns (area 5). He used a command
south wall and leads to area 22. undead spell to win the mohrg's favor and relocated it
The altar weighs close to 1,800 pounds and radiates to this chamber. It hides in the alcove marked "M" and
a continual unholy aura (casterlevel 18th) to a range of emerges to attack when spotted or when someone other
30 feet. All evil creatures within range gain a +4 deflec than Nahazirstands adjacent to the altar.The mohrg has
tion bonus to AC, a +4 resistance bonus on saves, spell serpentine fangs and a slinky gait, but it does not speak
resistance 25 against good spells and spells cast by good and could easily be mistaken for a human mohrg.
creatures, and immunity to possession and mind-af Ssythar's statistics assume he's had time to cast mage
fecting effects. In addition, if a good creature succeeds armor and shieldand drink his potion ofbarkskin+3.
on a melee attack against a warded creature, the offend ^> Ssythar Nahazir, male halfblood yuan-ti sorcerer
ing attacker takes id6 points of temporary Strength 10: hp 72(86 withfalse life spell);see Appendix 4.
damage (Fortitude DC 22 negates).Destroying the altar ^ Advanced Mohrg (yuan-ti pureblood): hp 148; see
negates the unholyaura. Appendix 4.


Tactics: Nahazir has already cast mage armor and be deciphered; the other four are too damaged to
false life on himself (each spell has a remaining dura read, but can be repaired with make whole spells. The
tion of id8 hours). If forewarned of danger, Ssythar legible spells are bestow curse, control undead, eyebite,
drinks his potion ofbarkskin+3 and casts the following finger ofdeath,greaterplanar binding, stone toflesh, and
spells on himself, in the following order: see invisibility summon monsterVII. The unreadable spells are Bigby's
(lasts 100 minutes), shield(lasts 10 minutes), expeditious grasping hand, create greater undead, limited wish, and
retreat (lasts 10 minutes), and dis waves of exhaustion.
placement(lasts 10 rounds). If
his familiar is present (see 3. PLASTER PILLARS (EL 18)
The Cleft Horn, above),
it gains the benefits of Thick pillars support the ten-foot-high ceiling of this
these spells as well. hall. Four alcoves hold heaps of dust and bone in
Time allowing, Na termingled with shards of painted ceramic. A stone
hazir casts one or arm—the remains of a shattered statue, perhaps—
more resist energy rests on the floor between the pillars. The arm
spells, then hides. looks human-sized and is broken at the
At range, Ssythar shoulder. One of its stony fingers
Nahazir prefers to cast bears an iron ring.
heightened slow (5th level;
save DC 19), followed by en The alcoves hold
ervation, Evard's black tentacles, the shattered re
empowered lightning bolt, and mains and spilled
empowered magic missile. In melee, contents . of
he jabs foes with his empowered wand four ceramic
of idiocy or ivand ofpoison. Nahazir must burial urns.
make a successful DC 20 Use Magic De The ceramic
vice check to use the wand ofpoison,and fragments are
he cannot take 10 on this check. He saves painted with
a teleportspell for his escape, retreating to serpentine mo
the Temple of Merrshaulk (area 20) to make tifs and images
his final stand. of yuan-ti dressed
The mohrg tries to grapple and paralyze in ceremonial ar
foes. Its paralysis is contagious, thanks to its SsytharNahazir mor and robes. Amid the
Contagious Paralysisfeat (see Appendix 1). refuse lie yuan-ti bones and tat
Trap:Anynon-yuan-ti that defaces or otherwise dam tered funereal wrappings.The northeast and
ages the altar must make a successful DC 22Will saveor northwest alcovescontain secret doors leading to area 4C
be teleported inside the hollow black egg in the Temple and 5,respectively(seeDungeon Features for more infor
of Merrshaulk (area 20).This trap even affects a creature mation about Shatterhorn's secret doors).
that damages the altar with a ranged attack. The four pillars surrounding the stone arm are actu
-/'Teleportation Trap: CR 8; magic device; touch allymade of painted plaster. Although the plaster pillars
trigger; automatic reset; spell effect(greaterteleport,13th- look like ordinary stone pillars, careful inspection and a
level wizard,Will DC 22 negates); Search DC 32; Disable successful DC 25Search check reveal the truth. The stone
Device DC 32. arm is all that remains of a petrified human rogue. The
Treasure: The two gems embedded in the altar's iron ring bears an inscription: "Here lies your doom."
"eyes"are black sapphires worth 1,000 gp apiece. A Nystul's magic aura spell makes the ring radiate magic
as though it was a ring of evasion, but the aura is false.
2. HIDDEN VAULT Touching the ring or the petrified arm causes the four
plaster pillars to shatter and awakens the Creatures.
The walls of this room are painted with plaster mu Creatures: Each plaster pillar holds a medusa rogue
rals depicting eleven golden serpents, one per five- in temporal stasis. Disturbing the petrified arm dispels
foot section of wall. Each serpent holds a painted, the temporalstasisand causes the plaster pillars to shat <$
unfurled scroll in its mouth, and arcane runes adorn ter, releasing the medusas. Before they were placed in
each scroll. Some of the plaster has chipped or fallen temporal stasis, the medusas imbibed potions of bear's
away, marring the images. endurance,cai'sgrace,and eagle'ssplendor,the potions last
roughly 3 minutes. The bonuses imparted by these po
The scrolls painted on the walls are treated as pages tions are included in their stat block; if they are dis
of a spellbook. Each scroll outlines a different arcane pelled, remember to adjust the stats accordingly. Yuan-
spell that can be transferred to either a spellbook or ti clerics also placed greater magic weapon spells on the
an actual scroll. Only seven of the eleven scrolls can medusas' short swords; the effects last 7 hours.
•J> Medusa rogue 10 (4): hp 157, 150, 142, 129; see Development: Triggering either pit trap alerts Alurad
Appendix 4. in area 9.
Tactics: Each opponent within 30 feet of a medusa
must make a savingthrow againstits petrifyinggaze at 5. SERPENTINE URNS (EL 10)
tack each round at the beginning of his or her turn in
the initiative order. The medusas do not make active The walls of this catacomb are filled with five-foot-
gazeattacks on their turns, instead attackingwith their deep alcoves. Within each alcove stands an ornate,
short swords and snakes. They also try to make sneak four-foot-tall, varnished ceramic urn. The urns are
attacks against flanked opponents. painted with images of serpents, scimitars, and yuan-
ti dressed in ceremonial armor.
4. PIT TRAPS (EL 14)
These catacombs contain yuan-ti burial urns. Each
This is a four-way intersection of fifteen-foot-wide sealed urn weighs 180 pounds and contains the desic
py fe§ passages illuminated by torches in sconces. Like cated remains of a pureblood or halfblood yuan-ti priest
other areas of the dungeon, the walls are adorned or warrior encased in sawdust. Clay canopic jars placed
with faded murals depicting yuan-ti rituals and great at the bottom of the urn contain the yuan-ti's vital or
serpents.The passageto the north has collapsed. gans (heart, liver, and so forth). Some of the mummified
s yuan-ti are buried with Treasure. Opening or smashing
This intersection contains two concealed pit traps an urn also triggers a Trap.
(areas 4A and 4B, respectively).An illusory wall (caster ^ Magically Treated Ceramic Burial Urn: 1 in. thick;
level 9th) conceals an arrow slit overlookingeach pit. Hardness 5; hp 10;cold and fire resistance 10;Break DC 25.
Behind these concealed arrow slits, a farastu demodand Trap: Opening or smashing an urn triggers a wail of
stands watch in a 10-foot-squareroom (area4C). When the banshee spell that affects all creatures within a 40-
one or more characters stand on a pit, the farastu pulls foot-radius spread. An urn can be lifted and moved
a stone leverset into the wallof area4C,opening the pit without activating the trap.
doors; the secret room contains two stone levers, one -/* Wail of the Banshee Trap: CR 10; magic device;
for eachpit. Apit canalsobe openedusinga knock spell touch trigger; no reset; spell effect (wail of the banshee,
or, once detected, it can be forced open with a success caster level 17th,DC 23 Fortitude negates);multiple tar
ful DC 30 Strength check. gets (kills up to 17 creatures); Search DC 34; Disable De
Creature: The farastu in area 4C serves the Cage vice DC 34.
wrights.If charactersdiscoverand open the secretdoor Treasure:Each urn has a 20% chance of containing a
leading to its chamber,it brazenly charges forth to at valuable item. Ifthe characters smash or search an urn,
tack them. consult the Shatterhorn Treasure Table to determine
•^ Farastu Demodand: hp 68;see Appendix 4. what, if anything, they find.
Trap: The pit traps in areas 4A and 4B are well hid
den. When the appropriate lever in area 4C is pulled, 6. BROKEN URNS (EL 10)
the lid of each pit opens in the middle,droppingcrea
tures into the pit. Pit 4A is 30 feet deep and filled with This unlit passage contains ten five-foot-deepalcoves.
whirlingblades the size of longswordsthat shred any Large ceramic urns occupy eight of the alcoves, and
thing that falls in, dealing slashing damageeach round; the two remaining alcoves contain shattered urns and
these blades are treated as magic weaponsfor the pur sawdust. To the north, the tunnel has collapsed.
poses of penetrating damage reduction. Pit 4B is 30 feet
deep and has large stone rollers 10 feet down (and 10 This area is similar in all respects to area 5,including
feet above the pit's floor) that pulverize anything that the presence of several ivai'1 of the banshee traps on the
drops in; creatures that survive the rollers land on a bed urns. The eight intact burial urns contain the mummi
of poisoned iron spikes. fied remains of yuan-ti packed in sawdust; these urns
V Whirling Blades Pit (area 4A): CR12; mechanical; are trapped and may contain treasure. The southern
location trigger; manual reset; DC 22 Reflexsave avoids; most smashed urn used to contain a yuan-ti mohrg
30 ft. deep (3d6, fall); whirling blades every round guardian, but Ssythar Nahazir took command of the
(iod8+io, slashing, Reflex DC 25 half); Search DC 25; creature and moved it to area 1. The western smashed
Disable Device DC 30. urn wasn't sealed properly and cracked open on its own,
V Grinding Poison Spike Pit (area 4B): CR 12; me spilling its contents onto the floor. Characters search
chanical; location trigger; manual reset; DC 22 Reflex ing the refuse find the moldering, desiccated remains
save avoids; stone rollers (iod6, bludgeoning) and 30 ft. of a pureblood yuan-ti priest with no valuables. Five
deep (3d6, fall); pit spikes (Atk +15 melee, id4 spikes per canopic jars containing the dead priest's shriveled vital
target for id4+5 plus poison each);poison (purple worm organs lie amid the remnants of the urn.
poison, DC 24 Fortitude save resists, initial damage id6
Str, secondary damage 2d6 Str); Search DC 25; Disable
Device DC 30.
7. EMPTY ROOMS of damage (ReflexDC 15 half). Any crea
Much of the plaster has broken off the ture still in area 10 when the pillar
walls here, revealing the black stone un rises is effectively trapped there, as
derneath. These rooms are otherwise there's no way to lower the pillar
empty. This area might make from within the secret vault.
a suitable redoubt for char Creatures: In addition to the
acters that need to regroup sinking pillar, this hall contains one
and heal. of the Cagewrights—a blackguard
named Alurad Sorizan. Until
8. PREPARATORY recently, Alurad spent most
CHAMBER of his time disposing of ad
venturers sent to Cauldron to
This torchlit cham investigate the trouble there.
ber contains two oval His morbid fascination
stone tables with built- with slaughter and
in shelves beneath them. evisceration puts
The shelves are lined with off most of the
clayjars and tattered fu other Cagewrights.
nereal vestments and He wears a cloak «.'
wrappings. The murals on and gloves made
the walls depict yuan-ti burial of stitched human
rituals: the removal of vital or skin, and he keeps
gans,the placement ofthe organs the ripped-out hearts of
in clay canopic jars, the mummifi his victims in his quarters
cation of the body, the placement of (area 12). Alurad has shaggy
the remains in a large ceramic urn, and Alurad Sorizan black hair, blood-red tattoo pat
the ritual sealing of the urn. terns on his face, and the unholy symbol of Eryth-
nul prominently displayed on his shield. Alurad and
Yuan-ti priests used the stone tables during mum his fiendish dire badger servant hide behind the two
mification rituals. The shelves under the tables hold easternmost pillars, ready to leap out and attack the
empty clay canopic jars (for storing vital organs) and characters when they least expect it.
black funeral wrappings. A strange madness has overcome Alurad Sorizan. He
believes he is Adimarchus. If one or more of the char
9. SERPENTINE HALL (EL 16) acters acquired the Smoking Eye template as a result
of completing that adventure, "Adimarchus" senses that
The four innermost pillars of this chamber bear lit they have been to his lost realm and says, "You dare to
torches in serpentine sconces, and the flickering steal from me? Occipitus is mine, not yours, and so it
light casts sinister shadows upon the walls, ceiling, will always be." He focuses all of his attacks on such
and floor. Some of the pillars are cracked and crum characters and orders his fiendish dire badger servant
bling, revealing slick black stone beneath the plaster to attack them as well.
murals. The murals depict masses of writhing snakes £ Alurad Sorizan, male human cleric 6/fighter 2/
and yuan-ti clad in black robes and golden armor. blackguard 8 (Erythnul);hp 164; see Appendix 4.
^ Fleshripper, fiendish dire badger: hp 92; see
One of the northwest pillars (marked "S"on the map) Appendix 4.
bears a mural of a masked pureblood yuan-ti priest Tactics: Given sufficient preparation time, Alurad
(Ssythar Vassha) dressed in black robes and wearing a quaffs a potion of extended bear's endurance(lasts 6 min
golden coronet. In one hand the yuan-ti priest clutch utes) and a potion of heroism (lasts 30 minutes), then
es a green viper, and the other hand is outstretched casts freedom of movement (80 minutes), bull's strength
and has an eyeball set into its palm. A successful DC (lasts 6 minutes), shield offaith (lasts 6 minutes), and di
25 Search check reveals that the palm's eye can be de vinefavor(lasts 10 rounds) on himself The potions and
pressed. Pressing the eye causes the entire pillar to divinefavor spell modify Alurad's statistics as follows:
sink into the floor. The pillar drops 25 feet, revealing a hp 196;AC 27, touch 13, flat-footed 27; Grp +20; Atk +26
secret vault underneath (area 10). The pillar stops de melee (idio+9/17-20,+1 bastardsword of mightycleaving)
scending once it becomes flush with the floor of the or +18 ranged (^4+8/19-20 plus poison, dagger); Full
secret chamber. The top of the pillar contains a visible Atk+26/+21/+16melee (idio+9/17-20, +1 bastardsword of
stone plate; if stepped on, the plate causes the pillar mightycleaving)or +18 ranged (^4+8/19-20 plus poison,
to ascend to the floor level of area 9. One round later, dagger); SV Fort +19, Ref +7, Will +14; Str 22, Con 18;
the pillar rises to the ceiling. Anything atop the pillar Bluff +11, Diplomacy +5, Disguise +3 (+5 acting), Hide
when it reaches the ceiling is crushed for 2od6 points +20, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (religion) +6.
Upon confronting foes, Alurad threatens to carve out 15th,4d6/roundfor 15 rounds,ReflexDC 22half);Search
their hearts and add them to his "altar"(see area 12). If DC 33; Disable Device DC 33.
Fleshripper is killed or Alurad is reduced to 30 or fewer Treasure: The western chest holds 1,500 pp. The
hit points, he flees and hides in area 12, casting nonde- northern chest contains ten eye agates (10 gp each),six
tection on himself and making his final stand there. carnelians (50 gp each), four deep green spinels (100
gp each), four violet garnets (500 gp), two white opals
10. SUNKEN VAULT (EL 9) (1,000 gp each), and a fire elementalgem. The eastern
chest contains id4 items rolled randomly on the Shat
This unlit fifteen-foot-square room contains four terhorn Treasure table. The southern chest contains a
statues in alcoves. The statues depict halfblood serpent's eye on a green velvet cushion; the serpent'seye
yuan-ti warriors with humanoid bodies and ser has 7 charges remaining. The serpent'seye is detailed in
pentine heads. Each statue holds a stone chest in Appendix 2.
its claws, and the front of each chest is carved with
a demonic face. 11. STATUE OF SSYTHAR VASSHA (EL 15)

One can reach this vault via the "sinking pillar" in the A six-foot-tall black marble statue stands at the end
chamber above (see area 9 for details).The statues are of this fifteen-foot-widehall, facing west. It depicts
handsomely carved yet nonmagical. The stone chests a humanoid creature with subtle snakelike features
are actuallypart of the statues, but they can be opened clad in a black robe and wearing a coronet. In one
and hold the Treasure. All of the chests are fitted with a outstretched hand it grasps a viper, and its other
locking mechanism (Open Lock DC30), and the south outstretched hand has an unblinking eye set into its
ern chest is trapped(seeTrap,below). palm, staring blindly down the passageway.Behind
<j? StoneYuan-tiStatues:6 feet tall; Hardness8;hp 150 the statue is a five-foot-deep empty alcove.
(30 for stonechest);Break DC 30 (25 forstone chest).
Trap: Touching the southern chest causes it to expel The statue depicts the pureblood yuan-ti prophet
an incendiarycloud spell that fills the room. Ssythar Vassha. The statue of Ssythar Vassha is fixed to
Y* IncendiaryCloud Trap: CR 9; magic device; touch the floor and cannot be lifted or pushed over without
trigger; no reset; spell effect (incendiarycloud,caster level breaking it. However, a successful DC 20 Search check


reveals that the statue stands atop a circular flagstone scouring the dungeon for a suitable lair, stumbled
with built-in rollers that enable the statue to be turned upon this crypt. She removed Vassha's mummified
to face any direction. Ifthe statue is turned to face the corpse from its resting place, unceremoniously scat
eastern alcove, the back wall of the alcove rises into tered his bones around the base of the sarcophagus,
the ceiling.This "back wall"is actually a hollowed-out and took it as her own. A small hole chiseled into
10-foot-high,5-foot-wide,5-foot-thickstone shell.As it the lid allows Mhad to enter and leave the sarcopha
rises into the ceiling, it reveals the Creature and area gus in gaseous form. Lifting the lid requires a DC 23
13 beyond. Strength check.
IjJ Statueof SsytharVassha:6 feet tall; Hardness 8;hp When the Cagewrightsarrived at Shatterhorn, they
150; Break DC 30. struck up a tenuous alliance with Mhad, inviting her
Creature: The hollow stone shell that seals off area 13 to join their cause. Hunted by powerful enemies and
contains a 9-foot-long crystal snake that's released once desperately seekingallies,the vampire happily agreed.
the shell rises into the ceiling.The transparent crystal Recent events in Cauldron have soured Mhad on the
snake is filled with bright energy that illuminates a 15- alliance, and she has retreated to her crypt to consider
foot radius and provides shadowy illumination out to a other options. Mhad enters and leaves the crypt by as
30-foot radius. Once released, it attacks any non-yuan-ti suming gaseous form and slipping through a crack in
it encounters. a wall between area 12 and area 13, thereby circumvent
? Crystal Snake:hp 165; see Appendix 1. ing the crystallinesnake that lurks in the hollowpillar
between here and area 11.
12. ALURAD'S CHAMBER Four everburning torches are mounted to the piflars
and can be removedeasily.They fill the room with flick
This large chamber has slimy black walls with bits of ering orange light and waveringshadows.
painted plaster clinging to them. Around the base of Creatures: Unless she was destroyed in Chapter Eight,
the walls lie the broken fragments of murals. Four Mhad is resting inside the sarcophagus, watched over
pieces of furniture rest in the middle of the room: a by her undead minions. Mhad's shadow companion
wooden cot, a monstrous wooden chest with clawlike floats above the sarcophagus, but as soon as it detects
feet, a table covered with clayjars and lit candles, and intruders, it sinks into the sarcophagus and wakes its
a wooden chair draped with skin. mistress. Mhad is swathed in a black shroud that is, in
fact, a dread wraith called Hate. Both the vampire and
The furnishings belong to the blackguard Alurad the dread wraith emerge the followinground, while the
Sorizan (see area 9). The cot is where he sleeps. The shadow hides in the sarcophagus (attacking the first
wooden chest has a built-in superior lock (Open Lock creature that peers inside). If Mhad was destroyed in
DC 40) and contains the Treasure. The table holds Chapter Eight she and her incorporeal companions are
twelve clay canopic jars splattered with dried blood, not present.
each one containing the heart of one of Alurad's past ^ Mhad, female half-elf vampire monk 9/shadow-
victims. Coupled with the lit candles, the table serves as dancer 4: hp 90; MonsterManual251.
a morbid altar to Erythnul (the god of slaughter). The ? Shadow: hp 19; MonsterManual221.
flesh draping the chair belongs to a former comrade ? Hate (dreadwraith):hp 104; MonsterManual258.
whom Alurad betrayed, killed, and skinned. Tactics: If she has time to rise from her undead
Treasure:Alurad's chest contains trophies taken from slumber, Mhad uses her hide in plain sight ability and
victims of his wrath, including an adamantine battleaxe, crouches atop the sarcophagus, ready to spring into ac
a +1 axiomaticscimitarwrapped in human skin, a +1 evil tion. She uses Spring Attack to leap forward, strike once
outsiderbane spiked chain, a +1 shocking burst kukri, four +1 with her +2 keen kama, and leap back onto the sarcoph
cold iron arrows,three +2boltsof wounding,a scroll of sym agus. If her enemies close to within melee range, she
patheticvibration,and a lesserrod of empowermetamagic. attacks with a flurry of unarmed strikes, coupling her
first attack with her Stunning Fist feat (Fortitude DC 22
13. TOMB OF SSYTHAR VASSHA (EL 18) negates) and using the sarcophagus as higher ground
(+1 bonus on attack rolls).Shecan use this feat ten times
The walls of this secret vault are painted with murals per day. Against ranged foes, she uses her dominate
depicting yuan-ti warriors in golden armor marching ability (Will DC 17negates), her +1frost sling,or her chil
toward the east end of the room. Some of the plaster dren of the night ability to call up id6+i rat swarms.
has cracked and fallen away, revealing wet black walls Trap: Lifting the sarcophagus lid triggers a trap.
underneath. Two thick pillars support the twenty- Scythelike blades hidden in the sides and seams of the
foot-high ceiling. Serpentine sconces built into the sarcophagus slash madly about, striking any creatures
pillars hold flaming torches. standing in adjacent squares (Reflex DC 24 half). The
scythe blades are coated in a supernatural yuan-ti poi
This tomb was built to hold the remains of Ssythar son that saps all moisture out of living creatures, turn
Vassha, a powerful yuan-ti cleric of Merrshaulk. Sev ing its victims into desiccated husks. The trap resets
eral years ago, a half-elf vampire named Mhad, while when the lid is put back into place.
V Poisoned Scythe Trap: CR 12; mechanical;loca The basin once served as a yuan-ti bath. A drain at
tion trigger; manual reset (trap resets the bottomof the basin allowsthe waterto bleedaway,
when lid is replaced); and a decanter of endless water embedded in the wall
scythe blades (+20 provides a steady water supply.The gold statuettes are
melee,id4 blades per described under Treasure, be
target for 2d4+5/x4 low. Characters who can see
plus poison each); invisible objects or have
poison (DC 24 For true seeing see a shim
titude save resists, mering portal,
initial and second 4 feet wide and
ary damage 2d6 Con); 8 feet high, in
Search DC 25; Disable the middle of the
Device DC 25. room. The portal
Treasure: In addi is the hidden doorway to a
tion to her gear, Mordenkainen'smagnificent man
Mhad keeps sion spell, but the characters
several items of can't pass through it. Xokek, the
value in the shadar-kai Cagewright, has sealed
sarcophagus, himself and two death slaadi inside
hidden in a the mansion. Ifthe mansion is suc
secret com cessfully dispelled, Xokek and the
partment (DC slaadi appear instantly in the middle
25 Search check of the room.
to locale). These Creatures: Xokek hates the world and
items include a periapt everyone in it. He struggles with the same
of wound closure,a python rod, a shadow curse that afflicts all shadar-kai (who
scroll of blade barrier,a scroll ofsum are also known as "shadowfey"). Xokekjoined the
mon monster VII, a potion of rage, a potion of Cagewrightsbecause their apocalyptic vision of a world
greater magicfang (+2), a coffer containing 260 pp, and enslavedby the fiendish hordes appealedto him, and he
id4 items from the ShatterhornTreasures table (see quicklybecame a member of the "inner circle"by dem
page 68). onstrating his glaring misanthropy and subtle guile.He
remains locked away in his Mordenkainen'smagnificent
14. ILLUSORY PILLARS (EL 18) mansionand has forbidden entry to all others excepthis
Two of the pillars in this hall are illusory,created by two death slaad companions, who assume the forms of
permanent image spells (caster level 18th). A true seeing shadar-kai monks.
spell pierces the illusion and reveals the Creatures Xokek, like all shadar-kai, is a graceful, stealthy fey
standing "inside"them. The illusory pillars can also be with gray skin and black eyes. He stands slightly over
detectedvia a thorough inspection of the pillars(Will 5 feet tall, has long black hair, and wears dark clothing
DC 23 disbelief). that seems to pull the shadows around him. The death
Creatures: Two half-iron golems stand within the slaadi appear as unarmed shadar-kai wearing body-
illusory pillars, stepping out to attack characters tight black leather.
who enter areas 15 or 16. The Cagewrights experi •^ Xokek, male shadar-kai wizard (illusionist) 13/
mented on two half-ore fighters, promising them rogue 2:hp 71; see Appendix 4.
great power. Instead, they joined iron plates and ^ Death Slaadi (2): hp 142 each; MonsferManual 231.
metal limbs to their flesh and transformed them Tactics: The slaadi stand between Xokek and his en
into obedient constructs. emies. They rely on their natural attacks, stun ability,
^ Krojen and Tyrrx, male half-iron-golem half-ore and potent spell-like abilities, and if one slaad dies,
fighter 13: hp 129,113;see Appendix 4. the other uses its summon slaad ability to bring forth
reinforcements (1-2 blue slaadi, 60% chance of suc
15. SECRET MANSION (EL 18) cess). Meanwhile, Xokek uses his hide in plain sight
ability while casting silent haste and silent shadow
The north and south walls of this room are carved puppeteer(in that order), followed by shadowdagger.He
with two-foot-high niches, two per wall. A one-foot- looks for opportunities to flank opponents and make
tall gold statuette of a yuan-ti abomination stands sneak attacks using his shadow dagger. Xokek relies
in each niche. An eight-foot-diameter, semicircular on his major cloak of displacementto protect him from
stone basin emerges from the eastern wall opposite attacks and uses teleport to escape if reduced to 6 or
the doorway, its sides carved with serpentine engrav fewer hit points.
ings. Water pours out of a stone snake's head carved Treasure: The four niches each contain a solid
above the basin, filling it. gold statuette of a ruby-eyed, serpent-bodied yuan-ti
abomination wielding a pair of scimitars or a long mural as a standard action gains the benefits of a par
bow. Each statuette is worth 1,500 gp. Digging the de ticular spell (caster level 9th): invisibility(west mural),
canter ofendlesswater out of the wall requires 10 min cure light wounds (north mural), and shield offaith (east
utes of work, or a spell like stone shape. mural). Each mural can be used seven times per day.
Destroyingor defacinga mural (Hardness2; hp 5) also
16. SERPENT SENTINEL (EL 5) destroys its magical property.
DevelopmentIf SsytharNahazirfled from area 1,he
This room is empty except for the serpentine wall can be found here. He uses the northern mural to heal
murals, pieces of netting in the corners, and iron himself then uses the other murals as needed. If she sur
hooksjutting from the ceiling.Asinister,serpent-like vived ChapterEight,ThifiraneRhiavadiis hereas well.
hissingbeginsassoonasa livingcreatureapproaches
within twenty feet of this room. This room appar 19. PORTCULLISES
entlyonceservedas sleepingquarters for the yuan-ti Aheavy iron portcullisblocksthis archway.Astone le
priests.They used to hang hammock nets from the verjuts from the wall ofan adjacentalcove,and pulling
ceilinghooks,and a few tracesof their old hammocks up- on the lever raises the portcullis.The stone lever
fie strewn in the corners. is too heavy for a mage hand spell to move, but an un
seen servant or telekinesis works. A creature with more
Trap: A permanent serpentsentinelspell (caster lev than a 5-footreach can also lift the lever from the south
el 18th) has been cast in the middle 5-foot square of side of the portcullis, but squeezing an arm through
this room. The serpent sentinel spell is similar in all the bars to reach the lever requires a successful DC 30
respects to the Mordenkainen'sfaithfulhound spell, ex Escape Artist check.
cept that it manifests as a hissing serpent instead of a IjJ Iron Portcullis: 2 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 60; Lift
barking dog. DC 25; Break DC 25.


This fifteen-foot-wide hall stretches from east to This is some sort of temple, its walls covered with
west. The plaster wall murals have broken away in murals of gigantic, entwined black and gold snakes,
places, revealing slimy black stone beyond. Most of its ceiling thirty feet high. A ten-foot-high stone bal
the murals show yuan-ti engaging in morbid ritu conyclingsto the north walland overlooksthe rest of
als or hunting humans in the forest. One particu the chamber. Flanking the balcony are two stone bra
larly graphic mural along the southern wall depicts ziers carved with serpentine motifs. To the south, be
a twenty-five-foot-longserpent with maroon scales, a tween several thick pillars, rests a six-foot-wide,nine-
pair of arms, and the vague shape of a human torso. foot-tall black stone egg carved with strange runes.
In place of a head, six long serpents project from the The egg rests atop a two-foot-high stone base shaped
top of its torso. Yuan-ti priests wearing black robes like a claw,holding the egg in place.
and golden masks genuflect before the horrid abomi
nation. Wrapped in the creature's coils are several hu An unhallowspell (caster level 9th) wards this cham
man sacrifices. ber and area 21 above. Creatures in the room gain the
benefits of magic circle againstgood. All turning checks
The large mural on the south wall depicts a yuan-ti made to turn undead take a -4 penalty, and turning
anathema, revered by the yuan-ti as an incarnation of checks to rebuke undead gain a +4 profane bonus
their deity (see Fiend Folio,page 193).The eastern end of (spell resistance does not apply to this effect). Evil
the hall has collapsed, and the western end holds a pair creatures in the area also gain the benefit of afreedom
of heavy iron portcullises (see area 19). of movementspell.
The black egg is a magically treated, 8,000-pound
18. CAGEWRIGHTS' QUARTERS stone ovoid called the Egg of Merrshaulk.The runes
etched across its surface grant magical powers to
This torchlit room contains four beds draped with blan anyone who traces them (caster level 20th). The egg
kets and furs. The west, north, and east walls each bear a bears ten runes in all, and tracing a rune (a full-
mural depicting a loathsome serpent with a black body round action) causes it to glow for 6 hours, during
banded in swaths of bright crimson, its head vaguely which time the rune's power cannot be invoked
human, with stringy hair and yellowfangs. again. Each rune bestows a different spell-like effect
upon the tracer, as noted on the Runes of the Egg of
Four of the resident Cagewrights (Nahazir, Kyan, Vi- Merrshaulk table.
irdran, and Embril) use this room as sleeping quarters, The Cagewrights in the temple (see Creatures, below)
as well as a place to meditate or prepare spells. may avail themselves of the egg's powers. If they hear en
The wall murals depict three spirit nagas, and each emies approaching, they trace one or more of the runes
one radiates magic. Any creature that touches a naga to gain their power(in addition to preparing spells).
Rune Rune Name Spell Effect (Duration)
1 Arrythar Death ward Immunityto death spellsand negativeenergy(ld6 hours)
2 Dessath Spell resistance Spell resistance32 (ld6 hours)
3 Fyrraess Resistenergy Resistancetoacid 30 (ld6 hours)
4 Kjaras-eth True seeing True seeing(ld6 hours)
5 Mhavaess Resistenergy Resistanceto electricity30 (ld6 hours)
6 Thysstrune Stoneskin Damage reduction10/adamantine(ld6 hours)
7 Uraess Resistenergy Resistanceto fire 30(ld6 hours)
8 Vasshaess Greaterteleport Tracerteleportedinto the egg; Will DC 22 negates(instantaneous)
9 Yutharaess Resistenergy Resistanceto cold 30(ld6 hours)
10 Z'thareth Heal Heals up to 150 hp (instantaneous)

The wallssouth ofthe blackegg areadornedwithlife- to drink his potion ofharkskin+3 and pon'on of bear's en
sized murals depictingpurebloodyuan-tipriestswear durance,and to cast mage armor,shield,andfox's cunning.
ing black veils and clutchingsilver staffs shaped like ? Kyan Winterstrike, female elf wizard l/fighter 6/
coiled serpents. One of the southernmost pillars con arcanearcher 8: hp 75; see Appendix 4.
tains a secret door leading to a 5-foot-wide,20-footshaft ^ Viirdran Daraqor, male drow fighter 7/evoker 5/
with a stone ladder (see Dungeon Featuresfor more in eldritchknight 3: hp 78 (108 with bear's endurance);see
formation). The ladder climbs 10 feet to area 21. Appendix 4.
Creatures:Two Cagewrights ^ Farastu Demodands (2): hp 80,74;see Appendix4.
and two farastu demodands Tactics: If alerted to the presence of intruders, Kyan
can be found here. The first and Viirdran trigger the runes on the Egg ofMerrshaulk
Cagewright is an elf ar to gain various defensive benefits. If pressed for time,
cane archer named Kyan Kyan drinks her potion ofharkskin+5 (lasts 120 min
Winterstrike, and she utes) and casts expeditious retreat (lasts 10
stands next to the Egg of rounds) and shield (lasts 10 rounds). She
Merrshaulk. The other, a stays behind Viirdran,
dark elf eldritch knight peppering foes with ar
named Viirdran Daraqor, KyanW'mterstrike
rows while he engages
stands on the balcony. A in melee. Against large
few months ago,they were numbers of foes, she
bitter rivals, and now, inex uses her hail of arrows
plicably, they are madly in ability. If things turn
love with one another. The sour, she uses her lesser
other surviving Cagewrights amulet of the planes to
speculate that Kyan's and Vi- plane shift to Skullrot,
irdran's apparent insanity on the first layer of
may have something to do Carceri. She gambles
with the Egg of Merrshaulk, that the characters
when in fact they have been won't pursue her.
touched by the madness of At the first sign of
Adimarchus. The farastus trouble, Viirdran casts
lurk in the south end of the mage armor on himself
room, behind the pillars, but (lasts 5hours), followed
emerge to attack when in by protectionfrom energy
truders appear. (fire; lasts 50 minutes),
Kyan has jade green eyes shield (lasts 5 minutes)
and long, midnight-blue hair and fox's cunning (lasts
held back by an ornate silver 5 minutes). Finally, he
<fe headdress. She is otherwise the typical, pale-skinned el drinks his potion ofharkskin +3 (lasts 60 minutes) and
ven beauty. Viirdran has the black skin, white hair, and potion of bear's endurance (lasts 3 minutes). During the
sinister bearing common to all drow. His eyes flicker first round of combat, he casts haste (lasts 5 rounds; af
and flash like lightning, and he wears tight-fitting black fects up to five creatures), then draws his adamantine
clothing with weblike patterns. He moves with the dark rapier and leaps into battle. He uses his cold iron rapier
grace of a hunting spider. instead against any obvious fey or demonic targets. He
Kyan'sstatistics assume she has had time to drink her uses his Mobility feat to increase his AC by +5, taking a
potion ofharkskin+5 and to cast shield and expeditiousre -5 penalty on attack rolls. Like Kyan, he flees to Carceri
treat. Likewise, Viirdran's stats assume he has had time if things go badly.
As soon as foes are detected, the farastus try to sum crystalslab in the middle of the room. An enigmatic
mon more demodands (id4 farastus; 30% chance of figure looms above her—a scrawny white-skinned
success).Whether their attempts fail or succeed, they humanoid dressed in black robes, with a vaguelybird
and any other farastusthat appear attack the following like face, large dark eyes, a long neck, and six spindly
round and fight until slain.The Cagewrightspull back arms. It waves its arms over the woman, as though
to give the demodandsroom to fight, if necessary. unleashing some invocation.
Trap: The "vasshaess"rune carved into the Egg of
Merrshaulk is part of a trap. Any Medium or smaller An unhallowspell (casterlevel 9th) wards this cham
creaturetracing the rune is instantly teleported inside ber and area 20 below. Creatures in the room gain the
the egg (Will DC 22 negates).The egg is hollow and benefits of magic circle againstgood. All turning checks
filled with flesh-eating acid. Any creature trapped in made to turn undead take a -4 penalty, and turning
side takes iod6 acid damageper round, and maystart to checks to rebuke undead gain a +4 profane bonus
drown.The egg can be smashed open, although doing (spell resistance does not apply to this effect). Evil
so disgorgesthe acid within,spillingit acrossthe floor; creatures in the area also gain the benefit of ^freedom
any creaturestanding on the floor within 15 feet of the of movementspell.
smashed egg takes id6 points of acid damage (Reflex One of the alcoves contains a stone ladder de
DC 15 half).The aciddrains away through cracksin the scending a 5-foot-wide,10-foot-deep shaft to area 20.
floor after 1round. Ifthe black egg is broken, it loses its A secret door in the northwest alcove conceals a pas
magical properties. sage leading to area 22.
The egg traps one creature at a time, during which Creatures: The three ceramic urns
the "vasshaess" rune glows and remains inactive. contain the mummified remains of
While the other runes become three yuan-ti pureblood
inert for 6 hours after use, clerics, their desiccated
the "vasshaess" stops glow remains suspended in
ing as soon as the creature sawdust, their organs
trapped inside the egg dies placed in clay canopic
and liquefies. jars at the bottom of
y* Egg of Merrshaulk CR each urn.
12; magical; touch trigger; auto The figure lying on the
matic reset; teleportation slab is Embril Alousti-
(Will DC 22 negates nai, a raven-haired
into acid (iod6 acid beauty. Embril is
per round);Search ^ not dead, but she
DC 34; Disable De has transferred
vice DC 34; Hard her life force
ness 16; hp 180; into a black
Break DC 39. magic jar gem
Development: If clutched to her
Kyanor Viirdran is chest. The enig
killed or incapaci matic six-armed
tated, the other figure standing
cries out, "I will next to her is a
avenge you, my spell weaver that
love! Our salvation Embril recently
waits for us in Carc resurrected. Nor
eri!" He or she then flees mally, spell weavers do
Viirdran Daraqor
to Skullrot on Carceri, using a not associate or communicate
lesser amulet of the planes. Ifthe with other races, but this particular spell weaver feels
characters pursue the fleeing Cagewright, proceed with obliged to help Embril realize her plan to free Adi
Chapter Twelve. marchus from Carceri, as deranged and malevolent as
that plan might seem. The spell weaver communicates
21. EMBRIL'S JAR (EL 20) with Embril via telepathy.
Hidden inside the ceramic burial urns are three
The murals that adorn the walls of this irregularly greater shadows, one per urn, all under Embril's com
shaped room depict scenes of yuan-ti engaging in mand. They emerge if Embril's soulless body or the
carnal pleasures and offering sacrifices to an aspect spell weaver is attacked.
of their dread god, who appears as an enormous ser Embril intends to prove her devotion to Nerull with
pent with multiple heads—some vaguely humanoid, a worthy sacrifice; in her madness, she believes that
others snakelike. A human woman lies atop a black a suitable sacrifice will allow her to commune with
ps ^

Nerull, unlock the secret of escapingCarceri,and use up her own body and the magicjar gem it clutches
this knowledge to free Adimarchus from the prison (a move action) and then uses plane shift to travel to
plane. She intends to take over a character'sbody, thus Carceri with them.
trapping the character'slife force in the magicjarrecep The greater shadows gang up on one foe, hoping to
tacle. She then plane shifts to Carceriwith the magicjar take down that character quickly. The unhallow effect
gem and her body, where she waitsfor a representative makes them harder to turn.
of Nerull to arrive and claim the character's soul. Em A'cautious creature, the spell weaver has cast mind
bril does not keep a familiar, as she sees them as more blank as well as protectionfrom evil to shield itselfagainst
a liability than a benefit to her safety.The spell weaver Embril's magicjar spell. It guards Embril's body un
harbors secret doubts that Embril's plan will succeed, til she successfully possesses one of the characters, at
but it uses a mind blank spell to concealsuch thoughts which point it gives her the focus she needs to cast her
from Embril and others. planeshift spell (a forked metal rod). Once she vanishes,
^ Embril Aloustinai, female human wizard 5/cleric the spell weaver continues to fight the PCs as long as it
9/mystic theurge 5 (Nerull):hp 66;seeAppendix4. looks like they don't have the upper hand in combat; if
^ Advancedspell weaver:hp 86; seeAppendix4. they do, it teleportsawayto safety.
? Greater Shadows (3): hp 58each; MonsterManual221. Treasure: Each of the ceramic burial urns contains
Tactics: Embril's life force can remain inside the a valuable item, determined by rolling on the Shat
magic jar gem for up to 10 hours. While her soul terhorn Treasure Table. Embril's replica Leomund's
is confined to the magicjar gem, Embril senses all secret chest can be used to recall the actual chest from
living creatures within 100 feet (provided they are the Ethereal Plane; the larger chest is worth 5,000
$*°i$ within line of sight of the gem); she can tell these gp and is trapped. It contains a scroll of cone of cold
v life forces apart from the spell weaver's as it has a
protectionfrom evil spell in effect, which protects it
(caster level 10th), a scroll of heal (caster level 14th),
a wand of cure moderate wounds (24 charges), Embril's
CO. from magicjar and other attempts at possession. As spellbook, and a tome of understanding+1.
r^\ soon as she notices them, Embril tries to possess Trap: Embril's secret chest has a greater cjlyph of ward
s6»n*( one of the characters as a full-round action. Ifthe at ing placed on it (caster level 14th)that triggers a slaj> liv
tempt fails, she tries to possess a different character ingspell if anyone other than Embril opens it.
the following round. Once she succeeds in taking a V* GreaterGlyph ofWarding:CR7;spell; spell trigger;
host body, Embril uses the possessed body to scoop no reset; spell effect (slaj> living, i4th-level cleric, death,
DC 20 Fort save for 3d6+i4 damage); Search DC 31, Dis BEHITlD*HESCEnES:
able Device DC 31. STRIKE En SHA**ERHHRn
Development If Embril escapes to Carceri with her As this chapterprogresses,Adimarchus'sdreams gain
body and the magicjar gem containing the character's power. Although the PCs prevented the formation
life essence, she arrives on Carceri and casts commune of the link between the Material Plane and Carceri,
to contact Nerull and alert him that she has a soul for the link was open long enough to augment the
him in return for the key to releasingAdimarchus.She sleepingdemon'stormenteddreams.After50years of
then waits for Nerull or one of his minions to come for imprisonment,Adimarcus'scageis beginningto fail.
the capturedsoul; she doesn't have long to wait. Nerull
accepts her offering, but does not fulfill her desires
completely.Rather than return to the MaterialPlane, to smash together. Secondslater, the blocks retract into
Embril decides to use her greater scrying spell to seek the walls, ready to crush the next creature that passes
out Adimarchus and teleports to his Carcerian prison, between them.
an asylum called Skullrot,only to be captured by the V Crushing Walls Trap: CR 10; mechanical; prox s ^
asylum's lichfiend warden. imity trigger (alarm);automatic reset; lever bypass; no
Characters wishing to rescue their abducted com attack roll required (i8d6, crush, Reflex DC 23 half);
rade must travel to Carceri as detailed in Chapter Search DC 25;Disable Device DC 27.
Twelve. Until the missing character's body is recov
ered, you should allow that player to take on the role CHnCLUDiriG
of a cohort, or perhaps one of their other allies from *HE CHAF-FER
the region (such as one ofthe Striders of Fharlanghn, This chapter concludes as the PCsdefeat the final Cage
Jenya, or Nidrama). Of course, once their missing wright in the ruins below the ancient yuan-ti fortress.
companion is dead, true resurrection can be used to Of course, some ofthe Cagewrights may flee to Carceri,
bring him backto life even though his body and soul but as long as at least three of them are slain, the blow
are on Carceri. In this case, Nerull considers the theft is enough to ruin the organization.
of Embril's gift an affront, and sends a marut after the Yet there remains one final enemy to overcome:
resurrected character within 24 hours to punish him Adimarchus himself The fallen angel (now an insane
for his escape. demon prince) is still imprisoned in Skullrot, a mas
^ Marut: hp 112; MonsterManual159. sive asylum built of skulls and located on Carceri. If
she escaped to Carceri, Embril still has a chance to
22. CRUSHING WALLS (EL 10) free Adimarchus, but even if she doesn't the steps the
Cagewrightshave taken have weakened his bonds. Very
No decorative murals adorn this narrow tunnel, soon, he'll escape from Carceri, return to the realm of
which wends through the black rock and curves off Occipitus on the Abyss, and quickly re-establish his
into darkness. empire and avenge his long imprisonment on those
responsible. The PCs may well be at the front of this
This 5-foot-wide hall joins areas 1 and 21, and a Trap list, simply for their involvement in the destruction of
has been placed here to crush the unwary. Pulling down his Cagewrights.
a stone lever east ofthe trap deactivates it and allows for Even if Embril still lives, the PCs should have
safe passage through the tunnel. some time to relax before the final chapter of the
Trap: Two large blocks of stone are set into the walls Shackled City Adventure Path begins. Carceri is a
ofthe tunnel 25feet from the secret door leading to area dangerous place; even- the most powerful heroes
1.Anycreature that passes between the blocks—wheth should take care to prepare before approaching the
er walking, climbing, jumping, or flying—causes them Asylum of Skullrot!
; *n>



•it. 8
The Cagewrightsare defeated.The Tree of Shack have a reason to venture to Carceri. Likewise, if you're
led Souls is no more. Lord Vhalantru has been playing "Asylum" as a stand-alone adventure, you'll
exposed and put down for the menace he truly need other reasons to send the PCs into Orthrys, the
was. The town of Cauldron has been saved from vol firstlayer of Carceriand the realm in which this adven
canic apocalypse.The heroes of Cauldron have earned ture takes place.
their place in history, and more than deserve a time Give the PCs some time to relax and recuperate after
of rest, yet fate is not so kind. For the true menace their adventures. They may wish to craft magic items,
behind the curtain still lives. As long as Adimarchus, research spells, or aid in the reconstruction of Caul
the demon prince of madness,continues to dream his dron. If they're lower than 19th level, you should con
haunted dreams and writhe away the years in torment sider' running them on a short side adventure or two
in the fiendish asylum of Skullrot, Cauldron can never first,so they'll be ready for the challenges ahead.
truly be safe.
If any of the Cagewrights fled to Carceri during EVENT 48. SMOKING EYES (EL 21)
"Strike on Shatterhorn," they are invariably drawn to In Chapter Eight the PCs defeated one ofthe primary
the asylumand to Adimarchus.The warden of Skullrot, villains in the Shackled City campaign, the beholder
however,quicklyovercomesthem,infectsthem withhis Vhalantru, who had infused his body and soul with the
touch of insanity,and locks them away for all time (see spirit ofa shatordemodandshortlybefore the climac
area 9 of Skullrotfor details)—anironic fate, to be sure. tic battle with the PCs. Vhalantru was most likely slain
Dark Myrakul takes exception to anyone who comes in this battle, but his mind, like those of the Cage
to Skullrot seeking to harm or free one of his "guests," wrights, had been touched by Adimarchus's insanity.
and he doesn't give up his prisoners for any price.The The loss ofthe beholder, and thus the loss of control
PCs may encounterthem as gibberingshells or evenas of Cauldron, was the first in a series of disastrous
cagedzombies,but theyhave nothing to fearfrom these events for Adimarchus that ultimately led to the Cage
Cagewrights now. wrights'downfalland the failureofthe ritual of planar
The one exception is Embril Aloustinai.If she es junction that should have opened a permanentportal
caped to Carceriwith a character'ssoul in her magicjar between Cauldron and Skullrot. Adimarchus's rage at
gem, sheuses communeto contactNerullandalertshim this loss sent out a powerful wave of insanity into his
that she has a soul to trade for Adimarchus's release. one-time realm of Occipitus on the Abyss, which re
Unfortunatelyfor Embril,Nerulldoesn't intend to fully acted immediatelyby creating a magical duplicate of
honor this bargain. He sends one of his favored min the slain beholder and infusing it with raw power and
ions to collect on the soul and tells Embril that only the Abyssal might.
SmokingEye canfree Adimarchus.Ifanyofthe PCshas For some time, the reborn Vhalantru wrestled with
this template,Embril becomesobsessedwith capturing confusion and madness. He could not comprehend how
that PC and bringing him to Adimarchus's prison. She he had been destroyed by a band of adventurers, nor
returns to the Material Plane and tracks that PC down, did he fully understand how he had come to be in this
intending to abduct him as well. alien realm. Had his thoughts been entirely his own,

In the previous chapter, the PCs defeated the last of S*AR*irtG *HE CHAPTER: ASYLlim
the Cagewrightsin their secret lair under the ruined Theaveragepartylevel should be 19 beforeyoubegin
yuan-ti stronghold of Shatterhorn.The PCs may have this chapter.Alternately,you can start this chapteras
their own reasons for traveling to Carceri after finish soon as the PCs choose to travel to Carceri, possibly
ing this adventure;some of the Cagewrightsmay have in pursuit of a fleeing Cagewright.In this case, you
fled to the prison plane, and ifthe PCs are particularly should run event 48 at some point between now
unlucky, one of the Cagewrights may have escaped to
Carceri with a PC's soul! return to the Material Plane to recover from their
If, on the other hand, the PCs managed to defeat the ordeal on Carceri.
Cagewrights completely, they may not immediately
Vhalantru could have become the new ruler of this kinesis,and killing and petrifyinganyone who tries to
Abyssal layer, yet his already questionablesanity had get in his way. As he does, he roars out the PCs' names
been shattered. Memories of his defeat at the PCs' hands amidst a storm of curses and sputtering epithets.Vha
seethedandtoreathim,andhe turnedall hispowerand lantru'sattack should occur when the PCs are together
might toward revenge. and nearby; they should hear of his assault soon after
It wasn't long before he realizedhe had also gained it begins.PracticalPCs mighttake the time to cast pre
some controlover the very chaos and evil of Occipitus. paratoryspells;compassionatecharactersprobablyrush
Having been "born" of the realm, he had gained the to fight the beholder immediatelyto prevent it from
Sign of the Smoking Eye, a guttering flame where his hurting more innocents.If you find the PCs are taking
centraleye had been. Using these powers,he began to too long to prepare their spells (more than a minute is
dominateOccipitusand bend it tohis will.Beforelong, certainly too long), feel free to have Vhalantru discover
he encounteredone ofthe realm'smost tragicinhabit where they are (perhaps from charmedtownsfolk)and
ants, the fallen astral deva Saureya.It took the beholder bring the fight to them.
several days to break through Saureya'scynicismand If the PCs respond to his challenge, the beholder
lingeringtattersof purity,but eventuallyhis ministra roars in rage as he notices them and attacks. If they
tions bent the fallen angel to his will and the fallen ignore him, Vhalantrucan do an amazing amount of
celestialagreedto useplaneshiftto send Vhalantruback damage beforehe is eventuallyslain.But killingthe be
to the Material Plane. holder won't solve the problem forever.
Creature:Vhalantruis, in manyways, a fragment of Vhalantruis now a 16-foot-diameterbloated sphere
the beholderhe oncewas. Hisschemingbrilliance,his of red pulsatingleatheryflesh coveredwithtinyspines
gift for deception,and his long-termgoals are gone, and dull chitinous plates. His central eye has been re
replaced by a relentless urge to destroy the PCs and placedby a ball of flame that gives off no heat and does
avenge his defeat. Plane shift doesn't send creatures not burn the surrounding flesh. Plumes of bitter smoke
exactlyto where they want to go,so it takes Vhalantru leak upward from the burning socket,yet the eye still
some time to return to Cauldron. When he arrives, functions as normal. Although his Abyssal rebirth has
though, he wastes no time. He's unsure of where the significantlyincreased his size and strength, Vhalantru
PCs are, but figures that they remain Cauldron's he should still be readilyrecognizableto PCs that have en
roes. If Cauldron was destroyedin "Thirteen Cages" countered him before.
his rage builds greater; he may have been evil, but ^ Vhalantru, Smoking Eye fiendish advanced be
Cauldron was his home too, and he blames its ruin holder: hp 346; see Appendix 4.
on the PCs. Tactics: As Vhalantru's attack can occur anywhere,
Vhalantru knows the region well,and it shouldn't take no maps are provided for this encounter. Vhalantru's
him long to find the refugees.Once he does, he begins attention shifts to the PCs once they arrive. Remem
a frothing frenzy of destruction, charming citizensand ber that he knows the PCs and their capabilities quite
settingthemagainsteach otherin battle,disintegrating well. He tries to keep spellcasters in the zone of his
building supports, hurling burning timbers with tele antimagic eye, uses his charm monster, charm per-
son, fear, inflict moder
ate wounds, sleep, and slow eye
rays on fighters and other characters with good Forti Even if the

s tude saves,and uses his finger of death, flesh to stone,

and disintegrate eyes on others. If a PC seems to be
particularly efficient at damaging him with a weapon,
he'll use his telekinesis eye to attempt to disarm the
PCs manage to
permanently prevent Vhalantru's body from return
ing to Occipitusto be reborn,they'llhave only gained
a small reprieve.Adimarchus's insanity simply targets
character. Vhalantru knows that if he dies, he'll soon other villains and minions. In time, the PCs could find
be reborn on Occipitus, and thus fights to the death themselvesfacing reborn Cagewrightsor any other vil
without fear. Nevertheless, he fights using his Combat lains from the Shackled CityAdventure Path like Hook
Expertisefeat to full effect in order to maximize his face, Tongueater, or Kaurophon. Only by destroying
time on the Material Plane. Adimarchus can this destructive cycle be broken.
Development:Vhalantruis a formidable opponent; if
the PCs are having a tough time with him, you should *HE FiriAL EnEiTlY
consider augmenting their strength with other power REVEALED
ful local NPCs like Jenya Urikas or Nidrama. Youshould With the reborn Vhalantru put down (even if tem
also consider running them through another adventure porarily),the PCs should realize that something still
before running the rest of "Asylum."If the PCs remains of the Cagewright menace. Unfor
can't handle Vhalantru, they'll have a tough tunately, no one on the Material Plane
time with what awaits them on Carceri. can provide further information. The
If Vhalantru is slain, his body van PCs must turn to divination magic
ishes in 33 rounds, reappearing to learn more. If none of the PCs
dead but intact on Occipitus. If can cast spells like divination,com
Adimarchus still lives, it is only a mune, or contact other plane, Jenya
few weeks before another surge Urikas, local high priestess of St.
of the demon prince's insanity Cuthbert, can intervene with a
reaches Occipitus and restores communespell.
the beholder to fife, at which You should use the results of
point he begins his quest for these divination spells to steer the
revenge against the PCs again. PCs toward Carceri. The one thing
Quick-thinking PCs can use spells that they shouldn't discover as the re
like dimensional anchor or dimensional sult ofthese spells,though, is Skullrot's
lock to prevent the body from return exact location. In order to prevent Adi
ing to Occipitus for as long as the spell marchus's release, Graz'ztwent through
lasts. Simply destroying the body great effort to imbue the asylum with
before it returns does not stop the wards and protection against dis
death-to-life cycle. covery via magic. Although the
So- Although Skullrot's location
on Orthrys cannot be divined by
magic,it can be learned through physical
means. Unfortunately, those fewwho know the
way to Skullrotareimprisonedon Orthrysalready.
To discover Skullrot's location, one must travel to
Orthrysand learnthe way fromone of thoseimpris
oned there.


Before the PCs leave for Carceri, they are con
tacted by someone they might have forgotten—
Nidrama, the angelic guardian ofthe Cauldron
region. Vhalantru's assault on the PCs and the
Cauldron refugees did not go unnoticed by Ni
drama, but as has happened many times be
fore, ancient (and as Nidrama is fond of saying,
outdated) strictures and rules governing celes
tial intervention in mortal affairs prevented
her from stepping in to provide aid. She took
a risk in attempting to aid the PCs before, to
the great displeasure of her superiors. With
deities Ihemselves the reborn Vhalantru's attack, Nidrama has fi
may know of its lo nally had enough and decides to throw in her
cation, mere mortal lot with the PCs.
magic such as commune Creature: Nidrama is a movanic deva, one of
or discern location cannot many angels charged with observing and repre
provide information about senting the needs of the Positive Energy Plane,
Skullrot other than that it is the Negative Energy Plane, and the Material
located on the first layer of Plane. Nidrama'scharge is the region surround
Carceri—Orthrys. ing Cauldron. She observed the transformation of the
Listed below are key pieces of information you spell weaver city into the Demonskar, the fall of the
shouldstrive to provide the PCs with when they begin yuan-ti empire around Shatterhorn, the ruin of Kyuss'
researchingthe situation;this informationmay come Spire of Long Shadows,and the demiseofthe powerful
about as the result of multiple spells,but ifthe PCs ask frost giant Jarl Khurok.And recently,she observed the
intelligent questions, you should make sure to reward rise in power ofthe Cagewrights and their destruction
them with the following points. by the PCs.
So- Adimarchusis the true enemy—thedriving force Nidrama has perfectly white skin and stern, spar
behind the Cagewrights.His name had been hid kling silvereyes. Apair of featheredwings spreads out
den from magic and divination for the past 50 behind her backand she wields a flaming greatsword.
years, but the defeat of his favored minions (the Although not very tough compared to the heroes, she
Cagewrights) has weakened these restraints. comes with an array of useful spell-like abilities and
So- Adimarchusis imprisonedin Skullrot, a mighty some knowledge of the planes, and can provide wel
asylum hidden somewhere on the first layer of come support to the characters during their travelsand
Carceri(Orthrys).Theexactlocationofthisasylum exploration of Carceri.
remains hidden from magic. Nidrama presents herself to the PCs not long af
So- The defeat of the Cagewrights has driven Adi ter they decide they must travel to Carceri to finish
marchus's insanity to new levels of power;his mad offAdimarchus, begging their understanding for her
ness can now "leak" out ofhis asylum to be funneled delay in coming to Cauldron's aid and offering her
into his one-time lair of Occipitus(the 507th layer skills and sword to them in any way they need to fur
of the Abyss). Given enough time, these "insanity ther their chances against the prisoner of Skullrot.
leaks"can engineer a method of releasinghim. If the PCs include obviously evil characters, Nidra
Jo- Vhalantru's resurrection is a direct result of Adi ma still offers her services to the PCs as long as the
marchus's insanity working on the malleable fea predominant party alignment is good or neutral, but
tures of Occipitus. As long as Adimarchus exists, she keeps an eye on evil characters and does her best
his insanity can infinitely re-create the beholder to treat them fairly and honorably in an attempt to
(and possibly other enemies) from the raw stuff teach them the error of their ways without preaching
of Occipitus. to them. Ifthe majority ofthe party is evil, you may
wish to replace Nidrama with a different outsider the is with the party. Once the characters have a working
PCs may have encountered in the past who nonethe knowledgeof Carceri,a DC 30 Knowledge(the planes)
less would like to see Adimarchus defeated. One like check allows them to narrow the field a bit to two key
ly alternate is Aushanna,the erinyes guardian ofthe locations on Orthrys that might contain information
shrine to the Sea Mother. about the location of Skullrot. If none ofthe PCs make
Since her encounter with the PCs some time ago, this roll, this information can be learned with several
Nidrama has known in her heart that she would even days of study in a well-stocked library. The two loca
tually go against the will of her superiors and ignore tions that may hold clues are:
celestial law to aid the PCs in whatever way she could. So- The Bastion of Lost Hope—an outpost for anar-
To prepare for this event,she has spent the intervening .chists and a marketplace for all sorts of goods; the
time training and honing her skills;although she is still PCs might be able to buy information about Skull
a fair bit less powerful than the PCs, she is quite a bit rot's location here.
more powerfulthan she was during their last meeting. So- Harrowfell—a terrible tower said to contain a gem-
One unfortunate (although by no means unforeseen by stone that grants mind blank to those who touch it,
Nidrama)result of her rebellion against celestial lawis - ruled by a strange marilith demon with a smok
the fact that she is now a fallen deva,and no longer has ing left eye. (AlthoughAdimarchus and Occipitus
the direct support ofthe celestialhost. She has lost sev are not mentioned, the smoking eye should clue
eral of her spell-like abilities and her protective aura the PCs in that the marilith has ties to the demon
specialquality as a result, and her weapons are not au prince of madness.)
tomaticallytreated as good-aligned for the purpose of For more information on the plane of Carceri, con
overcomingdamagereduction.Nevertheless,her ability sult page 161 ofthe Dungeon Master's Guide or pages
to cast aid, death ward, and prater at will makes her an 104-108 ofthe Manual ofthe Planes.
invaluable ally.
^ Nidrama, fallen movanic deva, fighter 6: hp 108; EXPLORING ORTHRYS
see Appendix 4. Characterswho plane shift to Carceri arrive in a random
Development:Nidrama is open and honest with the location on Orthrys, Carceri's first layer. If they use
PCs now. If asked whyshe hasn't helped the PCs more an amulet oftheplanes or lesser amulet ofthe planes, they
before this, she grows weary and sad, saying only that might be able to pinpoint their destination, so long as
she lacked the courage until now to go against celestial they know where they're going.
law. She's abandoned her place in the celestial hierar Orthrys is a realm of vast bogs and quicksand. The
chy in favor of directly intervening in mortal matters, River Styxruns freelythrough the layer,saturating the
and she's not willing to risk sabotaging her possible ground with its magic. Fetid swamps thrive where the
friendship and alliancewith the PCs by further with river does not flow, and though patches of dry ground
holding information.Nidramaknows much about the exist, they are rare and usually climb swiftly to rug
Cagewrights,Adimarchus,and the history of Cauldron. ged mountains. The perpetually crimson sky paints
Although not even she knows Skullrot's precise loca the jagged mountains and stinking bogs of Orthrys
tion, you can use her to answer any other outstanding in a hellish light, and swarms of insects feast upon
questions the PCs may have about the Shackled City travelers indiscriminately.
Adventure Path as you see fit. Terrain:Orthrys consists of vastbogs with quicksand
If one ofthe PCs'soulswas stolenbyEmbrilat the end pits, rocky crags, and rugged mountains.For rules on
of"Strikeon Shatterhorn,"you maywant to let that player moving through bogs and quicksand, see Marsh Ter
run Nidrama until his actual character is rescued. rain on page 88 of the Dungeon Master's Guide; for
rules on traveling through rugged mountain terrain,
*HE *AR*ERIAFl see Mountain Terrain on page 89 of the Dungeon
Hatred, betrayal, and despair suffuse the bleak plane Encounters: If the PCs find themselves slogging
of Carceri. Many of the creatures that dwell here are through the swamps or exploring some of the layer's
petitioners and exiles that have given up all hope of important sites, roll for random encounters every
escape. Portals on many planes allow travel to Carc hour using the Orthrys Random Encounters table be
eri, but almost none allow travel in the other direc low. Do not use any given encounter more than once.
tion. Only creatures with the ability to plane shift or If you need further encounters, you can use these four
the wherewithal to travel the River Styx hold any hope as templates.
of escape.
Before they travel to Orthrys, the PCs may wish to re HR*HRYS RAnDHIIl EnCHLin*ERS
search the layer.A DC 20 Knowledge(the planes) check D% Encounter EL
means the character knows a fair amount about the 01-25 Demodand squad 15
plane (approximately the same amount of information 26-50 Demon hunters 18

contained on page161 ofthe Dungeon Master's Guide, 51-75 Hunting slaadi 17

in fact). Nidrama can provide this information if she 76-100 Stygian marauders 18
Demodandsare the self-appointedkeepersofthe Carce Stygian marauders are tiefling outlaws who prey on
rian population.Jailersand wardensofthe prisonplane, travelers and pihage battlefields near the River Styx.
they are themselvestrapped here as surely as the peti They ride on nightmares.
tioners they watch. This demodand squad consists of a ? Stygian Marauders,tiefling fighter 2/rogue 10 (6):
huge,wrinkledshatorand ninelean,tar-oozingfarastus. hp 72 each; see Appendix 4.
This squadis travelingto Skullrotto pay tribute to its ^ Nightmares (6): hp 45 each; MonsterManual194.
warden,DarkMyrakul.Theyhave a singleprisonerthey
intend to offer up as a sacrifice to the warden: a half- THE BASTION OF LOST HOPE
celestial human paladin named Kharidian. Kharidian
is currently at o hit points and stuck fast to one ofthe A fortress made of black igneous rock squats in
farastus, encased in the demodand's adhesive slime. If a mountain range. The ambient, reddish light of
rescued,he helps the characterscompletetheir quest to Orthrys lends the place a brooding air of menace.
the best of his ability,givinghis life if necessaryto save Only one entrance offers itself a portal that one can't
one of theirs. help but notice strongly resembles the maw of a mas
Althoughthese demodands knowthe way to Skullrot, sive demonic toad.
they won'trevealits locationto othersunlessmagically
compelled(and doing so is against their nature, pos No one person rules the Bastion. Instead, it serves
sibly granting the compelled or charmed demodand an as an outpost for anarchists and a haven for some
additionalsave to throwoffthe enchantment).Thesur of the worst traitors ever to cross the planes. Here
est way to learn of Skullrot'slocationis to silentlystalk a traveler can obtain all manner of nefarious goods
the demodands, followingthem to their eventualdesti and services. Visitors to the Bastion would do well
nation. Of course,the PCs have no real way of knowing to remember that they're on a plane of liars and
where they'regoingwithoutusing magic. traitors, and to trust no one within its walls. Demo
^ Kharidian, male half-celestialhuman paladin 9: dands, Stygian marauders, night hags, and worse can
hp 90 (o currently);MonsterManual145. be found here, either plying a trade or shop
^ ShatorDemodand:hp 127; seeAppendix4. ping. Obviously good-aligned creatures (such
? Farastu Demodands (9): hp 68;see Appendix4. as Nidrama or a paladin) aren't particularly
welcome here, but if they can adjust the
This demon troupe is wanderingOrthrys looking
for trouble. It consists of a nalfeshnee, four hez-
rous, and six vrocks.
^ Nalfeshnee: hp 175; MonsterManual45.
^ Hezrous (4): hp 138 each;MonsterManual44.
^ Vrocks(6): hp 115 each; MonsterManual48.


