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5/10/23, 9:46 AM Cloze test without clues exercise

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Cloze test without clues exercise

Cloze test without clues rules COMPLETING SENTENCE

Completing Sentence
Cloze test without clues exercise exercise for SSC
 14:09  1 Comment  Posted By: Adam Masud A+ A-  21:20

1. We live in an age of (a) —. We can see (b) — influence of science in all spheres of life. Science SSC

is a constant (c)— of our daily life. We have (d) — the impossible things possible by means (e) — Tag Question All Board
Question exercise with…
science. The modern civilization is a (f) — of science. At present, we can (g) — travel from one
 16:34
place to another. (h) — ancient time, the journey was difficult. (i) — had to spend much (j) — and
money for travelling. But we should remember that science has to be exploited for the greater COMPLETING SENTENCE
welfare of mankind. Completing Sentence
Exercise for HSC
 14:55
Answer: (a) science; (b) the; (c) companion (d) made; (e) of; (f) gift (g) easily (h) in; (i) We (j)

Suffix Prefix all board

2. Man is the maker of his own (a) —. If he makes a proper (b) — of time and does his duties (c) question exercise for SSC
—. He is sure to improve and (d) — in life. But he does (e) —, he is sure to (f) — when it is too late  15:12

and he will have drag a (g) — life. To spoil time is (h) — shorten one’s life. For our life is nothing
but (i) — the sum total of hours, days and years. So, all of us should be (j) — in making the
proper use of time. Categories

Answer: (a)fate (b) division (c) accordingly (d) shine; (e) otherwise (f) suffer; (g) miserable: (h) BCS
to: (i) the; (j) sincere.

3. Every student wants to do well (a) — the examination. But it is not (b) — easy task. A student
has to work (c) — for this. From the very (d) — of the year, he must be serious. He should read Grammar

the (e) — books again and again. He must not memorize answers (f) — understanding. He must HSC
not make a note (g) — a common source. He should have a good command (h) — English. By
Job preparation
doing all (i)—– things, a student can hope to make (j) — excellent result.

Answer: (a) in; (b) an; (c) hard; (d) beginning; (e) text (f) without; (g) from; (h) of/over; (i) these; Literary Criticism

(j) an Literature

Literature Period

Also Read: Cloze test without clues rules

4. Trees are (a) — to man in many ways. They provide us (b) — oxygen without which we cannot Poetry

live more than a few minutes. They supply (c) — with vitamin and food, give us shade and help Punctuation
to (d) — drought and flood. Unfortunately, we cannot realize (e) — importance of trees, We cut
them (f) —- in large numbers (g),— it is a suicidal attempt. (h) — we do not stop (i) —- acts soon
our country will, no doubt, turn (j) — a desert.
Summary 1/14
5/10/23, 9:46 AM Cloze test without clues exercise

Answer: (a) useful(b) with (c) us (d) prevent(e) the; (f) aimlessly (g) but (h) If; (i) such/these; (j) Theme

5. Time is very (a) —. Time which is lost once, is lost forever. There is a proverb that time and
tide (b) — for none. It is time that does not have any relative feelings. If it is not used (c) — one
must suffer (d) — the long run. (e) — the other hand, we can go a long way (f)—— being realized
of the value of time. Those who have become great, have made (g) — use of time. They never
put (h) — their work (i) — tomorrow. As a result, they have (j) — top position in society. So, it is
our duty to follow them.

Answer: (a) valuable (b) wait; (c) properly (d) in; (e) On; (f) by (g) proper/the; (h) off: (i) for; (j)

6. Trees bear a great impact (a) — the climate. If we destroy trees (b) — random, one day the
country will turn (c) — a great desert. The country will bear the consequences of greenhouse (d)
—. Again there will be no rain and as a result, the country will face a great crisis because ours is
(e)— agricultural country and our economy is dependent on (f) —. Again our agriculture (g) — on
rain. So trees have a (h)— effect on our climate. Trees keep the soil strong. Trees save us (i) —
flood and many other naturals (j) —.

Answer: (a)on (b) at (c) into (d) effect (c) an (f) agriculture (g) depends; (h) great (i) from; (j)

7. A true friend is (a) — asset. He stands (b) — his friends in time (c) — danger. He is not (d) —
greedy person. He (e) — wishes for the welfare of (f) — friend. But it is a matter (g) — regret that
a true friend is very (h) — today. A selfish man cannot be a (i) — friend. He always thinks of his
(j) — interest.

Answer: (a) an; (b) by (c) of; (d) a; (e) always (f) his; (g) of: (h) rare; (i) true/real: (j) own/

8. Students should (a) — the rules of health. They should rise (b) — bed early in the morning and
go out for (c) — walk. Besides, they should have to perform all those things which are
necessary for (d) — preservation of health. They should take part (e) — sports and games
regularly. They are essential (f) — their physical and (g) — health. They should also follow (h) —
rules (i) — cleanliness because it is as (j) — as physical exercise.

Answer: (a) follow (b) from; (c) a/morning; (d) the (e) in: (f) for/ to; (g) mental; (h) the: (i) of;

9. Man is the (a) — of his own fate. If he makes a proper (b) — of time and does his duties (c) —,
he is sure to improve and (d) — in life. But if he does not (e) — it, he is sure to (f)—. Then he will
be (g) — to drag a miserable (h) —. To spoil time is (i) — for a person. For, our life is nothing (j)—-
the sum total of hours, days and years.

