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18 กันยายน 2566
เวลา 09.25-10.15น.

: The Making of a Song.
: Rhythm and Melody in Music

: Problem in Artworks and its solutions.
: Light and heavy colors
: Shading using one,two and three colors.

: ฟ้อนภูไท
: รำวงมาตรฐาน
The 5 People involved in creating Music:

Composer-->Lyricist--> Arranger--> Performer-->Producer

1.Composer นักประพันธ์ดนตรี

Composers are in charge of making the backing track of the music.

Each composer have different styles of composing: One could either
notate it by using a paper & pen, or use a software and a digital
There's still no singing parts when the composers create the instrumental
or backing track of the music.
2. Lyricist ผู้เขียน.เนื้อร้องของเพลง

The lyricists are the ones in charge of putting words (lyrics) that
matches the piece of music.
They figure out the rhymes at the end of the lines of the lyrics.
3. Arranger ผู้เรียบเรียงเสียงประสาน

After the backing track and the lyrics are made, it's the arranger's
job to mix both together.
The arranger mix and match rhythms so that the lyrics could fit in
the music.
4. Performer ผู้ดำเนินการ/ผู้ปฏิบัติ/ผู้แสดง/นักร้อง

They give interpretation to the track that was made by the composer,
lyricist, arranger, and producer.
This is usually whom the song is credited to.
5. Producer ผู้นำวิสัยทัศน์ของศิลปินไปสู่ผลลัพธ์

The producer is the one in who come in to help make the track sound a
certain way or to improve it.
The producer is also in charge of the creative mix. He or she will
collaborate with the sound engineer who concentrates on the technical
aspects of recording.

The music that we hear on albums, and on music streaming platforms like
Spotify or JOOX is the final output of the creation by the composer,
lyricist, arranger, performer, and producer.

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