Like the demons, slaadi on Orthrys
typically wander about looking for
trouble. This gang consists of a
death slaad, two gray slaadi, and
four blue slaadi.
^ Death Slaad: hp 142; Monster
Manual 231.
•J> Gray Slaadi(2): hp 95each;
MonsterManual 231.
* Blue Slaadi (4): hp 68
each; MonsterManual 229.
residents' initial attitude of unfriendly to helpful, Byakalaand her demons make a point of using the
the merchants agree to take their coin as well. As a crystal every day, and are always under the effects of
general rule, several hundred customers and mer a mind blank as a result. Byakala's long stay in Carceri
chants can be found here, many of them fairly pow has left her bitter, and as long as visitors don't insult or
erful. Characters starting a fight here should find threaten her, she has little interest in starting fights.
themselves quickly outnumbered and overwhelmed. ^ Byakala, Smoking Eye advanced marilith demon:
Information: Information is pricy at the Bastion; hp 216; see Appendix 1.
each attempt to Gather Information requires a bribe of ^ Hezrou Demons (2): hp 138 each; MonsterManual44.
at least 2,000 gp. The information brokers of the Bas ^ Babau Demons (5): hp 66 each; MonsterManual40.
tion are perfectly willing to accept payment in magic Development: If one ofthe characters acquired the
items, but they don't give change. With a successful Smoking Eye template as a consequence of complet
DC 20 Gather Information check, a character can learn ing the Test of the Smoking Eye, Byakala assumes
some factsabout the plane's "movers and shakers."With (perhaps wrongly) that the character has assumed
a successful DC 30 check, they can also learn the loca lordship of Occipitus. She tries to parley with the >*
tion and powers of certain planar touchstones, such as character, curious to know what brings the new lord
the tower of Harrowfell (see below). of Occipitus to the Tarterian depths, and she is se
Anyone who asks about Skullrot is met with poorly- cretly hopeful that the new lord has come to free her.
concealed claims of ignorance. Abribe of at least 10,000 Ifthe character has not claimed lordship of Occipitus
gp (or equivalent worth in magic items) and a success but tries to convince the demons otherwise, he must
ful DC 30 Diplomacy or Intimidate check is required succeed at a Bluff check. Ifthe check fails, the demons
to get any further information. Asuccessfulskill check attack. If the check succeeds, the demon troupe re
and bribe is enough to learn the asylum's location, but ports that a vast army of trapped fiends has recently
little more. dispersed throughout Orthrys, having failed in its
Equipment: The Bastion's gp limit for purchasing latest bid to escape the plane (this army is the same
magic items and equipment is 40,000 gp, although one the Cagewrightsfailed to release). Byakala'slost
pricesare generallydouble the normal asking price. any interest in serving demonic masters, and under
no circumstances does she agree to join forces with
HARROWFELL (EL 20) the PCs. If the PCs pressure her to join, she grows
angry and attacks them rather than risk becoming
A sixty-foot-tall,twenty-foot-diameter tower stands someone's minion once again.
atop a rocky crag, surrounded on all sides by bone- If on the other hand, the PCs tell Byakala they've come
strewn battlefields and fetid quagmires. A fence to Carcerito destroyAdimarchus,she reactswith disbe
of skull-capped spears follows a twenty-foot-long lief. With a successful DC 30 Diplomacy check, though,
rough-hewnstaircaseleading from the bog up to the the PCs can convince her of their sincerity, at which
tower's entrance, which stands agape.The tower itself point she grows visibly excited.Too cowardlyto stand
is made of broken weapons, armor, and bones, held againstthe demon prince herself,the thought of him be
together by terrible magic. ing put down greatlyappeals to her sense of vengeance.
She knows the way to Skullrot,and gladly gives direc
This appalling tower is built around the top of the tions to the asylum once she believes the PCs.
rocky crag.The toweris hollow,and sprouting from the
crag's peak is a 9-foot-tall black crystal vaguely resem SKULLRH*
bling a greatblackblade split down the middle.Travel Murky, stench-ridden bogs surround the asylum
ers come to Harrowfell to touch the V-shaped crystal of Skullrot, extending for miles in every direction.
and gain its power. Any creature that touches the crys Swarms of large black mosquitoes, more annoying
tal gains the benefits of a mind blank spell for 24 hours than dangerous, hound creatures attempting to cross
(caster level20th). the black quagmire. The swamp surrounding the asy
Creatures: This tower is currently held by a troupe lum is vast and trackless; once the PCs get directions to
of demons led by a cynical marilith named Byaka- the placethey can use spells like greater teleportor wind
la. Once one of Adimarchus's generals, Byakala walk to travel there quickly. Ifthe PCs are forced to use
was ironically imprisoned in Carceri by the demon more mundane means for travel, they'll need to tra
prince only a few months before he was himself verse 3d6xioo miles of stinking swamp to reach Skull
trapped here. Byakala has consigned herself to her rot. The swamp is fairlydangerous, and those traveling
fate, and for many decades has claimed Harrowfell as through it have a 15% chance per day of an encounter
her own. She has gathered several lesser demons to with one of its denizens. These encounters can be with
her side as minions, and charges visitors steep prices one ofthe random encounters from the chart above, or
for the honor of using the crystal at the crag's peak. with enemies of your own design. Fiendish black drag
Normal prices are either 2,000 gp (or the equivalent ons, demons, demodands, half-fiend 30-HD swamp
in magic items) or a live humanoid (to be used as krakens, thunderbeast behemoths and worse are said
food or worse). to lurk therein.
As charactersapproachwithin 5miles ofthe asylum, particular is truly massive in size, its ridged back
they notice trampled reeds and crisscrossingtracks. nearly as tall as the tower itself—the others give this
Within 1 mile of the asylum, they stumble upon the cantankerous-looking bull a wide berth as it roots
bloated, maggot-ridden fungus-encrusted corpses of through its horrid dinner near the tower.
slaughteredfiends. The Cagewrightsknew their por
tal would have opened near Skullrot, and six of their Skullrotloomshigh above the stench-riddenswamps
number came to Carceri to gather a large army here. of Orthrys and can be seen from a mile away. The en
Thousands of demondands answeredthe call, gather tire building is made from fiendish skulls cemented
ing here in a gibbering,hooting horde.When the por together with hard resin. Four massivegoristro demon
tal failed to open, the fiends turned on each other, leav skulls are fixed to the uppermost floor,gloweringmen
ing behind a bloody mess. acingly into the tortured sky.
The skull walls have the strength and consistencyof
THE HOWLING HALLS OF SKULLROT (EL 16) stone, yet they are porous, allowing the wails of mad
t* B fiends to carry beyond. The dangling cages are grisly
A bare black rock rises above the fetid quagmire, to behold and serve to ward off spirits and other un
and upon it stands a towering white edifice over wanted visitors.
two hundred feet high. Frightful screams and howls Skullrot embodies the eternal despair and hopeless
fill the air around the structure. Dozens of iron nessof Carceri.Fiendsand waywardsoulsdrivenmadby
cages hang from bone spurs along the outside walls futile attemptsto escapecan be found here,lockedaway
of the upper floors, each one holding a humanoid for all time. Skullrot also serves as a prison for beings
skeleton or corpse. Four massive, horned skulls sur deemed too dangerous to roam free and too valuable to
mount the structure. The ground surrounding the kill, chief among them the demon prince Adimarchus.
tower has been trampled flat by a horde of fiends—a Dark Myrakul, his fiendish annis assistant Slouva,and a
horde that nowlies slaughtered to the last. Strange host of flesh golems and demodandsmind the asylum
leprous fungi and other fruiting bodies grow from and its deranged residents.
the field of carrion with hideous, almost visible Creatures: The creatures feeding on the fungus
speed. Rooting through the horrific mess are dozens blooming from the dead fiends are dozens of thunder
of lumbering scavengerbeasts the size of elephants. beasts. While they pay no attention to the PCs,the thun
These six-legged creatures look vaguely like tusked der beast behemoth near the tower itself is as surly as
hippopotami with long, flat tails, and the thunder it is massive,and won't take kindly to any perceived en
ous sound of their bellows and open-mouth fungus croachment on the territory it's claimed near Skullrot.
chewing fills the air with a rumbling accompani
ment to the howls and shrieks from the
tower itself. One creature in
If the PCs approach Skullrot and the behemoth no Special Spell Effects: Skullrot is protected by the
tices them, it unleashes a deafening roar and charges equivalent of an unhallowspell (caster level 30th). Crea
the PCsin a rage.Aslong as the creature can reach them tures in the asylum (but not those in the dangling cag
or see them, it continues to harass them. Even though es outside the asylum) gain the benefits of magic circle
the creature is massive, it can't fly. Physically,it should againstgood. All turning checks made to turn undead
pose little threat to high-level characters. The true dan take a -4 penalty, and turning checks to rebuke undead
ger it represents is the factthat its thunderous challenge gain a +4 profane bonus (spell resistance does not apply
to the PCs instantly alerts the denizens of Skullrot that to this effect).The unhallow spell also carries an invis
someone approaches—ifthey hear the beast roar, they ibilitypurge spellthat affectsall non-evil creatures inside
prepare the asylum's defenses. the asylum.
The behemoth may be massivein size,but the shrieks In addition, Skullrot is protected by the equivalent of
and screams from Skullrot unnerve it nonetheless. It a dimensionallock spell. This effect bars astral projection,
won't approach any closerthan 60 feet to the tower, un blink,dimensiondoor, etherealjaunt,etherealness,gate,plane
der any circumstance.If assaulted by ranged attacks from shift,shadowwalk, teleport,greaterteleport,teleportationcir
within this area, it bellowsin rage for one or two rounds cle;and similar spell-like effects and psionic abilities. It
before it fleeinginto the surrounding swampland. does not block banishment,dismissal,or similar spells,
1 Thunder Beast Behemoth: hp 630; see Appendix 1. nor does it prevent summoned creatures from appear
ing or disappearing.
The followingfeatures are common throughout Skull 1. BALCONY
rot unless noted otherwise: This balcony,made entirely of skulls, rises 30 feet above
Walls, Floors, and Ceilings: Skullrot is made en the swamp.Tall iron doors bar entry into the structure.
tirely of fiendish skulls, cemented together with hard The iron doors are arcane locked (see Asylum Features
ened resin (excretedbywhat remains a mystery).The for details).
walls, floors, and ceilings have the strength of magi
cally treated masonry, yet they are porous. Characters 2. DEMODAND GUARDS (EL 18)
in gaseous form can pass through walls as easily as
they move through open air, and the constant howls Mournful howls resonate within this dark chamber.
and screams of Skullrot's incarcerated fiends can be The walls of leering skulls bring no comfort, and the
heard throughout the structure and even in the sur floor is covered in sticky tar.
rounding swamp. Ceilings are 20 feet high through
out the asylum. The floor is coated in adhesive slime. Characters
Ip Skull Walls: 1 ft. thick; Hardness 16; hp 180 (per moving across the floor must succeed on a DC 17 Re
10-foot-by-io-foot section); Break DC 55; Climb DC 15. flex save or be held fast; prying oneself free requires a
Since they are not made of stone, Skullrot's walls are DC 17 Strength check. Characters who make a success
impervious to spells such as stone shape and transmute ful save can move at half speed through the slime. The
rock to mud. demodandsthat guard the room (see Creatures,below)
Howling: The fiendish howling and screaming that can move through the adhesive slime with impunity. A
fills the asylum drowns out all but the loudest noises. pair ofarcanelockediron doors opens out onto a balcony
Listen checks made in Skullrot suffer a -10 penalty. (area1), and a staircaseof skullsrisesup out ofthe slime
Illumination: The creatures entrusted with oversee and leads to area 3.
ing the asylum have darkvision, and do not require Creatures: Ten farastus guard the room. They fight to
light to see. Orthrys's red sky bleeds through the porous the death and take no prisoners. They have been keep
walls ofthe asylum, giving the walls a dull red glow that ing a wary eye on the thunder beast behemoth for the
isn't quite sufficient to actually illuminate the interior. past severalhours, but are unwilling to risk an attempt
Doors: Skullrot's doors are made of magically treated to scare it off.
iron. ^ Farastu Demodands (10): hp 71 each;see Appendix4.
lp Iron Door: 2 in. thick; Hardness 20; hp 120; Break Development: If the farastu demodands are alerted
DC 28; Open Lock DC 40. to trouble, they all use invisibilityto disappear, then
Dangling Cages: Eighty iron cages hang from bone lurk near the walls ofthe room and prepare actions to
spurs on the outside of Skullrot. Seventy-two of the hit any intruders withfear and rays ofenfeeblement.
cages contain animated skeletons and zombies—the Hexavog, the guardian in area 3, uses clairvoyance/
remains of adventurers who unwisely meddled in clairaudience to observe the events in this room if com
Dark Myrakul's affairs. The skeletons vigorously shake bat breaks out. He then tries to summon an additional
their cages while the zombies groan mournfully. id4 farastus (60% chance of success) before moving to
Ip Dangling Cage: 2 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 60; the top ofthe staircase and filling area 2 with an acid
Break DC 28; Open Lock DC 40. fog. He then targets visible foes with Melfs acid arrow
^ Skeletons (42): hp 6 each; MonsterManual226. and rays of enfeeblement.
? Zombies (30): hp 16 each; MonsterManual 266.
3.HEXAYOG(EL19) flank foes to make sneak attacks. If reduced to half his
hit points, he flies up the shaft to area 10,singing as he
The fiendish howls are loudest here, in the asylum's goes. In addition to his regularattacks,Hexavogmakes
heart. This room sits at the base of a twenty-foot-di liberal use of quickened Melfsacid arrows or quickened
ameter shaft that soars up into darkness. Balconies fearseveryround; he can quicken each up to three times
with iron railings line the walls at higher levels. a day.
If he cannot escape the characters, Hexavog tries to
Dark Myrakul has ordered a deformed kelubar de bargain for his life. An expert liar, he tells the heroes
modand to serve as a captain of the guard for Skull whatever he thinks they want to hear. He also likes to
rot. This creature is Hexavog,and he's spent too many gloatwhenhe'sclearlywinningand maybe goadedinto
years in the asylum and has been driven mad him revealing some useful information.
self. Hexavogspends countless days singing aloud—a Development: Hexavog knows that Adimarchus is
wretched attempt to quell the screams ofthe myriad trapped in area 10. However, the kelubar believes that
fiends trapped in Skullrot. Upon sighting intruders, Adimarchus has learned how to "slip"into the minds of
he sings (in Abyssal) "What madness is this? What other livingcreatures,makingthem do things. Hexavog
madness, indeed! Endless torment, dark despair, himself has been "touched" by Adimarchusand occa
caged in bone, can't be freed. All the tales end the sionally feels a driving need to free the demon prince
same: see you screaming, twisting, dreaming, dream from captivity.However,to date Hexavoghas resistedthe
ing you never came." urge to cross Dark Myrakul.Only his great skill at bluff
Creatures: Hexavog moves well despite his massive, ing has kept Dark Myrakul from learning of this weak
undulating bulk. His filthy stench fills the room; all ness. Hexavog knows that it's only a matter of time be
non-demodands within the area must make a Fortitude fore Adimarchusescapes;he just hopes it's not his fault
save against the stench or suffer its ill effects. Hexavog when it happens.
is a monstrously bloated and filthy fiend with batlike The farastus in area 2 come to Hexavog'said if com
wings and six rubbery arms, his black skin coated in bat erupts here. In addition,Slouva(area 8)likelyhears
wretched green slime. any battle that breaks out here despite the intervening
^ Hexavog, six-armed advanced kelubar demodand: distance and the -10 penalty from the howling fiends,
hp 234; see Appendix 4. thanks to her high Listen bonus and
Tactics:Hexavogspends most of his time observing the low DC (-10)to hear a battle. She
various areas ofthe asylum using clairvoyance/clairau- arrives 2d4+i rounds after combat
'1 dience. He tries to summon id4 farastus (60% begins to aid Hexavog. If particu
,\ chance of success)and fills the room with larly hard pressed, Slouva retreats
an acidfog before wading into bat to her lair (area 6) to send her
tle. If he has support from the minion there after the PCs.
farastus,Hexavogtries to
4. GOLEM LAB (EL 17)

This hideous laboratory holds

six glass vats, each one four
feet tall, four feet wide, and
filled with red fluid. The
vats hold naked human
corpses, their faces peeled
off. Human brains and
vital organs float in glass
canisters on bone shelves
above the vats. A table con
sisting of patchwork flesh
canvas stretched over a bone
frame dominates the middle of
the room. Bone flanges fitted with
hooks protrude from the table, and
stretched between the hooks are six
peeled-off human faces.

Dark Myrakul uses this room to make

his hideous flesh golems, two of which
stand ready to destroy unwanted inter
lopers. Any corpse immersed in one of
the vats is permanently preserved as though warded by The iron toad-shaped chest contains more of this
a gentle repose spell; this magic property is as much an room's Treasure.
effect of Skullrot itself as of the vats (which lose this Creature: Unplugging the iron flask releases an ad
property if brought outside ofthe asylum). Ifthe PCs vanced devourer. It fights until destroyed and relent
lost one of their own to Embril's magicjar gambit in lessly pursues its quarry.
Chapter Eleven, that PC's preserved dead body can be £• Advanced Devourer: hp 234; see Appendix 4.
found here, awaiting use in golem creation. Particularly Tactics: At the start ofthe encounter, the devourer has
sinister DMs may wish to have the character's body al 10levelsof trapped essence.In addition to attackingwith
readyused to help create the two golems located here. its claws, the advanced devourer can use its quickened
Creatures:Dark Myrakul's flesh golems are lumber confusiononce per round, up to three times a day.
ing,apelikebrutes withsunken blackeyesand skin made Treasure: The iron chest contains two blocks of incense
of stitched human faces.These golems are much larger of meditationwrapped in a black shroud, a wand offalse
and more dangerous than a standard flesh golem. life (6 charges), and any items taken from Cagewrights
? Advanced Flesh Golems (2): hp 188 each; see Ap trapped in area 9. Any items taken from a PC's body
pendix 4. stolen by Embril can be found here as well. Characters
Treasure: Tucked under the table are three jars of searchingthe tables find a scroll of antilifeshell, a scroll
special unguents (400 gp each), three spools of stitch of planarally (callsa bebilith named Iyacchai),a scroll of
ing twine (100 gp each), and an incantation to Graz'zt discern location,a potion of removecurse, three potionsof in
written in blood on a scroll. The incantation allows a flict seriouswounds,an unholy font made out of a shator's
character to substitute a miraclespell for the limitedwish skull(100 gp; focus for sayingand greaterscryingspells),a
spell needed to craft a flesh golem, and is worth 1,000 collection of four malefic tomes titled The Black Codices
gp to a collector or worshiper of Graz'zt. of Graz'zt (a must-read for clerics of Graz'zt, containing
unholy prayersand grim treatises on death and undeath;
5. DARK MYRAKUL'S STUDY (EL 19) the set is worth 8,000 gp to an interested buyer), a tiny
reliquary containing a fragment of bone etched with
The middle of this room holds three tables made profane runes (500 gp; focus for the unholy aura spell),a
of hardened black resin. They vaguely resemble type II bag ofholdingcontaining 20,000 gp (used to cover
flat-topped mushrooms. Two are covered with fat the costs of flesh golem creation), and a tiny black box
tomes, flasks, candles, and scrolls. The third holds traced with silver runes and skull designs (250 gp) con
a metal apparatus shaped like a pair of claws, one taining three black sapphires (worth 15,000gp, 17,000gp,
holding an iron flask inlaid with silver runes, and and 20,000 gp respectively;foci for soul bind spells).
the other suspended above the flask, its talons The ironflask on the desk can be salvaged with ease,
hooked into the flask's brass stopper. A fat iron although chances are it's empty by the time the PCs
chest shaped like a crouching, demonic toad rests get to it.
in one corner.
This room serves as Dark Myrakul's workshop and
study. Characters searching the tables find the Trea A ten-foot-long bed made of lashed bones domi
sure. However, any living creature that enters the room nates this room. The blankets covering the bed are of
causes the clawlike apparatus to pull the stopper on the stitched flesh and fur. The room is otherwise bare.
ironflask, releasing the Creature trapped within. Only
Dark Myrakul knows the correct command word to This room belongs to Slouva,Dark Myrakul's assistant.
control the creature ("cthirol"). Slouvais a fiendish annis barbarian that spends the majority
of her timetormentingthe deranged •j? Spiked Chains: 2 in. thick; Hardness 20; hp 120;
prisoners of Skullrot, feeding Break DC 30; Escape Artist 50;Open Lock DC 40.
their hopelessness. She ip Iron Mask: 1 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 30; Break
can usually be found DC 24; Escape Artist 50; Open Lock DC 40.
in area 8 on one of Creatures:Eachcellcontains a single insane creature.
the upper floors of Some of the creatures appear calm, while others are
the asylum,but may raving mad. The chains prevent them from leavingthe
have retreated to this cell's confines or attacking with their natural weapons.
room after coming Ametal mask prevents them from making bite attacks.
down to area 3 to aid To determine the type of creature in a particular cell,
Hexavogin a fight roll randomly on the following table:
Creature: Al
though she keeps HHWLIIlG FRISHIIERS HF
no valuables in this SKULLRH*
chamber; Slouva does d% Creature
keep a dangerous 01-10 Fallen Angel: astral deva (01-60),
minion here, a par planetar (61-100)
ticularly servile yet sly 11-20 FallenArchon: hound archon hero (01-50),
chasme demon named trumpet archon (51-100)
Lriznisith. Slouva finds 21-30 Berserk advanced flesh golem
the chasme's drone to (see area 4 for statistics)
be quite soothing, and 31-40 Demodand:farastu (01-50),kelubar(51-85),
often uses it to drown or shator (86-100)
out the howling of the 41-50 Demon: balor(01-10),hezrou(11-40),
asylum'sprisoners when succubus (41-70), vrock (71-100)
she sleeps. 51-60 Devil: hamatula (01-30), erinyes(31-60),
Like most chasme, cornugon (61-90), pit fiend (91-100)
Lriznisith is a disgust 61-70 Fallen Guardinal:avoral (01-50),
ing, fly-like demon. An leonal (51-100)
expert in punishment and 71-90 Slaad: red (01-25), blue (26-50),
torture, Slouva sometimes green (51-75), death (76-100)
enlistshis aid when a prisonerhas donesomethingpar 91-100 Yugoloth:mezzoloth(01-50),
ticularlynaughtyand needs to be reprimanded. Lriznisith nycaloth(51-85),ultraloth(86-100)
has tufts of hair sprouting at random from his tough,in-
sectoid flesh. He has large buzzingwings and six limbs, The three types of yugoloths are fiendish neutral evil
two of which resemble long, thin human arms. His head outsiders detailed in Monster Manual III. If you don't
isvaguelyhumanlike,althoughexaggeratedand ugly,with have this book, simply re-roll on the table.
a hard, hooked horn where a human's nose would be. The creatures imprisoned here are horridly insane
•^ Lriznisith, advanced chasme demon: hp 199; see and attack anyone who frees them, despite their actual
Appendix 4. alignment. Agreaterrestoration,miracle,or wish is required
Tactics: Lriznisith doesn't allowanyone but Slouvaor to restore an insane creature's mind; each creature freed
Dark Myrakul into this room; all others are intruders in this manner reacts differently,depending on its align
upon his mistress' domain and are attacked immedi ment and the PCs' attitude. Remember that even if cured
ately. If brought below 40 hit points and Slouva isn't of their insanities, these outsiders are still criminals who
here as well, he flees to area 8 on the 4th floor to report committed extremely heinous acts in order to end up
his failure to his mistress and recruit her aid in launch here, and releasing them might have unforeseen reper
ing a counterattack against the PCs. cussions beyond the scope of this adventure.
Of course, Dark Myrakul knows if any of his prison
7. HOWLING FIENDS (EL VARIES) ers are freed, and quickly comes to investigate.
These wings ofthe asylum contain six cells each(84 cells
total,spread acrossfour stories).An arcanelocked iron door 8. BALCONIES (EL 19)
bars each cell.The cell itself contains a screaming prisoner
bound in magically treated spiked chains. Creatures with Each of these balconies has a four-foot-high spiked
bite attacks also wear iron masks with a narrow mouth slot iron railing strung with chains. Some of the spikes
for feedings.The chains and masks prevent the creatures have skulls impaled on them.
from using any of their natural attacks.The chains also
bind the creaturesto the floor,walls,and ceiling.Moreover, Three Creatures patrol the third floor ofthe asylum,
anycreature that strugglesagainst the chains takes4CI4+10 feeding prisoners and tightening chains. Once they've
points of damageper round from the spikes.
inspected all ofthe residents on that level,they move on FHRLHRIl WARDS HF SKULLRH*
to the other floors, or even up to area 9 on floors 5-8. D% NPC

Creatures: Dark Myrakul's assistant, Slouva, is a 01-10 Barbarian, level ldl0+10

fiendish annis with black scraggly hair and pebbly, 11-20 Bard, level 2d6+8
midnight blue skin. She carries a black jug filled 21-30 Cleric, level 2d6+8
with edible brown sludge that she serves to those 31-40 Fighter,level Id 10+10
prisoners who need to eat and drink—the outsiders 41-50 Monk, level ldl0+10
imprisoned here don't, but the prisoners in area 9 51-60 Fallen paladin, level ldl0+10
certainly do. She paces the howling halls with her 61-70 Ranger,level Id 10+10
two flesh golem bodyguards, chanting merrily. Dark 71-80 Rogue, level ldl0+10
Myrakul's flesh golems are lumbering, apelike brutes 81-90 Sorcerer, level 2d6+8
with sunken black eyes and skin made of stitched 91-100 Wizard, level 2d6+8
humanoid faces. Repercussions for freeing any of these insane crimi
^ Slouva, fiendish annis barbarian 11: hp 173; see nals should be similar to those for freeing the outsiders
Appendix 4. in area 7.
^ Advanced Flesh Golems (2): hp 188 each; see
Appendix 4. 10. ADIMARCHUS'S PRISON (EL 24)
Tactics: The sly annis hopes to run the asylum one
day and, being a treacher The staircases lead up to this twenty-foot-high cham
ous creature, she plans to ber.The floor gives way to a forty-foot-wideshaft in
turn against Dark Myrakul the middle of the room. A large iron cage is sus
ifthe opportunity presents pended over the shaft, its base level with the floor of
itself. As long as Dark Myr the room. The cageitself is shaped like a coffin made
akul is in charge, however, of metallic bones, the bars studded with spikes and
she obeys his commands cruel hooks. No door seems to be apparent on the
and defends the asylum as cage, as if it were built to neverbe opened. Slumped .
best she can. on the floor ofthe cageis an angelic figure with pur
If confronted, she sends ple skin, golden tattoolike patterns crisscrossing its
her golems into battle. If body, and wings of metallic gold feathers. It covers its
they are destroyed, she face with its hands and appears to be sobbing.
flies into a rage and lung
es forth with claws and The central shaft drops 160 feet to the floor of area
teeth bared. If truly hard- 3. A thick iron chain connects the hemispherical cage
pressed, Slouva flees and to a heavy iron winch that's bolted to the floor. Us-
uses her chime of opening to unlock one ofthe deni g ing the winch to raise or
zens of area 7 (preferably an insane pit fiend). Roll lower the cage requires a
on the confusion spell table (Player's Handbook, page DC 26 Strength check; the
212) to determine how the pit fiend behaves once re cage ascends or descends at
leased. Slouva hopes the pit fiend distracts her en a rate of 20 feet (one floor)
emies long enough for her to reach area 10 and alert per round.
Dark Myrakul. The angelic creature
trapped inside the cage is
9. CELLS (EL VARIES) none other than the de
The inner walls of these corridors are lined with arcane mon prince of madness
locked iron doors. The doors lead to cramped cells, each himself—Adimarchus.
holding a prisoner stricken with insanity. While Dark Myrakul tor
Creatures: Unlike the celestials and fiends impris ments him with words, Ad
oned in area 7, the residents of these cells are not imarchus tries desperately
bound with chains. Instead, they wear tight-fitting to tap into the minds of
straightjackets made of stitched demon hide. They creatures capable of rescu
carry no gear and have no spells prepared. Roll on the ing him. Dark Myrakul knows what the demon prince
following table to determine what type of NPC is con hopes to accomplish, but he doesn't believe for an
fined to each cell, and use the NPC statistics in Chap instant that Adimarchus can succeed. The failure of
ter 4 ofthe Dungeon Master's Guide as necessary for the Cagewrights is all the proof the lichfiend needs
their statistics. of this fact.
If any of the Cagewrights escaped from Shatterhorn Creatures: The undead half-fiend Dark Myrakul is the
and found their way here, they can be found in one of warden of Skullrot; he spends the majority of Iris time
these cells,stripped of their gear and their sanity. (Their here tormenting Adimarchus, and is here when the PCs
possessions can be found in area 5.) first arrive at Skullrot. He trusts his minions to handle
intruders, but if for spell-like
those intruders abilities increase
make it all the by+2.
way up here The lich
he realizes fiend likes to
that the defense cast offensive
of Skullrot has spells such
fallen to him alone. as implosion,
He is attended energydrain,
at all times destruc
by one of his tion, sum
greatest cre mon monster,
ations, a demon- banishment, and
flesh golem.This golem is similar in greaterdispel magic. In melee, Dark
basicappearanceto a fleshgolem,yet Myrakul wields his +4 keen vorpal
its parts have been harvested adamantine scythe. If he can't hit
from demons, resulting in an enemy with his scythe, the lich
a far more horrifying uses his melee touch attack, com
creation than a mere bined with his quickened poison
flesh golem. spell-like ability. His weapons are
Dark Myr treated as magic for purposes of
akul himself overcoming damage reduction.
appears as Development: If destroyed, Dark
a humanoid Myrakul's body vanishes as his life force
skeleton with clawed hands, horns, and returns to Graz'zt's side. Fortunately for
fangs. He is clad in jet-black chainmail, and the PCs, Graz'zt has other pressing mat
bony wings spring from his back. (AlthoughDark ters on his six-fingered hands at this time,
Myrakul's batlike wings are missing their leathery and doesn't get around to investigating Dark
flaps, he can still fly.) Once a half-demodand, Dark Myr Myrakul's death for several days. When he does no
akul underwenta painfuland torturousprocesssimilar tice that the lichfiend has been slain and realizes that
to that some humanoids undertake to become a lich; Skullrot's security has been compromised, his reac
with the aid of his demonic patron Graz'zt, Dark Myr tion is quick and brutal, as detailed in Concluding
akul became a vile undead menace known as a lichfiend. the Adventure.
Today,Dark Myrakulis oneof Graz'zt'smostdangerous
servants.Althougha cleric, he does not gain his spells ADIMARCHUS UNLEASHED (EL 27)
directlyfrom Graz'zt. Rather, Graz'zt acts as Dark My The characters can choose to leave Adimarchus con
rakul's patron; the lichfiend'sspells are granted by his fined in his cage; however, he eventually escapes, ei
faith in the abstract forces of chaos and evil. ther through his own actions or those of his deranged
? Dark Myrakul, male half-fiend human lichfiend "followers"(the Cagewrights, for example).Addition
cleric18(Graz'zt):hp 141; seeAppendix4. ally, his madness continues to leak out ofthe cageand
2 Demonflesh Golem: hp 229; see Appendix 4. into Occipitus, rebuilding and rebirthing Vhalantru
Tactics: Before confronting interlopers, Dark Myr (or other slain minions) at an increasing pace. The
akul castsgreaterspell immunity(immuneto disintegrate, longer Adimarchus lives, the more of his madness es
heal, magic missile,and searing light; lasts 180 minutes), capes to torment the PCs in this manner. Ifthe heroes
spell resistance(lasts 18 minutes),shield offaith (lasts 18 destroy Dark Myrakul and either Slouva or Hexavog
minutes),eagle'ssplendor(lasts18 minutes),owl's wisdom takes over as warden, Adimarchus might convince his
(lasts 18 minutes), divine power (lasts 18 rounds), and new jailer to release him in exchange for the promise
divinefavor(lasts 1 minute). With these spells in place, of even greater power. Unlike the lichfiend, the annis
Dark Myrakulhas the followingmodified statistics:hp and the kelubar have no allegiance to Graz'zt and are
159;AC 35, touch 17, flat-footed33; BaseAtk+18; Grp +25; easily swayed.
Atk+35 melee (2d4+2o/i9-2o/x4,+4 keen vorpaladaman The cage that holds Adimarchus was created by
tine scythe)or +31 melee (id4+7,claw)or +31 melee touch Graz'zt, and should be treated as a major artifact. Its
(id8+5 plus insanity, touch); Full Atk +35/+30/+25/+20 resemblance to the soulcagesthe PCs encountered ear
melee (2d4+2o/i9-2o/x4, +4 keen vorpal adamantine lier in the Adventure Path is no coincidence; the cage
scythe) and +12 melee (id6+3,bite) or +31 melee (id4+7, is Adimarchus's entire world, and in his insane inspi
2 claws)and +26 melee (id6+3,bite) or +31 melee touch rations gifted upon the Cagewrights, the design ofthe
(id8+5 plus insanity, touch); SR 30; SV Will +18; Str 24, cage was a central theme. As long as the cage remains
Wis 24, Cha 22; Diplomacy +27, Heal +28, Listen +15, intact, Adimarchus cannot use any of his supernatural
Spot +15; cleric spell save DC 17 + spell level; save DCs or spell-like abilities. (He can still shift between his
Asthe escape clause, Graz'zt came up
with a condition he felt certain would
never come to pass; only the rightful
ruler of Occipitus can damage the cage
and release its prisoner. Graz'zt felt
that any demonic ruler of Occipitus
would be the last creature who would
want to see Adimarchus released (thus
releasing a powerful contender for rul-
ership of Occipitus), but what he didn't
realize was that anyone who passed the
Test ofthe Smoking Eye could become
the ruler of this Abyssal realm—in
cluding creatures that have no interest
in ruling Occipitus!
Graz'zt kept this secret to himself,
telling no one (least of all Adimarchus
himself), yet anyone bearing the Sign
ofthe Smoking Eye who looks upon the
cage immediately understands the na
ture of the flaw. To such a creature, the
cage appears rusty, fragile, and feeble,
something that can be bashed apart with
a single weapon blow.
Releasing the catch on the
winch causes the cage
to plunge


two forms, however; see below for details.) Moreover,

his effective Strength drops to 3, making it difficult
for him to even stand. The cage itself is impervious
to magic and blocks any spell that targets its occu
pant—yet the cage is not as perpetual as its creator
had hoped.
The reason for this is simple. When Graz'zt created
the cage, he did so using several wishes to duplicate, in
part, the effects of a powerful binding spell, infusing
the cage with these magical energies. Unfortunately,
even with these powerful spells he was unable to
create a cage that would last forever; the only way
to do so required an "escape clause" that would
grant possibility of escape under a specific cir
cumstance. By including such a flaw in the
cage,he was able to ward the cage from oth
er forces to such an extent that even other
demon princes and other quasi-divine
entities can do nothing to harm it.
nine stories,dealing i6d6 points of damage to anything Whether or not that includes the heroes, only time
it strikes. Ifthe creature that releases the catch has the will tell! Note that even ifthe PCs kill Adimarchus
Smoking Eye template, the fall destroys the cage. Adi on Carceri, his body reforms on Occipitus. Ifthe
marchus is protected from the fall by the cage, but is PCs don't travel there to finish him off,he'll simply
freed as a result of such a fall. return again and again.
As long as Adimarchus is imprisoned in the cage, to- The Vanishing Plague: In rebuilding Cauldron,
he is immune to all damage and magic effects—he some workers uncover the ruins of a small
cannot be harmed at all. If the PCs want to end the gnomish enclave in the rock below the town. In
threat his madness poses, they must release him and so doing, the workers unleash a particularly po
then slay him. tent strain of the Vanishing. Unlike the version
Creature:If freed, Adimarchus reacts strangely to a encountered in "Life's Bazaar," this one is conta
character with the Sign ofthe Smoking Eye template. gious and resists magical curing. The PCs must
In his angelic form, he sees the character as a hated find a cure for the disease before all of Cauldron's
enemy who threatens to usurp his power, and he at citizens succumb.
tacks that character to the exclusion of others. In his to- Lord of the Ebon Triad: The Ebon Triad played a
demonic form, he sees the character as a potential keyrole in the creation ofthe soulcagesused by the
ally and heir apparent, and does not attack her (even Cagewrights,yet their presence in this campaign
if she attacks him), determining to win her allegiance has been subtle and minor. Now that the Cage
in the war against Graz'zt. Only after persistent failed wrights are gone, what sinister plans might the
attempts to win the character's allegiance does Adi Ebon Triad's shadowed leader have in store for the
marchus turn against her. region, and why are agents ofthe Ebon Triad so in
Acharacterwith the SmokingEye templategains a+4 trigued by the ruins ofthe Spire of Long Shadows
insight bonus on attack rolls made against Adimarchus to the northeast of Cauldron?
and a +4 insight bonus on level checks to bypass the to- Menace from Below: The PCs have already delved
demon prince's spell resistance. In addition, all of the into the Underdark below the Cauldron region at
character'sweapons are treated as cold iron and good- least once. Other entrances to the Underdark that
aligned for the purpose of overcomingAdimarchus's once existed below Cauldron were recently col
damage reduction. lapsed by the Stormblades. In her explorations
^ Adimarchus, Demon Prince of Madness: hp 525; of the region, Shensen Tesseril has discovered
see Appendix 1. that something has recently cleared these pas
sages—something that did so from below. Why
CHMinUIIlG+HE did Vhalantru want these entrances closed, and
CAITlFAIGn what new menace is creeping up toward town
With Adimarchus freed from Skullrot and likely slain from below now that the recent volcanic activity
by the PCs, the Shackled City Adventure Path comes has reopened them?
to a close. Yet this does not necessarily herald the • Nabthatoron's Revenge: Since his defeat at the
end of your campaign; much is left to be done in the end of "The Demonskar Legacy,"the body ofthe
Cauldron region. exiled glabrezu Nabthatoron has been recovered
As for the PCs themselves, they're likely regarded by his minions. Unable to restore true life to
as heroes by the refugees of Cauldron. Their actions their master, these vile minions used forbidden
in Skullrot go unknown by the majority ofthe popu necromantic lore stolen from spell weaver ruins
lace, yet Cauldronites still view them as saviors, and to restore the demon to life as an undead men
rightfully so. The PCs have braved terrible fates in ace. Now more powerful than ever, Nabthatoron
the defense of the region, and they deserve some seethes with a need for revenge against the heroes
rest. Give them some time to relax and enjoy the who laid him low.
freedom they fought so hard for, and in time, if you • An Abyssal Home Away from Home: If any ofthe
are continuing the campaign, they'll get the itch to PCs have the Smoking Eye template, they feel pe
go on a new adventure soon enough. Some possible riodic urges to return to the Abyssal layer of Oc
epic-level adventures are detailed below. With a little cipitus. What changes have been evolving there,
work, these adventure seeds can also serve as ideas now that Adimarchus is finally defeated, and what
for starting a brand new campaign in the area with is the meaning behind the dreams of burning and
new ist-level characters. suffering bearers of the Smoking Eye have begun
to endure?
to- Adimarchus Returns: If released from Skullrot, Ad • Necroclastic Doom: After studying the lore con
imarchus returns to the Abyss to reclaim his realm. tained on the Soul Pillars, Meerthan Eliothlorn
After reasserting his lordship over Occipitus, Adi made a disturbing discovery. The soul pillars
marchus spends the next several months attract were damaged during the recent volcanic activity,
ing deranged worshipers, rebuilding his demonic and the necromantic energy within is building at
army, and plotting the downfall of his enemies. an alarming rate. Before long, this energy could
erupt in a manner similar to the volcano below, AL*ERI1A*E KEYS *H
spewing negative energy instead of lava and ADIITIARCHUS'S CAGE
wreaking unimaginable havoc. In order to defuse If none ofthe current characters have the Smoking
the soul pillars, the PCs must delve deeper than Eye template, you'll need to adjust the conditions for
ever before into the ruined spell weaver holdings freeing Adimarchus from his cage so that the PCs
near the Demonskar. still have a chance to complete the campaign. The
to- Haunted House: Soon after purchasing House most important thing, no matter how you decide
Vhalantru, the Vanderborens moved into their Adimarchus'scage can be destroyed, is that the PCs
new home. Less than a month later, they and their should be keyin some wayto the action.
servants have vanished. Those who enter House One option is that only good outsiders can damage
Vhalantru and stay for a few minutes agree that the cage. If Nidrama is with the party,she can destroy
something seems strange about the empty man the cage if the PCs can keep her alive long enough
sion now... and those who stay for longer vanish to reach it. Otherwise, the PCs may need to use
utterly. What fell menace has claimed the estate summoned monsters to do the workfor them (unless,
for its own, and what is the source of the strange of course, one of the PCs happens to be a good
lights that can sometimes be seen flashing inside outsider as well). w •
the house at night? Has Vhalantru indeed returned Anotheroption is to require that the cage can only
from the grave to reclaim his domain? be destroyed if it is attacked simultaneously bya lawful
to- Perils of Politics: In Chapter Nine, the PCs helped good creature and a chaotic evilcreature.
lay the foundations for Cauldron's future, and may A particularly challenging option might be to
have chosen a new lord mayor. The new lord mayor require the PCs to find a creature with the Smoking
could find himself in over his head when other no Eye template (such as a reborn Vhalantru or the
bles, guildmasters, and important NPCs start jock maralithByakala),somehowtransport that creature to
eying for favors,and may call upon the PCs to help area 10 of Skullrot, and then convince or force that
sort out what is best for Cauldron's future. creature to destroy the cage.
to-You Killed My Master!: Some ofthe Cagewrights' Note that the more obscure the conditions become,
apprentices were not present at the time of this ad the less likely the PCs are to realize how to destroy
venture, and thus still live. With their masters and the cage. They'll likely need to do some research
mistresses slain, these apprentices seek each other in large libraries, consult with powerful outsiders,
out and found a new cabal, one with a far more or use potent divination magic to learn the secret.
simple mission than the original Cagewrights. Fortunately,Adimarchus isn't going anywhere,so they
These new Cagewrights seek only the deaths ofthe should have time to figure things out. Unfortunately,
PCs; revenge for the same fates they visited upon the longer they wait, the more likely it is that Graz'zt
their lords and ladies. realizes his enemy's prison is unguarded.
to- Return of Ssythar Vassha: Something the PCs
did during Chapter Eleven has had unforeseen
consequences. Perhaps it was the destruction
of the Egg of Merrshaulk, or maybe it was the riEW BEGinninGS
defiling ofthe Temple of Fangs. Whatever the Since the beginning of history, humanity has measured
cause, Ssythar Vassha, the one-time lord of time in Ages.Ages of Glory,of Dreams, and even of Great
Shatterhorn and prophet ofthe dark god ofthe Sorrows mark the human tally of years, giving a sense
yuan-ti, has returned to life and is gathering of order to the events of past centuries. But one age has
the scattered yuan-ti tribes of the jungle to his yet to occur—an age of darkness, of decay, and of writh
banner in preparation for a war to reclaim the ing doom. Witty bards and wrathful preachers know it
lands surrounding Cauldron in Merrshaulk's as the Age of Worms, weaving it into the peripheries of
unholy name! their passion plays as a mythic era of destruction that
to- Graz'zt's Rage: Characters who free Adimarchus, could begin at any time. Astrologers, diviners, and the
either through their actions or inactions, earn servants of Fate know more. The canniest among them
Graz'zt's eternal enmity. Once the demon prince fear that the Age of Worms has already begun.
realizes that Dark Myrakul is slain, he absorbs the With the completion of this epic campaign, you and
lichfiend's life force out of spite and then sends your characters may be ready to start a new campaign.
his son, Athux, to eliminate the heroes. A master of Fortunately, the near-eruption of Cauldron has far-
disguise with access to a vast planar spy network, reaching consequences, and these consequences have a
Athux first sends assassins to dispose of the char way of setting into motion events that the Cagewrights
acters. Only if they fail does the son of Graz'zt deal or the PCs could never have anticipated. Far, far to the
with them personally. Graz'zt himself avoids direct north, in the shadowed depths of an ancient fissure,
confrontation with the PCs unless he can arrange something stirs. Something ancient. This waxing men
an ambush; after all, the PCs have already defeated aceis the focus ofAdventurePath II:Age ofWorms,pub
one demon prince! lished monthly in the pages of Dvngeon magazine.




ADIITIARCHIIS, Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar,Tanar'ri)
DEirinn FRincE hf Hit Dice: 30d8+312(525 hp)
mADITESS Initiative: +10
Speed: 50 ft.
ADIMARCHUS (ANGELIC FORM) AC: 45 (+6 Dex, +9 insight, +20 natural), touch 25, flat-
Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar,Tanar'ri) footed 39
Hit Dice: 30d8+312(525 hp) Base Attack/Grapple: +24/+36
Initiative: +6 Attack: +42 melee (2d6+23/17-20 plus special, Ashen
Speed:50 ft., fly 100 ft.(good) Blade) and +34 melee (ld6+6 plus ld4 negative levels,
AC: 42 (+6 Dex, +7armor, +9insight,+10 natural),touch 4 tentacles)
25, flat-footed 36 Full Attack: +42/+37/+32/+27melee (2d6+23/17-20plus
BaseAttack/Grapple:+30/+38 special, Ashen Blade) and +34 melee (ld6+6 plus ld4
Attack:+41 melee (ld6+ll plus special,+3anarchicclawed negative levels,4 tentacles)
gauntlet) Space/Reach:5 ft./5 ft. (15ft. with tentacles)
Full Attack: +39/+34/+29/+24melee (ld6+ll plus spe Special Attacks: Ashen Blade, enervating bite, spell-like
cial,+3anarchicclawedgauntlet)and +37/+32/+27melee abilities, summon tanar'ri
(ld3+5 nonlethal plus trip, +1 brilliantenergy whip) or Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/good and cold
+39/+34/+29/+24melee (ld6+ll plus special, +3 anar iron, darkvision 120 ft., fast healing 15, immune to
chic clawedgauntlet)and +37/+32/+27melee (2d4+5/19- acid, immune to cold, immune to electricity, immune
20/x4,razorwings) to petrifaction, immune to poison, lie in state, mad
Space/Reach:5 ft./5 ft. (15ft. with whip) ness, outsider traits, resistance to fire 10, resistance to
Special Attacks: Implosive strike, razorwings,spell-like sonic 10,shroud alignment, spell resistance 35, telepa
abilities, summon tanar'ri thy 300 ft.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/good and cold Saves: Fort +30, Ref+23, Will +28
iron, darkvision 120 ft.,golden tattoos, immune to acid, Abilities: Str 35, Dex 22, Con 36, Int 16, Wis 5, Cha 32
immune to cold, immune to electricity,immune to pet Skills: Bluff+44, Concentration +46, Diplomacy +46, Dis
rifaction, immune to poison, he in state, madness, out guise +44(+46 acting),Intimidate +46, Knowledge(reli
sider traits, resistance to fire 10, resistance to sonic 10, gion)+36, Knowledge(theplanes)+36, Listen+30, Sense
shroud alignment, spell resistance35,telepathy300ft. Motive+30, Spot +30, Survival+30(+32 on other planes)
Saves: Fort +30, Ref+23, Will +28 Feats:Blind-Fight, Cleave,Combat Reflexes,Great Cleave,
Abilities: Str 27, Dex 22, Con 36, Int 16, Wis 5, Cha 32 Improved Critical (greatsword), Improved Initiative,
Skills: Bluff+46, Concentration +46, Diplomacy +48, Dis Multiattack, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability
guise +46 (+48 acting),Intimidate +48, Knowledge(reli (true seeing),Weapon Focus(greatsword)
gion)+36, Knowledge(the planes)+36, Listen+30, Sense Environment: Skullrot or Occipitus (507th layer of
Motive+30, Spot+30, Survival+30 (+32 on other planes) the Abyss)
Feats: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Pro Organization: Solitary
ficiency (whip), Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Im Challenge Rating: 23
proved Trip, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Flyby Treasure: Quadruple standard
Attack,Mobility, Spring Attack,Two-WeaponFighting, Alignment: Chaotic evil
Whirlwind Attack Advancement —
Environment: Skullrot or Occipitus (507th layer of
the Abyss) Adimarchus is a fallen celestial and the exiled demon
Organization: Solitary prince of madness. Centuries ago, he led a rampaging
Challenge Rating: 23 army of demons on an invasion of Celestia. The heav
Treasure: Quadruple standard enly host repulsed the demonic army, but at great cost:
Alignment Chaotic evil the angels of Celestia were forced to cast the part of
Advancement — Celestia occupied by the demons into the Abyss, tear-
ing apart the fabric of the plane in the process. This return to Celestia. The lichfiend readily agreed. The
massivechunk of planar matter came to rest on a layer imprisoned Adimarchus watched as Athux shook off
ofthe Abyss called Occipitus. his "lunacy," only to transform into a black-skinned
Adimarchus acted quickly to incorporate the wreck fiend with six fingers on each hand. Athux had misled
age of Celestia into Occipitus. In doing so, he became Adimarchus from the start. He was, in fact, Graz'zt's
the demon prince ofthe plane, gaining almost limitless devoted son. At that moment, Adimarchus realized
power. Even in defeat, he knew success. For many years, his foolishness. Graz'zt had found a weakness in his
Adimarchus ruled Occipitus, crafting from the ruins a rival—a long-buried desire for redemption that Adi
great demonic empire. marchus assumed he'd lost long ago—and used that
Fiftyyears ago, Adimarchusmade a moveagainsta ri weakness to dethrone his enemy. The very thought
val demon prince named Graz'zt. In the midst of a battle drove Adimarchus mad.
between Adimarchus's forces and those of Graz'zt, Adi Dark Myrakul spent the past 50 years tormenting
marchus simply disappeared. Some say Graz'zt killed Adimarchus with the knowledge that his futile quest
or captured him, while others say he fled when defeat for redemption and his pathetic pursuit of love ulti
seemed likely. A few even wonder if he had an attack of mately cost him his realm, his freedom, his mind—ev
conscience and left the Abyss completely on a quest for erything. The lichfiend's words fuel the demon prince's
celestial redemption. madness. More black-hearted than ever, Adimarchus
The truth behind Adimarchus's disappearance craves freedom, power, vengeance, and myriad other
centers on his love for Athux, a resolute aasimar pala things no demon should ever possess. Fractured are
din with six fingers on each hand. Five decades ago, the demon prince's thoughts. Unbeknownst to Myr
Athux embarked on a quest to redeem Adimarchus's akul, Adimarchus's demonic insanity has granted him
soul. The aasimar cut a swath across the tumorous the power to plant fragments of his consciousness
plains of Occipitus and confronted the demon prince in distant minds and twist them in profound ways.
in his own throne room. Adimarchus and Athux Living creatures "touched" by Adimarchus become
fought until, exhausted, the demon prince sundered strangely drawn to him. The Cagewrights represented
the aasimar's sword with his own dark blade. Clutch the most dangerous of these "children" of Adimarchus,
ing Athux by the throat, Adimarchus saw something yet now that they have failed to rescue their "father,"
in the aasimar's eyes that sparked his compassion. He Adimarchus's will and rage have bloomed into some
could not kill Athux, nor could he subject the paladin thing altogether new; he has transformed into two
to the torments of Occipitus. He tried to lure Athux distinct creatures, each with a burning fury to escape
over to the side of evil, but his attempts were half Skullrot at any cost.
hearted at best..Athux remained a prisoner on Oc Adimarchus has two forms. The first is that of a
cipitus and stood by Adimarchus's side as the demon beautifully androgynous angel with pale purple skin,
prince plotted against his rival, Graz'zt. All the while, golden tattoolike patterns that shift lyrically across
Athux fueled Adimarchus's rage against demonkind. his bare flesh, metallic gold wings as sharp as razors,
Astrange friendship bloomed, puzzling Adimarchus's and dead black eyes. In this form, he wears a golden
minions and spurring some to betray him. Graz'zt breastplate and wields two weapons: a brilliant en
learned of the planned assault against him and the ergy whip and a golden gauntlet fitted with sharp,
alliance of Adimarchus and Athux, and in true de birdlike talons. His other form is a lithe humanoid
monic fashion, he conspired with Adimarchus's with ash-black skin, opalescent white eyes, black
treacherous minions to overthrow his rival. fangs, and four shadowy tentacles protruding from
During the epic battle between Adimarchus's army his back, each one ending in a lamprey's maw. In this
and Graz'zt's hordes, demons swayed by Graz'zt cap form, he wields a smoldering greatsword made of
tured Athux with surprising ease, imprisoning him ash and cinders. In either form, Adimarchus's right
in an asylum on Carceri. Adimarchus could not bear eye burns with a smoking flame, more so when the
the loss of Athux, and the treachery of fiends rekin demon prince is incensed.
dled the fallen angel's burning hatred. Adimarchus
abandoned his hordes, his realm, and his evil ways, COMBAT
fleeing to Carceri to rescue Athux and find redemp (Angelic and Demonic Forms)
tion. Alas, the tale of Adimarchus and Athux would Adimarchus is a single being, but he can shift between
not end well. his two forms on a whim. Changing between these two
As Graz'zt's army crushed Adimarchus's abandoned forms is a free action, and the demon prince's statistics
demon horde, Adimarchus arrived at the demonic change to match whatever form he has assumed. At
asylum of Skullrot on Carceri to find Athux overcome tacking Adimarchus is like fighting two separate crea
with dementia, the prisoner of one of Graz'zt's most tures; damage taken in one form isn't carried over to
powerful allies—a powerful undead priest of Graz'zt the other. To kill Adimarchus, the characters must slay
named Dark Myrakul. Unable to wrest the aasimar both of his forms. Characters may try to destroy the evil
from Dark Myrakul's clutches, Adimarchus traded his in Adimarchus by slaying his fiendish form; however,
own freedom for the paladin's restored mind and safe both forms have been equally tainted by evil,and killing
one form does not redeem him. Adimarchus is
wholly demon, and beyond redemption. In fact,
unless both forms are slain, Adimarchus can re
form his slain "half after idio days.
Although each of his two forms has unique
special attacks and qualities, many of them are
identical. Attacks and qualities that both forms
have are detailed here.
Summon Tanar'ri (Sp): Once per day, Adi
marchus can automatically summon id3+i gla-
brezus or 1 marilith.
Lie in State (Su): If both of Adimarchus's
forms die, Adimarchus (in his current form)
disappears after 24 rounds. The body reap
pears dead but intact on Occipitus, his realm
in the Abyss. Any equipment Adimarchus
was wearing or carrying at the moment of
his death is likewise transported to Occipi
tus—and is likewise reconstituted if it was
destroyed. Dimensionalanchor,dimensionallock,
and similar spells delay the body's transporta
tion in this manner, but once the spell's effect
ends, the body transports to Occipitus imme
diately. After lying in state for ldioo days on
his home plane, both of Adimarchus's forms
are restored to full life. If Adimarchus is slain
on his home plane, he is dead forever.
Madness (Ex): Adimarchus uses his Charisma
modifier on Will saves instead of his Wisdom
modifier, and is immune to confusion and in
sanity effects.
Shroud Alignment (Su): Spells and spell-like
abilities with the good descriptor treat Adi
marchus as ifhis alignmentwere good. Magicitems
are similarly fooled.


In this form, Adimarchus wears a +2
breastplateof command,
and wields a +3 anar
chic clawed gauntlet and
a +1 brilliant energy whip.
A clawed gauntlet functions
like a spiked gauntlet, only it
N deals id6 points of slash
ing damage (instead of id4
points of piercing damage).
Implosive Strike (Su): Three times
per day and no more than once per
round, Adimarchus can cause an op
ponent to implode with any normal
melee attack. In addition to taking
damage, the target must make a DC
28 Fortitude save or collapse in on
itself and be killed instantly. Adi
marchus must declare that he is
using this ability before the at
tack roll is made. The save DC is
Razorwings (Su):These gold-plated wings have razor- darkvision 60 ft., death burst, fast healing 5, immu
sharp feathers. Adimarchus can attack with them as an nity to magic, low-light vision
off-hand weapon, although not in the same round he Saves: Fort +6, Ref+13, Will +6
attacks with two hand-held weapons. The wings deal Abilities: Str 20, Dex 24, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
damage as a +1 keen scythe. Skills: —
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): Always active—mind blank Feats: —
(self only); At will—detectgood, detect magic, detect poison, Environment Any
mirror image,greaterteleport;3/day—blindness/deafness (DC Organization: Solitary
23), entropicshield,greatercommand(DC26), plane shift(DC Challenge Rating: 15
26), unholy blight(DC 25); i/day—blasphemy(DC 28),flame Treasure: None
strike(DC 26), song ofdiscord(DC26), word ofchaos(DC28). Alignment Alwaysneutral
Caster level30th. The save DCs are Charisma-based. Advancement 19-24 HD (Medium),25-36 HD (Large),
Golden Tattoos (Ex): Adimarchus's golden tattoos 37-54 HD (Huge)
grant him complete immunity from any extra damage
caused by critical hits or sneak attacks. This man-sized snake seems made of delicate crystal. Its
head unfurls into a cobra's hood, and brilliantflashes of
COMBAT (DEMONIC FORM) colorfulenergypulse inside its translucentbody.
In this form, Adimarchus carries an artifact known as
the Ashen Blade. This is a +5greatswordthat appears to A crystal snake is a golem-like creation of the yuan-ti.
be made of ash and cinders. Once per round, a creature Althoughsmaller than most golems,the crystalsnake is
struck by the weapon must make a DC 18Reflex Save or still a potent and dangerous creation. Acrystal snake is
be immolated in a bloom of white-hot fire, taking 2id6 shockinglygracefuland sinuous in motion, almost as if
points of damage. Half of the damage is fire damage, it were an actual snake made of flexible glass.
and the other half results directly from divine power. A crystal snake weighs about 400 pounds.
A successful save halves the damage. Adimarchus typi
callyactivates this power on the first successful hit with COMBAT
his sword in a round. Acrystalsnake'sphysicalattack consists of a single bite.
Enervating Bite (Su): Any creature bitten by one of This attack is fairly minor, though, and the snake usu
Adimarchus's tentacles gains id4 negative levels. On a ally only makes bite attacks when it makes an attack of
critical hit, the bite instead inflicts 2CI4 negative levels. opportunity. It prefers to use its searing light when at
The Fortitude save to remove these negative levels is tacking targets, and tries to catch as many targets in its
DC 38; this save DC is Constitution-based. destructive resonance aura
Spell-LikeAbilities(Sp): Always active—mindblank as it can.
(selfonly);Atwill—detectgood, detectmagic,greatertele
port, true seeing; 3/day—darkness,greater dispel magic,
plane shift (DC 26), unholy blight (DC 25); i/day—horrid
wilting(DC 29), maze, wall offorce. Caster level 30th.The
save DCs are Charisma-based.

Medium Construct
Hit Dice: 18dl0+20 (hp 165)
Initiative: +7
Speed:40 ft. (8squares)
AC: 35 (+7 Dex,+18 natural), touch 17,
flat-footed 28
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+14
Attack:+14melee (ld8+7,
Full Attack: +14 melee
(ld8+7, bite)
Space/Reach:5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Destruc
tive resonance, searing
Special Qualities:
Construct traits,
damage reduction
Destructive Resonance (Su): The crystal snake can Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., feed, immune to
emit a low-frequency hum as a free action. Atthe begin weapon damage, swarm traits
ning of its turn, it deals 6d6 points of sonic damage to Saves: Fort +9, Ref+12, Will +9
any creature within 10 feet of it. A DC 19 Fortitude save Abilities: Str 1, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 1
halves the damage; the save DC is Constitution-based. Skills: Jump +9,Listen +13, Spot +13
Searing Light (Su): As a standard action, the crystal Feats: Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will,
snake can fire a searing light, as the spell with a range Lightning Reflexes
of 250 feet. The snake must succeed on a ranged touch Environment: Temperate aquatic
attack to strike its target. A creature struck by the blaz Organization:Solitaryor colony(2-5)
ing ray takes 5d8 points of damage (iod6 if the target Challenge Rating: 5
is undead, iod8 ifthe target is an undead creature par Treasure: None
ticularly vulnerable to sunlight, 5d6 if the target is a Alignment: Alwayschaotic evil
construct or inanimate object). Advancement: None
Death Burst (Su): When the crystal snake is reduced Level Adjustment —
to o hit points, it explodes in a 20-foot-radius burst of
searing radiance that deals 40 points of damage to every AgUsteningschool of ebony tadpoles turns the water blackas
creature in the area (60 points if the target is undead, it swims closer.
80 points if the target is an undead creature particu
larly vulnerableto sunlight, or 30 points if the target The product of the union of a male black dragon and
is a construct or inanimate object).ADC 19 Reflexsave several kuo-toan females, the draconic fingerlings that
halves the damage. The save DC is Constitution-based. make up this swarm will eventually grow up to become
Immunity to Magic (Ex):The crystal snake is immune half-dragon kuo-toas. Until they develop limbs and
to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resis grow much larger, they swim about in great schools,
tance exceptspells and effectswith the sonic descriptor looking for food.
(such as shatter,shout, andgreatershout).
DRAcnnic A draconic fingerling swarm seeks to surround and eat
FinGERLiriG any living creature it finds in the water. If a meal flees,
Diminutive Dragon (Aquatic, Swarm) it gives chase, even leaping out of the water briefly to
Hit Dice: 10dl2 (65 hp) bring down its prey. The swarm deals 2d6 points of
Initiative: +3 damage plus id6 points of acid damage to any creature
Speed: Swim30 ft. (6squares) whose space it occupies at the end of its move.
AC: 18(+4 size,+3 Dex, +1 natural),touch17, flat-footed15 Distraction (Ex): Any living creature that begins its
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/— turn with a draconic fingerling swarm in its space must
Attack: Swarm 2d6 + ld6 acid succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1
Full Attack: Swarm 2d6 + ld6 acid round. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Space/Reach:10 ft./O ft. Feed (Ex): When a draconic fingerling swarm slays
Special Attacks: Distraction an opponent, it can feed on the corpse, dissolving and
devouring the corpse as a full-round action. Feeding
destroys the victim's body and prevents
any form of raising or resurrection that
requires part of the corpse. For every 3
Hit Dice the victim had, the draconic
fingerling swarm gains a +1 bonus to
its Constitution score. This increase to
Constitution lasts for 1 hour. The dra
conic fingerling swarm ignores living
opponents if there's a suitable corpse
to feed on within 30 feet.
Skills: A draconic finger
ling swarm has a +4
racial bonus on Jump
checks, which it uses
to leap above the
surface ofthe water
to reach prey.
acle or wish within one round
of the lichfiend's destruction
to prevent its life force from
returning to its patron, or to
convince its patron to de
stroy the lifeforce rather
than restore it to a body.