Answer: (a) maker (b) division (c) accordingly (d) prosper (e) do (f) suffer (g) bound (h) life (i)
dangerous (j) but

10. Modern civilization is the (a) — of science. Science has worked (b) — a magician in the
world. We can’t do even a (c) — day without the help of science. Many quick means (d) —
communication like telephone, telex, fax, telegram, satellite etc. are (e) — greatest wonders of
science. Nowadays, a message can be sent from one corner to another in the twinkle of (f) —
eye. Science has brought a revolutionary (g)—- in all fields. In the field of medical science (h) —  2/14
5/10/23, 9:46 AM Cloze test without clues exercise

has got eyes, lame has got legs, deaf has got hearing power. (i) — diseases which were
incurable in the past are now easily (j) —.

Answer: (a) blessing (b) like (c) single (d)of (e) the (f) an (g) change (h) blind (i) Some (j)

11. Bangladesh is a land of (a) —. It got (b)—- in 1971 (c) — a Liberation War. It is located (d) —
South Asia. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. Dhaka is also known as the city of mosques.
About 14 crore people live here. Most of them are poor and (e) —. They earn their livelihood (f)
— agriculture. But educated and skilled people work (g) — offices and factories. Our main food
is rice and fish. It is a country of beauty. Its flora and fauna attract everyone’s eyes. It is, in fact,
(h) —— large village. The people of Bangladesh are very (i) —. There are many beautiful things
here that attract the travellers and the (j)—.

Answer: (a) river/villages; (b) independence/ freedom (c) after: (d) in; (e) farmers/ illiterate; (f)
on/by/with; (g) in; (h) a; (i) simple/peace loving/ friendly/ hospitable (j) tourists/

12. English is regarded as (a) — international language. It is spoken all (b) — the world. So, the
importance (c) — this language can hardly be exaggerated. Almost all the books (d)—- higher
education are written (e) — English. Today every organization needs employees who can speak
and write (f) — standard form of English. English is spoken (g) — with the mother tongue almost
everywhere. Ours is (h) — age of globalization. We need to (i) — English to join (j) — advanced

Answer: (a) an (b) over (c) of (d) of (e) in (f) the; (g) along/together; (h) an/the: (i) learn/know:
(j) the.

13. Punctuality is of (a) — value to a student. An unpunctual (b) — who is (c) — in the class will
miss a part of his/her lesson and (d) — lag behind. But (e) — punctual student will learn his/her
lesson in time and do (f) — in the examination. Punctuality is (g)—– key (h)—- success. We all (i)
— be punctual 0) — our day-to-day life.

Answer: (a) great; (b) student (c) late/Irregular (d) always; (e) a; (f) well (g) the: (h) to; (i) should
(j) in.

14. Honesty is (a) — to be (b) — best policy. An honest man never (c) — from the path (d) —
morality. He is (e) — by (f)— but hated by (g) —. (h) — enemies believe and respect an (i) — and
truthful man. So, it is our duty to remain honest (j) —our life.

Answer: (a) said (b) the; (c) deviates (d) of (e) respected (f) all (g) nobody; (h) Even(i) honest; (j)

15.The Eiffel Tower was named (a) — Gustave Eiffel, a Frenchman who built (b) — Tower. He
graduated from the Central School of Engineering in Paris and went to work for a railway (c) —
company. For years Gustave made a plan (d) — plan of dams, factories, stations and structures
of great size. All (e) — Europe engineers copied them. In the middle of the 1880s a group of
French industrialists persuaded the government to organise (f) — World’s Fair (g) — Paris.
Gustave Eiffel proposed a 989-foot tower of iron as a symbol of the (h) —. Forty engineers and
designers under Eiffel’s (i) — worked for two years. It was (j) — highest structure yet made by

Answer: (a) after; (b) this (c) construction (d) after; (e) over(f) a/the; (g) in; (h) fair/exhibition; (i) 
direction (j) the. 3/14
5/10/23, 9:46 AM Cloze test without clues exercise

16. Sleep is one of (a) — most important factors (b) — human life. (c) — sound man cannot go
(d) — sleeping. Sleep is (e) — healing medicine of the troubled (f) —. It relieves physical and
mental pain. The night is the proper time of (g) —. But if (h) — man has to pass a sleepless
night, he never feels well. He loses energy and peace of mind. As a result, he becomes
indifferent (i) —-his (j) — and responsibilities.

Answer: (a) the; (b) in/of; (c) A: (d) without; (e) a; (f) mind; (g) sleep; (h) a; (i) to; (j) duties.

17. Once there lived (a) — poor man. He could hardly maintain his family (b)—- he did not have
any land (c) — cultivation. One day, he bought (d )—- wonderful goose. The goose laid a (e) —
egg every day. In a few months, he became rich. But he was a (f) — greedy man. He thought that
there (g) — more eggs in the belly of the goose. He wanted to get all the eggs (h) — a time. So,
one day he killed the goose and cut its belly open with (i) — knife. But alas! there was no egg.
Thus, the greedy farmer (j) — the useful goose.

