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Balaji Tutorials 1

Chapter 1: Rotational Dynamics

I. Circular Motion
Circular motion is described as a movement of an object while
rotating along a circular path. Circular motion can be either
uniform or non-uniform. During uniform circular motion the
angular rate of rotation and speed will be constant while during
non-uniform motion rate of rotation keeps changing.
Characteristics of circular motion
1) It is an accelerated motion: As the direction of velocity changes
at every instant, it is an accelerated motion.
2) It is a periodic motion: During the motion, the particle repeats its
path along the same trajectory. Thus, the motion is periodic
Angular displacement
The angle swept by the radius vector at a given time is called the
angular displacement of the particle.
If r is the radius of circle, then angular displacement will be
dθ = ds/r
Angular displacement dθ is measured in radians. Its dimensions is
[M 0 L0 T 0 ].
Angular displacement for 1 complete rotation is 2π.
If a particle completes N rotations, then the angle traversed by it is
θ = 2πN

Angular velocity
It is defined as “time rate at which an object rotates, or revolves,
about an axis, or time rate at which the angular displacement
between two bodies changes.”
Angular velocity is a vector quantity whose direction is along the
axis of rotation and given by right hand screw rule.
For anti-clock wise direction, it is directed upwards and for clock-
wise direction, it is directed downwards.
Its SI unit is rad/s. If particle makes n cycles or revolutions in one
second, then

ω = 2πn =
The average angular velocity ωav v. is defined as

θ2 − θ1
ωav =
t 2 − t1

The instantaneous angular velocity w is given by

∆θ dθ
ω = lim =
∆t→0 ∆t dt
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Angular acceleration

The rate of change of angular velocity is called angular

The dimensions of the angular acceleration are [M 0 L0 T −2 ]. The
units are rad/s2
ω2 − ω1
Angular acceleration, α=
t 2 − t1

Instantaneous angular acceleration, α=
Direction of angular acceleration
For increasing speed, it is along the direction of ω while during
decreasing speed, it is opposite to that of ω.
Kinematic equation for circular motion
When a body is rotating with a constant angular acceleration ′α′,
then equation of kinematics is as follows
ω = ω0 + αt
𝜃 = ω0 t + αt 2
ω2 = ω20 + 2αθ

Uniform Circular motion

When a particle moves on a circular path with a constant speed,
then its motion is known as uniform circular motion.
The magnitude of velocity in circular motion remains constant but
the direction changes continuously.
Due to the change in direction the particle executing uniform
circular motion is said to possess an acceleration termed as
centripetal acceleration.

Centripetal acceleration of a particle moves in a circle of radius r

with a uniform speed v, is
𝑎𝑐 =

Centripetal force
When a body moves along a circular path with a uniform
speed, its direction changes continuously i.e., velocity keeps on
changing on account of a change in direction. According to
Newton’s first law of motion, a change in the direction of motion
of the body can take place only if some external force acts on the
body. Thus, a particle performing circular motion is acted upon by
a force directed along the radius towards the centre of the circle.
This force is called the centripetal force.
Fc = mv2 /r = mrω2 = mvω
Balaji Tutorials 3

Centrifugal force
Centrifugal force can be defined as the radially directed outward
force acting on a body in circular motion, as observed by a person
moving with the body.
(i) In an inertial frame, the centrifugal force does not act on the
(ii) In non-inertial rotating frames, pseudo force arises as
centrifugal force and need to be considered.

F= = mrω2
Non-uniform motion
If speed of a particle moving in a circle is not constant, then the
particle has both radial and tangential components of acceleration.
Magnitude of net acceleration
v2 dv
a = √ar 2 + at 2 , 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 ar = 𝑎𝑛𝑑 at =
r dt
The resultant acceleration makes an angle α with radius r,
tanα =