A mob is, in many ways,
treated as a single en
tity similar to a swarm,
save that it is made of
much larger creatures. A mob
can be composed of Small, Me
dium, or Large creatures, but all ofthe
individual creatures must be of the same
type. A mob that incorporates a crowd of gob
lins and a crowd of chokers is best modeled by two
separate mobs. You can use the following template
to create specific types of mobs.
Mob" is an acquired template that can be added
to any Small, Medium, or Large creature. Gen
erally, mobs are transitory; after forming, a mob,
lasts for, at most, id4+i hours before breaking up.
Most mobs break up naturally far sooner, once the
condition that caused its formation is no longer a
factor. A mob uses all the base creature's statistics
and special abilities except as noted here.
Size and Type: A mob is a Gargantuan creature com
LICHFIEI1D posed of either 48 Small or Medium creatures or 12
"Lichfiend" is a monster template that is nearly identi Large creatures. The mob's type remains unchanged
cal to the lich template detailed in the MonsterManual, from the base creature.
save that whereas the lich is the result of a humanoid Hit Dice: Amob has a single pool of Hit Dice and hit
spellcaster seeking to prolong his life via undeath, the points. All mobs have 30 Hit Dice; this number repre
lichfiend is an outsider spellcaster who seeks only to sents the mob's mentality and physical mass more than
gain personal power at the expense of his free will. its race or class, since the individual members of a mob
The lichfiend template is identical to the lich tem don't use their own abilities or experience to aid the
plate, save for the following differences: whole. The type of Hit Dice rolled is set by the mob's
. The lichfiend template may be applied to any evil racial Hit Dice, not any class levels the mob may have.
outsider that has the Evil Brand feat and is at least Thus, a mob of human commoners would roll d8s for
caster level 11 in a spellcasting class. hit points, not d4S.
• A lichfiend's touch does not threaten permanent pa Reducing a mob to o hit points or lower causes it to
ralysis; rather, it threatens permanent insanity, as break up, though damage taken until that point does
the spell ofthe same name. not degrade its abilityto attack or resist attack.Mobs are
• Lichfiends do not create phylacteries to house their neverstaggeredor reduced to a dying state by damage.
fife force. Rather, their life force is maintained by a Initiative: A mob's initiative modifier is always +0.
powerful fiendish patron or evil deity. This patron Speed: Amob's speed is equal to that ofthe base crea
can revoke the lichfiend's undead status (thereby ture -10 feet.
destroying the lichfiend) as a free action at any Armor Class:As the base creature, modified by -4 for
time, so lichfiends are unquestioningly loyal to the mob's Gargantuan size.
their patrons. A lichfiend that is killed crumbles Base Attack: Since all mobs have 30 hit dice, their
to dust and its lifeforce returns to its patron, who base attacks are set depending upon their type.
may create a new body identical to the lichfiend's
prior body if he wishes, or may simply absorb the
lichfiend's lifeforce, destroying it utterly. The only
way to permanently slay a lichfiend is to use a mir
Mob Type Base Attack a Reflex save (DC 25 + the Mob's Strength modifier) to
Fey, Undead +15 take half damage.
Aberration, Animal, Construct, +22 Special Qualities: A mob retains all of the special
Elemental, Giant, qualities of the base creature. In addition, it gains the
Humanoid, Ooze, Plant, Vermin following special quality.
Dragon, Magical Beast, +30 Mob Anatomy (Ex): A mob has no clear front or back
Monstrous Humanoid, and no discernable anatomy, so it is not subject to
Outsider critical bits or sneak attacks. A mob cannot be flanked,
tripped, grappled, or bull rushed.
Grapple:As base attack, modified by +12 for its size, Unlike swarms, mobs are made up of relatively small
and as appropriate for its Strength modifier. numbers of individual creatures, so spells or effects that
Attack/Full Attack: Mobs don't make standard attacks. target specific numbers of creatures can have an effect
X Rather, they are treated similar to swarms in combat. A on a mob. Each specific creature that is slain, disabled,
mob deals5d6bludgeoningdamageto anycreaturewhose or otherwise incapacitated by spells or effects that tar
space it occupies at the end ofits move,with no attack roll get specific creatures inflicts 2 negative levels on the
needed. Mob attacksare not subjectto a miss chance for mob. A mob that gains negative levels equal to its Hit
concealmentor cover.The mob's attacksare nonmagical, Dice breaks up as if reduced to o hit points. Negative
unlessthe base creature'sattacksare consideredmagical. levels gained in this manner are not the result of nega
Damage reduction applies to mob attacks. tive energy (and thus cannot be blocked by death ward
Space/Reach:A mob occupies a square 20 feet on a or removed by restoration),but never result in perma
side, but its reach is o feet. In order to attack, it moves nent levelloss.Amob takes half again as much damage
into an opponent's space, which provokes an attack of (+50%) from spells or effects that affect an area, such as
opportunity. It can occupy the same space as a creature splash weapons and most evocation spells.
of any size since it tramples over and moves around its Although mobs are treated as one creature, it
victim. A mob can move through squares occupied by sometimes becomes necessary to determine the fate
enemies and vice versawithout impediment, although of a specific individual caught up in the mob. If a
the mob provokesan attack of opportunity if it does so. mob is dispersed by non-lethal attacks, there are no
Amob can movethrough openings large enough for its casualties. Ifthe mob is dispersed by lethal attacks,
component creatures. assume that 30% of its number are slain and 30% are
Larger mobs are represented by multiples of single reduced to o hit points. To determine a specific in
mobs. The area occupied by large mob like this is com dividual's fate, simply roll d%; a result of 01-30 indi
pletely shapeable,though the mob usually remains in cates death, 31-60 indicates the victim is reduced to
contiguous squares. o hit points, and a roll of 61-100 indicates the victim
SpecialAttacks:Amob's mentality is fueled by emo escapes relatively unscathed.
tion; as a result, the individual creatures that make up Saves: A mob's saving throws are calculated as a 30
the mob are unable to effectivelyuse anyspecialattacks Hit Die creature of its particular type. A mob's base
that require actions to use, such as breath weapons, good save is +17, and its base bad save is +9.
spell-like abilities, and the like. Ifthe base creature has Abilities: A mob's abilities are the same as the base
specialattacksthat are keyed to its damage(suchas poi creature, save that its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charis
son, level drain, ability loss, improved grab, constrict, ma scores drop to 10. Ifthe basecreature'sIntelligence,
rend, or swallowwhole), those special attacks function Wisdom, or Charisma scores are already lower than 10,
normally on any creature damagedby the mob. Special they do not change.
attacks like gazeweaponsthat function constantlycon Skills: Same as the base creature; do not recalculate
tinue to function normally. The save DCs for special based on the mob's 30 Hit Dice. The mob's new Intel
attacks should be recalculated based on the mob's 30 ligence, Wisdom, or Charisma scores may grant some
Hit Dice. skills different modifiers.
In addition, mobs gain some or all of the following Feats: Same as the base creature; all mobs gain Im
special attacks: proved Bull Rush and Improved Overrun as bonus feats.
Expert Grappler (Ex). A mob can maintain a grapple Organization: Solitary,pair, or riot (3-12 mobs).
without penalty and still make attacks normally against Challenge Rating: 8, or +2 ifthe base creature's CR is
other targets (normally,attacking other targets while 7 or higher.
grappling imposes a -20 penalty on grapple checks).A Advancement: —
mob is never considered flat-footedwhilegrappling. Level Adjustment: —
Trample (Ex). A mob that simply moves over a crea
ture and doesn't end its movement with that creature Sample Mobs
in one of its occupied squares can trample the creature. These two stat blocks present two common forms of
A trampled creature takes 2d6 + 1.5 times the mob's mob; the riot and the stampede.
Strength modifier points of damage.The victim can ei ? Riot, Mob of Humans: CR 8; Gargantuan human
ther make an attack of opportunity on the mob or make oid (mob of Medium humans); HD 3od8; hp 135; Init +4
Spd 20 ft.; AC 6, touch 6, flat-footed 6; BaseAtk+22; Grp Byakala, Smoking Eye Advanced Maralith
+34; Atk/FullAtk mob 5d6; Space/Reach20 ft./o ft.; SA Demon
expert grappler, trample; SQ mob anatomy; AL LN; SV LargeOutsider (Chaotic,Extraplanar,Evil,Tanar'ri)
Fort +n, Ref+9, Will +17; Str 11, Dex 11,Con 11, Int 10, Hit Dice: 20d8+220(310 hp)
Wis 10, Cha 10. Initiative: +6
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +4. Speed:40 ft. (8squares)
Feats: Improved Initiative, Great Fortitude, Improved AC: 31(-1size,+6Dex, +16 natural),touch15,flat-footed25
Bull Rush8, Improved Overrun". BaseAttack/Grapple:+20/+35
? Stampede, Mob of Light Horses: CR 8; Gargan Attack:+2 unholylongsword+33 melee (ld8+ll/19-20) or
tuan animal (mob of Large animals); HD 3od8+6o;hp tail slap +30 melee (4d6+ll)
195; Init +0; Spd 50 ft.;AC10,touch 7,flat-footed 9; Base FullAttack:+2 unholylongsivord+33/+28/+23/+18
Atk +22; Grp +36; Atk/Full Atk mob 5d6+2; Space/Reach melee (ld8+13/19-20) and +2 anarchiclongsword
20 ft./o ft.; SA expert grappler, trample; SQ low-light vi +33 melee (ld8+7/19-20)and +2 trident+33 melee
sion, mob anatomy, scent; AL N; SV Fort +19, Ref +18, (ld8+7)and +1 keen scimitar+32 melee (ld6+6/15-20)
Will +9; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2; Wis 10, Cha 6. and +1 shockfail +32 melee (ld8+6 plus ld6 elec
Skills: Listen +3,Spot +3 tricity) and +1 keen kukri +32melee (ld4+6/15-20)
Feats: Endurance, Improved Bull Rush", Improved and tail slap +31 melee (4d6+ll)
Overrun", Run. Space/Reach: 10 ft./lO ft.
SpecialAttacks:Constrict 4d6+16,improved grab, spell
SiriHKirtG EYE like abilities, summon tanar'ri
CREA-HIRE SpecialQualities:Damage reduction10/goodand cold
The visible mark of one destined to rule Occipitus, iron, darkvision 50 ft., immunity to electricity and poi
the Sign ofthe Smoking Eye template imbues a crea son, fiein state,morphic potential, resistance to acid 10,
ture with the essence of the Abyssal layer (an evil cold 10,and fire 10,spell resistance 25,telepathy 100 ft.
place tinged with good). Receiving the Sign of the Saves: Fort +24, Ref+19, Will +16
Smoking Eye is a necessary first step on the path to Abilities: Str 33, Dex 22, Con 32, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 26
ruling the layer as a demon lord. But because Occipi Skills: Bluff+31, Concentration +34, Diplomacy +35, Dis
tus isn't wholly evil, the Sign ofthe Smoking Eye can guise +8(+10 acting),Hide +25, Intimidate +33, Listen
also be a useful tool for a creature determined to ex +26, Move Silently +29, Search +27,Sense Motive +26,
punge every trace of evil from the plane and restore Spellcraft+27, Spot +26, Use MagicDevice+31
it to its Celestial glory. Feats:CombatExpertise,Combat Reflexes,Improved
The Sign ofthe Smoking Eye enables its bearer to Trip,Multiattack,Multi-WeaponFighting,Practiced
establish morphic control over Occipitus. The previ Magic,QuickenSpell-LikeAbility(blade barrier)
ous bearer ofthe Sign, the fallen angel Adimarchus, Environment Tarterian Depths of Carceri
could remake the landscape with a wave of his hand, Organization: Solitary
control magic use across the layer, and Challenge Rating: 19
draw nigh-limitless evil power from Treasure: +2 unholylongsword,+2 anarchic
the fabric ofthe plane itself. Such longsword,+2 trident,+1 keen scimitar,
abilities require both immense +1 shockflail, +1 keen kukri
personal power and mastery Alignment: Alwayschaotic evil
of the esoteric techniques Advancement 21^18 HD
of morphic planar con (Huge)
trol—neither of which is Level Adjustment: —
granted by this template. Byakala was once one of Ad
With time, study, and the imarchus's chief lieutenants,
acquisition of further and like her master is now im
power, someone with the prisonedon Carceriat the tower
Sign of the Smoking Eye of Harrrowfell.
can turn Occipitus into a Constrict (Ex): Byakala
world that reflects its mas deals 4d6+i6 points of damage
ter's every desire. with a successful grapple check. The
constricted creature must succeed on a
SAMPLE SMOKING EYE DC 31 Fortitude save or lose consciousness
CREATURE for as long as it remains in the coils and for
This example uses a marilith de 2d4 rounds thereafter. The save
mon as the base creature. DC is Strength-based.
Improved Grab (Ex):To use
this ability, Byakala must hit
with her tail slap.
Spell-Like Abilities (caster level 21st): At will— of Occipitus through conscious effort, provided the
align weapon, blade barrier (DC 24), magic weapon, base creature is powerful enough to do so. Details of
project image (DC 24), polymorph,see invisibility,teleki how this ability can be used are up to the DM, but in
nesis (DC 23), greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of any case, no creature of 2oth-level or lower can wield
objects only), unholy aura (DC 26); 3/day—quickened such power consciously. Over time, even a lower-level
blade barrier(DC 24). character exerts a subconsciousinfluence on Occipitus,
True Seeing (Su): Byakalacontinuously uses this abil however, and the landscape and the essential nature
ity as the spell (casterlevel21st). ofthe plane changes to conform to the base creature's
alignment and desires.
CREATING A SMOKING EYE CREATURE Saves:The base creature gains a +1 insight bonus on
"Signofthe Smoking Eye" is an acquired template that all savingthrows—it'salmost as ifthe layerof Occipitus
canbe added to anylivingcreaturewithat leastone eye is looking out for him or her.
(referredto hereafteras the basecreature). Challenge Rating: The base creature's CR remains
A creature with the Sign of the Smoking Eyeuses all unchanged.
the base creature's statistics and specialabilitiesexcept Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +1. The
as noted here. creature is now treated as one level higher than the base
Appearance: One ofthe base creature's eyes (usu creature's equivalent class level for purposes of deter
ally the left one) is replaced with magical flame that mining experience point awards. For example, if a 12th-
gives off no heat and does not burn the surrounding level human fighter gains this template, he is treated
flesh. When the eye is open, it provides illumination as a i3th-levelcharacter when determining experience
as a candle. The base creature's vision is unaffect point awards, and thus gains slightly fewer experience
ed—he or she can still see through the transformed points than he would have without the template's ad
eye normally. The eye also gives off wisps of bitter ditional powers and bonuses.
smoke. The smoke doesn't obscure vision, but it does
give a +10 bonus to creatures trying to track the base *HUI"IDER BEAS+
creature by scent. Tliis beast looks like a massiveterrestrialhippo, but with lon
Attacks:The base creature gains a +1 insight bonus ger (and more) legs. It's body appears swollen,and its tail is
on all attacks as the power of Occipitussubtly guides broad,flat, andfairlyshort. The beast's mouth is tremendous,
his blows. with massive tusks. Its yellow-brownflesh is mottled with
Special Qualities:The base creature retains all spe sicklygreen wartygrowths.
cial qualities and gains those described below:
Spellcasting:The base creature's effectivecaster level for These bloated, elephantine creatures roam in herds
spells and spell-likeabilitiesgoes up by+1. The power of across the layers of the lower planes, particularlythe
Occipitusmakes the basecreature'sspellslastslightlylon Abyss and Carceri. Called thunder beasts for their rum
ger, reachslightlyfarther,and deal slightlymore damage. bling bellows, intestinal sounds, and offensive breath,
Imbued with Evil: Regardless ofthe base creature's ac these creatures subsist on vegetation and ooze from
tual alignment, spells and spell-like abilities with the which unwholesomegrowthsspring.In turn, theyare fed
evil descriptor treat the base creature as if his or her upon by many ofthe other creatureslikewiseinhabiting
alignment were evil. Spellsand spell-likeabilities with the place.Their fleshis rank,fibrous,and disgustingto all
the good descriptor treat the base creature as ifhis or but demons and their ilk—andpossiblyevento them!
her alignment were good. Magic items are similarly For every two adult creatures in a thunder beast herd
fooled.An unholyblightspell,forexample,won'tdamage there is one immature specimen (half normal hit dice
a creature with the Signofthe SmokingEye, no matter with no bite attack). A thunder beast is 18 feet tall and
what his or her actual alignment is. weighs 20,000 pounds.
Lie in State: When the base creature dies, his or her
body disappears after a number of rounds equal to the COMBAT
base creature's Hit Dice. The body reappears dead but Although not carnivorous, the thunder beast is a noto
intact in the Skull'seyesocketon Occipitus.Any equip riously surly and cantankerous creature, highly prone
ment the base creature was carrying,holding, or wear to unprovoked attacks and sudden charges against
ing at the moment of death is likewise transported to anything it perceives as threatening its personal terri
Occipitus—and is likewise reconstituted if it was de tory.They begin their attacks by charging their targets.
stroyed at the moment of death. Each time this ability Against single targets, they usually utilize bite attacks.
is used, there's a 20% chance that the base creature loses Against large numbers of foes they use trample. Athun
the Sign ofthe Smoking Eye template. Dimensionalan der beast uses bull rush or overrun to reach and attack
chor, dimensionallock, and similar spells delay the body's the largest creature it sees.
transportation in this manner, but once the spell effect Bellow (Su):As a standard action, a thunder beast can
ends the body transports to Occipitus immediately. unleash a tremendous roar. All creatures within the
Morphic Potential: A creature with the Sign of the thunder beast's reach must make a DC 23Fortitude save
Smoking Eyehas the potential to change the landscape or be stunned for 1 round and deafened for 2d6 hours.
Thunder Beast Thunder Beast Behemoth
Huge Magical Beast (Extraplanar) Colossal Magical Beast (Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 15dl0+90(172 hp) 36dl0+468(630 hp)
Initiative: -1 -1

Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) 20 ft. (4 squares)

AC: 23 (-2 size,-1 Dex, +16 natural), touch 7, 33 (-8 size,-1 Dex,+32 natural), touch 1,
flat-footed 23 flat-footed 33
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+37 +36/+5S
Attack: Bite +27 melee (2d8+21) Bite +50melee (6d8+33)
Full Attack: Bite +27 melee (2d8+21) Bite +50melee (6d8+33)
Space/Reach: 15 ft/10 ft. 30 ft./20 ft.
Special Attacks: Bellow,powerful charge, trample 2d8+21 Bellow,powerful charge, trample 6d8+33
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., immunities, Darkvision 60 ft., immunities,
low-light vision, stench low-light vision, stench
Saves: Fort+15,Ref+8,Will+7 Fort +33, Ref+19, Will +13
Abilities: Str 38, Dex 8, Con 23, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 5 Str 54, Dex 8, Con37, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 5
Skills: Listen +11, Spot +11 , Listen +22, Spot +21
Feats: Diehard, Endurance, Improved Bull Rush, Diehard, Endurance, Improved Bull
Improved Overrun, Power Attack,Run Rush, Improved Natural Armor (7),
Improved Overrun, Power Attack,Run
Environment: Any(LowerPlanes) Any(LowerPlanes)
Organization: Solitary or herd (6-30) Solitary
Challenge Rating: 9 16
Treasure: None None
Alignment: Always neutral Always neutral
Advancement: 16-20 HD (Huge),21-35 HD (Gargantuan; 37-45 HD (Colossal)
36-45 HD (Colossal)
Level Adjustment:

A successful save negates both effects.A thunder beast and special qualities based on the type of demodand
may use this sonic attack once a minute. spirit it absorbs:
Powerful Charge (Ex): A thunder beast deals 4d8+42
points of damage with its bite whenit makes a charge. Farastu Demodand Spirit
Trample (Ex): Reflex Half DC 31. The save DC is Special Attacks: The Tarterian creature with a farastu
Strength-based. spirit retains all ofthe special attacks ofthe base crea
Immunities (Ex): Thunder beasts are immune to ture but also gains the following abilities:
sonic attacks as well as all forms of disease, poison, Adhesive Slime (Ex): The Tarterian creature exudes a
sickness or nausea caused by odors. sticky, tarlike slime that acts as a powerful adhesive,
Stench (Su): A thunder beast's breath is supernatu- holding fast creatures or items that touch it. The Tart
rally wretched. Anycreature within the thunder beast's erian creature gets a +8 racial bonus on grapple checks
reach at the start of his turn must make a DC 23 Forti and disarm checksdue to the adhesiveslime.Aweapon
tude save or become nauseated for id4 rounds. that strikes a Tarterian creature is stuck fast unless the
wielder succeeds on a Reflex save (the save DC is Con
THUNDER BEAST BEHEMOTH stitution-based). Prying off a stuck weapon requires a
A rare few thunder beasts reach absolutelyprodigious DC 17Strength check.
size.These behemoths are usuallysolitarycreatures,but Lantern oil or some other flammable oil (such as
sometimes travel with a herd of regular-sized thunder alchemist's fire) dissolves the Tarterian creature's adhe
beasts. A thunder beast behemoth can be over 100 feet siveslime; the creature requires 10 minutes to renew its
tall and often weighs in excessof 150 tons. adhesive coating if doused with oil. ATarterian creature
Bellow (Su): The thunder beast behemoth's bellow can dissolve its adhesive slime at will, and the substance
can be resisted with a DC 41 Fortitude save. breaks down 1 minute after the Tarterian creature dies.
Powerful Charge (Ex): A thunder beast behemoth Rage(Ex)Three times per day, the Tarterian creature
deals i2d8+66 points of damage with its bite when it can fly into a frenzy, raging like a barbarian (see the
makes a charge. Player'sHandbook,page 25). However, the Tarterian crea
Trample (Ex): Reflex Half DC 50. The save DC is ture is not fatigued at the end of its rage.
Strength-based. Spell-LikeAbilities:At will—detectmagic, clairaudience/
Immunities (Ex): Thunder beast behemoths are im clairvoyance,fear, invisibility,tongues; 3/day—-fogcloud, ray
mune to all forms of disease, poison, sickness or nausea ofenfeeblement;2/day—dispelmagic.Caster level 11th.The
caused by odors, as well as sonic attacks. save DCs are Charisma-based.
Stench (Su):A thunder beast behemoth's breath is su- Special Qualities: The Tarterian creature with a far
pernaturally wretched. Anycreature within the thunder astu spirit retains all ofthe special qualities ofthe base
beast's reach at the start of his turn must make a DC 41 creature but also gains the following qualities:
Fortitude save or become nauseated for id4 rounds. Freedom of Movement (Su) The Tarterian creature
gains the benefit of continuous freedom of movement,as
*AR*ERIAn CREATURE the spell (casterlevel10th).
Acreature on any plane other than Carcerican,through Scent (Ex) The Tarterian creature can detect ap
ancient magic and arcane rituals, barter with a fiend proaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by
ish spirit trapped in the Tarterian Depths of Carceri. sense of smell.
This bargain allows the fiendish spirit a momentaryyet Darkvision out to 60 feet.
priceless flickerof freedom as it bestowsthe bargainer Immunity to acid and poison.
with fragments of its power.The fiendish spirit is an Resistance to cold 5 and fire 5.
nihilated as a result, but many fiends would rather be Cannot be raised or resurrected.
destroyed than trapped on Carcerifor all eternity. Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows:
In exchange for its newfound fiendish powers, +2 Str, +2 Cha.
the beneficiary, now a Tarterian creature, gives up Skills:The Tarterian creature'sadhesiveslime gives it
its soul upon death. Put another way,when the Tar a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks.
terian creature dies, its soul goes to Carceri and CR: Same as the base creature +2.
is trapped there. For as long as the spirit remains
trapped on Carceri, raise dead, resurrection,and true Kelubar Demodand Spirit
resurrection spells automatically fail to restore the Special Attacks: The Tarterian creature with a kelubar
creature to life. spirit retains all ofthe special attacks ofthe base crea
ture but also gains the following abilities:
CREATING A TARTERIAN CREATURE Acidic Slime (Ex) The slime secreted by a Tarterian
"Tarterian" is an acquired template that can be added to creature adds +id6 points of acid damage to each of its
any fivingcorporeal creature of evilalignment (referred melee attacks. On a successful critical hit, this burst of
to hereafter as the "base creature"). ATarterian creature acid deals +idio points of acid damage instead.
uses all of the base creature's statistics and abilities ex Stench (Ex) The Tarterian creature's slime reeks of
cept where noted here. It also gains new special abilities filth and decay. All creatures (except other Tarterian
creatures)within 30 feet of a kelubar must succeed on ParalyzingSlime (Ex) Creaturesstruck in meleeby the
a Fortitude save or be nauseated for as long as the crea Tarterian creature's claw or bite attack must succeed on
ture remains within the area, and for 10 rounds after a Fortitudesavingthrow or be paralyzedfor 3d6 rounds.
the creature leaves. A successful save means the crea The Tarterian creature can choose to spit a globule of
ture is immune to thatTarterian creature's stench for 24 slime as a ranged touch attack with a range of 30 feet,
hours (but not the stench of other Tarteriancreatures). with the same effect. The save DC is Constitution-based.
The save DC is Constitution-based. Spell-Like Abilities: At will—detect magic, clairaudi-
Spell-LikeAbilities:At will—detectmagic, clairaudience/ ence/clairvoyance,fear, invisibility,spider climb, tongues; 3/
clairvoyance,fear,invisibility,Melfsacid arrow, spiderclimb, day—cloudkill, fog cloud, ray ofenfeeblement,stinkingcloud;
tongues;3/day—-fogcloud, ray ofenfeeblement;2/day—acid 2/day—dispelmagic, i/day—mass charm monster. Caster
fog, dispel magic. Casterlevel 13th.The save DCs are Cha level 15th.The save DCs are Charisma-based.
risma-based. Special Qualities:The Tarterian creature with a sha
SpecialQualities:The Tarterian creature with a kelu tor spirit retains all ofthe special qualities ofthe base
bar spirit retains all ofthe specialqualities ofthe base creature but also gains the following qualities:
creature but also gains the following qualities: Freedom of Movement (Su) The Tarterian creature
Freedom of Movement (Su) The Tarterian creature gains the benefit of continuous freedom of movement,as
gains the benefit of continuousfreedom of movement,as the spell (caster level 10th).
the spell (casterlevel10th). Scent (Ex) The Tarterian creature can detect ap
Darkvision out to 120 feet. proachingenemies,sniff out hidden foes, and track by
Immunity to acid and poison. sense of smell.
Resistance to cold 10 and fire 10. See Invisibility(Su) This ability functions as the see in
Cannot be raised or resurrected. visibilityspell,exceptthat it is alwaysactiveand its range
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: extends to the limits ofthe Tarterian creature's vision.
+4 Str, +4 Cha. Darkvision out to 120 feet.
Skills: The Tarterian creature gets a +2 racial bonus Immunityto acid,mind-influencingattacks,and poison.
on Bluff, Diplomacy,and Sense Motive checks. Resistance to cold 20 and fire 20.
CR: Same as the base creature +2. Cannot be raised or resurrected.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows:
Shator Demodand Spirit +6 Str, +6 Cha.
Special Attacks: The Tarterian creature with a shator Skills: The Tarterian creature gets a +2 racial bonus
spirit retains all ofthe specialattacks ofthe base crea on Bluff, Diplomacy,and Sense Motive checks.
ture but also gains the followingabilities: CR: Same as the base creature +3.
- vr-sv;

FEA*S by Death Frost gain the cold descriptor. A Death Frost

spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the
ADROIT FLYBY ATTACK [GENERAL] spell's actual level.
You can make flyby attacksand getout of reachquickly.
Prerequisites: Fly speed 90, Flyby Attack, Hover EVIL BRAND [VILE]
or Wingover. The character is physically marked forever as a ser
Benefit: When flying and making an attack action, vant of an evil power greater than herself or as a vil
youcan moveboth before and after the attack,provided lain who does not carewho knows that she seeks only
that the total distancemovedis not greaterthan yourfly death, destruction, and misery for others. The symbol
speed. Your flying movement does not provokeattacks is unquestionable in its perversity, depicting a de
of opportunityfromthe creaturesyou attackduring the pravity so unthinkable that all who see it know be
round when you use this feat. yond a doubt that the bearer is forever in the sway of
This feat is from Draconomicon:Tlie Book ofDragons. the blackest powers.
Benefit: Evil creatures automaticaly recognize the
CONTAGIOUS PARALYSIS [MONSTROUS] symbol now emblazoned upon the character as a sign
Your paralyzing attack is contagious. of her utter depravity or discipleship to a powerful
Prerequisite:Paralysisas an extraordinary or super patron, although the specific identity ofthe patron
natural ability. is not revealed. She gains a +2 circumstance bonus
Benefit: Any creature paralyzed by your special at on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks made against
tack can confer paralysis to other creatures that touch evil creatures.
it. Any creature touching a creature that you have para This feat is from the Book of Vile Darkness.
lyzed is immediatelyaffectedas if youhad delivereda
paralyzing attack upon it (using the same save DC to FLESH OF THE ICE TOMB [GENERAL]
resist, if allowed). Your exposure to the strange energies that suffuse the
If a creature successfullysaves against your conta ruins of Karran-Kuraland long hours of near masoch
gious paralysisattack,it can't be affectedagain by that istic exposure to extreme cold have left your death-
attack for 24 hours. tainted flesh highly resistant to cold. You easily resist
This feat is from LibrisMortis:Tlie Book ofUndead. the damagecausedbyevenextremeor magicalcold.
Prerequisites: Tomb-Tainted Soul, Endurance, must
DEATH FROST SPELL [METAMAGIC] have spent at least 1 day in the ruins of Karran-Kural.
Your mastery of necromantic magic combined with Benefit:Treat all cold damage you suffer as nonlethal
your understanding ofthe strange energiesthat suffuse damage.Your bodyconstantlyfeels cold and clammy.
the ruins of Karran-Kuralallow you to enhance necro
mancy spells so that they inflict cold damage in addi IMPROVED FIENDISH SERVANT
tion to their normal effects. [GENERAL]
Prerequisites: Spell Focus (necromancy), must have You gain the service of a fiendish animal servitor.
spent at least 1 day in the ruins of Karran-Kural. Prerequisites: Fiendish servant class feature.
Benefit: A Death Frost spell inflicts an extra 2d6 Benefits: You can call an ape, black bear, boar, croco
points of cold damage against any creature affectedby dile, dire badger, dire bat, dire weasel, heavywarhorse,
the spell.Ifthe spell allows a savingthrow to partially leopard, monitor lizard, constrictor snake, Large viper
or completely resist its effects,the same saving throw snake, or wolverine as a fiendish servant. In addition,
applies to the extra cold damage. For example, ghoul the servant gains the fiendish creature template (see
touch allows a Fortitude save to resist its effects com Monster Manual, pages 107-108). The fiendish servant
pletely, and therefore a successful save against a Death otherwise conforms to the rules in the Dungeon Mas-
Frost ghoul touch negates both the extra cold damage tee's Guide(page 183).
and the spell's regular effects. If the enhanced spell This feat is from Championsof Ruin.
has lingering effects, the extra cold damage occurs
only at the onset ofthe spell's effects.Spellsenhanced
IMPROVED MULTIATTACK [GENERAL] Special:You may selectthis feat multiple times.Each
You are particularlyadept at using all of your natural time you choose it, you must apply it to a different set
weapons at once. of spell-like abilities.
Prerequisites:Threeor morenaturalweapons,Multiattack.
Benefit: Your secondary attacks with natural weapons QUICKEN BREATH [METABREATH]
have no penalty on the attack roll. You still add only 1/2 You can loose your breath weapon with but a thought.
your Strength bonus, if any, to damage dealt. Prerequisites: Con 19,breath weapon.
Normal:Without this feat, your secondary natural at Benefit: Using your breath weapon is a free action.
tacks are made at a -5 penalty (or a-2 penalty if you have When you use this feat, add +4to the number of rounds
the Multiattack feat). you.must wait before using your breath weapon again.
This feat is from Draconomicon:Vie Book of Dragons. This feat is from Draconomicon:The Book of Dragons.
Special:You cannot use this feat and the Maximize
IMPROVED PARALYSIS [MONSTROUS] Breath feat(detailed in Draconomicon)at the same time.
Youare better at paralyzing your victims.
Prerequisites:Undead type, paralysis extraordinary TEMPEST BREATH [METABREATH]
ability. You can make your breath weapon strike with the force
Benefit: When your natural attacks threaten to para of a windstorm.
lyzeyour foe, add a +4bonus to the save DC. Prerequisites: Str 13, breath weapon, Power Attack,
This feat is from Libris Mortis:The Book of Undead. size Large or larger.
Benefit: When you use your breath weapon, in addi
IMPROVED SNATCH [GENERAL] tion to its normal effects, creatures in the area are af
You can make snatch attacks against bigger opponents fected as though struck by wind effects.The force ofthe
than other creatures can. wind depends on your size, as indicated below. For the
Prerequisite:Snatch. effects of high winds, see Table 3-24 on page 95 of the
Benefit: As the Snatch feat (see page 304 of the Mon Dungeon Master's Guide.
sterManual),except you can grab a creature two size cat Dragon Size Wind Force

egoriessmallerthan youwith yourbite or claw attack. Large Severe

This feat is from Draconomicon:TheBook of Dragons. Huge , Windstorm

Gargantuan Hurricane


You can grapple enemies more firmly with only one of Because your breath weapon has an instantaneous
your natural attacks. duration, creatures ignore the checked effect unless
Prerequisites:Str 17, Snatch. they are airborne (in which case they are blown back
Benefit: When grappling an opponent with only the id6x5 feet).
part of your bodythat made the attack,you take only a Whenyouuse this feat,add +1 to the number of rounds
-10 penalty on grapple checks to maintain the hold. you must wait before using your breath weapon again.
Normal: Without this feat, you take a -20 penalty on This feat is from Draconomicon:The Book of Dragons.
grapplechecksto maintain a hold with onlyone part of
This feat is from Draconomicon:Vie Book of Dragons. Yoursoul is tainted by the foul touch of undeath.
Prerequisite: Nongood alignment.
PRACTICED MAGIC [GENERAL] Benefit: You are healed by negative energy and
Your spell-like abilities are more powerful. harmed by positive energy as if you were an undead
Prerequisite:Spellcraft4 ranks, spell-likeabilities. creature.This feat gives no other penalties or benefits
Benefit: Your caster level for your spell-like abilities ofthe undead type.
increases by +4. This can't increase your caster level for This feat is from LibrisMortis:The Book of Undead.
spell-like abilities beyond your Hit Dice. However, even
if you can't benefit from the full bonus immediately,if SPELLS
youlater gain noncaster-levelHit Dice you maybe able
to apply the rest ofthe bonus. ICEFANE CORPSE
If you have spellcasting ability from multiple sources Necromancy [Cold]
(from gained templates or from a character class) you Level: Sor/Wiz 3
must choose which set of spell-like abilities gain the Components: V, S, M
feat's effect. Casting Time: 1 standard action
This does not affect how often you can use your Range: Close (25 ft. + 5ft./2 levels)
spell-like abilities in a day.It only increases your caster Area: One undead creature
level,which would help you penetrate spell resistance, Duration: 1 round/level
increases the duration and damage of some spells, and Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
so on. Spell Resistance:Yes (harmless)
You infuse the affected undead with a powerful Duration: 1 round/level
burst of necromantic cold. Affectedundead gain the Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
following benefits: Spell Resistance: Yes
• One of the undead creature's natural attacks be Youinfuse the target's body with the unwholesome chill
comes infused with supernatural cold, and inflicts ofthe grave.This chill dulls the creature's reactions and
ld6 additionalpoints of colddamageon a hit. weakens its stamina. If the saving throw fails, the tar
• Fire resistance 10. get suffers a -4 penalty to Dexterity and a -4 penalty on
• Any time the undead suffers cold damage,it is in Fortitude saves.
stead healed for an amount of hit points equal to MaterialComponent:A pinch of dirt from a grave dug
the damage it would have suffered.Any resistance during a winter month.
to cold that the undead creature might have does
not reduce the amount of healing that it receives SHADOW DAGGER
when exposedto cold damage. Illusion (Shadow)
MaterialComponent:Awight's thumbnail. Level: Brd 3,Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S
NECROTIC MIST Casting Time: 1 standard action
Necromancy [Cold] Range: o ft.
Level: Sor/Wiz 6 Effect:One shadowymasterwork dagger
Components: V, S, M Duration:1 round/level(D)
Casting Time: i standard action SavingThrow: Will negates; see text
Range: Close(25 ft. + 5fL/2 levels) Spell Resistance: No
Effect: Fogspreads in 20-ft.radius, 20 ft. high A shadowy masterwork dagger appears in your hand.
Duration: 1 round/level On subsequent rounds, you can wield the dagger as
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial though it was a real masterwork dagger. Each time the
Spell Resistance: Yes dagger hits, it deals normal damage and forces the tar
Achillblack mist seepsfrom the ground.The mist car get to make a Will save. Ifthe Will save fails, the shadow
ries with it an unwholesome chill. It slows and freezes dagger deals an additional id6 points of damage per
living creatures caught in its grasp, while at the same caster level(maximum iod6).
time healing undead.
Living creatures in the cloud suffer 2d6 points of SHADOW PUPPETEER
cold damage per round on your turn (no save). Upon Illusion (Shadow)
entering the cloud or at the beginning of each round Level: Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 4
spent within the cloud, a living Components: V, S, M
creature must make a For Casting Time: 1 standard action
titude saving throw or be Range: 20-foot-radiusemanation centered on you
come slowed. Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Undead within the Saving Throw: Will negates; see text
cloud heal 5 hit points of Spell Resistance: Yes
damage per round. You can manipulate the shadows around you,
The mist obscures all giving them sinister, monstrous forms. All
sight, including dark- creatures within range, except those specified
vision, beyond 5 feet. A by you, must make a successful Will save or be
creature within 5 feet has clawed and bitten for 2d6 points of damage +1
concealment (attacks have point of damage per caster level (maximum +15).
a 20% miss chance). Creatures Affected creatures within range must make a new
farther away have total concealment Will save each round at the beginning of your
(50% miss chance, and the attacker can't use turn or take damage.
sight to locate the target). This spell needs light to function and deals no
MaterialComponentA small piece of a tombstone damage in areas of total darkness.
dedicated to a creature that became undead after MaterialComponent:A candle.
being buried for at least 1 month.

]]\ Necromancy [Cold]
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Dementia Battleaxe
Alakast: This magic quarterstaff was a
Components: V, S, M gift from Nidrama to Surabar Spell
^L LS Casting Time: 1 standard action mason, a gift intended to give the
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) wizard an edge against the demonic
Target: One living creature legions under Nabthatoron's com-
mand. Several decades after Surabar's death, a group The Star ofJustice is a +1 holy heavy mace that can
of bandits stole Alakast from the wizard's tomb. These be used once per week to cast a divinationspell. The
tomb robbers met a grisly end only a few days later on divinations granted by the Star of Justice manifest as
the Demonskar's rim, and for some time Alakast lay spoken prophecies or riddles voiced from the user's
forgotten in these ruins until it was discovered by a mouth but not in the user's voice. The sound of the
coven of half-feygreen hags (see Chapter Five). voice is that of an older human man with a gravely
Alakastis fashioned of pale, almost white wood, and voice; a voice said by the faithful of Cauldron to be
closeinspectionofthe wood grain revealsstrangeflow none other than St. Cuthbert's.
ing runes that spell out its name in Celestial. Alakast Moderate divination [good]; CL 7th; Craft Magic
is a +1 evil outsider bane quarterstaff—both ends of the Arms and Armor, divination,holy smite, creator must be
quarterstaff bear this enchantment. Alakast radiates good; Price 28,312 gp.
moderategood if such is detected for, and it penetrates
damage reductionas if it were a good alignedweapon. RINGS
Moderate conjuration; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms Ring ofThirteen:The Cagewrightleaders wearmatch
and Armor, summon monster I; Price 20,000 gp. ing magic rings designed to protect them from detec
Dementia (Weapon Quality): Dementia weapons tion and harm. A ring of thirteenis a ring of protection+2
usually appear charcoal gray in color. Acreature criti that also grants its wearer with constant protectionfrom
cally hit by a dementia weapon must make a success good, nondetection, and endure elements spells. These
ful DC 16 Will save or be confusedfor 7 rounds (as the rings function only for evil creatures; a non-evil crea
confusionspell). ture who wears a ring of thirteengains a neg
Moderate enchantment (compulsion); ative level for as long as the ring is
CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Ar worn. This negative level never
mor, confusion;Price +2bonus. results in actual level loss.
Mindbite: This intelligent Strong abjuration; CL15th;
+4 defending guisarme is a Forge Ring, protectionfrom
potent weapon. Not ac good, nondetection, endure
tually evil, it has served elements,creator must be
Dyr'ryd for many years, evil; Price 54,000 gp.
and is mostly indif
ferent to his cruelty. WONDROUS
Unlike most magic ITEMS

weapons, this gui Amulet of the Planes,

sarme resizes to best Lesser: A lesser amulet

fit its wielder. Mindbite of the planes functions

has Intelligence 14,Wis as an amuletofthe planes,
dom 14, Charisma 10, an save that it can be used
Ego of 14 and is Neutrally only once per day.
aligned. It can speak Com Strong conjuration; CL
mon, Demodand, and Ignan, 15th; Craft Wondrous Item,
has darkvision 60 ft., and can hear. plane shift; Price 24,000 gp.
Mindbite can detect magic at will and BlackJug: Three times per day, when
daze monster three times a day; the proper command word is spoken, this
it can also use feeblemindand hideous iron jug fills with
confusion once a day each. enough nutritious but
The guisarme has a dry foul-tasting brown gruel
voice and a wit to match. to feed 30 Medium or
It enjoys a good battle, smaller creatures or 15
although it grows im Large creatures. The
patient with characters jug weighs 40 pounds
that don't share at least empty and 75 pounds full.
one aspect of neutrality in their alignment. Moderate conjuration; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous
Strong evocation; CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms and Item, createfood and water, Price: 32,400 gp.
Armor, detect magic, daze monster,feeblemind,confusion, Blackstone Rune: This rune is a complex sigil drawn
shieldor shield offaith; Price 90,000 gp. on a small, glossy stone. On command, a blackstone £ %
Star of Justice:According to the faithful of St. Cuth rune allows its bearer to plane shift between the Plane v4
bert, this mace was touched by St. Cuthbert himself in of Shadow and the Material Plane (in either direction), <£ SK
ages past, and even today it serves as a conduit for his along with up to 50 pounds of objects.A blackstonerune "Sum,
advice and a focus for his omens. can be used three times before its magic fades.
This item originally appeared in the Fiend Folio.
Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, worn simulacrumsuit, and eventrue seeingis defeatedby
plane shift; Market Price3,300 gp. the suit's potent warding. For all this, however,the suit
Lantern of Guidance: A miniature bullseye lantern can still be recognized as a disguise with a successful
chained to a 4-foot length of darkwood, a lantern of Spot check made against the wearer's Disguise check.
guidance never goes out except within areas of magi The suit does grant a +10 circumstance bonus on the
cal darkness—neither the strongest wind nor full im wearer's Disguise check, but if an observer detects the
mersion in water can douse its silvery flame. Yet its ruse he can tell that the weareris disguisinghis appear
true power lies in its ability to unerringly guide the ance somehow.
lantern-bearer toward one of three specific locations. Acreaturecan remove a simulacrumsuit from a help
Thisfunctionsasajind the pathspell;thelantern'slight less targetwitha full-roundactionby pullingforcefully
alwaysshines in the correct direction of travel, and the on the person's flesh and clothing.The wearerof a sim
lantern-bearerhas an instinctivesense of any physical ulacrum suit may remove it as a full-round action that
actionsto take (such asavoidingtripwires or speaking provokesan attack of opportunity.
passwordsto avoid magicglyphs).Upto three locations An unworn simulacrum suit looks like a deflated skin
can be programmedinto a lantern ofguidancewhen it is ofthe creature it represents.
created. If the lantern-bearer brings the lantern to the Strong illusion; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, simu
first location,it immediatelyswitchesto the secondlo lacrum,limitedwish; Price 60,000gp.
cation and leads the bearer in that direction. Likewise, Sphereofthe Unseen:Thisvariantofanelementalgem
when the lantern-bearer reaches the second location, is tiedto the ElementalPlane of Air. When the glowing
the lantern immediatelyswitchesto the third location. glass sphere is broken, an invisible stalker, breathdrink
Once the third location is reached, the lantern loses its er, or huge air elementalappears as if summonedby a
guidance ability forever. summonmonsterspell. The creature summoned is chosen
It's not immediatelyapparent from looking at the by the user at the moment of activation. The summoned
lantern,but becauseit's a fairlysmall lanternconnected elemental is under the control ofthe creature that broke
to a sturdy handle by a short length of chain,it's an ef the sphere and remains for 13 rounds.
fective heavy flail. The lantern's creators knew that its Strong conjuration; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item,
light would often take the lantern-bearer into harm's summon monsterVII; Price 4,550 gp.
way, sothey enhancedthe itemto functionasa +2 heavy
flail.This propertyremainseven afterthe lanternofguid MINOR ARTIFACT
ance has successfullyguided a bearer to all three of its Amaranth Elixir: This magic elixir was used by the
pre-set locations. spell weavers to augment their slave laborers and make
Strongdivination;CL 12th;Craft MagicArms and Ar- them easierto control. It greatlyenhances a creature's
mor.Jwd the path; Price10,000gp. Strength, but damages his Wisdom. The AmaranthElix
Serpent's Eye: This 2-inch-diameter spherical black ir in the fountain is permanently active,but remains so
orb has a goldenslitlikeband,giving it the appearance forjust an hour if taken away in a container. The exact
of a reptilianeye. When grasped,the serpent'seye allows effect the Amaranth Elixir has on the drinker depends
theownerto usejbresighf(as the spell)once perday.The on his size.
serpent'seye has 50 charges when created.
Strong divination; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, Drinker's size Strength Wisdom
foresight,Price30,000gp. Diminutive or smaller no effect no effect
SimulacrumSuit:Asimulacrumsuitisa potentmagical Tiny +2 -1
disguise that can be used to defeat even the most minute Small +4 -2
inspection.When created,the user must collect a body Medium +8 -4
part from a donor creature,as if she were preparingto Large +4 -2
castsimulacrum.The creatorthenbuildsa roughcostume Huge +2 -1
that approximatesthe donor creature'sshape, size, and Gargantuan or bigger no effect no effect
appearance,incorporating the bodypart into the costume
in some manner. The donor creature must be an aberra The bonuses to Strength granted by the Amaranth
tion,animal,dragon,fey, giant,humanoid,magicalbeast, Elixir are enhancement bonuses. The Amaranth Elixir's
monstrous humanoid, ooze,plant, or vermin,and cannot effects can theoreticallylast forever,although there's a
have more Hit Dice than the creator's caster level. 25% chance the effect ends each time the sun sets. When
Once created,a simulacrumsuit may be worn by any this happens, the user becomes fatigued.
creaturethat is within at least one size categoryof the
# suit. Thus, a simulacrumsuit of a human could be worn MA|OR ARTIFACT
by a Small, Medium, or Largecreature. When a creature Tree of Shackled Souls: This artifact is the culmination
s wears a simulacrum suit, he is physicallytransformed of all the Cagewrights'scheming. Built to bear thirteen
*f*LLS into that creature as if by a polymorph spell. Once the soulcages—and the Shackleborn imprisoned within
suit is worn, the powerful magic cloaks itself from de them—the Tree of Shackled Souls resembles a massive,
tection. Divination spells cannot detect the magic of a intricately spiked, adamantine thorn bush.
Attached to each branch is a soulcage.They sway gen Dyr'ryd remains in the chamber to observe the pro
tly as the seismic energy fueling the artifact courses cess and make sure nothing goes wrong, but even if
through the device, as well as through the very air of he and the rest ofthe Cagewrights are slain, the portal
the chamber. At the time of this adventure, each soul is still created if the PCs do nothing to stop it. The
cage holds one of the Shackleborn.Their life energies exact amount of time required for the tree to finish
combine with the raw elemental power of the volcano this processis variable;you should time this event for
to form the matrix necessary to establish the massive maximum excitement in your campaign.
portal to Carceri.The tree acts as a conduit and focus The characters can prevent the tree from complet
for that power.The Shacklebornare vital to the process, ing the construction of the Carcerian gate in one of
but their use is now passed; all that remains in the cages two.ways,bydestroyingit or by using the dispersalcollar
are their lifeless bodies; only a wish or miracle can re found in area C14 in the Fiery Sanctum.
store them to life. Destroying the soulcagesor removing Destroyingthe Tree: Ifthe PCscanget through its hard
the bodies does not stop the portal from forming. ness, they can destroy the tree with physical and magi
The TreeofShackledSoulsis constructed from adaman calattacks.Doing so prevents the creation ofthe portal,
tine with a mithral core. It has hardness 20 and 1,500 hit but has cataclysmicresults nevertheless, as detailed at
points. It also radiates a massivedimensionlock effectto the end of Chapter Ten.
a radius of a quarter-mile (see page 221 of the Player's Shackle the Tree: The Cagewrights built a failsafe de
Handbook).Any divination spells that attempt to reveal vice to contain the tree's energy should they need to
information directly about the tree automatically fail. postpone the ritual for some reason. They construct
Finally,the Cagewrights enhanced the tree to generate ed a dispersalcollarthat, when fitted around any ofthe
a stabilizingeffect on the earth and stone surrounding tree's branches or trunk, disperses the energy stored
it to a quarter-mile.This aura prevents tremors or other within the Tree harmlessly and gradually. In theory,
seismicactivityfrom affectingthis or any ofthe cham this would allow the Cagewrights to restart the ritual
bers within the Fiery Sanctum. of planar binding at a later date, but the PCs can use
The Tree'sprimary function is to act as a conduit for the device to harmlessly defuse the situation. The
establishing a permanent gate to the plane of Carceri. dispersal collar is in area C14 of the Fiery Sanctum,
Doing so requires a complex ritual to be performed guarded by Moltenwing.
over the course of several, hours; as this adventure Once attached, the dispersal collar takes 30 minutes
begins, the Cagewrights have just finished this ritu to disperse the energy. It does so by emitting blinding
al. At this point the tree functions on its own, slowly light; anyone who looks at the Tree during this time
building up its power over the course of several more must make a successful DC 30 Fortitude save or be per
hours before it finally tears open the gate to Carceri. manently blinded.
••^sis*; ^•*S"f


As you run the Shackled City Adventure Path, REQUIREMENTS

your players get to interact with several secret To qualify to become a high handcrafter, a character
societies. Two of these societies (the Chisel must fulfill the followingcriteria.
and the Striders of Fharlanghn)are allied groups,and Alignment: Anygood.
the PCs will have several opportunities to join these Skills: Craft (any) 10 ranks, Craft (any other) 6 ranks,
organizations if they wish. Membership in the Chisel Knowledge(architectureand engineering)5 ranks.
or the Striders has its benefits, among which is access Feats: Skill Focus in one ofthe Craft skills used to
to two new prestige classes—the high handcrafter and meet the Craft requirement.
the pathwarden. Languages: Terran.
Special: Must be sponsored by an active member of
HIGH HAnDCRAF*ER the Chisel, who must lead the aspiring character to the
The so-called high handcrafters are the leaders ofthe Hall of Carvings in Redgorge to meditate before the
Chisel, a secret organization inspired by the ancient Earth Pool for an hour.
hero SurabarSpellmason.Althoughall high handcraft
ers recognize the authority of the Foreman as main CLASS SKILLS
leader ofthe organization,the Chisel promotes free The high handcrafter's class skills (and the key abil
dom of thought and responsibleaction among all its ity for each skill) are Craft (any) (Int), Knowledge (ar
members. According to this philosophy all the high chitecture and engineering) (Int), Knowledge (history)
handcrafters, including the Foreman, consider them (Int),Knowledge(the planes)(Int),and Profession(Wis).
selves peers. Less than a dozen high handcrafters are Additionally,his exceptional dedication and versatility
knownto exist,and new onesareappointedexclusively allowshim to choose six additional skills as high hand
in a mysterioushideoutknown as the Hall of Carvings, crafter class skills.
near the villageof Redgorge. Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.
The Chisel considersexcellencein any kind of craft
a way to achieve a superior state of efficiencyand mo CLASS FEATURES
rality. High handcrafters are expectedto be intelligent, All ofthe followingare class featuresofthe high hand
able, and versatileartisans more than powerfuladven crafter prestige class.
turers. Following the philosophy of excellence and re Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A high handcrafter
sponsibilityin their actions,the high handcraftersgain is proficient with all simple weaponsand light armor.
substantial benefits, which affect their other classes as Improved Skill Focus (Ex): When a high handcrafter
well. Moreover, the high handcrafters gain access to takes the Skill Focus feat, he gains a +4 bonus on the
the Hall of Carvingsand the unconditionalsupport of selected skill rather than a +3bonus.
their peers.High handcrafters can comefrom anyback Planned Save(Ex):Ahigh handcrafter gains a +1 bonus
ground, and the expert NPC class is frequently found on saving throws made against something expected. For
among them. example, if a high handcrafter makes a Spellcraft check
Hit Die: d6. to identify a spell as it is being cast, he gains the bonus
to his save against it. The same bonus applies when the
high handcrafter is doing an obviously dangerous task,


Class Level Base Attack Fort Save Ref Save w ll Save

1st +0 +0 +2
•J". 2nd +1 +3 +0 +3
A?EC.VK 3rd +2 +3 +1 +3
4th +3 +4 +4
5th +3 +4 +1 +4
such as opening a nasty-lookingtreasure chest. He also quires 30daysof work and the expenditure of 1,000ex
gains the bonus against monster special attacks he un perience points and 15,000gp in raw materials.
derstands and expects. If a high handcrafter were fight When the high handcrafter completes the construc
ing a medusa, he'd get his planned save bonus against tion, he adds two of the following spells to the list of
her gaze attack.Athigher levels,the bonus for a planned spells he can cast using his earth talisman:fabricate,lesser
savebecomes +2(at3rd level)and +3 (at 5th level). planar binding (creatures with the earth subtype only),
Rebuke/Command Earth (Su): At 2nd level, the high major creation, transmute mud to rock, transmute rock to
handcrafter gains the ability to rebuke or command mud, and wall of stone. Each of these spells may be cast
earth creatures as a cleric of level equal to twice his high once per day.
handcrafter level (times per day equal to 3 plus Charis An improved earth talisman grants its wearer a +2
ma modifier). If he possesses this ability from any other competence bonus to all Craft checks.
class levels (such as by having cleric levels and access
to the Earth domain) his high handcrafter levels stack HIGH HANDCRAFTER LORE
with that class for the purposes of determining the ef Characters with Knowledge (local) can research high PI
fects of this ability. handcrafters to learn more about them. When a charac
Craft EarthTalisman (Su):At3rd level,the high hand ter makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the follow
craftergains the abilityto craft an earth talismanand in ing, including the information from lower DCs.
fuse it with magic channeled from the Elemental Plane DC 10: "High Handcrafters are members of a se
of Earth. Crafting an earth talismanis treated similarly cret societyof craftsmen and merchants. No one really
to the procedure for crafting a wondrous item. Creating knows where their actual interests lie."
the talisman requires three days of work, and the high DC 15: "The secretsocietyled by the High Handcraft
handcrafter must spend 100 experience points and ers is known as the Chisel. This group was created by
1,400 gp in raw materials. The cost in experience points one of Cauldron's founders. Some say that they dabble
and gold to craft an earth talismanis approximately30% in elemental magic and worship earth elementals."
less than the cost required to make an identical item DC 20: "Although the High Handcrafters are mer
with Craft Wondrous Item, since only the creator can chants and craftsmen, most are also accomplished
use the item in question. spellcasters. It's said that most of the successful mer
When the high handcrafter completes the construc chants in Cauldron are members."
tion, he selects two of the following spells: heat metal, DC 30: "The Chisel was founded by Surabar Spell
make whole, resist energy,shatter,soften earth and stone, or mason, the man who conquered the Demonskar and
stone shape. From this point on, he may use the earth founded both Cauldron and Redgorge. The High
talisman to cast each of these spells at a caster level Handcrafters are the leader of this organization, which
equal to twice his high handcrafter level, once per day is based somewhere in Redgorge, in a place called the
each.The talisman itself appears as a small chisel, often 'Hall of Carvings'.They often specialize in earth magic,
worn around the neck on a fine chain. It does not take and you can recognize a member by the strange trian
up a magic item slot, but the talisman must be firmly gular talismans they wear."
graspedin one hand to activateone of its powers.
An earth talisman functions only for the high hand FA+HWARDEn
crafter who made it. A high handcrafter can only have The dangerous, uncivilized frontier that surrounds
one talisman at a time; if he wants to change the tal Cauldron has seen the deaths of countless travelers,
isman's abilities, he must destroy his current talisman pilgrims, refugees,and explorers.The Striders of Fhar-
and start anew. langhn are no strangers to such places, and do their
Summon Earth Elemental (Sp): At 4th level, a high best to protect those who must travel the wildlands
handcrafter gains the spell-like ability to summon one while at the same time ensuring that evil does not gain
of the following monsters as if he were casting sum a foothold in the far corners ofthe world. They patrol
mon monsterVI: one Large earth elemental, id3 Medium the places no one else dares, and keep safe the remote
earth elementals, or id4+i earth mephits. paths and roadways ofthe frontier.
Improved Earth Talisman (Su): At 5th level, the high In this organization,there are those who take this
handcrafter can improve his earth talisman. This re- chargeas more than mere duty—theyelevateit to a wayof

Special Spells per Day/Spells Known

ImprovedSkill Focus +4, planned save +1
Rebuke/command earth +1 level of existing spellcasting class or bonus feat
Craft earth talisman, planned save +2
Summon earth elemental +1 level of existing spellcasting class or bonus feat
Improvedearth talisman, planned save+3 +1 level of existing spellcasting class or bonus feat
life.These are the pathwardens.Pathwardensbothguide pathwarden'smovement. She may run or charge across
and moderate the expansion of civilizationinto the wild. difficult terrain.
Thelife ofa pathwardenisone ofconstantchangeas they Bonus Feat/Increased Spellcasting: At 2nd level, and
wanderthe wildernessseekingto fulfilltheir duties. then again at 4th level,a pathwarden maychoose to gain
Clericsof Fharlanghn,bards,rangers,and rogues are a bonus feat or increase her spellcastingabilities.
the most common pathwardens,since the powers and If she chooses a bonus feat, she must select the bo
abilities of this prestige class complimentthem quite nus feat from the following list: Acrobatic, Alertness,
well. Druids,sorcerers,and wizardsfrequentlyjoin the Animal Affinity,Athletic, Diehard, Endurance, Far Shot,
pathwardens,but the strict skill and feat requirements Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (longbow or short-
often preventsuch charactersfromjoining until much bow), ImprovedInitiative,ImprovedPrecise Shot, Iron
later in their careers. Will, Lightning Reflexes,Manyshot,Natural Spell,Point
Hit Die: d6 Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Run, Shot on the
Run, SkillFocus(in anypathwarden classskill),Stealthy,
REQUIREMENTS Toughness,or Weapon Focus(longbowor shortbow).
To qualify to become a pathwarden, a character must If she choosesto improve spellcasting,she gains new
fulfill all the following criteria. spells per dayand an increase in caster level(and spells
Alignment Anynon-evil. known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a levelin
Skills: Gather Information 6 ranks, Knowledge(ge a spellcasting class to which she belonged before add
ography)6 ranks, Listen 10 ranks, Spot 10 ranks, Sur ing the prestigeclass level. Shedoes not, however,gain
vival 6 ranks. any other benefit a character of that class would have
Feats: Run, Track. gained.If she had more than one spellcastingclass be
Special: Before becoming a pathwarden, a character fore becoming a pathwarden, she must decide which
must havejoined the Striders of Fharlanghn. Shemust class to add the level to for the purpose of determining
also be sponsored by a member ofthe Striders. spells per day,caster level, and spells known.
Nature's Grace(Ex):At 3rd level,a pathwarden moves
CLASS SKILLS with a fluid grace that is haunting to behold. She gains
The pathwarden'sclass skills (and the key ability for a +2 dodge bonus to her Armor Class and a +2 insight
each skill) are Climb (Str), Concentration(Con), Heal bonus on Reflex saving throws on any round during
(Wis), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (geography) which she moves at least 30 feet.
(Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Si Introspection (Su): At 5th level,a pathwarden can seek
lently(Dex), Search(Int), Spot (Wis), Survival(Wis), and out a specificlocationof greatbeautyor latentpower. By
Swim(Str). entering an introspective meditative state at that site and
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier. expendinga smallamount of experiencepoints,the path-
CLASS FEATURES icalenergies,gaininga permanentbenefitin the process.
All ofthe followingare class featuresofthe pathwarden Introspection requires eight uninterrupted hours of
prestige class. meditation. At the end of this time, she must expend
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Pathwardens are 1,000 XP. The benefit gained by introspection is a per
proficient with all simple weapons, shortbows, and manent supernatural special quality.Apathwarden may
longbows.Theyare proficientin the use of all light ar chooseto replacethis specialqualityat anytime byper
mor, but not shields. forming a new introspection at a different site.
Fast Movement (Ex): At 1st level, and then again at The typesof introspection benefits a pathwardencan
3rd level and 5th level, a pathwarden'sbase land speed gain depend on the site, as follows.
increasesby +5 feet. This benefit applies onlywhen she Animal:Meditation in the den of a livinganimal of at
is wearing no armor or light armor and is not carrying least CR7 grants a +2 inherent bonus to Dexterity.
a medium or heavyload. Cavern: Meditation in a cavern at least a mile under
Sure Stride(Ex): Apathwardenhas an uncannyknack ground grants darkvision to a range of 60 feet.
for picking out the easiest route through areas of un Demonskar.Meditation within the Demonskar grants
even ground. Difficult terrain, such as rubble, an uneven spell resistanceequalto 10+your characterlevelagainst
cave floor, or thick undergrowth does not hamper a spells and spell-like abilities cast by demons.


ss Level Base Attao c Fo rt Save Ref Save W ll Save Special

1st +0 +2 +2 +0 Fast movement +5, sure stride
\£ 2nd +1 +3 +3 +0 Bonus Feat or Increased Spellcasting
^GECV>; 3rd +2 +3 +3 +1 Fast movement +10, nature's grace
4th +3 +4 +4 +1 Bonus Feator Increased Spellcasting
5th +3 +4 +4 +1 Fast Movement +15, introspection •
Dragon'sLair. Meditationin a dragon'slair while the Volcano: Meditation in the caldera of a volcano grants
dragon is alive and present grants a +1 increase to your fire resistance 30.
natural armor bonus. The dragon must be at least CR You can invent new effects for unique locations as
7, and must remain within 60 feet of you at all times you see fit.
during the meditation.
Glacier.Meditationon a glaciergrants cold resistance30. PATHWARDEN LORE
Lake: Meditation while afloat on a lake of at least Characters with Knowledge (religion) can research
1,000 feet in depth grants a +2 insight bonus on allWill pathwardensto learn more about them.Whena charac
saving throws. ter makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the follow
Long Shadows: Meditationat the base ofthe Spire of ing,including the information from lowerDCs.
Long Shadowsgrants immunity to level drain attacks. DC 10:"The Striders of Fharlanghn are a loosely or
Mountain: Meditation on the peak of a mountain of ganizedgroup who watch the horizonsfor signs of evil
at least12,000feet elevationgrants a +2inherent bonus and danger.Some of their members focus their vigilon
to Constitution. the frontiers at the edge of civilization—thesecustodi en
Ocean: Meditation while afloat on the ocean and out ans are called pathwardens."
of sight of land grants a +2 insight bonus on all Forti DC15: "A pathwarden'sinterests coincidewith the re
tude saving throws. ligiousteachingsof Fharlanghnand with many druidic
Riven Meditation while afloat on a river that's at least circles,yet not all of their number are druids or wor
100 miles long grants a +2 insight bonus on all Reflex shipers of Fharlanghn."
saving throws. DC 20: "Pathwardens are shockingly fleet of foot.
Shatterhorn: Meditation within the ruins of Shatter They can move about with great ease, evenin the most
horn grants immunity to poison. tangled of terrain. They'vegot a knack for dodging out
Storm: Meditation on a mountaintop or treetop grants of harm as well."
electricity resistance 30. DC 30: "The most powerful pathwardens are able to
Tree: Meditation at the base of the largest tree in a form a mysticalbond with areas of great beauty or latent
100-mile radius (minimum height of 100 feet) grants a power in the natural world. In so doing, they can draw
+2 inherent bonus to Strength. upon these locationsto enhance their bodies or souls."