Answer: (a) a; (b) because; (c) for/of; (d) a; (e) golden; (I) very; (g) were/would be; (h) at; (i) a; (j)

18. A great (a) — of people speak English all over (b) — world. Some people use (c) — as a first
language and some people take it as (d) — second language. Many international organizations
now (e) — on English to communicate with offices in different (f)—. Then advertisements
published g) — different newspapers are in English. They also want people who possess a good
(h) — of English. People seeking (i) — can’t expect to get a good one (j) — knowing English.

Answer: (a) number (b) the; (c) it; (d) a (e) depend; (f) countries (g) in; (h) command (i) job (j)

19. Housing is one of the (a) — problems of our (b) —. Thousands of people in big cities (c) —-
Dhaka and Chattogram dwell (d) — the footpaths. In rural,(e) — also there is (I) — acute
shortage of houses. The cost of construction is (g) — every day. At present it is very (h) — for
the common people to afford (i) — cost of construction. This problem needs to be addressed (j)

Answer: (a) greatest (b) country (c) like (d) in (e) areas (f) an (g) increasing (h) impossible (i)
the (j) soon

20. Illiteracy ‘is not (a) — boon to us. It is undoubtedly a (b) —. It hinders all kinds (c) —
development of a country. Illiteracy causes great (d) — to us. Since we are not (e) — of the
gravity of the problem, we cannot take steps to increase our (f) — rate. As a result, we are (g) —
behind. We have to depend (h) — the foreign aids. So, all should come forward (i) —-to remove
illiteracy. Then, the (j) — of our country will be possible.

Answer: (a) a (b) curse (c) of (d) problems (e) aware (f) literacy (g) lagging (h) on (I) in order (j)

21. Scientists have (a) — reported that the surface ice caps are (b) —. This is due to a rise (c) —
atmospheric temperature known (d) — the greenhouse effect. According to the scientists,
carbon dioxide is primarily responsible (e) — temperature rise in (f) —. The carbon dioxide is
high (g) — coal and oil (h) — burnt. The gas is accumulating in the atmosphere and (i) —
temperature to rise. As a result, the polar ice In the North and South poles ( j) — melting.

Answer: (a) recently: (b) melting; (c) in; (d) as; (e) for; (f) atmosphere; (g) as; (h) are; (i) helping; 
(j) is. 4/14
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22. An early (a) — can enjoy (b) — fresh air and oxygen (c) — the morning which refreshes both
his body and mind. Moreover, he can finish his work early and as such he finds enough time to
(d) — his work properly. (e) — the other hand, too much sleep makes (f) — man dull and lazy. A
man who gets up late wastes a lot of time (g) — sleep and idleness. He does not utilize time (h)
— doing his work properly. So, everyone should make (i) — habit of early (j) —.

Answer: (a) riser; (b) the; (c) in; (d) do/perform; (e) On; (f) a; (g) in; (h) by/for/in: (i) the; (j)

23. A man of (a) — is respected always (b) — after his death for his (c) —. He is an (d)— person
who devotes himself with a view to (e) — education in society. He always (f) — people how to
(g)— between right and wrong. (h) — fact, he is the authentic person (i) — world should (j)—.

Answer: (a) letters (b) even (c) works (d) honest (e) spreading (f) teaches (g)distinguish (h)In
(i)whom (j) respect.

24. Robert Bruce was a famous king of Scotland. England was a great (a)—- of his kingdom. So
was driven (b) — from his kingdom by the English. For this, he had to fight against (c) – English
for the defence of his country and (d) — men. But he was (e)— unfortunate fellow. He fought (f)
— his kingdom several times but every time he was defeated. So, he was (g) —despair. One day
while (h) — in a lonely cave, an incident drew his attention. He saw that a spider was trying to
reach its target. Six times it tried and every time it failed. But it did not give (i) — its hope and
finally, at the seventh time, it was successful (j)— its attempt.

Answer: (a) enemy (b) away (c) the; (d) country (e) an; (f) for; (g) in; (h) lying (i) up; (j) at/in.

25.Truthfulness means the (a) of speaking (b) — truth. Truthfulness is (c) of the greatest virtues
in man's life. The true (d) — and prosperity of man entirely depends (e) — it. It ennobles one
character (f) — gives one a high position in society. It may not make one rich (g) — brings peace
of mind. All religions teach us to be (h) —. By dint (i) — truthfulness al can shine in life. It may
lead the (j) — world to peace and prosperity.

Answer: (a) habit; (b) the; (c) one: (d) development; (e) on; (f) and; (g) but; (h) truthful; (i) of; (j)

26. Man’s dignity depends (a) — his works. Man is a social (b) — on the earth. He should not be
irrational. He is (C) — work for others. He should not be (d) — if he is blue blood. He should be
(e) — to help any class of men. The man whom he is helping maybe (f) — to him by birth but he
should not (g) — that all are equal. He has the same blood and (h) — as the above (i) —–man.
So, we should sacrifice our lives for others (j) —.

Answer: (a) on; (b) being; (c) to; (d) proud; (e) ready (f) inferior; (g) forget; (h) flesh; (i)
mentioned: (j) sake.

27. Email has brought about (a) — revolution in modem communication. Messages can
transmit (b) — one country to another within (c) — few seconds. It is far cheaper than telephone
calls. Trade (d) — commerce has become greatly dependent (e) — this speedy more of
communication. It has, however, not reached everyone, especially (i) — developing countries like
ours, as most (g) — the people cannot afford to have (h) — personal computer. But most (i) —
the people have started using commercially operated email (j) — important purposes.