1. Motion of a vehicle on a level curved road
When a vehicle goes round a level curved path, while negotiating
the curved path, the wheels of the car have a tendency to leave the
curved path and regain the straight-line path. Frictional force
between the tyres and the road opposes this tendency of the wheels.
This frictional force, therefore, acts towards the centre of the
circular path and provides the necessary centripetal force.
Frictional force between tyres and road is μmg, where μ is the
coefficient of friction between road surface and tyres.
If v is velocity of the vehicle while negotiating the curve, the
centripetal force required is mv 2 /r
As this force is only provided by friction,
mv 2
≤ μmg

v ≤ √μrg

Thus, for safe turn (without skidding) the maximum speed of a

vehicle will be

vmax = √μrg
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2. Well of death:
This is a vertical cylindrical wall of radius r inside which a vehicle
is driven in horizontal circles.
As shown in the Fig. the forces acting on the vehicle are
(i) Normal reaction N acting horizontally and towards the
(ii) Weight mg acting vertically downwards, and
(iii) Force of static friction fs acting vertically upwards
between vertical wall and the tyres.
To prevent the downward slipping frictional force must be equal to
the weight of object.
i. e., fs = mg
Normal reaction N which is directed towards the centre of a circle
is acted as a centripetal force.
mv 2
Since force of static friction is always less than or equal to μN, thus
f ≤ μN,
mv 2
mg ≤ μ ( )
≤ v2

√ ≤v

Thus, minimum speed for safe turn will be vmin = √

Banking of road
When a car goes round a level curve, the force of friction between
the tyres and the road provides the necessary centripetal force.
If the frictional force, which acts as centripetal force and keeps the
body moving along the circular road is not enough to provide the
necessary centripetal force, the car will skid.
In order to avoid skidding, while going round a curved path the
outer edge of the road is raised above the level of the inner edge.
This is known as banking of curved roads or tracks.
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3. Motion of a vehicle on a banked road

Consider a vehicle of mass ‘m’ moving with a velocity ‘v’ in
circular path of radius ‘r’.
let θ be the angle of banking, the various forces which are acted on
the vehicle as shown in fig. are
Weight of vehicle (downward) = mg
Normal reaction (Perpendicular to the surface)= N
Frictional force between tyres of vehicle and road surface = fs
Vertical component of normal reaction= N cos θ
Vertical component of frictional force= f sin θ
Horizontal component of normal reaction= N sin θ
Horizontal component of frictional force= fsinθ
The component N cos θ is balanced by weight mg of vehicle and
component fsinθ of frictional force.
N cos θ = mg + f sin θ , or
N cos θ − f sin θ = mg − − − − − (1)
Horizontal component N sin θ of normal reaction along with f cos θ
of frictional force provides the necessary centripetal force.
N sin θ + f cos θ = mv 2 /r − − − − − (2)
Dividing (2) and (1)
mv 2
N sin θ + f cos θ
= r
N cos θ − f sin θ mg
since, f = μN (limiting value of friction)
N sin θ + μN cos θ v 2
N cos θ − μN sin θ rg
dividing equation by cos θ
tan θ + μ
[ ] rg = v 2
1 − μ tan θ

tan θ + μ
v = √rg ( )
1 − μ tan θ
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Conical pendulum
It consists of a string OA, whose upper end O is fixed and bob is
tied at the other free end. The bob is given a horizontal push
through a small angular displacement θ and arranged such that the
bob describes a horizontal circle moving with a uniform angular
velocity in such a way that the string always makes an angle θ with
the vertical. As the string traces the surface of the cone, the
arrangement is called a conical pendulum.
Let T be the tension in the string of length l and r the radius
of circular path.
Tension T can be resolved into two components
The vertical component Tcosθ balanced by the weight of the bob
and horizontal component T sin θ provides the necessary
centripetal force
T cos θ = mg − − − − − (1)
mv 2
T sin θ = = mrω2 − − − − − (2)
Dividing equation (2) by (1)
tan θ =

g tan θ

From figure, r = l sin θ

g 2π
ω=√ , Since Time period T′ =
l cosθ ω

l cos θ
T ′ = 2π√

The above expression is the time period of conical pendulum

Frequency of revolution n = 1/T′

1 g
n= √
2π l cos θ
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Vertical circular motion