1. Maavu Arlintal 6. Embril Aloustinai 11. Crazyjared 16. Nidrama

2. jil 7. Ike Iverson 12. Orbius Vhalantru 17. Cora Lathenmire
3.Jenya Urikas 8. Fellian Shard 13. Severen Navalant 18. ZacharyAslaxin II
4. Alek Tercival 9. Fario Ellegoth 14. SkylarKrewis 19. Todd Vanderboren
5. Celeste 10. Shensen Tesseril 15.TerseonSkellerang 20. Annah Taskerhill
[\\ \
I V v




This appendix contains complete statistics for Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Iron Will, Power
all the NPCs and unique monsters that appear Attack, Weapon Focus (dwarven waraxe),Weapon Spe
in this campaign, except for monsters that ap cialization (dwarvenwaraxe).
pear in the Monster Manual and are not significantly Languages:Common, Dwarven.
modified in this adventure. Possessions:+1 studdedleatherarmor,+1 light steel shield,
Several NPCs in this adventure have prestige classes +1 dwarven waraxe, belt ofgiant strength +2, light cross
that are detailed in books other than the Dungeon bow with 10 bolts, leather half-mask set with a black
Master's Guide or this book. These other books are not diamond (1,000gp).
required to run this adventure because all pertinent ? Advanced Devourer: CR 19; Huge undead (extra
statistics and abilities for these NPCs are included here. planar); HD 36dl2; hp 234; Init +4; Spd 30 ft; AC 25,
For reference purposes, each NPC entry indicates the touch 7, flat-footed25; Base Atk +18; Grp +39; Atk +29
original source of any such prestige classes. melee (2d6+13, claw); Full Atk +29 melee (2d6+13, 2
? Aabhaca, kuo-toa monk 5: CR 7; Medium mon claws);Space/Reach15ft./15ft.; SA energydrain (DC 36),
strous humanoid (aquatic); HD 2d8+4 plus 5d8+10; spell-like abilities, trap essence (DC 36); SQ darkvision
hp 47; Init +2; Spd 30 ft., swim 50 ft.; AC 25, touch 17, 60 ft., spell deflection, spell resistance 21, undead traits;
flat-footed23;Base Atk+5; Grp +7; Atk +8melee(ld8+2, AL NE; SV Fort +13, Ref+12, WiU +23; Str 36, Dex 8, Con
unarmed strike)or +7 melee (ld6+3, shortspear)or +7 — Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 23.
ranged (ld6+2, shortspear); Full Atk +8 melee (ld8+2, Skills: Climb +52, Concentration +39, Diplomacy +8,
unarmed strike)and +2melee(ld4+l, bite),or +6/+6me Jump +52, Listen +42, Move Silently +38, Sense Motive
lee (ld8+2,unarmed strike)and +2 melee (ld4+l, bite), +42, Spot +42.
or +7 melee (ld6+3, shortspear) and +2 melee (ld4+l, Feats:AbilityFocus(energydrain),AbilityFocus(trap
bite),or +7 ranged(ld6+2,shortspear);SA stunning fist essence),Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Combat Exper
5/day (DC 17); SQ adhesive,amphibious,immunity to tise, Great Fortitude, Improved Disarm, Improved Ini
poison and paralysis, keen sight, light blindness, resis tiative, Improved Natural Attack (claw), Improved Trip,
tance to electricity 10, slippery, evasion, still mind, ki Lightning Reflexes, Quicken Spell-LikeAbility(confu
strike (magic),slowfall 20 ft., purity of body; AL LE; SV sion),Weapon Focus(claw).
Fort +6, Ref+9,Will +11 (+13 vs. enchantments);Str 15, •J> Advanced Flesh Golem: CR 15; Huge construct;
Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 8. HD 27dl0+40; hp 188 each; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC
Skills: Escape Artist+10, Hide +12, Listen+16, Move Si 23, touch 10, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +20; Grp +41;
lently+12, Search+4, Sense Motive+7, Spot+14, Swim +10. Atk +31 melee (4d6+13, slam); Full Atk +31 melee
Feats: Alertness, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Mobility, (4d6+13, 2 slams); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA ber
Stunning Fist,WeaponFocus (unarmedstrike). serk; SQ construct traits, damage reduction 5/ada-
Languages:Aquan, Kuo-Toan, Undercommon. mantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, low-
Possessions:Shortspear, bracersofarmor+2, canoe. light vision; AL N; SV Fort +8, Ref+10, Will +8; Str 37,
^ Adrick Garthun, male dwarf fighter 5/rogue 5: Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1.
CR 10; Medium humanoid (dwarf); HD 5dl0+5d6+20; ^ Advanced Mohrg (yuan-ti pureblood): CR 11; Me
hp 68; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed dium undead; HD 20dl2; hp 148;Init +10; Spd 30 ft.;AC
16; Base Atk +8; Grp +12; Atk +14 melee (ldl0+7/x3,+1 25, touch 16, flat-footed 19; Base Atk +10; Grp +17;Atk/
dwarven waraxe) or +10 ranged (ld8/19-20, light cross Full Atk +17 melee (ld6+10, slam) or +17 melee touch
bow); Full Atk +14/+9 melee (ldl0+7/x3, +1 dwarven (paralysis, tongue); SA create spawn, improved grab,
waraxe) or +10 ranged (ld8/19-20, light crossbow);SA paralyzing touch (DC 25); SQ darkvision 60 ft., undead
sneak attack +2d6; SQ darkvision 60 ft., dwarf traits, eva traits; AL CE; SV Fort +6, Ref+14, Will +13; Str 25, Dex
sion, trap sense +1,trapfinding, uncanny dodge; ALLE; 23, Con —, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 13.
SV Fort +7 (+11 against poison), Ref+7, Will +4; Str 18, Skills: Climb +19, Hide +28, Listen +16, Move Silently
Dex 15, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 14. +28, Spot +22, Swim +11.
Skills:Appraise +5,Balance +4,Climb +8, Diplomacy +4, Feats: Alertness, Contagious Paralysis, Dodge, Im
Hide +7, Intimidate +11, Jump +10, Listen +5, Move Si proved Initiative, Improved Paralysis, Lightning Re
lently +7,Sense Motive +5,Spot +5,Swim +8, Tumble +7. flexes, Mobility.
^ Advanced SpellWeaver:CR18;Medium monstrous Sorcerer Spells Known (caster level 20th;
humanoid; HD 18d8-18; hp 86; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 6/8/8/7/7/7/7/6/6/6;+22 ranged touch): 0—acid splash,
31, touch 18, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +18; Grp +16;Atk dancinglights,detectmagic,disruptundead,mage hand, mes
+17 melee (ld4-2/19-20, masterwork dagger); Full Atk sage, open/close,ray offrost, read magic, 1st—charmperson
+17/+12/+7/+2melee (ld4-2/19-20, masterwork dagger); (DC 17), magic missile,protectionfrom evil, ray of enfeeble
SAspell-like abilities, spells; SQ chromatic disk, darkvi ment, shield;2nd—detectthoughts(DC 18), eagle'ssplendor,
sion 60 ft.,immunity to mind-affecting effects,shielded mirror image, scorchingray, spider climb; 3rd—fireball(DC
mind, spell weaving,spell resistance 21, telepathy; ALN; 20),fly,gaseousform, haste;4th—confusion(DC20), enerva
SV Fort +5, Ref+14, Will +14; Str 6, Dex 19, Con 8, Int 22, tion,fireshield, Otiluke'sresilientsphere(DC 21); 5th—bale
Wis 18, Cha 23; MonsterManual II187. ful polymorph(DC 21), cone ofcold (DC 22), telekinesis,wall
Skills: Concentration +12, Knowledge (arcana) +27, offorce; 6th—disintegrate(DC 22),greaterdispel magic, Oti
Knowledge (history) +17, Knowledge (the planes) luke'sfreezingsphere(DC 23); 7th—fingerofdeath (DC 24),
+27, Listen +25, Spellcraft +27, Spot +25, Use Magic greaterteleport,prismaticspray(DC 24); 8th—horridwilting
Device +27. (DC 25), mind blank,polar ray; 9th—Bigb^'scrushinghand,
Feats: Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, energydrain, wish.
Extend Spell, Heighten Spell, Skill Focus (Concentra Possessions: Bracers of armor +S, ring of protection +4,
tion),SpellFocus(evocation)8,SpellFocus(necromancy)", masterwork dagger, forked metal rod (focus for plane
Spell Penetration15,Widen Spell. shiftspell).
ChromaticDisk (Su) This 6-inch-diameter indestruc ^ Alek Tercival, male human aristocrat 5/paladin 4:
tible disk holds ten additional spell levels of energy that CR 8; Medium humanoid; HD 5d8+4dl0+9; hp 58; Init
the spell weaver can tap and use as it wishes—the spell +1; Spd 20 ft. (30 ft. base); AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed
weavercould, for example,cast two extra 5th-level spells 19;BaseAtk +7; Grp +8; Atk +10 melee (ld8+2/19-20, +1
in a day, or three 3rd-level spells and one lst-level spell, holy longsword)or +8 ranged (ld8+2/x3, composite long
or any other combination of extra spell levels that adds bow); Full Atk +10/+5 melee (ld8+2/19-20, +1 holy long
to ten, so long as no single spell is higher than 5th level. sword) or +8/+3 ranged (ld8+2/x3,composite longbow);
(Two 0-level spells are the equivalent of one lst-level SA smite evil 1/day, turn undead; SQ aura of courage,
spell for this purpose.) The spell weaver must hold the aura of good, detect evil, divine grace, divine health, lay
disk in one of its hands to tap this energy. The disk re on hands (8 hp/day);AL LG; SV Fort +6,Ref+3, Will +3;
charges itself to full power every night at midnight. A Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 6, Cha 15.
spell powered by the disk is cast as though the caster Skills: Bluff+10, Diplomacy +18, Disguise +2 (+4 act
had the Spell Focus feat for the spell in question. Only a ing),Gather Information +10, Handle Animal +6,Intimi
spell weavercan use a chromatic disk. If any other crea date +4,Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +7,Knowledge
ture touches the disk or attempts to use it, it explodes, (religion) +7, Listen +2, Ride +11, Spot +2, Swim +5.
dealing 4dl0 points of damage to everything within a Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Mounted
30-foot radius. Combat, Ride-ByAttack,Weapon Focus (longsword).
ShieldedMind(Ex):Attempts by creatures ofother races Languages:Common, Gnome.
to communicate telepathically with the spell weaver or Possessions: +1 holy longsword (light generator), +1
to read its mind always fail. A creature making such an banded mail, masterwork large metal shield (with St.
attempt must succeed on a DC 17 Will save or be af Cuthbert's symbol),composite longbow (Str +1)with 12
fected as if by a confusionspell (caster level 20th) for ld6 arrows, cloak of resistance+1, ring of sustenance,12 gp in
days.The effect can be dispelled or removed with a heal belt pouch.
spell. This effect does not occur ifthe spell weavervol ^ AUeybasher,human rogue 2: CR 2; Medium hu
untarily initiates telepathic communication. manoid; HD 2d6+2 plus 3; hp 14 each; Init +7; Spd 30 ft.;
Spell Weaving (Su) A spell weaver can cast more than AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +1; Grp +1; Atk
one spell simultaneously, as long as the sum ofthe spell or Full Atk +3 melee (ld6+l/18-20, masterwork rapier
levels is six or less. It could, for example, cast one 6th- or +4 ranged (Id6/x3,shortbow); SA sneak attack +ld6;
level (or higher) spell, one 4th-level and one 2nd-level SQ evasion, trapfinding; AL LE; SV Fort +1,Ref+6, Will
spell, one 3rd-level and three lst-level spells, or three -1; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 13.
2nd-level spells. (A single 0-level spell occupies one Skills: Balance +5, Bluff+6, Climb +6, Diplomacy +3,
arm.) Casting a 6th-level or higher level spell requires Disable Device +8, Escape Artist +8, Hide +8, Intimidate
all six ofthe spell weaver's arms. +3,Jump +3, Listen +4, Move Silently +8, Open Lock +8,
Spell-LikeAbilities(caster level20th):Alwaysactive—see Search +7, Spot +4,Tumble +8.
invisibility;at will—detectmagic, invisibility;1/day—plane Feats: Improved Initiative, Toughness.
shift(WillDC 21). Languages:Common, Gnome, Halfling.
Telepathy(Su) Spell weavers can communicate with Possessions: Studded leather, masterwork rapier,
each other telepathically at a range of up to 1,000 shortbow with 20 arrows, red sash.
miles. (There are no other living spell weavers within ? AluradSorizan,male human cleric6/fighter 2/black-
telepathic range of the spell weaver encountered in guard 8 (Erythnul); CR 16; Medium humanoid (human);
this adventure.) HD 6d8+12 plus 2dl0+4 plus 8dl0+16; hp 164; Init +0;
Spd 20 ft. (base 30 ft.); AC 26,touch 12,flat-footed 24;Base scorpion, tiger, wasp); AL LE; SV Fort +14, Ref+17, Will
Atk +14; Grp+18; Atk +20 melee(ldlO+5/17-20,+1 bastard +16; Str 22, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 8.
sword ofmightycleaving)or +14 ranged (ld4+4/19-20plus Skills: Balance +18, Escape Artist +17, Hide +26,
poison,dagger); Full Atk +20/+15/+10melee (ldlO+5/17- Jump +39, Knowledge (religion) +12, Listen +22, Move
20, +1 bastard sword of mighty cleaving) or +14 ranged Silently +24, Spot +23, Tumble +26, Use Rope +7 (+9
(ld4+4/19-20pluspoison,dagger);SA poisonuse, rebuke with bindings).
undead4/day(ld20+3,affects2d6+13HD),smitegood2/day Fears: Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
(+1 toattack,+8 damage),sneakattack+2d6,spells;SQ detect Endurance, Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple,
good, evasion, fiendish servant; ALCE; SVFort +17, Ref+5, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Spring Attack,
Will +12; Str 18, Dex 10,Con 14,Int 8, Wis 14,Cha 12. Weapon Focus (unarmed strike).
Skills:Bluff+9,Diplomacy+3, Disguise+1(+3 acting), Languages:Abyssal, Common, Demodand, Draconic,
Hide +18, Intimidate +9, Knowledge(religion)+4. Infernal.
Feats: Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard Tattoos (Su or Sp) Ardeth's tattoos are infused with
sword), Improved Critical (bastard sword), Improved magical energy. Unless the effect of a tattoo is continu
Fiendish Servant, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Persua ous, activating one is a move action that does not pro
sive, PowerAttack,Weapon Focus (bastard sword). voke an attack of opportunity. Tattoos that activate as a
Language:Common. spell-like ability function at caster level 10.
BlackguardSpells Prepared (caster level 8): 1st—corrupt Crane: Immune to nonmagical disease, poison, and
weapon, cure light wounds, magic weapon; 2nd—eagle's aging penalties.
splendor,inflictmoderatewounds(DC 14); 3rd—cureserious Phoenix: Gains constant SR 25.
wounds;4th—-freedomof movement. Scorpion:Force an opponent attacking her to use his
Cleric Spells Prepared (caster level 6): 0—cure minor lowest ability score modifier instead of his Strength or
wounds, detect magic, detectpoison, light, read magic, 1st— Dexterity modifier when making his attack roll. Ardeth
bless, divinefavor, doom (DC 13), protectionfromgood0 (DC must activate this tattoo on her opponent's turn, before
13), shield offaith; 2nd—alignweapon, bull's strength,cure the success or failure of the attack is determined. She
moderate wounds, death knell (DC 14), invisibility";3rd— must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed to use
invisibilitypurge, nondetection0(DC15). this ability;5/day.
D: Domain spell. Domains: Evil (cast evil spells at Tiger.While fighting unarmed, gain +1bonus on attack
+1 caster level),Trickery(Bluff, Disguise,and Hide are rolls and deal +ld6 damageper hit; 10 rounds;5/day.
class skills). Wasp: Haste on self 10 rounds, 5/day.
Possessions:+2 improvedshadowfull plate, +2 heavy steel Possessions:Belt ofgiantstrength+4, hoots ofhealth+2(as
shield, +1 bastardsword ofmighty cleaving,ring ofevasion, amuletofhealth +2),glovesofDexterity+4, headbandofWis
King ofThirteen,2 potionsofextendedbear'sendurance,2 po dom +2(as periaptof wisdom +2), amulet of mightyfists +2,
tions ofheroism,3 poisoned daggers(deathbladepoison; bracersofarmor +4, cloak ofarachnida,ring of minorfire re
injury, Fortitude DC 20 resists; initial damage ld6 Con, sistance,King ofViirteen,3 potionsof cure seriouswounds.
secondarydamage 2d6 Con), cloak and gloves made of ? Artus Shemwick, male human rogue 5: CR 5; Me
stitched human skin, iron key. dium humanoid; HD 5d6;hp 20;Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC
* Ancient Will-o'-Wisps: CR 11; Small aberration 14, touch 12, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +3; Grp +2; Atk or
air); HD 25d8+100;hp 212 each; Init +15; Spd fly 50 ft. Full Atk +6 melee (ld4—1, masterwork punching dag
(perfect);AC 31, touch 31, flat-footed 20; Base Atk +18; ger);SA sneak attack +3d6; SQ evasion, trapfinding, trap
Grp +9; Atk/FullAtk +30 melee touch (4d6 electricity); sense +2,uncanny dodge; ALCN;SVFort +1,Ref+6, Will
SQ darkvision60 ft., immunity to magic,natural invis . +2; Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 13, Cha 14.
ibility; AL CE; SV Fort +11, Ref+18, Will +18; Str 1, Dex Skills:Appraise+14, Bluff+10,Diplomacy+12, Forgery
33, Con 18, Int 17, Wis 18, Cha 10. +11, Gather Information +12, Intimidate +4, Knowledge
Skills:Bluff+28,Diplomacy+2, Disguise+0(+2 acting), (local)+11, Knowledge(nobilityand royalty)+11, Listen
Intimidate +2, Listen +34, Search +31, Spot +34, Survival +5, Profession (cook) +9, Sense Motive +9, Sleight of
+18 (+20 followingtracks). Hand +16,Spot +5, Use Magic Device +10.
Feats:Alertness,Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes,Dodge, Feats: Skill Focus (Appraise), Skill Focus (Sleight of
HybyAttack,Improved NaturalAttack(touch),Improved Hand), Weapon Finesse.
Initiative, Mobility, Spring Attack,Weapon Finesse15. Languages:Human, Elven, Gnome, Halfling
^ Ardeth Webb, female tiefling monk 6/tattooed Possessions:Leather armor, masterwork punching dag
monk 10: CR17;Medium outsider (native);HD 16d8+32; ger, Heward'shandy haversack,4 doses of giant wasp poi
hp 119;Init +5;Spd 80 ft.; AC28, touch 24,flat-footed 23; son, 1 dose of striped toadstool, merchant's scale, mas
Base Atk +11; Grp +21; Atk +20 melee (2d8+8, unarmed terwork thieves' tools, 100 cp, 290 sp, 536 gp, and 10 pp.
strike); Full Atk +19/+19/+14/+9melee (2d8+8, unarmed Note: Artus has numerous stashes of additional gold,
strike);SA darkness1/day (CL 16th), ki strike (magic); SQ gems, and art objects throughout the city(totaling 4,300
darkvision 60 ft., evasion,immunity to disease,immunity gp) to help him purchase more expensive objects, but
to poison, immunity to aging, purity of body, slow fall 30 he'll need ld6 hours to access these additional funds if
ft., still mind, spell resistance 25, tattoos (crane, phoenix, he needs them.
^ Aszithef, female haraknin fighter 7/rogue 6: CR Languages:Celestial, Draconic, Infernal.
16; Medium outsider (evil, extraplanar, fire, lawful Spell-LikeAbilities (caster level 12th): At will—greater
shapechanger);HD 4d8+7dl0+6d6+68;hp 149; Init +8; teleport(self + 50 pounds of objects),charm monster(DC
Spd 30 ft.; AC 30, touch 15,flat-footed27; Base Atk+15; 19), minor image(DC 17), unholyblight(DC 19).
Grp +22; Atk +25 melee (2d6+14/17-20plus ld6 cold Possessions:+lflamingcompositelongbow(+5 Str bonus)
plus ld6 fire, Coldburn) or +20 ranged (ld8+4/x3,mas with 40 arrows, longsword, rope.
terwork composite longbow);Full Atk +25/+20/+15me ^ Beppo, male human commoner 3: CR 2; Medium
lee (2d6+14/17-20plus ld6 cold plus ld6 fire, Coldburn) humanoid (human);HD 3d4;hp 8;Init-1; Spd30 ft. (5ft.
or +20/+15/+10ranged (ld8+4/x3, masterwork compos when moving fruit cart);AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9; Base
ite longbow); SA breath weapon, command fiendish Atk.+l; Grp +0; Atk +0 melee (ld6-l, club); Full Atk +0
hound, sneak attack +3d6;SQ alternate form, darkvision melee(ld6-l, club); SA —; SQ—; AL LG; SV Fort +1, Ref
60 ft., evasion, scent, trap sense +2,trapfinding, uncanny +0,Will +4; Str 8, Dex 9, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 12.
dodge; AL LE; SV Fort +13,Ref+13, Will +8; Str 24, Dex Skills:Appraise+5, Decipher Script +2, Knowledge(lo
18, Con 18, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 6; FiendFolio 26. cal)+3,Profession (foodmonger) +9. m
Skills: Balance +6, Climb +18, Hide +23, Intimidate +4, Feats: Diligent, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Profession
Jump +20, Listen +15, Move Silently+22, Search +7, Spot [merchant]).
+15, Survival+6(+14 when tracking byscent),Tumble +23. Possessions: Club, fruit cart.
Feats: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved Critical ^ Bloodbloater: CR 1; Diminutive ooze (aquatic, *
(greatsword), Improved Initiative, Mobility, Power At swarm);HD 2dl0+12;hp 22; Init +1; Spd 5 ft., swim 30
tack, SpringAttack,Track15,Weapon Focus(greatsword), ft.; AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; Base Atk +1; Grp +1;
Weapon Specialization(greatsword),Whirlwind Attack. Atk or Full Atk swarm (ld6 plus 1 Str damage); Space/
Languages:Common,Draconic,Giant,Ignan,Infernal. Reach 10 ft./O ft.; SA blood drain, distraction (DC 10);
Breath Weapon (Su) Cone of fire, 30 feet, every 2d4 SQ amphibious, blindsight 60 ft., fire vulnerability,
rounds, damage ld4+l, Reflex DC 20 half A haraknin's ooze traits, swarm traits; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref+1, Will
breath weapon ignites flammable materials within the -5; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 22, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1; Fiend
cone. It can use its breath weapon while biting. Folio 16.
CommandFiendishHound(Sp)Aszithefcan usegreatercom Skills: Swim +8.
mand at willagainst hell hounds and Nessian warhounds. Blood Drain (Ex) On each round a bloodbloater swarm
AlternateForm (Su) Aszithef can transform into a hell does at least 1 point of damage to a victim, it also drains
hound or back as a move action at will, as if by alterself. blood and causes1 point of temporary Strength damage.
She prefers to fight in humanoid form. ^ Breathdrinker: CR 7; Medium Elemental (air, ex
Possessions:+2 mithral breastplate,Coldburn(+2flaming traplanar); HD 8d8+24; hp 64; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Im
frostgreatsword),masterwork composite longbow (+5 Str proved Initiative); Spd fly 80 ft. (perfect);AC 16 (+2Dex,
bonus), 20 arrows, +1 animatedlarge steel shield,gauntlets +4 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +6; Grp
of ogre power, ioun stone (pink rhomboid; +2 Dex), ring +6; Atk +6 melee (2d4, wind scythe); SA fear gaze, steal
of protection+2, 2 potions of cure serious wounds, red-lac breath; SQ air mastery, damage reduction 10/magic, el
quered armband set with a diamond (2,000gp), 120 pp. emental traits, invisibility; AL CE; SV Fort +5, Ref +8,
^ Aushanna, advanced erinyes: CR 9; Medium out Will +3; Str 11, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 14.
sider (baatezu, evil, extraplanar, lawful); HD 12d8+60; Skills: Hide +12, Move Silently +10, Search +12, Spot
hp 114; Init +5; Spd 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (good);AC23, touch +9, Survival +9.
15, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +12; Grp +21;Atk +17 melee Feats: AbilityFocus (fear gaze), FlybyAttack,Track.
(ld8+5/19-20, longsword) or +18 ranged (ld8+6/x3 plus Fear Gaze (Su) Anyone within 30 feet of a breath
ld6 fire, +1flamingcompositelongbow)or +17 ranged (en drinker who meets the creature's gaze must make a DC
tangle, rope); Full Atk +17/+12/+7melee (ld8+5/19-20, 18 Will save or be paralyzed with fear for ld4 rounds.
longsword) or +16/+16/+11/+6 ranged (ld8+6/x3 plus Steal Breath (Su) As a full-round action, a breath
ld6 fire, +1flaming composite longbow with Rapid Shot drinker can force a helpless, breathing creature to make
feat) or +17 ranged (entangle, rope); SA entangle, spell a DC 17 Fortitude save or take ld6 points of Constitu
like abilities; SQ damage reduction 5/good, darkvision tion damage. The breathdrinker heals 5 point of dam
60 ft., immunity to fire and poison, resistance to acid 10 age for each Constitution point lost by the victim.
and cold 10, see in darkness, spell resistance 20, telepa Air Mastery(Ex) Any airborne creature takes a -1 pen
thy 100ft., true seeing; AL LE; SVFort +13,Ref+13, Will alty on attack and damage rolls against a breathdrinker.
+12; Str 21, Dex 21, Con 21, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 20. Invisibility(Su) A breathdrinker can use invisibilityon
Skills: Concentration +20, Diplomacy +10, Escape itself at will as a free action (caster level 8th).
Artist +17, Hide +20, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +17, ? Cauldronite Citizen, commoner 1: CR 1/2; Me
Knowledge(the planes) +17, Listen +19, Move Silently dium humanoid (human); HD ld4+3; hp 7 each; Init +0;
+20, Search +17, Sense Motive +19, Spot +19,Survival +4 Spd 30 ft.; AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10; Base Atk +0;
(+6 followingtracks),UseRope+5 (+7 with bindings). Grp +0; Atk/FullAtk +0 melee (ld3, unarmed strike); AL
Feats:Dodge, FlybyAttack, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, LN; SV Fort +2, Ref+0, Will +0; Str 11, Dex 11, Con 11,
Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run. Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Skills:Craft(varies)+4, Profession(varies)+4, Swim +4. Atk +12 melee (ldlO+9, +2 bastard sword); SQ break
Feats: Great Fortitude, Toughness. weapon, column form, construct traits, hardness 8,
Languages:Common. magic weapon; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref+5, Will -3; Str 20,
? CalmusVel, malehuman cleric8(WeeJas): CR 8;Me Dex 16, Con —, Int 6, Wis 1, Cha 1; Fiend Folio 30.
dium humanoid(human);HD8d8+24;hp 63; Init-1; Spd Skills: Diplomacy -3, Sense Motive +4.
20 ft.; AC 20, touch 9, flat-footed20; Base Atk +6, Grp +7; Feats: Improved Sunder, Power Attack,Weapon Focus
Atk +9 melee(ld8+2,+1 heavy mace); Full Atk +9/+4 melee (bastard sword).
(ld8+2, +1 heavy mace); SQ rebuke undead,spells,sponta Break Weapon (Su) Any melee weapon or magical
neous casting (inflict);SW —; AL LE; SV Fort +9, Ref+3, ranged weapon striking a caryatid column must make
Will +9;Str 13, Dex 8, Con 17,Int 10,Wis 17, Cha 12. a DC 13 Fortitude save or shatter without effect. Non-
Skills: Concentration +13, Heal +14, Knowledge(reli magicalmissiles shatter automatically.
gion) +11. Column Form (Ex) When at rest, a caryatid columns
Feats:CombatCasting,ImprovedCounterspell,Light looks hkean ordinarypillarand does not radiatemagic.
ning Reflexes,Weapon Focus(heavymace). Ma_gic Weapon: A caryatid column's +2 bastard sword
Languages:Common. merges with it in its column form. If taken from the
Spells Prepared(casterlevel 8th); 0—cure minor wounds caryatid's hands, the weapon reverts to a nonmagical,
(2), detect magic (2), read magic,guidance; 1st—causefear0 useless stone form.
(DC 14), cure lightwounds(2), comprehendlanguages,divine ? Cherrit, male halfling sorcerer 6: CR 6; Small hu
favor, shield offaith; 2nd—bear'sendurance,bull's Strength, manoid; HD 6d4+6; hp 21 Init +3; Spd 20 ft.; AC 14,
cure moderate wounds, death knell0 (DC 15), hold person touch 14, flat-footed 11; Base Atk +3; Grp -2; Atk/Full
(DC 15); 3rd—dispelmagic0,cure seriouswounds(2), magic Atk +3 melee (ld2-l nonlethal, unarmed strike) or +3
vestment,protectionfrom energy; 4th—curecritical wounds, melee (spell effect, melee touch) or +6ranged (spell ef
death ward0,greatermagic weapon. fect, ranged touch); SA spells; SQ halfling traits; AL CE;
D: Domain spell. Domains:Death (death touch 1/day, SV Fort +4, Ref+6, Will +7; Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 8,
damage 7d6),Magic(use magicitemsas4th-levelwizard). Wis 13, Cha 16.
Possessions: +1 full plate, +1 light shield, +1 heavy Skills: Concentration +6, Climb +1, Hide +7, Jump -5,
mace, periaptof Wisdom +2, cloak of resistance+2, scroll Listen +3, Move Silently +5, Spellcraft +3.
of mirror image. Feats: Dodge,SpellFocus(evocation),EschewMaterials.
? Captured Skulk: CR 4; Medium Construct; HD Languages:Common, Halfling.
3dl0+20 (raggamoffyn)and 2d8 (skulk); hp 36 (rag- Sorcerer Spells Known (6/7/6/4; caster level 6; ranged
gamoffyn)and 9 (skulk);Init +2; Spd 30 ft.;AC 17,touch touch +7): 0—arcane mark, dancing lights, detect magic,
12, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +1; Grp +3; Atk or Full Atk light, ray offrost, read magic, touch offatigue(DC 13); 1st—
+3melee(ld6+2/18-20,rapier) or +3ranged(ld8/19-20, burning hands (DC 15), mage armor, magic missile, shield;
light crossbow); SA —; SQ construct traits, darkvision 2nd—invisibility,web (DC 15); 3rd—fireball(DC 17).
60 ft., innate nondetection, peerless camouflage,shared Possessions: None. Cherrit had an owl familiar, but the
damage, trackless path; AL N; SV Fort +1, Ref+3, Will kuo-toas ate it.
+3; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 15, Cha 6; Monster •^ Chorlyndyr, male human sorcerer 4: CR 4; Me
Manual II204. dium humanoid; HD 4d4+4; hp 18; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.;
Skills: Hide +22, Move Silently+14. AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15; BaseAtk +2; Grp +2; Atk
Feats: Stealthy,Weapon Finesse". or Full Atk +3 melee (ld4/19-20, masterwork dagger);
Language:Common, Undercommon. SAspells; SQ summon familiar (lizard); ALNE; SV Fort
Innate Nondetection(Su) Skulks are difficult to detect +3, Ref+4, Will +6; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 13,
using divination spells such as clairaudience/clairvoyance, Cha 16.
locate creature, detection spells, and items such as crys Skills: Bluff+6, Climb +3, Concentration +8, Listen +3,
tal balls. If a divination is attempted upon a skulk, the Spellcraft +5, Spot +5.
caster of the divination must succeed at a caster level Feats: Alertness (as long as familiar is in arm's reach),
check (ld20 + caster level)against DC 20. Dodge, Improved Initiative, Still Spell.
PeerlessCamouflage(Ex) Skulks can move at full speed Languages:Common, Draconic.
(and can even run) while hiding, suffering no penalties Sorcerer Spells Known (caster level 4th, 6/7/4, +4
on Hide checks due to movement. ranged touch): 0—acid splash, detect magic, light, mage
Shared Damage (Ex) An attack on the captured skulk hand, ray offrost, read magic; 1st—mage armor, magic mis
deals half damage to the raggamoffyn and half damage sile,summon monsterI; 2nd—Melfs acid arrow.
to the skulk. Possessions:Masterwork dagger, amulet of natural ar
TracklessPath (Ex)The DCs of any Survival check to mor+1, cloak of resistance+1.
follow the trail of a skulk is increased by 10. ? Common Raggamoffyn: CR 3; Medium Construct;
Possessions:Rapier. HD 3dl0+20;hp 36; Init +2; Spd30 ft, fly 30 ft. (clumsy);
^ Caryatid Column: CR 6; Medium Construct; HD AC17,touch 12,flat-footed 15;BaseAtk +2;Grp +4; Atkor
6dl0+20; hp 53; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 22 (+3 Dex, +9 FullAtk+4melee(ld6+3,slam);SA control host, improved
natural), touch 13, flat-footed 19; Base Atk +4; Grp +9; grab,suffocate,wrap; SQ darkvision 60 ft.,construct traits;
AL N; SV Fort +1, Ref+3, Will +3; Str 14, Dex 15, Con —, Int Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Skill Focus (Hide)15, Skill
10, Wis 15, Cha 17; Monster Manual II174. Focus (Use MagicDevice).
Skills: Hide +10,Move Silently +10. Languages:Abyssal.
Feat: Dodge, Stealthy. Hypnotism(Su)The morkoth can hypnotize any num
Control Host (Su) A raggamoffyn can attempt to take ber of creatures within 20 feet. Any creature in this area
control over any creature it has wrapped. This functions must make a DC 24 Will saving throw or stand motion
like dominate monster(DC 14, caster level 18). As a free less and watch the morkoth. Hypnotized creatures are
action, the raggamoffyn may relinquish control over its helpless against the morkoth's attacks but may attempt
host by physicallyand mentally disengaging itself from a new saving throw at the same DC each round that the
the host's body. morkoth attacks it. Hypnosis is a mind-affecting com
ImprovedGrab (Ex)The raggamoffyn must hit with its pulsion effect.
slam attack to use this ability. If it gets a hold, it can Spell Keflection (Su) Any spell effect resisted by the
wrap itself around the target. morkoth's spell resistance reflects the spell back upon
Suffocate(Ex) A common raggamoffyn can asphyxiate the caster. In this case, the caster becomes the target &
a creature it has wrapped by drawing the air from its or point of origin for the spell's effect, as appropriate.
lungs. This automatically deals ld4 points of damage Ifthe morkoth is the subject of a dispel magic, its spell
per round to a wrapped creature. reflection ability is suppressed for 1 round.
Wrap (Ex)The raggamoffyn can wrap itself around a Spell-LikeAbilities(caster level 21): 3/day—darkness,poi
grappled target as a standard action, forming a skin son(DC 18), unholyaura (DC 22); 1/day—desecrate,unholy
tight layer around the wrapped creature. Attacks on blight(DC 18), contagion(DC17), blasphemy(DC 21), horrid
the raggamoffyn deal half damage to it and half to the wilting(DC 22), summon monsterIX(fiends only),destruc
wrapped victim. Once it has wrapped a creature, it can tion (DC 21).
attempt to control it. Possessions: Ring of protection +2, bracers of armor +2,
^ Coryston Pike, female human rogue 1/sorcerer 2: wand of cure moderate wounds(22 charges), wand of light
CR 3; Medium humanoid; HD ld6+l plus 2d4+2; hp 17 ning bolt (18 charges).
(currently5); Init +2; Spd 20 ft. (limps);AC 12, touch 12, ^ Damaged Pulverizer Automaton: CR 3; Medium
flat-footed10; Base Atk +1; Grp +0; Atk +0 melee (ld3-l Construct; HD 5dl0+20; hp 47 (currently 28); Init +0;
nonlethal, unarmed strike);SA sneak attack +ld6, spells; AC 21, touch 10, flat-footed 21; Base Atk +3; Grp +6;Atk
SQsummon familiar,trapfinding; AL NG; SVFort +3, Ref or Full Atk +6melee (ld6+4, slam); SA sonic shriek; SQ
+4,Will +3; Str 8, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14. blindsight 40 ft., construct traits, unreliable; AL N; SV
Skills: Bluff +6, Concentration +5, Disable Device +6, Fort +1, Ref+1, Will +0; Str 17, Dex 11, Con —, Int —,
Disguise+6, GatherInformation +6, Hide +6, Knowledge Wis 9, Cha 4; MonsterManual II27.
(arcana)+3, Knowledge(local)+5, Move Silently+6, Open Sonic Shriek(Ex) Once per round as a standard action,
Lock +6, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft+3, Tumble +6. a pulverizer can loose a 30-foot cone of sonic energy.
Feats: Great Fortitude, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot. Everything in this area takes ld8 sonic damage and
Languages:Common, Elven. must make a DC 12 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1
SpellsKnown(6/5; casterlevel2): 0—daze(DC 12), detect round. The save DC is Constitution-based.
magic,mage hand, ray offrost, read magic,1st—disguiseself, Unreliable (Ex) At the beginning of each round in
magic missile. which an automaton attempts to act, roll ld20. On a re
? Crater Lake Monster, advanced half-fiend sult of 11 or better, it acts normally; otherwise, it takes
morkoth: CR 13; Large outsider (aquatic, extraplanar); no action.
HD 21d8+126;hp 220; Init +9; Spd swim 50 ft., fly 50 ft. ^ Dark Creeper: CR 3; Small humanoid (dark one);
(average);AC 27, touch 16, flat-footed22; Base Atk +15; HD ld8+l; hp 5; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17, touch 14,
Grp +25; Atk +20 melee (ld8+6/19-20, claw); Full Atk flat-footed 14; Base Atk +0; Grp -3; Atk or Full Atk +2
+20 melee (ld8+6/19-20,2 claws)and +15 melee (2d6+3, melee(ld3+l/19-20, dagger)or +3ranged (ld3+l/19-20,
bite); Space/Reach10 ft./5 ft.; SA hypnotism, smite good dagger);SA sneakattack+2d6; SQblindsight 60 ft., light
(1/day+20 damage against good target), spell-like abili vulnerability, evasion, shadow cloak; AL CN; SV Fort +1,
ties; SQ damage reduction 10/magic, darkvision 60 ft., Ref+7, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 15,
immunity to poison, resistance to acid 10, resistance to Cha 10; Fiend Folio 38.
cold 10, resistance to electricity 10, resistance to fire 10, Skills: Hide +6(+14 in shadowy areas), Listen +3,Move
spell reflection, spell resistance 31; AL CE; SV Fort +12, Silently +4 (+8 in shadowy areas), Sleight of Hand +4,
Ref+13, Will +16; Str 22, Dex 20, Con 23, Int 18, Wis 18, Spot+3, Tumble+4.
Cha 19; Monster Manual II152. Feats: Lightning Reflexes.
Skills: Balance +7, Concentration +18, Hide +28, mtirni- Languages:Common, Dark One, Undercommon.
date +16, Knowledge(arcana)+28, Knowledge(nature) +16, Light Vulnerability(Ex) When exposed to sunlight or
Knowledge (the planes) +16, Listen +28, Spellcraft +30, its magical equivalent, dark creepers suffer a -2 morale
Spot +28, Swim +38,Tumble +17, Use Magic Device+19. penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws,
Feats: Blind-Fight, Dodge, Improved Critical (claw), ability checks, and skill checks.
Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (claw),
Shadow Cloak(Su) Three times per day,a dark creeper (DC21), horridwilting(DC22), summonmonsterIX, unhal
can wrap itself in a cloak of shadows that grants it con low, unholy blight(DC 18).
cealment from its foes. In shadows or darkness, the dark SpeZ/s Prepared(casterlevel18; +15 rangedtouch):0—cre
creeper gains total concealment (a 50% miss chance ate water (3), cure minor wounds, detect magic, read magic,
from attackers). In bright light, it gains partial conceal 1st—bane(DC 16), causefear0 (DC 16), deathwatch,divine
ment (20% miss chance). Darkvision does not reduce favor(2), doom (2, DC 16), entropicshield;2nd—alignweapon,
the amount of concealment. Creatures that can see in eagle'ssplendor,death knell0(DC 17), holdperson(DC 17), owl's
magical darkness suffer no miss chance. wisdom, silence(2, DC 17); 3rd—animatedead0, bestowcurse
Possessions:Black cloak, 4 small daggers, pouch con (2, DC 18), contagion(2, DC 18), createfood and water, deeper
taining ld6 x 10 cp and ld6 x 5 sp. . darkness; 4th—discernlies (DC 19), divine power,freedom of
^ Dark Myrakul, male half-fiend human lichfiend movement,greater magic weapon (alreadycast), sending, spell
cleric 18 (Graz'zt): CR 23; Medium undead; HD 18dl2; immunity,unholyblight0(DC 19);5th—-flamestrike(2, DC20),
hp 141; Init +2; Spd 30 ft., fly30 ft. (average);AC 30,touch slay living0(DC 20),spellresistance(2), trueseeing;6th—antilife
12, flat-footed28; Base Atk +13; Grp +17; Atk +21 melee shell,banishment,createundeadP,greaterdispelmagic(2);7th—
(2d4+10/19-20/x4,+4 keen vorpal adamantinescythe) or +17 destruction0(2, DC 22), summon monsterVII (2); 8th—create
melee(ld4+4,claw)or +17 meleetouch(ld8+5*plusinsan greater undead0,fire storm (DC 23), greater spell immunity,
ity, touch); Full Atk +21/+16/+11melee (2d4+10/19-20/x4, summon monsterVIII; 9th—energydrain(+15 ranged touch,
+4 keen vorpal adamantine scythe) and +12 melee (ld6+2, DC24), implosion(DC 24), wail ofthe banshee0(DC 24).
bite) or +17 melee (ld4+4,2claws) and +12 melee (ld6+2, D: Domain spell. Domains: Death (death touch 1/day;
bite) or +17 melee touch(ld8+5*plus insanity,touch); SA +17 melee touch),Evil (castevil spells at +1caster level).
fear aura, insanity, rebuke undead 7/day (ld20+6; affects Possessions:+4 chainmailof sonic resistance,+1 keen vor
2d6+22 HD), smite good 1/day (+18 damage), spell-like pal adamantinescythe (withgreater magic weapon cast on
abilities, spells; SQ damage reduction 15/bludgeoning it), amulet of natural armor +3, silver unholy symbol of
and magic,darkvision60 ft., immunityto cold, electricity, Graz'zt (500 gp), pouch containing 6 black onyx gems
mind-affectingattack,poison, and polymorph,resistance (500gp each; material components for animatedead, cre
to acid10,cold10, electricity10, fire 10, and sonic10, spell ate undead,and creategreater undead spells),iron keys to
resistance 28, turn resistance +4;AL CE; SV Fort +11, Ref cell doors (in areas 7 and 9 of Skullrot).
+8, Will +16; Str 18,Dex 14, Con —, Int 18,Wis 20,Cha 18. ^ Daxavaltand Kerg, male dwarf fighter 6: CR6; Me
*A DC 23 Will save reducesthe damage byhalf The dium humanoid (dwarf); HD 6dl0+18; hp 62,60;Init +1;
save DC is Charisma-based. Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +6;
Skills: Concentration +21, Diplomacy+25, Heal +26, Grp +9; Atk +12 melee (ld8+7/x3, +2 dwarven urgrosh)or
Hide +6, Knowledge (religion) +25, Knowledge (the +7ranged (ldlO/19-20,heavy crossbow);FullAtk+10/+5
planes) +25, Listen +13, Move Silently +6, Search +12, melee (ld8+7/x3, +2 dwarven urgrosh) and +10 melee
Spellcraft +25, Spot +13. (ld6+5/x3,+2 dwarvenurgrosh)or +10 ranged (ld8/19-20,
Feats: Craft Construct, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, light crossbow); SQ darkvision 60 ft., dwarf traits; AL
Craft WondrousItem, Evil Brand* Greater Spell Pen LE; SV Fort +8 (+12 against poison),Ref+3,Will +3; Str
etration, Hover, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (poison), 16, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8.
Spell Penetration. Ski7/s: Intimidate +4, Jump -4.
*This feat is detailed on page 49 of the Book of Vile Feats: Cleave,Dodge, Great Cleave,Power Attack,Two-
Darkness. It grants a +2 circumstancebonus on Diplo Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (dwarven urgrosh),
macyand Intimidate checks made against evilcreatures. Weapon Specialization(dwarvenurgrosh).
languages: Abyssal, Common, Demodand, Draconic, Languages:Common, Dwarven.
Infernal. Possessions:Masterwork full plate armor, +2 dwarven
FearAura (Su) Creatures of less than 5 HD in a 60-foot urgrosh,heavy crossbowwith 10 bolts, pouch containing
radius that look at a lichfiend must succeed on a DC 23 2d6 gems (worth 100 gp each).
Will save or be affectedas though by afear spell(caster ? Decrihni Baiul, male human fighter 5/cleric 9
level 18th).A creature that successfully saves cannot be (Adimarchus): CR 14; Medium humanoid (human);
affected again by the lichfiend's fear aura for 24 hours. HD 5dl0+5 plus 9d8+9; hp 99; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC
The save DC is Charisma-based. 23, touch 12, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +11; Grp +15; Atk
Insanity(Sp) Any living creature the lich hits with its +18 melee (2d4+10/19-20,+2 spell storing spiked chain);
touch attack must succeed on a DC 23 Will save or be af FullAtk +18/+13/+8melee (2d4+10/19-20,+2spellstoring
fectedas ifbyan insanityspell (casterlevel18th).Remove spiked chain); SA rebuke/command undead, spells; SQ
curse does not remove insanity,but a greaterrestoration, —; AL CE; SV Fort +11, Ref+6, Will +10; Str 18, Dex 10,
heal, limited wish, miracle, or wish spell can restore the Con 12, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 8.
character. The save DC is Charisma-based. Ski//s: Climb +7, Concentration +10, Craft (weapon-
Spell-LikeAbilities(caster level 18th): 3/day—darkness, smithing) +9, Intimidate +7, Jump +1, Knowledge (the
quickened poison (DC 17), unholy aura (DC 22); 1/day— planes) +13, Perform (keyboard instrument) +2, Spell
blasphemy(DC 21), contagion(DC17), desecrate,destruction craft +10.
Feats: Combat Expertise, Exotic Weapon Proficiency ld6 rounds. A spell with the chaotic or evil descriptor
(spiked chain), Improved Critical (spiked chain), Im breaks anysloweffecton the golem and cures 1 point of
proved Disarm, Improved Trip, Lightning Reflexes, damage for each 3 points of damage it would otherwise
Quicken Spell, Weapon Focus (spiked chain), Weapon deal. It is fully affected by spells with the law or good
Specialization(spiked chain). descriptor, unless its construct traits make it immune
Cleric Spells Prepared (caster level 9th; +11 ranged to the spell's effects.
touch): 0—cure minor wounds(2), detect magic, detectpoi ^ Dhorlot the Dragon-Father,male young adult black
son, guidance, read magic, 1st—cure light wounds (2), de dragon: CR 9; Large dragon (water); HD 16dl2+48; hp
tect law, divinefavor, protectionfrom good0, shield offaith; 150; Init +0; Spd 60 ft, fly 150 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft; AC
2nd—bear's endurance, cure moderate wounds, darkness, 24,touch 9, flat-footed24;BaseAtk +16; Grp +24; Atk+20
hold person (DC 15), shatter0 (DC 15), sound burst (DC melee (2d6+4,bite); Full Atk +20 melee (2d6+4, bite),+17
15); 3rd—cureserious wounds, magic circle againstgood0, melee ld8+2,2claws),+17 melee(ld64-2,2wings),+18 me
prayer,searinglight, stone shape; 4th—cure criticalwounds, lee(ld8+6,tail slap);Space/Reach10 ft/5 ft. (bite 10 ft.); SA
divine power, unholy blight0 (DC 17); 5th—dispel law0, breath weapon(80-ft.hne, damage 10d4acid,ReflexDC21
quickened divinefavor. half),darkness,frightfulpresence(DC 19),spells;SQ blind-
*Domain spell. Domains: Chaos (cast chaos spells at sense 60 ft., DR 5/magic; darkvision 120 ft., immunities
+1 caster level),Evil (castevil spells at +1 caster level). (acid,sleep,and paralysis),keensenses,low-hghtvision,SR
Possessions:+3fullplate,+2spellstoringspikedchain,cold 17,water breathing; ALCE;SVFort +13,Ref+10, Will +11;
iron spiked chain, gauntletsofogrepower, ring ofprotection Str 19, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12.
+2, potion of invisibility,scroll of righteousmight,23 gp. Skills: Bluff+9, Climb +20, Diplomacy +8, Hide +8, In
^ Demonflesh Golem: CR 18; Huge construct (ex timidate +19, Listen +17, Move Silently+16, Search +17,
traplanar); HD 24dl0+40; hp 229; Init +3; Spd 50 ft., Knowledge (nature) +7, Spot +17, Swim +10.
fly 100 ft. (average);AC 33, touch 7, flat-footed 33; Base Feats: Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Multi-
Atk+18, Grp +36; Atk +27 melee (2d6+10,slam) and +29 attack, Power Attack,Weapon Focus (bite),Weapon Fo
melee(2d6+12/19-20,claw); Full Atk+27 melee (2d6+10, cus (tail slap).
slam)and +29 melee (2d6+12/19-20,claw) or +27 melee Spells Known (caster level 1st): 0—daze(DC 11), detect
(ld6+10 plus daze,tail lash); Space/Reach15 ft/15 ft. (25 magic, touch offatigue(DC 11), read magic, 1st—obscuring
ft. with tail); SA claw graft, fear gaze, spell-like abilities, mist, shield.
whip tail graft; SQ construct traits, damage reduction ? Drakthar the Bloodmonger, underpowered bug
15/adamantine and good, immune to electricity, immu bear vampire: CR 4; Medium undead (augmented hu
nity to magic, fast leg graft, resistance to acid 20, resis manoid); HD 3dl2; hp 19; Init +7; Spd 30 ft.; AC 25,
tance to cold 20,resistance to fire 20, see invisibility; AL touch 13, flat-footed 22; Base Atk +2; Grp +7; Atk +8
CE; SV Fort +8, Ref+7, Will +9; Str 31, Dex 8, Con —, Int melee (ld8+5, morningstar); Full Atk +8 melee (ld8+5,
8, Wis 12, Cha 13; Fiend Folio86. morningstar) and +2 melee (ld6+2 plus energy drain,
Skills: Climb +29, Jump +28. slam); SA blood drain, children ofthe night, dominate,
Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Im energy drain; SQ alternate form, darkvision 60 ft., dam
proved Critical (claw),Improved Initiative, PowerAttack, age reduction 10/silver and magic, fast healing 5, gas
WeaponFocus(claw),Weapon Focus(slam),Weapon Fo eous form, putrefy corpse, resist cold 10 and electricity
cus (tail lash). 10, scent, spider climb, turn resistance +4; AL CE; SV
Claw Graft (Ex) A demonflesh golem's left arm can at Fort +1, Ref+8, Will +2; Str 21, Dex 16, Con —, Int 12,
tack independently of its control; this allows the golem to Wis 12, Cha 13.
effectivelyattack with this clawas a free action. The clawed Skills: Bluff+9, Climb +7, Hide +14, Listen +14, Move
arm has a Strength score of 35, attacks at the golem's full Silently +16, Search +9, Sense Motive +9, Spot +14.
base attack bonus (plus its higher Strength bonus), and Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved
gains its full Strength bonus on damage rolls. Initiative, Lightning Reflexes,Weapon Focus (morning
Fear Gaze (Su) Range 30 ft., DC 19 Will save or be par star).
alyzed with fear for ld4 rounds. Languages:Common, Goblin.
Whip Tail Graft (Ex) As a full-round action, a demon Blood Drain (Ex) Drakthar can suck the blood from
flesh golem can direct its tail to attack one creature a living victim with his fangs by making a successful
within 25 feet. Wounds from the tail burn fiercely,caus grapple check. If he pins his foe, he drains blood, deal
ing the creature struck to be dazed for 1 round unless it ing ld4 points of Constitution drain each round the
makes a DC 11 Fortitude save. pin is maintained. On each successful attack, he gains 5
Spell-LikeAbilities(caster level 20th): 3/day—darkness, temporary hit points.
poison (DC 15), unholy aura (DC 19); 1/day—destruction Childrenofthe Night (Su) Once per day, Drakthar can
(DC 18), horrid wilting (DC 19), unholy blight (DC 15). call forth ld4+l bat swarms (MonsterManual237), ld6+l
Caster level 20th. rat swarms (Monster Manual page 239), or 3d6 wolves
Immunity to Magic (Ex) A demonflesh golem is im (Monster Manual 283) as a standard action. The crea
mune to all spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatu tures arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve Drakthar for up to
ral effects, except as follows. A death effect slows it for 1 hour.
Putrefr- Corpse (Su) This ability replaces the standard +1, Will +2; Str 17, Dex 11, Con —, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 2;
vampire's create spawn ability. Any creature slain by Monster Manual II87.
Drakthar's energy drain ability or reduced to 0 Consti Skills: Spot +9.
tution by Drakthar's blood drain ability putrefies after Feats: Exotic Weapon (gnome hooked hammer), Two-
24 hours, becoming a wet heap of black, maggot-ridden Weapon Fighting.
flesh. A body in this state cannot be raised. Gentle repose Possessions:Masterwork gnome hooked hammer.
forestalls the putrefaction for the duration ofthe spell. ^ Dugobras, male fire giant expert 5: CR 12; Large
Dominate(Su) Drakthar can crush an opponent's will giant (fire); HD 15d8+5d6+160;hp 258; Init +0; Spd 40
by gazing into his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze ft,; AC 22, touch 9, flat-footed 22; Base Atk +14; Grp
attack, except that Drakthar must use a standard action, +29; Atk +25 melee (2d8+17/x3,+1 warhammer) or +24
and those merely looking at him are unaffected. Anyone melee (ld4+ll, slam) or +13 ranged (2d8+ll plus 2d6
the vampire targets must succeed on a DC 12 Will save fire, red-hot anvil fragment); Full Atk +25/+20/+15me
or fall instantly under Drakthar's influence as though lee (2d6+17/x3,+1 warhammer)or +24 melee (ld4+ll, 2
by a dominate person spell (CL 12th). The ability has a slams) or +13 ranged (2d6+10plus 2d6 fire, red-hot anvil
range of 30 feet. fragment); Space/Reach 10 ft./lO ft.; SA rock throwing;
Energy Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by Drakthar's SQ immunity to fire, low-light vision, rock catching,
slam attack gains one negative level. For each negative vulnerability to cold; AL NE; SV Fort +18, Ref+6, Will
level bestowed, Drakthar gains 5 temporary hit points. +10; Str 32, Dex 10, Con 26, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 13.
AlternateForm (Su) Drakthar can assume the form of Skills: Climb +20, Craft (alchemy) +7, Craft (armor-
a bat, dire bat, wolf or dire wolf as a standard action, smithing) +12, Craft (blacksmithing) +23, Disable De
as the polymorphspell (CL 12th)exceptthat he does not vice +7, Intimidate +19, Jump +20, Knowledge(religion)
regain hit points for changing form. While in his alter +7, Listen +6, Spot +19, Use Magic Device +14.
nate form, Drakthar loses his slam attack and dominate Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Im
ability, but he gains the natural weapons and extraor proved Sunder, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Craft black-
dinary special attacks of his new form. He can remain smithing), Skill Focus (Use Magic Device).
in that form until he assumes another one or until the Languages:Common, Giant, Ignan.
next sunrise. Possessions:+1 warhammer,+3 chain shirt,dagger, wand
_Fast Healing (Ex) Drakthar heals 5 points of damage of displacement(14 charges), wand of cure serious wounds
each round so long as he has at least 1 hit point. If re (22 charges),wand ofdispel macjic(18 charges).
duced to 0 hit points,he automaticallyassumesgaseous ^ Dyr'ryd, advanced shator demodand: CR 19;
form and attempts to escape. He must reach his cof Large outsider (evil, extraplanar); HD 19d8+76; hp
fin within 2 hours or be utterly destroyed. Any addi 180; Init +2; Spd 30 ft., fly 70 ft. (poor); AC 28, touch
tional damage dealt to Drakthar while he's in gaseous 15, flat-footed 26; Base Atk +19; Grp +29; Atk +28 me
form has no effect. Once at rest in his coffin, Drakthar lee (2d6+13/x3,Mindbite)or +20 ranged touch (paralysis,
is helpless. He regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is slime spit); Full Atk +28/+23/+18/+13melee (2d6+13/x3,
no longer helpless and resumes healing at a rate of 5 hit Mindbite)and +23 melee (2d6+5 plus paralysis, bite) or
points per round. +20 ranged (paralysis, slime spit); Space/Reach10 ft./lO
Gaseous Form (Su) As a standard action, Drakthar can ft. (20 ft. with Mindbite);SA paralyzing slime, spell-like
assume gaseousform at will as the spell (CL 5th),but he abilities, spells, summon demodand; SQ darkvision 120
can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of ft., damage reduction 15/good, immune to acid, cold,
20 feet with perfect maneuverability. fire, mind-affecting effects, and poison, scent, see in-
SpiderClimb (Ex)Drakthar can climb sheer surfaces as . visibility, spell resistance 30, two-faced; ALNE; SVFort
though with a spiderclimb spell. +15, Ref+13, Will +14; Str 23, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 16, Wis
Possessions: Leather armor, light wooden shield, 16, Cha 22; Fiend Folio 45.
morningstar. Skills: Bluff +28, Concentration +26, Diplomacy +30,
^ Drakthar's Throne: CR 3; Medium undead; HD Disguise +17 (+19 to act in character),Gather Informa
6dl2; hp 39; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 12, flat- tion +8, Hide +9, Intimidate +30, Knowledge (arcana)
footed 12; Base Atk +3; Grp +5; Atk +5 melee (ld6+2, +25, Knowledge (local) +14, Knowledge (the planes) +25,
slam); Full Atk +5 melee (ld6+2, 2 slams); SA —; SQ Listen +16, Move Silently +13,Search +25,Sense Motive
blindsight 60 ft., damage reduction 10/bludgeoning, +25, Spot +16.
immune to cold, undead traits; AL NE; SV Fort +2, Ref Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat
+4, Will +5; Str 15, Dex 15, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1. Reflexes,Improved Trip, Multiattack, Power Attack.
* Dread Guard: CR 3; Small construct; HD 5dl0+10; Languages:Abyssal,Common, Demodand, Infernal.
hp 37; Init +0; Spd 20 ft. (can't run); AC18, touch 11, flat- ParalyzingSlime (Ex) Lasts for 3d6 rounds; Fortitude
footed 18; Base Atk +3; Grp +6;Atk +8 melee (ld6+3/x3, save (DC 23) negates. His maximum range when spit
gnome hooked hammer); Full Atk +6 melee (ld6+3/x3, ting slime is 30 feet.
gnome hooked hammer) and +6 melee (Id4+l/x4, Spell-Like Abilities (caster level 15th): At will—detect
gnome hooked hammer); SA —; SQ cold resistance 10, magic, clairaudience/clairvoyance,fear (DC 20), invisibility,
construct traits, fire resistance 10; AL N; SV Fort +1, Ref spider climb, tongues; 3/day—cloudkill(DC 21), fog cloud,
ray of enfeeblement,stinking cloud (DC 19); 2/day—dispel 1st—magearmor, magic missile (2), shield, unseen servant,
magic,1/day—masscharm monster(DC 24). 2nd—cat'sgrace, scorchingray (2), see invisibility,web (DC
Summon Demodand (Sp) 1/day, ld2 shators (30% 16); 3rd—dispelmagic, haste, hold person(DC 17), lightning
chance of success)or either ld4 kelubars or ld6 farastus bolt (DC 17); 4th—crushing despair (DC 18), enervation,
(70% chance of success). shout (DC 18), stoneskin; 5th—magicjar (DC 21, already
Two-Faced(Ex) Once per round, the demodand's sec cast), teleport.
ond face can take an additional standard action inde Spellbook: 0—all; 1st—comprehendlanguages, mage ar
pendent ofthe actions taken by the rest ofthe body.The mor, magic missile, obscuring mist, protectionfrom good,
action is limited to the following tasks: casting a spell, shield, Tenser'sfloating disk, unseen servant, 2nd—arcane
activating a spell-like ability, activating a magic item, or lock, cat'sgrace, knock, locate object, Melfs acid arrow, owl's
attempting a skill or ability check requiring a mental wisdom,scorchingray,see invisibility,web; 3rd—arcanesight,
ability score (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma). dispel magic,fly, haste, hold person, lightning bolt, phantom
Sorcerer Spells Known (6/8/8/6/4; caster level 8th; save steed, tongues;4th—crushingdespair, enervation,fear, lesser
DC 16 + spell level): 0—dancinglights, daze (DC 16),JIare geas, shout, stoneskin, wall offire; 5th—balefulpolymorph,
(DC 16),ghostsound (DC16), read magic, mage hand, open/ breakenchantment,cone ofcold,feeblemind,Leomund'ssecret
close, ray offrost, 1st—enlarge,grease(DC 17), mage armor, chest, magicjar, teleport,wall of stone.
magic missile, true strike; 2nd—bull's Strength, invisibility, Cleric Spells Prepared (caster level 14th; +10 ranged
see invisibility;3rd—displacement,haste;4th—stone shape. touch): 0—cure minor wounds (2), detect poison, guid
Possessions:Mindbite,gauntletof extend spell (functions ance, purifyfood and drink, resistance;1st—bane(DC 14),
as metamagicrod of extend spell, but worn as a gauntlet), cure light wounds (2), disguise self0, divinefavor (2), hide
medallionof thoughts,ring of evasion,King ofThirteen. from undead, shield offaith; 2nd—bear's endurance, cure
* Elite Half-Ore Guards, fighter 8 (3): CR 8; Me moderate wounds (2), death knell0 (DC 20), desecrate,si
dium humanoid (ore); HD 8dl0+16; hp 64; Init +1; lence (DC 18), sound burst (DC 18), undetectablealign
Spd 20 ft.; AC 23, touch 11, flat-footed 22; Base Atk +8, ment; 3rd—animate dead0, cure serious wounds, invis
Grp +12; Atk +15 melee (ldl0+7/19-20/x3, +1 dwarven ibility purge, magic circle against good, prayer, protection
waraxe); Full Atk +15/+10 melee (ldl0+7/19-20/x3, +1 from energy; 4th—cure critical wounds (3), death wardD,
dwarven ivaraxe); SQ darkvision 60 ft.; AL LE; SV Fort neutralize poison, sending; 5th—commune, plane shift
+8, Ref+3, Will +5; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, (DC 21), slay living0 (DC 23), spell resistance, true see
Cha 6. ing; 6th—blade barrier(DC 22),greaterdispel magic, heal,
Skills:Jump +15. harm (DC 24), mislead0; 7th—destruction0(2, DC 25),
Feats: Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dwarven greaterscrying(DC 23).
waraxe), Greater Weapon Focus (dwarven waraxe), Im D: Domain spell. Domains: Death (death touch 1/day;
proved Critical (dwarven waraxe), Iron Will, Power At damage 9d6), Trickery (Bluff, Disguise, and Hide are
tack,Weapon Focus (dwarven waraxe),Weapon Special class skills).
ization (dwarvenwaraxe). Possessions:Headband of intellect+4, periapt of wisdom +6,
Languages:Common, Ore. wand ofenervation(16charges),mantle offaith, King ofViir-
Possessions: +1 full plate, +1 heavy shield, +1 dwarven teen, potion ofowl's wisdom, platinum bracelet with 13 cage-
waraxe,gauntletsofogre power,200 gp. shaped charms (750 gp), magicjar gem (750 gp), silver un
^ Embril Aloustinai, female human wizard 5/cleric holy symbol(500 gp), tiny Leomund'ssecret chest replica(50
9/mystic theurge 5 (Nerull):CR 19; Medium humanoid gp), pouch of diamond dust (stoneskinspell component; 250
(human); HD 5d4+5 plus 9d8+9 plus 5d4+5; hp 66; Init gP)-
+0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 12; Base Atk ^ Farastu Demodand: CR 11; Medium outsider (evil,
+10; Grp +10; Atk +10 melee (ld3 nonlethal, unarmed extraplanar);HD lld8+22; hp 71; Init +5; Speed 40 ft.;
strike); Full Atk +10/+5 melee (ld3 nonlethal, unarmed AC 25, touch 11, flat-footed 24; Base Atk +11; Grp +23;
strike);SA rebuke undead 10/day(ld20+5,affects2d6+12 Atk +15 melee (ld4+4,claw); Full Atk+15 melee (ld4+4,
HD), spells; SQ —; AL CE; SV Fort +9, Ref+7, Will +20; 2 claws)and +10 melee (ld6+2,bite); SA adhesive slime,
Str 10, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 23, Cha 16. improved grab, rage, spell-like abilities, summon demo
Skills: Bluff +9, Concentration +23, Craft (alchemy) dand; SQ damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60'ft.
+12, Decipher Script +12, Diplomacy +14, Disguise +9 immune to acid and poison, outsider traits, resistance
(+11 acting),Hide +6, Intimidate +5, Knowledge(arcana) to cold 10 and fire 10, scent, spell resistance 23; AL NE;
+16, Knowledge(religion)+12, Knowledge (the planes) SV Fort +9,Ref+8, Will +8; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8,
+9, Sense Motive +10,Spellcraft +22. Wis 12, Cha 16; Fiend Folio 42.
Feats: Brew Potion, Craft Wand, Extra Turning, Skills: Climb +22, Concentration +13, Diplomacy +6,
Greater Spell Focus (necromancy), Improved Counter- Hide +12, Intimidate +16, Listen +14, Move Silently+12,
spell, Lightning Reflexes, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Search +10, Sense Motive +12, Spot +14.
Spell Focus (necromancy),Spell Penetration. Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power
Languages:Common, Abyssal, Elven. Attack.
Wizard Spells Prepared (caster level 10th; +10 ranged Languages:Abyssal, Demodand.
touch): 0—detect magic, light, mage hand, read magic;
Adhesive Slime (Ex) The black slime farastus exude *This spell is already cast.
grant them a +8 racial bonus on grapple checks and Spellbooks: Fetor's spellbooks contain those spells he
disarm checks.Aweapon that strikes a farastu becomes has prepared plus the following: 0—all cantrips; 1st—
stuck fast unless the wielder succeeds on a DC 17 Re charm person, comprehendlanguages,identify; 3rd—icefane
flex save. Prying off a stuck weapon requires a DC 17 corpse; 4th—animate dead, scrying; 5th—coneof cold, tele
Strength check. Oil dissolves the farastu's adhesive port, wallofstone;6th—create undead;7th—control undead,
slime; it requires 10 minutes to renew its adhesive coat finger ofdeath,forcecage.
ing. It can also dissolve its slime at will, and the sub Familiar. Because Fetor has seven loremaster levels
stance breaks down 1 minute after the creature dies. that do not contribute to a familiar's power, he chooses
Ra_ge(Ex)The farastucan fly into a rage three timesper not to keep one, seeing it more as a vulnerability than
day, much likea barbarian.The farastugains+4 Strength, an asset.