Answer: (a) a; (b) from; (c) a: (d) and; (e) on; (f) in; (g) of; (h) a; (i) of; (j) for.  5/14
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28. Man is the supreme creation of Allah. He is different from other animals because he (a) —
more IQ than they. He can (b) — between right and wrong because of his (c) —. He can (d) —
himself from (e) — any harmful deed. He can (f) — himself for his (g) —. But sometimes, he acts
out of (h) — and it brings (i) — to him. So he should apply his (j)— consciously.

Answer: (a) has/possesses; (b) differentiate;(c) Intellect/rationality; (d) stop/prevent; (e) doing:
(f) control; (g) conscience/rationality; (h) anger/emotion/whim; (i) harm; (j) conscience.

29. A teacher is (a) — architect of a nation. He plays (b) — important role in building up an (c)—-
nation. He dispels the (d) — of Ignorance from the lot of a nation. He is (e) — actor, so to speak
He has to suit his act according (f — the need (g) his audience which is his class He able to
hold the attention and interest of his students. He is a clear speaker (h)—– good. The strong
pleasing voice is under his control. He does not sit motionless ii) his class. He makes lessons
interesting (j) — the students.

Answer: (a) the; (b) an; (c) advanced; (d) darkness; (e) an; (f) to; (g) of; (h) with; (I) in; (j) for/to.

30. In every walk (a) — life, discipline is a must. As soon as (b) — man loses uniformity (c) —
nature at large, his life is bound to be full of unhappiness and uneasiness. Everything in (d) —
universe moves in (e) — disciplined way. From (f) — sundown to the smallest creature
everything (g) — a disciplined life. Discipline is mostly needed (h) — early life. A child whose
habits are (i) —can gain honour in every field of life. His future will be blessed (j)— peace and

Answer: (a) of; (b) a; (c) in; (d) the; (e) a; (f) the; (g) follows; (h) In; (i) good/organised: (j) with.

31. Modem life (a)— much on transport. We can very well ( b) —how important transport is
when is (c) — calamities or during a socio-political crisis. In fact, transport has made (d) —for
us to reach places previously (el —. It has (f) — helped the flourishment of trace and, commerce
and to (g) — new knowledge and Ideas. (h) —, transport has (i)— friendship and understanding
among nations and peoples( J) — the globe.

Answer: (a) depends; (b) realize; (c) disrupted: (d) easier; (e) inaccessible/unreachable; (f)
mainly; (g) gain; (h) Besides: (i) fostered; (j) around.

32. Trees are very useful (a) — man. They (b) — the rich topsoil from being (c) away by rainwater
and floods. We see trees being (d) — along mountain slopes, on the roadsides. parks and
gardens. Trees (e) — us in many ways by (f) — their fruits, flowers, leaves, bark timber and every
other thing. They provide (g) — to birds and animals. They (h)— in carbon dioxide and (i) —
oxygen. As we know, by now man must 0) — oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

Answer: (a) to; (b) protect; (c) eroded/washed; (d) planted; (e) help; (f) yielding/giving; (g)
shelter: (h) take; (i) produce; (j) inhale.

33. Books are mar’s best companions (a) — life. You may have very good friends (b) you may
not get them. (c) — the time of need. They may not behave gently id) — you. One or two may
prove (e) — betrayers and do you much (f) —. But books are always there (g) — you. Some
books may (h)— you laugh, some books may give you much pleasure and some again may
provide you (i) — new knowledge and new ideas. They remain your friends ( j) — your life.

Answer: (a) in (b) but (c) at (d) with (e) sheer (f) harm (g) with (h) make (i) with(j) through

34. Language (a) — a very important role in the lives of human beings. We use language from 
the (b) —we wake up in the morning (c) — we go to bed at night. We use language (d) — 6/14
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different purposes. We use language to (e) — our ideas, thoughts and, feelings, ‘to (f) — our
message or to pass (g) — information to others. In short, language is (h) — present in our
activities. It is( i) — inseparable part of (j) — we are, what we do and believe.

Answer: (a) plays (b) moment (c) till (d) for (e)express (f) send (g) necessary(h) ever (i) an (j)

35. We can’t ignore the (a) — of money. To execute (b) — scheme of life, we need money. It (c) —
our worldly peace and prosperity. We can enjoy our life well (d) — we have enough money.
Without money, our life will [e) — deplorable and lamentable. But (I) — money is not easy for all.
Ability, as well as skill, is g) — to earn money. Again our peace and prosperity depend (h) — the
proper utilization of money. Spending money (i) — an illegal way can lead us (j)—the path of
destruction and downfall. So we should be aware of spending money.

Answer: (a) necessity/importance; (b) any/a; (c) ensures/brings; (d) If; (e) be; (f) earning: (g)
important/necessary/required: (h) on; (i) in: (J) to.

36. Education is (a) — backbone of a nation. A nation cannot make progress if (b) — large
section of her people (c) — illiterate. Illiteracy is a cut-se. It hinders all the development works of
a country. Illiteracy has become a serious problem (d) — our country. Again, primary education
is (e) — foundation (f) — basic education. Without giving basic education (g) —our children
cannot be an enlightened nation. So, everybody should send his children (h). — primary schools.
Our government has undertaken some steps to wipe out illiteracy. That is why the Govt. has (i)
— the primary education free and compulsory (j) — all.