This is an example of non-uniform circular motion
Consider a particle of mass m attached to a string of length
l to be whirled in a vertical circle about a fixed-point O. If at any
time the body is at angular position θ, as shown in fig.
T= Tension in the string acting towards the centre of circle.
mg = Weight of mass acted vertically downward.
Resolving the forces along radius and tangent at point P
T − mg cos θ = mv 2 /r
mv 2
T= + mg cos θ − − − −(1)
Velocity and Tension in string at highest point H.
Tension in string is minimum when cos θ = min = −1
θ = 180° i.e., at highest point
mvH 2
TH = − mg − − − −(2)
Velocity and Tension in string at highest point H.
The body move in a vertical circular path if and only if tension at
highest point TH ≥ 0
mvH 2
− mg ≥ 0

vH ≥ √gr

Velocity and Tension in string at lowest point L

Applying law of conservation of mechanical energy at point H and L
1 1
mvL 2 = mvH 2 + mg(2r)
2 2
vL ≥ √5gr

Thus, Velocity at L for looping a loop is vL ≥ √5gr

Tension in string is maximum when cos θ = max = +1

θ = 0° ; i. e. , at lowest point L

mvL 2
TL = + mg − − − − − − − (3)
The body move in a vertical circular path if and only if tension at
lowest point TL ≥ 6mg
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Applying law of conservation of mechanical energy at point L and

1 1
mvL 2 = mvM 2 + mg(r)
2 2
1 1 2
m(5gr) − mgr = mvm
2 2

3gr = vm ⇒ vm = √3gr

Velocity and Tension in string at Horizontal position of string

vM ≥ √3gr

And on substituting the value of vM with θ = 90° in equation (1)

TM ≥ 3mg
Difference in tension at highest and lowest point
From equation (2) and (3)
TL − TH = (v 2 − vH 2 ) + 2𝑚𝑔 − − − −(𝐴)
r L
Applying law of conservation of mechanical energy at point L and
1 1
mvL 2 = mvH 2 + mg(2r)
2 2
vL 2 − vH 2 = 4gr
Substituting in equation (A)

TL − TH = 6mg
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II. Rotational motion

Moment of inertia
The inability of a body to change its state of rest or of uniform
linear motion by itself is known as inertia of mass.
To produce rotational motion in a body the unbalanced torque is
applied to overcome its inertia. This inertness in this case is known
as rotational inertia or moment of inertia.
The moment of inertia of a rigid body about any axis of rotation is
the sum of the product of masses of the particles and the square of
their respective distances from axis of rotation.
Let us consider a body of n particles of masses m1 , m2 , m3 , … mn
as their respective distances r1 , r2 , r3 , … rn from axis of rotation as
shown in figure. Then, moment of inertia of the body is given by

I = ∑ mi ri2 = m1 r12 + m2 r22 + ⋯ mn rn2


The unit of moment of inertia in SI system is kg-m2

Radius of gyration
It is defined as the distance from the axis of rotation at which, if
whole mass of the body were supposed to be concentrated.
The moment of inertia would be same as with the actual
distribution of the mass of body into small particles.
If a body has mass M and radius of gyration is K, then
Moment of inertia I = MK 2
Radius of gyration

K = √I/M

Radius of gyration is also defined as the root mean square

distance of all the particles about the axis of rotation

r1 2 + r2 2 + r3 2 + ⋯ + rN 2
i. e K=√
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Theorems on moment of inertia

There are two important theorems on moment of inertia which, in
some cases, enable the moment of inertia of a body to be
determined about an axis, if its moment of inertia about some other
axis is known
• Theorem of parallel axes
It states that the moment of inertia of a rigid body about any axis is
equal to its moment of inertia about a parallel axis through its
centre of mass plus the product of the mass of the body and the
square of the perpendicular distance between the two axes.

I0 = Ic + Mh2

Consider a rigid body of mass M rotating about an axis passing
through a point O and perpendicular to the plane of the paper.
Let I0 and IC be the moment of inertia of the body about an axis
passing through point O and about a parallel axis passing through
centre of mass C respectively.
Let small element of a body of mass dm situated at a point P. Join
OP and CP
Let OC = h distance between the two parallel axes.
OP = r and CP = r0

I0 = ∫ OP 2 dm = ∫ r 2 dm

IC = ∫ CP 2 dm = ∫ r0 dm,
From fig, let PD⊥OD, and CD = x
CP 2 = CD2 + PD2
ro2 = x 2 + PD2
PD2 = r02 − x 2
Now consider ΔOPD
OP 2 = OD2 + PD2
r 2 = (h + x)2 + PD2
r 2 = (h + x)2 + r02 − x 2
r 2 = h2 + x 2 + 2hx + r02 − x 2
r 2 = r02 + h2 + 2hx
Multiply dm both sides; r 2 dm = r02 dm + h2 dm + 2hxdm
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On integrating

∫ r 2 dm = ∫ r02 dm + ∫ h2 dm + ∫ 2hxdm

∫ r 2 dm = ∫ r02 dm + h2 ∫ dm + 2h∫ xdm

∫ xdm = 0 as C is the centre of mass and algebraic sum of

moments of all the particles about centre of mass is always zero,
for body in equilibrium.