+4 Constitution, +2 Will saves, and -2 AC. Its statistics Possessions:King ofcounterspells(dispelmagic),metamagic

change as follows:hp +22; AC 23, touch 9, flat-footed 22; rod of lesserempowerspell, ring ofprotection+2, headbandof
* BaseAtk +13; Grp +25; Atk +17 melee (ld4+6, claw); Full intellect+2, amulet of natural armor +2, cloak of resistance
Atk+17 melee(ld4+6,2claws)and +12 melee(ld6+3,bite); +3, potion of cure seriouswounds,scroll of dominateperson,
SVFort +11,Wfll+10; Str 23,Con 18;Climb +24. The rage scroll of dimensiondoor,dagger, spell component pouch,
lasts for 7 rounds, but the farastu can end it earlier if it spellbooks, 300 gp.
desires.It is not fatigued at the end of its rage. ^ Fiendish Centaur ranger 2:CR 6; Large monstrous
Spell-LikeAbilities(caster level 11th): At will—detect humanoid; HD 6d8+18;hp 43; Init +4; Spd 50 ft.; AC16,
magic, clairaudience/clairvoyance, fear (DC 17), invis touch 13, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +6; Grp +17; Atk +15
ibility, tongues; 3/day—;/og cloud, ray of enfeeblement; melee (3d6+7, masterwork greatsword) or +13 ranged
2/day—dispelmagic. (2d6+5/x3,masterwork composite longbow [+5 Str]); Full
Summon Demodand(Sp): Once per day, a farastu can Atk +15/+10melee (3d6+7,masterwork greatsword) and
attempt to summon ld4 farastus with a 30% chance +9 melee (ld6+2, 2 hooves) or +13/+8 ranged (2d6+5/x3,
of success. masterwork composite longbow [+5 Str]); SA archery
^> Fetor Abradius, male human, wizard 7/loremaster combat style,smite good (+6 damage) 1/day,favored en
7:CR14;Medium humanoid (human); HD 14d4+28;hp emy human +2; SQ darkvision 60 ft., damage reduction
64; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 19; 5/magic, resistance to cold 5, resistance to fire 5, spell
BaseAtk+6, Grp +5; Atk+5melee (ld4-l/19-20, dagger); resistance 11, wild empathy +1; AL NE; SV Fort +7, Ref
Full Atk +5/+0 melee (ld4-l/19-20, dagger); SA spells; +11, Will +7; Str 20, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 17, Cha 9.
SQ applicable knowledge, dodge trick, greater lore +13, Skills: Listen +5, Move Silently +8, Spot +8, Survival +9.
lore of true stamina, more newfound arcana; AL NE; Feats: Dodge, Rapid Shot15, Weapon Focus (hoof),
Fort +11, Ref+8, Will +14; Str 8, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 22, Weapon Focus (greatsword),Track".
Wis 12, Cha 10. Languages:Abyssal,Elven.
Skills: Concentration +19, Decipher Script +23, Possessions:Large masterwork greatsword, Large mas
Knowledge (arcana) +26, Knowledge (nature) +23, terwork composite (+5 Str) longbow, 20 arrows.
Knowledge (religion) +23, Knowledge (the planes) +23, f Fiendish Dire Bear: CR 9; Large magical beast;
Spellcraft +25 (+27 with scrolls), Use Magic Device+11 HD 12d8+51;hp 105; Init +1; Spd 40 ft.; AC 17, touch
(+13 with scrolls). 10, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +9; Grp +23; Atk +19 melee
Feats: Craft Wondrous Item, Death Frost Spell (see (2d4+10,claw); FullAtk +19 melee (2d4+10,2claws)and
Appendix2), Empower Spell, Greater Spell Focus (nec +13 melee (2d8+5, bite); SA improved grab, smite good
romancy), Improved Initiative, Quicken Spell, Scribe .(+12 damage)1/day;SQ darkvision 60 ft., damage reduc
Scroll, Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana]), Spell Focus tion 10/magic,low-lightvision,resistance to cold 10,re
(necromancy). sistance to fire 10, scent, spell resistance 17;AL NE; SV
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Demodand, Infernal, Fort +10, Ref+10, Will +13; Str 31, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 2,
Spell Weaver. Wis 12, Cha 10.
Wizard Spells Prepared (caster level 14th); 0—detect Skills: Listen +10, Spot +10, Swim +13.
magic (2), light, mage hand; 1st—alarm*,comprehend lan Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Run, Toughness, Weapon
guages, mage armor*, magic missile, rime (DC 19), shield; Focus (claw).
2nd—blindness/deafness(2, DC 20), command undead, ^ Fiendish Dire Lion: CR7; Largemagical beast; HD
bear's endurance, death frost magic missile, mirror image, 8d8+24;hp 60; Init +2; Spd40 ft.; AC 15,touch 11, flat-
see invisibility;3rd—halt undead (DC 21), haste, lightning footed 13; Base Atk +6; Grp +17; Atk +13 melee (ld6+7,
bolt(DC 19), vampirictouch(2); 4th—confusion(DC 20), di claw); Full Atk +13 melee (ld6+7,2 claws)and +7 melee
mensiondoor(2), enervation,death frost lightningbolt (DC (ld8+3, bite); SA improved grab, pounce, rake ld6+3,
rri 19); 5th—dominateperson (DC 21), empowered lightning smite good (+8 damage) 1/day; SQ darkvision 60 ft.,
B bolt (DC 19), death frost enervation, empowered vam damage reduction 5/magic,low-lightvision,resistance
& £s1>2* piric touch; 6th—circleof death (DC 24), disintegrate(DC to cold 10, resistance to fire 10, scent, spell resistance
22),greaterdispel magic, necroticmist; 7th—greaterteleport, 13;AL NE; SV Fort +9, Ref+8, Will +7; Str 25, Dex 15, Con
quickened lightningholt (DC 19). 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10.
Skills: Hide +2, Listen +7, Move Silently +5, Spot +7. to sleep and paralysis, low-fight vision, resistance to
Feats:Alertness,Run, Weapon Focus (claw). cold 5, resistance to fire 5, scent, spell resistance 12;AL
^ Fiendish Giant Eagle: CR 4; Large magical beast; NE; SV Fort +7, Ref+6, Will +6; Str 19, Dex 12, Con 15,
HD 4dl0+4; hp 26;Init +3; Spd 10 ft., fly80 ft. (average); Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 9.
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +4; Grp +12; Ski7/s: Hide +7, Listen +13, Move Silently +11,Spot +16.
Atk +7 melee (ld6+4, claw); Full Atk +7 melee (ld6+4, Feats: Ability Focus (poison), Alertness, Flyby Attack,
2 claws) and +2 melee (ld8+2, bite); SA smite good (+4 Multiattack".
damage) 1/day; SQ darkvision 60 ft., damage reduction •^ Finch, male halfling rogue 5/sorcerer 6: CR 11;
5/magic, evasion, low-light vision, resistance to cold 5, Small humanoid; HD 5d6+6d4+ll; hp 45; Init +7; Spd
resistance to fire 5, spell resistance 9; AL NE; SV Fort 20 ft.; AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +6; Grp
+5, Ref+7, Will +3; Str 18, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, +0; Atk +10 melee (ld4-2/19-20, short sword);Full Atk
Cha 10. +10 melee (ld4-2/19-20, short sword); SA sneak attack
Skills: Knowledge(nature) +2, Listen +6,Sense Motive +3d6; SQ evasion, halfling traits, trap sense +1, trap-
+4, Spot +15, Survival +3. finding, uncanny dodge; AL LE; SV Fort +5, Ref +10,
Feats:Alertness, Flyby Attack. Will +7 (+9 against fear); Str 6, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 12,
^ Fiendish Girallon: CR 7; Large magical beast; HD Wis 10, Cha 16.
7dl0+20; hp 58; Init +3; Spd 40 ft., climb 40 ft.; AC 16, Skills: Balance +5, Bluff+9, Climb +8, Concentration
touch 12, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +7; Grp +17; Atk +12 +7, Diplomacy +5, Disguise +5 (+7 acting in character),
melee (ld4+6, claw); Full Atk +12 melee (ld4+6, 4 claws) Hide +15, Gather Information +13, Intimidate +5, Jump
and +7 melee (ld8+3, bite); SA rend 2d4+9, smite good +4, Knowledge (local) +7, Listen +6, Move Silently +11,
(+7 damage) 1/day; SQ darkvision 60 ft., damage reduc Search +7, Sleight of Hand +8, Spellcraft +7, Spot +5,
tion 5/magic, low-light vision, resistance to cold 5, re Tumble +13.
sistance to fire 5, scent, spell resistance 12; AL NE; SV Feats:Acrobatic, Combat Casting, Improved Initiative,
Fort +7, Ref+8, Will +5; Str 22, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 2, Wis Weapon Finesse.
12, Cha 7. Languages:Common, Draconic, Halfling.
Skills: Climb +14,Move Silently +8, Spot +6. Spells Known (7/7/6/3; caster level 6th; +10 ranged
Feats:Iron Will,Toughness (2). touch): 0—acid splash, dancing lights, detect magic, mage
^ Fiendish Owlbear: CR 5; Large magical beast; HD hand, open/close,ray offrost, read magic, 1st—alarm, magic
5dl0+25; hp 52; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.;AC 15,touch 10, flat- missile,ray of enfeeblement,shield;2nd—invisibility,scorch
footed 14; Base Atk +5; Grp +14; Atk +9 melee (ld6+5, ing ray; 3rd—displacement.
claw); Full Atk +9 melee (ld6+5, 2 claws) and +5 melee Possessions:Small short sword, leather armor, wand of
(ld8+2, bite); SAimproved grab, smite good (+5 damage) hold person(30charges), cape ofthemountebank,ioun stone
1/day; SQ darkvision 60 ft., damage reduction 5/magic, (dusty rose prism grants +1 insight bonus to AC), slippers
resistance to cold 5, resistance to fire 5, scent, spell re of spider climbing, pouch containing 32 gp (all minted
sistance 10; AL NE; SV Fort +9, Ref+5, Will +2; Str 21, with the jester emblem of the Last Laugh guild), keys
Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10. to all locked doors in the safe house, key to the chest in
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8. area B8.
Feats:Alertness, Track. •^ Flamewarders, male and female haraknin fighter 5/
^ Fiendish Umber Hulk: CR9; Large aberration (ex rogue5:CR13;Mediumoutsider (evil,extraplanar,fire,law
traplanar); HD 8d8+35; hp 71; Init +1; Spd 20 ft., bur ful shapechanger); HD 4d8+12plus 5dl0+15 plus 5d6+15;
row 20 ft.; AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 17; Base Atk +6; hp 108;Init +7; Spd 40 ft.; AC 25, touch 14, flat-footed 25;
Grp +16;Atk +11melee (2d4+6,claw); Full Atk +11 melee Base Atk +12; Grp +17; Atk +19 melee (Idl2+10/x3, +1
(2d4+6, 2 claws) and +9 melee (2d8+3, bite); SA confus greataxe)or +16 ranged (ld8+5/x3, masterwork composite
ing gaze, smite good 1/day (+8 damage); SQ darkvision longbow[+5 Str]); Full Atk +19/+14/+9melee (Idl2+10/x3,
60 ft., damage reduction 5/magic, resistance to cold 10, +1greataxe) or +16/+11/+6ranged (ld8+5/x3, masterwork
resistance to fire 10, spell resistance 13, tremorsense 60 composite longbow[+5 Str]); SA breath weapon, sneak at
ft.; AL CE; SV Fort +8, Ref+3, Will +6; Str 23, Dex 13, Con tack +3d6;SQ darkvision 60 ft., evasion, fire subtype, scent,
19, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 13. trap sense +1,trapfinding, uncanny dodge; ALLE; SVFort
Skills: Climb +12,Jump +5, Listen +11. +13, Ref+13, Will +8; Str 20, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 12,
Feats: Multiattack, Power Attack,Toughness. Cha 4.
^ Fiendish Wyvern: CR7;Large dragon; HD 7dl2+14; Skills: Hide +18, Jump +17, Listen +13, Move Silently
hp 59; Init +1; Spd 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (poor);AC 18, touch +18, Spot +13, Survival+7 (+15 when tracking by scent),
10, flat-footed 17; Base Atk +7; Grp +15; Atk +10 melee Tumble +11.
(ld6+4plus poison,sting)or +10 melee (2d6+4,talon)or Feats: Acrobatic, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull
+10 melee (2d8+4,bite); Full Atk +10 melee (ld6+4 plus Rush,Improved Initiative,PowerAttack,WeaponFocus
poison, sting) and +8 melee (2d8+4, bite) and +8 melee (greataxe),WeaponSpecialization(greataxe).
(ld8+2,2 wings) and +8 melee (2d6+4,2 talons);SA im Languages:Common, Infernal.
proved grab,poison, smite good (+7 damage) 1/day;SQ Breath Weapon (Su) Cone of fire, 30 feet, every 2d4
darkvision60 ft., damage reduction 5/magic,immunity rounds, damage ld4+l, Reflex DC 20 half A haraknin's
breath weapon ignites flammable materials within the Full Atk +7/+2 melee (ld4-l, masterwork dagger) or
cone. It can use its breath weaponwhilebiting. +10 ranged (ld8/19-20, masterwork light crossbow);SA
Possessions:+2 chain shirt, +1 adamantinegreataxe,mas spells; SQ empathic link, scry on familiar, share spells,
terwork composite longbow (+5 Str bonus), 30 arrows, weasel familiar named Hirt; AL NE; SV Fort +12, Ref+9,
ringofprotection+1, potion of blur, potion of bull'sstrength,2 Will +11; Str 8, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 22, Wis 10, Cha 13.
potionsofcure seriouswounds,potionofprotectionfrom energy Skills:Concentration +21,Decipher Script +16, Knowl
(cold), oil ofgreater magic weapon +3, red-lacqueredgold edge(arcana)+24,Knowledge(architecture $_ engineer
armband set with an emerald(l,,25 pp,100 gp. ing) +14, Knowledge (geography) +10, Knowledge (his
^ Fleshripper, fiendish dire badger: CR—; Medium tory) +24, Knowledge(the planes)+18, Spellcraft+26.
magical beast (augmented animal,, extraplanar); HD Feats: Augment Summoning, Craft Staff, Craft Wand,
9d8+36plus 3; hp 92;Init +3; Spd 30 ft.,burrow 10 ft.;AC Craft Wondrous Item, Forge Ring, Great Fortitude,
21, touch 13, flat-footed 18; BaseAtk +6; Grp +9; Atk +9 Greater Spell Focus (conjuration), Scribe Scroll, Spell
melee (ld6+3, claw); Full Atk +9 melee (ld6+3, 2 claws) Focus (conjuration), Spell Penetration, Toughness.
and +4melee (ld8+l, bite); SA blood bond (+2 on attack Languages:Common, Demodand, Draconic.
rolls, checks, and saves if he sees Alurad being threat Wizard Spells Prepared (caster level 15th; prohibited
ened or harmed), rage, smite good 1/day (+9 damage schools divination and illusion; +9 ranged touch; save
against good foe); SQ damage reduction 5/magic, dark- DC 16 + spell level,conjuration 18 + spell level):0—acid
vision 60 ft., empathic link, improvedevasion,low-light splash,dancinglights,open/close,ray offrost,touch offatigue
vision, resistance to cold 10 and fire 10, scent, speak (DC 16); 1st—grease(DC 19), magic missile (3), obscuring
with blackguard, SR14; ALCE; SVFort +10, Ref+9, Will mist, ray of enfeeblement,shield; 2nd—glitterdust (DC 20),
+7; Str 17, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10. Melfs acid arrow,scorchingray, spiderclimb, web (2, DC 20),
Skills: Listen +9,Spot +9. whispering wind; 3rd—dispel magic, displacement,fireball
Feats: Alertness, Improved Natural Attack (bite, claw), (2, DC 19), protectionfrom energy, stinking cloud (DC 21);
Toughness, Track". 4th—charm monster(DC 20), confusion(DC 20), dimension
Rage (Ex) If Fleshripper takes damage in combat, it door, Evard's black tentacles, ice storm, wall offire; 5th—
flies into a rage on its next turn. Alurad can snap Fle cloudkill(2, DC 23),jeebiemind(DC 21), telekinesis,teleport,
shripper out of its rage with a successful DC 20 Handle wall ofstone; 6th—acidfog, chain lightning(DC 22), disin
Animal check, but it cannot end its rage voluntarily. tegrate (DC 22), greater dispel magic, summon monster VI;
While raging, its statistics are as follows: hp 110; AC 19, Ith—forcecage,prismaticspray (DC 23), summon monster
touch 11, flat-footed 16; Grp +11; Atk +11 melee (ld6+5, VII; 8th—horrid wilting(DC 24),summon monsterVIII.
claw); Full Atk +11 melee (ld6+5, 2 claws) and +6 melee Spellbook 0—all except detect magic, detect poison, read
(ld8+2, bite); SV Fort +12; Str 21, Con 23. magic, ghost sound; 1st—cause fear, grease, mage armor,
^ Forest Sloth: CR11;Largeanimal; HD 14d8+70;hp magic missile, obscuring mist, ray of enfeeblement,shield;
147; Init +5; Spd 40 ft., climb 60 ft.; AC 21, touch 14, flat- 2nd—glitterdust, Melfs acid arrow, scorching ray, spider
footed 16; Base Atk +8; Grp +19; Atk +15 melee (2d4+7, climb, summon swarm, web, whispering wind; 3rd—dispel
claw); Full Atk +15 melee (2d4+7,2 claws) plus +10 me magic, displacement,fireball,protectionfrom energy, stinking
lee (2d8+3,bite); Space/Reach10 ft/10 ft.; SA improved cloud, summon monsterIII; 4th—charm monster,confusion,
grab, swallowwhole; SQ darkvision 60 ft., low-light vi dimension door, Evard's black tentacles, ice storm, summon
sion, poison immunity, scent; AL N; SV Fort +12, Ref monsterIV, wall offire; 5th—cloudkill,feeblemind,summon
+12, Will +4; Str 25, Dex 20, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 9. monster V, telekinesis,teleport, wall of stone; 6th—acidfog,
Ski//s:Climb +15, Listen +9, Move Silently+10, Spot +9. chain lightning, disintegrate,greater dispel magic, summon
Feats:Alertness, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Over monster VI; Ith—forcecage,prismaticspray, summon mon
run, Power Attack, Track. ster VII; 8th—horrid wilting,summonmonsterVIII.
Improped Grab (Ex) A forest sloth that hits a Medium Possessions: Masterwork dagger, masterwork light
or smaller opponent with both claws can start a grapple crossbow, 20 bolts, belt of health +2 (as amulet of health
as a free action. Ifthe sloth gets a hold, it automatically +2), headband of intellect +4, bracers of armor +4, cloak of
hits with its bite attack and can try to swallow the op resistance+2, periapt of proofagainstpoison, ring ofcoun-
ponent in the next round. terspells(dispel magic), Ring of Thirteen,wand of enervation
Siva//oivWliole (Ex) A forest sloth can swallow an op (25charges), wand of magic missile(9th level,50 charges),
ponent up to Small size. A victim in the sloth's gullet scroll offly, scroll of dimension door, scroll of summon
takes 2d4+7 points of bludgeoning damage plus ld8 monsterVIII, 5 gems (100 gp each),100 pp.
points of acid damage each round. The AC ofthe sloth's •^ Gaflon, nerra varoot rogue 4: CR 5; Medium out
gullet is 13; dealing 25 points of damage to it allows a sider (extraplanar); HD ld8+4d6+5; hp 24; Init +6; Spd
swallowed creature to escape. 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +4; Grp
^ Freija Doorgan, female human conjurer 15:CR 15; +5;Atk +7melee (ld8+2/19-20, +2wounding shard long
Medium humanoid (human); HD 15d4+48; hp 95; Init sword) or +8 ranged (ld4+2/19-20,+2 wounding shard
+2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 16; Base Atk dagger); SA sneak attack +2d6, spell-like abilities; SQ
+7; Grp +6; Atk +7 melee (ld4—1, masterwork dagger) darkvision 60 ft., cold resistance 5, electricity resistance
or +10 ranged (ld8/19-20, masterwork light crossbow); 5, evasion, fire resistance 5, mirror jump, reflective
spell resistance 13,sonic vulnerability, trapfinding, trap ranged (2d6+7, rock); Full Atk +27/+22/+17/+12melee
sense +1, uncanny dodge; AL N; SVFort +4, Ref+8, Will (2d8+10/17-20,adamantine greatsword) or +25 melee
+5; Str 12, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 17; Fiend (ld4+7, 2 slams) or +19 ranged (2d6+7, rock); Space/
Folio 130. Reach 10 ft/10 ft.; SA rage 3/day, rock throwing; SQ
Skills: Bluff +9, Climb +8, Diplomacy +9, Disguise DR 2/—, improved uncanny dodge, light fortification
+9 (+12 acting), Gather Information +7, Intimidate +5, (25% chance to ignore critical hit), low-light vision, rock
Knowledge(the planes) +4,Listen +8), Move Silently +8, catching, trap sense +3;ALCE;SVFort +25,Ref+12, Will
Open Locks +9, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of Hand +8, +13; Str 25, Dex 12, Con 23, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 7.
Spot +8. Skills: Climb +8, Intimidate +6, Jump +23, Listen +8,
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (shard longsword)", Spot +8.
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (shard dagger)", Improved Feats: Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Criti
Initiative,Weapon Focus (shard longsword). cal (greatsword),Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder,
Languages:Common, Nerra. Iron Will,Power Attack,Weapon Focus (greatsword).
Spell-like Abilities (caster level 12th): 3/day—disguise Language:Giant.
self,1/day—mirror image. Ra,ge(Ex)hp 307;AC24,touch 8,flat-footed 24;Grp +32;
MirrorJump (Su) Anerra can move through mirrored Atk +29 melee (2d8+13/17-20,adamantine greatsword)
and reflective surfaces at will (similar to shadow walk, or +27 melee (ld4+9, slam); Full Atk +29/+24/+19/+14
but traveling is through the Plane of Mirrors). This way, melee (2d8+13/17-20,adamantine greatsword) or +27
they can move between mirrors up to one mile away. melee (ld4+9,2 slams); SVFort +27,Will +15;Str 29, Con
ReflectiveSpell Resistance(Sp) Targeted spells that fail 27; Climb +10,Jump +25.At the end of his rage, Ghath is
to overcome a nerra's SR are reflected back to the caster. fatigued for the duration ofthe encounter.
Gaze attacks are also reflected back to the source, and Possessions: +2 lightfortificationhide armor, adamantine
the nerra is immune to their effects. greatsword,ring offorceshield,ring ofimprovedjumping,amu
Sonic Vulnerability(Ex) A nerra takes 150% damage let ofhealth +4,glovesofDexterity+2, cloak ofresistance+4, po
from sonic attacks. tion offly, potionofcure seriouswounds,leather bag (contains
Possessions: +2 wounding shard longsword, +2 wound 4 throwing rocks, a bowl and spoon, a chunk of cheese, a
ingshard dagger,lockpicks, 8 blue quartzes (100 gp value drinking horn, a haunch of meat, and 3,250gp).
each) in pouch. ^ Gnoll Hunters, male gnoll ranger 3: CR 4; Medium
•J> Gau Kleeoch, female minotaur barbarian 11: CR 15; humanoid (gnoll); HD 5d8+15; hp 37 each; Init +3; Spd
Largemonstrous humanoid; HD 6d8+24 plus lldl2+44; 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +4; Grp
hp 181; Init +1; Spd 40 ft.; AC 25, touch 12, flat-footed +7; Atk/Full Atk +8 ranged (ld8+3 plus black adder
25; Base Atk +17;. Grp +29; Atk +27 melee (2d6+14 plus venom/x3, masterwork longbow) or +8 melee (ld8+4,
2d6/15-20,+2 viciousfalchion)or +24melee (ld8+8, gore); masterwork battleaxe);SA archery combat style, favored
FullAtk+27/+22/+17/+12melee (2d6+14plus 2d6/15-20, enemy (animal +2); SQ darkvision 60 ft., wild empathy
+2 viciousfalchion) and +19 melee (ld8+4, gore); Space/ +1; AL NE; SV Fort +9, Ref+6, Will +2; Str 17, Dex 16, Con
Reach 10 ft/10 ft.; SA powerful charge 4d6+12, greater 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 6.
rage 3/day; SQ damage reduction 2/—, darkvision 60 ft., Skills: Hide +9, Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Spot +7,
fast movement, improved uncanny dodge, natural cun Swim +6.
ning, scent, trap sense +3; AL NE; SV Fort +15, Ref+9, Feats: Endurance", Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot",
Will +7; Str 27, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 7, Wis 8, Cha 12. Skill Focus (Hide),Track".
Skills: Intimidate +5, Listen +13,Search +5, Spot +5. Possessions: Masterwork longbow (+3 Str bonus), 5
Feats: Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, arrows poisoned with black adder venom, 15 arrows,
Improved Critical (falchion), Power Attack, Weapon Fo masterwork spear, masterwork studded leather armor,
cus (falchion). 3 doses black adder venom.
Languages:Common, Giant. ^ Gortio, male kelubar tarterean doppelganger rogue
GreaterRage (Ex) hp 232; AC 23, touch 10, flat-footed 9: CR 14; Medium monstrous humanoid (shapechanger);
22; Grp +32;Atk +30 melee (2d6+18 plus 2d6/15-20, +2 HD 4d8+9d6+13;hp 62; Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 23, touch
viciousfalchion) or +27 melee (ld8+ll, gore); Full Atk 14, flat-footed 19; Base Atk +10; Grp +12; Atk +15 melee
+30/+25/+20/+15melee (2d6+18 plus 2d6/15-20, +2 vi (ld4+2/x3, masterwork punch dagger); Full Atk +15/+10
ciousfalchion)and +22 melee (ld8+ll, gore); SVFort +18, melee (ld4+2/x3,masterwork punch dagger)and +9 me
Will +10; Str 33, Con 24. lee (ld6+l plus ld6 acid, slam); SA acidic slime, detect
Possessions:+2 elven chain, +2 viciousfalchion,gauntlets thoughts (DC 17), sneak attack +5d6, spell-like abilities,
of ogre power, amulet of naturalarmor +1, Ring ofViirteen, stench (DC 17); SQ change shape, darkvision 120 ft., eva
winged boots,potion of cure seriouswounds,35 pp, 20 gp. sion, freedom of movement, immunity to acid and poi
^ Ghath, male hill giant barbarian 10: CR 17; Large son, immunity to sleep and charm effects, improved un 5
giant; HD 12d8+72 plus 10dl2+60; hp 263; Init +3; Spd canny dodge, resistance to cold 10 and fire 10, trapfind
40 ft. (base 50 ft.); AC 26, touch 10, flat-footed 26; Base ing, trap sense +3, uncanny dodge; SV Fort +5, Ref+14, & £st'
Atk +19; Grp +30; Atk +27 melee (2d8+10/17-20,ada Will +10; Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 21.
mantine greatsword) or +25 melee (ld4+7, slam) or +19
Skills:Balance+5, Bluff+28 (+32 when reading minds), feet of hemp rope, a cooking pot, 3d20 gp in a pouch,
Diplomacy+20, Disguise +26 (+28 acting,+36 when us and ld6 days of trail rations).
ing change shape), Hide +14, Intimidate +16, Jump +3, ^ Grehlia Cairnis, female human rogue 2/cleric 11
Listen +7, Move Silently +14, Sense Motive+12, Spot +6, (Vecna)/assassin1: CR 14; Medium humanoid (human);
Tumble +19, Use Magic Device +21. HD 3d6+3 plus Hd8+ll; hp 84; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 24,
Feats:Combat Expertise,Improved Disarm, Improved touch 14,flat-footed22;Base Atk+9; Grp +12; Atk+15 me
Feint, Improved Trip, Weapon Finesse. lee (ld6+5 plus poison,+2 spikedgauntlets)or +12 ranged
Spell-LikeAbilities(caster level 13th, +14 ranged touch): (ld6+3/x3,+1 compositeshortbow[+2 Str]); Full Atk +15/+10
Atwill—defectmagic,clairaudience/clairvoyancefear (DC 19), melee (ld6+5 plus poison, +2 spiked gauntlets) or +12/+7
invisibility,Melfsacid arrow,spiderclimb, tongues;3/ch.y—fog ranged (ld6+3/x3,+1 compositeshortbow[+2 Str]); SA death
cloud,ray ofenfeeblement,2/day—acidfog,dispel magic. attack(DC 13),rebuke undead,sneakattack+2d6,spells;SQ
Possessions:+1glameredchain shirt,masterwork punch evasion, poison use, trapfinding; AL NE; SV Fort +10, Ref
dagger, Heward's handy haversack,wand of cure moderate +12,Will +13; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 8.
wounds(18 charges),wand ofglibness(12 charges),wand of Skills: Concentration +15, Craft (sculpting) +9, Dis
invisibility(22 charges),wand ofsilence(10 charges),wand guise +4, Forgery +5, Hide +9,Jump +6, Listen +9,Move
ofscorchingray (15 charges),wand ofshield(7charges). Silently +9, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +1, Spot +9,
££J ^ Gotrrod, male young red dragon: CR 7; Large Tumble +12.
dragon (fire); HD 13dl2+39;hp 121; Init +0; Spd 40 ft., Feats: Ability Focus (death attack), Acrobatic, Em
fly150 ft. (poor);AC21, touch 9, flat-footed 21; BaseAtk power Spell, Greater Spell Focus (necromancy), Spell
+13; Grp +24; Atk +20 melee (2d6+7,bite); Full Atk +20 Focus(necromancy),Weapon Focus (spikedgauntlets).
melee (2d6+7,bite),+14 melee (ld8+3,2 claws),+14 me Cleric Spells Prepared (caster level 11th): 0—cure minor
lee(ld6+3,2wings),+14 melee(ld8+10,tail slap);Space/ wounds (2), detect magic (2), light (2); 1st—bane (DC 15),
Reach 10 ft/5 ft (10 ft. with bite); SA breath weapon(40- command (DC 15), cure light wounds (2), divinefavor (2),
ft. cone, 6dl0 fire, ReflexDC 19 half), spells; SQ darkvi protectionfrom good0; 2nd—aid, align weapon, cure mod
sion 120 ft., blindsense 60 ft., immunity to fire, sleep, erate wounds (2), hold person (DC 16), identify0;3rd—cure
and paralysis, keen senses, low-light vision, vulnerabil serious wounds(3), daylight,dispel magic0,prayer, 4th—air
ity to cold; AL CE; SV Fort +11, Ref+8, Will +9; Str 25, walk, cure criticalwounds,divinepower,poison(DC 18), un
Dex 10, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12. holy blight0(DC18); 5th—dispelgood0,flamestrike(DC19),
Skills: Appraise +17, Concentration +10, Intimidate slay living(DC 21); 6th—antimagicfield0, harm (DC 22).
+17, Knowledge(local)+17, Listen +17, Search+17, Sense *Domain spell. Domains: Evil (cast evil spells at +1
Motive +17, Spellcraft +8,Spot +17. caster level),Magic(use magic items as 5th-levelwizard).
Feats: FlybyAttack, Hover, Power Attack,Weapon Fo Possessions:+3 chain shirt, +2 light steel shield, +2 spiked
cus (bite),Wingover. gauntlets,+1 compositeshortbow(+2 Str bonus), belt ofogre
Languages:Common, Draconic. power (as gauntlets of ogre power), periapt of Wisdom +2,
Spe//s Known (6/5, caster level 1st): 0—detect magic, cloak of resistance+2, ring of protection+2, scroll of bear's
ghost sound (DC 11), open/close,read magic, 1st—curelight endurance,scroll of harm, 4 doses giant wasp poison (DC
wounds, mage armor. 18;ld6 Dex/ld6 Dex), 10 pp, 34 gp.
? GrayhauntMarauders,male half-ore fighter8: CR8; ^ Goblin adept 4:CR3; Small humanoid (goblinoid);
Medium humanoid (half-ore);HD 8dl0+16; hp 59 each; HD 4d6-4; hp 14; Init +1;Spd 30 ft.;AC12,touch 12,flat-
Init +2; Spd 20 ft. (base 30 ft.); AC 19,touch 12,flat-footed footed 11; BaseAtk +2; Grp -3; Atk or Full Atk+2 melee
17; BaseAtk +8; Grp +11; Atk +13 melee (ld8+6/x3,mas (ld4-l, shortspear) or +4ranged (ld4-l, shortspear);SA
terworkoredoubleaxe) or +12 ranged(ld8+4/x3,compos spells; SQ darkvision 60 ft., goblin traits, summon fa
ite longbowwith +1 seekingarrow); FullAtk +11/+6melee miliar (rat);AL NE;SVFort +2,Ref+2,Will +6; Str 8, Dex
(ld8+6/x3, masterwork ore double axe) and +11 melee 13, Con 9, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 6.
(ld8+4/x3,masterworkore double axe) or +12/+7 ranged Skills: Concentration +6, Hide +5, Listen +4, Move Si
(ld8+4/x3,compositelongbowwith +1 seekingarrow); SQ lently +5, Ride +5, Spellcraft +8, Spot +4.
darkvision 60 ft., half-ore traits; AL LE;SVFort +8,Ref+4, Feats: Alertness, Brew Potion.
Will +3; Str 17, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 8. Languages:Common, Goblin.
Skills: Intimidate +10, Listen +3, Spot +3. AdeptSpellsPrepared(caster level 4th, +4ranged touch):
Feats: Alertness,Exotic Weapon Proficiency(ore dou 0—detectmagic,ghostsound(DC 12),read magic,1st—bless,
ble axe), Improved Critical (ore double axe), Point Blank burninghands(DC 13), sleep (DC 13); 2nd—scorchingray.
Shot, Precise Shot,Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus Possessions:Shortspear, potion of cure light wounds, po
(ore doubleaxe),WeaponSpecialization(ore doubleaxe). tionof aid, potion of invisibility.
Languages:Common, Ore. ? Goblin Skirmisher, warrior 1: CR 1/3; Small hu
Possessions:+2 breastplate,masterwork ore double axe, manoid (goblinoid); HD ld8+l; hp 5; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.;
composite longbow (+3 Str) with 25 +1 seeking arrows, AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +1; Grp -3; Atk
lesserbracersofarchery,ivoryhunting horn (100 gp),back or Full Atk +2 melee (ld6, morningstar) or +3 ranged
pack (holds a whetstone, a waterskin, flint and steel, 50 (ld4, javelin); SA —; SQ darkvision 60 ft., goblin traits;
AL NE; SV Fort +3, Ref+1, Will-1; Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12, SV Fort +6, Ref+14, Will +8; Str 17, Dex 19, Con 12, Int
Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 6. 15,Wis 15,Cha 22; Fiend Folio 89 (half-feytemplate).
Skills: Hide +6, Listen +2, Move Silently +6, Ride +5, Skills: Bluff +16, Concentration +13, Craft (weaving)
Spot +2. +14, Diplomacy+8, Disguise +16(+18 acting),Hide +16,
Feats: Alertness. Intimidate +8, Knowledge(arcana)+14, Knowledge(the
Languages:Goblin. planes) +14, Listen +16, Spot +16, Swim +15.
Possessions: Leather armor, light wooden shield, Feats: AbilityFocus (weakness),Alertness, Great Forti
morningstar, five javelins,pouch containing ld6 sp and tude, Improved NaturalAttack(claw).
ld6 cp. Languages:Common, Giant.
^ Goblin Sneak, rogue 1: CR 1; Small humanoid Individual Spell-like Abilities (caster level 11th): At
(goblinoid);HD ld6+l; hp 7; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, will—charm person (DC 17), dancing lights, disguise self,
touch 14, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +0; Grp -3; Atk or Full ghostsound (DC 16), invisibility,passwithouttrace, tongues,
Atk +2 melee (ld4+l/19-20, shortsword) or +4 ranged water breathing; 3/day—detectlaw, protectionfrom law; 1/
(ld6/19-20,light crossbow);SA'sneak attack +ld6; SQ day—confusion*(DC 20), dominate person* (DC 21), eye- m
darkvision 60 ft., goblin traits, trapfinding; AL NE; SV bite*(DC22),faeriefire* hypnotism(DC 18), sleep*(DC 17),
Fort +1, Ref+5, WiU +1; Str 12, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 10, suggestion*(DC 19).
Wis 13, Cha 6. indicates a hag's selected half-fey spell-like ability
Skills: Balance +5, Climb +5, Disable Device +5, Hide for the day.
+9,Jump +5, Move Silently +9, Listen +5, Open Lock +5, Couey Spell-likeAbilities(caster level 11th): 3/day—an
Search +5,Spot +5,Tumble +5. imate dead, bestow curse (DC 19), control weather, dream,
Feats: Dodge. forcecage, mind blank, mirage arcana (DC 21), polymorph,
Languages:Goblin. veil (DC 22), vision.These abilities can be used as a full-
Possessions:Leather armor, short sword, light cross round action by all three hags if they are within 10.feet
bow with 10 bolts, pouch of 2d6 gp and 2d6 sp. of one another.
* Grell: CR 3; Medium aberration; HD 5d8+10;hp 32; Weakness (Su) A green hag's successful touch attack
Init +2; Spd5 ft., fly 30 ft. (perfect);AC 16,touch 12,flat- deals2d4 points of Strength damage(Fortitude negates,
footed 14; Base Atk +3; Grp +20 (includes +16 racial bo DC 22).
nus);Atk +4melee(ld4+l plusparalysis,tentacle);FullAtk Mimicry(Su) Green hags can imitate the sound of ani
+4 melee(ld4+l plus paralysis,10 tentacles)and-1 melee mals found in the jungles surrounding the Demonskar.
(2d4, bite); SA improved grab, paralysis;SQ blindsight 60 Possessions:Each ofthe hags wears a matching ring of
ft.,flight,immune to electricityand paralysis,tentacle re protection+2. Olomasta also carries the covey's hag eye.
generation;AL NE; SV For +3, Ref+3,Will +4; Str 12,Dex ? Half-ore fighter 8: CR8; Medium humanoid (ore);
15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 9. HD 8dl0+16; hp 59 each; Init +6; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19,
Skills: Hide +10,Listen +4, Move Silently +10, Spot +4. touch 12, flat-footed 17; Base Atk +8; Grp +11; Atk +13
Feats: FlybyAttack,Stealthy. melee (ld8+6/19-20/x3,+1 ore double axe) or +11 ranged
Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability, the grell must (ld8/19-20, masterworklight crossbow);Full Atk+11/+6
hit with a tentacle. melee (ld8+6/19-20/x3,+1 ore doubleaxe) and +11 melee
Paralysis(Ex) Any creature hit by a grell's tentacle must (ld8+4/x3, +1 ore double axe) or +11 ranged (ld8/19-20,
make a DC 14 Fortitude saveor be paralyzed for 4 rounds. masterwork light crossbow); SQ darkvision 60 ft., half-
Flight (Ex) A grell's body is unusually buoyant. This ore traits; AL LE; SV Fort +8, Ref+4, Will +3; Str 17, Dex
buoyancy allows it to fly, and grants it a permanent 15, Con 14, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 8.
featherfall effect with personal range. Skills: Intimidate +10, Listen +3, Spot +3.
Tentacle Regeneration(Ex) An opponent can attack a Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Exotic Weapon Profi
grell's tentacles as if they were weapons—see Sunder, ciency (ore double axe), Improved Critical (ore dou
in Chapter 8 ofthe Player'sHandbook.A grell's tentacles ble axe), Improved Initiative, Two-Weapon Fighting,
have 10 hit points. If the grell is currently grappling a Weapon Focus(ore double axe), Weapon Specialization
target with that tentacle, it usually uses another limb to (ore double axe).
make its attack of opportunity against the sunder at Languages:Common, Ore.
tempt. Severing a grell's tentacles deals damage to the Possessions: +1/+1 ore double axe, masterwork light
creature equal to half the limb's hit points. A grell re- crossbow, 20 bolts, +2 chainmail,2 potionsof cure moder
grows severed limbs within a day. ate wounds.
^ Half-Fey Green Hag rogue 2: CR 9; Medium fey; ? Hammerer Automaton: CR 4; Medium construct;
HD Hd6+ll; hp 49 each; Init +4; Spd 30 ft., fly 60 ft. HD 3dl0+20; hp 36; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC21, touch 10,
(good), swim 30 ft.; AC 27, touch 16, flat-footed 23; Base flat-footed 21; Base Atk +2; Grp +9; Atk or Full Atk +9
Atk +10; Grp +13;Atk +13 melee (ld6+3, claw); Full Atk melee (2d8+10,slam); SA—; SQ construct traits, unreli pi ft
+13 melee (ld6+3, 2 claws); SA sneak attack +ld6, spell able; AL N; SV Fort +1, Ref+1, Will +0; Str 25, Dex 11, <V
like abilities, weakness, mimicry; SQ darkvision 90 ft., Con —, Int —, Wis 9, Cha 4; Monster Manual II27. & £st^
evasion, immune to enchantment spells and effects, Unreliable (Ex) At the beginning of each round in
low-fightvision, spell resistance 18, trapfinding; AL CE; which an automaton attempts to act, roll ld20. On a
result of 11 or better, it acts normally; otherwise, it 60 ft., evasion,immune to acid, cold, fire, and poison,
takes no action. outsider traits, spell resistance 25, uncanny dodge; AL
^ Harpoon Spider: CR 4; Large Aberration; HD NE; SV Fort +21, Ref+14, Will +15; Str 28, Dex 12, Con
5d8+20; hp 42; Init +4; Spd 40 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC 16, 22, Int 14,Wis 15, Cha 18; Fiend Folio 44 (modified).
touch 13, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +3; Grp +10; Atk +5 Skills: Bluff +29, Concentration +31, Diplomacy+31,
melee (ld8+3 plus poison, bite) or +6 ranged (ld4+l Disguise +4(+6acting),Gather Information +29, Intimi
plus harpooning, fang); Full Atk +5 melee (ld8+3 plus date +31, Knowledge(the planes) +27, Listen +27, Per
poison, bite) or +6 ranged (ld4+l plus harpooning,2 form (sing) +16, Sense Motive +27, Spot +27, Survival+2
fangs); Space/Reach10 ft/5 ft.; SA harpooning,poison; (+4 on other planes).
SQ darkvision 120 ft., evasion, spines, web movement; Feats:AbilityFocus(stench),Great Fortitude, Improved
SV Fort +5, Ref+7, Will +5; Str 17, Dex 19, Con 18, Int 14, Initiative, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural
Wis 12, Cha 9; Monster Manual III 80. Attack (claw), Multiattack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability
Skills:Balance+8, Climb+16, Hide +8, Jump +21, Spot (fear),QuickenSpell-LikeAbility(Melfs acid arrow).
+7, Tumble +13. Languages: Abyssal, Common, Demodand, Infernal,
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Improved Trip", Lightning Terran.
Reflexes. Acidic Slime (Ex) Each of Hexavog's claw and bite at
Hi Languages:Common and Undercommon. tacks deals +ld6 points of acid damage. On a successful
Harpooning(Ex) As ranged attacks, a harpoon spider critical hit, this burst of acid deals +ldl0 points of acid
can fire one or two of its fangs up to 20 feet (no range damage instead.
increment).The spider can fire at two different targets Stench (Ex) All creatures (except demodands) within
if it chooses. A successful hit deals ld4+l points of 30 feet of Hexavog must succeed on a DC 29 Fortitude
damage as the harpoon hooks the target's fleshand ex save or be nauseated as long as the creature remains
udes a thick glue.The spider can reel in a harpoon as a in the area and for 10 rounds thereafter. A successful
freeaction; treat this as a trip attack(+10 bonus)against save means that the creature is immune to Hexavog's
any creature attached to the fang. Failure indicates the stench for 1 day.The save DC is Constitution-based and
harpoon rips free (and deals another ld4+l points of includes the AbilityFocus (stench) feat.
damage to the victim). Successindicates that the victim Spell-LikeAbilities(caster level 13th, +22 ranged touch):
is pulled off its feet and dragged back to the spider, At will—detectmagic, clairvoyance/clairaudience,fear (DC 18),
who can immediately make a free bite attack against invisibility,Melfs acid arrow, spiderclimb, tongues;3/day—-fog
the victim. A harpoon spider can only pull a creature cloud,ray ofenfeeblement,2/day—acidfog, dispelmagic
smaller than itself in this manner. Attempts to retract Summon Demodand (Sp) Once per day, Hexavog can
a creature of its own size or larger automatically cause attempt to summon ld2 kelubars (40% chance of suc
the fang to rip free. cess)or ld4 farastus(60% chance of success).
Poison (Ex) Injury, Fortitude DC 16, initial damage Possessions:Bracersofarmor +7, amuletofnaturalarmor+3.
ld6 Dex,secondary damage 2d6 Dex. ^ Hillfolk, human fighter 2: CR 2; Medium human
Spines (Ex) Any creature striking a harpoon spider oid; HD 2dl0+4; hp 19 each; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 18,
with a melee or natural weapon must make a DC 16 touch 11, flat-footed 17; Base Atk +2; Grp +5;Atk or Full
Reflex save or take ld6 points of piercing damage from Atk+7 melee (ld8+2/19-20, masterwork longsword);SA
the creature's spines. Reach weapons allow a character —; SQ —; AL CN; SV Fort +7, Ref+3, Will +1; Str 16, Dex
to avoid this peril. The spines also deal an extra ld6 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10.
points of damage on a successful grapple check.As a full Skills:Climb +2, Jump +2, Swim-7.
round action, a harpoon spider can pick up a Medium Feats: Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, Quick
or smaller helplesscreature with its legsand impalethe Draw, Weapon Focus (longsword).
body on its spines, dealing 2d6 points of piercingdam Languages:Common.
age. It can carry up to 2 Medium, 8 Small,32 Tiny, or 128 Possessions:Chainmail, masterwork large steel shield,
Diminutive or smaller creatures in this manner. masterwork longsword, potion of cure moderate wounds,
Web Movement(Ex) Although they cannot spin webs red sash.
themselves, harpoon spiders can climb around and ^ Hill Baboons: CR 2; Medium animal; HD 3d8+9;
through webs with ease using their climb speed. They hp 22 each; Init +2; Spd 40 ft., climb 30 ft.; AC 15,
are immune to the effects ofthe web spell. touch 13, flat-footed 12 Base Atk +2; Grp +6; Atk or
^ Hexavog, six-armed advanced kelubar demodand: Full Atk +6 melee (ld6+6, bite); SA —; SQ low-light
CR 19; Large outsider (evil, extraplanar); HD 22d8+132; vision, scent; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref+6, Will +1; Str 19,
hp 234; Init +5; Spd 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average);AC 39, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 6; Monster Manual
•o touch 10, flat-footed 38; Base Atk +22; Grp +35; Atk +30 268 (elite baboon, advanced).
s melee (ld8+9 plus ld6 acid, claw); Full Atk +30 melee Skills: Climb +12, Listen +4, Spot +4.
(ld8+9 plus ld6 acid, 6 claws)and +28 melee (ld8+4 plus Feats:Alertness, Improved Natural Armor.
& £ST>
ld6 acid, bite); Space/Reach10 ft/10 ft.; SA acidic slime, JP Hlanamm the Spearmaster, male kuo-toa rogue
sneak attack +8d6, spell-like abilities, stench, summon 5: CR 7; Medium monstrous humanoid (aquatic); HD
demodand; SQ damage reduction 15/good, darkvision 2d8+4plus 5d6+10;hp 41;Init +2; Spd 20 ft., swim 50 ft.;
AC 23, touch 12,flat-footed 21; BaseAtk +5; Grp +8; Atk neous casting(inflict);SQ —; AL LE; SV Fort+11, Ref+5,
+10 melee (ld6+4,+1 shortspear)or +9 ranged (ld6+4,+1 Will +15; Str 14, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 20, Cha 10.
shortspear);FullAtk +10 melee(ld6+4,+1 shortspear)or +9 Skills: Concentration +17, Diplomacy +8, Heal +13,
ranged (ld6+4,+1 shortspear);SA sneak attack +3d6; SQ Knowledge(religion)+17, Spellcraft+17.
adhesive,amphibious,evasion,immunityto poisonand Feats: Combat Casting, Exotic Weapon Proficiency
paralysis,keensight,light blindness,resistanceto elec (bastard sword), Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Tomb-
tricity10, slippery,trap sense +1, trapfinding, uncanny Tainted Soul,Weapon Focus(bastard sword).
dodge;AL NE; SV Fort +3, Ref+9,Will+7; Str 16,Dex15, Languages:Common, Infernal.
Con 15, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8. Cleric Spells Prepared (caster level 13th): 0—cure minor
Skills: Climb +10, Craft (weaponsmith) +8, Escape Art wounds (2), detect magic (2), guidance, read magic, 1st—bane
ist +9, Hide +9, Jump +12, Listen +7, Move Silently+9, (DC 16), causefear0 (DC 16), comprehend languages, divine
Search+4, Spot +9, Swim+9, Tumble +11. favor, obscuring mist (2), sanctuary (DC 16), shield offaith;
Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Weapon 2nd—bear'sendurance, bull's strength, death knell0 (DC 17),
Focus(shortspear). hold person (2, DC 17), resist energy, silence(DC 17), spiritual
Possessions:+1 returning shortspear,masterwork stud weapon;3rd—dispelnuigic",magicvestment(4),protectionfrom
ded leather armor, masterwork heavywooden shield. energy, 4th—airwalk, death ward0, dismissal(DC 19), divine
^ Hookface, male mature adult red dragon: CR 18; power,greater magic weapon (2); 5th— quickeneddivinefa
Huge dragon(fire); HD 25dl2+150;hp 312; Init +0; Spd vor,famestrike(DC 20), righteousmight, slay living0(DC 20),
40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor); AC 34, touch 10, flat-footed32; quickened shield offaith; 6th—antimagicfield0, harm (DC
BaseAtk+25; Grp +45; Atk+35 melee(2d8+12,bite);Full 21), heroes'feast,7th—destruction0(DC 22), quickenedinflict
Atk+35 melee(2d8+12,bite),+30 melee (2d6+6,2 claws), serious wounds(DC22).
+30 melee (ld8+6, 2 wings), and +30 melee (2d6+18,tail D: Domain spell. Domains: Death (death touch 1/day,
slap);Space/Reach15ft/10 ft. (15 ft. with bite);SA breath damage7d6),Magic(use magicitems as 6th-levelwizard).
weapon(50 ft. cone,14dl0 fire, ReflexDC 28 half),crush Possessions:+1 lightfortificationfull plate (+3 lightforti
(2d8+18,DC28), frightful presence (210-ft.radius, HD 24 ficationfull plate with magic vestment),masterwork light
or fewer, Will DC 26 negates),spell-like abilities, spells; shield (+3 Jight shield with magic vestment),+1 spell storing
SQ blindsense 60 ft., damage reduction 10/magic, dark- bastardsword(contains hold person; +3spell storingbastard
vision 120ft.,immunity to fire, immunity to magic sleep sword with greater magic weapon), periapt of wisdom +2,
effectsand paralysis,low-light vision, spell resistance 23, cloak of resistance+2, scroll of invisibility,scroll of mirror
vulnerability to cold; AL CE; SV Fort +24, Ref+20, Will image,scroll of teleport,boots ofstridingand springing,ring
+22, Str 35,Dex 10 (currently 14), Con 23, Int 18,Wis 19, of counterspells(dispel magic), silver holy symbol marked
Cha 18. with verses of anathema worth 500 gp, master key to all
Skills: Appraise +32, Bluff +9, Concentration +24, Di locks in the Cathedral of Wee Jas.
plomacy +22, Intimidate +27, Jump +40, Knowledge ^ Jared, male human bard 10: CR 10; Medium hu
(arcana) +21, Knowledge (geography) +15, Knowledge manoid; HD 10d6; hp 33; Init +1;Spd 30 ft.; AC15,touch
(history) +15, Knowledge (nature) +12, Knowledge (the 11, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +7; Grp +8; Atk/Full Atk +8
planes)+12, Knowledge(religion)+15, Listen +32, Search melee (ld3+l nonlethal, unarmed strike); SA counter-
+29, Sense Motive +14,Spellcraft +17,Spot +32. song, fascinate, suggestion; SQ bardic knowledge +12,
Feats: Adroit Flyby Attack, Cleave, Flyby Attack, Im inspire competence, inspire courage +2, inspire great
proved Snatch, Multisnatch, Power Attack, Quicken ness; AL CG; SV Fort +5, Ref+8, Will +8; Str 12, Dex 13,
Breath, Snatch, Wingover. Con 10, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 21.
Languages:Draconic. Skills: Concentration +13, Decipher Script +15, Diplo
Spell-LikeAbilities(caster level 9th): 7/day—locateobject. macy +22, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (local)
Spells Known (6/7/7/7/5; caster level 9th; +38 touch): +15, Knowledge(nobility and royalty)+15, Perform (ora
0—arcanemark, dancinglights,detectmagic,ghostsound(DC tory) +18, Sense Motive +12, Spellcraft +15.
14),guidance,mage hand, read magic, resistance;1st—alarm, Feats: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Eschew Materi
magic missile, protectionfrom good, shield, shocking grasp; als, Extend Spell, Great Fortitude, Iron Will.
2nd—cat'sgrace,cure moderatewounds,darkness,soundburst Languages:Common, Draconic, Dwarven.
(DC 15); 3rd—dispelmagic, protectionfrom energy, stinking Spe//s Known (3/5/4/3/1; caster level 10th): 0—dancing
cloud(DC 16); 4th—fireshield,greaterinvisibility. Jighrs,detect magic, magehand, message,read magic,summon
Possessions: Cloak of resistance +4, pale blue rhomboid instrument; 1st—comprehendlanguages, disguise self, lesser
ioun stone, minor ring of cold resistance,ring offeatherfall confiision(DC 16),silent image (DC 16); 2nd—eagle'ssplen
ing, bag ofholding(type I). dor, enthrall(DC 17), minor image (DC 17), tongues; 3rd—
^ Ike Iverson, male human cleric 13 (Wee Jas): CR confiision(DC 18),glibness,lessergeas(DC 18), major image
13;Medium humanoid; HD 13d8+13;hp 75;Init-1; Spd (DC 18); 4th—hallucinatoryterrain(DC 19), legend lore.
30 ft.; AC 24, touch 9, flat-footed 24; Base Atk +9, Grp Possessions:Chain shirt, rod of splendor.
+11;Atk+15 melee(ldlO+5/19-20,+3spelJstoringbastard ? Jil, female human rogue 5/assassin 1 (Chapters
sword); Full Atk +15/+10 melee (ldlO+5/19-20,+3 spell One and Two): CR 6; Medium humanoid; HD 6d6+6;
storingbastardsword); SA rebuke undead, spells, sponta hp 27; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 15;
Base Atk +3; Grp +3; Atk or FullAtk +6 melee (ld6/19- deathblade poison when the weapon is drawn; Forti
20 plus poison, masterworkshort sword) or +6 melee tudeDC 20negates,initialld6 Con, secondary2d6Con;
(ld3+lnonlethal,+1 whip) or +6 ranged(Id6/x3,master- holds 3 applications),black cloak and clothing,pouch
work shortbow);SA sneakattack+4d6, deathattack(DC containing20 sp and 45 gp (all minted with the jester
14); SQ trapfinding,evasion,trap sense,uncannydodge, emblem ofthe LastLaughguild).
poison use; AL NE; SV Fort +2, Ref+8, Will +0; Str 11, ^ Kalareem Nerra: CR 3; Medium-Size Outsider
Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 9, Cha 12. (extraplanar);HD 3d8+6; hp 19; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC
Skills:Balance+4, Bluff+10,Diplomacy+13,DisableDe 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +3; Grp +4; Atk
vice +10, Disguise+10 (+12 acting),EscapeArtist+11, Hide +9 melee (ld8+3/19-20,+2 wounding shard longsword);
+11, Jump +2, Move Silently+11, Open Lock +11, Sense Full Atk +5 melee (ld8+3/19-20,2 +2 wounding shard
Motive+8, Spot+7, Tumble+11, UseMagic Device+9. longswords);SA shard spray,spell-likeabilities;SQ cold
Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Initiative, Exotic resistance 10, darkvision 60 ft., electricity resistance
Weapon Proficiency(whip),Weapon Finesse. 10,fire resistance 10, mirror jump, reflectivespell re
Languages:Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome. sistance 15, sonic vulnerability; AL N; SV Fort +5, Ref
AssassinSpells Known (1; caster level 1st): 1st—obscur +6, Will +5; Str 13, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha
ing mist, true strike. 13; Fiend Folio 128.
Possessions: Masterwork studded leather armor, +1 Skills:Bluff+7,Diplomacy+6, Disguise+7(+9 to actin
whip, masterwork short sword, masterwork shortbow character),Hide +9, Intimidate +7, Knowledge(arcana)
with 20arrows,wand ofsilence(15 charges),potion ofcure +6, Knowledge(the planes)+6, Listen +8, Move Silently
moderatewounds, arcane scrollof undetectablealignment, +9,Sense Motive +7,Spot +8.
sword sheath with poison reservoir (coats blade with Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (shard longsword)",
blue whinnis poison when the weapon is drawn; holds Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
3 applications),black cloakand clothing,leather gloves, (shard longsword)".
pouch containing 30 gp (minted with the jester emblem Languages:Common, Nerra.
of The LastLaughguild). Spell-likeAbilities(casterlevel 12th):1/day—mirrorimage.
^ Jil, female human rogue 5/assassin 8 (Chapter Shard Spray (Su) Three times per day a kalareem can
Eight):CR13; Medium humanoid; HD 13d6+13;hp 66; release a spray of mirror shards (30 ft. cone, slashing
Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14; Base damage 3d4 plus 2 points of cumulative bleeding dam
Atk +9; Grp +9; Atk +16melee (ld6/19-20 plus poison, age per round).
masterworkshort sword)or +16 melee(ld3+l nonlethal MirrorJump (Su) A nerra can move through mirrored
plus trip attack, +1 whip) or +16 ranged (Id6/x3, mas and reflective surfaces at will (similar to shadow walk,
terwork shortbow); Full Atk +16/+11 melee (ld6/19-20 but traveling through the Plane of Mirrors). This way,
plus poison, masterworkshort sword)or +16/+11melee they can move between mirrors up to one mile away.
(ld3+l nonlethal plus trip attack, +1 whip) or +16/+11 ReflectiveSpell Resistance (Sp) Spells that fail to over
ranged (Id6/x3,masterworkshortbow);SA death attack come a nerra's SR are reflected back to the caster.
(DC 23), hide in plain sight, poison use, sneak attack Sonic Vulnerability(Ex) A nerra takes 150% damage
+7d6, spells;SQ evasion,improved uncannydodge,trap from sonic attacks.
sense +1, trapfinding, uncanny dodge; AL NE; SV Fort Possessions:Two +2 woundingshard longswords.
+4 (+8 against poison), Ref+12, Will +2; Str 11, Dex 22, ? Kallev, female tiefling fighter 3: CR 4; Medium
Con 12, Int 16, Wis 9, Cha 12. outsider (native); HD 3dl0+6 plus 3; hp 30; Init +2; Spd
Skills:Balance+16, Bluff+17,Diplomacy+13, Disable 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +3; Grp
Device +11, Disguise +17(+19 acting),EscapeArtist +15, +5; Atk or Full Atk +7 melee (ldl0+3/x3, masterwork
Forgery +11, Hide +27, Intimidate +10, Jump +2, Move halberd); SA darkness 1/day (CL 3rd); SQ darkvision 60
Silently +22, Open Lock +14, Sense Motive +11, Spell ft., resist cold 5, electricty 5, and fire 5, tiefling traits; AL
craft +4, Spot +11,Tumble +14, Use MagicDevice +12. CE; SV Fort +5, Ref+3, Will +1; Str 15, Dex 15, Con 14, Int
Feats:Combat Expertise,Improved Disarm, Improved 10, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Initiative, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (whip), Silent Skills: Bluff+2, Climb +5, Hide +6, Intimidate +4.
Spell, Weapon Finesse. Feats: Blind-Fight, Dodge, Toughness, Weapon Focus
Languages:Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome. (halberd).
Assassin Spells Known (4/4/4/1;caster level 8th); 1st— Languages:Common, Infernal.
disguiseself"(DC 14), detectpoison,obscuringmist, true strike; Possessions: +1 studded leather armor, masterwork hal
2nd—illusory script, pass without trace, spider climb, unde berd, potionofcure moderatewounds,broochofshielding(24
tectable alignment;3rd—deepslumber(DC 16), magic circle points remaining).
tn against good, misdirection, nondetection; 4th—dimension ? Kaurophon, male half-fiend human sorcerer 11:
2 door,freedom of movement,greaterinvisibility. CR 14;Medium outsider (augmented humanoid, extra
Possessions:+1 shadow studded leather armor, +1 whip, planar); HD lld4+33; hp 65; Init +3; Spd 30 ft., fly30 ft.
& Est*-
masterwork shortbow with 20 arrows, gloves of Dexterity (average);AC 18 (with mage armor), touch 13, flat-footed
+6, wand of silence(6 charges), masterwork short sword, 15;BaseAtk+5; Grp +6; Atk+6 melee (ld4+l, claw); Full
sword sheath with poison reservoir (coats blade with Atk +6 melee (ld4+l, 2 claws) and +1 melee (ld6, bite);
SA spells,spell-likeabilities,smite good +11 1/day; SQ and poison, outsider traits, poison immunity, spell re
damage reduction5/magic,darkvision60ft., immunity sistance25, uncannydodge;AL NE; SV Fort+11, Ref+9,
to poison, resistanceto acid 10, resistanceto cold 10, Will +10; Str 20, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 18;
resistance to electricity 10, resistance to fire 10, spell Fiend Folio 44.
resistance 21; AL CE; SV Fort +6, Ref+6, Will +8; Str 12, Skills: Bluff +24, Concentration +19, Diplomacy +28,
Dex 17, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 21. Disguise+4 (+6 acting),GatherInformation+6, Hide+9,
Skills: Bluff +19, Concentration +17, Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +22, Knowledge(local) +18, Knowledge(the
Intimidate +7, Knowledge(arcana)+16, Knowledge(the planes)+18, Listen +18, Move Silently+9, Sense Motive
planes) +9,Spellcraft+18. +22, Spot +18, Survival+2 (+4 on other planes).
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Spell Focus (Evocation), Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility,Multiat
Spell Penetration. tack, Spring Attack.
Languages:Common,Abyssal,Infernal Languages:Common,Abyssal,Demodand.
Spell-LikeAbilities(caster level 11th): 3/day—darkness, AcidicSlime (Ex) The slime secreted by a kelubar adds
poison(DC 19). 1/day—blasphemy,contagion(DC 18), des ld6 points of acid damage to its melee attacks. On a
ecrate, unholyblight(DC 19). successful critical hit, it deals an additional ldlO points
Spe//s Known (6/8/7/7/7/5;caster level 11th): 0—arid of acid damage.
splash,arcane mark, dancinglights,detect magic, mage hand, Stench (Ex) All creatures (except other demodands)
message, ray offrost, resistance, touch offatigue(DC 15); within 30 feet of a kelubar must make a successful For
1st—disguiseself, identify, mage armor,protectionfrom evil, titude save (DC 19) or be nauseated as long as the crea
shield; 2nd—bear's endurance, cat's grace, glitterdust(DC ture remains in the area, and for 10 rounds after the
16), invisibility,mirror image; 3rd—dispelmagic, displace creature leaves. A successful save means that the crea
ment,fireball (DC 18), haste; 4th—dimensiondoor, greater ture is immune to that kelubar's stench for one day.
invisibility,scrying;5th—coneofcold (DC 21), telekinesis. Summon Demodand (Sp) A kelubar demodand.can
Possessions:Cloak ofCharisma+2, wand of magic missile attempt to summon ld2 kelubars with a 40% chance
(9th level, 22 charges),wand of web (18 charges),ba,g of of success.
holding II, large silver mirror (for scrying spells),scroll Spell-Like Abilities (caster level 13th): At will—detect
of disintegrate,scroll of mass suggestion,lesser amulet of magic, clairaudience/clairvoyance,
fear (DC 18), invisibility,
the planes. Melfs acid arrow, spider climb, tongues; 3/day—-fog cloud,
? Kazmojen, male half-troll/half-dwarf fighter 3: CR ray ofenfeeblement,2/day—acidfog, dispel magic.
5; Medium giant; HD 3dl0+18; hp 39; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; ? Kennock Brage, male human sorcerer 10: CR 10;
AC23, touch 11, flat-footed 22; Base Atk +3; Grp +8;Atk Medium humanoid (human); HD 10d4+40;hp 76; Init
+10 melee (ld8+7/x3,masterwork dwarven urgrosh) or +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 14; BaseAtk
+8 melee (ld6+4, claw) or +4 ranged (ld6+5, throwing +5, Grp +6; Atk/FullAtk+7 melee(ld4+l/19-20,dagger);
axe); Full Atk +6melee (ld8+4/x3,masterwork dwarven SA spells; SQ immune to fear,immune to poison, SR25;
urgrosh) and +2 melee (ld6+2/x3,masterwork dwarven AL NE; SV Fort +7, Ref+4, Will +9; Str 12, Dex 13, Con 18,
urgrosh) and +2 melee (ld4+2, bite) or +8 melee (ld6+4, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 20.
2 claws)and +2melee (ld4+2,bite) or +4 ranged (ld6+5, Skills:Bluff+18,Diplomacy +7,Disguise +5(+7actin
throwing axe); SA rend 2d4+7; SQ darkvision 60 ft., Intimidate +7, Concentration +17, Spellcraft +13.
dwarftraits, fasthealing 5, scent;AL LE; SV Fort +9, Ref Feats: Empower Spell, Greater Spell Focus (evoca
+2, Will +4; Str 20, Dex 12, Con 23, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 4. tion), Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (evocation),
Skills: Intimidate +1. Spell Penetration.
Feats: Cleave, Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus Languages:Common.
(dwarven urgrosh). Possessions:Dagger, bracersofarmor+2,ring ofprotection
Lun^ua^es:Common, Dwarven,Undercommon. +1, amulet of naturalarmor +1, cloak of Charisma+2, lesser
Rend (Ex) If Kazmojen hits with two claw attacks rod ofsilentspell,potion of cure seriouswounds,250 gp.
againsta single opponent, he latches onto his opponent's Spells Known (6/8/7/7/6/4; caster level 10; +6 ranged
body.This deals an additional 2d4+7points of damage. touch); 0—acid splash, arcane mark, detect magic, ghost
Possessions:Full plate, masterwork dwarven urgrosh, sound (DC 15), light, mage hand, message, open/close,read
4 throwing axes, pouch of 180 gp and three keys (to the magic, 1st—charmperson (DC 16), disguiseself, magic mis
chests in area Mil). sile, ray of enfeeblement,shield; 2nd—knock, mirror image,
? Kelubar Demodand: CR 13; Medium outsider (evil, see invisibility, scorching ray; 3rd—displacement, haste,
extraplanar); HD 13d8+39; hp 104; Init +5; Speed 30 ft., lightning bolt (DC 19); 4th—greater invisibility,ice storm;
fly 60 ft. (average);AC 27, touch 11, flat-footed 27; Base 5th—coneofcold (DC19).
Atk +13; Grp +18; Atk +18 melee (ld4+5 plus ld6 acid, Familiar. Kennock has a raven familiar, but he knows
claw); Full Atk +18 melee (ld4+5 plus ld6 acid, 2 claws) how powerful the PCs are and does not expose it to the
and +16 melee (ld6+2 plus ld6 acid, bite); SA acidic dangers of this encounter.
slime, sneak attack +4d6, spell-like abilities, stench, Spe//s From Ike Iverson:The benefits of these spells are
summon demodand; SQ damage reduction 15/good, included in the statistics above: air walk, heroes'feast,
darkvision 60 ft., evasion, immune to fire, acid, cold, mass bear's endurance, mass bull's strength,protectionfrom
energy(fire)(ignore first 120 points of fire damage),spell Possessions: +2 chain shirt, +1 adamantinegreataxe,
resistance, status. masterwork composite longbow (+5 Str bonus), 30 ar
? KeyganGhelve,male gnome expert 3/wizard1: CR rows, ring ofprotection+1, potion of blur, potion of bull's
3; Small humanoid; HD 3d6+3 plus ld4+l; hp 17; Init strength,2 potionsofcure seriouswounds,potion ofprotec
+1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 11; Base Atk tionfrom energy(cold),oil ofgreatermagic weapon+3, red-
+2; Grp-3; Atkor FullAtk +2 melee (ld3-l/19-20, dag lacquered gold armband set with an emerald (1,000
ger) or +4 ranged(ld6/19-20,lightcrossbow);SA spells; gp), 25 pp, 100 gp.
SQ gnome traits, low-light vision, summon familiar;AL ^ Khyron Bonesworn, male human cleric 10(Nerull):
LN; SV Fort +2, Ref+2, Will +5; Str 8, Dex 12, Con 12, Int CR10;Medium humanoid; HD 10d8+10;hp 67; Init-1;
13, Wis 10, Cha 11. Spd 20 ft. (base 30 ft.); AC 20, touch 9, flat-footed 20;
Skills: Appraise +4, Craft (alchemy) +6, Craft (lock- BaseAtk+7; Grp +8; Atk +9melee(ld8+2,+1 unholyheavy
smithing)+11, DisableDevice +7, Knowledge(local)+4, mace) or +6 ranged; Full Atk +9/+4 melee (ld8+2,+1 un
Listen +7, Open Lock +10, Profession (locksmith) +6, holy heavy mace) and +6/+1 ranged; SA spells, rebuke un
Search +4,Spot +3. dead 6/day; AL NE; SV Fort +8, Ref+2, Will +10; Str 12,
Feats: Scribe Scroll,SkillFocus (Craft[locksmithing]), Dex 8, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 16.
Skill Focus (Open Lock). Skills: Bluff +11, Concentration +6, Diplomacy +13,
Languages:Common, Gnome, Undercommon. Disguise +5 (for acting in character), Hide -1, Intimi
Wizard Spells Prepared(caster level 1, illusion special date +5, Knowledge(religion) +8,Spellcraft +5.
ist, prohibited schools: conjuration and necromancy): Feats:CombatCasting,GreaterSpellFocus(enchantment,
0—detect magic, ghost sound (DC 12), mage hand; 1st— necromancy),SpellFocus(enchantment,necromancy).
alarm, colorspray (DC 13), hold portal. Language:Common.
Spellbook: 0—dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound, Cleric Spells Prepared (caster level 10th): 0—cure minor
open/close,light, mage hand, mending, prestidigitation,read wounds, detect magic, detectpoison, light, read magic, resis
magic, 1st—alarm, disguise self, color spray, detect secret tance; 1st—bane(DC 16), disguiseself, divinefavor, doom
doors, hold portal,mage armor, reduceperson,summon mon (DC 16), entropicshield, shield offaith; 2nd—bear'sendur
ster I, unseen servant. ance, death knell (DC 17), hold person (DC 17), mvis/bih'tyD,
Possessions:Dagger,light crossbowwith 10bolts,mag resist energy, silence (DC 17); 3rd—animate dead0, dispel
nifying glass, 3-foot stilts with extra-long pants, vest magic, invisibilitypurge, magic circle against good, magic
sewn with pockets holding 12 keys(these open all locked vestment; 4th—cure critical wounds, death ward0, divine
doors,windows,and containersin Ghelve'sLocks). power,freedom of movement, 5th—greatercommand (DC
^ Khetru, male haraknin fighter 5/rogue 5: CR 20), slay living0(DC 20), spell resistance.
13; Medium outsider (evil, extraplanar, fire, lawful D:Domain spell. Domains: Death (death touch 1/day),
shapechanger);HD 4d8+5dl0+5d6+42;hp 108; Init +7; Trickery(Bluff,Disguise,and Hide are classskills).
Spd 30 ft.; AC 25, touch 13, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +12; Possessions: +1 full plate with armor spikes, master-
Grp +17; Atk +19 melee (Idl2+10/x3, +1.greataxe)or +16 work heavysteel shield (bears symbol of Nerull),+1 un
ranged (ld8+5/x3,masterwork composite longbow [+5 holy heavy mace, spiked gauntlets, holy symbol of Nerull,
Str]); FullAtk +19/+14/+9melee(Idl2+10/x3,+1greataxe) lvund of cure moderate wounds (9 charges), scroll offlame
or +16/+11/+6ranged (ld8+5/x3,masterwork composite strike,scroll of raise dead, potion of bull'sstrength.
longbow [+5 Str]); SA breath weapon, command fiend ? Kopru: CR 6; Medium monstrous humanoid
ish hound, sneak attack +3d6; SQ alternate form, dark- (aquatic);HD 8d8; hp 36; Init +2; Spd 5 ft., swim 40 ft.;
vision 60 ft., evasion, fire subtype, scent, trap sense +1, AC 15,touch 12,flat-footed 13;BaseAtk+8; Grp +10; Atk