Answer: (a) the; (b) a; (c) remain: (d) of; (e) the; (f) of; (g) to; (h) to; (i) ensured; (j) for.

37. Most of our young learners are often indulged (a) — surfing the Internet and keep
themselves (b) — in Facebooking and twittering. In this way, they just (c) — away their time.
Through this involvement somehow (d) — to develop their skill of using the Internet. it kills their
valuable time which is supposed to (e) — spent for their studies, for games and sports, for other
activities related — the development of (g) — social skills. So, there should have (h) — limited
access (i) — Internet browsing and some sort (j) — prohibition in using the internet for the
young students.

Answer: (a) in; b) engaged; (c) while; (d) helps; (e) be;( f) to; (g) their; (h) a/some; (i) to; (j) of.

38. Education is one of the basics (a) —- of a human and is (b) —- for every kind of
development. It (c) — us to make the right choices in life. It (d) — our ability to raise crops, (e) —
food, protect the environment and (f) — out our social responsibilities. It provides us (g) — an
enlightened (h)—- about things. But education has to be (i) —. It is not (j) — adopting degrees
from schools, colleges and universities. It is something more lasting, more human.

Answer: (a) needs (b) necessary (c) enables (d) increases (e) prepare (f) carry (g) with (h)
notion (i) redefined: (j) merely.

39. Good manners form (a) —important part of our education. Our education (b) — incomplete if
we don’t learn good manners. In our behaviour (c) — others we must (d) — proper respect for
them. We should have (e) — sense of fitness in our (f) — with others. We should show respect
to our (g) —. It is necessary for (h) — disciplined society. Good manners cost us (i) —. So, good
manners should be a part (j) — our nature.

Answer: (a) an; (b) remains: (c) with; (d) show; (e) a; (f) behaviour (g) elders (h) a; (i) nothing; (j) 
of. 7/14
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40. Tolerance is one of the best (a) — of man. Every conscious man should (b) — this great
quality. In human society, one person (c) — not like another person. One may have a grudge (d)
— the other. (e) — he must show tolerance to live (f) — in the society. A man (g) — of tolerance
makes his problems himself. A (h) — man can solve his problems step by step and (i)—- in the
long run. So, we should not be (j) — whatever the situation is.

Answer: (a) qualities (b) have (c) may (d) against (e) But (f) peacefully (g) devoid; (h) tolerant /
conscious; (i) succeed; (j) intolerant/ impatient.

41. The proper way of study involves (a) — and proper understanding. In order to get (b) — from
the study, we should read (c) —. We should not study only for the (d) — of passing the
examination. We should take genuine (e) — of our studies so that we can (f) — what we (g) —
This will give us (h) — and wisdom and (i) — the horizon of our outlook. We should therefore
study not only for immediate gains but also for (j) — the wealth of our mind.

Answer: (a) concentration (b) benefit (c) extensively/widely (d) purpose (e) care (f) enjoy (g)
read/study (h) knowledge; (I) broaden; (j) enriching/increasing

42. Trees are (a) — to man in many ways. They provide us (b) — oxygen without which we
cannot live more than a few minutes. They supply us with (c) — and food, give us shade and
help to (d) — drought and (e) —. Unfortunately, cannot realize the importance of trees. We cut
them (f) — in large numbers. (g) — it is a suicidal (h) —. If we do not (i)—- such acts soon, our
country will, no doubt, turn into a (j) —.
Answer: (a) useful: (b) with; (c) clothes; (d) prevent; (e) flood; (f) indiscriminately; (g) In fact (h)
act; (i) stop: (j)desert.

43. A flower is (a) — best creation of nature. It is a symbol of (b) — and beauty. It (c) — us
pleasure. There is nobody but (d) — flower. But it is a matter of (e) — that a flower does not last
(f) —. It blooms in the morning and (g) — away very soon. Nowadays flowers are (h) — in our
country commercially. Many people earn their livelihood by flower (i) —. At present flower,
cultivation is (j) —.
Answer: (a) the; (b) purity/love; (c) gives; (d) loves; (e) regret; (f) long; (g) withers; (h) grown; (i)
cultivation: (j) profitable.

44. Education (a) — our ignorance and gives us the (b) — of knowledge. (c)—- respect of (d)–
education, there should be no discrimination (e) — man and woman. Education is one of the (f)
— rights. If we deprive women (g) — the right of education, almost half of our population will
remain (h) — darkness. No (i) — can be brought about (j) — the participation of women.

Answer:(a) removes (b) light (c) In (d) true (e) between (f) fundamental (g) of (h) in; (i)
advancement/development; (j) without.

45. Fill in the blanks with suitable words The computer was not invented (a) —. It (b) — time and
hard labour to invent the computer. Many (c) — of science worked hard for years (d) —and
finally came out (e) —. In fact, the computer cannot work all (f) — itself. It works on the (g) — of
the command (h) — by the (i)—- It is used in our daily life for a number of (j) —.

Answer: (a) overnight; (b) required; (c) votaries; (d) together; (e) successful; (f) by; (g) basis; (h)
given: (i) operators; (j) functions/activities/purposes.