∫ dm = M [Total mass of a body]

I = I0 + h2 M

This proves the law of parallel axes

• Theorem of perpendicular axes

It states that the moment of inertia of a plane lamina

about an axis perpendicular to its plane is equal to the sum of the
moments of inertia of the lamina about any two mutually
perpendicular axes in its plane and intersecting each other at the
point, where the perpendicular axis passes through it.

IZ = Ix + Iy

Consider an infinitesimally small element of the lamina of mass

dm, situated at point P. Join OP and draw perpendiculars PN and
PL on X and Y axes respectively.
Then ON = PL = x, OL = PN = y and OP = r.

The moment of inertia about Z axis is Iz = ∫ OP 2 dm = ∫ r 2 dm

The moment of inertia about X axis is Ix = ∫ PM 2 dm = ∫ y 2 dm

The moment of inertia about Y axis is Iy = ∫ PN2 dm = ∫ x 2 dm

From OPL; r 2 = x 2 + y 2 … (1)
Multiplying equation (1) by ‘dm’ on both sides and integrating, we
r 2 dm = (x 2 + y 2 )dm

∫ r 2 dm = ∫ (x 2 + y 2 )dm

∫ r 2 dm = ∫ x 2 dm + ∫ y 2 dm

Iz = Iy + Ix

It proves the theorem of perpendicular axes

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Angular momentum
Angular momentum of body is defined as the product of moment
of inertia and angular velocity. .

⃗ = Iω
L ⃗⃗
It is a vector quantity.
Expression for angular momentum of a rotating body:
Consider a rigid body rotating with constant angular velocity 
about an axis passing through point of and perpendicular to the
plane of the paper
Let m1 , m2 , m3 , … mn be the masses of the particles situated at
perpendicular distances r1 , r2 , r3 , … rn respectively from the axes of
All particles move in circles with same angular speed ω but with
different radii about the axis of rotation. Therefore, linear speeds of
the particles are different.
Linear speed of particle of mass m1 is v1 = ωr1 .
Linear momentum of a particle of mass m1 is p1 = m1 v1 = ωm1 r1
Angular momentum of a particle of mass m1 is given by L1 = p1 r1
∴ L1 = ωm1 r12
Similarly angular momentum of particle of masses m2 , m3 … mn
will be L2 = ωm2 r22 , L3 = ωm3 r32 , … . , Ln = ωmn rn2 , respectively
Total angular momentum of a body
L = L1 + L2 + L3 + ⋯ Ln
L = ωm1 r12 + ωm2 r22 + ωm3 r32 + ⋯ ωmn rn2
L = ω(m1 r12 + m2 r22 + m3 r32 + ⋯ mn rn2 )

L = Iω
This is the relation between the moment of inertia and angular
momentum of the body.

In vector form ⃗L = Iω
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Torque (𝛕)
When a force is applied on a body it will produce linear
acceleration likewise the cause of angular acceleration of a rigid
rotating body is torque.
Torque in rotational motion is analogous to force in linear motion

Torque acting on a rotating body is given by τ = Iα .

Where I is moment of inertia of rotating body and α is angular
Torque can also be defined as rate of change of angular momentum

i. e. , =τ
Expression for torque acting on rotating body
Consider a rigid body rotating with constant angular acceleration α
about an axis passing through point O and perpendicular to the
plane of the paper.
Let m1 , m2 , m3 , … mn be the masses of the particles situated at
perpendicular distances r1 , r2 , r3 , … rn respectively from the axes of
All particles move in circles with same angular acceleration α but
with different radii about the axis of rotation. Therefore, linear
acceleration of the particles is different.
Linear acceleration of particle of mass m1 is a1 = αr1 .
Similarly, linear acceleration of particle of masses m2 , m3 … mn
will be a2 = αr2 , a3 = αr3 , … . , an = αrn , respectively
According to Newton’s second law of motion, forces acting on
these particles of masses m1 , m2 , m3 , … mn are given by
f1 = m1 a1 = m1 r1 α
f2 = m2 a2 = m2 r2 α
f3 = m3 a3 = m3 r3 α
fn = mn an = mn rn α
By definition of torque