trapfinding, uncanny dodge; AL LE; SV Fort +12, Ref +10 melee (ld6+2, tail slap); Full Atk +10 melee (ld6+2,
+12, Will +7; Str 20, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 4. tail slap) and +8 melee (ld4+l, 2 claws) and +8 melee
Skills: Hide +16, Jump +22, Listen +13, Move Silently (ld4+l, bite); SA constrict 3d6+3,dominate person, im
+16, Spot +13, Survival+8 (+16 when tracking by scent), proved grab; SQ darkvision 60 ft.;AL CE; SVFort +2,Ref
Tumble +8. +8, Will +9; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 10;
Feats: Acrobatic, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Monster Manual II134.
Rush,Improved Initiative, PowerAttack,Track11,Weapon Skills: Concentration +8, Escape Artist +11, Move Si
Focus(greataxe),WeaponSpecialization(greataxe). lently +6,Search +4,Swim +10.
Languages:Common, Infernal. Feflfs:Iron Will,Multiattack, Skill Focus (EscapeArtist).
Breath Weapon (Su) Cone of fire, 30 feet, every 2d4 Languages:Aquan, Common.
rounds, damage ld4+l, Reflex DC 20 half A haraknin's DominatePerson (Su) Once per day, a kopru can pro
breath weapon ignites flammable materials within the duce an effect like that of a dominateperson spell (caster
cone. It can use its breath weapon while biting. level 10th, Will save DC 14),except that the range is 180
CommandFiendishHound(Sp) Khetru can usegreatercom feet and the duration is eight days.
mand at willagainst hell hounds and Nessianwarhounds. ImprovedGrab (Ex)To use this ability, the kopru must
Alternate Form (Su) Khetru can transform into a hell hit with its tail slap. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.
hound or back as a move action at will, as if by alter self. ? Kravichak Riolgh, male derro sorcerer 13: CR 16;
He prefers to fight in humanoid form. Small monstrous humanoid; HD 3d8+12 plus 13d4+52;
hp 110; Init +9; Spd50 ft., fly 90 ft. (good);AC 29, touch Full Atk +21/+16/+11melee (ldl0+8/x3 plus poison, +1
19, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +9; Grp +4; Atk +11 melee greataxe);SV Fort+13,Will+12; Str20, Con18; Climb+14.
(ld3/19-20,+1 dagger)or +17 ranged (ld3/19-20, +1 dag Poison:Theberserkers have coated their weapons with
ger); Full Atk +11/+11/+6(ld3/19-20, +1 dagger) or +11 Large scorpion venom (Fortitude save DC 18, Id6/ld6
ranged (ld3/19-20, +1 dagger); SA poison use, sneak at Str damage).
tack +ld6, spells, spell-like abilities; SQ darkvision 60 Spell-LikeAbilities(caster level 3rd): At will—darkness,
ft., madness, spell resistance 15, vulnerability to sun ghostsound; 1/day—daze(DC 19), sound burst(DC 21).
light; AL CE; SV Fort +9, Ref+13,Will+20; Str 8, Dex20, Possessions:+2 chain shirt, +1greataxe,amulet of natural
Con 18, Int 12, Wis 4, Cha 28. armor +1, cloak of resistance +1, ring of protection +1, po
Skills: Concentration +23, Bluff+13, Hide +11, Knowl tion, of bear's endurance,potion of bull's strength,potion of
edge (the planes)+6, Listen+3, Move Silently+11, Spell cat'sgrace,two potionsofcure seriouswounds,3d6assorted
craft +12. gems (100 gp each),125 pp.
Feats: Blind-Fight, Empower Spell, Improved Initia ? Krojen and Tyrrx, male half-iron golem half-ore
tive, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot,Weapon Focus(ray). fighter 13: CR 16; Medium construct; HD 13dl0+20; en
Languages:Dwarven,Undercommon. hp-129,113;Init +4; Spd 30 ft. (can't run); AC 33, touch
Spell-LikeAbilities(caster level 3rd): At will—darkness, 10, flat-footed 33; Base Atk +13; Grp +21; Atk +24 me
ghost sound; 1/day—daze(DC 19), sound burst (DC 21). lee (ld8+14/19-20/x3,+3 adamantinebattleaxe);Full Atk
Sorcerer Spells Known (6/8/7/7/8/7/5*;caster level +24/+19/+14melee(ld8+14/19-20/x3,+3 adamantinebat
13th; +16 ranged touch): 0—acid splash, arcane mark, tleaxe); SA breath weapon; SQ construct traits, damage
dancing lights, detect magic, detectpoison, mage hand, pres reduction 10/adamantine, magic immunity, rust vul
tidigitation,ray offrost, resistance;1st—featherfall, grease nerability; AL NE; SV Fort +12, Ref+6, WiU +6; Str 27,
(DC 20), magic missile,ray ofenfeeblement,shield;2nd—de Dex 10, Con —, Int 3,Wis 11, Cha 1.
tect thoughts(DC 21), scorching ray, spectral hand, touch of Skills: Climb +16, Jump +16.
idiocy, web; 3rd—dispelmagic,fireball (DC 22), ray of ex Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Greater
haustion(DC 22), haste;4th—confusion(DC 23), enervation, Weapon Focus (battleaxe),Greater Weapon Specializa
greaterinvisibility,scrying;5th—balefulpolymorph(DC 24), tion (battleaxe), Iron Will, Improved Initiative, Im
telekinesis,teleport,6th—disintegrate(DC 25), mass sugges proved Critical (battleaxe),Lightning Reflexes, Power
tion (DC 25). Attack, Weapon Focus (battleaxe),Weapon Specializa
*Note that Kravichakhas alreadycast some ofhis spells; tion (battleaxe).
his normal daily spell use is 6/9/8/8/8/8/5.His fifth-level Breath Weapon (Su) As a free action, an iron half-
spells have been adjustedfor one teleportspell;if he must golem can emit a cloud of poisonous gas from its limbs
cast multiple teleportsto get to the meeting room, make in a 10-foot cone. The cloud lasts 1 round, and the half-
sureto adjusthis availablespellsappropriately. golem can emit another cloud once every ld4+l rounds
Possessions: +1 dagger, amulet of health +2, cloak of (FortitudeDC 16; initial ld4 Con; secondary3d4 Con).
Charisma +4, gloves of Dexterity +2, bracers of armor +4, The save DC is Constitution-based.
metamagicrod of lesser empower, ring of protection+2, two Immunityto Magic(Ex) An iron half-golem is immune
potions of cure serious wounds, scroll of blight, scroll of to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resis
insanity, scroll of Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion, tance. In addition, certain spells function differently
scroll of teleport,wand of invisibility(50 charges), wand of against the creature,as noted here.Amagicalattack that
fly (28 charges), 123 pp, 64 gp. dealselectricitydamageslowsan iron half-golem(asthe
^ Kravichak's Berserkers, male and female derro slow spell) for 3 rounds, with no saving throw. A magi
barbarian 10: CR 13; Small monstrous humanoid; HD cal attack that deals fire damage breaks any slow effect
3d8+6 plus 10dl2+20; hp 108; Init +7; Spd 60 ft.; AC on the golem and heals 1 point of damage for each 3
25, touch 16, flat-footed 21; Base Atk +13; Grp +12;Atk points of damagethe attack would otherwise deal. Ifthe
+20 melee (ldl0+5/x3 plus poison, +1 greataxe); Full amount of healing would cause the golem to exceed its
Atk +20/+20/+15/+10melee (ldl0+5/x3 plus poison, +1 full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary
greataxe);SA poison use, rage 3/day, sneak attack +ld6, hit points.
spell-like abilities; SQ damage reduction 2/—, fast Rust Vulnerability(Ex) An iron half-golem is affected
movement, illiteracy, improved uncanny dodge, mad by rust attacks,such as that of a rust monster or a rusting
ness, spell resistance 15, trap sense +3, uncanny dodge, grasp spell.
vulnerability to sunlight; AL CE; SV Fort +11, Ref+11, Possessions: +4 studded leather armor, +1 tower shield, +3
Will +10; Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 3, Cha 16. adamantine battleaxe.
Skills: Climb +12, Hide +12, Listen +8, Move Silently ? Kuo-toa Soldier, male kuo-toa rogue 1: CR 3; Me
+8, Survival +6. dium monstrous humanoid (aquatic); HD 2d8+4 plus o
Feats: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power ld6+2; hp 19; Init +2; Spd 20 ft., swim 50 ft.; AC 20, r/l
Attack,Weapon Focus (greataxe). touch 12, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +2; Grp +5; Atk/Full
. Languages:Undercommon. Atk +7 melee (ld6+3/18-20, masterwork rapier) or +6 & £str*:V
Rage (Ex) hp 134; AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 19; Grp ranged (ld4/19-20, masterwork hand crossbow); SA
+14; Atk +21 melee (ldl0+8/x3 plus poison, +1greataxe); sneak attack +ld6; SQ adhesive, amphibious, immunity
to poison and paralysis,keen sight, light blindness, re within range, to a maximum of eight targets. Each at
sistance to electricity 10,slippery, trapfinding; AL NE; tack uses her primary attack bonus (+26 ranged), and
SV Fort +2, Ref+7, Will +6; Str 16, Dex 15, Con 15, Int each enemy may only be targeted by a single arrow.
12, Wis 16, Cha 6; Monster Manual 163. Imbue Arrow (Sp) Kyan gains the ability to place an
Skills: Escape Artist +7, Hide +6, Listen +8, Move Si area spell upon an arrow. When the arrow is fired,
lently +6, Search +5, Spot +10, Swim+9, Tumble +6. the spell's area is centered on where the arrow lands,
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (hand crossbow), even ifthe spell could normally be centered only on
Weapon Focus(rapier). the caster. This ability allows Kyan to use the arrow's
Languages:Aquan, Kuo-Toan, Undercommon. range instead ofthe spell's range. It takes a standard
Possessions: Masterwork heavy steel shield with ad action to cast the spell and fire the arrow. The arrow
hesive, masterwork rapier, masterwork hand crossbow must be fired in the round the spell is cast, or the
with 10 bolts. spell is wasted.
^ Kuo-toa Whip, male kuo-toa cleric 2: CR 3; Me PhaseArrow (Sp) Once per day,Kyancan fire an arrow
dium monstrous humanoid(aquatic); HD 4d8+8 plus at a target known to her within range, and the arrow
3; hp 29; Init +1; Spd 15 ft., swim 35 ft.;AC 26,touch 11, travels to the target in a straight path, passingthrough
flat-footed 25; Base Atk +3; Grp +6; Atk or Full Atk +7 anynonmagicalbarrier or wallin its way(awallof force,
melee (ld8+2, masterworkmorningstar);SA lightning wall of fire, or similar barrier stops the arrow). This
bolt, spells, rebuke/command undead; SQ adhesive, ability negates cover, concealment, and armor modifi
amphibious immunity to poison and paralysis,keen ers, but otherwisethe attack is rolled normally.Using
sight, light blindness, resistanceto electricity10, slip this ability is a standard action (and firing the arrowis
pery; ALNE; SVFort +5,Ref+6, Will +10; Str 16, Dex 12, part ofthe action).
Con 15, Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 8. SeekerArrow (Sp) Kyan can launch an arrow once per
Skills: Concentration +6, Escape Artist +3, Listen +6, dayat a target known to her within range,and the arrow
Search +4, Spellcraft +4, Spot +12, Swim-1. travels to the target, even around corners. This ability
Feats:Alertness,Lightning Reflexes,Toughness. negates cover and concealment modifiers, but otherwise
Languages:Aquan, Kuo-Toan, Undercommon. the attackis rolled normally.Usingthis abilityis a stan
Cleric Spells Prepared (caster level 2nd); 0—cure minor dard action (and firing the arrowis part ofthe action).
wounds,detect magic, read magic, mending;1st—doom(DC Wizard Spells Prepared(caster level 1st; 10% chance of
15), cntropicshield,protectionfromgood0,shield offaith. spell failure):0—detectmagic,light,read magic,1st—expe
D: Domain spell. Domains: Destruction (smite once ditious retreat,shield.
per dayfor +4attack,+2damage),Evil(castEvilspells at Spellbook:0—all;1st—burninghands, expeditiousretreat,
+1 caster level). magearmor, mount, rayof enfeeblement,shield.
Possessions:+1banded mail,heavywooden shield, mas Possessions: Mithral chain shirt, silver cage pendant
terwork morningstar, scroll of bear's endurance,scroll of (lesseramuletoftheplanes;seeAppendix),+1 longsword,+1
cure moderate wounds. frost longbow, four quivers with 25 arrows each (100 ar
? Kyan Winterstrike,female elf wizard 1/fighter6/ar- rows total),cloak ofresistance+3, greaterbracersofarchery,
cane archer8: CR 15; Mediumhumanoid;HD ld4+l plus Ring ofThirteen,2 potionsofharkskin(+5), 2 potionsofcure
6dl0+6 plus 8d8+8; hp 75; Init +9; Spd 60 ft.; AC 30, touch light wounds,spellbook,silver headdress (250 gp).
17, flat-footed25; Base Atk +14; Grp +15; Atk +16 melee ^ Kyria, female human expert 2: CR 1; Medium hu
(ld8+2/19-20,+1 longsword)or +26 ranged (ld8+6/x3plus manoid; HD 2d6; hp 7; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.;AC 11, touch
ld6cold,+1frostlongbowwith+4arrow);FullAtk+16/+11/+6 11, flat-footed10;BaseAtk+1; Grp +1; Atkor FullAtk+1
melee (ld8+2/19-20, +1 longsword) or +24/+24/+19/+14 .melee(ld4/19-20,dagger);SA —; SQ—; AL NG; SV Fort
ranged (ld8+5/x3 plus ld6 cold, +1 frost longbowwith +4 +0, Ref+1, Will +2; Str 11, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 9, Wis 8,
arrow); SA enhance arrow +4, hail of arrows,imbue arrow, Cha 13.
phase arrow,seekerarrow,spells;SQbat familiar,elf traits, Skills: Appraise +4, Craft (seamstress) +7, Diplomacy
low-lightvision;AL CN; SV Fort +15, Ref+16,Will+8; Str +6, Knowledge(local)+4, SenseMotive +4, Spot +7.
12, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 10. Feats: SkillFocus(Craft—seamstress),SkillFocus(Spot).
Skills:Craft (bowmaking) +19,Handle Animal +6,Hide Possessions:Dagger.
+13, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Listen +14, Move Silently ^ Kymzo, advanced steam mephit: CR 5; Small out
+13, Ride +11, Search +3,Spellcraft +5, Spot +11. sider (fire);HD 6d8+6;hp 36; Init +7; Spd 30 ft., fly50 ft.
Feats:Alertness3,CombatExpertise,Dodge,Improved (average);AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +6;
Initiative, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Grp +1; Atk +5 melee (ld3-l, claw); Full Atk +5 melee
Rapid Shot, Scribe Scroll, Weapon Focus (longbow), (ld3-l, 2 claws); SA breath weapon, spell-like abilities,
Weapon Specialization (longbow). summon mephit; SQ damage reduction 5/magic, dark-
Languages:Common, Draconic, Elven. vision 60 ft., fast healing 2, immunity to fire, vulnerabil
EnhanceArrow(Su) Everynonmagical arrow Kyanshoots ity to cold; ALNE; SVFort +7, Ref+8, Will +6; Str 8, Dex
becomes magical, gaining a +4 enhancement bonus. 17, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 17.
HailofArrows(Sp) Once per day,in lieu of her regular Skills:Balance+5, Bluff+12,Climb-1 (+1 with ropes),Di
attacks, Kyan can fire an arrow at each and every target plomacy +14, Disguise +12(+14 acting), Escape Artist +14
(+15with ropes),Hide+16, intimidate+5, Listen+10, Move ^ Lriznisith, advanced chasme demon: CR 15; Large
Silently+12, Spot+10, Use Rope +12 (+14withbindings). outsider(chaotic,extraplanar,evil,tanar'ri);HD18d8+108;
Feats:Agile, Improved Initiative,Toughness. hp 199; Init +6; Spd30 ft., fly 50ft. (perfect);AC 29, touch
Breath Weapon (Su) Cone of steam 10 ft., fire damage 15, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +18; Grp +27; Atk +22 melee
ld4, Reflex half DC 16. Living creatures that fail their (2d6+5/19-20,claw); Full Atk +22 melee (2d6+5/19-20,2
saves get a -4 penaltyto AC and a -2 penaltyto attacks claws)and +20 melee (ld6+2,bite)and +20 melee(ld6+2,
for 3 rounds. gore); Space/Reach10 ft./lO ft.; SA drone, fearaura, spell
SpeII-/ikeAbilities:Once per hour, Kymzo can use blur like abilities,wounding; SQ damage reduction 10/good,
(CL 6). Once per day,he can create a boiling rainstorm immune to electricity, immune to poison, resistance to
(20-ft.square,2d6fire damage,Reflexhalf DC 15, CL 6). acid 10, resistance to cold 10, resistance to fire 10, spell
This abilityis the equivalentof a 2nd-levelspell. resistance 23,summontanar'ri,telepathy 100ft.;AL CE; SV
^ Last Laugh Harlequin, male human monk 6/as- Fort +17, Ref+17, Will +12;Str 20, Dex 22, Con 22, Int 14,
sassin 2: CR 8; Medium humanoid (human); HD Wis 12, Cha 18; Book ofVile Darkness172.
6d8+2d6+16; hp 56 each; Init +3; Spd 50 ft.; AC 17, Skills: Concentration +27, Hide +23, Intimidate +25,
touch 17, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +5; Grp +6; Atk +7 Knowledge (arcana) +12, Knowledge (the planes) +12,
melee (ld8+l, unarmed strike) or +9 ranged (ld4+2, Listen +22,Move Silently +27,Search +23,Spot +22,Sur
sling with +1 bullet) or +9 ranged (ld2+l plus poison, vival +22 (+24 on other planes).
masterwork shuriken); Full Atk +5/+5 melee (ld8+l, Feats: Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved Critical (claw),
unarmed strike) or +9 ranged (ld4+2, sling with +1 Improved Natural Attack (claw), Mobility, Multiattack,
bullet) or +9 ranged (ld2+l plus poison, masterwork Power Attack.
shuriken); SA death attack (DC 12), flurry of blows, ki Languages:Abyssal,Celestial, Draconic.
strike (magic),poison use, sneak attack +ld6, stunning Drone (Su)As a full-round action, Lriznisith can beat
fist 4/day(DC 17); SQ evasion,purity of body,slow fall his wings to create a droning buzz in a 60-foot spread.
30 ft.,still mind, uncanny dodge; AL LE; SV Fort +6(+7 Each creature in the area must make a DC 23 Will save
against poison), Ref+11, Will +8; Str 12,Dex 16, Con 15, or fall asleep for 2dl0 rounds. Although the ability oth
Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8. erwise functions like the sleep spell, there is no Hit Dice
Skills: Balance +8, Climb +4, Disable Device +2, Dis limit for this effect. Demons and creatures that are im
guise +3, Escape Artist +8, Hide +11, Jump +18, Listen mune to sleep effects are immune to a chasme's drone.
+5, MoveSilently +11, Open Lock+5,Search +2, Spot +5, The save DC is Charisma-based.
Tumble +12, UseRope+5(involvingbindings). Fear Aura (Su) As a free action, Lriznisith can create
Feats: Combat Reflexes", Dodge, Improved Trip8, an aura of fear in a 5-foot radius. All creatures in this
Improved Unarmed Strike", Point Blank Shot, Precise area must make a DC 23 Will save or become panicked.
Shot,Stunning Fist",Weapon Focus(unarmed strike). Ifthe save is successful, that creature cannot be affected
Language:Common. againby Lriznisith'sfear aura for 24 hours. The save DC
Possessions: Sling with 20 +1 bullets, 5 masterwork is Charisma-based.
shuriken (coated with large scorpion venom; Fortitude Wounding (Ex) A wound resulting from any of Lriz
DC 18 negates,initial and secondary ld6 Str), amulet of nisith's attacks continues to bleed for an additional 1
health +2, potion ofmage armor,potion ofshield offaith (+2), point of damage per round thereafter. Multiple wounds
monk's outfit, 1 sp (minted with a jester emblem; used result in cumulative damage. The bleeding can be
to bypassthe magicalward in area B8). stopped by a successful DC 10 Heal check or the ap
^ Last Laugh Thugs, male human rogue 2/warrior 2: plication of a magical healing effect.
CR 3; Medium humanoid; HD 2d6+2d8+4; hp 25 each; Summon Tanar'ri(Sp) Once per day, Lriznisith can at
Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12; Base tempt to summon ld4 rutterkins or 1 chasme with a
Atk +3; Grp +5; Atk/Full Atk +6melee (2d4+3/18-20,fal 40% chance of success.This ability is the equivalent of
chion)or +5 ranged(ld6+2/x3,compositeshortbow);SA a 3rd-level spell.
sneak attack +ld6; SQ evasion, trapfinding; AL NE; SV Spell-LikeAbilities(casterlevel10th; +24 ranged touch):
Fort +4, Ref+5, Will +1; Str 15, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10, Atwill—contagion(DC 18), darkness,desecrate,detectgood,
Wis 12, Cha 8. dispel magic,fly, insectplague, ray of enfeeblement, protection
Skills: Climb +5, Disable Device +4, Disguise +2, Hide fromgood, see invisibility,telekinesis(DC 19),greaterteleport
+6, Gather Information +3, Intimidate +2, Jump +5, (self plus 50 pounds of gear only), wave ofgrief'(DC 16);
Knowledge(local)+4, Listen +7, Move Silently +6, Open 1/day—circleof nausea(DC 17), unholyaura (DC 22).
Lock +5,Search +4, Spot +7,Tumble +6. Note: Chasmes are detailed in the Book of Vile Dark
Feats: Alertness, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus ness. If you don't have access to this book, the stats above
(falchion). should be enough to run an encounter with Lriznisith.
Language:Common. Even though a few of the demon's spell-like abilities
Possessions:Leather armor, falchion, composite short (circle of nausea and wave ofgrief) and the details on one
bow (+2 Str), quiver of 20 arrows, pouch of 2d6 gp and of the demons it can summon (rutterkin) are also de
2d6 sp (all minted with the jester emblem of the Last tailed in that book, the chasme's other abilities should
Laugh guild). still be enough to menace the PCs.
•j> Mangh-Mictho, male kuo-toa cleric 8: CR 9; Me shockinggrasp; 2nd—bear'sendurance,glitterdust(DC 14),
dium monstroushumanoid(aquatic);HD 10d8+30;hp spider climb.
75; Init +1; Spd 15 ft., swim 35 ft.; AC 26, touch 11, flat- Spellbook: all prepared plus 0—all; 1st—alarm, detect
footed 25; Base Atk +8; Grp +10; Atk +11 melee (ldlO+3, secret doors, identify, silent image, unseen servant, 2nd—
pincerstaff);FullAtk +11/+6melee(ldlO+3,pincerstaff); knock, locateobject,see invisibility.
SA lightningbolt,pincerstaff,spells,rebuke/command Possessions:Dagger,traveler's outfit, bracersofarmor+3,
undead; SQ amphibious,immunityto poison and pa Heward's handy haversack with food and wine for three
ralysis, keen sight, light blindness, resistance to elec days, two potions ofgaseousform, elixir ofhiding, scroll of
tricity 10, slippery; AL NE; SV Fort +9, Ref+6, Will +14; expeditiousretreat,45gp and5 pearls(worth100 gpeach).
Star 15, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 21, Cha 8. ? Medusa rogue 10 (4): CR 14; Medium monstrous
Skills: Concentration+15, Escape Artist +6, Jump -8, humanoid;HD 6d8+30 plus 10d6+50;hp 157,150,142,
Listen +7, Search +4,Spellcraft+11, Spot +11, Swim+6. 129; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 25, touch 16, flat-footed 19;
Feats: Alertness, Exotic Weapon Proficiency(pincer Base Atk +13; Grp +14; Atk +22 melee (ld6+4/17-20,+3
staff),SpellFocus(evocation),Spell Focus(necromancy), short sword) or +19 melee (ld4+l plus poison, snakes)
Weapon Focus(pincer staff). or +20 ranged (Id6/x3, masterwork shortbow);Full Atk
Cleric Spells Prepared (caster level 8); 0—cure minor +20/+15/+10 melee (ld6+4/17-20,+3 short sword) and
LU wounds(2),detectmagic(2),read magic,resistance;1st—cure +20 melee (ld6+4/17-20, +3 short sword) and +14 me
light wounds(2), divinefavor, entropicshield, magic weapon, lee (ld4+l plus poison, snakes) or +20/+15/+10ranged
protectionfrom good0, shield offaith; 2nd—bear's endur (Id6/x3,masterworkshortbow);SA petrifyinggaze (DC
ance, bull's strength, darkness, owl's wisdom, shatter0 (DC 22), poison (DC 18), sneak attack +5d6; SQ darkvision
18); 3rd—bestowcurse (DC 19), contagion0(DC 19), deeper 60ft., improvedevasion,improveduncannydodge,trap
darkness, dispel magic (2); 4th—controlwater, cure critical sense +3, uncanny dodge; AL LE; SV Fort +10, Ref +18,
wounds,divinepower, unholyblight0(DC 20). Will +8; Str 12, Dex 23, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 24.
D: Domain spell. Domains: Destruction (smite once Skills: Balance +8, Bluff+26,Diplomacy+9, Disguise
per day for +4attack,+8 damage),Evil (castevil spellsat +14 (+16 acting),EscapeArtist +14, Hide +25, Intimidate
+1 caster level). +17, Jump +3, Move Silently +25, Search +8, Spot +15,
Possessions:+1 mithralfullplate,pincerstaff,holy symbol. Tumble +21, Use Rope +6 (+8 bindings).
* Maple, female halfling rogue 1: CR 1; Small hu Feats: Ability Focus(petrifyinggaze), Improved Criti
manoid; HD ld6+l; hp 5; Init +7; Spd 20 ft.; AC 14, cal (short sword), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Two-
touch 14, flat-footed 11; Base Atk +0; Grp -5; Atk +0 Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse.
melee (ld2-l nonlethal, unarmed strike); SA sneak Languages:Common, Yuan-ti.
attack +ld6; SQ trapfinding; AL N; SVFort +2,Ref+6, Possessions: +2 chain shirt, 2 short swords (+3 short
Will +0; Str 8, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 14. swords with greater magic weapon spells), masterwork
Skills:Appraise+3, Climb +1, DisableDevice +7, Escape shortbow, 20 arrows.
Artist+7, Hide +11, Jump +1, Listen +3, Move Silently+9, ^ Meerthan Eliothlorn, male half-elf wizard 14: CR
Open Lock+7, Sleightof Hand +7, Search+5, Tumble +7. 14; Medium humanoid; HD 14d4+14;hp 43;Init +5; Spd
Feat: Improved Initiative. 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 12,flat-footed 17; Base Atk +7; Grp
Languages:Common, Goblin, Halfling. +6; Atk+7 melee (Id4-l/x3, masterworkpunch dagger);
^ Maavu Arlintal,Male Human expert5/wizard4/high FullAtk+7/+2 melee(Id4-l/x3, masterworkpunch dag
handcrafter1:CR9; Medium humanoid; HD 6d6+4d4+10; ger); SA spells; SQ contingency,permanent spell effects,
hp 43; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 13,touch 10, flat-footed13; summon familiar (bat named Mior); AL N; SV Fort +8,
Base Atk +5; Grp +5; Atk or FullAtk +5 melee(ld4/19-20, •Ref+8, Will +14; Str 8, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10,
dagger); SA spells; SQ summonfamiliar(none currently), Cha 14.
improved skill focus +4, planned save +1; AL CG; SV Fort Ski7/s:Concentration +18, Diplomacy+4, Disguise+20,
+5, Ref+2, Will +11; Str 11,Dex 11, Con 13,Int 15,Wis 12, GatherInformation +8, Knowledge(arcana)+15, Knowl
Cha 14. edge (geography) +9, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowl
Skills: Bluff +11, Concentration +8, Craft (alchemy) edge(local)+9, Knowledge(religion)+7, Knowledge(the
+19, Craft (weaving)+12, Diplomacy +18, Gather Infor planes)+7, Listen +6, Search+7, Spellcraft+23, Spot +3.
mation +13, Knowledge(architectureand engineering) Feats: Alertness (as long as Mior is in arm's reach),
+7, Knowledge(local)+7, Knowledge(the planes)+7, Lis Craft Wondrous Items, Extend Spell, Improved Initia
ten +7, Profession (merchant) +10, Ride +5, Sense Mo tive, Investigator, Iron Will, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll,
tive +3, Spot +5, Spellcraft +8. Spell Penetration.
Feats: Brew Potion, Negotiator, Scribe Scroll, Skill Fo Languages:Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome.
cus (Craft[alchemy]),Skill Focus (Craft [weaving]),Skill Wizard Spells Prepared (caster level 14th, +8 ranged
Focus(Diplomacy). touch):0—detectmagic,mage hand, message(2);1st—charm
Languages:Common, Terran. person (DC 15), magic missile(2), silent image (DC 15), un
Wizard Spells Prepared (caster level 4th, +5 touch or seen servant; 2nd—detectthoughts(2, DC 16), minor image
ranged touch):0—detectmagic,mage hand, mending,open/ (DC 16), scorching ray (2); 3rd—clairaudience/clairvoyance,
close; 1st—comprehendlanguages,expeditiousretreat,shield, dispel magic,fireball (DC 17),fly, tongues; 4th—dimension
door,fear(DC 18), lessergeas(DC 18), locatecreature,scrying ? Mergala, female elf rogue 3: CR 3; Medium hu
(DC 18); 5th—Rary'stelepathicbond,quickenedshield,tele manoid;HD 3d6; hp 11; Init +3; Spd 30ft.; AC 17, touch
port, 6th—legendlore, quickenedmirror image, extended 13, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +2; Grp +3; Atk or Full Atk
major creation; 7th—extendedgeas/quest(DC 20), project +4 melee (ld6+l/18-20,rapier)or +6 ranged (Id8+l/x3,
image(DC 21). compositelongbow);SA sneakattack+2d6; SQ elftraits,
Spellbook:all preparedplus0—all; 1st—alarm,disguise evasion,trap sense +1, trapfinding;AL CE; SV Fort +1,
self,featherfall, identify, mage armor, mount, shield, Tenser's Ref+6, Will +3; Str 12, Dex 17, Con 11, hit 10, Wis 14,
floating disc, ventriloquism; 2nd—arcane lock, continual Cha 8.
flame,false life, invisibility,knock, locate object, resist energy, Skills:DisableDevice+6, EscapeArtist+9, Hide +9, Listen
3rd—arcanesight,daylight,illusoryscript,majorimage, non- +8, Move Silently+9, Open Lock +9, Spot+8,Tumble+9.
detection,secretpage, suggestion;4th—detectscrying,hallu Feats: Dodge, Mobility.
cinatory terrain, minor creation, remove curse; 5th—break Possessions:+1studdedleather,masterwork rapier, mas
enchantment, major creation, overlandflight, permanency, terworkcompositelongbow(+1 Str)with 20arrows,po
persistent image, prying eyes, sending; 6th—analyzedweo- tion ofspiderclimb,2 potionsofcure light wounds.
mer, contingency,programmed image; 7th—greaterarcane ? Moltenwing(Garathrynakh), male mature adult
sight, limited wish, teleportobject, vision. pyroclasticdragon:CR 16; Huge dragon(extraplanar);
Contingency:If brought below20 hit points,a dimension HD 25dl2+150;hp 312; Init +0; Spd 60 ft., fly 100 ft.
dooractivates to allow Meerthan a chance to escape. (poor), climb 40 ft., burrow 45 ft.; AC 35, touch 11,
Permanent Spell Effects: arcane sight, comprehend lan flat-footed 35; Base Atk +25; Grp +44; Atk +36 melee
guages, Rary's telepathicbond with several Strider agents, (2d8+13,bite); Full Atk +36 melee (2d8+13,bite), +34
read magic. melee (2d6+8, 2 claws), +34 melee (ld8+8, 2 wings),
Possessions: masterwork dagger, bracers of armor +4, +36 melee (2d6+18, tail slap), or +36 melee (2d8+18,
cloak ofresistance+3, hat ofdisguise,ring offorceshield,ring crush); SA breath weapon, frightful presence (Will
ofprotection+1, Jesser rod of maximize metamagic,wand of DC 25, 210 ft.), spell-like abilities; SQ blindsense 60
invisibility(23 charges),2 potionsofcure moderate wounds, ft., damage resistance 15/magic, fast healing 3, immu
scrying mirror worth 1,000 gp. nity to fire, sleep, paralysis, and sonic, keen senses,
? Melagom Thureq, male half-elf wizard (necroman spell resistance.26;AL NE; SV Fort +23, Ref+17, Will
cer)9: CR9; Medium humanoid; HD 9d4+12;hp 38; Init +20; Str 33, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16;
+3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 13,flat-footed 12; Base Atk Draconomicon 183.
+4; Grp +3; Atk/FullAtk+4melee(ld4-l/19-20, master- Skills:Appraise +31, Bluff+31, Concentration +34,Di
work dagger)or +7 ranged (ld8/19-20, light crossbow); plomacy+5, Intimidate+31, Knowledge(the planes)+31,
SA spells; SQ half-elf traits, toad familiar named Glor- Listen +31, Search +31, Sense Motive +31, Spot +31.
tus; AL CE; SV Fort +4, Ref+6, Will +7; Str 8, Dex 16, Con Feats: Cleave, Fast Healing* Flyby Attack, Great
12, Int 17, Wis 13, Cha 10. Cleave,Hover, Improved Bull Rush, Multiattack, Power
Skills: Concentration +13, Knowledge (arcana) +14, Attack, Wingover.
Knowledge(history)+11, Spellcraft +14. *This epic feat gives Moltenwing fast healing 3.
Feats: Alertness (when Glortus is in arm's reach), Languages:Common, Draconic,Infernal.
Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Greater Spell Focus Breath Weapon (Su) 50-ft. cone of superheated ash and
(necromancy),Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus(necromancy), sonic force, 14d6 half fire and half sonic, Reflex DC 28 half;
Spell Penetration. or 100-ft.disintegrating line, death, Fort DC 28 negates.
Languages:Common, Elven, Draconic, Ore. Spell-Like Abilities (caster level 17th): 3/day—produce
Wizard Spells Prepared (caster level 9th; prohibited flame, sound burst (DC 15); 1/day—pyrotechnics(DC 15),
schools conjuration, illusion): fJ—detectmagic, open/close, shatter(DC 15), shout(DC 17), wall offire(DC 17).
read magic, touch offatigue(DC 15); 1st—disguiseself,expe Possessions:Amulet of mightyfists +2, cloak of resistance
ditious retreat, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement(2), shield; +3 (worn rolled up as a collar), ring of protection+3, ring
2nd—falseUfe,fog cloud, resistenergy,spectralhand, Tasha's of evasion.
hideous laughter (DC 14), touch of idiocy; 3rd—lightning ? MTA Agent, male and female gnome wizard (illu
bolt(DC 15), ray ofexhaustion(DC17), suggestion,vampiric sionist) 3: CR 3; Small humanoid; HD 3d4+9; hp 17; Init
touch (2); 4th—bestowcurse (DC 19), enervation(2); 5th— +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 12 (20 with spells active), touch 12,
feeblemind(DC18), waves offatigue(DC 20). flat-footed 11 (19 with spells active); Base Atk +1; Grp
Spellbook:As above plus 0—all except for conjuration -5; Atk +0 melee (ld4-2 club) or +4 ranged (ld6, light
and illusion); 1st—causefear, chill touch, detect undead, crossbow);Full Atk-1 melee (ld4-2 club) or +4 ranged
identify; 2nd—blindness/deafness,command undead,ghoul (ld6, light crossbow);SA —; SQ gnome traits, spell-like
touch; 3rd—gentle repose,fly, halt undead; 4th—animate abilities; AL LG; SV Fort +3, Ref+2, Will +7; Str 6, Dex 13, in
dead, contagion,fear, 5th—magicjar, symbol ofpain. Con 14, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 10. Pi £
Possessions: Masterwork dagger, masterwork light SkiJJs:Concentration +8, Gather Information +2, Knowl &
crossbow with 20 bolts, bracers of armor +2, headband of edge (arcana)+8,Knowledge (local)+8,Spellcraft +10. SfiSt!
intellect+2, potionof haste,potion of invisibility. Feats: Iron Will, Scribe Scroll,Toughness.
Spell-Like Abilities (caster level 1st): 1/day—dancing SonicScreech(Su) Once per daya mud slaad can emit a
lights,ghostsound(DC 11), prestidigitation,speak with ani tremendous screech. Every creature within 30 feet must
mals (burrowinganimal only). succeedat a DC 15 Fortitudesave or take 5d6 points of
WizardSpellsPrepared(casterlevel3rd):0—detectmagic, sonic damage.
flare (DC 12), ghost sound (DC 13), hand, message; Summon Slaad (Sp) Once per day, a mud slaad can at
1st—colorspray(DC 14), mage armor, magic missile,shield; tempt to summon one mud slaad with a 40% chance of
2nd—blur,web (2) (DC 13). success, or one red slaad with a 20% chance of success.
Spellbook: all preparedspells plus 0—all except nec ^ Muggo, male hill giant: CR 7; Large giant; HD
romancy,conjuration;1st—expeditiousretreat,hypnotism, 12d8+48;hp 111; Init -1; Spd 30 ft. in hide armor; AC
silent image. 20,touch 8, flat-footed20; BaseAtk+9; Grp +22; Atk+18
Possessions:Masterwork light crossbow with 10 bolts, melee(2d8+14,greatclub)or +17 melee(ld4+9,slam) or
club, potion of cure light wounds, scroll of dispel magic, +8 ranged(ld6+9,rock); FullAtk +18/+13melee(2d8+14,
wand ofmagic missile(20 charges),scroll offly, scroll of greatclub)or +17 melee (ld4+9, 2 slams) or +8 ranged
haste,spellbook. (ld6+9, rock); SA rock throwing; SQ low-lightvision,
^ Mud Slaad: CR 6; Medium outsider (chaotic,ex rock catching; AL CE; SV Fort +12, Ref+3, Will +3; Str
traplanar);HD 6d8+12; hp 39; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 29, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 8, Cha 7.
16, touch 12, flat-footed14; Base Atk +6; Grp +9; Atk Skills: Climb +9, Jump +9, Listen +3, Spot +6.
+9 melee (2d6+3, bite); Full Atk +9 melee (2d6+3, bite) Feats: Cleave,Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder,
and +7 melee (ld4+l, 2 claws); SA cringe,disease,sonic PowerAttack,Weapon Focus(greatclub).
screech, summon slaad; SQ darkvision 60 ft., fast heal Possessions:Hide armor, greatclub.
ing 3, feign death, immune to sonic, resistance to acid ? Myaruk,male human lich cleric(Vecna)7/thauma-
5, cold 5, electricity 5, and fire 5; AL CN; SVFort +7,Ref turgist 4: CR 13; Medium undead (augmented human
+7, Will +3; Str 17, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 6, Cha 8; oid); HD lldl2; hp 71; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 25, touch
Fiend Folio 157. 11, flat-footed 24; Base Atk +7; Grp +8; Atk +8 melee
Skills:Climb +12,Jump +12, Hide +11, Listen +7, Move touch (ld8+5 negativeenergy plus paralysis,WillDC 16
Silently+11, Spot +7. half); Full Atk +8 melee touch (ld8+5 negative energy
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Multiattack. plus paralysis,Will DC 16 half); SA fear aura (DC 16),
Cringe (Su) As a standard action, a mud slaad can paralyzing touch, spells; SQ +4 turn resistance, contin
cower in fear. This is a mind-affecting effect. Any gent conjuration, damage reduction 15/bludgeoning
opponent attempting to strike or otherwise directly at and magic, extended summoning, immunity to cold,
tackthe cringingmud slaad,even with a targetedspell, electricity,polymorph, and mind-affecting attacks,im
must attempt a DC 12 Will save. Ifthe save succeeds, the proved ally; AL CE; SV Fort +6, Ref+4, Will +15; Str 13,
opponent can attack normally and is immune to the ef Dex 12, Con —, Int 16, Wis 22, Cha 13.
fect of that mud slaad's cringe for 24 hours. If the save Ski//s: Concentration +14, Diplomacy +17, Hide +9,
fails, the opponent can't follow through with the attack, Knowledge (arcana) +13, Knowledge (religion) +17,
that part ofthe attacker's action is lost, and the attacker Knowledge(theplanes)+17, Listen+14, Move Silently+9,
can't directlyattackthat mud slaadfor as long as it con Search +11, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft+19, Spot +14.
tinues to cringe. If the mud slaad stops cringing and Feats: Augment Summoning, Craft Wondrous Item,
then cringes again, the opponent may attempt a new Spell Focus (conjuration),Spell Focus (necromancy),
Will save to attack it. Spell Penetration.
Disease(Ex) Any creature hit by a mud slaad's bite at Contingent Conjuration:The first time Myaruk is at
tack must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude Save or be in tacked in melee, a xill (MonsterManual259) is automati
fected with a disease that transforms the victim over the callysummoned, appearing at the beginning ofthe next
next week into a mud slaad. The infected creature can turn from the attacking creature.
attempt a new save each day to throw off the infection, Cleric Spells Prepared (caster level 11th): 0—detect
but after sevendays the change is complete. magic (2), mending, read magic, resistance, virtue; 1st—
Feign Death (Ex) If an opponent strikes a mud slaad b/ess(2),comprehendlanguages,deathwatch,detectevil, en-
and reduces it to 10 or fewer hit points, it can imme tropic shield, protectionfrom good0, shield offaith; 2nd—
diately attempt to feign death. This ability happens on aid, darkness, death knell (DC 19), desecrate0,hold person
the opponent's turn. Any creature that witnesses a mud (DC 18), silence(DC 18), spiritualweapon;3rd—clairaudi-
slaad that is feigning death, including those creatures ence/clairvoyance0,deeperdarkness,dispel magic,protection
that watch it fall, can make a DC 22 Sense Motive check from energy, summon monsterIII (2); 4th—dismissal(DC
to determine if the slaad's death is genuine. A cursory 20), divine power, summon monster IV (2), unholy blight0
check will not reveal that the slaad's death is feigned, (DC 20); 5th—slay living(DC 22), summon monster V(2),
and even a Heal or Search check isn't guaranteed to dis true seeing0; 6th—find the path0, harm (DC 23), summon
cover the deception, so adroit is the mud slaad at still monster VI.
ing its breathing and reducing its heart rate. Asuccess D: Domain spell. Domains: Evil (cast evil spells at
ful DC 22 check with either skill is required to reveal +1 caster level), Knowledge (cast divination spells at +1
that the mud slaad still lives. caster level; all Knowledge skills are class skills.
Possessions:+1full plate, periapt of Wisdom +2, potion (theplanes)+13, Listen+13, Sense Motive+13, Spellcraft
of invisibility,wand of inflict serious wounds (13 charges +12,Spot +13,Tumble +9.
remaining), scroll of plane shift, four vials of unholy Feats:Cleave,ImprovedCritical(greatsword),Improved
water, silver dust (worth 100 gp), 250 gp ointment for Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Practiced Magic,
true seeing spell. Quicken Spell-LikeAbility(blessweapon),Weapon Focus
•^ Nabthatoron, Lord ofthe Demonskar, elite male (greatsword),WeaponSpecialization(greatsword).
glabrezu: CR 14; Huge outsider (chaotic, evil, native, Languages:Celestial,Common, Draconic, Infernal.
tanar'ri); HD 12d8+120;hp 174; Init +2; Spd 40 ft.; AC Spell-LikeAbilities(caster level 12th): At will—aid, con
32, touch 10, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +31;Atk tinualflame, createfood and water, death ward, detect evil,
+22 melee(2d8+ll, pincer);Full Atk+22 melee (2d8+ll, discern lies (DC 21), polymorph,prayer, protectionfrom ar
2 pincers) and 2 claws +20 melee (ld6+5) and bite +20 rows; 3/day—quickenedbless weapon,cure seriouswounds,
melee (ld8+5); Space/Reach15 ft./15 ft.; SA improved daylight, divination,etherealjaunt, neutralizepoison, plane
grab, spell-like abilities; SQ damage reduction 10/ shift (DC 22), remove curse, remove disease, removefear, 1/
good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and day—raisedead.
poison, resistance to acid 10,cold 10, and fire 10,spell DivineEquilibrium(Ex) Nidrama is immune to the ef
resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV fect of negative or positive planar energy traits.
Fort +18, Ref+10, Will +10; Str 33, Dex 14, Con 31, Int HeavenlyDeflection(Su)Once per round, Nidrama can
19, Wis 14, Cha 25. deflect ranged attacks, rays or single target spells with
Skills: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +11, her +1flamingburstgreatsword.To do this, she must suc
Intimidate +24, Knowledge (arcana) +19, Knowledge ceed in a Reflexsave(DC20 plus enhancement bonus of
(history) +19, Knowledge (the planes) +19, Listen +17, the attack or spell level).
Move Silently+17, Search+19, Sense Motive +17, Spell Soothing Presence of Nature (Ex) Animals and plants
craft +21, Spot +17. mayattack Nidrama only if magicallycompelled.
Feats: Combat Expertise,Combat Reflexes,Improved Possessions:+lflamingburstgreatsword,ring ofprotection
Trip,Multiattack,PowerAttack. +2, boots of teleportation.
Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, ? Nulin "Fish"Wiejeron, male human rogue 5/fighter
Terran. 2/assassin8: CR 15; Medium humanoid (human); HD
Spe//-LikeAbilities(caster level 14th): At will—chaos 13d6+12 plus 2dl0+2; hp 82; Init +4; Spd 40 ft.; AC 25,
hammer (DC 21), confusion (DC 21), dispel magic, mir touch 16, flat-footed 21; Base Atk +11; Grp +13; Atk +19
ror image, reverse gravity (DC 24), greater teleport (self melee (ld6+5/15-20,+3 rapier) or +15 ranged (ld6+2/x3,
plus 50 pounds of objects only), unholy blight(DC 19); compositeshortbow[+2 Str]); FullAtk +19/+14/+9melee
1/day—power word stun; 1/month—wish (granted to (ld6+5/15-20,+3 rapier) or +15/+10/+5 ranged (ld6+2/x3,
mortal humanoid). composite shortbow [+2 Str]); SA death attack (DC 20),
Exiled (Ex) As long as Nabthatoron remains exiled, poisonuse, sneak attack+7d6, spells;SQ evasion,hide in
he loses the extraplanar subtype and gains the native plain sight,improveduncannydodge,trap sense+1, trap-
subtypeon the MaterialPlane. He cannot be banished, finding;AL NE; SV Fort+9 (+13 againstpoison),Ref+14,
dismissed, or otherwise forced to leave this plane. Like Will +5;Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12,Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12.
wise, he cannot voluntarily choose to leave this plane Skills: Balance +6, Bluff +13, Climb +5, Diplomacy +3,
with a spell like plane shift. Teleport spells, although Disguise+19 (+21 acting),EscapeArtist+11, Gather Infor
technicallyallowingfor instantaneous travel to the as mation +13, Hide +26, Intimidate +11, Jump +11, Listen
tral plane,still function for Nabthatoron.As long as he's +12, Move Silently+26, Search+11, Spot+12,Tumble +18.
exiled, Nabthatoron cannot use summon tanar'ri. Feats: Dodge, Combat Reflexes, Great Fortitude, Im
Possessions:Amuletof mightyfists +1, ring offorce shield. proved Critical (rapier), Iron Will, Mobility, Spring At
? Nidrama, fallen movanic deva, fighter 6: CR 16; tack, Weapon Finesse,Weapon Focus(rapier).
Medium outsider (extraplanar, good); HD 6d8+24 plus Languages:Abyssal,Common, Demodand.
6dl0+24;hp 108; Init +7; Spd 40 ft., fly 90 ft. (good);AC AssassinSpells Known(4/4/3/1;caster level8th):1st—de
23, touch 15, flat-footed 20; Base Atk +12; Grp +17;Atk tectpoison,featherfall,jump, true strike;2nd—alterself,invisi
+19 melee (2d6+10 plus ld6 fire, +1flaming burstgreat bility,spiderclimb, undetectablealignment,3rd—deepslumber
sword);Full Atk+19/+14/+9melee (2d6+10plus ld6 fire, (DC 15), deeperdarkness,magic circle againstgood, misdirec
+1flaming burstgreatsword);SA spell-like abilities; SQ tion; 4th—dimensiondoor,greaterinvisibility,locatecreature.
celestial traits, damage reduction 10/evil, darkvision Possessions: +3 shadow silent chain shirt, +1 mithral buck
60 ft., divine equilibrium, fire resistance 20, heavenly ler, +3 rapier, composite shortbow (+2 Str bonus), 30 ar
deflection, immune to acid, immune to cold, immune rows, amulet of health +2, gloves of Dexterity+2, boots of
to electricity, soothing presence of nature, spell resis stridingand springing,gogglesof night, hat of disguise,Ring
tance 19; AL CG; SV Fort +14, Ref+10, Will +13; Str 20, ofViirteen,2 potionsofcure seriouswounds,potion ofhaste,
Dex 16, Con 18, Int 17, Wis 19, Cha 24; Fiend Folio 57. wand ofdisplacement(10 charges),2 gems (500gp each),3
. Skills:Balance +14, Concentration +13, Diplomacy +18, gems (100 gp each). & £ St' &
Handle Animal +19, Intimidate +20, Jump +7, Knowl ^ Orak Stonehaven, male dwarf fighter 4: CR 4; Me
edge(history)+13, Knowledge(religion) +13, Knowledge dium humanoid; HD 4dl0+12; hp 35; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.;
AC 11,touch 11,flat-footed10; Base Atk+4; Grp +6; Atk Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative,
or FullAtk+6melee(ld6+2/3,handaxe);SA —; SQ dark- Weapon Focus (heat touch).
vision 60 ft., dwarf traits; AL LN; SV Fort +7(+9 against Language:Phiuhl.
poison), Ref+2, Will +2; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 10, Death Gas (Ex) Any creature susceptible to poison
Wis 12, Cha 6. within 50 feet must make a DC 18 Fortitude save or take
Skills:Intimidate +4, Listen +3,Spot +3. IdlO Constitution damage immediately and another
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Power Attack, Weapon Fo IdlO Constitutiondamage1 minute later (unlessanother
cus (dwarvenwaraxe),Weapon Specialization(dwarven DC18Fortitudesave is made).Thosewhosaveagainstthe
waraxe). death gasareimmune to that phiuhl's gasfor one day.
Languages:Common, Dwarven, Ore. Desiccate(Su) Any character in a square occupied bya
Possessions:Handaxe, eye patch set with a small ruby phiuhl at the end ofthe phiuhl's turn must make a DC
worth 200 gp. 18Fortitude save or gain two negativelevels.The saving
^ Orgo Blacksword,male fiendish half-orefighter 9: throw to remove one of these negative levels is DC 18.
CR 11; Mediumhumanoid(ore); HD 9dl0+18;hp 67; Init HeatAura (Ex)Anyonewithin 30 feetofa phiuhl must
+1;Spd 20 ft.; AC20, touch 11, flat-footed 19; BaseAtk +9, make a DC 18 Fortitude save or take ld6 fire damage.
Grp +14; Atk +17 melee (ldl2+10/19-20/x3,+1 greataxe); Gaseous Form (Ex) Immune to critical hits and sneak
FuUAtk +17/+12melee(ldl2+10/19-20/x3,+1greataxe);SA attack damage. A phiuhl cannot run, but it can fly
smite good 1/day(+9 melee damage); SQ damage reduc (slowly)and is subject to winds. It cannot wear armor,
tion 10/magic,resistance to cold and fire 10,SR14;ALLE; manipulate solid objects, or enter water or other liq
Fort +8, Ref+6, Will +6; Str 21, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis uids. It can pass through small holes or narrow open
12, Cha 6. ings, and can occupy squares occupied by enemies.
Skills: Climb +12. InscrutableMind (Ex) Any creature attempting to es
Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus tablish a telepathic link with a phiuhl must make a DC
(greataxe),ImprovedCritical(greataxe),IronWill,Light 14 Will save or suffer the effects of feeblemind (caster
ning Reflexes,Power Attack, Weapon Focus (greataxe), level9th).
Weapon Specialization(greataxe). ^ Prickles, juvenile howler: CR 2; Medium outsider
Languages:Infernal, Ore. (chaotic,evil,extraplanar);HD 4d8+4;hp 29; Init +7; Spd
Possessions: +1 full plate, +1 greataxe,gauntlets of ogre 60 ft.; AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed15; Base Atk +4; Grp
power, amulet of natural armor +1, potion of cure serious +12;Atk+8melee(2d6+4,bite);FullAtk+8melee(2d6+4,
wounds,250 gp. bite) and +3 melee (ld4+2, ld4 quills); Space/Reach5
^ Patch, male half-ore commoner 1/rogue 1: CR 1; ft./5 ft.; SA quills, howl; SQ darkvision 60 ft.;AL CE; SV
Mediumhumanoid;HD ld4 plusld6;hp 7; Init+2; Spd Fort +5, Ref+7, Will +6; Str 19, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 6, Wis
30 ft.; AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed10; Base Atk +0; Grp 14, Cha 8.
+3; Atk or Full Atk +3 melee (ld4+3/19-20,dagger); SA Skills: Climb +11, Hide +10, Listen +11, Move Silently
sneak attack+ld6; SQ darkvision60 ft., trapfinding;AL +10,Search +5, Spot +11.
N; Fort +0,Ref+4, Will-1; Str 16, Dex 15, Con 10,Int 10, Feats:Alertness, Improved Initiative.
Wis 8, Cha 11. ^ Pyllrak Shyraat, male durzagon: CR 4; Medium
Sk/7/s:Hide+4, Listen+0, Move Silently+4, OpenLock outside(evil,lawful);HD 5d8+10;hp 32; Init +6; Spd 30
+4,Profession +1,Spot +0. ft.; AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed11; Base Atk +5; Grp +7;
Fear: Dodge. Atk +7 melee (ld6+2, claw); Full Atk +7 melee (ld6+2,2
Languages:Common, Ore. claws) and +2 melee (ld6+l, bite) and +2 melee (ld3+l
Possessions:Dagger,small leather sack*(containing45 plus poison, beard); SA beard, poison, spell-like abili
gp, 72 sp, 90 cp, and a set of masterwork thieves' tools ties; SQ damage reduction 5/magic, darkvision 120 ft.,
given to him by Revus Twindaggers). duergar traits, immune to paralysis, phantasms, and
*This item is hidden in Patch's room in the Lan poison, light sensitivity, outsider traits, resistant to acid
tern Street Orphanage and requires a successful DC 15 10,cold 10,electricity10,and fire 10,spell resistance15;
Search check to find. AL LE; SV Fort +6, Ref+6, Will +4; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 15,
^ Phiuhl: CR 11; Large aberration (extraplanar);HD Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 8; Monster Manual II124.
9d8+36;hp 76; Init +9; Spd40ft., fly 30ft.(perfect);AC 16, Skills: Appraise +10, Bluff +7, Craft (metalworking)
touch 14,flat-footed11; BaseAtk +6; Grp +10; Atk +6me +10, Craft (stoneworking) +10, Diplomacy +11, Intimi
lee(IdlO fire, heat touch); Full Atk +6 melee(IdlOfire, 2 date +1, Listen +11, MoveSilently +14, Search +10, Sense
heat touches);Space/Reach10ft./lOft.; SA death gas, des Motive +8, Spot +11.
iccate,heat aura; SQ damage reduction 10/magic,darkvi Feats:Alertness", Improved Initiative, Power Attack.
sion 60 ft., gaseousform, immune to acid, fire, and poi Beard (Ex) If a durzagon hits a single opponent with
s son, inscrutable mind, resistance to electricity20, spell both claw attacks, it automatically hits with its beard
resistance 21; AL NE; SV Fort +7, Ref+8, Will +6; Str 11, as well.
& Esl>£ Dex 20, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10; Fiend Folio 135. Poison(Ex) DC 14 Fortitude save, initial ld4 Strength
SkiHs: Hide +9, Move Silently+13, Spot +8. damage, secondary ld2 points Strength drain.
Spe//-Like Abilities (Sp) 3/day—darkness; 1/day—des Skills:Balance +11, Bluff+5, Climb +11, Concentration
ecrate, enlarge person (self only), invisibility,unholy blight +16, Hide +15, Knowledge(arcana)+16, Knowledge(his
(DC 13). Casterlevel 10th. tory)+16, Knowledge(religion)+6, Listen+13, Spellcraft
Light Sensitivity(Ex) A durzagonis dazzled in bright +6, Spot +13, Swim +5, Use Magic Device +6.
sunlightor within the radius of a daylightspell. Feat: Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse".
Possessions:Small bone box containing 180 gp, bag of ? Shator Demodand: CR16; Large outsider (evil,ex
holding (Type 1) containing four torches, four tinder- traplanar);HD 15d8+60; hp 127; Init +2; Spd 30 ft., fly
twigs, a 50-foot length of hemp rope, a potion of cure 70 ft. (poor); AC 28, touch 15, flat-footed26; Base Atk
moderatewounds,and a potion ofalter self. +15; Grp +25; Atk +22 melee(2d6+ll,+2 guisarme)or +20
? Ruphus Laro, male human cleric 2 (St. Cuthbert): melee (ld6+6plus paralysis,claw); FullAtk +22/+17/+12
CR2; Medium humanoid; HD 2d8; hp 12; Init -1; Spd melee (2d6+ll, +2 guisarme) or +20 melee (ld6+6 plus
30 ft.; AC 13, touch 9, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +1; Grp +1; paralysis,2 claws) and +18 melee (2d6+3 plus paralysis,
Atk or Full Atk +1 melee (ld8, heavy mace); SA spells, bite); Space/Reach10 ft./10 ft. (20 ft. with +2 guisarme);
turn undead 3/day; SQ —; AL LN; SV Fort +3, Ref-1, SA paralyzingslime, spell-likeabilities, spells,summon
Will +4; Str 11, Dex 9, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 11. demodand; SQ darkvision 120 ft., damage reduction
Skills: Concentration +5, Diplomacy +2, Heal +9, 15/good,freedom of movement, immune to acid, im
Knowledge (religion) +3. mune to cold, immune to fire, immune to mind-affect
Feats: Combat Casting,Skill Focus(heal). ing effects,immune to poison, outsider traits, scent, see *
Language:Common. invisibility,spell resistance 30;AL NE; SV Fort +13, Ref
Cleric Spells Prepared (caster level 2): 0—detect magic, +11,Will +12; Str 23, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha
guidance,light, resistance;1st—bless,enlargeperson0, magic 21; FiendFolio45.
weapon, sanctuary. Skills: Bluff +20, Concentration +19, Diplomacy +24,
D: Domain spell. Domains: Law (cast law spells at Disguise +20 (+22 acting), Gather Information +7, Hide
+1 caster level), Strength (1/day gain +2 bonus to Str +17, Intimidate +25, Knowledge(arcana)+18, Knowledge
for 1 round). (local)+18, Knowledge(the planes) +18, Listen +20, Move
Possessions: Chain shirt, heavy mace, cloak, clerical Silently +17, Search +17, Sense Motive +21,Spot +20,Sur
vestments, amulet (holy symbol of St. Cuthbert). vival +3 (+5 followingtracks or on other planes).
^ Saagogoi, male kuo-toa monk 3/assassin 3: CR 8; Feats: Alertness, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes,
Medium monstrous humanoid (aquatic); HD 5d8+10 Improved Trip, Multiattack, Spell Penetration.
plus 3d6+6; hp 49; Init +3; Spd 30 ft., swim 50 ft.; AC 21, Languages:Abyssal,Common, Demodand, Infernal.
touch 15,flat-footed 21;BaseAtk +6;Grp +7;Atk +9melee Paralyzing Slime (Ex) Fortitude save (DC 21) or be
(ld6+l,unarmed strike)or +10 melee(ld4+l plus poison, come paralyzed for 3d6 rounds. A shator may spit a
dagger) or +10 ranged (ld4+l plus poison, dagger); Full globule of slime as a +17 ranged touch attack with a
Atk +7/+7/+2 melee (ld6+l, unarmed strike) or +10/+5 range of 30 feet.
melee (ld4+l plus poison, dagger)or +10 ranged (ld4+l Spell-Like Abilities (caster level 15th): At will—detect
plus poison, dagger); SA death attack (DC 15), sneak at magic, clairaudience/clairvoyance, fear (DC 19), invisibility,
tack +2d6, stunning fist (DC 15); SQ evasion, still mind, spiderclimb, tongues;3/day—cloudkill(DC 20),jog cloud,ray
uncanny dodge, amphibious, immunity to poison and ofenfeeblement(+17 ranged touch),stinkingcloud (DC 18);
paralysis,keen sight, light blindness, resistance to elec 2/day—dispelmagic, 1/day—masscharm monster(DC 23).
tricity 10,slippery;AL LE; SV Fort +5, Ref+12,Will+8; Str Sorcerer Spells Known (6/8/7/6/4, caster level 8th; +17
13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 6. ranged touch): 0—dancinglights, daze (DC 15),fare (DC
Skills: Disguise +2, Escape Artist +11, Hide +14,Jump 15), ghost sound, read magic, mage hand, open/close,ray of
+10, Listen +15, Move Silently +14, Search +7, Spot +19, frost, 1st—charmperson (DC 16), mage armor, magic mis
Swim +9, Tumble +9. sile, obscuring mist, true strike; 2nd—bull's strength, detect
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Stun thoughts(DC 17), Tasha's hideous laughter(DC 17); 3rd—
ning Fist,Weapon Finesse,Weapon Focus (dagger). blink,fireball(DC 18); 4th—confusion(DC 19).
Languages:Aquan, Kuo-Toa,Undercommon. Summon Demodand(Sp) Once per day, a shator can at
AssassinSpeZ/s Known(3/1;caster level3rd):1st—feather tempt to summon ld2 shators with a 30% chance of
fall,jump, true strike; 2nd—darkness, invisibility. success, or either ld4 kelubars or ld6 farastus (shator's
Possessions:Slippers of spider climbing,5 poisoned dag choice) with a 70% chance of success.
gers (shadow essence; Fort DC 17; 1 Str drain/2d6 Str). •J> Shebeleth Regidin, male human cleric 10 (Adi-
^ Salsinath, Ssythar Nahazir's snake familiar: CR —; marchus)/loremaster 7: CR 17; Medium humanoid (hu
Tiny viper; HD 17; hp 36; Init +7; Spd 15 ft., climb 15 man); HD 10d8+40 plus 7d4+28; hp 120; Init +0; Spd 30
ft., swim 15 ft.; AC 22, touch 15, flat-footed 19; Base Atk ft.; AC 25, touch 12, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +10; Grp
+12; Grp +1; Atk/FullAtk +17 melee(1 plus poison,bite); +9; Atk +10 melee (ld8, +1 morningstar)or +11 ranged
Space/Reach2-1/2 ft./O ft.; SA deliver touch spells, poi (ld8/19-20, masterwork light crossbow); Full Atk +10/+5
son; SQ empathic link, improved evasion, scent, speak melee (ld8, +1 morningstar)or +11 ranged (ld8/19-20,
with snakes, speak with master; AL CE; SV Fort +5, Ref masterwork light crossbow); SA rebuke undead, spells;
+11, Will +13; Str 4, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 2. SQ dodge trick, greater lore, lore +9, newfound arcana,
secrets of inner strength,secret knowledge of avoid Possessions: Masterwork leather armor, masterwork
ance; AL NE; SV Fort +15, Ref+12, Will +22; Str 8, Dex longsword, masterwork short sword, light crossbow
12, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 22, Cha 12. with 10 bolts, potion of cure light wounds, potion of bull's
Skills: Bluff+14, Concentration+24, Diplomacy+3, strength,potion ofcat'sgrace.
Disguise +12 (+14 acting), Gather Information +11, In ? Skaven Umbermead,male halflingwizard (diviner)
timidate +3, Knowledge(arcana)+15, Knowledge (his 7: CR 7; Medium humanoid;HD 7d4+7; hp 26; Init +2;
tory) +15, Knowledge(the planes) +16, Perform(string Spd20ft.; AC 14(17 with ma.gearmor),touch 13,flat-footed
instruments) +11,Spellcraft +15. 12(15 with mage armor); Base Atk +3; Grp-3; Atk or Full
Feats: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Atk +3 melee (ld4-2, masterworkdagger); SA spells; SQ
Item, Empower Spell, Lightning Reflexes,Scribe Scroll, cat familiar (named Pywakit),halfling tiaits; AL NE; SV
Skill Focus(Knowledge—theplanes),Widen Spell. Fort +4, Ref+5, Will +8; Str 6, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 18, Wis
Languages:Common, Abyssal, Demodand, Infernal. 14, Cha 10.
Cleric Spells Prepared(caster level 17th): 0—cure minor Skills: Climb +0, Concentration +11, Craft (metal-
wounds, detect magic(2), light, read magic, resistance;1st— working)+14, Hide +6, Knowledge (arcana)+17, Jump
bane (DC 17), cure light wounds (2), detectgood, doom (2, -6, Knowledge(religion) +14, Listen +6, Move Silently
DC 17), protectionfrom good0, shield offaith; 2nd—align +9,Spellcraft +14, Spot +4.
weapon, cure moderate wounds (2), death knell (DC 18), Feats: Alertness (as long as Pywakit is within arm's
invisibility0, resist energy, status, undetectable alignment; reach), Combat Expertise, Craft Wondrous Item",
3rd—bestowcurse, cure seriouswounds,dispel magic, magic Scribe Scroll", Skill Focus (Knowledge—arcana),Spell
circleagainstgood, nondetection0,searinglight(2); 4th—con Focus (evocation).
fusion0(DC 20), cure criticalwounds(2), death ward,greater Languages: Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Elven,
magic weapon, sending (2); 5th—breakenchantment,dispel Gnoll, Halfling.
good0,fame strike (2, DC 21), empowered searing light, Wizard Spells Prepared(caster level 7, +3 melee touch,
spell resistance;6th—bladebarrier(2, DC 22), greaterdispel +6 ranged touch, prohibited schools enchantment):
magic,harm(2,DC22), mislead0;7th—blasphemy0,destruc 0—detect poison,ghost sound (DC 14), mage hand, presti
tion(2, DC23),empoweredflamestrike(DC 21);8th—em digitation;1st—burninghands(DC 16), chill touch(DC 15),
powered blade barrier(DC 22), widenedflame strike(DC comprehendlanguages,hold portal, magic missile, true strike;
21), polymorphany object0(DC 24); 9th—summonmonster 2nd—detect thoughts (DC 16), ghoul touch, invisibility,
IX, time stopP. scorching ray, see invisibility; 3rd—clairaudience/clairvoy-
*Domain spell. Domains: Evil (cast evil spells at ance, displacement,lightning holt (DC 18), vampiric touch;
+1 caster level), Trickery (Bluff, Disguise, Hide are 4th—arcaneeye, phantasmalkiller(DC 18), shout(DC 19).
class skills). Spellbook: Skaven's spellbook contains all the spells
Possessions:+3 mithralbreastplate,+1small woodenshield, he has prepared, plus the following:0—allcantrips (ex
+1 morningstar,masterwork light crossbow, 20 bolts, belt cept daze); 1st—alarm, arcane lock, detectsecretdoors, detect
ofhealth +4(as amulet ofhealth +2), gloves of Dexterity+2, undead, identify, mage armor, silent image, unseen servant;
periaptof Wisdom +4, cloak ofresistance+2, dusty rose prism 2nd—arcane lock, blindness/deafness,blur, locate object,
ioun stone, ring of minorfire resistance, Ring ofViirteen, scare, spider climb, summon monster II, whispering wind;
metamagicrod ofempower,oilofmagicvestment(+4),potion 3rd—dispelmagic, gentle repose, sepia snake sigil, tongues,
offly, scroll of mass cure moderate wounds, scroll of di waterbreathing;4th—fear,locate creature,scrying.
mensionalanchor,scroll of widenedfame strike,scroll of Possessions: Masterwork dagger, bracers of armor +1,
invisibilitypurge, scroll of plane shift, holy symbol, three goggles of minute seeing, slippers of spider climbing,pearl of
gems (100 pp each). power(1stlevel),wand ofmage armor(40charges),wand of
^ SilentWolf Goblin:CR 3;Smallhumanoid(goblin); control water (50 charges), potion of cure moderatewounds,
HD 3d6+3;hp 16;Init +3; Spd 30 ft.;AC 16,touch 14,flat- potion ofgaseousform, six elixirs of hiding, leather pouch
footed13;Base Atk+2; Grp -1; Atk +4melee(ld6+l/19- containing 58 gp and 4 pp, keyring (contains keysto the
20, masterwork longsword) or +6 ranged (ld6/19-20, winches at areas K3 and Kll, the key to area K20, and
light crossbow);FullAtk+2melee (ld6+1/19-20,master- keys to areas K24 and K25).
work longsword) and +2 melee (ld4/19-20, masterwork * Skulk: CR 2; Medium humanoid (skulk); HD 2d8;
short sword) or +6 ranged (ld6/19-20, light crossbow); hp 9; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10;
SA favored enemy (dwarves +2), sneak attack +ld6; SQ BaseAtk+1; Grp +1; Atkor Full Atk+3melee (ld6/18-20,
darkvision 60 ft., goblin traits, trapfinding, wild empa rapier) or +3 ranged (ld8/19-20, fight crossbow); SA—;
thy +0;ALNE; SV Fort +4,Ref+8, Will +0; Str 12,Dex 17, SQ innate nondetection, peerless camouflage, trackless
Con 13, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 6. path; AL CE; SV Fort +0, Ref+5, Will-1; Str 11, Dex 14,
Skills: Balance +5,Hide +13,Jump +3, Listen +6,Move Con 11, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 6; FiendFolio 154.
Silently +13, Ride +11, Search +6, Spot +6, Survival +5, Skills: Hide +22, Move Silently +14.
Tumble +8. Feats: Stealthy, Weapon Finesse".
Feats:Alertness, Dodge,Track",Two-WeaponFighting". Language:Common, Undercommon.
Languages:Common, Goblin. Innate Nondetection(Su) Skulks are difficult to detect
using divination spells such as clairaudience/clairvoyance,
locate creature, detection spells, and items such as crys darkvision 60 ft., fast movement, improved uncanny
tal balls. If a divination is attempted upon a skulk, the dodge, resistance to cold 10 and fire 10, spell resistance
caster of the divination must succeed at a caster level 23, trap sense +3; AL CE; SV Fort +14, Ref+11, Will +9;
check (ld20 + caster level)against DC 20. Str 26, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 10.
PeerlessCamouflage(Ex) Skulks can move at full speed Ski7/s: Climb +19, Bluff+8, Diplomacy +2, Disguise +0
(and can even run) while hiding, suffering no penalties (+2 acting), Hide +5, Intimidate +13, Jump +19, Listen
on Hide checks due to movement. +21, Spot +21.
TracklessPath (Ex) The DCs of any Survival Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Great Fortitude, Im
follow the trail of a skulk is increased by 10. proved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack(claw),
Possessions: Rapier, light crossbow with 20 bolts, 2 Lightning Reflexes,Multiattack.
thunderstones, dark cloak. Languages:Abyssal,Common, Giant.
^ Skulvyn: CR 4; Large Outsider (aquatic, chaotic, GreaterRage (Ex)Slouva can flyinto a rage three times
evil, extraplanar); HD 4d8+8; hp 26; Init +3; Spd 10 ft., per day. While raging, her statistics are as follows: hp
swim 50 ft.; AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +4; 227;AC 28, touch 8, flat-footed 27; Grp +33;Atk +30 me
Grp +12; Atk+7melee (ld4+4 plus wounding, tail lash); lee (ld8+13, claw); Full Atk +30 melee (ld8+13, 2 claws)
FullAtk+7melee (ld4+4,4 tail lashes) and bite +5melee and +28melee (ld6+7, bite); SArake +30 melee (ld6+13),
(ld8+2,bite)and +5melee (ld6+2,2 claws);Space/Reach rend 2d6+18; SV Fort +17, WiU +11; Str 32, Con 22.
10 ft./lO ft.; SAslow aura, wounding; SQ damage reduc Spell-LikeAbilities(caster level 8th): 3/day—disguiseself,
tion 5/good, darkvision 60 ft., scent, spell resistance 12; fog cloud.