46. Anger is one of (a) — six passions. It is (b) — to any man’s life. In fact, it is (c) — offence. So
we should not be angry (d) — anybody (e) — anything. Anger brings (f) — man down (g) — the 
level of the beast. We must stay away (h) — it. We should (i) — let anger absorb (j) — us. 8/14
5/10/23, 9:46 AM Cloze test without clues exercise

Answer: (a) the (b) harmful (c) an (d) with (e) for (f) a (g) to (h) from (i) not (j) in

47. Afforestation means planting or preserving trees. It is (a) — opposite to deforestation. Trees
and plants are part and parcel (b) — the environment. Ecology (c) — depends on them. The
country will (d) — into a desert unless there are trees. The trees help to protect the Soil (e) —
erosion. The flood cannot affect those areas (f) — with trees. Storm cannot (g) — its force (h) —
the places where there are trees. So we should (i) — our fallow land for (j) —— benefit of our life.

Answer: (a) quite: (b) of; (c) largely; (d) turn; (e) from; (f) covered; (g) use (h) over; (i) plant; (J)

48. Time and tide wait (a) — none. None can call it back. (b) — man can get back his (c) —–
money and health but cannot get back his lost time. Time (d) — lost is lost forever. So we
should make (e) — best use of our time. We must do our work (f) — time. If we put off our work
(g) — tomorrow, we may not get time to do it at all. There are some people who pass time (h) —
nothing. They cannot prosper (i)— life. They have to depend (j) — others.

Answer: (a) for; (b) A; (c) lost; (d) once; (e) the; (f) in; (g) for (Ii) for; (i) in; (j) on

49. Honesty is (a) — great virtue. (b) — man who possesses it is said to be (c) —. He is
respected (d) — all and hated by (e) —. Even a dishonest man can’t (f) — respect him Endowed
with (g) — clear conscience, he enjoys .peace of mind. Though he suffers (h) — times he
succeeds ( i) — the long run and becomes happy. Bangladesh needs honest & hard-working
people (j) —- her overall development.

Answer: (a) a; (b) The; (c) honest; (d) by; (e) none; (f) but; (g) a; (h) at; (I) in; (j) for.

50. While eating food, we should bear (a).— mind that we do not eat (b) — to satisfy hunger or
to fill (c) —belly. We eat to preserve our (d) —. For good health a man needs (e) —— food.
Sometimes it so happens that (f) — who live even in the midst of (g) — do not eat the food (h) —
need for good health because they (i) — no knowledge of the science of health and nutrition.
They do not know how to select a (j) — diet from the many foods that are available to them.

Answer: (a) in; (b) only; (c) our; (d) health; (e) good; (f) those; (g) plenty (h) in; (i) have; (j)

51. Child labour has been forbidden internationally by (a) — UN. To make a child do the work (b)
— is suitable for a man is (c) —. Yet in the third world countries, the (d) —– of child labour is
going up day by day. Bangladesh is one of these (e) —. (f) — the government is committed to
dissuade rich (g) — to engage children in laborious work, things (h) — not so easy. Poverty is the
first (i) — in this field. The poor parents want (j) — get additional earning by employing their
children in work.

Answer: (a) the; (b) which(c) punishable; (d) number (e) countries; (f) Though (g) people; (h) are:
(i) impediment/obstacle(j) to.

52. The benefits of reading a newspaper can hardly (a) — exaggerated. Newspaper is called a
(b)—-of knowledge. The newspaper gives us (c) — of home and abroad which we need (d) —
know. The (e) — civilized people cannot do a single day (f) — newspaper. Newspaper plays (g)
—- important role in the life of a (h) —. It makes the world (i) —. But sometimes newspaper
publishes false news which is (j) — for the society. 9/14
5/10/23, 9:46 AM Cloze test without clues exercise

Answer: (a) be; (b) storehouse; (c) news; (d) to; (e) modern; (f) without: (g) an: (h) nation: (i)
smaller; (j) harmful/destructive.

53. Student life is a life of (a) — for future struggle. To make him (b) — for the struggle,
education is necessary. So the first and foremost duty of a student (c) — to prosecute his
studies well. He who (d) — his lessons regularly (e) — well in the examination. On the (f) —, the
students who waste his time cuts a (g) — figure. It should be (h) — in mind that none can get
back the (i) — time. If the students neglect their studies, they will suffer in the (j) — run.

Answer: (a) preparation; (b) prepared; (c) is; (d) learns; (e) does; (f) contrary; (g) sorry; (h) borne;
(i) lost; (j) long.

54. Everyday life presents us (a) — opportunities. These opportunities may be (b) — positive and
negative. Someone may invite us (c) — take the forbidden drug. This is (d) — opportunity which
is considered to be negative. When (e) — new student joins the school, we have (f) — positive
opportunity. (g) — life we must be careful and wise (h) — taking up these opportunities.
Otherwise, we will be (i) — to the way (j) — destruction.

Answer: (a) many; (b) both; (c) to; (d) an; (e) a; (f) a; (g) In; (h) while; (I) led; (j) of.

55. Drug addiction is now a (a) — problem. This social cancer (b) — its poisonous (c) — all ore-
the world. It has (d) — the young generation, even in the poor countries (e) — Bangladesh. It is
spreading (f) —. The term ‘drug addiction’ means strong (g) — for various (h) — of drugs like
opium, heroin, morphine etc. It has created an (i) — situation, in the world. (j) —– is the mar
cause of drug addiction.