τ⃗ = r × f
In magnitude, τ = rfsinθ
For a particle moving in circular path θ = 90°
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∴ τ = rf
For a particle of mass m1 , torque τ1 is given by
τ1 = r1 f1 = m1 r12 α, similarly
τ2 = r2 f2 = m2 r22 α
τ3 = r3 f3 = m3 r32 α
τn = rn fn = mn rn2 α
Total torque on rotating body will be
τ = τ1 + τ2 + τ3 + ⋯ τn
τ = m1 r12 α + m2 r22 α + m3 r32 α + ⋯ mn rn2 α
τ = α(m1 r12 + m2 r22 + m3 r32 + ⋯ mn rn2 )

τ = αI
In vector form,

τ⃗ = Iα

S.I unit of torque is N. m
Dimension of torque is same as work, [𝑀1 𝐿2 𝑇 −2 ]

Law of Conservation of angular momentum

It states that the angular momentum of a rotating body is conserved
or remains constant, if the resultant external torque acting on the
body is zero.

As angular momentum L = r × p

dL d
= (r × p
dt dt
dL d d
= (r) × p
⃗ +r× (p
dt dt dt
=v ⃗ ) + r × ⃗F
⃗ × (mv
= 0 + τ⃗
= ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗

If τext = 0, then dL/dt = 0 or L must be a constant. Therefore, in

the absence of any external torque, the angular momentum of a
system must be conserved.
For an isolated system, Iω = constant
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Application of conservation of angular momentum

I. Ice skaters
The conservation of angular momentum explains the angular
acceleration of an ice skater as she brings her arms and legs close
to the vertical axis of rotation. By bringing part of her body closer
to the axis she decreases her body’s moment of inertia. Because
angular momentum is constant in the absence of external torques,
the angular velocity (rotational speed) of the skater has to increase.
II. Diving in a swimming pool
While on the diving board, the diver stretches the body so as to
increase the moment of inertia. Immediately after leaving the
board, they fold their body. This reduces the moment inertia
considerably. As a result, the frequency increases and they can
complete more rounds in air to make the show attractive. Again,
while entering into water they stretch their body into a streamline
shape. This allows a smooth entry into the water.
Rolling motion
In this type of rotational motion, axis of rotation is in motion,
motion of a body can be considered as combination of translational
motion of the centre of mass and rotational motion of the body
about an axis passing through the centre of mass.
Kinetic energy of rolling body
When a body like a sphere roll on a surface with velocity v, the
motion can be treated as the combination of both translational and
rotational motion about an axis passing through the centre of mass.
Total kinetic energy of the rolling body is

E = Etranslation + Erotation

Let M and R be the mass and radius of the body, v is the

linear velocity of the body, 𝜔 is the angular speed of the body
about an axis passing through the centre of mass.
Translation kinetic energy
ET = Mv 2

Rotational kinetic energy of body is

ER = Iω2
1 1
E= Mv 2 + Iω2
2 2
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1 1 𝑣 2
𝐸= 𝑀𝑣 2 + 𝑀𝐾 2 ( )
2 2 𝑅
1 𝐾2
E = Mv 2 [1 + 2 ]
2 𝑅

This is the expression of total kinetic energy of rolling body

on a plane horizontal surface.
i. For solid sphere
M. I of a solid sphere is I = 𝑀𝑅 2
Also, Moment of inertia is given by I = MK 2
MK 2 = 𝑀𝑅2