AL CE; SV Fort +6, Ref+7, Will +3; Str 18, Dex 16, Con 15, Possessions:+4 mithral breastplate,amuletof mightyfists +2,
Int 5, Wis 8, Cha 11; FiendFolio 54. chimeofopening(43 charges),blackjug(command word "ur-
Skills: Hide -1 (+7 in water), Listen +6, Move Silently valak"),coldiron ladle(can be wieldedasa coldiron club).
+10, Spot +6, Swim +19. ^ Spawn of Kyuss: CR 5; Medium undead; .HD
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Multiattack. 4dl2+3; hp 29; Init -1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11, touch 9, flat-
Languages:Abyssal. footed 11; Base Atk +2; Grp +6; Atk or Full Atk +6 me
Slow Aura (Su) Living creatures that come within 30 lee (ld6+6 and Kyuss's gift, slam) or +1 ranged touch
feet of a skulvyn must succeed at a DC 12 Will save or (Kyuss'sgift); SA create spawn, fear aura, Kyuss'sgift; SQ
become slowed for 4 rounds; a creature that makes this curative transformation, fast healing 5, turn resistance
save is immune to the skulvyn's aura for 24 hours. +2, undead traits; AL CE; SV Fort +1, Ref+0, Will +4; Str
Wounding(Ex)Wounds resulting form a skulvyn's tail 18, Dex 9, Con —, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 15; MonsterManual
lash attacks bleed for an additional 1 point of damage II186.
per round thereafter. Multiple wounds from such at Skills: Hide +5, Jump +7,Move Silently +5,Spot +3.
tacks result in cumulative bleeding loss; the bleeding Feats: Stealthy, Toughness.
can only be stopped by a successful DC 15 Heal check Create Spawn (Su) Once per round as a free action,
or the application of any healing spell. a spawn of Kyuss can transfer a worm from its own
^ Skylar Krewis, male human fighter 4: CR 4; Me body to that of an opponent. It can do this whenever
dium humanoid; HD 4dl0+8; hp 30; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; it hits with a slam attack, but it can also make the
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +4; Grp +6;Atk transfer by means of a successful melee touch attack
or Full Atk+8melee (ld8+5/19-20,+1longsword);AL LG; or ranged touch attack, hurling a worm at a foe from
SV Fort +6, Ref+4, Will +1; Str 15, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, a distance of up to 10 feet. Each worm is a Fine ver
Wis 11, Cha 10. min with an AC of 10 and 1 hit point. It can be killed
Ski//s: Climb +8,Jump +6, Ride +7, Swim +6. with normal damage or by the touch of silver. On the
Feats: Cleave, Endurance, Lightning Reflexes, Power spawn's next action, the worm burrows into its host's
Attack,Weapon Focus (longsword),Weapon Specializa flesh. (A creature with a natural armor bonus of +5
tion (longsword). or higher is immune to this burrowing effect.) The
Language:Common. worm makes its way toward the host's brain, dealing
Possessions:+1longsword,dagger, breastplate, buck 1 point of damage per round for ld4+l rounds. At
ler, two potions of cure light wounds, potion of sanctu the end of that period, it reaches that brain. While
ary(CL 3rd), two potions of cure moderatewounds,7 gp the worm is inside a victim, a remove curse or remove
in pouch. disease effect destroys it, and a dispel evil or neutralize
£ Slouva, fiendish annis barbarian 11: CR 19; Large poison effect delays its progress for 10d6 minutes. A
monstrous humanoid; HD 7d8+21 plus lldl2+33; hp successful DC 20 Heal check extracts the worm and
173; Init +1; Spd 50 ft.; AC 30, touch 10, flat-footed 29; kills it. Once the worm reaches the brain, it deals
Base Atk +18; Grp +30;Atk +27 melee (ld8+10, claw); Full ld2 points of Intelligence damage per round until
Atk +27 melee (ld8+10, 2 claws) and +25 melee (ld6+6, it either is killed (by remove curse or remove disease)or
bite); Space/Reach10 ft./lO ft.; SA greater rage 3/day, slays its host (death occurs at 0 Intelligence). A Small,
improved grab, rake +27 melee (ld6+10), rend 2d6+14, Medium, or Large creature slain by a worm rises as
smite good 1/day (+18 damage), spell-like abilities; SQ a new spawn of Kyuss ld6+4 rounds later; a Tiny or
damage reduction 2/—, damage reduction 10/magic, smaller creature quickly putrefies; and a Huge or
larger creature becomes a normal zombie ofthe ap Feats: Alertness", Blind-Fight", Combat Expertise,
propriate size. Newlycreated spawn are not under the Dodge, Empower Spell, Heighten Spell, Improved Ini
control of their parent, but they usually follow what tiative, Quicken Spell.
ever spawn of Kyuss created them. Languages:Common, Abyssal, Draconic, Elven, Giant,
Fear Aura (Su) A spawn of Kyuss continuously radi Infernal, Terran, Yuan-ti.
ates a fear effect.This ability functions like afear spell Spell-LikeAbilities(casterlevel8th):3/day—animaltrance
(casterlevel 7th; Will save DC 14), exceptthat it affects (DC 18), causefear(DC 17), entangle(DC 17); 1/day—deeper
all creatures within a 40-foot radius. Any creature that darkness,neutralizepoison(DC20), suggestion(DC19).
makes a successfulsaving throw against the effectcan SorcererSpells Known (6/7/6/7/6/4;caster level 10th; +14
not be affected again by the fear aura of that spawn of rangedtouch)save DC14+spelllevel):0—acidsplash,daze
Kyuss for 24 hours. (DC 14), detect magic, disrupt undead,ghost sound (DC 14),
Kyuss'sGift (Su)Any creature hit bya spawnof Kyuss's message, open/close, read magic, touch offatigue(DC 14);
slam attack must succeed at a DC 12 Fortitude save or 1st—disguiseself, expeditious retreat, mage armor, magic
contract a supernatural disease. The incubation period missile, shield; 2nd—commandundead,false life, see invis
is 1 day, and the disease deals ld6 point of Constitution ibility,scorchingray; 3rd—displacement,lightningbolt (DC
damageand ld4 points of Wisdomdamage(see Disease 17), slow (DC 17); 4th—enervation,Evard's black tentacles;
in the Dungeon Master's Guide). These effects mani 5th—teleport.
fest as rotting flesh and dementia. An affected creature Possessions: Masterwork scimitar, masterwork com
gets onlyhalf the benefitsof natural and magicalheal posite longbow (+2 Str bonus), 20 arrows, empowered
ing, though a remove diseaseremoves the affliction. wand ofidiocy(as per the empoweredtouch ofidiocyspell;
Curative Transformation(Ex) One remove curse or re 12 charges),wand ofpoison (FortitudeDC 16 negates;8
move diseaseeffect,or a more powerful version of either charges),potion ofharkskin(+3), scroll ofcrushingdespair,
of these effects,transforms a spawnof Kyuss into a nor scroll of dominate person, cloak of Charisma +2, Ring of
mal zombie. Thirteen,silvercage pendant (15 gp), pouch of 10 pp.
^ Spell Weaver Skeleton: CR 5; Medium undead; ^ Starbrow,Keygan'srat familiar:CR—; Tiny magi
HD 10dl2; hp 78 each; Init +8; Spd 30 ft; AC 16,touch cal beast; HD 3; hp 8; Init +2; Spd 15 ft., climb 15 ft.,
14, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +6; Grp +5; Atk +5 melee swim 15 ft.; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +2;
(ld4-l, claw); Full Atk +5 melee (ld4-l, 4 claws); SQ Grp -10; Atkor FullAtk+6melee (ld3-4, bite);SA —;SQ
damage reduction 5/bludgeoning,immunity to cold; low-lightvision, scent, improvedevasion,share spells,
ALNE;SVFort +3,Ref+7, Will +7;Str 9, Dex 18, Con —, empathic link; AL LN; SVFort +2, Ref+4, Will +6; Str 2,
Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1. Dex 15, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 2.
Fear: Improved Initiative. Skills: Appraise +1, Balance +10, Climb +12, Disable
^ Ssythar Nahazir, male halfblood yuan-ti sorcerer Device +4, Hide +18, Knowledge (local) +1, Listen +8,
10: CR 12; Medium monstrous humanoid; HD 7d8+7 Move Silently +10, Search +1, Spot +3, Swim +10.
plus 10d4+10;hp 72(86 with/a/selife spell);Init+5; Spd Feats: Alertness,Weapon Finesse (bite)".
30 ft. (60 ft. with expeditiousretreat);AC 29 (31 within Languages:Common, Gnome, Undercommon.
30 ft. of altar),touch 14(16 within 30 ft. of altar),flat- ^ Stone Spike: CR 2; Medium elemental (earth);HD
footed 27 (29 within 30 ft. of altar);Base Atk +12; Grp 3d8+12;hp 25; Init -1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 18, touch 10,flat-
+14; Atk +15 melee (ld6+2/18-20, masterwork scimi footed 18; Base Atk +2; Grp +6; Atk +6 melee (ld8+4,
tar) or +14 ranged (ld8+2/x3,masterworkcomposite slam); Full Atk +6 melee (ld8+4, 2 slams); SA —; SQ
longbow); Full Atk +15/+10/+5 melee (ld6+2/18-20, darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits; AL N; SV Fort +7, Ref
masterwork scimitar) and +9 melee (ld6+l plus poi .+1,Will +1; Str 18, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11;
son, bite) or +14/+9/+4ranged (ld8+2/x3,masterwork Monster Manual II191.
composite longbow);SA poison (Fort DC 14, Id6/ld6 Ski//s:Listen +6,Spot +4.
Con), produce acid, spell-like abilities,spells; SQ al Feats:Alertness, Power Attack.
ternate form, chameleon power, darkvision 60 ft., Languages:Dwarven, Terran.
detect poison, immunity to possession and mind af ^ Street Thug, human warrior 2: CR 1; Medium Hu
fecting effects when within 30 ft. of altar, scent, spell manoid; HD 2d8+2 plus 3; hp 14; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC
resistance 16 (spell resistance 25 against good when 11, touch 10, flat-footed 11;Base Atk +1; Grp +2; Atk or
within 30 ft. of altar);AL CE; SV Fort +6(+10 within 30 FullAtk +2melee (ld6+l/19-20, short sword);SA —; SQ
ft. of altar), Ref+10(+14 within 30 ft. of altar),Will +16 —; AL CN; SV Fort +4, Ref+0, Will -1; Str 13, Dex 10,
(+20 within 30 ft. of altar); Str 15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int Con 12, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 9.
18, Wis 18, Cha 22. Ski7/s: Climb +3, Intimidate +2.
Ski7/s: Bluff +17, Concentration +17, Diplomacy +8, Feats: Quick Draw, Toughness.
Disguise +6 (+8 acting), Intimidate +8, Hide +12 (+22 Language:Common.
when using chameleon power), Knowledge (arcana) Possessions:Short sword, padded armor, pouch con
+20, Knowledge(history)+19, Knowledge(religion)+14, taining ld6 sp and 2d6 cp.
Listen +16, Spellcraft +12, Spot +16, Use Magic Device ? Stygian Marauders, tiefling fighter 2/rogue 10
+15 (+17 scrolls). (6): CR 13; Medium outsider (native); HD 2dl0+2 plus
10d6+10; hp 72 each; Init +8; Spd 30 ft.; AC 20, touch Possessions: +1 spiked chain (wired directly to his
14, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +9; Grp +11; Atk +12 melee arms—removal takes 10 minutes and Tarkilar cannot
(ld8+3/19-20,+1 longsword) or +14 ranged (Id8+l/x3, be disarmed),+1 chainmail (wired directly to his flesh
masterworklongbowwith +1 dementia arrow); FullAtk and bones—removingit takes 1 hour of work), wand of
+12/+7 melee (ld8+3/19-20, +1 longsword) or +14/+9 inflictmoderatewounds(35 charges),garnet-studdedgold
ranged (Id8+l/x3, masterwork longbow with +1 de holysymbolof Erythnul (425 gp).
mentia arrow); SA darkness 1/day, sneak attack +5d6; SQ ^ Tarterian Gauth: CR 8; Medium aberration; HD
darkvision 60 ft., improved evasion, improved uncanny 6d8+18;hp 45; Init +6; Spd 5 ft., fly 20 ft. (good);AC 19,
dodge, resistance to cold 5, resistance to electricity 5, touch 12,flat-footed17;Base Atk+4; Grp +4; Atkor Full
resistance to fire 5, trap sense +3, trapfinding; AL CE; Atk +6 ranged touch(eye rays) and -1 melee (ld6, bite);
Fort +7, Ref+11, Will +2; Str 15, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 12, SA adhesiveslime,eyerays(DC 15), rage 3/day,spell-like
Wis 8, Cha 10. abilities, stunning gaze; SQ all-around vision, darkvi
Ski7/s: Balance +6, Bluff +12, Climb +7, Diplomacy sion 60 ft., flight, freedom of movement, immune to
+2, Disguise +10 (+12 acting in character),Hide +16, acid and poison, resistance to cold 5 and fire 5, scent;
Intimidate +17,Jump +4, Listen +9, Ride +19, Spot +9, AL- LE; SV Fort +5, Ref+4, Will +9; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 16,
Tumble +14. Int 15,Wis 15, Cha 15; see Appendix 1.
Feats:ImprovedInitiative,MountedArchery,Mounted Ski7/s: Hide +11, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Listen +4,
Combat, Quick Draw, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Search +15,Spot +17.
Ride-ByAttack. Feats: Alertness", Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative,
Languages:Abyssal,Common, Infernal. Iron Will.
Possessions:+1 studded leatherarmor, +1 lightsteel shield, Languages:Beholder, Common.
+1 longsword,masterwork longbow, 20 dementia arrows, Ra,ge (Ex) hp 57; AC 17, touch 10,flat-footed 15; Grp
tanglefootbag, potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of +6; Atk or Full Atk +6 ranged touch (eye rays) and +1
neutralizepoison. melee (ld6+2, bite); SVFort +7,Will +11; Str 14, Con 20.
? Tarkilar, male gnoll huecuva cleric 4: CR 7; Me Spe/Z-LikeAbilities(caster level 11th): At will—detect
dium undead; HD 6dl2+3; hp 42; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.;AC magic, clairaudience/clairvoyance,fear (DC 16), invis
21, touch 10, flat-footed 21; Base Atk +4; Grp +9;Atk or ibility, tongues; 3/day—-fog cloud, ray of enfeeblement;2/
Full Atk +10 melee (2d4+8, +1 spiked chain); SA huecuva day—dispel magic.
blight, spells, rebuke/command undead,; SQ darkvision ? Thearynn Louvel, male human conjurer 15: CR 15;
60 ft.,turn resistance +2,damage reduction 10/silver,di Medium humanoid; HD 15d4+45; hp 68; Init +5; Spd
vine conversion; AL CE; SV Fort +7, Ref+1, Will +7; Str 30 ft.; AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +7; Grp
20, Dex 10, Con —, Int 7, Wis 17, Cha 13. +7; Atk +8 melee (ld6, masterwork quarterstaff) or +8
Ski//s:Knowledge(arcana)+0,Knowledge(religion) +0, ranged touch (spell);Full Atk +8/+3 melee (ld6, master-
Listen +5, Spot +6. work quarterstaff) or +8 ranged touch (spell); SAspells;
Feats: Craft Wondrous Item, Exotic Weapon Profi SQ empathic link, share spells, weasel familiar; AL NE;
ciency(spiked chain),Toughness. SV Fort +10, Ref+10, Will +8; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 16, Int
Languages:Gnoll 20, Wis 8, Cha 13.
Divine Conversion: A cleric who becomes a huecuva Skills: Concentration +21, Decipher Script +14,
loses access to the domains he had in life and replaces Knowledge (arcana) +23, Knowledge (dungeoneering'
them with the Death and Evil domains. +18, Knowledge (history) +18, Knowledge (the planes
Huecuva Blight (Su) Victims hit with a successful at +22, Listen +1,Spellcraft +25,Spot +1.
tack must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save or fall prey Feats: Alertness (as long as familiar is in arm's reach),
to the huecuva blight. The incubation period is one Augment Summoning, Craft Rod, Craft Wand, Dodge,
day,and it immediately causes ld2 points of temporary Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Re
Strength and temporary Constitution damage after the flexes, Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Spell Focus (conjura
incubation period. An infected victim must make a sav tion), Spell Focus (illusion).
ing throw each dayor take another ld2 points of tempo Wizard Spells Prepared (caster level 15th; prohibited
rary Strength and temporary Constitution damage. The schools evocation and necromancy; +9 ranged touch):
effects of huecuva blight are cumulative each day until 0—acid splash (2), detect magic, open/close,prestidigitation;
the victim reaches 0 Constitution (and dies), makes two 1st—charm person (DC 16), expeditiousretreat,grease (DC
consecutive successful saves, or receives magical treat 17), mu_ge armor, shield(2), ventriloquism;2nd—darkvision,
ment (suchas a removediseasespell). Melfs acid arrow (2), mirror image, see invisibility,Tasha's
Cleric Spells Prepared (caster level 4): 0—detect magic hideous laughter(DC 17); 3rd—dispelmagic, displacement,
(2), guidance,read magic, resistance;1st—causefear° (DC fly, protectionfrom energy, slow (DC 18),stinkingcloud (DC
14), doom (DC 14), divinefavor, entropicshield, obscuring 19); 4th—charm monster(DC 19), dimension door, Evard's
mist; 2nd—desecrate0,bull'sStrength,hold person(DC 15), black tentacles(2), greater invisibility,phantasmalkiller(DC
silence(DC 15). 20); 5th—baleful polymorph (DC 20), cloudkill (DC 21),
*Domain Spell. Domains: Death (death touch 1/day, dominate person (DC 20), feeblemind (DC 20), telekinesis,
damage 4d6), Evil (castevil spells at +1caster level). wall of stone; 6th—acidfog, greater dispel magic, summon
monsterVI, true seeing; 7th—phasedoor, reversegravity,si missile,shield,unseenservant(alreadycast);2nd—alterself,
lent summon monster VI; 8th—incendiarycloud (DC 23), bear's endurance,cat'sgrace,fox's cunning,scorchingray, see
summon monster VIII. invisibility;3rd—-fly,haste, lightningbolt (DC 18), nondetec
Spellbook: 0—all except dancing lights, disrupt undead, tion (2, both alreadycast),slow(DC 18);4th—Evard'sblack
flare, light, ray offrost, touch offatigue;1st—charmper tentacles,fireshield, Otiluke'sresilientsphere(DC 19), Rary's
son, expeditiousretreat,grease, mage armor, obscuringmist, mnemonicenhancer, shout (DC 19), stoneskin;5th—baleful
shield,ventriloquism;2nd—darkvision,fogcloud,glitterdust, polymorph (DC 20), Mordenkainen'sprivate sanctum (al
Melfs acid arrow, mirrorimage, see invisibility,Tasha'shid readycast), teleport,wall offorce;6th—disintegrate(DC 21),
eous laughter,3rd—dispeZmagic, displacement,fly, protec greaterdispel magic, mislead;7th—etherealjaunt,forcecage.
tionfrom energy,slow, stinkingcloud; 4th—charmmonster, Spellbook: as above plus 0—all except enchantment
dimensiondoor, Evard's black tentacles,greater invisibility, and necromancy;1st—featherfall, Nystul'smagic aura, re
illusorywall, phantasmalkiller, solidfog; 5th—balefulpoly duce person;2nd—arcanelock, darkvision,knock; 3rd—fire-
morph,cloudkill,dominatemonster,feeblemind,permanency, hall,greater magic weapon,protectionfrom energy; 4th—di
telekinesis,wall ofstone; 6th—acidfog,greaterdispel magic, mensionalanchor,fire trap, greater invisibility,mass reduce
permanentimage, summon monster VI, true seeing; 7th— person,scrying; 5th—breakenchantment,lesserplanarbind
insanity,phase door,plane shift, reversegravity;8th—incen ing, permanency,sending;6th—chainlightning,contingency,
diary cloud, maze, summon monsterVIII. flesh to stone, stone to flesh; 7th—greaterteleport, limited
Possessions:Masterwork quarterstaff, amulet of health wish, sequester,simulacrum,statue.
+2, headbandofintellect+2, bead offorce, boots oflevitation, Possessions:Dagger, ring ofprotection+2, hatof Charisma
iridescentspindle ioun stone, ring ofprotection+2, Ring of +2 (functionsasa cloakofCharisma+2), ring ofmind shield
Thirteen,greater extend metamagicrod, scroll of summon ing, wand of magic missile (7th-levelcaster; 30 charges),
monster V, scroll of summon monsterVII, wand of web (25 arcane scroll of greater dispel magic (cast at 12th level),
charges),wand ofsummon swarm (10 charges),ointment scroll of stone to flesh, scroll of prismaticspray, dagger,
for true seeing(250 gp),spellbooks. silvercage pendant (doublesas shield guardian amulet),
^ Thifirane Rhiavadi, female human transmuter 13: pouch of spell components (including 600 gp worth of
CR 13; Medium humanoid (human); HD 13d4+13; hp diamond dust for nondetectionand stoneskinspells),small
51; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12; ivoryplaque (50gp; material component for Rary's mne Atk +6; Grp +6; Atk +6 melee (ld4/19-20,dagger) monic enhancer),small ivory statuette of herself set with
or +8ranged (eye ray); Full Atk+6/+1 melee(ld4/19-20, precious gems (1,500gp; focus for contingencyspell).
dagger) or +8/+3 ranged (eye ray); SA spells,eye ray; SQ ? Ti'irok Coalfire, male fire giant fighter 8: CR 18;
contingency,scry on familiar, weasel familiar named Su- Largegiant (fire);HD 15d8+90plus 8dl0+48; hp 249; Init
lar;AL NE; SV Fort +5, Ref+6(+8 with famihar),Will +10; +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 30, touch 11, flat-footed 30; Base Atk
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 10. +19; Grp +34; Atk +32 melee (3d6+20 plus ld6 fire/17-
Skills:Concentration+17, DecipherScript+17, Knowl 20, Blackfire)or +29 melee (ld4+ll, slam) or +19 ranged
edge (arcane)+18, Knowledge(history)+17, Knowledge (2d6+ll plus 2d6 fire, rock); Full Atk +32/+27/+22/+17
(nobility and royalty) +14, Knowledge(the planes) +18, melee (3d6+20plus ld6 fire/17-20,Blackfire)or +29 melee
Spellcraft +18. (ld4+ll, 2 slams) or +18/+13/+8/+3ranged (2d6+ll plus
Feats: Brew Potion", Combat Casting, Craft Won 2d6 fire, rock); Space/Reach10 ft./lO ft.; SA rock throw
drous Item", Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot, ing; SQ immunity to fire, low-light vision, rock catching,
Scribe Scroll", Spell Focus (evocation, transmutation), vulnerability to cold; ALLE; SVFort +21, Ref+7, Will +11;
Spell Penetration. Str 32, Dex 11, Con 22, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 11.
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Ski//s:Climb +20,Craft +19,Intimidate +17,Jump +20,
Undercommon. Spot +19.
Contingency(Sp) Thifirane has cast a contingencyspell Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave,Improved Bull Rush, Im
on herself, activating a lesserglobe of invulnerabilitydur proved Critical (greatsword), Improved Initiative, Im
ing the first round of combat during her action. If her proved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Leader
familiar is within 5 feet of her, it gains the benefits of ship, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Weapon Focus (great
the spell as well. sword), Weapon Specialization (greatsword).
Eye Ray (Su) Thifirane has one of Vhalantru's small Languages:Common, Giant, Infernal.
beholder eyes grafted to her forehead. Once per round Possessions:+3 moderatefortificationfull plate, Blackfire
as a free action, she can fire a ray from the eye that du (+2fiamingburst unholygreatsword),gloves of Dexterity+2,
plicates the effect of an inflict moderate wounds spell, helm of telepathy,ring ofprotection+2,2 emeralds (1,000gp
dealing 2d8+10 points of damage to the target (Will each),500 gp.
DC 12 half). The eye ray has a caster level of 13th and a ^ Tongueater, male werebaboon half-ore (afflicted
range of 150 feet. lycanthrope) barbarian 3: CR 5; Medium humanoid
Wizard Spells Prepared (caster level 13th; +8 ranged (ore, shapechanger);HD 3dl2+9 plus ld8+3;hp 41; Init
touch; prohibited schools enchantment, necromancy): +7; Spd 50 ft.; AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 19; Base Atk
0—detect magic,fare (DC 15), light, mending, read magic, +3; Grp +8; Atk +10 melee (2d4+7/18-20,masterwork
1st—enlargeperson, expeditiousretreat, mage armor, magic falchion);Full Atk +10melee (2d4+7/18-20,masterwork
falchion)and +3 melee (ld6+2,bite); SA rage 1/day; SQ serious wounds (7 charges),2 potions of cure light wounds,
alternate form, damage reduction 5/silver, fast move scroll of cure moderatewoundsand hold person,everburn
ment, lycanthropic empathy, low-light vision, scent, ing torch, silver holy symbol of Hextor, leather pouch
trap sense+1, uncannydodge;AL LE; SV Fort+8, Ref+6, containing 30 gp and 4 pp, key ring.
Will +3; Str 20, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 6. •J* Tulrak Gar-Hurk, male half-ore rogue 3/
Ski//s: Climb +11, Control Shape +7, Intimidate +4, fighter 7: CR 10; Medium humanoid (half-ore);HD
Listen +9, Spot +2. 3d6+7dl0+30;hp 96; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 21, touch
Feats: Alertness", Improved Initiative, Iron Will", 13, flat-footed 19; Base Atk +9, Grp +17;Atk +22 melee
Weapon Focus (falchion). (2d6+17/17-20,+3 greatsword);Full Atk +22/+17 melee
Languages:Common. (2d6+17/17-20,+3 greatsword); SA sneak attack +2d6;
Half-ore Form: As hybrid form but with the fol SQ darkvision 60 ft., evasion, immune to fear, im
lowing changes:hp 37; Init +5; AC 16, touch 11, flat- mune to poison, SR 25, trapfinding, trap sense +1,AL
footed 16; Grp +6; Atk +8melee (2d4+4/18-20,master- NE; SV Fort +9, Ref+7, Will +6; Str 26, Dex 14, Con 17,
work falchion); SV Fort +7, Ref+4; Str 16, Dex 13, Con Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 6.
15; Climb +9. Skills:Appraise+6, Balance+3, Climb +20, Hide +7,Jump
Baboon Form: As hybrid form but with the following +22, Listen +6, Move Silently+7,Spot +6, Tumble +7.
changes: Spd 50 ft., climb 30 ft.; AC 16,touch 13, flat- Feats: Blind Fight, Cleave, Dodge, Power Attack, Im
footed16; Atk +8melee(ld6+7,bite). proved Critical (greatsword), Iron Will, Weapon Focus
Possessions: Masterwork studded leather, master- (greatsword),Weapon Specialization(greatsword).
work falchion, Heward'shandy haversack,four potionsof Languages:Common.
cure light wounds, potion ofjump, potion of blur, potion of Imbued Spells (caster level 13): 1—cure light wounds,
magicfang, potion ofenlargeperson(at 5th level),key ring shield offaith; 2nd—curemoderatewounds.
(opens all locked doors in the Lucky Monkey), Ebon Possessions: +1 chain shirt (+3 chain shirt with magic
Triad holy symbol. vestment),+1greatsword(+3 greatswordwith greater magic
^ Town Guards, male and female half-ore fighter 2:CR weapon),gauntletsofogrepower,ring ofprotection+1, amulet
2; Medium humanoid (ore);HD 2dl0+4; hp 15;Init +1; Spd of natural armor +1, ring of counterspells(dispel magic), po
20 ft.; AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +2; Grp +5; tion of cure seriouswounds,250 gp.
Atkor FullAtk+7melee (ldl0+4/x3,masterwork halberd); Spells From Ike Iverson:The benefits of these spells are
SA—; SQdarkvision60ft.;AL LNor LE; SV Fort +5, Ref+1, included in the statistics above: air walk, greater magic
Will +0; Str 17, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 10. weapon, heroes'feast,imbue with spell ability, magic vest
Ski//s: Intimidate +3, Sense Motive +1. ment, mass bear's endurance,mass bull's strength,protection
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Weapon Focus from energy(fire) (ignore first 120 points of fire damage),
(halberd). spell resistance,status.
Possessions:Breastplate, buckler, masterwork halberd, ? Tyrannosaurus Skeleton: CR 8; Huge undead; HD
shortbow with 20 arrows, 2d4 gp. 18dl2; hp 117; Init +6; Spd 40 ft.; AC 18, touch 10, flat-
^ Triel Eldurast, female human fighter 4/cleric 3: CR footed 16;BaseAtk +9; Grp +18; Atk or Full Atk+16 me
7; Medium humanoid; HD 4dl0+4 plus 3d8+3; hp 46; lee (2d6+13);Space/Reach15 ft./lO ft.; SA —; SQ damage
Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19; Base reduction 5/bludgeoning, immune to cold; AL NE; SV
Atk +6; Grp +10; Atk +12 melee (ldlO+8/19-20, +1 sifver Fort +6, Ref+8, Will +6; Str 28, Dex 14, Con —, Int —,
heavyflail); Full Atk +12/+7 melee (ldlO+8/19-20,+1 sil Wis 10, Cha 1.
ver heavyfail); SA spells, rebuke undead; SQ —; AL LE; Feat: Improved Initiative.
SV Fort +8, Ref+3, Will +6; Str 18, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, ? Velasia, Wee Jas cleric, female human cleric 7: CR
Wis 14, Cha 17. 7; Medium humanoid (human); HD 7d8+7; hp 40; Init
Skills: Concentration +4, Craft (metalworking) +7,In +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19; Base Atk
timidate +10, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (reli +5;Grp +7;Atk +9 melee (ld8+4/x3, +1 spear)or +8 melee
gion) +3,Spellcraft +3. touch (spell);Full Atk +9melee (ld8+4/x3, +1spear)or +8
Feats: Cleave",Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous Item, melee touch (spell);SA spells, rebuke undead; SQ —;AL
Leadership, Power Attack, Quick Draw", Weapon Focus LE; SV Fort +6, Ref+3, Will +8; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Int
(heavyflail)",Weapon Specialization (heavyflail)". 10, Wis 16, Cha 8.
Languages:Common, Gnoll. Skii/s: Concentration +11, Knowledge (religion) +10,
Cleric Spells Prepared (caster level 3rd): 0—cure minor Spellcraft +10.
wounds (2), guidance, mending; 1st—cure light wounds, Feats: Spell Focus (necromancy), Toughness, Weapon
divine favor, magic weapon0, shield of faith; 2nd—bull's Focus (unarmed strike), Weapon Focus (spear).
Strength,silence(DC14), shatter0(DC 14). Languages:Common.
D: Domain Spell. Domains: Destruction (smite 1/ Spells Prepared(caster level 7th): 0—cure minor wounds,
day, +4 on attack, +3 on damage), War (proficiency and detect magic, guidance, light, read magic, purifyfood and
Weapon Focus with heavyflail). drink; 1st—causefear0 (DC 15), cure light wounds, divine
Possessions: +1 silver heavyflail, +1 spikedfull plate, 3 favor, detect evil, sanctuary,shield offaith; 2nd—bear's en
wands of control water (50 charges each), wand of cure durance, cure moderate wounds, death knell0 (DC 16), lesser
restoration,silence(DC 15);3rd—contagion(DC 17),cure se Languages:Abyssal, Common, Ore.
rious wounds,dispel magic0,protectionfromfire; 4th—death SorcererSpells Known (6/7/7/7/7/4;save DC 14 + spell
ward0, divinepower. level; +7 ranged touch):0—acidsplash, arcane mark, daze
D: Domain Spell. Domains:Death (death touch 1/day, (DC 14), detect magic, mage hand, detect poison,fare (DC
damage7d6),Magic(use magicitemsas 3rd-levelwizard). 14), light, read magic, 1st—charmperson (DC 15), disguise
Possessions:+1JUU plate, +1 spear, scroll offlame strike, self, mage armor, magic missile, shield; 2nd—bear's endur
scroll of planeshift,scroll of cure seriouswounds,scroll of ance, Melfsacid arrow, mirrorimage,scorchingray, summon
speak with dead, scroll of dispel magic. swarm; 3rd—displacement,fireball (DC 17),fly, suggestion
? Velior Thazo, male half-fiend human cleric 7 (DC 17); 4th—enervation,greater invisibility,wall offire;
(Erythnul)/rogue3: CR 12; Medium outsider (aug 5th—balefulpolymorph(DC 19), teleport.
mented humanoid,native);HD 7d8+3d6+20;hp 63; Init Possessions: Dagger, amulet of natural armor +2,
+7; Spd 20 ft., fly 20 ft. (average);AC 24, touch 13, flat- black platinum ring ofcounterspells(feeblemind),ring of
footed 21; Base Atk +7; Grp +12; Atk +14 melee (ld8+6, protection+2, red gem-studded robe (worth 1,500 gp),
+1 morningstar)or +11 ranged (ld8/19-20,masterwork ivand offireball(5th level; 22 charges),3 potions ofcure
lightcrossbow);Full Atk +14 melee (ld8+6,+1 morning moderate wounds, scroll of cloudkill,scroll of phantas
star) and +7 melee (ld6+2,bite) or +11 ranged (ld8/19- mal killer.
20, masterworklightcrossbow);SA smitegood 1/dayfor ? Vhalantru, advancedbeholder:CR 14; Large aber
+10 damage, sneak attack +2d6, spells, spell-like abili ration; HD 15d8+90;hp 157; Init +7; Spd 5 ft., fly 20 ft.
ties,rebuke undead 10/day;SQ DR 5/magic,darkvision (good);AC 32, touch14, flat-footed29; BaseAtk +11; Grp
60 ft., evasion,immunity to poison, resistance to acid +15; Atkor Full Atk +13 ranged touch (eye rays) and +5
10, cold 10, electricity10,and fire 10, SR 17, trap sense melee (2d4, bite); Space/Reach10 ft./5 ft.; SA eye rays
+1,trapfinding; AL CE; SVFort +8,Ref+10,Will +10; Str (DC 21), spell resistance 20(from scarab);SQ all-around
20, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 12. vision, antimagic cone, darkvision 60 ft., flight; AL LE;
Skills: Bluff+7,Concentration +12, Diplomacy+7, Es SV Fort +13, Ref+8, Will +12; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 22, Int
cape Artist +6, Heal +8, Hide +9, Intimidate +7, Knowl 20, Wis 12, Cha 19.
edge (arcana)+5, Knowledge(local)+7, Knowledge(reli Skills:Bluff+18,Diplomacy +15, Hide +17,Intimidate +8,
gion)+7, Listen+10, Move Silently+6, Spellcraft+5, Spot Knowledge(arcana)+23, Listen+21, Search+27, Spot+25.
+1.0,Tumble+6. Feats:Alertness",FlybyAttack,GreatFortitude,Improved
Feats: Combat Casting, Extra Turning, FlybyAttack, Initiative,Iron Will,Persuasive,SkillFocus(Bluff).
Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes,Weapon Fo Languages:Common, Elven, Infernal, Undercommon.
cus (morningstar)". Possessions:Bracersofarmor+3, ring ofprotection+2, ring
Languages:Abyssal,Common, Infernal. of mind shielding,scarab of protection(can absorb up to 6
Cleric Spells Prepared (caster level 7th): 0—cure minor more energy drain, death, or negative energy attacks),
wounds, detect magic,guidance,light, read magic, resistance; simulacrumsuit. Vhalantru wears his bracers, rings, and
1st—command(DC 15), cure light wounds, divinefavor, scarab on his eyestalks.
doom (DC 15), protectionfrom good0, shield offaith; 2nd— ^ Vhalantru, shator tarterian advanced beholder:
bear's endurance,bull's Strength,hold person(DC 16), sound CR 17; Large aberration; HD 15d8+90; hp 157; Init +7;
burst(DC 16), spiritualweapon0;3rd—cureseriouswounds, Spd 5 ft., fly20 ft. (good);AC 32, touch 14, flat-footed 29;
dispel magic, magic vestment0,searing light,4th—curecriti Base Atk +11;Grp +18;Atk or Full Atk +13 ranged touch
cal wounds,summon monster IV, unholyblight0(DC18). (eye rays) and +8 melee (2d4+4 plus paralysis, bite);
D: Domain spell. Domains: Evil(cast evil spells at +1 Space/Reach 10 ft./5 ft.; SA eye rays (DC 24), paralyz
casterlevel),War(WeaponFocusas bonus feat). ing slime, spell-like abilities, spell resistance 20 (from
Spell-LikeAbilities(caster level 10th): 3/day—darkness, scarab); SQ all-around vision, antimagic cone, darkvi
poison(DC15); 1/day—contagion(DC15), desecrate,unholy sion 120 ft., flight, freedom of movement, immune to
blight(DC 15). acid, mind-affecting attacks, and poison, resistance to
Possessions:+2 breastplate,+1 large steel shield,+1 morn cold 20 and fire 20, scent, see invisibility; AL LE; SV
ingstar ("Bloodfever"),periapt of Wisdom +2, gauntlets of Fort +13, Ref+8, Will +12; Str 16, Dex 16, Con 22, Int 20,
ogre power,potion of alterself,holy symbol of Erythnul. Wis 12, Cha 25.
^ Vervil Ashmantie, male tiefling sorcerer 11: CR 12; Ski7/s: Bluff+21, Diplomacy +18, Hide +17, intimidate
Medium outsider (native); HD Hd4+22; hp 48 (70 with +11, Knowledge (arcana) +23, Listen +21, Search +27,
bear's endurance);Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16,touch 14, flat- Spot +25.
footed 14; Base Atk +5; Grp +7; Atk or Full Atk +7 melee Feats:Alertness",FlybyAttack,GreatFortitude,Improved
(ld4+2/19-20,dagger);SA darkness1/day,spells;SQdarkvi Initiative,Iron Will, Persuasive,SkillFocus(Bluff).
sion 60 ft., rat familiar named Miltan, resistance to cold 5, languages:Common, Elven,Infernal, Undercommon.
electricity 5, and fire 5; ALCE; SVFort +7, Ref+5, Will +9; Paralyzing Slime (Ex) Creatures struck in melee by
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 18. Vhalantru's bite attack must succeed on a Fortitude sav
Skills: Bluff+18, Concentration +16, Spellcraft +15. ing throw (DC 23)or be paralyzed for 3d6 rounds. Vha
Feats: Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, lantru can choose to spit a globule of slime as a ranged
Spell Penetration.
touch attack with a range of 30 feet, with the same ef Mobility, Quick Draw, Scribe Scroll, Spring Attack,
fect. The save DC is Constitution-based. Weapon Finesse,Weapon Focus (rapier),Weapon Spe
Spell-Like Abilities (caster level 15th): At will—detect cialization (rapier),Whirlwind Attack.
magic, clairaudience/clairvoyance,fear (DC 21), invisibility, Languages: Abyssal, Common, Drow Sign Language,
spider climb, tongues; 3/day—cloudkill(DC 22), jog cloud, Elven, Undercommon.'
ray of enfeeblement,stinking cloud (DC 20); 2/day—dispel Light Blindness(Ex) Abrupt exposure to bright light
magic,1/day—masscharm monster(DC 25). (such as sunlightor a daylightspell)blinds Viirdranfor
Possessions: Bracers of armor +3, ring of protection +2, 1 round. On subsequent rounds, he is dazzled as long as
ring ofmind shielding,scarab ofprotection(can absorb up he remains in the affected area.
to 6 more energy drain, death, or negative energy at Spell-Like Abilities (caster level 15th): 1/day—dancing
tacks). Vhalantru wears his bracers, rings, and scarab lights,darkness,faeriefire.
on his eyestalks. Wizard Spells Prepared (5/6/5/4/2; caster level 7th; +18
^P Vhalantru,smoking eye fiendish advancedbeholder: ranged touch): 0—acid splash, detect magic, mage hand, ray
CR 21; Huge aberration (extraplanar);HD 33d8+198;hp offrost,read magic,1st—expeditiousretreat,mage armor,magic
346; Init +6; Spd5 ft.,fly20 ft. (good);AC 28,touch 10,flat- missile(2), shield, true strike, 2nd—fox'scunning,scorchingray,
footed 28; Base Atk+24; Grp +39; Atk/FullAtk+26 ranged see invisibility,spiderclimb,web (DC 15); 3rd—fireball(DC 16),
touch(eye ray)and +27 melee (2d6+6,bite);Space/Reach15 fly, haste,protectionfromenergy;4th—enervation,ice storm.
ft/10 ft.; SA eye rays (DC 32), smite good 1/day(+20 dam Spellbook: 0—all; 1st—alarm, expeditiousretreat,feather
age); SQall-aroundvision,antimagic cone,damage reduc fall, jump, mage armor, magic missile, shield, true strike;
tion 10/magic,darkvision 60 ft., flight, resistance to cold 2nd—alter self,fox's cunning, scorching ray, see invisibility,
10,resistance to fire 10,spell resistance 25;ALCE; SVFort shatter, spider climb, web; 3rd—fireball,fly, greater magic
+19, Ref+15, Will +23; Str 18, Dex 14, Con 23, Int 17, Wis 15, weapon,haste, hold person,lightningbolt, protectionfromen
Cha 18. ergy; 4th—dimensiondoor, enervation, ice storm, stoneskin,
Skills: Hide +30, Knowledge (arcana) +39, Listen +38, wall of ice.
Search +41,Spot +40. Possessions:Adamantine rapier, masterwork cold iron
Feats: Ability Focus (eye ray), Alertness", Combat Ex rapier, masterwork hand crossbow, 10 bolts, silver cage
pertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Great pendant (lesseramulet ofthe planes; see Appendix),_g/oues
Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Re of Dexterity +4, Ring ofViirteen, bead offorce, potion of
flexes,Mobility,Spring Attack,Weapon Focus (ray). barkskin (+3), potion of bear's endurance, scroll of Bigby's
languages:Common, Elven, Infernal, Undercommon. interposinghand, scroll of greatermagic weapon, scroll of
Eye Raj's:The effects of Vhalantru's eye rays manifest wall of ice, 2 flasks of alchemist's fire, tanglefoot bag,
at caster level 14. spell component pouch, spellbook emblazoned with
Note: Although Vhalantru had the Tarterian creature lightning bolt patterns and protected byjire trap(ld4+7
template, slightly different Feats, and was missing his fire damage; Reflex DC 17 half Search DC 29; Disable
inflict moderate wounds eyestalk the last time the PCs Device DC 29).
fought him, his rebirth on Occipitus has removed the ^ Vittriss Bale, male adult green dracolich: CR 16;
prior template, altered his feat selection, and restored Huge undead (air); HD 20dl2, hp 130;Init +1; Spd 40 ft.,
his missing eyestalk. swim 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor); AC 30, touch 8, flat-footed
•^ Viirdran Daraqor, male drow fighter 7/evoker 5/ 29; Base Atk +20; Grp +38; Atk +28 melee (4d6+10 plus
eldritch knight 3: CR 16; Medium humanoid (elf); HD ld6 cold, bite), FullAtk+28melee (4d6+10plus ld6 cold,
7dl0 plus 5d4 plus 3d6; hp 78 (108 with bear's endur bite) and +28 melee (2d6+5 plus ld6 cold, 2 claws) and
ance); Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 29, touch 18, flat-footed +28 melee (ld8+5+ld6 cold, 2 wings) and +28 melee
23; Base Atk +12; Grp +14; Atk +20 melee (ld6+4/15-20, (2d6+15+ld6cold, tail slap); Space/Reach15ft./10ft.(bite
adamantine rapier or masterwork cold iron rapier) or 15 ft.); SA breath weapon, control undead, frightful pres
+19 ranged (ld4, masterwork hand crossbow); Full Atk ence, paralyzing gaze, paralyzing touch, spell-like abili
+20/+15/+10melee (ld6+4/15-20, adamantine rapier or ties, spells; SQ damage reduction 5/bludgeoning and
masterwork cold iron rapier) or +19 ranged (ld4, mas magic, darkvision 120 ft., immune to acid, cold, electric
terwork hand crossbow);SA spells; SQ darkvision 120ft., ity,sleep, paralysis,and polymorph, invulnerability, low-
elf traits, light blindness, spell-like abilities, spell resis light vision,spell resistance 24,undead, water breathing;
tance 26, weasel familiar; AL CE; SV Fort +9, Ref+12, Will AL LE; SV Fort +12, Ref+13, Will +14; Str 31, Dex 12, Con
+6(+8 against spells and spell-likeabilities);Str 15,Dex —, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 22; Draconomicon 146.
22,Con 10,Int 16(20with/ox's cunning),Wis 8, Cha 12. Ski7/s: Bluff +29, Concentration +17, Diplomacy +13,
Skills: Climb +12, Concentration +12, Craft (alchemy) Disguise +6(+8 acting),Hide +0,Intimidate +31, Knowl
+17, Intimidate +11, Jump +12, Knowledge (arcana) +14 edge (arcana) +26, Knowledge (nature) +26, Listen +25,
(+16 withfox'scunning),Listen+3, Ride+18, Search+5 (+7 Move Silently +20, Search +23, Sense Motive +11, Spot
with/ox'scunning),Spellcraft+16 (+18 with fox's cunning), +25, Swim +18.
Spot +3. Feats: FlybyAttack,Hover, Improved Multiattack, Im
Feats: Alertness", Brew Potion, Combat Expertise, proved Natural Attack (bite), Multiattack, Power Attack,
Dodge, Improved Critical (rapier), Improved Disarm, Tempest Breath.
Languages:Common,Infernal,Draconic,SpellWeaver. spells, sneak attack +4d6; SQ evasion,uncanny dodge,
Breath Weapon (Su) 50-ft.cone,damage 12d6acid, Re trapfinding, trap sense +1; AL LE; SV Fort +2, Ref +10,
flex DC 26 half The save DC is Charisma-based. Will +1; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Control Undead (Sp) Once every three days, Vittriss Ski/Js: Balance +13, Bluff+9, Diplomacy+1, Disguise
Bale can use control undead as the spell (caster level +7, Hide +13, Intimidate +9, Jump +12, Listen +8, Move
15th).Vittrisscannotcast other spells while this ability Silently +13, Spot +10,Tumble +15.
is in effect. Feats: Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Finesse,
Frightful Presence (Ex) 180-ft. radius, HD 19 or less, Weapon Focus (dagger).
Will DC 26 negates. Languages:Abyssal,Common.
Invulnerability(Su) If Vittriss Bale,is slain, his spirit Assassin Spells Known (2; caster level 2nd): 1st—jump,
immediately returns to his phylactery,from where it obscuringmist, true strike.
may attempt to possess a suitable corpse. Possessions:+1 dagger,+1 studdedleatherarmor,potionof
Paralyzing Gaze (Su) Paralysisfor 2d6 rounds, 40 ft., invisibility,5 daggers,6 doses of giant wasp poison(ld6
* Fortitude DC 26 negates. The save DC is Charisma- Dex/ld6 Dex; Fort DC 18).
based. Ifthe saving throw is successful,the character is ^ White-Eye, male wererat human fighter 4: CR
foreverimmune to the gaze of this particulardracolich. 6; Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger); HD
ParalyzingTouch (Su) Acreature struck by any of Vit 4dl0+4 plus ld8+2; hp 37; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14,
triss Bale's physical attacks must make a DC 26 Forti touch 12, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +4; Grp +6; Atk/Full
tude save or be paralyzed for 2d6 rounds. Atk +6 melee (ld4+2 nonlethal, unarmed strike); SA —;
Spell-LikeAbilities(casterlevel 6th): 3/day—suggestion SQ alternate form, low-light vision,rat empathy,scent;
(DC 19). AL CE; SV Fort +7; Ref+5; Will +3; Str 15, Dex 15, Con
SorcererSpellsKnown(6/7/5;casterlevel5th):0—arcane 13, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 10.
mark, detect magic, mage hand, open/close, message, read Skills: Climb +5, Disable Device +4, Hide +5, Intimi
magic, 1st—alarm,mage armor, shield, ray ofenfeeblement, date +4, Move Silently +5, Open Lock +5,Swim +12.
2nd—mirrorimage,spiderclimb. Feats:Dodge,Iron Will,Mobility,Multiattack,Weapon
? Vorkaire,adult black dragon:CR11; Largedragon Finesse, Weapon Focus (claw), Weapon Focus (bite),
(water); HD 19dl2+76;hp 194; Init +0; Spd 60 ft, fly Weapon Specialization (claw)
15.0 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft.; AC 27, touch 9, flat-footed Hybrid Form: As human form, except: Init +5; AC 17,
27; Base Atk +19; Grp +29; Atk +25 melee (2d6+6,bite); touch 15, flat-footed 12; Atk +10 melee (ld4+4, claw);
Full Atk +25 melee (2d6+6,bite) and +20 melee (ld8+3, Full Atk+10melee (ld4+4,2 claws)and +8melee (ld6+l
2 claws),and +19 melee (ld6+3,2 wings)and +20 melee and curse of lycanthropy and disease, bite); SA curse
(ld8+9,tail slap); SA breath weapon(80 ft. line of acid, of lycanthropy,disease; SQ alternate form, DR 5/silver,
12d4 points of damage, Reflex half DC 23), frightful lycanthropic empathy, low-light vision, rat empathy,
presence (DC 20), spell-like abilities, spells; SQ dam scent; SV Fort +8, Ref+8, Will +3; Str 15, Dex 21, Con 15,
age reduction 5/magic, immunity to acid, sleep and Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 10.
paralysis, spell resistance 18, blindsense 60 ft., keen Sfci7Is: As human form, except: Climb +16, Disable
senses, darkvision 120 ft., water breathing; AL CE; SV Device +7, Hide +8, Move Silently +8, Open Lock +8,
Fort +15, Ref+11, Will +12; Str 23, Dex 10, Con 19, Int Swim +15.
12, Wis 13, Cha 12. Dire Rat Form: As hybrid form, except: Small human
Skills: Intimidate +23, Knowledge (the planes) +23, oid (human, shapechanger); Spd 40 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC
Listen +23, Search +23, Sense Motive +23, Spot +23, 18,touch 16, flat-footed 13;Atk +11 melee (ld3+4, claw);
Survival +12; Full Atk +11 melee (ld3+4,2 claws)and +9 melee (ld4+l
Feats: Flyby Attack, Power Attack, Track, Weapon and curse of lycanthropy and disease, bite).
Focus (claw),Weapon Focus (bite), Weapon Focus (tail Ski//s:As hybrid form, except: Hide +12.
slap), Wingover. ^ Xail, bone water naga sorcerer 3: CR 11; Large un
Languages:Abyssal,Draconic. dead; HD 10dl2; hp 65; Init +7; Spd 30 ft., swim 50 ft.;
Spell-LikeAbilities(caster level 6th):1/day—corruptwa AC18,touch 12, flat-footed 15; BaseAtk +7;Grp +15;Atk
ter, darkness(radius 60 ft.). or Full Atk +10 melee (2d6+4 plus poison, bite); Space/
Spe//s Known (6/6; caster level 3rd): 0—detect magic, Reach 10 ft./5 ft.; SA poison, spells; SQ damage reduc
detectpoison,ghostsound,guidance,read magic, 1st—mage tion 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., immune to cold,
armor, ray of enfeeblement,shield. spell resistance 22, telepathy 250 ft., undead traits; AL
? Wee Jas Assassins, male and female human rogue LE; SV Fort +3, Ref+8, Will +12; Str 18, Dex 16, Con —,
5/assaasin 2 (3): CR 7; Medium humanoid (human); Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 20; SerpentKingdoms74.
HD 7d6+7; hp 31; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17, touch 13, Skills:Bluff+11, Concentration +10,Diplomacy +7,In
flat-footed 14; Base Atk +4;Grp +5;Atk +9 melee (ld4+3 timidate +7, Spellcraft 10, Swim +12.
plus poison/19-20, +1 dagger) or +8 ranged (ld4+2 plus Feats:Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Improved Ini
poison/19-20, dagger); Full Atk +9 melee (ld4+3 plus tiative, Lightning Reflexes.
poison/19-20,+1 darker) or +8 ranged (ld4+2 plus poi Poison(Ex) Bite,injury,Fortitude DC20,initial and sec
son/19-20, dagger);SA death attack (DC13), poison use, ondary damage ld4 Str.The save DC is Charisma-based.
Telepathy(Su): A bone naga can communicate tele Ski7/s:Appraise+8(+10 for metal or stone items), Craft
pathically with any creature within 250 feet that has (blacksmithing)+8, Craft (stonemasonry)+8, Gather In
a language. formation +0, Knowledge (architecture and engineer
SorcererSpellsKnown(6/8/7/7/6/4; caster level 10th; +10 ing) +8, Knowledge(local)+8, Listen +7, Search +1(+3 to
ranged touch) 0—acid splash, arcane mark, detect magic, find secret doors and compartments), Spot +7.
ghost sound (DC 15), light, mage hand, message,open/close, Feats: Armor Proficiency (medium), Shield Profi
read magic, 1st—charmperson (DC 16), expeditiousretreat, ciency.
magic missile,ray of enfeeblement,shield; 2nd—knock, mir Languages:Common, Dwarven Goblin.
ror image, see invisibility,scorching ray; 3rd—displacement, Possessions: +1 scale mail, masterwork heavy steel
icefane corpse, stinking cloud (DC 18),; 4th—Evard's black shield, masterwork dwarven waraxe, potion of cure light
tentacles,shout(DC19); 5th—wall offorce. wounds.
? Xarthyx, male quasit sorcerer 11: CR 12; Tiny ? Xokek, male shadar-kai wizard 13/rogue 2: CR 16;
outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 3d8+3 plus Medium fey(extraplanar); HD 5d6+5 plus 13d4+13plus
Hd4+ll; hp 57; Init +5; Spd 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (perfect); 3; hp 71; Init +7; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed fn
AC 20,touch 17, flat-footed 15; BaseAtk +8; Grp -1; Atk 15; Base Atk +8; Grp +8;Atk +12 melee (ld6+l/19-20, +1
+15 melee (ld3-l plus poison, claw); Full Atk +15 me short sword) or +12 ranged (Id6/x3, masterwork short
lee (ld3-l plus poison, 2 claws) and +10 melee (Id4-1, bow); Full Atk +12/+7 melee (ld6+l/19-20, +1 short
bite); Space/Reach2-1/2 ft./O ft.; SA poison (DC 14, ld4 sword)or +12/+7 ranged(Id6/x3,masterworkshortbow);
Dex/2d4 Dex), spells, spell-like abilities; SQ alternate SA sneak attack +ld6, spells; SQ displacement (50%
form, bat familiar, damage reduction 5/cold iron or miss chance),evasion, hide in plain sight, shadow curse,
good, darkvision 60 ft., empathic link, fast healing 2, superior low-light vision, toad familiar, trapfinding; AL
immunity to poison, resistance to fire 10, share spells; CE; SV Fort +6, Ref+13, Will +10; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12,
AL CE; SV Fort +9, Ref+11, Will +10; Str 8, Dex 20, Con Int 17, Wis 9, Cha 13; Fiend Folio 150.
12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 19. Sfci//s: Balance +5, Bluff +10, Concentration +7, Di
Skills: Bluff+21, Concentration +12, Diplomacy +12, plomacy +3, Disguise +1 (+3 acting), Escape Artist +12,
Disguise +4(+6 to act in character), Hide +19,Intimidate Hide +15 (+25 in shadows), Intimidate +3, Jump +2,
+12, Knowledge(arcana)+8, Knowledge(the planes) +7, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering
Listen +9, Move Silently +11, Spellcraft +19 (+21 to de +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +18, Move Si
cipher spells on scrolls), Spot +6, Use Magic Device+14 lently +18, Search +9, Spellcraft +17, Spot +18, Survival
(+16 involving scrolls). +5 (+7 underground or on other planes), Tumble +13,
Feats: Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Skill Use Rope +3(+5 bindings).
Focus (Use Magic Device), Spell Focus (evocation), Feats: Alertness, Craft Wondrous Item, Greater
Weapon Finesse. Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll,
Spell-LikeAbilities(casterlevel6th):Atwill—detectgood, Silent Spell, Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration,
detect magic, invisibility(self only); 1/day—causefear (DC Weapon Finesse.
15,30-foot radius). Languages: Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Elven,
SorcererSpells Known (6/7/7/7/7/4;caster level 11th, +15 Slaad, Sylvan.
ranged touch): fJ—acid splash, daze (DC 14), detect magic, Hide in Plain Sight (Su) Xokek can use the Hide skill
flare (DC 15), open/close, prestidigitation,ray offrost, read even while being observed, as long as he is not illumi
magic, touch offatigue(DC 14); 1st—burninghands(DC 16), nated by natural daylight, the daylightspell, or a similar
detect secret doors, expeditious retreat, magic missile, shield; magic light. He can hide himself from viewin the open
2nd—bear'sendurance,scorchingray, Melfs acid arrow, touch without having anything to actually hide behind.
of idiocy, web (DC 16); 3rd—displacement,fireball (DC 18), Shadow Curse (Su) Any time Xokek is stunned, dazed,
ray ofexhaustion,stinkingcloud(DC 17);4th—confusion(DC staggered, or unconscious (other than from natural
18), enervation,ice storm;5th—coneofcold (DC 20), teleport. sleep), he must make a successful DC 15 Will save or
Possessions: Cloak of Charisma +2, ring of chameleon gain a negative level. The negative level cannot be re
power, 2 scrolls of arcane lock, 2 divine scrolls of cure moved until he returns to the Plane of Shadow and
moderatewounds,scrollof phasedoor, wand ofsearinglight affixes his soul to his body again with a greaterrestora
(10 charges,6th level), lvand ofunholy blight(10 charges, tion spell. On the Material Plane, he must use a wish
8th level),carved ruby amulet (symbolof Adimarchus), or miraclespell to restore his soul. When afflicted with
23 pp, 13 gp. the shadow curse, Xokek cannot be raised from the
^ Xoden Nightshield, male dwarf expert 4:CR3;Me dead or resurrected, and cannot gain experience. On
dium humanoid;HD 4d6+8; hp 22; Init -1; Spd 20 ft.; the Plane of Shadow, Xokek ameliorates the effects of
AG 16, touch 9, flat-footed16; Base Atk +3; Grp +4; Atk the shadow curse and suffers no ill effects; however,
or Full Atk +5 melee (Idl0+l/x3, masterwork dwarven if he leaves the plane without restoring his soul, the
waraxe);SA —; SQ darkvision 60 ft., dwarf traits; AL LE; shadow curse returns. Xokek does not wear a gal-ra-
SV Fort +3 (+5 against poison), Ref +0, Will +4; Str 12, lan (amagic armband many shadar-kaiwear to protect
Dex 8, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 7. themselves from the shadow curse, but at the cost of a
point of Constitution).
SuperiorLow-LightVision(Ex)Xokek can see four times Fog Cloud(Sp) Twice per day,a dark stalker can usefog
as far as a human in low-light conditions. cloud at caster level 5.
Wizard Spells Prepared (caster level 13th; prohibited Poison Use (Ex) Dark stalkers never risk acciden
schools +11 ranged touch): 0—dancinglights, detect magic, tally poisoning themselves when applying poison to
ghost sound (DC 14), read magic, 1st—disguiseself'(DC 15), a weapon.
expeditiousretreat, mage armor, magic missile,shield; 2nd— Light Vulnerability(Ex) When exposed to sunlight or
cat'sgrace, darkness,invisibility,mirror image, seeinvisibility, its magical equivalent, dark stalkers suffer a -2 morale
3rd—dispelmagic,fireball (DC 16), major image (DC 17), penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws,
shadowdagger(2, DC 17); 4th—dimensiondoor,silent haste, ability checks, and skill checks.
phantasmalkiller(DC 18), shadowpuppeteer(DC 18); 5th— Shadow Cloak (Su)Three times per day, a dark stalker
cloudkill(DC 18), silent shadow puppeteer(DC 18), teleport; can wrap itself in a cloak of shadows that grants it con
6th—chain lightning(DC 19),mislead;7th—Mordenkainen's cealment from its foes. In shadows or darkness, the
magnificentmansion(alreadycast). dark stalker gains total concealment (a 50%miss chance
Spellbook: 0—dancing lights, daze, detect magic, ghost from attackers). In bright light, it gains partial conceal
sound, mage hand, message, open/close, read magic, 1st— ment (20% miss chance). Darkvision does not reduce
color spray, disguise self, expeditious retreat, mage armor, the amount of concealment. Creatures that can see in
magic missile, shield, true strike, ventriloquism;2nd—blur, magical darkness suffer no miss chance.
cat'sgrace, darkness,fox's cunning, invisibility,minor image, Possessions:Black cloak, short sword, 4 javelins, potion
mirror image, misdirection,see invisibility,sepia snake sigil; of cure light wounds, potion of remove paralysis, key to all
3rd—dispelmagic,displacement,fireball,haste, illusorywall, "D"gear doors (hanging around neck),vialof monstrous
invisibilitysphere, major image, shadow dagger*; 4th—di spider venom (5 applications; Fortitude save DC 14;ini
mension door, greater invisibility,phantasmal killer, rain tial and secondary ld4 Str), pouch containing 60 sp.
bow pattern, shadow puppeteer*,wall offire; 5th—cloudkill, ^ Zaenna Quespin, female human rogue 3/cleric
mirage arcana, teleport; 6th—chain lightning,greater dispel 7 (Vecna): CR 10; Medium humanoid (human); HD
magic, mislead, programmed image; 7th—Mordenkainen's 3d6+7d8+30; hp 84; Init +8; Spd 30 ft.; AC 24, touch
magnificentmansion,plane shift. 15, flat-footed 20; Base Atk +7, Grp +11; Atk +16 me
*These new spells are detailed in the Appendix. lee (ld6+5/18-20, +1 rapier); Full Atk +16/+11 melee
Possessions:Bracers of armor +3, +1 short sword, major (ld6+5/18-20, +1 rapier); SA sneak attack +2d6; SQ eva
cloak of displacement,blackstonerune (1 charge remaining; sion, spells, immune to fear, immune to poison, SR 25,
see Appendix), Ring ofViirteen,scroll of cloudkill,scroll trapfinding, trap sense +1; AL LE; SV Fort +9, Ref +9,
ofgreaterdispel magic, scroll of teleport,masterwork dag Will +9; Str 18, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8.
ger, masterwork shortbow, 20 arrows, spellbook pro Skills:Balance +6, Bluff+5, Concentration +10, Disable
tected by sepia snake sigil (Reflex DC 15 negates), spell Device +6, Diplomacy +1, Disguise -1 (+1 acting), Hide
component pouch, silver cage pendant (15 gp). +10, Intimidate +1, Jump +6, Knowledge (religion) +7,
^ Xukasus, male ogre (polymorphed otyugh): CR 3; Listen +8, Move Silently +10, Open Lock +10,Search +6,
Large giant; HD 6d8+12 plus 3; hp 42; Init-1; Spd 30 ft.; Spellcraft +7, Spot +8, Survival+2 (+4 following tracks),
AC 16, touch 8, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +4; Grp +9;Atk Tumble +10.
or Full Atk +4 melee (2d6+7/18-20,falchion);SA —; SQ Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Improved Initia
darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; ALN; SV Fort +4, Ref tive,Weapon Finesse,Weapon Focus (rapier).
+1, Will +6; Str 21, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 6. Languages:Common.
Skills: Hide -1, Listen +6, Spot +6. ClericSpellsPrepared(casterlevel7th;+11ranged touch);
Feats: Alertness, Toughness, Weapon Focus (tentacle). .0—cureminorwounds(2), detectmagic(2), read magic,guid
Languages:Common. ance; 1st—protectionfromgood0,cure light wounds(2),divine
Possessions:Hide armor, falchion, iron key to locked favor, obscuringmist, shield offaith; 2nd—bear'sendurance,
iron chest in area M4, iron key to all of the giant fire cure moderatewounds,deathknell(DC14), desecrate0,silence
beetle cages in the Malachite Fortress. (DC 14); 3rd—dispelmagic0, cure serious wounds, searing
^ Yuathyb, dark stalker: CR 4; Medium humanoid light,4th—curecriticalwounds, unholyblight0(DC 16).
(dark one); HD 3d8+3; hp 16; Init +7; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17, D: Domain spell. Domains: Evil (cast Evil spells at +1
touch 13, flat-footed 14;BaseAtk+2; Grp +4; Atkor Full casterlevel),Magic(usemagicitems as 3rd-levelwizard).
Atk +4 melee (ld6+2/19-20, short sword) or +5 ranged Possessions:+1 studded leather (+3 studded leather with
(ld6+2, javelin); SA fog cloud, poison use, sneak attack magic vestment),+1 lightshield,+1 rapier,gloves ofDexterity
+3d6; SQ blindsight 60 ft., light vulnerability, evasion, +2, ring ofprotection+1, amulet of natural armor +1, lesser
shadow cloak; AL CN; SV Fort +2, Ref+8, Will +3; Str 14, rod ofsilent spell,potion ofcure seriouswounds,250 gp.
Dex 17, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 16. Spe//s From Ike Iverson:The benefits of these spells are
Skills: Hide +13,Listen +3,Move Silently +8,Sleight of included in the statistics above: air walk, heroes'feast,
Hand +4, Spot +3,Tumble +4. magic vestment, mass bear's endurance,mass bull's strength,
Feats: Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes. protectionfrom energy(fire)(ignorefirst 120points of fire
Languages:Common,DarkOne, Gnome,Undercommon. damage), spell resistance,status.
^ Zarik Dhor, male half-black dragon mino Skills: Concentration +16, Listen +12, Spellcraft +10,
taur fighter 4/barbarian 4: CR 14; Large Dragon; HD Spot +12.
10dl2+4dl0+70; hp 162; Init +3; Spd 40 ft.; AC 30, touch Feats: Cleave, Combat Expertise, Improved Initiative,
14, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +14, Grp +29; Atk +28 me Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (great
lee (2d6+20, +2 spiked chain); Full Atk +28/+23/+18me sword),Weapon Specialization (greatsword).
lee (2d6+20,+2 spiked chain) and +23 melee (ld8+5, bite) Languages:Common, Dwarven, Giant, Ore.
and +23gore (ld8+5 gore); Space/ReachlOft./lOft.(15ft. Spell-LikeAbilities(caster level 9th): At will—darkness,
with spiked chain), SA breath weapon, powerful charge invisibility;1/day—charmperson (DC 14), cone of cold (DC
4d6+ll, rage 2/day; SQ darkvision 60 ft., immune to 18),gaseousform, polymorph,sleep (DC 14).
acid, sleep, and paralysis, low-light vision, natural cun Possessions:+2 chain shirt, +1greatsword,amulet of natu
ning, scent, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge; AL CN; SV ral armor+2, composite longbow (+5 Str) with 20 arrows.
Fort +18, Ref+13, Will +12;Str 32, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 12, ^ Zenith Splintershield, male dwarf fighter 7/
Wis 10, Cha 8. dwarven defender 3: CR 10; Medium humanoid; HD
Skills: Intimidate +16, Listen +17, Search +14, Sense 7dl0+24 plus 3dl2+9; hp 88; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 24,
Motive +4, Spot +15, Survival +10, Swim +21. touch 12, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +10; Grp +14;Atk +16
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency melee (ldl0+7/19-20/x3, +1 dwarven waraxe); Full Atk
(spiked chain), Improved Bull Rush, Iron Will, Mul +16/+11 melee (ldl0+7/19-20/x3, +1 dwarven waraxe);
tiattack, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (spiked chain), SA—; SQ dwarf traits, defensive stance 2/day, uncanny
Weapon Specialization (spiked chain). dodge; ALLE;SVFort +11,Ref+4, Will +4; Str 19, Dex 13,
Languages:Common, Draconic, Giant. Con 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12.
BreathWeapon(Su)1/day,60-foot line of acid, 6d8; Re Skills: Intimidate +11, Jump +8, Sense Motive +2,
flex DC18 half (DC 20 if raging).The save DC is Consti Spot +2.
tution-based. Feats: Dodge, Endurance, Improved Critical (dwarven
Ra_ge (Ex) While raging, Zarik's statistics change as waraxe),Power Attack,Quick Draw,Toughness, Weapon
follows:AC 28,touch 12,flat-footed 25; Grp +31; Atk+30 Focus (dwarven waraxe), Weapon Specialization
melee(2d6+23,+2spikedchain);FullAtk+30/+25/+20me (dwarvenwaraxe).
lee (2d6+23,+2 spiked chain) and +25 melee (ld8+6,bite) Languages: Common, Dwarven.
and +25 gore (ld8+6 gore); SA powerful charge 4d6+13; DefensiveStance: Zenith's defensive stance lasts for 8
SV Fort +20, Will +14; Str 36, Con 24. rounds. It gives him +2 to Str, +4 to Con, +2 on saves,
Possessions:+3 chain shirt, +2 spiked chain, cloak ofresis and +4to AC. His stats change to hp 108;AC28; Full Atk
tance +3,glovesofDexterity+2, ring ofprotection+2, potionof +17/+12 melee (ldl0+8/19-20/x3, +1 dwarven waraxe);
bull's strength(2), potion ofbear's endurance(2), potion ofsee Fort +15, Ref +6, Will +6 (not factoring in Zenith's
invisibility(2), potion ofcure seriouswounds(2), 1,900 gp. dwarven bonuses); Str 21, Con 20.
^ Zarkad, male hobgoblin warrior 2: CR 1; Medium Possessions:+lfull plate, +1 heavysteel shield,+1 dwarven
humanoid (hobgoblin);HD 2d8+2; hp 15; Init +1; Spd waraxe, gauntlets of ogre power +2, amulet of health +2,
30 ft.; AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +2; Grp sphereofthe unseen.
+4; Atk or Full Atk +4 melee (ld8+2/19-20,longsword)
or+3 ranged(ld6+2,javelin);SA—; SQdarkvision60ft.; RECURRiriG IIFCS
ALLE; SVFort +4,Ref+1, Will +0; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Some ofthe more important NPCs in this campaign
Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12. gain experience behind the scenes as the game pro
Skills: Hide -3, Intimidate +3, Listen +4, Move Silently gresses. These NPCs (Fario, Fellian, Jenya, Shensen,
+1, Spot +4. and the Stormblades) are encountered often as the
Feats: Alertness. campaign progresses, and can serve as allies, recur
Languages:Goblin. ring enemies, or even cohorts for the PCs. Since
Possessions:Banded mail, longsword, 2 javelins, two they level up throughout the campaign, these eight
potionsofcure light wounds, pouch containing 15gp and NPCs are detailed in their own section at the end of
88 sp. this appendix.
^ Zarn Kyass,maleogremage fighter4: CR 12; Large Each of these NPCs has a stat block that represents
giant; HD 5d8+4dl0+36;hp 85;Init +4; Spd 40 ft., fly 40 them at the time they are first encountered by the
ft. (good); AC 22, touch 9, flat-footed 22; Base Atk +7; PCs. Following the stat block is a table that details
Grp +16; Atk +13 melee (3d6+10/19-20,+1 greatsword) how that character progresses with each level. Note
or +6 ranged (2d6+5/x3,composite longbow);Full Atk that when one of these characters gains an upgrade
+13/+6 melee (3d6+10/19-20,+1 greatsword) or +6/+1 to an item, she does not keep the less powerful ver
ranged (2d6+5/x3, composite longbow); Space/Reach sion of the item. As the game progresses, each of
10 ft./10 ft.; SA spell-like abilities; SQ darkvision 90 ft., these NPCs should level up to keep their character
flight,low-lightvision,regeneration 5, SR19;AL LE; SV level equal to the average party level-1. Note that in
Fort +12, Ref+2, Will +4; Str 21, Dex 10, Con 18, Int 14, some cases, this means that the NPC won't level up
Wis 14, Cha 17. for a few adventures,since they're waiting for the PCs
to "catch up."
Level hp AC Melee/Ranged F/R/W Spells/day Special