Answer: (a) great/serious; (b) has spread/Is spreading: (c)effect; (d) destroyed; (e) like; (f)
quickly/rapidly; (g) attraction; (h) kinds/types; (i) alarming; (j) Frustration.

56. Without effort, there can be no progress (a) — life. Life loses its (b) — if there is no struggle.
Games become dull if there is no (c) — in them and if (d) –result can be easily foreseen. No
matter we win (e) — game or lose it. The keener the contest the greater the (f) —. A victory is
not (g) —real triumph unless (h) — the sides are equally (i) —. Whether we like it or not, life is on
(j) —– competitive examination.

Answer: (a) in (b) interest (c) struggle (d) the (e) the (f) enjoyment (g) a (h)both (i)matched

57. Man is the best (a) — of Allah. He is different (b)--- other creatures for having (c) —. This (d)
—— helps him (e) — between right and wrong. Other animals don’t have this (f)—– of (g) —. So,
they are (h) — to man in (i) —. Therefore, we should remain thankful to God for providing us with
such (j) — heavenly quality.

Answer: (a) creation; (b) from; (c) rationality; (d) quality; (e) distinguish: (f) kind; (g) quality;
(h)subservient/inferior; (i) earth/Intelligence; (j) a.

58. Mount Everest which is (a) — the Himalayan Mountains North of India between Tibet and
Nepal, is (b) — highest mountain in the world. It is o.ver 29000 feet (c) — sea level. It was
named after (d) —Englishman, George Everest who was the first to (e) — the Himalayan in 1841.
Mount Everest has always fascinated (f) —. But climbing mountains like Everest is difficult and
(g) — for there is snow all over. There might be snow (h) — and cracks under the ice and snow.
Besides, the climbers have to (i) — strong winds and bitter cold. But mountaineers are daring
people. They are not daunted (j) — difficulties and dangers.  10/14
5/10/23, 9:46 AM Cloze test without clues exercise

Answer: (a) in; (b) the; (c) above; (d) an; (e) survey (f) climbers; (g)dangerous; (h) inside; (i) face;
(j) by.

59. The UN deals with the disputes (a) — may lead to war (b) — the nations. The aim of the UN
is to (c) — war and (d) — lasting peace in the world. People are almost (e) — in most of the (f)
—. But few (g) — which are not following democracy in the true sense, are responsible for (h) —.
And a long-continued discontent may (i) — to war. One way of preventing war is to (j) — this
discontent as soon as possible.

Answer: (a) that; (b) between/among; (c) stop; (d) ensure/establish; (e) peace-loving; (f)
countries; (g) countries/ nations; (h) discontentment; (i) lead; (j) remove.

60. Internet is the (a) — the discovery of science and the greatest advancement in the field of
(b) — technology. Internet is (c) — all over the world. The business world is quite (d) — without
it. To get internet (e) —, it requires a modem, telephone line and a different sort of software for
(f) — the network system. Like telephone number internet is (g) — by its own number. To find
out a web address one (h) — to take the help of a search engine. The students are (i) — by it in
the present days. They can learn the latest discoveries and information (j) — it.

Answer: (a) greatest; (b) modern; (c) used; (d) immovable/unwavering; (e) connection; (I)
having/launching; (g) interlinked/connected; (h) has; (i) benefited; (J) by/through.

61. There is a close relationship between man (a) — nature. Man has established (b) —
friendship with nature. It helps us (c) — many ways. Similarly, trees are closely related (d) — our
life. Trees play (e) — important role in our life (f) — economy. Trees are very (g) — to us. We get
oxygen (h)—- them. They are (i) — great source of food and vitamin. They meet (j) — our local

Answer: (a) and; (b) his; (c) in; (d) to; (e) an; (f) and; (g) helpful; (h) from; (i) a; (j) up.

62. Bangladesh lies (a) — the active earthquake zone. It is (b) — to all Bangladeshis. Experts are
alarmed by (c) — recurrence of quakes during recent years. But they give no (d) — answer to the
question (e) — safety about the buildings of Dhaka city. As there is every possibility (f) —
earthquakes in Bangladesh, experts should take adequate (g) —- measures (h) — minimise the
loss. RAJUK (i)—– that an earthquake-resistant building code (j) — be developed.

Answer: (a) In; (b) known; (c) the: (d) clear (e) of; (f) of; (g) precautionary; (h) to; (i) believes; (j)

63. Newspaper plays an important role in modern (a)—. It (b) — news of home and abroad. Only
(c) — knowledge is not enough in this (d) — world. The newspaper helps (e) —- enrich one’s
general knowledge. But the newspaper has (f) — too. They are not (g) — and (h) — misguide
their (i) —.This (j) –unrest in the society. Answer: (a)world (b) brings (c) bookish (d) competitive
(e) one (f) demerits (g) impartial (h)often (i) readers (j) creates 64. Moral (a) — is a matter of
great concern (b) — present day society. Our young generation attaches no value (c) — it. Their
parents also seem to be (d) — to it. They forget the fact that education without (e) — is of no
value. They should be aware of the fact that the more we gain (f) —, the more we become poor
(g) —. Hence it is (h) — must do (i) — needful for our children’s moral (j) —.