𝐾 = √2/5 𝑅

Kinetic energy of rolling sphere

1 2
E = Mv [1 + 2 ]
2 𝑅
2 2
1 𝑅
E = Mv 2 [1 + 5 2 ]
2 𝑅

1 2
E= Mv 2 [1 + ]
2 5
E= Mv 2
ii. For disc
M.I. of disc above an axis passing through its centre of mass is
𝐼 = 𝑀𝑅 2
Also, Moment of inertia is given by I = MK 2
MK 2 = 𝑀𝑅2
Kinetic energy of rolling sphere
1 𝐾2
E= Mv 2 [1 + 2 ]
2 𝑅
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1 𝑅 2 /2
E= Mv 2 [1 + 2 ]
2 𝑅
1 1
E= Mv 2 [1 + ]
2 2
E = Mv 2
Velocity of rolling body on an inclined plane
Consider a rigid body of mass M and radius R rolling down
inclined plane of inclination 𝜃 from height h.
Body starts from rest and rolls down; it loses its gravitational
potential energy. This potential energy is converted into kinetic
energy of the rolling body.
If v is the linear speed acquired by the body when it reaches the
bottom of the inclined plane, then
Loss potential energy = Gain in kinetic energy

1 2 𝐾2
𝑀𝑔ℎ = Mv [1 + 2 ]
2 𝑅

1 2 K2
gh = v [1 + 2 ]
2 R
= v2
[1 + 2 ]
√ K2
[1 + ]

This is the expression for velocity of a body rolling down the inclined

i. For a ring

√ K2
[1 + ]

v = √gh
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i. For a disc

K2 1
R2 2
√ K2
[1 + ]



ii. For a Solid sphere

K2 2
R2 5
√ K2
[1 + ]



Acceleration of rolling body on an inclined plane

Consider a rigid body of mass M and radius R rolling down
inclined plane of inclination 𝜃 from height h.
Body starts from rest and rolls down; it loses its gravitational
potential energy. This potential energy is converted into kinetic
energy of the rolling body.
Loss potential energy = Gain in kinetic energy

1 2 𝐾2
𝑀𝑔ℎ = Mv [1 + 2 ]
2 𝑅

1 2 K2 2gh
gh = v [1 + 2 ] 𝑜𝑟 2
= v2
2 R K
[1 + 2 ]
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Let ‘a’ be the linear acceleration of the body while rolling down
the plane.
As the body starts from rest, u = 0
𝑣 2 = 𝑢2 + 2𝑎𝑠
𝑣 2 = 0 + 2𝑎𝑠
= 2as
[1 + 2 ]
𝑠 [1 + 2 ]
From figure,

𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 =
g sin 𝜃
[1 + 2 ]
This is the expression for acceleration of a body rolling down the
inclined plane.
i. For a ring
𝑔 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃
ii. For a disc
K2 1
R2 2
𝑎= 𝑔 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃
iii. For a solid sphere

𝐾2 2
𝑅2 5
𝑎= 𝑔 sin 𝜃
For pure sliding, without friction, the acceleration is 𝑔𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 and
final velocity is √2𝑔ℎ .
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Equation of rotational motion

Kinematic equations for rotational motion with uniform angular
acceleration are
ω0 = Initial angular velocity
ω = Final angular velocity
θ = Angular displacement
α = Angular acceleration
ω = ω0 + αt
θ = ω0 t + αt2
𝜔2 = ω0 2 + 2αθ

Analogy between linear and rotational motion

Linear Motion Rotational Motion

Displacement: x Angular displacement: θ

dx dθ
Linear velocity: v = Angular velocity: ω = dt
Linear momentum: p = mv Angular momentum: L = Iω
dv dω
Acceleration: a = dt Angular acceleration: α = dt
Force: F = ma Torque: τ = Iα

Power: P = F. v Rotational power p = τ. ω

Values of moment of inertia of some geometrical figures

1. Circular ring
About the axis passing through the centre and perpendicular to the
plane of ring

I = MR2
About the axis passing through the centre about its diameter

I = MR2
About the axis tangent and perpendicular to the plane of ring

I = 2MR2
About the axis tangent and along to the plane of ring

I = MR2
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2. Circular disc
About the axis passing through the centre and perpendicular to the
plane of ring

I = MR2
About the axis passing through the centre about its diameter

I = MR2
About the axis tangent and perpendicular to the plane of ring

I = MR2
About the axis tangent and along to the plane of ring

I = MR2
3. Solid sphere
About the axis passing through centre

I = MR2
About the axis tangent to the surface

I = MR2
4. Hollow sphere
About the axis passing through centre

I = MR2
5. Thin rod
a) About the axis passing through mid-point and perpendicular to
the length.

I= ML2
b) About the axis passing through an end and perpendicular to the

I = ML2
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