Ari 1/Brd 4 27 16 +5 +2/+5/+6 —

Ari 1/Brd 5 31 17 +5 +2/+5/+6 3/3/1 —

Ari 1/Brd 6 36 17 +6 +3/+6/+7 3/3/2 Suggestion

Ari 1/Brd 7 40 17 +7 +3/+6/+7 3/3/2/0 —

Ari 1/Brc 45 17 +8 +3/+7/+8 3/3/3/1 Insprire courage +2

Ari 1/Brd 9 49 17 +8 +4/+7/+8 3/3/3/2 Inspire greatness
Ari 1/Brd 10 54 17 +9 +4/+8/+9 3/3/3/2/0

Ari 1/Brd 11 58 17 +10 +4/+8/+9 3/3/3/3/1

Ari 1/Brd 12 63 19 +11 +5/+9/+10 3/3/3/3/2 Songoffreedom

Ari 1/Brd 13 67 20 +11 +5/+9/+10 3/3/3/3/2/0 —

Ari 1/Brd 14 72 21 +12 +5/+10/+11 4/3/3/3/3/1 Inspire courage+3

Ari 1/Brd 15 76 21 +13 +6/+10/+11 4/4/3/3/3/2 Inspire heroics

Ari 1/Brd 16 81 21 +14 +6/+11/+12 4/4/4/3/3/2/0 —

Ari 1/Brd17 85 21 +14 +6/+11/+12 4/4/4/4/3/3/1 —

Ari 1/Brd18 90 21 +15 +7/+12/+13 4/4/4/4/4/3/2 Mass suggestion
Every time Annah gains a level, she gains a numberofscrolls. For characterlevels 5-8, she gains 700gp in scrollsper level.
For characterlevels 10-14, shegains 1,125gp in scrolls per level. Andfor characterlevels 15-19, shegains 2,275gp in
scrollsper level. She can cast spellsfrom these scrolls with Use Magic Device,so she usuallypicks spellsthat aren'ton the
bard spell list.
Each time she gains a bard level,Annah adds one rank to Bluff, Diplomacy,Forgery, Gather Information,Knowledge(local),
Knowledge(nobilityand royalty),Perform (stringedinstrument),Tumble, and Use Magic Device.

? Annah Taskerhill, female human aristocrat 1/bard competence, inspire courage +1; AL CN; SV Fort +2,
3: CR 3; Medium humanoid; HD ld8+l plus 3d6+3;hp Ref +4, Will +5; Str 8, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10,
22; Init +1; Spd 30 ft; AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15; Cha 16.
Base Atk +2; Grp +1; Atk or Full Atk +4 melee (ld6-l, Ski//s: Bluff +10, Diplomacy +12, Forgery +9, Gather
masterwork rapier) or +4 ranged (ld8/19-20, master- Information +10, Knowledge(local)+9, Knowledge(no
work light crossbow); SA fascinate, spells; SQ bardic bility and royalty) +9, Perform (stringed instrument)
music, bardic knowledge +5, countersong, inspire +10, Tumble +4, Use Magic Device +6.


Ari 1/Swa 4

Ari 1/Swa 5 41 15 +8 +8 +5/+6/+2
Ari 1/Swa 6 47 15 +9 +9 +6/+7/+3
Ari 1/Swa 7 54 16 +11 +11 +6/+8/+3 1
Ari 1/Swa 8 60 17 +13 +12 +7/+8/+3
Ari 1/Swa 8/Du11 67 19 +15 +14 +7/+11/+3
Ari 1/Swa 8/Dul 2 73 20 +16 +15 +7/+12/+3
Ari 1/Swa 8/Dul 3 80 21 +19 +16 +8/+12/+3
Ari 1/Swa 8/Dul 4 86 21 +20 +17 +8/+14/+3
Ari 1/Swa 8/Dul 5 93 23 +21 +18 +8/+14/+3
Ari 1/Swa 8/Dul 6 99 24 +22 +19 +9/+15/+4
Ari 1/Swa 8/Dul 7 106 26 +23 +20 +9/+15/+4
Ari 1/Swa 8/Dul 8 112 26 +24 +21 +9/+16/+4
Ari 1/Swa 8/Dul 9 119 26 +25 +22 +10/+16/+5 II
Ari 1/Swa 8/Dul10 126 28 +26 +23 +10/+17/+5
her armor at this evel.
Each time shegainsaswashbucklerlevel, Cora adds one rank to Balance,Bluff,EscapeArtist,Jump, Sense Motive,Swim,and Tumble.
Each time she gains aduelistlevel, Cora adds one rank to Balance,Bluff, EscapeArtist,Jump, Perform(dance),Sense Motive,
Feats Gained Ability Increase Spells Learned Gear Aquired

enthrall,suggestion —

Improved Disarm —
silent image, mirror image Ring of protection+1
— —
Heward's Handy Haversack
+lCha detect thoughts,charm monster, Cloak of Charisma+2
Improved Trip —
lessergeas +1 rapier
Circlet of persuasion
scrying,dimensiondoor, +1 glameredchain shirt
Greater Spell Focus modify memory Wand of magicmissile(9th)
(enchantment) +lCha
Amulet of naturalarmor +2
freedom of movement,mislead, Ring of protection+2
songof discord
Extend Spell greaterdispel magic Cloak of Charisma+4,
+2 glameredchain shirt
+lCha Cloak of Charisma+6
unseen servant,seeming,geas/quest, Bootsof speed
psm project image
Enlarge Spell tongues,programmedimage Tome of leadershipandinfluence+1
displacement Ring of shootingstars

Feats: Combat Expertise, Exotic Weapon Proficiency ? Cora Lathenmire, female human aristocrat 1/
(whip)",Spell Focus(enchantment),Weapon Finesse. swashbuckler 3: CR 3; Medium humanoid; HD ld8+l
Languages:Common, Elven, Gnome. plus 3dl0+3; hp.28; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 12,
Bard Spells Known (3/2; caster level 3rd): 0—dancing flat-footed 12; Base Atk +3; Grp +4; Atk or Full Atk +6
lights, detect magic, mage hand, mending, prestidigitation, melee (ld6+2/18-20, +1 rapier)or +6 ranged (Id8+l/x3,
read magic; 1st—charmperson (DC 15), cure light wounds, masterwork composite longbow); SA insightful strike;
expeditiousretreat. SQ grace +1; AL CN; SV Fort +4, Ref+6, Will +2; Str 13,
Possessions:+1 chain shirt, masterwork rapier, master- Dex 15, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 10.
work light crossbow with 20 bolts, wand of cat's grace Skills: Balance +5, Bluff+7, Diplomacy +2, Escape
(15 charges), two potions of cure light wounds, noble's Artist +5, Intimidate +6, Jump +4, Knowledge (no
outfit,masterwork lute, gold ring (80 gp) leather pouch bility and royalty) +6, Listen +3, Perform (dance)
containing 40 gp. +4, Ride +6, Sense Motive +2, Spot +3, Swim +4,
Tumble +5.

Special Feats Gained Ability Increase Gear Aquired

Dodge +1 Mobility Ringof protection+1

Acrobaticcharge +1 Dex Bracers of armor+2*
Improvedflanking Weapon Focus (rapier) Amulet of naturalarmor +1
Canny defense Gloves of Dexterity+2
Improved reaction +2 Headbandof intellect+2
Enhanced mobility Improved Critical(rapier) +1 Str +2 rapier
Grace Boots of stridingandspringin
Precise strike +ld6 Bracers of armor +4
Acrobaticcharge Combat Expertise Headbandof intellect+4
Elaborateparry +1 Int Ring of protection+3
Improved reaction +4 Cape ofthe mountebank
Deflect Arrows Spring Attack +2 speed rapier
Precise strike +2d6 Bracers of armor+6, ring of evasion
Level hp AC Melee* Ranged F/R/W Special
Rog 2/Ftr 1 17 14 +6/+5 +4 +3/+5/-1
Rog 2/Ftr 2 24 16 +7/+7 +6 +4/+6/-1 -

Rog 3/Ftr 2 28 16 +8/+8 +6 +5/+6/+0 Sneak attack +2d6, trap sense +1

Rog 3/Ftr 3 35 16 +9/+9 +7 +5/+7/+1 —

Rog 4/Ftr 3 39 16 +10/+10 +8 +5/+8/+1 Uncanny Dodge

Rog 4/Ftr 4 46 17 +11/+11 +9 +6/+8/+1 —

Rog 5/Ftr 4 50 17 +11/+11 +9 +6/+8/+1 Sneak attack +3d6

Rog 5/Ftr 5 57 17 . +13/+13 +10 +6/+8/+1
Rog 6/Ftr 5 61 17 +14/+14 +11 +7/+9/+2 Trap sense +2
Rog6/Ftr 6 68 18 +15/+15 +13 +8/+11/+3 —

Rog7/Ftr 6 72 19 +16/+16 +13 +8/+11/+3 Sneak attack +4d6

Rog 7/Ftr 7 79 25 +17/+17 +14 +8/+11/+3 —

Rog 8/Ftr 7 83 25 +19/+19 +15 +8/+12/+3 Improved uncanny dodge

Rog8/Ftr 8 90 26 +21/+20 +17 +11/+15/+5 —

Rog9/Ftr8 94 26 +21/+20 +18 +12/+15/+6 Sneak attack +5d6, trap sense +3

Rog9/Ftr9 101 26 +22/+21 +19 +12/+16/+7 —

Rogl0/Ftr9 162 27 +23/+22 +20 +15/+17/+7 Defensiveroll

*ThefirstnumberindicatesFario's best attack with his longsword,and the second numberindicateshis best attack with his
short sword. Ifhefights with both atonce, rememberto add the appropriatepenalties.
Each time hegains a rogue level, Fario adds one rank to Disguise,EscapeArtist, Gather Information,Hide, Listen, Move
Silently,Open Lock, Sense Motive, and Spot.
Each time hegains afighter level, Fario adds one rank to Climb,Jump, and Swim.

Feats: Dodge, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, InsightfulStrike(Ex) At 3rd level becomes able to place
Weapon Finesse8. her finesse attacks where they deal greater damage. She
Languages:Common, Elven, Gnome. applies her Intelligence bonus as a bonus on damage
Grace (Ex)A swashbuckler gains a +1 competence bo rolls (in addition to any Strength bonus she may have)
nus on Reflex saves at 2nd level. This bonus increases with any light weapon, as well as any other weapon that
to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 20th level. A swashbuckler can be used with Weapon Finesse. Targets immune to
loses this bonus when wearing medium or heavyarmor sneak attacks or critical hits are immune to the swash
or when carrying a medium or heavy load. buckler's insightful strike. A swashbuckler cannot use


Level HP AC Melee Ranged F/R/W Spells/day Special

Rog 2/Clr 1 16 15 +0 +4 +3/+7/+4 3/3 Evasion

Rog2/Clr2 21 15 +1 +5 +4/+7/+5 4/4

Rog3/Clr2 25 16 +2 +6 +5/+7/+6 4/4 Sneak attack +2d6, trap sense +1
Rog 3/Clr 3 30 16 +3 +7 +6/+9/+7 4/4/3
Rog4/Clr3 34 16 +4 +8 +6/+10/+7 4/4/3 Uncannydodge
Rog4/Clr4 39 18 +5 +11 +7/+12/+8 5/5/4
Rog5/Clr4 43 21 +5 +11 +7/+12/+8 5/5/4 Sneak Attack +3d6
Rog5/Clr4/Pwd 1 48 21 +5 +11 +9/+14/+8 5/5/4 Fast movement +5, sure stride
Rog5/Clr 4/Pwd 2 53 22 +6 +12 +10/+15/+8 5/5/4 Bonus Feat
Rog 5/Clr 4/Pwd 3 58 23 +7 +13 +10/+15/+9 5/5/4 Fast movement +10, nature's grace
Rog5/Clr 4/Pwd 4 63 23 +8 +16 +11/+16/+9 5/5/4 Bonus Feat
Rog5/Clr 4/Pwd 5 68 23 +8 +16 +11/+16/+9 5/5/4 Fast Movement+15,introspection(Lake
Rog6/Clr4/Pwd5 72 23 +9 +19 +12/+17/+10 5/5/4 Trap sense +2
Rog7/Clr4/Pwd5 77 24 +10 +22 +12/+19/+10 5/5/4 Sneak attack +4d6
Rog8/Clr4/Pwd5 81 28 +11 +23 +12/+20/+10 5/5/4 Improved uncanny dodge
Rog9/Clr4/Pwd5 86 28 +11 +23 +15/+22/+13 5/5/4 Sneak attack +5d6, trap sense +3
Rog 10/Clr4/Pwd 5 90 31 +12 +25 +15/+24/+13 5/5/4 Improved evasion
Each time he gains a rogue level, Fellian adds one rank to Bluff, Disable Device, Gather Information,Listen, Search,Sense
& Est' Motive,Spot, and Tumble. He adds a halfrank to Knowledge(geography).
Each time he gains a clericlevel, Fellianadds one rank to Concentration,Knowledge(religion),and Survival.
Each time he gainsapathwardenlevel,Fellianadds one rankto Knowledge(geography),Knowledge(nature),Listen,Spot, and Survival.
Feats Gained Ability Increase Gear Aquired
Two-WeaponDefense Masterwork short sword
Weapon Focus (short sword) +1 Dex +1 leather armor

Quickdraw +1 longsword
1 shortsword
Weapon Specialization(longsword) +1 Dex Ring of protection+1
Gauntletsof ogre power+2

= Dodge, Weapon Specialization (short sword) +1 Dex

+1 keen longsword
+1 keen shortsword
Ring of protection+2
+4 mithril breastplate
Mobility — Belt of giant Strength+4
GreaterWeapon Focus (longsword) +1 Dex Gloves of Dexterity+4, cloak of resistance+2
+1flaming burst composite
longbow(+4Str) *
GreaterTwo-Weapon Fighting +1flaming keen longsword,+1flaming keen shortsword
Amulet of health+6, ring of protection+3

this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or can select a new opponent on any action. A swashbuck
when carrying a medium or heavy load. ler loses this bonus when wearing medium or heavy ar
Possessions: Leather armor, +1 rapier, masterwork mor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.
composite longbow (+1 Str),noble's outfit, potion ofbull's Acrobatic Charge (Ex) A swashbuckler of 7th level can
strength, two potions of cure light wounds, leather pouch charge in situations where others cannot. She may
containing 12 gp and 10 sp. charge over difficult terrain.
The swashbuckler core class appears in CompleteWar Improved Flanking (Ex) At 8th level, a swashbuckler
rior. Cora starts taking levels in the duelist prestige class who is flanking an opponent gains a +4 bonus instead
at 10th level. of a +2 bonus on attacks.
Dodge +1 (Ex): A swashbuckler is trained at focusing ? Fario Ellegoth, male half-elf rogue 1/fighter 1:
her defense on a single opponent in melee once she CR 2; Medium humanoid; HD Id6+l+ldl0+l; hp 13;
reaches 5th level. During her action, she may designate Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12; Base
an opponent and receive a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Atk +1; Grp +3; Atk +5 melee (ld8+2/19-20, master-
Class against melee attacks from that opponent. She work longsword) or +3 ranged (ld8+2/x3, composite

Feats Gained Ability Increase Gear Aquired

+1 Dex
Ring of protection+1
Track Cloak of protection+1
+1 shortbow
+1 Dex Gloves of Dexterity+2
Point Blank Shot +2 chain shirt
Lens of detection
Rapid Shot Dusty rose ioun stone(+1 AC)
Precise Shot +1 Dex Ring of protection+2
Weapon Focus (longbow) +2 longbow

Improved Critical (longbow) —

Greater bracers of archery

+1 Dex Gloves of Dexterity+4
— — +4 mithral breastplate
Manyshot — +2 speed longbow,cloak of resistance+3

:,••<• - -«-,/,, Gloves of Dexterity+6, amuletof naturalarmor+3 5
^ fV
ft EsV

Level HP AC Melee F/R/W Spells/day*
Clr6 36 18 +5 +6/+1/+8 5/5/5/4
Clr7 42 18 +6 +6/+1/+8 6/6/5/4/2
Or 8 47 18 +7 +7/+1/+10 6/6/5/5/4
Clr 9 53 19 +8 +7/+2/+10 6/6/6/5/4/2
ClrlO 58 23 +9 +8/+2/+11 6/6/6/5/5/3
Clr 11 64 23 +10 +10/+4/+13 6/7/6/6/5/3/2
Clr 12 69 23 +11 +11/+5/.-15 6/8/6/6/5/5/3
Clr 13 75 23 .*.' +11 +11/+5/+15 6/8/7/6/6/5/3/2
Clr 14 80 25 +12 +12/+5/+16 6/8/7/6/6/5/4/3
Clr 15 86 25 +13 +12/+6/+17 6/8/8/7/6/6/5/3/2
Clr 16 91 27 +14 +13/+6/+18 6/8/8/7/6/6/5/4/3
Clr 17 97 27 +14 +13/+6/+18 6/8/8/7/7/6/6/4/3/2
Clr 18 102 27 +15 +17/+10/+22 6/8/8/7/7/6/6/4/4/3
Clr 19 108 27 +16 +17/+10/+22 6/8/8/7/7/7/6/5/4/4
*lncludesdomain spells.
**Additionally,Jenya createsld4 potionsand ld4 scrollseach time she gains a level.

longbow); Full Atk +3melee (ld8+2/19-20, masterwork Possessions: Leather armor, masterwork longsword,
longsword) and +1 melee (ld6+l/19-20, short sword) short sword, composite longbow (Str +2)with 20 arrows,
or +3 ranged (ld8+2/x3, composite longbow);SA sneak 2 potionsof invisibility,gray cloak, spyglass, leather pouch
attack +ld6; SQ trapfinding, half-elf traits, permanent containing 8 gp and 25 sp.
Kary's telepathicbond with Meerthan; AL N; SV Fort +3, ^> Fellian Shard, male half-elf rogue 1/cleric 1 (Fhar
Ref+4, Will -1; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, langhn): CR 2; Medium humanoid; HD ld6+l plus
Cha 10. ld8+l; hp 12; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 12, flat-
Skills: Climb +3, Diplomacy +2, Disguise +4, Escape footed 13; Base Atk +0; Grp -1; Atk or Full Atk -1 melee
Artist +6,Gather Information +6,Hide +6,Jump +3, Lis (ld8-l/19-20, longsword) or +3 ranged (Id8/x3, master-
ten +3, Move Silently +6, Open Lock +6, Sense Motive work shortbow); SA sneak attack +ld6, spells, turn un
+3, Spot +3, Swim +3. dead; SQ trapfinding; AL N; SV Fort +3,Ref+6, Will +4;
Feats:Two-WeaponFighting,WeaponFocus(longsword). Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 10.
Languages:Common, Draconic, Elven.


Level HP AC Melee F/R/W Druid Spells/
Mnk 2/Brd 1/Drd 4 33 15 +5 +7/+7/+11 5/4/3
Mnk 2/Brd 1/Drd 5 38 16 +6 +7/+8/+11 5/4/3/2
Mnk 2/Brd 1/Drd 6 42 17 +7 +8/+9/+13 5/4/4/3
Mnk 2/Brd 1/Drd 7 47 17 +8 +8/+9/+13 6/5/4/3/2
Mnk 2/Brd 1/Drd 7/Pwd 1 50 18 +9 +10/+12/+13 6/5/4/3/2
Mnk 2/Brd 1/Drd 7/Pwd 2 54 21 +10 +11/+13/+13 6/5/4/4/3
Mnk 2/Brd 1/Drd 7/Pwd 3 57 23 +11 +11/+13/+14 6/5/4/4/3
Mnk 2/Brd 1/Drd7/Pwd 4 61 26 +12 +12/+14/+14 6/5/5/4/3/1
Mnk 2/Brd 1/Drd7/Pwd 5 64 28 +13 +12/+15/+15 6/6/5/4/3/2
Mnk 2/Brd 1/Drd 8/Pwd 5 69 29 +15 +13/+16/+17 6/6/6/5/5/3
Mnk 2/Brd 1/Drd 9/Pwd5 73 29 +15 +13/+17/+17 6/7/6/5/4/3/2
Mnk 2/Brd 1/Drd 10/Pwd 5 77 29 +18 +14/+17/+18 6/7/6/5/4/4/3
Mnk 2/Brd 1/Drd 11/Pwd5 81 30 +19 +14/+17/+19 6/7/7/6/5/4/3/2

Once Shensen reaches12th level, she begins making wands. Each time shegains a levelfrom 13th-14thshegains a wand
containinga lst-leveldruid spell. Each time shegains a levelfrom 15th-16thshegainsa wand containinga 2nd-level
druid spell. Each time shegains a levelfrom 17th-18th shegains a wand containinga 3rd-leveldruidspell. When
she reaches 19th level, shegains a wand containinga 4th-leveldruid spell. Spells containedin these wands operateat
minimum casterlevel and cannot have expensivematerialcomponents.
Each time shegains a druid level, Shensen adds one rank to Knowledge(nature), Listen, Spot, and Survival.Sheadds a half
rank to Gather Informationand Knowledge(geography)
Each time shegains a pathwardenlevel, Shensen adds one rank to Concentration,Knowledge(religion),Listen, Search, Spot,
and Survival.
Feats Gained Ability Increase Gear Aquired**
ExtraTurning +1 heavy steel shield

+lWis periaptof Wisdom +2

Weapon Focus (heavy mace) ring of protection+1
+2full plate
cloak of resistance+2
Quicken Spell +lWis
+1 holy heavy mace
+3full plate, +2 heavy steel shield
Extend Spell periaptof Wisdom +4
+lWis ring of protection+3

MaximizeSpell +1 holy disruptingheavy mace, cloak of resistance+i

+3 heavyfortificationfull plate

Skills: Bluff +4, Concentration +2, Diplomacy +2, Atk +3; Grp +3; Atk or Full Atk +4 melee (ld8+l, +1
Disable Device +5, Gather Information +6, Knowl heavy mace); SA spells, turn undead; SQ —; AL LN; SV
edge (geography) +3, Knowledge (religion) +2, Listen Fort +5, Ref+0, Will +7; Str 10, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 13,
+6, Search +5, Sense Motive +6, Spot +6, Survival +3, Wis 16, Cha 14.
Tumble +6. Skills: Concentration +5, Diplomacy +7, Heal +14,
Feats: Lightning Reflexes. Knowledge(history) +6, Knowledge (religion) +6, Spell
Languages:Common, Draconic, Elven. craft +6.
Cleric Spells (3/3; caster level 1st): Fellian prefers to Feats: BrewPotion, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Heal).
prepare spells that enhance or aid his mobility, or spells Languages:Common, Dwarven.
that augment his armor class or Dexterity. He dislikes Cleric Spells (5/5/4/3;caster level 5th): Jenya prefers to
melee, and thus eschews touch attacks, preferring com prepare spells that protect her in combat and allow her
bat spells with ranges. to overcome her enemies via nonviolent means. She
Domains: Luck (reroll one die roll 1/day), Strength always prepares at least one of the various restorative
(freedom of movementup to 1 round/cleric level per day; spells, such as lesser restoration,remove paralysis,restora
Survivalis a class skill). tion, remove disease,neutralizepoison,and so on.

Special Feats Gained Ability Increase Gear Aquired

Resist nature's lure Heward's Handy Haversack
Wild shape (1/day) +1 Dex
Wild shape (2/day) Natural Spell Circletof Wisdom +2
Wild shape (3/day) Boots of stridingandspringing
Fast movement +5, sure stride Gloves of Dexterity+2
IncreasedSpellcasting Craft Wand +lWis Ring offorceshield
Fast movement =10, nature's grac Ring of protection+2
Increased Spellcasting Bracers of armor +3
Fast movement+15, introspection (Animal) Extend Spell Circletof Wisdom +4
Wild shape (Large) +lWis Gloves of Dexterity+4
Venom immunity Rod of thunderandlightning
Wild shape (4/day) MaximizeSpel Amulet of mightyfists +2
Wild shape (Tiny) Circletof Wisdom +6,
minor cloak of displacement

Possessions:+1 leather armor, longsword, masterwork Domains: Protection (protective ward grants +5 re
shortbow with 20 arrows, 2 potions of invisibility, 2 sistance bonus on next save, 1/day),Strength (1/daygain
scrolls of cure light wounds, gray cloak, holy symbol of bonus to Str equal to cleric level for 1 round)
Fharlanghn, leather pouch containing 13 gp and 15 sp. Possessions:+1 chainmail,heavy steel shield, +1 heavy
^ Jenya Urikas, female human cleric 5 (St. Cuth mace, 2 scrolls of cure serious wounds, brown robe, 2 vials
bert): CR 5; Medium Humanoid; HD 5d8+5; hp 31; of holy water, keys to temple, holy symbol of St. Cuth
Init -1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 17; Base bert.
Level hp AC Melee Ranged F/R/W Spells/day Special
Ari 1/Rog 4 26 17 +7 +7 +2/+7/+3 —
Ari 1/Rog 5 31 17 +8 +7 +2/+7/+3 —
Sneak attack +3d6
Ari 1/Rog 5/Asn 1 35 17 +8 +7 +2/+9/+3 1 Sneak attack +4d6, death attack,
poison use
Ari 1/Rog 5/Asn 2 41 17 +9 +8 +2/+10/+3 2 +1 save against poison, improved uncanny dod
Ari 1/Rog 5/Asn 3 45 17 +10 +9 +3/+10/+4 3/1 Sneak attack +5d6
Ari 1/Rog 5/Asn 4 51 18 +12 +11 +3/+12/+4 4/2 +2 save against poison
Ari 1/Rog 5/Asn 5 55 18 +12 +11 +3/+12/+4 4/3 sneak attack +6d6
Ari 1/Rog 5/Asn 6 61 19 +14 +13 +4/+14/+5 4/4/1 +3 save against poison

Ari 1/Rog 5/Asn 7 65 20 +16 +15 +4/+15/+5 4/4/2 Sneak attack +7d6
Ari 1/Rog 5/Asn 8 71 22 +17 +16 +4/+16/+5 4/4/3/1 +4 save against poison, hide in plain sight

Ari 1/Rog 5/Asn 9 75 22 +17 +16 +5/+16/+6 4/4/3/2 Sneak attack +8d6
Ari 1/Rog 5/Asn 10 81 22 +18 +17 +5/+17/+6 4/4/3/3 +5 save against poison
Ari 1/Rog 6/Asn 10 85 23 +20 +19 +6/+19/+7 4/4/3/3 Trap sense +2
^ Ari 1/Rog 7/Asn 10 91 23 +22 +20 +6/+19/+7 4/4/3/3 Sneak attack +9d6
Ari 1/Rog 8/Asn 10 95 29 +23 +21 +6/+20/+7 4/4/3/3 —

Each time he gains a rogue level, Todd adds one rank toAppraise,Bluff, Disable Device, Disguise,Hide, Knowledge(local),
Listen, Move Silently,Sense Motive, Search, and Tumble.
Each time he gains an assassinlevel, Todd adds one rank to Bluff, Disguise,Hide, Knowledge(local), Listen, Move Silently,
and Tumble.

? Shensen Tesseril, female half-drow monk 2/bard1/ Skills: Concentration +5, Diplomacy +3, Jump +4,
druid 3: CR 6; Medium humanoid; HD 5d8+ld6; hp 29; Gather Information +7, Knowledge (geography) +6,
Init +1;Spd 30 ft.;AC15,touch 15,flat-footed 14;BaseAtk Knowledge(nature)+6, Knowledge(religion)+6, Listen
+3; Grp +2; Atk +4 melee (ld6, unarmed strike); Full Atk +9, Perform (stringed instrument) +7, Search +3, Spot
+2/+2 (ld6, unarmed strike);SAjasrinate,flurry of blows, +9, Survival +7, Tumble +6.
spells; SQ bardic music, bardic knowledge +2, counter- Feats: Combat Reflexes",Improved Unarmed Strike",
song, evasion, inspire courage +1;ALNG; SVFort +6, Ref Run, Stunning Fist",Track, Weapon Finesse.
+7,Will +11; Str 8, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 12. Languages:Common, Druidic, Elven,Halfling.
Bard Spells Known (2; caster level 1st):


Level HP AC Melee* F/R/W Clr Spells/day Rgr Spells/Day
Aril/Rgr2/Clr2 37 16 +5/+4 +9/+4/+7 4/4
Ari 1/Rgr 3/Clr 2 45 16 +6/+5 +10/+5/+9 4/4
Ari 1/Rgr3/Clr3 52 16 +7/+6 +10/+6/+9 4/4/3
Ari 1/Rgr 4/Clr 3 60 16 +8/+7 +11/+7/+10 4/4/3 1
Ari 1/Rgr4/Clr4 67 16 +10/+8 +12/+7/+11 5/5/4 1
Ari 1/Rgr 5/Clr 4 75 17 +11/+10 +12/+7/+11 5/5/4 1
Ari 1/Rgr 5/Clr 5 82 17 +12/+11 +12/+7/+11 5/5/4/3 1
Ari 1/Rgr 6/Clr 5 90 17 +13/+12 +13/+8/+13 5/6/4/3 2
Ari 1/Rgr6/Clr6 97 17 +14/+13 +14/+9/+15 5/6/5/4 3
Aril/Rgr7/Clr6 105 17 +16/+15 +14/+9/+15 5/6/5/4 3
Aril/Rgr7/Clr7 112 20 +17/+16 +14/+9/+15 6/7/5/4/3 3
Aril/Rgr8/Clr7 120 20 +18/+17 +15/+10/+15 6/7/5/4/3 3/1
Aril/Rgr8/Clr8 127 20 +19/+18 +20/+14/+20 6/7/5/5/4 3/1
Aril/Rgr9/Clr8 135 20 +20/+19 +20/+14/+22 6/7/6/5/4 3/2
Ari 1/Rgr 9/Clr 9 142 25 +20/+19 +20/+15/+22 6/7/6/5/4/3 3/2
*Thefirstnumber indicatesZachary'sbest attack with hisrapier, and thesecondnumber indicateshis best attack with his
kukri. Ifhefights with both at once, rememberto add the appropriatepenalties.
**lncludesdomain spells.
Each time hegains a ranger level, Zacharyadds one rank to Concentration,Heal, Knowledge(nature),Listen, Spot, and Survival.
Each time hegainsa cleric level, Zachary adds one rank to ConcentrationandKnowledge(religion).
Feats Gained Ability Increase Spells Learned Gear Aquired

+1 rapier

+1 Dex obscuringmist Boots ofelvenkind

Dodge invisibility,spiderclimb Cloak ofelvenkind
true strike, darkness Gloves of Dexterity+2
3 human slayingarrows
Mobility +1 Dex alterself,false life, +1 compositeshortbow(+1 Str)
nondetection, misdirection
Gloves of Dexterity+4
deep slumber,dimensiondoor, +3 studded leather armor
freedom of movement,poison
SpringAttack +1 wounding rapier
+1 Dex modify memory Portable hole
Gloves of Dexterity+6
ImprovedCritical(rapier) Rapier of puncturing
Ring of protection+4, ring offorce shield

Druid Spells(4/3/2,caster level 3rd): Shensen's primary wand ofharkskin+2(8 charges), masterwork lute, leather
ranged capability in combat comes from her spells, so at pouch with 41 gp.
least half of her spells are ranged attack spells of some ^ Todd Vanderboren, male human aristocrat 1/rogue
sort. Ofthe rest, she typically splits evenly between heal 3: CR 3; Medium humanoid; HD ld8+l plus 3d6+3;hp
ing spells and spells to aid and assist her movement. 22;Init +7;Spd 30 ft.;AC17,touch 13, flat-footed 14; Base
AnimalCompanion:When the PCs encounter Shensen, Atk +2; Grp +3; Atk or Full Atk +6 melee (ld6+l/18-20,
her most recent animal companion (an eagle) is dead, masterwork rapier) or +6 ranged (Id6+l/x3, masterwork
slain by Tongueater. She doesn't call a new companion composite shortbow); SAsneak attack +2d6; SQ evasion,
until she becomes a 4th-level druid, at which point she trap sense +1, trapfinding; AL CE; SV Fort +2, Ref +6,
calls on a leopard. Will +3; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Possessions:Ring of protection+1, ring ofjumping, wand Skills: Appraise +9, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +3, Disable
of magicfang (13 charges), wand of entangle(7 charges), Device +5,Disguise +6 (+8 acting), Hide +8, Knowledge
(architecture and engineering) +6,Knowledge (local)+5,

Special Feats Gained Ability Increase Gear Aquired

— +1 chain shirt
Endurance Spring Attack Cloak of resistance+1

Animal companion +lWis Periapt of Wisdom +2

+1 rapier
Favored enemy (dragon)+4, +1 kukri, ring of protection+1
Gauntletsof ogre power
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Power Attack +lWis
Periapt of Wisdom +4
Woodland stride Belt of giantstrength+4
Improved Critical(rapier) +4 chain shirt
Swift tracker +lWis Winged boots
Cloak of resistance+5
Evasion Improved Critical (kukri) Periapt of Wisdom +6
Ring of protection+5

Annah Taskerhill




Shensen Tesseril
Fellian Shard
Knowledge(nobilityand royalty)+6, Listen+7, Move Si Feats: Dodge, Mobility,Track", Two-Weapon Fight
lently+8, Sense Motive+6, Search+5, Tumble+6. ing15,Weapon Focus (rapier).
Feats: Improved Initiative,Stealthy,Weapon Finesse. ClericSpells(3/3, caster level1st):Zacharycan take the
Languages:Common, Dwarven,Gnome. most physicalabuse ofthe Stormblades,and thus of
Possessions: +1 studded leather armor, masterwork ra ten finds himself in the front line in melee. He prefers
pier, masterworkcompositeshortbow(+2 Str) with 20 to prepare spells that aid his Armor Class or combat
arrows, 3 sleep arrows, elixir of hiding, potion ofglibness, spells that are delivered by touch attacks. He's also the
noble's outfit, masterwork thieves' tools, leather pouch primary healer ofthe group, so often keeps spells like
containing 34 gp and 4pp. lesser restorationand removeparalysisprepared.
^ ZacharyAslaxinII, malehuman aristocrat1/ranger Domains: Luck (reroll 1 die roll 1/day), Strength (1/
2/cleric1: CR 3; Size type; HD 4d8+12; hp 30; Init +1; day gain bonus to Str equal to clericlevel for 1 round)
Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 11,flat-footed14; Base Atk +2; Languages:Common.
Grp+3; Atk +4 melee (ld6+l/18-20,masterworkrapier); Possessions: Masterwork chain shirt, masterwork ra
FullAtk+2melee(ld6+l/18-20, masterworkrapier) and pier, masterwork kukri, wand of cure light wounds (40
+1 melee(ld4/18-20, masterwork kukri);SA favoreden charges), wand of light (35 charges), pearl of power (1st
emy humanoid (reptilian) +2, spells, turn undead; SQ level), noble's outfit, silver holy symbol, leather pouch
wild empathy +2; AL CN; SVFort +8,Ref+4, Will +6; Str containing 7 gp.
12, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10. Animal Companion:Once he can call an animal com
Skills: Concentration +6, Diplomacy +4, Heal +4, In panion, Zacharycalls upon a large mastiff (use stats for
timidate +4, Knowledge(nature) +1, Knowledge(nobil riding dog).
ity and royalty) +3, Knowledge(religion) +1, Listen +4,
Spot +4,Survival +8.

1. Tarkilar 6. Ti'irok 12. Dyr'ryd 18. Embril Aloustinai

2. Aszithef 7. Kaurophon 13. Viirdran Daraqor 19.Thearynn Louvel
3. Skaven Umbermead 8. Tongueater 14. Kyan Winterstrike 20. Alurad Sorizan
4. Triel Eldurast 9. Thifirane 15. Nulin Wiejeron 21. Ssythar Nahazir
5. Kazmojen 10. Vhalantru 16. Ardeth Webb 22. Xokek
11. Shebeleth Regidin 17. Freija Doorgan 23. Gau Kleeoch



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The Shackled City Adventure Path is a tough Class Choices:Although Shackled City should pro
campaign. Vhalantru understands that adven vide characters of any class ample opportunities to
turers are his greatest enemy, and for the past shine, some classes may have particular troubles at
few decades has developed an excellenteye for ap certain points during the campaign. When you find
praising the potential of beginning adventurers. Un out what kinds of classes your players are choosing,
der the ironic mantle of patron, he offers his aid and you should use the information given below to advise
support to new adventurers, guiding them toward them on what choices might make the most sense for
quests of great danger. He keeps the threat of high- the campaign.
level adventurers at bay by encouraging lower-level Barbarian: Much of this campaign takes place in
adventurers to take on quests that they cannot pos dungeon or urban environs. As such, a barbarian de
sibly handle. Bythe time the PCs finish Chapter One, signed to excel in the wilderness won't have as much
they have caught his attention in this manner and he to do as one who focuses his skill points on things
hopes that by encouraging them to take on the more like Climb, Intimidate, Jump, and Listen. If you have
dangerous adventures in Chapters Two, Three, and a barbarian in your group, you might want to spend
Four that they'll perish. additional time focusing on the plight ofthe half-ore
As a result, this campaign has a number of en mercenaries who are brought into town in Chapter
counters and events that are designed to significantly Four, in order to give the barbarian character a group
challenge your players. Particularly dangerous en to identify with.
counters are indicated in the text; you'll want to take Bard: Bards are an excellent choice for this cam
care with these encounters and perhaps drop subtle paign. There are ample opportunities to influence
hints to your players that they might want to rest and important NPCs during the campaign, and skill in
recover from existing wounds before continuing. Or Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate, plus access to en
perhaps not. chantment and illusion spells, can be a great help
In any event, when you gather your players for this in dealing with large crowds of people (as occurs in
campaign, you should inform them at the start that Chapters Four, Five, and Nine). If you have a bard in
this is a difficultcampaign.The rewardsare great,but your group, you should make sure that the PCs have
getting to them will be tough. The Shackled CityAd plenty of opportunities to interact with the Striders
venture Path is designed to challenge a group of six of Fharlanghn, the Chisel, and the town's nobility.
player characters—if your group has fewer numbers Cleric: There are only four established temples in
than this, you should consider reducing some ofthe Cauldron; temples to St. Cuthbert, Pelor, Kord, and
dangers the PCs will face, or perhaps simply allow Wee fas. The Last Laugh thieves' guild has a small
them more opportunities to rest. shrine of Olidammara within its hidden guildhouse.
To give the PCs a little bit of an "edge" in this cam A shrine to Fharlanghn exists at the Lucky Monkey,
paign, you should use the following guidelines dur and a loosely organized group of his faithful (the
ing character generation. Of course, if your players Striders) have a strong presence in the region. Ad
enjoy tougher adventures, you should ignore these ditional shrines to Pelor, Wee Jas, Moradin, Yondalla,
suggestions and generate characters normally; just and Garl Glittergold can be found in the outlying
don't be surprised when Tongueater, Aushanna, or towns and villages in the area. Clerics who worship
Nabthataron kill off a few more PCs than you expect one of these deities have an advantage in that they'll
ed them to! have a support structure of some sort to rely upon,
Ability Scores: If you use the standard method for although clerics of Wee Jas will eventually be forced
generating ability scores (roll 4d6 and drop the low to choose sides once the corruption within the Ca
est result), allow the player to generate three sets of thedral at Cauldron becomes apparent. Clerics of
ability scores and then let him choose which set he Heironeous, Ehlonna, Corellon Larethian, Boccob,
wishes to use for his character. If you use the point- and Obad-Hai are on their own in the Cauldron re
buy method to generate ability scores (Dungeon gion, although they could find support in an allied
Master's Guide, page 169), allow the player to spend church. Note also that while undead can be found
28 points to purchase his ability scores. in this campaign, they are not the campaign's focus.
Clerics who focus on feats to enhance their ability give a ranger at least a few chances through the cam
to turn undead might consider instead other divine paign to use his favored enemy bonuses. If a ranger is
feats that allow them to use their energy channeling in your group, make sure the Striders of Fharlanghn
ability for other uses. Finally, if you have a cleric in play an important role in your campaign.
your group, make sure the corresponding church Rogue: Rogue is an excellent choice for this cam
plays a more prominent role in the campaign. If the paign; there are a large number of traps for rogues
character's deity doesn't have an established church to handle in the numerous dungeons, and a rogue
in the region, perhaps he is eventually tasked with focused in social skills could be an invaluable asset
founding one! during the eruption ofthe volcano in Chapter Nine.
Druid:As with barbarians, you should bear in mind If you have a rogue in your party, make sure that the
that much of this campaign takes place in urban and Last Laugh has a more visible role. A PC rogue might
dungeon environs. Nonetheless, there are ample op wish to try to join this group, but more likely, the
portunities for a druid's specialized skills to shine, PC rogue will find her actions opposed by this guild,
particularly in Chapters Three, Four, and Nine. The providing ample opportunities for amusing roleplay.
citizens of Cauldron know about animal compan Alternately, the PC may be tempted to join the Alley
ions, and probably won't react too violently to a dru bashers—unlike the Last Laugh, this guild is quite
id's companion unless she takes a particularly large disorganized and with a strong, charismatic leader
or exotic one. If you have a druid in your group, make in place (like a PC), this guild could be shaped into
sure that the Striders of Fharlanghn play a strong role anything. The Chisel might make a good support op < *
in your game, since this organization adheres closely tion for a rogue who has no interest in joining the
to classic druidic values. Last Laugh.
Fighter. Fighters should have plenty to keep them Sorcerer. Sorcerers pose an interesting possibility
busy in this campaign. If you have a fighter in your in this campaign. Since sorcerers gain their magical
group,consider punching up the role that Cauldron's powers from some mystical inborn source, perhaps
town guard plays in the campaign,as a fighter might your group's sorcerer gains his powers due to the fact
consider joining such a group at a later date. The that he's one ofthe Shackleborn (see "Local Heroes,
church of Kord is another good nomination for such below). Alternately,the sorcerer could count one of
a role. Dhorlot the Dragon-Father's spawn as one of his an
Monk: There are no local monasteries or other es cestors. These links can be nothing more than flavor,
tablishments that cater to a monk's unique interests or they can actually make a difference; if no one in
and skills. A monk is likely to be regarded by locals the group gains the Sign of the Smoking Eye tem
with a mixture of curiosity and quiet awe. If you have plate in Chapter Five, maybe it's the sorcerer's blood
a monk in the party, consider changing Shensen Tes- line that functions as a key to Adimarchus's cage in
seril's advancement to focus more heavily on monk Chapter Twelve.
rather than druid, so she can serve as a mentor, ally, Wizard: The primary concern to keep in mind if
or even pupil for the PC monk. there's a wizard in your group is one of campaign
Paladin: A paladin is an excellent choice for this timing. Wizards need more down time between ad
campaign, although you should take care to keep ventures than other classes, both to scribe new spells
meetings with Embril Aloustinai,Vhalantru,and oth into their spellbooks and to take advantage of their
er NPCs who are quietly evil behind the scenes to a bonus Item Creation feats. Later in the campaign, the
minimum if youdon't want to risk having them being opportunity for down time fades away; you should
found out bya detectevil. Atthe same time, don't pun consider re-organizing some of the later events to
ish the paladin by making her detect evil useless; you have some gaps between them so the wizard will have
should be prepared to alter certain events in this cam a chance to do her thing. Wizards might have a keen
paignas necessaryif, for example,the paladin realizes interest in joining the Chisel, since that organization
that one of the town's most important nobles is evil. has a fairly extensive collection of secret lore.
If you have a paladin in your group, consider making
the church of St. Cuthbert a focus ofthe adventure. If LOCAL HEROES
the paladin has some sort of relationship with Alek The ShackledCityAdventurePath worksbest ifthe PCs
Tercival, Chapter Five should be quite memorable! are locals from the Cauldron region. If they count Caul
Ranger: The advice given above for barbarians and dron or one of the surrounding villages or towns as
druids applies to rangers as well. One thing to note their home, they'llbe all the more concernedabout the
is that the ranger's favored enemy ability is unique region'sfate and more likelyto take an active interest in
amongst the class abilities; a poor choice of favored its defense. In order to encourage players to make their
enemycan dramatically reduce the enjoyment of play characters locals,consider allowing players to randomly
ing a ranger. In the Shackled City Adventure Path, the determine or choose one ofthe following traits during
best choices for a ranger's favored enemies are ani character creation. These traits are similar to those in
mals, dragons, humanoid (human, goblinoid, or ore), troduced in UnearthedArcana, save that their drawbacks
or outsider (evil). Nevertheless, all choices should are slightly less potent; this is intentional, and is meant
to reward a player who chooses to make his character Benefit: You are used to fatigue, and suffer no pen
local. If you let the players choose their local traits, give alties when you become fatigued. When you become
them a list to use to decide which trait they want, but exhausted, you are instead treated as if you are fa
keep in mind that many of these traits incorporate se tigued.
crets that can only be discoveredduring play. Drawback:You suffer a-2 penalty on saving throws
No NPC should be given any of these traits unless against effects that cause madness or insanity, and on
otherwise specified in the text; these are meant to be the saving throws against sleep effects.If you are normally
marksof heroes.The averageNPC is simplynot important immune to sleep effects,you lose that immunity.
enough to gain the benefits of one of these local traits. Roleplaying Ideas: You are always tired, though
not to the point offatigue. You tend to nod off when
d% Local Trait bored, and sometimes find it difficult to remember
01-10 Child of Jzadirune minor, relatively unimportant bits of information.
11-20 Demonscarred
21-30 Dream Haunted Long Shadowed
31-40 Long Shadowed You are descended from a tribe of indigenous peo
41-50 Mark ofthe Beast ples who died out as a separate tribe many centuries
51-60 Nobility ago. Still,this tribe's penchant for necromantic magic
61-70 Scarred Soul runs in your blood.
71-80 Scion of Surabar Benefit: You automatically stabilize if reduced to
81-90 Touched in the Head negativehit points. Whenyou take damage from neg
91-100 Wyrm Blooded ative energy, you reduce the actual damage you take
by 5 points.
Child of Jzadirune Drawback: Healing magic works poorly on you.
One of your ancestors lived in Jzadirune at the time Whenever you regain hit points from magical heal
the Vanishing struck. You are especially resistant ing, you gain i less point of healing per character
to diseases,but find the prospect of becomingsick level you possess,to a minimum of one point per die
yourself horrifying. rolled.
Benefit:You gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws Roleplaying Ideas: You are somewhat morbid and
made to resist the effects of disease. intrigued by death and undeath, even if these inter
Drawback:You suffera-2 moralepenaltyon saving ests are purely to learn more of your enemies.
throws against fear while in the ruins of Jzadirune,
or when fighting creatures that are diseased or can Mark ofthe Beast
inflict disease with a spell, supernatural ability, or One of your ancestors was a lycanthrope. Select a
extraordinary ability. predatory animal of your choice; that animal feels a
Roleplaying Ideas: Your parents told you harrow mystic bond with you.
ing stories about the Vanishing, and your dreams are Benefit: Animals have a strange reticence when
haunted by visions in which you catch the disease they attack you, and suffer a -2 penalty on all attack
and slowlyfade away. rolls made against you. If you have the wild empathy
ability,you gain a +i bonus on wild empathy checks.
Demonscarred Drawback:You suffer a -4 penalty to saving throws
One of your ancestors was a half-fiend. As a result, made to resist lycanthropy,and take +1 point of dam
you carry some of that taint with you. age from attacks made by silver weapons.
Benefit: Regardlessof your actual alignment,spells RoleplayingIdeas:You have a curiousanimal mag
andspell-likeabilitieswith the evil descriptortreatyou netism that is at once intriguing and disturbing. Your
as ifyouralignmentwere evil.Magicitemsare similarly manners might be a bit crude, but you're loyal to your
fooled.An unholyblightspell,for example,won'tdamage friends.
you,no matter what your actual alignment is.
Drawback: Regardless of your actual alignment, Nobility
spells and spell-like abilities with the good descrip You were born into a noble family.
tor treat you as if your alignment were evil. Magic Benefit:You start play with an additional 200 gp,
items are similarly fooled. A holy word spell, for ex and gain a +1 bonus on all Diplomacy and Intimi
ample, willharm you even if you are good aligned. date checks made against citizens of Cauldron or the
Roleplaying Ideas: You are moody, gloomy, and nearby villages. Certain NPCs in this campaign may
o have a short temper. react more favorably to your presence.
Drawback: You are well-known and recognizable,
Dream Haunted and suffer a-4 penalty on Disguise rolls made against
Your dreams are haunted by strange visions of tor citizens of Cauldron or the nearby villages. Certain
tured landscapes and deformed monsters. In some of NPCs in this campaign may react more poorly to
these dreams, you are the deformed monster! your presence.
Roleplaying Ideas: You might be haughty, impa Roleplaying Ideas: You have a number of strange
tient, or condescending to others. You might spend quirks (whistling off-key,eating raw meat, a nervous
money frivolously,believing that there'll always be tic, a tendency to scream at odd moments, and so on)
more income to be had. that can make you difficult to get along with.

Scarred Soul Wyrm Blooded

You've led a particularly tough life. Perhaps you're an One of your ancestors was a half-black dragon. You
orphan, or maybeyou sufferedsome sort of traumatic have some sort of distinctively draconic feature, be it
experience as a child. Whatever the cause, your child reptilian eyes, scales on the backs of your hands, or
hood experiences have left youjumpy and haunted. tiny vestigial horns on your head.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks. Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on all saving throws
Drawback: Your experiences have left your mind against acid effects,a +2 bonus on Swim checks,and a
less able to deal with trauma, and as a result you suf +1 bonus on Listen and Spot checks.
fer a -1 penalty on all Will saves. Drawback: Your body isn't quite as limber as it
Roleplaying Ideas: You are quick to anger, jumpy, should be. Youtake a -1 penalty on Reflex saves.
and possibly even a bit hyperactive. You're prone to Roleplaying Ideas: You intensity about ev
feelingsof paranoia and unfounded fear. erything you do,and your emotions are powerful and
often difficult for you to control.
Scion of Surabar
You are a descendant of the man who discovered SECRET EFFECTS
Cauldron, helped settle the region, and aided in the The Dream Haunted and Touched in the Head traits
defeat of an ancient demonic army. indicate a character has been touched by the madness
Benefit: Pride for your lineage girds your mind and of Adimarchus. This may have additional effects dur
soul. You gain a +2 morale bonus on saving throws ing the campaign, as you see fit.
against fear, death effects,and insanity or confusion. The Wyrm Blooded trait indicates that one of the
Drawback: Demons that encounter you in this character's ancestors was in fact one of Dhorlot's sons
region (not those that you might fight on other or daughters. .
planes) can instinctively sense your lineage and The Scarred Soul trait indicates that the character
connection to their old enemy, and gain a +1 mo is also one of the Shackleborn! The Carcerian Sign
rale bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls is plainly visible on this character's face if he is in
when fighting you. the radius of an invisibilitypurge, anti-magic zone, or
Roleplaying Ideas: You are proud of your heritage, other region that suppresses invisibility. Likewise,
and quick to anger if another mocks it. You find de characters that can see invisible things can see the
mons intolerable, and some might see you as haughty Sign. Being one of the Shackleborn means that if
or imperious. the Cagewrights capture the PC, they may try to use
her in the ritual of planar junction. Likewise, if their
Touched in the Head agents realize that the PC is one ofthe Shackleborn,
You're a little crazy. they might try to capture her for the same reason.
Benefit: Your mind is disorganized and chaotic. You This could translate into ambushes by Last Laugh
gain a +1 bonus on all saving throws against mind-af agents, attacks by cultists, or whatever you desire. The
fecting effects, save for those effects that cause confu benefit and drawback for this trait are intentionally
sion or insanity. underwhelming, to discourage PCs from taking the
Drawback: Your inability to concentrate for long trait and thus complicating the campaign. Still, hav
makes you suffer a -1 penalty on all Wisdom-based ing one of the PCs be one of the Shackleborn can
skill checks. make for truly memorable game play!
~33FZX3*^~ ~*/T ^L.~T '#


The handouts reproduced in this appen their lead miniatures than let a scissors touch their
dix have been specifically designed to beloved gaming books, however, permission is
immerse your players in the world of granted to photocopy the handouts in this chapter
Cauldron and the Shackled City Adventure Path. for personal use only.
For best results, clip the handouts directly from Alternately, readers may download a full-color PDF
the page for a high-quality, vibrantly colored play of these handouts at the Paizo Publishing website
experience. Since many readers would rather eat (



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Player'sMap ofJzadirune


Strange Invitation




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The Star OfJustice's Riddle




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Letter From "F. Abradius"



The Birthmark OfThe Shackleborn


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The Captain's Summons




Come one, come all to City Hall this evening!Those
in powermust learn that we do not welcometheir
indulgences!Their vicesshallbe borneby our pockets
no more! The tax collectors are the lapdogs of their

greed let not their shadowsbesmirch our stoops!

Speak your will! Voiceyour pains!



s^ivy *u-v\ a- a

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Tax Demonstration Handbill





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