Answer: (a) degradation: (b) for; (c) to; (d) indifferent; (e) morality; (f) Immorally: (g) morally; (h)
a; (I) the; (j) development/uplift.

65. English is (a) — international language that must be learnt (b) — all the people of the world. 
One is blind (c) — the knowledge of English. English (d) — persons’ get a privilege (e) —.Today 11/14
5/10/23, 9:46 AM Cloze test without clues exercise

English is (f) — only the language of (g) — English. It is now (h) — global language. Moreover,
there are now many kinds of English (i) — the English is still (j) — best.

Answer: (a) an; (b) by; (c) of; (d) knowing; (e) today; (f) not; (g) the; (h) a; (I) but; (j) the.

66. A large number of people (a) — English all over the world. Some people use it as (b)—- first
language and some people take it as a (c) — language. Many international (d) — now depend on
English to (e) — with- offices in different countries. Their advertisements published in different
newspapers are (f) — ‘in English. They also want people (g) — possess a (h) — knowledge of
English. People seeking employment (i) — expect to get good jobs without (j)—-English.

Answer: (a) speak; (b) a; (c) second; (d) organizations; (e) communicate; (f) written; (g) who; (h)
sound; (i) cannot; (j) knowing.

67. Freedom does not descend upon (a) — people. They must raise themselves (b) — it. It is a
fruit that must be earned (c) — it can be enjoyed. According to (d) — old idea; freedom means
foreign (e) —. But no freedom has its real meaning (f) — it means freedom (g) — want, disease
and ignorance. So we must (h) — our people from all these factors. We must (i)—— our rightful
place in the world by (j) — all our resources.

Answer: (a) a (b) to (c) before; (d) an (e) domination (f) unless; (g) from; (h) free; (i) ensure; (j)

68. There are so many (a) — behind students’ (b) — in English. The (c) — reason is that it is a (d)
— language. So they have no good feeling (e) — English. Very few (f) — them are earnest (g) —
learning it. What they (h) — is to cross the (i) — of examination. Therefore, learning English is
unpleasant and exam is (j) —.

Answer: (a) reasons; (b) failure: (c) main; (d) foreign: (e) for: (f) of; (g) In: (h) want; (I) bar; (j)

69. Patriotism is a noble virtue. It inspires a man to (a) — the last drop (b) — blood to defend the
(c) — of his country. A man without patriotism is no better than (d)—beast. A true (e) — is
honoured by all. He thinks for the (f) — of his country. On (g) — other hands, (h)—–unpatriotic
man thinks only (i) — his own interest. Those who die for the country are true patriots. They are
remembered even (j) — their death.

Answer: (a) shed; (b) of; (c) independence; (d) a; (e) patriot; (f) welfare; (g) the; (h) an (i) of; (j)

70. Gender discrimination in Bangladesh (a) — at birth. Most parents want to have (b) — so that
they can, when they (c) — older, supplement their family (d) — or help (e) — domestic chores. In
the existing socio-economic (f) — up, male children are (g) — suited to his purpose. So, girls are
born to an (h) — world. However, they are assigned, rather (i) — to domestic chores. Some of
these girls may (j) — at school.

Answer: (a) begins (b) Sons (c) grow (d) Income (e) their (f) set (g)most; (h) unwelcome (i)
destined; (j) study.

71. The (a) — pursuit of students is to study and (b) — qualities that will make them (c) — for the
life (d) — ahead. But when the country is (e) — with a natural calamity like flood, famine etc.
they should (f) — forward and stand (g) — the suffering humanity. Even in normal times they
should (h) — in many acts of social service with (i) — view to (j) — their fellowmen.  12/14
5/10/23, 9:46 AM Cloze test without clues exercise

Answer: (a) main; (b) achieve; (c) prepared; (d) lying/coming: (e) afflicted; (f) come; (g) by; (h)
participate/ take part; (i) a; (j) helping.

72. Television is one of the greatest (a) — of recreation. After a day’s hard work, we sit before a
television (b) — to hear music and songs. We (c) — drama, dance and many other things.
Television has a great educative (d) —. It teaches the illiterate and the students. It is used to (e)
— illiteracy. We hear and enjoy debates, lectures on various important topics, discussions on
science and speeches (f) — television. It has (g) — the wall between the literate and the
illiterate. Television has made the world (h) —. It has (i) — time and distance. People need not
spend huge money to go abroad. We get (j) — with the customs and tradition, fashions and
dresses and culture of the people of different parts of the world through television.

Answer: (a) media (b) set; (c) enjoy; (d) value; (e) remove; (f) on; (g)removed; (h)closer; (i)
conquered; (j) familiar/acquainted.

73. Dowry means property or money brought (a) — a bride to her husband when they marry.
Dowry system is (b) — most hateful (c) — in our society. It is a social curse. Usually in our
society female children are considered interior (d) — male children. They are thought to be of no
use to the (e) —. So, during (f) — ceremony a section of (g) — people claim much wealth or
money (h) — the guardians of the brides. If the guardians fail to fulfil the demand of their (i) —,
they misbehave (j) — their wives and sometimes torture them seriously.

Answer: (a) by; (b) the; (c) act/deed; (d) to; (e) society; (f) marriage; (g) greedy; (h) from; (i)
bridegroom: (j) towards/with.

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Cloze test without clues Cloze test without clues rules


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